THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1901'. Communications of a news nature, per sonals anJ all (tens for publication may be left at The Trib une's new offices In the Burke UulUIng, or sent by mall or 'phone. THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE ArorCLAIt CLEAMSa HOUSE for the Bene fit of All Who Hare Homes to Hent, Ileal KsUt er Other Property to Bell or Exchange, of Wlio Want Situations or Help Those Bmall Ad vertlMmciit Cost One Ont a Word, Sit Inser tions for lire Cent a ord-Kcpt SituaUcna Wanted, Which Arc Inserted rrco. LAUKmiT.-A CAPAni.n 1.AIIND1IKS3 WAST, td at tl.o Emergency hospital. Aprly t once. VOK IIKNT-AHUKOTOX HOUSE, DUKDAl'P rtrcrt. Inquire ol J. n. Faulkner. -VJV fS' if GEORGE O'XEAR"? OBNOXIOUS. Ho Tried Hard to Mako Things Ex citing and Succeeded, His Wife Says. Georfio O'Leary. tho famous, la ngaln In troublo. George bus a habit, at odd spells when under tho Influence of liquor, of making thing lively for his family and ho pot at It again on faturdny night. Tho story Is a long one. About two years ago this tlmo O'Lcary's house tool; fire and was de stroyed with all his household effects. Ho Immediately stocked another houso with a complete set of household re quisites and all went well for a time, as he had taken tho pledge. Finally, however, ho save way to his craving and after kicking In tho door smashed tho furniture. From that time on in felicity was the lot of his faithful spouse. A short tlmo ago O'Leary made up his mind ho would break-up housekeeping and this he did by break ing part of tho furniture and soiling tho balance for cents whero It ought to have brought dollars. Mrs. O'Leary went to live with relatives and for a tlmo enjoyed peace. Finally Georgp Invuded her new home. He appeured late Friday night and, owing to tho extreme cold and lateness of tho hour, was told he could come In If ho would behave. Ho ptomlsed to bo good, but In the morning was up to his old tricks, so he was shown tho door and told to vamoose. He went away, but late Saturday afternoon returned nnd was very boisterous. About thla time Special Otllcer John Addley hap pened along and O'Leary was taken In tow by him nnd was allowed to re pent in the city hostile over Sunday. Mrs. O'Lenry then sworo out a war rant for his arrest and ho was taken before Alderman K, J. Delevan, of tho Sixth ward1. There being sufficient evi dence to satisfy his honor of tho man's guilt, O'Leary was told he would have 10 furnish $300 ball. Being unable to do this at the time, he was again taken to "William Klllecn's winter home, but yesterday afternoon tha piisonor suc ceeded In getting a bondsman and was leleased. ON THE HONESDALE BRANCH, What Our Neighbors Over the Moun tain Are Doing. James Frlestlcy has removed from No. i to Wilson Croelc Hush ltussell, of No. 5, Is doing now work for the Northwest Coal com pany. Fiank White has moved fiom No. r to No. o. The Delawuro and Hudson has re ducrd the coal cars In a train fr reventeen to fourteen, to they nA make faster time up tho mountain. Milton Shelter, of Fat view, was a caller In Caibondalo Saturday. Harry Swan, of No. C, is confined to the houso through nn Injury to his kneo cap. Francis Hughes, who lives at No. 4 pond, by tho Honesdale branch, has a petition circulating for a license to i-ell liquor. Although Mr. Hughes Is a fine, good, respectable citizen, it Is to bo hoped the court will refuse tha license for his own sake, as well as for that of the Wayne county farmers who hae to pass that way and can not resist the temptation to drink, and thus spend tho money that other wis,, would be taken homo to their lunilllcs. J. S. CLARKE'S SON. Wiltred Clarko Is the Author of the Farce, "A Wise Woman." There has been such a general rush for seats as to guarantee on of the largest houses of the seas-on at the Grand tonight. Wilfred Clarko Is the author of tho farcical comedy, "A Wise Woman," which is to bo presented, and it will Interest many to know that he is tho t-on of the late John Sleeper Clarke, the great American comedian, for many years a resident actor-manager in London, and it was at his father's theater in the British metropolis that this comedy, which haa given him a H-putatlon as a playwright, was origi nally produced. A Returned Soldier's Welcome. Tho following from tho Cornwall Ga zette, England, will show how the English people welcomo homo their soldier boys. The Mr. Solomon of this article Is a nephew of Mrs. W. AV1I llams, of No. 4: . "St. Melllon, on Thursday night, gave a right hearty welcomo to Mr. Wil liam Solomon, an esteemed resident of the village, loung Mr. Solomon was In South Africa when President Kru ger Issued his Impudent ultimatum, and he was one of the lost Englishmen to leave Johannesburg. Reaching Dur ban, ho promptly enlisted In tho Imper ial Infantry, and for five days more than a year he gallantly fought for queen nnd country In that regiment, and was present at Spion Kop, Pleter's Hill, and Colenso, ami other battles. When It wns known that ho waa com ing home to spend a holiday with his parents the villagers tesolved to show that they appreciated his gallantry. A committee formed to carry out tho arrangements were Messrs. J. and C. Nettln, W. Johnson, J. Dunstone, n. Martin, W. Lucas, R. Stocey, A. Park er, and tho Rev. F. T. Wlntle, tho rector. A private carriage was sent to meet Mr. Solomon on his arrival DrBuli'sN ' Cures alt Throat and I.ojf AJfectlons. COUCH SYRUP tv Ccttliejrcauiae. Refuse substitutes. A lS SURE Salvation Oil cure Kaeumattf a. ia A 35 ct. CARBONDALE DEPARTMENT at Saltash station; nnd two miles out from St. Melllon ho was mot by a very largo number of horsemen and footmen bearing lighted torches. Head ed by Calllngtou band, Mr. Solomon was escorted to tho village, and on arriving at tho entrance ho was taken from tho carriage, chaired, and boine shoulder high to his parents' home, a great crowd cheer Vj enthusiastical ly. Mr. Martin, on behalf of St. Mel llon and the dUtrlct uround, offered tho hero of tho hour a most hearty welcome, and his words were endorsed by the assembly, which Included many from Landrnke, PilUton, St. Domln lck, Pentllllo, Cargreen, and Plymouth. It is Intended to entertain young Solo man at a banquet and to a fund for that purpose Mr. W. Coryton, of Pen tllllo castle, and Mr. Dlgby Collins, of Newton Ferrers, havo subscribed." OBITUARY. Mrs. Margaret McDonough. Mrs. Margaret McDonough, widow of John McDonough, died yesterday morning about 6 o'clock at her home on Cottage street, aged over 80 years. She was born In County Mayo, Ireland, and came to this country In 1S68. .Her husband died hero about eleven years ago. She had maintained good health, notwithstanding her extreme age, un til she became a victim of the grip a few days ago. She failed rapidly from tho first and never rallied. She was n devout attendant at St. Rose church and a member of tho Altar and Ro sary societies. Mrs. McDonough N survived by four sons. John, Miles and James, of Col 01 ado, nnd Patrick, of this city, nnd two stepdaughters, Mrs. Austin La velle and Mrs. Ann Casey. John Cojjgins. John Cogglns, of Lower Pouderly road, died early yesterday morning, aged 44 years. Ho had been sick but a short time and his friends were sur prised to hear of his death. The cauaj of it was pneumonia. Mr. Cogging was a miner and waa u man of exem plary habits and was well spoken of nnd highly tegarded by the communi ty. His widow and .1 family of eight children survive him. He was born In Ireland, but hud llcd In till" city for the past twenty years. He be longed to the Improved Older of Hcp tasophs, being connected with a, lodge m Forest City. Among those who mourn hts demise are three brotheis. two sisters, and his mother, nil of this city. The funeral will take place from his home on Thursday afternoon nnd Interment will be made in St. Rose cemetery. BIG PAY BUDGETS. Miners of This Vicinity Have Hus tled aiid. Now the Merchnnts Have Hopes. This is tho week of the semi-monthly pays. Tho Forest City miners, who veio paid the other day, "averaged the biggest pay for two weeks' woik In the history of tho borough. The Krlo men in this rlty weie paid on Monday nnd this morning the Dela ware and Hudson mine department employes will begin to tecelve their pay. Tho merchants are looking for a brisk trade now to make up for the weary months of almost Idleness they have had to suffer since the inception of the coal strike. Prof. Hockenberry's New Position. Trof. H. J. Hockenberry has been made state organizer of the Royal cir cle, tho beneficial order of which a branch wan recently instituted in Car bondnle. He will devote tho greater part of his tlmo to this work, but will mako Caibondalo his hcadquarteis. Ho has Just returned from a two weeks' trip through various parts of tho state. A Mother's Sad Journey. Mrs. John Addley, of this city, to celved a telegram yesterday afternoon informing her that her son had Just been seriously hurt In a mine at Wllkes-Barre, presumably by a fall of coal. She left to go to him on tho train starting from here at 3.50 p. nt. Tho New Water Company. The Rcynshanhurst Water corn company's bore hole, a short dlstnnco east of old No. 3 bieaker, Is sending forth about six Inches of pnro, spark ling water, and they are now laying nn eight-Inch pipe to its reservoir, above Breck street, this city. Found Business Poor. David Fhurman und William Mohps, of Scranton, representing firms in the Electric City, were hero yesterday "flirting" with Carbondalo business men. They teported that they found the merchants here very coy. Will Change His Employer. Charles Severance, now employed by W. G. & D. Scuiry, tho dry goods mer chants, has accepted an offer to till tho position made vacant In tho gro eery of D. W. Humphrey by Fred Van Gorder's resignation. Ho will stmt In on his new work soon. A Larger Stamp Canceller. Tho nutomatio stamper In the post ofTice has been replaced by a larger one, tho former having proved to b inadequate for the business of the of fice. Is Again Around, Fiod Hubbard, of Williams avenue, who has been confined to his homo for the past month with pneumonia, Is ablo to be out again. ni in TJnlondale. Conrad Welble, employed In Rob erts' meat market, Is ill at tho home of his parents In Unlondalo. James McArdlo Is temporarily filling his posi tion. Theatrical. Tonight "A Wise Woman." Saturday "Tho Power Behind tho Throno." Meetings Tonight. Pioneer castle, No. 205,A. O, K, M, C. Apron social, Ladles' auxiliary B. R. R. T. E.L. Hatfield, man ager of the Carbn dale edition, will be pleated to receive callers seeking Infor mation or desirous of Imparting It. Tele phone numbers: New a36: old, 0433, EPWORTH CONVENTION. Outline of tho Work for Its Forest City Meeting Nftst Week. Tho Honesdale district of the Ep worth league will hold Its eleventh an nunl convention at Forent City on Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 4 and 5. As a number of dolcgatcs from this city and vicinity will bo present and take part in this moating the programme In full Is published below. Tho Epworth Lcnguo cabinet of the Honcsdalo dis trict is made up as follows: Presiding elder, Rev. Justus F. War ner. Carbondalo; President, Rev. George H. Prentice, Moscow; first vice president, Rev. Arthur D. David, Thompson; second vice-president, Miss Ella Maude Stewart, Clifford; third vlco-presldont, Miss Elsio J. Gilpin, Honesdale; fourth vice-president, Phil ip Davis, Dunmoro; recording secre tary and treasurer, Miss Jennlo Butler, Carbondale; corresponding secretary, Miss Mny L. Kllpatrlck, Carbondalo; Junior superintendent, Miss Evelyn S. Rush, Honesdale. Other Carbondaltans represented arc: Miss Jennie Butler, enrollment com mittee; Miss Sndlo L. 'Miller, repre senting tlie centrnl branch of the sub district committee, and Rev. J. F. War ner, chairman of the same committee. The programmo in full Is as follows: MONDAY EVENING. 7.i:0-Devotlon, llcv. Joioh II. Ilojce, Pleasant Mount. I'lvu mlnuto greeting, Mia. John M. fiiown, 1'orr.t City. Viva minute response, Iltv. Samuel O. Slmpkin, Han ley. S 00-.ddrts., "Tlio Supernitural in tha Church, tho Nihhath nnd the llililo," Hev. t'rancU ricndall, rcckvillc. Kudimr, MUi Mine K. Van Cleft, Dun- more. Appointments and liencdlctlnii. TUESDAY MOUSING, S.4'i. J)cvotioni, Itev. l.lod . Karnlmcr, W.ijnuit. 0.00 Three-minute icpoits ot nib-district conven. tlon uoik ! kecretary or president. U.l Hciiort of huh-diittlct commMon. 9 20 nii'lncM transaction'. I "ltj Animus," l!ii. Arthur D. David, Tliomp. son, H-"lts Work." (a) "In denci-il," Hov. JusUh i Warner, Cnhondale. (t.) "Methodtoli." llcv. Ccorsa X. Bell, N'arrowpburn. J "Prvtirw," Pi of. Vt. It. Graves, Temp. Unsiille. .: "Ileview find llelew of Honedsle Ph il lit I.rajuc Work." Itcv. Asa J. Van Cleft. Dunmoie. 1. RrWew. lll-"How to rndcar the Children to It," Mr. llieljn P. IIukIi, HonoMlile. IV Dim iMion, led by Itcv. G. A. Phce, Hones dale. 1Ui:sDY MOHVINO, 11.15. I "Heptil," ltev. In C. IMc, Ilimvcro II "A Boon," Mlvj Ruth A. Gardner, Moscow. Ill "How to Observe It," MIs3 Alice Butler Caiboudale. TUDilUY AlTKIlNOn.V. 1.S0. 1. Devotions, Rev. J-ied X. Meaicr, Thorn. hurst. 2. Tlcitlon of ofilcrH. .t, "Our Knteitulnmtnt lluroau," 31 Ui Klla M. Stewart, Clifford. t. "Jeopardized," Rev. Louis A. Van, Ariel. .. "Can Children He Taught to Reverence It" Mi J. M. 0. Maker, Carbonddc. ti DIkcu'sIoii, led by Rev. Leonard C. Mur- dock, Kington. 'IUI.SDAY KV rr.HVOON". 2.15. I "Ideal and Rul," Miss I Giaee Shaffei Varden. -. "Its Influence in the lMiWWiment of HU Kingdom on Karth," Mivj Klla Sharps- stein, Honiadalc. .1. "As u Model," Mis5 Kinnu Wadcrinan, Cllftord. 5. "As a Solace," Rev. Albert C. Olvcr, I.ike Como. Solo, "Tho riioUn Tanc," 511m Fjlth klu, Iike Como, 0 Discussion, led by Rev. Amass F. Chaffee, Caiboudale. TOIDY r.KNIVG, 7 20. Devotions, Rev. IUnileiMn G. Hained, Scranton, atfeiit of Pcnnijlvanii Dlblc society. Arpioprlated. A Lecture, "Tlinnuh the Hje to Heart," Rev Robert V. Y. Tierce, D. D fcnanton, pastd I'uin Avenue Baptist 1 touch and author of "Pictured Truth," Duct, Misses Yot and Powell. Dunmore. rjml adjournment. Independents Name Candidates. The following Is an Independent ticket nominated In the Northwest district of Carbondalo township on Monday evening, held at Mayfleld Yaid: For Justice of the Peace L. Bar naul. For Supeivisots James Cuff (one yeai), Patrick Brown (one year). For School Directors (three years) Joseph Walker, Luke Lurkln. For Overseer of the Poor (two years) Patrick Ilunnlgan. For Ttcasurer (one year) Burt Hudson. For Auditor (three years) P. J. Too lan. For Assessor (threo years) Phllo Lee. For Town Cleik (tlnoo years) Mar tin Battle. Register of Voters (ono year) Hugh Battle. Judge of Flection (one year) M. J, Toolait, Inspector of Election (ono year) Irvln Osborne. Will Attend Divine Servico. At Monday night's meeting of Wash ington camp, No. "00, Patriotic Order Sons of Ameilca, It was decided that tho camp will attend dlvlno services In a body at tho First Congregational (huich on Sunday, Feb. 21, the first Sabbath ufter Washington's birthduy. Dr. Whnlen Lecturing. Rev. Dr. II, J. Whalen goes to Sayre, N. V today, whero this evening he will deliver his celebrated loctuio on "Irish Wit" at tho Methodist church there. Postponed. The entettatnmrnt which was to have been given by tho Women's Re lief corps In Cambrian hall last night lws been postponed to a date to be announced later. Firemen to Meet. A regular meeting of Curbondalo IIoso company will bo hold tomorrow evening. All members nre requested to bo present. Will Be Man led Tomonow. Miss Lottlo M. Heddon, daughter of Mrs. Mary Heddon, of Lincoln avenue, und J. Fred Hauensteln, of Belmont street, will bo married tomorrow. Pre parations have been going on quietly for some tlmo, but comparatively few were aware of the approach of tho event. Mr. Hauenstetn has Ions been connected with the firm of O. V. Itoy noldn & Son In a responsible position, and Miss Heddon Is a young lady very highly esteemed In this community. Little Paul Benton's Funeral. Tho funeral of Paul Tyler, eon of Mr. and Mrs, Ocorgo J. Benton, will Ihj held at the homo of his parents on Washington stieet, this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Owing to tho absence of Rev. Dr. Whalen from tho city, with whoso church tho parents are afllllat cd, tho Rev. Charles F. Leo will preach tho funeral sermon. Tho Interment, which will be private, will take placo In Brooksldo cemetery. A Big Contract. Tho ICmpIro Silk company, of this city, has Just given a contract to tho Scranton Supply company, of Scran ton, to furnish tho machinery to light their nenrly completed mill ut Simp son. This company will Install a dy namo and furnish tho wiring and ap paratus necessary for 339 Incandescent and 20 arc lights. Work will bo begun there on Friday morning. Met in Mayor's Office. Tho board of revision and appeal of taxes met again last night, but used tho mayor's office Instead of tho select council chamber, tho former being much easier to hent. A largo number of tho gilevances heard tho last two weeks were gone over, but no announcements of the board's deci sions will be made until tho entire list of complaints has been rendered. A Golden Wedding Day. The golden wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson, which will be held at their homo on North Church street this afternoon and even ing will be purely an Informal affair and all of their friends are Invited, no special Invitations having been Issued. The hours of the reception will be from 3 to C and 7 to 9 p. m. To Be Wedded Today. Henry Laney, of Park street, and Miss Tcssle Shlvelan, of Farvlevv Btrcet, will be wedded today In St. Rose church. The young couple are among tho most popular young people In the city and will receive the hear tiest felicitations of a host of friends. They will reside In a new and hund somely furnished home on Park street. The Pool Tourney. The forty-second game of pool In the tournament of tho Carbondalo Cycle club was played last evening. II. B. Brlggs (third class) beat J. II. Reese (second class). This makes 2 Won and 1 lost by Brlggs and 3 lost and none won by Reese, necessitating his re tirement from the tourney, be twins tho llfth to drop out. Tenth Anniversary. The tenth anniversary of the wed ding of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Traut wein was observed last evening. A large number of friends wore present at their homo on Lincoln avenue to estend congratulations and wish iMr. and Mrs. Truutweln many renewals of anniversaries of tho happy event. The Water Is Rising. It Is feared by the men of tho Dela ware and Hudson Coal company that No. 1 slope will have to bo shut down, owing to not having sufficient pumps to lift the water from the mine. Since tho burning down, of No. 3 shaft Sun day morning, the water has ilsen several feet. A New Clothing Sale. A. Well, of AVUkes-Barre, and well known In this city, will open a laigo clothing store In the Leader building the fore part of next week. The sale is advertised to bo one of the great est consignment sales ever In this city. Received the Insurance, Mrs. Tonls Karl, of Forty-second street.whoso husband died a short tlmo ago, has Just received from the local lodge of Heptasophs $1,000 for which amount her hU3band was Insured in that order. An Old Resident 111. Mis. Mary Nolan, one of the oldest residents of this city, Is dangerously ill at her home on Pike street. On ac count of her advanced age her friends are very dubious as to her recovery. The Passing Throng. Mrs. F. W. Clarko Is visiting friends in Clifford. 'Miss Elsie Williams, of Plttston, is visiting in town. Rev. W. G. Grow is 111 at Hon. E. E. Hendrlck's house. James Cannon, of Scranton, spent yesterday In town, Herman Faatz, of Blnghamton, Is visiting friends here. David Hawkins, of Great Bend, Is In town for a few days. Miss Lizzie Scurry Is confined to her room with the grip. Mrs. P. O. Connors Is lying seriously 111 at her home on Pike street. The condition of Very Rev. T. F. Cof fey was much improved yesterday. Thomas Murphy, of Wllkes-Barre, Is visiting Joseph Lloberman at the Hotel Harrison. Mrs. II, J. Hockenberry has gone to Pittsburg to spend several months as tho guest of her sister. Mrs. Charles Leo, wife of tho Pres byterian clergyman, returned home on Monday from Philadelphia. Charles Cobblcdick is in Toronto, Canada, in the interest of his firm, the Carbondalo Machine company. Daniel Scurry, of Cameron's jewelry storo, was out yesterday for tho first time after a ten days' sickness. Alderman S. S. Jones has been absent from his olileo lor several days on ac count of an attack of the grip. James Ward, of Oak avenue, who has been HI with the gtlp for tho past two weeks, is ablo to bo around again. Miss Maud Robinson, of Pcoksklll, N. Y., Is tho guest of her cousin, Aire. Margery Spafford, of Spring street. JERAWN AND MAYFIELP. Tho Epworth League of tho Metho dist Episcopal church at their last meeting elected tho following officers; President, William Klrkputrlck; first vice president, Thomas Evans; sec ond vice president, Ethel Vlslck; thlid vlco president, Emma Robettsj fourth vlco president, Llzzlo Jones; secretary, Floyd Hunter; treasurer, William Lungman: organist, Margaret Davis, The Retail Clerks' association will hold an Important meeting In Enter prise hall at 8 o'clock sharp on Filday evening at which a full attendance is desired, Mrs. M. F. MoDormott, of the East Side, is suffering with grip. George Usher, of Mayfleld, received a very painful cut on the nose by a piece of flying coal while at work in tho Glen wood shaft. Tho employes of the Delaware and Hudson shaft will receive tholr pay for the first two weeks of tho present month this afternoon. At the Democratic caucus held In Enterprise hall last evening, Silas B. Hills wns nominated for the office of Justice of tho pence, and Chief McQIn ley for high oonstablo. William Shaser, of Fourth street, was called to Carbondale yesterday by the serious Illness of his brother. Mrs. Jenkins, wlfo of Rev. Edward Jenkins, still continues to Improve, and hopo is now oppressed for her ulti mate recover' from her serious Illness. Mrs. Gllhool, of South Main street, wns taken seriously 111 of heart troublo yesterday aftprnoon. , Harry Burke, formerly of Mayfleld, who Is with tho First United States infantry at Leavenworth, Kan., has recently been laid up In the hospital with fever. Theodore Townsend, of Bacon street, who has been ill for tho past week, Is able to resumo work again. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Fletcher, of Carbondale, wcro visiting friends hero last evening, OLYPHANT. As a result of nn accident In tho Luckawanna mine of tho Templo Iron company yesterday, John Erturno vltch, a mlner.was Instantly killed nnd his laborer, Joseph Spulnlck, was seri ously Injured. Tho accident occurred about 1 o'clock, and was duo to a fall of top coal, which foil Immediately fol lowing a. blast. Erturnovltch leaves a wifo and two children, residing In Hun gary. His remains wero taken to his boarding house on Race street. Spulnlck Is also married and hns a family of Hzht children. He resides on Ferris street. C. R. Melville, of Wllkes-Barre, was a caller In town yesterday. The local order of the State Brother hood of Stationary Firemen will hold a smoker at tholr meeting rooms at the hotel of Thomas R. Williams, on Hudson stieet, tonight. All firemen uro cordially Invited to be present. Mrs. Alfred Hnlnes and Mrs. Elvlta Jones attended the funeral of tho late Evan Jones, nt Gelatt, yesterday. The membeis of the Presbyterian church are making preparations for a bazaar, which will be held in tho social room of tho church for ono week, be ginning Monday, March 4. The best local talent will be secured for the entertainments, which will be given each evening. Supper will also be served at a small price. The solicit ing committee have been at work for the past week, and already have a large collection of articles for the bazaar. The Harry Webber Repertolie com pany will open a four night's engage ment at tho Father Mathow Opera house, beginning tonight with "Little Lord Fauntleroy." Miss Nellie McCourt, of Scranton, was tho guest of Miss Sadie O'Malley, of Dunmore street, yesterday. Mrs. W. J. Schubmehl has leturned home, after a visit with (relatives at Leroy, N. Y. Miss Rose Cunuvan, of West Scran ton, Is visiting friends in town. Democratic primaries at Olyphant resulted ns follows: For council, Rich ard Gallagher, 35; Antol Glllenlskle, 26. School director, Charles O'Hoylc. Assessor, Lewis Blochberger. PECKVILLE. Mr. if. D. Botts, proprietor nnd own er of Hotel Wilson, has sold to Thomas Maronoy, of Hartford, Conn., the hotel furnishings and good will. Mr. Ma roney assumed the proprietorship of tho hotel on Monday. Letters remaining uncalled for at the postolllce are as follows: Miss Lizzie Jones, A. Staekton, esq., Mr. F. Sharp. Hungarian. Andro Brascsajka, John Fednr, Rafall Prienaells. Mr. John S. Jenkins, of West Pltts ton, was a visitor In town yesterday. Mrs. James Lancaster, of Plane E, Is 111. Mr. Jesse Scott, of Mill street, Is ablo to be about after a week's Illness. Mrs. D. C. Truax, of West PeckvHlu, Is quite seriously 111. Mrs. William Stage, of North Main street, iccelvcd word yesterday of the death of her brother, Mr. C. L. Smith, at Sellgman, 5Io. He was shot nnd killed by unknown parties for the pur pose of robbery, on Monday night. Tho Elk Hill Coal and Iron company will pay their employes at tho Ontario on Thursday. A large audience wns present at the Wilson Fire company's hall on Mon day evening to witness tin exhibition given by Prof. Charles E. Gtlflln & 'Co.'s Bohemian Glass Blowers. Tho exhibition was one of science and amusement combined. They will con tinue to give nightly exhibitions for the remainder of the week. Admission 10 cents. A handsome presnt Is given each person that attends. TAYLOR. The basket ball contest at Weber's rink on Monday evening b'iwcon the Taylor Stars and tho Ctackorjacks, or North Scranton, was an exciting and well-contested game, In the first half, tho visitors were clearly out-pointed, falling to make a score, while the homo learn succeeded In making threo bas kets, which wore thrown by F. Jor dan, Tubbs nnd Mnrsh. In the second hnlf, the visitors did some good work, when baskets were thrown bv Mc Closkey and II. Davis, which enabled them to tie tho score. An extra five minute half was ordered played by tho leferees, but nt Its close the scoro re mained tho ramo, so the contest was decided n tie nt fi-6. The line-up of both teams were: Stats Rellly, light foroward: Langan, left foroward; Mnrsh, left renter; P. Jordan, cento-; Howoll.s right center; F. Jordan, left guard; Tubbs, right guard. Cracli Jack II. Davles, right forwatd: AV11 Us, left forward: McCloskoy, left cen ter; Whlto.ccntcr; F. Davles, left con tpr Miller, right aunrd; Andrews, left guard. Referees, A. Reldir nnd F. Davles. Will F. Burke, tho populur sliulng comedian and author, will appear In Weber's link on Filday evening. Feb. S, with his own carefully selected company, consisting nf the famous Bontleld Sisters, sketch artists, sin gers and dancers; Loftus nnd Roche, Get man and Hebrew talking come dians, nnd tho following talented Bin gers: William Lynott, Miss Ollvun How ells, Sydney Hughes, William Price, Leureno nnd otheis. Mr. Burlco 1 will sing, on this occasion, somo ot bis new stage songs for tho (list tlmo in public. A grand social will follow tho performance, Mlnooka tribe, No. 247, Improved Or der of Red Men, will meet in regular session this evening. Tho Republican conferees of Liclov wanna township will meet at tho hotel of Charles II, Gaul, near the Arch- MEMBER ILLINOIS ASSEMBLY AFFLIQTED WiTH CATABRII OF THE THROAT ANI LUNGS CURED BY PERUNA mm jfcrip ii v r s . ... H.'E' FURLONG. Member. I Cured of Catarrh of the Entire Sys Of tho Tlllrtv.flfth Auum. I ON. JOHN J. FURLONG. Mcmbca nf the Thlrtv-flfth Oenonil Aqm. bly of tho State ot Illinois, writes ot Poruna-ns follows: Gentlemen "I enn safely recom mend Peruna as a romedy that will cure all catarrlial troubles. "It was of great benoflt to mo as it cured me of catarrh of the throat nnd lungs permanently and in a voiy short time. I am glad to add my endorsement to that of others" John J. Furlong. The older In which the symptoms ot chronlo catnrth occur are nearly al ways as follows: A COLD WHICH HANGS ON LON GER THAN USUAL: a sensitiveness of tho nlr passages, by which one catches cold easily; a continual set tled cold In the head, throat, or chest; discharges grow thicker and moto of fensive, loss of flesh, despondency, loss of appetite, hcadacho or cough, and general lassitude. Now this Is about the order In which symptoms of chronlo catarrh make their appearance, nnd If the sufferer Is fortunate enough to find a cure the symptoms will begin t3" disappear In exactly the reverse order. There may be at llrst no peiceptlble1 Improvement In tho earliest symptoms, while the latter symptoms siiow piompt Im provement. This is Exactly What Peruna Will Do in tho Cure of Chronic Catarrh. It first Invigorates the system, tin creases the appetite, then the patient begins to gain flesh, hopo tnke3 tlw place of despondency, and all the mis chievous symptoms which the chronlq catarrh has produced will disappear one by one In the roverso order of their appearance. Cures Made in This Way Aie Perma nent Curos. A patient cured by Peruna is no more liable to catarrh than as If ho had never had it. bald mine, on Thursday evening, Jan. 31, IfOl, nt 7.30 o'clock, to apportion tho seveial ofllcers to the several districts. By order of chairman, B. F. Fern. Announcements have been made oil the marilage of Miss Mary Scherer, nn accomplished youmr lady of Union stieet. to Mr. William Davis, the popu lar young funeral director, which will be solemnized tomorrow (Thursday) evening. Operator George Rltter, of Rnllroad stieet, Is slightly Indisposed. David T. Davis, of Hazleton, Is visit ing relatives In town. Taylorvlllo lodge. No. 402, Knights of Pythias, will meet in regular session this evening, Mrs. Bui laud and daughter, Bella, of Nantlcoke, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones, of Mala street, have returned home. Louis Schulthels, the popular dairy man, is confined to his homo wltlk an attack of the grip. Relatives of the late Mrs. Melinda Illeseckcr wish to thank those wha sympathized with them during their recent bereavement. Mrs. John E. Davis was tho guest of her daughter, Mrs. D. S. Price, at Clark's Summit, yesterday. MOSCOW. The, Illustrated: lecture on "Tho Life of Chriht." given by Rev. H. J. Wha Ifn, of Carbondale. in tho Methodist church Monday evening, was well at tended. Tho views wore well chosen, each ono being followed by a brlst description. Tho lecture was listened to with the closets attention from be ginning to end. Mr. Whalen will glva another loctuio heio Friday evening, on "The IJ.'irlt nnu ungnt iao ni ew Yoik City." Admission will be, adults, 25 cents, and children IS cents. Rev. G. II. Pientlee officiated at the of the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rhodes, of Elmhttrst, Monday, and yesteiday at the funeral of the young child ot Mr. and Mrs. Stimmets, of Spilng Brook. Rpv. Whalen was entei tallied nt tho home of Mis. Posten Monday own ing. The Women's Christian Temperam union will meet nt tho home of Mi C. II. Travis Thtttsdny afternoon. The Epwoith league will hold a busi ness meeting Thursday evening after prayer meeting. Mrs. George Raffettj. of Scranton, Is vl.utlng her daughter, Mis. Peck. A "Clipping Social" and Mippcr will In given by tho societies of this pluco for tho benefit of tho Mothodlt church Wednesday evening, Feb. fi, In tho In dependent Order of Odd Fellows' hall. The fi-year-nld child of Mr. and Mrs. Fred (""apple, who has Iwen 111 for sev eral weeks with diphtheria, died yes terday afternoon. Miss Helena Holllster, of Scranton, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mis. Amasa HolllBter. Mir.. Winslow'o Soothing Syuip IIih lwn useil for over lil'IV YI'UIS Iiv MILLION of MOIIIKHS for tlidr I'lllI.UliC.V wiiu.i: hii it.uklci sucn.s. It MKrUIIM tho tllll.l). tOHK.NS Dm (lUJp.'. ALL.US nil PMN'i tUHCS WIM) CUIJC, , U the best remedy for DIAItllllOUA. Holil y nniKEfet' I" tmJ' 'art of "' world. Ilu mro and Jk lor "Mr. Window's Soothing Syrup," and tike no cthu Mn. Twenty flvo ccnu a Uottlf. JW-" tern. Mr. William Flood, caro Fifth Ave nue Hotel. Louisville, Ky says: "Your Peruna has completely cured; mo of tint distressing dlscaso, catarrh, which affected my head, nose, bron-' chlal tubes, nnd. In fact, my wholo system. "For nine years I bought every thing that was advertised as a suio cute for my complaint, but it so hap pened that I did not buy Peruna until five months ugo. "After using your splendid remedy according to your directions, I am to day a well man. I find Peruna to be the greatest family medicine over dis covered. I shall always keep a bot tle of It on hand. "I can candidly statf- that had It not been for Peruna I would have gtwn up my position, being too weak to do my work. For eighteen years 'life was a burden." Sir. William Flood. How Mr. Bowkley Suffered 18 Ycais. Mr. William Bowkley. Cloustor. Ohio, says: "Eighteen years ago I buffered with chronic catarrh which made life a burden to me. I had been treated by several physicians nnd had tried many different patent medicine and had given up hopo of oven being entirely cured. "Peruna and MunnMn were recom mended to me, and n3 I had tried everything else I knew. I thought I would give It a trial. After using four bottles of each, I was .entirely cured nnd have had no return of cither af fection. "I regard It ns a wondetful medi cine simply wonderful, nnd takt great tjleasuro In recomemndlng this medl.clne to all who may be afflicted in that way." William Bowkley. If you do not derive prompt nnd satisfactory tesults from the use ot Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. JIartman, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus. O. NERVITA PILL& Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Curs Impotency. Night Emts!on4, Losa ot Mom. ory, nil vwiMiup cmense". all olfrcts of celf-abuso or excess and indiscretion. A nerve tonlo and 6O PILLS 50 CTS. moo uuiiaer. urlnga tun Dink clow to nnln cheeks and restores the .Vflro ot voutli. tir mnll I ooc per Im mx. 6 Imxnq fnr 62.00, with our banltablo rraurantee to euro or refund the money paid. Bond for circular ana copy 01 our uannauio guarantee bond, NervifaTablelsSfS (tellow ladem Immediate Results Poslttvoly guaranteed euro for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Undovoloped. or Shrunken Or(ran, rarol8, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous I'rostra- linn I7.otn In 11, Tnsnnl... llna.lnl. n n ,1 tlt I llesults of llxccsilvo Use- of Tobacco, Opium or I Liquor, By mail in plain packaRo, $1.00 a box, O for $0.00 with our bankable firuar I antes bona to cure in 30 days or refund momey paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton Jackson Srn , CHICAGO, IU.. Sold by Mi Carroll k Tlioraa, Druggist), 200 I.ackawauna avenue, Scranton, Pa. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANOTACTUItED BY... CALIFORNIA FIG SVRUP CO. rrNOTETUE NAME. CABINET MEETING. Devoted Exclusively to a Discussion of Cuban Mntters. Dy Eulusivo Wira from The Associated Tres. "Washington, Jan. 29. The cabinet nieetlnp; today vob devoted almost ex clusively to a discussion of Cuban watteio. Such Information as wns nt hnnd boarlns upon the provisions of the Cubnn constitution was discussed ut Komo length and tho opinion ex presHoil thnt tho complete document would roach Washington about Fen. K when It would bo placed before con kh'sf. It Is known that tho president refrnids pioinpl notion In this matter as of oiy rtroat importance and wouM not hesltnte to cull confrtesn together In oxtia Mslon to consider It, should It appear iifoe.sf.ury. Tli rifi'd tor pmmpt notion on the Spoonor riillipplno bill Is regraided us nearcily less urgent than tho disposi tion oi the Cuban constitution and the statement Is mado on high author ity that In tho event of the fnlluro of tli('o nieiisurei to recclvo the consld natlnn of congiess, an extra sepslon Is almoit Inevitable. To Investigate Naval Academy, lly i:clnslin Wire fioin Tli Associated IVi Washington, Jan. IW. T hr resolution ot JIi Micniwn, of New Voil;, for an invostlRitloa ol hailnir .it tho Viilted ?tatci naval academy al Am.apolli has Iwtn stt for lomldeiallon by the linito navil committee neH I'rl'ljj. In th mtantlino Clubman Von probably will rail tho attention of the wvretary of tlw luvy la th letolutlon and ecuro Buy Information which the department may have. To Cure the Grip in Two Days. Laxative Ilromo-Qulnlne irmovn the cause, ' BR-fi '