The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 23, 1901, Image 7

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Iixctsl to the Scranton Tribune,
Tunkliannock, Jon. 22. Court con
vened Ihto on Monday with President
Judge V. M. Dunhnm and Associate
Judgn 1 M. Vaughn. Tim first net of
the court wns to Instruct Hint the
commission of Harvey Slckler ns as
sociate Jucltrc bo read, which was done
! Clerk Donovan and Judge Slcklur
took his nlacc on tho bench. The Hat
of grand Jurors was called nnd 13. L.
Uiicon, of 'Nicholson borough, wan
Hvorn an foreman. After tho grand
Jury had been charged by the court
constables made their returns and tho
list of petit Jurors was called. Tho
following motions were heard by tho
In tho matter of the petition of
Ilownrd Moss for dlschnrge from Jail
under tin; Insolvency law, petition
heard nnd discharge ordered.
Commonwealth vs. William Water
man; recflgnlzance of defendant. John
Waterman nnd J 11. I'latt entered ball
In sum of $200 for defendant's nppeur
nnre at April term of court.
Stark pt nl. vs. Prevost cl al., parti
tion In equity; administrator ordered
to mako deeds.
In tho estate of Kllsha Sharpc, do-
ciascd, partition; report of Inquest
confirmed nnd rule granted on parties
appear Jan. :i itt 2 p. in. and nc-
pt or refuse real estate at valuation.
.1. Frank lloss vs. draco A. Itoss.
Ivorce, order for sheriff's p.Vslamn-
in and Aba s. Kecler, esq., appointed
In estate of James Kills, late of
.cmon township, deceased, widow's
HPpral.scment continued.
In estate of William Austin, late of
Xoxen township, deceased, widow's ap
praisement confirmed.
County Savings Hank nnd Trust
company vs. .1. C. Reynolds and Jose
phine Reynolds, return of Inquisition
on real estate confirmed.
The court handed down opinions In
the following cases:
In the matter of the estate of Chloo
A. Hunter, exceptions to auditor's re
port filed: exceptions are dismissed.
John O. Davis vs. Malalia Oalluo,
curtloratl; exceptions dismissed and
Judgment of Justice nlllrmcd.
The following accounts worn con
llrmed nisi:
Final account of A. V. Burgess, ad
ministrator of the estate of D. L.
Vnow, deceased.
Final account of O. R. Sharpe, ad
ministrator of tho estate of Kllsha
Sharpe, deceased.
Final account of 15. jr. Hall, admin
istrator of the estate of John Wesley,
Final account of James W. Piatt, ex
ecutor of the estate of Mary E. Keeler,
Final account of Florence Terrell,
administratrix of A. 1,. Carey, de
ceased Final account of . A. Chaffee and
Lyman Wlnans, administrator of the
estate of Kiln Dunlap. deceased.
In the mutter of tho' commonwealth
vs. Charles Lcroy. defendant; Garrett
Story entered bail In the sum of $300
for nppaanmce of defendant at April
A. II. Sterling & Company vs. .1. I
ltunncll. rule to strike off Judgment
made absolute.
In the matter of tho estate of Hetsy
.Strong, deceased, order of sail con
tinued nisi.
Kstate of Samuel Stark, deceased,
return to order of sale confirmed nisi.
In the .'State of Phlletus Reynolds,
auditor's report filed and confirmed
In the estate of Hannah M. Hettt
shelmer, auditor's report tiled and con
firmed nisi.
The only in tensions ready for
trial was that of Karl Barber, charged
with larceny. Defendant came Into
court without counsel and court as
signed Henry Harding to defend him.
Case tried and verdict of not guilty
In tho matter of the petition of cer
tain citizens of Mehoopany nnd Wash
ington townships for the entering up
on and taking of the river bridge at
.Mehoopany by the county and the
making of it a free bridge, petition
filed with the court and ordered by
the court to be laid before the present
grand Jury.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
N'qw Mllford, Jan. 2i Tho Women's
Chtistlan Temperanco union will meet
at the home of Mrs. Amos Kent on
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
There were no services at the Pres
byterian church last Sunday, on ac
count of the Illness of the nastor.
Rev. R. X. Ives.
Miss May Seymour, who is suffering
with typhoid fever, Is a little belter
ut this writing.
Mrs. Jane Harrison is quite ill. Dr.
I p. C. Alney Is attending her.
Now Mllford's latest excitement was
In the form of a prize fight. One of
our popular young business men, b"
Ing a noted dlckcrcr, trading banjos,
guitars, mouth organs, etc., for var
ious articles, at the beginning of tho
new century found himself In posses
sion of n. flno gamo fowl, which !n
enthusiastically named "Cyclone."
This lomr-hendecl fellow. Ihlnlrlnrr i,i
J fowl was a relatlvo of Fltzslminons,
Piannca a match with unother t'eathot
welght. The bout came off soinetlmo
uBiween Jan. and 7. Only a few be.
sides thoso who wero Interested word
present, so we cannot glvo an ac
count of the affair by rounds, but It
has been definitely stated that tho
champion's master nnd principal
backer, brought him home in a bran
sack, with a too nnd both eyes gone.
For three days "Cyclone" was fed
milk and pepper from a spoon, and
butter nnd salt applied to his wounded
head; in fact, his friends did all that
could be done, but in spite of It all,
the hero laid down his spurs nnd
yielded up tho ghost,
Mrs. David Davenport will visit
friends in lllnghamton the later part
of this week.
A number of tho friends and rela
tive of Mr. nnd Mrs. K. U Peck gath
ered at their pleasant homci, on
Church street, on Thursday evening,
.Tun. 17. and assisted them In celrj.
bratlna their seventeenth wedding nn
nlvfirsary. During tho evening, ono
of tho company proposed thnt Mr. nnd
Mrs. reck be married a second time,
In consequence of which. Mrs. Peck
was ugain amrea in uriani array,
consisting of a silk shawl, bonnet, etc.,
of ancient descent, nnd Mr. Peck In
whltfi vest and bilk hut, mndo n very
churmlng appearance, A company
leathered on the front porch and ren
dered such music as would remind the
bridal couple of seventeen years ago,
and at the same tlmo bringing forth
much merriment. Music and games
wero Indulged In until ft lato hour,
when refreshments were served, after
which, nil feeling they had spent a
most enjoyable evening and wishing
Mr. and Mrs. Peck many happy re
turns of the occasion, departed for
their respective homes. Many pres
ents and a purso of money were left
an tokens of esteem. Those present
from out of town were: Mr. nnd Mr3.
O. R. Stiles, of Gibson; Mr. and Mrs.
C. If. West, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Case,
Mr. und Mrs. Ira Conrad, Mrs. Annlo
Very, of Alford; Mrs. Vernoy, of
Scranton, and Miss Hattlc Barnes, of
Ppecisl to tht Hersnton Tribune.
Susquehanna, Jan 22. It now appears
from tho middle of tho road that the
Republicans of this borough ought to
hnvo more voters nnd fewer states
men. The Krlo Is gathering Ice from Lake
Krle, near Nnrrowsburg.
Tho funeral of the Into Mrs. May
Creegan, of Gulf Summit, took placo
this morning from St. John's Catholic
church. Requiem high mnss was cele
brated, and the remains were Interred
In Laurel Hill cemetery.
Rev. James Fngan, of Great Bend,
wus a caller on Monday nt St. John's
parochial residence.
Thcr will never be real peace In
this borough until there nro fewer office-seekers
or more offices to fill.
Knglnccr George Lown, of tho Onk
Innd side, Is recovering from a severe
Krle Conductor Charles C. Moore, of
the Oakland side, is recovering from
a severe attack of grip.
It Is now thought thut a stock com
pany will sewer tho streets of this bor
ough. Brush & Sous will remodel the hall
In their Grand street block Into dwel
ling rooms.
Tho Crescent club hid uu enjoyable
hop this evening nt the Starrucca
House. Music by Prof. Pierce, of
The Democrats und Republicans will
hold caucuses this evening, to nomi
nate borough officers. The election
will take placo in Sunday, Feb. 10.
John F. McDonald, of Carbondale,
wns In, town on Monday.
Rev. Kdward Ellesworth Rellly, of
Mansfield, Ta., will, on Sunday next,
occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian
church. He will assume the pastorate
In the near future.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Hennessy. a son.
There Is continual Improvement In
the condition of Common Councilman
George TIsdell.
1,. C. Benson, who sustained .a
broken leg a few weeks since. In able
to sit tip In bed.
Pp.'ilil to lliu Scranton Tribune.
Xicholson, Jan. 22. Mrs. T. K. Tif
fany und daughter, Clara, left Tues
day for nn extended visit In New York
city with the former's brother, Frank
Miss Ruth Johnson, after an extend
ed visit with friends in MUldlelown, re
turned home Tuesday evening.
Charles F. Osbounu; was u caller In
Tunkhannock Monday.
Miss Cora Stephens left Sunday for
the west, where she expects to teach.
Will Warner Is confined to tho house
with grip.
Mrs. Frank Hoffron Is visiting her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Draper Shaw.
Mrs. II. S. Stephens Is confined to the
hints with grip.
The Taylor Silver Cornet band will
conduct their grand concert this even
ing in Weber's rink, when tho fol
lowing excellent programme will bo
rendered: Address, Chairman James
K. Watklns; selection, Taylor band;
solo, Richard Watklns; recitation,
Urania Tubbs; solo, Arthur Morgans;
musical sketches, Bantleld Sisters; vio
lin solo, Edwards Watklns; solo. Miss
Rhoda Clark; duet, Messrs. Tubbs nnd
Jones; recitation, Oeraldine Phillips;
musical selection, Watklns family; rec
itation, Sarah Price; solo, Olwen M.
Howells; quartette, Rupport and party;
solo. Kdward Murphy; solo. Edith
Watklns; selection, Coombs Pickanin
ny party; sand Jig, Patrick Coyne,
cornet solo, John Sheehan; solo, Gus
Ruppert; banjo selection. Clark and
party; solo, P. J. Qulun; quartette.
Ruppert and party. Selections will
also be given by the Mooslu band, IT.
M. W. Drum corps and tho Sousa's
Bum band, The admission fpe is 2."
cents, children, 15 cents. A social will
follow the entertninment.
John Daniels, of Rendham, received
serious Injuries about the body while
nt work In the Sibley mine on Mon
day, where ha Is employed as a driver,
by being run down by a trip of cars.
All ladles Interested In the fair of the
Century Hose company. Xo. 2, are re
quested to be present at the home 'oi
.Mrs. John F. Tubbs this morning nnd
at tho homo of Mrs. Henry Howells
on Friday morning nt 9 o'clock.
The employes of the Archibald mine
went out on strike yesterday. Their
grlovnnco is that tho company failed
to make good the two weeks pay sys
tem, which they claim was due on
Tuylorvllle lodge, 'Xo. 4C2, Knights of
Pythlns, will meet In regular session
this evening.
Misses Gertrude and Bertha Beese
visited friends In Providence on Mon
day. Mlnooka tribe, Xo. 217, Improved Or
der of Red Men, will meet In session
this evening.
Mrs. Adam Stoginer, or Rendham,
was the guest of her parents, Fore
man nnd Mrs. G. S. Decker, of Provi
dence, on Sunday.
Jutnes James, of Pittston, visited rel
atives In this borough yesterday.
W. G. Howells, of Main street, is
convalescing from his recont Illness.
Mis. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
Him been u.ed tor over K1KTV YUAIIS by
ii the beat remedy for MAltRllOKA. Sold by
Druggists In every part of the woild. ne aure
anil k tor "lira. Window's Soothing; 8vrup,"
and take no nljior Und. Twenty.flvc cents a
A crowded houso greeted Warren and
James nt their Initial entertainment
given under tho auspices of classes Xos.
8 nnd 9 of the Baptist church At Led
yard'a hall on Monday evening. Mcssm.
Warren nnd James are representative
citizens of West Peckvllls. They re
cently pfltchased a new grnphouhone
and n new moving picture machine ot
tho latest Improved make. Tho enter
tainment was first class from start to
finish. Mr, James, who is nn adept In
tho art of ventriloquism delighted tho
audience with his work und wns repeat
edly recalled upon the stugo. Tho
Hnnnlck Bisters gave seveial recita
tions, which met with great appluuse.
Mr. Warren In his manipulation of the
moving picture machlno showed that
ho understood his business. The pic
tures wero clear nnd distinct. Thcro
were war scenes and comic scenes. It
wns the best exhibition of Its kind ever
given In this place.
The Women's Christian Temperance
union will meet on Thursduy nfter
noon at 3 p. in at tho homo of Mrs. J.
W.' Beck, Main street, Instead of at the
home of Mrs. -Miller, us previously nn
All candidates for office In the First
wnrd of Blakoly must register with
Chairman W. If. Walker to Insure
their names being printed on tho olll
clal ballot. Tho registration closes on
Thursday night.
iBIakcly borough council met In spe
cial session on Monday evening to con
sider the proposition of the Postal Tel
egraph company concerning the pole
tax. Attorney Gllroy recently began
suit against the company, by order of
council, nnd they offered to compro
mise for $222.50. This In no way
changes tho ordinance and does not
bind future councils In any notion they
may take. This agreement is a good
ono for tho borough, and the wisdom
of their compromising tho suit Is evi
dent to nil. Burgess Harris presented
the name of W. J. Davis ns chief of
police to 1111 the unexpired term ot It.
S. Terwllllger and council "Unanimously
continued the nomination.
Thcro will be a sock social at the
Presbyterian parsonage this evening.
KRXKST Ii. BO VARD. Concert Pian
ist. Class lessons given, using tho
Xew England Conservatory ot Music
System for the Pianoforte. Classes nro
now forming in Pcckvllle. $.1.00 pays
for a whole term of ten lessons.
Leave communications at Journal of
fice. '
MOSCOW. Sara Decker Is visiting rela
tives In Scranton.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Loustein and
children, of Duryea, spent Sunday with
the former's brother. Max I-onsleln.
A ball for the benefit of Samuel
Kshelmnn will be given In the Inde
pendent Order of Odd Fellows' hall.
February 11.
Mr. und Mrs. E. X. Wells spent Sun
day and Monday with tho former's
parents at South Canaan.
Miss Molllo Xoack Is visiting friends
in Brooklyn, X. Y.
Verna, the young daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. Wilson, Is very III with diph
theria. Dr. Wehlnu, of Scranton, was called
In consultation here yesterday.
William Hinds has resigned his posi
tion In II. L. Gnlg-e's feed mill, on no
count of 111 health.
Justin Swarts Is seriously 111.
Peter Yeagor. who 1ms been quite 111
for the past few days, is able to bo
around ngaln.
Miss Mary Frischkorn visited rela
tives at Gouldsboro over Sunday.
Mrs. Horace and son Lawrence are
visiting the former's sister at Dale
vllle. Miss Ruth Gardner is teaching In
the primary department of the graded
school. In the place of Miss Nettle
Vail, who Is ill.
William Best, of Dunmore street, Is
ill with the grip.
Miss Jennlf .Mason, who 1ms been
spending a few days at Carbondale,
returned home yesterday.
Mil). EH Longucte, of Hydo Park. Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Ham
den, of Blakely.
The Juvenls Dancing class will hold
another of their delightful socials in
Mahon's hall tomorrow evening. Law
rence orchestra, of Scranton will play
for the dancers.
Miss May Evans has resigned her
position nt Athorton & Sutton's cash
Miss Anna McLaughlin returned
yesterday after a week's visit nt Arch
bald. Mre. Gwllym WUllnms is seriously
air. and airs. Walter Alesworth nnd
dnughters, Freda and aiyra, have re
turned homo from n visit with rela
tives nt White Haven.
John Lloyd, of Wilkes-Hnrre, spent
yesterday In town.
atiss Hattie Davis, of Peckvllle, has
accepted a position as cashier In
Athorton & Sutton's cash store.
ailss alary Jenkins, of Taylor, vlsltod
friends In town yesterday.
The Republican primaries In the
Fourth ward resulted In tho seleo
tlon of tho following: Council, Wil
liam aiosely; school director, Thomas
Simon; assessor, William E. Davis,
air. atoseley defeated David Morgnn
by n voto of iZ to 41.
The Republicans of tho Second wnrd
will hold their caucus In Enterpriso
hall tomorrow evening nt S o'clock.
Proprietor Johns, who has ho suc
cessfully conducted tho Sweeney
House for the past ten months, yester
day renewed his lease for another
airs. Toman and airs. Penros, or
West ainyfleld, were vlsltlnp; tilcnds
ut Wlnton yesterday.
A little daughter was yesterday born
to Rev. and airs, ainynurd R. Thomp
son, of Bacon street.
aire, alary Rlchard3 nnd daughter,
Edith and Lizzie, who have been the
guests of air. and Mrs. Alex. RIchanR
have returned to their home at Provi
dence. Mr. and air. John Loomls, of Jes
sup, who nro on their wedding trip,
mndo a brief visit to air. nnd airs.
John, at tho Sweeney House, yester
day afternoon.
Mrs. Archie Mai tin, of Fourth street,
has been suffering with a severe at
tack of grip for the past few days.
The members of Lawrencevllle Hose
company, Xo. 1, will conduct a fair In
Lawrencevllle Hall, Old Forge, from
Feb. 18 to 23, Inclusive, Already great
Interest Is being manifested In prepar
ing for the event. The residents oC
that vicinity arc assisting enthusias
tically In return for tho gratuitous ser
vice rendered by tho firemen. Author
ized committees are now out solicit
ing for the festival, andi a great array
of valuable nrtlcles will be exhibited
when the fair opens.
Tenth Anniversary of tho Young
Men's Literary Club Celebrated
with Pleaslnff Exercises.
The tenth lUiutversaty ot tho Arch
bald Young aien's Literary and Social
club was observed with a banquet nnd
social Monday evening that was a
very enjoyable nffalr. Tho members
ot the club, with indies, assembled at
tho club rooms early In tho evening
and proceeded to Father aiathow
Opera House, whero they danced un
til 11.30 o'clock, The hall wns very
elabotately decorated, Tho banquet
wnn hold fat aioylo's hull and tho
menu provided was excellent. Tho
decorations In the hall were very well
conceived and wero arranged with
singular taste. Everything connected
Willi the banquet wan well arranged.
Charles A. Burke presided very
creditably ns toustmnster. After tell
ing the purpose of the gathering, ho
called on air. T. C. Cummlngs, presi
dent of the club, to respond to the
toast, "Our Club."
air. Cummlngs, In an entertaining
way, told of the history of the organ
ization, of the trials It had overcome,
and the good It had done for tho young
men of tho town. Ho wns confident
that Its future would bo oven more
prosperous thnn Its pnst had been.
John J. Cawley wittily responded to
the toast, "The Lndles." It was his
first attempt at speech-making, but ho
covered himself with honor. He kept
the nudlence In good humor by his
well-directed sallies, and his remarks
wero appreciated.
.lames F. Kearney followed in re
sponse to the toast, "Tho Prospects ot
Our aiembers." air. Kearney thought
that they were all pretty bright and
he created a great deal of fun hy
his humorous allusions.
Johu J. Dougher responded to, "Why
1 am a aiember." air. Dougher gave
good reasons why he Is connected with
the club nnd he thought thnt others
would also bo benefited by Joining.
His remnrks wero In a serious vein
and they wore well received.
E. T. Phllbln , responded to tho
toast, "The Press," nnd Richard Foote
also made brief and timely remarks.
This ended the speech-making. Tho
ladies nnd gentlement then returned
to the hall und resumed dnnclng un
til a reasonable hour. Several of tho
more talented members sang and nn
evening of rare pleasure was spent.
Tho club Is composed ot some ot
the best young men ot Archbald, and
It U u pleasure to know that the
club Is prospering.
Mt. Pleasant Miner Caught Beneath
Several Tons of Roof.
aiurtln Plllwallls, or 110 River street,
Was fatally Injured by ti fall of root
In the ait. Pleasant mine yesterday
Plllwallls was drilling a hole for u.
blast, when the roof suddenly caved
in without any warning. Plllwallls
wns buried beneath tho "debris and
badly crushed about the head and
body. He wus taken to the Lacka
wanna hospital at 11 o'clock, where he
died an hour later.
0 0
ACADEMY. Maude llllhnan company. Mat
line and nlitht.
OAICTY. Dlnkiiii' Vagabond Burlejiuo torn
p.i i.y. Matinee and nlnlit.
"The Sorrows of Satan."
A Kern- uudl'nce paw "The Sorrow of hjun"
a' Urn Lyceum U.t ni;ht by one of the belt
ci'iniKiiile-i that h.n no far presented it here.
It l.i a dramatization of Marie CoielU's ttory
i( the Mine naiw and dcnli with the udven
luirs of liU Satanic irujeity who dom the or
dinary habiliments ot man and comes on earth
in this cuUo to better perform hU wutk of
luring t.oult tu their eternal destitution.
Charles Kent, who h.xi been seen here several
times In the role of l'rlnce Luclo Illmanez,
acaln opiNMied In It lat night ami thunsli
surieilns from a cold n tine linptrmaton
of the human devil. Supporting Mr. Kent wai
a my capable company.
"Captain Jinks," Friday Night.
In Mairin? "Captain Jinks ot the IloiTe Ma
rine," which U coining to the Lyceum theater
ticU l'riday evciiiny, C'haile-i 1'iohinnn cannot be
churrreil with rop.Wnsc the lmtmv of tho original
JiUix, for tho reason that he wai nut in ulst
er le as a human being when the premier "lloi-o
Marines" Hut commanded attention at a ildl
culou but rominc entertainment. It Is but a
fortnight ago thnt, at the Walnut Street theater,
I'ldaldelphla, Mr. riotmmu gute (he tomedy
Its first production on any stage. No-v he pre
terit It hero at the Lyceum next l'riday with
the jmi important cast and tut-noy.
"The County Fair."
'I lie n-jtoii for the big suereii cf "The t'uunty
IVi" tin- pat ten jcarn, and which 1 moio
nun duplicated thli waton In it Idg- revival,
uli Nell uurgesi himself In liU original cieation
of Abigail I'me, ii the tact that the production
appeal to all clae. Tho Intellectual thealir
goer fludd it of enough InUivt to hpeal; of It to
hi fellow intellcctualtlCJ and invttct them to
eo It. The fathlouablo set it. us it I the talk
of tho town everywhere, and "it's awfully awk
ward, dou t ypu know" not to lava Been it when
every one I. tailing about It. The general thca-tei-goer
like it becuife it pivent a phae of
Hie over which he or fne ran laujh and enjoy
Tho incidental love ktory, the ijualnt and true
to life eliaracterUatlon of the Xew L'ngland
npiiislcr hi porti-arrd by .Veil Iturgej", the beautl.
fid tcvulc setting, especially tine to life in the
lu.t two act, representing the barn, county fair
and race track tccne, and everything cue, con
nected with the production appeal o itrongly to
nil clauei that them il no wonder at the nn-iioiinei-ment
that IU long etablihed popularity
t being more than verified wherever the revival
ha been scene. Kelt Unrgr and "Tlw County
Knlr" will be with " next Saturday atternoon
and evenlog. Tho matinee will begin at !,13,
inilead of 2.30, the uiual time, and the evening
pcifoiinance at E, Imtcad of .15.
Deafness Cannot Be Cuied
by local application! a they cannot reach ths
dlseaied poitlon of the ear. There U only ona
way to euro dca(ne, and that U by constitu
tional remedlf. lle-jfncM in c-jiued hy nn in
Pamtil condition cf tlio mucoui lining of the
LuitachUn Tube. When this lubo I. Inllamcd
you luo a rumbling miuiuI or Imperfect hearing,
and when it U entirely clo..-d, Peafnesj is the re
tult, and unleu the Inllammatlon can bo taken
out and tliU tube restored to Hi normal condi
tion, bearing will be deilioyed lorewj nine
cix out of ten uie caiucd by ratanh, which ii
nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucom
Wu will glio Ono Hundred Pollara for any cat
of PeafncM (caured by catarrh) that cannot be
cuied by Hall' Catarrh Cure, fiend for circular,
r. J. ClillXUVl & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Ilniggi'te, 78e.
Hall'i Family l'llli are the bet.
Wall Street Review.
New York, Jan. 22. The Influent In the atock
market resolved thcraiclvta today Into nevcral
dlitlnct component parU, which operated in con
lllct a part of the time find never In clearly
drfinecl concert, ht. l'aul opened up 14 higher,
and Northern l'acllle rots altnoit much nnd
then both ran off. again to near last night'. level.
The name utocka came into promlnenco again
late In the day after tho liew-i had been re
ceived of queen Victoria' death. Thl event had
been u dellnluly fortaewl that there wa little
rrnion to expect that lu actual announcement
would any marked dcprctflon In tho motlct
but apparently there was a ipeculatlvc element
who feared the possibility of iclllng induced by
the queen' death. Alter that event wji reaehcil
thcro was a pauso In the activity of the market
as though awaiting Its effect on prices and short.
ly afterward room traders set to work to bid
up prirei again. They lifted fit. l'aul tn ex
treme 4Ji over tut night, Northern raclllc 2tt
nnd tho Grangers, racltic. Trunk lines ami
inoro prominent stock generally from 1 to 2
point. Ilia uamo traders were active In sugar
nil day, making the extreme advance 2Vi. On
tho other hand the neoutlonal movements In
MlMourl I'aciflo wa brought to a sudden (top
utter n .t-jiolnt lump at the opening, nnd tho
Wabash stocks alo fell lack. The extreme de
cline) In Mlmourl Pacific was "ii, and It clcrd
at a net lew of H',i.
Amalgamated Copper again moved widely.
Jumping nearly :l jxvtnta at the opening ond
then falling back liV,. The steel atock. were
comparatively neglected, but the undertone was
weak, In pltc of the les threatening utterances
authorized by trade magnate. Federal Hteel
tell away 25, and other members of the group
flora 1 to b, alter small opening advance. The
late notable rise wn not well maintained, es
pecially In the stocks which wero bid up mewl
aggressively and the cloilng was active and
rather cany below tho best Tho level of prices
nt the clcwe wa however, sultantially higher
than yesterday and the undertone ot the market
during tho day was steaely. Total sales, im.SUO
Tin- debentures U' led the bond mar
ket In point of activity. Texas snd Pacific sec
emu roe S per cent, on light transaction.
Otherwise the mirket wai rather dull but firm.
Total soles, par value, l,032,000. U. S. 2s de
clined U per cent, and the .la coupon advanced
U per cent, on the last call.
Ths following quotation are furnished Tht
Trlbuae by M. S. Jordan & Co., rooms 703-700
Mean building, Scranton, l'a. Telephone) 003'.
Open- High- Low- Go.
lug. et. et. iug.
Amulcan Sugar 151 l.ttl 111 l'i',-i
American Tobacco 112?i 113U 11271 113
Am. Steel k Who .... !M Sf) .IS 3'i
Atchison 41 r. 41 4l?4
Atchlscn, l'a Sl'.J nV, tUU 81'J,
Hiook. Traction 7Si S) 7-.U 70",
lltlt. k Ohio HT'i 83 S'V-i 67i
font. Tobacco ):)', 44 4.1 41?,
Che & Ohio aa'A Ss :i Si
C file. & Ot. Wett i;, lii 17 17i
Chic, II. & Q M 1I3?4 142 112";
St. l'aul IIS l.V))i 110 H!H
Kock Wand ll'.i 121 lli 120i
Del. k lliul-oii 1MU 1j1',4 150',j 131 It. It 1IM' HU'-i 1K5 ItYl
lVdernl Steel 4lUi 4rtH 41 40
Tdceral Steel, Tr. .... GO 10 iMVS "M4
Kan. Ii Tex., Ve 17 I5a -17 47',4
I)Ul2. k Nusli S7"; tei-i S'i t)7v
Man. Klev.iteet U4?i 113 11.1 lHI,
Met. 'Unction 10t; lu2! lilt 10:
MIjot. I'fclfle 02IJ HI M'.A SC14
People's Ox J 09 W l'si
South) in I'jc-ifie) 42S 43'., I2'i 4:'.li
Norfolk k We 4.1 4t 4:i 115,
Northern Paclflo Sl!' 2i MH HS
North. P.ielilo, l'r. 5 o1 fWi fit
N. V. 112 1I2'.4 lll'.i UV
Oiitaiio k West 30"i so', :;o :fl!i
l'enna. It. It, HlVi H5'.i llt'.-i ltJU
I'.icitle Mall 41 41 41 41
Heading lty. Sl'.i yiai 3'i 31V1
Heading lty., Pr. 70 70-4 Mi?k ToVi
Southern It. It. 10U 10'i 10 l')?i
.Southern, Pr 7f!i 70s 70 7',i
'If nn. Coal k Iron .... 53i 30 511 .'0
1'. S. Leather llij lli 11 U'i
V. S-. Leathrr. Pr 7t 74 i
V. S. llul.ber 214 '.MTi 2l'i 21 H
Ulite-n Pacific X!-'.'; MT V'.ij yW
I'nioii Pac-illc, Pr. S2"-i S3',i 62',i 83i
Wnb.i1i, l'r 2'l 20V1 2aVn 2Mi
Wetoni Union Nlii Kl'i hih sic.
Third Aienuc 121 121 m 1st
Open- High- Low- Clou-
WIir.AT. ing. est. est. Ing.
January 72H.- 72!-i 7l"i 71T
May 71 7n 7iV, 7ti
January SO?; "-Ij, M'i W
My H5T 'XsV 3SVj tlij
Jamiaiy e.l'i 2.1'i s.l; -i.'
May 2t"s 23, 2I7A ei'J
Ni:W 'OIli: iltAIN MA1IKHT.
Oiien. Illeh- Low. do.
lli:.T ing. e-t. r-t. Ing.
Mjl-eh 70U 7UU 70U 70'i
May TDTrt 7!-i 70'.i 7l?i
May 4t?J 41H 4IH 4H.5
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Bar of 100.
STOCKS. Asked.
first National Hank i2oei ...
Scranton Savings Hank 350
Third National Bank 4'W
Dime Deposit and Dltcount liank.. 210 ...
Economy Light, IL & P. Co z
Lacka. Triut Safe Deposit Co. .... wii ...
Clark & Snover Co., Pr. j-jj
Scranton Iron Tenco & Mfg. Co 100
Kranton Axle Work 0,1
Laeknwanni Dairy Co., Pr. 20
County Savings Uank k Trmt Co.. 200
First National Dank (Carbondale) 303
Standard Dillllng Co ;w
Traders' National hank 143
Scranton Holt and Nut Co 103
Scranton Pasenger Railway, Brt
Mortgage, due 1020 113
1'euple'a btreet Hallway, first mort
gage, due WIS 113 ...
People' Street Hallway, General
mortgage, due 1921 113
Dickson Manufacturing Co 100
Lacka. Township School 3 per cent. ... 102
City of Scranton St. Imp. C per
cent 102
Scranton Traction 0 per rent 113 ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by 11. O. rule, 27 Lackawanna Ave.)
nutter Creamery, 2U23c.
I'ggs Select weatern, 21c. ; nearby state, file.
Cheese Full cicam, new, 12c,
Ileans Per bu., choke nuiigw, 42.30.
Onion i. per bu.
Flour llet patent, ?l.60.
New York Grain and Produce.
New York. Jan. 22. Flour dtspliycd modeiato
steadiness, but was still icry quiet, tho drop
lu wheat checking- business. Wheat Sot easy,
No. 2 red, 7nKc. f. o. b. afloat, and 77,kC. vio
lator. No, 1 northern Duluth, tu?c. f. o. b.
uttoat. Options ield very steady all the fore
noon. SuWeiuently weakened nnd dosed weal;
at vie. r.ct di-cllnj. Jan, iWJ 7Sc.; Match,
7Ui,c; May, 7!'?ie-.; Jul), 'Ho. Coin spot eay,
No. 2, 47c. oleiatoi. and Itflia. I. o. Ii. afloat.
Option oncLcd kteady but mon yitldedj doted
rny at ?ic net lo. January dosed 47c.;
Maicli. 43'se.j May, 41ev, July. 4:iic-. Oat
spot quiet; No. 2, 80l:c-, No. J, soc.i No. 2
nlilif, a2'3c. , No. 'J white, ,11"4c.i tiuelc mixed
Wrttc-m, siOiirnjf.; tiack white, 31!att35c. Op
tion. liuetliu mid birely steady, flutters-Steady;
er.-ainery, lfti22e. ; factory, Halle; June cream
cry, ISu'JOe. ; Imitation creamery, ltVaaK'.ici
htato dairy, HaCtk. Clic'?e Firm; fancy laige,
fall made, llUalt'.-je.; triney email, fall miiele,
llaial2c. Fgg Cniettled; state and Pi-nni.,
20Uu21c.l western average packed, iru2uc.)
western, loss off, f0',4c.
Philadelphia Qrniu and Produce.
Philadelphia. Jan. 22. Wheat Steady; con
tract grade. Jan., 71ja73o. Corn Steady; No.
2 mixed, Jan., 43at;l'ie-. Oats Slcady, No. s
white clipped, 32I3C. Huttc-r Steady; fancy
w-Mtern creamery, '':ic. ; do. print, '2.le Keegs
-Dull and i'c lower; ficsh nearby, iMc.; do.
wvste-in, 20c.; do. southwestern, 20.i do.
foutliem, Vv. Chemo ijulet; N. Y. full eieann,
fancy nuall, lliul'.'e. ; do, do. do. fair t
choice, 10'JallHc-. Heflned migan Utiehinged.
Tallow Steady; city prime In Mute, flc.; tlerce-s,
5 Vic; couutiy pilmu lu bvt., IHaV.: cakeo,
3!ae. Llio pouluy utct but stradv; ow!,
S'.iilOc; old looster, U!Ja7e ; hlclen, V't.x
U'sc. ; elurks, lI-iUHc-l seen-. PalOe. ; urltev,
(v.-. Drfed pmillry Unchanged; fowl,, choice
Otic; do. fair to good, b'c.i'.v.; ohi rooster?!
lafc; ncaiby thlckciii, 10al2c. ; western e1j.,
Pain-.; turkeys, choice 10 Lincy, 10al2c; duck,
Ilecelpts Flour, .1,'JOO bainl, anil 1,813,000
pound in sacks; wheat, li,) busheK; com,
178,000 bu.heli); oats, 1.1.000. !-hlpmi-iit.-Wheat,
20,000 buihcls; corn, (3,000 bushel; oat, 12,0-W,
Chicago drain nnd Produce.
Chicago, Jan. 22. Weak cobles, heavy receipt,
and a slack rash demand caused a net decline- of
lalUe. In May wheat today. tVim clrned "ie.
luwcr In sympathy, and oats, Ualie. down. Pro.
tlslon at tho clow wero 3a7',ac, to 12'o. de
prefoed. Cash quotations wero a follow, 1
Flour Dull nnd easy; No. 3 bprlng ivheat,
GO'.-allc.t No. 2 red. 7aVJa7Sc.j No. corn,
87a:i7ir. No. 2 jellow, a7a3mo.; No. 2 oats.
2l',4a23o.s No. 2 winter, gila'JTUc ; No. 3
white, 2H,a27c.; No 2 rye, 30a3e,j malting,
fi.'jU'Je. ; No. 1 flax and No. 1 notthwMt, 1."0
craitoi's Premier
some advance styles for Spring and
Summer. Worthy a look, we think
certainly no trouble on our part to
show you.
Storm Serges, full forty inches wide, in both blue and black;
steam sponged and shrunk. An ideal fabric for suits, waiits
and skirts and for children's dresses. Guaranteed to give
splendid service. A quality better than any other hereabouts
for 50 cents.
Now 35c Yard.
Black Pe.tu I)e Soie, full twenty inches wide, of beautiful
lustre, soft high finish, rich in quality; the acme of style for
suits and waists. Better than ever before offered at a dollar
the yard.
Now 89c Yard.
(Dress Goods and Silk Departments Wyoming Ave.Kntrance)
donas Long's Sods
-f-t- -r- -f f -t- -t- -f -f -f 4 -f -f -f- -t- -f -f -f -f-f-f -f-
Waklions Auction Sale
X 36 Head of Horses,
X Thursday, January 24, 1. P. Al.
4 MimUX
WMBIMttyStWiHiil'i?'isV"tiM J i';i;iV?la'rfrW:is)rHjl,-,aiM.
In the lot there will be 30 head of picked horses from th best
Western and Canadian farms. Draught horses, coachers. cabs,,
single or in pairs. Drivers of every description. Grocery teams
and single workers. Coach teams, brewery teams and a better
stock never came nere. Sale positively, snow, rain or shine, on
Thursday, January 24, at 1 p.m. sharp. Horses can be exchanged
on the duy before the sale. Remember the date. Sale takes place
At Cusick's Old Stables on VVashlngton Avenue
f-f-f-f-f-f---f-f---f-f-f---f-H'-f 4--f4--------f-f-t-'-f-f'f-T- -f-f-f-f
timothy, VIM; r!c, lard, $7 SO
u7.!i2!ii rllN, t(i.W.i..l3i siiouiucrt, iir,i.c
sides, 7.g3j7.Mi vJilskcy. Sl.27.
Chlcngo Live Btock Market.
Chicago, Jan. 22. Cattle Itcccipts. i,W. in
cWdliit WO Texan.; uciieully liady, liidud.
iiiK hutihera' rtorl; nnd Texan. Hood to inline!
Hi-ch, t&i'uauiu: ponr to modiimi, t.WaS.'iuli
Uockc-rs and Imilrrt, S2.T5il.00j cows, '.7flit.'.ts
hcllc-M, 4L'.(uil.C. caillicr., $2.(K!a'2.70, hull',
t'; calves, V cent lower than .t wccl:
aeo, St. 73a J. 75; Texa.- tod "tcers, ni.UOat N);
T.-xar ura stci-r., 5.Cal.0': Tcxai bulU, $L'.50a
Iloirs ltfCflids tod iv, tl,ii tomotiuw, JS,
Of"); Kit out, 5,000. Ten tc- J.', ronti luwcr; Up.
5.W; tnlxc-'t und Imloheu. sj.U-3a5.uO; good to
fholi-p hc-avv. 5.i'0a3.Mi in-jth heavy, 4A.U5s3.13,
lliht, ?5(Wa').'27'!i; bull; of ralrf, ?5.20iV23,
tslicvf lterclpu, ll.'.W; .heep und latnhs
ahout slfidyj ciwl to oholoo wethers, M.TJaj.O,
lair to fholc-a tnUrd, Vl.W'iS.SI: wcilc-rn k)ici,
M.75.I3.U0; Texas kl.rcp, .una".50; n-itc IjiiiIiv
fl.'.'Ja.'i.JO; wi-'leiii lamb.-, .5.(XU."..;'i.
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
n.i-l lluflalo. Jan. si. Kx-iit fan K- i
car: khcrp and laniht, b; liog., H ciiic hhlp
rnenU Cattle 11 rars; s'iec and lamb. 15
ran-; Iiorv, .1 cai.i. Cattle No demand; jlvi.
choice t cxiij, S.i?.'i').
I.amb-tholco to extra, a.VSOal.M), ,hr.
eliotc-i! to c-wra, Ijl.73a5,
llojf-Ili-avy, 3.10; ph-, $3.Ma3 70
Naw York Ltvo Stock.
New Vol k. .lull. 2!.-Iloe-n-s, ffrlliiff .loiil)
f'.ilein lintel but cti-ady; voal. i.ui.i..i
little ralve, W.M; barnyard fJlvrt, l..".7'j:
yenrlliiB-s, ti Jia3.H0.
Klii-en and IjhiiIm Mow but Hcaiiv, hril,
(; (vetliers, ?3.W; yearling. w.(i,
lainlx, M.13a.iJ culU, I.Ul; no Canada
East Liberty Btock Market.
i:an f.lherty. Jan. 52. Cattle Lower i,
Ik3.t0.i3.()0: irfnu', f-'i.KViS.iSi ronimon, HOTi:l.7.'i.
Hotm Mow and lower; rrlino medium and
brht jorkcia, (.5.35a5.C0; llht yoilei', f.V.'.Oi5.53-he-v
hog, Ji3.15a5.f0 lot;h, C.75jV10 il'h,
Oil Market.
Oil City7, Jan. 22.-Cicdlt balances, U7j i-fr-ttflcjtejrj
no bid. Shipments; Tt.AflO; txrage,
W,tM, Itiins, 7ti,0.11 j averase, fc7,9H.
If you are a careful
buyer select Dress
Goods intelligently
a judge of weight and
fibre and finish qual
ity and price you
can ill afford to puss
this best of Dress
Goods Stores. Our
buyer has gathered
very interestingly such
things as will appeal
to your better judg
ment ; mostly for im
mediate wear, and
Defore buying, send for cntalogus.
H. S. GORDON, 'y'oVIc.
Restore Vitality, Loit Vigor tad Miobood
Cure Impotency. Night CmNiIons, Lots of Mem.
cry, an wamnw anflaies. i
ajioiiecuot ruir-aimteorl CCC1
excess and Indiscretion.
A nerve tonlo nd
blood butldor. Drttin
tho ulnt; irlour tn n.U
rbeeWs and restores the
tire of vonth. Dr mall
OOO tier Imix. u ttnxAA fAr
2.60, with our bankable raui-antee to cam
or refund the money paid. Mend for circular
iiikI copyot our Imnkablo guarantee bond.
Ne rvita Tablets
inujmum.) T Immediate Results
PosltlToIr fftinranteeil cure for Loss of Powar,
aricocolri, Underelopccl or Bhruuken Organs,
rnronH, Ixcomntor Ataxia, Nervons Prostra
tlon, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis andth
Itenuts of hxritstive Ufo of Tobacco, Oplnra ot
Mtiir. Bv mall in plain package, sjl.00
l.o-', O for $5.00 with our bankable rtuur
antee bond to cure in UO days or rexuatt
money paid. Addrosa
Clinton fc Jackson Sts pHIOACO, IU;
Sold by ilcOamh & Thorns s. Drii;jlit, J1)
Lackawanna acnue, c-crsiiton, 1'a. .
.IB -W
I TJ A -
-i . .i.t, wmC, Mfm