The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 25, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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" wft y-ijirA'rr '-'
"WdPfn" ?J
' yw wyr; - wm, if- rn"7T-T '
s !
Breaking Ground for a Construction
Shop That Will Be 50x110 Feet In
Size Oxford Strike Has Been Set
tledStrike Among the Employes
of the Klotz Silk Mill Party of
Erie Officials Pnld r Visit to This
City OddB and Ends of News That
Will Interest Trlbuno Headers.
The DIckRon .MiuiufacturliiK cotn
l.iny Ih brt'iiklnK firoiniil In tlio retir of
Its foundry, on Vino street, for a lurjre
uddltlun to .Its machine hliopn. It will
1k COxllS feet anil Ct font In the clear,
built of steel mid brick and lilted with
a larKt1 nnd powerful cutiit'.
The new building Ih to bo used i
HuMwIv for crei'tlns: and uHMuinbllni:.
The demands on space made by the
many modem appuitenanees of a ni;i
i blue shop have m crowded the iircx
eiit quarters that tlu men found them
nt Ivo'i orampod fur room when any
lat'RO machinery was beltiu erooted,
and, In re-Hew (Ills', the new shop Is
belli.' I'OtlhtrtU'tMl.
It will hIho faelll(ah (be iftNcmbllng
work and obviate the necf.lty so often
eneotinteiod, of leaslntr small work
when larpe work was belntc assembled.
The new shop will have no new luols,
V.lth the exception of the crane.
Improvement In Dining; Car Set vice.
Thp Ivackawanna rallmud Is plan
nirif," still further ImprovemontM In Its
dining1 car service. Iluvlnir equipped
its through tialns with palatial din
ing earn and opened an elaborate res
taurant at Its lloboken terminal, It
is now uiuriiKlu to supply a btttfet
.enlco on through express trains be
tween Mow Yoik nnd riymouth, Pa.,
I J. Scranton. This service wa
started on Vedned.vy, Jan. 23.
The train leaving New Voik at 4
p. ni. will be equipped with a vestl
buled buffet, drawhiK-room parlor car,
enabling patrons to secute dinner be
fore teaching l'lymouth. The corres
ponding east-bound train, leaving Ply
mouth at 7. 03 in the morning will bo
similarly equipped.
Xot only will the parlor car pas
sengers have the benefit of the new
service, but arrangements have been
mare whereby the occupants of the
( caches may also enjoy a similar ser
vice. A portion of the coach nearest
ihe pailor car on each train has been
lifted up with four tables .suitably
screened by headboards and a sieeial
wniter will be detailed for the buffet
.ir, so that patrons of both are as
tircd a prompt, elllclent nnd satis
factory service.
New Office on Bioadway.
The Lackawanna railroad will open
a new otllce on the touthwest cor
ii"i of Uroadwuy and Twenty-eighth
street. New York, on May 1. The
company expects to make it one of
the handsomest olllces In New York.
It will be uridor the general direction
of T. W.'. general passenger agent
of the company, and will bring the
Lackawanna railroad Into in eminence.
In a poitlon of the city not heretofore
i cached.
Silk Mill. Hands on Strike.
The cmployea of the Klots silk mill,
at tho corner of Poplar street and
Mousey avenue, are on strike for
.shorter hours und an increase in wages.
The demandfi made by the strikers
havo been icfused by the operators,
and tho mill will be closed and the
goods shipped to Fredericksburg, Va,
A union has len formed among tho
silk workers, nnd they are determined
to remain idle- unless the demands are
granted. AboutM.( hands are affected,
most of them being girls.
They work from 7 a. m. to n p, ni
with one-lialf hour for dinner. Their
schedule of wages in the past has been
as follows: "Winding on the spool, live
cents a pound; placing on skeins, $1 a
week; winders, $:.' and 3 a week; .sec
tion ladles, U a week; lacers, $' a
week; boys carrying reels, ninety cents
a day.
Tho following aie the demands mad
by the union: Twisters, $1.50 a week:
rcelers, .14.50 a week; lacers, J3 a week;
boys carrying reels, $tj a week; .section
Indies, $5 a week; placing on skeins,
$4.50 a week.
The following statement was issued
by President Klots:
tt.r.iiitou, li., .)jn. '.'4, 1P0I
'tho people employed due loft the mill without
wotice and without atatim; any ci tanner on
Wednesday afternoon.
Today,, t!io. demand .in adiawr uf
alut 20 pvr cent. In wage. "J lit lompany hu
Iajj paid tlm hlirhut price to help in ll,U
ectiun, as tho bands will aikriowlcd(,c. 'llic
sitera ot paylnE enables cm.i industilous hand
to gain extra wattes, in addition to the injulir
mount, already neater than in other null.
'Jim lommittec appointed 1m Dip hands an
tasily verity the truth of thli nUitunent
Visit of Erie Officials.
T. P. Millar, assistant to President
Thomas, of tho Ktle railroad: .Mr.
Preseott, general Morakeeper: J. if.
Harrett. superintendent of the Port
Jervls division, were In Dutiinoro yis
terday looking over the rail load 'de
partment of tho Erin and Wyoming
Valley railroad.
No significance s ntUched to their
vl-it, It being merely one of their
periodical tours of Inspection. The
party came hero In a special oar, and
after a visit to the shops In Dun
moio, inado a trip over the road In
company with Superintendent Smith.
Oxford Strike Settled.
'A confereiue lwtween the officials u?
the People's foal company and the
employes of the Oxford mine was held
ln tho Mears building yesterday and
a settlement reached regarding the
strike which has been on at the Ox
ford for several weeks.
A compromise was elfected, whereby
tho men will tdcelve .11.01 per car for
every car of coal mined. Work will
be resumed at the colliery tomorrow
D., Tj. & W. Board for Today.
Today's D., L. & "W. board is as fol
lows; Thursday, Jin. St.
1 ). in.- r. I). Srcor.
R p. in, W. II. IHrtliotomev, with Poudlcan'
11 i, m.-.l, II,
rrliny, Jan. S3.
Vi.rn a, in. II, IMieily,
:i a, in. 1'iaiik V'Jll.
I ft a. m. A. (i. Ilinimltl.
u a, in (i. ThomiK, with ItadVily'j mtii,
2 . vu II. J. llci.iilgaii.
The Fear of Being Deceived or Hum
bugged Prevents Many People
from Trying a Good Medicine.
Stomach troubles are so common and
In most cases so obstinate to cure,
that the people are apt to look with
suspicion on nny remedy clnlmlng to
be a radical permanent cum for tlvs
pepsla and IndlRcstlon. Many such
people pride themselves on their
ucuteness In never being humbugged,
especially In medicines.
This fear of being humbugned can
be carried too far. so far In fact, that
many people suffer for years with
weuk digestion rather than risk a lit
tle time and money In faithfully test
ing the claims mado for n remedy bo
reliable and universally usd as Htu
atl's Dyspepsia Tablets.
Now Wtunrt's J)yspephi Tablets are
astly different In one Imjwrtimt, re
spect from ordinary patent medicines
for the reason that they are not a
seciet patent medicine: no secret Is
made of the Ingredients, but analysis
shows them to contain the natural di
gestive ferments, pure aseptic pepsin
(government let) (Jolden Seal and
diastase. They are not cathartic neith
er do they act powerfully on any par
ticular orgun, but they cure ludlces
llon on the common sense plan of di
gesting the food eaten, thoroughly lw
fore It has time to ferment, sour and
cau-e the mischief. This Is the onty
seel el of their success.
Cathartic pills never have and never
ran cure Indigestion and stomach
tumbles, because they act only on the
bowels, wheieas the whole trouble is
In the stomach.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets taken
after meals, dlge.-n the food. That Is
all there Is to It. Food, not digested
or half-digested Is poison, as It erentes
Kin, acidity, headaches, palpitation of
the heart, loss of flesh and appetite
and many other troubles, which are
otten culled by some other name.
Thev in o sold by druggists every
where In the t'nlted States, tlreat
Kiltuln unit Canada.
b a, in. .M. Cminmh,
' a, n. II, Luuirhncy.
J0.W1 ai m.-W. , ljarthoi,nicw,
11 LO a. in. -t. I'mnirt.
12.80 I. in. J. J.' Dull.i.
1 . in. II. J. UiMn. 1
2 i. in, V 1, Van Wornifr
3.4" p. ni. I'. I,. Hou'iik
i W p. in. I). Im
sumjiits, r.rc.
C i. ni., nil-1:. "tleAIIUtir.
fi a. ni.. Mil-W. II. Mdinln.
0 a. m., west t), I'luunftlLcr,
12 noon, wrt .1. (.'untefr.
7 p. m., et from Cajiia Mcl.ane.
7 p. in, c-t hum C'ajuea lllnle.i.
7 p. in., at fiom X.H Aug Putty.
10 a. ni. 1 K. Scor.
8 a. m, Houser.
11.30 a. m. Moran.
7 p. in. Murphy.
t p. in. Lamping.
7 a. in. Rafln.-y.
7 a. m. Singer.
ftW) p. ni. SMnlcn,
7 p. m. 3Iago cni.
4 a. in. John Rahacan.
4.S0 u. in., two engines J. 11, MiCum,
5 a. in. J. Ilat-r.
0 a. in. J. E, Masten
f a. in., to niRlnii T.
11 a. in., two engines "
1 p. in. T. ntiijtriek.
.Vauuian'-i nun.
T. Stiples.
3 p. in. li. Hurl.
4 p. in. A Kelch.un.
., p. in. M. lliule.v, with o'llaraV tun,.
Conduitor It, (iilligan .ind u wiii inn i,
p. ni.. Summit. Ka.t, .Ian. 2), In plaic nt I;
McAllister and re.
John Stark will (to out on In on nm on (lie
Ficlvllp, Jan. 'J:..
Ilraliemen I'lctihcr and TiKne will cro cut
Atlh rondudor A. li. Ilammlt net tiip
This and That.
I. A. Daniels was yesteuluy up
pointed night yardmaster at Talor
yards, vice Itobert Flynn, transferred.
f,. It. Heatdslee, chief stenographer
to Oeneral Superintendent T. i:.
("latke, of the Lackawanna railroad,
tesuined his duties yesterday, alter an
absenco of several days, npent in Day
ton, O., where he nrted as grooms
man nt a swell society wedding.
Another slereoptlcon Icctme setting
forth the advantages of the. air-brake
system for handling railroad curs,
was given in the hall of the Uallroad
Young Men's Christian association
under the dltectlon of the Instructors
of the Iriterniutonal Correspondence
A. V. Mower will speak on "The
Life and Times of Jpmis,"
Ing his talk with MeirnptUon pic
tures, at the vtuiiiond Young Men's
Christian association next Sunday af
ternoon at 3.41. o'clock. Railroad men
and their families are Invited to these
Lackawanna comluelois were noti
fied yeMeiUay that the complaint Is
again made that trnlns are block
ing the oio-slng at the west end
ot Spratiiievllle yatd. All concerned
must thoioughly iindersiand the
stati laws anil rulo SJ of the cunent
time table must be compiled with to
pt event unueivniy delay to tiuve on
highway In iitestlon.
All Lackawanna trainmen lonivni
ed have been notified that the speed
of iuegulai trains between Pocono
Summit and Sprnguevllle. Lehigh iitul
Scranton, Clark's Summit and Nichol
son, and Clark's Summit and Scran
ion, must not exceed llfteen miles pr
hour. Knglnenien must know ubt-o-lutely
thai they have control of train,
and In case of the least doubt notify
(onductor and demand tho necessary
ii"tlsttmce from trainmen to enable
him to handle train sutely.
The annual meeting of the publica
tion committee of the Railroad Young
Men's Christian annotation will bo
held this evening In the association
headquarters on lower Lackawanna,
avenue, at 7.30 o'clock. Prior to tho
meeting, the annual dinner will bo
enjoyed at Hanley's dining rooms nt
the Lackawanna station. The ofllceis
und meinbeiH of the commltteo are ns
follows: President, K, M. Itlne; treas
urer, D. T. Kwartz; E. Stuart Static,
W. V. Adair, J. it. Troch and W. A.
ilnrlon. iteports of tho olllcers will be
teoelved and the plans for the com
ing yuu's work will lie outlined.
Deniness Cannot Be Cured
by lneal applications u they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the car. Theie 1 only one
way to cure dcafneM, and that li by comtltu.
tioual rimediei. DcafneM la rauscl by an In
flamed rendition of the mucous lining of the
i:uUiliUn Tube. When thla tube li fnilamed
you have lumbllng aound or Imperfect hearing
and when it la entirely cloaed, Unfiled ii tlie re
eult, and unleea the Inliammatlon ran ba taken
out and thli tubo mtoied to lt noimal condl
tlon, hearing will bo (le.trojed fouveri nine
cases out ot ten are caused by Catarrh, which li
nothing but an inflamed condition of tho mucoua
Wo will give One Hundred Pollara for any case
of DcafneM (ramed by catarrh) that cannot be
cured by lUll'a Catarrh Cure. Send tor clrculau,
,ree F. J. CIIKNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Pold by Prugglatf. 76e.
llaU'i FuaUy I'llla re the bcit.
Concluded from Page 3.)
77. Wnjter ltc)nolds, larceny and rccehlngj
John A. Lee, pro.
7S. Mllle Jonea, ascault and battery; Mary Shaw,
79. Andiew A. (itcnskl, felonious wounding: Jo-
wpli McOlenikl, pros.
M. John A. L'an and Wlllhm X. William,
awault and battery: John Neat, pros,
SI. Winifred Noon, malicious mUchlef; Stephen
Do) le, pros.
S.'. Charles Kotleck and Carolina KodecU, felon
ious wounding; John Soholti, pros.
SI. John Zdoncikl, and Joe ZdonczM, nssiult
and battery; Alex WixblcM, pro.
ft. Charles MndJocKs, retching utolen goods:
Bslc Ttbman, prox,
W. Frank Dobak, robbery; Louts Kleter, pro.
Sd. 0111c Mattland, alias Olllo llacon, lubhiry;
Jim Larkln, pros.
b7, Louis Kr.inr, liireny and receiving; Piter
Taube, pros.
S3. Jennie Itobhlns, keeping luwJy honcj Mis.
W. II. lluggan, pros.
E0. Mary Ami Pails, aw-kinlt and battery; Wil
liam UtiJge, pros,
M. Itacil.ilo Lamorta, Monlous w-omidlig;
Ihnlllo Dlhimado, prox.
Friday, Feb. 8.
111. Peter Manjko, enibrHement: Mike Madcin,
01. Anthony Peterson, helling liquor without 11
rcn; Mlchul Kupt, pros.
91. Kmory J. I'.hrgood, aegravatnl auuiult and
battery; tieoige PeWItt, r.
C4. Anthony 1'itirson, larceny by balhoj Miclnel
Knpit. pros.
0,". Mary Kltchonni, axault and battery; .Mary
Smith, pro-..
tXi. Ouin Vinnigaii, Jfult and battery; Miclnel
Keams, pios.
07. Miilnel (Irady, ited n.iult and bat
ury; W. V. Moignn, pron.
9. William Arnold, ii.s-.ault and battery: Mor
ton A. tlllts, pros.
!i. Kniiiiel Meliln, ljtceny and retelling: Char
lea 11. Ilenker, pros.
ll. llriilgct Uaffniy, assult and liattery; Wil
11 mi King, tiros.
Saturday. Feb. 9.
101. 1' F. Mi.iai., suictv; Itubeit Wilson, piu,
102. 'Ihoinas i. Lewis. dsertiou; Phoebe Lewis,
10.1. Mary Sim PaiN, surety; 1'llan llaiulall, pro.
101 John Hums and Aithur Tnttle, stuetj; .-am-
nil Ites Holds, pros,
in.'. Mary Cifliuy, suiety; llrldget (liHney, piox.
lisi. Maiy Masko, suietv; Annie Cxiii-zma, pros.
Iii7. 1'iedetiik Cevlsk'li, mrity; Joseph lledla-
idge, pro-,
liu'. Annie (Vhuziim. Mrrely, Maty Makn, pros,
li'i. Julia Walters, unity; Teresa Wjltiiu, pios.
lli. Amlirw Miller, Mircty; Julia Miller, ihia.
111. Anthony KnsliMiy. uret i Anthonj ("oual-
(kl, pros.
111'. William Connolly, mrety; John Connolly.
11.1. AU Dunn, r surety; K. J. Woulcn, tuos.
111. Andrew Mllln, mhcIj ; Julia Miller, puis,
in. Anthony Ko-lo'ky, Miuty: Anthony foual-
ehl, pio.
HU. I Hie Jane Wajman. Miiet.v ; Maij Way mm,
117. fleoige Maixlnll, siiietj : llatuwh .Mar-halt,
II.". Anthony Dougherty, smity: Heluii Dough-
erty, iro.
II". .laii'is llruMii, suretj ; John W, Uirmn, plus,
ISO. Hani ('. Katnn, mretj ; M.ligiret Lanisrl-
dell, ijios.
121. Andrew ll..nln, sim-ty: Peter l.illo, iro.
122. Tillle ), miiii-; imte Ciiiiiiiid,
111. Maty .i'ido, uutv: Ntlllc Mui.111, pro.
121 William Moian, suiet: Nellie, pio.
12". John Xiluiiszt.i mid .In- Zdnne-AI, suiety;
le lH'ptdl, pre-.
Second Week Monday, Feb. 11.
121!. Jmtphiiie lli-iilai-qtia, murder; 1'i.itik K"b'
ling, ji., pins
1!7. I' ismi-ilv llesll.niUi, iiiuidii; Itnfoi, Hit-
tWtn, 1
12S. IMninl Cooper, ,i.iult und Lutlirij Wil-
ltitll Collldl. pies.
Iti, John Jack, l.iiiiiiy and Kieiiing; Annie '
P.ii.0, piu.
IMi. IuIIuh llopiMill, .iki,4.iui1 a'-aiilt and
batter, William Mdluudl, pios
lit. I andliip Wlldt, liiiehi md icielifii, I lank
Itohliiig, jr., pus
1.12 Max Heulng, pirjuij: Jack Tiirnc, pio.
i:ii. Clinrh-s W.itrk,. leieiiinu stub .1 goods:
Hank Holding, Ji., pio.
MuriU I'o'liei-, lirciny and leiddng; 1'
Kotdiiig, ir.. iros.
Miduel ll'Connor .did John W.i!h, Mlliug
Il(iioi 011 hiindis; ltobiit WIImhi. m.
Thomas Cnei, xelltng llqiioi nlthnut II-
ni-ci Itobert W'il-011, pios.
John Morlall, celling lhUoi without lliciw;
IJobcit Wilson, 1 11 o.
William .Mlltlrmaii, de.iliig in u-cl-ttiid ,
bottle. Mi.; A M. Moi-e. pros
li'i. Willl.1111 Mittleinaii, dealing in legi-tered
Iwilles, eti.: A. M. Mouc, pros
1M. William Mlltleruaii. dialing in iegit'ied
ttolilo, ti.; . M. More, pios !
William Mlttlenun. di-ullrg in trgl'teird
hnilliB, eti.- , M. Morse, pro,,
Frank liwrop and Anthony I'uirrll, lantnv '
and Kiclilns! M- Ctlpnin, pros
Vtiihiel Mellale, Jainny ami reteiilng; M,
Ciippiu, pios.
Maiguiet Ciulg, lanein and leielwng; i,
lipi'di, pios
Hail ;. Ilos-.ild, forinialloii anil i.isuid; '
(.tan- llinton, pioi. I
Punk ronipton, lorgei; Ktla lleglin, pro
Mfie.l Mldds, forgei ; lllla lleglin, prox.
tt.s I' Mill, foinpton, loniii Jlioii, Me Manin II,
lleglin, pio.
ll'i. t hallo Minkall., nthony Mepcnoiiti, lar-
miy and renlvlnt: Wolf l(nFinlig, pioi,
Tuesday, Feb. 12.
I'm. (,eoige ("uquii, aggravated a-sault and bat
ter; tiiorge Kiinoiilk, pro.
1.11. Xlchohu (iltnn, mi-deineanor in oitlce; W,
A. I'hllllpi, pios.
112. M. J. Cinnon, nilsdimvanoi In i.HIk.; W".
A I'iiilllpa, pros.
I'kl M. J. ('iiinon, mlMliiiKanoi In oflhe; W;
Phillips pi.
lit. l ur.i r.iln-s, Ian 1 m nnd n-divlng. Frank
ltobluig, Jr., pros.
Id"'. 'IriM-iia Caprine, lirecny and renlving;
1'rank ltobllng, jr , pro.,
l.lil. Kdward F., selling liquor without b-
iitie; ltohirt Wllwii, firos
1W. I'hel.111 Mellonald, selling Ikimir without h-
(tiiw; ltohirt Wilson, pios
l.l'i. Illihaid Little, M. J. O'Tiwlc. libel; ia
II. Hippie, pros.
I11. .1 II. ltnbrit, rape: I'. F. Ma, pir.
pil, tali nt liopaiut.l, robbei ; Leon Subkokl,
lfil. I.euls hatkbul, iairlng com enled wiap-
ui: Iguatis Olihewtkl, pios
lul, tMlllam liosenehe.kc.", larceny and leceiv-
iug; P. F. Itlley, pros
lot. Joseph Ihrerjanlio, .Mi. .lu-ipli Dere,an-
t;o, Paul Clundak and Jotpli Keitefor,
felonious Mounding ; Joiph Hogcra, pie
lii.5, 11. N. Quackenbush, lorglng trada marke,
itc; Jaimn T. Withirald, pro.
pal, O-iar Ilcllnian, aituU and battery; Joseph
McfatklewU, pros
Ki7. Flank KofihlusUI, pointing pistol: John
Wnelktrf, pics.
'lOiJ. (horge Splti, forcible entry and detainer:
F.dward Williams, pros.
Ib9. Antonia Mielhop.kt, altimpt at rape; lto.
KowaUkfkl, l'M.
170. Aidiangelo S. Clrandl, pointing pistol: An
tonio ltltcaidl, pros
Frank Watrutnky, oault and battery;
Vlolph Josophs, pios
Wednesday, Feb. 13.
John Untet, misdemeanor In otilre W. A,
Phillip, pros,
17J. John Leutes, intwli uieinor In oiliec; W. A,
Phillips, pros.
171. John Lcnte. misdemeanor In office: W. A.
Phillips, pros.
17.1. P. Steinberg, lecelving itolcn goods: Frank
Unbllng, jr., pros,
178. Charlej Watoiky, wglocttng to keep books;
Frank ltobllng, Jr., pros,
177, James Rallaglicr, felling liquor without li
cense; Itobert Wilson, pros.
178. William Phillip, selling liquor without lb
leiiMj; ltohirt Wilson, pros.
179. Thomas F. Ollboy, altai John O, Clllboy,
(elllng liquor without license: Itobert Wil-t-oii,
180, Fiank Wcopp, A, Wcopp, larceny nd re
ceiving; Stephtn Dyer, proj,
161, l'dwln 11. Cverhirt, inciting murder; I, F.
Kwhart, pi
UJ. Funk ailllnskl, robber 1 Uirlssi tnoVey,
1M. filmon Mlililiin, Albert Aroykovrskl, robbery;
Joseph (JmJi, pro.
1M, Joseph Polelumas, false pretences; William
Craig, pios.
1M. John It. Kvans, William Price, felonloui
wounding; Annie Llsnansko, pros.
190. Mary Motta, adultery; John ltega, pros.
1S7, Stanley Zcamoch. Lemon Durhoski, Wilent
Kopenskl and Mike Walshofskl, asaault ind
battery; John Wldarchak, pros.
18. William Uughran, burgliry; IMllh M.
Stage, prox.
189. John Campbell, aggravated assault and bat.
Uryt Patrick Hughes, pro.
ISO. Joseph Dereianko, Mrs. Joseph Dercvinko,
Paul Chundak ind Joseph llestefor, feloni
ous wounding; N'leolo Dltalla, pros.
101. II, Judkovltf, larceny and receiving; 1
Trccdman, pros.
1M. John Oatvey, embertlement; it. J. Schubert,
10J. Joseph tMiih, ns.iult and battery: Ignat
Olshewskl, pros
19, Joseph LMuli, defrauding boarding house;
Chailes Fordonikl, pros.
105. James Scaio, Oeatano Hilndo, pointing pis
tol: Patrick llealcy, pros.
Thursday, Feb. 14.
It 1. J. W. Mlllett, mliderufiinor in ofAie; W
A. Phillips, pros.
1!'7. John P. Kelts-, misdemeanor la dine; W,
A. Phillips, icj.
HU. John P. Kellv, mlsdemeinor In oidee; ,
A, IMilltipa. "i-ross.
10;i. J, J. KartneM, selling liquor without llcrnsi",
nnb.;tt Wllscn, jirus.
200. Henry Wjlthers M'1""R "fl"'1, wUl'"l "
rense: Robert Wilson, proa.
201. Sophia Miller, selling liquor without llcenae,
elllng n Sunday; Joseph I'. Woelkcis,
202. Louis Will;, reelnug tolcn goods; Fiank
Itohllrg, Jr., pros.
CM. J. J, Coleman, wlUn;: liquor without li
cense; Itobert Wilson, pros
C01. Punting, iniclly to anlnnls: .1. W.
Ilogan, pros.
203. (!d rge Abdulllf, (ilias Oeorgo N'iihuls, as.
sault nnd battery: Pletro ltoola, pros
20C. William Saiage. false p-etcium; Thomu
ltogcra, pros
207 John (JiMcUcnbosrf. ilelraiidiiig boarding
house; Clara Palmer, prn.
m. John Mlckocko. John lludd, Frul llulmrs,
Jului Qulnn, John Muldoon, OMiult and
battery; l"ink ltobllng, jr., pros
2iXi. William Murray, felonious wounding: Fiank
ltobllng, jr., pro.
210. William Ilnmln.', lorfery; J. W. Iltuuii,
211. .taiiilaiM Sihniefikl, Wl-i Zwlidk and
Mithael Smith, assault and blttery: lieiuie
Derek, pina
Friday, Feb, 15.
SIS. Fraklus II, Holllitei. Mnbeilenicnt , .i-l'fr
Itoikreln, pio.
51.!. Pder t.tsk, alias Pctir William", faW pro-
tencc; Sharbes II. Angle, pros
214. J.eph McNally." larceny and reidiliig:
Charles II Al-gle, ptos
215. Claia S. Bojd, illegal praetlie cf ni'dli lni
John J, ltobcits, prw.
210. John Frltr, loinliatlon; John llolod;, pins.
217. O. II. Jones cnibeMcmrnt ; 1!. A. flounce.
Alexander Colic, assault and battel-; Xaku
Kepella, pros.
William Moran, cirrj-inc coiuctleil weaponi:
Vi-lllo Moran, prov.
Jiipli L-hotsky and Llivip Iehotky, ns-
siult and batten- upon a public oilier;
Frank Itennle, jiros.
John J. Itudd, mlnUmeatior in ofrlie: W,
A. Philll'w, ptos
John .1. Itudd, iiiUdetucanor In offiie; W.
A, Phillips, pio.
Anthony Roth, i--,llng liquet 'ilthout lit n-s.';
Itobe.rt Wilson, pio.
nthony Itmldy, alias M. 1. Hudd.. selPug
liquor without license; Itobert Wil"ii
pi os.
Saturday. Feb. 1G.
Aigelo Ccrra, siuet; Joseph Crnn, pi 's
J.'meis Lsoiis, Tiioinas Lions, Mar O'M il
Icy, unity; Kdivard Kenny, pica.
Mike Itostiuck, smety; Jamis Teiiilui.,
Tlminas Ciotton, mrety; Vs lift fiuitin,
1 ij'k LIU Clailt,
tinny; Mis. Cljd" Phillips
J. 0. II. Detrusor, siutty; Harry VI iv. pro.
ail. Michael fir.idy, surety; W. W. Vorirau. pros
i!.'. Willie Mullle. dosiltlon; John O'ltiim,
VJ. John Cni roll, suiety; Hildiret Patrol!,
i'!4. Mariraiet. Ilandall. uuty; Mary Ann liai,
JJj. Waller Re.uiold", suit; John . Leo.
iS". John Ncalon, smet; Kale NeIon, plus
tfN Louis Xakin, Mirety; Kate Mathlas, .io..
iVi. .lostph Wsoi, (leseitlen: rrank Wxp, jiros
"1U Mliy . .Maxwell, suiety; Mali ai.da,
ill. Ihcnva Toi'ssent, nuicty; Kred iVjiiier.prni,
'.'l.'. Oler.a llolloek, desertion: John llolloik,
-:,, Matthew Macke, suut; John Klliot, pios
SH John L l.oltus, s-uet ; John J. Ilninii,
.1,. Commonwealth aii Kate Collins,
A Gold
with ciery set cf cur best
tetth lontracted for on or
before February 15th, 1MH.
This la a bonaflde offer
and oin matensl is tl.i
made hire and made rlht
ot ;2I( (rold. Our priie is
only 3.l.
lliseited here bi expetl
enced;'' operators Mho laie
tioen selected from the
laicot oRkcs In tlw I t.
for. th'lr ability.
FREEl,0il Stoves,
Our oini until huh: for
painless cxtrailin?. Sale
and nre No sou' enms,
no localre.
YllAltS. M: AltL IILItK 10 STAY
Union Painless Dentists,
MA t,ii.l.iv.anna Avenue. Scranton, Pa.
"1847 Rogers Bros.'' Gonils.
Knives, Forks
Spoons, etc.
No question about the quality; we
have all the newest patterns at
lowest prices.
Also the celebrated Sterling In
laid Spoons and Forks. War
ranted to wear twenty.f I ve years.
Immense stock of Sterling Silver
Spoons, Forks, Knives and Cased
Goods for Wedding Presents.
Merceread & Connell,
1.32 Wyoming Avenue.
Black Goods in
The White Sale
There can't be any Connolly it Wallace Dres3 Goods. New3 that is unim
portant, but this is a special occasiou that calls for prominent mention. In the
past few weeks we have been dealing out good things in textile bargains at an
average rate of two a day. They have covered all the fabric field from Organdie
to Cheviots, with some strong accentuation on Silks. But today's news is best
all, aud it's a short story. It lies in this detail, every word of which should bo
read carefully, if you have a black dress or skirt yet to procure.
50c a Yard-ftOO Quality
All Wool Pebble Ciicviot, with a granite design m
desirable two widths, 4S inches and 54 inches the
in wo. ght ihau the wider one both at same price,
Positively the sr-'at'-st
United States Depositary.
At the close of business Dec.
ij. 1900.
Loans nnd Investments
Bankinfj House 33,599.04
Cash nnd Receive.... 538,879.10
Cnpital 5 200,000.00
Surplus 500,000.00
Undivided Profits . . . 57,905.20
Circulation 100,000.00
Individual Deposits . . 2,415,530.06
U. S. Deposits 422,729.39
Duo to Banks 54,785.03
WILLIAM (.ONM'.I.L. I'ruidcnt.
UriNltV MX! V, JI!.. Vile l'icaldeiit.
WILLIAM II I'l'X'li, Cashi. r
Steam Onnforo
Hot Watar hOOTOibs
Fbyslclau ani S'jraoi
311 Sprns) St,
Tercplii Court Biillllu
All acute .md ilnoiilc dl.ea'S of nun. o.
men and ihtldnn. CIIIIONIO .M.UVUl'S,
IALTV. All iisnisisj of tlie l.iur, Klilnejs,
llUililer. Wiln, III00.I, Nerim, Womb, Kw. liar,
.Vise, Thrniit, and Linn.', fanceu, Tim-ma,
Tiles, Ituplure, (loltre, Itlieumatlsm, Athma,
Catarrh, Vaileoctle, Lout Manhood, .Niithtly
Lmissions, all female Illseises, Leucoirhoea, itc.,
(loimorrhea, Kyihlllls, llli'Od 1'olaon, IndUcre
tlon and youthful I1.1IIU obliterated, Burifiry,
ntr, Kptlepsy, Tape and Stnmaih Worms. CV
lAimilOZU.NK, f-peelHi tor Catarrh. 'three
monllia' tieatment onl f'.OO. Trial tree In
nf,lr f!..tiaiill.itlnti .inl ev.niilnatioii frL'L Of,
lflio Iiouib dally ai.3 Miiulay, 8 a, ni, to 0
p. m.
m Stoves,
50c. Yard,
w.lue in Black Drs-; ; ever offered in Scranton.
-ff -;.(. a, ... 4-
tj 1
SfcriS'iViKfiJ' 1
1 V
fi -SI ft
Shrewd buyers will take advaiitasfa ot the special
prices inaila on mir entire Lace Curtain Stock. Many
small lots at a fraction of their real value.
1 furniture: coverings
4 . - j,
129 Wyoming Avenue
f-f --f 4-f -M-t-f --.f s - t - svwfss)
liooms l aml2,Com'ltb BTd'ff.
flming and Blasting
U.'deat Mooslo t.nj ftasia .l Vors.
SI etrlo Biltorles. Kloo'.rlo Kipinlari,
1 xplodliu busts, safety Kauaal
! Repauno Ghamlcal Co.'s cxii!o.'ivca
Manufacturer. tr
48B to 45S
N. Ninth Street,
111 Wilt
Telephono Call, 233;$.
the weave, making it doubly
narrower cloth a trifle heavier
127 AND 129
J-t-r-H" -fM
In News
couch coverings i
- f - f 1 . 1 f a. f a,
& Brooks
"W AllScasons'Spoiits
I 1 JI
General Agent for the Wyoming
District for
Mining, Dltstlntr, Eportlnj, BmokeleM and th
Itepiuno Cbemtial Company' a
High Explosives.
Esfity Fuse, Caps and Explodera. rtoom 401 Coa
net! DuUdlnfr, Scranton.
TH03. roitD rittttoa
JOHN P. SMITH & EON Plymouth
W, K UULLIQAN ....Wllkei Darr.
n ir n nr n n 1 mm
X Washington 8
Ijj-1 Ave"ue- I II
. i Hrr IV