The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 26, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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    "71 t J
rjrvjnTj; V i JVt s. .Hl-M '4,'' -V
t r !
The Stoy of a Love Stoy
HmAjO, Mr. Writer-man."
"Hollo. Kdltor."
"What hnvo you got for
tin today V"
"My opinion In the case."
"What case?"
"Don't you remember?
The other ilay you said you
had received a story that was so bail
that It was good, nnd that you were
half Inclined to print It as a sample of
the stuff you receive dally and are
actually expected to publish. You
asked mo what I thought of the
scheme ," The writer-man paused.
"Well7" Interrogatively.
"Well, I've embodied my opinion In
i story. Here It Is,"
The red-faced man with the yellow
mustache nnd blue eyes put a tanned
hand Into an Inner pocket, drew out n
mnnuscrlpt and handed It to the el
gantly groined Hnivard man at .lie
"Head It," he said.
Mnnsflold settled himself comfortably
nnd read.
Once upon fttlmo theie was a In 111
lant editor of a famous magazine;
(here was also a writer-man whom tho
editor liked and whose stoilcs he hated
to reject; but the safety of the maga
zine demanded It. It happened one
day that the editor was sore perplexed
about a matter, and he called the
writer-man to help him out.
"nrlggs," said he, "I havp a M-iiy
that Is so bad that It Is good. It 1 -i
splendid specimen of the 'rot' that to
sent us. I want lo use It as a sample
of tho sort of thing we Ret of the
drivel wo are expeeotd to publish -It's
a love story."
"Has It no uplifting cynicism to re
deem It?" asked Urlggs. satirically.
"No, for It's sheer flubdub, balder
dash, food for fools."
"Who wrote It? Some foolish old
woman I suppose.'
The editor knitted his brows.
"No," he replied, "a young woman
wroto It a school teacher."
"Young, beautiful nnd n school
teacher," repeated Urlggs. "Let me
(-co the story. Ah. It has two good
traits It's beautifully typewritten and
It smells of roses." After a few min
utes ho handed the story back with a
weary smile. He pondered a moment,
then bis face bilghtened.
"How do you know she's young?" he
nsked. The editor unlocked a private
"She wrote me n short letter giving
a sketch of her life, nnd telling inc
how she came to write the story. I
wish the letter was longer I'd pub
lish It Instead of the other. It's In
tensely Interesting. It seems she has
suffered the same as tho rest of us.
She also sent her photogiaph: here
It Is. Imagine that face nsjoolatad
with such rot. It seems a sacrilege."
"Horrible," commented Urlggs sol
emnly. "She lives In H vllle, Texas" con
tinued the editor.
"How shnll you arrange with her?"
a3ked Urlggs. "You must, of course,
give your icason for publishing the
story. I shouldn't feel greatly flat
tered If you wore to uso any of my
stuff for such a schemo as that. It's
"I know it Is. nut there is such
fierce competition between us editors
that wo must employ eccentric meth
ods when we fall of original."
"You must dven descend to tho
breaking of n gill's heart," sair Briggs.
Hamilton (lushed. "I am not goln?
to publish her name, and I'll pay Ivr
as much as I would Howell i or Kip
ling." Urlggs smiled. "My dear boy, you
might as well try to console your
mother for tho loss of her child by
telling her that no ono would know It
was her's that died. It's, not the wo: Id
she cares for It's her pet, and ht'll
mourn over It all tho more on ac
count of Its friendlessneso, You don't
know women, but you should knw
authors. An author's story may be
deformed, ugly, even idiotic, but yon
can no more reason him into seeing Its
unlovllness than you can convince a
mother of the ugliness of her child,"
"Don't lectin e," exclaimed Ilamll
oln. "Give nif on answer yes or no.
Hiall I publish it as a terrible exam
ple?" "Yes." raid Urlggs.
Huinlllcn laughed. "Well, If you'ru
noi ino most inconsistent follow I
nor saw. I thought you were try
mimic 01 your eccentric logic on ini,
'oiiio to lunch."
Six months later Hamilton steamed
Into St. Louis, en route to California:
li was to stop over for two days. Th-j
Jolly jack Tar.
"Jolly" is the word generally asso
ciated with the jack tar. He 'is the
picture of health, and the health bub
bles over in mirth and merriment. When
people are sick,
especially when
sickness attacks ttie
lungs the doctor
often advises a sea
voyage. But in the
large majority of
cases the sea voyage
is impossible.
It is to the men
and women of the
workaday world to
whom tea voyages
or change of climate
are impossible, that
Dr. Tierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
comes as the great
est earthly boon.
The effect of this
medicine upon
those whose lungs
are "weak" i9 re
markable. Even
where there is bron
chitis, spitting of
blood, emaciation,
weakness, condi
tions which if un.
checked or unskillfully treated lead to
consumption, "Oolden Medical Discov
ery' tit ninety-eight cases out of a hun
dred works a perfect and permanent
tcure. It strengthens the stomach nnd
other organs of digestion and nutrition,
so that the body In all its parts is not
merely fed but nourished. And it is by
nourishment that Nature builds up the
body to resist or throw off disease.
" I had a terrible couth ometlilnp over a year
nzo anil could litul nothing to (top tl. or rcu to
ilo .me a particle of good," wrlun j, t. parr,
INq., of Cameron, Screven Co., Oa. "I clinncej
lo nee an aitvertlnement of yours, niul forth.
itli iKwht a Untie of your liivaliichle ' f.olilen
Mr.llc4l Discovery,' He forr 1 Itml half a
bot'le I w.i cntltily will.'
'Itt.'l'iMce'sj'cneU cure coiiitiua'.ioa,
first afternoon of his stay in that city
brought him u brief note, which bore
the oillclal mark of a hospital, waa
signed by ono of the doctors, nnd
marked "private." It ran:
Pcir Mr. Hamilton) Wo lmr here a tnoit
rurlou, mc of mcUniliuh -ol low liuttlrtak.
'Hip tut ii lint of a joiinu woman. A mot in
tcrotliiR feu tin? of tin' alTilr ii that Hip tullrnt
d' thrown Inlo the nroalct excitement ly the
reeling of jour nainp In the "hotel arrhals" In
this mornlnx'a .iit. Perhaps jou will he in to ftp litr. altliuuqh l'p no doubt her
trnuhle It a mere lulluclnatlon. Vnun truly.
SpriiRuo, M. 1 1.
Two hours later the young doctor re
ceived Hamilton's card. The men shook
hands, and then, without any "nro
llinlnurlos," Hamilton said:
"Dr.Sprague, I want to see the young
woman who showed such alarm at the
mention of my name."
"Nothing easier, sir," replied the doc
tor, taking his vlsltoi's measure with
a glance. "I'll show you It was, as I
said, a mere hallucination. I susnect
nhe will have forgotten you by this
time." Then, leading the way to a re
mote corner of the room, he drew aside
a curtain nnd said quietly: "Miss Mar
guoilte." "Como In," said the girl In a low,
musical voice and maiked Southern nc
cent. A mellow "half light" tilled the apart
ment. "I've a visitor."
The splendid Harvard man stood at
the doctor's side nnd slightly to the
rear. From his eyes there shone n
great compassion.
"This Is Mr. Hamilton." A cry of
alarm came from the pillows.
Hamilton approached the bed. "Won't
you tell me why my name alarms you
so?" be asked tenderly. Sho looked at
him for whnt seemed an Interminable
period, then she said, half to herself:
"How could a man with a face like
that do such a thing?"
At this the doctor would have with
drawn but Hamilton, with a motion of
the hand, detained him.
"Do what?" Hamilton asked.
"I heard you say, doctor," the girl
went on, "It wns a hallucination: but
licit read this!" She fumbled under
her pillow, drew out a sealed envelope
and handed It to Hamilton. "I didn't
Intend that It should be opened until
my death, but I think you, of all men,
should see It."
Hamilton broke the seal and read.
The doctor watched him, saw a look of
the keenest pain come over him.
The contents of the envelope had
fallen from Hamilton's hand. They
were simply a letter nnd a clipping.
The doctor picked them up nnd handed
them to the girl, hut she gave him
bark the letter and said quietly: "Head
It ran:
Uiar MIsj Moilworlh: ,,ur tor., "III One
I.oie," I1.11 hern fatorablr loiiMtUrrd liv u. We
Mimt jou to let us publish it anonj nioiuly or
under a rioin do plume. It suils our purpose so
well that I shall pay jou "Klplinff prices" for
It. Inclosed please find check for ?100. 1 tiut
jou will find this fair ceinpiii'atlon.
Vouis truly,
John Kay Hamilton. Kdilor.
The doctor folded the letter, and as
the girl took It the said:
"When I received that my dream of
happiness was realized. I did not mind
their publishing It anonymously. It
was my Idol. I did not care for fame,
but I had labored oh! so long over
that story. Hut, llko most women, 1
couldn't keep It to myself. I had to
toll all my friends that my story had
been accepted by the leading New York
magazine I showed them all this let
ter, nnd I was fairly lionized by the
simple village folks. I was pointed out
iks tho young literary woman of the
state, and some even said I would be a
grent novelist. Well, llnally the mag
azine came."
Hamilton groaned.
"Bveiybody In the village had or
tiered one, and Hill Moirlson, the stage
driver, handed them around; but he
didn't make any comment. He seemed
In a hurry to get away as soon as ho
gave me mine, and when I railed hint
nnd asked him if be had read my story
and wasn't going to congratulate me
on It. but tinned so quickly nwny that
I was alarmed. He bad read my story,
though, nnd this Is what he read ut the
top of It!"
Hamilton raised his hand In a de
precating manner.
The doctor took the Blip. It wns In
small type, nnd wns:
i'or a long time we have been on
story possible, In order to give our
leaders an Idea of the kind of rubbish
wo iccelve, and have selected this as
the one."
Tho doctor stood with the slip In hln
hand. The girl watched his face as he
read, then said:
"A whole world, no doubt, laughed
at the biilllant editor's sarcasm. All
but a lone, little village In tho back
woods of Texas, Theie was a dozen
men theie who would gladly have gone
to New York and shot that editor, but
I begged them not to do ro. I wns
dreadfully nshamod. I could hardly
look my own mother In the face. And
after all the hopes they had built on
mi, too. They loved me so, and pitied
me co; but when their compassion be
came gi eater than I could bear I crept
away ulone with my broken heart
to dlo here. I hadn't done anything to
deservo it, either. I had Just worked
at my story, di earning of fame; and
when It was jeady I copied It so neatly,
and didn't roll It or fold it, but put It
between two pieces of pasteboard, and
then posted It myself. And I watted
so lonff, nnd then the editor's letter
came. And oh! tho Joy of It. And
then and then oh! the tragedy, tho
cruelty of It all."
She broke Into a violent fit of sob
bing. At this Hamilton groaned and
turned nwny.
"I havu only one thing to Bay," said
tho clii softly. "I thank God for giv
ing me the chance to tell you I for
glvo you."
A sound llko tho faint echo of a
zephyr escaped her: then a great still
ness followed. Tho doctor moved
nearer to the bod. Ua bent down and
looked at tho girl: then lie touched
Hamilton pently on the si- uldr.
"Come," ha said.
"No," said Hamilton, "not ti; i toll
her how I feel, what I will tiy to do,
he i ven i
have to go tr
replied the doe-
it Ii
'i en i
i.'isi'-'.l tuniiil the page,
"Whuie'8 tho rest nf it." he nsked
of tho wtitcr-inan with tho rod faco
una vcllow miuuUie,
"There isn't any 'rest,' " answered
tho writer-man,
"Hut It hasn't nnv ondlng to It."
"It has a very logical ending."
"Cut you didn't give that brill's
Hnmllton a chanco to do anything
for tho girl to make nmends."
"There wouldn't be nny moral to It
If I did," replied Webb.
"And I'm nfrnld the renders would
bo dissatisfied with the way It ends,"
continued Mansfield.
After n pause the writer-man said:
"What are you going to do with It?"
"I'll give you a hundred dollars for
It, but I shan't publish it the way It
end or, rather, doesn't end."
"Whnt good Is It to you then?"
"My dear boy, you havo saved mo
from doing a mean thing, a low down,
mean thing. I couldn't find It my
heart now to use the Jencks girls story
In the way I Intended. Just think, It
might hnve broken her heart. Thank
heavens, man, you have saved her nnd
II" pressed the button.
"Ask the cashier to make a check
for Mr. Webb for $100," he said to tho
boy who appeared in response to tho
summons. When the check was
brought In Webb folded It carefully
und put It in his pocket.
"Come to lunch with me," he said.
The brilliant editor rose and put on
his hat. At that moment the boy ap
peared with a card. Tho editor read
"Serena Jencks, Galveston."
Ilo handed the card to tho writer
man, then turned to the boj.
"Show tho lady In. Stay where you
nre, Webb." Then he added: "A good
chance to see the girl."
Webb chuckled.
A tall, slender girl nppearcd. She
had largo brown eyes and red lips. Her
hands were not small, but were well
gloved, nnd she dressed In good style
not New York style. She held out her
hand freely to the editor, nnd he shook
It heartily and then presented Webb.
"I am Just off on the steamer," ex
claimed Miss Jenckn In an effusive
wn-. "and the first thing I did wns to
call to learn the fate of my story."
Theie. wns a freshness nnd Innocence
about the young woman that amused
the editor After a few minutes' gen
eral conversation, she said;
"Now tell mo all about mv story
nre you going to print It?"
The editor blushed, reflected a min
ute, then said:
"It Is nn nmuslng story, but, to be
candid, It Is hardly up to our stand
ard." "In other words," she Interrupted, "It
Isn't good enough."
"Well, If you like to put It that way
Miss Jencks lenned both of her dainty
elbows on tho table, nnd looked the
editor straight In the eyes for a mo
"Well, then, Is It bad enough?"
The editor and writer-man
quick and significant glances. Here
was nn opportunity the Hnrvmd Minn
hnd not looked for.
"I don't know. I'oihnns If 1 worn in
put our friend, Webb here, to revise It,
he might mako It bad enough."
She laughed.
"Well. then, what will von nav mo if
I let you publish It as an awful ex
"One hundred dollars."
"It's yours."
"Hut even though wo publish the
story with a pen nnme, will not some
of your friends recognize it nnd so
cause you mortification "
Miss Jencks chuckled sweetly. "You
don't suppose I was fool enough to lot
nny of my filends know I wiote a love
story, do you?"
Tho writer-man and the editor looked
at each other calmly. New York Inde
Budget Call3 for Nearly a Hundred
Millions but It Isn't All for
Running- Expenses.
Pinni the New Yoik Sun
New York city's budget of exnenses
for the year 1H01 nimuintu to nearly
$100,000,000, or to be more exact, S9S,
100,413. Ono hundred million dollars, It H
said, Is double the cost of the govern
ment of Mexico, with Its Ki.OOO.OOO In
habitants, Including the cost of Mex
ico's army and navy; It is almost a
third of the cost of the government of
the Corman empire, with a population
of it Is a quart. . us great
as the cost of the government of Groat
Hiitnln and Ireland, Including tho
army, navy and the interest on tho
public debt. Franco' burden of taxa
tion Is crushing that wealthy nation of
10.000,000 Inhabitants, yet New York
city's soverument costs one-sixth as
much us that of Franco, It Is asserted.
Such comparisons, ir uncontroverted,
would oonititute a serious reproach,
not meiely upon tho present adminis
tration of tho city of New York and
every one of Its departments, but also
upon all Its people, for such wasteful
extravagance If tho expenditure of
money raised by taxation could not bo
excused on any assertion of superior
public service, and New York city
would be Justly considered not merely
as the most heavily taxed political di
vision in tho world, ibut also an owing
Its taxation not to any foielgn power
or sovereign authority, but to the act
of the people themselves. As a. matter
of fact, such extravngant comparisons
are based on the rudimentary misun
derstanding of city bookkeeping and
upon an erroneous notion of what It
really costs to govern tho city of New
York, as a llttlo examination would
Tho total New York budget for 1001
Is, undoubtedly, SOS.OOO.OOO, but this
public expenditure Is subject to re
duction to tho amount of about $.1,
000,000 of city revenues not derived
from taxation. These Hems mako up
what Is known ns tho general fund
and tho largest of them Is tho sum
which tho city of Now York gets back
from tho state from moneys appro
priated for school purposes. A cer
tain amount is ralrd by tnxatlon lo
cally and is npplled to tho state's
school fund. Part of it Is afterward
repaid, so that the actual expense to
the city is not the sum raised, but the
difference between tho amount derived
from tnxes and the amount returnsd.
from tho state. Toward schools Now
Yoik will contrlbuto next year to tho
stute, $2,CS3,291 raised In the four
counties, as follows: Now York, $2,
0f.0,0SO; Kings, $514,015: Queens, $72,230;
n id Itlthmorid, $33,110, r.nst year New
York t back from tho Htuto one-half
ct wl ontrlhuted and n like rs-
turn i' . ienr will reduce to tho ex
tent of $1,200,00(1 the sum to bo paid
from city tax s.
Other Iteim of revenue are the city's
share of the cxsl'fo taxsu, which
amounts to $4,000,000, the Interest on
tnxes overdue, which amounts to
three-quarters of a million dollars,
nnd such minor Items ns fees and li
censes. For Instnnce, tho cost of tho
maintenance of the olllco of the county
clerk Is $93,000 In New York county
for 1901; or the comity clerk of
Kings, $45,000; Queens, $11,500, nnd
Hlchmond, $l,r,00, a total of $150,000,
but1 about one-third of this, or $03,000,
comes back Into tho city treasury In
the form of foes collected. It Is the
same with tho sheriff 'b ofllee nnd with
the offlce of register. For the latter,
$163,000 Is appropriated In New Yoik
county next year and $,".3,000 In King,
a total of $213,000. The sheriff's fo;s
paid to tho city treasury amount to
nbout $75,000.
Tho net expense to the city as shown
bv the budget after deducting tho
Items of the general fund is, thorefore,
$80,000,000, but this Is subject to other
nnd Important reductions which bring
down the cot of the city government
very considerably. Included In the
budget this year, ns usual, Is the.
Item "redemption of the city debt."
Every year certain bonds. Issued not
for current expenses, but for" property
acquired, fall due. What tho city
needs for current expenses Is raised
from taxes. When the city acquires
property for public buildings, armor
ies, courts, prisons, ncqueduct pur
poses, parks or markets, bonds aro
Issued nnd the principal Is provided
for by Installments. The amount of
siifh payments next year Is $3,90i,2S7,
nnd this item Is, properly speaking,
no charge upon tho city of New York
for ndmlnlstrntlon, but Is nn Invest
ment for property acquired by tho
city. Deducting It from the cost of
tho city administration, It brlngi
down the latter to $S5,000,000.
Theio Is a further Item of $5,200,000
to be raised bj taxation next year for
school house and water main pur
poses nnd sundry other Items (of
which the expenditures of the Rapid
Transit commissioners form one) paid
for by tho Issuance of bonds. Pre.
ptunnbly for such ndvanccs, for such
these Items are, nnd not for current
expenses, tho city in property ac
quired will gain a cot responding rev
enue. Thus tho owncishlp of the tun
nel will bo nn asset to the city, the
commercial value of which will In
clude the expenditures made necessary
frr the pay of the Itapld Transit com
missioners during tho years preceding
the actual beginning of the work.
This tWuctlon bring down the total
public expense to $s0,f 00,000, but floi
not Include nil the Items of reduction
from tho city's budget, tho extent of
which appears to hive frightened
many persons unfamiliar with its ac
tual make-up.
ACTUAL COST $83,000,000.
New York county contributes lo tho
expenses of tho stato government $1,
S41.000 this year. Kings county con
tributes for like purposes $460,000.
Queens $63,000 and Richmond $31,000, a
total of $2,400,000. This sum is raised
on the basis of valuations which aro
llxod finally by a state board and nre
imposed ns part of the state's levy for
taxes entirely Irrespective of the ad
ministration of municipal affairs. In
addition to .this item there Is another,
almost us large, which does not legiti
mately "belong among municipal ex
penses. It Is the tax Imposed by the
state of New York upon each of the
counties for the malnt nance of tho
canal system of New York, of which
New York city and Its neighborhood
are the chief 'benelkiarlcs commercial
ly. Since canals were made free of
tolls they are no longer self-supporting
and their nununl cost Is provided
for by taxation, toward which New
Yoik county contributes this year $1,-
110,000, Kings S332.000, Queens $"0.000
and Richmond $21,009. a total of $1.
S36.000, which, with the local taxes
raided for Hate expenses, make up n
total of $1,236,000.
With these deductions, the nctual
oxpendltuies of the city government
nre brought down to $75,000,000 a yenr,
and this is subject to tho further de
duction of $10,1S0,000 for thp payment
ot Interest upon the city bonds nnd
liabilities. These bonds were for tho
most part Issued under previous ad
ministrations, but whenever Issued
the city credit ami the city property
nie pledged to meet the Interest as
It aceiues. The net city budget conies
down, thorefore, to $03,000,000, Instead
of $100,000,000 as accepted as the basU
for comparison with tho expenditures
of other cities and countries.
Of this sum, $18,500,000 Is expended
for education; $12,000,001, approximate
ly, for tho police department; $3,00).
000 for the ilro department; $3,000,0)3
for the street cleaning department,
and $1,500,000 for the Judiciary. The
balance Is distributed among tho mi
nor city departments and a considera
ble i eduction In the expenses of thrso
is not considered improbable by thoso
who have studied dispassionately
the affairs ot the city government.
Comparison of Comforts and Cere
monies with Those of Today.
Walter Wellman In Cclller'i Wnkly.
Those of our forefathers who at
tended to the business of tho nation at
this cjipltnl a hundred yeats ago had
ruther a hard time of It. In tho llrst
place, their Journeys hither were long
nnd arduous, requiring throe days to
come from New York ulone by stage
conch. Arriving here they found but
Indifferent Inns, stuffy moms, crude
dining halls. Getting to and fiom the
Capitol .building was a serious busi
ness, on account of tho dlstaneo and
tho mud. It occurs to me that we who
live In the firjt years nf the twentieth
century may count ourselves lucky
dogs In comparison with the poor fel
lows who were compelled to worry
along In the benighted days of tho first
pint of Its predecessor. The richest
man of thoso times could not with all
bis fortune command tho glorious pilil
lege of riding to tho nntlonal mats
house in a swiftly moving, billllnn ly
lighted street car, faro six-for-n-qiur-ter.
Ho could not telephone home and
tell what ho wanted for dinner and
what tlmo he would be there to eat It;
and I remember hearing the lato Kato
Chase Sprague (beautiful woman In
her day) tell how her father, tho great
chief Justice, used to go to ono of
tho windows of tho senuto wing
and put a flag out so she,
watching for It through a tele
scopo at their country house a
mile or two away, might know that
he was coming homo to dine. Our an
cestor know a lot about the Constltu.
tlon, but ho could not for love or
money got a morning bath In a warmed
and tiled bathroom lilted with a porce
lain tub, as most of tho humblest of
us can do now. He had to take his dip
In tho horse-trough or tho creek, or ffo
without. If there had been among
those founders of tho republic one ns
rich ns Croesus and Uockefoller com
bined, he could not have commanded
f 1 WBMMrri i "f 0PMVH",,r J Z 7 1 jffk.
j i
-pillS BRAND OF CONDENSED MILK is the result of Dr. Hand's thirty-six years
J of study and practice of medicine, more than one-half of which has been de
d v , ott 5 the tre?trP?nt of children. Dr. Hand is the originator of the Dr. Hand
Sfnor 2! ?renfr J" hci the d,ctor has found that among the majority of
children, poor teeth, soft bones, lack of nerve force and vivacity of spirit are entirely due to
a scarcity in their diet of those elements which aid in building up the entire system These
elements are ; the phosphates of lime and soda, which build uphe bones and tTeth : the
hypophosphites of potassium and manganese, which nourish the nerves and brain, and
enrich the blood by increasing the number of its red corpuscles.
Tho doctor, for years, has made a special study of foods and their effects so-thnt todav
we are prepared to offer in this milk the most perfect semi-solid 1 food I yet' discovered. V
In proof of our claim that Dr. Hand's Condensed Alilk with Phosphates and
Hypophosphites added is the HOST PERFECT FOOD FOR BABIES, we here
wth reproduce a few of the many testimonials we are constantly receiving
which, undoubtedly, substantiate our claim more forcibly than anvthinjr we
ourselves might say: aiyiimij, wv
Hlnghamton, N. Y Sept. 18, 1900.
The Dr. Hand Condensed Milk Co.
Gentlemen: After a disappointing
ttial of nearly all tho various so-called
baby foods for our boy, by accident we
learned ot Dr. Hand's l'hosphated
Condensed Milk, nnd there are no
words In the KiiRllslt laiiBiiajro that
can express Its praise high enough.
It has the necessary property which
tho other so-called baby foods luck,
and I consider It the only perfect baby
food on tho market today, that will
chanco a puny, sickly baby to a stronp,
healthy child.
DR. C. S. DECKnit.
40--H: WyomliiK avenue,
Kingston, Pa., Dec. 7, liMU.
Dr. D. H. Hand.
I have this day mailed photo of the
baby you and I had a talk about by
'phone last July.
Haby was born May Tth and neaily
died three times before .luly 2Sth at
which time we begnii to feed him your
July l!8th ho welshed S pound.; De
cember 1st. weight il?i pounds. Your
milk did It.
M. H. OAliNHY.
Wilkes. llano, Fa.. Jan. ."., ll'Ol.
Dr. Hand Condensed Milk Co., Scinn-
ton, Pu.
Oentlemcii: I wish to say that I have
racd your l'hosphated and Hypophos
I lilted milk with our infant, when wu
thought that no power could sine him,
his .stomach being ton weak to take
any noinlMimont whatever, had grown
ho feeble that we expected the end
every moment. Hv chance we tried
your milk, and now take pleasure In
recommending It to the public.
Our child Is now a strong, fat, lusty
baby, and we consider that your 1'hos-
That every ono of the above testimonials are genuine can be ascertained by corre
spondence with the persons whose names are signed.
W ll IS ll
We will pay the above reward for any case of
Liver Complaint Dyspepsia, Sick Headache,
Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveness we can
not cure with Liverita, the Up-To-Date Little
Liver Pill, when the directions are strictly com
plied with. They are purely Vegetable, and
never fail to give satisf action. 25c boxes contain
100 Pills, 10c boxes contain 40 Pills, 5c boxes
contain 15 Pills Beware of substitutions and
imitations. Sent by mail. Stamps taken
Nervita Medical Co., Corner Clinton and Jack
son Streets, Chicago, 111.
Sold by AlcGnrrah ec Thomas, Druggists, 209 Lack-
awanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
such n newsnnrior ns wo may all buy
nowadays for a copper or two, nor a
library sueh as wo all havo aeces-s to
(lit for emperors and literal lly Inclined
gods), nor Illustrated papers nnd
monthly mngazlnes for a dlmo a copy,
nor stcum or hot-wator hoated apart
ment, nor a parlor car at ilfty miles
the hour, nor ten thousand other con
veniences, comforts and luxuries of Ufa
now bo pommon na to be denominated
necessaries. To my mind tho crown
ing achievement of tho century, and
Phosphates and Hypophosphites Added
plaited and Hypophosphltod milk
saved our baby's life.
(Signed) I. D. MAHVHI,,
SI South Main Street.
Scranton, Pa.
Dr. D. U. Hand.
My Dear Doctor: I have been com
pelled to raise my last three children
on the bottle. With tho llrst two I
tiled many of the baby foods, but they
grew thinner each day and died. This,
my last, one, was going the same way
as the first two, nnd when six weeks
old I put her on Dr. Hand's Condensed
Milk. It worked wonders for her, and
I feel that to the milk she owes her
life. Sho Is now ns healthy and happy
as any child In th? country.
'is North Main Avenue.
100!) Olive St., Scranton, Pa.
D. II. Hand. M. D.
Dear Sir: I'or about eight months
before my baby was born I was so af
lllcted with dyspepsia that Dr. Hand's
Condensed Milk was nbout the onlv
food I could retain on my stomach,
and I practically lived on it during
this period. When baby was born I
tried to nurse her, but after two weeks
I was obliged to wean her and at once
began to feed tho mill:, wlilrh Is ntlli
her only food. I can speak of this milk
only in the highest terms.
;12., Sprucv? Street.
Scranton, Pa., Aug. 16, 1901.
To "Whom It Mny Concern:
Our little boy arrived May 27, mak
ing Ills ago nt tills writing two months
nnd nineteen das.
The child weighed 5Vi lbs, nt birth
and seemd to thilvo on a prepared
food recommended by the attending
physician and nuise, weighing 7?i lbs.
on Juno 27, when a month old. Hav
L'.'ZJQl&i'iZSZ.gJ irJ.f CCS
one which most of our centennial com
mentators havo overlooked, Is this rais
ing of the standard of comfort so that
tho masses now enjoy things which the
richest could barely dream of a hun
dred years ago.
Glasgow Firm Wants to Exhibit One
at the Pan-American.
It bus been
those engaged
generally believed by
In dahwlng that cows
For Sale by
Druggists and Qrocrs
ensed Milk
ing decided to weigh the child every
week, discovered a week later that he
was losing In weight, tipping scales at
t'.1! lbs., on the Sth of July 7U lbs., and
and the 13th of July Cit lbs.
Knowing Dr. Hand ns a great chil
dren's friend nnd doctor, rolled him
to see the child. After looking hlnu
over, he said the little fellow was
starving and told me to use his Con
densed Milk. Well, his weight tells
Die rest. I commenced using Dr.
Hand's Condensed Mills on July 14, nn
the L'lith of July baby weighed 8 lbs,
I m.; Aug. Slbs. 10 oz.: Aug. S, 8
11.x.. and today, Aug. 11. ! lbs. That's
Hlnghamton, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1900.
Dr. D. It. Hand, Scranton, Ta.
Dear Sir: I wish to drop you a few
lines to let you know how baby has
done on your milk.
After'trylng a number of other baby
foods, of which none seemed to agree
with her and she was falling all the
time, I placed her on your milk, No
vember 1, 1000, nnd she has almost
doubled In welsht since, nnd Is as good
as any baby can be. I am, yours,
ninghuinton, N. Y Nov. 20, 1900.
Dr. D. H. Hand.
Dear Sir: After using Dr. Hand's
Condensed Milk, I consider It one of
the best If not tho best brand of con
densed milk to be found on tho market.
Yours very truly,
41 Mnln Street,
Hlnghamton, N. Y Nov. t. 1900
Dr. D. n. Hand,
Dear Sir: I huve given your milk a
good trial nnd llnd It tho most palata
ble and highly nutritious preparations
I have ever used.
Yours very truly,
could not be milked by any mechanloul
device. A Glasgow, Scotland, Ann
claims to have a machine that will dm
tho work and wants to exhibit It at '
tho I'an-Anieiican exposition at Buf
falo next summer.
Tho milking machine Is said to ba
built on tho pnaumatlo nytittn, wltli
valves, suotlon rubbers, etc.
For a Cold In thi Head
laxative Bromo-QulnineXablet.