The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 23, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Councilman Chittenden Say That
Whllo It Baa Serloua Dafacta It la
Deairabla on the Whole Because It
Centralizes Power and Responsi
bility in the Mayor Councilman
Roche Believes That It Will Mean
the Establishment of an Autoc
racy and Democracy's Death Knoll.
Tho announcement that a new and
complete second-clRBs city rharter had
been Introduced In the state ttenate by
Senator Muehlbronncr, of Allegheny,
and that It had been referred to com
mittee and reported favorably upon,
was received with great "surprise In
this city.
Chairman Chittenden, of the councll
nitinlc second-elaBs city committee,
Maid last night that he would call a
special meeting: of the committee at
once for the purpose of considering the
now act and discussing the ndvlsablltty
of dropping the amendatory act nl
ready prepared. The comments on the
new net heard were varying-. Some
K.-iw every good In It, and some saw
every evil. Said Select Councilman C.
T;. Chittenden:
"This new bill Is the one we must
look to, for there Isiio question but
I hut if any second-clnss city measure
aovs through, this will be the one, be
cause It will lecelve the support of
Senator Quay nndhls followers. There
arc good points nbout the charter and
thero are bad points, but the former
outweigh the latter. Taking" the char
ter at. a whole, I should say that It
I3 much more suited to the needs of
Srranton than the present general act.
Centralizes Power.
' I like the charter because It centers
p'rn more power and responsibility In
the mayor than do the amendments
which we contemplated Inttoduclng.
The objection will bo taiscd that It
centers too much power in the chief
executive, but my opinion Is that It
Isn't possible to do that.
"I don't like the method of electing
louncllmeu provided by the charter.
Tho election of select rouncilinen at
large means that the dominant party
will return each member of that
branch and the plan of permitting ger
rymandering by joining wards not hav
ing1 1,000 taxablcs to other wards Is
wrong, because It would mean that the
party In power could 60 arrange things
as to keep the common council, also,
almost entirely of the same political
faith as the select and the administra
tion. "This would mean the elimination of
the minority and I think that this is
not right, because a healthy minority
Is a very good check on any legislative
body. That feature of the bill should
he amended. I would favor electing
patt of each council at large, because
there Is a great deal In the. theory that
the entire people of a city can choose
better men than only a part of a city.
"That feature of the bill giving the
governor power to appoint the first
mayor, I, of course, am unalterably
opposed to, but I'm afraid we can't
change that. That will be bad for the
two years lie will have to serve, but
after that we will be all right. Tho
chin ter, on the whole. Is good because
tt takes the executive power from
councils and centers It In one man
whom the people can get nt."
Is Opposed to It.
.Select Councilman John E. Itoche,
also a member of the committee, said
when asked for an opinion;
"This charter should bo fought bit
terly by the people of this city, unless
they want themselves placed under the
dominance of a political machine for
the rest of their lives. Put that char
ter into effect and make me mayor and
I'll establish 'a machine that will out
Tammany Tammany. It provides for
almost an autocracy and Is designed to
take from the people the poweis which
are rightfully theirs.
"If it ever goes Into effect In this city
It will mean that the Democratic par
ty. In whoso ranks are nearly half our
citizens, will never be able to raise Its
head again. It will rob It of oven a
minority In councils and give one party
complete sway and power. It can't be
amended satisfactorily, because every
line seems to be dominated by tho
idea of one man power.
"Tho people of this city should arise
and protest as far as they are able
against its passage. A committee
should bo sent down to Harrlsburg at
nnce to do everything possible to pre
vent it from becoming a law."
Select Councilman D. W. Vnugliim
took the matter philosophically. Said
"There's no Uho of us worrying, for
anything we can do or say isn't going
to cut any more figure with that legl.s
Itttuic than If wo sent a committee
to Kin-Ma to dictate that country's
Chinese policy. Scranton Isn't (golnp
to be considered In this deal at all."
Mayor Molr was seen In the after
noon, before a complete copy of tho
act had reached the city. Ho said
he would express no opinion until ho
had carefully studied the whulo net.
The total number of resident tax
ables in tho city, according to tho list
icently compiled by tho assessor, Is
'5,;;3. This would nllow, under the
new chArtei'.'Xsselve select councllmen
ind twenty-five common
According to accounts In tho Pitts
burg papers of yesterday, the Pltts
'mrg chamber of commerce on Mon
3ay considered the amendatory act
irepared by tho councllmanlc com
mittee. It didn't meet with universal
approval. The chamber was opposed
to tho plan of limiting the terms o(
Jflke of the heads of departments and
believed they bhould hold office dur
ng good behavior. Opposition was
ilso manifested to the Idea of having
the select council confirm the nppolnt
nent and removal of heads of derail
ments by the mayor.
The Complete Bill.
The full text of the new second
:a! city act Introduced Monday
night at Harrlsburg. follows:
Ho It enacted by the senate and
house of representatives, etc.:
Section 1. In cltlea of second class
kit executive powers shall be vested In
'the mayor and In tho departments au
thorised by this act. The mayor shall
be the chief executive officer of the
city, and shall be at leant 26 years ot
tee, and have been a citizen and in
habitant of the tftate flvn years, and
inhublmnt.of tho city for which he
may be elected mayor five yearn next
before his said election, unless absent
on public business of the United States
or of this state, and shnll reside In
said city during his term of service. Ho
shall give bond In such sum ns shall
be determined by councils. Tho mayor
shall be chosen by a plurality of tho
votes cast at the municipal election
and shall hold his olllco for the term
of three years from the first Monday
of April next ensuing his election, and
serve until his successor Is duly elect
ed and qualified. Hut he shall not be
eligible) to tho office of mayor for the
next succeeding term or to any other
office or position In the city during the
period of two venrs next succeedlnc
the expiration of his term of office. If I
two or more candidates he equal and
highest In votes, one of them shall bs
chosen mayor by a vote of tho major
ity of all the members of the Incom
ing councils, In Joint convention as
sembled, Immediately upon their or
ganization. When a vacancy shall
take place In the office of mayor a suc
cessor shall bo elected for the un
expired term nt tho next municipal
election, oceurilng more than thirty
dayp after the commencement of such
vacancy, unless such election should
occur In the last yea.' of said tetm,
In which case a mayor pro tempore
shall bo chosen by councils In Joint
convention by the votes af the major
ity of members elected. And tho per
son elected mayor shall hold office un
til the expiration of said term and
until his successor plmll be duly elect
ed and qualified, and It shall be the
duty of the president of the select
council to Issue a ptoclnmatlon for
such Joint convention to be held not
less than ten, nor more than twenty,
days after Mtch vacancy shall take
place. Until the vacancy Is filled tho
president of select council shall act
as mayor. It shall bo the duty of the
Duties of the Mayor.
First To came tho ordinances ot
the city and tho laws of the state to
be executed and enforced.
Second To communicate to councils
at least once a year a statement of the
finances and general condition of the
affairs of the city nnd nlso such In
formation In relation to tho same as
either branch of council may from
time to time require.
Third To recommend by messages
in writing to the councils, nil such
measures connected with tho affairs of
the city and the piotecllon and Im
provement of Its government and fi
nances as he shall deem expedient.
Fourth To call special meetings of
councils, or either of them, when re
quired bv public necessity.
Fifth To perform such duties as
may bo prescribed by law or ordinance
and he shall be responsible foi' tho
good order and efficient government of
the city.
The mayor fchall call together tho
heads of depaitments for consulta
tion and advice upon the affairs of the
city at least once a month, and at
such meetings he may call on the
heads of departments for such re
ports as" to the subject niattois under
their contiol and management ns he
may deem proper, which It shall ie
their duty to prepare and submit at
once to the mayor. Records shall be
kept of such meetings nnd rules nnd
regulations shall be adopted thereat
for the administration of the affairs of
teh city departments, not Inconsistent
with any law or ordinance, which ieg
ulatlons shall prescribe a common and
systematic method of ascertaining the
comparative fitness of applicants for
ofilce. position and promotion, nnd of
selecting, appointing and promoting
those found to be the best fitted, with
out regard to their political opinions
or hervlces.
Mayor's Power of Removal.
Sec. 2. The mayor may, by a written
order to be transmitted to select coun
cil giving lils reasons therefore, ie
move from office nny head of depart
ment, director or other officer appoint
ed by him. Dulng tho recessi of select
council he shall have power to fill uill
vacancies that may happen In offices
to which he may appoint, subject to
the npproval of the said select coun
cil at their next session, nnd If such
appointment shnll not be rejected
within thirty dnys after said select
council shall have convened, the.
same shall be considered confirmed.
The several heads of departments shall
present to the mayor annually on or J
before the first Monday of February,
a report of their proceedings during' '
tho preceding year, and he shall trans- ,
mlt the same to councils with any
recommendations he may think proper
to make. The mayor ny disapprove of
any Item or Items of any bill mak
ing appropriations and the part or
parts of the bill approved shnll bo th.
law. and the Item or Items disap
proved shall be void, unless le-nassecl
according to tho rules nnd limitations
prescribed by law for the passage ot
bills over the mayor' veto.
The mayo shall, as often ns he mny
think proper, appoint three compe
tent persons to examine without notlre
the accounts of any city depaitment,
trust officer or employe, and the
money, securities and property belong
ing to the city In tho possession or
charge of such department, trustees,
officer or employe, and leport the re
sult of such investigation.
The Executive Department.
Sec. 1. There shall be the following
executive departments:
rirst Depaitment of public satety.
Second Department of public works.
Third Department of receiver of
Fourth Department of at-sensorn.
Fifth Department of city tieasurer.
Sixth Department of city conti oiler.
Seventh Department of law.
Eighth Department or ehailtles and
Ninth Sinking fund commission.
No depaitment shall be cieated other
than those herein enumuiated. Coun
cils shall provide by oidlnance for such
bureaus, clerks or other subordinato
officers us may bo rcqulu-d for th
transaction of the business of tho de
partments. Each department slrill
have power to prescribe rules nnd 'ieg
ulatlons not Inclstent with any law
or ordinance or with the piovlslons of
article I hereof, nor Its own govern
ment, legulatlng the conduct of Its
officers, cleiks and employes, tho dis
tribution and performance of Its busi
ness, and the custody, use and preser
vation of the books, records, papers
and property under Its control. Each
department shall furnish to the mayor
or councils or either branch of councils
such Information as ho or they may at
any time demand In relation to Its
affairs. The heads and members of all
denartmentK. nmV nil nnhnititin,. nm
--, ..., UHU'dHIIIIIIII Iflll-
rers. clerks nnd employes shall give
bonds as may bo fixed by ordinance.
Department of Public Snfety.
Section 1 The department of public safety shill
tie under the clurKe of one director, who shall be
the liiad thereof, the cart, limnaKemcnt, a.
ministration and supervision of the police affalis.
and all matters relating the puhlic health, to tho
fire and police foicc, flic alarm Icleirraph, flec
tion of file escapes, and the Inspection of build
Ires and hollers, marl.eti nnd food sold theicln,
ahall be In charge ot IliU depaitment, Xo per
son hall be employed In this department as .1
policeman oi ilieman wha I. not 4 cltltrn of tho
United Stites, or who h been convicted of
crime unlc. pardoned, or who cannot rend ami
write undei-iUndlnj'lj- In the English lwguaj.0,
01 who l;ill not hae resided within the Utu
at least one year prircdlnc his appointment,
The superintendent el police, whenever directed
bi the department, shall appoint and ratine to bo
sworn in an number of additional patrolmen to
do duty at arty place In the -ity di'ljnated, by
and at Vhe charge and expense of the person or
persons who may ask for such appointments.
They sha'J tie subject to and obey the orders,
lulcs and regulations of the department, and con
form to the general discipline and special retfu
latlons thereof.
Power to Meet Emergencies.
The mayor may, upon any emergency or ap
prehension of riot, or mob, take command of the
police force and appoint as many special police
men as he may deem advisable. During their
service the special appointees shall possess the
powers and perform the duties of regular em
plojes of the depsrtment anl ahall receive such
compensation as shill be authorised by the may
or, not exceeding that of the regular officers of
the force performing corresponding duties.
The department shall make suitable regulations
under which tho omceis and members of the fire,
telegraph and police force shall be required to
wesr an appropriate uniform. It shall be a mis
demeanor punishable by fine not exceeding fits
hundred ($300) dollars and Imprisonment not ex
ceedlng six (6) months, or either or both, In the
ilsciction of the court, for any person to falsely
personite, by uniform, Insignia or otherwise, any
officer or member of tho department.
There shall be created and established by or
dinance a pension fund to lie maintained by an
equal and proportionate monthly charge made
agilnit each member, of the fire and police force,
which fund shall be" safely Invested and held In
(nut by the commissioners ot the sinking fund
and applied upon such terms and regulations as
iniinclls may by ordinance prescribe, for the bene
nt nf mtch members of the Are and police force
as shall receive honorable dlcharges therefrom
by reason of ago or disability, and tho families
of such as may be lnured or killed In the service;
but such allowance ns shall be made tn tho.
who are icllrcd by reason of the disabilities of
age shall be In conformity with the uniform
Limit to Power of Dismissal.
No policemen or firemen appointed under this
act shall be dismissed without his written con
sent, except by the decision of court, cither by
trial 0, inquiry, duly dctcimined and certified
to the major, which court shall be composed of
persons belonging to the police or lire force,
equal or superior in official position therein to ths
accused, Nich ileeMnn shall only be determined
by trial rt chaiges, with plain specifications,
inado by or KVid with the director of the de
partment of puhlic safety, of which trial the ac
cused shall luc dun notice and at which he
Mull have the right to be present in person. The
rerons composing such court shall be appointed
and hworn by the director of tho department of
public, safety to pciform their duties Impartially
mid without fear ot favor, and the person of
hlehrst rank in such court thill have the same
nutlority to Sine and enforce process to secure
the attend nice of witnesses, and to administer
oaths to wltnee, us Is posseted by any Justice
of the peace of this commonwealth. Such
charges may lie of disability for service, In which
case the court shall be one of Inquiry, whose
ih'tlion may be for the honorable discharge
triun tho scribe of the peison concerned, or for
lie-ulcct or violating of hff or duty, Inefficiency,
iiititnpcr.inec, disobedience of order, or unbe
coming or piiMinal conduct, in which case
the court "hall be 0110 of trial, and Its decision
may nuthotl7c the director of the department ot
public safely to Impose fines and pecuniary pen
alties to bo stopped from pay, or to suspend
from pa or dulv, or both, for a period fixed by
them, not exceeding one jesr, or to dismiss from
the srrslec.
It shill be lawful for tho director ol th de
partment ot public safety st- his discretion to sus.
pend from duty before trial any pel ion charged
as aforesild, until such trial can be had, with or
without pay, as such comt shall afterward de
termine, but no trial shalt be delayed for morn
than one month after rliatge has been made.
The finding of the court of trial or Inquiry as
afoicsnid shall bo of cfTect until approved hy the
111.1 or.
The hoard ol health and the building inspectors
"halt remain as heretofoie, but shall lie attached
to the department of puhlio safety
Department of Public Works.
Net Ion 1 The department nf public works
shall be under ttu. charge of the director, who
shill be the head thereof. Water works and gas
works owned ami controlled by the city, the
supply and distribution ol water and gs's, the
grading, paling, repairing, cleaning and lighting
of streets, alle.s and highways, the construction,
piotectlon and upalr of public buildings, bridges
and structuicii of iery kind for public use, pub
lic squairs, ie.d etste (except sueh as now or
hereafter may be used for educational or police
purpo-es), tunes, engineering, seneiage, drain
age and dredging, and all matters nnd things In
any way relating to or allectlng tho hlghwajn,
fodtwats, wharves and docks of the city, shall
be under the direction, control and administration
of the department of puhlic woiks.
Department of Receiver of Taxes.
Section 1 Ihe ncelier of taes shall he the
heid ff this department, and dull hold his office
for the term ot three jear, and until his sue
ceor i chosen and qualified. The leielpt and
collection of funds deriied fiom atce.uments,
taxes water rents licenses, permits and rents
from mirkrts, landings, u halves and other public
propel ty and interests shall be attached and su
bordinate to this department, and tio subject to
Its supers llnn, control and direction,
"o person shill be eligible to the office of re
ceiver of ta.ea except n clllren of the city, iel
dent theiein for sosen seam next preceding his
election, nnles he shall base been absent on
public bmmes of the t'nited Mates or of this
The leicivn of taxes shall lie chargul b the
controller with the full amount of all ta dupli
eatcs and also witli all others accounts placed
in his hinds by the piopor officers' for collection,
and shill make dally leturns tn the tontioller
of all money piid and hy svhom paid. Tim
councils ulull by ordinance provide when taxes
or water tents may bo pi) able und may nllow
discounts for prompt penalties nnd impose penal
ties for ill fault. Tho olllce ot collector of de
linquent taxes Is hereby abolished.
Department of Assessors.
Section 1 This department slull rcnslst of thiee
peisous who shall hasc been residents of the city
for at least ten )eais. Ibey shall from time to
time mike all valuations fcr purposes of munici
pal taxation. They shall elasalfy and divide all
leal estate in the city Into three classes, viz.:
Unlit up, which shall pay lull rates; suburban
or lural, which shall pay two-thirds, and agri
cultural, whlrh shall pay one-half. The councils
-hill by oidlnance make all fuither needful rules
and icgtilatlons for the government of the elepirt
Department of City Treasuier.
s-cction 1 Tho city treasurer shall liu the head
of this department and shall hold his 'olllce for
a temi of three )cars and until his successor is ami qualified. .No peison shal, be eligible)
to the nttlcc of tieasurer except a resilient of the
eitj, 1 lesldenl therein for seven jcais next
preceding his election, unless he kh.lll fuvc been
,ihcnt 011 public business of the United States,
or of this state, and hu shall not he eligible to
election foi the next succeeding term. The city
ticamrer shall icceive the proceeds of all public
loans and shall demand and receive from the
propel otllceu all moiie)s pa) able) to the city
trom whatever source, ami pay all svairanta duly
Issued and loiiiilcislgned. No money shall be
drawn from the city treasury except by due pro
cess ol law, or upon wan ants on the treasurer
signed by the head of tho appropriate depait
ment and countersigned by the controller, which
lull state the conshleratlcn of the sime, and the
particular fund cr appropriation to which the
same is changeable. The treasuier shell keep
the accounts arising from the several sourer of
levenuo and (limine srparalc and distinct fiom
one another, and shall make dally deposits ol
money received by him In aueli banks or institu
tions as may be designated iy councils and shall
make specific reports dally to the controller ol
all receipts and deposits, und of all inone)s
withdrawn from the treasury, and shill present
and vnity Ids cash account in audi inauuir and
in often as may be required. All the mone)s
of tho city received by uny ofllier or agent Unic
oi shall be deposited dally in tho city Ircasui).
Department of City Conti oiler.
Section 1. The city controller shall be the
head of this dipirtmenti he shall hold his ot.
Rcc for a term ot three )or, and until his sue
cr,sor shall lie duly chosen and qualified, Ihe
city contioller shall
1. .'rcscrllie ths foim of report and arcounfa
to be rendered to Ins department and shall have
I ho inspection and levlilon ol the accounts of
all other departments and trusts.
2. Audit the account of tho several depart
ments and trusts, and all other accounts in
which tlui city Is concerned, and submit annu
ally to councils In such manner as miv by
ordinance bo directed a report ot the accounU
ol the city, verified by hU oath or affirmation,
exhibiting the revenues, receipt and expendi
tures, the sources from which the revenues and
funds are derived, and In what manner the same
have- been disbursed i which report shall be
published In pamphlet or book lerm.
3. Keep separate accounts for each specific
Item or appropriation made by councils to each
department, and ve-qulr alt warrants to atate
specifically against which of said Item the war.
rant li drawn. Each account shall be accom
panied by a statement In detail In separata
columns ot tho several appropriations made by
councils, the amount drawn on each appropria
tion, tho unpaid contracts charged against It,
and the balance standing to the credit ol the
4. He shall not suffer any appropriation to
be overdrawn or the appropriation lor one
Item ol txtiense to bo drawn upon for any other
purpose, or by nny department other than that
for which tho appropriation was specifically
made, except on transfers made by nrdlnince
of councils, or unluu sufficient funds out ol
which said warrant Is pa) able shall actually ,e
In the treasury at the time.
Questionable Warrants.
5. If any warrant presented to the contioller
contain an Item for which no appropriation has
been made, or thero ahall not le a sufficient
balance of the proper fund for the pa)inent
thereof, or which for any oilier cause should
not be approved, ho shall notify tho proper
department of the fsctj and If the controller
shall approve any warrant contrary to the pro
visions hereof ha and his sureties shill be In
dividually liable for the amount ot the same to
the holder thereof.
M. Whenever a warrant or claim shall bo pre
sented to him he shall have power to ! squire.
esidenco that the amount claimed Is Justly du,
and fcr that purpose may summon before htm
nny officer, agent or employe of any department
of the city or any other person and examine
him upon oath cr affirmation relative to such
warranta or claim.
7. He shall also perform all duties rcqulrcel
of him by law or ordinance not Inconsistent
with the provisions hereof. Detailed statements
of Ihe receipts with the expenditures of thn
several riepirtmenta shall be made on the third
Monday of each month to the controller. Every
contract involving an appropriation ol money
shall designate the Item ol appropriation on
which it is founded, and shill tie numbered by
the controller In the order of Its date anl
charged as numbered against such item, and so
eel tided by him befcre It shall take effect as
11 contiact, and shall not be pa) able out of any
other fund; and If he shall certify any contract
In excess of the appropriation properly applica
ble their to, tho city shall net he llabl fur such
xcsm, but the controller and his sureties shalt
he liable In damagea for an amount not ex
ceeding such excess, which mny be recovcreii
In an action on th- ca-ie for negligence bv the
contracting party sggrleved; pioslded, that o
much of this section as enacts thai a conflict
icrtlflsd by the oentrnllei hall not be payable
out of any other fund that item of approptlatlon
against which It is numbered shall not apply
to such contracts for public improvements as
are referred to In article 1.', section 1, heicol.
Officers' Accounts to Be Scrutinized.
Tin controller shall, at the end of each fiscal
yesr, or ofttner if so required bv councils, and
nlso upin the d-aths, resignation, removal or
expiration of the trim of any ofheer, audit, ex
amine and 8cttln the accounts of such officer,
and if he shall be tound Indebted to the city
the contioller shall slate, account and file the
sime in court of common plea of the pioper
county, together with a copy ot the official
bond of auch officer, and giso notice thereof to
him or his legal representatives; and if any
person or persons affected thereb) shall be ells
catlsflcd with such settlement he or they may
appeal therefrom.
The appeal, with lilt or their exceptions to
tliu account as stated, verified by the oath of
th person or peroni appealing, shall be filed 'n
the office of the prothonotary ot s.ilel court with
in 10 el)s after the service of notice. The ap
pellant shall, within 10 da)s, cuter aecuili. to
be approved by the court to prosecute the ap
peal with efTee-t and pa) tin costs and tie rf'ht
and Interest, which niav appear b) the Ji:Jjiomi.
of the court to be due to ths i-fts Tho lul
anre of account as shown by the settlement
filed as aforesaid shall constitute a lieu on the
real estate of the oflcer so Indebted, end his
sureties, from the date of the filing thereof,
which lien shall continue for the period of fire
yeirs from the rhte of the filing. A writ uf
sciic facias to enforce the lien shall be Issued
thereon within six- months, which shall contain
a clatii-e warning the sureties or the executora
cr administrators ot the officer, or of his sure
ties, to appear and make defense, and Ihe c.iso
bliall thereupon bo procecdeil with to final Juelg
ment according to law. Notice of the audit
hall be given by the controller to the officer
or his legal r.pirscntativcs before the final
statement of the account, and ii elesircel by such
otflcer or his legil representatives opportunity
shall be given for a bearing. A copy of such
notice with an affidavit of the proof of scrrire
thereof shall be filed with tho statement of ac
count .is evldenco of service ot notlu
Department of Law.
.See Hon 1, Ihe department ot law- si, ill eon
slat ot a tity solicitor who shall be the hcael
thtirof, and who shall lorn! ids office for a
term of three .sears, and until his successor shall
be duly chosen and qualified. The department
shall have as many assistants and cleiks as miy
be authorized by ordinance. The solicitor and
assistant solicitors shill bo attornc)s-at-law, -id-lultted
and qualified to prietice 111 the coin Is
of this commonwealth, Ihe city solicitor shall
l'irst-flc the legal adviser and act as attor
ney and counsel for the city and nil Its de
partments and offices.
Seconel rrcp.uo nil contiacts to be maele witu
the city or any of Its departments and endorse
on each his approval of the foim thereof beforn
the same shall take cifeet and bo the custodian
ol all such papirs and records as may bs
designated, ami pvifoim such other duties ap
pertaining to bis department as may be le
quired by law or oidlnance.
Daily Reports to Controller.
Third Ho shall make u leturn dally to the
city controller of each Item of money or nioiic)
rccelsed by or through him or his assistants
bv virtue of his office, including all feci and
perquisites foi the preparation ot any conlrucl",
bonds or othti Instruments of writing, or suit
as may be dciivrel from any othci subject mat
ter connected with the city or its affairs, lend
I,11 ti.ll il.lllt' fiiir-li .mmiint tn Hi Mlt tn...
iiicr. All contracts, bonds and other Instruments
of writing in whitli he city is corcerned shall
lie prepared In the ofilce of the city solicitor,
and he shall lecelvo lor the citv 11 reasonable
tee trom the persors for whom such contiacts,
bonds or Instruments ma) be diavvn, to be tmM
by ordinance, and be shall approve all sccmltv
icqulred to be given for the piotecllon of tho
city, and a proper registry shall bo kept by
him of .ill such contracts, bonds and instru
ments. No department of the elty shall employ
any other solicitor, but assistant counsel mav
be einplo)cd In any puticular matter or cuibo
by the mayor, with the tonsei.t of councils,
but he shall be selected by tins city solicitor.
Judgments recovered against and payable bs
the city remaining urq aid, with the Interest
due and to become duo thereon, shall bo rcpoit
cd to the councils by the city solicitor at their
first session after the same shill become pi)
able, ard if there shall be no funds In the
treasury provided for and applicable to the pay
ment thereof tho amount shall be raised in tue
tiext levy of taxes. Such ju.lgnieiiU shall bo
palel, In Ihe order of their piiorlty, out of the
first tuone)s paid into the city tieasury on ac
count theicof by reason ol such lev), but II
thcru ba any inouc) in the tieasiir) not othci
vvImv appropriated, councils shall diuct the pay
innet thcrcfiom of the jiulgmrnts In the older of
their priority, ind tho plilntifls in such judg.
mints ahall have the right In enforce compli
ance with the provisions hereof by mandamus
or other pioper piocesn, bul shall not hare the
right to collect or compel the paymeiit 01 any
such Juelgmciits lu any othti niirner. or out
of am' other funds of the city
Department of Charities and Collec
tions. Section I. The depaitment of chailties and
directions tlull be undei the barge of erne
person, who shall ba the lad thereof, to which
department shall l confided the cart-, minag)
ment, administration and supers I. Ion ol tho
charities altruhouscs, hospitals, houses ol tor.
reitlon, and all other similar Institutions the
cortrot or government of which Is entrusted to
tlui (Hy, The ol this department shall
keep u cornet, complete iceord ot all the pu
iccillugs, which shall alwiys he opeu to the
Inspection and examination ot the mayor and
tf any efmmlttca appointed by councils op
either Lrarcli thereof, and shall appoint all of
ficer and acrvanta required for the In
stitution! under his management. Councils
shall havo power to provide by general ordin
ance for all things needful for the proper and
efficient management ol the said Institutions
and tho aald department t.ot incomlstent with
the provisions of this act, and all able bodied
paupers, vagrants and other pcrons admitted
cr commltteel to any ol "the said Institutions
may be required to tvorlc upon the public streets
or roads or elsewhere.
Sinking Fund Commission.
Section 1. The slnklnj fund commission shall
consist of five persons Those first appointed
under this net shall dlvlele themselves into
classes by tot so that the terms of one ot the
members shall exrlre each jear. All vacancies
ahall bo filled by appointment for the teim of
five yeirs. All moneys applicable to slnkln.j
funds shall be under the charge of the commis
sion, and shall be used for the extlngulshmint
of tho city ile lit. bitch funds as arc not Im
meillately applicable for audi purpose, shall be
Invested In the ptirclnse of loans of the city,
or If tho same cannot be procured to advantige,
then In bonds of the t'nited States or the state
of rrnns)lvanla. Councils shall make all neces
sary vulcs for the government cf this ilepait
Election and Appointment of De
partmental Officers, Clerks and
Section 1. The citv treasuier, city controller
and assessors shall be chosen hy ths qualified
rlectois of tin) city at the regular nuuiMpal
Fee. 2. The nn.eor shall nomlnitc and by ami
with the advice and consent ol the select coun
cil appoint the following efficcrr, who shill bold
office during the trims for which tho appointed
mi.sor was electeil, and until their muv-seois
shall be respectively appointed and quallfiel.
1. The director of the department uf pubtl.
safety. 2. The director ot tho ilepaitmrnl of puhll.'
eri'rks. ""
S. The receiver of taxes
4. The citv rolirltor.
P. Tin director ot the ..rpar'nient nf etun.
ties and cotrecthn.
0. The members nf the slnt'.icr 'un' icmm's
sic li.
ec. .1 Tho directors or e'ief ofhrers if l
partments shall npnoiut all sunor tin-le ndiici"
clerks and employes. The dirro-ors or chief ef
ficcts of departments may by vrltfcn order, ?iv
111c their re.ions therefor. emove or iiiii"' i
subordinate office is and clerks province! the txn
is not done for political nisoiis. In caie of
such leinoval the di-cetor ahill np.iolnt a sm
cessor who shill hold officer subject to confirma
tion svithin 10 li)s after s'.ch appointment bs
the select council It ttie.i 111 -scssiin, or vltltt
10 diys after th boglnulti; ol 'ho next sue
ceedlng session if such appointment ! mad
druing a recess.
"sec. t. All officers, 1 lei ha and employes, ex
cept the atstnnts of the city solicitor In the
several departments and sub-elivisions then of 01
nny board attached therctu, shall be appointed
by the heid of the saiel depirtment, but from
and nflcr the passage of this net no such ap
ointment or any puuuotlon of nis- snhonllnite
oltlcials, excepting only or assistants 01 labor
cis emplo.scd tor spcclil or temporary purposee
und tho professional expert and uch other as
uit specially excepted by this act, shall be law
ftil except svhen inide under ami in pursuance
of rules and icgulations piosidlng for the as
certainment of the comparative fitness of all ap
plleants for appointment or promotion bs a s.s
teinatlc, open and compelllise examination for
such ofilce. sshlch rules nnd regulations It shil'
be the duty of the masor and heids of depart
ment to make and pioimilgale as speedily as
possible. One of tho saiel rules shall piusleh
thit any personal solicitation of the offlcera of
said lioarel, or of tho appointing power In (aw
of anv candidate bv any person w l.o'iisoes er un
less fraudulently done In order to injure Mm,
shall be taken and de-emed to lnsc been done at
the Instance of the candidate himself and shall
disqualify him from competing at any such ex
amination or appointment for and dining one
.sear thereafter.
Sec. 5. Tho assistant to the city sobcitoi
shall be appointed by the nuvor in innjum
lion with the city solicitor.
Impeachment of Municipal Officers.
Sectirn I. Jliinliipil officers shall bo liable, to
impeachment, suspension and leinoval fiom office
for any cornipt .nt esr practice, ma fcisaiui',
mismanagement, i.ieutal incapacity 01 Incom
petency for the proper pcrfoim.1111.0 of official
duties, extortion, rcaiving miv gift or present
fiom any contractoi, 01 from any person s-el.-Jrg
or ergigcd In anv svok for or fnriilshinr
material of tho city, or fiom any Incumbent or
occupant of, or candidate or applicant for, an)
municipal office, and foi wilfull) coneeillng anv
frauel commlttcii against the citv.
Complaint in writing may bo nude lo the
court of common plen of ihe piopu county by
not less than 20 ficcholiferss of the citv, each of
whom shill write his occupation nnd rcslelonee
opposite his slgmtiirc, clnrginar anv municipal
officer with nny otfeiisc, setting foith tho facts
on which tho said ehng is founded, suppoited
by the oatlu or affirmations of at least five of
tho complainants according to the best of their
knowledge, information ami belief. ff 111 the
Juelgment of tho court there appears to be tei
ecnablo Kiound for such piocee-dlng, the comt
shall direct the complaint to be tiled cf iceord
and grant u rulo upon the- accused return elite
on a certain diy to appear and answer tho same.
Committee of Investigation.
If on the return tlay of Ihe iu!o the court
shall find a sufficient cause for fuither pro
ceedings, It shall appoint a committee of five
competent and leputable eltlrcns lo investigate
the chaiges contained In saiel complaint, who,
basing first been severally swoin or affirmcel
to pciform tho duties of their appointment wi'h
lldclll), shall hive full authority foi tint pur
pose to cximine the books of the ofilee held In
tho nccuscel and any papciii filed therein, and
examine wltneswes under oalli or affiimatioii,
whose attendance tic court shall enforce, if
mceiisary, b) subpoena and .ttiiee Imiciit.
It shall be the duly of the loinmliiee to uuk,
u written lipott to the comt ol the facte
found by them, which shall be feh-el ol ire old,
accompanied by tho testimony taken, within
thren weeks nixt aner their appointment, mi
less the time shall be cxtrnelcel by ibe court
upon their application. In an) stage of the
proceedings, If the public Inte rests so lequlre,
the court 111a), by an order to bo filed of rmonl
in the case, suspend the accused fiom ollico un
til he bliall be tried nnd acquitted.
II tho committee or any Hint ol Hum shall
find that any charge made as nfoio.alel Is Mill
founded, they shall in thilr lepoit so state
In specific form, and in such ease the- i.uirt
shall caui a ceitllUd copy of tin- whole leconl,
with the specification of the th.uge against
Ihe accused, to be transmitted to the select
eoiiinll, vvhleh shill l assembled wilhin ten
days theicaftcr in a special and open nlon as
a court of Impeicliment, and the numbers ahull
be severally swoin to try and elcijde the tame
accoidlng 10 the evidence.
Notlco to the Accused.
A ccpy of tho specifications shall be served on
the accused, or left nl his last place of iet
dencc, at b'lst five da)s before tho comimnci
inrnt of the tilal, ami ho stuff be entitled tu
be licaul therein In person, or In- counsel, nnd
to pioduce esblcncc- in his debiiw, and tho
pio.uutlori before the select louneil shall be
esinilucled oil the pait ol the ell) b) tho city
'Ihe president Judge of the raid louit of com
inon pleas, or in Ids .ibscine an associate Judao
Iheieof, shall preside during Hie trial nnd,
eWlde finally nil questions ol law and tsiduue
that may &rl lu the ease, lie shall hive ths
power to issue subpoenas lor wiliusse's and com.
pel their kttcnelancc by attic him nl, and Ihe pio.
tleie'tlon ol books, pain rs and eloe mnmljl) t-vl-ikuce
re'emlied or called foi by the said loutt
of linpeaihiuint. ami In punl-h witiif'tc-s 01
ntheis fcr eoiitimpt as full) ns any V't ol
the coiiiincnvvralth mav lawfully do in I i;ae
r Oiues nil Throat md I.uuir Affection
gu CJetthcsrcnultie. Riliwiilntlttite3.
S.ils stlon Oil cure khcuin.ti..iii. 15 & as cts.
-rttes norenceafillR)Jr
jo 3 ' $
O , '' rVVV Wfflfcs s5A -MBa- 0
1 I IH sSf V-7feM Ti V Yi " Trfa-fcaTf Iffi WCEPVwr
X fir2 jgI3?fe9fcKk
0 (r r-, S?sia3xNiSliBf
MIfs Florence Allan, a beautiful
"iilcuiro i;lil. wiltes the tollowlmr
to Dr. S. O. ilnrtman concui nint?
his) talnriliul Ionic, Pel una-
75 Walton Place, Chicago, 111.
"As a tonic for ti worn-out sys
tem, Ferunn stands at the head in
my estimation. Its effects nio
truly wonderful in xejuvonating
the entire system. I keep it on
hand all tho time, and never have
that 'tired feeling,' as a few doses
always make me feel like a dif
ferent woman." Florence Allan.
Mis3 Culleu Was Exhausted from
.MWxllonv Culleu, Pioildent of this
VouiiK Woman's Club. Ilutte. Mont.,
writ est:
i)2l Oalena htrc.-t, Uutti', .Mont.
Pol mid Medicine Co.. CollinibUM.O.:
Oentlem-'n "Peritnu in!l many
friends in liutte. I cannot fay ton
much In pinl.ies of It. White tlninli
IiTk school I became wry nervous
and exhausted from over-study. I
xviih xvo.ilt nnd sick, and could
neither eat. sleep nor enjoy life. A
couiitei bnttUrt of l'eruu.i put new.
life In me 1 Und by bavins? It In
the hotis.e and lalilnir a dose off and
on It ltoepi nie In Hue health. A
largo number of my friends ipltice
Pel una at the head of all nvili
einesi," Uo-o Oillcn
Miss Jouiis Grew Stiong in Two
Ml-is lhnnia Jcniiis. picsideiit f
the Golden Hod S-'owinfT Circle,
xv 1 lies from 40 HurlliiR utieel. Chl
rnuo. III., the follnwlni? enthusiastic
letter concernlnK Pertina
peiiina Medicine Co,, Columbus, O.:
fipntlemen "l.ecently I sultered
finite .e?vprely from the after effects
of l.t mlppe. As the doctor did not
wcni to help me I liouRht a bottl
of Pet linn. I hid ceilalnly no Idea
that anv medicine could help any
one us that did. Dav by day r felt
hotter, and In n little over two
weeks T f a wtronff and well as
f-vfr AVe keen It lu the he-use con-
The decision of the cnuit ot tinpeachtncnt shsll
lm rnteinl i,ien Ihe iienid of Its .itie.orillii.s
and eeitifleel b) ihe elerk to the comt ill which
the tiiiiilliut was tiled. If th accicsid shall he
found jru'lry "H "' f the spmlllrittoni the
saiel rouit of, loiiunoii iha shall entir Judj
tnent iiciciilliurl) and elechre the .ihl eifhc
NUijii 1. Tho Ic-.i.latlie panel shall ho
v. slid ill two liodiis tu I" designated as the
sell it ami common cumuli.
s-ec. The selext council shall 1 'insist of en e
member fur cell 2,r"i0 irxldeiit taxaldes In llic
elty and shnll lie ihi'sin bv the cnuliticil elee
turs uf the elt) al-laiKi 'ihe common ioiiihiI
shall I'oml.t ol cue member lm each l.Oon iyI.
lent taxable and shall tn ,i!i(iitlim, d allium,
the wauls null tho-scii bv lh volets bj svauls.
While any waul shall not havd siilfnlcnt 10-1
elent tnxabhs lo rntltle It lo one eoiiimoi,
councilman, ueh waul (hull be attached to an
adjoining waul for the puipem nf ihoosliiif one
cir mole imn.beis nf eeiiiinoii council, and lu
Cileei tliU oielliiances shall In) luswel,
N'i. :,. jKnihi'ls nf scdect eonnell !ull lis'
ehosrii leu a n-Kiilar tnui of four .seals ami
numbers of 1 minium council for 11 lllui term of
two ji'jis. Hut at slit- lost election under lids
uit tlie members nf select council shall by lot
dlvldo lli'mihes into wo 1 lasses,, as newly
cental as possible, and tho term of one il.iss shall
I'Upili' in two seals nnd that nt Hie) other in
four seain, ami thereafter all vacancies in mi
iss :$
Rose.Cullm, 0
fstanU, and If any cf the family
teels badly a few doseB ntrenK
thens them." Miss Etntna Jouris.
Terun.t Is not only an excellent
remedy to rIvp durlnr? tho acute
stase of the crrlp, but It constitutes
the letrtedy par excellence for tho
after effects which ore sure to fol
low an attack of tho Blip.
But Miserable, Weak, Nervous,
Tired, Dyspeptic, Slaeplesa
and Melancholy.
The number of women who con
sider themselves as really sick or
Invalids ore few In comparison to
the number of people xvho feel mis
erable month after month, but will
not slve up. continuing" to do their
it-RUlnr xvork.
This class of people do not think
they need to tube medicine. Indeed
.I.a.. .1.....1.1 ... 1.-wIh .nblnw .v.a.11
I Cllt') uini'l ee UI-HI" lis,iifr, ..i-v,-
1 tine for fear they xvlll tret worse in
stead of better. Tho fact Is, how
oxer, there Is no class of people who
receive more prompt and lastlnir
lni? benefit from medicine than this
vety class.
If one bus a poor appetite, Is tired,
debilitated and xsoin out. Peruna
quickly InvlRoratesi the whole sys
tem. We have hundreds of letter.!!
fiom vvomsn who were xx-eak and
nervous all the time until they be
k;iii the use ot Peruna, Peruna In
especially adapted to protecting
iiKtilnst and cuilntr nervous diseases
of 1 tin-down women, as the testi
monials of Miss: Allan im Miss
Cullen Indicate.
People lecoveilnf? fiom acute dis
eases find Peiunii to be without any ns a streiiKthcnlnpr medicines,
as hi tho last of Miss Join Is.
Hcliool girls overtaxed with study
ousht to lake Peruna
An excellent little tteatlse on
"Health and Beauty," xvrltten es
pecially for xv omen, by Dr. Hart
man, will be sent free to any ad
dress by Tho lruna Medicine Co.,
of Columbus Ohio.
1 Ins in rih'iilar tunic shall be tilled by election
for foui .scars.
Besldence of Councllmen.
-ce. I MemboiH 01 Mioi t council shill Usve
been residents of the city fejr It least rise jeuu
tielom their election and members of common
1. mm II shall have been residents of the ward
which they repieseut for at threo jests.
'Ihe removal of my member uf select council
fiom tho city or .f any member of coinmcn
council from the ward he repiemt shsll for
felt the iiifmbrishl of such person and his
placo shill bo filled M the nest retrutsr munlci
pal election OLcnrrliiB more than SO days sftr
suili leinoval.
Fes'. '. Xo UKinhcf o councils shall hold
uny other nfilee, position or employment under
the (,-overiiiirnt of the United Mates, tins stste
of 1'eiinsvlvanli, the county In which such city
is situate, or In such tity. except notary
public or loinnilssloncr of des-ds,
ti.v ineuibri nf councils violating tills nctlou
shill at einev foittlt ihe oMIci of touncllmsii
and shall not ait as suili iluifnu the term fir
vshleli he sis elected, und It shall lnj the dully
in tin nuvor to onlei an election to fill the
v.uaiic.v in easo inoie than a scar of such nieiii
bet's term shall uiiiaiu, othepvlso the off!
shill ii'nuln vacant
tsei I). The slid council shall hold two ses
tlcms lu ex.1i jear at such lime as shall b
picsi tilicd by oiellnanre. The said sessions shal
(Continued on Paget .
To Cure tho Grip in Two Days,
Uisstlv llreiino t'uinlnc icmosrs the canst,