The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 28, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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irv ,? i.
! " ? V
Has Boon In Charge of the Pulpit
Since Last August Sermon of tho
Rev. J. B. Swcot, D. D., on "The
Triumph of God's People" Tho
Current Event Club Hns Been Or
ganized by a Number of Well
Known Persons Spocinl Religion
Rev. Rvnn IS. Williams, who left tier
or Cooltille. Ohio, td accept a chaise
3u the Cools tllo ConKrof' church
in Atifr. 1. lf00. 1m moctiurr with jrood
Micees hi his pfTortM. Although In
liaiRO of the pulpit .since lasl AtiKiiit
J.e was not ordained until icceiitly. On
Tuesday, Jnn, ",', Mr Williams under
tveiit Iho examination and so certain
ivere Ihi' hoard of directors of Ills emal-
fictitious, rtc, that an eljbointo pin
pi ammo was uiruiuied for and curled
cut lhat .some evenliiK
The soi vices weie opened bv toncre
ftnllonalsIiiKlnKand follow ln-this Rev.
.Mr. Stanley, D. I)., missionary, from
China, load tho suiptuic and led In
jrnvet. The choir of the church ren
dered some excellent muilo ond tin
hcrrnon wan delivered by Rev. William
IWllllams, of Old Town, Me., an unole
of the candidate, who has also been
Jienrd hcie on several occasions The
Jialanco of tho programme win
tirrl ilnlns Travel It. 11. 'I. W iltUmi
JlWd II mil of IVltoAolnp .Hot W. 1! Rlicl.lur
li.u ' tn I'.i.'lor
..Ite-i. II.
I! Vail
I liriTim
iiiiko le l'mple,
Itet J. I!,
lliiidn Inn
Miliols I) II, Mnitlta, I)
llev V I!. WillUnu
Ills Mutcmcnts of belief weie well
Impaled and showed htm ns he really
J, a well educated man In
studios, a deep thinker and :i piofounil
nutqr. The ftutementu nie eiulte
3enBt'hy and we resret our Inability
lit publish the bame, although lequest
has been made. However, In his con-
lulling icmnrks the Kev. Mr. Williams
"1 fully realize that 1 urn jet a
rwiiith In this great work of (in 1st
nnd bellevo that God has blessed my
life with a mind that needs be cle
tclopcd, and as the years of mv life
open up before mo, and new experi
ences enter upon my path of duty, It
niav be that the statements which
out for and COLDS
le of New
Golf Cloakings
The coutmued popularity of the Golf Cape is due in a
large part to the fact that it is by all odds the most
stylish, aud at the same time the most serviceable gar
ment for ladies' wear iu cold or ch lly weather, that
has ever been devised. Eight months in the 3'car the
Golf Cape has first call as a really reliable wrap, and
its popularity for the coming spriug will be as great as
These Facts Make This Sale
Of Golf Cloakings a Notable Event
Aud one which should be largely taken advantage: of
by ladies who believe in made-to-measure garments.
There are forty-three piece1 iu all to be disposed of at
a heavy sacrifice iu price, and every yard of them was
made for this season's trade. The colors are right up
to date, the shade list being complete iu every detail.
Lot 1
inch Heavy Grlf Cloakings,
plain face with plaid backs. Four
popular shades to choose from.
Were $3.00 a yard. Choice now
56-inch Plaiu Face and Plain Back
Cloakings, iu color combinations
such as Wine aud Freuch Blue,
Black aud Grey, Blue aud Red,
Garnet aud Grey, Garnet aud
Green, Cadet and Cardinal, etc.
Cloakiugs worth $3.50 a yard arc
Lot 2
I --rf- "5 56-itich Golf Cloakings, in revers-
l-vL J jbie fauCy designs and colorings.
Top notch fashion effects. None
worth less than 53.50 a yard,
' Your choice now
The Sale Begins This Morning.
Globe Warebodse
now place hefoic you shall, for me, he
affected and posslblv materially
handed. Yot, while I obtctve tho
Ereat need1 of humanity confronting;
iiu on every side, nnd the opportunities
which I receive for fcertico for God
and humanity, my earnest desire Is
that I may lome Into i low fellow
ship with Jesus, that I inlRht become
a moic faithful and useful Htcwutd n
the days of my seivice ko by My
purpose of life Is to think to speak, to
live as close an possible to the wny In
which 1 believe ClulHt would have me."
llev Mr. Williams until he took up
Ills tlieolojrlcal studies was tinned on
the West Side and Is well known. Pre
vious to Ids entcilnir collcKo. and, In
fact, dut Ins vacation time he labored
In the mine to secuto fuiulH with
which to puisne his woik. He In u son
of i:vnn .1. Williams , of Hamilton
street tire boss at the shult
Rev. Dr. Sweet's Sermon.
I!i . J. 15. riweet, IX r pastor ol the
Simpson MetliodlL Episcopal church,
pleached to a huge iiudlence yester
day mntniiiK on "The Tilumph or
God's I'ejple" The Simpson MUarleito
H'lidercd several evcellont selections
Itev. Sweet took his tevt ftom Daniel
l Si- "The people that do know
their Hod shall bo stiong and do on
ploItK." He spoke us follows:
The books of Daniel and Itevelatlon to be allied in their stiano
and llguiatlvc titteinnccs,. And yet,
though they an- In a incasine Inrom
prehenslble, thoie aie many things In
with which .no prolltahle and helpful
foi true life. In the book of Daniel,
lessons are inttnv In which we ate
t night the value of life and the nobll
Itv ot ehaiiietei Heie an angel has
visited the piophet and iiii t God's
dealings with the wot Id, the ovei
tlnow of kingdoms and tl.o suffering
liuldenlat thereto, but with all thes
things us stated uanplilng .wound,
yet "The people do know their i
God shall be strong and do exploits."
How can we know God"' Wo know
God ns lie Is lovoaled In III woid. ,
Hoio we hive direct and conclusive
evidence concerning lllm for here lie I
Huplp.rev. blniKPir ns the AlmlchtN- God.
the Creator, a faithful
iful. kind, yet Jir-t i
Fathei; a meicllul Helng n Jealous
(Jod. A God ot knowledge, whos"
vmivs ai" pel feet. The wonderful
Coun-elloi. the mighty God, the ever
lasting Father and the Pilnco ot
I'eaie. GenesW the book of begin
nings, icve.ils lllm, mikes known Ills
plnns nnd shadows thlr fulllllmcKt.
"All Mibspiiuent books are assorting
Tils wImIoiii nnd declaring the woik
ing together of the mind and heait of '
God for the eternal beneJltlng of the
human nee, and author showing the
answer to nil unfulfilled tiue aspira
tions In God manifested In Jesus
C'lulst. This woid nnsweis all th
questions talked c oncoming God and
the things we desire to know of God,
iis to Ills piosence. Ills nattiie, UN
spirituality, His eternity nnd Ills lm
moitallty. Then wo know God as we
become acquainted with Jomis Chi 1st.
God dwells with men, In their own
likeness, nnd Is subject to all the vicis
situdes of human life to make Himself
known unto men, and we know of
life nnd Immortality through Him an I
by knowing lllm. Mercy becomes a
known citinntlty unto men beenure
they see It as n (puillty ot God's re
vealed In Jems Christ. Love becomes
a certain attribute of God's of wMch
wo know, beeattso Jesus fin 1st por
trays It constantly and sealed Its UuMi
as of God by the sacrifice of Himself.
"Then we know God when wo flnl
God's likeness In ourselves. When
we put on the new man. which Is ro
newed In knowledge utter the Image of
Him that created lllm.
"Ily all comparisons, we find God to
bo a perfet I typo ot true manhood.
A Helng knowable by man because ot
His uillnlty to man's motal nature.
Man knows of God even as he knows
some of his own component paits, but
as ho cannot understand himself,
neither can he fully understand God,
though ho knows of him by tho hear
ing of the car, the seeing of the eye,
nnd the ttndci. standing ot tho soul.
"Resultu of knowing God: He
strong, and do exploits. The develop
ment of these thoughts revealed tlu
fact that the stietigth was not physi
cal, but ot chntaeter and potil, nnd th
exploits weie not of the specially
heroic, as understood by 'Great or
noble ieed,' but self conquest, 1 1 1
uinpli ovot sin, mastering the wot Id.
nnd vlctmy over deuth. The conclu
sion was illustiatlve, using the Olym
plan games to show the ei owning of
the victor with the gailand of liuiiol
leaves. And the ei owning ol God'
people, who know lllm, are stiong and
do exploit!', with the clown of .vel"
lasting life.
Annivorsniy of the Fixe.
Ah yesterday was the nnnlveisaiy of
the binning of the Scranton Stieet
Jhiptlst church, I'astor Mathews made
this the subject of the morning ei
vice. He fcellnglv spoke of how, only
two years ago, the menibei.s of the
''lrt H.iptlst chuich were made home
less by the lire which destroyed the
chuich on Scranton street, and how,
through trouble and tilal, they are
building the beautiful stone chuich on
Main avenue as n monument to th
God who In His Infinite wisdom took
the old structure, but gave In return
one many times moio beautiful.
The Sunday school Is gi owing, and
the ttfllcpis hope upon the enter
ing of the new chuich It will be
The meetings of the Uaptlst Younc
i' l"'"cn U,",J" """ veiy inceiesung.
J 'copies union are
"' v " ""
ts are lining the hall
night by night as the Sundays pass
Tho Ctmont Evont Club.
A number of well-known people of
this side met on Friday evening at the
homo of Mis. Anna Iiarnes, on South
Main avenue, and organized n club to
be called tho "Cuiient Kvent club," the
object of which remains n .seciet to the
outside world. Alter permanent mean
Ix.itlon was perfected, a social session
endued. llefrclnnents weie served
The inemlieis of the club are: Judge
nnd Jlis. Hdwiuds. Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Sluyi r. Mr. and Mrs. Hobeit Will
lams, Mr. and Mrs. Ocoige Howell, Mr.
and Mrs. William Price. Mr. and Mrs,
William rreeman. Mr. and Mrs V. i:
Thaer. Mr. and Mm. i 'rut tendon, Mr.
and Mr. H. D. minus, Mrs. Anna
Hat nos nnd Miss Sule P.aines
Special Religious Services
Itev. W. II. Williams, the "diummcr
evangelist." spoke to ;i Rinid-sliiPd
mullein e at the Jnclwm Stieet liai
tist chinch last evening on "Breaking
Home Ties" At the conclusion an altar
sen Ice was conducted and several er
picssed a ch she to Join the church.
Kev Mr Williams will c lno his woik
on this side this evening. During his
short st. iv Ids (tl'mts have been
clowned with sm piss.
The seiial seivl es bring held each
night at the Simpson Methodist chuich
timing the past week will be continued.
Tho restiltH have boi n gratlflng. Itev.
W.udell. of Chicago, a noted divine,
will sjicnk ut tonight's sei ic es. An in
vll.itii 11 Is extended the public to et
tond and aselst in making the nn cl
ings a succfs.
Tnylor-Davis Nuptials.
John J. Taylor and Mrs. Mary Ann
Davis, both of Lackawanna, were unit
ed In marriage cai Trlday evening at
the parsonage of the Simpson Metho
dist Hplscopal chinch, on North Hjde
IMik avenue, by the pastor, Itev. .1. It.
Sweet. They were unattended
Mr. and Mrs. Tayloi dispensed with
a wedding tour and commenced house
keeping In a newly luinlshed home In
Lackawanna, where they have a huge
elide of fi lends, who etcnd thoin their
best wishes lor a happy fiituie
.Uxixtnnt City Solicitor David J. Da
vis Is MUfrcihiK from a hovei attack
ol the Klip. '
Joseph lleffron, of south Main ave
nue, visited filendM In Wllkes-Iiarre
Di. .1. V. U Davis, ol Ninth Main
avenue, has t centered fioin a hIioi l 111-
lll'.C I.
William 1 Williams, of Chestnut
stifot. tpent tho Sahhnth at Wilkes f. W. Tasuc, funeral dlioctor. Is
sltwly iLcovutlnpr ftom a serious at
1. 11 U of piiQtinionla,
Mis. J. 1.. Davis, of N'oith Main ave
nue. Is f.ufforlriK from an attack of
luiiK tiouhlo.
Waltei Knapp. tho North Main ave
liu i Initchei, is eiullo ill.
Mis, Ch.ules Chaits, of Pi lee street,
Is HiiiToiiiiK with pneumonia.
A. W. MUBirrave, the di-URgm, Is
aide to ho around alter a sIoko of the
Frank Met, ot Tenth Htreot Is vln
IiIhk fileudu In
Arthur Keene, the Municipal luayue
detective, who Rot In a tow In f-'os-grnve'H
hotel a fovv vvoekii aRo, cot
nilNod up In another nlfnlr In a lunch
vwnjon, on Ninth Main nvenue, Satur
day nltfht. He sot Into a Unlit mid
' pushed tin oukIi tho dooi, tuuni-h-Intv
It He was tu rested by I'ntiolnuin
Mi Col 1 1 Kan, but was pei milted to ko
,ve.sKida moiiilng, aftei ho had settled
nmtteiH by paying the luiicinnau $S for
the daniaKO done.
Mr and Mrs. Ch.ules Ti.iuhu h.ivo
welcomed a now baby hoy nt their
home on Tenth stieet.
The Ladies' Aid society of the IM
mouth ConsroKatlonal chuich will
meet on W'ednesduy In the chinch par
lors. An lmpoitnnt special meeting ot the
West Side Central llopubllcan club will
be hold nt their toonih ihls ovenlng
Uuutil ute Kemp'i IIjIbjiii far (lie llioai am)
l.tiiEH. It H cuilne more ( oiuU, (uldi,
Vtllinii, lliuntlilth, t icuip iihI all Tlinut ml
I HUB Troulilot, tlan an) othei intslii inc. TliC
pinpiletor h is milliDiloil mi) ilin?l.t to Klt
ou a Simplo llotllc 1'itc tu coin hue you of tho
ncrlt ol tliiii tie it icmcdy Piicc 2V, a, tl W,
Some Scranton Readers Will
Appreciate This,
Not one of life's mheiles
Is greater than n bad back
A back that lame or weak or in hlng
Tells or rk
ISaclcnche Is simply kidney nche.
The cure Is simple. A Strantott citi
zen chow, you how.
Mis. Charles Ibcll. living on Ave
nue (', no.rr Aichbald stioet, Helle
vue. says: "I sutiVred fot many years
with marked svmptoms of kidney
tumble, in vain I used many so-cullod
l.ldney lemedlcs, 1 was under a doc
toi'n care for month nnd ho pro
nounced my double Ititlniiimatton of
tho bladder, but his medicine did not
give me more than tempoiaiy lelief.
Our day I lead an aitlcle In the paper
about Doan's Kidney l'llls. which do
scilbed my condition tnctly. My
hinUind went to Matthews Hros.' drug
stole and got mo a bos. 1 used them
accoidlng to direction, nnd they did
me so much good that 1 kept right on
using them. They banished the back
aclu' and pains through mv loins nnd
legulnted the secretions,"
For sale by all dealers, l'rlce r.O
cents. Koster-Milbuin Co.. Huffnlo, N
Y. s-olc agents for the United States.
Uenumber the name. Doan's, nnd
take no substitute.
at S o'clock. All members ale roiiiest
ed to be piosent, as business of Im
ptiituncc will bo tiansacted
Tlu Hand ot Hope of the Sunnier
Avenue Presbyterian church has been
A bouncing baby boy has arilved at
the homo of Mr. and 'Mrs. Moses Sta
ples, on North Sumner avenue.
Slocum lodge of Odd BVIIows will i
meet In Masonic hall on Wednesday
evening. The presence of every rnerrr- ,
her Is desired. j
fet. Paul's Pioneer corps met In leg-
ular session yesterday afternoon ami
transacted much Important business.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Simp
son Methodist Episcopal chuich will
hold an Important session on Thurs
day. The William Connell Glee club held a
well attended rehearsal yesterday af
ternoon In Menis' hall
Tho funeral of the late Mrs. ltobcit
llaHon will take place this afternoon
:it 2.S0 o'clock from the family icfd
donee on North Fllmore nvenue. In
terment in Wushburn rtieet r omelet v
An enter tnlntnent and loclal will ha
conducted this evening at the home ot
Mis. Joseph II. Davis, Stratford ave
nue. Lincoln Heights. An admission
fee of five cents will bo charged. Kc
frcshmentg will bo served.
Father Mathew's Temporanco .so
ciety held an lmpoitnnt nieetlnc yes
terday afternoon In St. Leo's parlor,
at which conMdeiablo InisdnonB was
The remains of an Infant child of
Mr. and Aim. Havmond weie Intel rul
in Catliodtnl cerneteij yecterday after
Abiaham Jenkins.
Vhiiiluni li-iililiH, a Mill Inonn juinii! nun "i
tli Nnrtli l.lU, dkd ut rht liome nt lilt pio-nt-,
Mr. ami Vic. Laic) luiMiv. of Sprinc Mint.
I iltli) InotniiiK Jl 'I o'rluck, alter .1 lliu'irii.
ilii.rJ 11.- had ln-eii ill with l)pleld l'i an.
uji appueiith iituvulnt' nmU from lt t(
fietH whin lie uftneil a lelip-e.
I Ik- ilii.Mii'd lad uiiiltd in tills tud In i
in niln r et Jin and wai well ami liiuialiK
l.i mi to a liilnn of iricmN 11i-sIi1k Iih pi
iihIk lit- Is etinlted li) uteial tUters nmt tn,
l.rfilii. i, llii hard, ulio Is lik'hlinir In tl I'lul
Ipllms with th" Nlncti.ntli t'nlted iii In
Mi lit
Mis Annie E. Cuiey.
'Hit- ileith i'f Mis ni le V. loin, ulit1 ot
liln .Mint liui, tot until tisttida)
idi'lllt atlti loilmk it liii' fnuiil) iiMiliine mi
L.tjtiltt- tltel l)i rami I- Mlltllld I') t'i
tleiulitiK. Milfui-l .mil Ihili'l.
I he (tint r I Mill till liit uii Wiiliif-ili)
niiiiiliii, at li oMock Hi'tiiifi will lc In Id in
M. I'atritk ilititdi, ot wliltli tlw tlecoav-il ut
a tl.'tnul int nibit. llurial will lie mule in t i
tliuli it ttnii'tiri
Mrs. Catherine Hoflinan.
Mit ( atlierltio llillimn, icid TH wars il cd
atiinli innriiini; .lilt I ., frk' lllre-s tl the
ruldiiuo ot Mr. mid Mr. 1'red Mi.ihIi, mi 11 it -tun
an line, tin- dm axd 3i boin in liilnilin
nnd tauif In ilu cciunti) in l"32 and i hint iu
TiUtli vianttn eter sIiilo. Mie vaa Itltl ill
Idsh cterin li) ecr me wlin kniu liel.
'liln ( .till take lan tills iiitinoon at
J n'tlixk fimii tin- iiiil(ni' til Mi and Mn
Tnil Mui-li lull it.ii nl will In nude in tlm
I'lltit. n
Ttlre. E. B. Connell.
Mil. I lirdietli I! Council, ,lt,f(l i.7. tlnd at
litl lioine, No. Hi Ilriik Miect, "unidai iitei
a ftw weik-t" illne. Mil I'oiui'll hid rekliled
In HiIh tltv (nr iiiuit veils and mRud ,i lirj'e
tiulo of (rieid- Mie was tli lumher n( linn.
Alex. r. Com ell.
'I lie limrral MlMlit will v held ihit .iiliiiiunu
it n'clficK Inttrimiit will In initlt In I'hi t
lllll c illicitly.
John Blue.
.hihli tllno. akitl Ti )en, died Simula) t-Mli
Im; ahout n ii'tlcitl, ot old juv. lie Is Mimwd h.
two rhlldieii, Mu Tacoti Milln and Tied nilit
The funeial will td.e place on Tinfda) attrrno'ii
at 1 o'clock tioni hi itMltlinee, Oil Maple itieft.
Inlcrinent will In- niitle In the I'litntmi nrnuo
Hits, Martin reigitbon.
li M it I in lVrKiion, ajted in )ou, nl I !!
Pilu aeunt, died list ntplit ailer a hiht iHuryt
eihe W mm lud l) a hiiihiul and Imir iIiukIi
tun, Nili.'l, Vtaiitarrt, Mliy.llnl Katn
riii tuiunl will Im In M on WcdnrMli) iikhii.
In; at n 1 ii', limn -t. I'aul'i- iliuriu,
C.utn liidw".
Martin Welsh.
Minim .illi, iikiiI ; )0 !i, cim ut ilu old
pluii'tM l Diminnie, died I j-t niiiht at li lionm
on "inl lllll alur an lllmi. of i uttl.'x diiu.
'I lie amusements hue noi jet Imu
Qeoige Enuyskinis
c:euii,f rnn)Iclpl, of 'I'hroop, died ai tho
LaiUwauin hn.pltal Satuida) nlithl of tjplmiil
He wat taken to Ihe I icUnaiiiia hupllAl in
.liin. il, hut preWoi to tint had lieen i-lik mv
cial witliH with tiptiotil fcer,
Mia, Cathorino Walsh.
Mot Catherine Walili, eil ill, died at her
liomu IT."! Cnskk jicnw, jct-tenlay, Kuneial will
l held Moudar it U o'docU In 1 1 "I) llosary
church. Intrnnent in Citlitdial cimttci).
David M,. tho 5-yetir-old ton of Mr, unci Mia.
I II. II, Thomas, of O.'J Houtli Main awnue, died
f 1
on Katunky raomlnn from an attack ot pntsi
mciilJ. Tho fitWral will lie; lifld tomorrow if.
trrnoon at tl o'clock from thi iiyMtncc.
Leon, tlm ujr-irolJ on ( Mr, nrul Met.
Jamca It. Summer, ot SprttiB Drool,, tiled jf.
trnlay aftrrnnon at So'cloclc. Scrilcei mn tlu
remains v lit h lit Id tomorrow atlcmoon nt 1.S0
o'clock. Interment In silnif Hrook cemetery.
The fiiiin-al ol Joint T. Hum v. I II bi lielil
Ttictdjy at 1,:0 from lilt lite home at 'ill?
W'jjiip in i hue. Ir.tithiciit w 111 br tunic In the
1'oreJt lllll ctnielerj.
Uoncltiitctl from I'jkc .1 1
Knglnnd, tho llbiarles of the world
would gioan under the weight of the
volumes If all the words of the pulpit
could be t educed to type."
Ill the tower of London Is the small
er tower of Wakefield, In which the
double Iron cnge containing the Hng
llsh nobilities most precious Jewels ato
stationed. Among tho piecloua stones
Queen Vlotoilo's ciown Is kept. Dt
lierco described It as weighing throe
and one half pounds, that It contnlns
2.7M diamonds of all sires, "JTS mag
iilllconl pt-ails, live of th" largest ru
bles Iu the wot Id, seventeen sapphires
and eleven crnernlds.
"And yet such u ciowu, so valun
able In tho woild's eyes, Is almost
valueless to Queen Victoria. Other
ciowns far more beautiful than this Is
the crown of her winsome girlhood,
When told that she had been appointed
iltieen, Victoria e ovei oil her lace and
wept and sobbed like n child, Itecaun
she knew of the lespoiislblllty she wus
about to assume and loved to lie a ghl
Lossono from Queen's Life.
"I.esuons from the Life of th"
Queen," was tho topic upon which
Itev. John Moffat, pastor of the Wash
burn Street l'losbj terlon chinch,
pleached last evening, to a falr-slzcl
congregation. Ho choose his text lrom
1'rov sxxll 10, "Who can llnd a vir
tuous woman'.' lor her price la far
above rubles."
"This whole chapter describes wo
man us levouled by the word of God,
, stiong In character, I have thought
that this Biblical ipriptloii rofeis to
the chatneter of Queen Victoria as
,.ftP UH yinl r,ul nnd In human or ell-
mho words. 1 bellevo many women
h ive lived such a noble life, but Queen
Vietoil.i's position gave her much more
. piomluence
I ..If.... ..!.... ....... ' ....!..
lift it-iKH hup line in inline
womanhood. None who bote the con
demnation of th" wot Id could enter he"
presence, as her condemnation' lo.sted
upon them continually. Slmpllcllv
was a chaiaeteilstlc of her life. Sh'
was a woman as well r.s a qiteeii. She
was true to her duties, wlutevcr they
I weie. She lived so hoi life could be
i nmvo topro.ich. Diiilnir her i-els-n
?reat ncHancts have been nuiile In
evcy lino. s iltieen, .she was an In
stniinrnt In fSod's hands for Ihe ninel
I nation of hoi people. Her subjects
today enjoy ns much llbeity as a cltl
yen uf our countiy. Her natuto vtas
tiiithfullv tianspaient. As n niother
and wile Hie lllled every position In
on CNomplaiy vvav, very faithful to
ht duties, whether IiIkIi of low.
"The eiueen'.s character was male
sttoni; bv disappointments. The last
ilnvs of her life were lovely ones. She
was u lovelv old Thcie tan be
little question but that the Itoor w.u
hastened her ilemlse. She was very
sympathetic arrd keenly felt the loss
ot liei holdleifl. she v. as'
with C'Ctv motement and the leverscs
ot her auny enteiod Into her heart."
In cone hid Iiik, llev. Moffat .spoke of
the piofound soimtv tlnouKhout the
entire civilized wen Id on account of her
demise and dwelt foi a few minutes
on tin pro'i nl nilei, Kin? IMwaid
Tho Pover of Women.
ltt-v S. T. Mathews, of the riist
Daptlst chuich of West Sei.inton.spnk
with leleience to the death of the
iltieen at Inst nlsht's sett lee.
Ho eloquently u toned to the kiiiuI
nnd noble life of the queen, and aid
that tor the Hist time In many
the beautiful Statu and St ripen were.
lowered In honor of tho death ot a fur
elKii ulit r. lo diew the lesson that
woman, 1 In i beauty and position In
the home, could form and mould the
fittitio destiny of mil nation foi uo id.
Seventeen Now Members
Vostotda luornliiK Iu the piewneo
ot nn exceptionally I.iiko conKioKtitlon,
most of whom wero communicants,
Sit'Vt nteen poisons wete lectlted Into
the fellowship ot the I'lovldenco Irs
b.vteilan chuich. The covenant .scene
was impiossivf and the leceptlon of
new members was sealed .subsequently
by the s.U'i anient ot the Lord's Suppei.
rive uf the new communicant iu
ceivod Hapllsm. P.ev Dt. (Iillld In tl
few tvoidi emphasized the c omuiunlou
thought, "Th" Cross and the I'.valted
Chi 1st." Tlie "My Peace I heave with
You," by tho choir, the solo kIvoii by
Mr John and "'Tl Midnight" and on
Olive's Utow," by the male quintette,
wuie Impressive of solemnity and iov
etent rdadiip-s
Last ovvnliiK a luce coiiki etatlon
onjoveel the quaitciiy anthem and
hymn service, the sentiment of the
service belner "Tho Passion nnd Cillel
iWlon of Chrht." Di. Oulltl make it
brief and npptopilate uddiess on tho
sentiment ol the .sort lee.
Funeral of Frank Jackson
Tho fttneial of tho Into Finnic Jack
son was held ftom the lainilv resi
dence, on Putnam stio-t Inst Pilday.
A laiKe loncourse ol friends assem
bled to pav a lust tribute to the ce.
ceased. Services weie conducted by
Itev. J. J. OToolo in the Holv Itosarv
chin eh. luteinient was niaclo In tint
Cathedral comotoi v.
The pall beaiois weie: John Jack
noil, DcItvMicl Jackson John Heap.
Oven McDermott, Patikk MtDeimoU
and John .MeDeimntl.
John W. Toinple, of ChltuKo. was a
visitor Iu North Scranton on Frldny.
Piofes.or I'lkaunh Hulley pio-ichetl
to two laiKO-Mzod audlonceH t'lom the
pulpll of tho Ndrth Main Avenue Uap
tlst rhurch yosteidiiy.
David Hlaokwell, of Nantleoke, Is
spoiidltiK n few days with relatives In
this end. Mr. Ulackwell has but ie
cently lotutned fioin the Ihillsh Isles,
whoro ho Iish been soJouinlnB for tho
past four months.
The William rhunncll store clerks
wont to Caibondala Pilday ovenlnir,
where they wcio pleatiintly enter
tnlncd by Mr. and Mrs. Prank Deny.
After a season of Hool.ibllltv reftosh
monts were served. They leturnBct
home about 11.20 o'clock.
Mrs, John Jones, of Cireen Htteet,
who has been scilously 111 for the past
two weeks, la able to be about again.
An Enthusiastic Meioting Hold in
Odd Fellows Hall on Saturday
Night Tho Various Candidates
Named Tho Crawford County
System Abolished by a Unanimous
Voto Tho Revival Servlcos at the
M. E. nnd Christian Churches Still
Continues -Other News.
The ltcpiibllcnrr convention, held hi
Odd Kcllows' hall Saturday evening
was an enthusiastic eshlbltlon of tins
determination of the grand old unity
voters of this progressive borough 'o
work unitedly and harmoniously tor
the election of their candidates for the
vui Ions tow u olllc es to be filled next
A careful canvass of the voters hero
ideally shows that the ltepubllcans
h.ive u niajoilty and can win eveiy
time If they take the time and troublo
to vote. This ear they are going to
do It, Instead of being satisfied to
stay tit home nnd then wonder whv
the best men to wovem the town aio
defeated. ,
Tho largo attendance at the meet
ing clearly Indicated that victory was
Iu the nlr, and after selecting John
G. Mc.Vskle for chnlimaii, the follow
ing nominations weie made
Trcastiter, Loulii Ihigle: street com
missioner. D. J. Smith; Justice eif th
peace, H, I Wert: auditor. Thomas
Hen wood; couucilmou, A. ('. Snyder
nnd Andrew DeAndrca; school dlioe
tms, Kit hard Webber, sr nnd K. AV.
H.v unanimous consent the Cinw
foid county HVNtem. tiled last year
with sad lesull", was abolished, and
the following named weie npoplntetl
a committee to draft l tiles to govern
imty and election affalis T. W.
lllshop, A. It. llulklo, G. V. It Al
len. Daniid Powell.
The candidates will meet at the e-all
ot Chairman McAsklo to appoint a
borough committee and then pioceed
to woik like title patriots for a big
V Itopubllean caucus will be held at
No. :i cehool house Tuesday evenjng.
Jan. 'JO, at s o'clock, to nominate waul
Tho Revival Meetings.
I'tiiUKi'UM Dtinnott preached two
excellent sermons In the Dunmore
Methodist HpKcopal church yestenlay
to voty laiKe coiiKroKatlons. Tho sub
ject of the morulas sermon was
"KlRht ChoosliiK." The test was I
fin on., .nn, 10. It would seem that no
one mult! listen to this faithful ptos
entatlon ot tin tiuth and his sthrlntf
nppeals without heliur moved to choos
a noble life In the seivice of the Lord.
In tho ovenlnir the auditorium was
crowded. After a short praise seivice
conducted by the pastor, the evangelist
announced his text I Kings, nnI, IS:
"If tho Lord be God, soivo Him: if
H.ial bo Clod, seivo him. The speaker
said if theie bo a fiod this nlblc Is tho
tiue cord to show us the wny to heav
en. "Why Is it that all Inrldols aio al
ways talklmr about the Ulhlc? Be
cause they are not at resf.Ood's speech
Is troubling them. How differently
the lnlldel nnd tho Chiistlnn die." The
speaker told of a description of the
death of Thomas Paine, which ho re
ceived from the lips of n niece of the
noted Infidel, she hnvlmr nttondeel him
dining his last Illness and was with
him when ho died.
"What made L'nglnnd so gienf Her
greatest quen. who has just passe tl
away, slid It was the. Ulhle. What
makes this the gieat republic ot his
tory'.' God has nlways blessed the
l.atlon and people who have accepted
of Jesus as the Savior of the wot Id.
"The nible will bear all eiuestlons you
can usk about It. Some of the gUMlest
men who have ever lived have be
lieved In th' Bible. Tho Illble inns
the world. Many of the gieatest flnnn
cleis of the vtni Id ate seivants ot God
and believe In the Illble The presi-de-nts
of the I'nltcd States whose
iioni"s stand tail most prominently
woio Chilstlans If you nio a Chtls
tlan ou ato In ootid iompan."
Yestotd.iy was to have been Ml
Diinnett's last day with this chuich.
but because of the Intetcst tnk'-n In ,
the meetings the ouiciai uoain aim pas
tor have persuaded lllm to stav thtec
elav.s longer with them, so he will e!os-
his labors heie Wednesday evening
Theie will bo no sei vices this aftei
roon, but tills evening lie will speak at
the usual hour. His subject tonight
will be "Bargain Da." Tuesday night
he will speak to men only
Tho Hi v. Mi. Cobb continued his l-e-vlval
srrvleos at the Ttlpp Avenue
Christian chuich yesteidav with
lnuiktd success Tho moiiilng topic
wan "What Think You of Chilst?
Whoso Son Is He?" At Hit close of
the services two men mule the confes
sion. Ills ovenlnir service was attend
ed by a veiy large and uppiic iatlve
midline c. HIh topic was "Why I am u
Disciple." llo gave a brief lllstoi) of
the chinch, and stated brlelly what
the) utile to. He .sulci. "Wo plead for
the union of God's people upon the
Bible. Wo plead for Seilptuial names
"Wo plead tor (iulst as our
sat lor, the only creed man needs. We
denounce all human tests of fellow
ship: we bellevo In baptizing penitent
btllevois upon a confession of their
faith In Chilst as their S.ivloi." lie
s.ild: "That as a people orsanlzed
about a quarter of a centuiy ago In
the I'liltetl .states, wo number 1,119 t'OO
coinmunlianls." At the close uf tho
services two more miulo the e onfes
slon arrd two weie baptized The sei
vice, will be continued tonight
Notico to Dunmoia Taxpayeis.
IVir tlu tonvcnlente' of Dunmore.
tnspa)ei, isou pooi tn will bo re
ceived, without ponulty. at fJepiiiv
Wert's olllc e this aftei noon between
J mid fi o'clock, anil foi mveiul aftei
iioonti thucattei.
Ihiofly Told.
The L.ulles' Aid society of the lie
byteilan chuich will srlve one of their
very delightful socials In the church
pat loin on Thursday evening of this
week, fiom 7.30 to 10 o'clock. A cordial
Invitation Is extended to all members
of the corrKregatlon to attend and be
come better acquainted by makliif?
themselves veiy much ut home. Tho
only condition usked Is to Klve fieely
of lluii social eiualltlt'S. A ldeasant
and profitable evenlnif In anticipated.
The many fi lends of Mrs. Hltchlc,
who recently moved from Dunmoro to
Thioop, will be pained to hear thut
she 1 very 111. with but little hope of
Master Robert Ucattlo, of drove
- tllMB
nKis ,v mtnnit.SDKR. ict.
,V. J, DITIT, Manager.
One Performance Only,
Monday, January 28, 1901.
livening performance at 8.00.
Augustus Thomas' new play
A cast of unusual strength and
I'niCI S-JJc., Mt, M, $1 m and U.GO.
init no on rale.
' ' t
Tomorrow Night.
Drockway Entertainment Course
cm: I'F.nronvtANCi: om.y.
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 30, 1001.
Vnmiul Kintigfment of the WoilJ fjineH
Brothers Byrne
In their tectaciilr I'aiitomlinie Comedj', tin
New Eight Bells
An l.uilMtlnir SiitciM.
Tenth ea.soll. Now Hotter Thti lltei.
1,001 nw 1'cntiircH.
Piwllho Appurarcr el ttu llMtMl nnOTIII.ItS
nl Ktiry IVrlotin im .
Pltiri'.s 2V Mr., 73c nnd $1 mi.
beuU cm Kite llondiy itHi. in.
MmuRcri and Lewc. LocjI Manacer.
this vmi.ic ,sn m:xt ai.o
Mr. Jack Hoe.fler
iientn lilt even Mr tonipjny In repertoire uf
Ft.iod nl pbj-i. MukIiii; kuiiic In a innininifiit
in Hint r. Ilnulwini' iKcntrt ri r-ceous tutumini.'
jml tlili lent
A Daughter i f C rslcn.
rorDVY bVKMNa,
A Ranch King.
Ililli Vljtlnee romii.cncliiir Tuewliy, 10 nd JM.
l.unine Price-III, So .nut :t tent.
Sea Trips
of two t; fee da)s" duration,
re ottered by the
Norfolk, Ua.
Old Point Comfort, Ua.
Richmond, Ua.
Washington, D. C.
Steameu salt dally ftcept Sunday from Pier M,
Korth IlltcT, foot o( Ueaeh ftreet, New York.
Ticket t, including mcal.t and stateroom iccom.
motlatloiu, $11 00 and upward.
for full Information apply to
81 Beech Stieet, Now Yotk, N. Y.
li n w u.ui;it, n if vier J J.nuow.v.o p. a.
In life in more often due to exhausted
nerv e force to 1 ick. of capital.
Mrong nerves are the capital that
helps men compter conditions.
When people lose their capital they
set to work, toregnm It.
When we lo-c our nerve force we
ought to seek a meitis of getting It
tnek. There U n way, certain and
feed the nerves, making them steady
We tlo net heliete they can fall to
cure Nervous Debility and physical ex
h iiitloii tlnt'nwliy we ngree to refund
jour money If ix do not cure
) O'l.
SI CO per box; C boxes $500, mailed
securely scaled upon receipt of price.
Hook free Addresi, I'lVL, Miepicinc
Co, Cleeelmd, Ohio.
For ah hy lohn II. I'heljis, TlnnnacUt, corner
Wjonun auiiiiis and brinKe street.
urswt i; th i: name.
street, who has been very ill with
pneumonia the past three weeks, Is Im
piovinK and 11 Is earnestly hoped hv
hit it lends that he will soon bo fully
le co vet eel.
.lames Y. Uiyden. of I'ourth street,
Is 111 with the prevailing urlp.
The morning iiml evenlner service"
yesteidav at the Preshytei Ian church
weie conducted by tho pastor, Rev. AV.
V. Gibbon, who Is convalescent after
a iccent attack ol the ai. The morn
Inn sermon was a wornlnp to Chris
thins to not iely too much on their
own strength. Tlm evenlnff ellscoursn
wj.i one of the "New Century" serlet,
The New church In tho New Cen
tury," nnd was abl presented to a
Kood-slze'tl audience.
Uo Tumbled From nn Ice House at
Chniles Rovve, IS, years of aire,
while puttlnK In Ico at tho North Jer
ney and 1'ocono Ico house, at Goulds
boro, yesterday motnlnw, fell from thn
upper pot lion of tho Imlldlnsr to tho
round, thlity feet below. Several
ribs were broken and other bones
about his body frncturcd.
Ho died from his Injuries nt 8 o'clock
last Gt'onlufT, Ilowo was thu son o
Andrcnv Rowe and was well Known,