THE SCKANTON T1UBUNE--MONDAY, .JANUARY 28, 1001. S "Best Milk for Family Use." 5 "Babies thrive on it." I DR. HAND'S CONDENSED j aaaaaaaaaaaam a a-aa H MILK ! With Phosphates and Hypophos- phltcs Added. Taste not chanQed. BETTER THAN CREAM FOR COFFEE. Sold by Grocers and Druggists The Dr. Hand Condensed MilK Co. W rite for hwkltt. SCRANTON, PA. Ice Cream. V.EST IN TOWN. OR Per jjc Quart LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO 3 elf r tione Ordara rrompttr l'.' vara 1 I 3f3i7 Adamj Avenua. i Sfranfon Transfer Co. Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels and Private Residences. Offlce V., 1. & W. Pasaentjor Station. Phono 525. DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIALIST Hye, Ear. Nose and Throat n"1ro njura9 .. r. 1ft 12 30 p. m.: ! tr l Wlllliwa Building. Opp. Pastofflaa. gF&v Obii6hliMlDiaEC "s :: CITY NOTES I -"' WlirsniNO MvTeil.-1'n.iii-wr M. 1. Iiwj.r nul I'mlilto will wmtlc at tin Sranl'n llujclo iluli house tmnniiow tuning l A II l' ll.e lUawaro I ml Hint-Mi ml 111 mjilnt cs at tlio Marvtne hinft. Let, Kilt's CiccU, Diikwrn ami in Morch mlnn at l'roi(iicc Satiuila). I RfSHIO 1.10 -Paul Iloiiiu, iiiipli.vul it th Mirvlne mine. It nl Mi lej, (iiIiul In .i coIIimmi if r line utrs Mtmtlii. lie w.n taken to the I il iwant.i liopli il. stCK WITH I'M.l'VIOMV ndnw White, nad Ml, n iittiud it tin" Ilahncminn hut. i ml elciili with pnetiiiionli lie ha- Km -iik ibotit two divs am! Is mij 111 IlltOM. Ills WKI.I -Mm lialilcl.. rl l.i. "me itnct, was tilm to the Mews T..I r hopitit uiirdai mirrrluj fiom a luokcn n- the roult of tailing down on laikMni strop. II lU'l'SflM: If.MJl 1I.--V baln of ttupuiliii, I .imc UniUil in the opci itiu room of tlio i ' ilJrm'i. watd it ll.i I ulau.min liwpitil 'it ii diy lint the fire i iMinguMii I Inure ,n t 1 inline In en iloiie. sIlillATs' (ONdin . Muiltiils if II in illmul College ot Music will tin i cm i rt in e.tuiiwv ,i Wednodav tuning, IMi. I'lin'i md violin tdm, ilwts ind utititloiH i II i.inpil-c the prormiiu. III IIIOMVs PAl'm' -"lo Whit I M. in Mui.hl i l'ilnr Vttcinit to fmiliol the Amui or Illi I'd pit" will In till nbjul ot Hit 1. Si riiomas' pipri whith will he n nl In, f e the lliptlst p.istoi!' onleitmi toil n 111 Oil I! MII.1IM. Ilu I. filial iiicttm. f t e.rccri JIUUf 'oniin' tluh will l,e hell ' i aftcrnirn in the pailor rf tin e.iom llhlte 1'ie ' itciiati (lunch at .1 ',ft o'lloih. tin i H Iniilios nuiiliu lite ii t nf the .tttri loon mil he bIm n lip to Muhil iiitiH iliiniii t . 1 IlfllllTU iu Cdilllllt illllnl to lie niinl ci.i,i:i.n(. iinr-i: uijhim mjiuit, i. I l'lillllp-. irpnits tli rleailiiss nr the Sinn lun ( li.iiltig Home soilitlrn J r t ft wnl iik f-ilhui,; Moiiila, irJp,'ji''i .i! 'Iuvihi, frjM. ruMII, Wciliuvlii. ii,Tii ,,'i, Iliumh,, s.'i) '-W.23, fiiilaj, MMi,Sli;,U; Sitimlit, HIV'Mm,ii total, 1,J0I,'.';-i'ii, (oiie,poiiiliuS ,,ik l.ut ,imr, I, .'!, ,'H W MM'RM.H Mil M'(.01,l)IIKK-i.mi. M. (.olUilch, hu lltliiu Mm shipp,i anj iiiaimiiii if tlio ilrlMlo nt (.old nmliV Ha1141, nan pha ntl uiiprUil SitiiKl o liy llie implodes of the ftoie upon his Hllium nt from the In.air In iiistose in othir liiilnrx,. Vilnanl Huimhi, mi rrrltitinilii.l, on lihnlf ot the ihik. ami (, hi miltli hrothui, pni-eiiteil him win, j ji,, Jaullnler ami ,i uplonilM pilin Mi. II. n n'. i 4-4--sV4. -f-f-f-f-t--fs.sVsv Investment Securities. List of cut tent oft'eilngs sent on application. Securities bought nnd sold on commission. Ofilcee: GB BROADWAY, N. Y. WTLKES-BAIUtE. PA. CAEDONDALE, PA. SCRANTON, PA. Commonwealth Building. s- 4- y 4 f 0-4- 4- -44-4'4-4-4-4-4- 4-4--4-4-4-4- Fin i, gj? x55 . Dr 1,I lis ' High-Grade marks irrru hrlef Iml (esllfleH In the Mteem l.l which he wis hchl hy tlio Mhfr emplnyt. Mr. fhilit.llnlth al.n polie ntnl ISHIireil hlvl of the flim'n ImM wlnlirs for his future micceM In hit Hiv Imalnrva . nnonillT rmiM remains o .Mrs. f'atherlne Met'arlhy, who v.m a reMent c( lli.s city onii llftron jrais a(.o ami who tiled n Demer n fettr dayii ago, anlteil in this illy )terdy and mn taken to Cnslek's iindertiik. nij rurlors Kin North aklilnirton an hue. Thej will he taken at i!.!(i o'clock t)ls afternoon to Ft. IVlcr'a tnthcdral, from where the funeral will be held. OPINION IN THE LEWIS TEST CASE After Further Argument Was Hoard on Saturday Judge Arch bald Said Opinion Will Be Handed Down Today. further iiimimonts In tlio rust- of nistilct Attorney l.owin voihus the County of hackaunnim, which wits brnuRht to nottlo the question as to whether tho new cotintv olllcers are cntlllpd to f.j or salary, were inmlo on Satilnlav buforo thi full bench liv W. J. Ihtlid for the plnlntlff mid ov-TtlelR-. H. A. Kntiip nnd Ira II. Hums for tho defendant county. Mr. Hand contended that the only auction at Isu was whether or not tlie Aet of isr.O, pnnldlntr for fees or the Aet of IS7C, piovldlnn for salai lert In counties huvlnir over ir.0,000 Inhab itants, was In foice on November , 1000, or election day. He iirgwd that the Act of lSfcO wu.m In force, because the census teturns showlns: the iiuiu latlon as being over 150,000 weie not announced until November 10. To put the Aet of 1STC In opeiatlon after date, hu said, would be to lolutc the constitution, which s.ijs that no olll rial's salary shall be t educed after his election. It was the date of the Announcement, he said, and not the date on which the census was taken, that was to be tnken Into consideration. He pointed out tho annlaKotis pro Islons of the net classifying cities, which provided that a city shall ko fiom one class to an other when Its population Is officially announced. The attoines lor the county iitKUed that the county came under the salary act in June, as on that date the population was over 150, 000. The .IikIkcs announced an opin ion In the case would be rendeud this morning. An appeal to the Supreme court Is to bo taken, no matter which sldo wins, nnd an attempt will Us made to have it henrd nest month. Last Week of the Tonn. The third week of tile January boim of common pleas com t will open this nioinltiK. with Judge John P. Kelly picsldliiir in tlie muin couit room. Judge II. AV. Archbald w 111 be in No. 2 It is probable that a large number of the thlrty-tlo cases on tlie list tor this week will hae to bo continued, lo calise ot the lllncs of attorneys and the parties and witnesses In the cases. Withdrew tho Objections. The fftort to have the ceitlflcate of nomination tiled by the Coyne faction of the Lackawanna township Democ lacy, deviated Illegal, came to an ab rupt termination S.ituulny. Obje.tlons weie Hied on Wednesday and Saturday llxed as tho time for the homing. When the matter was called up Sat urday it appeared that tho constable who had been intiusted with the work of selling notices of the objections upon the persons interested had fnlled to do so, anil as tlieie was no service tho objections had no standing. The pioccedings will lie Instituted anew by Hon. John 1'. Qulnnan, who appears fot the objectois to the certifi cates. Court House News Notes. finncis H. Day says lils wife, Annie Pay. deseited him lour yens ago, and he wants a dhone Tlio libel In bis suit was llled tor him Saturday bv At torney M. J. Martin. Next Kliday then- will be a he.nlng befoio one of the Judgt s In tho matter of the lun.icj of Hcnr Lango, who has lieui tontlncd to the Insane dip.ut mtnt of the Hillside Home since Janti aiy 17. In the ej. otmoiit suit of .Mi.s, Maiy Unity, ot Cailiiindalo against .Miss Mni Dully, of this city u vet diet In f.noi of the plaintiff was letuined Satiltday momlng, In the m.uidaniiif. ptoc ceilings brought by the Hkt trie Clt. U.ind and Impio ment compan.i against John W. Mil ieu, alditman, tho petltlonei was al lowed S.iliuday to discontinue th,. p,.,,. coed lugs PHIL. YOUNGS WAS JEALOUS OF CHUM Ho Hit Joseph Hays Who Fell to the Sidewalk and Hurt His Spine Soveroly. As the itiMlIt of n little li.uas m Spiuto Htieet, nt the conui nt Rnj -muiid lomt, list oienlng ut :,:w o'clml; Joseph Ui. ;, jeais of age m nU. fulo, lies in the Lackawanna hospital In a de-iii ions condition and his heal mnv bo tiaotmed at the base of tin skull, l'hll Youngs and Italian Nell tin- detained at police heaihiuaiteis to answer tot his Injuries. Has driving along Spuuo stitet with Italian Nell u dlssoluto woman about town, when Youngs balled him fiom the sidewalk. Hays lulted the hoise ttnd got out of the buggy to see what was wanted, when, accoidlng to the statement of by stander, "iotings hit him. Hays stiuek tho pavement with tlio back of his head and was i outlet cd unconscious. When ho u mined i onsclousness ho became delltlous and requltc-d tho unlled olfoits of two policemen to liolct him still until the ntiival of Di. Wal ker with tho l.atkawunna hospltul am bulance. When taken theio ho became oen moro .lelh fous mid tlvo men had to sit on him. while tho doctors con duett d their (wnnilnutlun. Uo was l.itci In a sti alght Juckct to spend the night. The dot tom mo as yet un able to state whether the base of tho skull Is fiiictmed op not, but thero Is n possibility that it Is. Hitvs and Youngs woro chums and tuo In the employ of Wnldron, tho hoi so dealoi. Thc wem left over hero to accompnny what hoi sen weie not sold at tho unction Thursday to Uuf. falo. Yonn' was jealoiis of bin partner and took this mean to Ii;iq sntlsfac Hon. After knocking Hnyw down he went to a hotel on franklin .tivenue. where he was u rem ted by Lieutenant Davis and Patrolman Neuls and lodged In Center street station Iioum. EVERY INCH A CHRISTIAN EULOGY OF QUEEN VICTORIA BY DR. McLEOD He Refarrcd to tho Splendid Reign and the Rich Legacy of a Good Name Which She Has Loft to Her Son, King Edward VII -Tlio Blblo Wa Her Companion and Guide for Life and She Defended Throughout Her Life tho Christian Religion. A special set vice commemoiatlvo of the death of Queen Victoria was held last night in tho flist Piesbytetlan church, which was tluongcd to the uoors wun members or the congtege tlon nnd members of the nilous Ihtg llsh societies In the city. The pastor, Kov. Ut. JiitueH McLeod, paid nil clu I intent tribute to the life of the dead sovereign. Ho said In part: "The whole woild Is In mourning for Queen Victoria! Newer before hae such honois been paid to n dead sov eulcn. All loyal lulors acknowledge her vlitues, and most feelingly have tii'M expressed their sMnpiithy wltli her ihllilien and with all her sonow Ing subjects, Tli- high nnd the low, ( tlio tlcb and the poot, pi luces or po tontati'E, republics and moiinichles, tho piesldent of the United States and the president of Prance, the king of (iieeco and the sultan of Tut key, tho 'ineen of tho Nethei lauds and tho em pot or of rjeimiiny, the cz.u of P.usslit nnd the pope of Home; chinch and state, pulpit and press, Piotestant and f.lthnlln nhrluMfiii mirl 1 . irn n n 1 1 unite In choius and slug tho piitKos of Victoria tho Hood' "for more than sltj this no ble woman has stood out in the lull blaze of that 'Heron light that beats upon :i throne,' ami during all thai time she held the reins of gow tu rnout with a puto nntl powerful and toady hand she won the bents of her own people and tho ii-spict of all nations nnd isho pi mod lit i self to be i'Vcm. Inch a queen and e'.oiy Inch 'i Chilstlan. A ROYAL LilAC. "She has left a royal legacy to her children and to the Hrltlsh tunplre. and to the world. Hut tho richest leg. ney alio has left to her son, IMwatd VII, does not consist in the gold, and itlher, and crown Jewels, nnd es tates, and ast emplte which ho In hei Its these. Indeed arc ioal llches -but the noblest treasuio she bus be qitlHthod to him nnd to all her chil dren and to the Chilstlan iritlon, Is tin unsullied CluMtan chuacter. "A good name Is better than i lobes,' and Queen Vlctoilu valued It above nil else, and she maintained It until bor dlng day. "She never foigot her exalted static n with its tremendous responsibilities and throughout hrr long and eentful lelgn she possessed a name that W without ropiouih. This choicest leg tey she leaes to her son, and It Is i I he tidiest Jewel In her glorious crown. May what w is so true ot Victoria, Hngland's quei n, bo, henceforth, equally tmo of her son, who Is now fngl'ind's king. Long live I. d ward AMI. "The Hilllsb aio wedded to mon archy, and this state of feeling is due, in largo measure to tho queen hersolt. She was no llgure-hoad throughout her long reign. She had wise counsellors. ! for the most pait, but she had a mind 01 nor own, unit, on more man one occasion, she taught h"r counsellots whilom. She did so, notably, during our Civil war, when she lovlsed the tough message that Lotd I'alni"iston submitted to her to be sent to AVabb Ington. The queen of Hngland mmi appeared moro queenly than when slio smoothed down her lough pi lino minis ter, theieby livening n threatened war and paving the way fot an onduilng peace "While loul to out own fotm of gov ernment, wo hne no leuson to llnd fault with that of Hngland. It tho excellencies of the two governments could bo combined, nnd it the defects of each could be eliminated, the tesult would come as ne.u as possible to gov ernmental peifection, As it is, how ever. It Hngland might Kiin some thing fiom us, wo might Ie.nn some thing fiom England. Our Inws aio quite as good as the laws of Hnglnnd, but can It bo tiuly said that they aio as wisely and as Impartially ndmln Isteied? ARCH BISHOP'S PUnSfNT. "When moie than sixty yenis ago, on Iipi i oi Dilation day, the Aichblshop of Canteibtuy, handed to tho young queen a copy of tho Bible, he addiessed her In these wouls: "Our giaclous queen, wo piosent vou with tills book, the most valuable thing tho woild nf fouls, Heie is wisdom, This Is th" loyal law. Those are tho lively 01 acles of God. Blessed Is ho that lead eth. and they tbnt hear tho wotds of this book, that keep nnd do the things loutalnod In It. For these aio tlio winds of t tornal life, able to make .vou wise unto salvation, nnd, so, hnppy loicvci mote thiough which is iu Chi 1st Jcus,' "Fiom that day until the day of her deatli the Blblo was Queen A'lctorla's e ompnnlon and guide. She vowed, on her coionallon day, that she would keep the faith, nnd, that, to the utmost of her abllltv, she would maintain it tlnoughout her dominion. That vow who talllifull.v kept. She fostered ling- Alhround Aid. The subject of Intuwst Is n unique study. It has been tho midnight theme of many n tiav elei o'ei rough roads leading to the happy city of Success. Jt hns boon the single stnr of hope to doubting thousands in dlstiess. Its magie power i tiles business- 1 1 tho phot ot a woi id's com mence. Were It not 101 the ollhleni fotco ot lntertst, millions would motitn elilenl. The dlsioniaged ti ados man Is kept going till perplexity Is passed. And thousands of cautious souls tliiHt to Its aid foi a start In life thu only hand of help In sight for such Inteiost both cats and cams. What It takes fiom one it gives to another, and wo aio the "mid-dlu-man" medium of exchange. To evoiy dollar left In oui I'liie. wo add 3 per cent, and compound all savings twice each year. Re sults Hiupilso tho steady suvem. Savings Depnitment TRADERS NATIONAL BANK Cor. Wyoming and Spruce IMi education, she promoted and re joiced In Kngllsh freedom, nnd her ctltlcs to the contrary notwithstand ingboth by her precept and exninnle she defended the Christian faith. Tlie gteiitest gloiy of fngland began when her people had freo access to an open Bible, for this great boon Wycllffo 111 st nntl after him other roformois wrought and surfeted and died nnd won the dnv. ''it Is well to lemember this, because, the same forces that made Hugland so great and so glorious arc the very snmo forces that have contributed to our own nntlonul greatness Htid glory. Tho Bible, with Its sublime and holy doctilnes, lies nt the foundation ot our national life, and It behooves both this nation and old England to gun id well their foundation, for 'If the founda tions be elestroved, what can the llght eotis do'." "It Is to Bible Chilstlnnlty more than to all other poweis combined that the f nlted States and England owe their high place among the nations of tho o.itth. Will these two nations that speak the same language continue to occupy this exalted position? Yes; If they continue to bo tine to God's tiuth. Queen Victoria did her part well, may her successor bo equally faithful. AVhat the lutuio bus In store for fngland and for tlio f nlted States Is only known to ' omniscience. Meanwhile this nation says to fngland, All Hall! BONDS AVHICH HIND. ' May those bonds which bind to gether these two nations the bonds of a common ancestry nnd a common biothethood, the bond of a common language, tho bonds of a common Bible and a comnm faith may these bonds giow stronger and stronger, and be oini' c loser and closer. But If thero must be liv all y between us, let it bo a ilvalry as to which nation can do tin must to tuomote tho cause of human liberty, and exhibit the woith of na tional vhtue; or let It be a still holler liv aby, as to which nntlon can do thu mol to s i ve tho lost, and to exten 1 the bnundntles ot tho neileeniet's King dom ' Rev. Dr. Giffln's Tribute. K". Dr. ('. M. CJIllln changed the announced subject of his seimon last night for an iiddiess, in which tho deul Queen of fngland was tlio central llguio. The text was from II Samuel, .'I-.". "Billing In the fear of Coil," al luding to D iv Id's icvlew of his icIgn. Tho speaker paid a touching "tiibuto to the tn mi 1 1 f til and noble life Just ended, fiom which ho drew the follow ing h -sons- first Tho Importance of piopnia tluii as jl coming Into a matciy in dicates the value of tho queen's previ- l ous ti, lining for her high position. A gieat many failures are noted because oi Impel feet piepnratlou for the duties. Second Hei course of training did not dimliiMi her tiust In Ood. Loatn- lug Is never to keep us from leaning on divine strength. Theio was an lmpioveincnt In a .stock of degeneia(cs. She came from a raco which had become utmost a lace of I fools. .Many loptosentativcs wero In sane. Her father was a spendtlnlft. Sometimes wo woik this hereditary theory too much. AVhen It hits wo give It credit, when It misses we s.iy It Is a queer lapse. But deeper than blood Is the charac ter ot tho queen, fnllko her father, she was p uslinonlous, and In her mental balance her stiong, calm mind surpassed most. Her long lelgn Indicated that not woik wisely done kills. Bishop Brooks, when her guest, once wrote to friends: "I am visiting a veiy respectable but dull lamllv." The iuecn said of him, ' He Is too fast," alluding to his be wildering lapidlty of speech. This calm, quiet, tegular life of heis gave hoi ,i long reign. Ameiiean women cm led her the loftv position the, bui teiilv existence, but Queen AMetotU was leallv the baldest winked woman of the age. Alter alluding to tho length of lelgn, as Indicated by the changes In the woild. Dr. C.lltln .spoke of tho fact that the queen's life shows how gieat may be a woman's competence to manage l.tige iilfaiis. .Manj men will admit theli abllltv P control in a limited wav, and although they may say that she hud tho advantage of gieat men to advise her, jot It takes supieme shtewdness to pick out such assistants. Tho address concluded with a tiib uto to Ainei lea's sense nf tho gieat loss of a liiendshlp so tmo and last ing The queen espoused our cause In tlio davs of Civil war and lefused to, pei mil Pal mei si oil's Insulting declara tion In the Tient ailnh to be issued until II was io hod by heiself npd the lying pi luce consort Tho suggestion was niaeio that the successful .ulmlii istiatlon which had i loved was passed Into the son's keeping with such ease that It should tend to diminish certain i.i'nlil llepublltan Ideas and to Instill the thought that the Biltlsli foim of emolument Is not the wotst In tho woild. Tho quoin, when iiniillcd ot her hc- esslun. fell on her Knees befoio tlio envo.vs. piaylng 'Clod help mo to bo M'od," and ih' did. The speukoi btlioiod that theio should conn an Anglo-Ameiicnn alli ance founded on alfection Many Crowns for tho Queen Rev.Di.R.F Y.Piei co paid a glowing ti Unite to Queen A'lctoila last evening in his put mou, "Many Ciowns for the Quen. or, Coionatlon Day" Uc took his text fiom fstbei 2. 17, which Is us follows 'And tlio king loved Esther above nil women, ami she obtained gince and fnvoi Iu his sight inoio than all tho virgins, so that ho set tho lovul ciown upon her had and mnilo her queen Instead of u A'ashtl." In opening his address nr Pierce stated that he had set a great task for himself in trlng to give pioper credit to tho dead queen's v li lues In so i hurt a ilmo ami that hums could bo spent Iu telling of her wotth. Queen A'lctoila was a mighty woman and with her womanly tact and wisdom made tho English nmplro what It Is today No queen um st upon ,i ihiono mine legal or swayed a sceptic more biilllantly than Quo n A'lctoila, the speaker stated, "Tin Amei leans ate taught by tno hlsloilans to always hate the English. I tiust tho time will omo when tho inothei country will be ennsldoiod our fileiid, and that wo will speak kindly and leveientlv of her." Compailson was made to tho soriow of Italy over tlio death of King Hum bet t. Then tho gilef did not extend bovond tho bordeis of Italy, although America did show a good deal of sym pathy. "Now England Is In tears. Scotland Is weeping and Iielnnd Is lamenting. Evorywheto In the nation and tho Isl ands of the sea there Is weeping, sor row and lamentation, for no woman was so deeply mourned ns Queen A'lc torln. Tlio woild sympathizes with Continued on INife (3.) MENTION OF MEN OP HOUR EXTENDED MEDICAL CAREER OF DR. N. Y. LEET. Ho Served with Distinction in tho Civil War as a Snrgeon Albort G. Ives the Tollor at tho First Na tional Bank -Success That Editor James Mahon, of Free Press, la Meeting wlth-NelsonW. Gillespie of Providence Is Going to England. Di. N. V Loot, who will this week rotlro from the position of surgeon-ln-chief of tho Moses Taylor hospital, which ho has held over since that great Institution was opened, Is a man who has been actively engaged In the practice of medicine horei since befoio Scranton was a cltv. Ho was born at Sprlngvnie, Susquehanna county, and for a time was a suigetm In tlio regu lar nrmy. Ho served nil dining the civil war, fiequontly luboihig on the Hold for days without test to relievo the suiforlngs of tho thousunds of binvo follows who went down while fighting lor the ling dmlng the terriblo battles ot that awful war. Soon nftor the war was over, tho doctor ciuuo to Sctantou and Is In sepauibly associated with tho medical hlstoiy of tho city fiom that time to this. Ho hns for many yenrs been the suigcon of tho Dclnii inc. Lackawanna nnd Western, and bis services In that capacity hnve called him nil oioi tho toad. Ilo Is a nrin who cm always b tolled upon to do bis whole duty In any omeigency, and because of this Is loved and honored by hundreds ot poisons who have come to know lilt worth. Pndor u somewhat hi usque exterior, he has it natuie that Is kind ness pel sonified nnd that always re sponds promptly to tho call of stif leiing or dlstiess. Albeit '. I vps, teller at the Flist Nntlnul bank, Is an Ideal bunk cm plove. fmo who not only enjoys the onlldenie of bis employers, but also of his follow-employes without excep tion. This tooling also extends v rv widely outside ot the bank and ln existed over since the time when Mi. Ives was a boy and began service .is the bank messenger. Mr, Ives Is a good looking, pleasant spoken and keen-witted gentleman. In fact, on account of his wit his friends have to shaipen up t heir's whenever they see him coming or It will be one on the friend. Mr. Ives Is inairled and has u small but Intel cstlng tamlly, which he started to bring up In tho country, but concluded a short time ago that being "the man with tho hoe" outside of w oi king boms was more fun than one man could reasonably bo expected to enjoy, so ho now lives In Green Rldgo. , m Editor James Million, ot tho Sunday Free Press, Is a oung Scruntonlan who has shown and Is evoiy day moio fully demonstiatlng that ho Is entitled to a place well up among tho first of the generation on which the Electric City must soon expect to lely for the culture of the prospeilty which the fathers have planted for It. With bt.ilns and biawn as the chief component parts of his capital stock he took hold of the Fiee Press when it was on the veige of lollnpse and bv. the exercise of good business Judgment and unspalrlng toll gradually but steadily hi ought the propeity out of the slough Into which It had been allowed to sink nntl made of It a pay ing Investment witli an assuied for tune. He is piudeiit In bis manner ot deal ing with tho news nnd problems of the day and, while this policy is not conducive to i.ipld giowth In tho mat ter of circulation, It insuies a Iwalthy Increase and in tho long run u stable clientele It Is Mr. Million's wont to hurl a haipoon Tilbunew.ud and it oc- aslonallv pleases The Tilbune to re ply in kind, but It has boon the ex pedience of tho lattoi that in sucli In stances It has always had a manly and honest even though enlng opponent. A v M M AL'x.indoi Aibuthnot and Nelson W. Gillespie will leave for England this week, where Mr. Gillespie will continue newspiper woik. Mr. Aibuthnot, who is a lesideiit of Imdon, has been In this countiy tor some mouths. Ho now letuins to icsiime his work as secro taiy foi a member ot pnillnnicnt and to continue ns a w liter lor the London Times. He Is a nung man of oxeep tlonnllv fine abilities and pleasing pei-j-onallty. Mr. Gillespie has been engaged on the Now Yoik World, and while In tho motiopolls was also a member of the Batcheller syndicate toi some time. Ho is a very capable and talented joung man and loaves his old homo In Proildenej with the kindest of wishes for iTis success on the other side RELIGIOUS NEWS NOTES. 'How to s.e the I Iffhl" i tin li pii of ,1 tiiituitul urmon preichid list night hv Kit I. It VukIIii, pa.tor of the AMi Mutt MethodM ',plccpal ihuirli. Hu .lame. I) lillliighul, tlute Mipirnhndent of the t'nbeialNt church, pleached two ter mom jetrrrtav at All Souls' chiuth. He will pieaih lontgbt and alto Tueda nnd Wednesday IliEllt" "llie ll.tiorprcl, the Pi ope it and the lleli! I , it ol a (,oi ( hri-llan" v. the II, tmo ef llie turmoil pieaine-d J ot night hv lift. Jamei lltigbiri at the Ailims Ammo ihapr ot tho tno. uml I'rn-b.rtcilan church The .National Juhllee irceri and riiteilalncr lingered feterrl seledloiw Ust nijiht .it th) Mrhan MethodM 1'plw.opal chuirh on Howard place. The pastor, Ili't II. h lliutli, pitaihed a vriiion on "'Tho flirMltui l.lle" Itct. Kfjlnald s, Ptiklllle, genual niiwionan tf the 1'rotcaUnt I'piwopal dlocex of Ccntril 1', nntlanl I and .1 epeakir ol great fouo aim ponri, ppol.o joileid.iv morning In St. ! uke'e ihiinh and liU nl.'ht 111 M, Hit Id' cliuiih, Wol Strantou Vttntiuy V V llattci fiio (he j.ruiul ot a miIci rf kphndldly llliwtratid lilka 011 the llie i, l hilr tisWuliy uftum on at the liallro.ii) .oiii MinV (hilitlin fl-Hiclathm i,,.,nn hcfoie a laiue audlcncia, Mr. lloir is an doipuin KpraVci intl the htereoptlcon vlinn aliunn wcro 1 cellent Ito. W. II VI illl 1111., the iliuiiiuier ftanf lUl, londiiitnl two unll-Salnou laauiie niritlnga votinlaj At 10S .1 in, In llie IWijterlnn ihiinh, .1 p in, MilluxlUt ihunli, Nay Auir At both pi ices Vlr. Wllllains wis greilid hy gool tonu'roKatioin. At the clow ol liU addre&i he pawed cnrollmeiit canlt and tnoiy new nitmhcre were lidded In the antl. Saloon btistie Mi Wlllhnii mj he now has a membership In lhl count) ntono of otir 5,iXXl. lh liopoi to woilt nn in. til It U W,Vfl Wliltlug Allen, who lu.s hitu in adtancc ol "'Iho Cadet Cllrl," retuinal lo town with a caw of Canadian grip. Upon rrvover) ho will litgln writing the paper for the coining feawii of the I'orrnaugli ell c Irons, urd will continue with that aliotv In charge of Hi newpapci lnulnnai, Ntw York Momlng Telegraph Marie Antoinette Cups 1 Have you seen them ? The their slender stems modeled after the designs made in the Royal Potteries at Sevres. There is a great reduction in the high-priced pieces in the case. Plates which have been $65.00 a dozen arc reduced 20 per cent., and all other pieces at the s.imc rate. C WlYYStT'VfsvYV . m s A -V Geo V Millar & VJCU. V. miliar t HHIHm Gold Crowns $3 Gold Fillings $1 Bridge Work (TV.,) $3 Set of Teeth $5 All work guaranteed for 10 earj ('ill and have jour tieth enamlned free of ihaiKc. Satisfaction or no pay. TEETH 1 K Schimpff, the Jeweler, That's the name. You've heard it a good many times most every time in' fact, when jewelry is the topic of convef sation, for the one implies the other. Schimpff, the Jeweler, Has much to show you in the Gift li e more than you'll see in most other stores. Not only more, but something "dif ferent" novelties that appeal to you, because of their novelty Schimpff, the Jeweler, Has everything going in the jewelry line. Think ol whal you want; it's there. Prices, too, are less than you think, when you consider that no matter Avhat you buy, quality is apparent. 317 Lackawanna Avenue. KKKKUKSO:K5OKSMKSKiKMKK5:OS y 'lheNewNcversll? As K nhalt Rcmovnblc HUKSMUE CALK. Horse cannot slip ?( and will oulwc tr three sets of any other calk ? nianiifuclureil. fi 6 SOLE AGENTS. 0 :U5ojeMS)oux$c$cKK SAYS THAT THE GRIP IS CONTAGIOUS Dr. James J. Walsh Advises Avoiding- Association With Persons Who Have That Disease. I)i James J Walsh, of New York city, who Is .1 native of Parsons, had an 111 tie lo In a leeont Issue of the New Yoik Journal on the gilp, which he Miys Is a contagious dst.,io. Dr. Walsh savs. "Wo have Just gone thiough Mime typical gilp weathei. liver .slnco the Hist great modem epidemic of gilp In ISVl cises of the elheaso have been al most constantly with us Hveu in tho summir time, when it Is oidlnarily supposed to bo dotmant, eaieful liac toiluloidcal examination of the .socie tlons causeel by tuituln c'hstlnato lolds has shown tho piesenii- of the bacillus of gilp. This bacillus dots not stnnrt iv mm, sunny weather well, anil as 11 comec'tience these cases aio only Just fieciuont enough to kerp the b lelllus continuously alive iu our 1 enmity, 'Tor gilp does not originate anew each winter, but Is a continuation of tho epidemic of former yens. Tho In iluenza bacillus Is quite as Individual In Its cliaiactoilstlcs as uny member of the plant lamllv. It noiei by anv chance U modliled Into nny other bacil lus. One might as well expect to I gather ocoins from elm tiots as have grip bacillus produced hy tho microbe of ordlnaiy pneumonia, tor Imtnnce. .The microscopic plants letnln their Identity as effectually as any of their I higher plant tulntlves. They may be come modified by climate and cnviion- 1 ment, but chnneo their Individuality never: "The most Interesting propeitlcs of the Intltiensta b.icllliiH tue that It soon loses Us vitality when ehled. and It Is veiy susceptible to tho action of hun light. The typhoid bae lllus stands dry ing Indellnltoly,' Stilngs dlpiied In ul tures of typhoid bullll uml then hung up In a drving chambei for two yeai ; are found to hnio llvo bacilli on them. Kven when nil tho molhtuie In iho nlr of the chamber Is icmoved by con cent! utcd sulphurit acid tho typhoid bacilli hip not killed. The bae lllus of grip polishes undei such conditions in a few iluvt,. "Tho gilp bacillus Itixui lutes In moisture'. This gives us iho why tlio disease Is ho pievalent at tlio pies cnt time, Wo have had a mild winter, and now for tho last ten days most of tho country has had eiamp anil cloudy weather. This Is the typical gilp weather so often spoken of. It was it mild, open winter, not unlike the pies cut season, but with much moio tain in It, when tho lit st gieat gilp epidemic occui led nnd tho disease seemed Its hold on western civilUatlon for all ilmo. beautiful chocolate cups rune nn ff r. s V ; Co m Wjomin? Aveane g VU. W.lkln.ndl.c.ok Around 3 Extracted Absolutely Without Pain. Our ajulein of PAINM's penlbtry is far auperinr to the old method of doing work. lie both fill nnd extract teeth without tha least particle of pain. Our prlcm for the present are ixtremcly low, and if jou uro In need of any Pmtal woik. Call and liava your teeth examined. We nuke a specialty of fine Crown and Undue Work nnd It will pay jou to tall and Krt our prices hetore going: elc here. All siork absolutely Palnleiw. Dr, ReyerTDentist DM Spruce M., Opp. Court Houae. M 126 and 128 m Franklin Ave. "The other favoiablo factor for tho Blip inleiobo has been the compara tive absence of sunlight in iccent weeks, t'lear. cold weuther soon dis poses of grip An bout's exposure to direct sunlight will kill the lulltieiuu bacillus. What we want now lh eleai, hard winter for 11 week and tlio grip e-pldoiulc will be a thing eif tho past. "Whin gilp lh st began to spread it was thought to In curled through tho nlr fiom placo te place. Caicful In vestigation showed, however, that tho disease never ti.ivolcd any faster than the means of communication between towns in many towns It was noted tint the people of tho town attacked bv gilp wore on moio than 0110 occasion tho otllclals of tlio i.illioad stations, rutin these It spieatl thiough the town. "In a wind, gilp is a contagious dis ease. The most Inipoituut means of avoiding the Is to have as little association as possible witli those sur loiinjf fiom It. It Is a well-known fai t that physicians and their families f,nt for much moio than tho lest of tlv community fiom gilp. The reason is Us ontaglousness. Thu affection Is much moro contagious in tho enrlv stago of tho disease than lutci. When coughing and sneezing me fivquent the bacilli aio forcibly ejected and scattered In the sin rounding air. t bus been shown by uctiml expei linen r that gilp bacilli weie thiown out ovoi tin eo feet from a untezlng Iniluemsii patient. "Of couiso not all colds dining grip weather are teully gilp. Tho t) pleat symptom of gilp Is the Intciibo pros tiatlon that comes with tho disease When tills has developed iu what Hiemed at flist to bo a common cold, then visits of other meinbeis of tin family to tho jiatlent should bo dls- outaged. If possible, only ono poiaou should wait on the patient. Tho at tendant should wear a long outer gat mutit, and thl.i should bo put off before coming out of tho sick 100m to mlngh with the lest of the family This piv 1 tuition will si em extiemo to most peo ple, but It would do moio to pi event the spioitl of gilp than ull the pre taullonaiy lemodles known," BEALE STILL AT LIBERTY. Took an Appeal from Sentence to tha Superior Couit. As loretold in Tlio Tilbune Salur diy. At ten ney fleoigo W. Beale was 1 culled for sentence on that inoinlng j on tho chaigu of embezzlement on which ho was convicted In Heccinber. IS'iy, and vias dlioctcd to pay a fine or TldO, costs and spend six months Iu tho county Jail. I llealo's ntloincv at unco wont In -fine Judge P P. sjnilth, of the R11 peilor court and look an nppoul, widen the court allowed as a Biipoisedcur This stayed tho sentence 41ml IJoal will bo nt llbeity pending tho din position ol the appeal, k