"v".7RV ljpWlipPjHHiiliJJliilll THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1!)0T. V -w1t Jf,' ' NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. ipceul lo the S ranton Tribune. Montrose, Jan. 23. "Cat" Keeney l elerklnj; tit the Tnrboll house. M. T. Jackson and wife nre octh dnngotously 111 at thrlr homo on Chut oh Btrect. Mrs. Jackson Is MUff-rlng from cancer ami her husband has tit upsy with serious complications. The county auditors haw concluded their duties and tho county Htntoment. to bo published this week, will show that all outstanding Indebtedness has been paid, except J1S.O0O of llallstead Orcat Bend briclKO bonds, which arc not yet due, and that a balanco or ii, 170.4S remains In the treasury. l'tetty Kood showing that. Tho annual mooting of the Montrose lire rtepattincnt will bo held on Friday evening, Teh. 15. The bpeclnl revival ten Ice at ho Hupttst church will be continued every evening this week. The pa?tor, ltev. H. K. Thomas, will bo assisted by nev. M. J. Wntklns. of JltillHteuil, and r.ev. Dr. Stephens, accretniy of the naptlst Kduc.itlonal society of Pennsylvania. Miss Nellie Kccna, clerk In tho offlca of ItCBlster and Kecorder Huffman, has been upending a few days with relatives In Susquehanna. rrofcjsor Henton K. James, ptlncl pul of the Montrose High school, and his corps of assistants, attended the meeting of the County Tcacners- nsso ctitlon hnld at Susquehanna, on Fil dny and Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. r.ariy Seailp entortaln eil sltv of their friends at a progress lie euchre patty given at their reid dence on Lake avenue on I'tlday even- iig. A Noble Outcast," by local talent, nt Village hall tomorrow night. It Is nuid tr be exceptionally flue. Benefit of building fund. Tickets ul McChim Umd's. The botough Democrats held rtut oubes on Saturday uv.;alng. In tho I'lrst until no candidates were nam-1! except for election offlccr. which weie: Kit Judge of electton, John H. O'Orl 'ii lncpector of election, Oiorgo 15. Smith. Scenn 1 ward Town council, dpoigp P. Little. It. M. Hotvlek; ns 'ossor, Oeorge H. Noll judge of elec tion, Aaton Arnold, 1'eter J. Uadeker. Thltd Mtird Pchool dlieclor, "W. ('. i'ruer Judge .lr-rllon, Oeorgo Hill: Hnspoctor ol election, S. J. Xortli up atbchor. Oi.on P. IJeehe; poor lirector. Chailcs Y. Crodhcad. The thltd o1iei v .ince of St. Paul's dn lib a p-irlsh annlvor&iry was held i- the congregation of St. Paul's Kpls .op.il chuioh on the ovo of that day. Thund:iy, Jan. 21. with an approprlats prayer-book s-ctvIoc". lie ports fiom he various societies wore given by tho ofllceiH, and at the adjournment a" no dal hoili was n ent in the rhapel, where refreshments 'iiu M-rvod by the ladles Tho parish Is 'n n flourlsli 'iiR condition. BRADFORD COUNTY. eclal lo tbc s-cranton Tilbui.c Towanda, Jan. SS. It has been 10 poited that new tates of local faro will jo Into effect on tho Lehigh Valley net Friday. Chailes Y llcllly. of PUthton. lmi been seemed to tako charge of the doling Men's Chilsllnu association. P.cv. Whali'i), of Cailiowlnlo, will give a lectuie on "Irish Wit," at the Methodist church In Sayro. on Wed nesday evening. Tho Baptists ot Suyre have extended pa.toi.ue call to P.ev. J. W. lllng hum, of Spenct-r. Mr. and Mrs. "Walter Case, of Troy, expect to move to Seattle, Washing ton. Deputy llrlsES, of Klmh.i, Installed Hie following oflleois of the L. C. C. V , at Sayrc, on Thursday evening: Piesldent. Mts. ICIIuboth Wright; vice piesiclentF, Mis. Knthoriiip Vail, Mrs. Jennie Iiinimond; financial weeretary, Miss Anna Palmer, recording Fccte taiy, Mrs. Marj Sheahnn: tieasurer, Mis'. Sarah Palmei , assistant recorder, Mrs. i:i!en O'Nell; guard, Mis. Kuth erlno Champion, marshal, Mts. O. AVhonlmit; delegates to National eon xontlon In Michigan, Mrs. Maty Car iol and Mis. Mary Sheahan. V marriage, which occuired at Che mung la&t July, has Just been an nounced, In "which Kay Lainout and Mlsb Susie Drake, of Lltchliold, this tounty, were tho contiactlng narties. The bride, who in nineteen years old, lias been attending a school lately at Uhens, while her husband, aged sev enteen, was a stuednt at Klmlra It Is .stated the hufband wrote his mother to lnfoim tho bible's rarents ot the subject "Fools," wilt be both Instruct ive and amusing. Colonel and Mrs. Coo Durland leave today (Tuesday) for Palm Bench, Florida, where they expect to spend the remainder of the winter. Tho Republican borough caucus, on Saturday evening, nominated tho fol lowing ticket: Town council, Martin Cnnflcld, nmanuel Fi&man, school directors, A. T. Senrls.Frcderlcl: Krolt nor: assessor, C. F. Rockwell: Judgo of election, W. H. Leo: auditor, W. J. Ward; Inspector ot election, Jefferson Freeman. Tho Democrat borough caucus wilt bo held In tho town hall on Tuesday evening. Mrs. CI. C. Tollman Is making a two weeks' visit In Hcianton and Wilkes-Barre. Tho number of paupers In tho Hones dale and Texas poor Iioubo rtt tho close of 1900 was 12; $t,5SG..1i) was paid for keeping lnnnr at hospitals, and tlie to tal cxpondltuios for the year was $5,1 MM. i. . -..- FACTORYVILLE. ppfclal Ij the Scranlon Tribunf I'actoryvllle, Jan. US. Mis. I.ella Robinson Is again voty 111, and but very llttlo hopes of hor ic-covcry at.s entertained. The degree start of Paulowna Re- bekah lodge will meet this owning for oVent, and to be present upon their appearance at the bride's home. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hyman have moved to Minneapolis, where Uio gentleman Is engaged In the clothing manufac turing business. Tho Republican county committee will hold a meeting at Towanda, Feb ruary 6, for tho purpobo of revising tho present rules of the party. Mrs. J. A. Scouten Is Visiting In Now Yoik. Now rails, weighing thltty pounds to tho foot, will be laid on this division of the Lehigh Valley. Paul Corcoran, ot New Albany, and V Illlam Putnam, studonts ot the Sua quohunnn Collegiate Institute, Fay the Reporter-Journal, believe that they nro on tho track of Pat Crowe, tho kid napper of young Cudnhy at Omaha, and for whom a reward of $73,000 has been offered. Corcoran scrnped up an acquaintance with a man at Rcrnlca on Monday, and whllo talking with beard and also a v-lg, with an opening rohearwil. and a good attendance Is re- PECIAL DISEASES OF MEN! IS MY SFECIiLlLXY. i Do Not Treat All Dis eases but Cure All I Treat. fl HHt t HIHKt 4 t-f near the roots of the hair showing tho "haved head underneath. Corcoran was Immediately seized with tho pie sentiment that the man with tho mask was Pat Crowe, and, led by tho seduc tive hopes of securing a slice of tho $75,000 reward, Induced William Put nam to forsake tho paths of education for tho nonco and souk gold and fame capturing Ciowe. The two umateur de tectives started out on Tuesday and have since been scouring tho woods near Rernlce. The lcsults of their chase have not yet been tnadu known, but they aro confident they nre on tho right track and propose to beat It for nil It's worth. Tho Park hotel Iran liecn leaivd to O. I,. Tubbs, of Canlsleo. Lesllo Phillips, of Orwell, won ono ot tho Detroit Press' prizes for Kuesslng on thp population of this county. W. Wustfall, n Sayre poultry fancier, captured ten pilzes on somo of his I fowls at tho late poultry show held at j Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Clarl: Wilson, the evan gelists, of Coudcn sport, arc visiting relatives here, where they own orop erty. Samuel JJ. Evans, collector of the Prudential Insurance company, com mitted suicide at Waverly on Friday by shooting himself. Ho was twenty eight years old, and leaves a widow and two small children. SUSQUEHANNA. 1L MmWm The old proverb: "To bo at peace prepare for war," is the secret of the larger part of life's wiccesses, whether of nations or individuals. The difference between the healthy, happy mother who has healthy children to nurse and nourish, and the weak, nervous mother, with a weakling child, is mostly a difference of preparation. T''e great prcnimthc for motherhood is i .. Pierce's Kiorite Prescription. It tranqullizes the ncres, encourages the appetite and induces refreshing sleep. It gives the mother strength to give her child. It imparts elasticity and s'trength to the organs of maternity so that the baby's advent is practically painless. "I take pleasure In writing on to let ou know ghout j our ' Pa orlte Prescription,' " ay Mr. 1. J!. I'ricke, of Petersburg, Monard Co.. Ill , Ilox 367. "My wife had been ilck nearly all uer life, and after trjlug everytliliic I could tliluk of I made up my mind to try ' Favorite Prcecription.' I ent to Chicago au4 got nix bottles, which my wife took, a tablesuoonful three times n day, until the baby came, bhe felt better after taking the first bottle and when baby xvas born he weighed nine aud a half ponudj. To day he i U months old and weight twenty-vwo pounds, lte is as good a child as any out could wish, The doctor says he is as healthy as any baby could tie, and also the doctor sajs jour favorite Prescription was the cause of such n healthy baby, I felt I owed you this much for the good you did rut wife and myself. 1 hope vou will mention this toothers who may be fu need of such help, and you may refer them to me, as I would be glad to tell of the good of such a valuable medicine." Dr, Tierce's Ccnmon Sense Medical fVdviser, in paper lovers, is sent free on receipt of sr one -cent $tamm to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V, Pierce, Jlnfljlo, N Y Snuil to the Fcrinton Tribune .Susquehanna, Jan. 28. Since the vlr--tusil dlschargo of the striking E1I0 bollcrmakets on l-'rlday last, there has been no now developments In tho fctilke situation. No bollermakers linve, as yet, arrived here from other places. Then, ure plenty ot rumors, but there Is no excitement. Rluhard J. McCarthy, of Susque hanna, has been appointed foreman of tho Ene boiler shops In Hornellsvllle. Prof. Pierce, of Ulnghamton. this evening held a pleasant Foclal hop In Ilogan opera house. The Dorcas society of tho Presby terian church will hold a "sock social," Wednesday evening, Februaiy 13, in tho church parlors. Dr. Setli Miller Is ill with grip, at his home in Lanesboro. Tho Brldgewnter Ilaptlst association will meet at New Mllfoid, February 4. Pilntlng the portraits of tho local clergy in the newspapers hereabouts has become quite a fad. Tho fad has, at least, ono thing to commend It It gives certain people, who never bee a preacher in his pulpit, an opportunity to gave upon his handsome and Intel lectual features, In print, and the ef fect cannot be harmful. In the lurid language of tho enthusiast, "Lot the good work go on!" Keian Moiau, an old and highly ro M'ucled resident, for bcveral years past employed as nn Erie shop foreman, died at IiIh homo on Jackson street on Sunday evening, following an opera tion for appendicitis. Ho Is survived by the widow and six children. Tho funeial will take place on Wednesday morning from St. John's Catholic church. Requiem high mass will bo celebrated, and tho remains will be in toned In Laurel Hill cemetery. Rev. Edvvuid E. Rcllly, lato pastor of tho Presbyterian church at Mansfield, Pa yesterday assumed the pastoratp of the rirst Presbyterian church In Susquehanna, preaching two nblo ser mons to largo congregations. Tho 1 ov j fiend gentleman will be warmly wel comed to the community. I In tho year 1900, 272 marriage licenses were granted In Susquehanna county. It was a record-breaker, 3S moio 1 licenses being granted than In any ono year since tno law went into errect. Keran Momn, a student In Niagara unlveislty, Is at home, called hero by tho death of his father. K. J. Matthews, of this plaee, Is pre paring to open branch marble works on Floral avenue, Blnghnmton. Tho annual meeting of the Susque hanna County Teachers' association, held In Susquehanna on Saturday, was well attended and a success In every respect. Ablo addi esses were delivered by a number of clergymen and teach- CIS. The Susquehanna Jlaennerchor will hold a ball In Its Oakland side music hall on Tuesday evening. Tho funeral of the Infant son of Mr. and Mis. Arthur Fiench, of Brandt, took place from tho home on Satur day aftemoon, Rev. "W. II. Watklns ofllclatlng. Tho Interment was made In Brandt cemetery. Rev. P. R. Tower, of Thomson, ably occupied the pulpit of the Avenue MethodUt church on Sunday morning nnd evening, and will assist In the re vival meetings during tho greater por tion of the week. Revival services will continue In tho Oakland Congregational church during the present week, closing on Friday evening. Miss Mabel Evans entertained tho Thimble club on Saturday afternoon. Miss Minnie Van Nostrand Is tho guest of Poughkoepslo relatives. Miss Lizzie Dorr, of HoniellsvUle, Is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. Rocka feller. Dr. "William Ilnekett, recently of Susquehanna, has opened n dental ofllce at Los Angeles, California. quested Quite a largo number ot our towns people nio In attendance nt cotut this week. N. A. Qatdncr and Frank Gardner, of this place, aro doing jury duty this week. "William Pelcher, ono of titc oiuest residents of Clinton township, died nt tho home of his son-in-law, J. K. XIv rlzig last Saturday morning, at tho age ot nearly SI yeais. Durln? his younger days he was n prominent xohool teacher thtough this country. In 1S3S ho man led Miss Mary Ann Carr. who Is now S2 yeais of age, and still survives him. TI1I3 couple has not only lived lo an cxtiemely old tine, but have lived to enjoy a icmarkably celebrated slxty-thieo wedding anni versaries. Tho funeral will bo con ducted this afternoon fiom tho resi dence nt 2 o'clock. Interment In the Old Depot cemeter. Tho following ticket was nominated at tho Republican caucus held lust Saturday afternoon. Burgess, E. L. Watklns; Justice of the pene, John Read: councilman, in. J. P. Coult, Ferdinand St. Ainnnd, A. J. Oardn. r nnd Byron Carpenter: high constublo, John Ellenborgor, ns"c?or, M. V. Townsend; auditor, Dolmar Llndley. Judgo of election, W. W. Bard; In spector ot election, John V. Walter; poor muster. Solomon Tinner. The fourth annual teunlon and roll call ot tho Methodist Episcopal church of this place will bo held next Ftlday, Feb. 1, 1D01. morning, ulteinoon nnd evening. Tho follow Inr programme will be given At tO.20 n. in., address by Rev. Dr. O. L. Sevctson, ot Pitts- ton, a former pastor, foilowett oy rou cnM; at 12.30 dinner will be served to till for Uj cents; at 2 p. tn , roll call continued and addresses, at CM, sup per tor 25 cents, which ticket also ad mits to concert nnd enteitnlmnent in evening; ut 7.30, enfrtalnment. Mlsi Julia E. Ciuser, of Montrose, has been engag"d. Mlsr Ciuser is an elocution ist of no small reputation, and during tho eenlng sho will take a rromlnent patt in 'the programme. A largo number of our citizens are suffering with the grip, nnd our physi cians aie kept busy night and day. I nude up m.T mind won after trrajiijllnj from college that no man was (treat enough to nuitcr the cntltc fuld of mcdiclnu nnd turifery. Jlany plijiilelarui have tttcd to do this Lut tiny hate met wllh reMilts usually disappointing to them.itted and often dii anrctu to tlulr patients, for IUU kj.ju 1 determined early in my professional nicer to confine my practice to a single line of di .ne und to orl&lnatlnff ind perfecting cures for them. I have toJaj a SYSTI'lt OP TKKAIMUNT wlilcli I have originated and developed after my vvholo llto's experience in treitlng ef special disease of Men, It Is luscd on Klen tlflc Knowledge, and never fails. 1 want ocry alilicted man to fully and fridy Investigate my fjvttni of treatment. You arc particular ly Invited if joti luvo trcaU-d clscwhero v.ithout mucins, I v.ill ctplalii to joti why j 011 have not beili cured and demonstrate to jour entire satisfaction how 1 can cure juu ntfely nnd permanently. 1 treat eath cu-m (pirate and scientifically, closely watching It and cart fully follovvlni: Its symptom with varied renutliui thiouh every stuuo und will stake my nputatlon on tie result. Iliu ditease, that cunstltulc my specialty urc more fully commented upon below and am well worth the cateful puiwal of all In need ot medical attention. 4- 4 4- - IR.7 f 4- 4- f 4- 4- 4- 4 4- 4 4. 4- 4- 4- 4- 4 4 1 Treat Men Only and Cure Them to Stay Cured. 4- 4- 4lf HHHH4f HHH Nothing but Curable Cases Will Be Accepted STRICTURE- ft nutlets not how lomr vou have t-ufturd fi "in ttrirture, nor ho.v many tllffcnnt doctou hive dMni'poinUd oi, vvc vvlll cure ou ju.t av ui' talnly ai ou come t. ui fr treatment. Wc uill not do It lv (iittiiii; vr ililatin.-. Our ARICOCELU Is an ciiUrpiment ot the Scrotoe uinv. Whatever may Iv Its caiuc It's Injuiloiu if. focti aro too well ktiomi tor me to com ment tm. buttle e to t.iy that It u(ircs.i the mind, ucikun the bod', racks tlif tier vous t.ivtein, and ultlmatdv kail. lo a com- phto lo.d of all povvtr. Uy my S,TrM ireotmeiit li new. entlrclv origin u wjth, tu" or TltUATMKNT joti are tparcd tho lisld tiul inifectly pojnliw. It completely dltiOlvoa snd sufftrlrgi Incident to tho old time cut-1 ll- stricture and pormvnntly ninovnt eveiy tlnj op.ratien with the Inlfe. Under my nbttructlon frcta the paiuee. It stopj ovcty treatmeut the patient improves fiom tho be- 1 m.natural dischari;-. uHjv-i all inflariunttloii, Eltmlnff, All pain Instantly cea.., donness ledimi the prostrate glatid when ttilarjjcl. deanM. and nciu tl.o bnuuer and l.iancjs wun irritated or iuni;ted, inviKOrutes the org in), and retorii health ami roundniM to every patt of the bcxU alTecttd hy tho dlvate. and sncllitiK qulcl.ly fiuUddc, the pooH of ctcginnt blood arc foui-d from the dilated veins uLlch rapidl.v resume their normal size, strmgth t.ml soundness and with it tlitf pride, tie power and the pleasures of rfcet htalth BLADDUR AND KIDNEY trouble arp alwiys caused by In3ammalIonv evtendlng from the surrounding" ixvrts, the svinptomi of which jou can spprccJata bet ter tbxn I can derribe If jou liavo an of the conditions call on 1110 and let ine e plain to you my method, of diK)slns of them. I hive effected cures in t! ju'jndi ut cases-, and a cure awaits iu PROSTATIC TROUBLES o matter of how lonff standing I will ncp tin m by nit 1111 ilin.l of tu.iliiM.nl ASSOCIATE DISEASES In iminir an nllment ot nnv kind we never fall tn remove all relle loniplleitlom or ,! ciate diseaie. If the ca It Varicocele the wi nh ncss caused bt It dlvipiwars. If It h stricture and luw developed Into l'rostrstie, Ilhddcr u hidney atf,'Ctloti, the Injured organs am all u stored to a perfectly hcilthful condition. If it U Contali.u, I Ho. id l'oWoi), nn and all bkln, Wood and Uonc Diseases ariiiif hum tie taint mo intlnly and permanently eliminated lrom the sjstcm. If it In vvcakties, the many ditin. In rjmptonu following In lu Iraln and Indi cating a nreuuturo drclinu ut phs!cal ard m:n tul power aro totally removed and rapidly re phced br the vouthful energy of robust mm. hood Hence nil rE,ultin His and reflex cum plication?, which may be properly termed a,. sociate delicti, and whlcli, In fart, are often mole faiou, than th original uiliutnt tlut glies rise to theui all, we sav, dipappeur completely arm forever with tne cure of the nnln malauj. SPECIFIC BLOOD POlSONINd On account ot Its frightful hldesueuM cb tsgloat blood (oUou Is commonly cslle4 tht king of all diseases. It may be either hsttd. Itary or contracted. One tlu, ustcm li tainted lt)i It, llie dlseiM may msnltut Itself In the form ( tcrofuls, tczeins, thcumallo pains, stilt or r.rollen Joint, frui tions or copper-colored spots en floe or hod;-, Utile ulcers in tl.c moutli or on tht tongue, sola throat, swollen tousllj. tilling out of the hair or evebro,, and finally a leprous-like decay ol the ficsti and bone. If vou have anv of tt.(e or similar symptoirus j oil urn cordially Invited to consult vu Im. mrdlatil). If vvv find your (sara aro mv- founded wc 'ft 111 tell ou w frankly ami re lieve jour mind. Put If Jour constitution Js Infected with vims we will tell yvi si frankly, mid show .vou how to ret rid ot It. Our special treatment for conts1eis blood polvon Is practically the result ot sur life vvoik, and h Indoncd by the best physicians e( American and Europe. It centtlia no dmscrouj drugs or Injurious medicines ot any kind. It go.t to tho very bottom of tho dlscftM and force put evtiy particle of In purity. Sewn cmy sign and symptom ot blood pfiLon disappear icmalttely and for ever. Tlie blood, the tluc, the eh, the tmnii and Iha whole system sre clesd, purified and restorrd to prtlcct health and tho patient piepsud anevr for tht duties and pleafiins of life RHBUMATlSfl Aintr and thronlc In nil lc frtni,, cntan;el snd ftllUiud joinlii, muficiilar rheunuiUsm. lumbago, sciatica, hv my SYSTIlU OK Tlin.V'ninxr ,ho flgni, of imprvem'iit ot onee and In a very nort time sre p manentlr cured WRITE If juu cannot t all. sll cormpondeuc strictly umtlJentUl and all replies sent In plain 'envel pe. Incloe '! rent stamp to Injure leply ULCERS 1 uur not of what natuie or of how long stand ing, a. my sjntim ol treatment is e-ipi-ctallr adapted for tho treatment of the name inamnwli b they -iro dried up at once. RECTAL TROUBLES And all .ivcllltw, tcnderr.es and iinpediiutias I Buttl a, Ii1es. risures, Tl.tula nnd all growths n moved I cured without the aid of a knife HYDROCELE Consultation and Advice Free. OFFICE HOURS) 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 4 P.M. IHTTSTON. .spixial to mi- sranton Tribune Plttston, Jan. S. Oeorge hely wis stilckon with paralyah whllo at woik nt the Coxton yard this nfternoon. lie was removed to his home? In tho city ambulance, nnd la In a had condition. Tho little two-year-old child ot .Mr. nnd Mrs. Chailcs llnle, Uio former. Wcdl-known tea agent of this place, tnetvlth a painful accident at the fam ily residence this morning It was washdav at the Hula home, and the llttlo child was playing about the washing mnchlne Mrc. Hale was uslnff. Fhe Innocently, nnd in the temporal y nzie's Medical and Surgical Offices PERMANENTLY LOCATED. Rooms 208, 209, 210 Pauli Building, 426-428 Spruce Street, SCRANTON, P." I TAKE ELCVATOR) MVianmrxmmWwm'!i j Iron vvhUh It tales its name. It Is n. dmr.ii ot llio froiilii-r aimv io and mislit liavc been hid an)vhcns in the (.icat vvcat with as aood effect aa on Henry Canh' ntiih in Anroia. Ihu action of the plaj revolvcv almost entirely riound tho incmbcr-j of Canhj'-t hou-thold and the ofllcc-in of the l.leventh United btatca cav alry, Canhj'4 daughter being ihe wife of l,l end Conhain, of the cav-ilr, 'Ih diama vai fplendidly preccttcd Il.t nlj'it hy a company that was much kiipeiior to tlio hui.i'c ori;.iuized for road purpose, rharli-i W. hloltrs via; admliable on tho rouch and reidy laid, cmncr and William T. l.'lltton looked ard acted the role of the cavalry colout-1 In a fajlt. ic.j iiuiiuer. svunoy Aiii.iworth won iv aucli- absence of the mother, withdrew the ,.rCLl ,,y hu nanly portrnjal of the iole of Lieu buiiR from the tub and tho hot, bolllnff urmt Denton nnd l)un,tln Kmr.um wai ciitil- water KUnhcd foith. The little child jcicntly vilhiirioui ns Captain llodmmn to arouvj a proper fcilitn; of lo-itllitv on Ihe part ol th; .uulienee alls? ri.-ie KmiioiiJ po a sweet and sji.iutl otic iuipeoonation of the role of Uonlta C why, who Is In love with Lieutenant lien was badly scalded ubout tho right side of the body. Kecent, deaths here: Dennli Tlffiie, of Kllsabcth sticet; Mrs. Mary Mc Donnell, ot Upper Plttston: Mrs. Will iam Loufihiey, of Inkerman; John ltoche, of Inkerman: P. P. Smalley, of AVet Plttston. Father Kugene Qarrcy read tho nn nuul report of the afftilis of the St, John's 1 toman Catholic church at the two last mnsses yesterday. The ie celpts uero $12,120.45i expenditures. $", 02.1.29: balance In treasury, $3,'97.00. Judge Halbey tn court today Handed n.tlthd "A Dmghter of for-lco." The Louq down nn opinion disponing of the Dll- I WJ3 crowded to tho doors and many were elad llonls-Corcorun Injunction case. Vln- lor the dance -ven to stand. Mr. lloefihr hai cent It. DllltontB Is tho ex-Catholic , EfJ'n Wether a company of pl.jtrs tionB .11 prlc-Ht who has been attempting to hold , nU.. l J meetinga unions inc. i,uIiumli !, i.nudioine. and ww shown 10 adv.inwj.-e by tin THE MARKETS. Wall Street Eeview. Ncu olL, Jan. 23. 11,0 huge piopoiliuii ef the dealings in St. I'aul made it the dominant fietor In today's market. Its tntlunco w-) marked on a urj few ftneks mostly neail at llliatcd with It and the general lUt ihovvcd n draxKltn; tendency both 011 tho upward and the downward courx". Tic violent nnd erratic move menu In St. I'aul kept the market confused and unsettled fur tne greater port cf the da) Tlicru were considerable Kalna estahllhed dur inif tho cirly dcalliiKS and later In the da) priced fell con.Iilcrably belov Mturdaj's level, bit the net cham,-is aie foi the moit put mill Did soni" gains arc mixed with the prepondctant loioti. .St. I'aul was at one time ncrly three points above Saturday and at another tiim over two points belo.v and clewed the dvy with a net lines of l'.l on sales of L.'2.0u0 fhaicj. Tho tlijtcfti tliti momlnt; put cue btaUinenW in ureat COll.V Ha) ... U 44?, U. AiVcd. 4a tm MIh Fniilr StuM.i vli-a (Vi Ilia (.ictillr , "Jii w ." vwuiii.cic.i .,.u, ,v ,uc i.a,i..tv, v. "' ,. :mVtur.. l. . ;. .... : ii'?, '. ,' ' M. I'aul stock In exclumac fur bon.U ot the (licit Drur) and Tied V. Stions were other members of tli4 compjnv who alio smlained Impirtunt mice. "A Daughter of Corsica." 'Ihe Jack Ihvffk-r company opened thcli uvo wceki' cntragement at the Acidemy of Muslu lai-t cvcnlnj. Tor the Initial pvriormance a beautiful roniMitlo comedy drama was presented but has been prevented by Mayor Thomas J. Corcoran, on tho prrouud, tho mayor contended, that mutants' speeches would Incite tho unfriendly Lithuanians to ilot. DlUIonls applied to tho coutt for nn Injunction to re httaln tho maor from interfering with his meetings and to give htm police piotecttan. The judge, In his opinion, denim tho Injunction on the ground that the case Is not within tho Juris diction of tho equity court, und that DlUIonls' only tccourso would be to bring FUlt apalnst tho mayor. DlUIonls mado another attempt to conduct a meeting last evening, but tho mayor again prevented It, although adopting a different course. DlUIonls himself was allowed the privilege of entering the hall. No one eluo would bo ad mitted except the Janitor. After wait ing a half hour for nn audience, and not caring to Hpeak to tht Janitor alone, DlUIonls decided to postpone tho meeting. XXXXOOOcXOOOOOC- 0 $ 0 rr,nrr,.n 0 I incAIKILAL. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HONESPALE. Special to the Scranton Tribune, lloticsilale, Jan. 28. nev. Dr. IIen?on, who lectures on Wednesday evening In the opera Iiouho, under the auspices of tho Christian Kndeavor society, has n wide reputation n a tacttirer His ATTRACTIONS TODAY. .C'.I)i:v! OV MUSIC-Jack lfoofdcr company, Night "Arizona." Those who saw Auputiu Tliouus t liu.i pliv, "Ariiona," at tlu l.)ccum last nlht, under tard why It has been 01,0 of the dbtinct sue ccwes of the srskon. It Is a story of the lives of real flesh and blood pccple with tlulr vhmU. nrfcses and tlulr hcroUms, their latreds and tho virtue that Is the oppoelto woven Into t dra. niatlo mosalo that never lairs or lo'cs Interest. It lias been said of "Arizona" that It U ultra melodramatic In spots hut the ultra melo ilraniatlrisms aie always led up to with a cUIll that is admlmhli, "V.rlmW has little tn do with the stale u-e of olcetrlo cilclum lights. Ihe coitumlnt; as thniouhl) in keeping; Willi Ihe play. 'Iha pctlallirt Introduced am exceptionally stionu .ind plri sin;. Cliff Tarrell, the mimical intnedlan. Is 11 ilovcr entertained and don his act In a finely flnUhol manner. Dr. Mollis and Nulora, the jutiKler,, veil known in this city, appeared airaln list cvenlue Willi tho oi,aiil.itioii and atuln pio.ctl the fatf Unit they can Jussle nn.vtlilno- lrom .1 tuokplck to a ciniion ball with much eaui and giacc und that Ihey urc s cood as th belt, llruie liielurdjon, the co-nediaii of tlo com tuny, had tlie siidlrnce in ronvul.lons mot of the lime Ills slnslns and il.mdn criated inueh apphuirf. Thli ,ifteiini "A DauidiUr of Uorklca" A be repealed, ne7 speeialtics belli; intnduced between .ut Tonlsht Joseph I). CHlmn's own pla) "11 r Uanrh Kins," will bo piuduccd "Eight Bella." Lovers of mude, pantomime and icu.lc iffects will havo a treat In tho iroduetiou of 'TJijlit Hells," which will bo at the L)ceum next Wed nesday iilslit. TI1I1 speeu, of cnteitalnmcnt, rsiclall the trick propeity part of It, has an abldlns hold upon the theaters-tcoers of hliih und low drirrcc, '' lu,'P' ,0 I'roi' 'lie aeertlon that wo are all children when the appioprlate moment c 011114 round, "Klght UilU" In its rejuvenated latc li one of the funnlct works uf Its claa, and, haiilny the llKht tendency to ffivc tho eusecptlble fpcctitor tin attack of sealcknc,, is thorouk'hly enjoj. able. The n)ino llrolheis air wondcifully nglla nnJ clever pintomlmUti. John 1'. lljrno Is the in ventor of the mechanical fHicts, which are truly mnrvcloiv, and ho Is also tho author of the lines, All of the brothers are agile acrubats that would d.) credit to any clruu. It is not hard to con etivo that such people nSMclatid together could kfep thlmrs quite lively, nnd that Is Just what they do. Seats are now 011 talc. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syiup Ilns been used for over FlITT VKAIH bv MILLIONS of MOntCUS for their Cllll.limiV W1111.K Ti:r.THIM1. with lT.lll'hCT 6l'C riiss, I Northern and Nortliern Pacific. It wis further announced that the plan would bo officially pub Milled todav. Up to the close cf bualtUM the promised plan hid not loin published, und this w.is all the news of the day beirint; on tlie ktock. 'the 1st. I'aul movement was supplemented by n mon rb-o in Kansas and Texas end in Man hattan. The Urst in insularity cf the nirikct w.a uiwd by weakness in the be I'aul in aIiicIi the cpinlnir trains had leen moderate. Totil fain, l,uiH),7eO tharc. Uuslnesa In rilli-oid bonds con tlnucsl larire and prices adianccd In the eaily tleallcit but jlsldcnl in sympuhy v.lth ktocks lutil Fale, par value, lf:3,iT0,lXW. rnltol btates bonds were all unchanged on the la.t rill. Tti following; quotation are furnished His Inlnuo by M. S. Jordan (i To., rooms "y5-7W Hears building;, Scranton, Pa. Telephone WW..'! open- nun- low. ctos inn. e-st. int. Ameilcan buar lbj UJ?t lvtls American Tobacco ....lit1! IKK. 1111! Am. S. li V a ii 3i,i Attli, To. i: S. To .... iWt .... - .... "ns .... i .... 43 .... W'i .... nu ...,itt VMi IV, 17", 1131!. 155 IS1-", lCSli l.-J 1'Ji, UHs llolmvaio A. lluiUoii ....152Vj li) nl Lackawanna 1 Hil5 l'" federal .teel IT! 11? n"t f'edci-ul Steel, Pr TU'i U TdU Kan. 4: 'lex. I'r tM'i M W'i Louis. & Nash b7 tsi &7"i A.. T . S. v.. I'r l!r.mkl)n Traction llalc. & Ohio ..... ( ont. Tcbacca ... ( lies. K Ohio ..... hie. fc tl. W ... I hie, I) & Q .... St. Paul , lloek tland I5'n 7'1 It's S't 1T4 11.1 im, IIP, 1111.: II M b7n u:, 3) 173i lit 151; lil HJ'a u 70li W4 oV't Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. nid rirst Natioral Uanl. liO) Scrantcn avlnf-s Hank 00 'third National Usnk ,- '1, ntme Denonlt and Uiscount Bank.. 2JJ Lconom) Llcht, H. i. 1'. Co. Lacka. Truit safe Depoait Co Clark 4: Snovei- Co., I'r. Scranton Iron I enco S Jllff. 1.0. ... Scranton Axle Works Lacka-umu Dairy Co . i'r. ...... I'ountv "-mimm Hank A: Itu't Co.. First National Pank (Carboudale).. Standard Drllllm; Co. 'traders' National Hank Scranton Holt and Nut Co 1JONPS. Scranton Passenger Hallway, fir-t Mortcase, due 1W0 People's btuit Killnay, flrst mort- Kae, due 1913 People's Street Hallway, i.enerai mortgaire, duo 1021 .. 115 Dickson Manufacturlns Co, 1W Ui 100 . . )5 20 ni.0 300 JO 115 1115 115 115 LacU. Tovvnh!p SelyDol S per cent 100 101 low, MYic: No. 2 oats, UKzZl'e.; K. I vrtilte, 27Ja2Sc.; No. :j i.hite, M7,xJ7ui No. I rye, 52c: No. 1 Max. and northvvvst, 1.T2: tlmothr, Sine; pork. 13.9eall; Urd, 7.40; rigs. (KK 7.15; dhoulders, citoO'.sc; nidiJ, sj7.J5a7.3i; whiskey, :1.27. Chicago Live Stock Mnrket. Chicsgo, Jsn. is. Cattle needpta, 11.000; choice, steady; othci, s'uw to 10c lower; cows and hcifoM, stotdy to itronj; for rckkI to ihoirr, vultum and canneis, ISaJic. lower; Texans steady; good to prime steel, J5.10a, poor in medium, V.tOaS; stoekeni and fi-edere, stfad), $v'al.50, cons, (2.l5al.lO; luifers, i70al To, canners, l.'iOaJ.Co; bulls, .'.70UfO; elites, U 5.75; Teias fed steeH, iBU4 10; Texas grasn steers, $.;.53al; Texas bulls, i5tU3.75. IIoks llereint, tcdi), a5,000; tomoirow, .V.OiiOi left over l.Oun; average hadi lilchir; top, i5.v'.; mixed ind butchers, S.10al.35; jeod to choleo heavy, jv.20 a5.!'5; lunch hcav), 4xk,515; Unlit, i.'.10v SO; bulk of svles, J L'ja5.30. Slievl lttCflpts, JO.OOC; hccp and lambs, hnn; Kccxl to choice svethrts, K.7J3L55; fair to choice inlve-l, W.50sfl85; west. cm (diee-p, b.).75il,.'.0; Tea. idiep, ifiBOaS JO; native lsinhs. tijjxl.fiO; westeni lambs, WaS 50. ltr, 101 Minhattan f.Io lin1, USi; IHA, lKt Met. Traction Co IK!". ln 31lsourl Paclflo S1'4 Sd'g Pioplc's On trt'.i 10O Southern Pacillo il'i I'i'.i Voifoll. fc Western .... Wi Ul'i Vnrt 1. Tae fie 8 '1 S--.V; ..... North. PaclOe, Pr . N. Y. Tentral .... Ont. k West lVnn.1. It. II Piulflo Mall Iteidini; ItcaUlntr. Pr ... Southern It. It Soutlwrn 11. It, I'r Tmn. (' A. lion .. II. P. Leader f. S. Unthei, Tr .. I!, s Uulihir l'nlon I'.ieltlo I'nlon Pacific, Pr ,. Walash, I'r ..,,..,. Wctern Union ,.,.. Third Annuo . bTi .112', . rav, .U5Ti . It's . Ji ,. 714 . 20V . 71.. . 571 ,. ltiMi ,. 7l, ,. '.o'a ,. N.'! ,. Ctrt .. Ess. 1. " ,.1J1 'i S7j 14 ;uii 110 17 IJ4 7l' so1; 7li 57V SI'i 121 101 f.ti -11 r sou iti .li nt SVj t li", su.i; v.,5, 111 nn nv; uv, City of Scranton bt. Imp. 0 per cent. Scranton Traction 0 per cent Scranton Wholesale Market. (Conccted by II. O. Uale. 27 Lackawanna Ave ) Putter rtcamery, iiiCic Kpirs Select western, ili.vJU'C.; nearby slate, 23a2JVsC. Cheeiie full cream, new, UaU'jc. llcans Per bu. choice nurrovr, H U Onions 1.00 per bu. flour-Ccst patent, H W. Dairy lluttei lOaJOc. tlics.li Peas 1 toal 15. Pea Beam -cl.i5a2.W Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Philadelphia, Jin. I. Wheat-"ic. lower: eon. tract GraiU Januaiy, 7Ca70c. Coin 1st. Io.-r; No. 2 miiid Januarv, 43aflVaC. Oali- stead) ; No. 2 while clipped, 3JV-C flour firm but uulet llultei- siesd) ; faiuv weKtiin citanvit, t'J'-r ; do. prints, 2Jc. f;us l'lim; fieh ti " b). 21c; Oo. wcitern, 21c. i do. southwestern, 2K.J do. toulhein, 20e. Clieise Mead , Nc v oik full creams fun. y Fnnll, IIS tU'c : do. iIj. tlo. lair to cholc?, lO'iall'.c. Iirhned Mmnii fr ch.in-cd. Ciittoli 1 Inn and ',.e. hlgler, inlddllii; uplands, p." 4c. TjIIov. Lnchanned city prime, in liorshtada, Be.; tlir'e. 5c- , couu tr)', pilme, In baircls, 'USt'-; cakes, 5'.c l.ne I'xUtll) (JUKI IHIC htt'lU); tonis, V'av-Sv. w, la qualiti ; eld looncr", o,(ii7e.: ehiilei.i1, f'.a ldo. ; ducks, llalU.c ; '.ec-se, Oalle ; tuiVe; . KilOc Dieted I'ouiliv-Ciiclii.nged; Jowl', choice, Wl. do. fill 10 Rood, b'ia'd-.; old roosters, ila"c ; ticnb) rhtikiw, IO1121'.; wont em do., Oalle ; tmltejs, clinlcc to fare), Hi We. ; iluckf, llalo. UeeelpU-1 lour, J.um) bati.l. and 1.27(1,000 pounds In sacks; wheat, 4,00(1 buii i-It corn. W-'.OCs: bushel,; oat, 15,000 bitlulv Shipments Wlnat, Z luahiLj, coin, ll.Oirt busliils, oat, 15,CH) bmhels Buffalo Live Stock Market. 1U1 Buffalo, Jan. 22. Cjttlr-CIced west and irregular and t;tnerally lower; good to b-vt smooth fit exrioit esttle, I?5.25ii5o0; ahippln steerJ, ftlAViio; export bulls, dwieo to Ultra, W.25; good to choice butcliT stoers, t3.755atfi0; trooil lo but ut bull', $J.2.a.1.7; feeder bully, '..'0a3 50, kooiI lo best lit cms, $3.50a'l 55 ( f't heifers, cholte tn ettra, Hit 25; Jrootl to chole do., $J.25a3.75; stock steers, good to but, W.'.'5l SCO; good to choice cvders. I.T5al. Civi Choice to exna, sa,M; guenl to chines', 7.50i3; hcavv calv-cs, Tfl 25at.5o. fjmbsChoIce to ex tra, $5 60-15 SO; good to choice, $5.cAi5.73j fair to good, $5.25a5 50; sheep, choice to extra, $1.7', 5; pood to choice-, jl50af,75, Uosu fair d( mand: heavy, M 45; mixed, i.i,15a5 55; York ers, 5 5l,!a5.65; pip1, ?55a5.70. New York Live Stock. Ntvv VorU, Jan, C3 Breves steers stead) tot common to filr; ,'uo.l stein), shado lower; tlUnt cows and bulls, linn; good rows slow; steers, el 75i5.10; filr to choice oxen, tj.-i.75a5; bull ?.75al; extni fat, do, 1.10; rows, j.MOo-t 50 I iliert-Marhct tlim; Veals, $5a0; liarn),rd talves, M60att westerns, i4.W)j jcarllngs, 8t 2.50; little ralice, el it 50. Sheep (Jood btoek (.ttady; others slow, closing weak; choice Iamb., steady; olheia hlovvj whole market; closed JA. till kliteep, :.al.w; unius, tcwu.iu; cxiis. I,n: t'madi lamlw, MS0; culLs, l 5a5 71, ptis, 50.7010.5U, Hogs ITrm'nt U aii3 71 10'i 71 wjs W's Tin ;'ll '"h .WW !!."' t(!'4 I-1) CHICAGO CHAIV MAIIlvrl It SOOrilKS the Cllll.ll. hORKNb thH nUMJ( ai.iTvs all PAIN: CUIUS WINIl COLIC, an. Is the best remedy for DIAItllllOKx. Sold ly liruixa-Uts In every pait of the vvoiM. n ,uie and aiK mr --.mis. ,.,,-...- ,,.,m p,iu, Si,( take no other Vind, lenty-flu rents 1 Iwltle. iu:t, May ftbtinry COHN. May february o.vra Mar . ... poniv. May I.AltO. May Open. Ml'.'. Till, "Hi son S7i 11.10 lll-ah-est. 77 Tl'a .10j sm 25 11.15 livv. '.' 7!.5 31k is Tl'i 20 i) 274 120 Clos Im:. 7i)H 11.10 UIO r 7 no 7 53 7.50-7.5 7 62 T.V Nf.W 0llK CHAIN MUlKnT. Oiifn- High- low- Clos. UllEAT. lug. et. est. ing. March l t MS, HH Ml) "I"; l, " Wi'i New York Gtaln nnd Produce. New olk, Jan. '.'s.l lour Market weak iium Inn en' standpoint, but still held noinlniili at old prkeu, iloelng uiucttlctt. Wheat 'JK't weak; Nu. 2 led. Vic I. o b. alleat; No. J ltd, mi'.c elevator, option' ntd wtak iliiouuh out tlie ilav, cb'sesl e.m at ll,e net decline. Much closed N, , Ma, 1 0?,c. ; duly, en1"'. Coin SJl dull, No. 1. 471-e. elevator; tl)-),c f. c. b. atloat option opened easy and bttain wtak. tlrcd c -) nt V. t dot line; Januan ilostsl o71.c: Mat, ll'-ic; Jul, il'.e. Oalv lpol dull, No 2, .''.!' , No J, ain-.c.l So. 1 white. ,!H.i' ! 'rail: while, .lla")5c ; No. 2 white, AIjlSIKv trak mixed v.rslirn, 30a"0i,-i- t r-n-lions dull Hid easier Willi corn, llutt' r Mnidv , Hi aim ry, l''ar.i ; f.ntoi), Halle.; Juno cuain ii), 15ii0e ; imlutlon utanier), l.!al3i.e 1 statj dial-)', lla2ile Lluese 'steady; fancy laige fall made, llUullijc; fancy finall (all made. 11 1 l'V. forgs-l casv ; ,tato nnd I'ennejlvanli CO'-i a21f. ; Vvcstrin, lOoCOc. Chicago Qialn nnd Produce. (hltago, Jan. IS. -Well, cables, heavy ncdpls and geneially bearish nill.tlis depressed wheat trdiy, Jlay closing l'.al'ic under Saturday, Torn closeil Vic and oats u ihadc down. Pro. visions at tho I'loso were a shidn to 15o. higher, ( ash rpiotatlons wem as followii flourskillet but steady; No. 3 sprln wheat, OJaOlVJc; N. 2 lid 7Uia70Vic No. i 10m, 37 Vic i No. 2 jel- Erut Ltbeity Stock Market. Kast l.lhertv, Jan. 23 Cattl Htronger, ex tia, ?3.50a3 70; prime, f.25a5.10; common, "--1 .iJ.75. Hogs Active and higher; prlrao medium' tsirsVafloCO; best Yorkers, $5,50i3 65s leavy Leg". S5 45-15.60; pig, W.30a5 40; rou-;hJ, tl,"Ja.lo fehcei Steady; choice vrcthers, l.69at.70 cm men, M0a2M; iholco lambs, 3.ii5.v3.S0; rem mon to good, lajto; rral calves, 7.cV0a4. Oil Market. Oil Cit), Jan. 2i Credit Ulsncca, 11.17; eer tiihates. no bid; i-lilpments, 1I4.M17 barrels; av erage, rsl.O'd tnrrrlt; runs, 12I.S60 batTels; ajer an'e, S7,;J9 barrels. Dividend for Creditors. II) f.xilusivo Wire from The Associated Press Washington, Jan. 23 Tho coinptfoUer of the currency lias declared n dividend of IT per cent In favcr of the creditors of the Intolveut NUnal U.uili of Mlddletown, Pa. State of Ohio, Cit) of Toledo, Lucas Lunty, I'll VMS J- Cllf.MlY nukes osth thst lis is wnloi' paiti.cr of the flnu of T. J. CI1CNBY ( O , doing business in the City of Toledo, Count, and State aforesaid, and that mid tlrm Mill pit ll.o sum ot ONT. HUNDltUI) U0LLAU3 tor each and every ease of C'ATAIUUt that cannot be cured by tho un of HALL'S OATAItnil Cf Hi:. fltANK J. CHLNCY. Mom to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th diy of December, A. I., Mil, Ir-c.s.) A. W. CLUASOtf. Notary Publie. Haifa Calarth Cure Is taken IntemsUy, axil acta directly on tho blood and mucous surface, of tho i)Um. Send far testimonials, free. 'V V. J. CllENCY & CO , Toledo, O, Sold by Druggists, 75o. Hall's family PI1U r the be.t, - ' -. ."