The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 24, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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' i j
An Excellent Combination.
Tlio plcastint method ami beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Srnur op Fiob, manufactured by tho
Califohnia Fin Svitur Co., Illustrate
the value- of obtaining tho liquid laxa
tive principles of pluuts known to bo
medicinally laxative and presenting
them In tho form most rof resiling to tho
tnsto and nceoplablo to Iho Bystcm. It
in tho ono perfect htrcnKthctiiiiff laxa
tive, clcanslnp tho pyatcm elTcctually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and stib
btancc, and its actiiur on tho kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, innlto it tho ideal
In tho process of manufacturing flgi
aro used, as they aro pleasant to tho
taste, but tho medicinal qualities of tho
remedy aro obtained from sennu and
other 'aromatic plants, by a method
known to the Calipoknia Fio Syiiiip
Co. only. In older to get its beneficial
efl'cctnnnd to avoid imitations, please
remember tho full name of tho Company
printed on tho front of every package.
ForBalobyallDruggUtn. I'rlcoBOc. per bottle
Ice Cream.
QE Per
0C Quart
3e!erLcneOrJr Promptly Dell vorel
,2f-J27 Adams Avenui
Scranton Transfer Co.
Haggapc Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Phone 525.
.ye, Har, Nose aud Throat
T,rn TIoure9 a. n. to 1?.SJ p. m.: S to I
Wlillor-.i Building. Opj). PaMoiBcsi
f-f - TtT T-t--
Nt'AL M I.I .TIM The Moo-lc fonder oin.
i .111 hold lit annual meeting list nighl jmI
I. -elei-lcd 1ji jui'd ofrltt-iv.
Ml MO SIXTIDS. The music taction of lhc
I. i'n Itlde Woman's club ill meet at the
"t'Miitcu Coii8ciator.v nf .lii.f mi 1'rldjy morn
.'i'j, Jan. 2"i, lit half past till o'clock.
I.l.t l'Llir. IJV 111?. l.NMMI.-lle. l)i. I. .1.
I u.sInK IU delhci .1 trUuie on "Hie (llailoit
1 tin- .Mi" at the I'.lm I'.irk ihurch next 'llim
ji nleht, uiida' tho .iudcci l the Kln;'
M MMAtli; .l.U. A luimnise Kilo mil lu
ll, 'fl .it v'OT North Wa-.hlnatou avinuc I'lld.iy
In 111 " ti I, Men's .1 tii 1 ilillilrrn'. i.'lutlilni; .it
itat liarKalu-i lor tho talent Itiml 01 the I'tiu
Au'Uji; Il.iilNt church. ,
liUBi: ON' TRAINS Antlwm Lroiuid, 11 IT
j m old b'M, a ancsteil i"tcriUv bv pelectbu
.-L"('niaii ur triKp.imlin; on lh LacLinjiuu
'i.Iiii lie n,i iiiuIkhi'iI bi'Joie Ahlcinuii All II j 1
.ml l.lifd tJ nnd cuu.
Illl' CAI.KIIOVI N IIAN)l'i:r. -lhc Jiiiiiul
I iifiud of the rjlidoiiiati club lll be held to
i.nriow iilijht ill (iueui'.ey lull, the McaMnu
II ;; tho unc liundicd and'Coiid annim
sir ol the deith of ltobcrt Hum..
MdClir IU,7.K. A tllnht fue in the elect
1 1 lhc home nf Thoum Hidden, ol U (ircen it;
uiieed the fire companies ti turn cut e-ttiil.i
it rerpou.e to an alarm liom box (it. The fliu
.-a extinttulshed before more than $J3 ilainai;e
v h done.
Wltr.Sri.IMi MATCll.-lt U non definitely
ntllcc' that I'rotMjor M. .1. l)er, the will
Ir.nwn uirttler ol Wilket-Ilirre, and far
cillo, cluniplon mlddlcwelBht of the country,
Mill wrestle ut the Ulcj do dub lioii-c no.t 'rue.
1 a' lii.'ht.
tIH.Ii ACiAINhT SIOVi:. Word w.ih uiehed
ot police lieadipiarttrs la.t night that a tramp
-- --- - --
We offer subject to previous
4. sole "
; $9,000 :
" Lehlghton Water Supply Co.
:Qold Bonds:
5 per cent
Free 01 Tax.
turo 1020.
TI10 company owns 2,000 acicx of land,
and control tho water-ihed, na well ai
the available water tupply.
Water U furnl.hid to tho tuuru of
K'hltthtoii nnd Wclwpoit. a. wr a. the
Ja?hlKh Valley road. The i.tun it
fir.t-du In eviiy iepeet.
I'rleii and puticular. on :ipilIcatlou.
M f)rouday, K. Y, WilUj-Hane,
Commonwealth Itldi,', bc-iauton,
-f f 4-
lodjlnpr t the Potitli mill hud bn ttkon with
lit, rirrant llldffttty nd1Ptrolmn Thcmp
mil ifponelel with the patrol woiton nd brmight
the "holio" to the city hall station lieuf, wline
It found that enc dele ol M fire n
burned by iontit with rtel hot rto.
JAXl'AliY Kr.r.OX. The January number ol
Klcon lui appealed, under the matupoment ol
VVrodward and lllllott. The new publisher an
iiounc that no radical chancea In the character
of the paper are contemplated. The social and
dramatic department, are ptrartng Innovation..
IWsldei these deparlmvnti the "Fpettator" col
nnip, a potm by Lincoln II. Hron, a sketch by
Don. Claik Wilson and the continuation of
I'.IImXmIi lloiutone's serial are Included In the
tit lu of content.
TONIGHT'S l.KOTUHE.-The Kit Peiklna lee
tine at the High stlioul tonight will, If the rile
of ftiU be the bet criterion, puck the Rrrat
auditoilum to it. full tapailty. The Importance
of the announcement ol a "eloublc-heailnl" lec
ture was not fully realized by the committee
mit'l the iliiiuml for neat' began to threattn the
supply. Thoio who hae been fortunate enough
Monro seals nlll be treated to Mr. IVrkii)"
two best talks, "The l'lillOKOphy of Wit and
llumoi" and "Stories Hound the Hlnc." In
tlnj he rIw. hi. choicest thouchlr, most phll
n.('lil(,il ulttlelsnis and most nnulnc humor.
C. W. Roesler Did Not Leave Any
Large Bequests to Relatives Ob
jections to Probating Will.
A caveat was filed with IloirlMt-r of
VUIh Koch yesterday, objecting to
the probating of tho will of the latJ
Charles ISor-sler, who dlcel at liU
home on Kranklln npinio u week np.i.
Tho cuvoat wan filed in the Intel est
of Mary J. Hoe.Mer. the gniiuidatiKhti'r
of tho deceased, who Is repic'cnlcd by
Attorney Wlllard, Warren o Knnpp.
Tho register fixed Friday nt 9 o'clock
us tlif time for u lieailnir. The will
Riven the bulk of Mr. Koester's prop
erty to Mr. Mary I.oulse Osberry. llo
caue of thlf, and tho Blvlnpr of u pleco
of property to John T. Cooper, tlm
will 1h to bo attacked. Neither of
those were related to Mr. Horsier.
Tho will provides for tho burial of
the defeated und the payment of IiIh
just debts and then bequeaths to libs
granddaughters, Pauline Jane t'ratik-
land and Mary Jane ltooslor, and his
sister, Mrs. 1'aullno V. Huosler, "f
Wyrlenburg, Uennanv, the Hum 'f
$100 each. The remainder of the will
"To my friend John T. Cooper, who
bus been very kind to me and ha.A
managed my properties for me with
out compensation, I give one-half tf
double house' on Page court In lhi
city of Scranton, together with land
nppei tenant thereto, subject, however,
to the payment of a proportionate
part, nccoullng to value of my debts,
ttinerul expenses and above devices.
"As to all tho rest, residue and 10
nialndei of my estate, leal, personal,
or mixed, of whatever nature or kind,
or wheresoever sltuato at the time of
my decease. I do hereby give, devlt-o
nnd bequeath the same to Mary
Limine Osbeiry, her heirs and ns
slgns foievor, subject only to the
proportionate shares, according to
value, of my debts, funeral expenses
and the bequests of my grandilaugh
tors nnd sister. My ivnson for making
this piovlslon for Mrs. Osboiry Is that
1 have no children ami In my old ago
she has taken caie of me very faith
fully and has been as considerate of
my welfare nnd comfort as an own
child could be."
The will was made by Attorney
Chnrles K. Olver on Jan. 5 last and
names John T. Cooper and August
Hoblnson ns executois.
The register has fixed next Friday as
the time for hearing the objections to
tho probating of tho will.
Mrs. Osbeny, the principal benefN
clary under the will, resides with her
husband on Franklin avenue. They
are old nelghboi.s ot tho Koosler
About three years ago Mr. Itotsler'i
only son was killed at the Dodgotown
crosting nnd soon afterwards tho
son's widow nnd her daughter left for
Wisconsin, where they have since re
sided. Mr. ltoesler, now well advanc
ed In years, was left without near
lelalivcB hereabout, nnd practically
without u home or anyone to look nf-
ter him.
In this emergency, the Osberry'K In
vited him to make his homo with
them, and he remained there until his
death. For neniiy two years ln hah
beer, very feeble nnd required much
attention. Mr. Cooper has for several
ears looked after his property. Tho
"state of Mr. lloesler Is worth about
A Popular Young Couple Married in
St. Fetei's Cathedral.
Tho maniago of Kdwavd J. O'Malloy
and Miss Ague.) Charles took place
yesterday nt noon In St. Peter's cathe
dral and was attunded by a liirga
thiong of fi lends, the ceremony being
performed by Rev. P. J. Hough.
Tho bride was charmingly attired
Ir a gown of steel poplin trimmed with
vclet and chiffon. She wore a pic
ture hut and parried a bouquet of bri
dal rose. Her bridesmaid. Miss Bar
bara Schudt. 01 PhlhulMpnin. wore u
gray gown trimmed with Russian lace.
The groom was attended by James
As the couple entered the ehurcil a
wedding march wus played on the or
gan by Professor Schilling and dur
ing the ceremony "Faithful and True"
was Ming by a quartette consisting ot
Miss Victoria Grueuer, Miss Cora Phil
lips, Frederick Pctry nnd Arthur Van
After the ceremony a. reception was
given nt the newly furnished home of
the couple on West Market street. Mr.
and Mrs. O'Mnlley left last night on n
wedding tour, which will Include
Washington and Philadelphia.
Tho groom Is n prominent and ag
gressive young business man of North
Scranton nnd his bride Is a chaimlng
young woman.
The Patriotic Order Sons of America
camps In Lackawanna county will htdd
u convention In Guernsey hall on Feb
ruary 22.
The object of this meeting Is to
famlllniie tho delegates to tho state
convention with the questions at Issue.
Steps will also bo taken for thu form
ing of a county organization.
Rev. George Dixon, n curate at St.
Rose's Cuthollu church, Carbondalo,
was received at the Scranton private
hospital yesterday, suffering from up
peudkitls. Ho will be operntcd upon today by
Dr. R. II. Gibbous. Father Dixon ha?
been suffering from appendicitis for
some time and it waB recently decided
that un operation wan necessary.
Ell Perkins at High School tonight.
Vordlet at Former Trial Was in Fa
vor of the Defendant in the Pres
ent Suit Objections Filed to the
Democratic Nomination Papers in
Lacltawanna Township Will of
Calvin Seybolt Admitted to Pro
bate Hoaring in the Stein Dlvorco
Case Marriage) Licenses.
In common pleas court jenteielay
mornlnfr n verdict for the defendant
was returned in the trespass case of
Voter Kcrrettl against Vlto Cicrardl,
of rJiinmore. The case wan given to
the Jury at 3 o'clock Tuesday after
noon. In the case of John Perot against
William Saul and Jennie Saul, an ap
peal from an alderman's decision, u
verdict was taken for the plaintiff for
In tho morning the ejectment suit
of Mary Duffy against Mury C. Duffy
was put on trial and consumed tho
remainder of the day. It will take
up u good portion of today us well.
The suit Is over a lot of land In Ciu-
hond.'tlo nnd this Is the second trial
o the case, the verdict In the former
suit having boon for tho defendant In
the present notion. The law requires
that two verdicts must be obtained
In ejectment pioceedlngs to clvo a good
The plftlntlff Is leprescntcd by At
torneys K. C. N'ewcomb and John r.
Reynolds and the defendant by Attor
neys S. JJ. Price and T. I. Duffy.
Objections Filed.
Attorney John P. Qulnnan, repre
senting Patrick Hlgglns. yesti-rduy
tiled objection to the certificate of
nomination filed oy the OoyH fad ion
ot the Democracy if Lackawanna
township, which purpoit 10 bo tho
regularly nominate 1 cindldnt-'s of th
Democracy of that municipality. This
mo.-ning court will bo a&Voi to llx a
time for the hearing of thu objection.
It Is alleged by Mr. Hlggina In hlf
uflldavlt that the ptlmarh-s wcru not
properly conducted and that tho fol
lowing candidates, although they did
not receive' 11 ir.alcri'.y- of the vcto4
cast, were returned as nominated: Su
pervisors. 1'. J. Lowiy nnd Palvlk
Mulderig; school ditoetoM, John
Joyce and Tliomai Du.Tv. tieasurer.
John (!. .leiiulng.-i: nfUi-SF ir, James
Nallln; township "l'ir, J. .1. Lynch
auditor, Patrick MelJeimotf.
Illgglns, who makes the objections,
was a candidate for supervNor, and
says he received 103 out of the lfi"
votes cast nt the primaries on Friday.
Jan. 11 but was not loturned nt
nominated. The following received an
equal number of votes but were also
not returned as nominated: Treas
urer. Patrick Mongan: school director,
Patrick Phllbln; ars.'ssor, William
Appeal to Supreme Court.
An appeal Is to be taken to the
Supieme court In the Eighth ward
election contest. This Is the matter In
which Judge Archbald handed down
nn opinion the other day, placing the
costs of the contest on the petitioners.
In his opinion Judge Archbald heltl
that under tho Vnughan bill he had no
choice but to place the costs on tho
petitioner. It Is proposed to have the
Supreme court pass upon the sound
ness of the Vaughan act. The paueis
In the appeal aro now being prepared
by Attorney K. W. Thayer, who was
the conunlssoner lit the contest.
The petitioners In the I.angstaff con
tost uro to be asked toasslst In taking
the appeal to the higher eouit, as
Judgo Archbald's opinion will also rule
that case If Kelly wins the contest.
Stein Divorce Case.
Theio was a hearing before Judge
Archbald In chambers yesterday In th 1
ellorce caso of Joseph Stein ucainst
Jennie Steln. The libellnut wns repre
sented by Attorney Frank Boyle.
It waft shown by the testimony of the
witnesses sworn that the Steins weie
married at Coney island about fifteen
years ago, and that Mrs. Steln left her
husband about two years and n half
ngo, and Is now acting ns housekeeper
for another man nt Thixiop.
Uofore Mis. Steln left her husband
they resided on Reech street. South
Wills Admitted to Probate.
Register of Wills Koch yestenlay ad
mitted to probate tho will of tho late
Calvin Seybolt, who died at his home
on jeiTeison avenue Inst Friday. The
will follows:
I, C'ahlr. SSejbolt, of the ell of Scranton, cte.
Klril--I illicit all in.v Ju-t elebta und fimeial
ficnct to be paid out nf my estate.
Sn'ird I i,ie, hcipicath and elele unto my
beloM J wife. Helen h. Oejbolt, her lieh nnd
anpii. forner, all my re-al' ulureiMieier
Mtlr.lcil, all ln lioiuehold fiiinituie, luirhfn,
r.u : It gen and other piroinl property to ine
bclongm;, tOKether eltli u cciiam lifi Insiiram-'
pclity in the Mini of (tT.uai, i-Mied bv Iho
I'l.ultublc Iii.urance company, nf Vow York, ahe
to eiilect the fame at mj dintli f.,r her onii
ii' and be lie lit.
Thud 1 gle and heimeatli to my mamhoii,
Cabin He bolt l.itvuin, my gold watch and iiohb
he.'.ilei. oane.
rouith I clie to mj ila.iBhtcis, Alico K. Iw
on, fcarah Tranccx C'unnell, Mite of I'rotilc Con.
lull. Louisa I).; Iliun, wile of l.jiiun W. Do
Haep, Flonnee . Scjliolt and Helen ltoiu.i)ne
Sejboll, eaeh the mm of $1,000 to be paid In
then by my executor, livreliiattrr named, with
in two jears Irom the date of nn decra.
And I hereby epreR'ly male Mid lieijueibi a
chaise iion tho real eatatc hereinbefore del-ed
to nit wife, mill n Hen thereon until aid b.
iji(,t are paid.
lantly I nominate iny fold wife, Helen S.
iS'cilioll, and my daughter, Allee II.,
cxei mem ot thli my lat will and tetannnt.
Cabin Set bun.
The will was drawn March 17. 183:),
and Vi-oa witnessed by 11. A. Kminn
and Philip Haendlgos, Jr. Letters tes
tamentary were granted to tho execu
tors named In the will.
Tho will of Stewart W, Huifonl, late
of this city, was also admitted to pro
bate, but no lutteis wete granted,
In the estate of Charles McMullen,
lute of this ily, letters of adminis
tration were yesterday grunted to Ita
hella McMullen and U A. Patterson.
In the estate of Edward W. Davis,
lato of ElmhuM, loiters of admlnls-
Allow a couth to run until it cell hcjond tho
leach of medicine. Tliev ottcn tay, "Oh, It will
iviir away," but In matt rases It will wear
them anay. Could Ihey bu induced to try tho
tuct etrful medicine called Kemp's llalsain, which
Is sold on a positive (.'iiranU'c to cure, they
would Immediately fee Ihe rxtcllent rlfcit niter
taking tho Hist 'Ion'. 1'rlee -ijc. and Vv. Trial
slio free, Al all elruggliti. i
tratlon were crantod fto Sarah E. Da
vis. In the estate of Rrldget Rellly, lato
of Dunmore, letters of administration
were granted to Patrick Rellly.
Yesterday's Marriago Llconscs.
William I). Smith Taj lor
l.tzlc .lame. Taj lor
(.'otlanda Lonavticu. Scranton
i;v MulerUht Scranton Mieipll. Scranton
Su'.in Kara- Scranton
Samuel Joeili Kline ,. Scranton
Saiah hchleldcr . Scranton
.I01111 Lnwllch Scranton
Helm llabun ....Scranton
An amendment t brief of hilt wa allowed
etti relay In the case ot William Albpaugh axalmt
Nancy lltjnolik.
Thoinat Mllln w.w eslerday appointed eon
rtable to the Second ward to fill the vacancy
caiintd by the death of llernard l)al.
On motion of Attorney John T. HcraRj a rule
uni to anted yesterday to fhow cau.e why counsel
fii'. am1 alimony .hould not be allowed in the
c.ho of Jo-opti fiol'y nif.ltiit Miry floley.
In Ihe ctie of 11. J. robin against Kduard
Mile, the petition wa eterday umended fo
rrml II. W. Xorthup, M. A. Colvln and 1'. M.
Colvtr, executor, of II. .1. ('oh In, aj pWlnttnt.
Lafayette Sf. Sevaitz was yeiterday directed by
the court to file a bill of particulars In tho
eli ini(i rae which he brought against hi. wile, Svartz, whom he cluiKCa with unfaithful.
Theie na. another bearing In the nibltratlon
room jejterday before Thoma. lleek, Attoniejr
Jami. O'M.illcy and It. 1). Jone., the board of
viewera In the matter of the (,'radlnrr of the Main
lead of borouirh.
In the (lUorco rase of John Olucl afalnit Ueiecl, tha subpoena haviiiK been re-tuir.'-d
not Herti'd, a rule was granted to how
ciuv why a dloico ehould not bo Krauted an
piajed for. It Is returnable at the next argu
ment court.
Cure joterday fjrantcd a rule In Ihe of
N'e'ion Morrl ft Company nealnat Hen Arono
fit, and fierman Ilultdlnf; nsiociallon. No. P, to
flinw eau.f why the judgment aRjInvt the Rir
nbhci li 1 Iile cac thould not be opened and the
Killilaliee be let in a defcnue.
No Trail, However, Could Be Secured
of Misting John Zylnnkiu unci
Belief Is Now General He Is
Not in tho Mine.
From 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon
until midnight lost night, live thor
oughbred nnd thoroughly trained
hounds, followed by 11 party of half a
dossen miners who are also old-time
hunters, ncourcd the workings of tho
Johnson mine of the Green Ridge Coal
company, looking for John Hylankus,
who disappeared mysteriously Satur
day last and who was supposed to have
ibecome lost In tho mine.
Tho elogs were given the scent from
clothing of the missing man found at
bin hoarding- bouse nnd then turned
lo'ive In the roatl 'between the flrcboss'
Miiiuty and Zylankus' chamber, where
he Wits last seen.
Several times It was thought tho
hounds had picket! up the scent, but
tho thought In each instance proveel
mistaken. They went at the work very
Intelligently, &nllllng the garments of
the missing man carried by the search
ers nnd then running about with their
noses to the floor, Indicating that they
understood thoroughly what was want
ed of them. Their efforts, however,
proved unavailing, although eight full
bonis was put In ut the task and every
portion of the workings visited.
Those who composed the pnrty de
clared upon coming to the surface that
they were satlslloel the missing man
would never be found In the mines,
either deail or alive.
Tho foielgn miners and laborers who
emit work on Tuesday to search for
Zylnnkus, returned to work yesterday,
the majoilty of them having decided
that he was not In the mine.
Cylnnkus' brother, Adam, came
here; yesterday from Wllkes-Rarro
and ofreied a reward of $50 to anyone
who could discover tho whereabouts
of the missing man. lie believes that
his brother has been murdered and
that his body has been hidden In the
No motle for such a crime can bo
conjectured. The young man was
only In the country a few weeks an&
It Is believed that he hail but a very
small amount of money. He had few
frh nds In and mound the mine, hav
ing worked there only two dns.
Validating Dill Is Now Up to the
House for Consideration.
City Solicitor A'osburg received a
hitter yesterday from Senator J, t
Vnughan, Informing him thnt the bill
which he drew up, validating all mu
nicipal bond Issues since 1S97, has
passeel third und final rending In the
senate without opposition. '
The bill will go Immediately to thu
houre and It Is believed that It will
pass that body within the next two
weeks. This Is the bill which Is In
tended to validate the local bond ls
suo ot $123,000, which R. L,. Day &
Company refused to take because of
an alleged h regularity In the election
authorizing it.
Word also reached the city yester
day that the school board's bill re
pealing the Kennedy act of 1S93 bad
passed the senate;. President Jayne,
of tho school board, and Solicitor
Reedy will probably go to Harrlsburg
nest week for tho purpose of doing
all In their power to give tho bill a
speedy pavsago through tho house.
Over 200 Played nt Knights of Col
umbus Club House.
A leniaikably successful , progres
sive euchre party was conducted last
night at the Knights of Columbus club
house for tho benellt of tho Oreen
Ridge convent. .
Over MO were present and play was
continued from S.SO to 11 o'clock. There
two who were tied for tho first
piiae. They weie .MIhh jjary H. Jiot
latt and "W'llllnin l.oftun, of Carbon
dale. They cut tho cardH nnd .Mr.
l,iftus won, tints Hecurlns tho llrst
piine, a beautiful tahoretto. Mls.s Mof
fatt tools the second prlre, a picture,
and Frank McCawley won third prlste,
an umbrella. Other prizes were won
by the Misses Mame nnd Nellie Ma
loney. The committee In charfro of the af
fair consisted of tho Misses Kate
Smith, Loulso 'Moffatt, Alice Uurko
and Alamo Maloney.
Krnuse's Headache Capsules
are unlilfo anylhlnB prepared In Amer
ica. They were llrst prescribed by Dr.
Krauae. Oerinany's famouH court phy
sician, lonir beforo antlpyrlne was dis
covered, und are nlmost marvelous, so
speedily do they euro the most distress
lr.g casec. Price -'tic. Sold by Matthew
Mrs. Jansen Has Not as Yet Been
Told of tho Death of Hor Child
and tho Hospital Physicians Fear
to Have Her Learn the Sad Truth.
Funoral of the Child Was Held
Yesterday Afternoon from the Res
idence of Jansen's Mother School
mates Attend In a Body.
Frank Jansen, the South Scranton
barber, charged with causing the death
of his young daughter by accidentally
or recklessly setting lire to his home,
Tuesday morning, In still n pilsoner nt
police headquarters.
Kfforts were made yesterday by his
attorney, Milton W. Lowry, and n num
ber of his peisonal friends to seciirn
his release on ball, but Into In the day
these efforts were forsaken and u ele
clslon made that habeas corpus pro
ceedings would bo resorteil to this
morning to gain his liberty.
Mrs. Jansen's condition Is still so
precarious that the hospital physicians
will not allow her to be Informed of
her child's death. Her burns, of them
selves, me not of such a nature to
causo alarm, iwvro it not that she wan
in a weak physical condition from the
effects of 11 severe tiege of the crip,
from which she was just convalescing
when tho sad tragedy occurred, and It
Is feared that un additional shock to
her system would bo attended' with
Hcrlnu consequences.
There Is a fear among the friends of
Jansen that when he Hecures freedom
and comes to realize the awful conse
quences of his act that his Impetuous
nature may lead hint Into some rash
act. They say be Is of a very hlzh
strung nervous temperament, and bis
whole llfo docnw to bo bound up In his
little girl.
The funeral of thu burned child tewk
place yesterday afternoon from the
home of her grandmother, Mis. Will
iam Jansen, of Alder street. Tho un
fortunate circumstances which attend
ed her death, and kept tho fnther and
mother from being present to bid a
farewell to their beloved little one,
matlo the event a ttuly s.ul one.
There was a large assemblage of
relatives, friends and neighbors at the
funeral. Tho children of No. 10 school,
whldh little Florence attended, were
present In a hotly und brought with
them a large casket bouquet. The
teachers also attended and presented
Moral tributes.
A short sermon was held In the house
by Rev. Father Strnub, of St. Mary's
German Catholic church. Interment
was made In the German Catholic
cemetery. The pnll-bearers were se
lected from tho schoolmates of the de
ceased. There was no Inquest held. Dr. W.
A. Paine, acting coroner, decided lhat
one wns unnecessary and gave a burial
permit to rndcrtakr Miller, who had
charge of tho funoral arrangements.
" THE WORLD ototjt jt
AGO TODAY" jjojo
Con right. 1.S0,
by n. K. Hughes, Louis
ille.) THK ItlllNi:, (Scrmany'i. chief ihcr and ono
ot thv most lniiortant in Kuropr, pla.U'd
Il.-c iiart in tills liUtor.c-niakliiK era. Al
most liom time- immemorial lliln majestic
Mrcam tiact In-cn .imoc latcel with the political
dlstuiliances of continental Ktimix?. Orlcinaily
ucciiplrd h.v thu (.Villi- tilhes, it had finally he
ronie the Iwundary by the peaiv ol It) suit I,
in 1C97, between (iemiitiy and Trance, lrom
llasel to about (Icrinenheliu. It was an easy
Inference for the i'iciicIi then at this tlinu that
the lthlne should bo tho dlvidini? line through
out, and the Gaul of Ciwir restored. ThU ideal
W4.H realized In 1601, when tho whole of the
Ilt bank was formally ceded lei France. Xor
was thi tho niiincV nab claim to ilUtlnctlon
durliK the constantly khllttiiK scene of the period
on "Tin World's huge." In Homan times at
tint patt of its count- beyond Uprccht It wan
.1 full aud flowing river, tut by the Ninth
Lciitmy had lot Itself In the sands of Katwlllt.
Now, alter nearly ten centuries, it way to the
sea Is reopened.
Thomas lloor.', who fairly Mimes with Lord
lb ron the lionur ol bclmc theniot popular poet
of hit junmtlon. was In bU twenty-first year,
and had Jiut puMMied by subscription his
tiaiikhtlon of the "Odes ot Anacieon." Ob
taining thf pennbslon of the Prime of Wales
to dedicate the woik to hlni, lie enrolled half
of Ihe faMiliinable woilel of London -i bis sub-n-rltcir,
and his fame and fortune was made.
He was now thinly catablUhed In London oelrty.
ail flora that time the hope of Its upplaiwi
was the riillns aspiration of liN life and Its
judgment tho staudaul of bis work.
I'lerif lljaelnthi' Arals' q stern of philosophy
attracted the attention of the world. An-ord-ina;
to him, Ihe whola of ejilstcncc, tho universe
wl.oe caue is ("od, may be recanted a the
pioduet of two factor matter and force. Ily
this he ultimately flsured out the goal of hu
manity to bo the perfect fulfillment of the law
of equilibrium, the- establishment of unlmsil
harmony. When that U accomplished tho des
tiny of man has hern aetilocd, und he will
sanlsh from the earth. Such a consummation
may bu looked for in about 7,000 jears.
lilt congressional appoilionmcnt under the
second ceiiMis (IHiO) taken iW months before,
i;ao tho following representation to the stales:
Virginia, 2J; f'ennsjhanla, 18; New York, 17;
North Caiolin.i. 12; M.isdarhusettn, 17; South
Carolina, S; Marland, fl; Connecticut, 7; Ken
tucky, 0; Sew Jersey, 0; N'cw Hampshire, 3;
(Jeorgla, 1; Vermont, I; TrnnrkU-c, 3; llhoilo
Inland, i Delaware, 1. Ohio, bi'emlng a stale
alter this apportionment, luil ono
aslcued to It. 'lilts made .1 total of 1U.
IlritUli 1100114, returning home from the
ygjptian expedition, unc slctlms of the- Lgp
i tlan form of "cold In the eje," or ophthalmia,
which spread by lontaRion through the Kairl
(.ns with (treat xirule'iue, m lhat S,000 coldlers
had to be pensioned for total blindness due to it.
The first Roman Catholic lulsaionaiiis. In
upltr of the Jealous wattli of thu authorities,
made tllelr entrance Into CoriM to (rtu usslst
mice to a. Chilstlan sect fouudcU a few yean
The follow hip persona born In this year be
came femous;
Pierre Cherl Lalont, Fienili actor.
Albert lauiKC (icniun iwlltlcal a id later.
Adolf 1'rederlc I.lndhlad, Hwidikh composer.
William IMwauI Une, KrmlUti Orientalist.
Maxlmllien t'aul Dmile I.lttte, 1'rc'iuh phllolo.
Charles Alfred, American ploklan and
Wlllitm Lincoln, American antiquarian and
Charles J. Lathrobc, KnjlMi traveler aud au
thor In America.
KU Perkins at High School tonight.
I Lamp
To make room for other stock we offer a
limited number of Fine Lamps at a great re
duction. Rare chance for "bargains. )
VuxvaTVlaAX .,
1 Geo. V. Miliar &
Waldi on's Auction Sale
36 Head of Horses,
r i imiiwii KMBf tp
flSfflfelaya!Sffi!gL.7m HuBiiaflliffllffl X
Mf 111 ""ll H '"ffiSrV til
In the lot there will be 56 head of picked horses lrom the best
Western and Canadian (arms. Draught horses, coacheis. cabs,
single or in pairs. Drivers ol every description. Grocery teams
and single workers. Coach teams, brevyery teams and better
stock never came here. Sale positively, snow, rain or shine,
day, at i p, m. sharp. Horses can be exchanged on the day be
fore the sale. Remember the time. Sale takes place
At Ctislck's Old Stables on Washington Avenue
-f-f---------f-f------f-f-f-f-t- 4 -
Hayes & Varley, 1
424-1'26 SprnueSt., Between
k Very Rare
Presents itself to secure a Coat at half price.
a We will not burden you with Details, but ask you
tt to come and examine for yourselves. This will
v be the last chance this season to secure such bar-
gains. Take advantage of this opportunity.
I See Show Window.
Gold Crowns $3
Gold Fillings $1
Bridge Work (T5Sh) $3
Set of Teeth $5
All work giiarsnteed for 10 years. Csll and
hae your teeth iamlned free of chatge.
Satisfaction or no pay
Schimpff, the Jeweler,!
That's the name. You've lie.irJ it a goo.l mutty times
most every time in fact, when jewelry is the topic of conver
sation, for the one implies the other
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
Has much to show vou in the Gift, It e more than you'll see
in most other stores. Not only more, but something "dif
ferent" novelties that appeal to you, because of their
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
Has everything going in the jewelry line. Think ol what
you want; it's there. Prices, too, are less than you think,
when you consider that no matter what you buy, quality is
317 Lackawanna Avenue.
f5 'i'lic New Neversll;) As
nlialt Itcmovnblc
Horse cannot slip
and will outwear three
.sets or any other calk
Sale 1
Co. J2JF
-f -f -i-r- -r-t-
f - f - f - f - f - f - - - f - t - - f - f - r - f -f -f---f-f
Washington ana Wj-omlnp
Extracted Absolutely
Without Pain.
Our fieslem of PAIKM'ST. IVntltr. l lr
superior to the old method of doing work
Ue both Illl und estiact trctli without the
least particle of pain. Our pricis lor tho
present are ettrni'ily low, and If jou ale 111
need of liny Dental work, (-all and Ur
your teeth cumlned.
We make it fpei laity of fin Crown and
ilridgr Work and it will pay ;ou in call and
gel our prices before golni; elsewhere. All
work absolutely Painless.
Br. ReyerV Oentist
514 Spruce St., Opp. Court
ffl 126 and 128
IjUm Franklin Ave.
.. . ,u..