The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 23, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    y(iwf-pw-f'r" -rv' ift'fvtffW ?T y ' .' ""'Wi!ia"ff ffWfV '. WJRQiiRii"'''
Hovivnl Services Opened Last Even
ing Under H1h Direction Ex
tracts from His DIscourBe John
Thomas, of Luzerne Street, Ar
lested for Abusing His Mother.
Alexander Grady Changed His
Mind About Prosecuting Funeral
of John P. Thomas Other Notes
nnd Personals.
Ttcv. W. H. Williams, the drummer
evangelist, began his rrtinade against
hln and Intemperance at this Jnckmii
Street Baptist chinch lant evening.
The attendance was very Brutlfyinfr.
ifter u service of tonu and prayer by
AsslwUint Secretary Tlurton. of, thi
.Railroad "Youtnr Men's Christian asso
ciation, Mr. WIlllainH preached a ser
mon on the text, "Tho spirit nnd tho
J)rido say come,"
"Tho t-plrlt," the ppiiiker oxplnlivd,
''Is what Jesus promised to send. Tin
spirit Beehs you when you are In nil
"verse conditions. Promlsott arc not
Icppt and we ought to cult lying to Clod.
Tho Hlble la often closed to intldl.i
r.nd wicked men, If they continually
iluin away from the ploadinna of the
"ThrouRh the Sunday school, the
rhurch, the hymns, song and prayer
tho church hat called you from sin.
rrhore in heaven are calling', are call
ing you; father, mother, brother and
ulster calls you sinner come home,
ri'ho brldo nnd tho eplilt says 'come'
31c can savo n fallen woman ns easy as
ii fallen man. Jesus has no atandattl
pf difference of sex.
"The gospel Is the only thing that
"will save a fallen man. Why don't
christians go more after and tell fallen
man the euro for sin? Ood Is leady
lo meet a sinner, if tho sinner will go
io the father, for whosoever will may
come nnd rtrlnk of tho water of lite
freely. It Is cleansing and satisfying."
After tho sermon, several present ex
piesied a wish to live u. bettor life, and
' -wulk in tho way of the light. The sub
ject for this evening will be "The Ten
Virgins." Commencing today, He v.
Williams and Dr. de Ciruehy will tn
suigurate a house-to-house canvass In-
out fob land COLDS
M Pedestrian
Suitings for Ladies
Early Spring Wear
They are weighty enough for present use, even
in a zero temperature, but they were nude to
meet the demands of the opening spring trade.
Many of the colors and combinations suggest this
at a glance.
This New Line
Was Opened Yesterday
And is undoubtedly the fiucst ever 'seem iu this
city. Many of the Plaid Backs slt'o nocl effects
that are simply charming, while theXBaacjf Colored
X .'Backs in solid shades, iuclude all tlie-hites of the
Xrainbow and a few not to be fouud there. We will
K,.w be pleased to show these new Suitings to all
H irvisitorg, and particularly request the favor of a call
"froin early buyers of Spring Dress Goods,
A Few Novelties
"Are also to hand iu new weaves in black, which
may interest you, and if you're looking for bar
gains, there's lots of opportunities for saving
money in the purchase of winter weight fabrics.
Globe Warehouse
vUlnjc people to attend tliu medium
unil neck salvation.
Abused His Aged Mother.
John ThonviN, of Liissf-rne stieet. wiih
iii-rcNto'l .Monday night at the liimiiw-o
of IiIh unci innthor, who accused him
of m-Ftiullliift n ntl nbimlni; her. Mho
cnmplnltu-d to Llciilcnnnt WllllaniM
Hint ftnlcl hIio wan nfrntd to ko home.
A wan-ant wan hutted by Alderman
John for IiIh arrest.
Mm ThuimiH In old ami ici'lile, and
almost blind, mid says her hoii'm aluife
In hubltiml with him. In police mint
ycHtcrday illuming Thulium wiih fined
Brother Changed His Mind.
Alexander Giady, of Kmmet stuet,
caused a wnirant to bo Issued by Al
derman John for tho an est of his
brother, Kdward Grady, on the charge
of assault and battery and malicious
Kdward was plated under arrest nnd
loeUod tii In the station house, but
when he was nrinlgncd for n hearing
yesterday, the brother failed to put in
an nppearanee nnd the prisoner was
Funeral of John P. Thomas.
llev. Thomas de Giuehy, P. I)., pas
tor of the Jackson Street Uuptlst,
church, oMlelated at the funcuil of the
Into John V. Thomas yesterday after
noon. The services were held nt thn
house, 2T0'J Jackson street, and inter
ment wan made In the Washburn
street cemetery.
Tho pall boaters were selected from
among the mcmbeis of the Jackson.
Street ltaptist church, and Included
William Jenkins. George Coombs.
Kvnn Morris and John Joium.
Notes and Personals.
Ml Harriet Thompson, of Stiouds
burg, Is the guest of Mrs. Dr. Until
son, of Main avenue and Jueltson
llev. David Jones, pnsto! of tin
First Vclh Congreisatlnuiil i-huu-h, N
111 at hl home on South Lincoln ave
nue. The Mundny rohool clay taught l.v
John T. Davis In tin- I'lrct U'oK'i
Congregational ehurch. will hold ,i
dime social at the honu of Mr.
ICt South Hromlny ufini". th'i aft. !
noon and evening.
Mis. Maiy I'luohi.ti. of Kranl.t'ii
Pa.. Is visiting her slMor, Mtv. 1!. S.m
fold, of North Alain avi iri .
The Ml. Vliaaiit kinilgignr -i '
still open and the teaclK vs : i v -v
anxious fir a full nitc iii'ain
Tho Sunday school elans of ,lum - T
D.ivles at the First 'nn'i I'li.i1
church will hold u, ten-i'i in mi. Jul ,t
tho homo of John II. D..vies, nil ,- u '1
Bromley avenue, on Wednesday a.i i
noon, January LM. -'nnilwlclie". riU
coffoe and ieo cream will be xvo..
Proceeds will be given to the Huiinttx
school treasury. All a-o welcome.
Specialty. D!senes of Wi nio.i
Hoom 1, oer Globe store, flout :: 1 to
B.r.O p. m. Consultation j'i" !
Trevcrton. "
The new barbsrs prices, which were
adopted at a meeting Sunday, will tako
effect Feb. 1, The prices aio as fol
lows: Shave, 10 cents; hair cut, 23
cents; shampoo, 25 cents; marking with
scissors, 2?) cents; shaving neck, ii
cents. The closing hours nre to be nt
H o'clock p. in., excepting Wednesdays
and Saturday evenings. No harboring
will ho done on Sunday,
The first of tho series of piogresslve.
"urine paitles of tin different V. M. I.
councils will be pl.iy next Friday own
lug between the Phil Sheridan council,
of llieen llldge, and the Marquette,
council at ilia hitter's looms on West
Market street. Tho game will start at
8 o'clock. Thu winning side will be
presented with a silk Hag. After tho
game there will bo a social.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dunning cele
brated tho tenth anniversary of their
marriage by a tin wedding at their
home Monday evening. Those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. Wniren Dunning,
Mr. and Mrs. lCdwurd Salton, Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Dunning, Mrs. Marie Van
Duzer, Misses Ilertha Dunning, Lizzie
Penman, Florence Dunning, ltegle
Walters, Nettlo Dunning and Maud
Dunning; Messrs. lleubenVan Diuor,
Warren Sexton and John Smith,
C. W. Hsnjanilii, of North Main ave
nue, Is slightly Indisposed.
Professor H. 11. Martin, of No, "J.;
school, is confined to his home by sick
ness. Hd wards Collins, of Noith Main ave
nue, Is convalescent.
John Mackey, of North Main avenue,
Is suffering with la grippe.
Miss May Henley has recovered from
nn attack of sickness.
Ileiuy Twining, of North Main ave
nue. Is convalescent.
All news matter will receive prompt
attention If left In the tin box placed
In G. W. Davis' drug store, corner ot
Main avenue and Murket street.
'Phones of the new telephone com
pany are being placed In dlfl'ermt bus
iness places of Providence.
Annie Gallagher, of Parker street. Is
slightly Indisposed.
Dr. J. H. Cursor, of North Main ave
nue, Is III.
Tho social committee of tho Provl
deiuc Presbytvilnn Undeavor sodety
announce another unique attraction lor
Feb. t. namely, a 10 or IS cent entet
talmiHiit, and you take your choice.
Th" inmnilttee expects a largo at
t ndaiice and nho to gie perfect satis
In: turn to tliwlr natrons.
An evening with itlble Invitations"
Is the subject of a conference in tho
Proi Ideiico Piosbvterlnii church this
M'tllmr. The ; ublle Is asked to attend
thO SMfVlli'.
iiiueiul of the T-jear-old dauKh-
il Mr. and .Mrs. Krank Jansen, who
in b"i n d lo death ycstoiday morn-
b tho biirnlni: of their homo, will
I '.'!? plif o His afternoon finin the
t Im.ri ot .Mi.'. William .lansen, on Aldoi
' .r I ot, " o'cIik k. Services over tho
I H-v'i i will be b'lil at the same place.
I liii.Tmi-nl Will be nilde In tho Twen-
th h ward (iormnn Catholic cemetery.
il. .. Miller lias I'haiRo of the funeral,
j Tl-o tilirm of llr" turned in from box
"7 . i'iii rd.iy nfternooti was occasioned
1 I y o "H",u hlazo In a barn belotiBinK
' M c. i. ltnlaiid. Owing to the piompt
a Mon of the Connell Hose romuany
1 i i b'r;: wiih iiulckly exthiKUlshed,
j T' . Mineral "f the Infant child of Mr.
I mul Mr. 15-my, of Hickory street, tool:
I i ' yo-tordnv afternoon at 2 o'clock.
fv;. ,v. weiv condueled at the resi
lience, lu'i'iinent was made In Forest
Mill ii :n 'tery.
"'!" rcuic.lns of Miss Iteatrlce Tou
1 ln vpiv lonxlKncd to their final rest
ik plai ' yesterday morning. The
fi'ti' was held from the family rest
d :-e on 1.VJ0 Pittston avenue and was
la"ioly attended, A high mass of re
quiem whs celebrated in St. John's
i Lurch Interment was made in the
c-.iicdrul cemetery. The pall-bcarcrs
'" o: Martin I-avelle, Thomas Har
i it. William Iliiuly, John McCiou, .lo
reph lloyle and John I'oy.
The funeral of the late William llar-hlnt-,
ol Mlnooka, will take place this
inonilnt; at ! o'clock from the family In St. Joseph's church,
Mlnooka, a lei-ulnm mass will be cele
brated. Interment will be made In the
Mlnooka Catholic, cemetery.
The riouth Side. Outinff club will hold
a regular meeting on Thursday even
ing at their rooms on Fig street.
Frank Walter, of Cedar avenue, who
had his arm broken about two woks
ago, lesumed work.
The Frelllgrath lodge, Xo. 2SD, Order
oi the Hail Garl, will meet In regular
resslou In Ilartmnn's hall this evening.
All member aio requested to be pres
ent. The Sunset base ball dub will con
duet their annual masquerade ball till
evening In AVorklngmen'. hull.
Henry l.aubsher, the proprietor of
tho South Side Howling Club house,
inlt. -i all his friends foi a free supper
T'auiMl.iy evening.
The Young Men's club of tho Chinch
of thu Ciond Slipphi'id has leiiuested
tin- publication of the following: We
v Ii h to announce to the members of
tin- mul to their friends In tho
community that they will be unable to
hold their llfth nnnual turkey supper
on Washington's, blithday, on account
of that day coitilnpr In the Lenten sea
son, nnd we do henitlly thank our
friends who had pi offered to aid us In
uiitlclpnton of the supper taklm,' place
as In foimof ycais. While thu club will
lie at a temporary lo financially, wo
kn.nv Hint our Mends with us will
hope to pain spiritually. Appteclatlner
lite kindness shown to us In the past,
i' can assure them that It Is the club's
Intention to woik faithfully for tho
pilnclples wo represent. Therefoie, we
extend our affectionate Krcutlnp.
Miss Itene I.a Touoho-, of Marlon
street, is convalescent, after a seveie
At tho quarterly conference of the
Anbury Methodist Kplscopal church,
held at thn homij of Mr. D. S. Miller
leiently, by the unanimous consent,
and npprovnl of the entire oiUclnl
board, t. W. ti. .Sitnprou was invited
to remain another year, and the toi
lowltiK board of tiustees were elected:
T. J. Snowdwi, K. U. Hleu'iis, Ii. T.
.layne, u. c. Seward, 11. h Dunn. D.
W. Ives. V.. H. Peck. ,1 H. Miller. Thu
o'llci-rs of the board are: I'lusldont, T.
J. Snowdcn: secretin. v. 10. ii, Stevens;
1 1 usurer, H. T. Jnync.
MIsh .Maty Xlcol, of Dlcknui avenue,
Is sutferlnpf lioiu a sevcro attack of
(it In.
Mre. Inhn Sampson, of I'llccbmir,
Allow ii mush to ii'ii mill! It srt lnjoml ltc
rouih ol iiiritlrlne, 'llm nflfii .-., "Oh. it will
near uway," lmt in iikch It will wear
tlifin uwtiy. fuiiM they lie imlurnl to try llio
iicrMul imJUino callul Kemp' lUlsjui, wlikh
il KiUI on 11 ltUi' KuauniiT tn mrr, tliry
miia Imim illdtpty kv the I'virllrnt tllott iilttr
UMni the Hut lIne, 1'iieu 23o, uml tV)v. Trial
i tree. At alt Urujsliti. I
The Pear of Being Deceived or Hum
bugged Prevents Many People
from Trying a Good Medicine.
Stomach troubles are so common and
In most cases so obstinate to cure,
that the people itro apt to look with
suspicion on any remedy claiming to
he a radical pennanent uro for ds-s-pcpsla
and Indigestion. Many such
people pride themselves on their
aciilcness In never being humbugged,
especially 111 medicines.
This fear of being humbugged can
be carried too far. so far In fact, that
many people suffer for ye.iis with
weak digestion rather than risk a lit
tle time iind,moncy In faithfully test
ing the claims made for a remedy so
reliable and universally used aw S"tu
art's Dyspepsia Tablets,
Now Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets me.
vastly different in one Important re
spect from ordinary patent medicines
for the reason that they are not a
secret patent medicine; no secret Is
made of the Ingredients, but analysis
shows them to contain tho natural di
gestive ferments, pure aseptic pepsin
(government test) Golden Seal and
diastase. They me not cathartic neith
er do they act powerfully on any par
ticular organ, but they cure indiges
tion on the common sense plan of di
gesting the food eaten, thoroughly be
fore It has time to ferment, sour and
caue the mischief. This Is the only
secivt of their success.
('athmtlc pills never have and never
can cure Indigestion and stomach
tioubles, because they net only on the
bowels, wheieas the whole trouble Is
In tho stomach,
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets taken
after meals, digest the food. That is
all there Ik to It. Food, not digested
or half-digested Is poison, as It creates
pas, acidity, headaches, palpitation of
tho heart, loss of llesh and uppetltc
and many other troubles, which nre
often called by some other name.
Tlit'v are sold by diugglsls everv
whi'io In the Fnlted Stales, Great
Hrltalu and Canada.
spent yesterday with the family of M.
C. i 'a rr.
Mr. Jiwipli Van Morgan, of Sander
son aonue. Is able to bo about the
hoiido ngaln, after a aevere attack oC
''olonel F. L. llitchcoclt. of Wasli
luglon avenue, Is In Washlngion, D. C.
Jlrs. Charles E. Cobb, of Monsoy
nvenue, who has been (.otlouslv III, Is
Mis. Nell, of Hawiey Is MtIng Jlr.
and Mis. William N'oll. of Marlon
A Dearth of Republican Candidate
and a Meeting1 Will Accord
ingly Have to Be Held.
A number of the Republicans of the
town at a meeting held in the Ex
change hotel, last night decided to call
a meeting of the Republican citizens
of the town to bo held on Saturday
night In Odd Fellows' hall for the pur
pobe of selecting candidates for the
various otliccs and deciding whether or
not the Crawford county system should
be continued.
About a dozen of the prominent Re
publicans of the town were In attend
ance nnd, after discussing the matter
in all It phases, decided the proper ac
tion to follow would be to call a meet
ing of the Republicans of tho town and
have them select a representative tick
et. Accordingly a committee wa.s ap
pointed, who framed the following
"The borough committee met last
night and, the registration for candi
dates hnvlng been opened for one week,
and not sufllcieut having registered.
It was decided to call a meeting of the
Republicans citizens of the borough to
meet in Odd Fellows' hall on Saturday
evening, Jan. 26, at 8 o'clock.
"At this meeting will b chosen tho
candidates fof the various olUoe.s and
It will also bo decided whether or not
the Crawford county system shall be
Revival Services.
The revival services at the Ti Ipp
Avenue Christian church lasL nlRht
were attended by a large nudlenc?.
llev. Mr. Cobb took for his theme "Al
most Persuaded." He began by first
presenting the case of Herod nnd then
followed It by a number of examples
from the scripture und history.
The address was very impressive. At
the close two more confessed their
faith In Christ and seven woro bap.
tlzed. The topic for this evening, is
"Scriptural Conversion." Tho ttev.
l-'ilch, of Westmoreland, wns present
and lent lilt assistance In tho services.
Briof Notes.
Mrs, J. J. JiroBan, of Chestnut street,
has recovered from a severe ntlaek of
the grip.
The employes of the Pennsylvania
Coal comiuuy were paid yesterday,
Uev. Mr. Dunnett, the Canadian
evangelist, addressed a large conjrre
Butlon at the Methodist Episcopal
church Inst nlcht, uslnp as his sub
ject "How Ood Keeps Our Kecord."
TonlBlu his theme will hi "nod's De
An Important business meeting of the
Improved order ot ki-ii .Men win on
held nt their rooms Thursday night,
WHICH all memuers are .menuy u
quested to attend.
Unlets were posted at all th" local
collleiles of the Penlsylvanla Coal
company yesterdny, stating that they
would bo Idle today and tomorrow. Xo
reasons were assigned.
Mi 8. AnuK, Hughes.
Aim 1!. Iluilif. viilon ol the l.tu II.
lliigln-. illf-l .it '& "'clock ycletiliy
i.iuiiitnir at 1 In. txiliiHi. onnr oi wjiiiuui
tiin mul N,ulh I'.iil. Meniu', atu-r 1
imiU'h III11. -. wl.lcli limun Hli a li'ny '"M.
D.rrakfil win Imui I" I'D" Mnr, "tVidt, .111J
wl.en hi' ranio to AinnU.i mttli'il in Huiiiolin,
1.,,. .1.0 ri li'aiilnl lo Mr. Ihislie. in No
M'lnliu, l"i'l, lieiliB lil irfioiiil wile. She v. At
a mrtiil'ir nl llif i'lri-t WeUli llipti.t
iluuili, atnl a lonulriilliim I hn-llan umiun,
Mi. Iliulu'4 wai'Ni ot ui;c lait Mjj, au-1
kunlul l one Utir, Mm. .lo.epli lluuliu.
ntnl the tollouti k li''thllilri'iii Mm. Kllir, ul Wi.lerly. It I.l Mm. Klli .lonn,
Mr A. II. Kjnon, Ml William Mcphoiw ami
Mis. Jerkin T. Ileee.
The timftal will onur I'lIiUy allfinorn.
I'irver mietinK will lie h'ld at the lmie lu
ll., irow cienlmi, anil Hi" ieiniln vlll he taktn
o ShiininUn (or inliiinrnt.
Georfpe L. Preston.
fJccrgc I.. I'lrnton, ctcran o( Hie Civil wir, CI f- 01 Uiie. rlieil ol cei'iial cltMllty at
tho l.aiknwanna hopllnl at noon ji'.tcrilay.
Mr. I'fwton iia foiiml SunJiy nttrrncon l;lnr
uiuoiiiiioiu U'on the rlooi nt I1I1 bij room In
the Ornnd Army ot the ltrpulilio building en
Wellington armir,
I'nlctt word l ivcnel from M. brntlicr in
Klmlra he will l,e Imrlcrl In '.ho tnMIci' ilot
in the t'orett Hill erinricry,
Sonnis Dorrig. '
Dennis IVnlir, a well Vnown nildciit ol Dun., illtil ury middrnly at lit home ncir
flly d'roip Momliy night. He le a ltov
uii'l ecnd ml.ilt ihlldrtn. Ilir wilt
ereur thN inoinlnn l p.M olrk unit (titer
incnt v 111 he made In M, Mir) 'a crmptiT).
Thoina ll) l)al, agnl IS JWH, HI Incnlhs
nl 20 d.ijn, illcl jclcnl.ij Jl tin- home el !!
(MMiK. Mr. mul JIif. John l).oi, SIS l'l"
uiii khu-l, 'llm fiincrjl Knlers will he inn
liKltil .it tho hoii" toiiiiirnnv nfliinonn .ll
3..0 oMock. iMvinicnt will he lini'lr In ho
W ashliutli tlct trimlri)'.
Ki.i, the S inontlH-nM (hlhl i.f Mi. uii.l Mu.
JiiIIih lloiindl, n 2111 O.iiflcM jmiiii'. fltctl
)itnil.iy. Tho fotUcs will ir rumhict.
il at the lioino I'linoiiowr iifuinnon at 'J
o'dixk. Intrniifnt will he made In Hie U.nh.
limn Mriet crmctrry.
1 umliiilnl (torn I'ukc 1.1
January, 1S20, while the duke and his
fiimllv wcio living at Hldmouth, In
Devonshire, ho came in from nn open
air Jaunt nnd sat down to play with
his baby daughter. Ho could not tear
himself away from her long enough to
change hlx wet clothes, and as a re
sult suffered a chill and was prostrated
with pneumonia, from vyhlch he died
Jnnunry 23. Victoria was then eight
months old.
Six days later, his tnther, Ceoi-go III,
breathed his last and the prince regent
came to tho throne as George IV. He
reigned ten years nnd then the queen's
uncle, the Duke of Clarence, acceded as
William IV, William's two daughters
having died In Infancy, and his brother,
the Dnke ot York, had no family. So
It enmo about that In 18:!", when King
William died the succession foil to Vic
toria. The childhood of tho young
princess was p:tscl quietly In ICng
l.ind. Her education was directed by
her mother and her uncle, Prince Leo
pold of Saxe-Coburg. Tho latter an
ticipated the destiny which awaited tho
young girl and instructed her In much
that It becomes a queen to know.
On the Throne.
"Vlctmla ascended tho throne at the
ago of IS, From the ilrst she wa.s pop
ular with her subjects.
F.ngland nt the time of the queen's
accession was torn with nartv strife.
Her grandfather, George IV, and her
uncles who had followed him on thu
thorne had not considered It beneath
their dignity to mix In the political
battles of the day and1 they quart clod
constantly with their ministers. Hence
n dedicate task confionted Victoria and
it was womanly tact which came to
herald In accomplishing It. The queen
tacitly established the principle that
tho sovereign shall not participate in
the political contents or disputes In the
realm nor Interfere In the government
so long as it is honorably conducted.
In future It Is dpubtful If this princi
ple can ever be disregarded.
The coronation ot the queen took
place a yeur after her accesion on Juns
2s. 1S3S, In Westminster Abbey. In tile
fall of 1SS9 the queen announced to her
ministers her bethrothal to her cousin,
Prlnco Albert, of Snxe-Cobuig. The
marriage took place on Feb. lo, 1S43,
and was the occasion for great popular
Happy Married Life.
mni-i-inri tif. ..r virt,wh .u n
happy one. She deeply Ioed her hus
band nnd tlulr man led happiness fur
nishes a shining exception to the rule
of Infelicity and mlseiy which so often
governs royal matches arranged for
political ends.
The period of thi queen's matrlcli
life, extending over twenty-one yeat.J,
was the time of her gteatest activity.
Court functions were unmet nits andlh.--loyal
pnlr attended many balls, c un
ci rts and ehtbltluns and took a prom
inent part In chatltnblo enteipils..ti.
The lirst vbit to Irelan 1 wa.s nun!"
In lSI'i and the queen and pi luce con
sort were received In Dublin with
gteat enthusiasm. In 1S4:!, n 1'
grea Itnauelal sltess and nutrcrltur lit
Kngland, an attempt was on the
nuecn's life. A man named l-'mncN
tired nt her with a revolver as shi .id
driving pact, but the bull"! w 'in wi lo
of the mark. Another attempt ti kill
thu queen was made at Windsor in
The queen bote her luisbini r.ln?
children and all but two of them, lb"
Prlncc-.i Alice, (died 1S71). and the
Duki? of Albany, idled tssl), stuvlv.
The Pilncc ot Wale-" was born In !SII.
and Miccccds lo the throii" as 1M
waid VII.
( m.i Iwliil ll.. in 1'ji .'.i
not ceiiliinii) lur iii'W Hull "0 Jj.s, liut Mie
Mi.vot I'li.ill luo pnwir liy iid, lain.itiu.i lo
rmllmip the irguKir hvIoii hi 1..11 q'uiil ? i
hliix lur llio putiviMi of il!pihlri; nl mitiuMiril
I iiilnci ur new liihln'it t ! .I'tiil 11111 hlll
l.o dUtlmllv ftJtiil 111 U.c .uw I.111111I11H, anJ
JIO Ollll'l ll'I'IrCH hlllll ! tl.lllHRlUl.
Section I. MI contract" trhtinu In em af
iiit shall ho In to tho Im.nt repnmllil.i
MiMer alter ieaoiuliIf noilie, Wlien Ihe coil
Had eVienU l'f null notlie lull lc liy .up
MIlMiinciiti nhen Iim IIhii ulnniint ul-uill-enmil
nuy he illtpcnil with. I'.my ''ii
1 1. ict kIkiII ,!'(' let hy tho lunur he.ul "I
the piopif ihpaitmrnt, ami .til lml Khali he
leti'lteil publicly hr them iu .1 iliuci unci pluee
In In' K!f.:iatel In the ciltrrthrnient or noihe
Iu hi.hliM anil lull he i.pcnoil at .iii merlin ',
ami tho tlsunn ttaleil lo 1-liMeM then piviin.
Ml n.iitiicu klull U- In williiu, il-'.H'.t .ml
M-t utttl III the iiatiie ol the lily h Hi 1111)01
diiil hc.iil ot the r ilopaitn.uii. N'n on
iit. I.all he iiiiie.l li'to or evcuieil iliuvly
lit tie iiiunell or uuy lonmiltlei1 thriem. Ml hhill lie iMintnliiiiil hj the nmiinl
Ur : n'l Itlul mul nuUKre.1 l.v iitiinher. ilale
uml i-ontenU in llm inajor' nfllie, an.l attitii
0 pies iintiMiril to tho (onlmllrr ami ll.o !
paitmitit iluiKiil with I Ii woik.
i:ciy coiitraii lor puhllo lii'pioteincnU ilull
In Ii eil upon tlr; crtlinii" oi the whole (est
turnUhul liy tin- picper ottlcer Ihtuunli the lie
partment lunlnr eliai-jo ot tho liiiproicinent, anil
lo Mil In tu.i ol mull oliiiiale thall he je
eiptnl. Kveiv iuh .c.ntrret klull contain r
cl.mii lint II Ic HihJiU lo tho innieluiif ot
tlil eit. and the liability ot the city Ihciufin
uliall ho llinltitl bv the JuiounU whleh Mall line
hem or may be from thus tu time approprlatcil
fur thu EUHie. No rcmlriet for worU lo he ilonc
lor hi piopirty or rnaieiUU to be miM or wp
1I1i il to the chy or any 1lep.11 tint M theriiif
!ull ba nuilo with an uoiiMllmaii, ollkn or
emplo'e of Midi cl, or with any firm, cu--attmrlilp
or aoiijtlo:i o( whleh meli munvll.
nnn, clficcr or U .1 tmiuhcr, ami II
any reiii'cllniin, olilcer or cmplojo diitlnu the
tenn tor whlili lie thall tiao been cleeteil or
Ttv.o Years and Six Montho
Without Sloop.
Sleep seems to be in many cases a
matter of habit, just as eating and
Urinkint; arc habits. The Arab whose
desert life leads lo nusteuuousucKS, uc-
allies me otter oi a uraugiu ot water,
saying, "No thank you, I drank yester
la" lie drinks only when thirsty,
mil like his own camels, he can go long
md far without water.
It's much the same with sleep. When
labct and Hue, the French mi&siona-
ics, were exploring Tartar)' they en-
.riKcd in the translation of the Scrip-
'ure, working without intermission day
nil night. When one felt the nred of
icep he lay on a couch, holding in his
and a bill, beneath which, on the
oor, was a braren lniwl. When his
luscles relaxed sufficiently to release
ic ball, it fell into the bowl, and the
oise wakened the ileepcr who resumed
ts work.
But it is one thing to give up sleep
id another tiling altogether in be
table to ilecp. Those who suffer
it! asthma, bronchitis atid other dis
i!s of the organs of respiration are
ily loo familiar with this enforced
akrfutne&s. Thsy would give almost
lything for a night's unbroken rest.
r them lies in the cure of tho disease-"
h'tch h.inish fcluntbcr. That this cure
i possible is abundantly proven by
lose who have used Doctor Pierce's
roldcn Medical Discovcrv for the cure
f bronchitis, obstinate end dtcp-r.eatcd
oughs, lung "trouble" ami other dis-a-,cs
of the organs of respiration.
"I can this day say that Dr. Pierce's
.'.olden Medical' Discoery is the lst
is the Hist
,-er found for
Una," wnte.i
mil only remedy 1 have ever
what the doctors call asthma
Mr. F. G. Rodemever. of 45 Hayden
street, Fort Wayne, Ind. " I have stiff-red
from hay -fever (and I get tho
asthma with it), every year in August
and September for the last fifteen years,
and could not sleep one night during
that time, until tht3 year, I have not
lo.t one night's sleep, thanks to Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery; and
beit of all I did not get the asthma with
the hay-fever, and I only used two bottles
of the 'Golden Medical" Discovery. "
The cures accomplished by the use of
"Golden Medical Discovery" are as
niutinrniie iifl V1A iri It'fttWtVrf 111 . Tllf
j t triuulplls & this medicine have
geeJ wf)n jn lhe Cl)re of cj,ronic dis-
cases of many years standing. When
every ouier incnicuic liau imiro w
more than give icmpory reuei, ui.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has
made a perfect and petmanent cure
i...iilc(l krxnincb ll'Vli", jii Intrust m
1 -mil c Mitral t li aIuII lull. It lii odli 1.
Mllliln CO ii.ij- tiom Ilir
cf thl ait the smntiir ot Dili ioin.n'nM..liH
hall by appointment Mil fi" ollio of major in
111I1 o! thi exbtms cllhi ot th" feeoinl ihv.
Tie trrwlii app. Inleil -hull liaie the i-.iiiie
(I'lahflciiioni .11 reinilrnl tt the i.iijor umlir
lull ail, 1 ml dull h.iw il ll 1 powei. ami pu ..II the ilntlei' Iclmiiclm; In Hi" UK- "t
maur uniler IhN aet 11111II llilr nece-m- .u.'
il.c teil anil ipulllliil. -ilil itiiiiim ' ll I"'
cIiomii at the '-.-dil.i iiiiinl! iliilh.n in
the j ear lHU. iml "lull I- qujliiail 11r.1l uil"i
iipin i.m.e on iln 'imt Muml.n It. M-i"
toll.iulmi ral.l (1-cIIjIi.
?!. L". rpon the apnilhliiier.t belns' iinile 'i'
plialcleil In the piecullni. ullim Ihe ortu "i
in i. r a liiii'iutoii' Nl-linir In joy ill ! the iltkh. a well no In "ll.n evuiitlie m.i
tion ami iniplojiiiiriK, 1.I..1II be al.ilMi'iI, v
1 pi is pi -mill In Inm mll.Hi. ami ill pu-oin
oiiupjlnv: an; mkIi ittin. p"-tn'iw ami unpluv.
nn iii iiii.Ii r 111 put. 01 4 uutliuilij -hall at nine
iij-.i ! nt, ami Ib.'i iitii 1 -ii Ii Uttmr illiel
hall be s.ii.'inul 1 ml i.ini.i.lleil I. thi ' t
ami th. .A.iiitlte mill t'li a piotl.le.1 hiieln.
llm lhl .lull mil be h mliilm il a" t" cluit Hie
cliy liea.uiei. ill lominllcr or bn.iuU ot -n-.--on,
t.h 1 ,Rll iniitlnue uniler th. in t mail
Ihell Mlit -hall be illitnl iml iU.illfleil.
Mill -iiih...i -ha'l lu- cluleil .1 Hie 1mt1l.11
niinlilpal .'lccilmi In Ihi en Itml ai'.l -hall be
iiiilllli.l .11. 1 ir.iei ) 'll Hull olhci- tin ll'it
Mniuliy In .rll nest rii-iili.c uM ibcti"ii.
Wnen New Councils Tnlce Hold.
. ... . .11 . .1.... . tltA. r.l
Me. ", Hie coillli II 01 .111 r-u'iii.K i.i'i- v.
the n'tiiml il lull leniln In otfice with the
pown ami d'lilii' pumilbiil b tliU act until thu
in, I Moid iv o. Aplll, I J".'. "I'd their mieieiiou
ulull ! 1 licit il lint" r thi i l at tie' utuUr
nmnlelpal iltHii.m on th" thlul TueMla in IVI
niity ot Hut ttai
Set. t. 'Ihe prntitlnii. m lliii Jit a- lo mn
lliniatloii hy M'liti inim-ll l pp.ili.tiiicnH bv
(lie major -hill nut apply Hio? imolf by the
per"!!' appoluttil t.uyci ot cJuiiifr iliien
an piotliled by i-eillou 1 ol (lit, t-tluil il. , lull the
nnt.-irs to aVl'Olnlnl uliall AM el oiliee iml
ciiiplojliiriiti wliU I b.t thi- ait ate In be lllli'I
bv tin inatot vltlioiit null fiiiitHil, but thnti'
appointed ii ill n- the qualitli Jtlmi
by thi ait.
-us .1. 'Ihe al entitled "an ail In 11 1
In the ijijieinroinl ol tltlm ot the mcoii-I 1l.11."
ippioted the Hth iliy of June, A. P. lth. I
heieby lepealnl. And all f'tler law for the rov.
ermnenl cl title ol the cionil i!a nnlesc pre-n-itnl
by the limn ol l"l 'Hi. a' '!' ""
laws liumi-Uluul Willi or .upplied b till act,
are hmbv uiiealnl.
P.y r.tilmhe Wire from The Alienated 1'ieii.
llarilslntiK. Jan. 22.-HIi1k for tho
Matt- prlutliiB and hintliiiK for llm
next four yeirr". heKlnnlnK Jul 1.
Wini npt-ncil toilay hy Dc-puty Hecrc
tnty of tin" Common ATitlth Hcltler, in
tin presence- of Auditor Ciouoral Mo-
(Muley and titnio lri'n-nir.'r iiauiuu.
Milton II. 1'1'inK. t HurrlsburB, wan
tho lowest Wilder, IiIh bid hchiK S!)."J
per cent, oh' U10 inaxltiuitn prtn. W.
Stuntfy Uay, of llarilslairir, tho prcs
nil btato nrlntei". hid S8.01 ini" cfti. oft
Other Wthl-'iH wpio Clarence M. L'.usch,
,.r Piiiiiiiiflnhiu. fnrnici" stato piiriter,
I sr.07 pur cent, and Jam-a N. Dysoii, of
Philadelphia, i8.
The contract will he awinlc.l mi the
return of Secretary Client from Vloil
da, The preseni coir.rict price lor
tlui woiU Is S8.01 per cent. olt.
'ii ii
Even when the disease was fur advanced
when there were hemorrhages, nights
sweat, emaciation and great weakness,!
"Golden Medical Discovery" has cured)
the disease and restored the strength.
ii that catarrh in its commonest on
simplest form is a menace not merely!
to health but to life. Catarrh of thai
limes is but a step removed from coin
Muuption. Catarrhnt affections should!
therefore never lie neglected. They aret
a dangerous as they are ollenstvc.
"For twelve viir T mi a mtffrtw
fiom catarrh anil was treated by one of
me dcst. puysicuns in tne Bute of wortn
Carolina, who said the trouble had
reached my lungs,'- writes Mr. J. M.
l'atton, of Clotho, Transylvania Co..
N. C. "I grew worse every day until'
1 tried Dr. l'ierce's medicines. Will
say, Dr. l'ierce'a Golden Medical Dis-I
covery with one bottle of Dr. S8ge
Catarrh Remedy cured me. and to-dar
I am well and hearty, nnd I will sayt
further that my former physician, Dr.!
W. M. Lyday, recommends Dr. Pierce's
medicine to me ana to omers. J. an'
Mire your medicines will cure any case
of catarrh that exists. I recommend
them to all."
By purifying the blood and Increas
ing" the activity of the blood-making
glands "Golden Medical Discovery"
strengthens every organ of the body.
Accepting the fact that the blood is the'
life, ft follows that the healthfulness of)
the physical life will depend upon the'
healthfulness of the blood, and that a
deficient supply of blood must result
in a deficiency of physical strength.
"Golden Medical Discovery" gives f
health and strength by increasing the
quantity and improving the qua'"y of
,', t '
the blood. The evidence of this lies in
the marked gain in weight experienced,
by those who have become emaciated!
by wasting disease, and who have been 1
cured by the Uie of "Golden Medical"ovcrv." It is not a rain of flabbv j.ut a a;n 0f sound flesh and firm
musciC( and with this gain of flesh and.
jmjscic comes a gain ot strength, which i
reeks a new outlet tor itseit in active
-cercise. The frequent testimony, "It
has made a new man of me," thoroughly i
expresses the real rejuvenation which
comes to tltce cured by the use of
"Golden Medical Discovery."
Accept no substitute for "Golden
Medical Discovery.- No so-called "just
as good" medicine can compare with
the "Discovery" when its record ol
cures is considered.
That is the condition under which
you can obtain a copy of the "People's
Common sense .aieaicat naviscr," jttc.
This L-reat work, containing Ioo8 poires.
in paper-covers, is sent free on receipt i
of at one-cent stamps to pay expense of!
mailing only. For the book in cloth J
binding send 31 stamps. Address Dr.
K. V. Pierce Buffalo, N. Y.
-Rel & llurijunder. Lessee nnd Minajers
A. J. Dufly. lluslnejs Manizer.
rrtday Night, January 25, 1001.
DM: l'l'Itl'OllMAN'CB OXLV.
'Ihe l..iin;ii.ible iiildllj 'Hie Newly Discovered!
Vim of Mage Fan.
t l.-ilii: J-IUIIIJ't Dlll(ilXAl.S'ACTCOMi:D,
Captain Jiiks of the Horsi Marines
Ilv a Pukeil and Tapahlo
Itl.el llarrmiuie, II. Heetes binltli. Edwin
nu'uih. Aim." Ilioinnii Wltten. Ceorje W. liar
t.,id. Illliim Tlinm'ite. II. S. Tajnir, Barstow
-.niiih. Ul. He Mni-ilmer, Tannic Addison Pitt.
II. 11 hi Marriott, llinv 11. Amhim, bydnev
(Viwtll. Jul 11 lb ", llanraret Punne, Gird
nvr J111UI11-, l.teljn Jep-bii, John lliiBlieu, Kale
Tin I'tili. la-wit Wood. Lorcno Hale, Anlt.i
"...ili. ' Anna M. J. Gallagher, Ua-
nn. aiiw. Iiarij i.iuon. .tint- mjnui nw
I'llll ):- !.'i
.A., 7'i' . "?t. and $1.80.
i-Vrt'ltPAY. Malime -tml MbM, JASUAUV 2i3.
Mailme I't'iioiinni'v in l3.
Cveninc; l'ctforiiunco at 8.IXX
I'o-lilwly ia-t appearance ol
in jieat production of
The County Faij
Heller 'ihan Kier Delore.
t-peiul llaisaiii !' Matlneo. CS and BO cent
r.tenlns piiiei, '-5- W :'c, lnd J1"00'
-eaiK on bile 'lliurday at 9 a. m.
Manafn and Uitte. Local Mwicer.
" I.
The flillman Compan
S- innorttnit Maude lllllinan and Jerry Donavln,!
in a u'l'i iiulrt- ol stan. lint production!.
Monday Ktcnlntr "The Planter's Wife."
'luetdav Matinee '"Ihe Hidden Past."
rnnCav i:rnlne "Cliarlty Hcm."
Weilm-d ly Matinee "IamIi the Forraken."
Midneida.t i;Miilns-'"01liir lvlsl."
Mitlnee I'iliei-10 and 20 centt.
Kit'iilm; Price 10, a), iiO cents.
New Gaiety Theatre
it. It, I.0N0, l.efcee ami Staruter.
Alonday, January 21.
MATisi-K i:vi:nv pay.
P. W. Dlnlilni prewnta tho best yet.
ll I I
sn-ri'.oci.K l.v Tin: r-Asr-ro
J'mri -r.tfiiinir, IV., Uie,, 3U, Wc.
Matlne.., 13c, lor.
j-- '' Ml