"m i"w " r nv -'T '"". V.--.vrv-v fo'lVS'T'- ' V J"?VT V1 & W It mtm r,r ? &t 1 itro "-nFif3 THE SCRANTON TMBUNIi--SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1901'. S: "Sit i '; 4 sWBEs! iSSMSB -rjauLiB Fato and a Fete. diT AM proteins; old!" my lady slihcd; 1 Although I am not decrepit. I tin not In the leant bit mummified, In the dmco 1 jet could step It. It ha always been tint they wanted me On every (treat occasion When r queen or a lady of high dcirrft Wjs needed lor representation. My waist U as sllitbt. my foot ns light .No mark of tiao udtanccss lint I mut bo old In the l'cle tonight 1 slt-whllo my daughter dances." II. C. The chief topic of conversation In most circles Is tlio Mario Antolnetto feto ami "Tho Pled Piper of Hanie tin." The ohllflren aro moro or loss daft over tho hitter while scores of young people nro planning stops for tho beautiful fete. Tho prospects for the entertainment surpass nil expecta tions hitherto entertained. It Is to bo n magnificent spectacular event, whose correctness of historical detail and In telligence of interpretation will appeal to tho artistic tastes so strongly de veloped in Scranton and fasclnntc and enthrall tho patrons not alone by tho picturesque effects, but by the musical features and the rhythm of movement present to an exceptional decree. It Is intended to carry out as much ns possible the historical character of tho period represented and tho partici pants nro ut present absorbed In French records running from 1770 to tho tragic dnto of 1793. Many to whom tho name of tho lovely I'rlncesse de Lambelic meant littlo have now learned to know her as the first friend of tho girl Queen In her foreign home. They have ecomo familiar with tlio various authentic portraits of Mario Antoinette In the, famous Le Ilrun group where the little Dauphin li"s aside tho cradle runopy to show the empty bed from which baby Sophie had gone forever, and in tho many single pictures. Tho beautiful Duehosso do Polignac, whom the queen perhaps unwisely chose for nil intimate friend, is an other whose portrait by Mudame Lc brun, tho. fair dancers nre learning to distinguish. The girlish face with tho fair floating hair anil plumed hat making a picture to hold in memory. These with Madamo Elisabeth, the dearly loved. the gay courtiers, Cum to do Artols, Comte do Provence afterward Louis XVIII, and many other courtiers of high degree will lie loprcsontcd In gorgeous, co.Uuinos by t irticlpants In the fete. The following will constitute the per sonnel of the Court Dance: Mario Aiittiim-Me Klrft f.e.iilt .Ml , The Lund Hutu- i.f liimln .. 'I lie i.rjntl lliirhe c vpij. iv uahim;.) M ' .irnllno ll mirll. Mr. i"M ri.ua Van floef. Sir. ...Mh Amy .bs.-up .Mr. S T. IlrynoMj Mr. T. II. Pil MIm llcc Matthew fol UTICIIS. JlilllHI ii'lomitll. Hairy llymhiiau. 'm!' iieun .M.ittnms. Mr. l-aac Il.i-l.im. Il.-i May Pi nut ui i.ir. Dr. t'nirr. Vh inrtlj I'mull. Ito- SuriLim. Mi,i ttrei'e Kicrtr.i.I. . Jiidph William. Tin: l'l'lSF. DANCt:. ClupTmi", Mts Pira A. ioiic. Ml- lldllli William. Miw Margaret I.tidwlg. MIm Alice .lone. ,MI-t May Samuels. Ml l)i lla Hat la. Mi ('indeed' i MoifC, MIm'. Mini MiiIiIih. MIm Vutniij V. tthitH. Mint ,um .'oiics. Ml.t Viy l.indal.uiy. Mist I.lllie Kt'ihiiitiJii:;!!. MI'S (iortrude .1nnc, Miss I'crtli.i l '.limn. IMiss Ida .lames !!) rioi-sic I'rnnki MIn? Jl.ny .lone. "Miss i:ila sba-v. JM.vj Mabel Spencer. The committee on decorations for tin Mario Antoinette fete met yester day at tho home of Mrs. W. W. Scran ton, to complutu floral efiVets for the Lyceum stage. , Iter, tho tvxt fortnight Marie An toinette .style will be agitating the mind of the average maiden. Already hhc is wearing hop brain away In wor ry over fichus, turbans and pannier., and after all she will look dlvlns In .whatever she may appear. ,liss Eager, who is directing tho Fete, Is a lady of many accomplish-lnemH-. Last night, when no uccoin .punlst put In an appearance and ther was a corresponding absent? of music lor the dances, she calmly seated her-t-elf at the piano and played from memory with a dash and brilliancy which made tho Clypsy dance go ofC with a spirit hitherto unexampled, vhllo all the time she was watching t'-.e twenty-four performers and ill i ting their evolutions. When there . foIoh to Mug she sings them until io .pupil learns not only the air bin Inflection, the words and the tones. JUST BEFORE .Saturday and Mond Offer Every Garment Cheap Fine Coats for Ladies Fine Coats for Children Ladies' Suits, Capes and Skirts at Such a Mark-Down That It Will Astonish You COME AND SEE. MEARS&HAGEN 415-117 Lackawanna Avenue. w She dances most of tlio time in ordet to cnablo thu learners to catch tho step and it must ba admitted that the method is satisfactory, for they learn In an incredibly short time. The littlo people In tho 1'lcd l'lper dances nro doing delightful work and much com ment is aroused by their cleverness, There is a regular little plot In tlio pretty story mid they tnko a vivid In terest In Its development. Tho last one of the Fortnightly series was held last night at tho residence of Mr. and Mrs. Kvcrett Warren, on Madison avenue. It was of tho nature of a card party, nineteen fables being filled. The members of tho Fortnightly cluTi are: Mr. and Mrs. K. U. Hturges, Mr. and Mrs. C. n. Sturges, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs O. B. Smith, Mr. mid Mrs. J31ncklnton, Mr, nnd Mrs. Henry Belln, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. N'. (J. llobcrtson, Mr. und Mrs. J. 1 Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Wullos, Mr. und Mrs. Everett Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hrady, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Jesstip, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. James Archbald, Judge und Mrs. It. W. Arch bald, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Watson, Mr. und Mrs. F. C. von Storch, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Kingsbury, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. C. Sliafer, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Klofii, Mr and Mrs. A. II. Christy, Mr. and Mrs, E. G. Coursen, Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Jcrmyn, Mr. and Mrs. George II. Jcrmyn, Mr. and Mrs. Frank II. Jcrmyn, Mr. und Mrs. George P. Grlfllths, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Wes- ton. Miss Ella Piatt, Miss Sanderson, Miss l'eunypacker, Miss Helen Sander son, Miss Gertrude Sprague, Miss Alice Belln, Miss Bessell, Miss Boles, Mls.i Clark, Miss Dickson, Miss Hunt, Miss Iyoulso .Tessup, Miss Augusta Merrill, the Misses Matthews, Miss Mary Mamies?, Messrs. K. E. I.oomls, H. D. Merrill, J. 11. Neale, F. E. Piatt, C B. Sanderson, G. T. Slnde, S. B. Tliorne, J. W. Oak ford, James Blair, Jr., Max Bessell, John Brooks, M. B. Fuller, Theo. Fuller, Frank C. Fuller, A. E. Hunt, Jr., A. G. Hunt, George Klots. Mrs. Gilbert D. Murray entertained at turds on Tuesday, when among tho guests were: Mrs. A. J I. Storrs, Mrs. A. r. Twitchell, Mrs. Russell. Mrs. George lllce. Airs. N. Y. Lect, Mrs. V. H. Jerinyu, Mr. J. S. Lyndc, Mis. W. G. Fulton, Mrs. G. M. llallstciil. Mis. J. L. Went. Mrs. T. l Penman, Airs. W. II. .Storrs, Mrs. Frank Silll nun. Jr., Mrs. II. B. Ware. Mrs. JT. II. Brady. Jr.. Mrs. Cearliart. Mrs. E. E. Chase, Mrs. Bandolph. Mrs. W. A. I'olenmn. Mr. If. A. Knapp, Mrs. E. G. Coin sen. Airs. F. M. Spencer, Mrs. W. I). Iloyer, Airs. I.ivey, Mrs. f. B. St urges. Air:--. . 1,. Ftey, Mrs. I?. E. Watson, Mrs. C. B. Ponimn, Airs. T. c. von Storch, Airs. P. E. Piatt, Mrs. I,. CI. I.aBar, Mrs. Frank Crane, Alls. George Yocuni, Allsses Gll mor". Chat lotto Hand, Matthews, I.nulse Matthew?, the Allsses Ather ton, Aliss Blrdsall, of lloucfdalu; the. AIIhes Gerecke, Clarke, BeynoUls, Kllfii. of Philadelphia; Bradley, Helen AVInton, Hunt, Merrill, Coursen, Yo cum, Howell. , AUss Coursen gave a pretty "at home" on Wednesday In honor of Airs. Gcorg-J Forsythc. who has recently come to this city to reMdo. A largo number of guests attended during tho hours of receiving. Aliss Coursen and Mrs. Forsythe received In the front draw ing room. Airs. II. A. Coursen and Airs. A. H. Christy presided at tho tab'e In the dining room, which was chatniliigly decorated in red. About the looms wove Airs. B. E. Watson and Alt's. A. C. Twitchell. Airs. George Dlanehnrd and AUss Atcl.eod served frappe. Tho young ladies assisting in the dining room were Aliss Hand, All's Alice Alatthews and Aliss Francos Hunt. Miss Laura Ale'-ilhiif, of .'a? Frank lin avenue, very pleasantly entertained a few of her friends. Thursday even ing, in honor of hut sixteenth birth day. Games were Indulged in until 10.30, when Airs. Alerrlhue, assisted by Airs. Alaclaren, served refreshments, after which flashlight pictures were taken of the party by Joseph Kibler, then games were again resumed until l:' o'clock. AUss Alerrlhue received many beautiful presents. Those pres WE INVENTORY. lay We ent tvere Laura Alerrlhup, Myrtle Her mans, Lottie Wlcc, Alyrllo Alerrlhue, Nelllo I'rynn, Alargarette Manlgan. Allnnla Jones, Ethel Keller, Joseph Mornn, Koy Nichols. Joseph Kibler. Frank Lanioreaux, Hnrry Greenwood, Louie Millard nnd Frcddlo Alerrlhue. Airs. Walter Klot entertained tha Card club yesterday at her homo on Adams avenue. Tho members nre: Mri. Klots. Mis. It. 11. Brady, Jr., Mr. E. B. Jermyn, Airs. W. Al. Dickson, Mrs. Frnult Sllllman, Jr., Mr.. G. P. Orlultb, Airs. Everett Wnrren. Airs. H. W. Kingsbury, Mrs. George Wee, Miv. A. II. Storrs. Atrs. Joseph Lynde, Airs. A. C. Twitchell, AUss Beynolds, Aliss Belln, the Allsses Archbald, the Allsses Gllmorc, AINs Jcrmyn. Aliss Hunt, Allen Dale, Miss Flora Alatthews, Alius Louise Alatthews. Mrs. W. K. AlcClavc entertained a company of littlo people in honor of the sixth 1lrthday of her son. Brooks, last week. Among tho guests were: Allsses Katharine demons, Eleanor Bevun, Emily Duckworth. Christine Jessup, Florence Shepherd, Blanche, Gladys, Luccte and Janet Conne'.l, Alary Date, AlarJorio Christian, Alar Jorle Lister, Masters Walter Alatthews, Vandllng Rose, William Jermyn, Will iam von Storch, Jumlo Jessup, William Hallstoad, Henry Dale, Joseph Tate, Joseph Gunster, R. Bcvan and H. Cou ncil. AUss Boles has returned from New York, where sho went to attend a luncheon given by her nunt, Airs. Jo soph Dickson, when AUss Twombley, daughter of Air. nnd Airs. H. AlcKay Twombley, was guest of honor. Air. Dickson's town house Is on Fifth ave nue, near Twelfth street, and Is one of tho notable old houses with a his tory. On this occasion Airs. Dickson gave a most elaborate entertainment, when covers were laid for fifteen. Pink roses were lavishly used In the tablo decorations and hurge corsago bouquets of violets wcro at the plates. At the conclusion of the luncheon a pretty, quaint ceremony such as Is popular at bridesmaids' dinners was employed. Long-stemmed roses wero given as favors and thrae lucky maid ens found gifts fastened to the stems. One of these was a costly ring, the second a gold thimble and the third a small box of money. Oddly enough AUss Twombley secured the ring, nn indication that she will be the first to marry. The young ladies present probabl represented in their family names as many railroads as can be similarly in dicated at a big annual meeting, when there has been a bargain sale of trunk lines. Among the guests were: Alt. TIero, Airs. Potter, AUss Twombley. whoso Vanderbllt ancestry Is iccalled, AUss Fowler, AUss Boles, AUss Helen Dodge, the Allsses Olyphant, AUss Truesilale, AUss Needles and AUss Levl. Airs. T. H. Watkins accompanied by AUss Gladys and Air. Law Watkins and AUss Strong will liivc Jan. St on fi voyage through the Mediterranean, during which they will spend two mouths on shipboard. Airs. J. L. Wcntz gave a thimble tea yesterday, when an informal company of guests were cnti'rtulned. Air. nnd Airs. 11. H. Brady, jr.. will entertain at dinner this evening in hon or of Air. and Airs. T. II. Watkins. Air. George Mitchell entertained a party of young people last night at his homo In Green Ridge in honor of his son, William. There were several novel features connected with the even ing's entertainment in which was in cluded a cake walk In which tho guests participated. Edward MacDowell, tho celebrated composer-pianist, will bo in AVilkes Barre, February 11, where ho will be heard in a great programme, many numbers being f his own composition. As he Is a favorite with a large circle of Scranton musicians, arrangements have been made for the accommoda tion of patrons from this city, many of whom expect to attend. Tickets have been placed on salo at Powell's, where reserved seats may be obtained for one dollar. Memsats of People David Kohu, of rhlladelplihi, Is a Riict f Dr. L. a. ltoo. Mir. 1). Gilgallon is Impioilng aficr a tcierc attack of srip. Jox'ph flretz Is tlonly rrrnMrinj Irom n ic cent cpcratluii. Mir. It. .. !-uuliliii;,'. nf VII!io.,Hariv, was In town on TiU'ada.i. Mlsi lather M'imc has icturnul fiom lio-ilon and Northampton, Ma,j. Mi Helen IK-cn, e Damllle, visited Snan ton flic ad.-. thi week. 1 K, (,'odfrey, of thl city, was regl-tcied at the Hotel Victoria, In Ncw"Yoik, thU wcvk, SOLOMON SQUAIL'S SAD STORY. THIS ik the tale Of Solomon S.,uill, Who fnund that hi life vaMi't all nits and iil: who happened Io unit a Mttcr iltfv.it ju-t when he imported a vlutnry meet. lit wolked in a lunk. Of (lie very first rank, lie was Ions u to whlkktu and lean m Io ihank, and there 'mid the coin lie plotted to I Join the lUl of the oneit who with M'lcnce purloin. 1111 llguird and tchrmed, He plotted and dic.imcd. Ills brain with conilr.UKM bit: !iuply teuiud. He had It all planticd-a coup imply giind-a million or more was In reach of hU hand. rOIl naught did be lack He had a neat htuil; Of doctoring books w they'd cour hi tt.uk. &o witn countenance gay ho flcuird away, and thuuRht he would vanUh tho very next uay, "TOMOUItOW at four," He said, "the vault dwir Will cloo on theso millions of mniipy no more, I'll take cicry dime, and then I'll take time to llutter to some more salubrious, dime." i ALACK and alas! It came to pan That nliihl a nNv uent of the hank-iobblM? i las, with a mask on hi fan-, broke Inlo tho plate, lan.acktd It, and lied eic tln-y United the thl'c. AbS and alack! They cot oft' bis tuck, And looked at thu books whin the k-jh litis raiuo back. And Solomon squirmed when they easily wormed tome points from tha books which their ilculitlugi contirmed, THIS la the (ale - of Solomon Fquill, Which shows that the lousut planned pio Jeels will fall. And Solomon's wall as he Ilea In the Jail I., "Oh, that the other nun knew of my tate!" Till', muial lies hcici It would not appear AdiUabte to mako jour object so clear, for tonic othrr man, with bnrhr tools, ran leaic juu to repent of your unhippy plan. , ., -Joti Wink. : HER POINT OF VIEW SHE was a little woman with a hurt tone of voice as she sighed tlmt "tlio new century had not produced a now manner of man, they were ntlll the same Inconsistent lords of creation, as blind us bats to their real selves," and moro lit llko vein. Sho spoke from tho depths of n long suffering nnd silent past. A littlo tact ful sympathy soon won her confidence. It had come about by her showing him with pardonable prldo n graceful mention of her very best now gown In the society column of our leading Journal. He had read and re-read It with a countenance expressive of scorn and contempt, nnd finally re marked In the tone of n man "with a f-oul above buttons," "why, I do not know whut 1 should do if some one rdiould write up my clothes in the pa per." Francis Wilson says "It Is a long worm that has no turning," nnd sho turned; feeling that If tho truth about Billy and Billy's clothes could but be written up it would strlko a responsive chord in many n cminlno breast. Sh' murmured loyally, "Billy Is really a dear fellow, but ho Is fus sier than any old maid," her tones wore loitered to a whisper nnd sho looked steathlly around as she con fided how his underwear must always be rt certain Impossible shade of baby blue, nnd n blue that Is "fast" Is al ways so expensive, but winter and suiinner ho must bo "a s-ymphony in blue." Then such hose, such plaids and polka dots, such loud striking clocks: she had blushed to see his ef forts on occasions to display the wholo pattern and row after rows of shoes, high, low, thick, thin, tight (habitual ly and incurably tight) nnd never the right pair on his feet! And shirts, but then every womnn could write a book about men's shirts, tho memory of a certain red striped one brought tears to her eyes, and then his col lars, or shall we spell It choler? How men's necks shrink and swell from week to week. Billy will Jerk one oft, tour It In two, fling It nnd some lan guage in the scrap basket Just like any other man. only maybe a littlo more so, a creaking collar will spoil tlio most festive occnslon for him and his cntlro household. The necktie Held Is almost too wide to touch upon, how her finest sensibilities have been shocked to behold him In n purple, stream ing, sjush-like affair, reaching a broad, yellow leather belt, and this too, with a green nnd blue plaid shirt! Big ties, littlo ties, broad ties, narrow ties, brought to her to shorten or lengthen to the fraction of an inch decieed by fiisdilon. She could not de cide which vns tho most trying sea son, when the heavy winter clothes were always bagging nt the knee and needing constant pressing, which was never done right, or the .summer sea son when tho ducks came out of tho water all crooked and creased tho wrung way. Billy is no exception, and what man ever gets good-naturedly into a frock coat'.' When tho last but ton Is buttoned, the puffy Ascot tie properly puffed, the silk hat poised and gloves fastened, thu deep mclan- t holy of n succox.iful undertaker has settled down upon Billy and he Is as one who mourns and refuses to bo comforted. Oh! the talcs that proper, pious silk hat could tell could It speak from its inner consciousness, it ac companies Billy on all his travels and contains almost his entire worldly pos sessions, a heterogeneous lot of gloves, hose, razors, shaving soap, shoo polish, photographs, collars, cuffs, studs, stick pins and buttons which he is so mys terious about, they must be tender tokens from anonymous admirers, but ho is as proud as Punch of them nil. Time was, when Billy wus younger, ho delighted to array himself In even ing clothes or Tuxedo seven nights a week, but now when tho subject of going out after dinner is broached, it Is always, "Do I have to get into my togs? Then don t lets go," and by the time ho Is in them tho edge of enjoyment Is prettv well worn off, and yet he thinks nothing could bo written about "his clothes." Thlit vaccination Innlness Is nsum iiiK Kllnntlc! propnttlonx. The Rirl who if n't laltl up with the Rrlp Is out of tlio nice because sho'a been vac cinated. Ono fair young matron, In her zeal to Ikiva It clone right, was thoroughly vaccinated the other day, but it didn't "talto." Then alio promptly went back to her iihy.sician. with many murmuring, nnd insisted upon having a second edition, which he located a. little .south of tho pre vious attempt. Jly lady Is now huii'Miting her impa tience, for both varc-lutiilunti Imvo mid denly taken, with ronsi-iwitlous ener gy worthy a less painful subject. One of the most prominent physt clans in town wa vls.ti-d last week by a littlo lady, who whirled Into hH (iflico In apparent excitement, and, while hor face grow palo with earn estness, alio vociferated, "Vaccinate mo (lUlel!, doctor! This very minute! On 1 have to tako off my sdiooV" .Now tills particular doctor Is a big, hanilsomo man, with a calm and placid manner which has helped to not him a fortune In his profession one of tin sort of men who walks Into a sick room with such a conifoi table, reliable look on ills vlfuB" tlmt his patients simply gasp with content and satis faction, feeling that c-f.-ry thing will now bo all right, and justice- to him will admit that It generally Is all right. "Why all this mad haute?" inquired tlt doctor pleasantly. "Haste!" sho fairly shrieked. I've been too deadly slow. It's all your fault, every hit. You Just ought to have made mo get vaccinated that day When I didn't want to bother." The doctor continued to look pa tient and wait for further enlighten ment. "I wnnt you to hurry," sho continued with emphasis. "I'vo been In New York. I went to n dinner par ty tho other night, and today we got a telegram saying that our host catuo down with tho smallpox the next day. "Oh dear, oh dear! I'm glad it was n telegram they scm." she added hopefully, and then she questioned! "Uo you think it'a everlastingly too late?" Saucy Hess. BOIXED DOWN. The city of New York paid more than $"6iW, (kk) on lis debts in l&'A T.ieoma, Wash., has the laigest per capita net debt in tho country-1115.7,, The Interett bill of the rlly of New York moiintrtl to moro than 13,C(Xi,ft00. Our of the ,101 totvns in llngtjr.d and Wales, or.e-lhlrd maintain one or more public baths. The clly of Crand Itapld, Mlih., has expended nearly cln0,0ou for improtrnienM riming tlio pusl j ear, Utrmany h a llfo insurance association of holel-Veepm which, In seven irs, bu paid over tSOO.OOiJ to the families of members Cincinnati I. tho only municipality In the United hlatcii that omu and operates a. rail way ayitem, It la valued at !f.13,500,POi). Korean export at New Orleans last year reached a total of !fU?,,000. the larseit on record, and an Inoreaic over the previous jcar of t3,000,000. Klght yean agn thr tlher production of Col orado vas woilh sh llmta the value of the eo4 producllcn. Last year the gold production wij iwo a,ni a nan times the value ot the allver. A municipal owiierdilp league lui entered the St. Louis municipal campaign us an Important factor. It prc-iews to hae U.OOO votes behind It, which aio pledirid to support no candidate not In favor of the public onnorshlp of tho atrcct railways and lighting plants. Hack taxes to a contdcrablc amount hava been collected In various parU of Iowa through the employment of "tax ferrets." In I'olk county alono J5,0iM na drfgged from delln nnenlj In tho month of Pereinhrr last. Tcxi Is comp.itathely a very parscly culti vated Mate, In nviral eountlc thero are very few Inhabitants. Ilalley rounty has hut four teldenK CocUran has !A, Anderson has 37, I.jnn has 17, and Pauron ha Si5. Tweiily-flve oilier I'tiunllis haw populations of less than fA) ra?h, A vriil.ihle "qulik luncheon," it is said, is in ho hail at a restaurant in Pari, where a dinner ot several coiimc compMrd of conccntralrd food In tho fotm of tablrl can he c mistimed In .1 few minute j. The entlr.' meal, Indeed, can ho car ried about In the vrtt pocVet or pockelliook. A cord of pltih pine under distillation Rives the following siiIkIiiih": (liarroal, SO lmhel Illuminating ga. .a .cut 1,000 cubic loot; illumi nating oil and tar, .') gallons', pitch or rnidn, Us barrels; p.irollRncoua eld, 1C0 Kalh.r.sj spirit of turentlne, 0 gallons! far, 1 barrel; wood spirit., fi gallons. MUSICAL GOSSIP. AT EVKX-TInf:. I.Men! Ho you hear It, Nellie? Hear that low, sweet, soullul strain? Like some lcnjrememberel music, Tho' It notes are full of pain. Ah, It takes me back, dear N'ellle, Hack to brighter, happier days Ami I hear that loved Cremona, Wheic- the silvery fountain plays. Hear riralii that heav'nly sweetness. Heart and brain are all on lire I While the burst of music swells As tho' an anel struck the lyre. Nellie, dear, the llt-tit I fadlns- Can my love hate been a sin? l'veiy found in earth and heav'n Was tuned to Itonald's violin. No! Cod knew we'd bill each other. Knew our lives could ne'er be one Ah! The lipht is limiting brinlder. Nell, dear Nell, the sons it done. Pose 'in II. SpeeK. ii ;i " Lieutenant W II, Sanliimann, leader of the United States Marine band, and successor to Souta, ha receiwM pcrniltnn Irom the presi dent and secretary of the navy to make a hort tour of the country, beginning in March nevt, In order that tho people may bate opportunity to listen to the splendid mu-'ieal organisation that is one of tho features of official life at the national capital. Thu band will start upon tho tour on March IS, ami will bo under the man agement of Mr. Ho.vard I'ttv, who 1 well known as manager of the bines' band conceits and mmy other imiK-at and theatrical enter prises. It I piobahlo that tho Marino band will visit Scranton during the tour. " !! 'I The following programme will be olwrvrd in the Setond Presbyterian church tomorrow: MOItNING. Organ Prelude Shaekley Anthem, "Jubilate Deo," Dudley Buck OSerlory Quarlctlc, "Heboid the Drlde- groom Cornea" Scneckcr Mioses mark and Oaragan, Messrs. Ciippct and Morgan. Organ ro,tludc Kroeger i:vi:xin. Organ Prelude, "Andinte." Whitney Anlheui, "The Son of (Ui (!oes V'orlli to War" Sullltan Solo, "Cros-dng the Dar," Hud; Mr, Ralph Williams. Offertory Duet, "Habjlon," Smart Misses I31.uk and Garagau. Organ t'ostlude Dach Mr. J. M. Chance, Organist and Director. II II II Bauer's baud expect to gite their annual con cert at tlio Lyceum In Vebruary. The dale has not yet been decided uiion. II !i 11 II. T. Huffmaster, who Is becoming so well known among our musical circles, a member of tha faculty of the Sranton Conservatory of Musle agisted by local tjlcnt.will give an organ recital In the Providence rresbyteiian chuieh on Monday evening, Feb. 11. Mr. Hutfniaster created a most favorable luipretalon at tho ie- citat given lit tho Elm Park church on a recent occasion, arid it Is evpected that an evening of organ music at 1'rotidente will be most thor oughly enjojed. Tickets ate out for a grand concert to be given Wednesday evening, Feb. (I. Piano solo, violin solot, piano nnd violin duets, tome fine vocal niusio interspersed with a half doren elocution ary numbers will be included in the pro gramme. This I the quarterly concert given under the drection of Proleor L. W. Carr, di rector of the International College of Music of this city. This concert promises to be one of the chief miHieal cicnts of the winter season. :l II II Mi'. -I. T. Watkins, director of nuilo at the I'lrst 1'ictbjUrian churili, has prepared tho fol lowing programme of music for tomorrow's ser vice. Anthem, "Oh, Kor a CaVcr Walk with Ood," Ko-der Soprano Solo and Quartette. Soprano solo, "Oh, Loid He Merciful," ..ll.irtlett Anthem, "Joins, Lotcr of My Soul," Tours Solos for Soprano, Tenor and Alto. Tilo, "Oh, fiod, Dave Men.y," Parry Contralto, Tenor ai.d Mm. Anthem. "Lead Kindly Light." ISaih Qiiarlcttc: Mr. K. Tnrnhiill Cha.e, copranoj Mrs. II. S. Killer, alto; Mr. David Stephen, teuor; Mr. .1. T. Walklm, batso. Miss lTorenco II. Itlchmoi.d, organl-t. II II.H Francis Wil-on, in an Interview with a Hal!! niuio newspaper rcpoitcr, savs that comic opera reeds a Gilbert and Sullivan combination. Prob ably there Is no question a to the needj, but It I not difficult to guess what the result would be blinulil any one at thU day attempt to Induce Mr. Wilton to picducu an opera ot the Gilbert and Sullltan clas. II II " The niuuiallr Inclined people cf the city will b pleased to hear the Weinberger qnaitette at Guernsey ball licit week, when they make their ic-appearauce alter a season's atxenic. It I a great convenience to the many wi.o have jour neyed to Wilk.-s-Haire llrno and again to be able to hear theio sterling musicians at borne once again, and the Keystone Lyceum llureau deserve rommendatlon for succestfully arranging the forthcoming series. The rlrt concert occuis next Thursday evening. Jan, Kl, and not Tuesday evening, Jan. at, is previously announced, Course tickets arc on sale at Guernsey's miulo si ii re, and include thiee tickets for thet nominal sum oi?l,5'J. Single tickets may be had, how ever, for cadi concert. The pcrsonnal of the quartette I as follows! Theodora Itcmbcrger and Fred II, Wldmaycr, violins; A, N, lllppard, vlolaj Thomas lllppard, cello. RAILROAD STATION BURNED. The Erie Tassenger and Treiglit House at Lacltawaxen Consumed. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Ilonesdale, Jan, 25. Tho Erin pas Fenger and freight station at Laclta waxen, was burned at 3 o'clock yester day morning, entailing a total loss of tho building, freight, express and bog gage. Considerable matter accumu lates at Lackawaxen for transfer to tho Honesdale branch. A few books and tickets was all that was saved. The supposition la that tho fira was caused by a lamp being tipped over by a dog, which escaped from a crato In which It was being nhlpped. Tho building was ono of tho oldest on tho line of tho Erie. At present a papscnger coach Is used for u waiting station. THE ONLY REMEDY THAT ALWAYS CURES Senator Dwyer Gives Full Credit to raine's Gehry Falnc's celery compound has been for years, und is now, the general pre scription of most eminent practition ers of medicine lit tills country. It Is the result of the best scientific knowl edge and research of the last auarter of a century. II. Is in no sense a pat ent medicine, and for that reason moro physicians of high standing are using, prescribing, and recommending It than t'liy other remedy. Senator Dwyer has usod vnrloun medicines, and they had dope htm no good. Just how I'alne's celery com pound was llrst brought to his atten tion, ho does not remember, but 1t lias dono so much for his health that It has no moro enthuslnsti" advocate, in tho cltyof Chicago. He gives full credit to Paine's celery compound for tho great Improvement In his health. "Senate Chamber. General Assembly, Springfield, III., Feb. 2.-,. 3000. "Gentlemen: It Is with sincere pleas ure that I furnish this testimonial to the superior merits of Paino's colon compound. I have found It an efll cacious and agreeable remedy for vari ous complaints which refused to yield to other forms of treatment, and I can cheerfully recommend it. "EDWARD M. DWYKK." Senator Dwyer lias held muny oosl tions of trust, both In tho city and state, Klected Southwest town clerk, beforo ho hud concluded his term Mayor Washburne appointed him superintendent of the city water olllco. Lattr he became "West town assessor, THE ILLS OF NEW YORK. They Have Existed and Been De nounced for 236 Years. I'rom the Sun. Of course, this town needs reforma tion, for nothing human Is as good as it ought to be, but actually the process of Improvement bus been going on from tho time when Thomas WHIctt was appointed its llrst mayor by Rich ard Kicholls, tho governor of tho prov ince of New York, two hundred und thirty-six years ago. The earliest European settlers had not been free from vices, but had cor rupted rather than elevated the morals of the aboriginal Inhabitants they found here. Dining the administration of William Kieft ns director general of Xi Netherlands for tlio tv.enty years oeforo 1547 a contemporary ohronl Jer recorded that one-quarter part of the city consisted of "grog shop:! or of houreti where nothing is to bo got but tobacco and beer." Domlnlo Bogardus. who was the pastor of the first church, uas a quarrelsome, liti gious parson, "too much addicted to drinking." "FlRhllng with knives" was so frequent that IVIer Hluyvesunt, who succeeded Kieft, Is-sued an or dinance against it and also against "fast driving through the streets" anil "shooting with llrearmu at partridges and other game within the limits of tlio city." Even In those days protection seems to have been bought from iho police and recognized by tho authority over them as proper enough, though the "watchman" was ordered to "give the same to the captain," to "bu paid to the city treasurer." I,ong after this time Now York maintained Its reputation as a hard drinking town. When Sir Edmund An dros was governor up to 1GS-' a map of the" city showed that still a quarter of It hud 'become houses for tho sale of brandy, tobacco anil beer," Much later a distinguished Now Enclander, visiting Now York, expressed nstonlsh meut nt tho amount of drunkenness and tho frequency of rumshop 'broils, and the condition he found must huvo been very bad to nstonlsh him, for New England Itself during those days and long after wtui far from sober and moral. When Thomas Dongan was governor ho reported that "tho peoplo grow moro numerous dally and are of a turbulent disposition." Piracy, euphe mistically called "privateering," was tho means by which many fortunes were built up, and tho pirates were regarded as reputublo people: but they caused much official corruption, Slav ery prevailed; early In tho eighteenth century thero was "un uctivo slave murket at tho foot of Wall street." Epidemics wero frequent. It wus re corded In 1725 In special praise of (lov crnor William Durnet, that "the ex cesslve lovo of money, a disease com mon to all his predecessors, und to I sonic who succeeded him, was u vice SSa3S3MaWatMJi5 iHyw'3MBfcL Comeon! and In 1891 was elected to tho Illinois Statu Senate, In which body he took; a prominent part during last wlnter'w session. Senator Dwyer has recommended Paino's celery compound to many oC his friends, and has yet to hear any thing but tho most favorable results from any ono of them. Busy men and women threatened with failure of nerve force and show ing tho effect of too prolonged, too hard, or too anxious work by periods of languor, eleprcsslon, nervousness, dyspepsia, or other signs of nervo ex haustion, will find I'alne's celery com pound an Invlgorntcir as superior to all other remedies as modern sclontlllo methods aro supcilor to old-fashioned. Inaccurate ones. When Paino's celery compound la used, other members of the family aro quick to see tho great gain in health. I'alne's celery compound Is tho ono known nerve feeder and nervo restor ative. By its means all tho functions of the body- recclvo a fresh HUpply of nervo food. It encourages tho body to produce an abundant supply of this IndlspctiFable vltnl forcewithout which there cun bo no health, strength, nor happlnefa'3 In living. From tho luck of nerve force men and women aro driven to despondency, moluncholy, insanity, and suicide. There will be no neuralgia, no utr slstcnt headaches, no dyspepsia, no haunting pain over the eyes, no ner vous exhaustion, if I'alne's celery com pound Is used. THE CELEBRATED GORDON PIANO Before buying, send for catalogue. H. 5. GORDON, I.IO l-Tftll Ave. New York City. Tlis Wanders anil Beautis; OF Earth's Largest Sspsit of Fairydom Supcib Callfurnu, are puielialed only by Hi rc.illv umpHiou.s nuns uf tho SOUIHURN PACIFIC COMPANY The "SUNSET LIMITED" that Train of Trains, belongs to this sys tem, l'uerlrn In equlpim-iit, seitlie and einslne. Its three routes oli'cr continuous delight to the tourist. . I'ur full Information, fr-o Illustrated pamphlet, pups, ami time table , also lotted rales, sit culm; car tieKcts and batwuco t bribed apply la Hilt I'll, HUN l'At'll'IC CO., 100 S. Ud fet., I'lilla., 1'J. from which ho wus entirely free;" that "he sold no ollices." The? water of itlio city was "bad, Impure and brackish," thero wero no sewers, and the streets wero "pave.l with rough cobblestones. If paved at all," and wero "lighted by a few lanterns." "Great Inequality of wealth marked tlio city," wo aro told. Even, after tho Revolution "something llko i a landed aristocracy controlled munl- dual elections" und It was accounted a great political victory when, In ISOt, nil citizens puylng $23 rent a yeur and tuxes wero allowed by a new charter tt voto for nldermen. Hlttoreeomplatnt was mado of extravagant living by tho ri'di and Increasing poverty among tho poor. Tlio papers or the lwrlod con tained letters against tho "commer cialism" of tlio town, and uluo that be cause of tho negligence of .tho offi cials there was no thorough protection against fires, vice and crime. Mob Inspired terror. Pigs roamed uboilt tlio streets. Tho pauper population was large. "This town," wroto Gov ernor Gage, In "full of hogs and mud." and Senator Mucluy, of Pennsylvania, described tho peoplo as "vile." Even tho most pessimistic! "refor mer" of our own tlnui Mill not; deny that thero has been Improvement In Now York slnco thonn days. Borne thing more always remains to Ho done. Eternal vigilance Is tho pr!o of liberty, and of Urn good order am! sound murals, of u community. al:o. ,