The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 26, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Communication sot
news nature, per
sonals and all Items
Jor publication nay
be left" at The Trib
une's new offices In
(lie Burke BulMIng,
or sent by mall or
A t of All Who llo Houses to Unit, Ileal
rtW at Other Troptrty to Sell or KxthanKC .ft
Who Want Situation or llcln-Thwe ""'''
vcrtUcmenfci Cost One Cent a V, ore, ' '"''
Nona for rive Cents Word-Kucpt SitualKns
Wanted, Wliltli Are Inserted Ircc.
ed Lt the Emergency hospital. At pi' at once.
Mrcct. lnnulro of .1 11. l'anlkncr.
A Talc of an Overcoat and Its Vntl
ous Owners.
William Fuller, a fish peddler, who
I08ldc3 at No. 6, was before Aldeiman
linker yestciday afternoon, chat Red
with the larceny of an overcoat from
Charles Letts, of Salem avenue. Tho
overcoat dlsnppeatcd from Letts' sa
loon about two weeks ago nnd noth
ing has been seen of lt since, until
5'tsferday morning, when IFultor, who
In a big, husky-looking fellow, with
Ills fnee almost concealed by a florca
tangle of tawny beard, came striding
In and asked for n dilnk. Mr. Letts
noticed tho coat at onco and com
menced to fed a quickening of IiU
heart beats as ho detected unmlstnk
stilo losemblance to the outsldo of his
"benjamin." He politely requested
Mr. rullcr to allow him to
Inspect tho garment, and Mr.
Fuller, with many asservatlnns as
to his futuro destiny, pointedly and
most positively declined. After this
bod been going on for several moments)
Charley begnn to feel almost as watm
as If ho was wearing the coat him
self. Ho once more, and for the last time,
risked tho favor of being allowed to
Inspect the eminent. Again his pro
posal was scorned. Then Charley
came around In front ot tho bar and
with a dextrous twist of the wrist,
opened tho coat. There could be no
mistake then. Tho lining of that coat,
onco seen, could never be forgotten.
Htit to make assurance doubly suie,
the claimant ran his hand up Into tho
nrm-hole. Theio was a tear there,
Just us there was In Chat ley's coat,
made by Ills diamond cuff buttons get
ting caught In the lining.
Mr. Fuller, having declined to say
whero i ho had purchased the coat,
Mr. Letts walked around tho corner
to Alderman Baker's and got out a
warrant for tho fish vendor's arrest,
and entrusted lt to Constable riercu,
who located his man after a long
soaich. Ho was taken before Aldct
nian Haker, who, after waiting for a
long time for Fuller to say where he
had obtained the garment, held him In
$300 ball for court
When this disposition of the caso
had finally gotten Itself fixed In Ful
lers mind, It dammed up tho torrent
of choice expletives that had hoieto
fnro tan like a swollen liver from his
lips, but only fpr a short time. UN
pent-up feelings were not capablo of
being expressed In Alderman Hakor's
small office, so Constable Pierce kindly
allowed him to go outsldo to swear.
lie leaned up against tho Iron fence In
H out of Dr. Bailey's ofllco and pourcM
lorth such an exceeding torrent of un
chaste language that tho good doctor
sitting behind tho closed door of his
office was horrified and scandalized to
such an extent that ho opened his door
nnd oidored him away.
By this time Fuller felt better and
made up his mind to say whero he got
tho coat. He ngaln went with Con
stable Pierce to Alderman Baker and
gave, the name of a man In Jormyn.
A wan ant was sworn out for this
fellow and Constable Plerco wept down
to Jcimyn to serve lt.
The Lending Man of "A Wise Wo
man" Company.
Ftederlc Murphy Is a promising
young actor who, after a number of
years of what may bo aptly termed ap
prenticeship In Julia Marlouu'a com
pany placing In tho beginning tho
many ides of less Importance that fell
to his lot with a caio and Intelligence
that won for hlm not only tho praise
of the critics but also the admiration
of his niun.iger. Ha progressed step
by step until, as j, llnal ackonwledge
inent of his ability, was last season
placed In tho piomlnent position of
leading man. Mr. Murphy has this
season cast his lot In now Holds and
Is supporting Miss Marie Lamour in
Wilfred Clarke's successful larce, "A
Wise Woman," to bo been at tho Grand
nct Wednesday.
John Morgan and Mrs. Louisa Rhino
Mnriled hy Aldorman Delevan.
In the cozy pailor of Alderman R. J.
Delevan, on Belmont street, Thursday
evening, Mrs. Louisa Rhino and John
Morgan weie married. Mrs. Delevan
ind John McConnell weio tho wit
nesses. This was the fourth marriage
tho alderman has perfoimed slnco ho
fts Inducted Into tho office, and he
.lod tha knot with the ease and pro
nrlency which comes with practice.
Both of the contracting parties re
ildo on Belmont street, and aio well
mown throughout tho city. The groom
a machinist, and Is popular among
Ms fellow-workmen and other assocl
ites. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan will resldo
n Belmont street.
Three Men Charged with the Crime
and Locked Up.
'Carbohdalo is such an orderly town
that the arrest of three intoxicated
men 4n one day Is an event well worth
chronicling. On Thursday night Milt
Kinney, of Greonfleld; Ned Grady, of
the South Side, and a 'Swedish Strang
erjylth a name like a stationary buzz
saw and a dialect to go with It, were
put Into tho city Jail for safe-keeping.
I ' , ' , , ,
Cures a Cough or Cold at onoe,
Yesterday afternoon Mayor Kllpatrlck
disposed of the cases by discharging
the trio with a reprimand.
The Swedish gentleman lingered
around town until evening, begging In
BtorcH and from pnssersby. Ho woro
a hat that was onco white, clothes
that had Uono service In a prehistoric
period and a pathetic expression that
was both bland and weary. As tho
evening shades nettled down he ap
plied onco more nt tho city Jail, this
time for a night's lodging, and was ac
commodated with u couch In one of the
safe deposit vaults.
These Two Players Draw a Pull
House at tho Pool Tourney.
Last night tho pool tournament of
the Cnrbondalo Cyclo club had an ex
tra at ti action. Mnnncrs and Singers
were at lust to meet, and, as each had
lost two games without a win and,
f in thormorc, as the meeting had been
extensively advertised and anticipated,
tho looms of tho club were filled with
the largest throng of the meeting. Bui
the spectators were disappointed. In
stead of tho long-drawn-out game ex
pected, Manners started off in hunl
cano fashion nnd left Singer at tho
post. Before the latter player could
giasp tho fact that the two weic play
ing pool Manncis had won out by the
handsome score of CO to 29. There
were one or two little Incidents of ths
game that caused astonishment. One
of them was when Singer got nn Idea
that tho game ha was playing was bil
llatds and proceeded to execute some
difficult mussu shots In thu center of
the table. On being Informed of his
error by tho referee, he at first was
Inclined to be angry at tho laughter
of the crowd, but was molllfled after a
Httlo by his opponent's promising to
buy his next suit of clothes for liltn.
The other Incident occurred at the
close of tho game, after Manneis had
won. Singer had but twenty-nine but
tons on his suing and insisted on his
being allowed to finish the game of
fifty, as he said ho knew ho could bent
Manners If ho would play another
twenty-one points. This could not be
allowed, of course, and Singer discon
solately wended his way home, accom
panied by a faithful friend.
The other game of the evening was
ono between Dr. Day and R. II, Strick
land, both In the third class, which was
won by Dr. Day. This makes three
players dropped from the contest, each
having lost three games. They aio
Moon, Singer and Stilcklnnd.
tinge" ... .... . uih" ......v u
Pcntou u 2 Manners I '
Cram 0 CMcMIUin 3 0
niloid 1 1 Mitchell i 0
Davia 1 OJ. H. Ree-c 0 U
IKrby 3 OJ. G. IIccm 2 I
Say 1 Ollennip 1 1
Ditchburn 1 2 Robert 2 1
Hr 1 '.' Ilutlicrfuid I 1
foster 1 EC. Smith I !
(Silhool t '. Smith 0 1
lloolo 1 0ln!tle 1 0
Humphrey 2 Otewart 2 1
Junes ? 1 Saury 1 o
Knapp 1 l1
A New Counterfeit.
Those of our citizens who nie tor
tunate enough to hao in their pus
session one or more $10 bills, shoulJ
take an lmentory of their stock, be
cause a now counteifelt $10 bill, put
portlng to bo Issued by tho Tomp
kins County National bank, of Ithaca,
N. Y., are In circulation. This coun
teifelt Is of the series of 1SS2, check
letter B, and Is a photographic repio
ductlou. Revival Services.
Theio will be an Inauguration of
evangelical services at tho Flist
Mothodlst Episcopal church on Mon
day evening, to bo held each week
night. These special services will con
tinue for tho next three weeks. Tho
eminently successful evangelist, Rev.
M. V. Williams, will assist In tho sei
vices. An Apron Social.
Tho Ladles' Auxiliary of the Rail
road Tiainmcii, will hold an apron
social at Cambilan lull on Wednes
day cen!ng, Jan. 30. As theso events
given by these ladles are always en
joyable ones, It Is expected that a laigs
numbers of guests will be there that
A Social by tho Choir.
Airangements nre being made by tho
choir of tho Chinch of Our Lady of
Mount Canncl to glvo a social In tha
Buiko building on tho evening ot Feb
ruary 0. Tho music for dancing will
bo furnished by Prof. John Firth.
Will Attend Social.
A largo number of the young men
of this city nio maturing plans to nt
tend tho social of tho Twentieth Cen
tury boys, to be held In Scianton on
Feb. 6.
An Evening at Home.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Potter, ot South
Washington stteet, enteitalned a few
friends In honor of iMIss Mary Mc
NIcol, of Olyphant, on Thursday even
ing. Meeting of Physicians.
Dr. S. D. Davis will enteitnln tho
members of the Carbondalo Medical
society at his home on Mnln street,
Jermyn, next Tuesday evening.
Councilman Shepherd 111.
Common Councilman Russell M.
Shepherd, of the First ward, Is con
fined to his home on Darto avenue by
Meetings Tonight.
Court Golden Eagle, No. It, Foresteia
of America.
Diamond lodBe, 'No. 24, Shield ot
Meetings Tomorrow.
St. Joseph's cadets.
Order of Railway Conductois,
The Spring Elections.
Tho spring elections this year will
talco place on Tuesday, Fob. 19,
To Mr, nnd Mrs. John Coultry, of
Scott stieet, a daughter.
E.L. Hatfield, man
ager of the Carbon
dalo edition, will be
pleased to receive
callers seeking Infor
mation or desirous of
Imparting It Tele
phone numbers: New
386: old, 0433.
A largo Number of Bills Ordered
Paid Hospital Matter Unsettled.
Poor board held Its regular meeting
last night. There were present Chair
man McCnbo, Rlvenberg, Lynch,
Thomas and Williams. Tho minutes
of tho last meeting woro read and
Tho following bills were ordeicd
V. II. Woodttotth L Co ) 11 00
1). & 11. Coal Co 23 23
Mm. U Mellale 1 00
Tclm J, iMlno ICO
Jeiry Cluno SJ 3
Wallace 11 "0
Kami hand 8 OJ
0. I'ugllano moo
A. V. Wylllo 10 00
O, W. UejnoldJ Son 7 01
Hell ft tlrown 2 To
f. i;. JIctinK DM
John A. limney 2 Si
llctz k Medland 2 M
Albtrtv ft lledell .'.... SO
tarn II. Malono 1 0
P. L. .Vary M00
K II Woodworth It Co 11 00
Greenfield School Uoanl 1 M
Jjnc lt(i llo
l)ald James "!
McDonouiili Pros CO 00
IhcnrH Walker 00
litisc & ndnartlft 1 Oil
Honshu ry A Martin It 01
P. . Carroll 15 U0
Pile & Co MOO
Singer 1'irk Clothing House t ?!
A. I.'. Tiffany "'
talis Coal company 11
A n. wjiiio sir"
Atlantic and Pacific 'lea company f frfl
Mlrhacl Morrison estate 0 50
Ilucklej IIioh 20 Si
Carbonilalf Milling compiny 20 ?J
fowler Steam MUM Ol
John McCibc 13 Ol
John T. I.jnch '0
John McCibc I TO
I'.lectrlc Light coii'pauy t f I
Delaware nnd lluclwin company 3 40
Home for feeble winded chlldien 11 ?!
Danville Insane a'jlum SCI 21
JtlnerV and Mechanics' bank 17100
Tho treasurer was Instructed to no
tify the tax collector to take up no
mora orders or vouchers diawn on tho
old tieasurcr. All such orders must
heienftcr bo presented to tho treas-
uier for payment.
The matter of the hospital bill wns
bi ought up nnd a repoit of the Annuo'1
committee was heard. According to
this statement, tho committees from
the two boards mot In the poor board
rooms but could come to no agree
ment. Mr. Illvenberg stated that tho
bill picsentod to tho bonid and tho
hospital record book did not corres
pond. The matter finally rested be
tween the committeemen, with the un
dei .standing thnt the hospital directors
look up tho voucheis for each rac.
Tho poor board is now awaiting some
notion by the hospital dlicclois.
On motion of Thomas, tho boaul ad
journed. OBITUARY.
Mrs. Ellen .oflltt.
Mis. Ellon Mollltt, widow of Patrick
Mointt, died at her homo on South
Main street yosteiday morning, aged
71 years. She had been ill a long
time. She was born In Tlpperary, Itc
land, and had lived In Cnrbondalo since
1S53, coming hcio fiom Brooklyn, N.
Y. In ISC0 she was married to Patrick
Moffitt, who for foily enrs was one
of tho leading business men of this
Mis. JVflltt Is simlvcd by ono
daughter, Mrs. John O'Boyle, of Vino
stteet, Scianton. Her brother, Rev.
Fiancis Carew, pastor of St. Rose
church, died thirteen years ngo. Rt.
Rov. Edmund P. Prendergast. the
present auxiliary bishop of the Catho
lic diocese of Philadelphia, and Dr. P.
J. Prendergnst, of Brooklyn, N. Y., aio
nephews nt tho decensed woman.
The will not bo planned un
til tho anlval of Bishop Prendergast,
who Is expected hero eaily this morn
ing. A dying request of Mis. Mount's
wan that her friends should please
omit lloweis nt her funeral.
Flist Congiegatlonal, coiner Eighth
avenue und South Church street Rev.
M. C. Elliott, pastor. Sabbath services.
10 30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m.; Sunday
school, 2 p. in.; Young Men's union,
3.13 p. m.; Y. P. S. C. V., 6.43 p. m :
prayer service, Thursday evening at
7 SO o'clock. Tomonow tho Holy Com
munion will bo observed at tho morn
ing seivice. At 7.30 p. in. the pastor
will speak on "The Closo of a Noblo
Life," a sermon on Uio late Queen of
England. A coidlal welcome Is given
to all.
Berean Baptist church, corner Lin
coln avenue and North Church street
Rev. II. J. AVhnlen, D. D., pastor; resi
dence, 33 Lincoln avenue. Sunday ser
vlcea, 10 30 n. in. nnd 7.30 p. m.; mid
week set vices, Thursday, 7.30 p. in.;
Young People's Society of Clulsttan
Endeavor meets at C 30 on Sunday
evening; Junior Society of Christian
Endeavor meets Sunday at 3.30 p. m.:
Sunday school at 12 m. In tho morn
ing the pastor w 111 preach on the great
event of tho past week, taking for his
themo "A Trlbuto to Queen Victoria."
In tho evening the Rev. A. D. Davids,
of the Methodist Episcopal church ot
Thompson, will occupy this pulpit, tho
Rov. Dr. Whalen going to Thompson In
exchnnge, where ho will nddtess a
union tempernnco meeting.
Tilnlty Piotestant Episcopal church,
GSRlver street Rev. R. A. Sawyer,
rector; lesldence, 62 River street. Holy
Communion, 8 30 a. m.; morning prayer
and seimon, 10.30 o'clock; evening
Player and sermon, 7.30 o'clock; Sun
day school, 12 m.i Sunday school teach
cis' meeting every Friday evening at
7.30 o'clock; Trinity guild meets every
Tuesday evening; Ladles' guild meets
every Wednesday afternoon.
Flist (St. Paul's) Luthcian chuich,
Church street Rev. F. Ehlnger, pas
tor. Third Sunday after Epiphany.
Sabbath school, 0.30 a. in.; services,
10.30 a. m.i church council meeting,
2.30 p. m. Sermon on tho gospel for
tha Sunday, St. Matthow, 8:1-14: Tho
centui Ion's supplication In behalf of
I his sick servant, Ulustiatlng the gieat
chancellor, Bismarck's confession, say
ing! "If wo hadn't a Savior, our Lord
Jceua Christ, wo would bo tho most
mlserabla creatures In this world and
not worth living." (Bismarck's "Con
fession of Faith," page 672.) All will
find a cordial welcome to attend.
Flist Mothodlst Episcopal church,
North Church street, near Salem ave
nue Rev. A. V. Chaffeo, pastor: resi
dence, 76 Terrace street. Sunday ser
vices, 9.30 a, m.: morning prayers, 10.30
a. m. and 7.30 p. m., preaching by tho
pastor, class meeting following tho
morning services. Sunday school at 12
m.: Junior leaguo at 3 p. m.; Senior
lenguo at 6.30. There will bo three
weeks of evangelistic services, begin
ning next Monday night. The 'emi
nently successful evangelist, Rov. M.
V. Williams, will assist In tho services.
First Presbyterian.
North Church stteet, near Salem
avenue Bev. Charles Lee, pastor; resi
dence, 66 North Church street. Sunday
services, 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m.i
weekly prayer meeting on Thursday
ccnlng at 7.30 o'clock.
Welsh Piesbyterlan.
South Church street, corner
avenue Sunday scrvlcep, 10 30
and 6 p. m.: Sunday school, 2
n. m.
p. in.;
mid-week services, Tuesday, 7.30 p. m.
Roman Catholic.
Church of St. Rose do Lima, North
Church street, opposite Pail; place
Rev. Thomas F. Coffey, rertor: resi
dence, G North Church street. Asslst
nnts, Rov. John Dixon and Rev. Walter
Church of Our Lady of Mount Car
niel, Fullbroolc street Rev. O. S. Cer
lutl, rector. Services at 8 und 10.30 .a.
in. Sunday.
Two Tnles of Infelicity.
Aldeiman Atkinson had two cases ot
family troubles before hlm yesterday.
Ono of the defendants befoio hlm.
named Kllhtillen, went home the pievl
ous night considerably the woiso lor
dilnk. Two of his children are sick,
but ho commenced to cause lots of
trouble In the house, and when his wife
lemonstrntcd ho put her outside, and
when she tiled to get back to her chll
dien, lt Is alleged, assaulted her lc
lously. The other defendant's name Is Ken
nedy, and his wlfo alleged that as a
lesult of his cruelty she had been sick
In bed for two weeks. Alderman At
kinson gave Mr. Kennedy some sound
adIco as to how husbands should treat
their wives and then sent hlm to
Scranton to the county Jail to allow
hlm to absorb lt In iulct and peace.
Funeral of William Boweis.
The funeral services over the remains
of tho Into William Bowers were held
at his late lesldenca yesterday aftci
noon and weie attended by manv of
his former friends. The Rev. Rollln
A. Sawyer, lector of Trinity Episcopal
church, pteached the f uncial soimon
and a trio from that chinch, consisting
or Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Smith and Mis.
Mills, sang seveiul appropriate selec
tions, After tho services at the house
tho buiial took place In Maplewoort
comotciy. At tho giaveslde the mem
beis of Cambrian lodgs, I. O. O. F..
held short serIcs ncroidlng to their
iltes. Tho pall-benters weie all ver
timen of Trinity Episcopal liutrdi
and were: C. R. Mam We, John Oi
chard, John Wheeler, Nicholas Moon,
Frank Hubbard and Chailes Pel kins.
To Hold a Fair.
Hose company fairs seem to Ik1 very
popular this year. The Pottage Hoso
company, lt is said, will conduct a
fair, similar in style to the ono io
cently held bv the Mitchell Hose com
pany and the one piojected by the
Columblns. The Cottage boys mean
to rejuvenate their company and In
order to suitably equip their rooms ar-
considering the fair piojoct as a likely
way to lalse money. The event will
take place shortly after Easter, If thi
plans are carried out.
A Final Healing.
The bo.ud of revision and appeal of
taxes held Its last meeting last night,
pievious to its summing up of the
grievances submitted by (he various
taxpayers who are illssatlsllcd with
tholr assessments. Tho stated meet
ings of the boaid ended Thursday
nlcht, but a number of residents hav
ing been unable to get before tho meet
ings, tho sittings v.eio continued ono
night. Quite a number ot property
holders weie d. The returns will
not bo mnde till next week.
Belle Kearns Is Bead.
Alderman S. S. Jones' famous pacing
mare, Bella Kearns, died at 2 o'clock
jesterday morning of colic, In splto of
the exertions of several veteilnailans.
Tho horse was a Kentucky thorough
bred and about twenty yeats old. In
her pi line she was a fast stepper. A
friend of the alderman said last night
that ho had heard Mr. Jones speak af
fectionately of his inuio und her
achievements "more than two million
Union Prices.
The Baibeis' union will at their next
meeting adopt a schedule of union
prices and will do away with tho 10
cent hair tilmmlng and the tweho
shaves for a dollar plan. Hair cutting
and trimming will heieattcr bo 20
cents straight and shaves 10 cents
straight. No monthly business will bo
done nfter all tho barbers havo filled
all agreements for terms now unex
pired, Will Celohrnte Golden Wedding.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnrres Thompson, of
North Church stieet, will havo been
married fifty years next Wednesday.
They will not hold nn elaborate cele
bration of their golden wedding, but
will bo pleased to lecelvo their filemU
between the hours of 3 and I In tho
afternoon and 7 and 9 In tho evening.
A Telegram of Warning.
Constable E, J. Ncaiy has iccelved
a telegram fiom Chief of Police Roche,
of Syracuse, saying: "Look out for
stranger mound John Gubeit's store."
It Is thought that tho telegram has
something to do with tho missing Pat
Crowe, as ho Is supposed to bo In this
pait of tho countt y.
t The Passing Thiong.
Dr. David Bnlloy is around ngi'ln
after a siege of the grip.
, Miss Maty Monnhan, of tho Hotal
Hurilson, Is 111 with tha grip.
Mlns Mary Lynott, of Hill street, In
visiting filends In South Scranton.
Ray Townsend, engineer of tha
Leader building, Is laid up with tho
Edwaid Coddlngton, chef of the Pal
ace lunch pailois, has ictiuncd homo
after a week's visit with Blnghnmton
Thomas Morgan, of Alvord & Male's,
has resumed his position after a
week's Illness.
Mrs. J. F. Sullivan, who has been
the guest ot friends In Luzerne, has
returned homo.
Mrs. A. R. SImrell nnd son, Frank,
of Scranton, spent yesterday with Mm.
G. W. SImrell, of Clnrk avonuo.
Miss Llzzlo MoDermott, of West
Plttston, is visiting her cousin, Miss
Mary Itcllly, of Hospital street.
The many friends In this city of K.
13. Loomls, of Scranton, will regret
to hear that ho Is very 111 at his home.
Tho grip epidemic still Increases and
very few families have escaped the dis
ease. Among the Into cases reported
nre Joseph Waters and family, An
drew Richards and family, John Cur
ley, John Connor, of Joimyn and West
Mayfleld, and 'Bridget Grady, and son,
Frank, of Mayfleld.
Tho members of Court Lily of the
Valley, No. 75, Foresters ot America,
aio to chance oft a handsome gold
watch which Is now on view In tho
Rushbrook dtug store for tho benefit
of ono of thi members. John Lucas,
who has been 111 ot asthma for tho
past two years.
Miss Ada M. Cleinow, ot South Main
stieet, Caibondnle, Is the guest of her
aunt, 'Mrs. James Han Is, of West May
fleld. Mr. Patrick Durkln, ot 'Main street,
was called to Philadelphia last evening
on account of tho scilous Illness of his
Miss Maine Manlcy, oJ Atchbald, Is
the guest of her cousin," Mrs. Thomns
Gllhool, of South Main stieet.
The team of Liberty lodge, No. 1SS,
Knights of Pythias, will visit Shoildan
lodge, Peckvllle, on Wednesday week
to work tho third degree, upon a can
dlate. The members of the team aio
leciuosted to meet In their hall on
Tuesday evening for pi notice
Arthur lior, J. D. Stocker & Son's
teamster, mot with a slight accident
last evening by the upsetting of the
delivery wagon. Ho received a painful
contusion Just below his knee, which
will piobably confine hlm to tho house
tor a. few days.
Mr. and Mis. Thomas Jones, of Piov
ldence, hnvo taken up their icsldence
nt the corner ot Third nnd Rushbrook
Mis. James Harris Is confined to hei
home at West Mnvileld by Illncs.
Sheimnn Tompkins, of West May
field, held tho lucky ticket which won
tho gun iccently laffied off at Dunne's
Superintendent J. C. Taylor spent
yesterday at the public schools and to
one of tho directors after his visit e
prcssed himself well pleased with the
condition of the schools,
Miss Hntttc Scott, of Bacon stieet,
la visiting Honcsdalo filends.
I'll st ward Republican caucus this
ev enlng.
William White died at his homo mi
Fiist stieet. Blakely, Thursday even
ing, after a piottacted Illness. De
ceased was to jenrs old and Is stti
vlved by his wife and live childieii.
The will take place tomono.v
afternoon at " o'clock. Rev. Jnniej
Ilev will officiate Inteinient will bo
made In rnion cemoteiy.
Rev. James Walker, of Tavloi, will
occupy the pulpit of tho Primitive
Methodist church tomonow moinlng
and evening.
The usiul seivke.s will be held in
tho Congiegatlonal chinch toinouow
morning and evening. A. V. Bower, of
Scianton. will have chaige of th
evening service.
The scholuis of the pilmmy depart
ment of the Presbv tot Inn Siinilav
school will serve suppei lu the social
loom of tho church between the houis
of fi und 8 o'clock next Tuesday even
ing. All aio coidlnlly Invited.
Mis. W. L. Beyea, of Dunmoie, was
the guest of Mr. nnd Mis. J. A. Hull,
of Blakely, jestoidny.
Rlchaid Foote, of Archbild, was a.
caller In town yesterday.
Mrs. Ellen Martin Is spending a
fow dnys In Wlllces-Baire.
The employes ot Eddv Cieek and No.
2 eollleiies will bo paid today.
Mis. Thomas Han Is. of Piovldenoe,
Is visiting at tho residence of Dr. W.
W. Jenkins, on Lacknwanna street.
Miss Magglo Cleat y has accepted a
position nt Dougher's fitinltuio stoie.
The second lecture of thu "Traveling
Class" will be given Mondav evening,
Jnn. 20, In thr 'Methodist church by
Rev. Henry J. Whnlcn, D. D., of car
bondalo. His subject will bo "Tho Lire
of Christ" and will bo Illustrated by a
btereoptlcon. A silver orteilng will bo
taken to defray tho expenses of tho
lectin e.
Mrs. Vaughn Is visiting fi lends In
Tho funeral of Vernu, tho Httl
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Wilson, who
died Tuesday evening after a few days'
Illness of dlphtheiln. was held Thurs
day afternoon. Interment wns mado In
the Moscow cemeteiy.
Daniel Evans, of Elmhuist, was In
town jcsteidnv.
S. J. Hornbaker has been acting as
Juror this week.
Mr. and Mis. Rogcts. of Mill City,
have been spenulug u fow days with
their daughter, Mrs. Wilson.
The lecture given by Ru, W. O.
'Simpson, of Oieen Ridge, Tuesday
evening, was listened to by on appio
dative audience.
Mr. ChaiUs Dennis, of Stroudsbuig,
was a visitor hero Wednesday.
W. A. Do Pew fell fiom his wagon
Wednesday whllo drawing Ice and
broke his aim.
S. M. Watts is substituting In tho
place of Miss Masters In the graden
Rev. W. G. Simpson was entei tallied
at tho homo of Mr. and Mis. F U.
Gaidner Tuesday evening.
A Republican caucus will bo held
in the I. O. O. r. hall this afternoon
from 1 to 7 o'clock to elect township
Colds Melt Away
if you use Kraubo's Cold Cine. Pro
paied In convenient capsulo form they
aio easy to tako and elfect ia speay
euro of tho most obstinate case..
Prlco 23c. Sold by Matthews Bios.
Arsenlo Doauty Tublot3 and Plllo. A n'r
toctly safoiunl guaranteed tiontment fornll MH
dleordor i. Restores the bloom ol youth (o faded lacer.
10 dnya' troutmoat Wet 30 dais' vf.00, by inou
Send for circular. Add roan, , , .
V'nVT MSWAl.m nwi-rVt Intktoa Sit., Chic
Gold by McQarrah & Thomas, Drug
Kilts,, 20J Lackawanna Ave., ticrunton, l'a,
A very eminent surgeon ha
declared that ho never lets a day
pass without thanking Heaven
that ho was not born a woman;
nnd this distinguished man prob
ably knows more of woman's
trials than any living person.
Yet how sweet and gracious is the gift of 'womanhood To
woman belong the Joys of girlhood) love, and beauty of wife
hood nnd motherhood. Angels are painted fair to look like
thccl" but tho penalty of her sex has to be paid, and the
tribute It exacts is heavy with pain and weariness. Too often
tho payment leaves her ruined In health, bankrupt In happiness
a lifelong invalid, for want of a little timely help, perhaps
a little timely knowledge.
A woman's experience, and she a doctor with an extensive
practice, should carry conviction to every candid mind. It Is
therefore with pleasure and confidence that Dr. Louise M.
Lander's letter is given to Iter sex.
Chicago, 111, Jan. 21, 1900.
WAnvtn's SArc Cnnn Co., Bochostor, N. T.
Gentlemen Hovcrnl times daring tho pat few years I hnvn obaerTed
tho effootsot Warner's HafoCoro In casta of kidney tronblo. I found that tho
Send pontal for free samplo
Wauneiii1 Bath Cuiik to
WAiiNKit'sSvri; CmiE Co.
llochcster, N. Y. ilontlon
this paper.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Cal
vaiy Baptist church will hold tho'.r
giand social tonight In tho church pur
lors. The young ladles of this society
have won an enviable distinction for
giving tho most successful socials, and
this evening they will aim to surpass
all their pievious effoits. Cake coffee,
lee cream, etc., will bo served for t!m
sniill sum of ten cents.
Sabbath services tomorrow at the
Methodist Episcopal chinch at 10 30
in. and 7.30 p. in. Snbbith scho r '
at 2.15 p. m. Epwoith League nt 6 50
p. in., Pastor Rev. Clinton B. Hcnr
The funeral of the lute Mis. Mellnda
Blcocker will take place this after
noon at 2 o'clock. Set vices will bo
held In the Illicit Methodist Episcopal
chinch. Bmlal will be made In thu
Maicy cemetery.
Sei vices at the Calvin Baptist
chinch totnotrow will bo at tho usual
houis, Paslcu Rev. Dr. Hauls officiat
ing The oinploves nt th" Tavlor, I'yn
Iioldon and Atchbild mines will rc
dle th Hist of their semi-monthly
culling today.
This evening the Ladles' Aid society
of tho Welsh Congregational chinch
will conduct a giand faggot social.
They have a veiv entci mining oorp
of walteis looking nfter details nnd
It Is safe to sav that our wants will
be ntt nded to in nij ubllglng way.
Tickets onlv ten cents
Emblem division, No. 57, Sons of
Temperance, will celebrate the thlr
to"nth nnnlveisaiy of the division with
n banquet nnd entertainment, which
will occur nt vt month. A hustling
committee nio haul at woil; airang
Injr detail".
The funeral ol the Intu Mis. Wil
liam Morton v III occur 'roni the fam
llv leslilence 111 Ninth Tnvlor tomor
iow (Sundiiv) nfteinoon ut J o'clock.
Services nt the house bv Bev. Thomas
Rutland. Inteinient will he mado In
the Forest Homo cemeteiy.
Tho Slut light Athletic club ot this
town, will conduct u grand ball In
Wobei's link on Friday evening, I'eb.
13, A gold litis will be aw aided to the
best waltzcrs and n prize will be
uwnrded to the best diessed coupto
Tickets. 2" cents. Ladles admitted
li oo. Good music in attendance for
Street Commissioner nnd Mis. David
J Hniris nre seilottsly 111 nt their
home on Union street,
Mis. Thomns J. Powell, of Main
stieet, was the guert of lelallvcs In
Bellevuo on Thursday.
James Scilvens has leluined from
his trip to Maryland, Virginia,
whero he was sumonined Unco weekH
ngo, owing to lnjuiles sustained by
his brother, Jesse, of that place.
Tayloivillo lodge, No. 663, Independ
ent Older of Odd Follows, will meet
in regular session this evening.
D. G Black, Insurance agent, of
Nicholson, Pa., was in town last Thurs
day for tho put pose of adjusting the
lo.s by the lecent Hie at the drug
stoie. Everything was satisfactorily
A supper was given by the male
nicmbeis of tho Mothodlst church at
their parlois, lost Tuesday evening.
Several Inteiestlng papei.s weio rend
on different subjects, tho most Intei
estlng ono being in icg.inl to keening
your lamps trimmed and burning. Tho
affair was an enjoyable ono and liber
ally patronized.
Tho Ice business Is the tnlnclpal In
dustry in this vicinity at present. It
Is about ten Indus thick and of line
TlioninH Watts, who has been III for
some tinio with the gilp, Is able to be
about again
Rev. Dr. Putnam, of New Yoik, Is
expected to occupy the pulpit at the
Baptist chuich next Sabbath moinlng
llev. Mr. Godsh.ill, who hns been 111
with the grip for the past two weeks,
13 nblo to be about ugaln.
Dickson City will havo ncces to nn
attorney's oillco two evenings of oach
week heieafter. Mr. Frank E. Don
nelly, whoso ofllco Is In tho Traders'
National bank bulldlmr. will bo found
at the ofllco formeilv occupied by Bur
gess Kennedy, at tho coiner of Main
stteet and the boulovnrd, Monday nnd
Thin winy ovenlngs, beginning
28. Mr. Donnelly's fi lends and clients
In this vicinity will see that his tlmo
Is well occupied with business
Miss Elizabeth Dawson was a vibltor
In Providence on Tuesday evening.
Mis. .1. Ei win Biodhead and son,
Stnrk, of Forest City, weie visitors In
thlM.pluco dttrlng'tho week.
ifm ono-year-nld son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Wega was Interred In Maicy cemetery
on Filday nfteinnon.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Jones nie
oc tiiu mcdlcliui vriui highly cur
In effect and that most riclrabln
followed Its faithful una. I bailors
It to bo ft very flno remedy for klduoy dis
orders. Yours respectfully,
Lonlnn M. T,anrinr in
, jrraduats
Central Institute, btoc
olra, Bwedon.
rejoicing over the nrrlvnl of a young
The Misses Ella nnd Alice Drake
weto visiting relatives In West Pltts
Ino on Sunday.
A number of the children of this
place ate confined tot heir homes with
tho measles.
Wnik Is piogi easing uulto rapidly on
Michael Ronda's new house.
The Epworth leaguo ot the new
McthndlHt chuich will hold a fair In
the church parlor January 29, 30 and
1. An entertainment will be given
ench evening in tho mnln room, admis-
slon being ten cents. There will bo no
admission to the fair. A ten-cent sup
per will be seived on tho 30th. Ice
ct cum and cako ovciy evening. The
young people nre trying to cancel tho
debt on the pattonago furnishings.
William Com flight, a student of the
Peeksklll Military school, is noma on
account of the pievalenco of dlph;
Mis. C. C. Cook and sons, Orvlllo and
Ralph, visited iclatlves In Nay Aug
this week, returning homo on Thurs
day. Mis. J R. Rymer nnd family are
now losldPiits of South Scranton, hav
ing icmoved thence on Tilday of last
w eek.
Messis O. B. Jones nnd C. C, Cook
nie doing jury duty this week.
Mr. James Rlbblo has accepted tho
position of engineer of the pump
ing station at Leblgh Summit.
Mrs. J. W. MulllneK nnd Mis. A. A.
Davis visited filends in Waverly on
Tuesday last.
The revival meetings which have
been in pi ogress for the last tluee
weeks, have been of unusual Interest.
Tho Rev. Mr. Trey has the congratu
lations and best wlshea of his newly
made friends while here assisting the
pastor. Rev. II. Pailott East, who also
has laboi-Ml hard and Incessantly for
the salvation of souls. Mr. Frey left
hete on Friday morning en route foi
the ctlv of Wllllnmspoit. whero lie
will hold a similar series of special
sei vices
Thp donation tendered the Rev. M.
S. Godshall was held In the Motho
dlst church hrre on Friday evenlnir of
this week and wns liberally attended
by his many friends.
Miss Hattlo Mead nnd Mrs. Mor
gan aie confined to their homes by
soveie attacks of gilp.
Miss Clara. Covey is now convalesc
ing fiom her recent illness.
Mis. Callondcr, wife of the Rev.
Newell Callender, Is seriously 111.
Asa Leach had tho misfortune to
fracture a leg iccently, whllo en
gaged In securing his crop of Ice.
A veiyt pleasant birthday party was
given at the homo ot Mr. and Mis.
Gcoige Lynch, in honor of Miss Ada,
a daughter, who had attained the ng
of sixteen. The evening was spent In
games and the rcndeilng of music, af
ter which lofreshnients wore served.
Among thoso piesent were: Misses
Anna RIbble. Lulu Lynch, Ethel Sin
ger, Hazel Emcty, May Mlllaid, Leah
Chapman, Lavinn. Pnllmnu, Cora, Gur
rlson, Flossie Lynch, Ada Lynch,
Eunice Lynch, Minnie Rtrecter. and
Messis. Edwaid Young Claro Young
Atthur Emoiy, John Blesecker, John
Pndden, Thomas Padden, Nllos
Swaitz, Howard Cosner, Arthur Cos
ner, Isaac Ayios, Ficd Pnllman, Em
oiy I. nch, Giover Lynch, Ernest
Tompkins, Men it Tompkins, Kail
Stieeter nnd Webb Swallow. Many
piescnts were made and tho puny
bioke up at a late hour.
Tho Ablngton Mutual Flio associa
tion will hold their annual meeting in
Odd Fellows' hall today (Saturday) at
2 o'clock p. in.
Tho Mooslo Powder cotnp.uiv
their employes yesteiday.
The public Installation nnd enteitaln
meut given by tho Patilotlo Order Sons
ot Ameilca. lodge, of this place, on
Thin sd.iy ovenlng, was well Attended
and thoroughly enjoyed. The enter
tainment consisted of recitations, vocal
nnd instrumental music Attorney
Cook, ot Wllkes-Bnrre, lelated several
anecdotes of a humorous nature.
Rev. Mr. Young hns been conducting
special services at the Greenwood
chnpcl tho past week.
Tho Republicans of the First ward
will hold a caucus, Tuesday, January
2D, to nominate candidates for thu
offices of town council, school director,
election bonid and others that mny b?
lcqulied. Caucus betweentha hoins ot
4 and 7 p. lit. at tho hoso house.
Sunday services In the Mooslc Meth
odist Episcopal chuich as follows:
Morning, at 10 30; subject, "Something
Now for Sons of God." Sunday school
at 2 p. in. Evening service at 7,30;
subject, "Advico to Worklngnien."
Special meetings will continue this
week each evening, except Snttirdny
John Roberts wns a caller In Scran
ton last evening.
To Prevent the Grip
Laiithe Iiiomo Quinine rcmovn the caue,