75 Ik ributte nrmttim THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCHANTON, PA., 1'TiIDAV MORNING, JANUARY 25, 1901. TWO CENTS. r j( " kT't r - . THE KING IS PROCLAIMED ( ) Medieval Forms Observed in the ImDosIno Ceremonies In London yestendau- QUAINT FORMS OBSERVED Brilliant Seeno in the Courtyard of St. James's Palace Eavi Roberts and Headquatters Staff of British Army in the Procession King Not Present Ten Thousand Troops Lined tho Streets Proceedings in the City The Proclamation Read by Heralds. Iljr Ksxluslse Hire fiom Tin- Associated Piii. London, Jnn. -1. London today was given a glimpse of tho customs of medieval times. The quaint ceremonies with which Kdwnrd VII. was pro claimed king at vorloitH points of the metropolis followed undent nrecedent. The olllcials purposely arranged the function an hour ahead of the time an nounced, and the streets 'between St. James palace and the dty were llni'd with' troops soon after daylight. About 10,000 soldiers, Life fjuaids. Horse Ouards, Foot Guards and other cav alry and Infantry regiments had been brought from Aldershot and London barracks after midnight. All the oill cciH had mourning bands on their arms, and the drums and brass Instru ments were shrouded with crape. The troops made an imposing picture, but they were eclipsed by the spec tacle presented hy the officials of the College of Arms. Tho ceremonies were 'begun at t. .I.unes palace, where, at It o'clock, Kd wurd VII. was proclaimed kins of the I'nlted Kingdom of Great Britain and It uland and emperor of India. The proclamation, which was rcail by AVI1I lam Henry Weldon. klng-at-aims since IMtl. and formerly Windsor herald, was as follows: The Proclamation. Whura, It In pleased Almight) Rod lo all tu Ms inoriy our late K'lcreign lady, cjueen Victoria, ol litiwcil and glorious miir.orj, by whose deowse the imperial (imill of the United KIukiIoiu d( Uital llnUln ami Inland is holcly and rightfully come to the Inch ami mlnhty I'rlnee Albert hdntird, wc. thctcfiirr, the lords, spiritual amt tcmroral of IhW realm, being rcre rrslsled with these of her late inaiel'a piliy eouncli, with numbers ol other principal gen tlemen 0( quality, with the lord major, alder men and iltlcni of I,ondon, do now hereby with i no idee tt (.uncut of tongue and heart to Publish and proclaim th.it the high and mighty Prince Albert Kdward Is now liy the death ot mr late row reign of hippy memory hecome our only lawlul and liahtful liege lord, Kdward VII., by tlr gie.ee of (Joel, kins of the United Kirs ilom of (ircit Itrltalu and Ireland, defender of the filth, Kmpcror of India, to whom wo do i knowledge .ill faith and constant obedience v ith all hearts- and humble affection, beseeching (,nd, by whom all kings and queen do lelgn, to Mm, (lie roval 1'ilnco Kdward VII. with Ion iiml htrpi j ears to relsn over u. King Not Present. The king was not present. There was a large assemblage of olllcials and college heralds. Among those In at tendance were Field Marshal Karl Koberts. members of the headquarters staff and other army oillcers. The pub lic were present in thousands. The proclamation was greeted by a fan faro of trumpets. At the conclusion of the ceremony the band belonging to the Toot Guards played "God tfavo the King." Tho members of the king's house hold witnessed the ceremony from Marlborough House. On the balcony overlooking the Friary Court, from which tho proclamation was le.id, were the Duko of Norfolk and several olll i ei's of state. The balcony was draped in crimson cloth. Ueslde the olllcials In resplendent uniforms were stationed the state trumpeters. Mnny prominent persons were seen, among them Sir Henry Arthur White, private solicitor to the (tueen. WILL NOT LIE IN STATE. But Many Will Bo Allowed to Look Upon the Dead Queen. 1); i:ilusle Who fiom 'I lie snocUtcd Pres. r I Cowes, Islo of Wight, Jan. ::., 12.30 u. m. Ho hampered have been the ar rangements at Osborne that tho body of Queen Victoria still lies In the bed room whero sho died. The elaborate decorations necessary In turning the dining room In Osborne house Into it cliapello hardente occupied so much tlmu that, although the roval house. noiu waited hour after hour for the first private seivlce, it was found Im possible to hold this yesterday mom lug. All being well, however, the solemn function will be performed this (Frl day) morning by the Bishop of Win chester In tho presence) of King Kd ward, Kmperor William and almost every other member of tho royal fam lly. The coflln was brought to Osborno last evening. The coillned body will be trausfotred this morning to the din ing room, now hung with deep purple. The dais is wreathed with tho toyal standard, and on each side are great candles. Madonnas by famous painters hang from tho draped walls. In one corner magnlllcent wreaths from all parts of tho wot Id crush their blos soms ono itgalnst the other. Atound the coflln chairs aie arranged lor tho royal mourners. Ivord Pelham Clinton authoilzes tho statement that there will be no lying In state, llowover. there Is good rea son to 'believe, that many persons will be afforded the pilvllege of seeing their dead queen as she lies In tho gorgeous ly transformed dining room, where she will remain until February 1, In tho hope thut this may be tho ease, people are already pouring Into Cowe. If they it ro disappointed In this ruajivct. tliuy will, at any rate, bo lewarded by wltnesclniT u great naval display. Yesterday King Kdwnrd replied to thousands of messages he has received. To those from rulers and great per sonages, lie replied In person. To those from minor dignitaries, ho commanded hiii equery to return thanks, A par ticularly grateful messa.Ru went to President McKlnley. COURT IN MOURNING. Thought That Coronation of Edward VII Will Not Occur Until 1002. lb Kxiluslie Wire Irom The .oeIutnl I"reM. London, Jan. 24. An extraordinary Gazette published an order in, council, "that It Is expected that nil persons upon the present occasion, the death of her lato majesty of blessed and gloi lotis memory, will put themselves Into deepest mourning." nothor older In council rubstltut lug "king" lor "queen" and "Kdwnrd" for "Victoria." It nlso Inset ts "our gracious queen Alexandra, George, Duko of Cornwall and York; and the Duchess of Cornwall and York." The fact that the court goei Into mourning for a year and the further fact that the public Is enjoined to go into the "deepest" mourning, lead to the supposition that tho coronation will not occur until 190.;. The Instruction thnt the Duke of York Is lo be named In the prayer ' book "Duke of Cornwall" seems to throw light upon the much-debated question of the heir npparent's title, t It was supposed that the title "Prince I of Wales," which belongs only to a. I son born of the king, would be con- ' f pi red upon the Duke of York by royal ' patent; but the Gazette announce ment seems to indicate that this, will not be done and that the Duke of York will hi-urefnrth be known as tho Duke of Coin wall. King Kdward VII has been pro claimed in many cities and towns of the I'nlted Kingdom, the usual pro cedure being that the mayor, attended by the other members of the corpora tion, has read tho proclamation In the town hall or market place. FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS. Progress of Body of Queen Through London Will Be Imposing. Ily I"ac!u-Up Wire from The Associated 1'it-s. I-rfindon, Jan. 25. It Is understood that the body of Queen Victoria will arrive in London on the morning of February 2 and lie taken across the metropolis to P.tddlngton. Troops will lino the streets. The collln will be placed on a gun carriage and draped with flags. On ar riving at Paddington station, It will be transferred (o a train for Windsor, llually reaching St. Georga's chapel about noon, where a magnificent funeral seivlce will take place. 1.30 a. in. It is understood that the progress of the body of Queen Vletoiia through London will be an Imposing military pageant, and that members or the houses of lords and commons will bo Invited to follow the procession, At the same time there seems to be some apprehension lest a change of decision should omit the London portion of the programme. The Dally Telegraph edi torially claims for Ixnidon a right to share In the obsequies, and declares that nothing hut tho deceased's own wishes should prevent this. The funeral has been delayed to enable all the for eign representatives to arrive at Wind sor in time. THE QUEEN'S COFFIN. Will Be Made of English Oak nnd Lined with Satin. '! i:iii.sirc in from Pie Associated l'.-ejj. Cowes, Jan. 24. The collln of Queen Victoria will be of Kngllsb oak, lined with satin. It was ordered hero this afternoon. The outer casket, will be a reproduction of the one used at tho funeral of the Duchess of Kent, the queen's mother. A magnlllcent satin pall, with the royal arms In each corner. Is being made. Wheiover It It averse loads the body will be borne on a gun carriage. Kniperoit William decided this even ing not to leave Osborne till after the funeral. Piof. Huber Herkemer. It. A., made si water color sketch this afternoon of tile queen for the king. MR. CARNEGIE'S TRIBUTE. A Glowing Eulogy on Queen Vletoiia Delivered Before St. Andrews. fly r.wliisho Wire fiom The .MocUted I'rem. Xew York, Jan, 21, Andrew Carne gie paid a glowing tribute to the mem ory of the late queen at tt special meeting of tho St. Andrews society In this city this afternoon. Mr. Carne gie bald: iiein ViitciU mi. i.tuiplul ,i iio.llioti never hi lorn iiiiipli'il t,j .in) nili'i -ur 1 ni.i sj, -by uny imllMitiul. .Nor wan !' priut enh as a It. Id amgnir those who iHiimled the fureiiiont l"itln. but as .i woman, ulte, motliir, irrunl. n. other, eounsi Hi r, ( lamw of ni n.imc to vrul tint whli It she has ipjih' li.r bemelf. she ktond fii iicr.MliIii- ii i.ouiui uuijU tu stand fur. I'lrl of .ill klie ktooil for that irteatetl uf all noininly attribute!,- pin Ily. Sirondlj, lm stood fur lirn(it, "! uln Hood fop peine. c lme rt.iun tu 'leineinbcr t'hU and ln thankful U: hir lundiiit. When thin npubllo i.u in lurd htr.ilm, a warlike secrctarj had already pripareil ,i ineiuiru tli.nl would hae meant n .it lirtueeii ui and our riiotheiland. Hut Mir tine th.it ilispatdi vith her own luinls- and tliii.i in cried muli a ulumlt) M.indltig, aa w.o cm almost be naid to HjiiJ, at her llu, mo hould Ukt this hwun of her lifo and as hr nut eeor lu announced ho ulll ktrbe to follow in her footsteps. A meeting of Ilrltlsh subjects and representatives of British societies and organizations, called by the British consul general, Sir Peicy Sanderson, was held today nnd arrangements mado to hold an otllclal meeting to express tho regtet of the Ilrltlsh community In New York at the death of tho late queen. Sir Percy Sanderson, who presided, stated that permission had been grunt ed for tho ttsu of Trinity church for the meeting and It was derided to hold it there, but the dato has not yet been definitely determined. Thirty-Five Persons Perish. Ily llmhuihe Wire from The Assoc Istfd l'ir.s. Tmnillijeiu, Noruuj, Jan. 21. Thirty-fist per. noun perUI ihI In a hurrktne at Hirro, Jan, 2J, Slxly boata were nmk in the harbor and oigln houses blown on ay, THE PROTESTS OP CHINA Additional Oblectlons to the Pres ent Conditions Are Oilered bu the Plenipotentiaries. SOME OF THE DEMANDS A Request for the Return of Public Buildings International Commis sion on Indemnities France's Rep resentative Favors Another Year of Occupation. fly Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Peklu, Jan. 1C (Delayed In transmis sion). The note which accompanied the agreement delivered by the Chi nese plenipotentiaries reiterated the Chinese objections alieady published, adding thereto a request for the Im mediate return of the public buildings to Chinese possessions, and the total cessation of military expeditions. The desire for a definition of the limits of the legations was expressed, also a de sire for the removal of the troops as early a. possible. German and French officials believe it to be unwise for the troops to leave I'ekln for several mouths. The French especially object to what they call "the cowardly behavior of other nations In not protecting the Chinese Christians.1' For that leason they say It will be necessary to keep the tioops at least another year. The Kngllsb, Americans and Russians seemingly believe that a. gradual withdrawal can bo made as soon U8 the liver opens, about tho be ginning of March. Tho Chinese aie anxious to have the indemnities payable to the different na tions adjudged before an International committee. A majority of the minis ters here are of the opinion that their governments may make separate ar rangements with China. The mlnlstei-s will soon hold a meet ing to consider the next step lo be taken. No formal reply Is to be sent to the Chinese objections, but they are to be considered. PRESIDENT INVITED TO SAN FRANCISCO Captnin Humphrey Is Presented to the President by Sena tor Perkins. Dy i:iitsie Wire fiom The As-oi.utod Pie". Washington, Jan. "1. Among the callers at the white house today was Captain O. J. Humphrey, of San Fran cisco, who was presented to the presi dent by Senator Perkins, Captain Humphiey visited the executive man sion as the special envoy of California commandery, No. 1, Knights Templar, of San Francisco, to personally present to President McKtnley an Invltntlnn fiom the cominandeiy to meet with It ii Don his visit to the Pacific coast the coming spring. The card of Invitation which he handed to Sir Knight Mc Klnley pertinjm rivals In splendor any thing of the kind that was ever pie sented to a president. It is a solid gold plate, Slixfiii Inches and about one eighth of an Inch In thickness. In the upper right-hand corner Is an enam elled malte.se cross, with the usual In signia of tho order, having in the centiu a fine diamond of about one karat In weight. The "card" Is beau tifully engraved, with the following in scription: Mr William MiKlnlcj. Dcir Kir and li.iur: California loiunuiideiy, S'o. J, KnlgUtH Templar, liiUi"U the honor nf jour pri-ntp at a atatid jMinkly of our lom. mandery, Friday evening. May 17, l'lt'l. Vourii fraternally, W. 11. I'lank 'lllu, Kmlmnt CouimaniU'r. Hiram T. (.r.llK-, Kn.nliloi'. The card Is enclosed In a hnndsomo cas. bearing on its cover the super scription In gold letters: " Sir Wil liam McKlnley." It Is probable that the piesldent will acet pt the Invitation and he may hold a reception In the commandery asy lum. ENGLISH OAKSMEN INVITED. To Take Port in Inter-Collegiate Con test at Philadelphia. 11.1 KkiluslM' Wiro from The Associated I'ltH, I'hilaililphla, Jan. Ui Tho Pies toinouoiv will niy thai the board of steivauU of the Inter Collepiatc llouini; association of Annrlia has- cc tendeil an Imitation lo the uhinei of the IK-lord-CambridKc boat laie to take part in tic Intir-rolleirlatc rowing tontctt litiuen Wireon, pin, Columbia, Cornell nnd I'eiiUsjltania on the Iludion rlier at roughler-pale, oi. July 8. Tlio board, It ii unileutood, tlx sveeU ujo, lorwarded n letter to lliidolph fl. Ihirun, Har vard' former KiijtlUh oith, asMr.fr turn to rxteiid the Invitation on behalf of the Ameri can. It l belletcd that ho hat made a reply at a meeting of the board nf steward islll be held in Sew York on 'Saturday. In txtemllnt; the Imitation tu th winner of the dual uni versity I ate, tho ateivarda agree to pay all the cpcntcs of thu ilnitott, Steamship Arrivals. Ily Kxtluiiie Who fiom The .Usociatul l'(C. New Voik, Jan, 21. Aril wd: Hohciiiollein. Oenoa, itc. j Lalm, llimtii and Southampton. Killed : L'AquItalne, llavie. (Jueciutown .Sail ed! Teutonic, New York, Southampton Sailed! WraternUiul (from Antwerp), New Veik. Lliarel I'akwiili La Champ.iune, New York for llaue. (Jenoa -Airbed! halfrln Maria TlureJla, ?tcw York ila Gibraltar and Naples, ll.nubuii Ar rlsedi Cap I'rio, New York, liottt ribim Sailed; htatrndarn, New imk shi lluuloinie, Promt n AnlU'Jt Tiae, New York, (Jueenstoiwi Ar riled! Germanic (from Xnv York), for Liver pool. Napka Airbed: 1'nrat lllsmarck (from Alexandria), for New York, President Loubet's Sympathy. My Kuluslvo IVIro from The Associated Pre.. Pari-, Jan, 2L Prealdent Koulxt today paid a sltlt lasting a quarter of an hour to the Ilrltlsh ambassador, Sir Kdmund J, Monson, at the cm. b.imy, to exprew hta condolence on the death of Queen Vletoiia, TO BOOM STEEL COMPANY. New Plan of Action on Part of tho Pennsylvania Railroad. By Kxcluilse Wire from The Awoclited Trew. Philadelphia, Jan. 24. A director of tho Pennsylvania railroad company stated today that at yesterday's meet ing tho board of directors approved the plan for Increasing the lesources of the Pennsylvania Steel company, nnd authorized the Immediate deposit of stock owned by tho Pennsylvania railroad with the Glrard Trust com pany In accordance with tho plan. The statement was verified by K. C, Felton, president of the Pennsylvania Steel company, who said: "This action gives uh now, with what promises have Hlready been made by holders of shares, the consent of a big majority of the holders of both com mon and preferred stock. Thus tho plan Is practically assured, although we desire to have the consent made as unanimous as possible, Shareholders have until March 15 next to file their consent and stock with the trustee." The plan provides for the transfer of the properties owned by the Pentnyl anla and Mary Steel companies to a new company to be known as the Penn sylvania Steel company, which will bo Incorporated under the laws of either Pennsylvania or New Jersey with tin authorized capital of $25,000,000 In 7 per cent, non-cumulative preferred sharoH and $2.,f)00,ou( common stock, making n total capital of S.W.OOO.OW). It Is tiro posed to Is.iue $lC,fi00,000 preferred shares and )l0,Tfi0,Q00 of common stock. MRS. CARRIE NATION IS ASSAULTED The Saloon Wrecker Is Attacked nnd Roughly Handled by a Liquor Seller's Wife. fly Kuluslse Wiie from Th .wclated I'usi. Hnterprlse. Knn.. Jan. 24. A street tight occurred here today between wo men, led on one side by Mrs. Carrie Nation, the saloon wiecker, nnd on i the othrr by Mrs. John Schilling, wife I of the manager of the saloon wrecked yeiterday. Mrs. Schilling was backed by a dozen female friends. As a result of the light. Mrs. Nation swore out warrants against Mrs. i Schilling and her husband and Mrs. William Hlltner. charging them with assault, and Mayor Hoffman sworo out ii wairant against Mrs. Nation, ihnrglug her with disturbing the peace. All were arrested, taken be fore Judge Holt, and released on bond, .f Mis, Nation, in company with Mrs. Hoffman and other members of tho Women's Christian Temperance union, enteied a stoie near William Schook's saloon. Mrs. Nation, npaprently to gle him warning that she would at tack hW place, sent for Schook. He toplied to the summons in person nnd while talking to Mrs. Nation she was nssaulted by u crowd of women, or ganized since last night's raid, and who had been awnltlng today's thietituneil destruction of saloon prop erty. A general fight between the women ensued, during which n woman, heav ily veiled, rained blow nfter blow upon Mis. Nation with a horsewhip. Mule spectators offered no aid to either side and quiet was restored only when the police interefered. Mrs. Nation was badly bruised. Judge Holt hound nil concerned, ex cept Mrs, Nation, over for tiial tomor row. The case was conclu led promptly. Mrs. Nation was fount' not guilty of disturbing the peace ar.d was released. Mrs. Nation declares sho will swear out additional warrants against these women, charging them with attempt to kill. Mrs. Nntlon returned home to nurse her wounds, and, as she declares, "pre pare for tomorrow." Much excitement prevailed over tho affair, and business practically was suspended this afternoon. FLYER JUMPS THE TRACK Passenger Train No. 300 Is Derailed at Glenfield Engineer Injured. Special to the Seranlon Tribune. Pittsburg, Jnn. L' I. 'Passenger train No. SOt!, known lis the "Flyer." which left Cleveland at 1U0 this afternoon nvor the Cleveland and Pittsburg load, Jumped the truck at a switch near uienitoia, eignt nines ueiow tnis city, at about 6.:10 this evening. The train was going at about h forty-mile rate at the time. Tho engine was de railed and turned over, tho parlor car and two coaches were thrown at light angles across the four tracks of the Fort Wayno road and a. blockade which requited four hours to clear re sulted, Knglneer Holleran, of Cleveland, had his shoulder broken nnd was badly hurt about tho head and body, but will probably recover. Thi passengers sustained a severe shaking up, but beyond tills no one was Injured. LIQUOR MEN TERRORIZED. They Pear the Approach of Mrs. Carrie Nation at Hope. I'y i:eluilvc Wire from flic Aaiictlated I'reM. Topeka, Kin., Jan. 21. Mr Carrie Nation lelt ftilerprlre tonight fer 11cim Kaiaaii, where the will hold a meUinc of the- temperance women tomorrow afternoon. I'rnm theie she will ro to Kalis C'iti, Kansas, Kiturda), and will Ix-jln tho nsinl operations time. 'lhere are two subjoin In Ibpe, .1 Miiall vil la,(o twentv miles aouth of KnteiprUe, and the lliiuor peoplo tin-ID are terror-it rie ken at tin knowledge) of lier eomini,'. DEATHS OF A DAY, Ily j:eluslies Wlra from 'I ho Associated I'reM, Weat Chester, l'a., Jan. 21, Benjamin Hayes, father of tho well known Arctic explorer, Dr. Isaac llnies died at his- homo In thla borough today. He was ud eara nf age, Mr, IU)e nas a nalbe of ("better county and Ibcd hero for oier Iweiity-flie jeara. He lease two daujhton in addition to Dr. Isaac lluic. ( U-iclnnd, Jan. SI, (Itwlav A. Ilalier, former editor of tho Waac liter nnd Anulger, died thla aflciuoon of (uiralysis. lies n born In 162a at llelrlir, llrandcrbunr, Prussia VENEZUELANS ARE DEFIANT The United States War Vessels Are Expected to Return to La Guaura. MAY LAND FORCE OF MEN The Attitude of the Venezuela Gov ernments Towaids the Borraudese Asphalt Company May Provoke War According to Dispatches That Have Escaped the Censor tho Position of Venezuelans Is Hostile. By Kxehulve Wire from The Awoclated Presi. Fort do France, island of Martinique, Jan. 24, via Haytlen Cable. As a ic sult of the Inquiries of n correspondent of the Associated Press Into the ntti tude of Venezuelans toward Anietl enns, the tevolt of ttoops at Caracas, and the sinking of a Ilrltlsh vessel by n. Venezuelan gunboat, the following leport N filed here owing to the picss censorship In Venezuela making cab ling of news from that country almost Impossible. The attitude of the government of Venezuela towards the llermudese As phalt company (American), Is hostile for the reason that the concessions ie ccntly accorded by the government have been given to people In touch with tho government and who would like to resell them to the Herntudete company. The government having re- fused to accede to the inquests of the American minister who demanded a suspension of action the new conccs donlsts Interests took possession oC their grants. Ah a result of sti allied relations be tween Venezuela and the I'nlted States war vessels are expected to return to ha Guyra and If the Venezuelan gov ernment employs force to take posses sion of the nsnhalt lake It Is believed the Vnited States auxiliary erulsor Rcoiplon will land an armed force. The attitude of the Venezuelans to wards Americans may be described as hostile. THE PHILIPPINES MUNICIPAL BILL Natives Attempt to Delay Taxation of Land An Engagement at Tenagunn. Ily Lxe-lusiM- Mire fiom The .Wncialed l'ieJ. Manila, Jan. 24. The hrurlng of th municipal government bill today showed that an attempt on the part of prominent Filipinos had bren mado to obtain a delay of two years before taxing land which the owners tiro un able to cultivate on account of Its situation In tlKhtlnir tetrltory. Tho bill originally deferred taxation for a year. Tito coiiiinlbslonPi'H adopted an amendment providing that land own ers who are not Implicated In the Insurrection after next March and piove that the unsettled conditions prevented the worklnp of the land, be exempted from taxation for the second year. Lieutenant Steele, with ten men ot tho Korty-thlrd regiment and seven native soldiers, fought a fierce halt hour's engagement with a large force of Filipinos at Tenagua, Island of Iiyte, on Jan, !. Over a hundred Insurgents were killed. Private Kdward McGuglc, of Company M, was killed. The situation In tho Island of b'a mar since the number of troops there was increased has been quiet. I.ub Uan's forces are In hiding. Captures, arrests and Feizures ot ' s continue in the unpadded dls trlcts of the island of Luzon. MADE INSANE BY TRAGEDY. James White, of Sweet Valley, Taken to an Asylum. liy Exclushp Wlra fiom The Associated I'reM, Wilken-llarre. Jan. 21. James White, of Street lal'e, this county, was taken to the county inmne asylum today, hopclensly inane. Homo months ngu White and bis brother, Joaiah, w-era shot at by their untie, Italuh White. Jculah win kllleil and James ellshtly woundtd. James ncier recovered from the hock incident to tho trcric eirnt. It continu ally prejeil upon Ida mind and hue friends had to kttp a iloo watch on him. Yesterday ho became siry slolcnt and It was deemed licit to e-onliie htm to an alnm. WILL PACK MEAT IN ORINOCO. Hamburg Syndicate Expects to Con trol Market of West Indies. Py i:cliube Wire from The Awociated I'reM. Caracas, Venezuela, Jan. 21, lis Hajtlen cable, A Hamburg; r-iudleate has putih.ucd for four million maiU tho estate of the late Prrslde-it Cretpo In the Orinoco dlstllct. It has an arr.i of ten million acies and upon It their are S0,0tX) bead ol cattle. The sjiidlcato intends to control tho meat miikct of tho Wtat Indies awl also the parking Industry, WILL INVESTIGATE HAZING AT ANNAPOLIS. My Exclusive Wlro from The Associated Prcsi. Wiuhlnirton, Jan. 21. llepresintatlve Mier. man, of New York, today Introduced a resolution which was rcfcrresl to the naval committee pro, vldlng for the appointment of u select commit, tee of five members of the house to Investigate bating at tho nasal academy at Annapolis, TI1K NUWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indication Today, FAMj COLOffff. 1 Ocnenil Kdisard VII. Proehlnied Klnir. Wur Heiciiti: Hill Iteporlnl in tha Senate. Vineiuela la I), tl-.nt. China Haines OhJretioiK. 1 Carhcmlate Department. Al.ll.ltidic of llilli Intioihieed lit ltorrilhurc, 3 l.oeal-t'ourt f'onsldfni l'tn of County Olfl co"- . .l,.uvaJilOil Criminal Court Trial I,lt. 4 Kdllorial. Note and Coinnuiil 5 Local Solicitor ViKburx tut lidn lJufHtion of Aivortlo.inicnt. Senator l'llun Want a Coniinomlw on tlic "IlllHici" lllll,, (J Local et Scranton and Suhuibm. 7 fleneral-Northeastern I'ennfjlsaiila I'inanclal and Comuierclal. A IHat I, lie Yew ol the lndlKtllul Uoild. INDIAN TROUBLES AT MUSKOGEE A Number of Semlnoles Threaten to Join the Creeks Who Have Been Terrorizing Peaceful "Reds." fly Lxcliislsr Wire from Tic Assoc I.itnl Press. Kansas City, Jan. 21, A ppcolal tele gram to the Star, from Mtiskoaee, I. T says: chief Hi own, of the Semlnoles, to day aptie-nlcd to the authoiltlcs here for aid, stating that a number of his tribe tliii'iitcn to Join tlit antl-allot-mciit Cri'ekp, whir have been terroriz ing the peaceable Indians for several days. It N expected that within twenty-four bonis the baud of marauders will number over 1,000 armed Indians, all of whom will he swoin to stand In (Iffoiibo against the soldleis. Orders for the movement of cavalry to the bceiio from Fort Iteno has aroused a greater degre of defiance among the Creeks, but .Marshal Uen nett and Indian Agent Shoenfeld today mustcied their forces of deputies and Indian police mid ordered them. to Hrufh Hill, ten miles west of Checo tah. where tite Indians nre In council, and demand their surrender. They also carry a message from those government ofllclals, stating that If the Indian!' will lay down their arms nnd submit to arrest, that they will be treated with every courtesy and be consulted In the settling of their griev ances. In some quatteis this move Is be lieved to be iimvlfc., but others con tend that the Indians aie willing to compromise. Tump A, of the Eighth cavalry, or deiPd out fiom Fort Iteno. will leave the cars at Holdenvlllo and will make an overland charge Into the nation. Tho Creek uprising is growing to dangerous, proportions. Marshal Den nett has Just lecelved a telegram from Hrlbtovv, I. T., announcing that COO armed Creeks, stationed two miles from there, aie pieparlng to attack the town, and pleading for protection from the marshal. Marshal Bennett and Agent 'Schoenfeldt are swearing in large numbers of deputies, whom they are forwarding to the scene of trouble. It Is now feared they will reach the town too late and the mayor of Hrlstow has been Instructed to swear In all the men necessary to pro tect the town. Soldiers are being hur ried from Fort Ueno to the seat of trouble, but they will not reach Hrls tow before tomorrow night, as they will arlve at Henrietta first and go overland, Indian Agent Schoenfeldt will ask for more help and It Is found that one company of cavalry cannot handle the situation, for the In dians are dividing up Into bunds of one hundred. Marshal Hennett with six deputies Is about to leuvi for Ku ftuilu, whete Crazy Snake was seen today, and will attempt his captuie, Tho Snake band is within three miles of nristow anil Is reported to have whipped two white men. The Dawes commlslon Is fearful for the safety of Its patty of appraisers, headed by Hepresentatlvo Hackbust, of Leaven worth, Kansas, who are In the AVe tumpkii district. Nothing lias been heaid from them for two days. Wichita, Kan., Jan. 24. A telegram received hoie tonight tsayii that dov ernor Karnes has asked Cedonel Hoff man to come to (lUtluie to be reaelj to take chaigo of the mlUthi that may be oidored to Chandler, Stroud and other towns bordering on the Indian territory before morning. Cor respondence with the various bonier towns shows that the Creek and Choc taw uprising.'! aie veiy serious. Tho military company in Shawnee has been ordered to bt ready for duty at a moment's notice. JENNINGS WILL NOT MANAGE A BALi. TEAM. Ily l'vclusiscs Mho from The Awoiiaiiel Pn. New Yoik, Jin. 21. The following telcurom wiu received hue today: llhica, N. V., Jan. Zt "The Associated Press, New York, "Kindly deny throusli the Associated 1'iwJ that I have any Intuition to niii-atcc a team in any Jeanne. (Mirnrel) "HiikIi Jennings-." May Have a Sympathetic Strike. Uy Ksclustvei Who from Tim A-ewcintnl Pie.s. Ilarletou, I'J., Jan. 2). ' he attempt today o' rommlttco of mine- workers, lepiesentliiR the men employed at the Harwood colliery of C, I'aidre & Co., to kecure the iriiistatiinent of two ell barged laittimcr drill luiuier, on whoa,- aciount a Mrlke was begun at tlat place this week, win not iiuei e-ssful, supe-iliitendent Drake told the committee tint the truuble- did not nftect them In anv way. The HjihooiI mine worker, will meet tomorrow n!ht when, it Is reported, the ipiestlon ot be-ginnlnir a am p itlietlc strike will be dlcus.-,ed. Will Receive a Divldond. Dy Kxiluslu Wire Horn Tho Associated 1'iew. Philadelphia, Jan. 21. The Pre tomorrow will nil "A stteet report wjs, whllo lacking (ontlrmatfon at nftlclal lunik, the tmpicsston is HI hub in the street that the minority holdern of Philadelphia nnd I'.rio stuck aro likely to be rewarded In a few- week by the Pennsylvania control deciding to declare a dlsldcnd. Tho lncrcaso In the net rarnlnrs for the year will be upward ot $373,000, which Is 4.H lr cent, en the Mock, eleven months already reported liarlnir shown an Increase ot J32t,OUe' WAR REVENUE BILL REPORTED Mr. Aldrlcli Announces That H Will Gall It Up in the Sen ate Next Week. ADDRESS BY MR. DEPEW The Now York Senator's Talk Upon the Shipping Bill May Be Ono ol tho Featuies Today House Con tinues Consideration of the Naval Appropriation Bill The Provision for tho Increase Is Made Occasion for Interesting Debate. By Exchnilve Wlro fiom The Associated Iress Washington, Jan. 24. The senate de voted today to tho discussion of the; Indian appropriation bill, making only fair progress. The only Indication that thero may die any diversion, of Inteiest tomorrow was contained In an an nouncement by Senator Frye that to morrow he should move to afford an oppottunlty to the senator from New Yoik (Mr. Depew) to address the sen ate upon thu shipping bill. The discussion of the Indian bill was frequently Interrupted by calls for a quorum by Mr. Wellington (Md.), who was insistent to the lust upon tho pres uico of a full senate. Mr. Pettlctew made an attack upon the Dawes com mission, saying that there was nothing to show thut theio was any chance of the e-oniplotlon of tho work, even with the $300,000 provided. The war revenue reduction bill was reported from the finance committee by Mr. Aldrlch. who announced that ho would call It up early next week. Mr. Gallinger nld that he would call up tho pension ap propriation bill when the Indian bllj was out of the way, The only point of Interest outRlde of the talk on the bill was the declaration of Mr. Pettigrew that ho did not Intend to make tiny llllbtister against nny measure. In the House. The house today continued consider ation of the naval appropriation bill and practically completed it before adjournment. One small mattpr went over until tomorrow. Tho debate upon the present naval bill has lacked the Interesting and sensational features of recent years. Tho fight which the appropriation committee wages ngrtlnit hydrographlc surveys under the aus pices of the navy was abandoned thl year by tho committee and several other questions Including armor plate-, which usually entail much dlsausslon occasioned no comment whatever. The provision for tho Increase of the navy was mado the occasion of an In teresting debate upon the length to which the building of the navy was to go and drew from Mr. Cannon, chair man of the appropriations committee, a notable statement to tho fleet that when the ships now nuhorlzed and to be authorized had been completed $320, 000,000 would havo been spent upon the new navy and that In his opinion the time lo stop will then have arrived. An amendment offered by Mr. ltlzey. of Virginia, a Democratic member of the naval committee) to strike mil the provision In the bill for two battleships and two cruisers, was dofeatcel, 4G to !)0. The Revenue Bill. The war revenuo reduction bill us agreed upon by the senate finance com mittee provides for a reduction of neai ly $40,000,000. Taxes are repealed on the following: Promissory notes, mort gages, bills of lading for export, pow ers of attorney, protest, charter party, certificates of nil kinds, leases, ware house tecelpts, telegraphic dispatches, telephone messages, passago tickets, costing less than $20; express receipts, f i eight lecelpts. bonds, except bonds of Indemnity. legacies to religious, chailt uble, literary or educational Instltit tlonsj commercial brokeis. The amendments fix the fax on beer at $1.50 per barrel, and on tobacco, clears and snuff at 0 cents a Dotind. The tax on bank checks Is restored, and that on telegrams and express re ceipts Is repealed. 78 DEGc'ErS BELOW ZERO. Record of Low Temperatures Broken In tho Yukon Valley. Ily i:tlulic Wire frrm The Associated Tress. Seattle, Jan. 21. In advices frouii Dawson and the Yukon valley It Is reported that that section of Alaska has just passed through the coldest weather recorded since white men have Inhabited that country. The climax was reached on Jim 1B, when the mercury at Dawson fell to 6S degrees below jsero. In a message from Foity Mile tho same day It was repotted that tho temperature was 7K below zero. Tha coldest weather re corded before was In 1S96, when the mercury was not quite US degt-pes bo low zero near Forty Mile. Tho aver ago for tha seven days ending on Jan. JC nt Dawson was 58 below zero. All the time n dense fog hunir over thq alley. Will Attend tho Queen's Funeral. Py Ilxcli'jslve Wire from The Associated Press. Madrid, Jan, 20. The Sennlkk cabinet 1mm ! pointed the Ruk ot Manilas, the Spanish imbas. aador at London, and Admiral Cerveia to, bo the delegates ot Spain at the funeral of Queen Vic toria. Admiral Centra' reorted illness ap parently proied to hue been not serious, ' -t- -f -r f WEATHER FORECAST. Washinfjton, Jan SI,- Korecait for rrt- 4 elav and Satuidiy: Dastirn 1'ennsj Ivanla -t- lair in noilliem poitlon, rlearing in -e). southern portion I'rlrity; colder; brisk - -4- to high nurlhwcstcily wind,, with g.ilt nubble. .Haturdas, fair. -i. .t t"f-t- tt-r-rt---. y Y