The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 26, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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rfF-rt v
Peculiarities of the Prevalent Epl
elemlo Defined in a Second Paper
by Dr. Carl Sellor, Together with
Indications of Helpful Precaution
ary or Remedial Steps Why the
Malady Is Inclined to Linger in
the Victim Romedles Necessary to
Drive It Away.
Tn answer to the numerous liunilr
lot uiul reciueats for more details,
which hnve reached mo p.irlly throuKli
the editor of The Tribune anil partly
direct from rtvtUerH o The Ttlbuiio,
T gladly comply ulth thorn, In tho
liope that my experience may bo of
jirofit to others. For tho benefit of
those who have not Keen my former
nrtlclo, I will, In a low words Mini
iitarlzu tho eseMiticU pohiU In it, before
rnteiliis on the discus-don of thn
poqullac, complications, varletic", ttid
no forth.
Thuu, It will bo icmonibeicil that tln
'Olseiiso know as the American grip
was first observed by tho willr and
othcis In 1SS6 and that n caieful study
of Its symptoms showed that It was
n very different ditionco fioni the epl
iloinlu inllueusce, or la grippe, epldemle
in Kurope. and aKo differed fiom tlm
urdluury and often epidemic winter
colds of this counti. v. This difference
vs shown to consist In thu ubsenuc
of fever and Inflammation, but with a
high temperature and feeble heait
present, and that tho various symp
toms could bo luferred for their
rnusatlon to an abnormal condition of
the nervous system, which to beRln
with was piobably due to a peculiar
electric or magnetic condition of the
earth's atmosphere, whllo In la. grippe
iind in winter colds Inilammation und
ff-ver are present, caused by localized
renditions of tho temperature and
moisture In the atmosphere, which are
more or less prejudicial to health.
As the main feature of this in.ilady,
iho lnnitratlon of the tissue underly
ing the mucuous membranes atl
through the body, by n semi-fluid
mucilaginous substance, was mention
ed, and It Is this Infiltration which
causes, directly or Indirectly, tho dif
ferent varieties and apparent vagaries,
as well as tho secnallau or after effects
of the disease. It Is but natural that
this Infiltration should rhow It.self
most prominently in those portions of
the body In which the mucuous mem
brane Is weakest and least ablo to
resist Its Invasion, which feebleness of
rcslstanco Is caused by previous dis
eased conditions. The treatment, it
was stated, thould consist in the giv
ing of ten grain doses of bonzoato o:
soda at short Intervals, together with
heart stimulants and absolute mental
md physical rest, and that all heart
depressing medicines, us well as qui
nine, should bo avoided.
Thus wo find many cases of grip
resembling gastritis, typhoid fever,
appendicitis and other diseases of the
alimentary tract in connection with or
without skin eruptions, as well as the
more commonly observed cases le
sembllns Influenza or la grippe, and,
as It Is this form which Is most prev
alent at the present time, I will to
btiict my rcnuuks to it and leae the
detailed consideration of the other
forms for homo future occasion, al
though It Is estimated that in only
about thliiy-flve per cent, of all case
of the American grip the symptoms
are most pronounced in tho mucuous
membrane of the upper air passages.
It Is not astonishing, therefore, that
when tho peculiar electrical condi
tion of tho general atmosphere which
produces tho change In tho nervous
system causing the American grip oc
curs at this time of tho year, when
our changeablo climate and our local
weather conditions tiro favorable for
tho development; of winter colda or of
an In Hated condition of the mucuous
membrano of tho respiratory organs,
(he syptoms of the grip should bo most
juonouneed In those organs.
Thus wo And in the grip cases, the
stoppage of the no,e without much
i tinning, however, the more or less
1 orations, the feeling of fullness and j
soreness of tho throat, but without
the characteristic inilammation of tho
ordinary soro throat, the shortness of
breath and the difficulty of breathing
out mora marked than that of breath
ing in, Indicating a mechanical ob
struction in the smaller bronchial
tubes, which cannot be relieved by the
copious expectoration of mucuous, as
in oidlnary bronchitis, symptoms all
of which to tho layman point to the
existence of an attack of ordinary In
fluenza or winter cold, but which,
taken together with the pale and pulfy
appearance of the mucuous membrano,
the absence of fever, the prostration,
and tho history of the suddpn onset of
tho attack, make a differential diag
nosis not only easy, but absolutely cer
tain. There nro occasional ease In which
tho patient complains mostly about a
localized sharp and persisting pain in
tho throat, which Is increased by swul
lowinc and has the character of a
iheumatlo pain as felt in tlior nails
of the body, and if considered alone
might 1o taken to be close to rheuma
tism or gout of tho throat, an expres
sion of thete diseases which is by no
means uncommon. A similar pain also
is frequently complained of by pa
tients suffering from blood poison, so
called, Introduced by Inoculation, hue
the Intelligent and observant physi
cian will not bo misled ny any ono par
ticular symptom, but will readily make
tho correct diagnosis by tho grouping
To suffer tho tuott exrrucUtiDg palm, to loss
the u&s of llmbi, and to hare th joint swollen
end disfigured ti the lot ot ttio victim of rbouma
Ham. Urlcncld lo the blood tt tlw cauu of rheuma
tism. If tho kidney ara active, they removu the
uric ncld. That Is their apodal work. If, on tha
other hand, tho kidneys are deranged, there la
r.iirnto be uric acid In tie blood and rheumatic
:u through t- body.
No amount ot llnlmrnt will ever cure rheuma
tlim. It soni-lliiies relieved, but cure can only be
brought about by setting the
kldneya right. The moit eff eo
tltr kidney remedy known to
an U Dr. A, W, Chaae'i Kid.
I man U Dr. A, W. Chase's K!l-ill II I Villi Vh V
tooethcr of all the symptoms, which
grouping Is what gives each different
disease Its peculiar character and dis
tinctive type, and enables the physi
cian not only to namo the disease but
also to Und Its cause and the remedies
to remove It.
Thus the selection of bonzoate of
soda as a remedy In this malady was
not a hup-huzard one, and tho discov
ery of Its specification In the grip a
happy find, but was due to cloo ob
servation of the dlseaM and of tho
Indications which were presented by
Its various symptoms In a group by
Itself, llenzoate of soda Is a drug
which was much used and highly
valued as n remedy in diseases of the
mucous membranes by tho older physi
cians, but had been laid on the shelf
and been forgotten by the younger
generation with tho introduction of
the Innumerable new chemicals, which
nro even yet little understood as to
their action upon the system. Doth
Dr. Glasgow and myself In 18ST select
ed this drug us the one to bo used In
the treatment of grip, Und our success
with It proved our logical deductions
to be correct.
If the abnormal condition of the ner
vous system and Ihe consequent sub
mucous lnllllratlou are not speedily
icinoved nnd the patient's health be
not fully restored, the disease Is apt
to become chionic ami abnoimul
changes take place In all the dlffei
ent tissues of the body, but partlcu
huly lit the nervous system und In the
muscles, Including the heart, which
give iic to a most extensive list of
symptoms, lioin mild general weak
ness to nervous prostration and to all
Its honlblc accompaniments of In
somnia, paralysis and even Insanity,
or from thennialle and gouty pains,
with chionic gastrin (Urease, to
Uiight's disease, dropsy and heart
failure; and It li particularly the light
cases, In which the first symptoms are
not well marked and In which thn per
sons afflicted do not lake the proper
care of their health, which are fol
lowed most frequently by thei-e severe
after efft-cK which It often takes years
to completely combat. Hut even In
these secondary mm bid conditions the
oilglnal cause may be easily recog
nized, because the distinctive features
of the gilp are still present and Indi
cate the persistent tiso of the bonzo
ato of soda, together with other lem
edles which may be Indicated In the
different cases, to obtain relief and
effect a cine. Purl feller, M. D.
Acknowledged by Directors of tho
Hahnemann Hospital.
The dliectors of the Hahnemann hos
pltnl thankfully acknowledge the re
ceipt of the following donations for the
month of December:
Mrs. J. 1'. IMec Ki'V. Mr. llloiini, Mr. II. M.
Hole, William, Hnilly aiul lli-len V llout, M!-
Hannn, IU.V. UoKrt fierce, Mr. Siiirtun, til-
.lo-'.le Siiajri:, Mi". 1". A. Ilunc, reading maitc i ;
Mm. i:. A. Ijtk, Uncoil Knitted wah raj, tlueo
pair (.Upper., time pair stocking, tuo gallons Uo
uranr, Mr. .lolin MirtMii, two dztn rg'; Mi".
Thomas PiiLtiii, (lOitrali, liooki fur ililldrin'-.
tiardi; AJmn Awiniu diapt-1, ": Mr. I'. 11.
Tiffany, ihlcl.m; Mr-.. V. U 1'iik, three ilonn
ouiuri. che iluiii Unions Mrc N. !. Itnlxri
ton, four nlsU hhirl, chip UjiiiicI sliirt, uraiigi;
Mm. ("Oiia1 lilrk-oii. 1 rocks lor ihlMicn'rf w.iul;
Mis. ll'iirj- H"lin, Jr., cake. liolly, idd linen;
(rem Mir. liellh's (air, two comfort, mio mii'lin
flip, two Infant' M-itu; Mf. nna lUtse, oU
Mneiii 1.. !. (niiiriJiii, or. crate or.mrts; Mim
llva Miller, tojs lot chlMreii's aid; Mr-,. M. T.
Killtr, jar pilli; Mi5. II. II, Wire, ten poiuuN
ku;:.r; Mis. W. I". IJalMcul, tuikey. cranln-nin;
Morel llrotlins liolij; Miss :, J. Piatt, turkey;
Mi. W. T. Mnltli, lml.y, three gallons K
ci.-ain: Mis. Ooipi I!. Smith, turkey, ouneei:
Mis. .!. A. I'ikc lioil. for t'hililun'ii waul; a
friend, ttirkiy; Mi. K. 11. .Iirniin, turkev; Mr.
A. M. Decker, iianiHrric. aiple, eet puta
toen, roll iv, Htiuc. ; Mis Alirol lUml, llowcrK;
Mis. W. II. Perkins. Jillj; Mm. :. II.
Williams, ojmcis: P. 11. I 'lnlt', twtnt-K lutli
toucLs; Mib. W. W. llTiy, canuirl fruit, oranges,
Jelly; I.ukananna Paliy company, he ireatu;
V. Hanley, cake; Mr. M. II. Holcati,,
J, II. Williams, two Ruiloiu fee cicani.
Vocal mule was it-ndcreil lv Mrs. frank Nor
ton, Miss 1'hufbe Mullli, (i. II. Ustirliout, Mbs
I'lorente Weir. Itrllglrmt H-rhe weic coiiduU.
eil liv the Hex-. Mi. Alruli ami Miss I'lnnino
The "Lackawanna Railroad"
will open a new ofllee on the southwest
coiner of Uroadway and Twenty
eighth t-ticot on May 1. The company
expects to make It one of the hand
somest ofllres In the city of New York.
It. will be under the general direction
of Mr. T. "V. Lee, general passenger
auent of the company, and will biinp:
the Lackawanna Into pioniluece In a
portion of the city not heietofie
I'liiTer this heading letters ot Inttrtit
lll be puMUhed uhin accompanied, for puhlica
tlon, ly Hit writer's, name. 'J he Tribune tlocj not
auume r.iomihllity lor cplnlona here eapiea.std.
Miss Reynolds Owns the Laud.
Kdiior Tnhurie--
Sli: I nuteil an siti.le about kinds wlihh I
on m onr edition todjy, hlch is m fal.e that
I uhli to make come coiririlons. 'Ihe title I
hold on one Iminiii'd acrei. of land In Moo-dc I
lHci-nyd nun the ituto in l'iiinljnlj, Pr. l.
1". ll.iney, Mois (lell. and fiom the eojniy
fommi-Kluner.". On this land ihcu jh two lump's,
for whhh I lone bun leceliinK rent fur .1 long
thru. On,- of ihive h'.im, ami oi.e aire of tho
hun IumI was elainicd by one Willl.ini llollenlucli
is a h.iuitu-. I had prairablft teiiauK in Iho
lien-e. and twenlv i.r the wu., grandson and
nephi a if liie oilirlnal njii.m.r lluoiv out their
Komi, for whlcli thee will bo hehl lesporulblo
and ut the end of on ijt-itineiil milt we will
know win, iho tiliiful I'luu r W
m tnilj,
Annette HrsnoMs,
Mr. Harger in NHurry.
Kelitor of 'Iho Triliuiit
mi: Hiving ecm wuial elullentes ilirnled
to ins fiom iiKinhcrs of t lie lenlral Clly liiile
club In eliltVunt i.iu-.s ii( S-ranien p.iperf, and
not h.ilner the neeosjiy tlmo to priipirly ion.
uliler tho matter, hwIiir Id my lirofcwiou'iihlih
keeps me busy most of the time; ewn so, ,n
the tlmo id limited until t-cpt. 1, I mu loi im
in beinir in any eonjdorahln hurry, but in all
piohablllly the will hear from mo hlir on.
I lilch ll.ii r.vr.
J Tajloi, pa., Jan
Bey-Llver Itlli. They cure rhtumatlsta pernio
nently by making the kidneys active In their
work ot removing the urlo acid from the blood.
Mr. WlllUra J, Ccad, No, 05 Ilrumon Street,
Oswego, N. Y., writes : "I am very glad to praise
Pr. A. W, Chase's Kldney-Llrer Pills, and telWbat
they have done for me. I suffered for many years
with severe constipation, Ilheurnatlsm and kid
ney trouble, and could get no relief until I tried
Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney-Liver HUs. In them
found Immediate relief, and con honestly recom
mend tkam to other sufferers."
One pill a dose. 15c. a box
at all dealers, or Dr. A. VT.
Chase Medicine Company, But.
Says It Will Not Be Passed Without
Giving This City a, Chance to Tack
on Amendments Favorable to Its
Needs Believes Senator FUnn Will
Compromise Says BUI Is Not a
Party Measure nnd No Senator
Will Enter a Caucus on It Hear
ings Arranged for Next Week.
Senator J. C. Vaufrhaii, who returned
homo yesterday from Harrlsburg,
stated to a Tribune man that It was
his belief that the Muuhlbronner "rip
per" bill for cities of the second class,
which has just been Introduced In the
legislature, would not be passed cither
by the senate or by the house until
tho pi'oplc of this city had a chance to
make known their wants and until
certain amendments favorable to tho
needs of this city had been embodied
In It.
"Tho bill," he said, "has been re-com
mitted to committee and hcarhiRs on
It will be hold either next week or
the week after. Delegations of citi
zens are expected fiom littsburg und
Allegheny to be heard on tho measuie
and I believe that a delegation fiom
this city should go down there and
present to the committee u crystnllza
tlon of tho views of the citizens of
Sciauton on the charier.
"It is hard to tell Just at this tlnu
what Ihe senate will do with the bill.
Very few of the senatois. Including
myself, have had time to give It a
careful study and 1 must say that I
have heard very few expressions of
opinion on It. Senator FUnn and tho
other Insurgsnts are opposed to the
"Just whether Senator FUnn will
agree to a compromise or not I cannot
say positively, but I am inclined to the
belief that ho will. Just what tho
terms of such a. compromise would bo
I cannot say. He has upon seveial oc
imsIous said to me thut he would favor
tho appointments of the heads of de
partments by mayors In ease the term
ot tho chief executive was limited to
two years.
"Ono thing Is certain, and that Is
that this eity doesn't necessarily have
to be ground between the mill stones
of factionalism, ns many people believe.
It should be thoroughly understood
that It Is not a party measure. No
senator can bo expected to go into
caucus and pledge his support to a.
bill like this one. 1 know that I would
not do so and I am t-uro that the rest
of the senators feel the same way.
"The questlun of centralizing nearly
all authority and responsibility In the
mayor I have not given much thought
lo. but theie Is one feature of the new
bill that 1 think should be amended
and that is the provision regarding tho
elertlon of -select and common council
men. I don't favor the election of se
lect i iiuiiellmen at laise, nor do I
favor the Idea of poimlttlng the amal
gamation of wards for the elertlon of
common esuiiif llnu-n In ease- a ward
hasn't got the reu.uM(c number of ta
ablos. "The latter plan would in this eitv
practically eliminate the minority and,
while I favor the rule of the niajoilty,
I am also a champion of minority rep
lesentntlon. I am altogether opposed
to the destruction of a minority rep
resentation which Is oft-times the bent
cheek against the extrungani'n of
leglslathe bodies. I favor the plan ot
electing cuuniilinen provided for In the
piesent second class charter.
"The conference which I have ar
ranged for next Wednesday between
Senator Fllnn, city Solicitor Burleigh,
of I'lttsburg, and City Solicitor Vos
burg, of thlb city. Is principally for the
lun pose of dbcu&sing Mr. Vosburg's
contention that a third class city en
tering the second class will contiuuj to
operate tinder Its third class city laws
where those laws are not superseded
by news laws under the second class
"Both Senator I'llnu and Mr. Bur
leigh take Is-sue on thU point and
claim that when a city enters the sec
ond class It entirely n-pudlates Its third
class city charter. If this Is true many
amendments will have to be made to
the new bill lo nil omissions In tho
piesent law which are now tilled by
special nets applicable to only Pitts
burg and Allegheny.
"Vou can say that I believe that
amendments to Ihls bill can be agreed
upon which will bo satisfactory to tho
people of all three cities."
The D., L. & W. Bonrd for Today.
Front Shailng Plan of tho
Scianton Stove Works.
Today's D I. & V. board is as fol
lows: I'll lay, Jan. 23.
tt!M CAT-. i:.ST.
fl p. 111.--W. II, ItartliolutiU'W, v. Iih Pouillcm'a
s p. in. o. I". Kmrmj.
11 . ni II. T. IVIJows.
?aliir4jy, Jan. 2d.
wii.n cat-?,
1?.U a. tu.- II. Gllllu-Jii.
:i a, in, r. r, isteun.
4 a. in. Latimer, with lliflirlj'n infii.
." a. in. I.ulUir.
il a. in. .1. i.lut.
T a. in. .1. Miiflir.
b a, in.--.t. iVMello.
li .1. in.- W. llcur, whh XiUitiuii'ii iiu'iv
10.S.0 j. tn. .1. Ihutcr.
lt.ifii j. in. j, J. Murray, with C njrthiloir.ew'i
32.30 p. an. .1. lluiMiart.
1 p. in. II. lUnnctl.
'J i. in. O. W. ntsirald.
:u p. ni. I, llu.h.
.' p. in. O. llatitlolpli
summits, i:tc.
f. p. in., cut i:. McAllister.
i J. m., ut W, II. NIolioN,
U u. in., wcit O. KrounfflKcr.
12 noon, wcit J, t'arrUs.
a p. in., eat J. llmnl;in.
T p. ni.,. went from Cayuga M ban.
7 'p. m., ct frc.iu Caj uca Ginlry,
7 p. in., ait fiom Nay .u Dully.
10 a. m. 1 K. Sccor.
8 a. m. Houicr.
11.30 a. in. Moron.
7 p. in. Murphy.
8 ji. tn. Laniplnir.
7 a, in. Gaffn'y.
7 a. in. Sinzrr.
B.SO p. ni. fetantcn.
7 p. in. Magomn.
t a m. Ilagscrty.
4,0 a. m.. two ennliies A. 1 Mullen.
5 a. in. lolm (ialuuaii.
0 a. m. J, II, McCann.
S . tn., t-o enginet-sT. K. Mi'rs.
11 a, m two cnrtlnen 0. T. Stuplfi. ,
1 p. m. T. ntspatrlek.
3 p. m. fl. nuit.
4 p. m. A Ketchim.
5 p. m. M. .Clnley, with O'lUrt'n men.
Drakcman ltokert Evan rvill co uul with O.
llandolpli icxt trip.
Ilrakeman Ate Liltuo will rait at trainmaster
Conductor John Hennlgan and cicw nlll run
A p. m., Summit, Jan. 25, in plaee of Henry
Clllljan and crew.
Profit Sharing Plan.
The Scranton Stove works, which Is
one of our largest local manufacturing
nstltutlons, has Inaugurated a new
policy of profit-sharing with Its em
ployes for tho year 1001. Whllo wo aro
not Informed as to tho details, we
understand that it Is to bo upon tho
basis of capital employed and wages
earned, each sharing In Its relative
proportion, each $100 of capital repre
senting the same lelntlon of profits ns
each $100 of wages earned.
We have no doubt that this new dc
partuie, Inaugurated by the olllcers of
this company, will prove of great bene
fit to tho concern, ns It must, of course.
be to all of their employes. We have
been Informed thnt every department
ran 2SS days dining 1000, while some
of tho departments were employed
more than 300 days, or every working
day excepting tho live legal holidays.
Probable Cause of Delay.
The current number of Saward's Coal
Trade Journal contains a notice pub
lished by the Erie Railroad company,
selling forth that the approval of tho
stockholders m desired to a proposi
tion to Issue preferred stock and bonds
to cover tha tecent purchase of the
Pennsylvania Coal rompany.
This would indicate thnt tho Penn
sylvania holdings are still In tho con
trol ot the bankers nnd explains tho
causa of the delay In the Krlo com
pany assuming active control of tho
Pennsylvania property.
In Process of Settlement.
The strike at tha Klotss Silk Throw
ing company's mill Is In process of
Yesterday committees of thn em
ployes went lo the various other mills
of the city to learn the rates of wages
paid. They ore to be submitted to tho
company and, If it Is found that tho
average Is higher than that being paid
at the Klotz mill, the company will
grant an Increase to meet the average.
Annual Meeting Held.
The Lackawanna Lumber company
yesterday held Its annual meeting and
ejected directors as follows: F. L.
Peck. P. Davidson, E. R. Peck. J. W.
Oakford, William Connell, A. P. Dean,
Cyrus D. Jones, Dr. V. II. Hand and I.
F. Megargel.
The directors will meet later Jo or
ganize. ,'
This and That.
Theie will be a blj; mass meeting of
all barbers In this city next Tuesday
evening. January "3, In Carpenters'
hall, '.'27 Wyomlnir avenue, nt S..10
o'clock sharp. W. K. Klapetzky, gen- ,
eral secietary-trcasurer of the Jour- ,
neymen Barbers' International union,
of Cleveland, O., will he here to ad
dress the meeting on the objects and
benefits of the oiganlzatlon. also
George Clothier, secretary-ticasurer of
the Central Labor union.
Ancient Sports Arranged for the
Pan-American Exposition.
Olympian Barnes have been revived
by the Union Athletlque Internatlonalo
Mlth headquarters In France. The llrst
contest was held In Athens and the
next in all probability will be sched
uled for the Pan-Ameileau exposition
next summer.
They will bo held for tho most part
In the Stadium, which Is the only ar
tillclal arena ever built to rival in size
and appurtenaces tho famous Colos
seum at Home.
For a Cold In the Head
Laxative Bromo-Quinlne Tablets.
A Gold
with ccry set ol our best
teeth contracted for en or
IipIoic Februiry 15th, 1901.
HiU li a bonafide oiler
and our matt rial is the
made here and made right
ol 22K (told. Our pi Ice Is
only V.00.
Insetted here by experi
enced opcratois who have
been selected from the
largest offices in the U. S.
for their ability.
Our own anesthetic for
painless evtractlnc Sato
nod Sure. No tore gumij
no vc.alne.
Union Painless Dentists,
205 I.ickauanna Avenue, Pcrinton, Ta.
"IS IT Rogers Bros." Goods.
Knives, Forks
Spoons, etc.
No question about the quality; we
have all the newest patterns at
lowest prices.
Also the celebrated Sterling In
laid Spoons and Forks. War
ranted to wear twenty.! Ive years.
Immense stock of Sterling Silver
Spoons, Forks, Knives and Cased
Goods for Wedding Presents.
Merrereali & Connell.
Some Great Cheapness in
Household Linens
Our linen hunter has just returned, bringing some big bargain game for the eco
nomical home-makers that fix their faith in the price and fibre of Connolly & Wallace's
Linens. It should be a gratification that Table Linens, Towels 'and Napkins can be had
cheaper in Scranton than in Europe (where most of them are made. This achievement
is only possible in great trading, Abroad the manufacturer is expected to carry the re
tailers' stock. This is not the American idea, We buy so largely that in many cases
the reduction in price will pay both duty and transportation.
Hemmed Huckaback, 17x31 inches l()c each, $1.15 doz
" " I8x3( inches lti&c each, $1.40 doz
' " 20x40 Inches 15c each, $1.70 doz
21 Inch Bleached Damask $1.50 doz
22 t( " $1.75 doz
24 " " $2.50doz
Table Linens
Snow White Irish Damask, 72 inchps wide 58c yard
' " " (JG inches wide ttocyard
" " ' (S inches wide S5cyard
' " 72 inches wide 00c yard
Full Bleached Heavy All Linen Barnsley Crash, very absorbent, 8c yard.
Silver Bleached Austrian Crash, the 12Jc grade, 10c yard.
Olasse Toweling in red and blue checks: good weight, won't lint, 10c yard.
Linen Pillow Cases, size 45x38, hemstitched, of excellent quality, $1 pair.
n nu mum
United States Depositary.
At the close of business Dec.
13. 1900.
Loans and Investments
$3, 175,478.30
Banking House . .
Cash and Reset ve.
Capital $ 200,000.00
Surplus 500,000.00
Undivided Profits . . . 57,005.20
Circulation 100,000.00
Individual Deposits . . 2,415,530.08
U. S. Deposits 422,720.30
Due to Banks 54,785.53
WILLI All COXXI.IX, I'rotdent.
HCMIY DELIN, Jit., Vice-President.
Heating Stoves,
Oil Stoves,
Gas Stoves,
iM Heaters,
Physician and Surgm
311 SpriiQiSi.
Temple Court Building
All acute aiu tlironlc iIIm'I.mi ol iihii, wo.
men and cliildirn. CIIIIOSIC M.IWirS,
1I1I.MS AM) WAhfl.Vll 1)IM:aS1:S A hl'IX'.
IAUTV. Ml dlscjia nf tho, hli!in',v,
Uliddvr. Miln, Hloixl, Niitis, Woml', Cjo, KJr,
N(e, 'llirout, and l.unu, Cuiii'im, Tun'iji,
I'll, llupturr, (loltro. llliciiiiutUin, Aktlona,
Calonh, Vailcotile, Lost Muuliood, Mglitly
Kuitfiloiis, all 1'rnula DUc.vim, l.cuconliocu, itc,
(jonnorilicu, hjpl'HHJ. Wool I'oon, Indlscrc
lion and .Tcuthhil r.blilrratod. Eurj,crjr,
I'lti, KilleMt, Tape nnd Mom.irli Wornu. CA
TAIIRIKIZOM:, f'pcrlrlu tor I'atarrli. 'Iliroo
months' trcitmrnt only y:... TrUl Ireo In
ofOcp. CoiiiultJtlon iind rjniln.itlon lire, Ot.
Ihe hours dally and bunday, b a. in. to 0
p. m.
1 mt I
Curtain News!
Shrewd buyers will take advantage of the special
prices made 011 our entire Lace Curtain Stock. Many
small lots at a fraction of their real value.
I 129 Wyoming Avenue
r-MHHHH t 1 1 t t-M-M- H H H H
Booms 1 and'', Com'lth B'l'd'.
nining and Blasting
Utia at JIooslo and Itusb lala Wottt.
Kltctrla Hattsrles. Ulcotrto Kxploisri.
xplodlnj blantl, safety ITus aul
Rejacno Chemical Co.'s uxpHrJlVvca
Manufacturers or
4-B to 455
N. Ninth Stroot,
MS ft)
127 AND 129
A Bad Brake
Is worse than no brake
at all.
We are now ready U
fit your wheel with the
latest coaster brake. If
you contemplate any re
pairs on your wheel for
the spring riding now i
the time to get it to our
shop. We will send for
and deliver your wheel
when finished.
211 Washington Ave.
General Aeent lor tin Wyoming
District lor
Mlnloc, rilntlnir, Sportlnr, Smoktleii and (lit
ltcpauoo Chemical Company's
Hsgh Explosives.
Eitcty Fuie, Caps and Ksplodcrs. Room 401 Ooa
nell IIuIUIdj, tScranton.
m 1 1
Tiios. ronn pntitoa
JOHN H. SM1TII & EON riymouth
W. V- UVLUQAU Wll(iDtrrt
i 132 Wyoming Avenue.
Telephone Cull, 233 i.