THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1901'. -.. 5 ITU liOUElt.S' IIAiiOtt'AHE STORE. India Oil Stones Will cut metixls on which files will slip thoy are even and clear grained. India Oil Stones are a com position stone line enough to make a smooth edge on the finest tool and coaiso enough for tools for ordi nary work where fast cut ting Is loqulred. W re place overy stone that proves defective. Foote & Shear Co. 119 N. "Washinjrton Ave KJOOOOOOOOOOGJ L. R. D. & M. AT ALL SEASONS Sliori are one of the most Important Item .( ilrfs it any timt ol the jcar, and especially no now that we are rcrtaln to have ihanecible ncnther. For stjle, price and, quality fee ours. Wc know we ean please jou. LEWIS, RUDDY, DAVIES & HURPHY .130 Lackawanna Avenue. HHf..!CaNT0.C Vp A.BWARMAN. WEATHER YESTERDAY. data for January 1, 1MI: I lifrJ.t-t temperature- -I- di'ince lowet teiTperaturi 1(1 ili-grrcs I li'ii Iu.ij : - a. in , ft per rent, f in $) piricnl. PERSONAL. Mr uik! Mi. (' . Minn, ..1 vvilki vlluie, r- !crinton viltoi jestcrday. Ml. .I.inif Jlonli-, of V.lhhiloli annuo. i J.n,f(irul,v 111 o( all-els'! of the liriln. lo'.ti 1 lllkti, J. Ainory llj-k-ll ami llii'llei .lieliw, ol New iorfc, .tic at the Jerm.ui. ( II. e'laik, ol Do K.ilb, 111 , foimcrlv .1 mm Jm1 of tlif - lily, is visiting Iris rots line. Lvlieulf Cluile lioblmnu and family w-nt i Vcw Vork .icttcrilay iifkinoon on a plci-uie ri. Mi mid Mi, r. SI. Mmtei irtmnul M idaj ii line; atlci pcinliiiir nuul tl-iji in -Niw 'ik my. U-ale- MiiUiiijii, of (Ills. (Ill, lift ji r.lly lor Ilutfalo to Join the- t'ullune, Ii ie and W'Mton inlietul eonipjn.i as bus soloist. Mr-. John Wlllard, of Mooiic, was called to -crouton Tuesday on nccotint of the .erlous ill noes ol hei daughter, Jlr. jlonle. Mr. Itoscoe Dili-, of 'l'U'cou, Alliulia, who lin boon i(.itln(T filmde in this tlty, Ins bicn iramonnl home by a telegram amiouiicliiR flu. erintu HlneH of hoi bu-band, formerly of tliU city. Kci. .1. D., 1.111c suprrliitrinUiit o tne I'rnnajhunU t niimilUt churih, uliriiciein i will of mcctlniti at the I'lilvi rUIt church r'l-riay cienlnar, rontinulnt; Mill eienlnir. He nill pnaeh at both ben lit Sunday. Thomij Illslln, a number of the L'nlUd fatitea tuvalry, left .vr.tcidj to Join his troop at I'oit Mcjer, Va., after spending a fuiloinrli In this illy. A farewell party was tcndeiril him nn 'luiMliy niirht ut the homo of his brolher Nil II im, of Vine street. .lolin M. lljirlt It home from I'hlli ddpbia, where be v,m utlcnillug the sciou of thi" frcclal commit tie of the I'inn)lvanh Stale liar aimclation, which it prcparlns a im-uiuriil t) the- Supiinio couit on the mattir of unifoimlly of eliminations for admltslon to the t.u. Tlie t Clieiter llepublican ol Jan. 21 rIms a ury pleasing tiollce of the recitation of "l'hc Deoccn'i New Year's" by MIm Mildred llonr, iIiiirMci ol Alderman John T. Howe. The reel latloii a delivered before the A) ran otlcty of th' Nc&t C'hetter Korinal tchool, and the He puUlian states that (.he was entlui.laslltally en iwicd. MIm Howe it attending the West Chettrr Xor.-nal school, fitting herself to take up teaildtiif. Cioige V. Millar, a merchant of Siranton, at at the Henry lat night. Speaklnp; of the tcntl inert of bcranton toward the new charter pin posed for second ilat cltlej, ho said that It met w.tli the general approval of the cltiient ol hit town, except that many wished that the ureal heidt of departments, those nl public tafety, pi bile works, charity," etc, should be elected by the people, Instead ol appointed by the niajtr in co-operation with select council, as the pmpotcd charter proUdes. Monday rcntnj, lie ajf, the people of Krranton entertained Uoei. Mir Stone, Senator remote and others prominent In stale politics. Colonel Quay wat prevented from helm? present at he had wished, The new cUrlci was dlscuwd and there was u general felling that modifications such as Kiranton wii-hit will l introduced into the charter bill lufori Its piwia-c Mr. Miller said the comtltu cnli ol lteprismtiitho ltejnolds, ol the state lisWalure, wh.i olcd for Mr. Quay, finally, alter starting with the Insurgents, were the caure ol the npiikcntathc's t hanging, lie wld that the people ol Scranlon intlstcd uiwn Mr. Itejnoldi lining up wltli tho stalwart, and that his action has imt with ciy general approval llncc. Pittsburg Commercial Ciasitte. vValdron's Horse Sale Today at Gor man's Stables. At 1 p. m. Waldron will sell two car toads of horses at the old Cuslclc HUbles. Anions the lot nto Boveral matched pahs and a number of single workers and business hoisos, also a lino lot of loaders and trotters; In fact, there are some of all sizes and color. They outclass In stylo and shape anv nievlous shipments ho has broucht hero. All those In need of a horso of any description should attend today's sale, for every horse must bo to the hluhcst bidder. A trial allowed on every horse. Wi Terklns at Men School tonight, caiws- MARIE ANTOINETTE FETE. Preparations for It Are Being Rap s' Idly Completed. Preparations for tho MarleAntolnclta Feto and Tho Pled Piper of Hamelln aro being rnpldly completed. Tho dates for these great entertainments will be February 6, 7, 8 and 0. Tho children will appear In afternoon matinees on these dates, while the young people caBt for tho Fete will give the even ing presentation. Sloro than 300 danc ers will participate In the affair, and the magnlllcent staRe? effect may be faintly Imagined. The costuming Jh to be supeiib, and the Intricate and beau tiful dances will make It nn event to mark the new century. Ah has been announced, thu unter talnmentM ate for the benefit of the Home for the Friendless. It Is neces sary to glvo one large entertainment each year In order to defray running expenses, and It Is hoped that the ono about to be produced will be the most remunerative ever held under these auspices. An elaborate souvenir programme 1s In process of preparation, in which ncnilv every great business house of the city Is represented. There will be several special features which will ap peal to tho public. Tho Fete. Is different from thu Klr meps idea, In that there Is much ping ing and a plot whose tin cud has a fas cinating Interest. Every section of tho city Is represented, and Miss Dager finds the material exceptionally good. Thu figures used In the various dance3 are elaborate and difficult, and the music Is especially attractive. Mrs. Chillies Carr Is the efllclent accom panist, assisted by Mis Meldrum and Miss Palmer. OFFICE FILLED BY DALY IS ABOLISHED Department of Transportation Will Hereafter Be Conducted Under Supervision of General su perintendent Clnike. With the le.slgnatlon of J. M. as superintendent of transportation on tho Lackawanna, railroad, conies the "lllclnl announcement that on nud after Felnuury 1, tho ofllce will be abolished and the duties will be as sumed by General Superintendent T. E. Clarke. This decision was reached yesterday, when the following elicu lai was Issued for distribution the employes of ihe toad I lI'llMIt o , Januai JJ, 1MH Ml I. M Dil.i haling lenigned a uperlntend ent of ti.insportatloti, elfectlie I'eb. 1 piox., tlm office Is hereb.i aliollhed ami the dutiet as miuelbi the iimltttigned. 1. K. Claike. Crneral sujx rlntindrui. This decision by Superintendent Clarke does not mean that the depart ment will be abolished, but simply the position of superintendent of ttnnspor tatlon, as It ically comes under the direct supervision of the general super intendent anyway. It Is quite generally known in i. ill road circles that when V.. G. P.ussell tetlied from tho general superintend ency of the Lackaivunua rallioad that J. M. Duly was looked upon as his probable successor, and when the posi tion went to another he had no desire to continue with the road. Supeilntendent Claiko recognized iu Daly a man who was better able to explain the Inttlcacles of the taicka wanua management to him than any body else In the company's service, and prevailed upon him to lenuiln with the load until such time .'is he (Clarke) could familial Ir.e himself with the du ties of his position, ns at that time ho was both a stiangei to Pcianton and to the Lackawanna tallroad. Regarding the work in the tians poi tatlon department the present cler ical fen eo will be retained under Ku peiintendent Claike, and no changes will be made unless brought about by some unforseen clrcumstanrn. MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE. Infoimatlon Wanted Regarding Ben George, Syracuse Newspaperman. JJen George, the Syracuse newspaper man, who walked Into police head quarters Sunday afternoon and re quested to be locked up, was dis charged by tho mayor yesterday. George went away with his uunl, who Is supposed to live romewher. In Providence or Green nidge, and noth ing hus been heard or seen of him since. Yesterday his wife came down from Syracuse to hunt him up, bin could find no trace of either GorKo or his aunt. A ticket to Syracuse awaits Gemge at police headquarters. KNIGHTS OF MALTA. Past Commandeiy Degrees to Be Conferred on Feb. 1C. The Knights of Malta of this county aie making airaugemcitts for a tpeclul session of the Grand commandery of the stati of Pennsylvania on Febru ary 1C next. Tho meeting will be held In tho Knights of Malta temple In the Guern sey building, when past commandery degrees will be conferred. Thete are about fotty candidates for these de giees. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. (Under this heading short letters ol Interest will be published when accompanied, f.. publlia. tlon, by the writer's nsnie. The Tribune Joes not assume responsibility for opinions here expressed. An Era of Combinations. l.ditor of Tho Tilbunc Sin The cursory Ucw given in jour Tuesdays edltoilal of Governor Stone's proposed bill to deal with strikes and aibltratlon suggests that tho governor, in Ids iual to be a wUe legislator, hit overlooked an Important matter, namely, tho irtcnslty ol the present trend ol thought toward tho formation of truits or combinations, With this in full view I present a few suppositions, II Governor Stone'u bill In Its present shape lie come, a law, what a wise, or unwise, measure that will be I II all tho labor combination In this state becomo ono combination something not unlikely what a great combination that will bet If all the combinations ol capital and all the combinations of employers become one combina tion another circumstance not unlikely what a gieat combination that will bcl It all tho military combinations of the state aro mobilized Into oni combination and the day may come when they must bo what a great mili tary combination that will bcl II the great combination of workers shall have a disagreement with tho great combination of cirplojers, what a great disagreement that will be I Tien, if, to end the great disagreement, the gieat combination ol military (Hjwer Is brought Into the field as the governor proposes what a gieat battlefield that will be! And what a clash that will bel And when the remnants ol the gieat employers' combination, and of the great labor combination, and of the great military com bination, shall bate been gathcritfl up, where will Ihe governor bef Thomsi Hound, Jfimjn, Jan. "3. NOT LIKELY TOACCEDE COMPANY WILL OPPOSE TROL LEYMEN'S DEMANDS. Report That Can Bo Accepted as Au thoritative Has It That the Man agement Will Not Acquiesce in the Clnuso Which the Men Want In serted in the Agreement Giving Them Power to Say Who Shall and Who Shall Not Bo Hired by the Company. From what little has leaked out fioni the hcadquutters of tho Bcrnnton Railway company, It can bo said with piactlcal authoritattvencss that the employes' conference eommlttee will hae 111 success In Its efforts to con vince tho management that It should enter Into an agreement to hire no motormen, conductors or barn hands who ate not members of tho local union of the Amalgamated Association of Street Car Employes of America. It can bo relied upon that the coin pany will stand out llrmly against the demand that It dlschaige Keller and Sceley, the,V.wo men who. out of all tho three bundled employes, te malnod faithful dining the strike. Those who know President Cluiku s.i'y ho Is a stickler for fidelity and that It would be a gieat nut prise to them If he permitted himself, nt any c-ewt, to go back on one who had befriended him. It Is sife to miv that even with Keller and Seeley out of the question the company would be loath to slr;n thu ugt cement. The management will urguo that the chaise In question Is a preposterous proposition In that thi men are seeking to negotlato a con tract which on their part Is Impossible of fulfillment. It will be contended that the clause Is nothing more or le than a demand that the employes shall furnish the company with what ever men It may demand, and as tlf'r union Is In no position to give us surance thnt It can do this. It the company should acepilesee In It, tho company would by subcilblng to th agreement enter Into a conti.ict where they would be giving something with out assurance nt leeelvlng anything In letutn. cax't iu:c;i;i.atl: admission. If thete were soin means whereby the company could regulate tho admit tance of men to the union, the thing would be more reasonable, It will be argued, but as the company Is with out power to compel a man to Join the union, or to secuie admittance lor a man to the union, If he should be i 111 Ing to Join, the company by signing the agreement would leave Itself liable to the condition or llndlug Itself with out employes. Roth In theory and practice, the proposition Is an utweasonable one, the company, it Is safe to say. will aver, and unless all signs are awty, Trlday morning's meeting of the union will 11 n cl Itself called upon to consider Gen eral Manager Sllllman's lefusal to sub set lbe to this clause everything else In the iiaioemeut, It Is thought, will be readily nequlei-ced In. How far the omplojes will g.i In insisting upon all their demands Is, of com so, conjectural. The conference between the em ployes' committee and the manage ment of the company w 111 take place today. Piesldent C. M. Claike, who Is spending the week In the Ul, will at tend, and It Is thought likely that Dheeior Timothy Murke will alo be present. The committee of the men Is composed of P. -I. Shea. Fie-d Suilne, George Ktigler, M .1. linirett and Wal ter Evans. President Claike ,u lived eietly ves-te-ulay morning from Philadelphia and spent the day In conference with Gen eral Manager Sllllman and Director Uurke at the latter's office) or the com pany's hendquatlci's nn Lackawanna avenue. President filarke was seen by a Tilb uno reporter ut the Jermyii last even ing, but ho declined to discuss the com pany's probable action on the men's new demand, further than to say that the company wns perfectly willing to grant the fullest recognition to the union, but could not be expected to turn over to the men any essential share In the direction of the company's nmnageilal affairs. ABOUT UNION MUN. When asked paiticularly legunllng the demand of the men that nono hut union men shall be employed by tho company, President Clntke said he had not as yet had a full discussion of the matter with Mr. Hlllliunn. nnrl evert J though he had, he would feel It cumbent upon himself, out or courtesy to the employes' committee, to ie. fraln from announcing the company's conclusion until It was first announced to the committee. "At all events" Mr. Chuke added, "wo will not come to a final conclu sion until we have heard what argu ments our men have to make In sup poit of their demand." Discussing the company's affahs in general, President Claike expressed himself as gieatly legrottlng tho mo tlvo that was so generally Impugned to the company's nctlon In tho matter of the abolition of transfers and passes. "It was a puioly business proposition wholly fiee from any pique and thos' Fruit 25 California Oranges for 25c Large Navel Oranges ,- per dozen ZDC $3.00 per box. Florida Oranges, pei . box 4.00 Fancy Indian River Grape Fruit IOC E. G. Course., 480 LACKAWANNA AVENUE who saw anything sarcastic In the company' notice went out of their way to read It Into the lines, for 11 certainly wns'not wiltten there. Tho letter was drafted by Mr. Sllllman and myself Jointly nnd wns the con sequence of a careful consideration of means whereby wo could Increase oi-r returns. It wns thnt -and nothing more," President Clnkc declined to ox pi ess himself for publication on tho matter of the threatened "competition from the Central Rapid Transit com pany, but from an equally authorlti live source It wns learned that tlv. old company Is not aim mod to any great degree on this score. Ono of its officials Is quoted as saying that tho new company, If It ever does got Info operation, will starve to death,, for th leason that If It got oven tho bulk of traffic to and from tho territory It proposes to serve, It woYild not be nbb to pay the Inteiest on Its bonds and running expenses. "The new company might coniptl tu to sell out to It, though," tho nfoiesald official Is said to have rematlfd In a bland nuy. THE WEEKLY TRIPS COMPANY FORMED Its Fuipose 13 to Take Charge of Visitois Who Want to Visit the Pan-American Exposition. The Weekly Tilps company is the title of a. company Just organized In New York state, -which proposes to do 11 novel kind of a business In connec tion with the Pan-Amct lean exposition at Buffalo this summer. The Incorporators nie Captain Mar cus M. Drake, president of the Niagara, bank; Fred 1. Fov, division passenger agent of the Lackawanna; II. A. Gross, general eastern agent, Chicago and Northwestern; W. H. Wcnfer, assist ant city ticket agent of the Lacka wanna; F. A. Gross, city ticket ami passenger agent of the Lackawanna; William Kelly, Jr., until recently djs-songt-r agent of the Great Gorge route. The odlceis are M. M. Drake, presi dent; Fred P. Foc. vlce-piesldcnt; Frank A (lioss, tieasurci, W. 1'. Wc.ifer. ecretary. Weekly Tilps company Is piepated to care for 1,000 visitois dally, ptovld lug them with railroad transportation, care of baggage, hotel or private houss accommodations, admission to exposi tion giounds nnd all pilndpal features of the Midway, and side exclusion trips to all points of Inteicst within a indliis of 100 miles of I3uffnlo. Coupon books uie to-be Issued, which e over every desirable feature, even In cluding checks for midway lunch, either ut the exposition grounds or at Nlagaia Falls, Cleveland or any other point where the noon hour may llnd the tomlsts. Tho .scheme Is the broad est ever devised In connection with any International exhibition. From the time the Pnn-Amerlcnn visitor leaves home until he returns, he & under the constant caie of repiesentatlves of the company, and If instructions are fol lowed, there is no possible chance eif his being lleeced, m of mlslns uny feature of the gieat show, ivoith see ing. The ttlp coupons 1 over an Itlu eiury of seven day. Jly ajutngement of. the coupon book any prison may chooe his own pro giamme of pleasure, as any eoupon can be useil at will of the holder. Everything Is arninged to suit the con venience and Inclination of the. tour ist. All bagRiige will 'be protected from Ios by fire by the company. In older to secure advantaKCS pre sented by the company's plan, uiiMnge moms must be made one week In ad vance. All coupons pot used are made redeemable, at tut Iff discount of ten per cent. Managements of till lall rthtilH enteilng Ituffalu aie mid to a p. piovc of the plan.whlch ensures safety, comfort and economy to thulr patrons, and letters of congratulation to the ptflmotet of the scheme aie being ic celvcd in laige numbers. W. J. O'lJrien. formeily piopilc-tor of the Hotel .Tcrmyn baiber shop, has been appointed general agent In Lack awanna county for the new company, and proposes to open an office In tills city In a few days. NEXT SEASON AT LAKE LODORE. Booking of Excuislons for 1001 at That Popular Resoit Has Aheady Commenced. The Delawato and llmUon company has Jut Issued an atctactlve llttlo brochure iclatlve to the excursion sea son of 1001 nt Lake Lodoio, containing seveial beautiful half-tone, engravings the handsome new depot 'in the sum mer shade of overhanging boughs; tho great white dunce pavilion In tho midst of tho far-sti etching move, and various aspects of the boat-dotted, magnificent lake itself with Its ttve-and-a-half miles of varied and chaimlng scenery. All fall and winter a strong foico of men have been nt work on the excursion grounds with such effect that there is a geneial de alt 0 on the part of the people to see this icsort In all Its, new beauty. Applications for elates ate already coming In, and booking has com menced by Mr. II. W. Cioss, district passenger agent of tho Dcluwaie and Hudson Railroad at Sernntou, Cltcu liis descriptive of Lako Lodoro arjd the Improvements on the grounds are In the hands of till Delaware and Hud son ticket agents, who will bo please 1 to supply them to the public upon ippllcatlon. Giand Army Men. The members of Gtlffin post, No Uii, G. A. It., ato requested to meet nt tho undertaking establishment of D. D. Jones & Son, on North Washington nienun tomoirovv morning, at 8.30 o'clock, In full uniform, to act as es cort to their deceased comrade, Geotge L. Pieston, whose lemalns will be taken to Klmlra via tho 9 o'clock Lackawanna train. The Boat Cold Ctue Is ono you enn take without intcrtup tlon to business. One that does not effect tho head or hearing like thu con tinued use of quinine. Ono that cutes speedily and leaves you feeling fresh and clear-headed. Such a ono Is Kraube's Cold Cure. Pilco Jac. Sold by Matthews Hros. 1 m 1 1 Nettleton's Removal Sale, Washing ton Avenue. Shoes and 1 libbers ut all pi Ices, to close out befoio lemoval, 1 -i Steam Heating and Plumbing. P. F. & M. T. Howley.231 Wyoming ave. Ell Pei kins at High School tonight. MARRIED, lir.W 1TT-WIU.1AJK At fcranton, l'a Jan. 2.', IfOJ, by Jlev. W. J. IVrd, Herbert Hewitt and Jli3i Mjttlu Williams, both of Strnuton, MAYOR DOESN'T LIKE CHARTER SAYS IT TAKES TOO MUCH POW ER FROM COUNCILS. BellevesThat It Would Bo Unconsti tutional to Legislate Existing Magistrates Out of Office If New Charter Becomes a Law tho Pres ent Controller, Treasuier and Board of Assessors Will Serve nn Extra Year Wards Which Will Bo Done Away With. Mayor .1 nines Molr, who would be legislated out of ofllco 11 year be fore the expiration of his teim In case the new second do city chatter In troduced In the pcnuti em Monday night should become n law, said es. terdny that he believed that that por tion of the bill which gave the gover nor the appointing powr was uncon stitutional. "I ilon't think It's possible," said he, "under the Constitution, for the legis lature to create u vacancy In the of fices of any city before such a vacancy occurs. The Idea Is contrary to tho fundamentals of municipal goiern ni'iit, and I den't believe that that Foctlon of the bill will ever become a law. "I have not given the clmitcr en ough careful tud as et to be able to express a coinpieheiilve opinion re garding It, but from the cursory ex amination which 1 have made of It, I believe that It gives the mayor too much of a free hand and sttlps the councils of cnthely too much of lh power which should be rightfully vested In them as the dlinct repre sentatives of the people. C.OKS TOO FAH ' inn In favor of ccntmllzlni; fa. mote authority and Ksponslblllty In the minor than Is ptovldld for In the existing second class city chniter, but I am Inclined to believe that this now bill goes to cMiemes In that direc tion and makes him .1 ort of llttl monarch. 1 think that theio's noln-v to be n lmrd and a desperate .light made over Its passage, ririd that If It ei-i doe-e get thioiigh It will not be until It Is pretty thoroughly amended.'' While th" new charter contemplatoa the IcgMnllm, out of office of the mayor of this city It will mean the retention In office foi un ctia veur ol the piesent city controller, city'Uiei and boaid of a-se?sois. Th-i chniter piovldes that within thltty days alter Its approval by the gover uoi, he Hhall appoint a mayor, who shnll servo until April, 3903, when his "iieeesior is to be elected bv the peo ple. In oidei to pei mil this inuyoi to enter upon his duties with an entire ly new set oil municipal officei, us Is the custom, the bill provides that the existing city controller, city treasurer and board of nsseois shnll seive un til Aptll 1. P'OI also, These officials In this city assumed ofllce In ISM. and theli terms eplu on April 1, liu.', so thnt If the new bill goe-e Into eltVer, they will have an extra year to sen MEKONG OF WAIiPR .V'lui wards ot this city would pwu -tlcally go out of existent e In case the now chatter becomes a law. The bill entitles eveiy 1,000 taxables to -i com nmn c ouncilman nnd provide s that wheie theie aie not that numbtt? 111 a waul It Miall be joined to an lad lolnlns? ward. The of local wards which tome under this piovlslon, and which would go out of existence with the number of taxable s In each, and tin ivuids adjoining them, to either of which they otild b Joined Is ns fol lows: Third waul. Sol taxubles, adjoins Fli'3t. Second and Twenty-first wards; Seventh ward, T7:.' (nxables, adjoins Ninth Sixteenth and Thhteenth wards; Tenth waul, P3T taxable, ad joins Ninth and Seventeenth wards; Twelfth ward, KTl taxable, adjoins Nineteenth, Seventeenth and Elev enth" Fourteenth. !i"l taxubles. ad lolns rourth, Twenty-first and Eigh teenth wntds; Sixteenth waul, iJO tax able?, adjoins Eighth and Ninth wards; Eighteenth ward, 509 lnxablos, adjoins Fifth, Sixth and Fourteenth wauls- Twenty-first ward. CM tax ablcs adjoins Fourth and Second war Is. Select Councilman John E. Koche, 01m of the Demon fit Ic Icadeis, points out that with 'two exceptions the wauls which would be wiped out of existence If this section of tho bill becomes n law aie all stiongly Demo ciallc. "It would bj pofMble " said he :-os-leulay, "to Join these with rtiomr Re publican wntds and thus cut clown th Democratic lepuMcntatlou In coun cils to one or two members In case the Republican pal ty de-d In electing Its city ticket." TIME OF MEETINGS. Tln provision piovldlng for the hold lug of only two council meetings a year meets with general disapproval from everybody who discusses the bill at all. Councllmnn Chittenden con siders It "the boldest change In muni cipal government over planned." ' 011 can't expect a councilman who lecolves no snlary whatever." sald Councilman Vnughan, "to at tend council meetings every day lor a month at a time. There nie very "The Man in the Collar' Goe3 through the country far nnd wide. How little extra trouble it takes to get : what 19 really proper and stylish in wearing i apparel. Collars foriu- : stance, should fit the occasion as well as the wearer. Helmet Brand Collars fit both. 2 for 25c. ANvsiSvAsfcski-sA'A'A-V'S I ..t ; 1 4 "An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth a Pound of Cure." By using our OREEN VALLEY RYE you can feel sure you have a perfect safe guard against the effects of the CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.' few men Indeed whoso sense of civic righteousness Is ,o powciful that they'll going to leave, their buslniS3 for a whole month at a time to at tend n ptottacted session of councils. Tho piesent plan of meeting every week Is the best nnd only plan." Chairman P. F. Cnlpln, ot the com mon council, thought that the new charter plated enthely too much power In the hands of the mayor. "The especially bad feature about It, to my mind." said he, "Is that sec tion which gives tho mayor and the heads of depat tments power to let nil city contracts. This power Is now vested In councils and I think It would b a serious m!tiilco to take It away. "All bids aie at present opened pub licly in council and the contract awarded to the lowest ivsponlbk bid der. L'nder this new charter I can see nothing which will pievent ihe mayor nnd his appointed heud ot depaitmeut from i ctlrlng Into their Inner office to open bids and awarding the i-ontiact to whomsoever they choose Nothing would prevent this except their con sciences, and public officials sometimes strain their consciences vry far. It's a dangetous jmivei to place In the bnnds of an official " DO NOT FAVOlt IT The l'lttbuig chamber of lonmieice has practically decided to have nothing to do with the amendntoiy act pie pared by the local councllmanlc com mittee. As mentioned In yestcrdny's Tribune, It consldetfd the act at a meeting held on Monday and didn't at all favor It. It has now decided to ap point a committee of tvvehe lo pie pate lertatu amendments embodying Its Ideas, and enclcivor lo hale thorn attached to the "ripper" bill. The Pittsburg Commercial (lni-lte said yesteulny In Its Harilsbuig re port: ' "Senator Vauglmn mi.h he is eer laln that his people will deslio to be heird on the bill. This nioinlng he nskod Senatoi Muehlbionner not lo push the proposed act too rapidly, as he wished to communicate will his con stituents. Ho Is not leady to tay what he will do. intending to be guarded by the ivlsh of the majoilty or the lcsldents of Scranton. At present theie Is a decided difference of opinion In the councils of thut city about whether the power should be vested In the leglslutlie body or In the mayoi "Senator Druij, who iepieem a part of Lackawanna count j. Is, of course. Intel ested In the charter lie-f-ald today he did nol know what he would do, us he had not heard lioni the people of Scranton Mr. Drury is an insurgent and friendly to Senator Fllnn. AVhile he does not think well ot the 'ilppei' feature of the bill he admits that It is likely to pass the senate. As to Its tafe voyage through the house, he Is not certain, and lml males that the insurgents and Demo may be able to block lis path way theie "Speaker V. T. .Mai. shall ought to bu good authority on what can be done ' In the house. Hs says there is no doubt In his mind about Ihe ability of the friends of the bill to nut it through his body. Senator Muehlbion ner has made the canvass of the house, and says that the count shows a clear majority of ten for the charter ana thi? 'ilpper.' This poll Is made with a full house present, and oven doubtful Republican and Democintlc vole is given to Senator Fllnn" A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE The greatest commercial economist In the world todr. Compared to any nncessnry investment in business, llicprot'itfrom aTELEPHONE is incalculable. Residence and Commercial rates at a moderate cost. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TELBPHONE AND SUPPLY CO Usnagcr's office, 117 Adams avenue. Notice 'I hose who are intciestftd, even in a ftcneral manner, in matters musical are cordially invited to ex amine the latest flasoniamIin Pianofortes to he seeu at the warerooms of 1. B. POWELL a CO. 131-133 WA3HINQTON AVE. Pierce's Market, Penu Aycm Me make s spaJull ol faiic Cicimtry Hut ter toil strictly frcsli ejsi and tlio nriee Is si low as first rlass goodj can bo sold at. We do not liave any special talu er leaders tut at all times rairy as completo a line ot Market Goods, Taney droctriea and TaMe Dellcs cits as tan bo found in the largest New Vork or I'lilladelnhla Markets which we sell at right plccs. W. H. Pierce, It tickatranna Art. Prompt delivery. 119, 117, 111 Penn Are. A Way's Muffler Jri tho popular UiroaL protector this season, Put on In a mlnnt, fastens nt. tho back of tho neck its easily tti yoni" glove docs around your wrist. Price 25c up. CONRAD, 305 Lacka. Ave. GREAT BARGAIN SALE llj.lul St.d Jul-. IS, ..,; .. .v.v .c . n $l?t).H) IVisI.ii I. imb ' i)jiiKuitin" cob CIDC ills. Ir sul m-ii-o, tl'-fl: iio.. 4li5OU0 I'tlftlnii Uin'o .laikrl. ! 73.00. ltt, .. mm OUu(H) Mini, I "-, -ii In, ilcip, S'lHJ, ,w. i...v loU.UO Mini. Cti-i, :u inch Jirii, rs; k y,l row .". )O.UO Jl.inlii (n, ;l ii.tti -lri, -f 7.', i - r wv now o5.UO Martin lipp, ";7 Ihcli jocri- fM t C 4Wi now -10.UU Htwrt din-, it hull eUcp, S7J; m iix lion T 0"U" l.l'Clric heal, M.lrlln tiluun-cl, -0 tiw iii Inch drrp. Ml now iw I.UtP "lectin- mI, rililn, $!0; ,jk nn now Os"t" I iFi-irlc, plain, 'S! i)f jvk lion ,wV.W l.lfdrlc il, plain, sjo: -. j now ltl.Ull' Ml iloili l U'K. oil, ami Milt it (,rc-slly i fine nl jii i, - F. L. Crane. 324 Lackawanna Ave. Raw Furs Bought. Furs Repiired The I'opulir lloius rurnlshlnj Si cue. your &)ants Will lecelve cnieful at tention If made known to its. Wo have everything for the kitchen. Cjal Hods, 35c to 75 j J'he Shovels, 4c to 20c, Foote & Puller Co JMeurs Building. i07r7"i ! fvyyvvvwvwvwv l Jnnu.tiy Clean Sweep Sale. The Prices Tell the Story Of the last week of this great sale. We are determined not to carry over any odds and ends if half prices will sell goods. People intending to make one purchase seldom stop at that prices are so tempting, Our Carpet Floor is a busy spot this week, and why not when we are cleaning up odds and ends? Ingrain Carpet good strong heavy carpet and well i made, woith 50c. 2C. Brussels Carpet heavy, variety of patterns, bright col li ors, worth 80c, ZLGk l - w. CREDIT YOUP CERTAINLY 1 fHr, CONWY Aro 7 l l M .