The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 26, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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It Will Be n Commodious Struotuio
and Will He Especially Adapted to
the Needs of the Oiganization
Which Is Having It Erected John
Durkln. of Luzcine Sheet, Badly
Injutcd In tlio Sloan Mine Wo
man Arrested for Begging A
Quiet Wedding Other News and
Personal Notes.
Tlif woil; on the new luiildliiE of
Cainii No. 37S, Patriotic Older Sons of.
America, bflnp erected on North Main
menue, opposite) Clatlc llrothein' cash
mores. N proKreslnt; lapldly. Tlio
foundation was completed yc-ste-Hlny
and tlm sttperMtrueture wilt ho com
mimed on Monday by AllpaiiKli Hi ,
conti actors.
It Is f.IOi'lfd It Will 1)0 I'lllll-
j)l iid about the llrst of Juno ami will
bo ono of the prettiest, as well at the
inot-t loinnioilloiiH, buildings In West
Srrantcni .mil II I he fitted up with all
tin' lat"t lm)ioV((l sj'wtoiiu of cmtilu
tlou, lli'htlnir ami luutliipr
It will Ik- tnir utorlci, with a.
Hliilrvvnv ladlllt,- to cudi fiom the
Kiomnl limn, uhidliiK tin- two Mure
loom", Willi h will on h luousino S'; leet
Jonc .ml "2 feit wldr .
Th" i-i'iiid s-loiy will 'oimiiilv un
n"i'iiihly loom Willi a pood "ld eut
inj; cri) A innnnlltfi room fl20
i i I III also b- Jooalod on this floor.
'Pnoip will bo ii ton fool stapo in tho, jiNii a lctu hen oiiulppcd with a
t.'H stow DicusJnp; rooms will l
i'oldii1 on each side of tho stiiso
'Hip thlid floor Will be the .issocI.i-11-
n loom. It will ho furnished olab
oiaielv, i'cilllns anythliiK la its Hup
Ju this M'ctlrm. It will bo 2t'iGH fp.-t
mil will have two Jatwe nnte,rooiii
'J'hlh loom will bo used onh' 1 tho
owners and tenantitiR soolotlos. 1. injo
loil.ctH will bj oioctod foi tin- s.if,..
.ooiIiik of the property of the onler.
The floor of thp lodso loom will bo
ioeud Willi liih Jhllssel.s rupet of
n neat design. Open chili., iiu.iti;?! d
Jn a wnil-elicular oidu so that ill
an Hoi'iuo a rooiM U'W oi th plnttoim
Gas will be used In ih;hiln'.'
Arthur Haitman, a iiminboi of the
r-amp. Is the architect anil moat of tho
) and COLDS
Straight Front Corsets bave come to stay, and without
a straight frout corset it is impossible for any woman
to wear an up-to-date gown and have it fit properly.
All the
New Corse! Models for Spring, 1901
Arc ready for your inspection;, and so varied are they
in style and proportion that we cm safely promise to
perfectly lit any figure with a corset that will fill all ot
fashion's demands and leel as comfortable as an easy
fitting glove. Our range of prices in the newest mod
els of Straight Front Corsets, runs from $1.00 to $5.00
:i pair, and includes such famous makes as
;'Her Majesty"
"R. & G"
all the regular stock styles.
The range of colors aud materials is complete in every
instauce. Othei makes as well, and they'ro all
Special Sale of "Redfern" Corsets
No need to say ouc word in tlieir favor. The best
dressed women in the laud wear them, and they arc
always right.
Hor Saturday
Redforn "A" Corsets In White, usually $5.00 $3.50
Redfern "A" Corsets In Black, usually 6,00
Redfern "D" Corsets in White, usuully 2.50
Redfern "D" Corsets in Black, usually 3.00
A full line of the best $i corsets in the world
will be ou sale on Saturday only at
Globe Warehouse
work will be don by thorc affiliated
with the order.
Serious Mine Accidents.
Jolin Duikln, of I.tircrno street, era
plojcd as ,i dtlvor at tho Sloan mine,
was the victim of a painful accident
while) at his work esterday mornlnR.
He waa tiding on a trip down a Mnall
Incline and near the foot of the slope
alighted to shove In a sprap. Ho
missed his footing and was pteclpltatcd
under the wheels and ranted a consUl
etablo distance befoie the car." could
be brought to a stunditll.
Mlncis laboring neaiby lto.nd his
sci earns and hastened to his side, lut
kln was extricated fiom his perilous
position und removed to his homo on
Lueino stieet, where Dr. Hrennon
attended him and did all in his power
to alleviate his pain, t'pon examina
tion it was found that Dm kin had te
colved a fracture of the right arm,
seveial bad body buiises, two large
sashes on tho head and the muscles of
the light leg- below the knee wete
etus-hed to a Jelly JiouMh of his re
eoveiy are entertained. If he manages
to s-uivlvo his light leg will be useless.
Axel lvulilbctg, of Morris eotnt, met
with a serious accident while at his
woik In the I bde Park mine on Wed
nesday. He was cutting coal when a
fill cc- tell and struck him on the rlhlit
aim, leveling the artery. Kuhl
lieig was lemoved to his homo wheie
medical aid was hastily summoned and
hi" injuilus cttefully diessed.
Stole a Sack of Floui.
An IntoxUated man broke an en
trance Into n small giocery stoics on
Sci.inton iitieet conducted by an
Aiablan, last evening nnd stole a sack
of lloiu. He was captuied while tiy
lnir to escape with the booty and was
ai tested by I'atiolmau Thomas iOvans
who i-Moited him to the West Side sta
tion house, whole ho will be given a
licurliur this morning at 9 o'clock.
lie was a veil dieted young man
but was quite obdurate, refusing to tell
his name or any paitleulars concern
ing his action.
Spialned His Ankle.
Many llobbln-, of Lafayette stieet,
sustained a sprain to his tight ankle
while employed by Contractor Mc
rr.icl.en on Wednesday afternoon,
llobbltis eaiilng coal Into the
celhu of I!. K. Hauls' on South Sum
ner a otitic when he fell with the above
staled lestilt.
He was lemoved to the West Side
hospital wheie tho Injured member
was caiefuly attended. He will bo In
capacitated tor some lime.
"The Piodlgal Son."
The lectin e loom of the Jackt-on
Stieit ltnptlst church was cioudeil
lat owning, the attiactlon being the
well-known evangelist. Row AVlllianirf,
who delivered n forcible dh course on
"Thr Hon," His talk was In
stinctive and nppi eclated. At the
clo of tho sei vires many pel sons e
pit'ssrd a deslie to load a better life.
The seniors will continue on Sunday
and .Mondav owning. Tho public is
Special meetings aie being oonduetel
Corset Talk
Straight frout ''Militant" and
popular girdle corsets, in Em
press Josephiuc models.
Straight frout corsets, on entire
ly new lines, as well as all the
regular styles.
Corsets, the standard of excel
lence by which all other cornets
arc guaged. All new models.
Corsets, in entirely new and
unique styles, iu which fashion
aud comfort admirably blends.
Corsets, in straight front shapes,
with or w thout the girdle, also
each nlflht in tho Slmnr.nn nnd Ttnmn.
ton Street Methodist Enlsconril
churches, also at the Washburn Stroot
Presbyterian chutch. The attendance
at all ate good.
Arrested for Begging.
A middle-aged woman was ntresUd
last evening on North Main avenue,
by Lieutenant Thomas Williams and
Patrolman John D. Thomas, for so
liciting alms on tho Bttoot, which Is
prohibited on tho public thoioughfaiv
by a city ordinance. She was golnR
in every store nlong tho avenue, ask
ing for whatever came Into her mind,
Informing tho proprietor that nho was
sent out by tho Homo of tho Good
Shepheid in Providence.
When airalgned In tho station house
she at first gave tho name of Kato
Kolley, but afterwards .told the offi
cer in charge that her proper tltlo wan
Margaret Travla and that sho wa3
released from tho county basilic only
Thursday, where sho had been lncar
ceiatcd for thirty days for begging. U
Is probable that she will pay SheilfC
Schadt another visit.
Quietly Married.
(Jooige .T. Swell, of Harton, and MIfs
Geitrttde M. Newton, of Kacloiyvlllo,
wete united In marriage last owning
at 10 o'clock by Hew Thomas D;
firuchy, pastor of the Jackson Stioet
llaptlst chutch, at hla homo on Jack
son fctieet. They were unattended.
Mr. und Mrs. Swell left Immediately
on an extended wedding tour, for New
Tork and Hoston. t'pon thelt 1 etui 11
they will lesldo In an elegantly fui
n'shed homo in Haston, where Mr.
Swell holds a lucrative rosllloti,
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
Miss UlUabeth Dooisam will lend the
Gospel service Satin day evening m S
o'clock. Miss Doersam Is well-known
to Young Women's Christian associa
tion glils, having been in the woik
for a long time. An earnest Invitation
Is extended to all sit Is to attend this
service. Subject, "Have Faith in
Kmbroldery classes lll meet Mon
day at i nnd S p. in.
GENERAL NEWS NOTES. lodgo of Odd Fellow k, No.
TO.!, hold a, well attended meeting last
evening in Hvans' hall, on South Main
Tho women's class of the Slmnson
Methodist church met in
regular session yesterday afieinoon
and ttansaeled Important business.
Hippie division, Sons of Tcmpeianco,
will meet on Monday evening iu Mor
gan's hall, on Jacks-on stieet.
Miss ItiiOget McGraw, of Twenty
lhst stieet, entertained a lev friends
on Thursday eonlng. An enjoyable
time was had by all
The Oxford mine local. T'nlied Mine
Workers of America, met last evening
in James' hall, on Jackson sirect, and
dealt with many niattets ot much im
portance to tlio weltau of M10 oiTan
iatlon. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Iteuiolds, of
Slaik'H court, weie tendeied n delight
ful hutpikc patty on Tliuicd.iy even
'the P.isslon Piny will be pioduced
on Tuesday evening at the Jackson
iStteet Hantlst church.
An important meeting of th,. bathers
of West Scianton will be held on Mon
day evening at tho shop of James
Hughes, on West I, ukawanua iuenue.
All tonsoiial uitlts aie uicd to at
tend. All.spaugh llros. aie erecting a double
block on Noith Hyde I'atk avenue for
Samuel Williams.
The city Christian Hndeaor union
will meet on Tuesday evening In tho
auditorium of the Washburn Stieet
Fiesbyteiian church.
The employes of the Oxford, Dodge,
liellcwie, Holden. Taylor, Pine, Hamp
ton. Sloan, Hde Park. Continental,
Archbalcl, Cuyue'i- and Urifcbln mines
will bo paid today. The Scranton Coal
company will pay on Wednesday.
The attendance at the Jit. Pleasant
klndergattcn Is Im teasing every day.
Mis Margaret C.ibbs is in charge.
Tho William Connell Glee dug, which
anticipates attending the Inauguration
of Piesldent McKlnley, will meet to
morrow nfteinoon at 3 o'clock for 10
hearsal In their rooms In tho Mears
building. Tho glee club Is composed of
some of the be&t voices In the oily,
and will excel their reputation as
vocalists of the anthracite legion at
Washington on March -t.
The Home Festival of the Young
Men's Institute will reopen on Tues.
day evtnlns, when a ten-dollar gold
pit co will bo chanced off.
The degree team ot Silurian lodge of
Odd Follows will woik the military
degieo on i.oveial cnndldatos at the
Shu inn lodfeo, lu Masonic hall. N01 th
Main nvi nue, on Wednesday evening.
The sublime Passion Play w 111 be
ghen In the Jackson Street Baptist
church next Tuesday evening. The
Itev Goss comes to us well lecoiu
niended. not only to eiuuitaln us but
to bkss us with the guat lealltle of
Christ's life and death In moving plc
tuies. The Hand of Hope of the Sumner
Avenue terlan chutch has been
leorganlzed. Piactlce. under an eill
clent leader, has been begun foi a can
tata. Tho joung people of the We:-t
Side aie cordially Invited to come nnd
join. Meetings on Tuesday evenings at
T So o'clock In the chinch
Jlr, H. C. Hnslgn, of Vainait, Is
the guest of Mis. William fair, o
Clieen P.ldgo street.
Wllllo Mitchell, of Monroe avenue,
enteitalned a number of friends at a
mnsquciade evening. Among the
guests woie: Hattle Lindsay, Leila
Woodiuff, Chnrlotto .Schioedor. Anabel
Luce, Jennlo pkoll and, Hthel Young,
of Clark's .Summit; Oeorgo Hither,
Hanley Huber, Leonard Itlttenkouse,
John Price, Colo Price, Culber H in ley,
Wan en Van Hlaicom and Chailea
Mis. Sumuel Pldlau, mother of Mall
Cauler Joseph Fid Inn, met with a seri
ous accident yesteiday nioiulng. In
retuuilng homo fiom visiting a friend
she slipped cm the Ice at the corner ot
Deacon stieet and tho Uoulevard nnd
broke her leg In two places.
A vety Inlei eating and Important
meeting of Clieen Itldgo lodge, Inde
pendent Older of Odd Pellows, was
held Thtusday evening In Masonic hall,
Dickson uvenue. Two candidates re
ceived tho flist degioo and a motion
to amend tho bylaws was postponed
Allow a ioiuIi to run until it cett bejond tlio
reach ct medicine. 'Ihcv often M), "O'i. It will
war ami)," hut in ino'.t it an lit wear
Hum away. Could they bo induced to try Hi'
eucrciitul nndlilin railed Kemp' lliluin, whlfli
l cld mi a osilU o Kuarantie to cuir, thry
weuld ImninlUlrly tee tlic cvirllrnt ellcct alter
taMni; tlio tlrst (lore, Prlco 'JJc, and i'X. 'dial
liio free. At all drujjiitj. 1
The Lackawanna Telephone Ordi
nance, Which Was Killed n Tew
Weeks Ago, Reintroduced by Mr.
McLoughlln Ordinance Granting
a Franchise to New Street Rnll
way Company Also Introduced.
Revival Services Still Continue to
Bo Successful Othcis Notes.
The council held 11 special meeting at
the borough building last evening, all
members being piesent except Mr.
Complaint was made icgaidlng a nui
sance maintained by the Pinnell Foun
diy company, on Appk h'icM, by which
the stieet Is obsti noted b th company
placing many of their castings on the
sidewalk and roadways. The stil ot
commissioner was Insti acted to notify
Mr. Pinnell to lemove t'1 (distinctions.
Treasurer Wahl-r wn Instuicted to
have his yearly tipcat published In the
dally papers,
A resolution wuh adopted empower
ing the board attorney to diaw up a
contract with Mr. T. J. Clolami lor
stone to be taken from hl pieinlses.
An ordinance was introduced by Mr.
aiel-oughlln granting a franchise to
tho Lackawanna Telephone tompany
In this borough. The oidlnanco Is of
the same nature as the one defeated
by the lucmbem at the last meeting.
It was leferred to the lite committee
Mr. McAllister lntioduced an 01 din
once giantlng a franchise to the Cen
tial Itapld Transit company. It gives
the company tho right to erect poles
and wires und lay tiacks on seveial
streets, it was tefened to tho railroad
Treasurer Wahler was lnstiucted to
redeem several outstanding borough
bonds, the funds inquired to be taken
from the sinking fund.
Revival Services.
The ltev. Mr. Cobb at the Tripp Ave
nue Christian chinch spoke to a fine
audience last night. He took for his
text. "Come unto Mo all e that labor
and aie heavily laden, and I will give
you test. Take My yoke upon you and
leai 11 of Me, for I am meek and lowly
In heart and you shall Unci test for
your souls." He continued by saying
none other could have extended such
an Invitation. The knowledge ghen by
Christ brings rent and freedom. He is
flee. Indeed, when truth makes him
free. There has never been any teach
er like Him. Then- Is no joke like Ills
and no test like that found In Chi 1st.
At the close of the services theie
weie two baptlrcd Theie will bo no
services tonight, but Sunday morning
nnd evening Weie will bo tho usual
sei vices. Sunday school at 10 o'clock
and preaching nioiulng and evening by
Rev. Mi. Cobb Topic for evening.
"Why I Am a Disciple." Men's meet
ing tomouow evening at (130. Only
th" men ars expected at this service.
Woik will be resumed Iu the various
mines of the Pennsylvania Coal mm
pany today after seveial days' shut
dow n.
Itev. J D. Dabncy will preach In tho
Dudley Street Baptist chutch Sunday
afternoon at : o'clock.
Republicans aie urged to lemember
the Impoitant meeting In Odd rellows'
hall tonight for the nomination of can
didates that will win next month.
Mis. Peter AV'alsh Is dangerously HI
at her home on Hast Drinker stieet.
The f uncial of the late John Caw
ley will be held this morning at i'.SO
o'clock fiom St. Mary's church.
Dunmore Methodist Uplscopal chinch
The Canadian evangelist, the Itev.
W. A. Dunnett. will preach at both the
moi nlng and evening services tomor
row and Miss Daisy Roll Hall will
sing. Theho meetings have been glow
ing In Interest and tho numbers at
tending during the past week. As Sun
day will probably be his last service
with the chutch, those who want to
hear this very talented and Inspiring
evaneellst should avail themselves of
this opportunity. The other services
will be held as usual. Seats fice and
all made welcome.
Mis Winlfied Haggoity.
Ml i Winifred i.Sfd it, lit ll.f
home if .lohn I'lUHiOn, nf Wl C ipou. altin.c,
,itinla MU' IIJiTKUt)' icjldcd In C'lilci
dale and had onh Im en lire mi .1 villi a week
wlitn slio h tuk n ilmii villi the grip 'Hi'
lodi will Ii ito n 'i the J 41 l)i!owarc .aid llud
Mn for ( aliondiile, when- It will be lal en in
il iue hi lur I luiliir-m lm. John vtifaiiiioi,
ol ii I. it VtnolliwD ai i me
"lli llisgciti it Miriiied n threo Liothcr
mid two hltrri. Jir.wi and fhonic Hatrrlt "f
Clilc i.'o; Vlkhael, ot tills rltv Vfrs. ntlion)'
llolnn, of VI,)field, mil Mu. Willltm lliKiniu,
of ( hlcio. Hie (un lal fenitii "111 be ifll
Mcndav tnorulni; fiom "st l!oo's rlmrcli. Ina
uicnt will be made In M. )toe tc.nclmj
Mis. Elizabeth Bohn.
Mi lluilclli lloliii. acid T.i jt-r, died nt
lur home ou 1.1m stieet. Wednesday. The de
ciiv-d had resided In 0lt,l Scranton for oici
tlitit) )eai, and wat'hcld In high c.iccni by
a litfe number of acqualrtamM. She U mir
tnii bv two tUldiin, I'hlllp Holm ami Mis
Mm PUncmaii.
The ftinnal villi tal.e plate lliii afternoon at
1! o'clock. Vrvlcca 111 be held In M. I'.ud'k
church on Prospect aimic. Intinnent will be
E .ilo In the Mlnooka cemeteri .
Misb Berna Wilson.
Miit Birna Wilson, only diughtei of Wr. and
Mr. T. W. Wilson, died at the residence of her
ireiiu In Sloscou, 'llairitli), Jan. 2J, Mic wa
attatU'd with lilphtluila and, despite the best
inttllcul tiiatnunl espired
Mie was beloied by all who kne hei fur her
kindly traits and will be nadir mUsed In Hie In
liiimeuWe rrlerdu of the fanuti.
Michael Hannou.
Mklnel II union died )cUrda.v moinlni; at
hU homo on living uvenue, alter an illmiis uf
teural weel.f.
Tho funeral will be hold Mondiy mornhs at
9 o'clock, cilices in the Cathedral cunctrry.
Iittiincnt will lie nulo In the Ilunnioro Catho
lic i (metery,
Mie. Catherine Walsh.
Mrs. Cailieiine WaUh, eed M. die! at 17i0
fusli k avenue, jctteiday,
Tho fmipial will be held Mwdiv at 9 o'cloik
In the llol) I(oaiy church. Interment in the
Cathedial ccmetcr).
Abraham Jenkins.
Ahuham JcnMtu, HI .veara of use. of Hi
Spring ilrect, died yisterd-).
The funeral will be held fiom the residence
Monday at 3 30 p. in. Interment it 1'oteit Hill,
jMis. Robert Hatton.
The death of Mrt. Itobeit Hatton occiined
lht cunli.j at the family caldcnca en North
It Would Appear That Local Rem
edies Would Be Best for Cure of
It would seem at fiist glunce that
catanh being a disease of the mu
cous nicmbnina; that salves, sptass,
etc., being applied directly to tho
membranes of tho nose and tin oat,
would bo the most rational treatment
but this has been pioven not to bo
The mucous, mciubiano Is made and
tepalted from tho blood and catairh
Is a blood dleaso and any remedy to
niako u permanent cuio must act on
the blood, and when the blood Is purl
lleil from catanhal polron, the secre
tions f i oin the mucous membinne will
become natural and healthy.
In this climate, thousands of people
secni scntcely over fiee fiom Fonio
foim of catarrh; It gets bolter at times
but each winter becomes giadually
deeper seated and nft'r a time tho
sufleier resigns himself to It us a
nocossaiy evil.
Catairh cities aie aliniist as numer
ous as catarrh sttffcieis, but aie nearly
all so Inconvenient and Ineffective us
to render their use a nuisance neatly
as annovlng as catarrh Itself: anyone
who has used douches, sprays and
powders will bear witness to their In
convenience nnd fnlluic to really cuie.
Theie aie a number of excellent in
ternal lemcdies for eatanh, but prob
ably tho best and cettalnly the safest
l a new lemedy, composed of Kuoaly
ptol, Hydtastls, Sangulnailn ami other
valuable catairh speclilcs.
This remedy Is In tablet foim, pleas
ant to tho tasto and sold by druggists
under the name of Stuait's Catairh
Tablet, und anyone hiifferlng fiom
catanh may use these tablets with
absolute Hssuranro that they contain
no cocaine, opiate nor any pol-oiiou- whatever.
A leading diugglst In Albany peaU
Ing of catanh cuies bays'. "I hav
sold various catanh cuics for yeais,
but have never sold any which gavo
such general satisfaction as Stuait'a
Catanh Tablets. They contain In a
pleasant, concentrated form all the
1" st ami latest catarrh remedies, nnd
catanh sufierers who have used
douches, sprays and salves, have been
astonished at the quick relief and per
manent results obtained after n week's
use of Stuart's Catanh Tablets." All
druggists sell full Mired p-ckages for
llfty cents.
CarPcId airline, liter a lliiniilng lllncvi lie.
ceuc( U Minhul l.y a liu.lunil.
the funeral will lc lnll en WciIucmIi) a.ui
n hi cirnl liitrrnunt will lio n 1" In Wjililmrn
slin t emttiry
llrt rrciloilcl.. the ' iiinntlixnM son ol
Mr an I Urn. l'r.vl Hiiinlnuii, cl 1711 Mtno an
nul, died jrhtiidJy iuoiiJiit, ntlu a v-icre ill
ini" 'J lie uncial will til..! place sundij n!
tunoon at ." u'llnik Intc-riiirtit will be nude
In tie 1'ltt-tin atemio umiiiij.
"c the It nnntli? old iljiuhlir nt Mi. and
Jlrn. 1". W. 1'isk, ut Ui s,oinun iicniir, Urol
jcslrnljj- momlnu The (uncral iriioiincPincnt
will lie made 1 it. r
An Intere.itlng game of basket ball
was played last evening at the Audi
torium between the Wyoming Semi
nal y team and the Xoilh Und Stuis.
P.oth teams were well matched. In
the (list half, Connelly threw a bas
ket tor the ritats and Davles for the
Seminal); In the last half only one
basket was tin own for the Stais by
McClusky. Tho scene wot 4-'J. In fa
vor of the Stai s.
A large number1 of tlm Young Men's
Institute meinbeis met last evening In
their rooms In St. Maiy's hall, on
West Maiket stieet. where they
played a em hie match egalnst tho
meinbeis of the Cienoral Philip Sheri
dan council. A beautiful silk (lag was
given as one of the prizo. After the
game an entcrtnlnment and "moker
was held, which the meinbeis of both
councils enjoyed.
A special meeting of the Stntloneiy
Firemen's union will bo held this
evening In Leonaid's hall on AVost
Maiket stieet
A pleaaut sutprie paily was given
in honor of Peter McCluskey nt hla
home on "West Market stieet. Thcev
piesent were: Misses Mary Mc-Clus-key,
Gertiude Nichols, Mary Glbett.
Sarah Mason, Jennie McClulre, Mar
tha Heose, Not a P.airett, Lizzie Lloyd,
Maiy William. PesMe IUiker, Annie
Mnhon. Sarah McCluskey, Udlth Hor
ace. Messrs. Peter McCluskey, Alex.
Mcfiiilre, Udwaid McGulie, Orlfuth
Williams. Divld Patteison. Charles
McCluskev. Unicty AVIlllams. William
Sualth, William D'tvls. Patrick Wil
liams,. Ubenezei' James, John Mltchl
son, Patrick Monahan, John tlerilty,
John Hanlon. John Collins and
Thomnf. Dav Is.
Aldeiinan and Mis. Otto D. Me.veis
have retiiMied tiom Clnik's Summit,
where they visited friend-
The fun ral of Mrs. llu."ci Monn.
of Sweeney stieet. who died Wednes
day, took place yesteidav morning .it
0 o'clock. A high mass of UMpiIem
was celebi ut( d at the Holy Ilosary
i hutch. Intei metit was mad a at tho
CatliedUf cenie ten.
Mrs Annie l'lidden of Tin nop. Is
c oiivnlescMit.
Ilnirj Wluelei, ot Thionji stieet, .s
slightly Indisposed.
Mrs. Pied Phillip, of Noith Main
avenue, Is 111 with ihe gilp.
The Dutch Gap Mls-slon Sunday
m hool will lepeat the eantau, "A Day
In the "Woods," on Jan. 29, In the
Welsh Const "(rational chinch Ad
mission ten cents.
The building committee of tho
Memorial Baptist c hutch are thtfo
days ree.lvlng bids for the construc
tion of a new church building, on
chinch avenue. Tho plans and ipccl
tleatlons of the same can be seen bv
calling on the pastor, Itev. W. P. Da
vies, 170" Summit avenue.
A festival and bazaar will be held
next month by the Ladlen' Aid re
dely ot the Memorial chuich Ht the
Piovldenco Auditorium.
The service In tho Noith Mtiln Ave
nue Baptist church tomoirow will lie
conducted by Professor Ulkanah Hul
ley, of Keystono academ) . Morning
service, 1U.30, evening fceivlce, T oVlock.
Seats free. All welcome.
A Skin of rteauty la a Joy Forovar.
Dit. t, mix aorn vmrs oimkntvi.
Hemorei Tan, rlmr-If. FrocliUL
aiituef aua every bltmlah oa
ijuij. ua dene
dtteoJon. It kif
Jcr. iu ii K
trrultii we tajte t
to b ure It la prop
erly nile. Accepa
no counterfeit of
alinllarnaraa pr.U
A. bujrr- Mid ta a
lair of thehaut-to
aud Cream ' at the
tertr Lanaful of all
the Skin DreDtrft
tioni " For tale br
k -rt Tr tu Droltt mil
rucrOoodt Caaleri la thU.S,(Una(Jaa,iuid Curcpe.
ml, X, BorSlSB, fnp n Orel Jaa It, XT.
.. T .IW .l?-
Li" -fl Vt XJ ".-
l y ' t3v
Many Witnesses, Including; Alder
man W. S. Millar, B. W. Lewis, Dr.
H. N. Bunnell, Fred Durr, Isadoio
Goodman nnd Othei s Testify That
the Dead Alderman's Mind Was
Weakening: During- Taat Tew
Years F. W. Zizelniann and W. A.
Tovvnscud, Witnesses to tho Will,
Say Signature Is Genuine.
Theie was a hearing before Deputy
Iteglster of Wills Koehlor yesterday lr.
the matter of the objections to the Pio-
batins of the will of tho late Chariest
W. Ilocsler, for many yeais
of the Ulghth vvnid, who died last
week at the home of Mr. and Mis.
John Osberry, nt 223 riaiiklln avenue.
Mr. lloesler lived for two years before
his death with tho OMierryu and in his
will left the greater pait of his es
tate, valued at $2.1,000, to Mrs. Osbciry
for her kindnesses to him and tho caio
she gave him during the time he lived
at her home.
The objections to the probating ot
tho will re made on behalf ot Marv
J. lloesler. the granddaughter of the
deceased, and It Is alleged on her be
half that on January C last, when her
grandfather made his will, he was so
weak mentally that ho did not have
testamcntaiy capacity.
At yesterday's hearing Attoinejs
Charles U. Olver and W. S. Dlehl an
cpaied for the will, nnd founer Judge
II. A. Knnpp for the objections to It.
Tho first witnesses swoin for tho will
were Chief ot the Pile Department V,
W, Zlzelman and W. A. Town-end,
who weie the witnesses to the will It
self. On cross-examination they testi
fied that they had been called Into the
house to act as w Itnesses to the docu
ment by Mis. Osberiy. The will was
then ulieady drawn and signed, and
they undft stood It to bo Hoesler'.s will.
Bocsler himself handed the pen to
Townsend to sign. Chief Hizelman slid,
that he was familiar with the hand-'
writing of lloesler and that he believed
the signature of the will to be ccnu
Ine. John T. Coopei, one of the bene
ficiaries of the (Will, was next called,
but his testimony was objected to on
the ground that beluga bcneilclar), he
was Incompetent to testlfv.
The leglster ruled that any testi
mony which would tluovv any light on
the mental condition of lloesler would
be admitted. Mr. Cooper testllled that
to the best of his belief.
Hoesler was In sound mind when the;
will was diavvn up The cam for tlm
will was here dosed, with the nuclei -standing
that Di- Hull, who attended
lloeshr in his Inst Illness, could be
called later.
The Hist witness heaid on behalf of
the objectois to the will was Isadote
Goodman. He had known tho aldei
inan for twenty-five yeais. and bt
lleved that for the past thiee ) his
mind hud been falling. He knew his
signature, and was of the opinion that
tho signature to the will was not genu
Dr. II. N. Dunncll had known Hoes
ler for twenty-five or thirty years, and
had often attended hlni as a physician.
He said that his mind had been fall
ing ever since he way defeated for tho
oilice of alderman of the Ulghth ward.
His mind was weak for the past four
yeais and during that time hewas
unfit to do business, said the doctor.
The weakness could be traced to a de
generation of the nervous s)stem
caused by old ago and Its tendency
would be to inctease rather than im
prove. During the last two yeais he
was not fit to make a will. The doc
tor failed to recognize the slgnatuie.
Fred Dutr, the neM witness, h.ul
known Alderman P.oesler since 1S0.
During the last two yeais, he said, he
had been giowlnvr childish. It, W.
Lewis, of Mooslc, had known Boesler
for forty years and stated that his
mind had been noticeably falling for
tho past year and a half. Mrs. Lew is-,
his wife, had talked with Hneslei in
the fnll of 1S99 and nt that time, In her
belief, he was not competent to draw a
William J. Schlffer, a neighbor ot the
dead man, testified that for the last
four years his mind had b.-eu giadu
ally fallng and that for the past two
jeats this had been espeel.ill) nutke
ahle. diaries Halt, of Petei.hu1'.
who was a policeman when Itoehlei
was chief, was not permitted to testify
because he had not seen him for the
past thiee years.
Alderman W. S. Millai. of the Ulghth
ward, who had known Hoesler tor
twenty-tlve iar, tesillled that he had
been bioken iu body mil mind for the
past few yeais. lio couldn't leiognizo
the signature to the will as Hoel "'
but wouldn't .swear It was not hi
Mrs Maiy Sullivan, who had known
the dead aldeiinan tor forty soars and
who had worked In his famll" for ten
eais, testified thit his mind hod not
been sound since the death of his son,
who was killed about threo yei's ag..
Walter Kilmer, who had .vsisied the
oldermnn with his bonks and papua
since he retired fiom public life, testi
fied that during lecent yearn his mind
was not sound,
The hearing was adjoun'.l a. the
conclusion of hi testimony until next
Funeral of the Late Mr. Schefiler
Held fiom the Family Residnce
on Elm Street Other Notes.
The fuueial of the late Mrs. .Schetller
was held from the family residence,
cotner Hlni stieet and South Wahslng
ton avenue, yesteiday afternoon at 2
o'clock Rev. W. A. Xoidt, pastor of
the Hlckoiy Stieet Presbyteilan
chuich, conducted tho services which
wete largely attended by many of tho
relatives and friends of the departed.
Tho temalns were later taken to the
chuich on Hlckoiy street, wheio Itev.
Mr. Nordt preached a sermon In which
he spoho In beautiful teims of the de
ceased. Interment was made In the
1'lttston avenue cemcteiy.
Tho pall-beaiers weie. John Burke,
Jacob Hnrtmau, Uanlel Coleman. Hen
i.v Armbrust and Jacob riulhtofel.
Tho flower bearers were William Hud-
eunllCIl nntj jomi rtcllwI'llK,
Briefly Noted.
Michael Mlllberger. of this side, waa
aucbtcd on Thtusday civcnlug In tha
Duffy's Pure Malt Whlskej
AMtirifa'n Cfntm aaicin
SW.S Conoumptlon Goneral De
bility, Ui Grippe, Cold, Bronchitis.
Malaria, Dyspepsia, Deprosslon. and
weakness .from whatoveir causes.
It la tha onlr W hliVer taied lij the l.oveinraent u
medicine. JTjte. la irtiaranice. lie turn tou tet ihn
renulno. All drutctaia ami oroeers or
Huffy Malt WUIakoy Co., Ilocliealor, A. It.
-' nut t: nrilUIJMUlll, Lmsece.
A. J. DL'll V, Maiusir.
Sri KII.U, Jlillneo and M1it, J VNITAIIV 21
Matinee l'irfoiiniiire nt '.Mo.
Ihcnliu I'crfominuc at SOO.
Pojllhcly laU oiipearanco ot
(HIMsKt.r )
In lili sirat pioductton of.
The County Fair
Itetter Thin liver Ilefore.
Fperial Uarcaln ))ay Matinee, 25 and 80 cent
. renins prlece, ":, ,V)o.,,7jr. and $1.00,
Ilox and lose netl?, .'Cc. and 75.'.
Seata nov ou kale t (
1 i .
One Performance Only,
Monday, January 28, 1901.
Evening performance at 8.00.
Augustus Thomas' new play
A cast of unusual strength and',
1'IIICI S-2.V., 50.' , T5e , $1,00 and 1.50.
iHMlS llOVV Oil Mie.
om. vi.itroiiM.wr t: om.y.
WEDNESDAY, JAir. 30, 1001.
Annuil riisitfeiiient of the Woild fjmed
Brothers Byrne
In tlieir Piicetacular I'jiitonilmic Comedy, tha
New Eight Bells
.n i;veilaliiii- utccs.
Tenth Srniut Jviia llcltei llun liver.
1 001 Ntvv l'citurf.
l'.dlivp .pK-ir.inco of tin' IIVKM: nitOHU.KS
r.t l.virj I'nfonnantt
I'lllflS 2V, .r0t.. T5i ami on roll Vlondjy ut tl a. in.
Managers and Lcwec-. Locll Manager.
tnbci: or wkkiv.
The Hillman Company
Thninlay JCUlit "V Int Uappriied li none."
Frid iv Mglit "A Hidden 1'"
Saturdjy MRbt "special Deliver."
AM. MJXT Wl.i:K.
MiUncr. rrkcB 10 and 'J0 i cnH.
Ivnilm; l'ritev-10, V), ) cents.
Restore Vitality. Lost Vigor and Manhood
Curo Impotcncy. Nlslit Kmis'ions, Loai of Mem.
on, mi wnsnnsr ciiscatcs.
all effects of cnlf.nbtiso or
cxcc."i3 nnd inllcretlon.
A norvo tonlo and
blood builder. Brines
tho pin!; Blow to polo
chooKS nnel rcetores tbei
iVHin ut outli. liy mull
60o npr box. O boxei for
82.BO, with our bankable graurantes to curb
or refund tho money paid, bend for circular
nnd copy of our baukablo gunrauteo bond,
Positively Rvmrnnteoel enro for Lois of Power,
Vuricocolo, Uudevolopod or Shrunken Organa,
I'.irceK Locorrotor Ataxia, Norvou Prostra
tion, Hjstoria. I its. Insanity. ParalyuU and tlin
Rosiilts of Ilxipsilio Ubo of Tobncco, Opium or
Liiiuor. Dy innfl in plain parknire, $1.00 it
box, O for $5.00 with our bankable fruar
antoo bond to curo in DO days oi refund
money paid. Adtlicfs
Clinton &Jtckson sn , CHiCACO, IIJU
Sold br M.Cji'jli L l'lioicaj, Drugslste, 203
l.atl,iv'jira uvniic, f-cranton, Pa.
sllie'io tiny (.'apsnlrs rer- .
BlBJiellrirt In 'Ih hours wlllioutf,..,'
KtiT,,! in ouv nlcnro, allertlonvl SAlllY I
sJiicb j unit Inleciliinii fulY. XX
Prof.Q.F.THEEL.M.D. n.'x..;
SI , LUairtntila, '. I .i.Untrlt?r AmI. (.ii . J
, ' 7 (no iittin) I n flpmfni'tbbniiibtiiOrstni
,34eprspurtk IAflcflmtp talif-ffifntf mGTraAuy J
htn irirbooU,TruthMtipnlnmftlft1.i1ftrlfJfruJl
' --1 j - - A a.AAj.A.A.....j.J.
ieur o( tlio 51. rtoblnson brewery for
lielns helpIesHlv dtinik. Ofllcer Quln
iwti. with tho tiijslslunoe of a citizen,
took lilin to tho htutlon liouae. fVt a
lioailiut yesterday mot nlng1. befprt? Al
de'rnian Lcntcs, hc was lined $3, in
ilefault of which ho waa committed
to tho county Jail for thirty flays.
Tho iPKuUr Sunday afternoon mcotv
lug of the Vouhk Women's Clirlstlaii
fiMsocLition will ho n jnalso meeting.
Stlsa Ji'holo Ilagon will load. ,
A tlntiRhtor has heon bom to Mr. Unci
3Ii,s. John Iynn, of Prospect avonhe.
Tho enteitnliimont of tho Yf i
"Weuntn'H t'hilstian association,
Innt ovcMilnp: was liueoly attendeci
exe client pi otri amine waa rcneluieV
tlio ladles ol tho association, after
which rofieshnients woto s'ered.
All news and notices for tho cor
respondent i)f thin papor left at th?
store of tho South SMm News company,
on Cedar avenue, tull receive prompt
Oipneral Grant ronimandery, No. 239,
Knights ot Malta, mot In regular hm
slon last '-vcnliur In Ilnitimfa's hall.
Mies Milliio F.ishhold, of Viospeot
avenue, has loturncd fiom r. weoU'ai
lslt nt Flttuton.
For a Cold in tTte Head
Laxative Diomo-Quinino Tablots.
Brl i VVTT