:wwr"waflpWy IHImm Wfjfiffr'jW .-j"t4"r $ i 8 THE SC1UNTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, lflOl'. NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD ORDERS FROM SUPERINTEN. DENT KETCHAM. They Havo Reference to the Running of Trains on the Morris and Essex Division The D., I. & W. Botud for Today Largest Pnys In the History of tho Erie nnd Ontnrlo nnd Western Companies Night Telcgrftph Office nt Xchlrjh Summit Haa Been Closed. SuperlnUndent f II. TCotclitini. ot? the Mortis nnd 1'iw division of tho Lackawanna, linn lasuoil tho follow ing orders: At 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, Jan. IM, the followhit; ohanscM will be made nt Peterson Junction: Dei all and new hMIhk HUltoh from cast-bound main track, west of In tor locking cabin, will bj coninjctcil with the Interlocking tilatu. Now homo ylnnul jrovornlm; enst bound track will hi t-rocted west of this switch, the present east-bound lioni" kIbhuI nt tho cabin will bo re moved and new automatic dlntnnt cls wils fntt in nervlce. , Dwarf flKlial.s Will be tu-oviiloil for icvem1 nnil low hpcmi movomcnli'. Xo dianco will bo iniulo In wont hound elKiialr. Tliur.sdny. .Ian. J4. IWd, nulomatlc hiBiials Xo". :. r.s::, .im. ?.s7, mi. r.r,, 401. tu.",. 410, 4:'.!. !Js an 1 M b-tweon 1 lover and Mount Aillnirion will bo put In jifivlcf. Thf pladnK of arms upon tho HlgnuN IndlcuttfM that they ate In t-crvlco. Jummry 21. lionv MsnnN at Dover. Draw and Chester .lunctlou will bo slotted nnd form pat I of the Mm k hvh tern and tho present dlxtaul pIkiuiN nt tlifsc polntn will bo re-pl,ictil b. elec tilc .--t'lnapliorp pIriuiW. D Ii. & W. Board for Today. Today's D., L. & V. board ii as fol low b: rniiij. tin : wild cm?, i:si. p. m.--K, C. lUinmltt i p. nt. W. .. Mar I ml omen 11 p. in, M. l'Jnncrtj. WciliirMl.. .tan. WILD CAT?, HAST. i;.:.i) i. in. .t. .i. Dun.i. :i 3. in. II. .1. LuiMi. 4 a. in. P. V.n Woniin. . a. in. O Cite. ' a ni. W. I!, CVsIiit. 7 j. in. I. lifting in, f a. in. T. h. I'ojfi.i. j. in. 0. Ilu.nrt.v. 10.10 u. m. .. r. Mull. n. 11.30 a. m. II. T. lVllwi. Jill) d. in. r. P. btcuiu. i I p. in. V. l.illirr. " p. ni Mm Duliif. " r p. in.- M. r irmoilj. J l", 1 1. in I. Moir. suMMir?. nc. i. j. in., wet W. II. Mc!ml 'i u. m , mmI-C t'lounfrlker. 1 lionn, Ttt I. CuirUiT. f p. tn cit i:. McAIIUtcr. 7 p. m.. 'vrt from Cnuga- M.l.itie. 7 p. in., west Ironi ('jyuei rsiiili, p. ni , cist from Say Autr Puff; . rULIXR. 1U . in. P. K. Sccor. rusni.ns. R a. m. Holier. II. iO a. m, Moran. 7 p. in. Murpliy. v p. ni. lunipintr. I'A3SCN"GLK UN'tilXCS. T a. ni. Oifln.-y. 7 j. ni. Slnprr. 510 p. m. Mantcn. 7 p. m. llagroii'm. vii.n cats, wi.sr. 4 h. 111 1. . M3tr. 4 P0 a. ni. W. Mr.Vllifter. 5 a. in., two nuliicis Kliey, will. I". Niitu.o.'j ' mm. 6 j. in. CI. T. Maples. S j. in., two (iislnci T. ritpilrltl. II a. 111. fi. Ituil. 1 p. in. A. Ketch 1111. 1 p. m. M. Cinlf.v, uitli ()'ll.n.i' nun. p. III. HltTKCItV. J p. 111. John (.'j!i.i?an. xotici:. CuiiJurtor M. .1. IIiMil.liJ.m and irm ull mn t 15 p. 111.. Wild Cat, Jj-t, .Ijii J.', In pi nc cf J. Mosier uiul iren. This and That. The nlRlit telegraph offli-p at '., r I.olilgh hununlt, has lii-en closed. U It. Beardslee.' chief stonosraphor to General Superintendent T. i:. Clarke, Is spending a few days In Day ton, Ohio. Tho LacUawnnna sleeper "Mont. ro," which has been undcitilng t palr at the car ohopH, wa nent ti Ho hoken yesterday. Robert M. Law lust lcsiened hla position ns Hloiekeepoi of the Penn sylvania Coal company. Ho propose i to make an extensive Kuiopo.tu tilp, .Stenographers Prank tirlines iu Miss Glenn, who wcro Identliled with is-Chlef Claim Ajrent P. O'Keofo, on the Lackawanna lullnmil. hiivn bfen Nticcecded hy IMwnul l P.oyne, foi. tnerly a (.horthund teaelier In tho V.ng. an HuslncHH col!ep;f, at Holxdcen. X. J. Erie Paymaster Campliell tlnlslioil payments hero this noon, and went mst on train C. The payments weto the heaviest in yeats. amounting to over $100,000 for Port JervtH. P.rnkemen diew 48 lilBh ns J70 for tho month. The Ontario nnd Western pa-roll anions the cmployeB nt Mlddlotown will proh ably reach $3,000, tho largest sum paid out durlnc the past year. The largo amount In due to tho heavy u.illlc in ootl, Pott Jcrvls Gazette. LIST OF ADVERTISED LETTERS. l.l.t ol Jttttn rrnialnlne uncalled Ur at tlu Biunton ro"t'"'c, l.icKiwaniii tounty. P.'., Jun. 23, 1001, I'fiwn. calling lor time Icttrrt will pleita My iKlirrtisril .mil go ilato of lUt, Ijr.i lllpiilc, I'ostm.iitrr JIIw Ethel Andrcnn, Mn. X I Allaire, MUi Alii n. Panlrl Par. Piife-ene fi. Illttlsr, V. X. Ikdi-a, n. T.. Ilramor, J. II. llfsslj, J, J. Ilurkc, John Dltck. IU Marguerite Carter, w II. (iley. Mm, Ix.uIk- Chaw, CcorKC Carey, Thomaft .1. Cluil. wick (2), P. Callajlun, MIb I.llen Cafterty, W. B. Clark. Jr. Mln tlraee Pcltay, Pee IK ton, II. Iiougljg, Dai III Pvlns. P. II. I'Uh, Jim. C. PcrnwalJ, Itljht ItciertnJ f, A. PorreV I. P- MIu North Clallaghfr, Goodulu Valitr com ftny, A. J, Clolden, Ktto CoMen. Mrs. rmma Hammond, Mm. Itosalle i;. llodson, a A. noflman, Mrs. Lewi' Henley, II. II. lieu lit, D. Harrington, Huiton JbnufaUutlng company, Itnlden tc Bon, .MIm Violet Johnson, If, Hint, James ICInjsluty. .In-ph I.ah. .t, J. McCarty, 1U Nellie- lci:ircj, Itrideet V Andrew (rttnrn to Pr, Polan), Mr. Mac No Kniry (3), John Moekler, Mirunan Miller 'liteh'r, W. II. Marlott. Mlu Annlo Millet, A. Alnolf, MIm Oerlrmls Mathewion, Henry Miller, NatlonU Mnlllahlc Calling company, MIm Mary PrendirgMt, Mr. badlo Peolc, S, 1. Parker, r. Pierre, Mr. Potter (care rotter Wutintacturlng 'ruuiiAn). .Mrs. Jotrpli lllchanlo, Mrs. Miry Pohlm, Mlu T, Pejnoldj, M11, I'lnrenfo Ilooia, Edward B. Hue, Paul Rene, K 0. Kiel. Mr. Itlearidl, tocrje II. Ilrcd, Johauea T. ItafdaL Prancla ,icUnian, Take Good Care of Your Kidneys, and NATURE will take care of you. FREE SAMPLE For nil who Send Postal Request to WARNER'S SAFE CURE CO. Rochester, N. V. Where Good Health Is FREE SAMPLH. Send postal for free sample Warner's Ssfe Cure to Warner's Sate Cure Co. Rochester, N. V. ilcntlon this paper. is a riiidct MuR l'ranl. ollltlOln, l.iluanl I,. !-icrncr, Mr.. rilnii Ii, J-niltli. Clarmic Miute, r. Stiirdfi.int. Ml' Helen 1 Srnllli, MIkj Lonii-e amffr, Mim Olidri 'iiiHii'ld, W.ilpli (I. Voit Mrs. MiTV i: -nilth (mine). (Vtrc Rolilldl.OJti Sihin. W. N. Stioni?. If. ('. Tijlfr, Olnrlri riiomini. Prank Wlilti-, Wjoinlns Cutler; lompiti.i, Prank II. Mllmr, nw !. .loveph's ifillijto; Mu. Mili" M1lm11n, 'Iro. I.oiiIm Wllliaiii-nn. .1. Wl.r, Mr... N. ,1. IWr. Ml-s Ausul Wlllhnn. II M.IAX. Piaiiuxii 1'iralna, C.irl'i Aqnllliui, lrimcsio M.islrojjimi, I tJlKC-ui r,inipiaiielln roi.iMi. .Ird7r7, iainki, Wilcnty uransl.1 (2). u leny Wodjoo, Whd.islaw Sadhwskl, urn I ctrtln Unrnliur?, N-qian Liiliinski Mi. Atim f.ninl- rrkl, Winicnlr rlniiilrcl.l, W. Zilin-k. lirr!Al!lN 1'awil Pniizi, W.iUnly Tinrk, IIipUi 1 Mlor, CIcorKP l'rokop, Andro Korl, K110I A-alonj', Jin Loriw, Ilrlt- llojdiiv, Jujif I,ln ilt, Tcd.ir llojko, Cliall Kizlmer, Mar.ijaiiiin Wjulmt, WhdiMana Jtoi I-cwic. .Minn Ooipli. .lnrci lint I; 1, .Ion Hew, IMir 7alihak. West Scianton Station. vinmel Dnfon, 410 Clmlnut (-licet; flcnj mini I'leelaml, IOial union No. S77; J. I), Ooodnin, Local union Nc. ,41: Mkliul Illltrulli, .limi' Plf-lvooil, AiilibiM Mine, Tahiti. 'inn, .Tohn I Th'inp-on J0HNS0NMINE HAD TO BE SHUT DOWN Minors Quit Work to Search Through the Abandoned Woikings for John ZyJankuu. Tln I'olWli. Htuigailnn fiml Plavih miners mil lu1)orcr.s numberliifr nearly 200, employed nt Hie Jolinson colliery of the Green HUIro Coal comiiany, quit work ycstm-ilny mornlnp: at 10 o'clock arul announced that tliey would dot ro li.uk until a thorough and completo peaivh was made for .Tohn Xylankux, the l.tboivi whom thov hPllevt to he lost in the mine Their itlttlns tie cctltatcd the shutllns down of tho mine. Xylrmkiw, as wan Muti-d in ,i,tor day's Tilbuno, wa a lahoier who was employed by John Maiowcltl, a Slavish miner lie left his hoiiu In Johnson's patch on Satuiday moiuluff tn ki to wotk and never ivltu ik-1. Ills friends and fellnw-coiinti.Miu'ii Imim tlt.it ho Is lost In the mine, but Hit- mine ntu clals Hciiiit tln Idea. Xyl.inktiH was n yutniH: man. and had w oiked In Hi- mine but two duvs, which wmili' jsIvm ".inie plausibility to the tin 01 Hi. 1 1 he had lost his way, on aciouut 1 his mil Indue acquaint" I with thi- winkings or 1 he mine. The Km cen of him was on Saturday mornlni;, when he cnUied the shnniy of the Iliebos-H and teitlved peimUslon to so to worl.. He left to ko to the chainlipf where his miner was winking-, but tho latter sas that ho never showed up theie, and h.ts dono all lu can to counteract tlii' belief that the man Is yet in tho mine. e believes, with tho mine oill clals, (hat tfylnnlftis decided not to go to woik, for mhim reat.on, after ho lett tho llteboss' Mianty, and that he hiia gone to ionio other patt of the valley. Tho llrebosses and tho Insldo fore man, John Devereaux, went through the mine on Sunday, but found no trace of the missing man. Other Hcarchlntr partlon went through on Monday with no success, and venter day mornlnp, after tho foreigners quit, they formed ihemxplvo Into bands of a pcoru or moris and went Into nearly every corner of the workings, without finding; a trace of tho mlsslnp; man, They halloed and shouted, and searched hither and thither with their liulits, but to no avail. Kvon tho old abandoned wotklngtt wtio gonu through. Hero tho dust Hch very thick, and It Is the opinion of the fotemen that If Hy lankus had strayed into thesu parts of the mine he could bo tracked by his footprints. Not a footpilnt could bo discovered, Tt Is probable that the forelcuerfc will Insist today that oven a' stilt nioro thorough search ho made, but tho mlno officials will do every thine in their power to discourage this. A Ktory is current to the effect that Zylankus disappeared fioin Wilkes Barro very suddenly a few months ugo. COURT ADJOURNED EARLY. Illness of Attorneys la Proving a Serious Obstacle. In common sleatt court the caso of ' jj?ti 1 y mMw you would discover Warner's Safe Cure Regular Visitor and ol two t" fve dj)" duration, arc olfircd by the OLD DOMINION LINE TO NopJoIk, Ua. Old Point Comfort, Ua. Richmond, Ua. Washington, D. C. Mraimra Mil dally txiejit Fundy from I'icr 26, North Iller, foot of Ihach street. New York. liekot. including ineaU nnd btatcroom accom moJaiions fli.OJ and upward, I'nr full intornution apply to OLD DOMINION STEAAISHIPCO. 81 Beech Stieet. New York, N. Y. ll.lt W.MKril.lufMcr. .I.J.DUOWK.a.P.A. The Dickson Mnmiractiu'lnz Co. t cranton nnd Wlllc9'-liir.-j, .'i Mnmifaeiureri ol U0CO.MOTIVES, STATIONARY1 ENGINES DoileM, llolstlnzand Puniplni Maciilntry General Oftlce. Scranton, Pa. aimofitsi BELLAVITA vtenlc Beauty Tnbletn and Pills. A per. oc.lyi'jfo.iiiil iriuiianioisltri'iitinniit furnll km INorJcr j. Restore) tho bloom olyoutli to laded face, ii di.yn' troitmcnt r.0c; ) dajV .-fl.lJO, bj mall 'nn furriicnlnr Aihlro.-i, . . tr ita Aituiai ce ciii'm' s jjcHm sts., ciitcsy EoM by McOarrah & Thomar, Uriig- Clats,, I0J Lackawanna avo iScrauton. l'a Ifh Prof.a,F.TIIEEL,M.B. iM2 f J M., I'I.IU..iIm 11. I'm. I ii'iiiI rli'i Inl.t.i, ' y JJ Jrt '' -"'" "' PRIVATE DISfASCS.EICESSES ;V,.ARUiS.DlCD0PeiSON.NERVDUSOIBIllTYH 'aJll)ST WANHaOO.VAH'CaSEU.V. STRiCTMRf 7 tn tin m:l I 11 liil ,imrt..MiriHil.iiillr,".J Si),lt pra I l.l. diuiol-r liler ' ' lifrnu vj Nrn I fr liool. "I ri lU"f ipn.Uy utillriil . t If , Ii iml trn II Peter l'orrettl against Vlto Ohererill was on trial tho greater part of yes terday before JudRo Archb.tUl In the ni'iln court room, it did not K" to the jury until H.S0 o'clock and. no other case being toady for tilal, on account of tho Illness of attorney?, the court adjourned for tho day. NEXT SEASON AT LAKE LODORE. Booking of Excursions for 1001 nt That Popular Resort Has Already Commenced. Tho Delawato and Hudson company has just l.usiitd an nttractlvo llttln biochuro relative to the excursion Hfi pon of 1001 at Tako Isidore, containing .severnl beautiful half-tono etiBravlnfrs tho lmndHomo new depot In tho sum mer shode of overlmnjjlnir boughs; tho Kteat white ititnic pavilion In tho midst of the far-Httetchlnu sroves, and various ubpoctH of tho boat-dotted, mnfinlllcent lake Iteelf with Its llve-and-ii-halt miles of varied and charming scenery. All fall ond winter a Htroni; torco of men have been at work on tho exclusion grounds with such effect that theie lb a Kcnernl de slto on tho part of tho people to i-oa this resort in all Its fiesh, new beauty. Applications for datn ato alieady eomlntf In. and bonking lias coiu menced liy Jlr. H. W. t'rurH, district passenger tient of tho llelnware ntt't Tludtion Utllrood tit Kcrnnton, Circu lars descriptive of LaHo T.odoro and tho Improvements on tho grounds nro in e hands of all Delaware and Hud son ticket ugents, who will bo pleased tn supply them to tho publlo upon application. SIP 0 as! I. fine Co Hips V. S. Hiflno Mocpltal, Chluco, II'.. Aujust jo, ipoo. Wrner' fe Cure Co. aentiement I highly endorte Warner' 5l Cure peclflo for kidney and bladder trouble. I ued It fait fall with very gratifying results. Probably no one hat n battar opportunity to note tho tflecta of dif ferent remedies 'than these connected with a hospital. In talktnir with tho different patients as to their eiperlence I found a larger number who had been helped tliroush the use of Warner's Safe Cure tlmn an thine else In the line of patent med icines, especially In casei of urinary dis eases or malaria or liver troubles. Yours trulj, WM. IIACKi:. I1pltal Steward, U. S, Marine Itospital, 64A f'letchcr St. B Maintained that Trusted Friend. A Gold Crown Free. with eier tet cf our lir.vt trich funtracled tor oi nr hi fore Kelmiar lMh, lliOl. Thl H liutnfidc fcflir nnd our material U the heht. Crowns and mide here ami made rl,'ht nt ;K K"hl Out prlee ii only f3 W. Bridges inerled heie ! experl cmeil operatuM who have hem selected from tho lirgel nfllres tn tho V, ii for Ihelr nhilltj-. Fillings EXTRACTING EXAMINING.. CLEANING FREE Min-o-Cal Our own aneUhctie for palnlm extractinc:. f-afo ind Sure, o ttre gums; no cocaine. Ot'.Mt VNTCKD I.V WItlTINO KOK TEX YIIAllS. Wi: Alti: UKKE TO STAY. Union Painless Dentists, Wi I. iri.im.imu Ararat, SiiJnton, Pi. "IS 17 Rogers Uros." Goods. Knives, Forks Spoons, etCc No question about the quality; we have all the newest patterns at lowest prices. Also the celebrated Sterling ln Inid Spoons and Forks. War ranted to wear twenty-five years. Immense slock of Sterling Silver Spoons, Forks, Knives and Cased Go ds for Wedding Presents. Merceread & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. Not in Nature for anyone to alwnys feel tired. There U no need to drag out an existence without nmbltlon. Weak nerve are responsible for lan guor, depression, debility and varico cele. Diseased nen-cf, whether doe to over work, overdnduleence or nny other cause, can be made ktroug aa steel by tbeuieof They tone and Invigorate every organ of ths Dody, soothe and strengthen the acnes nnd transform broken down men and women into strong, healthy, vigorous, ruddy-cheeked persons, if you find tlilj isn't o, you get your money uact. JI 00 tier box j 0 boxes (with gtiaran. tee), S3 00. Book free. THAI JlLDl cinu Co., Cleveland, Ohio. for sale by John II. Plieliu, Plwi-miclst, corner wjomlng acnuo and tfprucc etreet. N tm feg BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANUFAOTUnED DV ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. tr-ROTE Tni: name. w r .. i CoiwolJvSfallac GCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. Black Goods in The White Sale There can't be any Connolly & Wallace Dress Goods News that !s unim portant, but this is a special occasion that calls for prominent mention. la the past few weeks wc have been dealing out good things in textile bargains at an average rate of two a day. They have covered all the fabric field from Organdies to Cheviots, with some all, and it's a short story. read carefully, if you have a black dre9S or skirt yet 50c a Yard-$LM Quality All Wool Pebble Cheviot, desirable two widths, 48 iu weight thau the wider Positively the greatest CONNOLLY & STATEMENT OF THE THIRD ill, Bill OF SCRANTON. United States Depositary. At the close of business Dec. 13. 1900. RESOURCES. Loans nnd Investments 33,175,478.30 Ranking House . . Cash and Rescive. as,ouu.ui 536,870.10 S3,750,057.10 LIABILITIES. Capital S 200,000.00 Surplus 500,000.00 Undivided Piofits . . . 07,005.20 Circulation 100,000.00 Individual Deposits . . 2,415,536.08 U. S. Deposits 422,720.30 Due to Banks 54,785.53 $3,750,057.10 WILLIAM (O.NM.LL. President. IICNItY ISf.LIN", Jit,, Vlce'l'iiiliknt. WILLI.VJI II. I'LXK, Cjihler. Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, 0V8S, toues, Heaters. Steam add Hot Watar s WB.W PENN AVENUE. DR. DBNPTCN, 311 Spruce Street, Seran. ton. Pa. II cute am Chronic Diseases ol Men, Worn nan Children. Consultado.iand examination free. Olllcc Hour Dally and Oil St Gas S csLssWBsHistldsV ?y' fffljfflfi. N?ti5w lk KrZmW&FilX WEB Lwrffimkw'ilix J tuuday ft a. m. to g p. m. strong accentuation on Silks. It lies in this detail, every with a granite design in inches and 54 inches the one both at same price, 50c. Yard. value in Black Dress Goods ever offered in Scranton. WALLACE, -Hf-Mf-f-fM"M-tM--r-r t- t I w W Curtain News vShrewd buyers will take advantage of the special X prices made ou our entire Lace Curtain Stock. Many t small lots at a fraction of their real value. FURNITURE COVERINGS -I - ARTISTIC high-grade: bedding i v t i WILLIAHS&ricANULTY t LEADERS IN CARPETS, WALL PAPER, DRAPERIES, 129 Wyoming Avenue THE SIC POWDER CO, Booms 1 and2,Com'lth BTd'g. SCRANTON, PA, riining; and Blasting POWDER Mide at Moosto and Hush lal SVorXi. LAPLIN ft RAND POWDER CO 3 ORANGE GUN POWDER H-etrlo Ilattorles, Eleolrlo llxptolsri. xplodlui; blaitj. Safety 1'ius ua i Repaung Chemical Ctx's man nxi'Lo.ivc Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers r OLD STOCK PBLSIMER 485 to 455 N. Ninth Street, Telephone Call. S333. i liiw m But today's news is best word of which should to procure. the weave, making It doubly narrower cloth a triflo heavier 127 AND 129 WASHINQTON AVENUE X TTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTf X Lace I COUCH COVERINGS FURNITURE. I HEAVY DRAPERIES I .- Florey & Brooks omm . All Scasons-Sports O5 IT 211 Washington Avenue. f (TMlL- SB W"" HENRY BELIN, JR., General Ajcnt for the WyornlBf District for DUPONT'S POWDER. Mlnlr;, Hinting, Fportlntr, Emosettn and tka llepiuno Chenilcal Companj'i W Explosives. Satctjr I'ujc, Caps snd Gxplodera. Room 101 Co. rcu uulldliif, Sainton. AUL'.vanst TH03. VOnD Plrteton JOHN' P. bMITlI It SON rimcrath W, T- MULUOAN Vllirs-Bi w . f ' SUITES ,f SHARPENED vu ITM fmh A VgJF ' "V, k UW1