The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 25, 1901, Image 5

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    rv ('
rt'H MODEn.v itAnDWAnu sronn.
Will be well lighted If It
has one oC our UIlOl
tiinilTS In It. The
lament assortment In the
rlty Ih here to select
from. Stands are Uowcn
Hartr antique corpor,
polished bruss, old bniM,
r-tc. Shades In all the
latest ntylee nil nt ren
Bonoblc pilco.
Footc & Shear Co.
H9N. Washington Ave
L. R. D. & M.
Shoes ire one of the most Important ittms ef
rtreta t any time ot the year, nd especially o
now Ihat we ire certain to have changeable
weather. For atyle, price and quality ate cura.
Wo know we ian. pleaie you.
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
WEATHER YESTERDAY; data (or Jan. 51, 1!01:
lighett temperature
I.uunst Uiuperaturo
S'i degiecs
2i decrees
fi a. m S7 per tent.
R p. m S3 rtr tent.
Snowfall, 21 houis ending 8 p. in., P.l Inch.
Mim Tillic (iiamlu, of llonevl.iln Is UUlng
il thn home of her cunt, Mrs. II. M. (jramti.,
of North lrxlng avenue.
Mr. .Hid Mr. A. 0. S.ihuiy and n, ( arl
mid V'lojd, o( Thompson, lue been palng a
fjicnclt ilslt to fiitudH in this city tho past
few dajs. They will leawi nixt Monday for Iioa
t.atoi, Cat., where they wilt make their future
home. They take villi them the let willies of
oiany friends.
He Makes an Interesting Diagnosis
ot the Cause of Laughter.
Melville V. Landoti, better known as
Kll I'crklns, lectured last night at the
High Hchool auditorium before a large
audience on "The Philosophy of Wit"
nnd "Stories Around the Stove." Ho
was very entertaining.
As a diagnostician, which he Is al
most wholly In the first lecture, Mr.
linriou is really good, but when it
conies to story telling the uiake-up of
tho second lecture ho Is somewhat fln-tle-slecle
before last.
His philosophizing leads to the de
duction that laughter results from the
observation of u deformity. A perfect
thing Is never provocative of laughter.
Deformed rhetoric, grammar, logic,
spelling nnd dialect, which It deformed
language, were cited as examples ot
mirth maker, and Illustrated with apt
His definitions und distinctions weie
'specially interesting. Sarcasm, he
said, Is a weapon used lo kill tiuth.
Satire is aimed at error. AVIt Is ex
aggeration or Imagination. Humor is
truth. Dickens, he declared, wns tho
greatest of all English hiunotlsts. Ar
temuK Ward was cited as a gieat wit.
In concluding, the lecturer dwelt for
uvhile on oratory and caused much
timusetuent with his illustrations of
true oratory and oiatory.
A pet hound which he owned, and
which ho considered an extremely In
telligent animal, turned tnll when his
muster oddressed to him n line lilt of
Uilet wit, but fairly howled with de
light upon hearing n reproduction of
a sermon on "Death." which a Ken
tucky colored preacher, with a fog
horn voice, delivered to his consrivgu
tlon at a camp-meeting, which It was
Mr. Landon's pleasure to attend a fow
years ago.
Mr. Landon was Introduced by John
M. Hurrlfl, president of tho High School
Alumni association. He placed Mr.
Lnndon In the same category with
Twain, nellly, Nye, Lewis, and other
great American humorists.
Fay Temple Loudly Admitted That
She Is Clever.
"I was too clover for her, see! Un
derstood I took sparring lessons, T
did," and Fny Temple put her hat on
tho side of the head, doubled up her
fists In u puglllstlo uttltude and
pranced around beforo Alderman Mil
lar In his court last night. She had
been arrested on the charge of as
sault and battery on the Infoimatlon
of a woman calling herself Minnie Mc
carty. The assault was committed In
a Spruce street suloon last night and
Fay made no effort to deny the
charge. Tho alderman asked if Min
nie 'MeCarty had returned the blows,
when she replied as noted above. She
was fined 15.
Later In the evening the' McCarty
woman caused tho arrest of another
Tenderloin damsel known as Pearl
Rockwell, who was likewise charged
with assault. The hearing wuk ad
journed until 7 o'clock this evening.
rffifl? aP iff sTTIitfi
Thinks Now Company Should Bun
Out West Market Street.
Select Councilman Costrilo, of the
Third ward, Ih out with nn objection
lo the ordinance granting n frunchlne
to the Central Itapld Transit company
and Intimates that ho will JlRht It un
less the company agrees to run Its
tracks out West Market street farther
than at present contemplated.
The oidlnunce, an It at present
stand., rIvci the company the right to
tun Hi track out West Market street
nr far us Yurd nvenup or about three
blocks from Providence Hfiuate and
(tiltt u dlstunct! this side of the Third
wind. Mr. Oostello says that the peo
ple of tho Third ward have for years
wanted istrcot car facilities but that
these have been denied because the
Ablngton Turnpike company lefused
to permit tho fcranton Hallway com
pany to run Uh tracks out the street.
"It would appear," said Mr. Costello
yesterday, "us If the new company by
running Its trucks out West Market
street just three blocks wanted to cut
off any possibility of the other com
pany getting out to the Third wnid
and at the same tttnu not going out
there Itself, it looks like n dog In the
manger scheme.
"Theie Is every leason to believe
that the Turnpike company and the
city will come to terms and that West
Market street as far ns Seneca street
will be deeded to the city under cer
tain conditions. I believe that tho
company should run Its tracks out ns
far as that point."
Made Before Judge Archbald in Be
half of Frank Jansen Hearing
Fixed for Saturday.
An application for u writ of habeas
corpus was mado yesterday by Attor
ney M. W. Lowry to Judge
Archbald In behalf of Fiank Jan
sen, who on Tuesday morning sot
fire to his home in South Scranton by
throwing a lighted lamp, nnd which
resulted In his daughter being burned
to death and his wlfo nnd slster-ln-law
seriously burned.
The petition for the writ of habeas
corpus recites that Jansen Is now,
confined to jail upon an alleged crimi
nal charge and that his confinement
is unjust. Judge Archbald fixed Sat
urday morning at 10 o'clock as the
time for tho hearing. Jansen wns
committed to the county jail yester
day. Mrs. Jensen's condition has some
what Improved at the Lackawanna
hospital. Tho doctors say that her
burns are not serious, but that she
has been suffering from nervous pros
tration brought on by the excitement
of tho fire.
Yesterday Mrs. Jnnsen's nerves had
quieted down, but stent caie has to
be taken to keep tho news of her
daughters death from her, as such
an announcement might lesult ser
iously. FROTHINGllAD
Got Possession of a Property at
Spring Brook but Wns Carried
Off of It by Force.
Considerable excitement was in the
air lato yesterday afternoon down In
tho plcturesriuo and romantic Spring
Brook country, when part of the firm
ot Frothlngham and Reynolds was
lifted bodily Into the arms of some
husky miners and carried from tho
premises of Mrs. Sarah' Hollenback,
and deposited alongside the road. The
part of the firm that was carried out
was Mr. Frothlngham.
Some time ago, Miss Reynolds
bought it tract of land in the vicinity
at a tax sale, which wrongfully, It is
nlleged, Included tho small property
of Mrs. Hollenback, who Is a widow of
over TO years of age and who has
been In possession of the pioperty over
twenty-five years. She and her hus
band purchased It from Samuel Hlnes
und wife. At the tax sale matteis
weie explained and It was agreed by
attorneys to except the Hollenback
property, but afterwards Miss Rey
nolds decided that she had legally
purchased It and set about getting
possession. She ordered the tenant.
George Adams, to pay the rent to her.
When he ceased to pay rent to Mr?.
Hollenback she with her attorney, 1).
U. Reploglc, had him dispossessed,
nnd Mrs. Hollenback pioceeded to
move In. AVhlle she was putting her
goods In, Mr. Frothlngham and Miss
Reynolds came on the scene and lock
ed tho door and Miss Reynolds threat
ened to have the old Indy jailed It
bhe dated to unlock It. This frighten
ed Mis. Hollenback, and she started
for Scranton to seo her attorney. Then
the Frothlngham party, In her ab
sence, removed her goods to the road
side and recured from somen hero
some Polish tenants.
Then the trouble began, for Mrs.
Hollcubnck's two sons und .some Illin
ois from No. i came on tho scene,
and without any trouble Induced the
Polandei'H to quit, but not 1,0 Mr.
Fiothlngham, who stoutly maintained
his right to tho place. Finally, tho
crowd m.ide a rush for hhn nnd had It
not been for two constables who were
there to see that the peace was kept.
Mr. Frothlngham would have fared
badly. Tho Hollenbacks are now In
Participants Are Showing Unex
pected Perfection in the Dances.
There were rehearsals last night of
tho court dunce, the hhephctdess nnd
tho Als.ulau of the Marie Antonetto
fete. They wero done with unexpected
perfection. The magnitude and Ibenu
ty of these proposed entertainments
are being more anil more appreciated
by thoso interested, who havo watched
the evolutions during tho past fort
night. It Is to be u colossal enter
tainment, such as has never been wit
nessed In" this icglon In the perfec
tion of hlstoilcal detail und tho beau
ty of appointment.
It Is followed out on the samo lines
as that conducted recently by Miss
Kager at tho Waldorf-Astorlu, which
attracted attention all over tho coun
try for Its mngnlficent scenic effects.
Tickets are now In the hondt of tho
participants (n tho fete und the mana
gers of the Homo for tho Friendless,
That thero is to be nn unprecedented
demand for them Is everywhere ap
parent. The holders of advanced sale
tickets will doubtless bo given prefer
ence In the choice 'of seats.
Common Council Last Night Unani
mously Decided to Ask for a Writ
ten Opinion as to Whether the Ap
portionment Was Legally Made.
Mr. Keller Decried Partisanship in
the Matter Promise of Trouble
About Paving Bonds Resolution
Defining Duties of Bonn! of Revis
ion nnd Appeal.
City Solicitor Voshurg inut now
wrestle with the question ns to
whether or not tho apportionment ot
tho number of additional common
councllmen piovlded for In the exist
ing second class city law was legally
or Illegally made. Common council
last night ununlmoiisly decided tt ask
him for a wiltteu opinion on the mat
ter. Jubt after the session opened und
after the governor's official! proclama
tion declaring the city to be In the
second cass had been picsented and
ordered spread upon tho minute1?,
Mayor Moh's communication, which
was written to have been read at last
Thursday night's meeting, was rend
and oidered filed. Then the assessor's
communication, giving tho number of
tnxables In each ward was lead.
Mr. Keller Immediately objected to.
the tecclpts of the nssepsors' report,
on tho ground that it was Illegal,
and moved that It be leferied to the
city solicitor for an opinion.
"Tho tlmo has come," said he, "when
wo should avoid partisanship and
when Democrats and Republicans
should stnnd together. I'm a Repub
lican, but I don't think It's necessary
to jump around the law just because
the Republicans think they can elect
a few councllmon. I think that this
whole proceeding hns been Illegal fiom
stait to finish.
"The law says the waid assessors
must make the return. They have not
dono so. The law says that returns
must be certified to. This Is not. The
committee which mado the apportion
ment wns appointed last November,
when, under the law, they couldn't
possibly be legally appointed at that
time. The- whole thing Is wrong. As
I said before, I'm n Republican, but 1
don't believe in having the affairs of
this city nil mixed up for the sake of
a little party gain."
Sir. Paine, who Is a member of tha
apportionment committee. agreed
with Mr. Keller In the main, but con
tended that the law regarding the
election of tho extra councllmon wm
mandatory nnd had to be obeyed. He
said that If councils hadi met on
Thursday, January 14, the apportion
ment could have been properly made.
Council had no right or power, ho con
tended, to prevent the working of a
law of the commonwealth.
He and Mr. Keller bad a lively ar
gument over the matter, which lasted
for over ten minutes, and tho motion
to have the city solicitor render a
written opinion on the question was
finally ndopted. Mr. Coleman then
moved that the apportionment com
mittee be discharged and the motion
A communication was read from At
torney Charles H. Welles which creat
ed some little surprise. It was ad
dressed by him to city Clerk Lavellu
and was leferied by thut official to
the common council. Mr. Welles an
nounced that certain of his clients held
municipal improvement bonds of tho
city of Scranton, the aggregate amount
of these being $3,291.40. These bonds,
he said, were Issued in payment for
paving and the city was lo collect the
funds for their redemption from the
property owners nlong the line ot the
He stated that In many instances the
city had allowed the liens to lapse;
that certain properties had been ex
onerated from the assessment; that In
other Instances tho Interest had been
remitted; that the city had failed to
collect even when set facias had been
issued and that the city treasuror had
refused to pay over certain assess
ments in his possession, on the ground
that he didn't have sufficient to pay tho
whole amount.
Ho fcald his clients would enter hull
If the matter was not Investigated and
council accordingly referred It to the
paving committee nnd the city solici
tor for Investigation.
Mr. Calvin Introduced a icsolutinn,
which was ndopted, requesting the
mayor lo call a joint session of coun
cils for the pin pose of filling tho three
vacancies on the board of revision oC
taxes, and appeals. A few moments af
terward Mr. Keller Introduced a resolu
tion outlining the duties of this board.
The resolution provided that they
should hold but one meeting a month
fiom March 1 to Jan. 1, und that
meeting should consist of two sessions,
one from 9 n, in. to 2 m and one from
2 p. m. to fi p. 111. It further directed
the cieik to call the roll and keep a
lecoid of the attendance at both ses
sions, Mr. Coleman moved to lay tho
resolution on the table and the motion
wns adopted by the following vote:
Vci Hacecrtj, t'alpin, Itiune. N'-Kell. Cabin,
flurrclli Cclcniau, Itiic-h. Sinllh, CiMd; N'or
ton. 11.
25 California Oranes -
for 25c
Large Navel Oranges
per dozen 25C
$3.00 per box.
Florida Oranges, per .
box 4.U0
Fancy Indian River
Grape Fruit IOC
E. 6. Coursen
Kajf-.vbrorlli, Al., 1'aine, I lilltlp. Wit.
Ham l.enla, Kcllir, l!nni. 7.
Mr. CJalvlu moved to reconsider uc-
tlon a few minutes later, and this was j
none. -Mr. i.encr men nmenucu tno
resolution to rend from April 1, and It
wns adopted as amended. Mr. Keller
expressed himself us 'being of the be-
I1UI llltll. .T.CIl IIIULIK.' HIM J511 Ullll-UIUST
city not does away with the board, the
present assessment must be icvlsed by
The following resolutions were pre
sented nnd ndopted:
Uy Mr. Ourrell Piovldlng for tho
widening of Seventh street nt Its Inter
section with Scranton street, and pro
viding for the appointment ot viewers
to nssess tho lesultnnt damages.
Uy Mr. Phillips Directing the street
commissioner to confer with the offi
cials of the Lackawanna Iron and Coal
company regarding the removal of the
guard mil from the easterly side of
the Cedar avenue bridge back to the
ten-foot reservation.
Mr. Unlvln Introduced an ordinance
providing for an electric light at the
corner of Crown avenue nnd Orchard
slreel. Ordinances providing for the
erection of a sewer basin on Cayuga,
street and providing for the pavement
of Seventh street, between West Lack
awanna avenue nnd Scranton street,
pas.'ed third and final rending.
Set Forth in the Repot t of the Com
missioners Presented nt Last
Night's Council Meeting.
The folluwing report of Hit sinking
fund commissioners was received and
filed nt last night's meeting ot com
mon council:, P.i., .tan. 'J., Mi.
l"i ll.r ltonorahle, tho Jlrmhin of the Select
and t'omtnoii Council
drntltmeii' We tho iinrienignril hoard ot
inklnjr fund (oinniMrnier. respectfully vt
iurtli tho condition ol the trrcrat sinking fund
.K.ot'M on .Ian. 'J, 1001 :
Ilalaiko ta,!i on April 2. ltcn ...U,fH1 ,V)
it.ieipl f-em Ap:!l J, J'WO to .hn. i,
lntent find tlnldog fund ji
u.ui.l, 1S70 s 1W 77
Intercut and i-inMrfr fund jr
coui.t. 10 S.7.I-' K)
IiiUichI and Milking t unci :ic
lount, lbW 7,'W'J
IlHcrol and clnklnir (und :u
count. 1S11 7,',2) :n
lnlent jnd hinklug fund ji
count, Is'1-! tn,."t 72
lutciMl and sinking lund ac
count, 1J.11 2J,42J W
lntuit and ilnViinr fund ac
count foeri loan 10,71') v!
fntrtt and dinkli'ir fund ic
lount, .v Auff I'Jik loan. Vi $')
( jnteiet and alnltine
lund nci ount 2C III
Iitdiiiipttou loan iyj' fciles 2 0 r.i
S1.4NI n7
' JI2,.".'l 6(3
ll.v redemption and intcu.U on
bond isu &c ?.l,Vic)00
B.v redemption and Intel. rl 011
Loud ix-iic, 1SU0 7,220 in)
By Interest on totuU, Issue ot
1501 l.O'.O 0)
ll.v iuterist on bond-,, imuu c I
Uy intciMt on bond. Uup of
loot u,e..(t i
Uy Inteicif on honcN, Xiy
Aug utl;. li'iy HO 00
Pnrcluse of Nay .u,j park
bond fiom fullonin,; cink
iug iund-c, U. :
In I. -rest and tlr.klnt: fund l".'l ."UciO li
Inlircft and sinking fuuj l.i J J ",IXM (
Interest nnd siiikirir fund lt';l .!,!J78 Id
General interest nrd sinking
fund -U "u
.',7nJ 'ic)
Halaine cj.Ii lf,9,7.' .
'Ih balance ca.'ll cm hand if dii-
tributtd at follows .Ian. 2, 11X1:
Interest and linking fund uicoi-ntilSie.') 1M 77
Interest and tinklutr tund account, ISifj 2'i,iH OS
Interest and jinking fund account, lb') ii,7-.7 7tl
Interest and sinking fund account, ISfJl 17,-131 .sl
Interest and sinking fund account, l")'t Ij.IU! 41
Interest and finking fund account, 14 01,14.". 71
Interred and sinking fund account w?w-
M loan l'.l'j fi and (.inking fund account .Viy
Aug l'.nk loan 7 hi!
Oenerjl interest and finking fund 2.1 M
Ki'dciupllcm loin 1', id n-ries 177 ill
I(W,7M M
In addition to the alien 0 ,.in (jsh bahnie
uo lme in the anlu of the lackiMjnna Timt
and Safe Deposit company lond tin folhm:
Itedempilon llonds, lhsiio o IS1).!. $101,000 (10
Niy Aug l'.nk Inipioicinent llomN,
I'MIV ot lv)9 lOfiDiKK)
Xiy Aug I'ail; Jnipiou-incni Iluudi,
iue of ltKX) 10,000 (10
making :i total of 121,000 111 Lends to th aoclit
of the j-'lnkii.g Tund Accounts.
'the piovl bonded debt ot tli.i clli al Hill dale
i at fallows:
Clly Iiupiovenieiit Loan, 18.;0. 4 tet
cent., regUlrrcd $ 47,uiM 00
C'ily Funding Ixnn, 1830, 1 per cent.
coupon 30,00000
Municipal Iluilding I.on, li&o, 4 per
ient. coupon r",0'iO 00
1 Municipal lniproteinenti 15'Jl, I'j pir
cent, coupon ),iiiki 00
ltidemptlon Loan Serle, i33, 111 pa
rent. rou)ion III.ikVp 0
midge Building Loan, ivil, Pj pir
rent, coupon iVi.ono 00
Nay Atirf Park luipini'inent lluiiU,
ivw and (", t per cent vM.ihicI 00
Total in,ii,(M ()
Deduct amount ot tioniU to credit o'
Sinking Tund Account lSI.OuO flu
Net bonded debt V'12,000 00
Mnking l'uiid ComnilMlcuvis.
Booking of Excursions for 1001 nt
Thnt Popular Resort Han Ahendy
The Dclawaie and Hudson company
has just Issued un attractive little
brochure lelatlvo to the excursion sea
son ot 1901 at Lake I.odore, containing
everal beautiful half-tono engravings
tho handsome new depot In the sum
mer shade of overhanging boughs; tho
great white dance pavilion In the
mlcHt of tho fnr-stretching groves,
and various nupects of the boat-dotted,
magnificent lake Itself with Its
ilve-and-a-lmlf miles of varied and
charming scenery. All fall und winter
a strong force of men huo been at
work on tho excursion grounds with
such effect that thero Is 11 general tie
aire on the pait of tho people to see
this retort In all Its fresh, new bounty.
Applications for dutch aio already
coming lu. and booking has com
menced by Mr. II. y Cro?s, district
passenger ngent ot tho Dolnware und,
Hudson llnllroad at Scnrntc-n. cii cu
lms descriptive ot Lalco Lodoio and
the Improvements on tho grounds nro
In tho hands of ntl Delaware and Hud
son ticket agents, who will bo pleased
to fuipply them t" tins public upon
The first chambor concert by the
Hembergcr Quartetto, In Guernsey
hill, will take place Thursday evening,
Jnn. 31 Instead of Jon. Sii. Diagram
opens ,lan, 2S at fluernsey's music
He Is to Meet the Insurgent Leader
and Other Senators In Hnrrisburg
Next Week It Is Understood That
the Leader of the Opposition Will
Sacrifice All for the Elimination of
the "Ripper" Clause of New Bill.
The Constitutional Question Coun
cilman Keller Opposes Chatter.
City Solicitor Voaburg has been In
vited by Senator J. ('. Vaughnn to
go to Hnrrisburg on Tuesday night
next for the purpose of conferring
with a number of the members of the
senute, Including Senator William
Pllnn. regarding the passage of the
"ripper" bill.
It Is understood that Senator Vitugh
nn, who Is rather u close friend of
Senator Fllnn's, outside of politics, has
Intimated that he believes the latter
will agree to a compromise. Tho ex
act nature of this compromise is not
known, but It Is hinted that ho will
agi-ee to thofo realities ot the bill
providing for th centralization ot
power In the mayor, provided tho
"ripper" elaus.0, or that feature which
gives tho governor power to appoint
a mayor for the first two years, Is
The 1'Ittsbuig p.ipeih Intimate that
Senator Kllnn may Introduce u char
ter ot his own, containing nil the
principal feature, of the Muehlbronner
bill, with the above mentioned "tip
per" clause cut out.
The now bill makes no provision
whatever for tho taxing of street rail
way companies and other corporations
and It It becomes u law this city would
have to not under the present second
oIusm city provision governing this
matter, which It considered exceed
ingly unsatisfactory. For this reason,
tho local councllmanlc committee wilt
endeavor to have Its amendment giv
ing councils power to impose n. tax
limited only by icason, on such cor
poiuttous. The ninnites, who contend thnt the
new charter Is unconstitutional be
cause It Involves the removal of the
mayoi-a of the usecotid vlnss cities,
base their contention upon section I,
article vl, of the state constitution,
which lcuds:
"All nfllceis shall hold their otrice,
on condition that they behave them
helvs well while lu ofllce, and shall
be removed on conviction of misbe
haviour In office or of any Infamous
ciime. Appointed officers, other than
judges of the courts ot records and
the superintendent of publlo instruc
tion, may be removed at the pleasure
of the power by which they wero ap
pointed. All olllcors elected by the
people, except governor, lleuttnaut
governor, members of the general as
sembly and Judges of the courts of
lecord learned in tho law, shall bo
iptnoved by the governor for reason
able cause, after due notice and full
hearing, on th address of two-thirds
ot the tenate."
The claim Is made that In
does this section of the constitution
give any Implied power to the legls-
latuic to legislate out of ofllce nny
elected city oulcliil. It must be under
stood, however, that the "ripper" bill
was prepared by cnpnblo lawyers and
that the section giving the governor
power to appoint a mayor would not
have been put in If there was not
pretty good legal ground for It to
stand on.
Common Councilman Luther Keller,
when seen last night by n Tribune
repoi ter nnd asked for an expression
of opinion on the new charter, was
especially outspoken:
"1 do not hesitate to suy," said he,
"that I am utterly opposed to the
bill us n whole. Thero are a few good
features, but they arc few and far
between. I believe that if It Jf ever
put lu opetntlon In any city It will
mean the establishment of n) little
monnichy. It takes entirely too much
power nway from councils nnd cen
ters entirely too much authority In
the mayor.
"I can't ay that, in this respect, 1
altogether nppiovo of the amendatory
act prepared under tho direction of
the committee of which T was a. mem
ber. My belief Is that the only head
ot a department who should be ap
pointed by the mayor Is the director
of public xnfety. That ofllclnl Is re
sponsible for the maintenance of law
and older and I believe thut the mayor
should appoint him, so that the mayor
In turn can be hold nccountnblo for
his nets. I
"The heads of tho department of
public works nnd of the department
of cluultles I would have elected by
the people, as well as the receive: of
taxes and tho city solicitor. I (think
thnt that feature of the "ripper" bill
which gives the mayor powon lo ap
point tho city solicitor Is especially
deserving of condemnation. The city
solicitor should bo under obligations
to no one, not even to the councils,
as at piepent.
"I cannot condemn too sltnngly tho
"ripper" section, or thnt portion which
in the Collar"
Goes through the
country far aud wide.
How little extra
trouble it takes to get
what is really proper
aud stylish xu wearing
apparel. Collars for in
stance, should fit the
wearer. Helmet Brand i
Collars fit both.
2 for 25c.
"An Ounce of Prevention
Is Worth a Pound of Cure."
you can feci sure you have a perfect safe
guard against the effects of the
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, . 216 Lackawanna Ave.
gives the governor powen to appoint
u mayor to take the place of an otuclnl
duly elected by tin- people. No decent,
upright man, with any sense whatever
of clvlo righteousness should for u
moment favor thnt lilen, It H founded
In factional spile and U merely un at
tempt by one Me of a party, to which
I belong, lo get oven with nnothcr sld-j
without considering the people's In
terests nt nil.
"It's nil wrong, altogether and en
tirely wrong and will. I hope, be voted
down. I think It unfulr to have this
city ground between tho two mill
stones of factionalism,! ns they appear
to favor doing at Haiilsburg. Had
us the present net Is, It is far better
then this niv. 'ripper bill."
It Wns Held at Penn Avenue Bap
tist Church.
A committee of ladles of the l'enn
Avenue Daptlst church served one ot
the most delicious suppeis of the sea
son last night. Thero wits an elabor
ate' menu, which was greatly enjoyed.
The committee nnd assistants wer:
Mrs. M. V. Lowry. Mrs. h. J. Xorthup,
Mrs. Charles Xorthup, Mis. Alfred
Lister. Mrs. H. B. Kline, .Mrs. Weed,
Mis. Miller. Mrs. J. A. Pennington,
Ml3 Kate McCrackcit. .Mrs, It. F. Y.
Pierce, Mrs. Poteet, Mrs. McCann, Mrs.
Jordan. Mis. Long, Miss Mary Owens,
Mrs. llruudngf, Mrs. Murphy, tho
Missts Xorthup, Pclnney. Callcndcr,
Hrownlnp. Scrag?, llnynolds, fuydam,
Moore, lacker, Miller, Louise lloughl,
Minnie Powell, Mnry Davis. Ivy Co-j-llser,
May Hughes, Kmrna Toy. Mary
Nyrnun. Kdnu Mover, Hlghlleld, Ma
tilda Lenz.
Thomas Green Crushed Between Cms
at Ontario Colliery.
A fatal accident took pluce ut the
Ontario mine yesterday afternoon in
which 17-year-old Thomas Green met
instant death. Young Ore-en had made
an attempt to couplo up u cur to a
tialn of mine cars but failed. Engineer
Ooyne backed his engine up to make
the coupling, as the cars came to
gether young Oreen i cached In be
tween tho cars to couple them when
the car that was to be coupled left tho
rails. The enr tipped forward catching
Oreen's head between the two ends of
the cars. His head was ci untied, deatli
resulting Instantly.
He was the youngest son of Mr. and
Mrs. ltobert Green, of South Main
atieet. Funeral announcement later.
Will Be Held by W. C. T. U. in
Guernsey Hall.
The Central Woman's Christian Tem
perance union will havo a. social this
evening In their room In Guernsey's
hall. Their friends and every uutln
terested Is very cordially Invited to
attend. The programme W ns follows:
Short l)e0Uonal rAcui.fv
Piano Solo ( .,u lirunniug
ReultatlbU lien dec Morrn
Kchcv. fiom the N iHornl C'omcmlun,
n. liut'i ool
Solo Dr. I,oc- II. Woodcock
Itcc Station Vciinu Jrc.krr
ImprcHlorn of Villon d ruiarntlon.
Mr. Mjru aun.lm
Tijiio Solo Marlon HUM and irfrc'liiiicnti'.
January Sale
Our annual pre -inventory
sale will take place begin
ning Wednesday, January 23
to January 30 inclusive.
Worth of goods must be sold
in order to help reduce this
stock. Wc have cut the
prices of goods in every de
partment. Sale Lasts
For Seven
Days Only
Clarke Bros
Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue
We nuke ioi.lally ot fancy Cicamvy Uut
trr and atrlctly ticili cjiji and the pile It at
low ii flnt chin foodi can be told at.
We do not hate any tpeciat .aliJi or leaden
Imt at all limn cairy at complete u lliu of
Market flood, fancy Groceries and Tally Dellca.
rim ai can lm found in the breed N'enr York
or I'lillaclelphU Market! which well at rlifht
W. H. Pierce,
It Lackawanna Art. J10, lit, 111 Tent At.
Prompt deliver;.
A Way's
In llio popular throat
protector this season.
Put 011 hi a minute,
fastens al tho hack
n( tho ucck as easily
ns your glove does
around your wrist.
25c up.
305 Lacka. Ave.
nov. $170.00
l'mian l.ainli "111110111(111" col. f 1)R tii
l.i r unci rvvrrM-, !j0; new.. 3lOotHr
I'uicl.m l.jmli .lackct, f'Jtxi; .,, jwv
now bO-UO
Jtlr.k Ccpe, Mt in. Jeep, if'ticj; - n.,
now (. lOUtUv
Mini; Cape, CO incli diep, y.i; rv jwv
now OUoUV
M.illin (.apt-, .10 Inch d;rp, i nil
now e)0lnF
Martin Cape, ST Ii.rli c)i-p, Sc.0; a w ni
now 40.WF
Teaver Cape, "J Inch d. p. W; -iv W1
now Oirv
I.lectrlo Seat, Marl In Irlmuied, .10
Inch deep, Ij: now
l'.lcctiic Seal, plain, )'J;
: ...!..: 25.00
Lletlilc Seal, plain, fJJ;
Klcilrlc Seal, plain. $:0;
All ttolh Cipc, L'aiti rind iuiti it sreatl?
renuccd pi Ice.,
R. L. Crane,
324 Lackawanna Ave.
Raw Furs Bought. Furs Repaired.
'Hie IVpnlir Home PirnUblnj
Will lecolve enveful at
tention if made known to
us. We have everything
for the kitchen.
Cj:i1 Kods, 35c to 75 1
Tire Shovclu, -lc to 20c.
I-oote i5: Fuller Co
Menr.s ntiildins:.
AA A-( V AajvsaNysiivit, 4
Save by
Don'fc buy -what you don't
want but anticipate those lit
tle needs or the big- ones if you
will. Think of the saving1 if
you do.
When our stoie closes on
Saturday evening- the
Clean Sweep
comet) to ft close. Aie you
thtnklnp of furnishing a horn ii
an ottico a dining- room ij
carpeting' a room, or fixing' up U
in any wayf
A Saving of
30 Per Cent, This Week, I
We pledge our honor to give 8
you a little more than your 5?
money's worth is that worth
while P
tn ino nnK nncin- 1 A '!
V&iCl-XlSiJ'iBrill'iZXI VMJUlUing OVTa S
2 January Clean Sweep Bale. U
- li