The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 25, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Ice Cream.
IC mnrf'
3 tltpton OrtUri Promptly Dll vtrtl
Ja-J Adima Avenu.
I Scranton Transfer Co.
Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Offlc ., Z. & W. Passenger
Station, ftaoc 023.
Eye, Enr, Nose and Throat
omen Hour a. pi. to It.M p. m.: ! to 4
Wllliama Butldlnc. Opp. Postoffle.
IJEDLRKKANZ DALL. Tlie nin.tal masquer-ide
bill I'f tho Scranton I.lederkiam: will be held
this ear, l'cl. 7, at Music lull. H wilt b fir
numbers "iilj.
CIIAIICKI) WITH rilllllATS. .Utni'J Lukin
was held under t!uO bull li Alderman Mllhr
i-sterdjy on the tlurec of tlucats. Ollle Malt
Und is the lirobtciitrK.
DlhCIIAIl(!i:i) Till: C'AK II. .1. fundi.
iaag(r was dKchargul b Alderman Millar ,svs
terdiy upon lhi dnrze if mtsult and lutUiy,
picfcrrcd by W. J. (.hik
MrXTIMI or lU.r.Mlli:U- There will be a
special meeting of Plumbers' 1-oial union. No.
It), batiirday rdght .it 7.00. UuiIiicM of im
portance is tu be attended to.
fQUrXZKD IS" MINI:. fnnk Kj'limlcU. of
I'l.unoutli, was yiiuesuril between u plop an 1 .1
ui In the Aiomlale mine ntcrdar. lie 'vh
tckfn to tho Mo-.cs lajloi hospital.
A-iAl'l.T AND II ATI i:nY.-i fienrge Mel.jne,
.I Mii-cnw, (iirnWied ?.W) lull bifnn- Al.hinun
Milt ir jefteiduy on u durge cif aiult .Hid
'Mttcry, piefirrcd b) Aithur llbiri.
Kin;rn iiv Mn.u-.ioim c., or i:m
ll.unptcn Mieit, was Miked In the grcin y a
i.iule In tho Central ohalt ipiKiday. Ife was
l.iken t tho Mics Tajlur ho-pltal.
l" ST. l.l'KK'S CIIIHCII.-Xt St Luke's
i 'muli thi morning at 10 o'clock the fistlial
of the nmcrlon rf St. l'.ml will be olwcrvcd
with the i eld. ration of the Holy Cumiminlun,
'If) MNO AT Till: AfAWW .-Master W.itlir
Hei-kdnidc, tin- well-known sllur tone soprairj,
will ship Hurriet Mlldnd Andermti'i, niw wing,
' l.nurcnc'' at the Acideinr of Mulr tonight.
'-KM.INO WiniOi'T l.ia:NSi:.-Chiet of
Pnlicc Ilnbliug .incited .i tump on "-pruco
ireet jittcrday for idling without a lliiii.e.
the man was going fiom sloio to fctorc- selling
luiirt pljl:r.
I.KCTl'IH: Tl IS l'.Vi:M.':.-lr. Anna S..IW
Viord will lee re at the Catholic Young Wo
men's club III , eu-ning on "The lhgiem- of
I'hjolcal Cultu e." A niiiBlcal programme will
precede the le.'tuic.
in. of St. I ipse Catholic church, of Cubondih-,
.j cpcialrd upon by Dr. If. II. faibbi-ni jis'cr-
ilu.i, al the Scranton Private hospital for ap-
I'lnilldti;, He it doing nicely,
VIOLATED Oltl)INANCi:.-four biejdUts
vcre nrrested by Special Oincci-. Milott un I
DorJin l.iet night for liolatlng the city ordin
ance In riding without lUhtcd lamb. One ot
tlii in was the Itev, f. .S. Ralkmlne.
of ll(r Albrisht annue, waitnl j bciiing anl
nlered J300 lull befou- AUIttiiiaii Mllhr jester
'lay, on the ch.ilge of j-..uh and batter), nun
iPport and desertion, prcfurcd by his wife.
THOMAS rt'ltllANS IN TliOfni.lI.-ThoiiUH
crran, of Sliciiandoah, .n hdd under i5W
lull ctcrdav on a warrant l--icil (mm Alder
man Millar's office, charging him with deir
lion and non-mppuit, piitmeil b. llrldgvt Cur.
Ji:i;i' MAN IN Cl'MOD.- WillUiu stoik
. r. of Jcfeup, w.n arnti'd l.i-t ulgbt on a
wairsnt l-.suel by Aldcinun MIlLr, chaigin;
liim with desertion and non-suppoit, pieuiml
l.v his wife. Il was held uudei ball ..r ip
in.uance in couit.
r.i.oitfii: ih:ti:i;i:d iiomi:.-ii.h .....m.-,
the Sjiacu'i- ncnspainr man, took uiliantai
of The Tillmrt's announcement tint a
id Syiaofee awaited him at police headipiartiM
and put In an appeaiance )eit(iiiay. lie left
on the 1 o'clock train owr the Laikawanna.
l)lt. LANMNO's Lr.CTL'Ui:.-llev. Di, I. .1 will lecture In Kim J'.uk chuiili on
Thursday eicnlng nc,t. Ilic mlijeit Is "Anion?
the Olazlern of tho illgh Alps," ard lc :i
ihrllling narratlie of his peivinal Iniprevious
and adientuiis. It U a erles of eloquent word
picture which is truly maivdous
K TO YOIM. Mh'N. L. f. notr, ot Hie
Dickon Manufacturing lompanj, the icauiir
of the oung Men's Christian osrodatlon, will
addrrM tlie'joung men's gixpel meding on Mm
lay at tl.ll p. in., in Gueriwy'a hill. Mr.
fiower's nssociatlcn with young men, us protn
ror at CailUle, has given him a tnie Insight
i-t"f -f-f-f-f -f-f -f-t--f-t--t--f
4. We offer subject to previous
Lehlghton Water Supply Co
tQold Bonds:
5 per cent
Free oi Tax.
ture 1020.
The company owns 2,UiO acre of land,
and contiol the watrr-bhed, as well .ii
the available water supply.
Water is furnUheil to the towns ot
Lehlghton and Vdsort, ns will as the
Lehigh Valley load, Tho i-i.tim I,
Bri-t-dass In every npcct.
Price and particulars on application.
M Broadway, N. Y. Wilkej-Uarre.
Commonwealth Dldg, Scranton.
-f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f
Into the nitiire and nereis ol yfliinc nun, slid
fitted Mm for practical work amcre thfm.
VOUNCI 1IACIIKU)U' UiLb. Ths- Usclielors'
club o( South Ccunton conducted a siiccMiful
ball at tlio Srruntcm lllcyilc club house last
cm nine. Iljucr's orelicsln furnished muilc and
rifrrshments were scried y Toff, The commit,
tic on arrangements ct$f. ll,ims, Michael
Hums, William VanU tjSH James llrcmun.
STOLi: 1!onsE AM) MICIOY.-Inlormatlon wai
rrccltcd at police headquarters at 10.S0 last
nlnht of the theft of horse and bumry he
longlnit to John Wlnterson, of I'ittston. Some
person unknown Rot Into the carriage and stait.
ed Scrantonwards. The horso Is an Iron tjrjy
and the carriage his a black top and red run
ning gear.
l'AY DAYS. The Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western company will pay todiy at the Hall
Iliad, I'ettrbone, WoodturJ, Axordale and Ullss
collieries. Tomorrow the employes of the fn.
lolng colllerlea will receive their semi-monthly
earnings for the first half of January! Oxford,
Dodge, ilellcue, llolden, Tajler, Tyre, Ifamp
Ion, Moan, Hide I'arii, Archbald, Continental,
Cayuga and Hrlsbln,
Y. W. C. A. XOTES.-Ilr. Arthur T. Hcrwn,
of New Yoil., will conduct a series of meetings
from Feb. 11) to H. The closing address .'lll
be on missions, and it is hoped that all
lonary societies will unite. Tims and place
wilt be announced later. 'Hie cooking chart
hove begun work". Any ons cnterlny late, may
take up two back lessons. A class In candr
making Is being formed. The Girls' Indunlrlal
club meets on Friday at 4 p. m. All ulrls undr
17 jean nro asU-d to join ths dub, Lessons aro
being given In table setting and waiting. The
Kcrctary's Bible cIjshs meet on Monday ut
7.30 o'clock and 1'ildiy at 1J.I0 p. in. All gills
Ii' ttclcomj.
Was Held Last Night in Board of
Trade Assembly Room and Fol
lowed Annual Meeting.
The annual mooting and banquet of
tin- Scranton Engineers' club was held
last night In tho board of trade as
sembly room and wns , as these events
have always been In the" past, a most
entertaining and delightful affair.
The meeting was hold junt before
the banquet and resulted In the -selection
of tho following ofllrers, who will
guide the dohtlnh-s of tho club for
the coming year: Piesldent it. W.
Kowley; vke president. It. II. Stoek;
trrtir-urer, O. U. Hturges; recording
sccertury. It. U. WIIIIamon: correit
pondlng seeretnry, James Oardlnor
Sanderson; Ulrectors, C. C. Hose, A. V.
Hlot'klnton and William M. Marple.
The meeting over, the members pies
ent sat down to prettily decorated
tables nnd partook of such a feast as
only Steward O'Xell, of the Scranton
club, can serve. Among other delica
cies hcned were the following: "Ulue
I'olntsi on Flat Cars, with Transfers";
"Filed H.'sscmer Smelts." and "Win
ter Survey Cream" with "Transitory
Trimmings" on the side. The menu
card wns very unique and was printed
as a blue print.
After the cigars had been passed, a
number uf Impromptu toasHs were re
sponded to by II. W. Kowley. James
1. Dickson. l- K. Tracey and others.
c, C. Hose acted as toaslmaster. Pres
ent from out of town were thei follow
ing: KM T. Conner mid Cieorge T.
Thomas, of Wilkes-Karre: William J.
Hamilton and S. H. Ktipp. of Carbon
dale, and George T. awllllam, of
Philadelphia. Tho guests from tho
city wore as follows:
Thomas Sprague, Walter I.. Hen
wood, r. K. Tiacy. F. T. Piatt, K. M.
Xcndhc-r. E. K. Simpson, Alfred K.
l.lster, It. E. Hurley, J. fJardlnor San
derson, Preston Iloblnson, William jr.
JIarple, A. U. lllacklnton, II. II. Stoek.
J. P. Dickson. H. AV. Kowley, HonJ.
F. l.a Rue, Alexander Kettel. C. S.
Farrer. W. E. Matthews, F. W. Oer
ecke. W. D. Decker, D. E. Harton,
Altxander Uryden, F. C. Baker, A, C.
l.u Jlonto, George H. Smith, Colonel I..
A. Wat res, E. K. Itoden, II. S. Webb,
J. T. lieurd, C. n. Florey, C. P. Tur
ner, U. B. AVllllamson, II. F. Cox,
James Herring, Charles K. French, F.
F. Merrlmttn, Fred Warner, J. It.
Flhhcr, II, K. Yewcns, Morgan Davis,
jr.. H. I.. Harding. C. C. Mattes, A. K.
Dunning, A. II. Leoe, II. M. I.ane and
V. U. Kinsley.
Heating Today Betote Register
Wills Koch.
'I'Ui'V? will be a hearing today beforo
Register of Wills Koch in tho matter
of tho objections to the probating of
tho will of the late Charles W. Koesler,
who left the greater patt of his estate
to Mrs. Mary Louise Osberry, at whoso
home he lived for two years prior to
his death.
Mrs, Osberry lives with her hu.ib.ijnl
nt -'Jj Franklin avenue. She Is a wo
man well on towards middle life, ot
attractive personal appearance, whoso
home Indicates Unit she Is tho best of
housewives nud whose manner and
speech betoken gentleness and a kind
ly disposition.
When Mr. Iloesler's daughter-in-law
went west and left htm alone here she
felt sorry for tho forlorn man whom
they had known as a neighbor for
many years, and told him ho might
make his home with them. H gladly
"I treated Mr. Roesler ns 1 would
have my own futher treated had ho
been similarly situated," said Mrs. Os
berry last night. "He frequently
thanked us for what be termed our
goodness to lilm and said he would not
foiget It."
Scranton Council Installed New
Officials Last Night.
Scranton council, No, 023, Royal Ar
canum, Installed lu new oillcers last
night, at tho regular bi-weekly meet
ing In Odd Fellows' hall.
The new ofllcers are; Hegent, AV. H.
Uuggait; vice-regent, F. L. Sturde
vantj orator, C. Comegys; past regent,
Thomas Itussell; secrotary, Kdward
Kvnns: collector, F. J. Cooper; treas
urer, P. J. McCaffery; chaplain, H, M.
Crow ell: guide, John F. A'olkanaudt:
warden, C, H. Hall; sentry, I'hlllp
AVIrth Mrustec-s, 13. H. Hippie, F. AV.
Mai tin, Myer Davidow; representative
to Cii-dtiel council, AV. AV. Herry.
Morris Traoube, of New York,
Placed Under Arrest.
Morris Traoube, of New York city,
was arrested yestorduy on n warrant
Issued from Alderman Millar's olllce,
charging him with false pretences, He
wns urralgned befote tho alderman and
held under $800 ball.
Tho Anthracite Urowlng company Is
tho prosecutor, und claim that Traoube,
who Is a brewer In Now York city,
obtained $100 from them for some beer
which they nover received.
Judge Archbald Requested That tho
Question of i Whether or Not the
New County Officials Shall Re
ceive Fees or Salary Re Argued In
Detnil Beforo the Full Bench This
Will Be Done Saturday or Monday.
Trespass Caso Heard Before Arbi
tratorsOther Court Matters.
Before Judge R. W, Archbald yester
day the test case In tho matter of the
compensation of the new county of
ficials came up for cur.rlderatlon In
the form of the case of Uistrlct At
torney W. R. Lewis asrat'Ht tho county
to collect certain fees. Mr. Lewis and
the other county olllclals were repre
sented by Attorneys W, J. Hand and
M. J. 'Martin, and the county by its
solicitor, H. L. Taylor, former County
Solicitor II, A. Knapp and former City
Solicitor I, II. Hums.
A Jury was selected and It was there
upon ndmltted that the county Is in
debted to Mr. Lewis for fees In tho
sum of $120. Argument was then heard
on the question of Mr. LewlV right to
collect fees for his services. Ills at
torneys maintained that it would be a
clear violation of the constitution to
say that ho must accept a salary rather
than fees. He was elected In Novem
ber and the fact that the county has a
population of over 150,000 was not an
nounced by the census department un
til some time later, therefore, to now
say that Mr, Lewis must accept a dif
ferent form of compensation from that
which prevailed when he was elected
would go directly counter to tho con
stitution which declares that no office
holder's salary or emoluments can Im
changed nfter he has been elected.
The argument on the part o" the
county did not attack Mr. Lewis' In
tel pretatlon of the constitutional pro
vision, but set forth that the fact of
the census does not apply to tho date
when it Is announced but as of date
when It was taken nnd ascertained
which was last June, manymonths be
fore Mr. Lewis was elected. It wns
contended that when he was elected
the district attorney that tho county
had a population of over l&O.OOO and
that he is therefore only entitled to tho
salary allowed by the legislating to
the district attorneys of counties hav
ing a population of over ISO.-mO
Judge Archbald directed the jury to
return a verdict of ?i:o in favor of
Mr. Lewis and In doing so spoke ao
(entltmen of the Jury: A cowling to the plain
lilt's contention he Is entitled to neeiie com
pensation by fees under the act of 1'iCO, which
applies to district attorneys of this county; un
der the contention on the put of the county of
I.aikawanna, against whom this milt fs brought,
and which will hae to pay whatcier Is due to
the ditrict attorney, they claim the talary let
of lS7d wint into effect this ,car, bec.iue this
is a census jcar, the part jeir, nnd the federal
renws has ascertained that the county had a
population ot over UO.iXiO. Our Constitution di
rects that wlnre counties haie that populitlon
the offiicrs shall he paid by salar.i. In pursuance
of that pioilslnn a law was In 1870 fixing
the fees of the curious ortlcer. If that act
applies, then the plaintiff is not entitled to
rccour; on the other hand, if It does not apply,
if the foimer act to which I hao uferred Is the
one, and he Is entitled to be paid by fees, then
he would be entitled to a verdict of ifl'JO. Is a epiestlon of considerable moment and
not a little intricacy. It has been argued before
me at length. I hate in a measure an opinion
upon it, but I would like to hae the opinion
of the other judges of the court as well as my
own. I would haie more confidence, and ou
would bate more confidence, the community who
are cncdecl and the officials of the county would
be better Kitl-flnl, no doubt, if the judgment
giuu is that of all three of the members of the
court. I but little doubt that both la
colleagues will be hue on satin day or on Mon
day, therefore I bate decided to take tills
coume to elluct as u formal matter that sou
lender a urdiit In the plaintiff's faor for 120,
but that jour unliit fliall be Mibjut to a
question of la.v which I will reverie, whether,
under the tails, which lire not in li.".ute, and
which hae bicu agreed upon and put on ncjnl,
the plalntltf ii entitled to recoier, with lean-,
it the court should be of opinion that the Irw
in the cae is with the defendant rather Hun
with the plaintltl, that we liny enter Judgment
In taior of the defendant, notwithstanding the
crdlet which ,ioii ko lender. will pmleit
the lights of all parties.
If we mid the plaintiff, under the law as we
ecmcelie it to tie. Is entitled to this inllel why
It will dand; If we are leiniliiivl Hut he Is not,
then we will direct judgment to bi cuteied,
notwithstanding Hie UTillit for the deiendant.
Wi will, Iheiefoie, now lendei a wrdlit In
faie.r of the plaintiff for f-120. subject to Hie
pulnt icti'iced
If Judges Kdwaids and Kelly havj
sulllcleutly lecovereel from their at
tack of gtip lo come Into court Satui
day morning, the aigunteuls will bo
heard at that time. 11 not. It will
be heaiel Monday. An eatly oplnim
will In all probability be handed down,
that tho case may bo heard by tho
Superior court ftt an eaily day. An
ofioit will be made to have tho oas
advanced In that court for hearing.
Probst Trespass Suit.
There was a hearing In arliltiatlon
joum yesterelay before Arbltratois M.
F. Conry, Joseph JclYiies and Itussell
Dlnmilck, in the case of Annie M.
l'robst against John Stone. The par
ties live on the Hast. Mountain in tho
Fifth ward of Dtinmoto and the plain
tiff alleges that tho plaintiff unlaw
fully broke elown her fence and drove
over her land.
Yestertluy was the third hearing In
the case and a basis of settlement
Chancing It
Amongst all unhappy mortals
who wnlk tho earth, If tin-re's a
class that see's moru misery than
another Its the sort who are ever
expecting something to happen by
nccldeut In their favor. Alway.t
anxiously walchlng and waiting
for something better.
No need to say thai mich folks
are seldom If ever sallslled. The
world's business Is not elone on a
basis of mystery. Successful
things are purposed and planned
there's no other way. Work,
alone, win?.
There's no pleasure) In "chanc
ing" things thiough life. The
"pillar to post" plan or getting
on was long s-lnee proved a failure
It ought to be. Thoughtful, cate
ful SAA'INO Is tha best course
thousands of earnest workers Miy
so, A little each pay day soon
makes a "pile" to be proud of.
Savings Department
Cor. Wyoming nnd Spruce
was agreed tiiKin. Tho parties agroo
to open a road through their land,
provided the Scranton Gas unit Water
company will permit It to open on
one of the roads It has constructed
In the mountain In tho vicinity of
Lake Scranton.
The arbitrators adjourned until
such lime ns tho decision of tho Oas
and Water company In the matter can
bo obtained. Attorneys Puttemon und
Wilcox appeared for the plaintiff nnd
Attorney W. H. Hulslnndcr for tho defendant.
Evidence All In.
Just before court adjourned yester
day afternoon It was announced that
all tho testimony was In In the eject
ment suit of Duffy against Duffy,
which was put on trial Wednesday.
It will go to the Jury today.
There Is no other caso open for trial
and when the Duffy caso Is given to
the Jury common pleas court will bo
over for the week.
Yesterday's Marriage Licenaes.
August Will lam fehmldt Priceburg
Hose Hannah Oakey Trlccburg
Thomas J, Williams lCCs Kjnon street
Maria UCHlccoinb U3 Hugh street
In the estate of William frln':, late of this
city, letters of administration wcro yesterday
granted to Ik II. bhurtleff, son-in-law ot the
Court jesteiday fixed 6iluiday morning as the
time for the hearing in the Matter ef the ob
jections tn the certificates of nomination filed
by the Demoeiats of Lackawanna township.
Court jesterday continued the report of Chailrs
V.. Daniels as auditor of the assignee's account
of the ( lllrcns' and Miner' Savings Dank and
Trust tvinpiiny. The crcdllori of the bank will
be paid luck at the rate ol about 07 cents on
the dollar.
The sheriff In epin court yesterday ackncwl.
edged deedH fo Hid following for properties sold
recently by that official. Thomas llarrowmin,
Mlna Itoblnwn, Mira Iloblnson, C, S. Woodruff,
Mlna Iloblnson, .i. It. Hull, Charles Itobinton,
The Arteslon llulldlng and Loan asioclalion, W,
J. Ccstello, DoiotUaa fell, German llulldlng
ftsioeintion No, '.', German llulldlng association
No. 0, milieus' Building and Iaian atioi-iatlon,
Henry . Northup, C. M. Putnam, L'nlon D. L.
L. association, Geeirge Dads, II. C. Reynolds,
l!rra II. Hippie, George W, Watson, George M.
Okdl, John Stiff. People's bank, WUItes llarre,
I'a, Further deeds will be acknowledged on
Jan. ill
Refuse to Agree to Hire Only Union
Men Answer Considered at a
Meeting This Morning.
As foiecabt in yesterday's Tribune,
the Scranton Hallway company has re
fused to acquiesce In the demands of
the employes that no man shall be em
ployed by the company who Is not a
member of the union. The men were
insistent upon this demand, and It is
not Improbable that another strike may
The employes' grievance committee
and President Clarke. General Manager
Sillliuan and Director Timothy Hurke
were In conference from 7.30 o'clock
last night until 1,20 o'clock this morn
ing, considering the contract which the
men presented for General Manager
Sllllmau's slgnatuic lust Saturday.
The officials of the company declared
they could not subscribe to the clausa
which demands the ellscharge of men
not members of the union, and the em
ployes' committee declared In turn that
It was Instructed to Insist on this
clause and not consent to any modifi
cation of it,
AA'hen tho conference ended, Presi
dent Clarke; said to a Tribune reporter
that the only difference that could not
be adjusted was this one regarding
membership in tho union. "The com
mittee seemed determined upon having
this clause Included In the contract,"
said Mr. Clarke. "A'o -could not agree
to that. AVhat the men will do about
It I, of course, can not say. I do not
know whether or not they will strike.
The meeting they are about to have
will determine that."
The committeemen spoke In tho same
strain They had no Idea of what the
me-etlng would do.
The meeting of the men to receive
the committee's report was begun tit 2
o'clock this morning. 'Nearly nil tho
employes. Including n dole-gallon from
the Carbondale end of the line, were
In attendance,
Geoige Keller, on of the two men
who worked during the strike and
whoso discharge tho men were de
manding, presented himself at the
mooting and made application for
membership. At the time of going to
press tho application had not been
ae-led upon. Charles Seeley the other
man whose discharge Is demanded by
the men, will not be received Into the
union under nny consideration, tho
men say, for the leason that he joined
tho union hefoio the stilkc and then
wont btuk on his pledge. Keller never
Joined the union and said light along
that he would not.
A new grievance de eloped since the
contract was presentee last Saturday,
The bam hands, who weie working ten
hours a day, have been put on an eight
hour schedule. This results In their re
ceiving less pay than befoie th com
pany granted their demands for in
ct eased wages, The best wages any
man in the barn cun now earn Is tl,r2.
Pnder the ten-hour f-chedulo they could
earn $1.00. Hefore the strike they were
getting SI. 73.
II was thought the meeting would be
In session until u o'clock,
Harvey Long Retires from the Man
agement. Tho Gaiety theater was dark last
night. At the closo of the afternoon
perfoimance given by the A'ngnbonds
Burlesque company It was decided to
close- the house, for the present, nt
Harvey Long, who was the manager,
retires permanently from the manage
ment. AVhat will be done with tho tlie
ater In tho future has not been definite-
I ly decided upon, but it Is thought that
I It will reopen.
Mf. Long has encountered many
financial sitags since he opened tho
house In September and since the first
of the year tho theater has been prac
tlcully In the hands of C. II. Rchadt,
who was the security on n bond given
by Mr. Long when ho took chargo of
the theater.
Mr. Long proposes to devoto himself
exclusively to his bill posting business
lu future.
Two Carpenters Killed,
tly Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Tress.
IlarrUbiirg, Jan, 21, -frank McCoy, of Steelton,
was In. tartly Ulltd, and J, A, Mr cub and Ah In
W'caier, of Harrltburg, raipenleri, serlouily hurt
today at the I'cnnsjlianla Steel works. They
weie working on a swinging scaffold thirty feet
above, the' surface, witli one of the ropei dangling
in the air, A shifting engine caught the rops
snd the Jar threw the carptntcis to tho ground.
An Effort Will Be Made to Have
Three Courts Going Each Week.
The Billlott Murder Cases Heads
tho List for tho First Week and
tho Bevalacque Murder Case the
Second The Coyne Perjury Caso Is
Set Down for First Week Many
Other Important Cases.
District Attorney W. It. Lewis ve
terday prepared the following trial list
for the term of criminal court, begin
ning February I. The term will last
for two weeks. Hon. H. M. Edwards
will preside! In tho main court room
during the first week, und Hon. John 1'.
Kelly In No. 2, Dining tho second week
Judge It. W. Archbald will preside In
No. 1, and Judge Edwards In No. 2.
Judge Archbald will make nil effort
to get Judges from outsldu districts
here during the two weeks, that three
courts may be run. The list for the
first week Is headed by the Billlott
murder case of Carbondale, nnd the
Coyne perjury case has the second
place. For the second week the Uevit
lacquc murder case heads the list. Tho
list for the two weeks follows:
First Week Monday, Fob. 4.
I. Ssminuil llllllott, muielcrj L'dward J, Neary,
pi oa.
!!. Thomas J, Coyne, perjuiyi ltobert Wilson,
8. Jacob Kilmnn, aiihurtntlon of perjury: Wil
liam A. Phillips, ptoH.
i. Patrick ,1. Conway, pointing pistol; loulw
Ferguson, prox.
ft. Joseph Kearney, lirceny and receiving;
frank ltobllng, Jr., pros. (I)., L. W).
B. Joseph Kearney, larceny and receiving;
frank Hording, jr., pros. (J. W, Vail.)
T. Joseph Kearney, lareeny and rcecldngj
frank Holding, jr., pros. (J, I. Connell
At Company.)
9. Nellie, Johnion, Kate Johnson and Ilrldget
Mr.ran, i obuer) : frank ltobllng, jr., pros.
10. William Lawsan, larceny and lecelvlng,
frank Hobllng, ji,, proc
II. Charles Metsrhler, alias Charles Custard,
burglary; frank Hobllng, jr., pro.
11. John Yates, assault and battery: Mamie
Lewii), prm.
II. Mis. John Yates, malidoiis mUchlcf; Mamie
Lewis, pi ox.
It. Anthony htewmt, larceny and receiving;
John McLnnr, pro,
13. Meilleent W'inehrake, Illegal practice of
medicine: Willi im HcMmm, pros.
1(1. frank Hlle, assault and battery; nthony
Kopkl, pic.e,
17. Mike Mitchell, alias Mike Sukltus. frlnnle
Mitchell, ellis filnnie Sukttus, assault and
battery; Lliia Llewcllin, pros.
IS. John Bacon, nlius Hirry Uacon, asiault and
battery; J. Laikln, pros.
11, Alexander (Jras, melting; II.,
20. Ucxumler Huss, receldng: II. heldman,
Tuesday, Feb. 5.
21. frederick foster, alias John Wilsrn, larceny
and reeddng; frank Hobllng, Jr., pros.
22. James Cordon, larceny and receldng; frank
Hobllng, jr., pios.
as. James CJorelon, fahe pretences; frank Hob
ling, jr., pro.
M. William l'arris, lirceny and rrceidngs Frank
uibllng, Jr., pros.
25. MI'hael McDonough, tonbery; frank Hob-
ling, Jr., pros.
21, frank Mangan, robbery; frank Hobllng, jr.,
2". William Morgan, larceny and receldng;
frank ltubllng, ji pros.
2t. Ik J. Maloney, brlber.F; Thomas Lejhon,
19. Maitln f. llealey, sailing liquor without li
cense; Thomas lejulion, pioe.
BO. C. W. McKiimey, bribery; Ik II. Sturgc,
31. Aithur Mullen, violating rules of board of
health; A. C. Monies, pros
32. James Cillaliin, malicious mischief; Hattic
M. bnydcr, prox.
SS, Mich led J. Hurke, selling liquor without
license and selling on Sunday; Thomas Le-y-
shun, prus.
SI. Anna K, Ami", adultery; Thumas Leyshon,
;:.". frcslna loplna, larceny and rieelving; Frank
Hobllng, jr., pios.
Bfl. Thomas Connell, laiceny and leeching;
Henry Morgan, preis.
S7. Carl Xetls. laueny by bailee; II. Cold-
i-dialger, prOF.
88, Patrick McCaffcrly, selling liquor without and telling cm Mindaj ; Thomas
l.cishou, pros,
.11. Clurlis II, Wlllianu., cinbeiilement; L. Lit
tle, pro'..
). Chailes II. Hllianir, laicenv and lecelxing;
U Little, pun.
Henry Caiey and Ida Cmec, keeping luitely
hoiie; Mrr. W. II. Duggan, prox.
John Johnson, laueny and ri-ecidngi funds
Mac key, l"",
4.1. llowaid L. filler and Le'Vl S. Little, mali
cious mischief; lu Drake, pros.
41, frank Duhlgg, all's frank Dewey, toinlflca.
lion and bastaidy; Mary McDonnell, prox.
43. ficorge lliehnell, j-sault and latter; ; Me-
pin n Pier, ptos.
Wednesday, Feb. 0.
lit. Nid: Cappldlo, liatlkklng in regislc-inl
bottle i Henr Clrlch, pros.
47. f.llen King, selling ll'l'ior without lliense;
Thomas tetslion, pio,
I. Nicola Nelalia, felonious wounding; Thomas
Lctkhuli, pio.
4'i Stephen (lilbj, felonious wounding; Thomas
Le.ii.hoii, pros.
M. Alexander Cras, iccdilng; t-leplien Dyer,
fil. Mexunder tln.s, teeeldng; Stephen Djer,
.",. .leander ;uu and II. W, Smith, neglecting
to keep books! Stephen Djer, pic.
j.1. John A. Lee, compounding felony; Waller
ltecnohls, plus.
54. John n. Dlegdman, false pretences; ,1, 11.
(Tevilanel, pios.
VI. C. P. l'oweleil), assault and hatteiy; Ilrldget
f,caiy, prox.
.16. John Hohak, Matio Scranko and John Margo,
awault nnd battery: Louis llhter, pro.
57. Thomas Dads, embezzlement ; W. II. Whtr,
pi Oil.
Jc frank MaddocU and William faans, laiceny
by bailee; Hemic Penman, piox.
61. llugene Masters, cruelty tu animals; AV. AV.
Williams, pio,
CO, Joseph Smith nnd Lena Smith, larceny and
receiving; Lottie Gorgol, prox.
61, Ccorge (lunula, larceny by bailee; K, Ibhcr,
iii -I, II. Ogoud, assault and batlety; Mary Con
nolly, prox.
03. Andrew Ilsrwln and funk Sldnskl, larceny
and receiving; Michael Charlie, pros.
CI. Madame Zeno, fortune telling; frank ltob
llng, jr., pros,
b5. John Timlin, imhcuUinentl frank Hobllng,
Jr., piai.
od. Andrew Mcfluriln, burglary; frank Hobllug,
jr., pios,
7, fctunlslaui Iloailnslie, larceny and icccldng;
frank Kubllng, jr., prof.
C3. Morris 1 HenodU, fal.e pretences; AVIUIam
Craig, pi o.
CO, Maggie McDcrmott, assault and battery;
Marv Mc.N'ullj, prox.
70. Iguali Olchefskl and Joseph pankofikl,
lobbiiy; Leon Subkoskl, pros.
Thursday, Feb. 7.
J I. fii'orgo Kultcr, seduction t Hertha Ledder,
7J. John Kullck, lape; Jail; Maltaik, pre.
7J, Joph Payton, alias John Crowley, robbery,
frank Holding, Jr., pros,
74, 1'alilck O'Donncll, malicious mischief; frank
Hobllng, jr., rros.
75. Marlon Kopfchlnskl, felonious wounding;
frank nobllng, Jr., pros.
79. E. N. Quackcnbunh, forging Irade maiks;
John (Tracer, pros.
(Continued on Vigo 8.
Inventory has disclosed a quantity of odd
pieces in China, Glass, Silver, Lamps, Etc.,
Etc. Marked them for sale regardless of
cost. Twenty percent, off on all Bric-a-Brac.
& Gen V Millar &
5 VJCU. V. iUIliar .
T W Mf f W & & V
i 'j ii i IKjj
Gold Crowns $3
Gold Fillings $1
Bridge Work (TSSi) $3
Set of Teeth $5
All work guaranteed for 10 sears. Call and
hare jour teeth examined free of chsige.
Satisfaction or no pay.
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
That's the name. You've heard it a good many times
most every time in fact, when jeAvelry is the topic of conver
sation, for the one implies the other.
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
Has much to show you in the Gift ii e more than you'll see
in most other stores. Not only more, but something "dif
ferent" novelties that appeal to you, because of their
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
Has everything going in the jewelry line. Think o! what
you want; it's there. Prices, too, are less than you think,
when you consider that no matter what you buy, quality is
317 Lackawanna Avenue.
q The New Nerersll,! As
2 phalt Removable
Horse cfinuoi slip
and will outwear three
sets or any other calk
nisjsjniinnimnn n
mi irnnrNiinn n
ft Ull lUllUUIlUUtl U UUI Icsiiimiii -. 0
Gratifying Showing Made by the
Nut and Bolt Works.
That the report from time to time
of the proxpeilty ot Scruntim'H neweHt
big Industry, Hie liolt and Nut works,
ero not extiRKeriitcd was nttesteel at
the annunl meet Ins, held yesterday,
when a torn- per cent, dividend was dee-lured
nnd tins capital pluck. Increased
tiom $150,000 to $.'u0,000 to meet the ex
lannlon of business.
The steckholeleisere hlRhly trratllleel
at the reports of the; otllcurs for the
year, the flint full lls-eiil yenr in the
conipany'H history, und unanimously
re-fli-ete-el all of them, as follows;
Pivldent, W. I). Zelinder; vice-uresl-dent,
Cliarles H. We-lli's; si'i'ivtary and
treasurer, U. M, Ilurton: Mtper
Intendunt, K. 11. Kehnder; assistant
secretary, Tlieodoie Kullcr.
The cllreeitors chosen were W. D,
Zeltnder, Cliailen H. Welles, .1. A.
l.ansliiir, 1.. II. Uot ton, O. S. JeihllBon,
C. II. JCehnder and ('buries C Hose,
Out of the of 1,500 shares, 1,303
We-re voted.
President X.e-hnder's leport showed
that tho results of the year were better
by forty per cent, than lie hud e-x-peeted,
notwithstanding the extremely
high and extremely low prices that
prevailed, respectively, in tin- two
halves of the year.
The mill und factory worked 3U6 days
with full force, the mill worklni? cloublo
turn all the time, the factory double
turn n good purt of the time.
A sixty-four foot addition was made
to the factory, six new bolt and nut
machine were Installed, and tile foreo
of employes was Increased from 200 to
310 hand.s.
The company ships its ptoduct to all
parts of the United States, has n regu
lar trade with Cuba and Porto lllco,
and filled lartre orders for South Af
rica, Australia, .South America, India
und China,
The prospects for tho comlne- year
are hrlirht, und nt the next annual
meeting It Is confidently expected nn
equally srutlfylnR report will bo lven.
IT. J. Coyle Made nn Odd Purchase
in a Lunch Wagon.
Dead mlco carefully concealed be
tween two slices of ham and brsrnl
and bold for sandwiches cannot Justly
bo termed dainty morsels of food nnd
II. J. Coyle wos naturally indignant
when he bit off tho le of a mouse
whllo eatliiK what lie supposed to be a
ham sandwich.
Yet this nstoulsliInK experience wos
felt by Coylo In u lunch waijon Wed
nesday night nud te&ulted In the ar
rest of Samuel Herrlwltz, tho lunch
wagon man,
Ileniwlta wns urralgned before Al
derman Millar and exonerated from
all complication In the mousn ep.
sodc. It appears that for soma thno
Co m Wjroinltn Avennc
WU. w.lklri.ndLookAreunel
Extracted Absolutely
Without Pain.
Our system of PAINLESS Dentistry Is far
superior to the old method of doing work,
R'e both Mil snd extract teeth" without the
lesst particle of pain. Our prices for the
present are extremely low, snd If jou are In
need of any Denial work, Call and have
your teeth examined.
We make n specialty ot fine Crown and
Bridge Work and It will pay ou to call and
get our prices before going elsewhere. All
ork absolutely Painless,
Dr. ReyerTDentist
8U Spruce St., Opp. Court House.
126 and 128
i.ii c--ii. a,.-.
The Dickson Manufacturing Co.
tcranton and WlllcevIIarre, t'ii
MuuufuoturorJ of
Hollers. llolstlneanelPumpInz Machinery,
General Office, Bcranton. Pa.
a war has been on between the twu
rival lunch wnRon proprietors nnd It
Is said this schemo was concocted with
the intention of spoiling the other
man's business. The expectation was,
it Is claimed, that the matter would
gain prominence In the newspapers
to the detriment tf the victimized
lunch waeon proprietor.
Thus the chm-fre Is that Coyle was
hired to enter tho lunch woKon, order
a h.uiiIwIhIi, substitute tho prepared
one for th Kod one and raise a dis
turbance, .
New Camp Organized at riovideuce
Last Night.
Modem Woodmen of America, Prov
idences camp, Xo, 9155, wis organized
lust evening In the Auditorium' lodg
loom by Dlstilct Deputy Joseph II.
Hughe.i, with thirty-five charter
The following were elected as of
llters, of the new equip: V. C, Otta
I). Meyer: W. A., Wilson Kliby; ban
ker, J. M. Pohrlnger; escort, Fred V.
llaifell: watchman, P. V. Scunlon;
sontry, W. D. Oakley: physicians. Dr.
Hcssey. Dr. Smith: managers. Pert
Sheiman, one year: ('. J. Gillespie,
two years: V. J. Hubbard, three years.
These were duly Installed by the dis
trict deputy.
Tho new camp stuits out to be n
"winner" and will soon hold its own
villi the many large and growing
camps of IhH populjtr order In Scran
ton. O. J Olllcsplo was elected to
repiesi'lit the camp nt tho state camp
in Uurrlbburg Feb. 0.
Among tho appointments announced
by the State 'legislature, each of the
four Uickawanmi county representa
tives aio credited with one, T. Jeffer
son Reynolds named his father, Joseph
Reynolds), us un assistant doorkeeper;
Repiesentatlve Seheuer obtained a
position as messenger for Ooorge Mar
shall, formerly a stenographer In tho
ollieij of Carpenter & Fleitz; Ellas
Jones, of Uollovue, a driver boy In tho
Uellevue mines, received a position a.i
paf through Edwurel James, Jr., nnd
Kdward Swurtz, of Dunmore, fonncrly
n Janitor u-t tho court house, was also
uppolntert a page, through the eourteey
of UepfeFeutatlvo Phllbln.
The peuate has also confirmed the
nomlnitlous of P. O. ltellly and D. F.
l'lckes, of. Scranton, and W. R. Watt,
of Carpoudule, us notaries.