The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 29, 1901, Image 1
PsZ ..- v y"rXT fi T 'c 4, I, "T"ft IP r-V t,.137Wf5T-t.M-- r.sjr; W Ai 4 crmttmt ,OOBt' THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RKCKIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SEKVICfc OF THi: ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. . TWO CENTS. SCltANTON, PA., TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 29, 1901. TWO CENTS. 7t-.",V(i-v-1 Sribune. KF IN THE STATE LEGISLATURE Another Avalanche ot Bills Intro duced In the House ot Repre sentatives at Hanisburcj. THE SENATE COMMITTEES list Announced Last Evening Ap propiintlons for the West Sldo Hospital Aie Asked Mr. Phllbin Is Heard from A Dill to Regulate Salaries of Dlstiict Attorneys. fly l'scludsc Wire frrm TIio Associated Pie's. Hnrrlsbiirg, Jan. 2S. Speaker Mar nhnll lnlil before the bouse of represen tatives at tonight's pension, the rcslg natlon of William It. Keyset, of tho Nineteenth Philadelphia district. "Tho tipenlcci' loses n personal friend," mid Mr Marshall, "tin- limine loses an ui'tlvc member and tho statu a useful legislator. In hit) new position, to which the- chair hopes Mr. Keyset will he elected, ho will have a wider ppliiTu of usefulness." Mr. Harris, of Clearfield, offered a l (-solution, which was adopted, that u vote of thanks bo tendered Mr. Keyset for hlii uniform courtesy and Ulndnois, i-grettlng his loslgnatlon and con gratulating him upon the pnnpeots of his election to the senate to till the vacancy created by tho death f Pr.ui cis A. Osbourno. of Philadelphia. The resolution was seconded by Mr. Cooper, of Philadelphia, in u short speech com pllmcntlng Mr. Keyset. A resolution was offered by Mr. champaign, of Tioga, and adopted, urging the Pennsylvania representa tives in congress to support the Clrout bill. t Tho seusitu bill, authorizing the Penn s.lvania Ilailroarl company to increase its capitalization to $100,000,000. favorably reported from committee. Hills were introduced as follows: Mr. Kopp, of Allrfrtieny Appiopilatiinr. :" to As try lollrpe, AlliRheny: iieallm; the ofilssi of military olflier for silmol di.trlcta or school Kurds; allowing the cunting ot only one lb m.o to .1 distiller or lm-stcr. Mr. lie tide inn, of Allegheny Approi ilatln s:,0(Xi to thu Hojh' Home, of Wistcin IVnn)l'iiU: prcsldin; for tho publication of oftlcbl adsrrtlslnir in oim German nen-.rupri in Allcc-heny county! sprropihtinj fn,ft to the home for Colored Women at Pittsburg. Mr. Scott, of Allcr'icny Itesrulattiifc loccc'iiie and practice in applications to rclstcr of ssllls for piobate of wills and grant of letters tests, menury and of letters of administration with the will annceJ; Rovrrninc and rr&uIatinB piiircdure and practice in application to reidster of wills for Runts nf letters of administration on cstatia cf Inter state decedents. Mr. Iloch. of lleilvj. ApproprlatinB ,) to toe. Ilfniic tr Pric ndlfiR Chllilrin, Heading. Mr. Mroli, of Carbon MaUwf it a misdemeanor for any pel sou- who c.iuies to bo publicly per formed or represented lor profit any unpublished or undedieated dranutle composition or nui'lcal c mpo.itioii Known oj an opera without the eep? nt of its owTrr or pioprietor or who. l.nowiii" that nirli dranutle or musical com position is unpublishcfl or undedicatcd and with out tho consent 01 lu omier or proprietor per mit?, or take part in smli a perform ineo or rcfrocntitien. Tor Wctt Side Hospital. Mr "Reynold-, of bacUitt-anna Appropii-tiiii; i-'O.OCm to the West Bide hospital, Seranton. Mr. Palm, of Cnroforil Providing fov the lesy and collection of upon court pioceedlnca for the support of law tea ; apuicprlatim; fJO.OOO to the Spencer hospital, Meadvilie. Mr. Morrlscn, of Mercer nctTulatlii-: tho sale nd niainitaUuio of commercial fciUlizerv, regu. latins tins tale of concentrated ronimcreial focsl. ins btu(T, defining i-oneentiated fetdlnff stuff and prohibiting their adulteration. Mr. Glahcrty, of Montgomery Appropriating UCOtO to tho rotlsslllc hospital. Mr. Piosltu, of Ijneaster Appropriating si.M,. Ooit to the Wnto college: establishing a ciitiion ef horticulture and pomology in tlie department of agriculture In charge ot u chief who Mi.ill be ptld a ealaiy of $2,500 a jear and Mmll b. er. titled to a cleric nt a t.ihry of (liOO a .scar. Mr. Jonj, of Philadelphia Appropriating i;,. , t)CO to fct. Timothy's hospital, PhlUdclphla. Mr. lyter, of Philadelphia Approprl itlrg $10,000 to the Kensington hospital. Mr. Kendall, of Somerset Detaching &ouuht county trom tlie SUtcenth Judicial dNtrlct, i-jin-posed of liedford and fconicret counties, itul creitlng a new district compond of Somci-u alone, Mr. Malony. ot Venango Providing Ihit am water company shall, upon tho wiittrn itA. of tho owners of a majority of any lots of land In any tract or district ndjactnt to a town, lu. rough, orvtIly Imc power and authority 10 extend Its plant or works into such tiact or ili. trict with such rights and subject to such ilu. ties within such tract or di.trlils a may lna fpeen conferred and imioed bv its thaiU-r: .r propriatlns fr.TO,2W to (h Homo for feeble Minded at Polk. To Fix Attorneys Salaries. Mr. Champaign, of Tloga-Proidlng that .Us. trlet attorneys In counties wIiomi population docs not Rioted 100,000 shall bo paid a sal iry lu Urn of all fees. The eilaiy in counties who(. popu lation does not rcced lrt.OOU shall bo paid V,fi0 a years In counlbs whno population iloei not ex ceed 50,000, eooo; In ountics whov populalltn does not exceed $20,003, $700: lu counties who.,) population does not (xceed -lO.OW, -Ott; m counties whose population docs not m,00d lIOi In countlm who, imputation does not cvl crcd C0.000, $l,inOj n ronntiea who.,) popuh tlon does not exceed TO.IW), l,2n0i in countlet whoso population doc not ccenl 60,0(10, i-i WO nd in counties whco population U pioro thvl T'soo BJ d0C3 n0t C'XaCl1 lno,100' h!'-111 1,c lw''l Mr. Philhln, of I.i(Vawenni-l:atlf.iirs .n.1 corJlrinlng all pavin;r done In rltles nt the thli.J class sinco May '.', 1MW, without pMllioi, of pm. rrty owners undir any ordinance In com. Mllance with tho prolnn of article 3 cullon 8, elsusc 10, nf the act of Mav '.', U) Mr. JicClaln. of I.nn.iHu-proWlng fr th NtaMlshincnt and inalntenineo f n-iblli II brailrs in cities of the second and third cIjaj and in boroughs. Adjourned until 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. In tho Senate. Tho senate met at n o'clock tonight, nd was In session for half an hour. During that tlmo a number of bills were read in place, several blllH worn read for the firm tlmo and President Pro Tern Snyder announced the stand ing committees of tho senate, as fol Iowb: Agriculture Mewrt. Pice, cliairiRi.ii; Kltnn, tober, Washburn. Dnrrr. Cummlngf, Ifeldil. Hugh, WliilMw, Malms, Jllllcr, Heinle, Hrrusl, Approprlatlom Mcsm. Ilardenbergh, hilr man; Vuughin, Frioul. Cumlngr, Muchlbronnrr, Stlucnian, Pccht, Scott, Wushbum, Hciilel Imtigli. Cuikc, QUall, Maton, Pox, Wood?, I'isher, Williams, i;mery, Vare, SUion, Mclec, ItliD, Stiles, Haines, N'crly, Ilojd, tllgglns, Mil ler. Kemertr. tlinks and Iluttdtng mid bom Associations" Messrs. Malsou, chairman; Crawford, V.iughan, M.igee, llardenbtrgh, Stinftnan, nudke. Fox, Wood", htrtart, Washburn, Kcmcrer, riojd. Cunils and Inland Vitf gallon Messrs. Me-Ki-c, clialiinan: lljnry, Weiss Maitln, Crawfoid, Cotluan, Heinle. Centennial Aflali Msrs, Sisloii, ihalnnar.; Henry Jlartln, Waihburu. Prury, Cochran, Heinle. Congrtsloiul Appoithtnmenl Mef-rl. Sllne nun, thalnnani Hudl;, llltc, Quail, I'm, 1'1'hir, I'ochf, Sprout, Vare, Grady, Herbd, Stiles. Corporations Mikiu. Vaugliaii, halinun; Ilardenbergh, Sprout, Grady, Magee, Vare, Ilndi.c, Gransbiek, Oimlngt, 'Judl, Mat)ii, Woodn, Klslitr, Vox, Siswin, Scott, ilojd, Stiles lllgglns, Ncely. lMuiatlon Mitsts. C'unilirts Uiiliiusni l'linn, Foelit, htltieniaii, Mwon, Vaughan, MeKie, Wcl, fclcwart, Netly, IUiks IMile. Went. lltrbt. Klectlont Mi itt. I'ocht. ehalnnini Mutid liionncr. Giady, IV v, Mahbinii, Mobir. Knieiy, Malson, Higgins Stiles Federal ltelattoiw Jlv,i. Wella, ih.ililiun; Hiniy, Martin, Stewarl, Drnry, Fllnn, Illi; Sins, Wcntz. Finanii-Mit.Mrt. rirjdv, thalnnnti; Fproul, Scott, Jhgec, llirdcnbcigh, Stobir, Fov, Woods Muililbiuiiiior, Finery, l'ishcr, lllg.jln.', Xcoly, Miles 1'unMrj Mets. WaOibum, chilniiati; Henry, Molwr, Martin, Wtlb-r, Oiimintrs WiUs Sti'ie man, IWmbton, Willianv,, MiKec, Coclirnn, Heinle. Miller. (lame and Flihei ii-t Jlthsis. Siwm, clialrtiun;, Klce, llinry, Wei", Washburn, Cum li'gs Wnoib, Fo, Wilki, Mirlin, Cothran., Nuly Ituiancc -Mrs-rs. Iteihelbach. chilr.iiati; Ml gie. tare, K-ott, Wco,l, Quill, Hriilellnvgh, Matson, Muehlbionner, Higgins Stile-,, Iloyd. Jiidleial Apiortlormer.t Mevsis. Woods chair mill! Spioul, Giadj, Magrc, Fllnn, Crawford, Foiht, Muiiilbioiinrr, lleidelbatiRh, Wi'hburn, Wtntz, Hoibst, (nc'iiin. Judiciary Mevtf. Solt, ilialiiiian; Grady, A'auglun, Welltr, Spioul, Fo WooiN, Fl-her, Milliams SUson. Finny, Milue, llo.ul, Heinle, Ktmiirr, S'tllis, Judliiaiy Sierll s-r. Fi-her. clulrnup; daily, .'roll, Jlagee, st0,cri Gransbaik, Sprout, Hanlenbcrgli, Vsio, Maiou, Haines, Higgins Law iml Order M'.is. i'ov, ilulrnuti; Vuughan, Muelilbi miner, Ciawfoid, Vare, Berkel baifi, Focht, tiraiiobul,, Hi hhlbaiigh, Prury, Heilt, Itosil, S(l(t Kenifrer. I.pgWatie p nrtlonmrnt Mewrs Ktniry. chairman; Stober. Slineman. Veughin, ltlie. Hcidelbaiigh. tjiull, Mison, Fox, Focht, Stiles, Heinle, Cochran l.lbrstj MfMiw, Wire, ihilnn.n; Crawford, niiin, Henry, Siewart, puny, Kdmiston, Heinle, Went t. Minen und Mining Mev.r. Held, lluugb, dull man; Scott, Mitj.on, Fproul. Slober, Vare, Will iaiiH. l,ec, Haines, Miles. Military flalr Mptsrs. Williams, rhalrnian; Cumlngt, StincniJii, Quail, Stiw.irt, Prury, Mil ler, Municipal Aflalrs Mes-r Mnthlbronnir, chair man; Ilardenbergh, Vare, Ssoit, Cumlngs, Quail, Matson, Itudke, I'ox, Vaughau, sion. FlJier. Clad-, ncrkelbii-h, Halne-., Itoyil. New Counties and Ciuniy Sats Misr. Hiidke, rhiinmn; f 'raw lord, FiJer, t.i.ier-, Ms son, Ilcrkrlbaih, IU.jd, Kcintrei-. Pulsions and Giatuitiis Mosik Mewait, ihiu man; Wciler, Kite, Martin, We!s Piun, Heliiic, Miller. 1 Public Grounds and Ilmldings Messrs. Grans, bail:. (Iialtiinn; S-cotl, IV:, Kmer?-, Haiden ! bergh, Slober, Woods, lUrkclbaib, Fl.her, Ilalns, I IJoyd. Public Prii!tlng-M.. Williams ehalnnaii; Vare, sproul, Hfidelbiush, Dfikelbacli, sisnn, Lee. Public Health and Sanituion,-Moi!t. Quail, chairman; Ilardenbergh, Muehlbruimer, Stolicr, Wi ls Wahlmrn, Sproul. Fdnilstm, Itiid.'I biugli, s-tf;( iainji,( Hnit. Public supply ot lkht. Heat and Walei Mismv. Siiobtr. elulriiiani Vjtc, Vaushan. Grcus bail., Hirdcnbergh, Siw.n, Fishei, Focht, lUnl: elbath. McKeo, ,sili. itIj-. Public itoad Highways Mir. Crawfoid, chairman; Fllnn, Sproul, Heldelbaugh. Ciimings, Maison, Williams'. Quail, McKee Fd mlrton, rvxhran, Neely Miller. Itiilroad and Strut P.iwu.gir ltallw.ijs Mevrs. Sproul. chili nun; Mi-..e, Stnlur, Cum ii'iS Mlnrnun, Giairbacl;, Mi.ililliioniier, Will. lams Moods Vaughan. Itudke, Crsntoiil Fi-lier, Ilirdenbe.-gh,, Silles, Uojd. Extending- Toim.of liquor Licenses. Stnator Puminlnss. of Warren. Intro duced, by lequest. a bill authorizing tho courts of quarter sessions to giant license. to sell intoxicating liquors at lotall, wholesale or by brewers for a longer or shorter pet lot) than one year In certain cases. The bill piovides that whenever any of the several courts of quarter sessions shall deem it expedi ent and desirable to t-hjngu tho dutes, as fixed by rules or Mantling order, from which licenses to sell intoxicat ing liquors, cither at retail, wholesale or by brewers, shall tun, it shall be lawful for any of tho courts, in order to make such change, to grant such licenses for a longer or shorter period than one year; provided, that In no case shall licenses bo granted under or by virtue of this act for a shorter period than six months or it longer petlod than eighteen months Senator Fox, of Dauphin, Introduced a bill creating a board of tluee com nibsioneis learned In the law for the ptomotlon of uniformity of legislation in tho United States. The commission ers shall servo for four years and shall receive no compensation, but shall bo allowed actual disbursement of neces sary expenses. Othi.-r bills inttoduccd were as fol lows: lly Mr. Washburn, Cias.-fordlifgulatlng nasi, gallon up-in Inland w-atcis U identical with thi) bill befoii the Irgl.lattui' at the last hCMlon and which failed to become a law. lly Mr. Sllnuiian pproprlatlng ?),Vio to tho iouiiniljn of soldicis' orphans' Klmols for ixtijonllniry expenses inclined duilnir thu two .sears ending May "1. lr0l. fty Mr. Fox, Piuphln Amending an art au thorising the statu lieiMircr to refund collat rial Inheiltance tax heieloforo pild or that liy herealtir 1 pild in error and piovldln; for an eMcnslun of (ho limit illon of time uithlii which applications shall bo inadu in cciUln tises; presiding for tins i lection of a rsiilsor ol taies lu third i lass cltlci. to serso three years and who hilt not bo eligible for re-eleition ami nl-o tunsldlrg for tho collection of elty, county, or and other taxes in lilies of tho sunn class; i aupplimrnt to an art rnabling tliv (ore i nor to appoint notaries public. lly Mr. Herl.t. of IliiU-Pnf-idlng for ths estalillshliig In all rllli cxce. Phlladclphli, of aldeimanle diitiicu for the election of nl deimen In lluu o( flection of nhlerinen by wards, thing salailci. and Jollnlng their Juris diction and powem. Ity Mi. Grady, Philadelphia To validate cei. tain Judicial proceedings in the tevrial couits of tho eommomvcaltli under an set relating to roads, high-says and bridges. The senate adjourned until t o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Judge JtodgerB Nominated, lly Esrlusire Wire fiom Ths Associated Tress HarrUbuiv, Jan. S, Tho ?owmor tonight sent to the senate the nomination of Elliott Itodgcrs, to be u Judge of common ideas court N. 2, of Alpghiny county, sloe .1. W, I'. While, desccised. KERR TRIAL IMPROBABLE fln Unexpected Move In tlie Boss clileter Gasg at Paterson. KERR MAKES NO DEFENCE A Plea of Non Vult Entered on Be half of the Fourth Man A Pos sible Sentence of Fifteen. Years and Thirty for Associates A Sig nificant Comment by Judfje Dixon. Uy Kxcluslse Wire ficm The Associated 1'iss.s. Paterson, Jan. 23. Cle-orge .T. Kerr, who was jointly indicted with JlcAI ister, Camrbell nnd Death on a hargu nf rape and tnutder in tho Hist dogiv.j In connection with tho death of .lennlo Posschloter, was unexpectedly brought Into court this forenoon noforo cud',-j Dixon nnd pleaded non vult as to tho charge of rape. ,Tnim Harding, counsel for tho ptisoner. In nddrc-lng the court, said that Kerr vaa not ptcsent when the hnoekout drop's were administered to Jonnlri P.ot-sehlH-ter, nor did he nss.iult the g!rl .hi n she war taben from the art-lag. mi tit , Jtocl; road. Counsel :pi ossod tl'c hope that the prwcutsr and ccuit would taUo this into cun-ldcratlon and accept tho plea of non vult. Mr. Harding, Kerr's counsel, ex plained that be ontof' 1 the pita of non vult because In vi-j.v rf the nrcf- j ont temper of th'; commtmtty It wnul '. no Impossible to soeuip an unblaac l Jury for his client. Here Judge Dixon Interrupted the lawyer with somo renin -ks that cattle -1 a ficnration in tho court vom. Ho said i that in the trill of tho Hup lr.rn found guilty of Mi murdr of lounlo Posschleter there had been r. blasoii Jury blasel In the accused's favor. If the Jury had been unbiased thero would ptobably 11.HV li'en a dlffevont veirtlrt. "If I had been on that Jury," cb -clarcd Judge Dixon, "and of unlilasod mind I would have voted to send thoe three men to the gallows," County Prosecutor Kmley said tint while he had every preparation to place Ketr on trial on the indictment found against him. h" felt inclined to accept the pita of non tilt In view ot the statoimot made by counsel as to ICerr's connection with the girl's death, which seemed to bo corroborated by the general facts of tho case. Kerr "A as then remanded for sentence, and it is not lilcely that be will be tried on the charge of minder. Extreme Penalty. Prosecutor Umley announced at noon that, he would have .UcAlister. Kerr. Campbell and Death arraigned in court tomorrow and would move that ron tence bo pronounced at once. It is con lldently expected that all the ptlsonets except Kerr will receive the extreme penalty for murder in tho second de gree, of which they weru convicted. The full penalty Is thirty years' Im prisonment ut hard labor. It Is abo believed that Keir will be sentenced to tho full penalty of thu law on tho charge to which he has pleaded non vult. which is fifteen years' imprison ment at hard labor. Thero were but few spectators lu court when Kerr was arraigned, but the fact that ho had been allowed to get off with a plea of non vult soon spread through the town and became a topic of general discussion. It was received with surprise by many, but it was generally agreed that Keir had pm-Mied tt wise com so in not standing trial on the Indictment in view of .ludgo Dixon's charge to the Jury which convicted McAllster, Campbell and Death, to tho effect all four were squally guilty, even if It was shown that only one of the prisoners assaulted the girl while all four were present. Tlie friends of McAllster, Campbell and Death could not bo convinced that there was tiny legal or good ivnson why so much consideration should have been shown Kerr. The latter in a brother of Former City Judge Kerr, and Is related by marriage to a promi nent oillclal of tho city, lvt-rr is forty one years of age. lias been married twlco and has a daughter eighteen years of age. Kerr's plea of non vult contendero to the charge of rape has tho same effect as a plea of guilty, although technically It Is not admission of tho crime. In effect it Is an announcement that no defense would be offered wore tho case called for trial. In view of tho acceptanco of this pica of guilty ot rape, Kerr will not bo called to answer the indictment nccuslng him of mur der. Salisbury Will Not Re3irjn. Uy rUclushc Wire fiom The Associated Pies. Indon, Jan. !. Tlurr Ik rot the slightest foundation, the Associated Picss Is orfldally lit fnimul, for tho statement that f.ord SalMnny will resign. ViirthT, it Is ofililillv set forth that the pumier." absence ficm Osborne at the time of tho dcilli cf (Juccn Victoria w.i due to the uigint rfqueit of King l'.duaid who teared Lord S'alMnir'i health niWI.t W in-pjln-d by tho trying Journey, as. sea tilps, ,ut luakularly hard Willi the premier. I). -lilts c wi blturly i silil nt Cowrs. The most cordial rtLtlons pie. vail between Klu' IMwMid and Lord Salisbury. Wire Company Directors Meet. Py i:cluslo Wire fiom Th Associate, Pnj. New oii, Jan. 2r". 'Ilia dln-nois cf the Aiucrican feteei and Wlro company mot toil ty and lock a rcccw until tonionow- when the in nnal ttatimcnt svlll lie pilntid and published and tho action of tho bond tliernm ilvcii out. Tlifio to rot action today with regard to tho disideud on tho common bloc I. Will Not Obtain BlnckwelPs Island. Uy Hvlusisc Wlro from 'Ihe Aoohted I'jcw, Kc- York. Jan. !$. It was said today that the United Hlates gos eminent will not obtain Illackwell's Island or any part of it for r nival park or drill gronnd. All tho city oldens who las Ibo powir to iruLo the concession are op, (TCi'd to ths transfer of the bland to Hie got-err.ment. MINE WORKERS VOTE. Thoy Are in Favor of Holding Next Convention at Indianapolis. Hy Ktcluslso Mlro from TIw Associated Tress. Inillnnapoll", Jan. 28. By an over whelming vote the United Mlno Work ers of America today decidd to hold their next annual convention In this city for the third consecutive year. In secret session the scale commlttee'n report was discussed at length today, tfo far tho convention has adopted tho proposition for a 10 per cent, advance. Tile report of tho commlttco nlso dc munds that the run of mine system be contended for in the entire com petitive district which comprises Illi nois, Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania nnd that the differential of 7 cents be tween band and machine mining bo Insisted on. There Is likely to be a lively discussion In the Joint confer ence! with the operators at Columbus over these nuittcr3. It was announced today that all the old members of tho oxecutho board with the exception of Henry Htephenson, of West Virginia, were re-elected. John Pnhy, of Penn sylvania, tn!:c:) hla place. Joseph Pope, was elected a member of both tho auditing and credentials commit tees and would have withdrawn from one of the positions had the conven tion permitted It. MRS. NATION VISITS THS GOVERNOR She Arraigns the Chief Executive of Kansas for Ills Position on Liquor Affairs. dy l.xilu-dis1 siiu ficm inc. Vsseclaled Press TopeUii, Kan., Jan. 2S. '.Mrs. Carrie Nation today Invaded the ojllce of Gov ernor .Stanley In his chambers In the capltol building and for a solid hour arraigned the chief executive of tho ttctc for his failure to close tha t;a loons ot Kansas. Then in turn sh-j visited the oilices of Attorney General ftoddtird, County Attorney Nichols and Sheriff Potter and de manded of each that thoy close the saloons. Finally sho addressed the legislature, making an impassioned ap peal in behalf of temperance. Mrs. Nation was followed by a crowd of newspaper reporters and others. By turns she administered to Oover nor Stanley a tongue lashing for his failure to uphold the laws against 11 ipuor selling or begged him for aid to c.irry on her crusade. Sho put her tjuesilons with tletceness. Mrs. Nation accused Governor Stan ley of branding her as a law-breaker mid demanded to know if ho bad u better method than she of ridding tho Mate of raloonx. lie admitted he did not have. She then declared tho governor as a law breaker, in not closing tho Joints and a perjurer In violating his oath of of fice. The governor with dilllculty con trolled his temper. He finally told Mis. Nation that if she would get tlie prosecuting attorneys of the dlffeient counties to put the Joint Keepers In Jail lit would use hl:i power .in governor to keep them In. Ho would see that they are not 'pardoned out. She then left and in turn called on tho other ofllolals named above. Sho, however, received no definite- promises from them of help In closing the saloons.-. 1 DAY OF MOURNING. Satuiday Will Be Observed Throufj out England. Hy !.m'Ih-iw Wire from The A.-oriiKd Picjs London, Jan. is. It was officially finnouiiLCd late thin evening that King U'lward had ordered Saturday to bo observ"d n a dav of general mount ing. All the banks will be closed and business suspended. The arrangements for the funeral have been only par tially determined. Almost everything thus far Is provisional and subject to the approval of the king, who will come to London tomorrow to look over what litis been ptoposed ar.d to give his decision. By oider of tho king the olllcn of wotks directs that all draperies dis played by citizens shall be of purple. Tho procession from Qt. OeorgVa chapel royal, nt Windsor, to Frog moro has been abandoned and tho cof fin will remain In the chapel until tho day ot lulciment, which will probably bo Monday. The king and iucen, with the llmpoior Wllllum, will at tend the s.on-loe In St. George'"- thane), Windsor, Sunday. RESCUED IN STORM AT SEA. Eighteou Men Taken fiom Sinking Cuba by Barcelonia. By I:l1usIi! Wiro fivm 'I he Associated Press, Halifax. N. S Jon. SS.Tho steam ship Barcelonia. thitteeii days from Hamburg und bound for New York, put In here today and landed the crew of eighteen men of tho Husslan, lato German, bark Cuba, Captain Peterson, which left Ship Island, Miss., Decem ber 7, for Hi-lstol, Dngland, lumber laden. Tho Barcolonlu sighted the Cuba on the ISth Inst., In mid-ocean, when tho latter was In a sinking condition, and tho ctow weie taken off with greit dilllculty, owing to the heavy sen pre vailing. The Uareolonla herself hnd n severe imssnftv. Her decks uero swept con mntly by heavy seas. Sho was com pelled to put into this pmt as her coal supply had become exhausted. Sho has 111 steerage p-issengera aboard. ADMIRAI, CASEY'S COMMAND. V Ho Succeeds Renr-Admiral Kautz on the Pacific Station Today. Uy L'scliislso Wlro Loin 'I ho .Wociited Press, San Francisco, Jon. 28. -Tho battle ship Iowa, now at San Dlego, whera Hcar-Admhnl Casey will take over tho command of thu Paclllo station today from Iteat-Admlral Kautz, Is to leave San Diego on Feb. 1 for Puget Sound nnd go Into tho government dry dock ut Bremerton. The cruiser Philadel phia, now lu centrnl American waters, Is scheduled to reach San Francisco about Feb. 13. HEAD-ON COLLISION Two Baltimore, and Ohio Fast Frclolit Trains Meet at HIqIi Speed. FIVE MEN ARE KILLED Two or Three Others Ate Injured. Fireman and Brnkeman and One Engineer Must Havo Been Asleep. Conductor's Escape. By r.siliflvo Who fretu The A'Oi.laled Prcs. Parketsburg, Jan. 28. Two Baltimore end Ohio 1'a-jt freight trains, running east und west, nnd running nt high speed, collided this afternoon near Pe troleum, about ilftcen miles cast of here. It N believed that live men were hilled as n result of the collision nnd two or three others were severely In jured. Tho dead are: J. IS. Watklns. engineer; W. W. Cunningham, fireman cjstbound train; M. Courtney, brake man; J. T. Bailey, fireman westbound tivln; J. G. Bailey, brakeman. Tho accident oecutred in a cut on a tin-vo on a heavy down grade and at the end of ti bridge. That any one was saved at all Is almost a miracle. Tim thlid suction of tho westbound ficight train wus on the siding at Pe troleum, with orders to wait there till the second section of tho ea;:tbound pt.fsed. Engineer Davidson, who es caped with slight Injuries, was the en gineer on tho westbound and went to sleep on the siding. When tho first uectlou went by he thought It was tlie ssuond section and started out on to the main track. His llicmau and for ward brakeman, both of whom were killed, must also have been asleep, for thuy allowed him to take the truln cut. Tho conductor of tho first east bound suction after he had passed saw Davidson pulling out and tried to wave l:im to stop, but failed. The conduc tor of tho fourth section, seeing the third section pull out, ran forward af ter it as fast as possible, the engineer whistling down brakes, and the con ductor of the wrecked train ran over the tops of tho cars till he reached the next enr to tlie last one wrecked In his attempt to stop the engineer, but none of them attracted his attention lu time. Tho conductor managed to Jump in time to save himself. CHOATE MUST HAVE NEW CREDENTIALS. Will Have to Be Accredited as U. S. Ambassador at the Court of Ed waid VII. lly Dccludse Wire fi .m lhu Associated Pie' Washington, Jan. JS. It has been de cided that Mr. f'lioate should havo new credentials. His old credentials ac credited him to the queen. He will now be ucoredltcd as United Statoa ambassador at the court of Edward VII. I.oul' Pauneefote, It is e.pecte1, will recelvii new credentials as" ambas sador to the United Status, bis pres tnt commission being signed by tho queen. It has been practically arranged that, the funeral services In memory of the ciueet) shall take place here In thu Church of the Kplphany, Feb. 2, coin cident with thu services in England. This Is tho largest Episcopal palace of worship In Washington and therefore better able to accommodate than any other thu official society of Washing ton, which will attend tho services. Secretary Hay has charged Ambas sador Clioate to represent the govern ment of the United States and tho president at the services at Windsor. For lack of time a special embassy will not be sent from the United States on this occasion. YU-HSIEN TO DIE. Chinese Court Said to Have Oidered Decapitation. By llxcliMve Wire flum The Associated Press. Shanghai, Jan. 2S. It Is reported from Chinese sources that the Imperial government at Slngan-fu has ordered the decapitation of Yu-Hslen, former governor of Shen-sl, and of Prince Chwang; also that Chiao-Shu-Chlao, a. notorious unti-forelgner, be cashiered. In another statement, which is dis credited, It Is said that Russia has agreed to restore the province of Man churia to China, and will ask no war Indemnity. It was reported recently that Yu Hslen had been decapitated, but tho report was not confirmed. Prince Chwang, It was reported last fall, had been degraded and Chlao-Shu-Chiao handed over to tho Imperial Clan court for trial. It was later reported that the latter had been cashiered. DUTOH STEAMSHIP LOST. Slxteon Pet sons Who Were on Board Drowned Soven Saved. By r.ulusno Wlro from The Associated Piess. Rotterdam, Jan. 28. Tho steamship Holland, from London, was wrecked at the northern pier while entering Nlcu we water weg (at tho entrance of tho River Maas) this morning. Tho cap tain and r.lx men were saved. Sixteen lives were lost. Tho Holland parted nmldshlps nnd sank. i - Fosburg Admitted to Ball. By Exeliisise Wlro from The Associated Press. PiltsileW. Mass., Jan. :?.-Itohert S. ftsbur?, ji.i vho vas simtcd Saturday on an indict, mint (luiirlng him ssltl, the muidcr ot his sis ter, Miss May Fobbing, In tho family rosldenca litre Ist Auiri'st, was released on Si2,ooo ball lur. nlshed by Ids father today. rtn-bursr ssent to the Hotel Wellington immediately alter his rrlcaiw and there met tho members of hla family, Ho rtfusesl to matco any statement whatever In regard to the, THK NEWS THIS M0KMNG. Waathar Indications Todar, M'ff; BRISK WINDS. 1 General-ratal Collision on the. n. ti O. Handing Committee of tho Mato Senate. Unexpected Move In the Ilnsclieter Case at Paterson. Mr. Towno'a Maiden Speech in the Penst. 2 (ienersl Carbondale Denirtnient, 3 Local Two Opinions on the County Tea Pi stem. Hditorlal. Note and Comment. S Ijcal Mcotln of tlie Hoard of Cotitiol. Last Week of Cistt Court. H Local West Scranton and Suburban. 7 fienctal Northeastern Pennsylvania, financial and Commercial. E W-al-LIe Sewn of the Indii trlsl World. LI HUNG CHANG AT DEATH'S DOOR Suffering ftom Fever and His Eife la Despaired Of. By UtsliMiF Wlio fium The Afeociatvti Pros. Shanghai. Jan. 2i. A dispatch to tho North China Pallv Newo of this city, from Pekln. says that LI Hung Chang Is sulfating from fever and Is delirious, his life being despaired of. WILL STOP THE FIGHT. Governor Nash Takes Steps to Pre vent the Piopor.ed Jeffrles Ruhlln Boxing- Match. By Ex.clu.dve IViia frcm Hie Aweisted Press. Columbus. O.. Jan. is. Action wa5 taken by Governor Nush today t pre vent the Jeffrlo-nuhlln fight at Cin cinnati on Fob. 1". In o letter to At torney General Sheets ihe governor de clares tlie fight "would be a disgrace to the stttr" of nhlo, as well as a vio lation of law." and conclude?: "I hereby authorize and teeniest you to take Fuel) steps nhd r-nninicncs such actions at law, civil or ctlmlnal, -is may b'; necessary to prevent this oc currence nnd in so doing to 'tst 'tlie name of the state" A petition is now Ulng dtawn up in tho case which will bo inimrdlate'y file'! in the. courts at Cincinnati. The suit will be entitled "The r.tatc. ex rel the attorney general, versus J. J. Jef filcs. Gus Ttulilln, William .V. Hobart, George Gugeuberger, Leopold Kley bolte, Uernaid Bettman.Gcorgo F. Die tetic. F. A., Kenton Lawson. Hev. P. A. Elsenlohr and tlilily-onc othet.i, associates in the management of the Cincinnati ''aengcrfest company." While the case Is imr.ii.inlly brought by tho atorney ger."irl he will have associated with him in tho case In ad dition to Messrs. Maxwell and Wuld. fotmer United States Allornev Gent Ml Judson Thurmun and John W. War rington. The form of the suit will be a petition for nn Injunction against the parties named, based on the claim that they are nhoiit to p rpelrate a public It Is on this claim of nuisance that II Is hoped to avoid tho ciuestlon of wlietlu r the contest Is a pi'l- fight or a boxing contest. Late tonight both Jefirics and Huh lln were arrested en a warrant sworn out by Hsveiul poisons Interested In the coming tight vlrs acted nt tho instigation of tlie Saengc-rfost Athletic association, charging tlu-m with b.'ln.r lu training for a prlxe fight, which is in violation of the law in tills state. Tlie two fighters worn taken befor; 'h'fiulifi ltoebllng, who is-lnised both on bond. A test ii i Is to be medo of their arrest. CRAZY SNAKE SULLEN. His Capture Rsgarded as One of the Most Important, liy i;jcclulio Win- fruit The AsccLted Piets. Henrietta, I. T Jan. 2S. Chitto Har Jow, or Ciazy Snake, leader of tho warring Creeks, who Is a United States prisoner here, lenuilned sullen today and refuseit to confer -with Lieutenant Dixon. It Is believed, however, that the wily chap will sooner or later show a friendly spirit and that the result will bo a prompt ending of the insur rection. It is argued that Harjow and his followers havo been taught to have a greater respect for thu army officer than for deputy marshals, believing that the boldler Is more apt to treat them fairly. The capture of Crazy Snake la be lieved here to bo the most Important move sinco tho outbreak. Ho has been the agitator and the teal leader of the dissatisfied Indians and now that ho Is safely in tho hands of tho govern ment it Is believed his followers ulll t-oon be brought to tcrnit. s NEW SONG BOOK. Will Supplant the United Presbyter ian Singing Publications. By nxcluslsc Wire from 'Ihe Assothted Tress. I'ittsburg, Jan. 2S. Tho special com mittee appointed In September, 1W, to revise and publish a now song boo!: for tho Sabbath schools nnd young peo ple's unions of the United Presbyter ian denomination has just completed Its labotlous task and was forwarded to the publishers in I'oston. This new song book is Intended to supplant the proem edition of tho "Hllilo Songs," now ued In nil United Presbyterian churches of tho United Htutes. From 3C0.00O to lOOi'OO oplcj will be published. Killed in a Collision, lly l'tclibhc Wiro from The Associated Press. Uellefonle, P.I., .Ian. . William Docnnan. uced 2'1 yearn, of Tyionc, was Instantly killed ami three oilier men Injured In a head on cob llslnn today liits-ccn a shifting eneln and tho Bald Escle Volley svnifc train. The Injured aro Claude Thompson, cnrlneer of the ahlftlnt en sine! John Woodrlnp, conductor ol the vroik train, and b'dvrurd Woodring. Ihe dead man nn tha only BurPrt of bis widowed mot her. Of tho injured ldwrd Woodrlne is the most tciiously hurt. Tie was badly cut and bruised. MR. TOWNE'S ORATION The youna Minnesota Glcero Talk on the Philippines Question. GOVERNMENT CRITICISED A Scathlnp and Scornful Arraign ment of tho Policy by Which th Filipinos Aro Being Annihilated. An Outburst of Applause from the Gallery Interesting Feature of tho Houso Proceedings. By Ecluile Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Jan. 28. Tho sonata turned fiom tho grind of appropria tion bills today to listen to a speech which partook of tho character ot an oration, irom Senator Towne, of Min nesota. Since ho entered tho senate a few weeks ago, on .appointment oB Oovornor LInd, tlie young Minnesotnn has had little opportunity to display his talents. As his, reputation as an orator had preceded him thero was much Interest in his speech today, which was lu advocacy of his resolu tion for u cessation of hostilities in tho Philippines. The floor was crowd ed with senators and members of thu houso of representatives, the latter In cluding Representatives Llllletleld.Me Call, Cooper nnd others, who have been prominent in Insular legislation. Tho galleries, public and private, wcr crowded to overflowing. The senators en the Hemocratlc sldo eavo Mr. Towne marked attention. On tho Re publican side the attention was less noticeable, although Mr. Hoar and Mr. Hale at first followed tho speech close ly, at times exchanging smiling com ment on some of tho utterances'. At cne point, Mr. Dorew took it front seat and listened attentively. Mr. Towno'n style of delivery as clear and forcible. Although restricted by manuscript, he had the subject well in hand and rolled out the flr.o peiiods with a fervor that sent them echoing through the cham ber. The speech abounded In apothe osis to liberty nnd patriotism and scathing and scornful arialgnmont of the policy by which the Filipinos were being annihilated. At one point an outburst of applause from tho galleries , led to u vigorous warning from the presiding oJlcer against demonstra tions of approval or r'Irsent. As tho oiator closed his brilliant peroration there was another outburst of ap plause, despite tho warnings of the chair, immediately following Mr. Towno'fi speeelnthe credentials of his successor, Mr. Cinpp, of Minnesota, wen! presented and after being sworn in tho new senator took ills scat and Mr. Towne retired. The rest of tho day was devoted to the Indltin appropriation bill, ths dis cussion turning on Irrigation and llttlo pi ogress being made. In tho House. The major portion of the day In tho lioitse was occupied In tho transaction of District of Columbia business. The bill to revise and codify the nostul laws, which has been under considera tion nt Intervals for ton days, war finally passed today. Its friends sues cceded in confining tho measure strict ly to the purpose for which It wai framed a codification and revision of existing laws. All attempts to amend It in any particular failed. Tlie most Interesting feature of tho day was an, attempt to secure n vote upon the sen ate bill to appoint u commission to consider and adjudicate the claims of American citizens against Spain, aris ing out of the war, which this govern ment assumed hy Section 7 of tho treaty of Paris. Tho house at the lust session recommitted a s Imllar bill, with Instruction to report back a bill to confer Jurisdiction In these cusea upon tho court of claims. Mr. Haugon, of the committee on war claims, se cured consideration of it substltuto for tho 1)111 drawn In accordanco with tho instructions of the house, nnd then np jiealed to the houso to vote dotsn tho substitute and pass tho senate bill. Thero was some Intimation of sham practice over this mode of procedure, but tho matter was settled temporarily to postponing consideration of tho bill until next Monday. PINKED IN THE ARMPIT. The Result of tho Latest Duel la Paris. Uy I'xcliidve Wire from 'flic Associated Press. Paris, Jan. M. A duel between wolN known fencers, a Sicilian named Carori Do San Malato and .a Frenchman, Prof. Damotte, occurred this afternoon nt tho Vcldrome, on the Paris do Prin cess. Tho meeting was the outcome of their rivalry as swordsmen. Tho keen est Interest in tho encounter was dis played In Pari!. All stages of tho ne gotiations woro published In the news papers. The seconds on each sldo wera famed masters at arms, Tho combat was short. Damotte was pinked In tha armpit dining tho rapid onslaught, Tho duel wus a uuperb display oj skill. San Malato is the sou of a cele' bra ted swordsnum. The Vote Ineffective. Uy l.uluibe Wire fiom The Associated Press. Poser, Pel., Jan. 1. There was a full attend, anco of nieinbera sslicn tho Koncral assembly tne in Joint session to ballot for United States acni. tori today but the voti ss-sa inflictive, u usiul. f f t " t WEATHER rOREOAST. -f - Washington, .Ian. ". l'oreeast (or ejost. , f trn rennsjlvonla. Pair Tuesday bri-Jr, -f to hiiclr noillitteslerl'- sslisda Hmlnis'i- 4 4- b'sri Wednesday cvi.i.oinl tains prob- 4 4- able. , ttt-r t-t-t-ft-rt ttt4-sh