THB SCHANTON TH1BUNB-MONDA V, .1ANIIA1IV 28, lOOf. NORTHEASTERN. PENNSYLVANIA BRAPFOHD COUNTY. la tic Srititon rtibmic. TowiiikIii, Jan. 27. Sixty of tlio cv-onty-slx iippllcnllons for liquor licenses urn Knintcil liv ilio comt. A dividend of It jiur rout. Inn In-i-u dcelarc-d by tli llia llutii'f it ml Cheese tomtmnj. The Kplxpripallfitis or WjaUiKltiy an lnoparliiK i i-n'd n eliun'li at that jiliice. Tho JlldiK-mtntrt holul, ut VyiiluliiK, ihh been put chased by J. I.. 1'lliwortli. AinonR tlia runes lit-utd befori JuiIk' Dunham In nrcumrnt cotut last mul-U uumhat of tho I.i'lilith Valley Ilulli-mul company sprux Snvic botouKli and Independent school district of said boi ough. The ptalnllffx obtained a pic llinlmiry Injunetloti restialnlnif the col lection of iiijcoh on (hi tain iitllronil property In tliat borough, on the ground that the accessed propcity, In-i-ltidlntr building.1) and real oxtntt. wan pild for by the plaintiffs from the Bale of bonds nnd other means, and that th" company p.iyo annually to the Ht.ite all the tuxes by law uimwspil It and Its bonds and capital stock. It was al leged that th teal f state was a portion hi pait nf1lie public woiks ol tile cor poration. Thi' amount of the tns as 't'MMd against the locomotive shops of the company at K.tyre for lS'J'J was $1, U71.M. Tho amount will appear In tha i onuiatlons In the county statement. The opinion by Judge Dunham is lengthy. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kendall have gono io .Missouri and will also visit Call loinln. Mtchlbld fanner has discovered nil animal of inro curiosity, which was found in a wood lot and was stunned by hitting It with a. mono for only a Dine. lu calls It a guncola. As Its mi-tin- homo Is lioittro. It is guessing as to how It was roaming annual unless It hnd escaped from a clutis. It re sembles a monkey, and it is claimed tin animal lives mostly on biuls and in tice.3. It lias a snake-like tall about eight feet long and is carried In a coll, and when It climbs a tree It shoot'i out the coll lariat fashion, catches a limb and shins up Its own tall with nipldlty and makes Its motions vi-iy iiuletly. J f it is not claimed tlu Under xpects to piescnt It to the Smithson ian Institute at Washington. Charles Hubbs, a Lehigh Valley ll.ig- Sadt a Noise I The mother ?ays to herself sometime. " I can hardly endure it " Then a chill creep-, over her ns she thinks of the aw ful silence which falls upon the home when children are taken away, and she is clad her children are hardy of body and lusty of lunss. When n child does not enjoy noisy sports and garnet. ther,e is something wroiip, n..d somethinp will often be found to be a lack of nutrition Adequate .o the needs of youth and growth. The stomach is "weak," digestion is imper fect, and so the nourishment of the body is inadequate. In Mich cases. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery works wonders. It changes puny, fretful children into healthy, happy girls and boys. The process by which this change is ac complished is strictlv along the Hues marked by Natute. " All growth and strength come from food when it has been digested, converted iuto nutrition and assimilated. " Golden Medical Dis covery" cures diseases of the stotnuch and other organs of digestion and nutri tion, and so enables tlie bodv to obtain without loss or waste the benefit of the nutrition provided in food. The "DU coery" contains no alcohol and is en tirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. A Wonderful Thing, "I hive been tliiukiiifr of writing to von for some time," write Mrs W I) Benson, 6t Ma. ton, Robckon Co N C "to let von know what . wonderful thin? I)r rierce'v, Oolden MeUicat I) Ucoverydid lor my little boy llewrn. taken with indigestion when he u a. a ear and u hall old nnd he was under the doctor'a treatment (or nie loner years. We spent all we made lor doc tor's bills, and it did no Rood lie eould eit onlv a little milk and cracker, and tome times even this would make him sick He could not nit up all day, and I gave up nil hope of hl evoi get ting any better Three car ao I found one of I our books, and on looilnc; it mtt one ilu I noticed Dr. Pierce's ('.olden Medical Discovery recommended for indigestion. We bought tome and Kae it to our boy He had been tre.Ued at Hoods by a good doctor and at DennttU illc, a, C, and at Curric and I.umberton and Maxton, and was only relieved for a khort time Wc gave him twdbottlesof Dr. Pierce's Oolden Medical Dlsco ery and it cured him He is well as can be nnd can eat an) thine that he wants and it does not hurt him He has not been nick a day since and it has been thiee years since he took your medicine " A Thankful Mother. " l have felt it my duty for a Iour time,'' writes Mrs. Mollle Jones, of Cap, Comanche Co , Tenas, "to tell you of the wonderful cure effected by your 'Golden Medical Discovery' and Tleassnt relicts in the case of our little boy, now nearly seven years old hen he vas two mouths old he was taken with La Grippe, and it settled on his lungs and in his throat. His tonsils en larged, aud when he was two jear old we had the doctor operate on them. Thin we the doctor take his tonsils out and he made bad work of it. If he went iu the wind he would be sick, and we tried even thing we could hear of aud consulted every physician we taw, but they did not know what Io do. When he was nearly six years old (hi October, 1(1)81 he was worse thau ever, and I could not rest for belnjr J uneasy about him He was nur fourth boy (the other three were dead), and it seemed to me that If he died I Inst could not bear it. I would ko to sleep crying and begging Cod to spare him. Well. I could he was getting so much worse; he was just as poor as he could be, ml his kidneys had been troublesome all hU life. I had read a book abojt Di riant a medi cine. It teemed to me that this was the very medicine we wanted, and I told rav husband that if he would buy tome of Dr. I three's med icine I felt almost sure it would hilp our boy. He tent and got r.orue and e commenced with the 'Golden Medical Discovery' en hriday night, aud with the ' Ftllets' the nest morning, we gave him your medicine three timet a day and by Sunday he was able to play, and In one month from the time he commenced lakiug it he had gained six pounds and bit cough was all 5 one. He has uot coughed any tlnce, and he on't take cold any more than the test of us. Me goes about like the rest of tin children tnd pla) s In the cold and hot weather " Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser in paper covers is smiret on receipt of 21 one-cent atampr to pay ' exprme of mailing only. Address Dr. Jt. V, Pierce, Huffulo, N. Y i ill rail m iPM tJJss. R 4) IYTTo fcit ' 3v' if BT i i inau, died fioin the effects of limine both legs nit off by the cars njnr Ma vie. The state board of charities lias lee ommended an npptnpiiittton of 520,000 for the Snyie hospital. A llnee days' walking contest lia been going on at Athens bstween Law Ileckwlth, of Wllllnmsport, and Calvin and 121mcr Cole, of tinyrc At n meeting of the XortliPHstsin Pennsylvania J'tuss association the following oIllceiR weis choson: Presl dint, i:. A. I'ar&ous, of Towanda; vice picsldeuts, U. Stieeby, of Dushore, G. H. it. Ward, ofI.nceyvllle; secretary and treasuier, K. U, McKce, of Tow anda, executive committee, Alvin Day, of Tunkhnnnock, C. I Heverly, of Towunda, Kreil Newell, of Dushore. The next meeting will be held at Tunk hnnnock, .Silas Mills died at his home In Xoitli Towanda, aged $1 years. A son and tinea duuehtets survive hint. Michael Cangley died very suddenly of pneumonia on Wednesday, aged 134 years. He had bieii a typo during his last "sit" for about nine yenrs on tho Dally Review and won the esteem of many fi lends, He began the printing business In IMS and followed the trade ever since. Two daughtel-s survive him. Attorneys J. C. Ingham and 1. .Me Pherson had legal business for the Supetior court at Scrim ton. Oeoige MncKarlane has nccouled a position with the Jlaltlmore and Ohio railroad a! Cumberland, Md. FOREST CITY. intiat to the scranton Trlbum Km est City. Jan. 27. The following candidates won placed in nomination Frldav night by the Doinociatlc cau cus foi the spring election: Auditors, three yeats, Frank Doud: one year C. .1. .lay. Overseers of the poor, tw. joam, L. A. Kelts, one ear, John I!. Hell. School directois, fiisl ward, Ileimud Fallon: Second waid. three years, Levi Decker; one year, Patrick Cli-aiy. Council, First ward, J, P. Itaggpilj,; Second ward. M. J. Kane, John J. Dearie, assessor, First ward, F. P. fland: Second waul, John R. Hell Judge of election, First ward, William Yonehltls: Second ward, George McKernon. Inspector, First ward, Joel Harris; Second ward, Wil liam Htlllah. Frank Muiray is lecovorintr fioni ty phoid pneumonia. fieotgc Rrmay has put chased the Westgite property, on Stisriuehaunn stieet. Mrs. M II. llcndlci lias letuined fiom an extended visit In New Yoil: city. Rl. Rev. Kthelbert Talbot, bishop of. Cential Psnnsylvnnla, will be In For est City Feb. 18, to udmlnister the lite of confirmation to a elites in Chi 1st Kplscopal church. The Houcsdnlt distiict Kpwoith League convention will be held in the Forest City Methodist Mon day evening and Tuesday, Feb. 4 and 3, N. S. Caryl has been In Sciamon the past week, under the treatment of Dr. Ruins. f!. A. Shepherd and wife are both very 111 with the gilp. It is said thero aie over a hundred cases of tho mal ady In town. Tho barbers or Forest City have lonned a union, nnd hereafter the hhops will close at S o'clock, eveept iig Satin day night. Mis. J. L. Hauls Is veiy ill A new fcoclal club bis been foimed and will furnish rooms in th new Lllls building. DURYEA. The f uncial of the latu .Mis. Mullndu Hiesecker was held at the Rrlck Metho dist Episcopal church Saturday after noon and presided over 'by Rev. H, Clrcen. At the conclusion of tho ser mon the funeral procession moved to the Marcy cemetery, whete the remains weie Intei ted. The funeial of the late Mis Jamei Murphy, of the Rack road, whose death was announced In Saturday's Tribune, will be hold this morning ut f o'clock. A requiem high mass will b0 celebrated In St. Mary's chuich, and the remains will be intened In St. Mary's cme tory. The deceased is survived by a husband and seven children. Some weeks ago the deceased sustained In juries by falling over a wire In the gat den, placed theie by borne mis chievous person, which led to her death. On Friday ntternoon the pupils of the High school rendeied a very pleas ing und entcitalnlng programme In the auditorium or the school, Tho debate was very Interesting. The pupils of this room have great ability for this line of woik. as they also have for study. The programme was as fol lows Chorus, school; debate, "Re solved, That woman has done more for their country thnn man," Aifirmailw, Miss Ruatilco Perry and Alice Foster; negative, Mlsfes Klslc Hughes and May Refian; Judges decided In favor of tho negative, solo, Mary Uranson, es say "Woman," Joseph flames, speech, "Lite Is What We Alako It," Duano Dills, solo, Maud Peckens: leiltatlon, James Jackson. The steieoptlcon views given ut the Lawienee Hose company' hall was a financial success. Rut at the conclus ion of the exeiclses Police Olllcor Addi son, of Old Forgv, placed un attach ment against the stereoptlcon for wages due Mi. William Willlunu, of this plate, lor singing for soveial mouths. Mr, Williams took possession of the machine till the double is ad Justed. A companj or ouug people fiom this place enjoyed a stiaw ride to Wyoming on Filduy evening. Those who paitook of the pleasmo weio Misses Marv Kvans, Saiah Rvans, Rdlth Rogun. Dora Coicorau, Cassln Stull. Rdlth Rvelaud, Mary Maicy, Carrie ivnhtile. tleitiude Penhale, Anna Blown, and Mcssis. Fred Nay. lor, Charles Kluck, Alex Penn, Robert Wlckel, John Thompson, William Will luuiri, Joseph ICIuck Rlchuid Xnyor. Hauy Williams and Thomas Ilronn. A pleasant hlnhdiiv patty was ten dered Mlus Rtta Mostellet' tile other nv eiilug. All the vailour amusements were participated In. A alunhle horse owned b hutltei lund & McMillan died fiom tho effects of iv sttoke of paialypls the other even ing. Miibleis Chailes and William Willis ute HI with the measles. Tho Infant child of Mr. and Mis. Riddle Is seriously III with measles Misses Flroeneo Keefe and Anna Flight havo lelurned home, after a few dns' visit with friends In town. Fied Dennis Is convncsclnp, nfter a recent Illness of tho gilp. Mrs. John Dills Is 111. Sirs. Wultor Nnylor Is 111 with the. Klip. Mis. Charles Rolls, of Dupont, visited at tho home of her son, James Rolls, of Millet 'g grove, recently. TAYLOR. The funi'ial of Mis. William Mor ton was held from tho family resi dence. In Not th Taylor, yestetdav af ternoon and was attended by it largo nnd forrowing concouisc ot ft lends. The Interment vas made In the Foiest Iloino emetery. Funeral service weie held In the FliFt Congregational cliutch at i'.SO o'clock. Pastor Rev. Thomas Uutland olllcluted and preach ed n very Imptosslvo sermon. Many beautiful lloinl oftrlngs were stiov.'ti on the bier of the detuuscd. The pall bearers were: John Ft amis, sr., Wil liam Richards, John FinncK Jr., Obf ill.xli Day. Thomas C, Fianols and Da vid Gould. Mies Jessie Nichols was tendeied a reception nt her homo on Cnlon stieet on aStuiday evening. The occnslon was Miss Nichols' sixteenth blrthdar nntilversiuy. A numltfr of her young1 ft lends assembled theie und passed a few pleaant hours. Tho usual party diversions were Indulged In. Dainty refieshments were served. Thoje present weie: Misses Letltla Cool bntigh, Rlislo Richards, Nellie Card well, Guslc Holntvtrdt, Jessie Nich olas, Mao Williams. Rdlth Coombs, Jessie Harlos. nndCharles W. Powell, Chester A. Reese, I'.ziu R. Powell. William Morgans, Lloyd Frtilchey and Albert Nichols. The funeral sei vices of the late Mrs. Mellndu Hiesecker weie held Saturday afternoon fiom her late residence, on South Main stieet, nnd weie qttltu laigely uttended, many of those who knew her thiottghout her whole life being piesenl. The lunenil set vices wen held In the Rrlck chuich Many lloial offeilngs were contilbutcd by Irlonds and telatlves of tho deceased. Interment was made In the Matey cemeteiy Tho socials held on Sutuidnj even ing by the members of the Calvary Raptlsl and 'Welsh Congregational i lunches wetc well patumized. Tonight at Weber's link, the Tay lor Stnrs will have as their opponents In a basket ball contest the Cinel:"r jacks, of Not th Scranton. lsaa" Daniels, 0 Scranton, has ben appointed u ynid mastei ut the Tav lor yards to fill the uicnney made by Robert Flynn. The Junior Lengue of the Archbald Primitive Methodist chuich will con duct a grand entertainment hi the chuich audltoiium on Tuesday even ing, Jan. I'll. An elaborate piogrnmme of brilliant talent will participate. The citizens of tho Fourth ward will hold their caucus this afternoon rrom I to 7 (i. m. Tho employes of the Holden und Archbald ceived the fit si of their earnings on Saturday. Taylor, Pyne. collleiles 10-seml-monthly Mrs. Ruiiand and daughter, Rellu. of Nantlcoko, are the guests of Mr. an 1 Mis. John A. Jones, of Main street. Rmblem division, No. i"7, Sons of Temperance, will meet in tegular ses sion this evening. Mr. and Mis. W. R. Jones, of Car bondalo, spent Sabbath with the lat ter's mother, Mrs. R. W. Heese, of Main stieet. Mrs. Rdward U. DaK. of West Scranton, visited lelatlves in town the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Drowning, of Hellevue. visited lelatlves of the lat ter In this town yesterday. Miss Rertha Jones, of Stows street, was the guest of Mr. and Mis. .1. A. Jones in Hvdo Park yestenlay. Miss Mue Rvans. of Rloomsburg, who is visiting fi lends In this town, spent yesteidav visiting In North Scranton. Miss Kate Rurkc. of West Scranton, was tho guest of friends in town yes terday. CHINESE LAND LAWS. How the Landlords Are Boycotted and Robbed by Their Tenants. Tho leasing of ceitulti tonitoiy fiom the Chinese Emperor as an extension of the Rrltlsh colony of Hong Kon has brought tho queen's local repre sentative in contnet with tho unwi It ten land laws of tho Chinese Inhabi tants, saytJ a Peking correspondent in a London newspaper. Deeds of absolute sale of land dated between 1519 and 1620 luue beeeu brought In for icgistratlou and, strange io say, the pit-bent owners of such gi iints are all the existing male descendants ot tho oilglnal owner, and thus, In one case, the proprietor iium bi'i owi 7ih. Females cannot Inherit laud. Should .in nwii'i wish to sili his land, he has to olfer to his neatest relatives, and only aftei their lefusal to buy it may ho sell to anyone out side his dan. Ciafty tenants Inflict the bovcott on an unyielding landlord by threatening to glvo up theli ten ure ot Innd unions tha tent bo re duced Should ho refuse, the tennnts lot m a "ling" aud allow no one el.s.j to take up the tenantry. It Is also not an unusual proceeding for ome ten ant", taking advantage or their land Imd's Ignorance, to make an 'ibsoluf sale of a'patt of the land, Just letaln lng suiflclPiil to pay the rent. The fiist official icpoit on tho llomr Kong extension gives un Instance of the conuptness of Chinese olllcbils About ten ucis (English) hud In course of tlmo been adedd to tho farm by the silting process of the sea and the detiltus la ought down by the Can ton liver. This natural acciotlon was claimed by the owners ot tho faun, but was sold by the Saii-ou muglstiale as waste land belonging to the govern ment for CU0 tiii'ls. ($$31) to a ft lend, who. It U alleged, foimed u swullcuto consisting of himself tho magistrate, the major geiioial, and, under cover ot the sale and by means of the sol diers at their command, took foiclhle possession of the while faun which wbs wot tit 5ij0,(ioi). Japs Do Not Originate ; Thby Copy. 'the ,ljjieo JH' liul oilKltMliiir, Inn jiuii.i ten. Urn ('him? ran orhiUmtr, Imi i.uinut brinv Iu jny dvune ol ncrfu lion; liiu Jjuik'w unnnt uiit'liiiU', but Jie ilewr at odiptlni; nnd in irntiu. Thdr ilustlcal booU an if ( tiliie I'llvin. u is ulv thi-ir ri'lljiUm Iheir iny i, their aimy l.'iiinaii, l.uul evJo I rrncli, tlioir tdiKdtloiMl v.Ii-iii Amcriciu und thull larlMUi ludustrlC4 Jiu from all over the woihl. 'llicy jit not slmplt copieil. .o-t-ri the borrcivcd ideas eatiu jinl ill Kf-lii), us it yrrc, and u ststnHi nh ilic (in. pilnt ft the art aid life of the Japanixi at io become I lull' uun, liul tlw iirndiKla nf Janni lack the .trrnstli and ilm.tblllty of thow (rom tha ounlrles from wlildi thi.t luu been Imi tated, hruie me not llkd.i in ili.luili the ffjuUi. bllum ut tbr wnililV ruii fin ,nars In come. poooooooooooooooo THEATRICAL, ooooooooooooooooo ATTRACTIONS TODAY. T.f r.Pt-".rlionj." Mulil tt'ADKMV OP Mt R' lark llyMllr compii NIM. Tho County Fuir. Niil HuiKisj in hit fjmoui iliaiaclciltatlou nl JIUi Ablsnll I'nie In "Tin County Pair," u the allructhn that dicw ljtk't- audentes to the lucrum Salurday altrrtioon and evrnin It Is n i, that Ins been ou the staite lor Ortn,v Jrars b'tl necr serins Io loe lt p(.cr to drisr, Mr n surrniindi'il bj conil tciinf jn.v Arizona. "i In In" Is tu be I'HseUcil beir l.'iiial'i .H ilit? I.jcimiiii itli nil Ine atmnvplirrc nnd ltlhty nf Hut Rrcat territory of lliu uit. Time Is .1 holrvinc plcisuie In this stlrrlni; fieture nt life in tin i,rcit MoJac countiy wlicrc tlic sol ilkr and tlic uncliiiuui ate Hie men who ilornlii tp, snd here th' noincn. if tiny know ttig tl.nui', lUo Kiiuw the itjddli) und the sun. lluwetri, not rtcrs tiling Is tough n thl net ivlilcb Mr. lliomai Intuduces In "Arzoiu " It tlic men arc xlvcn to tlie nccsslorsl tue ot xli; ctotus l.unii-ie, us tlie men who fljlit tlie lai ties' mid Mike tin I'niriiris and lepubllis lain bwii In eer.v time, tliey linn- thdr Rentier side they Imto otliir trails of iliirarli-r. Henry CMnby, pro)ilttcr ut Catibr's r.indi, Iu tlic An nlm Vllei, nles the whole ij Utn 111 "llmt's AiirviM Wi'n little thj on ut ter, tut theie is .is nuuli cluiily for u'uiiun as yon ran round up In I he flospel of t .lohn " Brockwfiy Tomonow Night. nmIh me now ou m1i foi the eltflitli ul dm llioikuu.v riittrluinuiHit series, HottonhlM M ttlte club crand cerccit Jt the b,cium toivei-icu- night. This rntdtulniiKiit ill be apiirccl.ited la the main patrnts of the IlioCkv.aj hiium, Kight Bulls. I In. Iliutliei llinic'i "nichl lldh" will 0" pivMiited at the l.jeium next Vci1iiih1) nlslit, .l.unijij uii Tlic entire production his Ken lemodelkd r that It will scarcely be recoj. iilzcil in the nc di mi. It s qulle snpeilluous to say llMt the nltcratlrn aM to the jcn'ral merit of the production. Tlic plot lemilns Hindi a ll wik, but th Fpccialtlps Introtluird ut holt Intervals ine in llrely nin .mil plcasintr. The Hmii brotheis iiinalns to (,'iie lllo and action to tier; Vti.c. The third att is ulmMt entirely new. 'ihtt cur tain li-ta upon a nutli fctiie Ir a Parisian pirk. in the bicksioucd are ihe acrobats ixning Kt.ilurs. llnlr antics aie u-iv .nnvnli if. The mUliMlIls of th- p. rrormincc and the iliniti. His of Its tpcclalttis ale eilic Iu till the hoibc. flri sctm al tli iIom' of the la-l am l a no. ill). Jnck Hooffler Comjiauy. 'Iheie Is no doubt that tho Acadtmj will be crowded Io tin doors this cenlne; when the lloetllir hnw opens n veek's rngap merit 'the east comprl-cR twenty flic nictropoliun tors and .boiiUl k!u a spleiiilid performance, Thdr opening bill will be the New York pro. duution "riio Woman In Itlaik," Uiro-i Horn tie lliiud.i., New link, and will be siccn th n,e utaclnir lu-re tu it Imi In New York. Tho scenery uiul ( cITfils displayed tluouKii ort this piiHluclieni icllpse aiicthliigr litietnfore rcccii in a production of this I Imi. Unllef' tickets for Momlav nlslit, whli li ha been limited to 2uo, should be s;urei1 as early as possible, n thire will be no lj-ccm ticlals hold hr.tfind this number. Kiatx i,nn on jln STAGE NOTES. Illjiidu- WuL-h undo a ideal poiMinl iut-vs as Jiephlne in "More llian Queen." Jotepli lliouks and Den Mem .un negutlat ioint foi li plajs lor liei we nest season. ainille D'Anille, who ictlied lion, the ixe whin tho nun led in sail PrineiMo lart rag. nir, irf luck on the xtnj.1- asaln. She rppeircd in avdcillr In Ofveland Ust week. II. (' liarnahce's role In "The Viceroy" is tho tweity-M'Uiith piuuilneiit part he has in' on the lu-U t-lii vc. When tin- nv pioducllon if "floblti Hood" is tmdc ho will mkbiato his lu huiidiedth pcrformaneo oi the Hirrll! in Nullirnliam. 'I he cist ot prln ipils so fai cna.iKd hi Chailes I'loliiiuu foi "In Haic nnd to Hold," in' addition to Hubert Loialne, Isabel Ininc;, Sidney Hei tcrt and Holbiook Illinn. Iiiclmlts Chntlew colt, lent be Daniel Kiohmin; Maud Iloslonl, Mabel Girrison, lAittio Alti'i, I'lorcrce Itobln on, Clairu lliPowell, Wallaii- Krsl Inc. full 11.' Mllle mil " Miller Kent KUSSIA'S GREAT FEAT Railway Ferry at Lake Baikul a Tri umph of Modern Engineering. Pioin sphere. The most inteiestlng portion of riits-s-i'i'.s gte-it 4,000-mIIe lallway Is the mount teny across Lake llolkal, In Cential Sibeila. The lake 1ms an ex tent of over 13,000 square miles, and is nioi e than twice n.s wide us the nnglish channel nt Dover. In places It Is as deep as 4,500 feet, and parts of It have never been plumbed. It l suuounded by some of the hardest mountains which a railway engineer could encounter. The olilclnl plan of the Tians-Slberlan lallway Includes a railway round the southern end of the lak to connect the two lake-shore timlnal, but th enormous difficulty nnd the expense, which Is an iniport nnt mattei to Kuusla at the present lime, of constructing such n line eon-sphe- to Indefinitely postpone Its com pletion. To link the two ends with u steuim eny which would V- able to break tlnough the Ice which oovcis the lake from the middle of December to Slay was undoubtedly suggested by the ex cellent woik of the Yt'imah Ice-bieak-ei In the Baltic. Fir Willi im Arm stioug, AV'hltwoitli Co., of New cas tle, were tho constructors of tho Vor miik. and to the older of tho Itusslun government Ihey constituted u sec ond and laiger Ico-bieaker which was clfiKtened the Baikal. The Tktlkul has thiee lints of i all In Id upon her mnln deck to cany one passenger and two goods tifilns across the lake. The tinlns eiitei ihn leo bienkcr nt tho bow, which Is run 'up ngalnst u pier, The tails mo con rccteil and the trains hut; Into tin ea sel. With this load she will crush hi i way llnotigli thiee let of Icu ut it speed or thliteen knots an hour. t-ctew at th bow with ft sepaiate en glue Micks away the nti fiom un deinenth the Ice at tho bow, which thus spills fiom Its own weight- dm two stubby-blnded piopcllcis it ih.i Mem nt the Fame time force the ves. ml thioiigh the bioken lco sheet. Thi u-tual tinck of the Baikal measures tlllltv-nllie inilci-' HELPED EACH OTHER. Two Caihieis Who Ai ranged to Rob Two Banka Simultaneously. 1 nun ilis Niw- lili-in- 'lliiiis-lirinnii n "No system of checks can piexeut ,i (llshriniist emnlovo from .stpnllntr." mm n vctc-itin business man and bank ill- ! reetor of this city, "nnd the best de- tcirent I know of Is un occasslnnnt occi hauling of accounts by an outside actual y. If all hands feel that this Is liable to linppen at any moment, they nrc very apt to keep stialght. Tho stiong point about such examina tions should be their unexpeeteilnpss. I don't bollevo In the rotation of book keepers or other trusted employes ns .a check on ono another. Good men In the same establishment nlways hao un avaisioii to tale-beating, nnd, Iu nine ensos out of ten, they will fall to teport little things that would nt once excite their suspicion In u ledger kept by n stranger. They don't want to tun the tlsk of making' it mistake and securing the everlasting enmity of n fellow employe. The man who makes the Inspection .should be brought, If possible from another city. "That reminds me, by tho way, of :i lemarkablc stoiy of collusion which wns related to me lately by n na tional bank examiner of my acquaint ance. One day ho was going through the usual Inspection of iilYuIrs ut a solid old bank In u. northeastern city, when the cashier suddenly toppled oer Iu an npopleetlo fit, and died al most instantly. Ills tnsli and ac count weie found to be tibo1ulelv i orerct. Home mouths later tho In spector dropped In to make nti exam ination of another bank only a few dooia uway, and the cuMder promptly slipped out a side entrance and dis appeared. It developed that ho win short a huge itmount, and, when sub sequently caught u cuiioua story leak ed out. It seemed that both cashiers were defaulters, nnd had been In the habit of helping each other out with cash to 'mal;e t:ood' when the exam iner appealed. At the time tho llrst man droprcd dead he had about $J0,. 00(1 of tlu other bank's money, which he hnd Intended to return next day. The trngedv left his friend Iu a terri ble hole, as he had to shoulder both shoitngcs, and when tho examiner next arrived, there was nothlns to dn but run. His statement was eon ilnned by ample extraneous evidence, but I don't believe It was ever given to the public iu all Its dctalK'" " THE WORLD jjtjtss ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO TODAYoij.. If opwh,M. I'M, by It K Hush!"", Loius illle.l Hie poiil.iliuli of the' 1 woihl was a Huh inotc lilted Stite was onh a th ii n billion. 'I he I diop ii the bmket, I. inhabit nits ot Knrnpe txjo, divided as follow: Herman Kmpire AMili I'llLv-la i'latiei1 spill Il-I) N'orw.i) and Pentmrk . ih-u Snlt7erlai.d I'.il.ind rtuistiit Turket l':ii;liiil and Wales ... Sf'OlllM.l behind itli r..',0-.SI.t souls. The Mimboi-ed iiho it IT.l.tVO,- i'l.l-M.rW I VjO.lulO lO,(.W,i)iI 1U,VW,i lli,t'iO,)i) s.'-'oosio ,i50,uw I ,(') l.ryi.oixi II.IMVWI 1j,o0O,tl0i) l.-.,C0O,(ig0 s.-T-'.'rs) I.VO.fil.S I, milw) '1 ho lieiiinnlii i'f the eomi'iv, utm.--ul tue Uahluhei' noemeiil in Ai ihl.i. riith colic. led srmicn invadoil thi- U-iillory of Uaitdid and laid ilCBi' to Kcibela. a loealltv faninus for th tomb ol llosevu, the martyr, ivii cf All, mid .1 renter o( popuhr Mohametnn fupcistllion. I'he town was stormed, the Inhabitants in.ii-ai.ri J and fjioils uf uiiluciuo lalue fiom its tihrinrs to the Wnliliubn- tieisury n loiloui eni the- .-let, the WahhaUc ann wen nest directed wejtward. an-1 Meua, ilwll tukin, came Into their possession. '1 lie Wallabee inoirai.-i.i ivilvuuiul uiti one hundred je.n bcfoie this period, when Mid ul-Wnhhab iktciniii.i-d to inauinuate a ulonn that Rhould ieacil the- elietilui- anil practice of the Koieu as thay had been at the begin nine; Hi- held tint the piunitbi- faiih of Mam had btvninp romidi-rably comipted Jewelry hid only a mechanual kind ul e celleiii o, the result of a rune tradition of i ir workshop, (lorireous illects wen- aimed ul In n.utln? fold, and introducing i-iones rlaboutrb cut in Clientele? ui- clustcied in nuUn. Thus diamonds were clustend Iu lomttK and In. li quet and rubles, pcaiK cmiralds and olhct eolon-d spedal stones brouaht to-.-.-thn for lit Ho other purpo- tlun to get them Into a giien span- in rnMJuiuUwi with a rrrtain (plan. tlty of fold, . Mlliniibli 1 1"' applitiition of tlic sbliile iniuo cope lo tho minute scructuic o( plants and in! nulls hid been In proptiwi flnrt- the- end of the Seieiiticnth csntuty, the rise ol modem lil. tnloKV I eull) dates flora the bcicinriliiif of the Nilictreiitli ccntuiv, when was puhlUlnd Ulcliat'a "Anatonile (lenierale,' whhli analues the or i;anlm Into a. tirka of simple tusUea with ill-finite ktnietural L-liaracttr. The niw impulse, toeijlhir with the improvements of opllcal ap. pllanri-s In I lo rnucli further locauh , Th.- liliif in inoriiioiii niailne ieptilc rtn nun clted lo a nuuked deniec. Akuuiks of one ott the Atlautli- ut the United states bicanie- eo Irequcnt as to jriln foi the monster Hie- bobriquit in Kmopo ot '-Ameiican Sea N-rpent." A Rljantie tquld w.i mest llkily tin- foundation fei the man) hariowin tale's ul this Bieat water animal I.Xplllllleia, had liului,ld lo Hint ualri b its iiwa eapi'iutoii in a lanniiii but this method cfiuld In- jpplltd lo the pioductlor. of lie iu mull quantities old), 'liie idea ot tnid. lux ill ice oeeuned about this time to i. Iloston meichaiit, named Tiului, who hitu r,lpi,l iie lo MjHililqui. V rfiul impLiiu. w.m ifiuii il,- lien iaUiDiiy, e to must othoi tiadii. In- tin. vteuin tiuitu-s teimliiK into iu, uwluj to the oil it ire faUlltlt, in nil illu-etiona bIicii by the IihipitiI mm. in. i d c. po-wi tins obtained 1 otopaii, a cole mo it tlie ,i,i,s In l.i uair, was approaehlus an eiupthi- pnlml, ,vi tic porf ol l.uayaquil, 100 mlUs liom Ihi- oaier, nobis day nnd night like the coiillmnil dl ili.iiues ill a batten ouM be lieu. I. Ilu- Pipe l'iii ll manud the Icsulis llbul) to teioiistiiict in Nullum iluxla and p'niill. ted Piauclxus .ailn k.iiin, a Pole, Hie ilm, to vxrirfsi. (nil aiitliniity'uiili ,i ueiu ill. Paul I ullee, Vni,rii.iii im,i , plilljialimpj.i, aiituipti'd to found a ink.iiv m mr np.'in, . 'n fili i, but failed , The I-illmviiiv peiaist., who aiiii-itinl ji tali.ul fame, wire bom ilurlntc (hr tiaii Uillhui Mltdili, Mnoikmi nni.t hilubi Mlllei, (jiiman theolowlaii, l ha-les Jiwph Mondelei, Canadian juiUi lluii) Mo.el), riullt'i Hiilptoi- and wjll.i Kail IuiIwIk .Mlelitlct, (Ic-imaii pliilosuphei. John Mar.i Odin, I'lemli iehll.iop In n. ita I iimllilu Itipil-u- i.. itllitlia, llriylllim states ii an .Miami Millei, i.riinan phinoh.-al.t , md jn.n. ornUt. IMwaid I. Uuiilir. Iiench lumr.ilUi ,,in writer, William II. Milts t . Ii.kIi.Ii pliiilm and inin eiale-kl.t llaitliolviiien y. Miiiui, uinit,ii .luip.mj,, I and lliilJcoi. Join II SiHiii.iu n aidiiuli. I-mil. , iln,,. itlau and author awlioii Aihilli- iliii.ii, i, mil .uinn,,, nnd aulhoi In Amrilia Mrs. Winfilow's Soothing Syuip ii i ...I r.. .ticx t. us,, . - I0 i.ri-ii m. i... u.t ,11 it lj.(S li MILLIONS l'l MOIli:ilS ior ll-i, ill ii. Wllll.i: Tliniln. with l-LlirM.T ,(TI it sooniM tiw- ( im ii. -oni:Nb u,,, v,vw'. M.l.WH sll I'AlNt CUIIVh WISH ( OI.UI. m ' Is tlie bi iinifily fur III WtllllOKA. s.ib i,y Dnmsl't 1 " I1"' "' "' woilil. Hi- (uui ml dU fui "His. Willow's buotliliu; Mtii, anil lilr n s lis.- Mini, ruilfii- Mnn j, boltlf. Special Offerings of Domestics i OUTING FLANNELS in light and medium grounds; -ja 6c kind. Monduv for J-tC CALICOES in pretty de- signs with chocolate ground;, a f the 6c kind, Monday for. . . .t"C 'COMFORT COVERINGS 1 in pretty colorings and p:tt- 1 Items, ;c kind. Aond.iy for.T'iC INDIGO BLUE Calicoes in newest patterns and designs, e the 7C kinds, Monday for . .5C DRESS GINGHAMS, line Madras, all newest patterns:: (the ioc kind, Monday for..O.C ! 2-s-l NCH PERCALES in flightand medium grounds; i the roc kind, Monday for 0-C , FINEST PERCALES, -in. i navy, cardinal and black; o i (the iajc kind for OC 'FRENCH FLANNELS. i( I inch wide, latest colorings, i r i the 1 5c kind, Monday for "C j Special Offerings of Dress Goods and Silks. PLAIDS it pieces of fine , double folds suitable for child ren's dresses all fast colors,;j 1 the I2jc kind, Monday for COLORED CASHMERES, full 40 inch in all the newest shades including black, -5Q-'good weight; the 50c kind ?VC Special Offerings of Reefers, Skirts and Capes. CHILDREN'S strictly all- wool Kersey cloth Box Reefers with notched sailor collars,hand- somely embroidered with novelty braid; navv blue only; sizes 0 and 8 years, the real val 1 ap 1 ue $4, cut for Monday to "O LADIES' line separate Skirts , ot all wool Cheviots. Serges and Homespun; part of this lot are 'trimmed with stitched taffeta Jonas Long'sSons AVA THE MARKETS. SATURDAY'S STOCK QUOTATIONS Ths fulluninir quotations srt (urnlslicJ Tin Trlbiuf l.v JI -. Ionian k I o . rnonin TUf.-TOd M'urs liuil Im;, v r.ininii, l'.i Telf phf m-SO0.I : 0Hll lllgli- l.ov. ("lis- ins. -t ct inff. Ai1Ui11.H1 Nimi . I..4's HI'.- Ulj Ul". Aiiiiriuu '1'otijoi .j .. Hi in IN HI Am. .-. i V I '.- '0 4t's Aldi., Iu i IV . .. 4i1s 4'I'h W, W's T. 4- -J. K. I'r ?.... (-" si's; l 3',i IJiookhn lY.'itiim . .is rt'i sr3 w?5 tmit. Tubal u IP. ll? il'i Hli Cliis. li OI1I1 yts .W. ' ' fliii. k O. V IT', I7'v IPs JT'.i k g HI IU'j ll-' l8i M Kml TJiVi JJ lW'i l5Vi noiK Islaiiil .. . 11'jV UlU Ul)? llU UoUwJtc k IliuUun . 151'i Ul'S: 1'il'j l'llj I.aikjUMinu 111. Hi IK 10', fetltul -iietl I'vU sii'i: lU 4UU IVdeial Wcel, I'r TO'j 701.. ;o, 7u, Kju. J: Tix.. IT 11 5l j 32i .W- Louis, k Nj1i li W7 S') iJH llmiliatln Kle lUTs 11 Ht'i Hu Met. Tracllon (c KOVj JiUsj H.J1, l'i Jllsaouri l'.ulfip SO-; -4 ".'i i4 I'eaile' Ca 00U Vfit V Wi N. J. (iitul 1VI IV) 110 liO Scutiirrn l'.uifio 14 m, JJ-' UU :.onh I'jclht W k sVi M North, rarillc, lr Si', ;7'i Jl'i 'i X. V. Cfntul HJ's Ul'j n: Hi Ont. k Vl 'il5 Jl'7-i .U', a JI- K tin j II It UW, 140 Hi 14i4 Itudlnff 31 y-i'l .11 .I2H riMillnjr, I'r 71 . 715, n 71, Soutlu-iu H. It XU5, J0' TV.- 201i S.)ullicni II II . l'l- .... 70-V 7H.. 7u5s 'Mi 'Jfiin., I' V Iron A7's ."i7 'i7 67 lT. -. I-catlxr !C5, ir M MV, V S LmtUl, IT 74 71U :-i 7IU I. S. Itubboi Ji iU, 21U -Jill I nion 1'iifltlc 8.1'i si et -il I nlon IMifle, I'r S) Sf"'ir "I .l'-j Wtliash. Pi iVi is5. Wt -"'i V.'i li in I'ihoii SI S. a! riiir(,o f.uux Mvninx Opdi- lllul,. low- (los. ' HIIMI' IHB. i, ft in. UV 77'4 IVbriun 7I! ton. SIjv U'Jij Kubnun- i'' OATS .Mai- e.-. I'OltK. Miv l.l. I MID iljy 7.13 tu 7.l i:t MHIK UIHIV ilMIKir Oik n- lllirli- Low- ( Im. 11rr. d.:. i-t. nt. i.'. Mini il'l ll" Ms, sl J.i st'. i-Ji, Mij 1 tDIIN. M.u 4I. 15', II', n Eciantou Boaul uf Tiniie Exchange Quotnttons All Quotntions Dascd on Pur of 100. sTOlR. HiJ ,lfj. Hi, 1 Sutipi.1l H..l Ui ... Guillen Siilugs ri-iiil i5u lliiril Nllutul IIjiiU m Dime IK'iiosll slut llisiouni Hull'... jm lAimomj liglil, II fc I' to iJ Latla. lui-t ih' Tojioit Cu .... 150 CUit. u.n 1 lu, l'l i.'j Muntui lion IViict .Mix. to 100 Sraiuuii Al' W'wk Yi LaiUialil J rJlr 1.0, I'r jo Count! Mium: Hani. I11M lu., M Kiul Nuii-.i jl 'link iLstbomlilt-) -f tlunJaut Drilling i ,vi TuJr.' National Hank lis S raiiUMi ri'li an.l .Nut Cu n'i 110M). t-iulitoii !'. inn ltiilJ, Gut MoiUtam-. iliii- 1"0 in IVoiilf's "tuil llallnai But uinrt taai. dm- Ml Ill IViU's Stui-i Kailtsa.i, lii-mul moitBOBC Uui 'l II J Duk.on Mariubuuilr1. Cu luil LJika. Tunn.lil S.libOl ft rr n'lll , 0i (II) ul fiianiui M Imp. 0 r trnt 111 twranlon luiilou (1 tev tint 113 Sctnntoii Wholesale Muiket. (Ci'iliilfl Io II. 1-. Dale, 27 laikaw.nna i) llutlfi I ifiinu'i, Jr.'ajjr. Iits Vln t Wfstwii, Ji.'."i-I nuibl stair, '.-iajliii, and Linings. SKIRT PATTERNS, 84x36, large variety of patterns; q the 29c kind, Monday for VC GREY BLANKETS, 11-4 size with fancy borders; i( the Si kind, iMondny for aVC FULL SIZE COMFORTS, extra heavy, loured on 1 o side; 1.25 kind, Monday VOC FEATHER PILLOWS, $' lbs covered with good tick- o ing; 1.25 kind, Monday forVOC PERCALINES. strictly last black and fine quality; the 03 i24c kind, Mcnday tor... O4C SILESIASin last black and staple shades; the 15c j r kind, Monday for 1 UC CANVASS Dress Facing of extra good weight; the 01 I23..C kind, Monday ior...2C SKIRT LININGS, Moire silk finish in all new shades j s the 25c kind Monday (or. IOC SILKS More than a thous and yards of exquisite braided and lace Taffetas; rich stripes in cerise, violet, brown, cardinal, navy, garnet and green; just the thing for stylish waists; worth from 75c to 1 the Afv yard. Your choice for. . tVC bands and have full Hare; per caline lined. Real value ap cut to .&" LADIES' AND MISSES' rich and pretty Golf Capes, full sweep with plaid flounce; part of them are of Kersey cloth with flounce to match; large rolling collars and perfect hanging. The real value is 6.98 -y a cut Monday to 0,"D CUetKC ruJl cream, new, liuUVJc. llejiu lVr Im. ihoice maneif, (160. Onions Jl.OO per bu. I'loiir nest patrnt, H wl. Dairy Uutter WiSOc. Jinn IVus 1'oa Hfaiis .'.oaJ JO. Philadelphia Liva Stock Markat. l'liilaUi-lphi 1, .Inn, 27. Li etockl Receipts for tlic wrrk Outilp, i.Zil; uliecp, TW3j ho, 4,13. Cattle Market dull and draeiry; prus. Iuihti hit, W.07VJa3.J0; choice, o.l2yjSA -,'6 good, flt7!;.i); nmlluiu, tl.50i4.73i common. 1.25al.:t7'. hhfp and fjrabs Steady 00 all clTcilni;s which weio ltbiral but tradlns; not vi-tilc; lits-p, (linlce, WMlsC.; (tool, li,H'ir.., medium, .iaJ'.iu; rommon, SodVie. tpnuj lambs,, 3'$atw,i-. llovs Supplies liberal thoutfli nut etti-u'li ami veil dlapod ot at atesdj prkes, iloscd strons, best western, IM 7?4C-.; other kiliilj. 7.7 Ho. j 4tii hog, Dot ut fcrrd. 1'at cons, dull, at 2u.1?io,j thin rouw n Ifiht intiuiry, Zaiic; cal calves, ruled eitid I l.v, active, bringinir J7Vii-,j extra ckelue com itmuM SuSVio.! milch cows wanted only of thi best kind,, at (JiaDO; dreaded cleera, ateady al S'intfc. ; drid .owa, Ca75ic Buffnlo Llva Stock Mnrket. Last Buffalo, Jin. 27. Becelpto-Oattla, 111 tars; sla-eep and Jjinlw, 21 cars; hoc, 'ii ears. Shipments Cattle, 10.1 cutj clutp and lamb), II can; Iicgs. 21 cars. Csttle Demand mmlir. ate; laltxe, IoMr; bulk ot ot best sold at M.&U. Lambs-Choke to ejtra, ao.VSaH.T.l. Miccn Mlted. tM.23Jl.i3. Hogs Ue.ivy, j.U 3 10; pis, 1W). ' WordiofthoWita. It is oio (0 kpprclicr.J tlun to suffa. Bruj ere. History Is His ct iunuinerablo ll" rapkles Carlvlc. Ho man na.s rier m mucb deceived ISy n otliti- i I) IiIum,!', CIrevIlle. It men ate an svicLcd willi rellictoit, uhal nould Ihcj- be without it?-tnklin. Love Hut bail but beauty tu feci on it short, llicd and subject to f.L. L'r;-mu.. Ol all the eiil spirits abicuil In tho svotdl in sincerity Is th" lno"t dansreroui. Ftoude. The Kiatltudc if place expectants Is a lively senx- ot future favors. Sir Kobeit Walpole. I.i t J cut literal- romposltioni be kept from ilm public e lov nlue jcaiv, at least. Hoi ace. Il is a v,Ut man nho l.r.o.vs Us own baiinrn ami It is a wiser man win thoroughly attends to ii. II. h. AVai-Iiml. Hut Health ii a 1,1 c.l lueaiu of refinement) anil It Is 3 jouirily tor ffcnllenev. alnie it re. niiAca ilUtinbluj aialelien. Ik Marid. 1 1n.1lt1t.1lH that I hot- who hair died honorably ate nlle, i.itlu'i than that tliov Hit who rn h ih.honiirable llie.Kuripideii. -luce tin- ccncrality ol tuun. act fiom im puNi- nuuli niui 1' than Horn piinriple, men ur i.dlliki j 4,00.1 imi o bvl as wc air npi 1 tlilnl. thi 111. -Hue. Tlic only uaj to make ihc mas. uf nuiikim via llii lieautv ol Jiwtkc is In- thouinic lliein, in pietty plain ti'ini', Ihc iuiiciUCiKe( n in .iii-lui-. t-i Jin v Smith. Die tiilnclral rcaoii ulj men ate to ulim uvi.-lcs Ik thar tl.iv divide anil shift their at trillion mnoiifr u iiiultlpllilly of olijeils ami puuitlu rsiiiuoiis. Ihiiuel liuhmsn, eaili in the pieirut ihealinai Ma.n, liuufuratul a Klii. ul inlitimsl riiniieii 11I1UI1 In- Kites al hU hoine on .Sunday nil,t". and there tho nuinbeis ul hi, loiniianlea wlo till- plJ.iii.i; snd 1 how who au walking mound, but ihawins sslary Jut the same, Ii.mi a iliams tu iiiii-t and uxilniMi- bittersweet irtnnk, Mali- uf 111. 10, l ui oi 'luledo, l.iua Ivliniv. I'ltsSK J. ( IIKNIIV make, oath that In I. si 1 lor paitner of tho Mini ot K. .1. CIIKNtV Jt CO.. doln bii,liie-s in the Cilv c( Toledo, t' ami Male aloiesalil, ami that ajIiI lit nt will . tic sum nt DM! llll.NDIIUIl DOLIvsHs foi rai-li ami iieiy cave ui C.vrsltltll that unnoi be uui'i b ih- ui ot lUI.U'S OATARHIl CIHIi: tnVNK J. (.IIKNEY. swoiii to l.etoie me and MuVilbcd in im piewiue, ibis Ul 1 1 d.y ul JMeuibcr. A. 1)., lih'i. l"ial. , llliKASON. Notary Publle, ll.ll's CatJtih tun- U taken ititemally, an-1 aels illrettl on tln liloud and mucoua aurtariyi ol thu twtun. send for testimonials, frx 1". J. CIIKNXV it I O , Tolo, O, Mml liv DiunKtsta. 73c, Hall's Vamilv Pills sis- the Usl. ., . , t ,