, . . JBFfjjJfrtfT .'.'" ' .W1':' l-mr "ftfr ., '" SrtTWTjiri-.T-,W. t1 ; . '. " ..' ;.' 1 ,r' f ribtme. tmtiton r"555t?'tW ,rJfoww"2? JsCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWSSERV1CB OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD, TWO CENTS. SCR ANTON, PA.. THURSDAY MORNING. JANUARY 24., 1001. TWO CENTS. e i -r-'-yXjmj MBUjJBgacwKgaggy wffllZ3a5gr A W BlS If! be EDWARD VII ASSUMES TITLE England's New Monarch Takes the Oath of Office in Presence of the Privy Councillors. CEREMONIES HELD AT LONDON The King Adopts the Title in Accordance with the Wishes of His Mother Pro ' gramme at St. James' Palace Crowds in the Streets to Welcome the King as He Drove Through New Ruler Apparently Tired and Sad Queen's Body to Be Taken to Windsor. By Ksxludte Wire from The Associated Press. London, Jan. 24. An extraordinary I'huo of the Gazette this morning, which appears with black borders, announce:) the death of Queen Vic toria, adding: "The event has caused one uulversal feeling of regret and sorrow to her late majesty's faithful subjects, to whom i-lic was endeared by the deep Interest l'i their welfare which she Invariably manifested, as well as by many signal lrtues which marked and adorned her f l.aracter." Then follows the proclamation of King Kdward VII, the acknowledgment i f allegiance by the privy council, awl the king's speech at his accession. The following is the full text of his ntf.Jesty's accession speech: iur Kojal Hlghnctsca, my Iiords and flentle. men; riitt Is the moit painful occasion on which I shall ctcr be calif d uiwn to address you. b Dr.t ami melancholy duty I to anrouncc to tun the diatli of my beloved mother, tlio queen; j.nf 1 know how deeply rou sod tlm whole Lit Ion. and, I tlilnk I may fay the whole world, jiupalhie with me In tlio irreparable low we I .JVC nil sustained. t netd hardly say that )ny constant endeavor v. Ill tip always to walk In her footMips. In undcrtaklnc tho heavy load which now ilcolics upon me I am fully determined to he a lonnitutlonal sovereign In the strictest sense of the word, and, w Ion; as there is hreath In im bod), to work for the good and amelioration ip. my people. I bate uoled to be known by the name of lirtmul, which has been borne by six of my an leini In iloinj ko I do not unilcttaluc the name of Albert which I Inherit from my cter I -l Ijinentril, great and wise father, who by nnliiifid roiiMiit Is, I think, descrtedly, known i 'he mine of Allicrt the Rood, and I desire Unit his i. ime .liould rtand alone. In roirlii.tuii, I trust to parliament ami the luiion iu wipport me In the aiduoiu ilulioa wlilrh now ilctolte upon ine by inheritance and I" nidi It I inn dcleiiniiied to devote my whole itimgili during the remainder of my life. After giving a list of those attending tho counsel, the Gazette announces that the king subscribed tho oath re lating to the security of the chinch of Scotland. t It concludes with the king's formal piocl.unatlon ordering all oillcers and Persons in authority throughout UU dominions to continue to exercise their ofllces during the toyal pleasure and exhorting his subjects to aid and as sist Mich oillcers in the performance and elocution of their duties. Tho morning papers publish a long tribute from the poet lauieate, Mr. Al lied Austin, to the dead queen. Oi tiers have been Issued for G..V1 troops to line the streets of London the day of tho proclamation ceremon- llS. Lord ltoberts has 01 tiered tio army to adopt mourning until March 5. Memorial set vices will be held in St. Paul's cathedral morning and evening dally until the inteiment. At the first of these, held after the tegular ser vice yesterday, borne .",000 persons were present. Bishop Harry read the burial son Ice and the "Dead March" in "Saul" and other Mineral music wns rendered. Tho King Arrives in London. London, Jan. 2J. The new monarch arrived hero at 12..ri3 p. m. from Cowts, and at 2 p. m. he attended tlu meeting cf the privy council In St. James' Pal ace, and took the oath of olf J, as suming the title of Kdward VII. King of Great Ilrltaln and Ireland and Ihn peror of India. Mingling with the royal dukes and treat personages of the kingdom wero a few men in plain clothes, t reprc tent the fact that the general public havo a nominal right to bo present. The king wqrc a Held marshal's uni form and the ribbon of tho Order of the Garter. When he began his speech Tils voice was plainly broken with emo tion, but he recovered as ha went on. King Edward In his speech to the privy council said ho had decided t. assume of tho title of King Kdward VII, in accordance with the wish of his beloved mother, v. ho, bib majesty added, united tho virtues of a supremo domestic guide with tho affection and patriotism of a wide, peace-loving mon aich. Ho had u respectful deslro loleavo tho memory of his father's name, Al bert, tho exclusive treasure of his ! loved mother. Notwithstanding hl.i personal desire In could not hope to do Justlco to the renown and virtues associated with Prince AlbortV name, buc ho would do his utmost to I if! worthy of his great position. i Crowds Lined the Route. Dem.e crowds, beginning at St. James street, lined the route to Vic toria Station from un early hour. Tho Mall and tho front of liucklngham Palace wero especially thronged. Along the former, from the paloco to Marlborough House, carriages filled with women stood ns If for r. drawing room, excepting that the coachmen, footmen and oceupunts were all dressed In mourning. Tho police precautions weie unusual. Foot and mounted men guarded al most every yard of the way. The crowds waited patiently for hours to greet their king. Finally pieceded by half a dozen mounted po licemen, a plain brougham, which was dilven very rapidly, the coachman and footman wearing their usual gray liveries, with mourning bands on their arms, came Into view. It contained the king und an oqueiry. The new monarch was dicssod In tho deepest and most simple mourning. Ho ap pearwi to be tired and sad. He raised his hat and bowed continually to the right and left in acknowledgment of the silent baring of heads, which was more Impressive than the most en thusiastic cheeis. Following the king iu another car riage, mine the Duko of VYorlft tin Puke of Connuught and others. Hoth the king und the Duke tit York looked rathetlcally at Buckingham Palace a. they passed and acknowledged the sa lute of tho guard of honor drawn up Inside the palace grounds. The troops there and elsewhere showed no Blgm of mourning, except that the bands were not present, but all the oillcers had cwipo on their left sleeves. Start for St. James's. The king drove to St. James's palace from Marlborough house to preside at the first privy council by way of Mail borough house yard, tho Mnll'and the garden entrance of the palace. Ho was attended by Lord Suffleld (who has been lord of the bedchamber to the Prince of Wales since 1872), and was escorted by a captain's escort of the Horse guards. The pioceeduto was exactly as on levee days. Hy the time tho king an Ived a great gathering of privy councillors, In levee dress, with crape on their left arms, had taken up position In the throne room. Hoyaltles, cabinet ministers, commoners, bishops, Judges, the lord mayor, etc., Including the Duke of York, the Duke of Connuught and les ser members of the royal family; Lord Salisbury, Lord Roscbery, A. J. Hal four, the Duke of Devonshire, Lord Strathcona and Mount Itoyal, and a host of the most prominent personages In the land, were theie to receive the king's formal oath, binding him to govern tho kingdom according to Its laws and customs and to hear him as sume the tltlP of King Kdward VII of Great Ilrltaln and Ireland and em peror of India. The loid chancellor (Lord Halsbury) administered the oath to the king and afteiward to tho vailous members of the council, beglnlng with the lords In council. After they had tukuii their re spective oaths of allegiance they passed In turn before his majesty, ur at a levee, except that each paused and kissed his hand before passing out of the chamber. That brought the ceremony to a close. Populace Begins to Cheei. Hv S.:;i) p, m when his majesty ie luined to Mnilboroutjh house, tho iiowd In tho nelghboihood was of Im mense proportions. At the king's de- paiture this morning there was silence, but as he returned he was chucied lustily. Immedlatey opposite Marlbor ough house gates a tall man, Iu front of the crowd, waved his hat and shouted: "Long live tne king!" where upon the crowd chetied with redoubled vIrop. The crowds along the line of imito from St. James' palace ulso cheered as the king was driven back from the privy council meeting. The king at the ucce.islon ceremony woic a military uniform. His brief speech was delivered with gieat earn estness und us extemporaneous. It Is expected that It will be published later, iu olllcitil form. At the last moment the king decided not to attend the house of lords today. The proclamation of tho accession of his majesty was signed by the princes present, the Duko of York first, then the Duko of Connaughl, the Duke of Carbrldge, Pi luce Christian, the Arch bishop of Oantctibury, the lord chan cellor, tho lord mayor and tho other representatives of the city of London. It Is to be heralded tit St. James' pal ace and the other customnry centres tomorrow and will forthwith be pub lished In the Gazette. At 4.30 p. m. tho aitillery began fir ing salutes In St. James' park to sig nalize King Kdwttrd'H accession to tho throne. Civic Procession. ' Among the Incidents of the day was an Imposing civic procession. The lord mayor atrd aldermen, accompanied by tho city marshal, maeo bearer ntid other meinbew of the corporation, es corted by a strong body of police, pro ceeded from the Mansion house ly way of the Thames embankment and Tra falgar square, to St. James' palace, In gilded equipages, with liveried outrid ers. The twenty seml-Mnto carriages made a notable picture. Which wa-. 'Witnessed by -thousands of silent wr soni who filled the sidewalks along tho route. The king, who remains In London over night, wns driven to rtucklngham palace after taking the oath before the privy council and dined there with tlio Duchess of Albany. Subsequently ho went to Marlborough House to sleep. It Is understood that he will return to Osborne tomorrow to direct the Mineral arrangements. These were discussed at a meeting of the authorities uf the royal house hold at Buckingham Palace this even ing. At the college of arms It was seld that the date for the funeral could not bo settled until It was known when the Kuiopean royalties or their representatives could arrive, but that tho date for tho lunction would be at tho earliest possible date, for tho convenience of Kmperor William, whose stay In Kngland might be un avoidably limited. Buckingham is being made ready for th? royal persons who are arriving In London. Hepresentntlvea of nil the royal families In Kurope will probably be present at the funeral, Including the kings of Italy, Belgium and Greece, tho crown princes of Germany and Sweden, and Archduke Francis Fer dinand, of Austria. All the European courts will prob ably go Into mourning for various peilods, SORROW AT COWES. The Personal Retinue of the Late Queen View the Remains. Cowes, Isle of Wight,. -Jnn. SS.--t 12venls have shifted from Cowes to London. Osboine Is a house of mourn ing and I'owes Is probably tho ciiilet est place In the United KlilKdom today. The kins departed early. After him followed tho army of olllelals and newspaper correspondents. The ltlnfr's departure wos as unostentatious ns that of an Ameilean president. He and his suite, In civilian attlie, left the cattle without a military escort and with no sign of pomp. Queen Victoria's bodv was embalmed last ovenliif? and occupies the center of the dtnln? room, which Is huntr with .Mappings of mourning. Outside two oillcers nre on suard. Within two In dian attendants remain In company with the ladles In waiting who are constantly present. The body Is at tired In black. The face Is perfectly peaceful and the remains have been placed with tho arms folded. On tho breast rests a beautiful gold cross. The head Is inclined slightly to the right. All about repose quantities of beautiful flowers. The honor of first seeing the body of the queen was conferred on her per sonal retinue and such a simple, pa thetic scene as marked this ufternoon could hardly havo occurred In any other monarchy. All the servants and tenants were ndmitted. Tho footmen, housemaids, coachmen, stable lads and policemen, dressed In their Sunday clothes', filed through the room for four hours. There were no formalities. It might have been the body of any country lady, whose tenants were blddln;; her n last furuwell. Bent old men, children and families who had grown up on the estate, who regarded Queen Victoria na a friend and patton rather than as n sovereign, took their turn and their grief was the sorrow of those who had lost a friend. In the meantime many residents of Cowes nnd neighboring towns nnd some prominent people applied at tho porter's lodge for ailinlsslon, but they were told to come tomorrow. Soirow Is Genuine. Thete is no mistaking tho reality of the Korrow of Cowes. 'Tho queen wus ulways so good to us," they say. "She knew personally many of the townspeople and took reul Interest in their families, their troubles and their joys. She could call many of them by name nnd often stopped on her drives to talk to them. Almost every house has a half-masted Hag and the store windows aro draped with black nnd white. Kinporor William and Tiiucess Loulpe, (the Duchess of Argyll), walked to Whlpplnghiun chinch this afternoon. It Is learned that the king nssiimed tho title of Kdward VII at the ex press wish of his mother. Contrary to general opinion the Duke of York does not at onco be come I'rlnce nt Wales through tho ac cession of his father. The title of I'rlnce of Wales becomes meigc-d In the snvenlgnty, but tho king will ox 'rciso his prerogative and confer the principality of AVnles on the heir ap parent. Tho new king was born Nov. !, ISO, but he was only created I'rlnce of Wales Iu tho following December -1. There have been six royal princes who have never been created Prince of Wales. However, .tho Duko ot Vork becomes nt once Duko of Cornwall, and tho Duchess of Fife, (Princess Louise of Wales), becomes n princess royal, us this capacity Is treuted by tho law in much the samo way as the mother of n, queen consoit. Sculptor Arrives, Nothing has been decided at Osborne (Continued on Pago 2. J CONGRESS PROCEEDINGS. Shipping Bill Considered In Senate. Bawl ins Proclpitntes a Debate. , By Excluaire Wire from The Assoclay-d Treii. Washington, Jan. 2.1. Consideration of tho shipping bill was resumed by tho senate this afternoon. At the In stance of Mr. Frye, of Elaine, who re linquished the chair temporarily to tako charge of the measure on the floor, it was made the unfinished busi ness of the senate, thus lestorlng it to Its privileged position, 'Mr. Vest, of Missouri, took the floor Immediately In a characteristically brilliant, forceful and Interesting speech in opposition to the mensuio, lasting nearly three hours. He advocated free ships aim vigorously attacked the navigation laws of tho United States, holding that they were responsible for the de cadence of the merchant marine of America. He was accorded eloso at tention by his collengius on both sides of the chamber. Korly In the session, Mr. ltawllns (Dem., Utah) precipitated n lively col loquy bv charging that a deal had been entered Into between the Repub lican members of the Utah legislature, and certain railroad Interests and the otllclals tif the Mormon church to se cure tho election of Thomas L, Kearns to the United States senate from that stute. Ho moused Mr. Hnle, of Maine, nrwl Mr. Chandler, of Xow Hampshire, wiio contended that the statements of Mr. ltawllns ought not to be mnde In the senate at this stage of the pro ceedings In Utah, as the senate could not consider the question in any phase in odvance of action. CHINA'S AGREEMENT HAS BEEN DELIVERED Anxiety of Foreign Envoys Is Much Relieved Soldiers Anxious to Leave. fiy r.telmlic Wire from The AMOchtted l're. Pekln. Wednesday. Jan. 16. (De layed in tinnsmlsslou) The ngreement was dellcied by the Chinese plenipo tentiaries thN nfternoon, thus re lieving the an::loty of the foreign en voys, who had begun to fear that In spite of the promises made, something might ociiur to eaiife delay. Ther" ii a general feeling of satis faction among the forelgneis and sol diers. Most of the latter look anx iously forward to VavHSg China this year. Prince Cjilng lias visited the Husslan minister, M. DeCHers, remaining with him two hours. Judging from various opinions, there Is little likelihood that the foreign en voys will reach an agreement at the nifetlng to be held Monday (Jan. IM) as to sending a favorable reply to the questions of the Chinese plenipo tentiaries. A majority are in favor of carrying out to the strict letter the terms of the agreement. Friends of Kmperor Kwang Su have Informed M. Do ("iters that the emperoi desires to leturn as speedily as possi ble to the capital and will do so ns soon ns he Is assured that foreign trcops will leave. His majesty would 1'ke to start for I'ekln Immediately after Feb. 22, when the Chinese new year begins. The journey will prob ably take six weeks. OLEOMARGARINE BILL. Introduced in Senate by Mr. Snyder. Heavy Penalty for Violation. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated ITcat. Harrisburg, Jan. 23. Senator Snyder, of Chester county, tonight Introduced In the senate an oleomargarine bill which was drawn up under the direc tion of the state administration. Tho bill Imposes a line of live hundred dol lars and sixty days' Imprisonment; also permits a permanent Injunction against any defendant In any case while an appeal Is pending to the high er courts, thus preventing delay, and making It undeairable for oleo law vio lators to resort to unnecessary and ob structive litigation. It requires whole salers and retailers to keep open hooks, accessible by the depaitment of agri culture at all time, showing all pur chases nnd sales of oleo. Trovlslon Is made for the punish ment of clerks, agents and employes. who In any way aid In the violation of ' the law, thus preventing violators from concealing themselves behind llgure heads, whom the law not been nlble to reach. heretofore has AN INDIAN TERROR ARRESTED. John Coffey, of tho CrcoK Tiibe, Is in the Tolls nt Muskegoe. By i:cluslve Wlro fioin The Associated Pies'. Muskegee, I. T., Jan. 23. John Cof ffv. one of tho Creek 'band which has been terrorizing peaceable Indian, was arrested touny uy .Minimal iciiiieii m will be tried befoio Commissioner san hon. U Is fVnit'd his friends will u t tenipt to icscuo him, and tho feeling of Insecurity has been Intensllied. News was brought In today of the kllllnff of Dlflt King, a full-blood Creek, because of his refusal to join tho innvuudeis. Mr. Bailey n Senator. By r.tciu'lte Wire fiom Tie Anociatcd Prev. 11.tln, Tev., .Ian. S3. CMiErMtinaii J. W, llallej wan t hi led I ultrtl Males nennlor todiy bv the ItifUlatuiv In Joint aiiilon to miecn-il lloniiu Chilton, uhoe turn eplien M 111)1 HU next The Star Overruled. By llwlusltc Wlro from 'Hie Awoclaled 1'ifM. Jefltiron City, Mo., Jan. 23. Tho mprcme court today omruled a motion for a rc-hearlni; In tho cato of tho Kt. I.oujs Star agalnit the Associated I'rcan, In tthlch n petition for a writ of mandamus to compel tho latter to fumlJi lis leport to tho Mar had licrn denied. PLINN OBJECTS TO RIPPER BILL He Succeeds in Having Senator Mueiilbronner'8 Measure Re committed. THE SCHEME UNPOPULAR Senator Fllnn Believes the Measure Is Obnoxious to Both Pittsburg and Scranton Senator Muehlbron ner Also Desires Fair Discussion of the Matter Organization of the House of Representatives Distri bution of Appointments. lly l!c!mlif Wire from The Auoilitcil 1'tcin. Harrisburg. Jan. 21. In the senate tonight Henntor Fllnn. of Allegheny, succeeded In having the bill providing for a new charter for second class cities, commonly known as the" rip per" hill, re-eommltted. When It was Introduced last Monday by Senator Mue.'ilbronner. of Allegheny, It was re ferred to the special committee ot nine, which Is considering all bills sent to It pending the appointment of the standing committees, nnd Immedi ately referred back favorably as com mitted. The bill came up tonight for second reading, and Senator Fllnn Interposed a motion to lefer It to the commit tee on municipal affairs when appointed, lit said the mensure was not satis factory to the people if Pittsburg and he understood the citizens of Scranton wero also dissatisfied with It. He was not opposed to a change In the charter under which the city of Pittsburg was now being governed, but he thought the provisions of the bill before the senate were unfair. The senator sold he was willing to meet tho framers of tho bill half way If they would eliminate from It nil "ripper'' legislation. He would agree, also, to enlarge the powers of the mayors ot the second class cities under fair re strictions. The present bill, he said, would legislate out of office the mayor of Pittsburg, notwithstanding the fact that he hail been elected by over 14,000 majority. Senator Muehlbronner said he would second the motion of his colleague tei recommit the bill, as ho did not wont the measure passed without full and fair discussion. The bill was then re committed by a vlve voce vote. Among the bills Introduced In th senate tonight were the following: lly Senator Kmery, Mercer Appropriating fc.il, .'On fur tlio state hospital for injured person at Mircer. By enalor Fo't, Dauphin I'rni tiling for the Lctiiiruction and completion of the plnte capilol hulldlnir. Appropilaling $7,W) for the Harris ImrB ho'pltal. By Njutor Sii)ilei, Chester 1 eBtilatlnc; the Kale ot ulimnariMrine. Two bills were passed finally as fol lows: I'rolnbitintr furrlgn torporatlon fioni dolus, nnj Ui. Inns In IVnnIvanhi ulilioul h.itlni; at lecst one known pi no of hmlnnn and one au thorised fluent. IleKiilatinsr, ntalilUliing and making uniform the fris of uotariet jubllc. The latter bill was Introduced bv Senator Emery, and Is designed to take the place of tin antiquated general law passed Iu 1S14. It equalizes the fees ot notaries, and nlw authorizes them to accept reasonable and neces sary expenses for services when away from their regular places of 'business. After a number of bills had been ad vanced to second reading the senate, nt 9 o'clock, adjourned until 11 a. in. tomorrow. HOUSE ORGANIZATION. Ratification of Offlceib Reported by Republican State Committee. By Excluslte Wire front The Associated Press. Harrisburg, Jan. 23. The organiza tion of the house of if presentatlves was completed nt tonight's session by Uit rntllicutloit of the list of ofllcers nnd employes reported from the Re publican slatf committee by Mr. Key ser, or Philadelphia. Speaker Marshall will announce the standing committees tomorrow, and 1 then the real work of the leslalaturo I will begin. The Democrats reported a slate, which named C. Percy IJrown, of Meadville. for chief clerk, and A. H. HI... of Wl.llamsport, for resident clerk. The slute was rejected by a viva voce vote, und that reported 'by tho Repub licans, which follows, was confirmed: Chief clerk, Thomas K. liartln. Del.1u.1re, rildent clerk, C'hailcii Johnson, Montgomery; reading clerk. .1. R. W. Baker, Metier; una tuge elcik, (JcoifP "' MuJiall, Jr., Licka vauna; bill book ilerlc, William l'atriel;, Phil adelphia; truincrlbin iltrli, Raltator De Phro, l.nn-rnri! V. I). MiClaicu, Warren; JMni K.vInK, WaUitnBtoii; P fl. Maui, Blair; .ier k,miiI al arnu, 11. C. M. ItiulliiR, Philadel phia; ailstant tergtant at arms, Jame M. Nlchol, Indiana; . A. MiTixlie, Allegheny; Tliuina4 .1, Itandnll, Philadelphia ; (ieoicc K Kline, Westmoreland; po.tmastei', Wick W. Wood. Kiwrvnce, ui-trm postmaster, 'lino. tloio McAllister. Adam; ihoik(ir, T. Unci Su.tiler, Clcarrkhl; as.ut.int dooi keeper, -lo-epli Heyii'dili, Ijckiuaunai .lulex Metln. Phil adelphia Nlchola Conmlly, Philadelphia; I), II. Cousin.. Aima'H'iw; .Mm II, Maihall, Chester; doorkjepir of rotunda, Cruicr J Ixitc. Kile: iiicaMiieer, John MaiWhliuitj, Al. leishenv; nsltant niMwiigen, .losipli W'eater, Philadelphia, II. II. Smith, Bedford; Andrew V. Conrad, Siumu-liaima 1 mpcllntnidont of fuldlr.K loom, William S. Kllndi-r, lVanklln; pa.tera and folder.s, John (limbic, I.uncuUr; ltobeit liormlf), Carbon; II. li. lUibaimw, theater; I.. 1.. Uchcnfeli), Kile; .lamcK Mint land, Fayette; M. -I. Hoot, l.acati-r; W. II. ,flodaci,' Juniata; Irwin fiiajbill, Snjdtr; K, 1). fa-onard, Somerset; Tlioma llowcn, Tioga, Chief Cleik Garvin announced the followlnB appolutmtnU; Journal clerk, M, C, Hlranor, Butler; watchman, C.llbert fdackhousc, Phila delphia; chief pagv, Oeortje K. Cooper, Dauph in; vpeaVcr'ii pace, .Toieph Brown, Dauphin; pauea, Harry 1 Kantner, Mercer; Harry B. Herman, Blair; John Yard, I'.tjctto; Jamea McAllla, Lavnenie; Ccorgu Miller, Phlladil. phla; Elba Jonca and Kibilu PihtmU, Lack. HVtanua; D. ('. Battia, James Kriiack, I'rank Lccdy, Edgar Battis, Uauphln. The senate resolution favoring the THE NEWS THIS HORNING. Weather Indication Todey, rain on SNOW. Gonrral-Klns Ctlwutd VII Take the Oath of Ofilcr. rVnalor Kllnn Ol.JnM to the "Hipper" 11111. Diiaatroiu 1'lro In Montreal. General Caihoncl lie Department. Loral Frank .lanten Still In CiiftoJy. One Day' t-'uurt Itctord. Kilitorlal. Note (thl Coimni'tit. Local Trad Ion Company .Vol Likely to Ac- it'Je to Trolleymen'a Dcniaml. Major Mulr Doc Not Like Proponed City Charter. Ix-al Wort Scrtntmi and Suburban. Hiull.g Inquiry Itewinieil. fiuii'ijl Northen.trin l'rnnjl.inla. 1'Iii.iiicIjI anil Commercial, Iiial Siantim li a Cheaply (lovcineil City. I.lw Ncwa of tho Inilmtrlal Wmld, passage by congress of the ship sub sidy bill wns eoncuned In by n vote of 137 to-37. The Uemocrutfl voted In the negative anil the Republicans in the alllrmatlve, with the exception ot Messrs. foray, of Luzerne and Foster, of Montour, In the ntllrmatlve. A resolution wns offered by Mr. Hcavrr, of Juniata, which was adopted, favoring the election of I'tilted Slates senntors by the people. Speaker Marshall announced the fol lowing appointment!-. speaker' tloiU. Ilenr llnliii, Philadelphia; ehaplaln. Her. .1. V. I..Mim. I'liiladtlpl.U; I'uo nun on Ihu Hour, It. Unite Koom. lluntliiirdon: nullum in li.neimnt, Hubert tirlln?, "chuj 11.111; Janitor of 10.11 u.ni, llatld I). I'rjce. Cam- hi la; jiililtmt of t'oimnlttei' rouim, V. T. lot, .)?lit!mu; Krxiik- Hendrii '.. 1'nttei; lli-nnau l.lppman, .vhmlklll: IMnaid lliai'iluid, Phil adelphia; Itiiwlantl I'rt'ik, Dauphin; ineiiihera of Hie lioaul nt lruirp of the Snltllsrs' and Sailor' home at title Mer. Moirlon, ul Mer er, and Hi'lliel, of Philadelphia, members of the soliller' oipliau nhno! 1 oinml-lon, Me'!i. Si'ill'i, of Snj'W; Ittlikn. of Braver, and ( oopcr, of Dclanaie. Mr. Harris, of Clearfield, offered a concurrent resolution, which wns re ferred to the rulos committee when ap pointed, us follows, nmendlng rule 8 to read: No bill, resolution or onb-r In tvhlrh the Ms inline of tlio protein. H- nut hi- required, ehall r p.-eil by cither house on the day of ll'ial adjournment und all sueh lilllii, resolution and orders shall be presented to the irntrrnor for his ictutuie b.i the projier committee before 8 uVolck on the nionilnx of the day of final ad journment. That rule 9 bo amended to read: No bill, iisiilutlmi or ordir t-h.lll be atnt to the Kovernnr for hi npptowil unh'H the tame (.hall bo piluttd on bond piper In exact repro duction of tlij bill, riviliilloiH or order as printed, for final iMiuatfp. Tho house adjourned until 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. THE CAPITOL BILL. Measure Introduced in the Senate by Mr. Fox A Building Com mission Provided For. Hi llxclusiie Wire from The Axoiliied I're. Harrisburg. Jan. 23. The bill Intro duced In the senate tonight by Senator Vox, of Dauphin, providing for the completion of tlio state capltol build ing, authorizes the governor to appoint four perjons who, with hlmfolf, as long as he shall be governor and his suoceshors, as long as they respective ly continue In olllce. shall constitute a commlsMon, so long us necessity muv leiiulre, which Is authorized and em powered to construct nnd complete the building. Tho commission shall lecelve no compensation for Its services, but shall 'be reimbursed for the actual expenses Incurred In connection with their duties and auv vacancies occurring In the commission shall be filled 'by appoint ment by the governor. Immediately upon the appointment of tho commission it shall ns sp:edlly 11s posslbe have necessary drawings and specillcntlons prepared, and let contracts for tho execution of the work. The commission may make such modifications In the construction of the building already erected as it may deem advisable, but the building must provide ample uccnmiiHuIutfons for the executive and departmental branches of the state, as well as the general as sembly. The contracts shall Include the 10 moval of the two buildings now oc cupied by the seeietary of Internal af fairs and the secretary of agriculture, and shull provide temporary quarters for these departments. Contracts shall " l" "on true to rs slm bV requ ed to I ? " 'J h '"J d, 1 h" ' "' ,.., ' , go to int.' lowest reMpoiiaioie uiiiupim, amount of the contract The building shall be completed In all parts ready for occupation on or before November 1, 190o. The total ag gregate cost for the construction of the building Including the dome and the departmental wings, .also Including all fees, commissions, salaries and ex penses of nil kinds for the cpmmlsslon, englneeis, experts, architects, super intendents, cierkB and other employes shall not exceed six million dollars. The sum or $1,200,000 Is to bo appro priated for each of tho fiscal years end ing, June 1, 1001, 1902. 1903. 1004 nnd 19u5. Payments In excess of tho amount appropriated for ench year can bo made. Damages for the Harveys. By Extluiltc Wiie fioin The Associated Press. Wllkffllaiie, .bin. S-. In the cae of lion. W. .1. Ilarwy und II. II. Hartey mtalmt tho l.ihlKh und ilkrs-ll.iri toal company, the Jury returned u urellc-i teilay of $U30 damages for the llariejt,. Ihey owned tome houses r.rar i,mi ef the companj'a breakers, and the cod uutt fmm the breaker dainiftd tho house. Sewell's Election Confirmed. Uy i:clulve Win' from I ha Atsoelatcd 1VW. Trenton, ,V. J., Jan. 21. Tlw New Jerrey lee Ulature, iu joint mmIoii, today confirmed the re-election of United States Senator William J, Kenull, by the lio'iie and lenato In teparate srttlon yesterday, m Corporations Chartered. By Exclusive Wire from Tin Associated Press. HarrUburir, Jan. 23.A charter was Issued to. day to tho Thompson Csvamery company, I Tliomiiton; lapltal, fa.CKu, MONTREAL IS SWEPT BY FIRE Bio Gonil.iQrnt.lon Dcstrous Build Inrjs In the Business Por tion o! the Gtu. LOSS REACHES MILLIONS Flro Beginning at Five O'clock In ' the Evening Burns Fiercely lintll One O'clock This Morning Flrew men Powerless to Check tho BUz. Splendid Board of Trade Building Destroyed Estimate of LosseB'. By Hzeluslte Wire from The Asocltt! Press. Montreal, Jan. 21, 1 a. m. One of tha most disastrous ftrea which thla city; hai ever suffered began at 5 o'clock! lest night, nnd, notwithstanding the ef- forts of tho entire fire department, th pt ogress of the flames was not checked until 1 o'clock this morning. By thaC time it had destroyed property valued ut between J2.SOO.000 and $3,000,000 and wnt still burning, though the appear ance was that the firemen have nt Inst got It under control. Included In the property burned In a splendid board of trade Ui riding, which! cost over half a million dollars, with over a hundred tenants and half a dos.en large llrms and two scores of smaller concerns. Tho weather wan cold and the firemen were greatly ham peiud in this respect. Estimate of Losses. Outside of the board of trade build ing, there was not a modem structure among those burned. The narrow streets, antiquated build ings nnd tho Inflammable, nature of ths stocks they contnlned made a combin ation which tho department was pow erless to overcome. The lire practically burned until It came to open space, which gave the firemen nn opportunity for effective woilt. For n, time It pSofce'd'aVlf 'the flames1 would spread along Commis sioners street to the grand ofllce build ing In the course of erection there. Numerous crowds of people Jammed the narrow streets, and tho police could not control them. Women faint ed and their clothes were torn, and a few wero slightly injured In the rushes for safe(y. The following are estimates of the principal losses; Hoard ot Trade. $(100,000; Insurance, $100,000; tenantt:, $100,000; M. Saxe & Co., wholesale clo thleis, $75,000; II. A. Nelson & Son,! company, fancy goods, $lfi0,000; IJennl- more ei I'o.. tanners, jtuo.uoo; Silver man IJnulter & Co., hats, caps, etc., $125,000; f'orlstlne & Co., furs, $300, 000; C. Seybold Sons & Co., $80,000; ftedmond, drecnless & Co., hats nnd furs. $30,000; II. Levi, woolens, etc., J.60,000: C. A. Choulllau & Co., com mission merchants, $30,000; Laporte, Martin & Co., $50,000; J. Cohen & Co., wholesale clothiers, $10,000. EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION. Ofllcers Elected at Meeting at Ear risburtr. II) EsUuie Wire from The Associated Press. Harrisburg, Jan. 13. The annual business meeting of the Pennsylvania State Kdltoiiol association was held in this city today, at which the following otlleers worn elected for the ensuing year: President, A. B. Hurlt, of Philadel phia; first vice-president, Cyrus T. Fox, of Heading; second vice-president. Prank Vogel, of Oreensburg; third vice-president, Deitrlck Liimade, of Wllllamspoit; secretary and treasurer, Coloni-1 It. II. Thomas, Mechanlcsburgj nsslstnnt secretary and treasurer, It. II. Thomas, jr., Mechanlcsburgj corre sponding seciotary, Mrs. J. W. Stofer, Kltzabethtown; executive committee, II. A. Thompson, It. li. McKee. K. A. Stphenson, I?. T. Wiley and M. L. Mc Quown. It wus decided that tho annual sum mer excursion would lie made to tho Pan-American exposition at Buffalo, N. Y next June, on a date to be set by the executive committee. Kerr's Trial to Begin Soon. By Exclusive Wiro from Tim Associated Piens. I'aterson, N. J., Jan. 2.I. .fudge DUon to. day Rr.mtiil a inoticn made by Prosecutor Km ley for n (.truck Jury in the e.u ol Oeoivo -1. Kur. Jointly Indicted with McAllister, Camp, bell and Dcitli for tho mutder of Jennie Boas tlilctei. It h-H not been deflnltcly settled when the trial ot Kerr will bci'ln, hut It may be within it eeW or two. Agriculturists Meet. By r.xclusitu Wlro from Thet Associated Prees. Ilanitbun;, Jsn. 23. lite nnnusl ruettlns; ol tho state board of apiculture comoned today In tho Supiemo court chamber. Goiernor Stons made a short address ot welcome, to which thn secretary of agriculture responded. The attcrnc.on seMloti was deioled to thu conaldera. tlno ol routine business. - t WEATHER EOREOAST. f f 4- Wssltlngton, Dec. Kk-Forecart for Thursday and Tilday: Kastern Pennsyl vania Italn or snow Tluuday, and probably Friday brlik lo hlfiU north. -f rait to southeai-t ulmu. ttt tt tttt4 lj 3n x