The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 24, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    T w" ,. ; f? c
Funernls of Miss Mnifjaiet Gal
lagher, D. O. Oormnn, Jacob F.
Gable and James White Annual
Cougregatlonal Meeting of St.
Mark's Lutheran Church Ray J.
Williams and Miss Marftaret Mor
gan to Be Married Today Michael
Sherrins and Miss Jennie Holding
Wedded Last Night.
Tins dentil utp bus In- ii Incn-uslng
vlth nlariuInK rapidity of hue, nnd
ecauely a day tntssi without tlriiv
! four deaths ami luneruN In Went
Acrnnton. The physicians lire kept
unusually busy looking after their pj
ttcnts and the undertakers sue wot It
Jng nlRht and day to nla cure ot the
cloud. The drugKlsts tire also iiiHhcu
with woik In view of no touch .slclirress.
There seems to lie hut little tihatc
jnent of the grip and Instead of speedy
ttcovery many of the hick ones nie
developing Bymptonisofptieumonla. The
mild weather of the past few days Is
conducive to colds and con
dition), and exceptional care .should he
Liken to triM til against the dreaded
, Miss Gallagher Buried.
Tlie funeral of the late 311m .lur
fcuret Gallagher oocuned yesterday
morning at lO.'JO o'clock trom the house
on Jackson street. The cortege moved
id U. I'atrlck's Catholic chinch, where
it high mass of requiem was a imp. Ke.
J .1. Ituclily was Itev. 1". K.
1 iivello, deacon, and Rev. r. A. Frlck
i, sub-deacon. The sermon was
imaihed by Father Ituddy, wlio xpokn
In beautiful terms of the deceased
Many relatives and friends fiom
TlnKhamton, Plttston and this city
were in attendance. The pall-bearers
Aere: Tred I Rider, Thomas W.
i'roe and Thomas Dillon, of Mug
liamton: Frank Cooper, Matthew Jlur
I hy and Dr. M. A. Dully, of tills city
interment was made In the Cathedtal
St. Mark's Iutheiau Chuich.
The annual congregational meeting
of St. Mark's Lutheran chuich was
held in the basement of tho church
last evening, and was attended by a
large r( presentation of tlrei member.
out for , and colds
Suitings for
Early Spring
New Pedestrian
They are weighty eaough for present use, evn
ia a. zero temperature, but they were made to
meet the demands of the opening spring trade.
Many of the colors and combinations suggest this
at a glance.
This New Line
Was Opened Yesterday
And is undoubtedly the finest ever seen in this
city. Many of the Plaid Backs show novel effects
that are simply charming, while the Fancy Colored
Backs in solid shades, include all the hues of the
rainbow and a few not to be found there. We will
be pleised to show these new Suitings to all
visitor, and particularly request the favor of a call
from early buyers of Spring Dress Goods,
A Few Novelties
Are also to hand in new weaves in black, which
may interest you, and if you're looking for bar
gains, there's lots of opportunities for saving
money in the purchase of winter weight fabrics.
Globe Warehouse
ship. The pastor, Rev. A. I Ramor,
tead his annual report, showing the
work accomplished during tho past
year, which was vety gratifying to nil
concerned. Thu tieusuter's report was
also read und tecelved, showing the
ilnanclal stndlng of the (.hutch.
John Menu and Alfred Anderson
were electifd as deacons and Henry
Ktlenberg us trustee for (he ensuing
year. Tho e ongrogntlon decided to ln
vlte the WllUes-Uarre tonfetence to
hold their meeting In St. .Mark's
church next October. Valentino Delk
miller, Muliew l.nwson and I'. W.
tliiscr appointed as nuitltuis for
the coming yen i.
It was also decided to conduct an
excursion during the summrr, and the
lollowlug rommlttcc was nppolnted to
make the arrangements: Andrew
l.Moii, C'hailes Itaitnsh ?iorg
Kwefiei and John Stelner.
Gorman Funeral. iiver the remains of the lulu
t) O. (hirman were held ut St. l'at
tick's Catholic church at 9 o'clock yes
tereliiv morning, with a high mass of
leiiulent and sermon liv lliv. I'. 13.
The pall-bearers were- John Mul
len, John McColllgun, James McCor
inlck, John Kelly, John llanley und
John Hartett. Interment was made In
th" Cuthedral cemetery.
Jncoh F. Gable's Funeial.
Re .1. T$. Sweet. D. D., pastor nf
the Simpson Methodist TJplcoi'i!
church, otllclated at the funeral ut
the lute Jiuoh !'. Cable yesterday af
teinoon. The service were held at
the houf, Ii2fi North Main nonue.
and were utlendod by many mllroad
men. Interment was made In the Pot
est Hill cemetery.
The pull bearers were V. H, Dunlop,
W. C Stotter, A. C. Mitchell. W. 13.
I.uinley, P, Sloat and J. Rat ton.
James White Laid to Rest.
The funetal of the late Jnnic
White, si , occurred yesterday after
noon trom the house on Chestnut
street, Short services wore held In S'
Patrick's Catholic chutch anil burial
was made In the Cathedral cemetery.
Tho p.ill hearers were John McCcibe.
John Uurke, Thomas Muloney, Mich
ael Carney, Michael O'Hilen. and John
Vunston. rather Lavellu conducted
the services at the church.
Two Wedding Announcements.
Ray .1 Williams, of 116 North Ever
ett avenue, and Miss Margaret Mor
gan, ot .":;" Noi th Hyde Park avenue,
will be married this evening by Rev.
Thomas de fiiuchy, D. D., pastor of
the Juckson Street Rapt 1st church.
Michael Sherrins, of Price (street,
and Ml"s .lennle Hat dins, of Green
RldK. were united In muitiiine at I
o'clock last evening by Rev. P. J. Mc
M.inus, at St. Paul's Catholic church.
A reception was held In St. John's hull.
Pine Uiook, lot evening. They win
teslde on Lafayette stieet.
.Mis. m, u. Rlair, of New Vnik clt,
In spending a few daya with relatives
frlcndB In town.
A manquerade party wai held lat
evening ut the homa of Mr. and Mis.
William N. Smith, at tho corner of
South Main nvcnuo and Luzerne street.
Tho gucRtH had an enjoyable time dur
ing tho evening and at a seasonable
hour musks wore discarded and re
freshments wefo Berved. .
An enjoyable house woclal 'wan held
last evening at the home of John T.
Davis on South Bromley avenue by
the members of his Sunday school claps
In tho First Wt'tah Oongregutloual
Tho special religious Ret vices In the
Jackson Street lluptlst and Washburn
Street Presbyterian churches are at
tracting large assemblages each even
ing this week.
St. Paul's Pioneer corps attended the
funeral of their late mombcr, William
HasltliiH, In Mlnooka yeateiday morn
ing. Tho Irrepressible club ot St. Leu's
battalion held an enjoyable m social
In their looms last evening.
Mr. und jrrs. John M. Kd winds, of
Kust Locust street, gave a party Tues
day afternoon In honor of their daugh
ter Florence.
Revival Services Continued at Two
Chut cites Mrs. Edward Angwen,
Sr Injured Other Notes.
n- of the most intcu-sltug and
imifltublo services hold duilng the sei
les of meeting thus far held In this
chinch, was enjoyed last night. The
.einion by Rvnngellst Uiinnett on,
"Clod'H l)eteetle." was mnrvelously
Instinctive ami Inteiestmg. The con
gregation was the laiget he 1ms had.
There meetings are growing in favor
with the people. Uev. V. L. Thoip?,
of Plymouth, wus pivbcnt and gae a
brief tiddros.4 and told about the won
ileiful meeting recentlv conducted by
Uev. Uunnett In his town, where large
numbers were conveitcd.
.Miss Daisy FScll Hall wing last nigrt
uiy sweetly and with o Ment effect
All who hear her from icnliuc to
evening lmc- been delighted with lwr
wondotfut olee. The subject of ihe
addre.xs for this afternoon will be
"The Holy f'.host"; and of the evening
will be "Hell. Where, What Is It "
The ufternoon nddterscs are wonder
lully Interesting. Tluwo who cannot
attend aie losing a great deal.
Kvcryone will want to hear Mr.
Duuneti on the peculiarly Interottug
subject announced for the evening.
The revival services conducted by
the Uev. Mr. Cobb at the Tripp Ave
nue Christian church were well at
tended last night. The evangelist pre
sented the thought of a Scriptural con
version. He pi evented the ca.-e of
Paul nod lire Ethiopian lie
showe'i it with uctessarv to
preach Christ and fur the sin
ners to believe repent and be bap
tised in obedience to ''luWt's com
mand. .l the eloe of the s.enlcei-, two
made the eonfecslon. Alt. dhb will
deliver one of bin most Inter eating
uddi eses tonight. All are Invited to
be )i(.i'iit.
A Painful Accident.
Mrs. IMwnrd Angwen, m., nut .vlth
a dlFtiesslng accident at her horn,
on South Hlakely street, yesterday. In
some manner, while descending n
lllglrt of stabs, she mlissed her foot
ing and fell headlong to the bottom,
receiving severe bruises and cuts
about the face.
Over fifteen stitches were taken In
th? wounds, l.asi night Mie was ieit
as ci-llv as could be i spect d tri-.i
one In h"i condition.
Brief News Notes.
tarewell reception vvut. tend-i -d
Uev. Kieamei, late pastor of the Dud
ley Streer D.iptlst cliuiih. last night at
the home of Air. AVIlllani ll'irvey. of
Cherry street.
The luneral of the Into Dennis Dr
rig took place this morning from his
lito home In Sport Hill, at 9 o'clock.
A requiem high mass was lelebiatet
nl St. Mary't, church by the Uev. M.
I). Donlan. Interment was made In
St. Mary's cemeterv The was
largely attended.
Mrs. fJeorge Crabb returned to her
home In Hawloy yesterday, after
spending tho past few days wlln
friends In town.
The children of IMwnrd Angwln. of
Church street, nro 111 with membran
eous croup.
Mrr. William Oilmen c, of Kim stiect,
is 111 at her home.
The children of Itev. W. V. Olbbons
mo III with the measles.
Mrs. D. J. Smith, of Choir si rent.
Is convalescing attor her toceu: ill
ness. Mrs. John Palmer und Wlll'am Mof
tat, of Cheny street, spent eitu
diiy vvlth Mrs. Whitman, at Mwle.
Miss Klla Bullotlc Is vl.utln,; fi lends
in Dalton.
Specialty. Diseases of Women.
Room 1, over Olobe store. Hours: 1 to
5.30 p. nr. Consultation f r -.
John Sheehnn.
lo' it MhoIhii, (unuiily ul UU ill, lull miui
I.Tt fpiini; a reIilint of Dunillp, illcil jrstn
ibj mornlnB at liU lionu- in Hut phi p. lie
In. I lu-cn ill lor some time
Willi elhor iiipnl'irx ut nl I'.niiiU l.f ii-i'lnl
tor K'lcrJl jcjm on Driluiil Mrcit. soulli
t-iniuton Vlinut a J for ago tuo of lit-. nUUti
iliid ami this wa lolloued bj tic romov.-.l
ot Hie unillj to llitir fuiiniT lionio Jl Dan
illc. Mr. shoehon lail hmiij irlni'N in thU
ilt.v, l'o will rcgrft t" learn ot lii ilcatli
Willis Nicholls.
Willin McholN. hbkI II ctut, ulio U4 ne
jiii ul on the l.JcUm.imu, died ,rHkr
di.v .it the Moses Ti)Ior hoffdtal. Tlie rcinaliw rciuovnl to the home ot dcu'awil'ii jitir.
It" tuulli bVicr.tli 'trct, vlcio the fiiiin il
Ktltfi will Uki ihri tomorrow nmjn, cone
ruiii'lni; at 12 oMutl,.
The rinuirm will ho l.iktn tu I'ulftoii for in
tciimnt Mts. Plseschic.
Mm. I'iiililc, aecJ oG vpaii, iiiolhei of
.Iikc)i 1'i.i'itliU, of Wh .lutliiun klrtd. OkJ
eitei iU .
"J lie iuiki.iI will 1c Ijtu.
Thu liinenl of the hue 1 j llonnctt, iUuk'i
trr of Mi. and o. lullm llcnmtl, ot Jl'i
(iuillehl aiiiW', will laku (lace frm the homo
ut i n'diKk UiU afUni'Mi liiierrient will lic In the Wa.lilniiii kiieil citnrtm.
'I ho funeial o( the III" 'Ihoiiu II Huh will
tdhu plies UiU r-fliiiioon nl .1..IU o'clock from
tic house, M) I'liiiNini Hlitrt. Irifennent vlll
he riiidu in I ho Uashliuni mnrt ceiueleiv
henlcra ovtr thn kiiuInj ot the late )ln
II, IIu'uIik will hu lu Id I lil iMiilmr ill S
o'lloek ut llm home, urd w Ut tw coi'diutnl lij
llev, P. I). Il.iiklns iilm of Ihe I'lr.t Uelt'li
baptUI ihiinh. The hid) will bn lilin to
MiiiinuMii at 1" o'lloilt li morrow inonilni;,
wluic lnt t tin nt will tu in id.1.
Tho Members G&vo a Orand Ball and
Banquet La3t Night in Athletic
Hall in Honor of the Seventeenth
Anniversary of the Club's Organi
zation A Delightful Night Spent
by All -Tho guests Who Were
Present Funeral of tho Late Will
iam naskins Other News Notes.
The seventeenth anniversary of the
orpanlratlorr of the Herimton Athletic
club, one of the leading societies of Its
kind In the city, wns fittingly cele
brated last night In Athletic hall, on
Alder stteet.
The spacious hall was beautifully
decorated with gaily coloied bunting
and the waxed floor presented a splen
did surface for the dancing, which be
gan at 10 o'clock nnd continued utmost
until the iluun had begun to streak
tho eastern sky. There wero neatly
onu hundred couples In attendance, and
the twenty-two dances on the pro
gramme were glwn under the direction
ol Adolph lleusner, master of cue
munles. Shortly after midnight a bamiuet
wn. served und Impromptu speeches
were made by n number- of the guests.
The committee In charge of tho affair
consisted of the following members:
Charles Hose, Tied Klott. Peter Uob
ling, Jr.. Henry Mcysrs, Henry I'lrklr
inn! Louta Hess
Those present were as follows. Mr
and Mrs. Adolph Ilcusner. 'Mr and
Mis. Charles Hose, Mr. and Mts. Pe
ter Hiibllng, ji., Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Hess, Mr. and Mrs. William llorbnch,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mursch, Mr. and
Airs. William Kkln. Mr. and .Airs. Louis
Hecker. Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Heler,
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Kooh, Jr., Mr.
and Mrs. William Holand, Mr. arrd
Mrs. Joseph Unites Mr. arrd Mia B. I
Mcore. Mr. and Mrs. August Snyder,
Mr. and .Airs. William nudenbach,
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hummon, Mr.
and Ah.s Peter Xeuls, Mis. Victor
Xoih, Mi. ami Mrs. Charles f.ever and
Mr. and Mrs. John ijcheuer.
The Misses Anna Hlrd, Plota Uer
sclrel, Hllzabctli Phillip. Anna llerit
hntiscr, Len.a !5eiKhiiiier. Maiy Mutisif,
Llz7lo, Jllnnle llarttmtr,
Christina Hasmor, Cecelia Heler. Lot
tie Kngel, Martha l.otz. Louls.i Martin,
Minnie Xeuls, Henrletla Art. Lena Art,
Hnima Wlrth, Ll7le Lever, Olena
Lindner, Urrrma Krrgcl. Maine Littler,
Dteda Halm, Kininn Lever, Minnie
Zung. Kittle Hos.ii, Anna t'hl, Julia
Chi. Maiy Dlppre. Anna Dlppre, Kntle
Kelzer, Lara Safi, OussiO' Oraebner,
Kmma, Oraebner. Minnie llurtman.
Antra Meier, Louisa Ileln, Maine
Jaiiieii, Kll7.abeth Moid, Carrie ".o.sar
and Maud Os-chwlndt
Messrs Churles Hosar, f-'rarrl. l"o,
Christ Hoe. Tied Klott, Henry t'lilch,
l-'recl AVelnlck Jacob 'Jmmei, John
debunk, Charles Herg. Clroiles Allller,
Joe Sloeuin, Jacob Kelzer. V. I. Dan
iels, W. A. Johns Peter Mocker, lieo.
Ito'nr. llenr.v Itohilg. John Smith,
John Klotet, William KeUci, Henry
Leasing, Jacob Hi bine. William Ko.
Philip L-ver. Fred ftoce. i: L Hnhr.
John Until Jo' Kngel. Charles Mlrls,
John W. Rohiig. rrc-d Xeuls. li;rrntz
Uohn. A. U Srhaefer nnd William
Funeial of William Hasltlns.
Th" funeral nl the lilt" William
Ila.cklns, ol Mlnoo'a. a fnruior lesldent
or' South Sc-.intnn. was held ester da
morning from St. Joseph's church, AII
nooka, a iciiuiein mast being solemn
ized by Hev leather Cairavan. I'luv
membets of tin St. Aloysltn societ of
this pert ot the i u and of St. Paul'c
Pioneer corps atenile.l In a bod.v. Tin-pall-beareis
wete. Frank Hrndv, Pat
tick Walsh. William Hums. Frank Mc
Claln, John Muiphy and John F.
Hoche. Tho flower-beaieis wete: John
Oannon, WlllUm Cool',, John Donovan,
Thomas MiOravv, .lohrr McOuIre und
David Jones, interment wn mrule In
St Joseph's i emeteii.
The eleventh annual 'ball, under the
auspices ot the Sunset Hnse Hall c lub
which was h'.ld In AVorklngmen's hall
last evening. vms well attended. There
was u large number of young people
pn sent, who enjojed a good time.
.Music for thenccasion wus I'urnlslud
by Prof. Johnson.
Tho baibei.4 of this pan of the city
will meet Simclov afternoon at J
o'clock at Durklu's barber shop, corner
of Front s-trvet and I'lttMon avenue,
to form a union. All barbers are ru
ciuestitil to be present.
Th dlsordelj house In Park Plain
run by Frank Jordan and Heese Ptlni
was raided, by Patrolmen Palmer,
TlKimus, Wutklua and Peir) Tuesday
nlgltt. At the time of the raid there
wete thiie Inmates In tho house be
Milts the proprietors They weie nil
arrested nnd taken to the Providence
polite, station wheio they weio given
ii hearing by Alderman Fldler The
females weie Elizabeth Daly, Mamie
Price and Maggie Johnson. They weio
each fined $.r and the men $10 each.
Xone of them had the money and villi
be spend the next thirty das In tho
county Jill.
The funeral of Mrs. MUhuel Melinite
took place yfstetday morning fnnn her
late homo on Cayuga street.
Owing to the Audltoiluin being en
gaced for Friday n I frills tho Indoor
base ball game will take place Mon
duj evening Instead of Friday Xext
Monday evening tho Combination und
Mulloy's will play. The Combination
Is a very strong team and it Is ex
pected that it will ho a very Interest
ing game.
Au entertainment nnd social was
held In thc parlors of thn Providence
Methodist Lplscopal chuich last Tues
day evening, under the direction of Mr.
DeWltt's class.
Hev. iQIkannnh Hulley, of the Key
stone academy, at Factory vlllo, will
pi each next Sunday morning and
evening In tho North Main Avenue
Baptist church. Iifct evening a regu
lar midweek sendee was hold. M. J.
Stone led the services.
After the meeting of the Father
AA'hltly eoclety this evening a smoker
w III be held vvlth a social session, l.v
ery member Is eatntly leciuested to be
Mr. and Mrs. James Hnggarty, of
Oak mrcot, gave a surpilso party
Tuesday In honor of their daughter,
Margaret. A very pleasant timo wns
spent among the young folks, and at a
seasonable hours refreshments wero
served. T1iom present weie; Char
lotto Kane, Ktelln Leonard, May
Barnes, Clara and Margaret Ilaggerty,
It Would Appear That Local Rem
edies Would Be Best for Curo of
It would seem ut first glance that
catarrh being a disease of tho mu
cous membrane: that snlves, sprays,
etc., being applied directly to tho
membranes ot the nose nnd throat,
would be tho most rational treatment
but this bus been proven not to be
The mucous membrane Is made nnd
repaired ftom tho blood and catarrh
Is a, blood cltacago and any remedy to
make n permanent crrre must net on
the blood, und when tho blood Is puri
fied ftom catairhal poison, the secre
tions from the mucous membrane will
become natural and healthy.
In this climate, thousands of people
seem scarcely ever free from some
form of catarrh; It gets better at times
but each winter becomes giadually
deeper seated nnd rift u- u tlmo the
sufferer resigns himself to It as a
necessaty evil
Catiurh cures are almost us numer
ous as cu(iirili suffereis, but are nearly
all so Inconvenient and Ineffective as
to render their use a nulsauo; neuiljr
us anno lug as c atari h Itself; anyone
who has used douches, sprays and
powders will boar witness to their In
convenience arrd fullure to really cuie.
Thete me a number of excellent In
ternal tcinedlts for catarrh, but prob
ably the best and cettalnly th safest
Is a new letnrdy, composed of I'uculy
ptol, Hydrastis, Sangulnarlii and other
Valuable cuturth specifics.
This remedy Is In tablet form, pleas
ant to the taste and sold by druggists
under the name of Slum I'm Catarvh
Tablet", and anyone sintering trom
ciitiuili may use theae tablets with
absolute assurance that they contain
no cocaine, opiate nor any polsonom
mineral whatever.
A leading diuggl't In Albtmy speak
ing ot catarrh euros says, "t hav
sold vatlous catarrh cures for years,
but have never sold any which gave
such gentral satisfaction as Stuait'n
Catatiii Tablets, They contain In a
pleasant, coricciilralod foim all th
best and latest entnrih remedies, and
catarrh sufferers who have iis.d
douches, sprays and salve", have been
antonlshod at the quit k relli f and per
manent results obtained after a week's
use of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets." All
druggists sell full sl7ed packages for
fifty cents.
Lofui", Jennie Duff. Nellie Mtilh n
and Maude Ileirlhan, Mesrrs. Anthony
llnsgetty, AVlllIo Saltty. Domlnlck, Fo
ley, John Nolan. Frank Mintaugh,
Thomas Duggarr, Bernard Moian, Pal
rlcl. Loftus. Martin Holler arr.
William Dale, of West .Alaiket htiett,
Is suifeilng with the grip.
Mlts Anna Haggerty, of AVest Mar
ket stteet. Is convalescent
John Lvnott. Stephen O'lloylo and
John Hefrion, students at St. Mary's
irillege at Haltliuoie. are spending a
few ilajs with their patents.
Miss Klcgler and Miss .Mice Klcglei
are visiting friends at Caibondale.
Thh evening the Kpwntth league of
the Piovldeiue Methodist Kplscop-il
chinch will have a short business ses
sion after which the following pio
gi amine will be given. Ihe subject for
the evening being "Modes of Travel:"
"Old Conveyance-." Miss Nellie P.on
Jamln: leading, "The One Host, Shay."
Mls Lulu Claik. "Introduction ot
Hnllwass, Hleittlc Hallways," Frank
Lewis; lecltatlon, "A Stieet C.ll K
per If nee," MNs .Margaret Le; music,
Mhs Cure; iccltatlorr, "The Solllociuy
of a Hoi si on Flist Seeing an r.lectilo
Car." MIh I'.uth lieujtmln. "Nav Iga-ll.ili-
The Old M thin! and the New."
Churles Cnistiiiitlne ciuuiteite, "Song
of the Sea;" "Aei lul Navigation," Mis.
AVeiheiln. Autninoblle.s." Fiauk Put
in y; niualc Henry 'I'ulnlng- "Ste-1
Houdways," AliP- Morllie I'ase. The
meeting Is open to all who lelre lo at
tend The Piovldenc.' Piesbj terlun ciiilich
will celebrate the sauumeni, "The
Lord's Supper ' nud "naillsm" in con
nection with the leceptlon of new
members at their sejvlec next Sab
bath moinlng. In the evening the con
gregation -vlll enjoy the usual quar
teily "aiiihem and hymn so vice." The
pastor. H"v pr. tiliiiu. win give a
In let' addict at inch or' the two ser
vices. Hurry Cou-ou. who bus been In the
city attending ihe funeral of his fat It
er, bus i etui ned to his business In P.o
chester, N. V
Splendid Caie of Visitois Will Be
Taken. In This Eespect.
Plenty of rest.iuiunts will be round
at the Pan-Aineilcan exposition at
Buffalo net siimrii"!. and they will
lie of various clasps, all giving good
service of their kind. The maiuge
ment has determined no cause
for complaint should exist and ther .s
every assuiance that visitors can ob
tain meals lo suit their t,tids ut h i
hoiuible pi lies upon the gi minds.
The two beautiful buildings width
foim the entrances to the Midway and
the Stadium and whlih iront upon op
posite sides of the Plaza will be used
lor restaurants. Pabst. of Milwaukee,
has tho concession for n resrauiant on
the Midway, which will be housed Irr
a building of fine architecture, and will
be out of tho very best establishments
of Its kind. Theie will be more lestuu
nints In tho electtlc tower arrd at va
rious other polntrt on the giounds
Light refieshnients will bo served in
the peigolas of the Ksplanade. At the
different lestnurauts the service will
be varied, so as to meet the demands
of all classes There will bo a la rnrto
borviee and meals at fixed prices
Thoio will be lunch coiinteis wiroro
clean but cheap tood can he obtained
and lestaurarrts where the service will
be equal to that of a first class hotel,
with prices ns leasonable as would be
found nt such hotel".
In the German village, called Old Nu
ri'inburg, u specialty will bo made of
serving dishes In the Ueimau style,
and In tho Mexican nnd Italian res
taurants merits can be obtnlned served
according to customs of these respect
ive nations. There will be a New I' tig
land kitchen nnd probably a Maryland
kitchen, wheio sea food from the east
ern shoie of that state will be a spe
cialty. The Pun-American visitor will not bo
perplexed about vvheie to get good
A New World Affair.
TIip Paii-Aiiierlciui exposition at Bur!
fftlo In 1001 will bo strictly a New
Wen Id affair from Htm t to HiiIhIi. It In
oiKunlzeil uxincBsly unci Kolely for tlio
Kent'ial advancement of tho frreat and
mutual Industrial and comnii'rclal In
tnrestH of everybody on tills side of
tho Atlantic and to roaf,"ito ihmcc,
juospeitty and niendnlilp, alt of which,
and much more, It Ik bound to accomplish.
Tlic Gonoresslonal Gominlttee De
ckles to Hear More Testl
jiionu on the Subject.
Evidence of the Drill Master Who
Had Cadet Booz as a "Special Man"
in 1807 Did Not Believe in Haz
ing, nnd Did Not Know of Any
Severe Cases Sheldon Had Been
Hazed and Submitted Because Ho
Was One Against Four Hundred.
By r.xcliuhf W'lie from 'Hie noiljtfil I'renf.
Washington, .Inn. 23. Tho icingies
slorml committee which Is Investls'.U
Ing the hnzlng of Oidet Hooz resumed
the taking of testimony today for the
pin pose of dealing up some leiuiilnlng
points, Former Cadet How land F.
Sheldon was examined nt considerable
Ilo entered AVist Point In June, 1S9".,
and remained three arrd one half years.
In the summer of 1M7 be was drlll
tnaster, und their met Hooz, who was
a now cadet. Hooz was afterward til
loied to him as "spesial duty man."
according to a custom. When asked
whether the academy rules did not for
bid this serviic, the witness said he
bad never required any menial service)
of Hooz or anything to demean him.
Sheldon Mild he did not believe In such
servictH and did not icqulre It. At
most, Hooz had been rccjulred to set
out tefreshnient.s at n Knt sniead.
Hooz did not look strong or well. Ho
lacked vitality, anil seldom looked one
In the eye.
"Were lower class men allowed to
look upier class men In the ce?"
"It was a custom," said the witness,
"for upper class men not to permit
lower class men to look them In the
face, but I considered this absurd and
never cbseived It."
He recalled nothing of thp hazing of
Hooz. of his light or bis taking totrusco
sauce. The witness did not retain linoi
ns "special service man" very long.
He hod "eNfrctsed" fourth class men,
but did not remember "exercising"
Boot. The only thing he recalled In
connection with nooz's name was that
witness had heard him told to "blow
the foam off himself." Hoo had
obeyed theh ordei". simulating tho
blowing of foam off hi? shoulders.
Win n asked as to various hazlngs,
Sheldon said he knew little or noth
ing of theie cases, as he did not ap
prove of hazing and therefore saw lit
tle nf It. Hooz was unpopular, be
said, because he was shiftless and tho
expression of his face was surly. His
character was all right, the witness
Has Heaid of Severe Cases.
M 's-rs. AVanger, Drlggs. Clayton
and others on the committee cross ex
amined the wltnos at length. Al
though he had seen no severe case of
basing, he had heard of some cases;
those of Cadets llawley and Dean
probablv being tho most r-eveie he had
heard of Chairman Dick, the wit
ness said the service of a "special
dutv man" Included making beds,
sweeping out preparing the tent for
lnspenloii. preparing refreshments,
cleaning buttons, etc. It did not In
clude blacking noojs, which the wit
ness cousldend menial. The piacllco
had bien much limited of late yeais.
"Wus Hooz r-Mliing in natuieV"
asked Mr. Dlik.
"Cerlalrrly, very tetlrlng: he was a
lower ilnssman," answered the wit-
Mi. Dick a Wo In ought out that the
aikt natives presented to an offending
lower classman were to submit to haz
ing, light or be cut by the corps. The
witness paid he did not know Boo
had be-n cut for lulling to finish a
The witness related one incident ol
the seiving ot tobnsco sauce, mvvial
dmps being put n bread.
When closely questioned he said Ca
det Sealer was considered as being a
sivere hazer.
Sheldon said he had been hazed for
looking at an upper classman, ulso
for being slow He thought It did him
good to be havrd for being slow, as It
made him quick. He submitted be
e ause he was oil" against four hun
dred and because It was a rule of the
at my that the Inferior was subotdin
ated to the superior. Chairman Dick
arrd the witness argued at sunre length
ns to what constituted "Infeiloilty
This closed Sheldon's testimony and
tho hearing went over until tomoirow.
Showing' One of the Little Known
South Ameilcau Pioductions.
One of tho smaller Items of Intel est
at the Parr-Anieilcnir will be Cassa
leep. . food accessory of moio than
ordlnnry lellsh. It has thus far ic
iiialncd a South Ameilcan delicacy un
known nnd itnhonnrcd In the gieatest
Ameilinn republic. It Is a by-product
made from the poisonous julco
of tho bitter cassava which Is ex
tracli'd during the process of making
fiitlnba ele nrandloca, tapioca, eassnvn,
stui ill, arrowroot, etc, The root Is
reduced to a pulp and tho Juice ex
tracted under pressure. Tho llbre Is
eh led Irr nn overr nnd loims a flour,
which Is i r.lled luilnha or fnrlnn. Tho
liquid contains staich which Is somc
t'mes oxti acted In tho form of tapioca.
Tiit.i Is done by passing tho liquid
through a basket-work filter made of
bail; llhio. After being properly set
tled, tho liquid Is decanted or rackel
off arrd the thicker portion dried on
hot philes. This process causes tho
starch to assuino tho fumlllar flaky
foim known as tapioca. Tapioca In
the globular form Is made by dropping
the thick liquid through small holes,
the dropM being louiuled in falling by
coming In contact vvlth the atmos
phere. Casareep Is their made fiuui the thin
liquid by evaporation to a syiupy
paste when malagentea (green pep-
pcrsl am ridded, llvaporotlni; Is donr
In two ways, In tin not sun anil in an
oven. When prepaied In an oven, tho
piodui't Is dull; In color and some
what lesenrbllni? Woici'Stershlto sauci,
and Is called, In sorrro places, tiicupy
plxrtna, As tho polyon contained In
tho juice Is fieo hydrocynnto acid,
vlilcli Is eNtremely volatllo and eiule'j
ly passes off whn lienled, It Is In
lalllty1 only poleonouB In tho law cold
Caesavii grown lendlly In Iroplenl
land siib-tioplcal countries with llttlo
nranehltlt. Chill. Cm,.
nnmchlU. Cbtll. Cagti,
Cold, DjrppU el wh
ever form, qultkly cured b
Uklnir OUI'PY'S HAL1
WHISKBY. A UbletpomM
m inKiaMniwmicTuiiecirmim
nhlClrflV dx. All dniciciitJiml grocer!
Dewere erf ImlUtloo.
"-kel & Uiiff under, Leiieetand Manager
A. J. Duffy, Hutlneta MaiUfcr.
Friday Night, January 25, 1801.
Ilie Laiutluble Oddity Tho Newly Olecevn!
Vein ot Stage Fun.
Captain Juks of the Ho si Marinas
flv u Picked and Capable
I the! Ilirrjmore, II. Ileeuit Smith, Kdwln.
strlcl.-, Mrs, Tlioinaa Wiflcn. Ororgp VV, Har
vard. Lillian ThliiRatc, II. H, Tabor, Hintou'
r-mllh, lJlollc Mortlmrr, Tannic AiMlion nil,
Charlra Marriott, Hurry K. Aimui, Sf&My
Cowell, John It, Sumner, Marnarrt Punne, Oant.
tier Jenkins, i:oljn Jron, John HuRhca, Kate
Tfn Kjck, lti Wood. Lorenro Hale, Anita
ltnlhr, Anna Morrhon, M. .1, OalliRlifr, tw
trite Accncn, Harry ll.irton, Alice- Ilrjan, etc.
riui'hs ic, ow., in' , si, and ?r..pO.
SVTimilAY, Matinee and Mithl. JANUARY 2.
Millnco I'crfoniiatiee nt 2.16.
Ilvculnit Performance at tor)
l'odtliely last appearance ot
In Mi great pruductioii of
The County Fair
llcllrr Tlnn Ever lJefore.
Special llarRaln Piy Matinee, 'Jj ami CO cenM.
Kvcnins prices, S5e., KOc, 73c. und $1,00.
Scata on iuli Tliurjiljy at 9 a. m.
One Performance Only,
Monday, January 28, 1901.
Augustus Thomas' new play
A cast of unusual strength and
Evening performance at 8.15.
r-mcrs-asc., ftv., Me., $1.00 and $i-ra.
tlanagtri and Lessee?. Local Manner.
The fiillman Company
'Ihuradaj- Nialit "What Happened to BomO
1'rnla.v Mcht "A Hidden Paat."
Saturday Muht "Special Deliver'."
Matinee Prices 10 and 10 fenbv
Kunins I'ncw 10, 20, 30 ewnt.
New Gaiety Theatre
II, It. LON'O, Lcswe and Uaaagec,
Balance of Week.
I". W. Dlnkins prewinU the best yet.
',0-PI.OPIK IN Tlir, CA!T-S9
l'rlcm Kvcnlnif, IBe., I3c 83c., We.
.Matinee, 15c, 23c.
The Wanders and Beauties
Earth's Largest Segment of Fairydom
Supe-iti raliforniJ, are penetrated onljr by tho
rellv aiiinptuoiu trains ot tho
Tifiln of Trnlus, belongB to this uya
tem. 1'ieileis In equipment, crvte.e roid eutalnr.
It rhrm roulia offer eontlnuoua delight to tha
tonrUt. . , ,
1 or full information, free Illustrated pamphleb,
mai. and time table., alio lowest rates, sleeping
cjr tlikftH and hiBSJKf ohecVnd apply to 80UTH.
1 KS I'ACiriO PO , I09 h. 3d ht., rhlla., I'a.
' .1
A Skin of tloauty Is a Joy Forever.
Dll t. kki.ix niit'RADH'B ertlRNTaia
rtemoTvi Tem, rrmpraa, fTaolf laa.
Uolli hwni, lu.i. uit ekli
illMUe. vna trrtrj blenlah oa
ufKuij, asa aanea
,creteilon. It kaea
'toed u tail e(M
Jm, and U a
larmleiana taata li
an ba vara It U proa
erljr mad. Aecep
bo aoaaierfalt oal
aloalleu-aaiaa. Dr.L
a. KkTra aald ta a.
lady of the baat-ted
(a callcctli "Ai 7m
ladlas II I Ufa theao.
1 reoommand 'Uoutw
aud a Cream aa taaj
lnat.1 harmful of all
th fkl. prcnara-.
tinai Tor aala km
all Onun.'lrta Mat
raneyflooaa Daalare In the B. B, Canadaa, ana Eurcpa.
rSBB. T. BOrKlKa. trop'r. tl Oroat Jaata It. M.J.
and Llvor
25 CTS.
Sold by all druprUio
or nciic uy ujbii,
Nenlti MCklcdCo., Cklc0
Sold by VIcOarrali A, Thomu, I)nigBltJ, 2ffl
Liikawanru aunue, hcranton, l'a.
or no cultivation. There nro a trreat
many varieties which have not heen
flnHKlflPil, tliough tho two principle
onos arc well Isnoivn.
Sweet cassva la n f,mall bulboua root,
friHlfoi in. nbout the size of a potato.
This Is used by the natives In B0tn
FortloirH as yams nro need.
Hitter (ui8.ivn Is much larger, som
roots woIkIiIid; 100 pounds, and Is used
extensively In the manufacture of tho
dlifcrent foirns of starches, such as
i tapioia arm tnu common launiry
! starch. Uruzll exports about J5,000,000
wiirtlr uf these products annually.
With proper cultivation, selection ot
vailetles, hybridizing and with Im
provements In machinery for hundltiii;
and inanlinrlntlrm- tho different pio
ducts, this industry should develop
Into a very Important business,
Kxpeilments aro now being mnde.
with n low of growing tho cabsava.
root (oiirmeiclally In riorlda and soma
other portion.! of the United States.
5 sffZ?
..SI a 50
Cd'iioleisfcr ?el
lyCYlft 2vyci i
UH leJulSu aatil
Hi HIM ieRl?,il
KUJJlfllruiUt.tH ')
t -vewu.' Jaja1 .
lu. i ' - t