"o-ar't- r. n'Xift' , & THK SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1901. r.'- s i-i 3 WEST SCRANTON WELL KNOWN PEOPLE WED MAimiAOE OF BAY WILLIAMS AND MARGARET MORGAN. Ceremony Pevfoimcd by Dr. tie Gi itchy LflBt Evening nt the Homo of the Bride's Parents on North Hydo Pnik Avenue Williams Bodycomh, EvetB-Colllns and Fiftunfclker-Rcynolds Nuptials. Funerals of Mrs. B. Hughes, Eva Bennett and Thomas H. Davis. Tile IllHllhlK"' )t' ! .), William'. t 31U .North Kvervtl nvi-ntic, son of Mr. nrifl .MrK, John ',. Yv'ltlliiuw, ami MIxh .Margin d MoiKHti. diiiiKhtft-of .Mr. arid MrH. William Mot Knit, of .'.IT Ninth Hyde Pat I; n venue, uun soleinnb.iHl t S..I0 o'clock lam cvctilliB at tin; homo of tho bride's iinrcntM In the jiteMMice of a Uibc number of jrlondi Mild H'latlVPH. Tho ceremony wnn net formed by Hew Thomas de CJrucliy. 1. !-. pastor of tho Jackson Htipet Kapthl church, of which both young people uiv inenilici.s and Mng In the choir. The bride vv.ih unattended nml wore a voiy li-comliiK sown of brown poplin, tiltumed with appllciuc nllk, and catrlod bililal rosea. The wedding niait'hes worn played by Vrofphsor l.ovvls tluvli, ohoilstei of the Jackson Strict Riiptlxt church, anil tho choir wan present and s.tnjf sev "tal selections. Following the eere many a icceptlon was tendered Mr. and iMrs. Williams und supper was nerved to a larK number of BiiesU. They will dlspeiiHu with a wedditiK lilp and liPRln hmi.'eltecplm,- liiimmll ntly In n newly furnished home nt 12.1 3s'oitli Kverctt avenue. Many valuable and pretty presents were received by iljeni as wedding gifts. Williams-Bodycomb. Tnomns Williams, of Kynon nti-et, find Mis. Maria Hodycomb, of Hamp ton stieet, were quietly married at M," o'clock last evening at the resi lience of Mr. und Mrs. James A. Kvans, im North Hyde 1'ark avenue, by llov. 1. P. Hopkins, pastor of the First "Wolsli Baptist church. The couplo were unattended and Im mediately nfter the nuptial knot was lied repaired to the homo of the bride's parents, on Hampton street, where a number of relatives and friends had gathered to ccmgiutulato them. Both are well known In tht; Fif teenth ward, wheio they have resided ABOUT THIS TIME LOOK OUT FOR J COUGHS 1 and colds TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. Fashionable Corset Talk Straight Front Corsets have come to stay, and without a straight front corset it is impossible for any woman to wear an up-to-date gown and have it fit properly. All the New Corset Models for Spring, 1901 Are ready for your inspection, and 30 varied are they in style and proportion that we can safely promise to perfectly fit any figure with a corset that will fill all of fashion's demands and ieel as comfortable as an easy fitting glove. Our range of prices in the newest mod els of Straight Front Corsets, runs from $1.00 to $5.00 a pair, and includes such famous makes as Thomson's Women's "Redfern" are guaged, All new models. 4Her Majesty" Corset!. entirely new and unique styles, in which fashion and comfort admirably blends. ; "R.4 & G" Corsets, in straight front shapes, ': with or w thout the girdle, also 'i all the regular stock styles. The range of colors and materials is complete in every ', instance. Othei makes as well, and they'ro all new. ; - T - . I... . , ,. - - r 1 , , 1 Speca Sale of "Redfern" Corsets No need to say one word in their favor. The best dressed women in the land wear them, and they are always right. , 1:'T Saturday Keurorn "A" corsets in White, usually $5.00 $3.50 Keatern "A" corsets in Black, usually 6,00 Redfern "D" Corsets in White, usually 2.50 Redfern "D" 'Corsets in Black, usually 3.00 , , A full line of the best $1 corsets in the world will be on sale on Saturday only at Globe Warehouse They will tesldo on Evcrs-Colllns. Stephen livers and Miss Mury Agliei Collins, well known young people, weio united In manlike at Ht. Patrick's Catltollc church Wednesday afternoon at r o'clo:l: by lluv. 1'. K. Laviilli. Tho couple wcrti attended by Miss Maty Movies and Michael Kvvis, u hi other of the gioout. They are now enjoying a wedding tllp through Mow York state and upon their return will leslde In West Scrulilon. Finunfelker-Roynolds. .unounceineul has Just been made of the iiiairlagf of Mahloti Fraunfelker and Miss Ilattlc Heynolds. both of 121 North Hromley nvunue. This ceiemony was performed In New York on Wednesday by Ttev. A. II. Heath, of New York city. The bride Ir a sinter of the groom's llrst wife. Funeral of Mrs. B. Hughes. Services over tho itnuulns of the late Mrs. LI. Hughes wore held at the bouse, on Washburn street, lust evening ami were attended by many people who en Joyed tlu filendshlp and esteem of de cerned In life. The services woie- In ehatge of lluv. I). I). Hopkins', pastor of the First Welsh Haptlsl church, of which Mis. IltiKhes was a devoted member. The iiuhIoi Hke at some length on the text fi-ont Hev., xlv:13, "messed ate the dead that die In th? l.oid." Ho tefeircd to tho true Christian charac ter of Mrs. Hughe, and appealed to bis hearurn to prollt by her Oodlv life. The funtiul will occur at !i o'clock this tuurnlntr, when the icmutns will be taken to Sliatuokln for Interment. A number of people will accompany tho body to Its tlnnl tvullng plate. Tho piill-ln-ai-ors will be Hon. Jtfhii T. Will lams, Udward Thomas, Henry P. Da vies, Joseph HeynohN, James A. Hvans and Hvan J. Davles. Among the out-of-town people who wore present at the service last even Ins were Mrs. John' Hvans, of Wester ly, 11. T.: John Heeso and John 12ddv, of Sharnokln. Ohter Funerals Yesterday. Ilov. Thomas de- Orucliy, 1). D pus tor of tho Jackson Street Hapttat church, officiated at the funeral of Kva, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Bennett, yesteiday uftei noon. Services were held at the bouse on Garfield avenue, and Interment was made hi the Washburn street nine. tory. The funeral of the late Thomas H. Davis was conducted yesterday after noon from the bouse of deceased's p.u ents on Pleasant street, ltev. V. A. Itoyl, pastor of Plymouth CongrogH tional church, otllclated, ami burial was mado In the Washbuin street cemetery. Jackson Street Church. The diummer evangelist, ltev. W. H. Williams, was greeted by a large con gregation last evening nt the Jackson Street Baptist church. He preaches with very Si eat earnestness and power. for many years, Hamilton street. Straight front Militant" and popular girdle corsets, in Em press Josephine models. Straight front corsets, on entire ly new lines, as well as all the regular styles. Corsets, the standard of excel lence by which all other corsets 4.50 1.95 2.45 T5c which moves the people. Ho took for bin subject last nlfrht, "No Itoom for Jesus." At the close of bin address, four people presented themselves for prayers and were converted. llev, Mr. Williams has had conver sions every night since the meotttiKflbe san, with tho congregation lnci cnshicc every nlfcht. The nubject for this even ing will lw "The Prodigal Hon." Kvcry body Is Invited to the services. Simpson M. E. Chuich. The Ladles' Aid society of the Simp son Methodist Uplsclpal chinch io cently elected the fotowltiR olllcors for tho ensuing year: President, Mrs. S. W. Wrlgleyj nrst vice president, MTs. J. P. Randolph; second vice president, Mrs. J, D. Saunders; secretary, Mrs. Dr. P. C. Hall; treasurer, Mrs. W. Tt. Cnstner; managers, Mrs. J, It. James, Mrs. 1). Dourlck, Mrs. Harriet Mott, Mrs. M. Ace and Mrs. Oeorse Keltn. Chairman of devotions, Mrs. J. P. Itan dolph. Yesterday the newly elected olllcers gave a dinner In the church parlors to tho members of the society, nt which llev. Dr. and Mis. Sweet were tho Ktiests of honor. Tho menu was excel lent and n most enjoyable lime was had by nil. Without any ilomlsh of tiumpets some most successful meetings are be ing nightly hold In the Simpson church. The pastor Is his imn evangelist and Is finding excellent support from the members of his ehurth, Meeting to night at ",?,0 oelock. Washburn Street Church. Interesting seivlces are being held In tho Washburn Street Presbyterian church this week. The attendance and Interest has been good. This Is the sec ond week of services after the week ot prayer which was onset ved by the Kngllsh speaking churches In T'nion. The services will be continued all next week and It Is epxpecled that many persons will make the llrst Sun day In February a "Decision Day" for Christ. This In accord with new Dr. Clark's suggestion concerning the twentieth annlversaiy of the Christian Hndeavor society. Special Christian Hndcavnr servhes will be held In the Washburn Street Prerbyterlnn church on that day. Tho city Christian Kndeaor rnlon will hold a union service In the church next Tuesday evening to make ar rangements for oariylng out Dr. Clarke's suggestions lelatlve Io the twentieth annlversaiy. Injured In the Mines. Ceorge. Vanskuskl. employed us a miner In the Capoiise eolller. was se veiely injured while at work yester day by being squeezed between a fall of coal and the breast of the hamh?r. Ills Injuries consist or a seveiv scalp wound. two fractured ilbs and a broken noe. He Is now at the West Side hos pital, under the cue of the nurses. NOTES AND TEHSONALS. Miss Kllzabeth James, or Nuntteukc. attended the WllllaniH-Morgun wed ding on North Hyde Paik avenue, lat evening. Word has been lecelveil of the death at Parsons of John M. D.uis, grand father or Mrs. W. O. Daniels, of South Main avenue. The remains weio In terred In the Hollenback cemetery, Wllkes-Harre. yesterday afternoon Mis. P. J. Nealls, of Chestnut street, is seriously ill with an attack of pneu monia. Ulchard Lonergan. the Chestnut street merchant, Is confined to his home by Illness. The condition of Undertaker P. W. Tagut', of Jackson stieet, Is looked upon favorably and his leeoveij Is looked for. A. G. Hall, of South Hyde P.uk ave nue, Is teported to bo quite sick at his home. Camp ITS, Patriotic Ordei Sons of America met last evening and initiated one candidate into membership Sev eial applications were received. Local union. No. 6.17. United Mine Workeis of America, will meet in Co operative hall this evening GREEN RIDGE. i". H. Shoemaker, of Capoitue avenue, has returned from a trip to Painted Post. N. Y. The Amity Literary society will met this evening at the home of Inland Marsh. 1016 Columbia inenue. The question for debate is: "HesoUed, That Hie United States should not m tain the Philippine Islands." Mrs. W. L. Cur, nt' CSreen Nidge stieet, Is 111. The tegular meeting of the miisio section of the Green Hldge Woman's ilub will be held at the Sciauton "on servatory of Musio this moinlng at 10.30 ' lock. Uev. P. J. McManus, of St. Pauls chuich, wus In WIlUes-Haire on Wed nesday anil assisted in the funeral ser vlres over tho remains of Mrs. Prank Smoulter, of that city, Mr. and Mis. A. (1. Thomasou, of Noilh Pa ik, n iv both 111 with the gilp. The regular meeting of Gieen nidga council, No. 1S02, lioyal Arcanum, will be held Pilday evening. January ".. All members ate requested to be pres ent. Specialty. Diseases of Women, itoom 1, over Globe store, Hours: 1 to C.30 p. m. Consultation rice. Dr. Tioveilon NEVER SIGNED THE PETITION. Eighth Ward Men Declare Their Names Are Forgeries. M. Sivnitz, a prominent Polish Jew nieiehant of South Washington ave nue, callod at the olilce of the clutk of tho courts olllce yesterday and stated that tho niyuo purporting to be ids which Is signed to; tho petition In tho Hlghth waul election Is a for get y. With Mi. SivartB was a half doeu of bis neighbors, whose nAinej appear on the petition. All of them de clared most emphatically that their names as they appear or. tho petition aie forgeries. The piotesteis weie aslted to sign their names to pieces of paper and these weie compared with the slgna tuies to the petition, If tho latter are forgeiles, tho forger was very expert with his pen, Tho signers to tho petition are. ery much excited over the piospeut of hav ing to pay tho costs In tho case, which amount to upuiuds of $2,000. SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE Allow a ouiih In urn until It gH hnond tho riuili of iiieilltlnc. 'i hev ulieii jv, "Oh, it will t.ir ttuy," but In ina.t hum It will near tlirm away, Could tUey l Induced to try tho ucemlul inrdlcltH) called Kemp' lUlum, which l told on a posUlm icuamntro Io lure, Ihty would immediately eo the rilleiit cITcct alter taldiu llio flt dote. I'rlro 25c. jnd &Hc. Trial lie free. At ull diugisU. 1 SOUTH SCRANTON MARRIAGE OF CONRAD FRUE HAN AND MISS EDWARDS. Tho Ceremony Was Performed Yea teiday by Rev. Mr. North at Hick ory Street Presbyterian Church. Reception Followed at Home of Bride's Parents Entertainment at Y. W. C. A. Tonights-Basket Ball Game Played Last Night Mar rlago of Chilstian Kraft and Miss Emma Zelgler Other Notes. A pretty wedding took place yester day at high noon In the Hickory Street Presbyterian church, when Conrad Fruehan, Jr., and Miss Lisle M. Kd wards were united In wedlock by llev. Mr. Not ill, pastor or the Hickory Street Presbyteilan church. The bride was attlretS In u gown or steel-colored fcllk, trimmed with white silk and nu 1 llque and carried a bouquo: of bridal roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Maydi Opper. wore a gown of pink moussellue de sole, tiimmed with pink satin llbbjn. She ciii'rled a bouquet of pink rosts. Tho groom was attended by Chat Its ltahr. The ushers were John G. Frue han, of Philadelphia: Heunan Asper--b!ager, Conrad Wlrth'io'.imv and Henry Lewert. After the ceremony the wedding par ty leturned to the home of Mrs. Hauer, Panel, a sister of the bilde, where a sumptuous wedding repast was served. The couplo lecelvcd many and costly presents. They will make their home In thin part of tho city, where they have hosts of friends. Entertainment Tonight. The Y. W. C. A. will hold an eiiter tnlnmetit this evening at their rooms on Cedar avenue at T.45 o'clock. The following programme will be tendered : piano solo, Miss Anna Glass; tableaux, "Clndeiella"; leeltatlon. Miss L. Lutt; vocal solo. Miss Louise Lolimnnn; tableaux, "Thre" Wise Men", piano solo, Miss Anna Seheuei . tableaux, "The Last Coin"; duet. Misses F.mma Seheuech and Kmmu lewert; tab leaux, "Faith, Hope and Charity"; piano solo. Miss Prelda Kornacher. tableaux. "One Year Among ihe An gels"; vocal solo. Miss Anna Schiller, tableaux. "Hoik of Ages"; duet, Miss Umllla Platter and Miss Ihnina Myers. No admission fen will bo charged. All young women are welt omo NOTED BRIEFLY. The game of basket b.ill .scheiiiiUil for last evening between the Defend ers and tho old Scranton team was not played, on account of the latter team falling to put In an appeai.inee. A game was accordingl played be tween the tlrsts and ieeonds of tho Defenders and the resultant score was 10 to 5 In favor of tho first team. The Defenders have been challenged by the North Und Stars for a game next Thuisday evening at St. John's hall. I-hnmn Eelglei and Chilstian Klaft, of Dunmore, were united In mailing" bv Hev. Mr. Nordt, pastor or the Hlckoiv Stieet Piesbyterlan church. Mrs. Helgler. mother of the bride, ha I gone out to visit some friends and she was greatly surpilsed on letllin Ing to Und the young bridal couplo at her home. The funeral of Mrs. Schemer, of Kim street, who died In Philadelphia, where she had been visiting for the past two week-, will lake place this afternoon at 'J o'clock. Sendees over the ivm.iii's will be held In the Hkk orj Street 1'iesb) terlan chin eh. In teimtnt will bo made In the. Plttstou avenue cemoteiy. Miss Mar Lynetl, of Cailxiudiite. Is visiting fi lends on this side.. Miss, Mary dingier, or Diuyea. Is the guest of Geoige Wusmur. on Pltls ton avenue The St. Mjij's i holr will mieet for reh'Mrsi.l tills ceiling in St. Jlaiv's hall. The engagement of Jacob '.Imnier and MtH 4usM Gr,i"linrr Is an nounced. NORTH SISTON NOTES. Mi. and Mis. Flank Mi Kee. ot rial; street, gavi- a very pleasant surpihe part In honor of their daughter, Geneiieve. nu Wednesday evening. , veiy enjojable time was had by thine piesent, and at a se.iMiiuible horn ie frtshnu'iits (i served: Those picsent weie. Missies Katie Lyuott, Jennie Duffy, Katie Devlne, Sadlu Lot'tus, Alice Mulchroiie, Aimlo Nenry, Prances O'Doyle, Chailotto Kane, Mmgaiet HaggU'ty, Dorothy Leonnid, Kathleen O'Hoyle, Delia Mulchrone; Messrs Kdwiud Knight, Mosey Clark, Thomas Kelley, Kd ward Gibbons. Wllllnm Cuslck. Wil liam Saltiy, John O'M.illey. Anthony llanett. Thomas Heniy and John Pia no . Sunday School Entertainment. An excellent ptogi amine was icn dered by the pupils of tho Holy ltosary Sunday school last Wednesday even ing in St. .Mary's hall. The affair was In chaige. of Hev. J. J. O'Toole. The following programme was ien deied: Vocal solo, Nelllo Murtaugh; piano solo, Mary Mabon: vocal solo, Vincent O'Malley; recitation. Stephen Oaln; banjo solo, Cecelia O'Hoyle; reading. Patilck Carroll; ocal solo. John Gllhoy; essay, Michael Harrctt; address, Thomas J. Harrctt. Exercises in M. E. Chuich. Alter a short business session of tho Piovldenco .Methodist Dplscopal chuich last evening, the rollowlng piogramme was rendeied: Subject for the eenlng was "Modes of Tiavel''; the first was "Old Conveyances," by Miss Nellie Hetijamln, "The One Hoss Shay," by Miss Lulu Claik, "Introduc tion of Hallways, Klectilc Hallways." Prank Lewis; "A Street Car Kxper lenco," Miss Margaret Lee; violin solo, Miss Cute; "The Soliloquy or i lloi-so on First Seeing an F.lcetrle Cni," Miss Huth Renjamln: "The Old and Now .Method of Navigation," Chailes Con-stantlne- "Aerial Navigation," Mir. Wetbeiby; "Autoiuoblles," Frank Put ney; ' Steel Hallways." Miss -Mortice Case. Eucluo Party. Miss Sarah Moran, of Hudson street, gave a euchre party to her friends on Wednesday evening in honor of her cousin. Mr. J. P. Devlne. Tho prlzea were won by Mr. Patrick Judge ,of the South Side, and Miss Agnes Laney, of ninghamton, N. Y. Those present were; The Mlstaj Agnes Laney, Maigaiet and Cella Clif ford. Cella Moian, Sarahi and Mary Devlne, Agnes, Lizzie au4 Nvinh Ker- T rlgan, Julia nnd Mary McIIugh, Mar garet Farrey, K. Moran, Mary and Susie Mcllugh, Sarah, Katheilno and Lizzie Moran; Messrs. Patrick Judge, Bernard Oir, P. Kvnns, John Devlne, J. Morrison, M. J, McIIugh, James Flannlgan, M. Devlne, James Golden, Martin and Patrick Moran, Mr. and Mrs. P. McAnulty. Told In a Few Lines. Mrs. Kdwnrd O'Malley, of Victor. Colorado, has been spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. O'Hoyle, of William street. There will be a meeting of tho Hlessed Virgin sodality at tho Holy ltosary church this evening. Mrs. Hoger Moran died Wednesday evening at her home on Sweeney street, after a few days illness. She Is sur vived by three daughters and one son. Tho funeral will take place this morn ing at 9 o'clock. A high mass of re quiem wdll bo held at the Holy ltosary church. Interment will bo made In tho Cathedral cemetery. The runners and drlveis In the Clark vein at the Marvlne mine, who went out on strike Wednesday, on account of two of their number being dis charged, returned to work yesterday morning, on the reinstatement of tho two who were discharged. The Father Whltty society held a smoker last evening In their rooms In St. Mary's hall. Vu-noy Stoll, of School slreet, Is slightly Indisposed. John Mackuy, of Henwood's ding store, Is convalescent Mr. and Mm M. D. Lewis, of Peek vllle, visited Hev. G. A. Cure and fam ily yesterday. Mrs, dinner James, of Win i en stieet, is sufreilng with tho grip. Mm. Prod Crlppen. or Kdna avenue, will give a tea this afternoon In honor of Miss Helen Snook, of Worcester, Mass. David Jenkins, of Spilng street, ! suffering from a lelapso of typhoid fever. .Mrs. H. Hetheilngton. of Deacon street, Is seilously 111. John J. Kvans and ton, Daniel, of Deacon street, are suffering with the grip. An operation was performed on Master Dudley Gilllln, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grltlln. for appendicitis, by Doctors Power, Welles, Connell and Hums. The North Und Crackeijaeks will play a game of basket ball with tho Taylor Stats, at Taylor. Monday een lug, January 28. The iliununer evangelist. Hev. W. II. Williams, will give an addies. en titled "The Young Woman nnd Her Company," at the Young Women's t'lirlsthui association, Satuiday even ing. January 2.", at 7. 1" o'clock. Free to all. 't'he serke piepnatoi to Com munion Sunday will take pla"e this evening In the Piovidence Presbteilan church. The sermon w ill be ireached by the pistoi Hev. Dr. Guild. OUNM0RE DOINGS. Faicwell Reception Tendered Rev. J. L. Kieamer An Eaily Morning Fho Revival Services. On Wednesday evening, at the homo of Mr. nnd Mi. William Hatvev, J1I5 Cherrv i-treet. a taiewell putty was tendered Hev. J. L. Kreamer. who re cently resigned the pastorate of the Dudley Street Haptlst chinch. He treshments weie seived, and b"foie the party btol.e up they suipilt-ed Mr. Ki earner by piesenllng lilm with a handsome houve Jacket. It being tho gill of the ladles of the church Among those piesent were Hev. A. J. Van ciert, Hev. J. H Dabuey. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jeiome WaniT. Mr. and Mrs. Thomat' Protheioe, Mr. and Mis. Cal Pinch, Mr. and Mr J. Gem go LnirWt, Mrs. . C. Finch. Mr. and Mis. Glen ciomi, Mrs. Thomas Santenbaugh, Mi. and Mrs. William Hatvey, Mr. Curtis Wilds, .Mi. Mut gin t Singer. Mrs. W. Sp.ingenburg, Mi. Helknnp. Mrs. Hor tne, .Mis. Wes.-otl. Mis. John Gibson. MIssfm Jleitle Pinch. Anna Hi own, Millie Kline, Maud Belknap, Altn Hor ttee, Hetlhii and Nettle Smith, Mag gl." .Miller, Helen S.insenbaugh. Heinlee and Dent! he Duike, Messis. A'-I'uir Jones. Prank Spencer. Revival Services. Tin t vival services at the Chi 1st un fhuuh. on Tilpp aM'iuie, tonducted bv th llev. Mr. Cobb, nn glow lug mow Inleresllng uiety night. Theie was im (Mvllent audience out last night The evangelist poke Imm the tlfly llflh chapter ol Tnlali, fouith veise. "Send lilm as a wlme.'s unto the people and a leadei and conmiander unto the people." He showed us how Chi 1st was God's witness fi the peo ple. Doiy man need a leader In i ver voeatlon ol III" le.ideis aie needed, especially in iWUIon. Wen ley and Calvin nnd Campbell weui good men, but not the leniUr for the people, but Clulst. He was also senf for a coniniandor unto the people. Tho great sin of our people Is the ncl ot obedience. This Is seen In th chll iicn of lodnj. AVhom shall we obey in region'.' It should bi Chi 1st. At the close of the services this evening the rite of baptism will 'lio administered. Mr. Dunnett's Service. "Samuel's Tailor" (women only) will be the subject of Evangelist Dun nett's talk at the atteiuooti seivlco today at the Methodist Uplscop il church, and "Who is to Hlauie"" will be tho subject of the sermon at T.sn. While the addiess In the evening will be to young ladles, everybody Is In vited. Last night the subject was "Hell. Wheie and What Is It." It was a masteiiy address. He f roughly con vinced his audience, thnt there Is sitih a place. Mr. Dunne! t Is n very at ttactlve speaker and at time, very diamatle. but thoioughly In earnest. It Is not surprising that ciowds al ways gather at his evangelistic sei vlces. The congregations are Incieas Ing each evening and llu Inteiest Is becoming gre.itei. Eaily Morning Fhe. Slioitly aftei 2 o'clock esteiday moinlng a bain on Tin nop stieet was discovered to bu on (lie. Tho com panies i impended to an alaini from Hox 21 and soon succeeded In extin guishing the llames. The building was foimeily owned by James Quick, but Is now the piop erty of sumo building and loan asso ciation. Tho damage amounted to about $100, which, It Is said, Is cov eted by Insurance. Tho fire appeaiu to have beeeni of Incendiary origin. News in Brief. A delegation of Heel Men from Cata saqua tribe, of Mooslc, visited Ptah 1 1 Ibo last night to attend the ceremon- A Man to the Rescue! The Woman In Peril Rarely Finds Help From Her Own Sox. it is in no ttisc to a woman's discredit that the is not a professional life-saver. We can only fancy her in the fireman's helmet, in the crew of the life-boat, or wielding a policeman's club, nt the loss of some of that fineness which is the distinguishing quality of her sex. The Molly Pitchers and Grace Darlings are only examples of the sublime sclf-for-gcttulncss of women in great emer gencies. It's much the same in other ways. Women turn to the strength, skill and judgment of men in the crises of life. One of the most common statements uade in the letters grateful women rite to Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. V., s this: "I owe my life to Dr. Pierce." I'hese women have found themselves in ;ieat danger. They have appealed vittiout avail to local physicians. They lave counseled in vain with women idvisers. The best that had been done or them was just to keep them afloat in he sea of disease with strength visibly failing, in the hope that the man who had strength and skill to save them might lie found. woman's Arri;ii, answkkkij. Hundreds, of Ihousinds of women have appeated to Dr. Pierce, for relief from womanly ills and not one has ap pealed in vain. 'Ihe use of Dr. Pierce's I'.ivorite Prescription supplemented by the medical advice of Dr. Tierce has been the means of cure to this vast army of women suffering from diseases pecul iar to the sex, "I wish to tell you the benefit I re ceived from using vour remedies," writes Mrs. Alice Soucraut, of 261 V. Harrison Street, Chicago, Ills. "Two years ago I was taken with a severe pain in the left ovarv and bide. Tried several different remedies, but nothing helped me. I got so bad I could scarcely vvalk across the floor -or do work of any kind. Oue day an old neighbor lady came in to see me, and told me to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. She said she knew it would help me, as it had saved her life. When the doctors had given her up and said they could do nothing for her ahe said she legan to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription aud it cured her. So I got a bottle of the ' Favoritei Prescription ' and one of 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and began taking them. Before I had taken one bottle of each I was so much better I could do all my own work, and that is a good deal, as I am the mother of four small children. Three bottles of the 1 Favorite Prescription ' and one of Golden Medical Discovery' cured me. I have not been sick since then. I think les attendant upon the Installation of the new ofllcers of the latter. A most enjoyable evenhiK w-as spent Nathan Oetllngs wishes to Inform the public thin he Is not a candi date toi the olllce of street commis sioner. lliyan D. l'lnkney. who has filled the position of pattern maker for the Scranton Stove works for several years, started for Chit-ago yesterday to till a more luciatlve place for a laiger es tablishment. Raymond Gulden, Infant son of John Golden, of Chestnut street, died es tenlay. Kiineial neivlcea this after noon. Th" bniough council will hold .1 spe cial session tonight. Tin telephone and railway onllnniues will be biotiglit up for consUleiatliiii. OBITUARY. Mrs. Michael Gllioy. Mi Vllihai-I illliu. il ViililuM. piwil ji.j.v .11 In 1 lu nu- in Hi it ImiuiiL'li wlii'l.n luoimin; .11 7 n'llmk, ullcr .111 lllinvi ot seur.il wt'U' iluuilim. Dott-iMil I111I liteii .1 riiilinl of .vuli b.iM fnr mm iin. sl.c ioisil nun) i tlnulile iuilllUs tint nntf.iii'1 lior In a lot ut fiklMl.-. Sin- i i.iutite.1 1 Iki tiu-li lli'l, Il"n. 51. I'. (Mil. i, und Un lollouin,- (liiHriu: Mrs. Vmliew lYimiilii'll. N Miami. Mi. 1. .1. looi. in, Mr. J, ,1. tt.iWi. .MU-i hjruh (.limy ami V. .1. i.llrn.i. nf icIilulJ Tin- ti'iiirjl Hill t ik plju fioin tin- Ijiully liome Sunday aftrrnonii at 2.SU ci'i Im K Inter ii.ih'I in vnlilultt ti-iiietii Mis. Catherine Helley. Mm. riihiiiiie llfllij. auul ."1 jeji. wilo of .Mm II1II1, iliwl jp'.lfrdd) lt(in)n ,it lii-r lmnir, lorncr of On haul stieet and blonc aw line. I)fratd wa. .1 iiumtirr ot tin1 'llilul Ur ilir of tt. KrancU und llic Uvury society of St. IMri' latlmlril. Kinieul nl(M will lie liild at tin- Cathrdrjl iiumriow morning at '.I u'lloil., Inteiniint will In' nude in the fathtdral itiiK-ler.i. Ellas Fickci-ing. I. lias I'lilirinir, on Hired imldeni of Uiinmorr, illul nt his honif, -'U lluv avniiie, at mi rurly lumr jiktcrday inoriiinir of Bi'neral ihMIIti, audi "1 jfjrs. Ho lean a widow and cviral adult ililMriii Tim funeral n-rviten Mill be lielil I'riday cen hur at '.-Id o'i lo t, and Saturday inornlnir llic iiii'iln vsill he taken to South filliien for In leiintut. John Cawley. .lohn Caule), n el Ummn ii-Kiileni of Dun more, died al l.U liome on ('hetliitl direct, ut 4 o'clock itnda inoiniu? at llic aihanced age of HO jearn 'Ihe funeral will occur Satuidiy niornirifc at U o'clock, a noleinii Ugh maw ol lenuU-m ieln; i eMiruted In St. lary'n ihunh al .M o'clock inteiinrnt will Im inailo in St. Mar' reme lei. Mis. John Schiffer. Vhi. John Sxlilflei, of South VahliiKln ! nue, died 1unU.v etenlnic at the home of her d.uijlilir, Mr .Uu'li Milt, In I'ldladclphla. Mie l ftitithcd l tha laller and lime oim, ,Jhii, rinrha und William Kliilfel, of tliU clt. The fimral will t.iko idate thin altrrnnmi (mm the resldtneu if William NhlhVr, 1101 South WatlilUKlon aimif, ut 'J o'drik. Sir dim will he held In tlw Hickory Stuet I'rraby. Iiilau rhunh, and Inlermcnt will Im nude in the I'ittalon annuo rimrlci). I lr. and Mm. John Mauley, ol Cheitnut trect, 11' 1211 1 1 'ill? 1 ' IflLrl1' i - -" your Favorite Prescription is woi-, derful medicine for women." Such cures an that of Mrs. Soncrant are many, and they speak for the power" of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription better than the most eloquent wonls of praise. The test of a medicine is, what has it done for women ? By that test "Favorite Prescription " invites wom an's verdict. On tho testimony of trustworthy women, "Favorite Pre scription" has saved life where physi cians had given up nil hope. It has cured the most stubborn and obstinate,, forms of womanly disease. It has baa-p ished pain, restored the appeUte, la duced refreshing sleep, given color trx the cheeks and roundness to the form.. WOMRN WHO CANNOT BS CUUC&. There are few women for whom no perfect cure is possible. The number ot such women has been reduced to a mini mum by the practical ex perience 01 ur. Pierce. Of the hundreds of thousand of women who have ap pealed to Dr. Pierce fir counsel in connection with his "Favorite Prescrip-i tion," only two in ever hundred have failed of al perfect and permanent cure. But even this two per cent of incurable have gratefully recorded a great improvement in their, condition; relief from pain and a restoration to family enjoyments. ' No sick woman sBemld( be discounted bvher coa- t- dition, no matter how lone standing ner ailment may be, or how utterly all other means and medicines have failed to cure. The great er number of cores effect cd by "Favorite Prescrip tion" are cures of chronic and complicated diseases) which have baffled the skill of local physicians! and proved intractable ta all other treatment. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptiori makes weak women strong and siclc women well. It establishes regularity, dries disagreeable and weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It is the great est preparative for maternity, giving womanly health and strength and mak ing baby's advent practically painless. A crkat krbb oprsa. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All corres pondence is held in sacred confidence, and womanly confidences are guarded by strict professional privacy. Address Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. There is no similar offer of free con sultation by letter or free medical advice, which has behind it an institution snch as the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In stitute, Buffalo, N. Y., to which for over thirty years Dr. Pierce has been chief consulting physician, assisted by a med ical staff of nearly a score of specialists in the treatment and cure of womanly diseases. "Favorite Prescription" contains na alcohol, neither opium, cocaine, nor any other narcotic. It is purely a vegetable) preparation and cannot disagree with the weakest constitution. Some dealers for the sake of the littla more profit paid by inferior prepara tions, will try and sell the customer a substitute for "Favorite Prescription" as being "just as good." "Just as good " medicines do not have the cures to their credit which make women hail "Favorite Prescription" as a "Godsend to women." Don't barter the substance, for the shadow. IT WIIA SURPRISE VOTT , to see the great medical work which Dr Pierce gives free to women. This great work, the People's Common Sense Med ical Adviser, containing looS large pagea and 700 illustrations is sent free on re-, ceipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing; only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book in paper-covers, or 31 stamps for the volume bound in durable cloth. Ad dress Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. AMUSEMENTS. I YCR a- nrN Un THEATRE Ili:is .v. niMKIITNDKR, LeteCi-. V I. 1IL-I )'!, .Muwuer. Friday Night, January 25, 1001. (INK I'KltrOllMANCR OSI.V. The l.aiuhahle Oddlt Tho Newly Dlfcorcr! Vein of Slage Fun. fiiMH.r.s ruuiniws prlsentatiov ow; c i.vin: Kircnirs okkiinal a-ACT comedy. Captain Jiik; of the Ho si Marines 11 a I'irkeJ and Capablo sHI.CI U 1'ltOH.MAN COMPANY, hthrl Ilarr.Mnoie, II. Iteevea Smith. Falwla Sim ih, Mr. Thomi Ulttin, llroige VV. Itai iiiid. I.lllian Thiiruatr. II S. 'i'abor, Daritow smith, Utelle .Mortinur. Fannlo Addiion Pitt, I ImrliM Manlott, llarrj. II. Asmui, Sydner (,'owell, -lohn It. sunmei, Muriraret Ilunne, (5rd ni i- ,fftil,iii, KvelU .Iep-.on. John Hughes, Kutfl Ten lAek, loivls W'end. Lorenio Hale, Anita ltnlhe. Vim i Morrison, VI .1, (Jallajher, lira trici Vjiicw, Km r Hilton. Allio Hr.ran, eti I'HIl l.-i Jii . Mil . "So., 'II, and $1.50, - il no.v on .-ale. SATI'IUIW, Malum and Mcht, JANUARY 26. M mm i IV id. rin iiif .it '.'. 1.". I.miiIiii; 1'iiformance al S.00. I'milbely list .lipumncn of NEIL BURGESS (lIIMSKI.t'.) In IiIh jieat produotlon of The County Fail neller 'Hun Hier Betore. speilal HirK-iln Day Matinee, 2V and S'l cauU, KteiiliiK prkef, Sflc , 60c, 7oe. and $l.i. ltov and lorfe rMi, .vio, and T.V. SiutK no on hale. One Performance Only, Monday, January 28, 1901. Evening performance at S.oo. Augustus Thomas' new play 'ARIZONA If A cast of unusual stiength and balance. l'ltll l.v S-c, o0c 75c-., t.O and $1.&X SeaU Ii6u- on tale. ACADEHY OF HUS1C, RCIS & BtmUUNDRR HARRY A. BROWN Munagirs and Lessee. Ioeil Manaier. II U.ANCL T)F i:tlv. The Hillinan Company Ircentlng 'rhuinila .Sight "What llappneil to Uonea." I rldaj Mpht-"A lllddm l'at." Saturday Muht "Special Dclliery." AM, NKXT WKFK. JACK HOEFHLER CO. Matliu'o l'ricfs U and 0 cent. Kvrninif 1'iicea 10, SO, SO cent. Puninorr, wern called upon jeatcrdiy mornliuj; to mourn Iho Iwa of their infunt rlilld. The re. mtlm were lulu red in It. tiivr'i cemcteiy yiattiday altciiioon.