The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 26, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Career of a Blnghamton Colored So
ciety Mnn Tho Man Who Went to
See the Editor A Natural Curios
ityParagraphs of Interest to the
Shopmen Bandom Observations,
Fptclsl to the Scrsnton Tribune.
Hiisquehannn, Jan. 2C A funny oc
currence took pliice a few days since
nt a Sunrjuchnnna hotel, In which a
bride and groom were prominent ac
tor. On tho morning following frlr
Arrival, at breakfast the dainty brldo
complained of being cold, and the at
tentive husband volunteered to go to
their npartments for a wrap. He was
told to bring a red cashmere shawl,
which hung over tho hack of a chair,
and In a few minutes ho re-nppented
with the garment In his hands and at
once proceeded to tenderly place the
name on his wife's pretty shoulders.
Suddenly tho bride turned scarlet,
shrieked aloud and nearly fell from
her chair. Every one of tho fifty or
so people In the dining room turned
to see what was the matter, and be
held a corpulent and near-sighted gen
tleman standing behind a lady's chair,
holding extended at arm's length a red
embroidered petticoat. The men
law,. .-(), the women giggled, the walt
01 s looked on In amazement and the
bride and groom slid out without fin
ishing their braakfast.
The Erie pays out In wages over $1,
000,000 annually In Stisqitehnnna.
I'nlesH all signs fall there will be
n groat shaking up of dry bones ut
llie next Republican convention of Sua
jiuehnnna county. Discretion would
naturally prompt some people to pre
pare nt once to take to the woods.
Tho Ktie paymaster will arrive '
day and pay the shopmen for services
In the month of December.
The Susquehanna County Teachers
association Is In session In this place
today. A mttslcnle was held In Christ
Kplscopal church last evening.
A ninghamton railroad man has been
to twenty-two dances since October,
and sixty-nine stitches have been taken
In him. He maintains that a dollar
razor Is as trenchant ns a four-dollar
A man in Forest City, the other day,
who complained of being overheated
In an engine room, effected a perman
ent cure by drinking six glasses of Ice
water without the aid of a physician.
He was cold when the coroner came.
The gentleman who recently proceed
ed to "clean out" the editor of the
Times had consented to postpone op
erations until tho doctors have fixed
half a dozen broken bones for him
und extracted three or four bullets.
A Great Itend lady tied her husband's
hands and feet the other day just for
fun and then wont through his pockets
for a certain letter and found It! His
physicians tells him that his face won't
he badly scarred, though he may re
main permanently bald.
Dr. II. A. Tlngley. of this place, who
is probably the oldest practicing phy
sician In Susquehanna county, has a
natural curiosity In the form of a
growth of beechwcHid, bearing the per
fect form of ii human head and face.
It was found some years ago under a
beech tiee about live miles north of
Susquehanna. It Is pronounced one ot
the greatest natural curiosities yet dis
covered. In regard to Its origin noth
ing Is known, but the most plausible
supposition Is that it human skeleton
at some time laid In the woods and
that a beech nut found lis way Into
the skull. This sprouted, the upper
portion, which would have formed the
trunk and branches of the tree, was
forced to remain and grow In tho skull,
and was thus moulded, forming the
head and showing the convolutions of
the brain, etc. The radicle, or root,
passed down along the space In the
spinal column, forming the single lay
root, which serves as the neck ana
handle. The specimen of "What Is
It?" Is twenty-seven Inches long.
The Erie, bus extra watchmen guard
In? Its properly here.
The Eile boiler shop strike situa
tion remains unchanged.
The Erie officials nnd n number ot
business men of the place on Thurs
day evening had u consultation con
cerning the Erie boiler makers' strike.
Keran Monti, of .lackson Btieet, a
popular Erie shop foieman, will on
Saturday undergo nn operation for appendicitis-.
Erie olllclttls profess to believe that
the boiler makers' strike will bo ami
cably settled within a Tew days.
A Susquehanna girl says there are
two reasons why she Whesn't trust a
man. One Is because she doesn't
know him; and tho other Is because
she does.
"Keep your eyes open as you go
through life," may be a good motto,
but there Is, nevertheless, wisdom In
being blind occasionally. Some peoplo
are made miserable by seeing too
It Is the fathers who are too poor
to hire nurse girls who do tho enrry
v Ing trade In tho United States.
1. It tie acts of kindness, which we
may scatter nlong our path without
effort, are seeds that will spring up
Husband " Seventy-Seyen "
Dr. Humphreys' "77" breaks up
the Grip, -while its tonicity sustains
the flagging energies during and af
ter the attack.
"SEVENTY-SEVEN" la a National
nemedy. having a large sale In every
State, During tho present epldemlo
of Grip and Colds tho demand Is bo
large, that while we run our factory
day and night, wo ure never quite able
to fill all the orders received. Hence
we advise you to husband your supply
of "77" for your own safety.
At all Drug Stores, 2Cc, or mailed.
ETPoeket Manual mailed free.
Humphrey! Homeopathic Medicine Co,, Cor,
William and John fits., New York.
In a wonderful harvest. Lot us havo
It to Bay, as often as possible, "I mere
ly made ono little fellow happy."
You cannot do a kindness, even to
a little dog, without making your own
Hfo happier.
There appears to be enough grip to
go around.
Strikes nro splendid things to let
Lost wealth may be recovered, but
lost time, nover.
"A politician without patronage Is
like a cat without claws." Ero long
there will bo some politicians In old
Susquehanna county without the sem
blance of patronage.
Never marry a girl who refuses to
eat corn from the cob. Ten to one, she
has got store teeth.
The fellow who sings that tho world
Is not his home, Is muklng a thunder
ing long visit.
It Is said that Noah wan the first
man to live on water for forty days.
A negro was giving evidence In a,
Montrose Justice's court, nnd was re
minded by tho Justice that he was to
tell tho whole truth. "Well, you see,
Judge," said tho dusky witness, "I'se
skecred to tell de whole truf for fear
I might tell a He."
Wo are all dissatisfied. The differ
ence Is that some of us sit down In
the squalor of our dissatisfaction,
while others make a ladder of It.
ooooooooo ,oooooo
ACAPKMY-Mjilde lllllliuii (oniuii.i'. Matinee
and night.
Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines.
"Captain .link of the Horse Marines" Cl)dc
ritth'n latest comedy, wa presented at the
l.ytrum List nlnlit. It U the creation In which
Charlei Prohman ! launching MM l.thel Harry
more as a star, and it H being whipped Into
kliun for lln New Yotk nin whlcli lieginn m..t
Monday night.
Mlt Barrytnorc undo a mot fjvoralile lin
predion on last iiild's audience, but eo inuili
cannot bo caid for the- comedy, which In u
rather poor and ioIoiIcmi affair. It ha brut
largely rc-wtittin !nee It first presentation
btme two weeki axu In Philadelphia and wilt
fitand a lot more rcp.llilnir. It 1 to be doubted,
hnwetrr, if any tlnUerlnn can nuke nny very
hul" lnipici(in"iit Iti the coined.
The tory of the comedy rovolwi about Mnie.
'Iiftitoni, an r.peutie elngcr who came to this
country In tho early '70a to nine under the
management of Colonel Mapelson. Three youns
New Yorkers, two of them member of tho
Home Marine, and one ot them, Itobert Canol
Ion Jink, its captain, made a wager to the
elfcct that they will make love to the foreign
opera m riser within a apeetded time alter her
arrival. Captain Jlnun directly he meets tho
Mire bird on the dock after her arrltal fall
in love with her and repudiate the wager. He
llndj favor in her eyes, and on the morning ot
tho day ln 1 let make her New- York dt'nut
acccpti Captuln Jinks, who ttkt pcur.tiulon
to declare hi love before tho public paea
Judgment upon tier. He is unselfish in Ids love
and he wants her to believe 1dm when he tell
her so.
After be I accepted come hi friends on the
Fccne who tell the prima donna'H foster father
of the wager, only they r.olor the truth until
it has a dark, forbidding look. Tho engagement
i biokin but Mine. Trcntonl cannot banish
her love for the galUnt Captain Jink., and on
the night of her debut when hhe leturn to her
hotel after rcorini; h gieat fucces ho Fond for
him without the knowledge and against tho
wlshe of her foster father, to give him an op.
portunlty to explain the motives that led him
to make a waier so disgraceful to her. She
forgives him even before he has half explained,
and the foster father i also won over apnot
without an eltort.
Captain Jinks' mother, who belong to an
old and arittocratic southern family, hastens to
New York to break off the affair when she learns
that her fori propoiea to marry an opera singer,
but ufter she hear Mine. Trentoni's beautiful
voice at the opera the goes to the latter'
hotel after the pcifoinunre, unmindful of tho
latenes of tho hour, to beseech tho songttrtst
to accept her ton. So everything turns out a
happily and f.itl!actoiy as tho beat good anted
could eteslre.
Hut It's all rather thin and watery, thl story
of the ccmedy. It rrust be admitted, Much of
tli? clUlcgu i bright and smart, but the
dramatic lias been ftudlo'isly avoided, ono k
almost tempted to ay. ihcre are some pretty
contrasts and artistic light. and shade In the
comedy, but cf the strontrly dramatic almovt
nothing, eviept In a general sort of way, The
vctond I by far tho be o! the tliice act.
Hut Mlw llarrymoro triumphed, even If Mr.
Fitch's effort did riot. It were a vain effort in
cold typo to try and tell Jut why tho tri
umphed, hut slio did. Her work perhaps will
not utand the test of cold analysis, for her voico
is neither good nor particularly pleasing, but she
i young, both beautiful and graceful, and hi
the magnetUm that holds and moves an audi
ence. In the light scenes she wa particularly
effective last night. Her expressive face told the
sloiy quite as eloquently iu her words. In the
moio erloin work of the comedy she lacked the
miicnos and delicacy of touch that a wide range
of stage experience gives.
Miss H.irrv more may or may not acliievn a
big success in Xew York with the comedy In
which sho appealed in the Lyceum last night,
for a New York audience is notoriously uncer
tain. The probabilities are that even with the
superb company she ha surrounding her she
will not 6tore very heavily, but it tan b said
witli certainty that the stage has gained another
star who will take a prominent place among
tho players of today.
Mlvs Ilarrymore's leading; man was II. Iteeves
Smith, who had a fine, clean cut hit of work
In the rolo of Ciptaln Jink. IMwin Steven
did justice to the role of Professor Uelllortl, and
George W. Howard, 11. &. Tabor, M. J. Gsllagh.
cr, Estello Mortimer, Mrs. Thomas Whlllen and
John Hughes were other very capable members
of the company.
The three act ot the comedy arc laid in New
York. The first on the dock of the Cunard
Steamship lino nnd the second and third In a
parlor of the Ilreveort house.
"The County Fair."
Neil Purge and "The County Pair," which
will be seen hens at tho Lyceum this afternoon
and evening, opened its present season at the
Park theater, llton, early in September, and
although it had been presented over 100 time
in the tamo theater, on the opening night of
Its engagement it was greeted by the largest
audience that ever gathered Inside of the the
ater. After tho opening nijht, and although
the weather was warm and sultry, the theater
was filled to its utmost capacity, including two
matinees a week during its entire four week'
engagement, and bo great was its success that
severs! attempts were made to buy off succeed
ing attractions, which, however, could not ho
done, but arrangements were concluded to bring
N'oll Burgess and 'The County Kalr" back later
In the season.
Since leaving Doston this big revival has met
with th same success everywhere else, It Is
Imply a case ol selling out nightly and In
many Instances as many people are turned away
unable to gain even admission as can be gotten
lntide of tho theater. There is no doubt but
what the samo story will be told after the
coming engagement of Nell ilurgeu in "Tho
County Kale" in this city.
In "Aritons," which Is to be presented here
Monday evening next, Augustus Thomas hu
drawn his characters and situations much as
Frederick Itemlngton draws his pictures of the
West with broad bold strokes, that cut tlisrp
outlines and mean character In every dash, an
gle and curve. Those who have seen it say
that seldom Is a play so impressive, so ap
pealing, It Is a romance of the frontier with
the strength of a full-chested melodrama in
Saxons and
J.uWrt rirstTRinn ot All Kwtlsiul
L'thclwulf (Son of Lsbert
OUhelbald Son ot Kthelwulf
(Ktbelbcrt Second ton ot Kthelwulf
i:thclrcl Third ton ct Kthelwulf
Allrcd Fourth ion ot Lthelwulf
Ldwaid, the Klder Son ct Alfred
Atholstan Pldest ton ot l'.dward
Kehnund Iltothrr ot Athelitnn
Kdred j.ltiothrr ot lldmund
Kdwy Hon of IMmiind
Kdtfar Second son of l'dmuml
IMwaul 111 Martyr Hon of Kdirar
Kthelrccl II Hull lirotlicr of IMwsrd
Kdinund Ironside I'.lelest ton of llthclrcd
Canute Ily conquest ami clcctitn ..,
Harold I Sin of ("amite
lfardleannte Another kmi of Canute
IMwsrd the Conf'r Son of labelled II
Harold II Brother-in-law of Kdward
William I fly conquest
William If Third aon of William I
Henry I. ' Younpest ton of William I
Stephen Grandson cf William 1
Till! rtNTAflKNKTS.
Henry It Grandson nf llrnrv I
Klcliard I Kldest surviving; son of
John , Math and vimmrrat (on of
Henry lit KUlcst son ot -lohn
Kdward I Kldest son of Henry III
Kdward If Kldest mirvlvlne son of Kdward I
IMward HI Kldest aon of Kdtvard II
Klcliard II Giandson of IMward HI
tip: iiousk or r.AXCATi:ii.
Henry IV. Grandon of Kdwurd III. .,
Henry V Driest mii of IMward IV
Henry VI ..Son of llrmy V. (died 1171)
nn: house or yoiik.
VMvtanl IV Grcst-nrulTirflndion of Edward III
IMward V Kldest non of Kdward IV
ltlchard III Voui'itcr brother of Kdward IV.
tiii: nousi: or tudoh.
Henry VII Descended from Kdward HI
Henry VIII Only stmhimT son ot Henry VII
IMward VI Son nf Ifer.rv VIII. Iiv Jane Seymour ....
Mury I Daughter of'tlenry VIII uy
Daughter ot Henry VIII.
,.Pieended from Henry VII
. . Survlv Ing on of Jarac I
.lame I.
Charles I.
I ommonwrallli proclaimed May hi, ienv
Olivet' Crrmwell. Lord Protector
ltlchard Cromwell. Lord
,.l'.ldet son of Charlt 1
Charles If.
James II,
..Second non nf Charted I.
(Interregnum Dec. 11,
William III t.rancKnn of c.iuiicn i
Mary II.
ridcst daughter of James
Second daughter of .lame
Till! HOlISi: OP
(heat grandson ot .lame I
Only koii of CenT-co I
Granduni of (icorgi- If
P.ldest cn r,'f 'ieerge 111
Third son nf George HI
.... Niece of William IV
George I, .
George1 II. .
George lit.
George IV.
William IV.
Victoria ....
Nuue and 'I HI,'.
Alfouzo I., King of IVttucjl
Louis XIV., King of Franco
l'rnest, Duke of Allrnherg
Fredeilrlt HI.. Count of II.ipbuigh.
Henry, Marquis of Melsieti
l'redeilck AugiHtv. III., llloctor and King of
James L. King of Aragon
Charles 1L, Duke of Lorraine.
Victoria, Queen of Kuglaud
it. Incidents, but so clearly treated that it I.
not marred by an exaggeration or Incongruity.
The daintiness of Ita love scenes, the brisk
ness of tho action and the quaint breer.ines of
its humor combine to make "Ar!r.on,i" a ie
nurkablo play in whatever light it I viewed.
Of course the company and the setting of the
play have much to do with it attractiveness.
Three i a minute attention to detail shown
in the careful copies from actual scene of ranch
and military post. In the costuming, and in the
skillful bits of "business" that make the work
of tho plsyers seem so true to life.
"Eight Bells."
There are st leact a dozen lauglia to the
minute in "Eight nelU" as given by the Ilrothers
Ilyrnc, which will be presented at the Lyceum
next Wednesday night, The brothcis are acro
bats ot considerable skill and pantomlraUts of
unlimited resources. Tho surprle In the way of
uncpected dimppearances, 6omerault into
third story windows, vaulting over wall and
through walls wheie there i oppaicntly no
opening, and innumerable other tricks of the
nimble pel formers keep the audience wondering
snd laughing without cessation.
Nothing could possibly be funnier than the
horse and carriage In which the lovers were to
elepe, which is made the means of some sur
prising acrobatic fenti. Thl scene terminates
by the complete revolution of the ship, the
paMiCiigi't turning over with It. Resides tho
Byrne lliothers llic;re are several other excellent
mcmljci of the company who introduce taking
The Hoeffler Company.
The Jack Hoeffler fhow will open a two weeks'
engagement at the Academy next Monday, pre
senting a icpertolrc of the mot successful ow
York fccenio productions, lliis is one ol the
moat popuhr repertoire shows that visits Ecran
ton and should do an enormous buvlnes during
their stay here. All the old favorites, formerly
connected with the Olbney-Hoefller Stock com
pany, are with this company, Including Clitr
Farrell, DcHollls and Valora, McMillan and
(iray and others.
Among the plays to lie presented are sueli well
known succtsses as "Daughter of Corsica," "The
Itanch King," "Hearts of Cold," "Alone in
flreater New York," "Octoroon" and The Wo
man in Hlack." Concerning the latter play,
the Chicago Chronicle says: "The Woman in
Hlack" was produced at the Alhambra Monday.
It story is a romantic one with strong human
Interest, wjll told and cleverly constructed. It
skims along tho edge of politics, giving the au
elltncc just enough to interest without boring
them. Hach act concludes with a powerful cli
max. Whatever may be said of the play, theie
is no fault to tc found with tho iiunner In
which It is staged or played. The big Juggling
act of Dellollls ami Valora is alone worth the
price ef admission."
Ladies' ticket for Monday night are limited
to JOO In number. Peat. now on sale.
At tho Methodist Kplscopal church
Sabbath services will bo ns usual, the
pastor preaching. Morning BUbJect.
"The Saducees Ilouted; or the Resur
rection State." Evening subject, "The
Dead Queen."
The board of stewards will hold their
annual banquet In two weeks. Mrs.
William Babcock will bo presiding
lady, with her usual tact and success,
Bert Oendall Is down with grip,
making the fifth case- In Ilev. Gentian's
family. He is recovering and expects
to be at his work at the Hlverside store
by Monday next.
Grip Is prevailing to an alarming
extent. Mrs. George Stephens, Mrs.
McKelvey, Harry Uoberts, Mr. and
Mrs. John Wlllams, of Wlnton, being
among the latest sufferers.
Services In tho Presbyterian church
Sunday at 10.30 n. m, and 7 p. m. Itev.
S. H. Moon, D. D pastor. Subject In
morning, "God's Gift of Eternal Iifo."
Evening, "The Burning Question." All
I'eckvllle Baptist church At 10.30 a.
m. tomorrow the Itev. Dr. Stephens, of
Lewlsburg, will preach. Ho will also
present tho catiso of tho Baptist Edu
cational society for which an offering
will bo taken at the service. In the
evening the paBtor will preach. Sub
ject, "Rejecting Christ."
Next Tuesday evening Tlev. W. J.
Ford, of Green Bldge, will lecture (it
the Peckvllle Baptist church. Subject,
"Christ and tho Pharisees a Con
trast," The lecture Is free and all are
welcome to hear It.
Tho Chailes K. arimn company,
"The Bohemian Gloss Blowers," will
open a week's engagement at Fire
men's hull Monday evening, January
28. The performances uro of a high or
der. Charles 13. Griffin In his acts of
magic, ventriloquism and sword swal
lowing, who has won a host of ndinlr
, era by his clever work; the Thardos In
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K.itherlni of Arroi;on. IBS?
by Anne Holcyn..
. iwr:
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..Pie.1l) HV3,d.l70t OS .1
Ftb. 13, lS'O).
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. . 1727
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1700 77 :n
120 K2 50
Kid (N 10
lNi7 72 7
1'X1 SI fit
Date of rilan.
No. yeat.
7:1 year (the longest knon.
72 yen i
70 year
DO year
I," years
fit year
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ini:i 1711
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a Hup exhlbtlem of itnlve throwing;
vA'altor Cralff In character ttketchcH;
Thartlo, contortionist; Hardy, clanc
Inff and Nclllo Thnnlo with her troupe
of train clogs, give as clean and Inter
esting an exhibition as has ever been
presented here. A present is given ev
ery evening to each person attending.
Admission, 10 cents. Change of bill
nightly. fln Saturday afternoon a
matinee for tho school children will
be given, when each child attending
will receive a present. All children ad
mitted for 5 cents.
Tho trustees of the Methodist Epis
copal church will hold a supper nnd
entertainment nt the Methodist Kplsco
pal church Wednesday evening, Feb
ruary C. The entertainment will be In
charge of D. R. Iathrop. Admission,
2." cents.
The many friends of Dr. and Mrs. T.
V. Wilson will bo pained to learn of
the death of their daughter, Herna 11.,
aged 3 years and 5 months, on Tuesday
last. Dr. nnd Mrs. Wilson were former
residents of Peckvllle, but nre now res
idents of Moscow.
llarrlsbutg, Jan. 23. The full list of
the committees ns announced Is ns fol
lows: PI.'UI.K) ftOAUS. Ko. ehaiinun; l.emd,
Piker, Hamilton, S. S.; (libson, DavN, Thonu,
Wilkinson, Tavlor, .lohn C. Thompson, Nelson
II. Raymond, .Mulklc, MoAnlis, lloniilicr, lhuin.
Hill, iliOime, Taylor, Frederick 15. Wclty, Mm
pbey. Creasy, ItodRera, Youns, Ilaair, 1'nerth,
FISH AM) fl.VMl: Montgomery, clulnnan;
Calder, Andmoh, Crawford, Ilroiu, Johnson,
A. K. ; Kcheuer, MeC'andle, Kennedy, Hill,
flodchnrlc, Heaver, Dunn, Kiiker, Savaee, lioi
kin. Lomax, Ilurnett, Wcstbrook, Itoth, Kain,
Prase, trotter, Ikeler, Myer.
chairman; .1. Henderson, Chew, Kdward. (!rav
bill, Wlllard, ItielicI, Tiifany, McWhttmey. Joney,
Dehaven, Connell, Harris, Maclver, l'.itteison,
Voorhee. l'hilbin, MeCune, Taj lor, Fred K.j
llrown, 'I'lioma II. i Kain, O.lor, Miller, II.
Frank; (iucnther, Drav.
roilCSTItV Patterson, chairman; lMwarels,
Abrams, Fot, Loinax, JIontKOinery, tsivatrc, Hay
mond, MeCune, Hill, Allison, Iloyne. Croh, lle'l
ford, Wilkinson, Clarency, Kennedy, ItothrocK,
Ilurnett, Cicouy, Hell, Itodsers, Catner, Jlyers,
chairman; Mroh, Arcn.burK, llnvorth, Fer
rebee, Honluin, tllritli, Smith, A. M. ; Ilaymond,
Mulkie, Pchcucr, Koup, Orr, Kendall, Hamilton,
.lohn; Leard, Paker, lloimhcr, Kennedy, Suier,
Wilson. Fale, lluike, Smith, John; Squibb.
t'CNSlONri AND OnATUmns-C'liamjuliTn,
chairman; Cope, Moyne, Haldeman, Kltker, Pat
terson, Welly, Thompson, Nelson II.; ltutherford,
Hay, Weaver, Heed, Van Dyke, Koontz, llrosliu,
Turner, Hefelbarth, Westbrook, Naltslnscr, Hayes,
Drown, L. I).; Fisher, Fuerth, llaag, Johnion,
irwln. N.
thalnnaiii Miller, W. O.; Aretuburt, Hall,
Davis, Thomai; Fahey, Dehaven, Hitchcock, llsm
llton, S. S, ; I'omeicy, Mates, Wcaver, Tliomns,
Smyth, Patterson, Selby, Moore, Olbson, Fulmer,
Kain, Creasy, Caatner, Johnson, Invin, N.j My.
ers, Itoth,
HUUIIAU Or STATISriCS-IIutt, chairman;
Morrison, Arnold, Cook, Haldeman, Linery,
Uoyne, Mcf.arn, Koontz, fiodcharlts, Thomas,
Ilaymond, Neeb, I.elb, Doutt, Illerman, Mahon,
Alexander, Fuerth, Itoth, Xaftslneer, Johnson, A.
M.; Hayes, tlaai;, Uurke.
chalnnan; Doutt, Codcharles, Abrams, Crawford,
Allison, Clark, Mahon, Klrker, Itay, Tlioin.u,
Heed, Johnson, A. N. ; Alexander, Clarency, Hos
kins, Sanderson, Linton, llesclbarfh, Fmcrj-, Ar
nold, Cotter, Palm, Johnson, Irwin N. ; Ikeler.
I'UnUO nUILDINOS-Wlllard, chairman; Cas
sen, Champaign, Hamilton, S. S. j Kayser, New
hard, Thompson, Horaco J.J Selby, Orr, Stone,
Lelb, liossack, Harrison, Davis, ltlchard), Me-
Olathcry, Morrison, Hipp, rccb, I'omeroy, Cope,
Uuike, rteltT, Garvin, llothrock, Younij.
FEDIlltAL IlKLATIOXS. Cassel, chairman;
Clarency, Arnold, Wadaworth, Shane, Paul, Mc
Glathery, McOandles, Grayblll, Ileacom, F.mcry,
Fokter, Kendall, McConnell, Ford, Dliw, Lack,
Seal, Wilson, Moyer, Maloney, Miller, 11, Frank;
Ikeler, Duniett, Ilaye..
rniNTINO Seal, chairman! Neeb, Wadsworth,
Thomas, Itlpp, Nlsbct, McCandirss, Connell,
Davis, Thomas, Harris, Homsher, Turner, I'ome
roy, Ilb, Cooper, Dehaven, Ooray, Stroh, Cope,
Drase, Slmtt, Itoth. I'alm, Hell, Osier,
1I10N AND COAL Fahey, chairman) James,
Haker, Mean, Lelb, Mulkie, Vatcs, Wclty, Tiffany,
Stulb, Raymond, McGlathcry, Urosluj, MeCune,
New haul, Smith, A, M.i Ulrlcli, Ucaver, Taylor,
J, 0, Lomax, Drown, Tlioinas, It,; Kirk, Maync,
Wilson, Mannlno;.
OITV 1'ASSKNGEM lUILFAY-Kcyser. chair,
man; Itiebcl, Ilrlcker, Fahey, McTIghe, JlcClaln,
Stone, Smith, A. M.j Ilutt, DnhainJ Jairu'j,
Over 100,000 Orlu Patients
Cured by Fcrunn Last
Winter. t
-A. .- Ctli
La Grippe Is Epidemic Ca-4-tarrh
It Spares No Class
or Nationality. , X
The Cultured and the Ignor
ant, the Aristocrat and the
The Masses and the Classes,
Are Alike Subject to La
None Are Exempt All Are
Have you the gtlp? Or. rather, has
the grip got you? Grip Is well named,
Tho original French name, la grippe,
hns been shortened by the busy Amer
ican to read "grip." Without intend
ing to do so a new word has been
rolnod that exactly describes the case.
As If sonio hideous giant with awful
Grip had clutched us In Its fatal clasp.
Men, women, children, whole towns
nnd cities are caught In the baneful
grip of a terrible monster.
I'erunu for drip.
Mrs. Dr. C. II. Powell, President of
Epworth League, also President of
Loyal Tempornnpe Legion, writes from
Chehnlls, Wash.:
"I have used sfveral remedies In
rases of severe colds nnd la grippe,
but none I consider of mor value
thnn Pruna. I havo found It to give
satisfaction In rases of Indigestion,
complications of liver nnd kidney
troubles, nnd It Is one of tho flnest
tonics I know of for n wornout system.
I am glad to recommend Peruna tt
my friends ns a reliable, safe, and suc
cessful specific." Mrs. Dr. C. D. Pow
ell. After HlfectA of l.i (Iiipp-.
Miss Emma Jouiis. President Gol
den Rod Sewing Circle, writes from 10
Burling street, Chicago, III., as fol
lows: "This spring I suffered severely from
tho after-effects of la grippe. As tho
doctors did not seem to Help me I
bought a bottle ot Perunn. I had cer
tainly no Idea that nny medicine could
help any one as that did. Day by
day I felt better, nnd In n llttlo over
two weeks I was ns strong und well
ns ever. We keen It In the home con
stantly, nnxl If any of the fumily feels
badly n, few doses strengthens them."
Miss Emma Jourls.
Henry, Slater, Nevvhard, Smyth, Nlsbct, Mcrten.
Hess, Murphey, Neeb, Squler, Maloney, Hoch,
Fake, Smith. John II.
itAILMOADS Cooper, chairman; Gamble,
Vatcs, Ftevens, Kennedy, Grayblll, Cook, Davis,
Thomas; Gamer, It.irrlsr.n, Kopp, Kclby, Fox,
Jones, McConrell, Stulb, Iteynolds, Montcomery,
Seal, Squler, llothrock, Manning, Kain, damn,
Drown, Thomas II.
AGUICULTUftn MotrUon, chairman; Tlicmp
ton, Nelson II. J Welly, Winner, Ilaymond, Pat
terson, Arensburp, Eroslu. Taylor, John 0. ;
ltutherford, Leard, McAnlis, UIU, Hamilton,
Joseph F,: Hiker, Champalirn, Coryell, Dehaven,
Heaver, Hoy, Ilrcnnan, Fake, SJcruibb, West
brook, Smith, John II.
HDRAIIY-Mlller, V. C, chairman: Daujh
erty, neacom, ClUs, Drum, Hall, Wadsworth,
Mertcns, McClsIn, Ford, Calder, Dedford, Col.
vllle, Jone, Corny, Lack, Illerman, Mates, Me.
Phersen, Dixon, Hoy, IteliT, Mavne, Palm, Kirk,
COMPAIti: HILLS-Mulkie, chairman; McAn
lis, Winner, Shane, McWhinncy, Lomax, Homdier,
Allison, Bedford, Coray, Garner, Barker, Hosack,
McLam, l'hilbin, Jolinon, A. N. ; Datwhcrty,
Stevens, Doutt, Itelff, Miller, II, Frank; Cotter,
mown, 1,. I),; Aloycr,
chairman; Hill, Clark, Fox, Wilkinson, Murphey,
Mahon, Haldeman, IWcr, Mlivon, Hamilton, J.
ii.; Garner, Hitchcock, Moore, (Iroh, Grajblll,
Itoth, Hrcrnan, Fuerth, llrown, L. 1).; Fisher,
Hayes, Troxell, Johnson, Irwin X.; Haas.
COltl'OItATIONS-MrClaln, chairman; Jilrbcl,
J, Horace Thompson, Vatrs, Hosack, 1)11 , lion
ham, Gamble, Stroh, MoTitihc, .lonei, Harrison,
Connell, Kopp, Mcpherson, Van Dyke, Slater,
Wlllard, McConnell, Take, Calvin, Illunile, Man
nine, llothrock, Hoy.
DANKS-Schcuer, chilrmanj Ulilch, Wad
worth, Savatre, McTitrhe, Kayser, Hall, I'ord,
Iloyne, Connell, Groli, John Hamilton, Lack,
Paul, Smyth, Van Dvke, Slacker, Colvllle,
Pricker, Mcl'hcrson, Costlier, Guenther, Slmtt,
Don, Cotter.
EMOTION Orr, chairman; l'omcro.v, Darker,
Cope, ltlchard Davis H. S, Hamilton, Karier,
llutherford, to'tlsnn II. Thompson, Shumaker.ltlpp,
1 Montgomery, I'uluicr, Donham, llavvorth, Daugh,-
Si "I p I ill 1 1 J
m itu uti i l ' !itm:!!! i:i ii'.rm: w isa tiiHitti
W!fnRifiilt1S ! iHKil'ii HiiniJSif QG?i iiiH
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4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 -
Congressman Howard's Letter:
Fort Payne, Ala.
Tho Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus,
Gentlemen "I havo taken Peruna
now for two weeka and find I am
very much relieved. I feel that my
euro will bo permanent. I have also
taken it for lagrippe and I take
pleasure in recommending Peruna
as an, excellent remedy to all fellow
sufferers." M. W. Howard,
Member of Congress.
I.o tlrlppe Leave the System In n
Deplorable Condit
D. L. Wallace, a charter member of
the International Burbern' Union,
writes from in Western avenue, Min
neapolis, Minn.:
"Following a severe nttnek of lit
grippe I seemed to be affected badly
all over. I suffered with it severe
backache, indigestion, and numerous
His, so I coulcl neither eat nor sleep,
and I thought I would give up my
work, which 1 could not afford to do.
"One of my customers who was
gieatly helped by Feruna advised ni"
to try It, and I procured a bottle th"
sump day. I used It faithfully and
felt a marked Improvement. During
the next two months I took flvo bot
tles, nnd then felt splendid. Now my
head Is clear, my nerves nro steady,
I enjoy food, and rest well. Peruna.
bns been worth a dollar a dose to
me." D. L. Wallace.
drip Cause Deafne.
Mrs. M. A. Slmrlek. chaplain G. A.
It. Woman's H"llef Corps, writes from
Fremont, Wash.:
"When la grippe wns tho prevailing
Illness In this Western country I wn3
not one of tho few who escaped Its
terrible results, but ntter being laid
up tho whole winter I partially lost
my hearing, and had a very bad case
of catarrh of the head und throat.
"I thought time would restore my
usual good health, but found I was
wrong. I read some testimonials of
Peruna. tried It and was well repaid,
for not only Is my hearing restored,
hut there Is no trnco of catarrh. I
cannot speak too well of Peruna."
Mis. M. A. Sharlrk.
erty, Cook, Ilomser, A, SI. Smith, James lllteii
code, Thomas II, III own, (iahln, Naftslirgei,
MILITARY Chew, chairman; Stevens, Shine,
Savaire, Sic Plain, Henderson, I'ox, Calder, Ander
son, Ddn-ard. John Hamilton, Shumaker, Mron,
Pahey, Arensbure, Stulb, Hell, Youn?, Slyus.
Hayes, L. D, Drown, Garvin, Moyer, Troiell.
LAW AND Slater, chairman; V '.
Miller, Siurphey, Ilutt, Dauttherty, Hrewlus.
ble, llrltker, Cook, Giaft, Leard, IMebcl, Tlion ,
son, II, Nelson, Van Dyke, Stone, SlrLsrn, iller
man, Scott, Vsorhoes, Myers, Hayes, h. I),
llrown, Sloyer, Younrf, Castncr.
ACCOUNTS llricker, chairman; Gamble llcis,
Stacker, Henaderon, Paul, Klrker, IleseilsHth,
Fulmer, Crawford, Linton, Allison, Chew, Alev.
nneler, Hirtman, Joseph K. Hamilton, Day, Hoi
kia. Ilrcd, Troxell, Scjuibb, Ikler, Illume, 1'it.her,
MAXI'PACTl'llKS -Graff, chairman; Savage,
Slone, Turner, Winner, Scott, SlcWhinnoy, Ilutt,
liti'hcnck, Godcharlea, 1'ojtcr, Gamble, Linton,
IVul, Shumaker, Picderkk K, Taylor, Stevtus,
Henry, Illume, sh-itt. S'vecrey, P. Kranl: Millar,
Gi.entlier, Pnstncr, Ikeler.
INSl'UAVCK Vocrlieej,chalrrnan; A. 51. Finiln,
MeCune, James, Grayblll, (lumpalgn, llonhain.
Drum, (iratf, ll'nry, Slcltithe, Selby, John K.
Tlioiiipwn, Yalei, rim.vlli, Kennedy, Kejser, Cor
jell, Kavser, Wilson, (lalvln, Kirk, in-, Oiler,
(KNTI'.NNIAI. Ali'Alllx-Kuthdforcl, thalr
man; Slertens, I'redericl; l' Taylor, Solhy,
Mooie, Metaiidlisu, Tinner, Nhbet, HarrU, Liu
ton, i:du.inl, Corjell, Abrarm, Hitchcock, Groh,
I'ofler, Clark, llartuun, Westbrook, Palm, Hoch,
Ilrmnan. Oiler, Itodircr, Johnson, .V. Irwin.
KIUTATION-Wcaver, clinlimans Yates, Ilrick
ir, John Hamilton, Kcyer, Nerb, Stone, Van
Dvke, Ileavir, Ponucll, Davis, ltlchard, Leard,
Nitbct, L'lrich, Tltfony. Newluid, Kendall, Col
vllle, Coryell, Phllliii. Manning, Itelff, Sbult,
Slayne, Kirk.
LAIiOIl AND INDrMHY-Phllbln, chaitluant
.1. K. Thompson, Corjell, lVrrebee, Hartmsu,
Shane, Hay, MeWhlnney, Gibson, Dram, Clark,
Abrams, Davis, Slahon, Murphey, Dehaven, Moors,
Horace J, Thompson, iliennan, Hetl, ltoJccrs,
Sweeney, Guenther, Olumele, Trosell
Cougressman M.W. Howard
of Alabama Used Peruna
for La Grippe.
Congressman Geo. H. White
of North Carolina Finds
Peruna an Excellent
Remedy for La
4- -4 -r -f 4- 4 -t- -f 4
4 4
4 4-4-4-4-
. 4
4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 4 4-4-4-4-4 4 4-4-4-4 4-4-4
Lsi Orlppe Cured In Its Hirst Stage.
Lieutenant Clarice Hunt, of the Salt
Lake City Barracks of tho Salvation
Army, writes from Ogden, Utah:
"I nm very pleased with the exper
ience I had with Peruna, Two months
ago I wns suffering with so severe a
cold thnt I could hardly speak. Mv
whole body was nffeeted with what
seemed like catarrh of the whole sys
tem. "Our captain advised me to trv Pp.
rutin, nnd procured n bottle for me,
nuc', truly it worked wonders. Within
two weeks I was entirely well, and hit 1
not used unite two bottles. I would
not bo without Peruna in rase of
emergency, and I consider It a splen
did, reliable remedy.". Lieut. Clarice
CoiiKrcssmun Wlilt;'. Letter
Tarboro, N. C.
The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus,
Gentlemen "I am more than satis
flpd with Peruna nnd find it to be nn
excellent remedy for tho grip and ca
tarrh. I havo used it in my family
nnd they all join me in recommend
ing it as an excellent remedy."
Geo, H. White, Member of Congress.
Remained In Pecble Health Alter Cured o,
l.a Grippe.
Mrs. T. W. Collins. Treasurer Inde
pendent Order of Good Templar, of
Everett. Waeli., writes:
"After having a severo nttack of U
grippe I continued In a feeble condition
even after the doctor called me cured.
My blood seemed pol?onecl.
"I also suffered with dyspepsia, mid
hnil either to starve or suffer from
what I was eating. A neighbor who
was using Peruna praised It so hlghlv
that she Induced mp to try It. and 'l
soon found this was what I realiv
"I could soon eat my regular meals
with relish, my system was built tin.
my health returned, and I have re
mained In excellent strength and vigor
now for over n year." Mrs. T. W. Col
linH. Address The Peruna Medicine Co.,
of Columbus, O., for n free book on ca
tarrh. GHOLOGIOAL IsURVCY H. J. Thompon,
cljilrman; Seal, Weaver, Morrison, Ulrknr, lfsl.
deman, ltlchard Davis, Clarency, neacom, An
derson, Cooper, I'errebee, Reynolds, John ?,
Tuylor, John K. Thompson, Wilkinson. Graft",
II. Prank Sillier, Sweeney, Troxell, Squlhr pmil,
Dixon, Creasey, Durke.
S1INE9 AND SIIMNC-Kendall, rhairmani er.
rebee, Arulerson, Richard Dvl, S. S. Hamilton,
SIcAnlis, Sanderson, John K. Thompson, Weaver
Seott, MeWhlnney, llavvorth, Gibson, Reynolds,
Usrtman, Edwards, Champaign, Alexander, Oir.
ner, Paul, Sloyer, Ilsag, i'islier, Clumle, Kaft
tlnetr. SlUSICirAI. COItPOnATIONS-Cohlllc, chslr.
man; Henderson, Ritbel, Voorhecs, Nlsbet, Stne.
Iver, ICevser, Henry, Cook, Hess, Jamej, Kser,
Kopp, Slcrtena, McConnell, Orr, Reynolds, SUten
Calder, Shumaker, SIcTIghe, Sfaloney, Sfaynt,
Ksin, Prare.
JUDICIARY lOCAIj-Slste. rhalrrnsn) Baiter,
Council, Gibson, MeAnlis, Reynolds, Rnthtrfonl,
Slater, John K. Thompson, Rlpp, Montgomery,
Harrison, 1'ulmcr, ISUm, Cassel, Bearer, yeTt
bee, Orr, Scott, llothrock, Manning1, Nsftslnger,
Garvin l'uerth, Galvln.
.ILWi IARY GKNF.llAL Hsrrl. chalrman
Ptsw, Ko. Daujlierty, Reacom, Jonas, Lack,
McConnell, Koonti, Bedford, Kerterta, Buyth,
Wlllard, l'hilbin, JUtes, Sfcrherson, Hall, Dixon,
Garner,, Hoy, fleW, Sfsyne, Kirtr, Dixon,
APPROl'RIATIONS-Bliss, chairman) UtOtin,
'oorhers, Btovens, Schcnier, Sliilki, tUndsrsor
Colvllle, Baker, Graff, Lei'), Slacker. Pemercy,
Shumaker, Horace J. Thompson, Stulb, BeaL
William O. Sillier, MoTlehe, Haworth, Barker,
SIcGlathery, Tilfarry, Carvlu, Thomas II. Brown,
Hock, Sfaloney, Shutt, John If. Smith, Squler.
WAYS AND SIEANS-Ileaeon, chairman) Cca.
per, Aremsburir, FaJiey, John IfamUton, Kendall
Morrison, Stroh, Uirleh, Scheuer, Kayser, llers
derson, Haldeinan, 'ulmer, Cope, CTinw, Htrrl
Caacdll, llovack, Sfaloney, Jlsy, Calvin, DUois
John II. SnUth. "
CONSTITUTIONAL- Rfc'FOnM-Koonts, ehslrs
msn; He, Itay, Arnold, Clsrcncy, llrnery, Jo,
seph K. tlanrilton, Psndenon, HonVins, Foni
Crawford, Alexander, Cotter, Rttd, Tlffsny, Wcl
ty, Eijulbb, Wilson, Createy, Burnett