2' rjiUJ SUKA.ViOiN TRIBUNE-MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1.901. Communlcatlonsof a news nature, per sonals and all Items for publication may be left at The Trib une's new oftices In the Burke DulUIng, or sent by mall or 'phone. THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE ArorUt,Alt riXAMNO flOVBE fer the flem til of All Who Have Houca to Kent, Ileal Estate or Other Property to Pell or Exchange, of "Who Want Situations or Help Thco Small Ad vertisements Cost Ono Cent Word, H Inser tions for the Cents a Word Excipt Mluatlcnj Wanted, Whlili Arc tncttcd 1'rrn. 10S1-OS FUSDAY. nCTWKK.V MITCIILM, Hose home nnd No. 1 shift, A small trank pin. Kinder will be towarded II letumcd to Mtiliell Hose lompany. 1. UIXimCsS-A CAPAIILK LAI'MllH'sS WANT. cd at the Emergency hospital. Arp'y at once. K)lt itKNT-HIMMITON HOl'.sK, Dt'SPAIT stnel. Inquire of ,1, II. Faulkner. A $25,000 FIRE. The Largest File in Yeais Occuia at No. 3 Shaft. At 0 o'clock yestetdny morning nn alarm was turned In from Box G8, ultu ntPd .it tlio Lookout. A second alarm followed In five minutes, calling out nil tlio firemen und nppnrntua In the city. Tiro had been discovered In the shaft of No. :! mine, owned by tho Delaware and Hudnon company, Just below tho Lookout crosslnBT.nnd bcforo the llamea were gotten under control they had swept through the enshiu room, blnck smlth shop and all other buildings on the HUif.ico nnd bin nod out the shaft and timbers. George Dawson, it, miner, had a few inlnutrs before the lire was discovered, none down Into the mine to do some carpenter work. Ho was accompanied by Michael Garvey, a pump runner, .uid another man. w-Iiofo name could not be ntrettalned. A few miners were celebrating the day of test by sltltng In tho blacksmith shop, smoking and telling stories. when their attention ww simultaneously attracted by a gust of fUnie and smoko issuing from tho mouth of thu shaft. Quick as men tould iun, theso men turned in nn alarm. The Cottage Hose company, located near theie, w-ni soon on the swno with their apparatus, and short ly nfterwnrd the Columbian arrived. It was seen nt onco that the fire was going to be a tough one to fight und 11 second alarm was turned in, sum moning the Mitchell Hose company. Theso three companies of volunteer Hremen made a brave light against overwhelming odds, for the day was bitterly cold, the buildings endangered were old and of unpalntcd pine and dry as match-boxes. They stuck game ly to their posts, however, nnd did all they could to prevent the spreading of the flameB. The force of water thrown on the blaze was inadequate nnd about half thu required pressure was lack ing. By It o'clock the buildings were a mass of ruins nnd the flames had been confined to tho shaft, which was still throwing out dense volumes nt smoko nnd steam. The nozzles of tho differ ent lines of hose were directed against this. At 11 o'clock another alarm was rung, but this was interpreted ns a mistake, ns two taps should have been rung. A few minutes later these taps were given. At S o'clock another alarm was rung In from tho samo box nnd a big ciowd assembled in front of the Columbia hose house, on Slain street, to see the horses turn out. But the spectators had to be gratified by seeing tho Mitchells' fine black team gallop past. The Columblas had correctly inter preted the signal to mean that they should come nnd get their hose, which had been left to pour a stream down tho shaft. They obeyed tho signal after the crowd had dlsperhed. In the engine loom thus desttoyed four largo engines and three "bull" pumps were ruined. One of these pumps had a capacity of 5,400 gallonR a minute and the other two 2,250 gal lons a mlnuto each. Their destruction means the flooding of the mine, law throwing 500 men and 'boys out of work. Foreman Bofce estimated the totnl loss at $23,000. Ho says that tho shut down will not last more than a week, as a tempoinry pump will be rigged up at once, and inulo power will take tho place of the endless rope. The firemen suffered severely fiom the cold weather, and tho spectators were drenched a number of times when a quick shlttlrs of the hose took place. The thiee men who had descended into the shaft Jubt before the outbieak of tho fire made their exit by means of another bhuft. A Saturday Morning File. Tho broko out In the nivenburg building, on Salem avenue, early Sat urday morning, but the fliemen extln sulshed it before much damage had been done by the llames. This build ing was sold to Robert Kd wards, the butcher, only a few days ago, nnd ho had not uttended to thu transfer of tho instance policies at the time the file broke out. Water and smoke were re sponsible for mote damage than the llames nnd Mr. Kd wards' loss will , a heavy one. At 4 o'clock a pns.seiby saw flames ehootlng over the Stephens building nd attempted to ttnn in nn alarm from Box 21. corner of Main and fcalom. but the system fnllcd to work Messengers were then dispatched on ww ,. f,?r th? , ,'cso companies, tho Mitchells arriving first. Oilleer Bell had aroused p. A. Hlvenbuig, a mmn berof the Mitchells, In the meantime He supposed tho fire was In tho opera houso or tho Stephens building. Tlio Mitchells got a lino of hose to the reur of the latter building, when it was seen that it was the third story of tho Rlvenburg building. Frank Elbrtcht, who bonids with the nivenburcs, had a loom on the third floor, and a messenger awoke him. By this time the smoke was so dense that Mr. Elbrecht had much difficulty In es caplng. The origin of the lire Is a mystery although mice nibbling matches, unin sulated electric wires and other huh. positions are sit forth. The tonent of water poured in by the hose companies DrBullsS Caret til Throat and Lung; Affection.. COUGH SYRUP V, Get the genuine. Rcfusesuhstltutcs. A VIS SURE filiation Oil cure Rheumatism. 19 & 30 eti, CARBONDALE DEPARTMENT ran down tho fltnlr. like a Niagara nnd everything' on tho two lower doors was soaked. Mr. Hlvenburg has sccuicd tho build ing at SS Dundnff street us a tempor ary meat mnrket and supplied his trade on Saturday as usual. MOBS ABOUT THAT OVERCOAT. Mr. Fuller Is Vindicatod and Another Is in the County Jail. The Tribune printed a story on Sut uiday morning regarding William V. Fuller being arrested and held In $100 ball hefoio Atderman Baker for the larceny of nn overeat from Charles Letts, of the Buffet. Another chapter of that stoiy Is now tendy for publica tion. After Mr. Fullei had lealled the gravity of tho charge against him he concluded that he wouldn't be obstln atc any longer and inado up ils mind to tell all he knew about the coat and how it came into his possession If ho hnd adopted this course In the be ginning he would have saved lots of trouble for all concerned. He confided to Constable 1'lerce, who had him In chnrge, that he had bought the coat f i om a man named Joslah White, of Jcrmyn, nnd swoie out n wan ant for his arrest on the specific charge of selling or battering stolon goods., know ing them to be stolen. This wan ant was obtained from Alderman Morrison, as Alderman Baker had closed up his ofllco and could not be loiind. Con stable Pierce and Puller drove down to Jermyn, placed White under nuest and bi ought him to this cltv, viheio he was placed on tilul before Aldei ninn Mnitlson nt a late hour Pilday night. On the way back Constable Pierce noticed that White was very unens Ho would eery few minutes place ills hand inside his coat and work his lin gers near the region of tho Inside pocket. Arter a while Pleiee asked White whut was tlio matter with him. The prisoner mumbled something about his "galluses" slipping down. But Pierce was suspicious and told him to keep his ImntLout of there In a min ute or so the member stole back. Then Pierce spoke plain nnd to the point. He told White If he placed his hand In there again he would knock him down with his "Jack." Tho constable was limit med except foi this piece of wood and did not propose to tnko any chances. When he had got lilm to Aldeiman Moirlson's olllce Pleiee seatched White and in the Inside pocket, whete the hand had so often strayed, was loiind a loaded revolver, wrapped In a piece of cloth. Evidently White had tiled to get the cloth oft, but for what pui pose can onlv i t onjectured. Another find was a paicel of new sllei spoons which the pilsoner said he had gotten from Chicago foi the puipose of sell ing, but when ptessed as to whom he expected to sell them he was lathei muddled In his lenlles. At tho healing before Aldei man, Mor rison Mr. Fuller became the at elisor Instead of the prlsonsr. He testltled that he hnd tiaded the coat with White for his own and had given SI..V) "to boot." Then he bought back his own coat trom White for 50 cent" He hnd worn It innocently, going Into Letts' place on S.ituul.iy unsuspicious of the fact that it was Letts' coat lie had on, and then fellow ed his an est 'Mrs. Fuller followed her husband on tho .stand and told ot how Fuller hud brought the coat home and she had sewed his name in it, knowing that her husband would not have come by It dishonestly Other witnesses testl tled and then Joslah White was heard. He said he had found tho coat at Xo. 1 btldge at midnight. The aldeiman asked him why he had not gone home Instead of tiaveling In an opposite di rection. AVhlte said he did not know the way to Jermyn "How long have you lived t hens'" "Nine years." "And you don't know the load after dark?" "Xo. sir." After a little the mlsouor had a brand new story to tell why he was nt Xo. 1 bridge so late at night. This was followed by others until the alderman giew weary nnd held White In .'00 ball for knowingly bartering stolen goods, and an additional J'iOO for car rying eoncenlsd weapons. He was taken to the county Jail In Seranton on Sauttday moinlng by Constablo Pierce, JUMPED FOB HIS LirE. Robert Edwards Had h Narrow Es cape from Beinj Killed. Bobert Ldw arils, tho meal man of Salem avenue, had a close lace with death on Satuuluy evening. Ho wus leturning from Jeimyn, where ho had been on business, and was driving his team. He lost control of tho horses nnd they set out at a ilgli rate of speed for this city. The horses started to lidm tin. tracks of the Delaware and Hudson railroad Just below this city as tinln Xo. 19, due In this city at 7.01, came whirling along at a high rate of speed. The engine struck the team, killing one horse Instantly nnd Injuilng thu other so It Is a question If It can be saved. Mr Kdwauls Jumped from tho wagon Just in time to save his own llfo and landed unhurt on tho Hack beside the ono the wngon was on. Saturday was a bad duy for Mr. Kd wards, for besides this accident his newly purchased propeity on Salem nvenue was badly damaged by fire ear ly In the morning. Double Tracks in Use. The Delawnie and Hudson Ballioad company started using their newly laid double track from the east end of Tuscaiora passing sldo to u point the other sldo on Windsor on Satur day morning. They nie using the old single track as a south-bound track now. The company has opened tele giupli offices nt both ends of the doublo track and a man named Dnehler, foi nierly towennan nt Mlnooka Junction, has taken charge of the telegraph ot flee at tho north end a Mr Williams nt Tuscaiora, Boturnod Home, Mr. and Mrs. W T. Pi Ice, of p.uk street, havo returned homo fiom Bozo man, Montana. They have been gone since last May. Mr Price was supei Intendent of the Preubvtoiliin Sunday school when he left the city, H.L. Hatfield, man ager of the Carbon dale ed.tlon, will ba pleased to receive callers seeking Infor mation or desirous of Imparting It. Tele phone numbers: New 335: old, 0433. "THY KINGDOM COME." A Stirring Sermon Delivered by Bv. Elliott at Congregational Church Yesterday morning, at the Tlrst Con st egntlnnnl church, nev. M. C. Elliott, the pastor, preached to a good-sized congregation. A featuie of the set vlco was tho excellent music rendered by tho choir, under the direction of John Xnylor. the now chorister nnd organist. Miss IMlth Fowler, who possesses a rich contralto voice, was In the choir for tho first time yester day morning nnd was a decided ac quisition. Mr. Klllott chose for the text ot his morning's discourse a pin use In the Lotd'i Prnyci: "Thy Kingdom Come," Matthew vl: 10. Tho clergy man said: "The text Jmplles a pain ful fact. That In some Important sense, 'The Kingdom of God' had not come. It nlscJ Implies n most glorious fact that Clod has a Kingdom; Is a King. Jesus had dwelt in the realm of perfectness; ho knew Its unbroken harmony, its eternal peace, its Joyous teivlce. He pi ays that the world may become such a kingdom. Was Ho merely a dt earner of beautiful dreams? Will the leopard never change his spots" Will our children throush. countlesH generations live on in irie llglon as our fothots have? Polish tho thought! "Clod has evei had u people in tho world. Xo day has passed from th Ct cation even until now, but some of the race have bowed befoio Him In adoration. For the sake of the few llghteous men He has spared th" world "The prayer contemplates the unl voistlltv nnd supiemncy of Justice. Jesus pleaded fr a time when light should pievnll, when pioblty. Integilty. honor, equity, constancy and incor luptlblllty should be the wnlnrnlshed attribute of all men. "Such n l osltlon Is possible onlv through the Oospol He pioelalmed nnd tlitough the blessed spit It He be que ithed to the church. "Wherever God tules supieme, a man will think more of otheis than of himself. When every man Is a Chils tlun perfected, he will be living foi others, Another shall be as dear as "If another s happlne shall be guarded as out oi n another's inter est as our own Jesns said, 'Love thy nnlghboi ns thyself.' Thank God, we see now nets ot companion nnd qlmr Itv, but the time will be when acts shall be succeedfd by linblt "In prnpoitlon as wo do light, lov meicy. nnd appidiend the tiuth about sihatlou and all else. 1:, so fa, has .he Kingdom of God come to u 'The piobable method bv which thl ptnyor ot our Lord will be nnswcied will not be by (oetcion. Men cannot be foiced Into goodnecs. loi men in no nioie be foiccd Into goodnesi tbnn be foi cod into c ilmlnallty. If .i man l lotted to do a cilme. he who forced him I? the ciimlnal. If a mill be ionied into doing n i Isht thlnr lie himself Is not pioven to be fnor Is he) bittei than he was befoie ee men slmplv maile to do peifntlv, th"v would i c main without merit or goodness God would not mle In then' but 111 split of them. The method of God Is to Imiiife nit n lo n Mghci m niie to woik in thini better dispo sitions so Hint they of theli own nc conl elect to -ei vp lllm Tine obe dience must be voluntary, lust as leil guilt must be const louslv conti acted ' Xoi bv noise Ah the temple was built without sound of ne or hnni mei. so shall the Kingdom of God come 'lthout external pomp 'wlthotu observation.' As leaven woik. in the I meal ns the -un iKes In the heavens as the stais march In their courses so shall the Kingdom of God com" ,n silent e. The pinveis of ineicv ni" In sllenti; the method of wrath Is li noise, thundei and t.nlble -aith-quakes. "Alas! nit- we not desponding i.lm plv because wo Fee not the Kingdom of Cod coining with ole-etvatlon. noise. publlclt '.' Aie we not disquieted If stilling tepoits do not leach us? Arc we not faint-hearted because wo can not number the child) en of Israel . If you weie out at sea, although the tide i shoul t ilso sixty feet, you would not' be able to discern the fact; but If you wcio In sight ot the slendeion ! i.itk von would be able, liven so, our position or powers of discernment mav be such that, although the tide of grace is Using ajo, and bearing us mi we may not pel civ e it Yet If you sen one soul turn fiom sin to holiness from ti list in self to tiust In God you see how mlghtilv docs tho woik ot God piogiess. You may reason fiom this sollt.uy case known, per haps, only to a very few how many nin bo simultaneously affected. "Xor by man alone. Xot by might, nor by power, but by the spirit of God, man may pioclalm the Gospel m in may exhoit to onedienco. He. God all glorlus, will, nnd has come to pur suade, to enlighten men. "The expcilenee of sonow, tho e peilenie ot sin, tho sight of the holy and upright, the meilt nnd deserts or Jesus all theso should Induce us to biciithc this piajt'i " Birthday Party. Little Geoige Correll, sou of Lewis Correll of Washington avenue, cele biated the sixth unnlveisaiy ot his blith by a Juvenile pnrty at his homo Filduy afternoon. A largo number of boy nnd gill trlcnds had a gala tlmo and (lenrglo was the recipient of many pietty gifts. Returned Home. Miss Mny Kllpatilck, daughter of tha Hon. J. W. Kllpntrlck, mayor ot this city, was brought homo on Saturday afternoon. She Is slowly recovering fiom the opeiatlon performed on her for appendicitis at the Seranton I'll vate hospital. Bartenders Go to Seranton, Clint les Letts, James Nealon, John Campbell, Domlnlek ICeiins, James Thompson nnd Jerry O'Houike attend ed a meeting of the llarlenders' union held In Sciunton jesterdny afternoon. Theatrical. Wednesday "A Wise Woman." Satin day "Tho Powet Uehind tho Thi one," An Apron Sooial. The Lntlles' uuNlllarv of tho itull- rood Trainmen will hold nn npron social at Cambrian hall on Wedncs day evening, January 30. As theso events given by these ladles arc al ways enjoyable ones, It Is expected that a large number of guests will bo thcro that evening. FIRST SERIES NEARLY OVER. Only Bevsn More Games to B Played In th Cycle- Club Tournoy. Two moio games weie played in tlio cycle club pool tournament on Satur day evening, Humphrey (third class) winning trom Mitchell (fourth class), nnd Davis (third class) besting lloolo (second clnss). There nro now but seven games remaining of the first series to be played. So far four have bfen dropped for losing three games, and several more Hie likely to he disposed of the same way this week. Th standing of those who remain Is ns follows: W L W. 1 ""''J' 1 fHri(JB t 1 HUhool ocilTor.l I 1 Humphrey 3 0 HooIp 1 I McMillan :i O.Knapp 1 1 Swindle .1 0 Itonnle 1 l u-l J O pay 1 a Scurry t 0 IMliliuum 1 2 ' i ri.iv i Mitchell 2 1 Manner t 'J J, fi. rtecso 2 tlw. Smith 1 ""I'Tt 2 1 Itenton n Itulherford 1 Crane 0 J D. H. Smith .. .1 1 MoiRin 0 2 stemrt . . i ,i, i. i(ice ) 2 MARIE LAMOUB. Tho Leading Lady of "A Wiso Woman" Company. Mniie Lamour Is a name flint hns been heralded through the theatilcal columns of tho dally papers to such an unlimited extent of late that to those who have not watched tlvo career of this gifted young artiste from its In ceptlon, a brief resume of what might be termed her professional life will not prove uninteresting leading. To begin with, Miss Lnmour began her career on the rtnge In the humble capacity of a chorus singer In ono of Augustln Daly's musical comedy companies, nnd to the splendid enily tiatnlng received In this capacity, as well as to u stilct adherence to the ilgld discipline con stantly enforced In Mr Daly's oigan Izntlons, Miss Lnmour credits the foun dation of what up to tills time has been a career of brilliant success Last season Miss Lamnui severed lici connection with the Daly company to star In the title mle of Wilfred Claike's faiclcal tomodv. "A Wiso Woman," and her success s(, fai is said to havo been of the most -o!id nttistle and financial kind Bnv. Father Coffey 111. Veiv llev. Thomas F. Colfey, V. U . leetoi of the Church of St. Hose tlo Lima, was taken veij ill caily on Sun ilav moinlng with a seveie attack of the gtlp. Last evening he had much Improved, but was still confined to bit bod Yesterday's sen It ts at the t hutch weie niesldetl over bv J!e. Father Got man, assisted bv Kev. Fntliei Vi llltl, of the Church of Our Lndv of Mount CanucI Theie weie time masses s-nld In the motnlng. In the at 'ei noon u liuiiirTti of chlldicn weie rhilstincd I'Nhop Piendeig.mt was expected to be heie. but he did not come A Cominrr Convention. I The annual com -1111011 of ihe i:p- worth league ot tile lloliest!ale-(l!s-II' "f tile W.vommr tollfelt-IU'e Will !" Pi Ml lii tlif Mi irodlst .hii"". In I oien city on Mu.uay und Tiicm- .. Teb. I und ." The piogtamm- commlt Ite pinmlses to give the delegates some numbi'is of unusual exc Mem e The Micict) ot th Fli st Methodist Lpistopal t Inn eh In HiIh t Itv vester dav elei ted the following tlelt gates Laura Kennedy, Xettle Bailey, Mi S L Cailton, X II Smith and Chai les St v 'I a 111 e Bightli Annivoisaiy. Lilt I elm lodge, Xo. 1(10, Duilgllteis -if ltfbeknh will have leached Its eighth annlvLisarj on the tweltth ol ne.t month and In oulir to npp.iipiintely cominemoiale the event an ouitiMin ment and sotlal will be helil In heti tooms in Catnbiian hall. Dverv fffort will be put torth to make the niTalr an enjoyable one and the sot letles In nil the neat by towns will be Invi-ed to pin th ipate I TtnltAii Ttnv "nptid. 1 lames I'.iteiunt. an Itnllun bo.v living with his put cuts In Uleetih all'.v. tiled Satuulny afteinooii The funo'-il was held this afteinoon, almost the entire t ninny turning out. Services weie held In Our Lady of Mt Caimel ehurel . af ter which Interment was made in si Hose iemtci The boy win on of the biightest of the yoiin tor nieribu s of the (olouv runoial Today. The lUlleial ot the late .Mis, Clleii Moflltt will be held this moinlng at 10 o'clock. lit. itev. lMnnind K. l'render gast, bishop of Philadelphia, a nephew of tlie deceased womnn, will celehi.ite a solemn high muss of leqitlem in St. Hose church, and Interment will be made in St. Hose cemetery. A Weddinf Next Week. Announcement hns been made of tho coming wedding of Miss Lvu D. .May, daughter of Mrs. Catherine D, Muy. to Owen Hees It will take placo at the home of Tied Sluman, on Thoino street, on Wednesday, February C. Mr. Hees Is an employe of the Delawnie und Hudson company. Moetinrjs Tonight. Common council. Ollvo Leaf lodge, No. 15'i, Independ ent Ordcrof Odd Fellows. Federal union, No. 7201. Patriotic Order Sons of America. Carbondaio council, No. 3J9, Knights ot Columbus Tho Passing Throng. W. 11. Johnson Is homo fiom Mon tteal, Henry T Sanford, o Clink nvenue. Is III. Mis. John Maxwell is ill at her homo on Park stteet. Charles Wuinur. of the fiutfet. is laid up with the grip. Mis. Joseph Isger Is one of the latest victims of tho gtln. F H, Illller has been down with tho filip tin seveuil days. Joseph Utley spent Sunday with his mother-in-law in Clltfoid, Charles Howard, of Oneonta, has re turned from a short stay In town. Miss Lottlo Carlton, of Illnghamton, Is spending a few days in town. Miss Mai gin et Kllleen, of Seranton, spent Sunday with hei patents In town. Miss Maine Finsser of Stnnucca, has been spending several davs as the guest of her cousin, Miss Clontvlovo Fnrrell. of this city. Miss Anna Belle Gardner, of Clifford, spent Sunday with Miss Mlnnlo Utloy, of Belmont street. Mrs. ThomnH Atthur, 'of Belmont street, is reported to bo seriously III with pneumonia. Miss Mamie Steele has lecovered from hero recent Illness so far us to bo ablo to bo out again. Miss Minnie Morso left town on Sat urday for Cndosln, where she will make her home In future. John Brown, of the Paik Clothing house, has recovered from his ton dnys' illness nnd will resume his work this morning. W. J. Iloberts nnd wife have taken up their residence temporarily with Mrs. Hoberts' mother, ..Mrs, Juliet lley nolds, on Xoith Terrace sticct. Specialty. Diseases of Women, Boom 1, over Globe store. Hours: 1 to 0 30 p. m. Consultation fi.j. Dr. Troverton. - JERMYN AND A1AYFIELD. The old saying that tumbles never come singly was veililed Satuuluy in tho case of Robert L'dwauls, the well known Cnrbontlnlo butcher. Harly In tho morning tho Ulvenberg property In that city, which ho purchased a few days ago, was visited by flte anil con siderably damaged. As Mr. Kdwauls had not yet effected nny insuiance on tho building the damage done by fire nnd wnler will be qulto u loss to him About 7 o'clock in the evening ho 111 t with a serious accident nt the Dela ware und Hudson ciosslng, between tho depot nnd feed mill. He was driv ing over the ciosslng unconscious of the rapid upproaeh of an engine and caboose, which was going south, and his team wrs light upon the south bound track when they were struck by the engine, tho foico of tho blow breaking off the tongue close to the wagon and Ian ling the team aside nn the noith-bound Hack, killing one of the hoises untl severely Injuilng the other by bi caking Its Jaw The Republicans of the First waul held their caucus on Sntuulay even ing In Windsor hall and nominated th" following ticket Councilman, Thomas Davis, school tlliectoi, Samuel Waters: assessor. Kdw.ud Graves. Judge of election, John Mason Inspeetoi, David Jones The tii'-nibeis of James stii.n 1 t 01111 cll. Xo To.!. Ji O. V. A. M , li'ive tie tided to hold a masquenule ball In IM niunds' nail on Thuisdnv exenliur. Fell 14. The Democrats of the botimgh will nn et in caucus In enteipiive hull at 7 o'clock tomotrow evening Miss C01.1 Davis, daughter of Di S, D. Davis, is ullllttid with a seveie at tack of gilp Joslah White, of Sieond stteet, was attested b m Carbomlal constable 011 Siituid.iy on the dimge of stealing an ov ci emit tinm Tony Letls. n Cm lion dale saUion-kei per. White Is now nisticitlng at the cottntv J ill PECKVJLLE. Tin pi Im. ii les held Satin day in th Flist w ml weie the iiinut cMitlir; In the hlstoiy ol the wni-d Mo-si James VV. Smith and S. II. Htlggs. the two asplinnt.i toi the humus of mum II man. who will r -pi evented nt the polls bv their earnest winking fi lends und theie was much doubt of the lesnlt until the vote, were counted wlin It wis le i mil that .Mr. Smith had won the buttle. The lesult was tn follows. Count llniun, Jiinns w. smith; siiioul Hut to f. ii. Hitter, audlloi G. II. Itei-d 1 !"i vnt-v, justice of the neuee. S. W inoltl 111 votes ihs'ms n: .1. Montiet . Judgj of election, .1 llioail. Inspet tins. T. Dewey und W. II. White. -All Jesse ii, It. of Mill tttleut. Is III. .Mr D V. Tuyloi of Piosp 't-t street, l letoveiing fiom his recent Illness Miss llnniinh N.ve spent Sunday with fi lends a MliionNa Mi. William Gunii vmin ii tullei In Sciunton vesleiila.N Mi. and Mrs. Theoiloie White, of Sci. niton, spent jesteulav with Mr. uml Mis. W. V. K tchuin. In S.itmdny's Is.siie I notice an Item: 'The tutsties of the Methodist Hpls topal chinch will give a supper nnd ftiteitulniucnt Wcilnc-Ma'- evening. Feb. 'i. Tlu onteilalnmetit will be 111 chaise of ). u. Lathrop, Admission, 2" cents." This 1 wiong .uul mis leading, as the tiustees have nothing to do with It, ns both the enteitiiln nient and supper Is solely In t lingo of Class No. I, of the. Metbollst Kplsco pal Sunday school, and 2" ceiits In eludes both enti ilalniuent and sup pei Supptr served nftei onteitulu ment, whue the tli,iic,e will be made. fSiowin I). H Lntlnop. OLYPHANT. The Hepublltan ptlni.nles weie hid In the Second waul Satuiday evening. For the nllli e of councilman John F. Jones defeated William Adah by u vote of SO to .",S. The candidates tor the other olllces weie unopposed. Joseph W. Fatten was nominated tor school dliector and William T. F,vans for as sessor The funei.il of tho late William White took place trom the family home In lllakely yesterday afteinoon at L'.llO o'clock. The services weie conduct ed at the house by Hev. James Ib, pastoi of the Piimltlve .Methodist chinch. The icmniiis were laid at u-st In Fnloii (cuicterv. Tilt Deniotiutlc primal lew tor tho Setond ward to nominate eandldatts tor the ward olllces will be held at tho usual polling platen on Tuesdav be tween tho bonis of 4 and 7 o'clock p. m M. AV. Cummlngs, P. H, GfJ) bons Miss Kate Dndsoit spent yesteuluy with lelntlves nt Plymouth. Halph Saigo was n visitor ut Wilkes Ilarre yesterday. John J. Hurley, of Seranton, was the guest of Photographer Golden yester day, Howa Polish City Amuses Its People Kor lm coperli t.-i ent) rwutliliiR ihat frai Pari., in Wirsaw, aironli 1 jnupi. lime art- opiiuir thealtr. punch mid Ju.li and uthir Idos'iowi, eutdwor attraction, mjiIi n wall., Itrnvtc lountalm, J oatlug of tirv conccliuulo I Ind, nicrrj-KorouniN, fivln.'s, iljnflns panl lm, luiich lonntin, ailiktlt luiirt. nofi li itiWs, Imt not a drop ct altohol tn am fium wlnt enr. lm tho very Utile em, tlm,. me n, cI.isuicm uheie tho inaj miko kand plm, pj KoniPH of all kind, leiiu tu ilnn populai wiui, train UiciimIik pllcillj iimlci tho dlnetlon ot a KHdiutisI klndiritarintr. Thu ulikr lu) liao laces and oiher athlitlt conte.t Pnrn au i.'leii fur uood ileportiiitnt mid prodcleiu) In the fjaini', In lew than two ji-jm, tin an Ihurllltn M), thi park h.i uliiady aetoinplhid an npprcrlahlo amount In ilenitlnit the tutu of llvlnir anionic the puoni c)it of the iltj. Cosmopollt tn. . To Cure the Grip in Two Days. I.avatlio llioino Quinine renioe tin; cau-o, ANNUAL REPORT of the Directors of the Poor of the Seranton Poor District, for the Year EndlngDec. 31, igoo Mitmln receipt, disbursement, uccounti ut kc rrtiry, trraurer, tax tollittotn, reports ot u perintenJcnt anil rciitknt phjuiilaii, product ol thi! (arm nml an Inventory tit the leat nnd pel. niial property til tho tllntrltt iw required by the Act ot AwmMy Incorporating the dIMrlit, p proied April otli, lSd2 VfCOUMS 01 THU sLUItbTAUV. . Thi in ij dMiurwd upon claim jKaliwt tlio dhtrlrt, duly ipprowd y the Hoard ot Director, tor which vouchers are on flic, the mm ot.... 'if tl Hixlriliuted 119 follottn: SU.VMIN AM) sr.ltVIti:." fihrlei of director tor 1ST) 2,71.1 8.1 Hiliirli of auditor tor KO 300 00 SihultH of ufllcer. atltiidant nnd olhn emploje lil.VI" 2t Totil for wlariis and horvlti 10,510 H oinnooii iii.i.ut PiolIon, etc Midltlnr I'uniral tupnuci Keel TrniKirUtlon Vlllk Nuwltiis 12,)" 7 .Ml I. CSS m; :ti t.i l.tut i Chllilnti in hiuiu nml tra (1inn1 . luinc Stale Hospital fur lnmc ."..! 1hIkIiii; und mril for trjiiiiriil 'lot it outdoor lelltt si;ppi.ir.s, l,roieilr, pimUluu, etc .. .. Meat und tlsh I'lour l'n. I, nii'il, rti , Coil mid light Ilrv kihhIh mil ilothlui; Shi" nnd lenthtr Diugi uml rut ilicl ni-H C'rniKtiv iitiil hiiiluart . .. fool .mil iitriifiN frilicht nnd exiutiKi 'lolutto and pipes Suil nnd phut PirHHm lilnfc.t.iiitM Illlll Mlppllls , Vliciiliiiomw V 1il,7.'7 1)1 MI0 " ,".,H2 H 2,i;0 13 l,il 27 "1,22(1 21 ft.7')7 01 1,107 21 1,207 f$ VI 21 411.1 12 411 27 277 'II I't 12 I'M hf) Ul 2 II 7V 120 10 Till il fm Mipplli-. ., . A Jt,H" U impiioi:mi:ms and hi i-iik roiiMr itnij s ij.cii 77 Colli vim ibp .",,,) ,V) simp li..n.. I.7tr2 t') Vihuliil.li illon huillinic nil M Iikiiio litxpitil WO 17 M1I1 luulillnv M7 7'i rrrmle luilldlnir Mm Iplliplit lmllilliu l-7 ni lout pump 1,1s 70 Wain lino in . IIiiih and "liidt ifi 02 liil.tr J2'i Ol I .iiimlrv . ijil J", Coll i,'.. nn Ilicnti firm .17 ikl I lcil)c ilrt houi . 177 1.0 I inn tniils ami inp!iinuit . Itv) IV ll'itlsmlthliuf . . ... .02 !: W iictii H0 21 lliir-f, mid i ittle .. ,'7U Ul I.lcht. licit .mil pimir ibnt t mm 21 Itel.ilnlii.' u ills ind Ihi; wnlk ,. I.liis 1(1 l-iuii and uici'ii.U . . 2) lion fuiio -mil nlilnliu ill . " '7 sn crit ind dt lilts "IS" s.,n .ml iiiiikh . . .... 1,2 Ii) llnnc- lal 11 I Imilf wiiinx . I7K a llltrtili fin . 1 (j) I'ltlsh VI (!7 limril ii lull Ill il 'lolil fm Inii'ioiti until ml to pills s 2l,n,M -Jv I'lllVIIMI VSI) sTVIIilM l!V. ! I'll, lulling urn ial rrpoit IteiiK Ittd tltllikv ... . . illhi Minplli-i and (Ijtun Sil Mri-ilioH to pupr it llonie Toi tl Ii r prlutliu nnd Miilnnnt KniMimii: ltul ind liti'itinz ' ( jr)Kt mil ln.it t tn i ( linn mid ,eltre ( urn lie Wheel ihiln Mil Mr I'ot il (it fm nit hi Mis( EI.I,ANil)l s ttmir.ini.i . i lux iluplii in ttitnoifi on uurrtiM .. .. . 1 ikuI tout . . .... soli. Iter uiUtillani'iiilv ovpi ie st i Init rih tit's ovponsos . . I'mtiiri' roll I lloni lentil Mn.ii.il lu-ti iitiK ills, inu.li. id . Iiiittlini; ivpnut, uiiwln pi Hint ill Artlflilil lliii'i Itenl of pjMuu- I mil Dun and i vpeiiw-j to sitt ininui Hon Tni, trime, ite Sifo deposit lio iln'iu of iilltf, .ilfiilolts clo. . I Ii Ul HI 21 77 17 IS O) 7 is 1 12 ln HO .At tu 'VI i.s i, o) (1 117 in 20 1.110 Oj I.Nvv 'tl f1' 71 2"il O-i J.I U) It An 12.: in 77 71 lis II JUI .0 -Mil -20 177 10 Ut no 17 11 22 17 II i 2s 71 lol.i' for infill ineoii. . . s 4,li Jl vkoi'ms or roi.i.i milts. Wide VI. linn, rolluloi, Is'is, in jotouni uhli s,i inlou Pi or liivtriit. 111! lliluui ilu liuur;, 11, tom) .. .s it,v22 ivi ( i: lit i. nil paid Y.. M iiiiot, In. i. i.i 1 1 :;,im n) Itililiio dm Jin. lt, 101 10 b22 f Siil. j.it to i voiKialiou', ahatiuitnt and mm 111 Mil US Idwanl Tan. inlloctoi, ls'i-i, in aeiount ullli si iiitn'l Pool Pivtrll t. lilt f ll.il Jin i due I in l-l, r"i s -2l,ll'i Is ( II lit i.il piid I.. VI eiino. iieit uitr . . . ,.$ Ji.uni On llil.ii'io dm- Jin 1-1. l'H s 11,110 is siili'irt tn rvuieritloii, alutrirentu ami torn. i uit"oi I IMnaril Pan. tolletloi, 1 tt . in lecouni with I s, riinton I'ooi llistrirt 1)11 I To aiiieunt of ilupllratt. !') . .. S so.OJj 10 CI! I 111 i ivli paid K. M Villio), lit u uier s 11,1111) IV) llal.uiio duo Jin. lt, l'Xll S.-1,I3110 ' stli,j,, t ennrratlon-. itntrnicnt and torn ' 111 M.1I n ini:sfi!:it's vaousis I 1. M. Viinoi, ticauit'r, 100i, in aroouui v itlt I srr.uitnn Poor llNtricl I DIt J In t i.li u 1 1 in. I Jan, Im. r"i, pir Aiulitol' upon S 27,710 (II i , In u-li lulu Wjilo M I'Iiiii, iwlltii",. isiiv. ... i.imo Cm Iduurd I'm, lollttloi, v) u 11,00.) 0.) I 1'dw.ud I irr, lolleclor, 1na) .M.iTO 00 1 I, ; MiCidtM, auditor ceiiPial .... -il.ti.o 7j Cioico W. Humor, Siipeilntenilent ' Iminl of Inmate, etc "."IVI H 1 t ,1 (illloptc, eerretaiy U10 71 llulirliK rtiiici .757 Total MJI.lnO 1.1 til Hi u.iii.iiit ii-In. I , n,mi ti ll ilinto on hand Inn. ht, l)l .. iU, 11 5 09 W'MtltVNT ACIOU.NT. Waiuni iiiiLunilinc .lm. lit, vm., , i.iui vji Warrmi i-iuoil In 1C"0 $ 0S.323 S7 'lotul . . iatvfl7 07 I nor In Ivki aeiount .... .,iri ,in Wiiliant camelled S20 Hi Warrant ulie. in l'mo... 'N,(l ot V'doi wi Warr.ii t iuitt.inilinir Ian lt, l'nii tftl ',? i.Ni:rou oi- rap-os al piiophih or s(ltAMO l'OOIt DIsritllT. .VilmiuUn.ltU.M I'lillilliz t, s.WH i1 Iihiiih lnilliliiiL' l't,--''"i St ! Mm' liplldhu 3,1 1(, Wolnil ' biiilillnt tl.lul If 1 I'pllipHc liullilluir 1,'n'i -2j I'M"! , , 7U M 0tiinMii!il him .1,21 fr) siiuaiL ham 1,1,21 ivi I liel j 1,201 00 I limrco 210 00 lllltklt.l 'i 11 I l aipintu- ho ti mi lllack'iulth .hop -212 00 Pimir hou..i 2,(v)2 72 ll.iKui 7( 01 I nnIt I.owaij Moruuo a 01 Mono flud u.n 21 Cold toiao hull. liny JU7 00 CniiMmloiy , 001 00 Pei'iner farm , 117 01 Dlrtiton." 100111, scianmn l.snj 50 Total of piriMinil pup. Hi , ij. 70,'iso (,1 I ravENTortY or iieai estate. Old farm, ISO acre ... J 22,000 Ot Ileemer firm, 110 aerci 11,500 00 Administration building .10,000(0 Inan horaital 90,000 00 Ile buliillna- 30,000 00 Icrnale liulldlnir 87,700 00 Lplleptlo Imlldina; A.OUO 00 Mht, heat and power plant , 18,000 On ('"Ptl 10,000 0) told itor.ite building s.ooo on toneraton- 7.000 O I Ottnironal dam 7,000 00 New barn, piggery and -tied 11,500 Ul Aitealan nell .,,,.., , , 4,000 00 lte--rvolr 3,700 00 Hake homo -2,500 00 IJimilry 4,000 00 t'arpenter and hlickmlth ahop J.500 00 Hecreatkn )ard 7,000 00 Helalnlnir vtall and conduit 4,000 111 ItiKlnrrr'a home 1,500 00 l)vlllng fin Ueemer firm 1,300 00 narns and Ice hou on rteemer fann.. 600 on INto aerci land and delllnc nett lleiinir farm 500 00 Stfre hoiuf , 1,700 00 Tulal real iMale f.117,300 ft) Total of peitonal prootit 79,989 61 Total pitpcrly of dhtrlct ........ .S07,2$0 rj SIJITRINTKNOEM'S ItKrOUT F0TI TIIP. f.M( ItW). The averKP dally number ot Inmate at 11111 Mde Heine durlna; the jear waa 471 and 13.101, and tho ht i.iplU tot of inalntainlnc pauptri and liyjiie person of tlio Home, lncludinir food, tlcthliiK, Unlit, heat, medicine, salaries of me perlntendent, matron, reildent pli-lclan, it tciulant, etc., evclule of firm produce wai I Cl'i pir Wi-oL. 'Hi total boanl of inmalen tunc and tnuur, I eipial to th beard el one person for 171,01 lajij betides thi, there va taken at the aupcr. Iiilendent'i and emploje' table, during tlm ear, n number ef meal cpul to the board ol ow- iimon for 11,12 tla. ind by workmen unplojied m Iniprnieinenls and repairs mean ripiiil to the boanl of one pernon for 78 da, timkliig the total number ot days board at tho 1 Ionic, ls:,MI. .Sumln-r ol Inmate in the Home, Ueccmlier tl. lvw, a 111. Admitted durim tho year. IS wne. Mil Inaane; bom L"J, totil, 315. I)ichnct! tliirlur the i 11 117 miic, 70 lnane, died a"" nine, IS Irnane. Totil dlsi barged and tiled, 2'fl. Krin lining In Hume Deeemln'r 81, 1000, 107. njvdflrtl 1 folloHn: Sane 2H, inane 254, total 407. Of thi tiiiniKr there air 10 eplleptlr, 1 idiotii ami in 1 Million. Vilue nf pioduce raliied on (ami for year lOOil J ,! Si Cali reeelied for board ot patients.... 7,201 Vi t'avh for lamb .kln, btet hide, nheep hides , 11. ll Total S 7,1j00S Ciiimi (.bowing popiilatlnu at the Home at llm eii'l of each month. .Iini-arj, 101; Kehnnrj-. 478: Martli. 4C9; Apiil tr.lj Via). 471; June, 470: .lulj. I6: AuruI 111, sptemlwr, 112; Oitober, i2; Koieinb.i I"')! Peormlier, 107. 1te.pei tfnllv Mibmltted, r.KO. W. nr'r'Mr'lt. i'mim I'ltr.iiucTs rort thi: yevr i)oo. Quantity. Value. Vppltn, 111 b'.iilul , , 37 1.1 lltcM. IslLj btivhcla -Jit : Milne btam. li2Vj buhtl 41 if lliiikuhrtt, I7'i' bibheli S) it (al.bigo. li.Ul lenU r.21 CI (uuot, 'll'.'j tmhel 171 J illlll. 1,110 lipid til (f llfll.iu-r. 114 tun t, 7( Milk. 7,i'k1 ipiart 2,017 it Onion, 110 buvhtl till IK Oil, 1,C.'.2 tMii-.ln Ii 47) ,-,) Oil tri, 12 ton Ill iu l.reui p-n, Oil httolielii 09 Of, IVI lima, I.0.VI bnvhel 1,111 If weit roin. 1,707 1-t bushel 102 41 llrrrle, 02.1 quart . 02 JO liltuii, 1.S17 hunclii '.IS, Heel, 2,211 pound lG'i 7k Veil. 771 p lends 77 'C l.-imb, 1,'CI7 pome!: , 310 41 l'oi-ltrv, IM tiound .V) 1! 1 vir. oil 7-12 d.vcn loo Ci I. els. ,1 bunch" 21 la than. -20'i lui-.li! II 1 Onion. 2,'MI hun'hes S.1 0 I'oik, ti.RllTi pojniU s2o 91 Paivuip, ll'l'-i biiibel 37 S7 I!i(lislu, 1,101 bu.hcl .11.-7 Tiinitne, -27(."i busbil Ill A i 1 I.i". . M", ton 09ii on Tiiiulr. Vi'i bushels -JO.". .Sfualie. 271) ilocn Hi 8. CtRiitnlHr. 1,7773 bushel Id 12 'Mill . . J.'.lnl 11 111 port r or tiik ki.siulnt phisician To the PienhUnt and Direilors of tlio Scrantre Poor l)itrict Clintltn-en: I movt lespeetfully nibmit fir jour loim'diiallon, mv annual report for tin inr inoo On .linuiry 1st there, were in the nt luiii- Vlale, i:o; female. 114j total. 2i0. Ad milted ituilng th jeir- Mile, 64; (emile, HI Totil, Ml 'Hi, ill II condition of Ihot-e admitted wt Vlai.ird Malts. -25: fimaln. 31 Totil, "n hliulc-Males, 21 fe'uile. 14 Total, .11 IJ. uuul-Mili. 7. female. 1! Total, 11 DivUiartnd Mile. 41, feimles, 33. Total, 70. Diiil Mule. IS, female, 17 Total, .11. Tolit diiilnrseJ and dud-Male. BI; t . malt, "Al lotal. 111. I.iaiini; In tho avyluiu liiiimliiM ,IM. I Vlale. 120, fcmiles, lit. Tot il. '251 Ilaih aeiagt ot patient during th- jcai 2o7 ,112, liimt in .lieliajiC of 5S 7-12 oer tin1 of last jur. Ot thovo diehirK(d 40 eio resoled, 10 im prottd nnd 10 iinlmproied The pciccnUge on the idmUjions of Ihoe le. fctoicd being ,ts 3-10 per tint. There tre two of those markeil re.-tou'd that rtlapved and were revlmltted and are. now- in tin Inunction, which being deducted "foul 1 nuVa the pert tillage Ml 3 10 pir Cint. Tlun- wen- 22 birth diirini; the irar. Jlale. 10: ftmili. 12. Total, vs. The ibil londitlou of the motluia ui! Mr ried, .1, single, 17. Total, 22. Tlicie wire 11,112 priveriptlciu i-iud durm Ihe tear a follow Sams Malm, 4,123; femaln 2,110. Totil, filll" Insane Male, 1,60-1; ti nnli. .1,25.1. Total, 4.SJ7; at J total rent o 1,'2()7 t'3-100 dollar, or a'i aiciago of 11 01 cent for eieli prteilptlon or neaily 2 B010O dol lir poi pitlent for medicine per jf-ar. lteotlfullj submitted V. ST (UNO, M II Tin illicitoi liiptetfullv submit the (oregnim tblrti eighth annual statement of the a (Tali ot tlio district an reiilnrl b' law and in; Ho a careful lnpn(lon ol the tax,ia'ei. The Inatltiitlon it Hillside Hame I 0110 that ill tin- lenldiut of the (Itv of .Vranton and Dimmiiio boiough ina well bo proud of It I tlifir property mid nearh 300 dependent inmate art- liilrtr tand for, who ctherwlso would I,h luineliMi and friendless in many cies ihi- ill tutor an- grutlflcd to know that they hop tin spproial ol the State Hoard of Charities In thilr administration and it is their aim tn tneili tho samti ct tlio tavpajcr. The item ot improvement and repalia al thoiiuli i.ct tiling CMtedliigly large, cauis vlth it tin completion of a large amount of woik iifussarj for the welfaio of the Imtltutbn a dining the past Jell the- new cold Moragi building an I eonriatoi- were- roinplctid and paid foi, the male, female and epilri'lio luild iug, the iKjIiim and nnnj small building .iu ii.luti-d throughout and otherwi'c rcpilred, add lug much to tho vilue and keeping of II i iiti tut Ion The equipment of n lompleto tire tervue Ii tho pmchaso und erection of a pew Urn pump to Hither with a Iioso lait and KX) feet of htxo icndeis tho (ntittilion doubly secure in cuie of lire. The flnaiiclil atfalm of the dlstriet lia bi-n well (.uirded. fin It is well known to all Mho keep in toueh with tho work of the Hoard, that iicry safeguard ha been med to bring about fair dialing and the bct lesult to the tat potrs without arv intn-aso of the tat; Ieij During the past jear the Hoaid has adoplel tin- teni of competlthc bnjltig of all grocei les, meats, flotii, drugs, coal, etc-., with tlio full est inmpitttinii and awarding the contracts lu the lowikt lildders, and thf levnlt ha Im 11 initft satli-tactor'. The puirhaving louunlttee for (.implies iui.i riablj patronio tho merchants ot tho dlslilti a far in povilhlo and wbcie thty can furnish whit I itiiuired. , The hospital tor tho insane ts at picstnt taxed to Its full capacity and within tho next twi jeais tho district will be called upon to build 1111 addition tn tin- pirsent bulldins. The directors solicit and urge the taxpaer to visit and In. pec t the institution at UilUlds Home lti-peetfull) .umblttcd, It. (I IlltOOks. President. rill'Dl.ltll K KI.I.KII IIIOIUS SHOTTON WJIUH. WIIIIAMi, r, .1 mrM'iti, r nntKR w. . paim,. HiriLtii- of thi; Sciaiiton Pool Di.nlit ViiCL-t" .1. C;lM,KSI'IK, Noetar. StrJnton, Pa, ljuuar lth, 1'I aijCiUiiii4ia4atuiJi...uii4iiujjiuiuiv g Prol,Q.F,THEEL,M,D,n.iitE j V"W "ilMls4tlHs,ls. rin.luk.r4r.l, C,u 1 1 J2i ism m fur alltr llotlii fill. IIIVATtt :APiy.Ti',l-cH0'-'uNi"0-'"Wi-: iL vrJtQtSlS (uwinonm ury nottullicinieflmn t :.sT-f!i'u'iiSi'V',.,,7Vl,?",K,iill,'Bitt!l :l0$lMANH00r(t-t"lolr,lrb,li'".s'ii'"lt,7l3- isiiprsitiLilli)iliisipluliiiincslnCcintnvr 31 rihftcc if4 In 4 toll) dsyi, AT0l4liptrcsimnit. -"nivcllctcilstscstcii. KulniThoutlnli. Stndf. iBsri ?riilaiMiUli Duk ctpncliic lni1ictl clcttlcl luui t 3Tl i linrnl br illnlt. Inslnnc rrllrf.rr7'riu t SmiTtTlMTttttttlllTTttTITITIHIITinttlTTITTTTS