pr -vpsF" txhnw THE ONLY SCKANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA.. WEDNESDAY MOHYIW. JANUAKY 30, 1001. TWO CENTS. y r- SILLS BY THE STORgLp. ....i-" y Yoriokn. Kan.. .Ian. L'O.- jvioi Great flGtlvItu Is Manifested In Both Brandies of Legislature at flarrisburo. PROTEST AGAINST DRURY Has Been Rcfeucd to the Committee on Elections A Pan American Commission Bills Passed by the Senate Mr. riinn Intioduces nn flection Bill. Oy L'xeliBive Wire from The Auoelatid I'resi Hoirisburg. Jan. 2!'. Tho senate this iftcmoun adopted a coucuireut icsolti tlon piesentod by Mr. Cummliigs, of Wiiricti, providing for the appointment of a commission to be known us the fCe. stone statu commission of this Pau Aincrlcan exposition and making an ippropilatlon of $.15,000 to cover this e.vpenser of the commission and for i suitable Halo building at the exposi tion grounds at Buffalo. Thf i evolu tion provides for the appointment of luce senntois, live representatives utul me citizens of the state. The presi dent pio tern of the senate, thu speaker r the house anil the governor shall ut-u be membcis of the commission. J'he house lcsolution favoring tho pmsagu by congiess of the Oiout oleo trial valine bill was adopted. i'he protest preientod at the open ing o I the present session piotustlng ngalntst the seating of Senator Drury, of Lucerne, which has been lying on Ho tabic pending the appointment of tho standing committees, was referred to tho committee on elections. On motion of Senator Grady tho spe- c-iul committee of nine appointed for the purpose of considering bills in tho absence of standing committees was dlschaiged and the bills on which the committee had not yet taken no tion una refcircd to appropriate com mittees. The senate passed the bill appropri ating 5,000 for the finishing of a mon ument on Mount Zlon In Lancaster i ounly in memory of Revolutionary .suldlcis, and authorizing the Ephiatu Monument association to use matcilal now In pe-sesslon of numerous Citi zens. A number of bills passed tecond leading, among them being Senator Fox's bill nppropilating 50,000,000. and creating a commission for the comple tion of, the state rnpltol building ana Senator Grady's bill lepeallng the libel law of ISO". Bills Introduced. The following were among the bills In. 10 In. ''Ml. Ui Mr I l-hir, of Indiana Amending Ilia act lfgtilallnc the cmplojment and providing lor tlio beilth ami nfcly of persons tnpIoid in ciSJr or il'jlMnsc faitcrirs and iocllng pinib tl'i ! i vnditlrni of tlic law II' Mr LdmUton, llradford -AinendinR crrfiin ioi. n of tin- law (r tlic more safe and Jut tun-n Mou if kjI dild pcivnial estate. I,v Mr. Vau;lun, Iaiikaiiaiina vppropriatln,; siOu t .. .Iiph's Poundllng Iloini and Mitmiiv lf tpllil, jsrranloii; to allow the opin ing "t jmlkiiieiit entered or tnnvcilpts of j ill nn ii, he-thea ol the pcaie and oilier iiiaU t'aui, tn allow an eveutor, iilminMriitor, Riurd an, a m.-iuo or trmtec to intitulc an nitlcii m lev or other lcal or ccnjiulilc proccfdinc je.ln.t co oveetitoij., adnilnlstiatorf, guardian, nifrmr o- tuistic, to ncoier 01 irforie uii) debt in cblicition individually clue to the estate wlihh he rcpn wilts; repelling an act atiblUh. inj and iisnlatite the ilfjlrs ol rchool ill 1 1 lot j mid Mibditrkth In eltlu ol tho unomt ili end to rcpcil all Ictal und frirljl l.,nj infoiiktcnt thornvith. Il Mi. Pot, Duuplitn Autl ori7ln Janiea Itut, if lhirlsburR, to tiing vilt acilmt the Hati fir nins of niomy Put miy be lejilly or Justly duo lilni. Mr. Ruvs w n tho catirir for the IfKlsUturo during the trip of tlut body to Vr York on tho on Hon ol the umtlllii if the f.rant nionimient. He trcti-ntcd a bill for bctit VMmO, whlrh vva vititd. Mr Mnehllironnu, AUcrI tin ppri prlatn 3 Vji.uv) 101 tho nccilon of a monument In iiem. ir if tho oflhcrs aid tnui ot the Tinth n,'. nn nl, Inltcd Statu volunteew, who died uhllo the rieliucnt ai ftrvliy In tho I'lilllf pimi. Hy Mr. W'Hibtnn, Ctivvfoid To amend tho Irst and mcoihI tfitlots of tho ait providing dr the iei;u!atloii of the inanufaitur. jnd eile t( illtlllid and vlnen'ai.. Itv Mr. I,ee, Monioe Pirecthiir the tlato tins, nnr to refund 'n vjrlaui (statu tho diuit in. lultaiico tax paid i.ito the state trenuiy In' rtu of tlie aet ol M13 1', lsw, which has lrn dcclircd uniohtitutloiul by the courts. Tor Primary Election Law. Il.v Mr. riinn, AlIeRheiij Provldinr for a nnl fonn piimary ileitlon law. Tho bill piovldes that two pilmaiy elections bo held throughout tho state laeh year for all oilleets, including Kate ontccrs, congressmen and con-grcst-mtn-at-largo, the Hist ion, thu second Tuesday In January and the second on tho second Tuesday In June. Tho elections shall be held at tho tegu lar polling places from 7 a. m. to 7 p. in., and tho tegular election ofllccti of the district shall conduct tho same. All pei sons wishing to bo candidate! lor state olllccs at tho primal y elec tions must fllo with the-bccietary of Htnto thhty days pi lor to thu primary lection a petition signed by tit least two per cent, of the total voto In tho lection district of tho patty ho H amilalctl with. Persons who are condldates tor cotin 'v oillcea can lllo the petition with the louuty commlssloneis twenty days pilor to tho ptlmary election. Tho .PTPtnry of the commonwoalth must notify the county oillcorn of the nomi nations lllcd with him at ileast tour tenn day.i prior to the election and tho sheriffs ot the 111 tons counties must Issue a protlnmiii'on at least ten days ptior to tho election, giving ul the names of tho eandldatea to bo vo.tcd fot. ,A voter must bo a icsldent of the clecUon dlstilct at least twenty dayg, and can bo challenged on party. n (dilation ana icsiacncu only. The billots are to be deposited after tho lection with tho piothonotniy, and ro to be burned nt tho expiration of sly. months. Three days nfter the pri mal y election (ho common pleas couit Continual on pajt 7.J MEDAL FOR MRS. NATION. The Noted Saloon Destroyer Refuses rt. AwcUtcd Vm ropekn, Kan,, .Ian. 1!9. Tho Statu Tempotiuico union, which Is holding Its annual convention hero to day, subscribed over $100 to ptttchao a gold for Mrs. Carrie Nation. Mrs. Nation nnd Miss I3va Marshall Shout::, of Chlcatro, made Rtlrrlng wpeeches at the 1 losing meeting of tho Stau- Temperaneo convention tonight. They heartily condemned all the na tional nnd stnti- olflecis und advocated force as the best means for closing the siloonp. Resolutions were adopted de claring for a more aggressive move ment on the patt of the tcmpeiaucs people of the state. Mrs. Nation foimully lefmctl to ac cept tho medal provided for her by the union and lnlsted the money be devoted to the woik ot temporal! 'O. Sim milled, however, that If this 11IU oeis of the union weie so disponed thpj' might give her a touvenlt of tho oicaulon, i-ostlng not mote than $J. Mis. Nutton wilt lomaln In the illy for several days, bpt he has not jet dlMilgcd her probable plan of ac tion. Ibirptfr, Kan., Jan. 21'. All t Iter sa loons aio ilos-td as .11 it'sult of a r pott that a vllt fiom Mis. Nation ia expected soon PRISONERS RECEIVE LIMIT OF THE LAW Sentences in Bosschleter Case Thir ty Years Each for McAllister. Campbell and Ssatlt. D. lAcltultc Wire from 'the eiated PriM. Pnterson, N. J., Jan. -9. Walter C. McAllstor. Andrew J. Campbell an 1 William A. Death, convicted of mil--der In tho second degtee lor kUUn; Jennie nossschleter last October, nnd Qeorgc J. Koir, who yesterday pleaded non vult to the ohurge of ns'-itultlng tho mill girl, were btoujrht to eouit this forenoon for sentence. Judgo Dixon sentenced McAUster, Campbell and Death to thirty ,eara ai hard la bor in tho state pi I son at Tienton. Kerr was sentenced to the snm pl.tco for fifteen years, also at 'iard labo Tho full limit allowed bv law as meted out by Judge Dixon The wn tence.s occasioned no sutpitse, lor Judge Dixon yesterday in lecclvlrs Keir's idea, said that If he bad been on the jury that conlcted Campbell. Death and McAUster, ho would havo voted to send them to the gallovn. The scene In the couit 100m w.t.s lm prefcslvo. A big ciowd was on hand o see this final act In the ctlmlnal drama that has shocked the cntlio country. Tho convicted men were visibly affect ed at the sevetlty of tlulr Henttnces. They weie liuiil,cd back to their cells immediately after t-entenco had been pi onouneed. Trenton, N. J., Jan. 2". The olllclats at tho No'v Jeit-oy btate prison said tonight. In nniwer to an Inquiry, that the thlity yeais' sentences of McAUs ter, Campbell and Death, who were convicted of the muider of Jennie Uosschieter, will bo 1 educed by po"d behavior to twenty yeais, and that Kctr's sentence will bo reduced, to eleven ear.s. The time off for good behavior Is 111 ranged on a tlidlns scale and Increases each year. MeAllstei. Death. Campbell and Ivir made a statement to the public this afternoon. It Is their (list uttetance since their nricst and wai Itsued on the authoilty of the counsel for all four men. It Is tut follows.: Wo am realsmil to our fate and piopov to fin- tlio timtuto with uianli hi ut-i. dirk as it b, Wr ha'e felt licntoloru tl at it was Usdc-d to tuy auvthins to uliivo tun tituatlon as the ttorm of publi- Indienatlon was such thu an.vttiliij taid by tu woulu have bem nilsinUi- 1'lltCll Wo feil no lescnlmint and lave no critliiiin to make; but. we want to thonl. tho neuopupug ot l'itn-on fot tin If reus of fairness and ab stiue of rinlho in challiu vtth thli rai. We could b.iy many thimra tint would tend to abitc tho imbllc lndl,'iia.liu, but we piipo.-o to bear our punUlum nt in nil nee. We propose to c mi the three dajs a month which tho hw riiniia fir (,'rod biluvicr in Mate prhon ind wo hojo unci pray tlut tho conimun. it will usciiil find Jiii'inrnt until, by (tool lomhiet and juopir llvn, wi will earn their I eoumiiiidaticu Wu tile lontmt to luller ouihelvm but we l.unl led tho awful iutow In ought upon our fimillis and Iricndt, wl.u havo ctood to nohl; b.v 111 tluoiuli it all, Never at any timo was there any ill feeling betwein mirtlvei and v.o nevir hid oeiasion to tav thinsi about each othrt in an elicit, to neiuri Imtivldinl aihiint.i.-e. We feel that vro have bem viitim, to a grrit rvtcut, of the umiavonliij; outside opinion, which wa IumaI iipnn the wild ami In'.lamira. tory rejioits printed in tie metropolitan papeH to ntUfy a morbid We urn tliankttil to the counsel In out cue) rraiiiit Smtt, Michael Dunn, John W. llarcllinr, John T hrrr anl Judge Iloifmau who made every sairlllee at the nril of their uputatiuw ' Snry alterations. In addition, the Kttp aml ciiti of tlulr llvm, and stool nsbij bj m I ply of purplo cloth ill London is be. (Msnid) Walter t, MeMIUler, tJeorijo J. coming scarce. Kcir. Vndiew .1 Catnpl!!, Willljin A. lhalh rjm, comn wm u0 boino from 0s. While Judge DKon was sentencing borno house by thu queen's hUhland tho pilsonets. Hugh Kerr, the father cis, Pilday, at 1.55 p. m., to a gun of George, lay dvlng within n stono's ' cairlage. The household of tho lato throw of the couit house. Mr. Kerr is ' queen, tho royal servants and tho ten dying because of the disgrace of his ' antty will be diawn up on tho eaulajo son Geotge. Oeotgo did not know till tonight that his father was so III, Equally lgnoiant of tho son's tun tence will the father remain. Ho docs not want to hear of the case nt all CASTELVI RETIRED. Absence of the Usual Compliments Leads to the Belief That He Is in Disgrace. By I'xcliuivi! Who fiom The Anoclatfd Pier. Mad: ltl, Jan. 29. General Francois Do Ilourbon V Castclvl, u cousin of Klnp Alfonso, military commander In the Aragon division, hns been placed on tho ictlred list, Tho royal decico omits tho state ment customary in such cases that tho regent Is satisfied with his sjrvlces. It la evident, therefore, that ho Is ro tlrcd In disgrace. Tho Incident has provoked conhldjrablc comment. Eire at Elmlra. Dy Kicludvo Wlro from The .Utoclalr l'rr I.hnlra, J.. V., Jan. a"'. The haiidionu school liotiM In the vllliia of Kioxilllc, pa., w-ia burmil till o'.emoon I,on, 4io,tyiH In'uiame, f l,u. FUNERAL OF THE QUEEN The Probable Order of the Roual Procession Throiiali tlic Gltu of London. AN IMPOSING PAGEANT King and Kaiser to Ride at the Uead of It Estimated That Sixty Royal Princes Will Be in Line Eton Boys to Paiticipatc Reheaisnls Ye3teulay Anlval of Mouxneio. Oy llxctinlie Ulte from 'Hie Anochtfcl I're'i London, Jan. L'9. It Is underalootl the funeral procession In Loudon will be, apptolmately, a3 follows: A Kjvueign'ii eswrt ot me hmdrd l.lfo Oiun! Mnsrf'd Iwtitt u( thin rei.liiient of I'oot l!i nnl' I'm hi Miulnl Unrl lliilienn ind tho hfidpnr tun ut.ifT. 1:1111 iirnac with the ooly. Mhi I Int., mtpporlicl I if tho Genu 111 iiup'ir. The Vint' ol Porlliwl nnl the ctlwr leiwlni; sovrriliiiii In the onlu of immlcnci Tiie Dukek of Ctnnuiclit nnd Yi ih The eqiurriii and .ililii 1!. 1 imp In .ittii.dino on 10 td ierfonji, funti Meximlra. the Puihevi if vie C'o.iuii' aid Ootha nnd othir rojil prlmce", In lour ertlaiiii, deeply ilrnpcil Sov mien's iort cf one humlrnl I Ite fiiuiiN It Is estimated that sixty royal pilnccs will ptttlclpate In the pioics slon. As the funeral will be of .1 military character, there will ptobablv be no pall-bearers, although, possibly, at Windsor certain generals will act In that capacity while tho coflin Is being carrier! up the nave of St George's, chapel. This morning there was a rehearsal along the route of the pioees nlon. The eight Ilnnovciinti hordes which will dtaw the gun carriage took a heavily laden binke, estimated to bo of the weight of th' gun caulago and coflin, over the route. Numerous cimlagcs followed and a number of mounted men, lepiescnting tlm fotelgn pilnces and othcis who will ride In the procoision. It has been arranged that the Iton boys will line tho route from tho Long Walk gates to Windsor castle, vvhllo tha Military Knlghti of Windsor will be on duty in the ehapil dm lug the luneial set vice. Beaiers in Pi notice. Cowes. Jan. i'i The outer coflin for the queen's body was lecelvcd 1km 0 Inst night. The non-commissioned oilleets detailed to carry the coflin practiced today with a dummy coflin, filled with sand and weighing more than half a ton, The main wing of the Osborne House will, It Is expected, become the fi donce of the Princes? Beatilce (Piin cess Henry of Uattenberg) in her ea ptcltv as governor of the Isle of Wight. The other portion of the hotiso Is to be lescived fot the kliif. General Sir Dlghton Piobyn, lon ti oiler and tieautor of the hottsehol 1 of the Ptince of Wales since lo77, li mentioned as likely to succeed Loid LMwaid Pellnm-Cllfton as inater of the household. Tho olllce Is In tho poi.sonnl gift of the king. ' down Prince Kredeilek of Denmark la cspected to aixlvo In London to. mot row. Prince Ileniy of Ptussla salted fiom Kiel yesterday on boaid of tho C!e- man buttleship Iladen, accompanied by tho coast defense ship Hagen. Pilnco Gooigo of Saxonv Is pre vented by inllucnza from coming to the f uncial. Prince John Oeotgo will take his place. Dulse Albrecht w III represent the King of Wuttomboig. The Crown Pilnco rcrdlnand of llounianla I.s ex pected on Thursday night in Lon don, Tho Orleans family will be. repre sented by the Duke of Charlies, lounger brother ot tho lato Count ot Paris, the Duke of Alone on nnd the fount of Ku, sons of tho lato Duke of Nemours, between whom! nnd the Into oueen an effort was made by Louis Philippe, in 1S3S, to arrange a mar riage. Tho King's Ordei. The Ki ''s order directing that tho drapery of buildings bo purplo has creattd no little constet nation. Many buildings hero and Jn London and other places are coveted with black. II will be expensive to make tin neeeS' drive. Tho queen's pipers will lead tho ptocebslon through tho king's gato to Trinity pier. Thero will bo an Impos ing military display along tho route, massed bands and diummers playing funeuil marches. Dehlnd the collln will walk Admiral Sir Michael rultiic Heymour, llrst and principal aide do camp to tho queen since 1S9S; the king, Emueior William, thu Duko of Con naught, Crown Prince Frederick Wil liam of Geimany, the Duke of Voik, Pilnco Heniy of Prussia, Pilnco Chris tian, of Sehleswlg-Holsteln and other princes. Then will come Quoi 11 Alex andra, thu Duchess of Voik and tho cither pilncerseH. Hluo Jackets will bear tlio coflin fiom tho pier to the royal yacht Albeita where Admlial Culme-Pejmour, four naval aide do camps and two ladles In waiting will accompany them. The king, Empeior William and other members of tho loy al family will embark on boaid the royal yacht Victoria, and Albeitn. London, Jan, SO. The carl marshal, the Duko of Norfolk, was unable to seo King Edward yesterday In 01 dor to ob tain his maJesty'H final sanction for tho ftinetul arrangements. Nothing, theie- fine, has been definitely set lied except tho piogtnmtno for Friday, already cabled. "Queen Victoria's explicit directions as to her funeral wore written in 1802," fayn Truth, "and havo not been nl 101 oil In any material respect. It was her wl-di that the ccremonlnl should eop.v that of Prince Albeit's builal so fin 'is possible. The queen will bo tho flist lngllMli sovereign who will not bo burled at night and by torchlight." London, Jan, 30. hi London active prep trillions, ate blng made all along tho route. Houses ale being draped and seating ueconmiodatlon Is bilng ptovlded. A committee of ladles has obtained pet mission to hang wrtti'.hs of overgieen along tho line, one to bo nlll.xed to each lamp post, nnd nil be ing tin ee feet In diameter and ot unl fotm patt"in. Of all tho ceiemotilci', no doubt tin) naval will In the llnest pageant. Tho Albeitn, with the body, will ftlowly steam tilting .i line of b.ittlCbhips ex tending eight mllei). Facing these giants of the P.iltlslt navy will Ins smaller vessels and nitmetottu foreign bnttleshlpi.'. Whatever the weather tmiv be, the spectacle of the leinaliis of Vlctoiia tiavetslng 11 lane of vvni-shlph-tlii' guns of all booming will bo imlqtt". FEAR OP ANARCHISTS. Gieat Caie Being Tifcon by Police to Guai d Against Danger. Gi Kuliwiir Wire from Vi V-nnh'-l I'riii London. Jan. ". The c mlio dttoctlve maehrneiy of the I'nlted Kingdom and the continent has bum set In motion to. piotiil the ioytil pMSimagcs and other notable people now gathering in London. t'ttwleldlv as the Continen tal S.-eiet fetvlee often nppeni to be, evety cftoit Is hMtig 111 ide to unify them, In oidcr that no Injuiy liny b'fall utiv toyal petaontiRH attendant upon tin ob"ifttles of the late quec'li. .si: Kdward Hiadtoid, the eitetgetlc otie'-aiiiHd I'ommlfsicncr of police of tin MotiopolH, his devised elaborate plmiA to deal with the crush expected on Saturday, but to protect the klng lv and ptlncely guests precautlottx have been taken which ate Illustrated bv the fact that Sir Ddward Drart foid's lesl'letue Is Mtrrounded night and day by constables in plain cloth ing and detectives and that no poison I-, allowed to appioach until his card has been passed In. These precautions nio applied In the c.iho of all loyal per sonuges and of the principal oilleets of the crown, Scotland Yard maintains the most Intimate and secret affilia tions with everv detective agency In the world and Its devlcesfor tracing crntinental suspects are now being op tinted tinder Chief Inspector Frank Troest, who Is reputed to have a wider acquaintance with tho rogues of tho world thna 11111 olh.r pol'rn chW ot Em ope. Malateta and other onaichlsti re siding in London asset t that there Is not the slightest piooablllty of vio lence because England Is an "asjlum fot the persecuted of the continent." At Cowes detectives aio stationed In htise numbers on both sides of tho Medina river, Inquiring ns to the a-., teeeilents of sliangois nnd watching all who approseh the peisonages. Nothing definite Is feated, but the gov ernment dishes that the utmost dili gence should be exetclsfd, especially with a; view of keeping Empeior Wil liam from harm -- DEMOCRATS ORGANIZE. Will Establish Headquaiteis nt the Bolton House. Ill KviIliivc Wire from Tin, Aisoiiittd Vicat. llarilsbutg, Jan. M, Tho Demociatlo membcis of the lcglslatuie held a cau cus at noon today for the puipose ot establishing peimanent Democratle headqttaiteis. In tho absence of Itep tesentatlve Palm, of Schuylkill coun ty, Mr, Mayne, of Lehigh, presided. It was decided that tho headquarters should be located at the Uolton House ind that icpoits of the pi ogress of both blanches ol the legislature should be kept on leeout then. This will en able tho Demociatlc members to meet fti-'iuently and decide on uulfoim ac tion in legal d to legislation. Itepresentatlves Osier, of Lycoming; Hagg, Schuylkill, and Johnson, North ampton, were appointed a committee to make the anangements for tit's hcadiiuniteis, DEPORTING CHINAMEN. Twenty-six Aie in Jail nt Platts buvg on Charge of Entering the Countiy Illegally. Dy i:cluiie Wire fiom Tlio siciitcd Press Plattsbttrg. N. V., Jan. 20. Mow On and Moy Vo Tan, two Chinamen ar lested at North Uuike lecently on a charge of Illegally entering the United States, weto today otdercd deported back to Chlnu. r'jue Hu Maw und Su , Lu Paris, at rested ut tho same time, were dlschaiged and will leave foi New Yotk city tonight. There are now twenty-six Chinamen in Jail heie, sixteen at Malono and fourteen at Canton awaiting trial, ehatged with entering this country Il legally. CIBUTU AND JOLO OURS. The Cession of the Islands to the United States Has Been Gazetted. 11 Kvclu.lve Wire fiom The Aoelattd I'tou Madrid. Jan. -$. The cession of Cl butu and Cayagan do Jolo Islands to tho United .States has been gazetted. Washington, Jan. 29 The piesldent today sent a message to congiess ico onnneiidlng tho nppiopilutlon of J100, oto for Ihc paynvnt of the claim of Spain for tho Clbutu and Cavagan Isl ands In thu Philippine nrchlpehigo In neeordiinct vvlth tho towns of tho tieaty recently ratllletl by the senate. Killed by a, Robber. 0y rvclubo Who from Tlio Awoelated TieiS. Kuwii City, Jin 2, Alfiicl I Iloiey, n gto. en In KaiMa lit, ban , vv'io wa brutally as faulted In hi More l'j 0 nJiher tat nlnht, tiled tonight, lie foolpadi who am opiratlnc lure me very vliloui in their ntiittlti, Purlnf tho pa.t two tnrntlii a hall iloien women luvo liu Mi-uck down ami Rilomly lnlureil. Sirs. Mar' llohlir, who w.l brutally iiiMUlted by foot' iadi 1 nn'titli ik'o, Ii now Iniane as a retuli ol the attcik. OBJECT TO THEPR1ARS Manu Filipinos Will Leave the Cath olic Church if Then Are Re-established. ARCHBISHOP'S OPINION Trials Will Not Bo Sent to Locali ties Wheie Objection Is Made to Thorn Many of the Filipino Lead eis Become Piotestants. Ily Cxeluii.e Wlro fnm The .Initiate I Vttn. Mnnlln, Jan. .'! Dr. Ki tiger, the German consul general hero.has cabled to the Ileilln goveriiment asking that the Get man ambassador at Wiishlng ton be Instructed to diplomatically in go the passage of the Spooner bill. Two mining cot flotations oiguiiUed In Get many are anxious to begin oper ations In the PhlllDplncH, but cannot do so until the status of mining claims i" estnblMied by a. pornrinent gov ernment. .Similar action will pt nimbly be taken by the lliltlsh consul. liueneamino and some of the other Filipino leadeis In Manila have nbout decided to become Protestants and aie considering Hie oignulzatlon of an Evangelical ihuich. hi an lnteivlevv today Hit'-nc tnlnio i.ild lie had leal tied that thu pope had decided to lestoro thu (liars 10 theli fmiuer uo.-Ulon in the Philippines and Huencanlmo added that thu Filipino v. mild not submit to tint and the effect would be that they will shortly Iimvo the Cntholle chmcli In great numbers. No public meeting his been held, but thu leaders of the movement meet privately tonight to discuss the question with the Hev. James 11. Kodgers, a mlsslonaiy of the Piesbyteiltm boaid, who advises the establishment of an Evangelical church. The principals in tin ptoject are Etieneanlnio, Pr. Itosario, Tnvuta and Flotes. All 01 these men aie mem bers of the executive committee of the federal party. Eut Thief Jut lice Aiel lano and Attorney General Tones, the remaining members of that committee adheio strictly to the Catholic church and have distinctly declined tho move ment towardR Piotestantlsni does not emanate fiom the party organlzntl n. nor Is It connected with tho oigunlza tlon. Atchblshop rhapell" declined to grant an Intel view, but bis legal ad viser reiterated the statement olten made tint the filais will not be sent Into tho districts wheie the people objected to them. He lemaikcd, how eve!, that the ntchblshp ht'd received 11 great numbei of uqtiest from tl.e Filipinos for the letutti of tho friars. The Rev. Mr. Itodgets was Inter viewed In regai d to the matter. He said theio had ben no Protestant pieslvtlng, but that intinv persons In outlvlng districts weie turning to Piotestantlsm, and that many resi dents of Manila would doubtless do llkevvls. . NO RESPECT TOR THE QUEEN. Mr. Guggenheimer's Men Sustain Mayor Van Wyck. By l'xilie-lve Wire from The Vsioehtcd Triu New Yoik, Jan. 2?. The municipal council held u veiy brief session to day. Pi lor to the meeting Councilman Stowait M. Price, ton of tho late Cal vin S. Ui Ice, told t-ome of the membei.s that he Intended to offer a lesolutlon to the effect as a matk of respect the major be lequested to lower tho Hag over tho council chamber to half-mast until after the funeral of her lute maj esty Queen Victoria. Ther- weio fifteen tuenibeis ptesent and as soon us the minutes of the. ptevlous meeting weie read and up ptoved Councilman Price tttose to read his iwolutlon, but Councilman Murray forestalled him by Jumping to his feet nnd shouting: "Mr. ChaVman, I move we adjourn. I want to go home." This motion was noticed by Picaldent Gug genhelmer and tho council voted In tho affirmative, despite tho expostulations of Mr. Price. i 1 FIVE NEGROES CONVICTED. Result of a Shooting Affmy on Elec tion Day. Ily iAiluiivc Wire fiom The tss&eutcd l'reis, Paltlmore, Jan. 29. Five negroes, Walter How man, Leonittd Lewis, Wil liam Lucas, Charles Scott and Samuel Hall, weio convicted today of murder In tho second degree. The crime upon which they wore tiled was the muider of Hovvnid Dur buirow, IS years old, on tho evening of last election day. Durborrow and sev 01 til companions weio standing on tho corner of llaker street and Tulton ave nue, when tho flvo negroes came along, A shout of hurrah for Bryan angeiod tlio coloieJ boys and Bowman, It' wan testified, sent a shot Into tho ciowd ot whites, which enteied young Duibot iow's head, causing bin death. Duke Hns the Measles. Oy Inclusive Wire from The AoeIitnl Pies.. London, Jan 2J The iiulidy ftom which tin Duko of Com rail ami V.01I, Im nfi'irluc Ii the luciik.H an I this, tlio cuiiri rlrtulnr an luuneiK, I the explanation of hU failure toslt Umporor WTlllatii on tho annlvcwiry of his baili day and of IiIh absune from tlio uunioni' of Imotlnir Crown I'llnce r'ridulelt Wllllini with tho Insignia of tlio otder of the caitcr. blr I'latuls lul.ln.', for 111 my jeau miu'u.ii to the lite queen, h uttimllni: him. Iiuki Johaaii VI btecht, ol Meeklc nbin u Khwcieln, ivai tjUn dcrn villi tha mealra ten di aeo. Steamship Airivnls. Dy llxclualio Wlie fiom The Anoclatcd I'revs, Ntvv Aoik, Jan 2J rtlvtdt AlliT, Naples; Ainlei'iljiii, Rottirdam aucl Ilojkgtie. Cliandt VadirUnd, Southainptnn. Pjlled: balm, Urimrii via bnutlianipton. Antweqi Arrived! Noord. laud, Kcw Yor!. Ida of Wight Pasuli I'.siii. tylvanla, Hamburc and 1'l.vinoutli and New Voik, Lizard !'asnl! fepaarmljra, New York for Hot-tcrdain. Till; NtiWS THIS MOKN'lN'd. Weather Indications Today, CLOUDY J PROBABLY SNOW. 1 Cetieral Preparation for tho funeral ot Ung. hmt'H Dead Ijiiccn. Senators to I'crre Vctlon en the Subddy Dill. I'rcmlnrnt 1'illptno-i Object to llcttitn of tho rrnrc. Activity In the Slalc IUhtun. 2 (Icneial Carhonclile t)c aitinent. 3 Local W lentil r l)vjer DefevU Parilelb. .1, A. Liiultii' VJu 4 on the "Hipp, r" lllll. 4 I'.litorlal. Note and (tntncit 5 Iax-iI ("iilolJe of a Mutli Side Invalid One Killed, Dine Injured, In a I) , I . & W. W iK. 6 local WcM scrinton and yuliutban. Com ellmaiilo Coiiiiidttie AitniH on Ainimb nient 10 th" "Itippit ' lllll. 7 C'miTiil orihi.itiin l'ii!ijlV4i It. lT'nr.cial ind CVtinuireul 0 loiil ( uurl I'lmteiMnu I Uo IniliHtrlnl ei u!n INDIAN SITUATION UNDER CONTROL Deputies Have Captuied Leadors of the Dlfcgiuntlctl Creeks. It I tt In lie Hi , Th, V in n,il 'r.i Henrietta. I T. Jan. JH rutted Htaies Lenuett is billevid lo have ill" Indlun sltuallon umipiiel under lontiol and It Is iiactlc allv d" elded Ihnt It will mil he neiess.ity to lend hoops of the Eighth tin ally Into the inti-iliii The Mililleis may lemaln hue fot seveial dav s, however, us a I'leeautlonai V me isiuie It lb lopuited that bv night deputies will bting in seveial of the minor leid eis of the dlsirtutitltil t'icek'i ,uiesld since "sterittiy Thomas A. Sanson, fnlted Mutes eommlsslonoi, letttetl a huge loom here anil opened couit to try the Indians Inimrdlnti ly. Chilli) Horjo, or Chief Snake, after a v hearing, probably will be bound ovr lo the giand Juiy and lodged In Jail .it MusUogei. hinged with treason NO INCREASE IN SALARIES Mine Woikeis Urged to Voto Against It by President Mitchell. Jy 1'teltMio Wire fi'tu Pi" ih Utul l'n hullanapollF, Jan 20 The constitu tional amendment presented to the convention of the Fnlted Mlno Work ers at the afternoon session todn pro viding for iuci eased salaries for na tional officers piovoked a long argu ment aad resulted In the salaries ie m lining as they wete last year. Mm liets of tlio committee on constitution lecominended the adoption of the amendment. After a long debate, Piesldent Milih U said: Rititlrmeii I am mt line fi Hie purpi- ol making am i,ui.d Hind pliv I woik tin tic mlmiK lueiiivj joti piv mo and luause I Ilk ti wcrk ten j,iu bu I 11111 fiee b M that If mi did 1101 piv ine 1 would nt work. Hie alirv 1 paid me is virv fair and ll I Ihotiuht the .r Kiulzation did not p.n is niuh i I divrvcl I 1 'voiihl not quit I would strike I Hy all iiiians do not Ut the nhanccmcnl f .Hi individual li-( ibovo tlm IntiiixU of Hie I'ldted Mini Worker ll jnn think tin 1 ilm,r 'if 111 ijl.u.v will deprive 111;. 111 m, i ii.un 11 I 1 mid ol whit is due thciu, thru ! r (,o1'k -ike I do not ra!o It, Vice Piesldent Lewis, who would have received a llbuinl incicase tindt r the proposed amendment said: II I did not think I was cilliui: .1 fan mUi.v I wimhl strike, too. I'lr-unillv I Ihli k en in 1 erea-e in the taUrUs ol tie luticnil ofllun it tl lii time wuuhl woik 111 Injun tu tin iatlon. 'flii I e are people In the unnrjinl' i dHricti who are atwiis lo, king lor m iip i turiitv. to Injure the Mine Wuikm' utile 11 ind lie argument Is .tdianeeJ tint tin clilnrj ire .id tlUK liisuer t.ibiiis than tin nun 1 in nuke in tin mini Tin 11 art pmpli vvnrklii. in the mints of the count! tola who infurtuiutel, we cannot drive out when w. w nit l. intone a dim ind 1 01 tin- roa'iii iit. , nl 1 be Injured b 1 sahiy i.ii.e. .ii ilil, time I in oppo-atl to tin mciiMiie. I The powei to 01 del a strike I or suspension of labor In tho mines was today taken out of the hands of tho natlonnl officers, who have heioto loie had absolute contiol In ihls par ticular. An amtudment to the eonstl tlon makes It necessaiy to call together the districts ptesldetit.s to take action upon general strikes. Tho report ot the committee on con stitution was not finished tod.iv. Tho work of tho convention will lie com pleted toinutrow. ICE GORGE AT NIAGARA. First Ice Bridge of tho Season nas Been Foimed. fly Fxclu-lie Win fain 1l.i Vwnutid Prsit Niagara Falls, Jan. 29, Tho Jlist Ice bildge of the seuson has foimed and nppenrs to bo very stiong and of per manent cliaiactcr, constantly Increas ing In ovtent. it Is duo to tho clog ging at tlio head of tho got go b.duw the falls, of tho gieat blocks of Ico that have passed down tho tlvcr and become choked at tho nauovv en tiniKtt to tho gieat canon. Sumo times this ic bridge oitcnda tlio dlstanco of nearly a mile from tho stetl arched bridge up past the fac of the American falls and tho pieelpltous lront of Goat Island, and attains 1 thickness of fiom fifty in hunt "1 feet. Lehigh Valley Directois Meet, fly r.tcludve Win from Iho ioelated Pre s New loilc, fin. i'i Ilia inv.'v iirfanlfd bond of cllieilnr of tho L1II.I1 Valli loid Iml 1 u'l firt nicitlii!,' tonay nt tin local headiij m of the cunipaii. Anion,- thoe pi c-i lit wu' I IbiKirs Mixvvrll and OhulrH ti rl, if .1 I' In lii fv Cj It waa cl eland mat only mm n iiuttm wne 10n.ldr1c.1l Hudson River Bridge Bill. Ily ruluve Wire Ir.m The 'oiiatul l'r-s W'ahliiKluli, .Kll. .' The home commilie oil leminerio today mud fivorabl) on tho bill ivtindlim- tho time fir bulldlni: the bridge acimj the Hudson river fioin New York city tu tho statu of Niw .lewey. Ten Business Houses Destroyed, Oy Kxcluslve Whs from The AMoc!atcd Pre. JacUon Ccntir, O, Jan. IP. -I'lro eaily tulay ilestro)Cd ten saiull bu.ini-m hoit-ei hue, in tiling a lois ol fC0,O00. SHIPPING BILL AT THE FRONT Senate Leaders Propose to Force an Earlu Issue of the Question. ' TURNER'S OBJECTIONS He tho BUI as a "Law less Piratical Raid on the Public Tieasury" Tho Only Colored Member of Congiesa Dellveia His Valedictory Mr. Flynn and Mr, Stephens in Debate. Ily 1'ultMlic Wire from Iho Aiociitul 1'rei-s. Washington. Jan. 2D. Senator Fryrf gave notice hi the senuto today that he Intended lo keep tho shipping bill to the fiont, not yielding t appropriation bills without the vottt of the senate. It Indicates a dis position on the part of tho senat' bstdi'iH to fotce on early Issue of the oiiestlon whether the shlplpng ltlll I" going In piss nl this session. Senator Tin rer. of Washington, spoke todav In s.veie arinlgnmint of thu bill, dcclni Itig II to he a. "lawless, pliatlcal tuM on the public treasttiy" In th? Inleiest ol u few private beneficiaries and com mitting the government to expendl t'liet aggregating JJTO.OOO.OilO. lleioto Hie session closed, the commute') amendments vet Informally agie-d t". The Indian apptopilatlon .bill pais'd early In the duy. Mr. White's Valedlctoiy. The house spent the day upon tho agricultural npptoprlatlon bill. It wni U'P'I at a vehlelu for the Intioduetloti of sevenl spieches. Mi. Thnyir, of Massac husctls, discussed the -hip subbldy bill: Mr. While of Not Hi rorollna, the colon d member, who goes out of congtess Mtiich I, d'dlveied his valedlctoiy, upon the general s-ibltit of the nspltutlons of ids lace, and Mi. Gaines, of Tennessee, discussed the limitations of the con stitution in connection with our Insu lar posses dons. Mr. Corliss, of Michi gan, made a vicious onslaught upon the buieuu of anlinal Industiy of tlm ngilcultuiat department, but his at Ptol: i.-ilsed a host of defenders and his amenlment to reduce tho npjuo p: latlim for tho bureau was ovet wlielnilngly deieattil. All that portion of the bill lelatln,: to the teoi sanitation of tho Hclentlllu bitteatts of the depait ment. wi nl out. on a point ot otdor i.ilscd by Mr. Mahon, of Pcnnsvlva nln. The earlier poitlon of the session was enlivened by .1 M'ljitel to tho exchange bctwem Mr. Fljnii, ot Oklahoma, nnd Ml. Stephens, ,,t Texas, jesteulay when the lie was nlmosL passed. Mr. .Stephens again denied and Mr Flvnn agnln lelteralcd his chaiges It, con nection with the pass ige of the bill to latllv tho Klowu and I'unmniieii" agieenittit pushed at tin liifr I session Indemnity Asked. The president today sent a up sigo tu congiesK renewing his leeunmiiti ilatlon of Kit session that longics make 'Riaelous piovlslou for Indem nity to the lamllles" of Hie two victims 01 the Tallulah, La , lynching. Jul -. lb!3, who were subjects of Ihe hall goveriiinent. Tho message Is m eom panled by a. repott miido hy the se -ictury of stat. In whlih he sajs: "On lepiesentatlons ma do of the nf falr by tho Italian ambassador at this capital, tho governor of Louisiana, at the leiiuest of the seciotuiy of stuto took piotnpt and active meiisutt.i with a view of bringing tin guilty p 11 ties lo lustli e. Tho matter has In en ihe subject of careful Investigation bv the fedetal government find has been In vestigated by thice successive grand Juries of tho parish of Madison, w'tli the UHiilt that no Indictment has b eu found nor other steps taken 1 exulting In the appiehetislon and punishment of tho guilty paitles and notwithstanding the cotdlal co-operation of the gov 1 1101 of the slate with the feditul gov ernment in order to bring them to justice, he tepoits that he is not pte I.iied to say what steps ftuther will b tnkon. ' COST OF MR. TOWNE'S SPEECH. Piacticnlly the United Stntes Tald S1.000 for the Filipino Address. P Inclusive Wire from The A-welatnl l'rcs Waslitiigton, Jan. 2. When Senator Chailcs A. Towne, of Mlnensota, ic tlted to private llfo yesterday, he had made a longer speech than W. J. liiyan over delivered, and had iccelved mine money for It. lie spoke 20,000 words on the subject of Philippine In dependence, and tho Fnlted Stute.i paid him 11,000 for It. Ho talked for thiee liouis and two minute?, then letlrrd. Tho speech was the only beivico Mr. Tow lie pit formed In the tcnato slnee he look- the seat, made vacant by the death of Hewilor Davis. Ills salary was S71.', his mileage S2SS. Thus ho leielved live cuius a woul, or $5.50 nilniite tor I1I3 clfoit. Newspaper Plant Destroyed, fly i:eluslvo WTro from the .violated Prcu: Iidlanapollt, Jan. CJ Tlie plant of the In. II111 polls sun, an evuiln; pipir, In Hast Ohio Hint, was nutted ij 1I10 toda Lou M.OOOj liiiiuanra $13,000. Tho type netting machine weio ruined but the pni.iB may bo repaired, Atraii';inifnts havo bet 11 made for the regular issued of the piptr. . .fr .... .t..f WEATHER FORECAST. Wulilndoi, Jan " I'oiecast for e3t ern I'enmjlvanla: l loullecM W'ednewlay; with ni'ius inbahli, noiilnavterl wlmU lirvh tu I fW. on tlie iojt; Tliurwlay, IliVVf, .t ttHttt tttttttts,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers