-vmw'i"' "w ,vtyf wW'i'Tiwn'ir.ww,, JrA -np!lS?f??!5!!!S5Sf!g"5J It- y? (v - THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1001. U' Communleatlonsof a news nature, per sonals anJ all Items for publication may be left at The Trib une's new offices In the Hurke Building, or sent by mall or phone. AT THE CYCLE CLUB. Two Games Played Last Night At tractions Tonight. At the cycle club Inst night tho pool tourney was continued. The first Rama plajcd was between Ruther ford (fourth clnsH) and Moon (fourth class), which was Avon by the former. At 10 o'clock Foster and Mitchell Mora plnylng, with Indications that Foster would win. Exceptional Interest Is taken In tho contest tonight. There will be a bur lesque gome at 9 o'clock between Sin ger und Manners, tho rules of thin nnmc being that no contestant will bo allowed to pocket more than one ball In an Inning, nnd the one who gets tho most scratches will win out. Tho boys of tho club nic anticipating much sport over this unusual game. Roth players nre practicing diligently. Hy Moon's loss last night he drops out of the tourney, being the first to loe three games. The standing Is as follows: UrlRKS 1 Denton ... 0 Crane 0 Clifford 1 Davis H Drety 3 my 0 Ditchbum I llr 1 l'oeter 1 tillhool 1 Itoole I Humphrey 2 .Ismes , 3 Knopp 1 Morgan 0 Moon ....... ...,.0 1 ! Manners 0 2 : McMillan i o Mltehtll 1 1 ) J. II. IUese 0 I OJJ. 0. Ilewse t t 2Kennle 1 J Z.Rotorti S 1 SJKuthtrford 2 1 l.StrieUanel 0 2 2 Singer 0 00. Smith 11 ow. Smith 0 lSwingln ....,..... 1 fctewart 1 S,Scuity 1 Who Knew Frank Christian. A letter was received by Miss Mar jot 1q Towderly, of this city, yester day from her brother, Joseph Powder iy, formerly of this city, but who Is now In Eagle Pass, Texas. In the let ter he tells of tho death of a tele phone lineman down there, who died suddenly. He was buried there, nnd aftet wards a search of his effects re ealed the fact that he was a sol dier In the Spanish-American war; and his dlschaige papers, which he art led with him, Rave his name as Prink Christian and his place of en listment as Sunbury, Pa. The superintendent of the telephones i ompany requested that Pennsylvania papers should publish nn account of Ills death, so that his iclntlvcs, if he has any, should bo made aware of tho Place where Christian lies burled. Sun bury papers are especially lcqucstcd to copy this notice. Had Thumb Cut Off. Annie Smith, who lives in Foity--ucond street with her widowed neither, and who Is the sole support oi her mother and several brothers und sisters, met with a sad misfor tune jeslterday afternoon, while at wink in tho silk mill of the Klola ompauy at Simpson. The silk she wus nt work on got tangled in some manner and she attempted to stralgh ion it out, with tho result that her hand got twisted in the silk, the silk i evolving qulcly, and pulling strong nnd pulled tho top of Annie's thumb light off. Dt. Malaun was summoned and on examination thought It advis able an operation should be per formed. She was taken to Dr. WfiCe!-If-r's lio.spltul, where tho thumb was excred at the first Joint. About two bonis after the operation she went to her home. It was her light hand which was Injured. Won a Prize. At the Knights of Columbus' pto Kresslvo euchre party In Scranton .. Wednesday evening, at which over 200 persons played, William Loftus, of this city, won first prize, being tied with Miss Mary R. Moffatt. In the drawing for the prize which followed the decimation of tho tie, Mr. Loftus won. The trophy was a beautiful ta boretle. v Have Changed Their Plans. The committee In charge of the an nual reception of the Ladles' Catholic Benevolent association, which is to ba held In Hurkc's hall on Friday. Feb. 8, hava announced a slight change In their plans. There will be no card playing, as announced yesterday, as quite u number of the members do not play, and the ladies fear that It will encroach on the time allotted for other amusements. Tuneral of James Madden. James Muddcn's funeral took place yesterday afternoon at St. Rose's chinch ut half past three o'clock. Rev. Father Walter A. Gorman officiated at the funeral services. The following were pall bearers: John J. Coultry, John Lang, John Purcell, Patrick Kil boy, Patrick Tlghe and James Munley. Interment was made In tit. Rose cemetety. Grand Commandery to Be Held. Tho Knights of Malta of Lackawan na county uru making extensive plans for u special session of the Grand com mandery of tho state to be held In the Knights of Malta temple In Scranton on February IB, when the degrees of past commander will be conferred. There aro about fotty candidate for Ihcso degrees. Saw Her Sister Graduate. Miss Mary Gerrlty returned on Wed , newluy night from New York city, win o she witnessed the graduation of her sister, Julia, "at Bellevue hos pital linlning uchool. The latter Itus not yat decided whom she will prac tice nnd. Is still In Now York. Three of a Kind. At different hours of the afternoon and ovonlng yesterday the police of this city gathered In three exhilarated wnhrfeiers who were making too much nf a show of themselves. Two of these resembled each other In such a matked dcgieo that they could pass for broth ers, but they wero apparently Strang- DrBull'sS Cures all Throat sad Luag Affections, COUGH SYRUP 1. Cctthegcnulae. Refuse substitute. A Vis sure f alvatloa Oil curt KlicunaUtja. 15 & ag eta. CARBONMLE DEPARTMENT ers. Thoy wero put In tho city Jail for safo keeping. All wcte In tho stage of Intoxication where It was necessary to do considerable swaying and side-step-Ping to keep on a level keel. One of them took a great liking to a. clothing display on Main street, nnd In endeav oring to read a card In the window, which apparently seemed to him to bo upsldo down, had nn extremely narrow escape from taking a header through the plate glass. A "TIN WEDDING." Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Tiautweln Issue Unique Invitations. On next Tuesday evening, Junuaty 29, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Trautweln will celebrate tho tentli annlversuty of their marriage by nn "at home." In vitations of a most unique design have Just been Issued for the event. They are written on small, jotind. tin-bound tags tied With n. lion- nf vililtn olll.. .iv.- hon. These were enclosed in smnll en velopes nnu read: "1S91-1S01 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Trautweln at home Tuesday evening, January 29, 1001." The tin binding of tho tags entiles Its mm Biury. 1 Rebuilding. John D. Nealon Is having extensive Improvements made on his building 011 South Main street. A plate glass front will be put in and a large and com modious store fitted up. The uai nnd second floor will be tltted up with all modern conveniences and Mulshed for threo residence lints. This building Is one 01 the oldest on Main street, and was the flint to be erected after tho great lire which de stroyed that putt ot tltn iltv tniitiv e.us ngo. Two Good Houses. The "Joshua Slmpkins" thentilciil troupe played to two good hotis.es in this city yesterday and gave good s.U Isfoctlon to the audiences with their quaint portrayal of quaint, old-fashioned country life. A paiade took place at noon, headed by a band of tweho pieces which travels with the tioupe and some of the charncters made up as they appear on the stage, fallowed in Its wake, piodming smiles by ungainly antics and uncouth steps. The (irnnd will now be dark until next Wednes day, Jan. 30, when "A Wise Woman" will be produced. Loomis-Praney. A wedding party was In this citv on Welnesday evening. Mr. nnd Mis. John Lootnls (nee Miss Mary Kl'oii Franey) had been man led a short time previous In St. James chuich In Jc-s-sup. After congratulations the bildal party enjoyed a trip to Carlmndule. On their return to Jessup a sumptuous supper was awaiting them." Afterwatd a social was held in Swcenev's hull. Among those who nttpniirwi iiin 1. ai ding were Mr. and Mis Chailes Mut iny, of this city. Dr. Whnlen at Factoiyville. Dr. Whalen, of this city, dotheied the sermon esterdav nt Kc stone academy in rnctoijvlllu at the id.iboi ato services there to coinmemotato the dav of prayer for colleges. He was ut home last evening, however, In llni3 to conduct the prayer set Ice at the Berean Baptist churih. Meetings Tonight. Eureka chapter. No. 1711, Royal Aiclt Masons. Junior Order United Amoiknn Me chanics. Companions of the Foip.m Poor board. American Legion of Honoi Tho Royal Circle. Councilman Thompson Has the Giip. Chairman of Select Council .Inun's Thompson was tuken ei ill on Wed nesday night nnd ycstmduy his con dition become so nlniinlng that a doc tor made seveinl calls on him The phslclan pronounced his complaint to be an exceptionally f.eeio attack of the giip Constable's Sale. Notices were tacked up yeslotdiv of an execution made on Walsh Hi oh, bottlers, 107 Pike stiefi, and udwi Us ing a constable's sal to take place next Tuesday, Jan :" Two hoi ten, harnesses, wagons idilghs and otlu-i' Items nre enunciated as Hedged Letters of Admlniattatlon. Letters of ndmlnlrtintlon w.uo granted on Wednesday by Register of Wills Koch In Sctanton to L. A. I'at tetson, of this city, nnd Isabella Jtc Mullen, In the estate of fliarles Mc Mullen, who died: lecentlj Judge Wells Tuneral. The funeral of tho late William S. Wells, of WIlkes-Bane, fatliei of Mis. J. V. Watt, of this clt, will take plnie this afternoon at his late homo nt I o'clock. The Interment will he pilvatc. Is Aiournl Again. Joseph Eaily, of Seventh nenue who had his toes smashed whil pet- formlng his duties nt the Hendilck works recently, Is able to lu out Attended a Banquet. Michael Hotun, Joseph O'Neill ami P. Fox attended the banquet given In Forest City last evening by the Ladies' Catholic UonoNolent uhsniintlon. Pay-Day. The Dclawuio and Hudson miloes of tho South Side will receive their pay today. Have Left the Talr. The Misses Mary Larkln, Alice free gaii and 'Mary Collins have icslgncd their positions as clerks Jn the Fair stoic. Cnma from Shamokin, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Evans, of Sha mokin, have removed here and started housekeeping on Belmont street. Born. To Mr. and 'Mis. Charles Swan, at No. 6, u. son. Theatrical, Next Wednesday "A Wise Woman." EL. Hatfield, man ager of the Carban dala edition, will be pleated to receive callers seeking Infor mation or desirous of Imparting It Tele phone numbers: New a86: old, 0433. OBITUARY. Charles Lingfelter. Clmiles Lingfelter died yesterday morning nt 6 30 o'clock at his homo on Belmont street, aged thirty-five years. The news of his death came as a sur prise to his many friends, notwith standing that ho had been In poor health a number of years, having been mulcted with diabetes. Mr. Lingfelter wns bom In Clifford on May 1, lSCi. When he was one year old his parents temoved to this city, and with the exception of two years, which ho spent In Scranton, he had always lived here. He was a machinist bv trade and for several years was foreman or the Ontario and Western machine shop at Mayfleld yard, but had to resign tho position on account of his health. Lately he had been em ployed in tho Delaware and Hudson locomotive shops, and was at work there last Saturday. He married Miss Jennie Dow, of this city, fourteen years ago nnd the union was blessed with two chlldi en. His widow and these two daiightcis, Helen, now aged twelve, and Mildred, aged six, survive him, as do ids parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Lingfelter .Mr. Lingfelter was a member of the Junior Order of United American. Me ihnnlcs and the Knights of Honor. Several eain ago he was active In tho councils of tho Patriotic Order Sons of Anieilc.i mid the Sons of Veteran. The f uncial services will be held at hi Kite home, No 143 Helmont street, tomorrow afternoon nt i o'clock. Rev. Clui! lis Lee, of tho First Ptesbv tciian 1 hut ih. assisted bj Rev. Dr. Wh.ilen, of the net can Baptist church, will con duct the set vices, and the body will be laid ut lest In Maplewood cemetety. A Special Meeting. Then- will b( a special meeting of I'ambiliin lodge. No. 58, Independent Ordei of Odd reliows, tills afternoon nil o'clock, to make utrangements for the funei.il of the late William llow is Cone to Be Treated. Mis t:. W. Cross wont to New York y'ntctday, wlioie she will receive hos plt il tieatnient for a remote trouble ftom which she has suffered for a long time She expects to be awny foi sev eral mouths. The Passing Thtong. Will nvnui has the giip. limiles Dow Is quite III. Mrs. J. P. Sullivan is home fiom Lu zirne. Miss Mamie Monohnn Is III at Hotel Hairlson. Very Rev. T. F. Coffey was u, visitor in Summon Wednesday. Oscar Koch, of Blnghumton. N. Y.. Is visiting f 1 lends in town. Miss Katie (Jtady called on Aieh bald friends on Wednesday Miss Jennlo Kearney, of Peckvllle. is the guest of friends In town. Vussar Jones, who has been ill for tho past week, is convalescent. l S. Wonnacott Is suffeilng from giip. Ibis is his thitd attack. Ilauy Sutherland, of Wllkes-Barre, was a taller In town Wednesday. Mis Eva Smith is able to be out, after ti quite seiious nttack of rheuma tism Miss Maigatet Murphy, of Scianton, Is the guvst of Miss Oinnlno Price, of licliuont street. Hugh Pinion, of Biookljn stteet, a conductor 011 the Delaware and Hud son, Is on tilt- sick list. Hen 1 C. Albright, of Scianton, was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Ran dolph Mason, ycstciday. Joint Caiey.of Schenectady, is spend ing a few d.ijh with his parents, Mr. nnd Mis. Thomas Caiey. MKs Anna AVnde, of the Electric city, has tetuined home, after 11 few das' slt with ft lends In town. .Miss Mame O'Reilly, of New York clt, bust letutned. after a shott visit w Itli friends In this city and Scranton. Mis. S. J. Herters nnd daughter, Ruth, who have been the guests of fib mis heie, linAP returned home to Cliff oid. Mis James Con-Jean and son, John, of Cuibondule, are visiting Mr. and -Mis. Janus Piice, on Mill street, Plttston Gazette. Miss rioienco Colwell, of this tlty, was among n patty of friends who wcte enteitalned by Mrs. Day, of Cemetety street, In Jermyn, on Wed nesday 'enlng. Jc din Mitchell, of Nlagaia Talis, who bus been spending several dajs with Mdeuuan and Mis. R. J. Deluvnn, of IMinout stteet, left yesterday for I'pilallle and today will teturn to his home JERA1YN AND JHAYF1ELD. TIih Itppubllcans of the Third ward met In caucus on Wednesday evening und placed In nomination the following ticket. Councilman, tlueo yeuts, Will iam Scull, ono ear, Alonzo Whitley; (rhool dlicctor, thtee yeats, A. F. Qeb hnrdl, assessor, John Tiank Loughney; Judge of election, II. A. Willman; ln hpector, Thomas rtaker. Tho Second wind Republicans held their caucus In Enteipilso hall last evening The meeting was latgely at tended and everything passed off har moniously, The following ticket was placed In nomination- Councilman, Thoron Moon: school dhector, T. R. Ciawford. assessor, Joseph Soby; Judge of election, Joseph Temby. inspector, Prank Winters, Hutter. 10-lb. lots, -.'.'c feed, meal und 10m, SGc. per hundted; ham, 10c; bacon, Dc; 6 lbs. piuncs, 25c.; 18 lbs. sugar, $1, at Union store. J. D. Stocker, Jeimyn, Pa. The store cletks of the boruogh met on Wednesday evening nnd after list ening to nn able address by Charles O'Hoyle, ot Olyphnnt, district oignn izer, oigunlzed n brunch of tho Retail Cletks' union, with the following olll 1 pis: Piesldent, J. J. Miller; vico-presl-dent, Miss Lizzie Collins; secretary, Frank Winter; financial sect etary, Miss Margatet Qulnn; tiensuter, Richard Lewis. Dr. S. D. Davis will cnteitaln tho memberH of .the Carbondalo Medical society at his home, on Main stteet, next Tuesday evening. Tho Lndles' Aid society of St. James Episcopal church met ut the home of Mrs. H. U. Hills, on Third street, yes terday afternoon and elected tho fol lowing otllcers Tor tho ensuing year; President, Mrs. S. C. Whltmore; first vice-president, Mrs. Fred Horswcll: second vice-president, Mrs. Fred Soby; secretary, Mrs. John Hogarth; treas urer, Mrs. 8. D. Davis. Charles Dennett, a miner In the Dela ware and Hudson shaft, (had ono of his fingers so badly crushed by a mlno car Wednesday that It Is probable the finger will have to ba amputated. Insurance Agent Hill, Druggist John Graves, Mrs. Job Williams and Thco doro Townsend aro victims of the grip. Tho caucus of the Republicans of the First ward will be held In Windsor hall on Saturday evening, A child of David Donohuo, of tho Last Side, Is seriously lit. Dr. A. J. Baker, of Durycn, and Dr. P. C. Manley, of Scranton, were In town Wednesday. Best quality mlno shoes, $1.35; rub ber boots, $2 50: nnd about 100 suits boys' and children's suits, from C to 13 years, from $1 to 3 a suit, nt half price to close, at Union store. J. D. Blocker, Jermyn, Pn. The Republicans of the borough will hold their general caucus In Enterprise liall on Monday evening, nt which a cundldato for the ofllco of Justice of tho peace will bo nominated. Mrs. Jane Baker, of South Main street, Is confined to her home by sick ness. Nestor, the llttlo daughter of Mi. and Mrs. Richard Brown, of the Denning ton farm, is 111. There will bo an Important meeting of tho members of the Episcopal church In the Sunday school room on Tuesday evening. The Mooslo Powder company yester day paid their employes hero for tho first two weeks' work of the present tnonth. The men nro especially pleased, its the company adopted the semi monthly pay without solicitation. Mrs. Annie Griffiths, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Griffiths, of Main , street, Is recovering from an attack of Pleurisy. William Williams, of West Mayfleld, who was recovering from an nttack of grip and went out of doors too soon, has been taken with a relapse nnd is very 111. John Iiwler, a laborer In the Dela ware nnd Hudson colliery, had the top of one of his fingers cut oft by a chunk of coal on Wednosduy, while filling a cat. GRAPHIC STORY OF CUNNINGHAM Witness Befoie Booz Committee Ex plains the Exquisite Torture In flicted Upon Victims. B l.xchuite Wire fiom llip AwocuteJ 1'ieisi. Washington, Jan. 24. Witness Cun ningham gave evidenre at the after noon session. He sold Cadets Hill, Haskell and Kensel suffered from haz ing. Hill "qualified on poach pie" and nfterward suffered from convulsions, requiting mcdlclal assistance to be summoned. Haskell suflered the same night as MacArthur and witness heard Haskell had convulsions. Medical as sistance was not called, but Haskell was worked over for some time. Ken sel went Into convulsions. The witness heard that a cadet had choked Kensel to prevent his uttering crier. Tills Information came from a cadet otllc-er in the academy. Cun ningham tecelved only minor hazing ut one time "ending" for nhout thirty minutes. Mr. Dtiggs biought out that Cadet Howze also had ben hazed into hysterics. The witness was handed a list of cadets and specified a number reputed to bo severe hazets. One of the ca dets, he Bald, had been "called out" and his law broken. The witness was ordeted at one time to haze Cadet Caruthers and wrapped eight blankets about him, giving him a "sweat bath" in uniform, lasting half an hour. Cadet Glmberling had told mm mat wnen he wns hazed nearly to fainting the hazer said he wanted to make the man faint. Zell had done from 460 to BOO "eagles," "broke the record" and Crown was given guard privileges. Commenting on a statement by Gen eral Ludlow that "college hazing and West Point hnzlng" were the same, the witness said: "I refute that statement. I went through college before I went to West Point and I know theie Is nothing In the colleges like the hazing at West Point.' He described hazlnc as nothing Rhnri of torture, cxulslte torture. He-gave a graphic account of the agony suffered in certain forms of hazing which fairly sent a shudder through tho listeners. Men were hung on bars, their feet up so that when they dropped from ex haustion the knees struck on the wood en floor several feet below. The faint ing man was again hoisted up and again repeatedly dropped from exhaus tion, sti Iking on his knees He gave in details the hotrors of the "sweat bath" and related the suffetings of MacAithur from this foim of tortute. Cunningham said tho object ot "calt Ing out" was to place a tt alned upper classman ngalnst an untrained lower classman. The result was Inevitable In conducting a fight the purpose was to cut up the face of tho lower class man before knocking him out. An up per classman had said to tho witness that a certain fight was not correct be cause tho lower classman's face wns not cut up sufficiently. Ho was told also of a lower clnssmun being In tho hospital for a week after a light, and then his face was said to be a "sight to see." When on guatd ono time, Cunningham wns told by tho coipoial of the guaid "not to see n fight" then about to occur. Tho witness snld ca dets from foreign countries, admitted by act of congtess, wcie "bullied und bothered" In the same way. Ho mentioned Cadet Igleslas, related to Piesldent Igleslas, of Costa Rica, ns un instance, and also a Venezuelan cadet. Cunningham said he wtote to the papers concerning hnzlng In part becausa he expected remuneration for tho articles When the witness snld he had not mutated the facts through indignation, Mr. Wanner said. "Then you nie to be congratulated on maintaining a serenity of mind while narrating facts which cannot fall to mouse the Indlgation of any one who heats them." Cunningham's testimony nppuated to ptodtiCQ a deep Impression nnd ut its conclusion the committee went Into secret session, The hearings aie now closed and tho committee will gle Its attention to tho repot t. Pennsylvania Postmnsteis. I!) Kicluiii Whe from 111? Auothtnl I'ren Wellington, Jan. 21, Thu fctlowliur fomtli. c(jm lVnosylnnLi HtniitT urro .'ipjioltiliil todays Krmgo 'Up, M011100 iount, f. M. lifers, Port (IrUtitli, limine count), IlridfjU KIlKilleni bJmprnn, l.aclauaiim county, W, K llotiliun, To Cure the Grip in Two Days. Ujtlve Dromo Quinine rcmou-i the cau.o, AVALANCHE OF BILLS Presented In the House of Repre sentatives at Harrisburo yestcrdaij. THE CAPITOL MEASURE Provides for a Commission Including Colonel Louis A. Wntres, of Scranton Mr. Squler Introduces a Mensuro Providing for the Erec tion of a State Hospital for Insane of Northeastern Counties. By Dxc!uUe Wlrp from Hie UsoililoJ Trw Harrlsburg, Jan, 24. An avaluncho of bills were read In place In the houso today. No other buslnoss wns tran sacted and adjournment wns tnken un til 9 u. nt. tomorrow. Among the bills luttoduced wpip tlm following: Mr, Stroll, of f art r n l)i luc liimr Catlion rountv from tlie Kortt -third Juiliibd district, lompnrat of Carbon und Mi nroc, inn, luatlwr n frptritc Jidlclil district Mr, (limbic, uf lll.m ppopriatlrig lfi,00fl tn the Altoona hopitil Mr. I'atcron, of Ulnlr-ro iotnllli.li i dopJit lucnt of forestry, to protldc for 111 proper dnilnlstiatlon. to rcitulnte the ncnuliltlou ut land for th rommonwejlth mil to rr'hle fr I control, piotectlon and rnilntcnutiCB of foicsln rcsmatlons by the proposed department Mr. Kennedy, of Uiaicr pproprltllni; Jl.TOO, 000 tor the completion of the eipltal liv 1 coin million composed of fiomnor fctone, Senitnr Mijdcr, of Chester; f-peat.ir Mainlitll, the rn 1 illtor conenl, state trexurer nnd (no arMitioml numbers to be appoint, d by the uoxernor I Mr. Harris, of CleartUld The Aijiler oleo Mil dulled by the department of agriculture Mr. Odder, I)iuiliinApproilalliiff (l,(Xi0fi0) to complete the cipllol, nuendlni; the l iroverniri? third clus clticx, to eitalilMi the office of nether of tanck and mike the iinvnr eligible tn re election Mr. Palm, Crawford Appropriating f 4,000 () to compute the capllol bv a commlsilou eon Hhtlng of the go-irncr, A. I Cauatt, Itobert r. Puttlwi, r.oulu A. Utit, Ririnton, II ( MtCormlrk, Willlamsport, William llaou. Oil City, at.U John I). Jiekeou, of rittibure; Mr. HirlM.m, Lurerne Appropriating fj".fl0n to the Wllltes llano Clt hospital: appiouil.il In? SCJ.OOU to the Mcicy I rpital, WllKr Harrc, prosidinit for tho salaries of couit irleis in countlei halnr a population of more than 1J0, 000 and i.ot exceeding 500,000 thall be $1,000 per sear, and that the salaries nf rai.!. llpstall shall be W0 a jcar, 1 roWdlnj a more erpjital k aud speedy method cf udjustinir damaged to the ownora nt lands, tenements or other properties, occasioned hy conjemnatiou proeeedlnes lni luted by torporitiom hailnu the right of emi nent iloiniln; constltutinj clcll senile examin ing board3 In third class cities; providing for aud uguhtlng examinatlotui j tho board an I the mmici of appointment ami rcmotul ut iiuinlcip.il employ Mr. Castner, Icciiing ppiopilatlng $11,000 for the Willlamsport hospital, ertending the term of cltj solicitors of third class cities from two to three ir. For Insane Hospital. Mr. Squler, Wjomlng l'roriding for the sclec tlon of 1 site and the erection of a stite hos pital for the insane of the counties of Ilradford, Sulllian, 'mn.iichanna, Wjominr, WaMie, laeki ami 1, I'iU- and appropriating 9125,000 fer the hame. Mr.Voorhecs, I'lillaricli Ida - meiidlti the libel hw of 1SS7 so as to proide tint In all crlm Ital and chll prosecutions and indictments for libit if the matter cliaigeel a) libellous, is In the opinion of th- court, proper foi public in formation and waa published without malice, the truth may bo glcn In evidence to the Jur ; provided, however, before tho truth may be, so glun In evidence the defendant must prove to the satisfaction of the court thit the peison affected wis Informed in wiitinK of the intended publication ind pnvcnally served with a topv thereof imlos he bo a fuciti.e from Justice and giccn full opportunity to denv tho truth theie uf and that tho denial, If any tic mide, was pub bslied at the same time and together with the said matter charged as libellous Committee Chairmanships. Speaker Mat shall, of tho house, to day announced the standing commit tees. These nte the chairmen: AccountM, Precler, agiicnltiiie, Morris; sp propriitlon, llliss; banks, Slimier, bureau nf btatUtlcs, Hutt; centennial atrilw, Kutherfotil, clt; pissenger lallvvajs, Kejstcr; comp'aro bills, Mulkle; e ongretslon il appointnients, Harrison constitutional reform, ICoont?; coiporitions, Mc Clair; counties and townships, Ifavvorth; educa tion, Weivcr; election, Orr; federil relation, Cassel; fish and Rime, Montgomer) : forestry, Patterson; geological miner, w. II Thompson, JrkUranct'. oorhees: Iron niul rnnl. rli, . I... dietary general, Harris; Judiclarj local, Male; labor and iiulibtrj, I'hhbln, livv and older, Slater; legUlativo npportloumtnt, Lack, llbraij, Miller; manufietures, l.rarlj mllilaiy, Chew, tnlncH and mining, Kendall; municipal cor pnntlons, C'olvllle, pensluns and gratuities. Champaign; printing, Sial; publie heilth ind sanitation, Stubb; public loads, Ko; nilioads, Cncper; letrenchment and reform, (orij, wajs and means, Ueacom. BOILERMAKERS STRIKE. An Aftaii at Susquehanna Which Thientens the Erie Road, fly rVlLsiti) Wire fnnn 'lhc sielitel l'rese Susrjuehnnna, P.i , Jan. 21 ror tho f-eennd time during tho present month, I J." bollertnakeis employ ed in the loco motive shops of tho Kile Hnilioad com Iiany heie uro on strike Itecently tho DollennakPts' union t-ent to the head otllcers of tho company in Now- Voile ilt a number of demands, which In cluded the abolition of the plece'-wotk sj stent a rate of 27 cents an hoitt for each hour of heiWre nnd time and it half for oveitlme Pending n teply the men, who had stiuck, returned to wink. Tlie) company inado answer to each demand, giving a icason tor not ac ci'dlng to any, and us a conseauenco the men iefusi to work. The chief olll clals of the Hrle ccimpnny liavo been hero for several dnxs m conference with m eminent ofllcers of the Ilnller makeis" union and with a cominltten from tlie local union, but they could como to no agreement It Is believed the stilkp will cUend to all of tho boiler shops on the Hrlo system. Tho HttlkciH nio quiet und orderly. TIGHT OVER WAGE SCALES. Antluaclto and Bituminous Miueis at Indianapolis, Hy i:diulvo Who fiom 'I no Usoclited I'iikj ll dljlupolU, Jau M - lli( scale conimlllce uf the t'nited Mine- Workeis of niellca apt ut lliu uftiinoon in elatu tension, uml it was in iioumrii at the conclulou that a nport will bo inde piobablj Monla) morning 'I ho giuriil flkht will be made fei the ndoptlc.ii of a kinetic, standard basil, throughout the entire In til em bruced in tho four competitive ttutct with a uniform machine ditfeiential tn width will bo added an advanco of ten cents per ton Ohio Is clamoring tor u single standnd in an lncreao over the pike lion paid for pick mlnlrg in that state, which is 37 J-7 cents In the Hocking district ami 00 cents In the Mis slllon field. The rrlco over the entire Hi Id for screened real is SO Cents. Illinois will put up u ttrong light In the joint conference agalmt the adciiticn of tho single standanl and the (VsVVtVVV1 ; uitm nnNWS Condensed Milk Phosphates and Hypophoiphltes Added without change of taste. " Host Milk for Family Use " "Babies thrive on it" r t fcold bjr Druftxutt tad Otaccrt. Write I THE DR. HAND CONDENSED MILK e V Hkht will Ih illniled espeelallv against It; neipiioii in mis nate. Hie cntlirarlte ehlegatcs will funnulate their own scile, ns they meet with conditions In their mines tint elo not exist elsewhere, and thcreforj theirs will lc an entire! illlferent seile and Will ll' fonillilllrl In n.i.A ,1i lml....n.A.it of the nallcnil convention, Nn action upon the istaMislncnt of 1 defense fund wilt 1 taken at this ernventlon, aec-ordine to nu official, who slid he had positive knowledge upon the sub ject. number of constitution.! amcnelmcnts will probably be made among width U one to elect the members of the national executive board bv districts, thus making tho bond a thorough lv representative lody. It Is believed the tell ers will be able to make .1 uport tomoirovv. The ro election of 1'rtslih.nt Mitchell, Ice I'reii dent Lewis and Snefarr Treasurer Wilson was bj aeilaimtlon AN EDIT0RDEP0RTED. Gen. MacArthur Sends Oeoige T. Rice from Manila to tho Land Where Yellow Journalism Is Better Appreciated. Ilj I XeliMvo Win- fiom the ssoelalcil rie. Manll.1, Jan. :M. neneral MacAithur has otdeicd the deportntlon to the United States of Cieoige T. Ilice, editor of tlie Hally lutllotln, 11 marine Jour n il. Ilice will sail on the Pennsyl vnnl.i nest Monday. Tho order char acterizes him as a 'clnngtious Incen diaiy und .1 mennco to Hip military situation." Ulce's oftense was tlie publication of allegations tli.it Llmttcnant Comman der Willlnm Iliaunersteuthcr. captain of Hip i)oi t, had charged excesslvu pllouge and mooingo ices, a percent ago of which he had Kept for him self. The lepoit of MuJor Mills, inspector general, who Investigated the allega tions, completely exoueinted the enp tnin of the poit nnd Indicted the edi tor nnd merchants who lind given him Information nnd who had been misled by llgttrlng upon th net Instead ot the gross tonnage, the latter being specified under the Spanish law. Ilice came otlglnally fiom Itcd Wing, Minn, nnd wns foi met ly a member of the Minnesota voluntciMK. THE MISSING LIVERPOOL. British Ship Sailed Last August from Philadelphia for Japan. Py Uxcluslvo Wire from Tlie Associated Press Philadelphia, Jim. 2t. Feats nio en tertained for tlie hnfety oi th Iirltlsh ship LIveipooI. which sailed fiom heie on August 21 for Hlogo, Japan. A day or two ngo u premium of 20 guineas was paid on her Insurance. Tlie Livcr erpool was practically a new vessel and was owned by the Lclnnd Shipping company. Her cargo consisted of 1, 312,200 gallons of oil in casks, valued at $134,517 She wns under charter by tho Staiiduid Oil company The Liverpool was spoken by tlm Americnn bark n. C. Mowutt, Captain Henry, on October SI, in latitude 24.2 S., longitude 20 OG The iccent storms on tho Pacific- hnvp been tesponslbl'j for the loss and delay of many vessels. CORSICAN'S FUNERAL. Count De Suslni, Once a Milllonniie, Dies in Obscuiity. Ilj Inclusive Wire from fhe sociated Press Xew York, Jan. 24 Without religious ceremony of any kind, nnd with but ono carriage following the luaise to the giave the lemalns of the late Count Joseph De Susinl, descendant of n gient Corslcnn family, with the right to wear on his bieast the insignia of thltty-eight 01 dors, and once' a lender In the Cuban tobacco industiy, with 11 fottune i.itetl nt millions, wfip bulled today The count died on Monday last after 11 liugcilng lllnpss In the cast side tene ment wheie he hail lived in obscute povetty since the loss ot his foi tune jenrs ago BOERS SYMPATHETIC. Belief That Amnesty Proposal Now Vould Hnsten Peace. Ilv JuIumvi Willi trim the Associated Piess Pietorlu, Jan 21 Signs of soiiowr niiir tlm tn.i f 1i iiT tlin rnmmi fi I o S'tMililn ...X.. ... ..... ...X. .,..... .. ,.,. eveijwheie, l"4on tho buighcrs shovv a. icspoctful sympathy It hub been suggested by influential bittghcts that an amnesty pioposul would have tho effect of giotly hast ening the retui n of jii'iic i ARIZONA DESPERADO CAUGHT. Cornelius Pesquera Said to Have Killed a Scoie of Men. Dy Kultulte Wire from The Associated Tress Phoenix. Aiiz Jan .'!. At Mneoo, Allz, Scott White haw uriested Coi nc'llus Pesquci-.i who has been bought after for mun months He is wuiittd for the killing of Ihrpe Mexlcuus lit the Uiugoon mouutaliis, nnd in mill to li.ivc killed a senin of men . - -. Ottendorfej's Will. lie Kxeliislve Wire fn 111 I lie AsmicI.IiiI Press .New yik, din. 'I The will nf the bite Oswald Ollendnifer, propilclor and edltoi nf tho floats Zeltung, was filed tewhj. The stock of the Sew orlcr Maats sluing and the residue of the e.lalo Is lelt tu three hteiilaukhku. I.mmu Si lialk, Mathilda Von Itiidrnstrlii and 11111 Woerlihifler lie !u-cueili. 3rt,0c)i taeli lei tlileo step (.rniddiiigliteis, 20,0CXI tn Ids hoinclecper. Mm Kleanoi 1 Stablei and $1,000 lu his .i I vii.l, 1'itilek (. tfili.au. f.'lO.tXs) is Uft tn c h irllable ruaulratlonA and $i(l,000 Is tu be devlded among the luiploves of Ilia Nrw lorlur stsjtii iinmr Dollar Dinner at Columbus. Ilv l.xeluslve W Iro tiem '1 hc ochlet I'irss ( iiliiiubus, lin 'I V loiifneiice cf Deino crallc Iradiu ol the state and nation U to be held hue l'cb i In eennectloii with lhc dollar dinner, to le civen limit i the auiplics of thu Jilierson, Jiekson and I.lneuln league In icw nf the prouiinnico of the p. ikcrs who liavo piimlseel in upond to 0JU the pitevpecls are tint many Pcmociati horn adjoining Maui will attend the eliniiei No Change In Delnwuie, Hy Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'reis. Dover, Pel , Jan. 2J Todaj's ballols for Uni ted Males senator in the Joint assembly of the Delaware Irgitlatme showed no change from the ballots cast heretofore and there was no choice, t..-. for booklet. CO., SCRANTON, PA. MARRIED ON $4 A WEEK. Bride's Mother Arrived Too LU to Stop Wedding:. By Exclusive Wlro from Tho Assoclitcd rrtse. Now Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 24. Wil liam A. House!!, Jr., son of Detective William A. Housell, of Church street, and Miss Goorglana Anderson, of Troop avenue, wero married at th paisonage of St. James' church, on Monday night. After thoy had stated that they wero of ngo and answered other questions satisfactorily Kev. M. Snyder proceeded with the c-crcmonx. Hardly had tho couple departed when the girl's mother and elder sister lushed In, to stop tho ceremony. They declared the girl was but 16 and th btldegroom 19. Mr. and Mrs. Housell are living at the house of a friend on French street, nnd from neither side has any parental blessing been forthcoming. Youmjr Housell, It Is said, earns but U a week. CHINESE REFORMERS' PETITION Asks Powers to Reinstate Chines Emperor to Full Power, nv Kxclushc Wire from Tho Associated Press. Vancouver. IJ. C, Jan. 24. Flvrt copies of a petition asking for the re instatement of the young emperor of China to full power have beon sent by Wn Cum Yow, secretary of the Chinese Rcfoim association of Canada and the United States, to the powers most dl Jlcetly interested in the Chinese trou bles. , The feature of the document Is thn ngieement that If the powers aid the young emperor in regaining full au thotlty the policy of tho government may be dictated by tho various na tions. MATE. South American Tea to Be Represent ed at the Pan-American. A South American shrub called yer va or yerba, or yerba mate, is des tined to attract considerable attention In the near future. From Its leaves a tpn is infused which possesses tho properties of Invigorating without Ine briating, to which may be ndded thei sustaining properties usually attri buted to coffe But llttlo known or iifed, except locallv, It Is eo highly recommended by those who know Its value that great expectations hav bren raised as to Its ultimate useful ness. The plant Is a small evergreen slnub of the holly family. Terbal Is the native name for the places whern It Is found growing wild along th Paraguay river. Natives have for centuries prepared the tea by gent ly toasting thei green leaves until dry enough to grind to a powder. Thl Is clone by preparing a bed by pound ing with wooden mallets a patch of Kiound about six feet In dlametei. Around this, n fire Is built In a circle, and the leaves placed on the ground within the circle of tire. When dry cnouglt the leaves urc pounded to the inquired fineness in mortars former bv punching holes Itf the earth which have been rammed hard and smooth. In some section, a second roasting Is done on poles with the fire underneath. In any manner considerable care Is necessary In older to develop tho at tuna to the fullest extent. Methods of cultivation have beeen adopted by the Jesuits and the quality ot the leaf much improved thereby. Roasting is done In iron pan set in bilck woik, nnd the grinding) done by machineiy which greatly Improves tho quality of the tea. The fit st systcmatlo attempt at cul tivation and preparation of tho yerbr mnte on a large scale Is now under way. A company has been formed at Asuncion, Paraguay, with a capital of JlOO.l'OO. Trospects seem good to nmko nn Imomnse business of the proper growing and marketing of mate, as many people think It should hold a place In the markets of the world equal to tea or coffee. Others say tho tnste must be ncqulied, llko eattng olives, as few peoplo like It when mak ing Its acquaintance for the first time. However this may be, visitors to tha Pan-American Imposition will havo an opportunity to sample the product unci Judge for Ihomselves, OUR NEW POSSESSIONS. Their Pi-oductions, Needs nnd Re sources Shown, at Buffalo. Tlie United States government Is making1 arrangements properly to rep ipsptjt Cuba, Porto Hlco, the Philip pines, Haw-all, Guam and Tutulia at the P.in-Amerlcan exposition. Most of us have had very little opportunity to study the resources and needs of these places. The exposition will offer the (list nppottuulty to niako their ac quaintance under very favorable aus. pices. A building Is In course of con-stj-uctlon which fotms ono of tho tri angular groups arranged by the gov ernment. This building- Is ICO feet squat e, tastefully decorated In keeping with the general plan of the exposition. The idea, nf grouping these new pos sessions by themselves is an effective one nnd the general publln will natur ally aKMH-late tlie different possessions us being historically connected. Theso possessions broaden our lati tude by adding tho tropical and semi tropicnl legions. It seems proper now that we should set mbout their sys tematic development. Tea, coffee and spices may be grown in these coun tries in abundance Coeoanut copta mav bo manufactured Into oil on the ground where tho fruit is grown In stead of being shipped to France, an has been tho custom for a hundred vais. Manila and other fibres may Id Improved and their cultivation ma terially extended. Tlie tUst thing for the sowielgu people of the United Htatcs to do Is to study tho auostton. This may be followed by careful, sys tPiimtlii Improvements lu the many directions that will be suggested. The Pan-American exposition, by this ex tensive exhibit, will start the ball mil Ing. There seems little doubt that thn momentum thus gained will be foi lowed up to the advantnuR of every country In the group.