The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 24, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Speilal tj the Seianton Tribune.
UonesilJle, Jnn. 23. MIns Tlllie
ilrnmbx la vlsltliifr friends In Scran
tun. Mrs. IJ. Kcliernu'rhoi n lms Bono to
KiinmiH City, Mo., for an extended visit
with lirr slt-r.
A foiir-lioiwo Mum load went to AVhllo
Mill., Monday evonlnir, whew they
ivete cnturtiiliiPd at Hotel l-'ioderlcUH
by Mr. Kmmon.M l'cck.
Mm. C. A. C'ourtilKlit W Mtlnir
f dentin In Nuw York rlty.
Hon. Leopold Fourth, who has boon
nt his lionu bIiicu tlie adjourninont ol"
tho Icglhtntlve body last week, icluinod
to Han l.biu-pr this morning, to be pros
nt nt tho oppnlnp tension this even
Injf. Tho fourth number In the Christian
Endeavor entortalnmunt will bo
Klven by Hew 1'. S. Honioti, D. V.,
I.L..D., on AVednesday ovenliier, .limit
ary 30, In the oera house.
The Krle Unlit oatl coinpniiy an
nounces after February 1 no stop
over will be allowed nn any tickets,
lojrardlewt of date, and all oue-wny
tickets must be used, on dny of Fiile or
day following.
JIls.i Isabel lc I'enwjirden very pleas
antly entertained ut her home, from 3
to B o'clock Tuesday afternoon, it larvu
number of her younp lady friends.
Tho riiiiininue pale held by tho alumni
if tho Honesidale High fcIiooI, to aid In
tho purchase of pic turns, otc for tho
school, commenced this moinhiK and
will last three days.
St. Valentino's night, Febiuniy 14,
the Women's auxiliary of draco church
will serve a twenty-five; cent supper In
the Sunday school room.
The rhemlcal works at Mllanvlllo,
owned and operated by V. Scott
Urandt, of Ulntrhainton, which wore
burned Saturday morning, causing a
lo.s of alKJUt $30,000, nre to he lobullt.
Mm. Nancy Pellet Oenlnp. used
flshty-flvo years, died at her home, on
Eleventh street, Monday afternoon.
Tho funeral was held ut the house at
2.S0 o'clock AVednesday afternoon, Uev.
.1. P. AVaro officiating. Her husband,
Kara M. Oonlnff, died In 1ST3. She Is
survived by three sons and two daugh
ters. George M., Prank and William.
.Miss Eunice and Mrs. O. L. ttowland.
The inuslcalo Riven In the Presby
terian chapel on Monday ovenlng: by
Masters Iceland and II own id Stearns,
of Wllkes-Burre, and Honesdalo talent,
was enjoyed by a largo and uppreela
Uve audience. Master Iceland Stearns,
v ho Is leading soprano In St. Stephens'
HplM-opal church choir, AVllkcs-Barre,
sang In a remarkable manner "The
"'hlldron of the City." "The Owl Sere
nade" and "Thu City IJeautltul." with
in oncoie to each number. Master
Howard gave piano selections from
Faust." "Funeral March" (Chopin)
and "Sonata" (lieethoven), with a
master touch of melody. Ho also an
swered to an encore. Mls Jlesslo
t 'number gave a piano uolo, Alua.
Harry F.ockuell and Mrs. AValtcr A
Wood, accompanied by Miss Knim-i
Ward, fang very sweetly "Over tho
Heather" and "Parting." Mr. Homer
irceno delighted the audience by lead
ing his last production, which will
poon appear In tho Youth's Companion,
entitled "Mary Harper Post. O. A. IJ."
ftprclal In the Scranton Tribune.
Hopbottom, Jan. 23. Miss midget
Oautlin has returned from ltath, X.
Y.. where she has been visiting her
brother, who was injured in a, wreck
n the Lackawanna road, last week.
School has re-opened after being
closed one week. Xo cases of measles
liav developed in splto of the great ex
pectations of their coming.
A chicken pie supper and social will
bo held Thursday evening at the home
"f Mr. and Mrs. n. M. Tiffany. Pro
ceeds for the benefit of the Unlversallst
Sunday school.
Mrs. Delbort Undsey, of Unlisted
visited at her father's, J. Y. Saunders'
on Monday. '
Mrs. Luther Boll has moved to Los
tershlro, N. Y where Mr. Hell is em
ployed. H. S. Gorman, of Scranton, visited
his mother, Mrs. Arvllla Stanton, on
A Name Twice Made
Famous, Now a
Shining Mark for
The name "Chase," twice made famous,
Is a shining mark for the unscrupulous to
pounce upon and appropriate in order to
foist upon the public their worthless pre
parations. These birds of prey, by using
the name Chase, expect the public to be
fooled into betlevlng they are the medi
cines of Dr. A. W. Chase, who first be
came noted as the author of the world
famed Dr. Chase's recipe book and family
physician, and whose fame is now doubly
Increased by the wonderful success of his
Nerve Pills, with Nerve, Brain and Wood
troubles. They play upon the name Chase,
but dare not use the initials "A. W."
They Imitate, but dare not counterfeit the
portrait and signature of Dr. A. AV, Chase,
which Identifies the Nerve Fills now recog
nlied as infallible for building up pale,
weaV, thin-blooded, nerve exhausted suf
ferers, AVho are nerve-tired and brain-weary.
Who are easily exhausted,
AVho are waVeful cannot sleep.
AVho have nervous headache.
They remove the cause of blood impuri
ties, securing refreshing sleep and Impart
They build up people who find their
strength and vigor waning.
They settle irritated nerves, replace Ian.
guor and lassitude with energy and anlma.
tlon, Cure Nervous Dyspepsia.
The above is the right kind prepared bj
the Dr. A. Y. Chase Medicine Co.. Buffalo,
N. Y., 50 cents per box. All crharr art
wCBa fassfctoVvraa? VI
Monday. Mis. Stanton Is nuffeilna;
from grip.
Mrs. Almlra Blown, who has boon
111 for some time, Is Ruining slightly.
Friends) ure anticipating the arrival
of Mr. Parley AVrlght, from Chicago,
it has been about two years slnco ho
left tho vlllago for u western homo.
It Is reported that Mr. Lou Sngur Is
also expected Iioiim" from Missouri.
Messrs. McVlcat" und Simpler, to
gether with 10. L. Weston, of Urook
lyu, wero appointed by court us view
eis of a now Iron bridge to bo built
across the Tunkhannock crook In
Lenox. They weie accompanied by
Messrs. Iluclmnau and Tlngley, of
Mru. Myron Titus Is Ulto III with
grip. Mr. Titus Is nlso indisposed.
Tho Scranton Dairy company are r.tlll
withholding pay for tho December milk
handled here. An ngi cement seems to
have very small weight with the
Dairy company, us they agreed posi
tively to pay January lotli.
Ipcll to tlie Scranton Tribune.
Montrose, Jan. 23. A. II. McColluin,
and AV. D. U. Alney have been In
Scranton this week heie they made
arguments In Important cases before
the Superior court.
Hyde Crocker Is still seriously 111 at
his tcsldence on Mill street, hut his
condition Is somewhat Improved and It
Is expected that he will recover.
"A Noble Outcast" Is being le
hearsed by some of our best local tal
ent and will bo presented at village
hall on Tuesday evening, January 29.
Proceeds for tho benefit of the hall
building fund. Diagram opens at Mc
Cnusland's on Satuuluy forenoon.
Prices, 23 and IJ." cents.
The demnlna of Miss Jeanette. Hoach,
who died on Sunday at Ap.iluchln. N.
A'., whore she was visiting relatives,
were brought to Montrose last evening
and taken to the residence of Miss
Jennie H. Beach on Lake avenue, from
whence they were today taken to the
former homo of the deceased at
Dlmock, ulieio tho funeral occurted
this nftemoon.
The caucusses of tho Republican
voters of this borough held last even
ing resulted In the nomination of tho
following ticket: Borough ticket.
Overseer of the poor, A. C. Ayres; aud
itor, J. :. Barney. First ward: Coun
cilman, X. A. Warner: assessor, AV. II.
Turrell; school director, D. A. Tits
worth; judge of election, X. C. Warner;
Inspector of election, L. It. TItsworth.
Second ward: Couucllmen, F. I. Lott,
J. P. Taylor; assessor, AV. B. Deans;
Judge of election, Harry A'. Frlnk; In
spector of election, H. B. Dennis.
Third ward: Assessor, W. J. Talbot;
school director, W. N. Barnes; Judge of
election, S. J. Jenckes; Inspector of
election, O. It. Cook.
A meeting was held in the court
house last evening to consider the
matter of the establishment of a pants
and overall factory In this place. Cap
tain It. James McCausland presided
and J. 11. Beardsley was secretary.
The great and manifold benefits which
would acciuo to tho town and Its peo
ple wore portrayed In earnest remarks,
by several prominent citizens und then
Mr. Felnbloom, lato of Blnghumlon,
laid a pioposltion before tho meeting
whereby this now industry can be se
cured. Mr. Felnbloom believes that
tlie enterprise should start with a cap
ital of ut least $10,000; $8,000 to be sub
set Ibed by local capitalists, Felnbloom
to put In the balance under certain
conditions. A committee of seven
prominent citizens was appointed to
canvass the matter among our busi
ness men and citizens and solicit sub
scriptions for stock In the proposed
Coast accidents uie of frequent oc
currence Just now, two serious ones
yesterday: Teresa, a little daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. E. IJ. Tower, was coast
ing with other children on Post street,
thoro is a sharp bend at the foot of
theflrstgiado and It takes considerable
skill to steer around this and make tho
next grade, Instead of plunging Into a
stono fence. The latter was the fate
of tho sled on which little Miss Tower
was tiding mid he was thrown with
awful force against tho fence, causing
two compound fractures of the leg,
one Just above tho anklo and tho other
near the knee, both bones being broken
at each point. A physician was hastily
summoned and the little girl made ns
comfortable as possible. A similar
though less serious accident befell Jo
seph O'Brien, a young son of J. k.
O'Brien, at about the same hour, on
Cemetery hill, which resulted In a
broken arm for Joseph.
A fire In the colored valley, or negro
settlement, yesterday badly damaged
the Hoohee mansion, formerly the resi
dence of the lato Rev. Robert Boohee,
whose fame was built upon "pivachln'
and bones." Tho house Is now occu
pied by a Mrs. Johnson. The alarm
was sounded Just before 5 o'clock, the
tliren flio companies responding
promptly and effectls'o sti earns of wa
ter wero soon playing upon the burn
ing structure and the fire being quick
ly extinguished. The roof and Kccond
story of tho hoiihe was badly damaged
und no Insurance.
A farewell party was teudered Miss
C.hai lotto Brown, Tuesday evening, nt
her home on Foote street. Mls.s Brown
Intends to enter tho Kast Stroudsburg
State Normal school today, and there
fore soino of her numerous friends as
sembled at her home to say farewell.
The party was a surprise to Miss
Brown. Tho evening was enjoyed by
games and various other amuspments.
Those who participated In the pleasure
were as follows: Misses Suslo AS'at
kins, A'erna Schoonover and Mr. Bow
ers Berlow, of MoohIo; Misses Bessie
and Maine Canno. and Messrs, Aaron
Vatllngton and John Cannarn, of
Avoca: Misses Mary Anderson, Kdlth
and Myrtlo Reede, (Jertnido Matthew
son, Alice Anderson, and Messrs. Sam
uel Mitchell. Clmiles Ace, Herbort
Bono. Silas Randall, William Ander
son, AVIUIam Mitchell, Orln Reede,
D u.i no Dills und Mi', and Mis. K.
Brown and family.
Don't forget tho' inovng pictures to
be presented at the Lawrence Hose
company's hall, Friday evening, Janu
ary 25. This entertainment und inter
estlng stereoptlcon views nro tho
greatest of the century. Everybody
cordially I mi ted to attend.
Mrs. Lawrence Brennan was a culler
In Scranton yesterday.
Miss Mam AVethlck was a visitor In
town yesterday,
Mrs. Connolly, who was Injured some
tlmo ago In the Scranton Hallway
company's trolley wrerk, Is able to at
tend to her household duties once mow.
John Nolan Is 111 with tho grip.
Miss Jonnlo AA'lldrlck is III at her
homo on Grove street.
Mra. Charles Hoop, of Plttston, vis
ited at the homo of Mrs. II, H. Beers
on Tuesday,
Fptclal to tlie Sainton Tribune.
Susquehanna, Jan. 23. Pioiiilnent
Erlo ofllclals arrived in town last even
ing on business.
The Republicans of the Flint ward
held it caucus last evening, at tho
Barnes hotel, and made tho following
nominations: Councilman, C. H. Tits
worth: school director, Edeon Bar
rett; assessor, Byron S. French: poof
commissioner, AA'llllnm Foster; high
constable, John Stoncbach; judge of
election, R. II. Hall; inspector of elec
tion, AVIlllnm O. Kvans; auditor, 0.
M. Allpaugh.
In connection with the Bible study
In tho Methodist chinch last evening,
there was n mimical and llleuity pio
gramme. Miss Lena Burrelt, of thin place, a
popular teacher In the Oakland srudod
school, will give a rending nt Lako
View In Tebruary.
The Republicans of the Second wurJ
hel da caucus nt the Cascade House
last evening, and made the following
nomination.: Councllmnn, AVIlllnm
Kpes; school director, II. T. Blrchard;
assessor, L. C. Benson; poor commis
sioner. AVIUIam Foster: Judge of eleu
tlon, E. J. Mathews: Inspector of elec
tion, Milton C. F.ldman: auditor. C. M.
Rev. Charles A Boot has letutned
fioni Scranton, where he attended a
meeting of tho Scrnnlon Arehdeuoon
iy. Miss M. Mitchell, of B.Vghamton,
last evening nttended the Ciescent
clu'o hop nt the Stnrrticoa House.
Mid-term examinations are In pro
gloss In the Second waul public
Tho Susquehanna Maonnerchor will
hold, a ball In Its Oakland fide music
hall on Tuesday evening, Jan. 2").
In a recent order, Pipsldonl H. IJ.
Thomas, of the Erie, forbids employes
selling their time, under penalty of
Tho Thompson Crcunieiy company
will applv for a charter of Incorpora
Special to tlio Scfanton TiltuiHC
Tunkhannock, Jan. 23. In the matter
of the petition for free lrldge at Me
hoopany, the court on Monday orderea
that the petition be laid befoio the
grand jury Tho grand Jury took up
the matter this morning and heard evi
dence during the day as to the neces
sity for bridge, amount of crossing,
condition of finances of tho county,
etc., and finally refused to grant the
prayer of the petitioners.
Other proceedings ibofote the court
today wore as follows:
Commonwealth vs. fiunies Stohl,
charge, breaking Jail. Clrand Jury finds
true bill, defendant pleads guilty anil
Is sentenced to nine months In tho
county Jail.
Commonwealth vs. Conrad Manning,
charge, attempted highway robbery.
Grand Jury find true bill; case tried
and verdict or guilty rendered. De
fendant sentenced to one year and four
months In tho Eastern State peniten
tiary. Commonwealth vs. Kail Baibor,
charge, laieny. Defendant found not
Commonwealth vs. E. H. Huffsmith,
charge, aggravated assault and bat
tery. Case nolle prossed on certificate
of district attorney.
Commonwealth s. William Terry.
Case nolle prossed on certificate of dis
trict attorney.
Commonwealth s. Oliver Doltor,
charge, larceny. Nolle prossed on pay
ment of costs.
In tho estate of John AVIIsey, de
ceased, Eleanor J. Little is continued
as auditor,
Tho sessions business was disposed of
this afternoon and court adjourned un
til Thursday morning, nt which tlmo
the argument list will be taken up.
Tho county auditors wero In session
Tuesday and AVednesday, and will lln
Ish their duties and tile their i.-port on
At a meeting of the Avoca Hosa
company, No. 1, held on Monday even
ing, the following officers were elected:
President, George Kennedy; vice presi
dent, N. E. Hoskins: secretary, A. J.
Druffnor: assistant secretary, C. K.
Harris; financial secretaij, E. L. Sny
der: treasurer. E. Laird; foreman,
John Cllhooley; assistants, John Da
vis and Charles Keith; plpemen.
Thomas Davis and Robert Oliver; axe
men, Hugh Conkey and Robert Lang
lor; pliigmeii, Steryl Keith and Thom
as Borthwlck: trustees, A II. Hollls
ter, J. II. Andcjson nnd E. L. Snyder;
auditors, J. P. Graham, George Ken
nedy nnd A. C. Howell.
Misses Jennie AVhyte and Mary Me
Crlndlo nttended a party at Kings
ton on ASednesday evening.
Edward Studders, of the AVest Side,
is at Mercy hospital, pufferlng from
Injuries which he sustnlned somo tlmo
ago. An operation was performed on
his splno a few days ago, which has
rroved n success.
Evangelistic services will bo con
tinued In the Presbyterian church
every evening for tho remainder of
the week, except Saturday.
Mrs. John Graham, of Lincoln TIIII,
la suffering from a scvoro attack of
Miss Kate Cunningham left this
week to enter ns a student at tho
Stroudsburg Normal school.
Colds Melt Awny
It you uso KrauBc's Cold Cuie. Pre
pared In convenient capsule form they
nre easy to take und effect a speedy
cute of the most obstinate cases.
Price 23c. Sold by Matthews Bro.
John Coll ear Harries the Glvl Se
lected by His Father,
fiperlat to the Scranton Tribune
Plttston, Jan. 23. The St. Jauie3
Episcopal church, of this city, was
this evening tho scene of the culmina
tion of a pretty romance, when John
Collenr, a resident nt, Petersbutg, Vu
was untied lu maniugo to Mls Eliza
J. AVhltchuich, daughter of Arthur
AVhltchuich. of Berry street, AVest
Plttston. The coiemony was per
formed by the rector. Rev. J. M. John
ston, at S o'clock. Two months ago,
the father of tho groom cinm to this
city In Hoiuch of a wlfo for his bon,
John. Miss AVhltchurcli wan recom
mended to him as a lady most worthy
of the honor. A few days later th9
aged father returned to A'lrglnlu with
the glil, Tho Initio und groom met for
the Hi-Hi time, mid both vero calls-
fled with the parental choice. Ar
rangements were accordingly mado for
an Immediate tunrrlngo, nnd tho couple
arrived here last wock. In compliance
with tho dying wish of tho young
mnn's mother, tho ceremony was per
formed In the Episcopal church, of
this city. Mr. and Mrs. Colloar will
spend their honeymoon nt tho homo of
tho groom's brother nt Hayre, Pa., af
ter which they wilt return to Peters
burg to reside,
At AUKMV. Mamie llltlmin rnmpiij, t
lnf nriil nlulit.
"Oliver Twist."
Hi' llllluun lompjiij, iIU rilling J
wpcU's fiiKUKeincnt at llic Academy of Miulc,
! ilmwIhK Immense citmits to tlnlr imfoiiif
unco The iKi) U'Miili'U .hi all new and ti.
tnUjlo and the .perUltlrs Introduced between
the .ut by the tlillrlcnt wuiluUlto tnunbciii of
t lie rciiipiii) ale exceptlniully uriili? orul plci.
l.i I iilglu "Oilier TwM" uj inrM'titcil.
K-iih iikiiiIivm of the intnpan.v fctinod to puitr.iy
M or her rrpecthe role In a ncitltable unit
nllc manner. lliU mirrnonu "Clntlly Rc." will
lu piewnleil, and tbl ocnlnc a ery funny
comedy entitled "What ltaipeuiil to lloneV will
be the uttucllon, Mr. Dillon .iiprjrlni; In the
hi alitor iliaiarfer cf Mr. Ilnnci, the umleruUer.
"The Vagabonds'' to Continue.
'Ihe Micrm of "flic usabonils" limit -inc.
company at the (iaitly li been vo pro it
Mjiut'i'i' Lone hit (tcn.lcd the enlistment rur
tho rein Under of the week.
It I ulie of the belt oinp.inle (.reii at tin
Oilety for nom" time.
Captain Jinks of the Hoi&e Mnilnus.
A lomtily lth nun) a two dozen import
ant speaking tuita for its ilranutlo diiiimimi
ii the new uoiK iihlcli Charlci Krohtnjn It to
iccnt .it the Lyceum I'rhluy cicnlnsr. The title
l the leninLjbl.v Kinmctlvp one of "Captain
.lmk of the Home .Marines." and its author,
tranRp to say, It CI ! l', to whoe pen
i ascribed the chinning drama, "Darluu
1'ictilile," In which Julia Marlowe it so
ndinliiil, Another play by tho June Mr. 1'ltili
l "lleiti Iliiiinmel," one of the chief production
In Milliard Man's Held repertoire. Still another
i, tie "S.ipho" adiptatlon Ir. which MIm Xcth
T"le ft now marling in fhlladelpliia.
The hero of the play l a raptnln in a famous
regiment of Vow York Mr. Pitch has Klteu him
lii" name of "Jinks." Hiiiue of that name
the militiaman hat been nicknamed "Captain
Jink of tlie llmse Marinet," on the atreuctli ol
I he ball id of that Ulle then the rice of the
mime lulR
1hi Ciiptnin .Tlnk, alone with a host of olh
ers mlllionilics and forlune-huntcrs alike be
u.tin. numorod of Aurella Johnson, the hlgh
salarled prima ilortu of the Maplcson liraml Opera ioniiiiv. She hat Just leltuned
tn Aii.etlia after a pmlonged absence In Kurope,
vhlthcr nhe cone to cultlwte her volie.
The lha i arcs little for the iorh!p of the
SHaiiu licjond ivhat hc rreeiiet from Captain
Jink'. Her foster-father, the ballcl-mastir of
t'i cinpuivj, -toutl. opposes ilie captain' court
ihlp, on the ground tint It It wholly mercenary.
'I I iic it plotting and cniinur-plottiutr throughout
tit"" action fUituKi.l to busily oicup.v Hie mm
iie of the numerous cast
The heroine It played by Kthel Uarr.iiiioic, and
th-.' part U tantamount to u star role lor her,
Lclin; her llrst appearance In pulilie aince her
reeirt fojourn In Kurope. Tlie pait of Captain !' allotted to II. Hecic Smith, uho made
an eviellent Impression lat reason In the dual
role In "A Brace of PaitrldRfs." It Is acknowl
edged thai in Captain JluU he bit found a
(b.iacter that addt to lilt irputatlon. The other male lole ia that of big-uor llelllartl,
tlie ballet master, which It cast to l.dwin Mecn,
rmi by common report, ha muili enhanced ills
prcfi rfcional icsown.
Tlu rest of the dnractert are ecnltal to the
run of the play, judging from the lronc uuay
of plajcM eniraKed to undertake them. The Km
plrj Stud: company ha contributed to the list
Mr Thomas Wliltten, decree W. Howard and
Lillian Thurgite, while the Lyceum theater lut
added 1'aiiny Addison Pitt, Sydney Cowell, II. M
Taboi, W. Harstow Smith ami Estclle Mortimer.
1'i.rthci accestiont embrace Cliarlcn Marriott,
Harry Asmiw, Marearct Diinnc, John It. Sumner,
Ilieh'i Jepson, Kale Ten Lc' Gaidner Jenkins,
Al it-l Rollie, Amu Mnnisou, John Huvhet, lwls
Woou. Deatrlco Asnew, Lorenro Hlle, M. J.
(I.tllashfi', Aliie Brjan and Ilany Barton
"The County Fair."
Li 111.1U112; comparison betneeu Dennuti
Thotninn'h L'nilc Joshua. Mhlteomb and Nell
l.i'ii.i.-s' Abigail 1'iue, a well knoun duni.ulc
clitic icdiitly expressed himself a followt: "In
my opinion Mr. Duncca It by far the K'reater
aitl-l of Hie two. Thompson merely play what
he If, and is loinlnclnu without an cfTort. Mr.
Iluifiss, howewr, wliat he really it not
m.d is couilnclni; with what I should imagine
must Ik." a very great and, at It certainly I.
liios siicci'ssful eflert. Here It rather an un
gainly nun Impeisouatlns: a Xcn Knglaml woman
a'lJ Lit Imperiouatlon doe not merely ileal with
her more appuent charactcilstlcj, but w'lth tho
i'tlits and cludous of the pait.
"There It not a dingle possible plnse of Ml
Alicall Pruc's peculiar entity which Mr. llurycst
dois not nuke known. All the little ecrentri
cillct ot the woman are howi nnd explained with
consummate nicety and the result it a picture
which it nothing lest thin surprising. I main
till (hat Mlt Abigail I'rue It muili more of a
piiluie of aitistlc meilt that I'mle Jnthui Wlilt
conih. It It infinitely more amusing and, while
M-. Purges nudlcneca are convulsed wllli lautsli.
te-, It Is lift because lie It (arlcaturlng tho pan,
but it it cause il by his artistic Interpretation of
It." Al the !,..iuim Satuulay afternoon ami
night. Mttlnee at 2.15; eenlng at 8 o'clock.
"Annua," the new play by Augiv.tus Tlionu.
wlnh I1.1 , bad Btiih pheuoininal suncvs in cw
Yuri;, Chicago and Boston, it, 11 the title would
Indicate, a stage pictme on the scenes, peoplo
and lottuuu of that pliluiesiuu tirrlttnj lu the
far houtliwrtt. The people of "Arirona" nre
iowLo.ia nnd c.ualijimti, ramlxiK and Mexicans,
and the various tjpet of wommUnd to be found
ahritt i. Ironticr army po,t and a pioprtou
1. 11 !.
Tl'e story thrillt with the ilgor of western life
and it licit In the color of tlie lialf-Spanlh, half
iliiluu! territory Irnm which the piece Ukct Itt
name. "Arizona" will bo llrst een In this city
ne.: Mondiy nisht, Jan. 'is. sett on sale Prl
d..y u! ) J. 111.
Jack Hoefller Comi)nny.
Toe Jack Hoc-filer company open an engage
ment nt tho Academy next Monday evening, pit-x-iitliC
u lipertolre of famous New York senile
p-bductlrni, and, amonj, ntliein, n new drama,
willlen by II. ("irattau lloiintlly entitled "The
Woman lu Black." Thlt ilrami Is described at
a plitt.tcquc und romantic dianu of New York
life, nd the author claimt ha bat tried In pie
ncni j graphic picluru of life lu lertaln .mantis.
01 1I10 gleat iiictioll with nitural tyjif of
t!uii.cter laterally potiraytd.
TI1.1 siiuiry wat palmed Irani pliotoraplu
ra.m from fimlllar localities In New York. One
mine In spoken of as pailUulaily ktrong and
auliiii'led, riflli aienue and llrnadnay uie
!, neoi the IIofTinaii Iluuse. It It the night
of nn linpcitant election and the scene It full uf
lifu and Igor. The nowila are w.itihlug the
isiil.iil retuint. which me dlsplajid bv meant
of ft ttfrroptkoii on a conuiilent wall. It It
.1 nienkably realistic plump. Manager Jaik
HoerlUr hat equipped 'The Woman In lllaik"
will, a fine outlet of new tc entry and the e-om-piny
l one of the strongest eicr employed in a
niel'odieii'ailo production, 'UulltV tickets for
Miilulr) night. Salo uf seat opent at the box
01V11 i'lidiv inomliiK ut !) o'clock.
Mrs, WinBlow's Soothing Syiup
Has been iwed for oer 1'H'l'Y YI.'MtS bv
MILLION! "I MOTIIi:ilt for their CIIILDltlLV
WHII.i: 'IKin'lllMI. with I'KllI'LCT RUCCLSS.
It MIOI'HKS the CI1ILO. SOril'.XS the OUMc.
is th be.t remedy lor DIAllitllOI.A. S-.ld by
Kriiygislt In eiery pait of the world. Be sine
and 01. tor "Mrs. Window' Soothing hrup,"
and lake no "th"i 1 lil, Twinlyfne renin a
Wall Street Review.
.Ne Avtk, Jin, SI. The maiket dtinoidtul.
cd rrnltc conilusiiely Itt professional iharaiter
today. Jt wn dlitlnctltly a trader' maiket.
The Hading was clone by powetlul speiulalvfti
trill, ample resources, the transaction were on
a veiy Istge scale and the price inoieincnt at
inucli wider than lu an ordinary loom tiadert'
maiket. A mutiny of the hot cl,ats far the
day will ho-v that cccept In a few stockt thej
ate email and pretty well inlu-d between pilm
and lostM. Yt at oho lime the whole ll't
waa at a loiel well ovc? j-ettfrdjy'a Dual pilefs.'
The realljltiff molcnuut In the last hour vaf
uilQclent to wipe out almost alt of the titl-i
adttnce-i and only Hie t'nal lli:lit tll' nv '
the list fiom n hrger showlnir of 'nit r 1
than it actually tho case. The continent witk
lit of Mlsttiuil Pacini- whltli fell at one time
6H olnts below jetlenlay't lilirli leiel left Ltilt
roem for credence In the rumoi f a Iim
soi.thwuterii lailroail eoniolidatlon unit (.oe
color to the repoil that a lsige short liileret
In the stock hml ctlled bv pihale airnnuurt.
There wn a distinct ahllllnf ot spMrUtLp Ini
tcrest from the r.illioacU to the Indiistiisls ami
It was the eildentm of realizing; in the itilto.J
list under coier of the nen Mreiilh lu the ,11
ilustiltl lliat cauied the bteik In lh ,i,ar
Let. The decline from the hlhtut reaihed .."J
lu St. Paul, :',!, In n.-ooVfon Trarislt. "j n
Dilaware and Hudson, 2Vi In Biltliuoia and
Chin and Mmhittaii, anil from n In two
point In a krKe number of ;o-tl.'i ttOiks M..
steel stockt it-acted Iroin the tswt In yftip.uliy
but hanhned again In the late ileallnas, the
leadns rising to Ihe liest ut the bia m
luiuy absorption. Pcderil Steel' nal.i was n't.
I'retsed Steel Car rose .in ertrcinc fl'J villi the
annual meollng wat in e.slcii, ,inl ii"feiiiil
I'. All thi' most luipoitaiit ineiiibe'it In the
Woup Raiiird irom 1 to 3 ivaIik. There wat
I'-' newt lo account for this rite 'ml the (act
that the illstuibatiee which hfiMlef.ed Ihe steel
II .do luiglit bj setllid by the indltlitiult who
cennol tho resource In that trade nt pmelit
naiirally makes Himii alnllabto lor .ei ulatite
iranlpulatlon. Total siles, 1,0si,!k slure.,
Mill the exeipllon of reaitlon In W.ini.h
liomlt the mirkit lor ullrcuj bonds wat (.en
etallv lit in. Total ulet, p.n alu-. 1 l, XHukxi.
II. S. rs nilviii.ced "J p,r cenr. oil the last
th following quotation
Trlhiue by M. S. .Ionian &
Hears bulldlne;, Viantem, I'a.
Inif. -sugar He!
American Tnbitru ILI'z
Am. fcttel K Wlr.' .... JO
Alch., T. it St. IV Ij
A., T. A-St. le.. l'r. ... K
lliool,-, Ti-aetlon 7
Ball. Ohio ,--,
Ciit. Tobacco Il'i
t licsapeake A. Oliio ... a'JU
(hie. A- Clt. West 1T.
Clili.. Bur. ,V ", .... 14H1
St. I'aul l.V)i..
Hock Island VX
Pel. k llmltoi m
IL, L. t W Mi's
1'ieliril steel pj'i
Kedeial steel, l'r. . .. W'f
aie fumisiieJ Th
Co.. loom 7UJ-T00
Tlnln.nn fAL'
e lot
i.i Hi
1 f.
,.,-j 1, ."4 it ' a
VMi llfii 150
lSJ'a ll''? lot
l!H, l!l'. IW.'i
nii n WN
U'l a
70' a
70' a
Kan. .V lev , l'r 4-
l.nuitillle ,V Nasliellli-.. es
14 V,
7Ci 4
Manhattan ltievateil
Met. Tr.idion ,
Miv.oi.iI l'.ielflo
I'tsiple't (iat
siit hem Pacific ...
Neifnll A- Western
Northern Pacific . ..,
Niotliein Pacific, l'r
N. . Central
Ontario ,t We.leiii.
IVnnsjIeanla It. It.
Pacific Mall
lleadlnc Tty.
Heading Ity., l'r
Southern It. H. ...
S.iulberu it. It , Pi. .
Tnn. Coal tz Iron ..
C. s. Leather
I'. S. Leather, P.t. .
C. S. Ilubber
I'niiiii Paciile ,
t'nlon Pacitlc, l'r. .
Wahish, l'r.
Wotern I'nlon ,
Third Acuie ,
. Si','.
.. IIS
.. U'i
.. 4,
.. At
. S0I4
.. SI
.. 4l'i
.. at3,
.. 7111
.. 13'.
.. 7rt?l
.. Ml
.. 11 "i
.. 74
.. 211,
.. sjt,
.. Ssi,
.. M",
. ""'
.... 71'.!,
High. Low-
( lot.
January ..
Jinuaiy ,,
Januarv .,
71 '4
fill UN
--..4 .:.. -4
fi 24'.
High- Iiy
est. est,
fi'1 :
Match ....
7S 7n',
7iii. 7'iJ,
111, ll
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par ot 100.
SrOCKS. Bid.
first Natloml Bank iii)
Scranton Savings Bank jo
Third National Bink tsu
Dime Deposit and Discount Bank,, 2)0
Kconomy Light, II. & P. Co
Lacka. Trust afe Depewlt Co ino
Clark & Snover Co., Pr .')
Scranton Iron Kcnco k Mfg. Co
Scranton Axle Works
Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr
County Sadngs Bank k Trust Co.. 2CO
First National Bank (Carboudalc)
Standard Drilling Co
Traders' National Bank 145
Scranton Boll an J Nut Co 103
Scranton Passenger Railway, first
Mortgage, due 1020 1L
People's Mrect Hallway, Qrrt mort
gage, due 1U19 115
People's Street Hallway, General
mortgage, due 1021 Hi
Dickson Manufacturing Co
Lacka. Township Schoul 3 per cent. ...
City of Scranton St. Imp. C per
Scranton Traction 0 per cent 115
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. O. tide. 27 Lackawanna Aee.)
Butter Creamery, Sla2Se.
Kggs Select western, 21c. ; nearby itale, Sic.
Cheese -Full cream, new, 12c.
Ileana Per bu., dioiia marrow, fj.00.
Onions CO, per bu.
ITour Best patent, ?4.W.
X'hllndelphln Grain and Produce.
Philadelphia, Jan. !J Wheat-Firm; ton.
tiact glade, Jan, ri:!,a7Jt. t'oil;--l'lim; Nn,
t mixed, Jan, 4 i.i4.IVj . O.iu Mcudi ; So,
2 while clipped, !r."!:i Buttei- "stcjili j fiiiiej
weli'iu creamciy, 23c; iic. prli'ts. ait, L'lu's
Finn; Iresli neaiby. 20i.; do, wenlein, ifk;
do. Kouthwt'slcin, 20c. ; do. southern, VJc.
1 'hee-e -steadt j V. Y. lull eiiams. fane niill,
IHialJc. ; do. do. do,, fair lo choice, Iiih.i
lilac Itcfllied hugars- Dull, unchangeU. Cot
Ion Unchanged. Tallow Steady; eil) pilnie
In hlidt., Jo.; Ileues, 0'lc -. coantrj iirime
in bands 4',!;1jc.; i-aket, .'... Live pouhrv -Steady;
lowl. OalO..; old looslcis, 'llia.c;
e'hlckin, S'ja'lc ; dndu, 1 lalt ',a 1 aeese, I'a
0c.; turkij, I. rrcd poiiltit liuh t, but
steady; IohIs, ehohc, tiije.- el 1, Mir to :;o...l,
K.i0c-.; old loooteit, iia7c; nearby ehltkcu.
10al2c; nt-.leiii do., tMlil.; lurkess, choho
to famy, tulle.; diicka,
Iti-telpts Flour, 8,500 Ijjtrels, and 2,v00,fV)
pounds lu saiks;, :!,001; null,
Jia,(vi hushelt; oats. l'.uK), shlmrts
Wheat, 3,(W bn-hcls! coin, o.V" ln'.iis oil..
New York Drain and Produce.
New Yolk, J.111, 2.!. 1 b.ui Meadt ; Mi. 11.
patents. Vl.P0al.2u; winter extiat, y2.j(u2.sO;
Miiui. baktia, flaX'U; winter lu'v .laeiei .2.IJ
ai.efl. Wheat rwt lii in; ei. 2 led, tO'.ae. f,
n, 1 1. afloat, and 77'lie. eievater' No, 1 -loiihern
Diilutli. ulic, f. 11. I.. aHoat. Option opin.d
cary. but later advanced and dixit turn at
'.iiWc Hot adianie, Jan. clos ili7D'.j Maul),
7'J!lc ; Mjy, 7'sic i July, 7i,e. Cuiii-n.t
steady: option hteady to Pitn nil daj, cln, il
II1111 it Ke. net advame. Jan. elose.l 41..;
Match, t'.'.ic.i May, lIVli-.; Jul.t, lie. Dale
Spot dull; No. 9, lleiije.; No. !J, flc.: No 2
v litis. J2t.; Xu. .1 white-, lil'te.: tr..ik inuid
western. SUiWaP.; traik white, ,ilir,e. Op.
t Ion dull but .lead) with 1..11.. Ilimir--Steady;
cuamcre, lu.'.'c. ; taelit), 11 die. :
June iieamery, Iij20c. t Imitation uc.imcry, 13tu
nl?1 state dalu, 4a2ik", ( lieiti- I'mm
lauey large, fill made, ll'Sallije ; t.un sniall,
fall nude, llSillJc. llggs Steady; slulo and
Penn.i., 2('j2Ic. ; western, aecragv parked. Isi
l'.i'ir.: westini, lot oft, 20(.
Chicago Qinln nnd Produce,
Chicago, .Tan, 23.- L'uiler tie inllueiiee ..f
.nailer unillmest iteelpta and a decrease in
Hie noild'A eitlble wheat adiaiutd ttveliy. May
licking ','jc, higher. Corn closed lie and oatt
a .bade up, Proeltlont uihanted 7UabV', dull
miolatlont weie at tnllowti
I lour Dull and cay: No, .1 spilii'i wheat,
td.Vtii,ie.: No. 2 ml. T.Uic; No. 2 turn, :17a
;t7,le.t No. 2 lellojv. Hrn.'U'lcj No. 3 nil,
Jl'it'.i No. 2 lille, 27'lf.J Vo. .1 while, ;'rtlj
The Very Best of
For the Very Least.
No "between stations'' in this Grocery Store. I;irst qiullty,
every time, und at practically what you're accustomed to paying
lor inferior sorts in other stores. We buy direct in big quantities
from where the goods are prepaied; the stock has a perennial
freshness ut all times. Inter cstinjf, of comsc, but not so much so
.is these piices, which follon:
TOMVIOKS teniiliie 4(otlanl biand. HUP, Mik' While lloud Moating,
whete linlt, ;t eaiu fot 2.V line; 7 I.11 fo :5c.
I.i: or I'OTVtH, popular brand, pow- PANOAKir PLOUII, Century, leaitr for
.!."' f.r'.'l..,.".'r.lun"''1, " tv"1 ,or.' . -"' vie alwajt; per package UK.
il? ri .KfcMu tr,p ""' '"","' -V, J'"'1-1 MCKI.ES or CHOW CHOW, by
iivni.uiV.'iTr '.' :,;" , ,v '" ntlon or .,uart, per .piait I.V.
lll.NflKIt SNAPS, treM and its.,, b.i the cimmioii i, tuiva .,,.. ..... 1..
but, fiVsc. 1 per 11 .!,.: fie, Pl-I-I'ld) lt.Il.N. new selected, per
1 k 11. piiiimn ciiKKM., cion. .t !15,,11,;'! .''!':'; ; '
JlluUcll's. line, pel II 1!. CAMIP, absolutely pure) large tniart
(lllAPi: JUICK, pure ami wholesome. ho,,,(" f.01' - ''c
laiao .pint lKittle 42e, PIIAI1S, fancy Jemc), luge y-lh. tiu
MALT l:lllCT. Hauls', icri bencfl- 2 "i for IV.
ilal. 3 iK.ttlet for 2;c. riVNU'Pl.U CIIUMJ:?, packed at ftlii(tj-
VVNII.L.V P.XTItACT, pure, lat(te bottle, poie, where irrown: prr tan lie.
for 7c. MACKKIin.. large palls, my fine; per
CAICi; ICINtl. "Jaik lio.t." irady for kit S7i,
us.., bottle .V. MACKKIIIX, famy new shore; ;l for 24V.
MM'AHO.NI and f IIKKSC, Van Camp' BICi:, Smitli Carolina, whole kernel,
lelebraled, tine, per can Hi. wry fine; 11 pound for 2V.
Pltl'.NT.s., choice Santa Cbu, ine.u.e, .'. SI'AIICII, larue lump, launiliy; .) pounds
pounds for 2h', for 25c,
llU'Si:. f.tiit lance Prendi, In Kla.s WVIII.NI1 POW DKB, Remilne (lold Dust,
Jirs, for I'c. lame 4-lb. paekaice for I7e.
PJIMIS, ev.ipoiate.1, lare Caliloinias, MAPI.i: SYltL'P, ahtolulely pure, rich and
pounds for 2V. heaty; per gallon ,... 7'Jo.
PllTIIli I'H'M1", lauey exjporatc.l, eiry PUIS, new and frrrh, ildie-Ioui and
line, 2 pounds lot 2.c mealy, per package ".V,
OOl.Dr.N Pltl'.NLS fancy lai;e Oreaoiw, DATK3, fancy Hallowl, Very tlnei per
2 poiuidt for , 2.V iaikai(e ,c,
-'0P, Bell l.ian.1, mapped, full veiirlit, tlltINO BKAN's, new pack, stringiest;
II hi." bars lor 20 3 cms for 25e.
cmocenr oepAnTMcur in basement.
Very Special Sale
Today, Thursday.
A whole lot of little things here you may need, if they are
brought to your attention and these prices lor today only, make
ih-m doubly attractive.
Department, Main Aisle Center.
Kilt's IIoe Beiuly Nip, 7-ounee bai.... 7c,
Klik's L'niflWi Violet; a eake In bov .. tic,
Hlrk't Juicnllc Sup, ory ukU.'.I; eake. .inc.
Miiile Hose (il.ueiinc hoap; per cake ..lie.
r.xtiu Pine Tar houii; 2 cakes (or k'
IJ.iilty's Talcum Powder: ery special .. Co.
l.votiit Tooth Powder: verv .pedal, al ..tie.
Nirndntit; larue .Ire bottle "A.
naitisoii't Violet Talcum Powder lie.
Ili.ullri'a Mnltt Talcum Powdei l-'e
Men nen' Tabi'in Powdn; sinclal . ..12'je.
IVrtiinied AiiionU: 'i-plnt botlle to
tew, Lebliihe I'aco Powd-r J"s
llokata Pood, special al lev.
Ilriidle' l'ai-e Pouilei '''.
Saundu's Pate Poe.der 2.V.
oiitlifnl Tint I'me Powder . .. ,T3e,
r- -r ss' s -- -- -r
Jonas Long's Sons
I v
Had to stop talking about them, be
cause we became so crowded.
Better facilities now. More room.moie
coolis, more waitresses, more everything.
So we'll start talking again.
The dainties! lunches in the city, served
at a lair price. Hverything baked tresh
every day right on the premises.
a5rJe.; No. 2 ije, M'c ; No. ' Ilav, "1 ! M.
I roithv.tsl, $1.75: tlniotlij. IIW pork, tin
14.111; libs, 7.".; Iioulehi.. i.Ua'.'ie., elde,
t7.2Vi7.3-i: wlilskiv. sl.!7.
OhlCRgo Live Stock Market.
I u.iaKu. Jan. 21. -tattle- lleieipis. 1b,U'1,
clolce sliets, linn, oth it, steady 10 l(k lute
ei; 1I01I11K weak; buteheis' stoek, ottidy to
slluini' Roi' I 1" pilin'- sluts, isl,23i(., poor to
Medium, s'J.Maj.lij Mot kits Imicrs, tlrni,
f '73.11,15; low, I.73..4.r.i hellu, '."
I 'JO; ciimcis. !?2al.70; bulU, irl.iual.iO; calen,
httMili, Maj,7.".: I'esat led teeis. W MJ; lVw
gia-' stceiTi, nI Pill Tea bull. I.jOiJ.s.".
lions llcedpt today. !,': tomorrow, 2s,.
CO; e.tlniatul liti mil. At.JOO; .teady to
Htronc; inKed and buttlieia, e".u.Vi.1.J(); ku.hI to
cohlic heast.; roifli beau, eVOTa
.TIT; lljiht. T 0T 1 T 271.; bulk ot .!' V, 2.1
a". 2V
slH lli'wipis. T,lsj; sui-ip, II1111 to shJdo
lilcher; jtarllnrs, up to !.. lamb-, slea.l,
c'.'lliit slow; xo"l 10 iliolev welhtrs, S;.75al.u,
f.ii to iluiic u mixed. s.!.laJ.'iu; we,t,in sliiep,
i-n'',iiiiM: Teat shiop, WTOiLWi- nallte
lsnibs, NjT..'a), vtsU-ru, TaT.'"'
New York Live Stock.
tv, oik, J.111 .'I. IKiM's- lluw, 'op
Uiado, lllln; incdluiil stms. Meal, lu lud
lowei: eommoii, steidv; bulls ami II. In eras,
stioif: nii'dluin ami K1..11I tows, steadi steers,
fltOa.T.jil; men. UI.iT. bull., i-.'.7.Tal 2.T,
in,-a. i:2aJ.7J. talve-., linn to IiIkiici , i il..
il,ita4.T.Ti l.'P. ': I'ltl1 i.les, iiat.7..
lainjaril iUe, ?!.-.'Ti.!,AT; tiMrlfmr. sj W1.1.
s-littp- Steiieij : lat'il.s opeiie.l about teadi ;
pili.'s (ell oil .Villi. ; .neip, Nlal..'.T: tull. rta
2.111: lambs,; one ear. J2i)-. culi. l
al.'jt); Canada. Iitul 1, T.a.itM.T.
Iliigt Lower, at ..TiiiS.'S; plu. T...aT-.
East Libel ty Stock ItfavUet.
i:il Llbeilj. Jan. 2.1. Mile -Mead) , .ii.,
isViOaVdi; piitiie. is."..10a.V2.T: lonuiion. s.:al7V
ijofs laiwtri prime uii-'lltiins. .!.: Ins.;
t.ikera, fT.IOa3.IT: luaey lions. fT...i,..t, fair
U'lktit. K,.:iU.iT.ii; r.'u" ifT.-'Tifi.-f.. ruui.-li.
Mietp Slows choice ahIick, IStalisT, torn.
11,011, nt..'0.i2 SU; dioice limb., ti.laJ7i 1 am
nion to ICO'il, laVrsl; il i-ale, 7
JJuffnlo Live Stock Market.
l.j.t llilflalo, .Ian, 2.1. Iteceipls ( atlle, l.
cat; .heep and Jambs, 00; ho?. 21. Milpinerlt
-faille. CM t.iis, sheep 'ind limU. IS; hot..,
12. Cattle -Lltflit dennnd; taltc., dioite In
extia, M,STiH,raT. laimtia ( hollo to evtru,
.T 7.Ta.T.MI; .heip, t licit t- In estra, jl.7ViT
Hoes-Heavy. .T!iT,i.T.4U; pa, 1S.T.4H1V 13
Oil Maiket.
till City, Jan. 23. Cieillt balunes, 117: iei
tit'eattv, no bid. J'filpinetitt,' Ta'.IHt ' aienijc,
'J5,eSL lluns, lOJaTT; uieiaRe, Kinis.
Piliaud' lliu tie tfiilnliie; H-oi. battle ...72c.
Coke'is Dandruff Cure; S-oi. bottla We.
Bindley'a Ilav Ituin; 8-01. bottle l'te.
Bnidli'.e't N-.t halt, for toilet use Ue.
l.ubln' Vlutet Powdev; blieilst at lflc.
Pinaud' Veuetal, assl. odouj 8-tw bottlo.lj7c.
Colnate't Vloltt Toil.t Walets; 8 ox....e7o.
Colgate's Toilet Wnteit.; i oz. ...3Hi-,
Bradli'V'a Woodland Violet Perfume; 1 oit.TBe.
Cntton'it Ptrfitmte, icstt,; 2m. bottle ...SOe.
(Vlliilnlil Nwp eases, alt color PH.-,
Solid Bick I l.i Ir lliusln-ii, all bristle ....ISc.
CtUuloId Toilet .VU, the H2-' kind ...$l.Ug
Js.tnll.sry Sponge; tery special, at .....17c.
Whist: Brooms; ery special, at Se,
Pace llnishet; the 40e. ones, at 80e.
Co-1110 llutlermllk Snap, Renulne; caka,, 7e,
Fast Time to
fllK Duluth Limited and St. Paul Fast
Mail leaves Chicago dally 10,00 p.m.,
arrives Duluth 10.30 a. in. next morning.
Drawing Room Sleeping Cars, Observa
tion I'arlor Cars with Cafe and free
Reclining Chair Cats. Fast train to head
of l.tkes. The best of everything. Call
on any agent for tickets or address
tdl ffr.jj. ay Nit Yerk
t.UW.. (., 0(clsall
0J SnMfUn., rttss.r
4 Sucttttt St., Chilli:
U Camii.t Uatlnit. Od, .(
Sill) tv.!lAigt9l ST , fioi(oj)
SOI Hill St., Djffllt
US Clark tl., ' Cilcoo
iM f (,f oit, r.rsiits.Osr.
rJ bl.,rbtUdlphli(l'. lUd.ilHkfrir.l. Outt
isnirrt 10 .uiv alter niritiffi iii, rniTAll.
llUlft iaf(sioii4tiiijfvno'ftuiiciii
LOST MANHOOD rlftlt k h.rlturtL. no (uttiisf ,
iifclifliiiitiiptjrincfluGfrmti t
1 nirifurta nuiu.iinar.ajit-'
.. Il.lai. . . I, ,i-. i... . '
K4riJIi,li si , f
icihcaiMi..iciliii4luOdsi, Aiei'lchtdp
i luIOdsvi. Aiei'lchffdDtrfktmcnt:
ti j... . t. .-..' .. .: .-- r
4ritllwHUU IUk tip'titiax miHcl frt'tili1 fr-AUdl t
ilVriidiiriitliy .IIhII. Inalnnt rrlUr.rrrwrtul
Tifty Miles of Illumination.
It In eHtlnmtOil that tm electrical
IlluinliMtlou tvoin tho Pan-AmerJ
can'H lofty Klectrlu Tower nnd lti
thouH.mlH o( lncundeficnt llRhtft Mill
oiiHt a retWctlori that crin bi seen fo;
a tllRtnnce of llfty inllea, ,