The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 25, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Ijiffltl in the Scrantjn Tribune.
Forest City, .Tun. SI. The lliM an
nual linntittct and hocIoI of the Ladles'
I'atliollc! Ih'ncvolent association last
uvenlm; wns without ilnulit the moat
In born to aw well as ono of thi! most
Mijoyablp over irive-n In Forest City.
Fully tin liuiulreel pooiilp were pips
ent, ninny of them beltm from out of
town. At the DiivIh opera house Pro
fpssor Klrth ittrirlslrod inuslo nnil Pro
fessor Collins was prompter for tho
eliinclntr and In the banquet hall at
the Young Men's Instltutt: rooms a
very appetizing spread wa served by
a corps of willing ladles. The affair
will long be remebeied with pleusure.
The funeral of Mrs. Hugh I'ohicn
took place yesterday morning. The
last rites were, observed In St. Agnes'
church and Interment wns mado at
Stnrruccn. The Knteipilse Hose com
pany attended the funeral In a body.
There were many pietty tloial tributes.
A large number of out-of-town people
attended the obsequies.
Saturday will probably be pay-day.
The Republican caucus Tuesday
night made the following nominations:
Auditor, three yeuis, J. C. Waters;
one year, Jack Alexander. Poor direc
tor, two years, J. It. Uudel; one year,
I C. Urown, Council, Fitst ward,
Martin Muchltz; Second ward, Julius
Freedmnn, 10. T. ltlmron. School di
rector. First ward, W. J. Pentecost;
Second ward, Alfred Davis, Ci. F. Tay
lor. Auditor. Flist ward, I.. J. Wells;
Second ward, N. 1. Prundage. Judge
of election, First ward, J. W. Jones;
Second ward, J. M. Urown. Inspector,
First wanl. W. H. Westgate; Second
ward, AV. A. Weber.
The Democratic will be
held Friday night at 7 o'clock In tho
Ames and Manning buildings.
Theie ate about twenty-fhe cumjs
of grip In town.
Miss Elizabeth Hartung and Claude
Tuylor are suffcilng with pneumonia.
West and Mrs. llatlle Ostrander are
all hi very poor health.
Mrs, 1". K. Wntrnus Is lecovcrlrrij
Irnm her severe attack of the grip.
Mr. F. A. Wntrous Ib sufforlng wltli
Mr. Amasa Mortice, of Moscow, was
recently entertained nt Hotel Foole.
Mrs. II. Orcgory I visiting among
relatives In Sullivan county, X. Y,
Mr. U. U. Holllster, of Seranton,
was entertained last Tuesday evening
at the homo of Ills parents, Mr. ami
Mrs. K. 11. Holllster.
A protracted strike wilt 'be disastrous
to al concerned.
i i i
Special to the Seranton Tribune.
Klngsley, Jan. 21, D. 10. Moore made
a business trip to Nerval k this week.
A' Habcock, of Ullnghninton, wns a
visitor nt F, V. Tlngley's Tuesdny.
Leo Whitney was called to lllngham
ton Wednesday by tho Illness of his
Mr. and Mrs. II. 11a I ley entertained
a party of relatives "Wednesday.
Tracy Webster, of Franklin, la a
guest of relatives In this section.
M. M. Farley Is suffering severel
from tho Injury done to his broken leg
by n fall Inst week which cracked the
bone. He Is being treated by Dr. Tay
lor, of Ilopbottom,
N'lland Estabrook has returned to
Montrose from a. four days' visit at
IJ. A. Rprnaid's, nt Hnrrlsburg.
Spiiil to t lie bcianton Tribune.
Harford, Jan. 21. Mr. ind Mr".
Dollowav and D. M. Fanar, visited
friends In Lakevlew Thursday.
.Miss .May Sweet, was called to
Nicholson by the sickness of her sis
ter Mrs. Lew Tiuullck leturned home
Satuiday fiom n two weeks stay In
The many friends of Dt. Hoven are
glad to know he Is able to be out again.
Mis. W. C. Oow Is suffeilng with
Mrs. 10. ('. Pick visited her sister,
Mrs. Henry Whitney, who Is sick at
the home of her daughter. Mrs. Alnin
I'bamberlaln. Friday.
Mis. T. II. Wilcox is visiting her
sister In ltlnghamton.
The lemnlns of Captain Kveilt Whit
ney, of tJIbson, was brought heie for
burial Tuesday.
Frank Hepburn, who has boon cleik
liig for 10. M. Wntson for the past
year, bus jeturncd to Pieranton. whcie
he has secured a position,
There will be a donation nt the home
of Hew il. D. FNher Friday afternoon
and evening. Jan. 2.V Supper will be
llert Allen lias bought the Lou Ilaw
ley farm. Consldeiatlon $l,0"fl.
Keiulblican caucus was held Jan, 2.!.
The Democrats will hold theirs Satur
day evening In Odd Fellows hall.
The concei t given by the Fisk Jubilee
singers was a grand success. This Is
the second time this famous troop has
been In Harford, and we know that it
Is purely a missionary pioject that
they may get money, not for them
selvesr but for the education of their
own race.
Special to the Scianton Tribune.
Holllstervllle, Jan. 2.".-- laig'r
amount of Ice Is being stoicd hero for
summer purposes than In for nun rea
sons. During the winter, the iiayvr meet
ings will bo held in the liaptlst church
on Saturday evenings instead of Wed
nesday. Miss Stevens, who is teaching
at tlie T)i own school, near Mooiv'h Cor
nets. Is prepailng foe en entertain
ment to be given by the pupils of her
class In the near future.
The Ladles' AM society of th.i
Piimitive Methodist chinch gathered
nt the home of Miss Complin Stan
ton today for dinner.
An aged lady. Mi. Sayie. who has
lippii living nt the home of her daugh
ter, Mtt. William Fuegleln, dtoppMl
dead of heart lallurf the 2Cnd Inst.
Funeral rind Intciiiieut Friday nt Par
keiHbutg. The relatives of the do
i eased have the sympathy of their
many Mends In this their time of i.
Mis. Andrew Hteseekei, who is dan
gerously 111, was moved from here to.
lay- to the Moses Taylor hospital.
HcrAnton, where she is to undergo an
ipcmtlon. Her many friends heie
I)ok',h1h! will soon icgaln health.
Th many fi lends rl Mis. i.lln,
Fcsenden v.ill be pleased to leant sh.,
Is slowly regnlnlng her health.
Mrs. Hnrilet AValte, Mrs. Hetsy
Spcelal to Hie Sainton Tribune.
Hnllstcad, Jan. 24. The Hepubllcnn
boiough caucus resulted In a. great
victory for Quay. Tho following ticket
being unanimously elected at the cau
cus Tuesday night: Assessor. J. It.
Van Loan; uchool directors, J. L. Itoss,
and N. J. Urown; auditors, 10. IJ. Ilen
drlck; couucllmen, Jas. Snover and
Thonins Shannon; Judge, C. H. Van
Wornier; Inspector, John Coddlngton;
high constable, W. L. Squltes; poor
muster, C. II, Knocller.
An early morning lire and the quick
tesponse by thu Hallstead firemen,
caused much excitement Wednesday
morning. By the timely efforts of the
fire department a Luckawanna box car
wni saved fiom totnl destruction.
Will Kelly has secured u situation
In the barbarlng establishment of V.
D. Shaw.
Miss Julia Onset', of Montrose, cup
tlvatcd a large audience by her recita
tions at the Methodist donation held at
the Y. M. C. A. hall Tuesday evening.
The amount icalized from the donation
was $33.G9.
Miss Mai.V Mahoney, a young lailv
lesiding here with her widowed
mother, died Saturday morning. She
had been ill for some time with linger
ing consumption. The funeral was
held Tuesday morning. The remains
were taken to Silver Lake for burial.
The Lackawanna special car for test
ing the eyesight and hearing of lall men Is now stationed at the
Church stteet switch here.
William Knoeller has served notice
upon the town council that they must
at once remove the borough Jail from
o his lot on Church street.
Chnrles Hall was on Fridav night
tendered a party by a number of his
young friends. Tho was held In
Y. M. C. A. hall and was much en
Joypil by all attending. Those who at
tended from Susquehanna were Archie
Burr, Florence Mur tin, Leon Sloat, Ida
Barry, F.hner Knlse. Lucy (lonnau,
and Thomas Church.
William Schmidt was in Philadelphia
on business Saturday.
At the meeting of the town council
held Wednesday evening, the nrojeet
of erecting a town hall, wa talked of.
It was proposed to bu!'i a structure
that could be used for town offices nnd
for borough elections.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Buys attended
the funeral of the hit" Margaret Gal
lagher at Seranton Wednesday.
Monday was pay djy on the i.iuka
wanna here.
Mr. and Mrs. Myers, of Blinlia, were
recently entei tallied by Mr. and Mrs.
M. S. Lowe.
(J. W. Capwell was out eloois for tho
first time since his recent accident
Charles Sands has accepted a posi
tion with a Chicago llrrn and left for
tho West Thursday morning.
Mr. and Mis. M. P. Currier -lie visit
ing their daughter In Washington this
.Miss Bessie Wrought, of Bingham
ton, Is being entertained at til" pleas
ant home of Mr, anJ Mis. J. II. Van
Thursday evening a donation Is to
be held at the Baptist paisonage for
the benetlt of the pastor, l!e' M. J.
Mls Hazel Boss, a student at a
prominent New York conservatory of
music. Is home for several weeks' visit
with her patents bote.
I'onduetor Norton Wolcott and train
ciow, were called to Seranton Monthly
to appear on the "carpet" over an In
vestigation Into the letent Nicholson
w reck.
It Cure the
Constant coughing is
the sure road to serious
lung trouble.
Dr. James'
Cherry Tar Syrup
cures tho cough, and
prevents consump
tion. Pleasant, easy to
take, always the same
all tho way through
tho bottle does not
deteriorate with ago.
Absolutely harmless.
At all Drug Stores.
25 oenta u Bottle.
Don't Accept
Special to the Saahten Tribune.
Su.sqiiehanna, Jan. 21. editor Pilde,
of the Jourrrnl, Is Hi with gilp,
The Oakland township Democratic
caucus was attended by but one man.
The lOiie bollei makers held a itit-ut-ing
on Wednesday nfternoon, to con
sider their contention with the torn-
Tho F.ile shop appropriation is now
$8j,0()U monthly.
Tho funeral of the late Captain D. 10.
Whitney, a prominent lesldent of Gib
son, who died from Injuries sustained
by falling upon the Ico on Thursduy,
took place and wns largely attended
on Monday.
lOiie Conductor' John L. McKulcht,
formerly of Susquehanna, Is 111 at his
home In Port Jervls.
Miss Julia Cruser, the talented Mont
rose reader, visited Susquehanna rela
tives on Wednesday. She gave a read
ing at North Jackson last evening.
Creditors of Miss Magglo Flrnnn,
who recently wetrt Into bankruptcy,
met today at the otllce of J. D. Miller,
L. 10. Decker Is III at his home on
West Main street.
Miss Nellie Wood Is 111 at her homo
on Grand street.
Titer Is a steady Increaso irr tho
number of grip cases.
Charles B. Walluco and family are
at lOlmtra, attending tho funeral of
Mrs, Wallaco'B mother.
For a second time during the present
month, the 125 bollenunkers employed
In the Kile locomotive shops In this
place are on .-utt'llco. Becently, tho
Boilermakers' union sent to the head
oitlees of the company In New York a
number' of demands, Including: The
abolition of the piece-work system; a
rate of 27 cents an hour for each hour
of service; time, and a half for ovwr
thne, etc. The company mudo answer
to each demand, giving a reason for
not acceding to It. Tho company made
no concessions, and tho men refused to
work. Tire chief oillclala of the lOrle
have been In town for several days, In
conference with prominent olllcera of
tho Boilermakers' union nnd with the
committee from the local union, but
there has been no agreement. It Is
believed that the strike will extend to
nil of tho boiler shops on the Erie ays
tern. The strikers are quiet and or
derly. It Is to Iw hoped that the seri
ous matter will -lie arnlcablv arranged.
The Hepubllcnn primaries in the Sec
ond ward will bo held at tho usual
polling place between the hours of 4
nnd 7 p. m. Saturday. A councilman,
school director and an assessor will bo
John F. Jones announces himself as
n candidate for the olllcc of council
ninn from the Second ward.
Chicken thieves entered the hencry
of Mrs. Matin Bogan on Dunmore
street late Wednesday night und suc
ceeded In carrying uwny ten chickens
and four turkeys. The premises of
John Dempsey were also visited nnd a
valunbio cow was stolen.
Miss Katie Hammond, of Dunmore
stieet, Is 111.
Olllcer John McAudiew lias re
moved his household effects from his
former residence on Iludsjpn .street
and Is now stopping nt tire AVest IOnd
Mrs. A. D. Haines has returned from
a visit with Jernryn friends.
A lurgo number of the young people
are enjoying the delightful sport of
skating on the reservoir.
Special services which have been
In the Blakely Baptist church dmlng
the week weie brought to a close Inst
evening. The meetings were In charge
of Dr. Spencer and were largely at
Mr. and Mis. 10 II Longacre, of Hyde
Park, who have been visiting relatives
here, returned home yesterday.
Mrs. T. P. Jones and Mrs. John
AValklnshaw attended the funeial ser
vices of the late Mrs. Ann Hughes at
AA'est Seranton yesterday.
The members of Bonn's Military
band will conduct a social In Glllnsky's
hall Saturday evening, Feb. 0.
A Hepubllcnn caucus will be held In
the First ward tomorrow fiom 4 to
7 p. in.
Mrs. D C. IOVatis spent yesterday at
.Mrs. 'Mellnda Blesecker, wile of the
deceased Joseph Blesecker, of South
Main street, died at the family iobl
dence on Wednesday evening. .Airs,
Blesecker was aged elghty-clght years
and eight months, und was a well
known and highly lespected resident
of this town, having lived hero many
years and during that time she made
many fi lends. Tho funeral will occur
tomorrow (S.iturdny). Services- will be
held In the Brick church at 2 p. nt.
Interment will 'be made In the Marcy
cemetoi y.
Mrs. David Martin, a .mult respected
woman of North Taylor, dred yester
day morning, after a lingering Illness.
Deceased is survived by a husband and
a largo family of ciilldien. Funeral an
nouncement later.
The members of the Price Library
association will hold an Important
business session this evening, when all
members aie requested to be present.
The Sanderson Hill Stars and tho
representative basket ball team will
battle for supremacy at Weber's rink
on Monday evening. A social will fol
low the contest.
The member", of the Taylor Hose
company, No. 1, are labeling hard to
make their coming masquerade ball,
to be held In AVebor's rink on Febru
ary 7, one of the grandest affairs vet
all muted In this town. It is to lie
hoped tlrat the public will liberally
patronize the boys In this alfalr. Tick
ets, fifty cents.
Thu Young .Men's Llteiury society of
the Catholic puilsh will hold an Im
portant buslenss session this evening
in the church parlors,
All ladles Interested In the fair of
the Century Hose company, No. 2, lire
requested to meet at tho homo of Mrs.
Henry Howells, on Mnln street, this
morning at 9 o'clock.
Miss Maty Jenkins, of Main street,
was the guest of fi lends In Olyphaiit
the forepart of the week.
The lOpworth league of the Old Forge
Methodist Episcopal chutch will hold
a fair In the chinch parlors on Janu
ary 2!t, SO and 31. An entertainment
will be given each evening. The young
people aie wot thy of pationage. ns the
proceeds will go to liquidate the debt
on the paisonage furniture. Admis
sion, ten cents.
Invincible commaudeij, No. 202,
Kntshts of Malta, will meet in iesu
hir session this evening.
Mis II. B. Jones, of Prlceburg, vis
ited relatives In this boiough recently.
Mrs. George Hood has leturned
home, after visiting relatives In Pitts
ton. AVuHliinelon camp, No. 492, Patriotic
Order Sons of America, will meet In
session this evening.
Thomas Kvans, of Plttstou. visited
In this town yesterday.
A pleasant surprise was clven Mr.
and Mrs. Kdward Ackerly on the even
ing of January 17 by a party of young
people from Justus. Games and other
amusements were Indulged in till a
late hour, when they returned to their
homes, wishing Mr. Ackerly many
happy returns of his natal day.
Arthur Browrr, of Justus; W. D.
Smith und Miss Bertlce Tlbbctts, of
Seranton, spent Sunday at the homo
of D. Smith.
Mr. nnd Mis. John Twining attended
the funeral of Jacob Gable, In Hydft
Paik, on AVcdnesd.iy.
Mrs, Nellie ChambeiH called on
friends here on AA'cdnesday,
Frank Mllloi Is in Philadelphia on
Mra. Harvey Fritz and son bpent yes
terday nt Dalton.
A number of the friends of Mr. nnd
Mis. 10. Atherton uatheted at their
home on Wednesday evening and spent
a few hours In dancing and other en
joyments. Mr, and Mrs. Wit Iter Leonurd have
moved to Green Hldge, whero .Mr,
Leonard Is engaged In tho milk busl
ness. John Daley and granddaughter, Miss
Laura Arnold, have leturned from a
visit In Green Hldge.
The First ward primaries will be
held at the oillce of S. AV. Arnold on
Saturday, January 2, from 4 to 7 p.
in. Tho following candidates have
leglstered with Chalrnmil AV. II. AA'al
kcr, of tiro vigilance committee: Coun
cil, James AA'. Smith, S. H. Briggs;
school director, 10, II. Hitter; auditor.
George 11. Heed; justice of the peace,
S. AV. Arnold; Judge of election, AV. J.
Broad; Inspector, I. T. Dewey; na
sessor, A J. Bonner.
The glass blowers, who have been
giving nightly exhibitions nt Olyphant
for the past week, will begin a week's
engagement nt Firemen's hall, Mon
day, January 2S.
Frank Ledyard returned yesterday
from a visltlnp trip with .relatives at
J. C. Heynolds, of Seranton, will oc
cupy the postotlice building, recently
vacated by Mr. Swingle.
Salute of 21 Guns Is Fired In Honor
of the New King.
By r.xcliuhe Wire from The Asiochted Trtu.
Halifax, N. S., Jan. 24, At noon to
day tho royal standard whleh had been
nt hnlf-mnst on the Citadel since the
receipt of the news of her majesty's
death, was raised to the mast head nnd
a royal salute of twenty-one guns fired
In honor of the king. The troops of
the garrison were paraded.
The standard will remain at the mast
bend today nnd will bo dropped to hnlf
mast, where It will remain until after
the queen's funeral.
Wftll Street Bevlew.
New Auik, Jin. 24. 1l rraltrlntc 'l iiiU
tile jru!lt pfockd tnllly today nt n rc-mll.
Ing rxpciiM ot pilot. Tho utily variation from
tho downward course a una to purely tech
nUal ciimr. Kcn tlin oprnln tdvaiwe In
iirliiK was largely ilue to manipulation, vthlcli
begun In the LonJon miikr-t on cabled oideM
fiom licrc licfoio the Sew York matkft opctied.
The KCiiftut DtradlhCM In the London market
helped this purpose. The opening prices ot
nttxl.1 heie proved In mint risen to be the
highest. The wcakntM ot the fteel itocU which
hi pan from tho onlnsr, proved illjppolnt
merit (or thce upecuUton who had liorHtl thai
the sroup would nwiinc the leadership ot 4
new ndiunce In price. Yesterday' ndvance
proved mifllelent to brlnir In busing order. The
coterie which bought tok on Mondav
eiedlted with hcaty aelllng to rcalUe anil there
were Urge wiling crder all day ublcli me nt
trlhuted tn Chicago account. The reported Ill
ness of the largest Individual operator In th"
ttrcet and who has been upposcd to be long
ot atoclu had considerable influence 'on gcntl
inent. Hut the real bxsli ol the reaction wi
the failure to attract any renewed outside
Kpcrulntloii s clc.uly demonktrated by the decline In tho uctlilty of the null it
Total dales, 7(U,000 ehares.
The bond maikct wo rcjctlonat' In potis In
(Mupathy with atoclut, but udtunccd at otitis.
Total jles, par alne, -3.C7S.O0i. O. S. now
4s advanced U per cent, on the last rail.
Tin following quotations are (umi)hcd Th
Tribute by M. S. Jordan & Co., room TM-TM
Hears buiMlng, Seranton, I'.i. leiepnone uw;
IACI.I M- "CipUIn Jinks .( Ihe llmar
and night.
Mai.itc Itlllnun M.nlnee
Captain Jinks of the Horse Matines.
CliJilcs r'ruhinin'is new coined,) piuducllon,
"Captain .links ot thu Horse M.ulne," which
has bun crowding the Walnut Street theater,
Philadelphia, the past two weeks, j coming to
the l.j i cum Hunter this culling, with the Im
portant company and scenery diiecl from the
Walnut. The author ot the new pieie Is Chile
Ths.1 Mr. I'rohman has taken ctei.v pmaiilion
against a mbearriage ol the author's tct is
(learlj iiuintest by the quality ot the tcore ot
players concerned in the cast. Not milt are the
people capable, but their popularity has been
utilized tuwardv injuring a kindly reiiptloii fur
the pluy. lid knuMii of tliet.e, peilnps, is
Htlicl llanyiuore, because ut her Uncage as a
Philadelphia Piew her mother, the (till mourned
(ieorgle Drew Uanjtnoie; her grandmother, the
late xcnirahli. Mr, .lohn Piew, of the An h
Micit theater, Philadelphia; her uncle, the pup
Mud John View, a lnlHiant fjinih lircwn and
ll.ii i linn ib alike.
MI'S llairjmoic Is ald lu umhli' hei mother
In stage action, and rim-t. ilicremre, pliy the
piiiniiiH doniii with a di-li. II. lleeus Nnith,
wlm made a hit In the dual iolc- lu " llrace of
I'artildgiv," is i.nt tor Cnpttin dink', and
IMwin Stevens lor the toilleltlou billet master.
.Mrs. Thomas WhllTcn, Sydney Cowcll, IWelle
Moi tinier, Mlllan Thing ite, fanny Addison Pitt,
tleoige W. Howard, II. S. Tabor. V. llaistow
Smith, Muigaiet limine, )'.el)ii .Tcpson, Chub's
Manlntt, II Jill Asmus, .loin II. Smnnir, Kate
Ten I'.ck, Ranlncr JiiiMn-, Anita ltothe. John
Hughes, Lewis Wood, Amu Monlson, I.oreuo
Hale, M. .1. Citbglut, Iiany Ilarlmi. Aliie
1 1 i ,ii .mil lleatrkc Igneu, all have important
pails in this general lillulty s'eats are now on
"The County Fair."
Hie piini, frollcauiue and loveable Mi lugail
Pi ue Is a f.harply detlmil theatrical delineation
ot rmntile female character and all duo to the
nilniiiiy. skill and talent of a mm. That man
is i llurgis, who will be seen In this city
tomoiruw altrrnoon und night at tlie r.jieuni In
the character.iiimed In ennncrtinu with the big
rcvhal of that gieal liiucess, "The County Fair."
on the Miae Mr. nurgers Is a manly and vigor
ous a tellow as one cicr shook hands with and
it lielilml the tootllghts he wears petticoats as
if mture Intrmleil them for his apparel. How
dllfeient thin N fiom tlie usual luu of male
pulormers who attempt to potluy fimale char
actcu. They i.nlc itme, but Nell HurRC's au His
inteii'rd.itlon ot this cluiacter and the gemral
iitmo-plure of the production all the way
through Rhes one a iwrt of Indefinable pleasuie.
It is a tetling of ulWactlon one cannot aualjze,
jet it is like catching a Ijreath of country air
and la-inc introduced to-i;ood old-fashioned folks,
hearing liiiunt iuict, witnei.lng kindly acllotu
and being told an humble story, which goes
direct to onc'n heatt. Matinee at 2,r, i", and
M nuts: iliildreti to any pait of the Inuse, CI
inits. r.senlrig peiforruaticc at S oMoik.
Pel Imps n.i plaj has alttaeted i much atten
tion for iW luppy lomblnatlon of inhticnt cum
tlonil Hietigth and ialemblanee of character
poitialtute, .ittnospliete and wholesome interr.t
ot tct. as Augustiw Thorna.' latest and greatest
fibv, "rIfona," which Is to be glwn heie
hn'itl. with all tha features that chuacteilrcsl
its brilliant New rk produetlon. It Is far from
an easv matter to strike the exact kejnote In
a duiiia whltli deali with that boideiland to
whleh the telephone nil'l tbe electric light aie
going but slowlj.
A 'tep too much and the author finds himself
in the ehptln of tue :nclodrair.atlo-a klip too
Utile and It becomes impiy iimiimuiiiai. i,
Thomas has no gusgi'l his steps ahat he rests
between thee two undesirable exliemcs. He is
strong and virile without ever bolus; sensational
and the ktoiv which ho tells and the manner in
which it Is told ate as fascinating as those
Ailrona muuntam tops, which arc cur leading
one on and who-n charms Increase as the view
become more ilhtltict, and the outlines despen
into realities and details. At the Mtcimi next
Monday nlgbt. "eat ate row on sjle.
The Hoeffler Company.
Tl' lloitPer how, which plajc-d here lol sea
uii under the name nf the lilbiuylloefAer khow.
will play a letui'l engagement at tho Academy,
opening nevt Monday evening and unialnlng iwu
weelvT. Tho eonipany 1. o well known lino tint
it Is kfflH'lent to av tint tlU companj is not recouiilitd as '.lie laigckt. but the most
vvpenshc upeitoiri! coinp.inv lu Ametiia. On
Monday evening ladles' thtrts will be recog
nized to the number of 00. Sean now on hale
The following notice, fiom a Wilkes llarre pap'r
of lecent dale, speak lor Itielf.
Mack lloelller'n great New Yoik meeew, Mh
Woman in black,' iceihod IK Initial peifoim
mice In this city last night, and, notwithstand
ing the li"avj lain. a gneud In a Lugo
audience. It was ginn a most sumptuous pie
ei.tatlou bv the Jack lloeidcr htoclt compiny,
'I he phy deals with politic', hypnotism, crime
and corruption m fourd In a gteit city like
Sw Yeuk, nnd in irpleto with filiation! dramatic
In efliet, but departing son'ewhat trom the eou
vnciloiial. Helen lluoio kiistulncd her well
meiltcd icputation ol the lilght picilous, by
ghlng il kpeclal and artistic penoimame oi
Madam Zruda, tho wcnuii in black. Tho hand
koine tostumek woin by the ladles lent an addi
tional rhaini. Tu Mill '" I'-mJ appealed lu
the paiado iscilie In the thlicl net una w.u
enthusiastically rrcrhnl. Tlie Juggling f, lie
llollls and Valoi 1 lu Die vaudeville poitlou of
Ihu proguiiimo i klniply manelous and alone Is
worth the price ot adnUaiou."
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syiup
lias been used for over FIFTY YKAlis by
whii.u TKirrniMi. with pkiiklct buccnssi.
it the bett lemedy lor DIAItltHOBA. Sold by
Druggist! in eveiy urt of the woild. lie mm
and ak for "Mrs. IVhulow'a Soothing Sjiini,
and take no other kind, Twenly.lhe eenls a
America n Sugar ...,
American Tobacco ....
Am. Steel k Wire ..
A., Top. k St. re...
A., T. it St. Fr l'r
llrook. Traction ...
Halt, k Ohio ,
Cunt. Tobacco ......
Che, k Ohio'
Chic. It (It. Wntl. ...
Chic., II, & (J. ...
St. Paul
Itcck Island
Pel. k Hudson ...
Federal Steel
Fcslerul Steel, IT. ...
Kan. k Tct., IT.
LouU k -Vasli. ...
Man. Klev.ltcd ....
Met. Traction
Ml so. Pacific
People's Ras
Southern Pacific ...
Norfolk k Went. ..,
Nnithern Pacific ...
North. Pacific, Pr. .
N. Y. Central .....
Out. k Wolcin ....
Pcuna. It. It
Paiitii Mill
lieadliig II)'
Ponding Ity.. I'r. .
Montlii rn 11. It
Southern. IT
Tiiiii. Coal k 1 1 on .
II. S. Leather
V. S. Leather, IT. .
1. . Itnbber
t'nlon Pacific
Union Pacific, IT. ..
Wub.isli, IT
Western I'nlon ....
TIiIpI Aieiiue
. uti;
.. il
.. M'.i
.. 7t'i
.. M
.. 4t'a
.. K)
.. IT?.
..iw,4 iw; 140; n;;
x iw us1- utyt
..150 150 150 150
.. i')"t i' J7U 4it;
.. ;o; 705 l."is, 1,9s;
.. 4SU CO Wi 4-TS
.. S-O.i SW'i. S7Je ."
..UU 111, 11S 1U
1024 10-ZYi 101 lf.)?
High- Low- Clou-
est. ist. ing.
llfsi UiVt VUVt
iH liau us3;
mi; 4t 4t;
S5U 84.i SIU
Wi. 75?i 7Vi
.is: Ml .VIVj
41'J 4'2'i 4U4
3D RAVi "iYt
liii 17'; nij
14J lll 14H,
. K
. n;
. 441;
. lU'i
. M",
I I'.i
uos; iw;
S0? SO'
.11,. 115'; ltl'A 14.,
. 4if. 41 Vl'i IJ'4
.. 71',
,. io-i
.. 7l'i
.. 3S
.. l'i
.. 7.P,i
.. 21
.. V,i
.. M'i
.. iv
.. "
w in: AT
.l.lnu.liv 7'iiH iVt ii-n
Miy 7l'j 7'.1, 7l'a
Jaiiuaij .,',!,
May Jvi
lauuary '-':i,1i
Miy -JJ
Oooll- High- Low-
Ing. est. est,
, .. W, M'i 701;
... 7'i'j HI'i 7'j'a
Low- CIos.
it. ing.
371 ;
25' i
Mauli ....
41" -
Ing. so';
44' .
Seranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
First National Uack
Seranton salngs Paid.
Third National Bank
Dime Deposit and Discount Hank..
Economy Light, II. ''.Co.
Ucka. Tru.t Sale Ucpoalt Co
Clark k Snover Co., IT.
Seranton Iron Fence k JIfg. Lo. ...
Seranton Axle Works
Lackawanna Dairy Co., IT
County Saving Hank Trust Co..
First National Bank (Carbondale)..
Standard Drilling Co
Traders' National Bank
Seranton Holt and Nut Co
Scianton rass'ngrr Hallway, flr-t
Mortgage, due 1020
People' Stieet Hallway, flrt mort
gage, due 1918
rcople'n Street Hallway. General
mortgage, duo W21
Hlckjon Manufacturing Co
Lacka. Township School C pel cent.
City of seranton St. Imp. 1 per
Seranton Traction 0 per cent
Did, Asked,
l'Ji ..
Scinuton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. O. nle, 27 Lackawanna Ave.)
ISuttcr-Cieamery, 24a23o.
t'ggs Select wcdtcin, 21c; neaiby state, Sic.
Cheese Full eteam, new, 12c.
Deans Per bu., choice inonow, tl.50.
Onions eMs. per bu.
Flour llet patent, if4.tAi.
Philadelphia Grain mid Produce.
Philadelphia, Jan, 21. Wheat Finn, V.
highci; couiucl giade, Jan., 75lia75'ac Lulu
steadj; No. 2 mUeJ, Jan., 4-laiaVic'. Oat
Steady! No. 2 white elipiwd, 32'4c. nuttei
I'nchangoil; fancy wc-stern ireinieo', '-'4c.! 'I-.
piints, 2)c. Fugs lirmj fre-di neatbj, 2iX..i
do. western, 2CV.; do. outhwesterii, Jis-.; do.
Mjulhern, Ilk Cluev Steady; N. . lull
cicauis, tanc.v small, 11Ha12c; do. do. do., filr
to choice, lO'.iall'.ic Iteflned suxan iuiet.
Cotton- 1'nchaiigcd. Tallow Steady; clly pilmc
in hhds., 5c; tleiees. u'ic; country piliu,-,
bbli., I'jiSc; takes, fiic Live poultry Firm,
l.ilr elemaiid; fowl., t'alOc J foini- loU, 10Ue;
old roosters, 7e ; chickens, eulOc. ; clucU, 11
aUc. ; gcest. Dalle; tuike, Pc. Diessed
poultiy steady, lair deniatid; toi,ls, choice.
I'Voc-,; do. fair to gowl, S'a'io.j old ic-tiis,
M7c; lieatby chickens, 10il2c; weteru do.,
'.lallc, tuikiy., ihoke to fancy, Dalle. ; iIucks,
Iteceipt. Flour, 2,exkJ barlels, and l.O'tj.u's)
ponuds In Hacks; wheat, 10,1100 bushels; coin.
I1l,0ii0 htfcheU; oats, 20,000. Shipment -Wheat,
2,iXW bushel; eom, 103,000. oals, lej.neni.
Our Great One Hour
Friday Afternoon Sales
Attractions extraordinary for today. Some of the
most important bargain lots ever offered by The Big
Store. Read every item carefully :
At2 O'clock Sharp
On Main Floor
Fancy Outing Flannels, worth
6c yard, for 4c
Children's Fust Black Stock
iugs, for 4c
In Basement
Blown Tumbleis, 7 ounce sue,
worth st, for ac
linamel Tea Kettles, 5 quart,
worth we. for .iac
Linamel Pudding Pans, 5 quart, worth 20c, for Oc
50-Foot Clothes Line, worth 12c, for 6c
Bread Raiser, 10 quart, worth 35c for aac
Coffee Pots, 2, 3 and 4 quart, worth 20c, for 10c
Clothes Baskets, full size, worth 65c, for 32c
At 3 O'Clock Sharp
On Main Floor
Dress Goods, big lot, worth 50c
yflrui tor
Pound Box Fine Writing Papr,
worth 35c, for
Boys' and Girls' Fine $1.35
ohoc?! lor
Percales, 56 Inches wide, worth
10c, for
On Second Floor
Percale Wrappers, line and full, worth 75c, for 49c
Fine Coutil Corsets, all sizes, worth 65c, for 18c
At 4 O'clock Sharp
On riain Floor
rxquisue nmuroiucrrca, up iu 5
indies, tor... ...... ..
Handkerchiefs, men's and wo
men's, worth toe, for
.Scotch Plaids for Child-iens
Dresses, at 3 7-8c
Apron Ginghams, line quality,
worth 6c, tor 3HC
Children's Vests and Pants,
worth 25c, lor
Second Floor
Muslin Drawers, hemstitched, worth 2qc, for
Jonas Long's Sods
tn is3?0' I.imb, mostly Us-, lowei, ifoocl t
,l,nl,. n-MlipM. 1.T0j4 '0: f.iir to ehiilco niKCil
W.4Ua';.r0i western !icf, 'Jl V'mI.W; le'XJi
h.op. riiliM- Unibs, xmi: -- '
cm l.iinbs, Vi5.rji). f
New York Live Stock.
Xcw ork, .Ian. 2l.IlTOMs-Itccciits, j;l, lu
tiirtlne In live catttc, nomliully -tt'wcI ; win's
nuntoil lliv cattle .twtly at ll'jili'ei lr
iKiuiiel. Calies,-MatKct, nwel.i ; iwls, suH.ij
little e-jlcs, S.I.JJ; lurnvaiil cjlr. nominal
Miecti and himbs-l'rlmc shcs'P about tcail ;
ethers, lower; Iambs, slow and in tn " ic'tits
loner; shivp. Sl.ft); laih- '""''
enrllnirs, V'.TS; no t'aiuche Iambs.
' Hogs Nominally lower, nt VI3aVu"i fur Iiok;
itU' lilBS, $3.TOa5.SO.
Buft'rtlo Live Stock Mmket.
Kait lluffalo. Jan. il. lUccipts-laitlf, i
rats', i,Uei an.l lambs, 2u cuuj Loirs, 2D .ll.
MilpmdiK fattl.', 41 cih: si.orp ami liiibl,
tr, caw; he-its, 1 cars, faltlf,; cilvci,
elolce- to itra, isS.23aS.00. .
Lambs-Choices lo etrj, sj,..M.ia..0, stuff,
rrlvccl, H.2JJl..V.
lloa Hcav ami nilucl. r-lQ. r'iC. k4,
East Liberty Stock Market.
Lust I.ibcitv, Jan. U. Catlle Steady; i.hj,
is',.i)aj.f(i: prime, KJ.10i3.2i; common. s!a:i.,j
Hous -low and lowor; prima mediums Hid
be-t jorlecis, $J.Jja3.W; heavy hogs, l..lfUWai
ciiinmoii to lair joikm and pits, fVJOa .!';
lotislw, $.).7oal.vi0.
M)rt ."leu : cliolec v.'ftluis, M.Jfi.t4 ta; es,iu
lion, Sl.W).t2.K): choice lambs, ss.rOaJ'.V, iom
iimn lo stood, i'aj.M; ic-al eaten, KMi.
Oil Market.
(Ill Cite. Jan. .'I. Credit balances, ili. "el
l.'licatcs, 'no bid. .shipments. lOi.DSl: Jteuire,
W,..'.t. I(uii, ll'i.ll.l; aieraxe, MvS-'I.
Sea Trips
ot two tr fie si' elurtlloii,
re ottered bf tha
New York Grain nnd Produce.
New Yoik, Jan. 21, flour-Steady and a uitte
nioie actleo on hhIuk patent!.. Wheal Snot
slruiig; No. 2 resi, bOe. t', o. b. attoal; .No,
i led, TSa,i rtpwitnr; So. 1 northern Duluth,
Shi'bC. f. o. b. afioat. Options advanced mod-i-utely
till day and do'cd ktroiik'. laac net
blither; Jan. cloned TO'.ic ; March, 7u?e'. ;
May, cO'Jc, July, TUTic t'oin Spot ktcudy;
c. a, l"Uc elevator, and Sf.'lo. f. o, b. afloat.
Oitlon, market ruled dim all day and c.K-id
tit in at ic not adtance. Jan. dose, I 47c:
Maich. 45 js ; Miy, IHjc ; Jul., iio. "US
-hpol fUlct; No. i, )ac; No. .1. illo. j No.
2 while, 32a,!2'ii.; No. il uhlle, ol'.ic; tuiel,
liihid civtein, .sOUc. ; tiad: white, .lla.(.3i'.
Uptlom slow but llimly held with com. Mutter
-Hun; cicJinc-ry, l(U22c,; factory, lliHc;
June eieauiery. L'.aJuc. ; Imitation ereanurv,
i:i'iol7.SiC.j tate dairy, llajflo. Chrcse rtini;
fancy large, fall made, ll'.ulUjc-. ; do. unall.
Ila,al2c. Knits riii'ii lato and I'enua., 'Mi
21c; western, nciucje packed, Js';ipi,; scest
cin, loss on, no.
ChlcnRo Ginln nnd Produce.
I bleaso, Inn. 21. Today nlieit ailunud ,a
V'. under the influence ot smaller leceipu. e em
closed u sluile. and oats, '.i', ic up. I'nnl"
inns at the close rie ft to IA lent louei.
(.'ash qudutloies weio as lulluw.,;
Hour Dull; No. it tpiliu wheat Ula7ii.;
No. 2 red, 74u7ac. ; No, 2 com. !i7Ve. ; N.
2 yellow. ;i7'io,j No. B oits, 2l',Cn2lii.: No
2 white, 27','ae.; No. .1 while, 2u'ja27e.; No. 2
iyo, fiOe.i nultlnir, .Vla(.e'.i No. I flax. l.7ll
1.7('!.e. i No. 1 northwest. H.77; ilnioiht, hi.i.3,
lioiL, 13.60il3.10; l.iril, 7.SJUa7.3'); libs.
i.t,7U'a7.12,,j'. houlde'r., il'iaO'ic. ; (.Iiles, is;,-.)-,
a7.:;l; whlskej, 1,'J7.
Chlcngo Live Stock Market.
Chicago, ,Tau, 21. Cattle Itecelnt, leWajci,
choice Mecis, about uteady; uetliei., ,lun ;
butchers' slock, Hi III lo shade iiluliei; lciui4,
about tteade ; good to prime uteers, is,i.25ucl;
ivor to inediuru, i,OTjV13; Hoc Item and feed
ut, stisily, Mal.U0; cow, $J,7aal.20i hell. is,
lli.'.Slil.AUl canncrs, iJ2ai.7U! bull, steaclv, f.'.M
alJ.O; cnlieH, steady, ta3,7.1; Texas (e'd sleciii,
tUI,73; 1'ex.u fctaes stcei-j, 'fj.avil; Texas bulls,
Hop, llccelpts today, SA.lniO) tnmoiimr, '.,
omi; iclt ertir, 5,0Oi); opened hado IiIkIht,
closed weak; lop, 'i.a, inKid and butchers,
?3, KU3. .15 i Rood to choice, tiy. W.20.I.V83;
roueh heavy, n'Wil.lS; llsht, V10a3.l bull;
ol ato, M.SU'S.ST'.i.
fliecp- lleielpts, tn.ncld; leail,v, ceal lins lli
'Iheie lll be an extensile- display m worn u
mar.ub'.elurer. al the I'an-Amclicau ctrosl'1"'1-
Two bundled aril thiitvlx leet I the height
il the llortlcul'ure HulMiiif. which l !' ttrl
The meal pipe claim lo be used In Ihe lent
pel ot Music at the 1'in-Anuiie.ui exposiliou wns
built to oid.'i at a ert of sl5,uui.
Did jou eer see a house and Ik contents up
t:de down.' Tho noul lirhl will be .1 teatme
ot the I'aii-Ain-ilean epo"ltlcn Mielwa).
'Ihe New Ycik t ili- idi'illi ioiuihI-iciiii
will bob! theii se.sloi. for pml l lluttalo,
Ihe city of good rends, durlti(r the Pan Vtii'ilean
Three hutidrid i'tid iiincty-one feet is ike elm
tamo lioin Ihe base uf the J.IectrU Tower to the
i-i ot the tU'imi iiimountli-tr it. re present Inif em
Codcl-v, nt LlKbt
the nul tmv loi i l,i l'.iniiieiieai' isposilion
U bolliw' put In I'clllon. Tlele me mule than
lil pieces i,f staliuil' and niedel-ioup- bv t lie
birft Mlilitois III Vinnlea.
A. J. Joluwiri, i.nislis loiiiiiiisslouci o) l)iei.oii
to tin- I'flii-AliK'tieaii. W worl.lus hard lo ejathcr .
an rxlilbll thai will pii'puly itHCeiit the l 1,
ill this liiiKii(aiit uiiliMl). One hundred Olid ,
forty iJllflleii of woods will be lepicsenttd. ,
Niiictj-tour Un,c-l'cd keauli lights will be
placed undei the wjtel ot me nain hi inr s emu
of I'ountailis lei cast nilinril lights oil tin- fomi
lams and cascnh and heluhten the beiuu 01 lb,
eleetiu nnd hjdraulie ellocl-.
One iiiilllou, time liuiidiid anil 1111111.1 uiuu
Hand MUire Tift U the iippro-slniite .nea nt the
re tubs I" l- llluiiilualid. ThU Is iccu and oi,
half times ih Kirn of Ihe mints .It the Mullet's
1'alr, iwli th" alia ol UiOsei al Hie rail'
imtillmi. lend tine times ttlioe ill llie 'lians
Mississippi exposition ut Ui.ulu.
lu n liic inej tho maud illiuullialicn iiliulll tlie
fouit ot I'ouulalis, Clecltle Towel, l..planaele
ami I'lir-i, SsXl.t" luejiichse'cnt lamps will be
cd, I'our liuudii'd liillei of wile will be u'ed
In the liirtJllalion of the laniW tor this illiiuu
natioii. Twit huuilied and filly tons will b
about the welnlit ot this eciuiitli.v ol wlie.
Tlilety flee- thoiwaud eralloii of watei pei nun
lite will lie requited for the fountain display of
tin) exposition, which will bo the most 1 labor
ate of any eter undertaken lor u klmllar puipo.e.
1'lfty led will be tho height of uiiie n( the Jet
In tho Conn of I'iiiiiiuIiw, The Jit will be
detrieally llliiininrteil nt night. ivMcnty feel
is the hrlirht of tho caseado tailing finm the front
of the Ktrctlio Tower into the ba.ln belocr,
I'Jie hundred and iJxty-fitc by two hundred nj
twenty-llvo am tho dlmnislons of the basin of the
Court of KounUinK, which equals W.S72 qusi
J feet.
Norfolk, Ua.
Old Point Comfort, Ua.
Richmond, Ua.
Washington, D. C.
Steamers rail dally except Sunday from Pre 2e7,
North lllicr, foot of Ueacli street. New Vork.
Ticket), Includirg meaU and ttiteroom accons.
niocJatlons, $13.09 and upward.
For full Information apply to
81 Beech Street, New York, IT. Y.
11.11. WALKKlt.1raf.Mijr. J.J.BUOWN.a.F.A.
Strong Nerves
are the tnte source of good, healthy
Persons villi half-starved uerves al
ways look worried and "dragged-out,"
You cannot be happy wlthou', nerve
vlftor; you cuuuot be natural without
all the poircm which nature meant you
to have.
produce a healthful filow which art
cuuuot imitate. They Invigorate every
ort,'an, put nesr force to the nerves,
elasticity lo the step and round out the
face anil torm to lines, of health and
81.00 per bor; (1 boxes (with sjrritten
cuarautec), S-'iOO. Hook free. J'kjii,
IiCUll:IK Co., Ciei-eland, Ohio.
for salo by John II. I'helps, riiarmictst, corosr
Wyomliiif aunuc and pruce street.
ir-xoTi: tiik
Mr, llosiidil and Aruer Suriifroa (ctllt.
ur. iHttL,oi-iionnaninsi,
l'liUiiclclpblu, lii.OAU Abase,
nil RBI
iv.i . " :
10 clay.
, LnatManhoQd.BnrunVl
.fully rewored. Fresh rue
ItulOilaT. Tho most nierTCMiS'isea
ineert ny Mall. Beael ror Hworn Timcpii reont et
rosing erery Itk laiiltutt.tlKUiUa etMcaKal ti.U