riktwe. ormttoti f - r.'WTr1. THB ONLYANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. , ?.l SCRATON, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23, 1901. TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. - ' i SIh2JjHRS&' f trPTfSiflfeifcbpftfJcfyTBMi'JMP UuAb T 5SI QUEEN VICTORIA IS DEAD England's Ruler Passed Peacefully Away at Osborne House Last Evening. ROYAL FAMILY Regained Consciousness About Noon Yester day Later She Fell Asleep and the End Came at 6.30 P. M. Pathetic Scenes in the Bedchamber End of the Longest Reign in English History New King Noti fies the Lord Mayor of London Parlia ment to Assemble Within Twenty-four Hours Privy Councillors and 'Ministers to Meet at Once and Be Resworn. B.v nxcluihe Who frm Tim Associated I'rrs. Cowes, Isle of Wight, Jan. 23. Tho fjueen la dead iind Edwnrd VII reigns. The greatest event in the memory of tills generation, the mcist stupendous change In existing condltionH that could possibly bo Imagined, has taken place quietly, almost gently, upon the anniversary of the death of Queen Vic toria's father, the Duke of Kent. The end of this career, never equated by any woman in the world's history, came in a pimply furnished room In Osborne. House. This most respected of all women, living or dead, lay In a. great four posted bod and made a shrunken atom whose aged face and figure were a cruel mockery of the fair girl who In 1537 began to rule over ICnglund. Around her were gathered almost every descendant o her lino. Well within view of her dying eyes there hung a portrait of the Prince Consort. It was he who designed the room and every part of the castle. In scarcely audible words the white-haired bishop of Winchester prayed beside her as he had often prayed with his sovereign, for ho was her chaplain at Windsor. AVItli bowed heads tho imperious ruler of the Ucrman empire and the man who is now kins of England, tt wo man who lias succeeded to t title of queen, the princes and princesses nnd those of less royal designation listened to the bishop's ceaseless pray er. His o'clock passed. The bishop continued his Intercession. One of the younger children asked a question In a shrill, childish treble and was imme diately silenced. Tho women' of this royal family sobbed faintly and tho men shullled uneasily. At exactly half past six Sir James Held held up his hand nnd the peoples in the room knew that England had lost her queen. Tho bishop pronounced the benediction. Suffered No Pain. The queen passed away nulla peace fully. She suffered no pain. Those who were now mourners went to their rooms. A few minutes later the Inev itable ele-fen of materialism stepped into this pat etlo chapter of Interna tional history, for the court ladles were busily at work ordering their mourn In'' from London. ('ho wheels of the world wore jarred when tho announcement came, but In this palace at Osborne everything pur sued the usual course. Down in the kitchen they were cooking a huge din ner for an assemblage the like of which has seldom been known In England, nnd tho dinner preparations proceeded Just as If nothing had happened. Tho body of Queen Victoria was em balmed und will probably bo taken to 'Windsor Saturday. Tho collln arrived last evening from London. An Incident churucteilsllc cf tho queen's solicitude for others, occurred two days ago, when In ono of the. In tervals of consciousness, she sum moned strength to suggest to her dres sers, who had been acting as nurses, to tnko the opportunity of setting some fresh nlr. Monday nfter noon sho uskej that her llttlo Pomcrnln spaniel bo brought to her bed. It was feared that the queen was dying about 'J In tho morning and car riages were sent to Osborne totlugo and the rectory to bring all tho princes nnd princesses nnd tho bishop of Winchester to her bedside. It seemed then very near the end. but when things looked tho worst, tho queen had one of the rallies due Jo her wonderful constitution, opened her eyes und recognized the I'rlnco of Wales, the Princess und Emperor Wil liam. Sho asked to seo one of her faithful servants, u member of I lie household. He hastened ti the room, hut before ho got there tho queen had passed Into it fitful sleep. Boginninp of tho End. Voup o'clock marked tho beginning of the end. Again the 'family won summoned, nnd this time tho relapse was not followed by recovery. The I'rlnco of Wales was very much nifectcd when thn doctors at last In formed him that his mother had breathed her l.isl Nmperor William, himself deeply ff"!ted, did hts best to minister ?om- AT HER BEDSIDE for to his sorrow-stricken uncle, whose new dignity he was the tlrat to ac knowledge. Krom nil parts of the world there are still pouring Into Clowes messages of 'condolence. They como from crowned heads, millionaires, trades men nnd paupers, and aie variously addressed to the Prince of Wales and the King of England. Emperor William's arrangements are not settled. Ills yacht will ar rive here today (Wednesday), but It is believed that he will not depart un til nfter tho funeral. Several other royal personages arc likely to be pres ent at the function. THE LORD MAYOR NOTIFIED. Text of the New King's First Mess ago to Him. My Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. London, Jan. 22. The text of the Prince of Wales' dispatch to the lord mayor Is as follows: Osborne, 0.1.1 p. in. My beloved mother lias just paswd awuy, surrounded by Iior children ami grandchildren. (Signed! Albert Kdward. The lord mayor replied to the Prince of Wales as follows: Your royal tiiglincas telegram announcing the nation's great Ion I hac received with pro found distress and grief, and hava communi cjled this most rail intimation to my fellow citizen. Her majesty a name and memory will forever live in the heatt of her people. May I respect fully comcy to jour royal highness and to all the member of the royal family (he eamej-t sympathy urtii condolince of the city of London in jour great sorrow. At Gates of Osborne House. Osborne House Outes, Isle of Wight, Jan. 22, 7.03 p. m. When the I p. m. bulletin announced that the queen was sinking, till the watchers at the gates of Osborne house made up their minds to remain to tho end. The cold was Intenso nnd a few favored ones sought shelter In the royal lodge, just inside, where they waited In absolute silence. The telephone bell rang at 7.0-1 p. m., but before n royal servant had time to take tho message the chief of the queen's police emerged from the dark ness nnd, with bared head, suld: "Cicntleinon. the queen passed away at 0.:so." All present leverently uncovered, and the shrill whistles outside and the ring ing of the bells of the bicycles In wait ing were tho signals for messengers to ineo to Cowes with the news. In a few moments the place was deserted. Sim ultaneously mounted messengers, on whlto horses, dashed from Osborne. On their urrlwil at Cowes the corre spondents found the news known both at East and West Cowes fifteen min utes before It had been announced to those In waiting at the gates of Os borne house. The streets were already tilled with sorrowful crowds, discussing her majesty's death. PARLIAMENT TO CONVENE House of Lords and Houso of Com mons Will Take Oath of Alle giance to Edward VII Today. Hy Inclusive Wlro ficm T) Associated Picas. London, Jan. 23, l.or. a, m. Absolute sllenro reigned tonight In tho vicinity of Uucklngham palnco and Marlbor ough houso. A small bill, signed "Bal four," was posted outside, announcing tno uemiso or tho monarch. Everywhere tonight the one topic of conversation was wlint would happen under tho new reign. Much Interest was evinced In tho way In which tho enormous fortune of thn dend queen would bo distributed, tho general notion being that Osborne houso would go to Princess Peatrlce, nnd that she and Princess Christian would 'come into a considerable portion of Victoria's wealth. The probability that King Edward will take up a practically permanent resilience In Buckingham palace was much canvassed. This Is a question that comes very much homo, to Lon doners. Queen Victoria's preference for Balmoral castle and Osbornn house has been a complaint of long standing In the metropolis; and It Is hoped that tho new reign will seo a change In this respect. Thu presence of tho court In London would give a brightness and gnyety which have long been absent. Not until Queen Victoria lias been laid to rest beside the prince consort ' ut Frogmorc will the theatres or music halls reopen. Moreover, business will como to a practical standstill. 'Tito music In nil the hotels nnd public places haa ceased. Fashionable resorts were empty, and very few oi this nightly habitues were In evidences. The St. James, Princess nnd othor prominent restaurants had already discarded nil other colors but -tombrc bt.ick. Shortly before midnight, tut official announcement was Issued calling par liament to nsesmblo at 1 o'clock this (Wednesday) afternoon to enable tho members of the house of lords and house of commons to tnko tho oath of allegiance to King Edward VII. Telegrams arriving from nil parts of the, country re-echo the deep feeling of sorrow pervading all classes. These show that everywhere bells have been tolled and public performances and private functions suspended. In Dublin, tho expressions of regret were universal. The bells of St. Pat rick's cathedral were tolled. Earl Cadogan, the lord lieutenant, was ab sent from Dublin yesterday, but It Is expected that he will return Imme diately to preside nt a meeting of the Irish privy council to proclnlm the new king. The privy council will meet In Lon don today and the proclamation of tho king will occur thereafter at all places required by custom. The king will come to London to preside over tho council. ENGLAND'S NEW KING. Procedure to Be Followed in Pro claiming Albert Edward Ruler of Great Britain Formali ties to Be Obsorved. 'Uy r..xclusbe Wire from The A.sochitcd l'rei". London. Jan. 22. At tho offices of the lord chamberlain at irtt. James Palace, of the city remembrancer at the Guild Hall and at the College of Heralds the officials were buey today, even before the deuth of the queen wns pronounced., preparing for the formalities which will attend the proclaiming of a now ruler of the United Kingdom and In dia. All the ancient gazettes, court circulars and other papers which de scribe the ceremonial of 1S37 had been taken from the libraries, that the offi cials may familiarize themselves with the forms of pageantry whereby a sov crlgn Is proclaimed. Tha city remembrancer said today: I "It will depend on thn pleasure of tho new monarch to decide now tar tno ancient customs will be modified to 6ult modern methods, but In a country where precedents are so llrmly adhered to as England It may be anticipated that we shall follow closely on thu acts which prevailed when the queen as cended thu throne. The privy council, which Is a very large body, will meet at St. Jnmes' Palace, where the form of proclamation declaring that 'wo,' etc., 'with one voice and consent of tongue und heart declare and proclaim tho high mighty, Prince Albert Ed ward,' etc., who, by the death of the monarch, has become our only lawful nnd rightful liege, etc. "This proclamation will give the new title the king may assume, but this Is not yet announced to us. The procla mation will then be sent to the Her alds' college and the following day Earl Marshal, tho garter klng-at-arms, I the heralds' pursuviunts und other olll- rials, the college members, with the household troops, will proceed from tho palace, clad in their splendid surcoats, and proceed to Trafalgar Square. I There tho klng-nt-arms will halt, com- maud silence and rend the prnelama- 1 tlon. Proceeding down the Strand to Temple bar a hall will again bo made to demand an entrance Into tho city to proclaim thu king. Then tho lord i mnyor sheriffs In their carriages will form n great procession, and when tho Earl Marshal's party comes just within tho city boundary the proclamation will bo read again and tho procession will pass down Ludgnte 1 1 111 and Chsnp side to thu Royal Exchange, where similar ceremonies will close the nuec tacle, Quiet in London. This evening there wero few visible signs In London thnt anything un usual had happened. A drizzling rain kept most peoplo within doors. Those who wero turned away from theaters or musln halls, wandered ulong the streets of the west end without special object. No largo crowds gathered anywhere. Tho shops closed as soon ns tho bells began to toll, and the blinds of tho mansion houso wero drawn down ns soon ns tho message from the I'rlnco of Wales was received by tho lord mayor. Tho bell tolled at St. Paul's cathe dral was the gift, of William III. and Is used only on occasions of tho death of royal parsonage?, archbishops of Canterbury, lord mayors of London and bishops of London. The tolling continued for two hours today nt In tervals of a minute nnd could bo heard for miles In tho direction of tho wind. Homo hundreds of peoplo stoud In front of the cathedral, nrouirl tho tpot where Queen A'lclorla prayed oa tho sixtieth anniversary of her acces sion to tho throne. At the ubuuI dinner r.r tho Hilary term of dray's Inn, tho master teacher said: "Amid great sorrow wo must fol low tho practice of tho constitution and recite 'Hod Save tho King." " Tho chapel bell tolled eighty-two tlnws find tho benchers drrnk thu health of tho king. At a late hour this evening It wus not known whether tho king would re turn to London before morning, but It was expected that ho would hold a bbIiiii . t 1 n 12 TsilrStf linlllnii An1l tomorrow (Wednesday) morning. THE NEWS IN" PARIS. French Parliament Adjourned as a Sign of Mourninjr. Py Uxcluslic Wire from Tho Associated Tress. Purls, Jan, 22. The news of the death of Queen Victoria wns known In Paris ut 8 o'clock this evening, through spo clul editions of the evening papers which newsboys carried throughout tho city. Clrcttt sympathy was expressed on all sides. As soon as definite Information reached parliament the presidents of tho chambers announced that the next session would bo adjourned us a sign of mourning. The news arilved too late for tho afternoon journals to comment upon It, but the Temps, discussing the outlook, said: "The sadness, alarm, anxieties, moral sufferings and pecuniary tares arising out of the Transvaal war have created a new feeling In England. Queen Vic toria has been like a mother of a fam ily, 11 living link with the prosperity of tho past, an anchor of security for the llrltlsh people. With her disappear ance will come the unknown, the grop ing Into the dark future." QUEEN VICTORIA'S LIFE. Brief Sketch of Her Career from Babyhood Her Successful Reign nndHappy MnrriedExistence. Ily i:.cluslc Wlio Irom 'ilie Amociatcd I'm. Queen Victoria was the only child of Edward, Duko of Kent, the fourth and most respectable son of Georgo III. Ills persnnl virtues, engaging manners and amiable disposition earned for him the nickname of tho "Popular Duke." Ho was a tall, hand some man or somtoriy nearmg, anu so generous that he outstripped his allowance fiom tho public treasury and died Ir. debt. One of the first nets of his daughter after her acces sion to the throne was to relieve his memory from Its one reproach by pay ing debts which had been outstanding from his decease, seventeen years be fore. He Is said to have been ti mem ber of Mxty-llvo different charitable societies ut one time. He wns a train ed and qualilied soldier, ami wus colo nel of the Iloyal Scots. He Introduced many reforms nnd Improvements Into the army, was of regular nnd temper ate habits, and his urivnte life, un like his two royal brothers, was dig nified and correct. It is probable that the queen's personal virtues are to be traced to her father. When the duke was n bachelor of fifty he visited In 18tS Prince Leopold, of b'nxe-C'oburg, then In retirement nt Clarcmonl, mourning his wife, Prin cess Charlotte, the only child of Oeorge IV. The prince gave thu duke letters of Introduction to his sister. Her Serene Highness Victoria Mary Louise, daughter of tho Duke of Sato-Cobeurg-Saulfeld, and widow of Emleh Charles. Prince of Lelnlngen. The princess wns living quietly In tho cas tle of Amorbach, Bavaria, devoting herself to the education of her two children. The young widow was a handsome and fascinating woman, charming and vivacious in munenr, elegant in figure and with n wealth of beautiful brown hair. Love at first sight was the result and murrlage fol lowed at Coburg May 2!, ISIS, accord ing to tho rites of tho Lutheran church. Tho couple returned to Eng land shortly nfter nnd unother mar riage ceremony according to Angli can rites was privately performed in Kuvv Palace. The pair took up their residence in liavnrln. But in the en suing year, tho prospect of nn holt caused the duke to Insist! upon return to England, thnt hts offspring might be British born. So in April, 1819, they journeyed to England, tho duko In his extreme solicitude driving the luuiuge himself through the entire land Journey. At 4 o'clock In the morning of May 21, 1819, n healthy little princess, "as plump as a par tridge," said tho doctor, was born to tho Duchess of Kent. As Is required at tho birth of a possible heir to tho throne, a party of ministers und prls'y councillors attended lu nn ndjolnlng chamber, among them tho Duke of Sussex, a younger son of George III; , the Duke of Wellington, Canning, Archbishop Manner?, Sutton of Can terbury and Lord Lansdowne. The Baptism. Tho baptism of the Infant princess took place on Juno 21 In the grand salon of Kensington palace. The arch bishop of Canterbury performed thu ceremony, nsslsted by tho bishop of London, that prince regent (afterward George IV.) was godfather, and the sponsors were the Emperor Alexander I. of Russia, represented by the Duke of York; thu Queen Dowager of Wur temberg, represented by tho Princess 1 Augusta, and the Duchess Dowager of Coburg, represented by tho Duchess Dowager of Gloucester. Tho duke en tertained a. presentiment from tho first that his child would some day bo sov ereign, and ho wished her named Ellza- I both, on account of the popularity with thn people of England which the reign of Queen Elizabeth had given to her name. Tho prince regent, how ever, with cnarncieriHiic perversity, gavo her only the ntiinp Alexundrlna, fur tho czar. Thu father asked in a whlsMr that another 11111110 lie added, upon which tho regent said, "Give nor her mother's also, then; but It cannot go before tho emperor's." Until she camo to the throne Alexandrlnn was her name and "Drlna" her nickname. Tho regent's mnlleo was attributed to his annoyance that his nleco was not named Georglana, after himself. When three months old the princess was vaccinated, nnd was the first royalty that received tho benefit of Jenner'a discovery. Tho duko wis a most fond and proud father. Hut ho was not spared to seo tho growth of tho bo:by girl In whom he took such enthusiastic dellcht. (Continued on I'uge 0.) In THE NEWS AT WASHINGTON Ojiiclal Notice ot the Queen's Death Is Given In the flali-Mastlna ot Flaa Over British Embassu. MESSAGE OP CONDOLENCE Actual Dispatch of the Message from the President to the Now King of England Is Belayed Only Long Enough to Recolve the Physician' Statement The Half-Masting; of the National Ensign an Unusual Tribute. By Exclusive Wire fiom The Awdated 1'rcm. Washington. Jan, 22. Four days of anxiety had In a largo mensuro pre pared otllcial Washington for the news which was Hashed across the cable this afternoon of the death of the queen of England. So It happened that all things that could be decently done in antici pation of thu sad end hud been dis posed of, and all was lb readiness for the execution of the formalities which ore Indispensable to such events. While the cabinet was In session during tho noon hour, tho president and his ad visors were In receipt, from time to time, of all the news which came from Osborne house, vo when the end camo later In the afternoon It found appro priate messages of condolence framed and oven orders ready for execution looking to the half-masting of Hie Hugs over the executive' departments and tho carrying nut of the usual formal ities. The half-mnsttitg of tho national ensign was an unuriial tribute to the memory of the deceased sovereign. It Is said that this has been done rarely on the occasion of the funeral of some great world's ruler, but never before In the case of the death of a monarch. Messages to the King. The actual dispatch of the messuges from the president to the now Uing ot England and from Secretary Hay to Ambassador Choatc was delayed only long enough to receive the physician's statement announcing the demise of the queen, and then they were sent forward at once and copies wero fur nished to the press. The. TJrltlsh embassy also received tho press news us of full worth, and tho royal standard, flying over the em bassy billldlng, was perhaps the first in Washington to sink slowly half-way down the tall staff, giving notice to ofllelal Washington of the sad event. Tho rapidity with which tho news spread was remarkable, and within a short half-hour the members of the diplomatic bodies here began to appear at the British embassy, bearing cards of condolence. Another unusual mark of the high appreciation of the worth of tho de ceased queen wns the action by the houso of representatives In adjourn ing ah a mark of respect to her mem ory. Nothing now remains to he done by the United States government save to exchange, through the slow process of tho mail, tho formal expressions or re gret which arc prescribed by Interna tional etiquette. M'KINLEY'S MESSAGE OF CONDOLENCE Sincere Sympathy of the American People Is Offered. fly Uxcluhe Wire from The Associated Tien. Washington, Jan. 22. President STe Kinley sent tho following message of condolence to King Edward VII: Telegram, sent from Wellington, Jan. CJ, 1P0I. Ills .Majcoty, the Kins, Oiborne Homo, Me of Wight : 1 have received with profound sonow tho lamentable tiding of the death of her majesty, the ipieeii. Allow me, tr, ti offer my rln tero bvnipathy und that of the Aniciiean peo ple In jour personal bereavement and In the lom (treat. Britain lu KUtrertd in the death of ft vcmrabli: and illmtrious sovereign, who,c nuble life and benetkicnt inl'.uencc have pro moted the peace and un the affection of the world. fsigncil) William McKlnlcy. Flag at Half Maat. Washington, Jan. 22. The flag on tho executive munslon was placed at half mast at ii.tiO o'clock this afternoon. So far as any record goo, this is tho llrst time In tho history of this country that this mark of respect has been paid to the memory of a foreign ruler. TREATY WITH SPAIN. Ratified in Executive Session of the Senate at Washington. Dy Uxcluilva Wire from Tho Associated Prest. Washington, Jan. 22. Tho senate to day, In executive besslon, ratified the treaty with Spain for tho acquisition of the islands of Sibutu and Cogoyan, of the Philippine group nt d cost ot $100,000. There were no votes to spare, two thirds vote being needed and the vot ing standing as to 1ft. In the debate, prior to ratification, a number of tenutors manifested a disposition to opposo the further ac quisition of Oriental territory. Sena tors Lodge nnd Chandler spoko In be half of the treuty und Senators Bacon, Money and Pottlgrow In opposition, Mrs. Carrie Nation Under Bail, fly Kxcluiltp Wire from Die .Nwvlaled lrei. WUhlta, .Ian. 22.Vl. Tnrrie Nation and Iter eolleaguetf In je.terday'a alion Miuitlilii cuii.uh', wte airalgncd In the illy eouit to day snd alved a prcllmliuty hearing, Julge Kirk llxeil tlnlr bor.d at iM.fuxi each, which wat promptly given ai;d the vmmeh rclea.fd, 1 Sharkey and Mnher Matched, Ily Kxtlukhu Wlro from The AmocUuh l'reu. bouliillle, .tan, 12. Tom Shailey and Peter Malier were tday matched to meet In a twi.nty. round contrtt before the luUville Athletic club during the month of Vibruiry. They will meet ut catch wclghla. THE NEWS THIS J10RNING. Weather Indications Today. FAIHl RISIHQ TCUPEHATUHB. 1 (li'iictut Qtieen Victoria li llead. CVmrrtM I'.im Uiwdulloni of Sjinpalhy en (jueeii Vlitorla'H Dentil. How the New Waj liccelntl at Washington. 2 Local-Toxt of tho 1'ivmciI Chatter for Sec. end cla.s Citlm, 3 Local CloJnB Scs!on. ef the Ariluloaconry. Superior Court Hands Pawn n llii; llatili nf Opinion. i IMitorlal. Note autl Comment. x 0 Local Sad Tragedy in n houth side family. Superintendent ol Tnin'porlatloti Paly l!c elKni. 0 Local Wat Saatilon .Hid Nibntlnn. 7 (leneral N'oitlioul-rn Petiiilvjnla. I'inanial ami rommrrUnl. S Lieal Live Xc nf th.- Iiiihutihl WorJ !. SENATE CONFIRMS NOMINATIONS Pint Bill' Comes Up for Pinal Pass- age at Uarritburg Other Matters Considered. By Etclule Wire from The AvweiatiM l'rei. llnrilsburg. Jan. '12. The senate In executive session today conllrmoil u. number of nominations sent In by tho governor, among them the appointment of lion. I.ouls E. Atkinson, of .Mllllln town, to be judge of the Eortv-ltrst judicial district, which comprises Per ry and Juniata counties. In open session Henutor Qua II. Schuylkill, pretenti'd a resolution an nouncing the death of Senator Samuel A. I.osch, whose demise occurred In -tween the sessions, and n committee of eight was appointed to draft suitable resolutions. The first bill tn come up for Until passage tit this session was the senate bill relating to the compensations or commlbslonarM of county oillceis, which piovoked considerable discussion. Senator Henry. Philadelphia, pre sented an amendment to the bill pro viding that all fees In- turned Into th" treasury. The amendment was at tacked by both Senator Grady and Sen ator Scott, ot Philadelphia, they claiming the amendment .vu present ed tn block reform In the mutter of ex orbitant fees. Th? amendment was de feated, and the bill pass-ed by n vole of P.6 to 1. Senator Henry voted In the negative. Tho bill creating an additional com mon pleas court In Philadelphia also occasioned some debate, and the meas ure was defeated by a vote of 21 yeas to 8 nays, two less than a constitu tional majority. These bills passed finally: Itepeullng nn act to establish and to regulate the affairs of school districts and sub school districts In cities of the second class and to repeal all local and spe cial laws Inconsistent therewith. To make valid certain elections of municipal corporations held under an act to regulate the manner of Increas ing the Indebtedness of munlepalltles, etc. To provide for Increasing the capital stock and Indebtedness of corporations. Among the bills rend the first time wns that of Senator Muchlbronner, ot Allegheny, providing for a new char ter for second-class cities. At 12.1.1 a recess for half on hour was taken. Immediately after the scnalo rc-con-vened, adjournment was taken until S.30 Wednesday night. JUSTICE STERRETT DEAD. Wcll-Known Jurist Passes Away at His Homo in Philadelphia. Py Kxclunha Wire fiom The oclatnl Pien. Philadelphia, Jan. 22. James I'. Stor rett, former chief Justice of tho Su preme court of Pennsylvania, dlfd to night at his home here, aged TS years. Death was due principally to the weak ening effect ot n carbuncle. Chief Justice Sterrett was born In tno Tuscarora valley, Juniata county. Ho was graduated from Jefferson college, tills city. In 1S1.", and remulned with that Institution one year as principal of the preparatory department. He wns admitted to the Virginia bar In ISIS nnd 11 year later began the prac tice of law In Pittsburg. In 1SU2 be was appointed president judge ot the court ot common pleai of Allegheny county to fill a -vacancy and In the fall of that year was elected to the olllco for a term of ten years, being re-elected in 1S72. In 1877 Governor Ilnrtianft appoint ed him to fill the position of associate Judge of tho Supreme court and In 1S78 ho was elected to the office. In Febru ary, 1S03, Chief Justlco Edward Paxton resigned his place on tho bench and Justice Sterrett succeeded him as chief justice. He retired from tho bench In January, 1000. Judgo 'Sterrett was a staunch Republican. May Move Muhlenberg College. By Exclusive Wire from Tin Associated I'rcts. Allintonn, Jan. 22. The board of trmtces of Muhlenberg collcjjo today considered tho qiiii. tlon of continuing thu college hero or mmln it 10 heading. No definite cction wai taken and the matter went over to (he annual meet, lug In June. ( 'harlot A. I'ondemiiUh, nf Ijii ca.ter. uai elected a tvuites, vice J, A. Qulgli'.v, deceased. The treasurer reported an uhIo.v. nunt fund of $Kil.ft!.5l. lnter-colliglalo alh kiln wrio authorized. Steamship Arrivals. Il.y I'Aolmlvc Who fiom Tho Awoclated I'rfrf. Krw York, Jan. 22. Clearedi Southwark, Niutlumpton and Antwerp, M.ijetle, Mii'ipooli olmnbla, (icnoa, etc. I.I vn pool Anindi Sil via, from New Vork. Moville Arrived: 1'nr. Honda, Now York for (lla.go-. Antwerp -Ar-rlied: Kensington, New York via Southamp ton. Kuttrrilain-Airived' PoUdim, New York 1I.1 Itoiilcgne. l.lard-I'a.wid! Trae, New York for fr-outliampton and llrcmeni Cap 1'iio, Niw Yoik for liambuig. -. Striko Avorted. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated l'reu Shawn, Jan. 23. 'I he thriatencd strike of furnace men at hhaton and Slurpgvllle, Kt for Feb. 1, will, It la thought, be aterted by tho manufacturer and employes aOectlng a com promUe. RESOLUTIONS OF SYMPATHY The House ol Representative! Takes Action In Expresslno Reurct at Queen's Death. NOTICED IN THE SENATE Resolution Ordered to Be Engrossed nnd Forwnrdcd to the Prime Min ister of Great Britain Little Busi ness Transacted in tho Senate. The Houso Decides to Send to the Court of Claims tho Claims of Crnmp and Sons. Ily lUi:lve Who from The Awi.ci.ited rte. Washington, Jan. 22. The house to day adopted a resolution expressing profound regret and sympathy for the English peoplo on account of the death nf (jueon Victoria. The. president was leqilcstcd to communicate thn expres sion to tho llrltlsh government and 111 a further mark of respect to the mem ory of the queen the house Immediately adjourned. The action of the house was partic ularly Impressive In thnt the resolution was adopted without a word nf dlss-'tit or debate. Th" resolution followed the precedents and was In utmost the Iden tical language of the resolutions adopt ed upon tho occasion of the deaths of tlje president of tho French republic mid tho czar of ltussla. lletore the announcement of thn death of the queen tho house passed, tha bills to send to the court of claims the claims of Cramp & Suns, amounting to something over $1,300,000 for alleged damage done the company on account of tho failure of tho government to promptly furnish armor plato and oth er material used tn the construction of the New York, 'Columbia, Massachu setts und Indiana. The claim has been prominently before congress for sev eral years. Tho senate bill to extend the placer mining laws to Sallno Isl ands was passed after a rather spirited debate. A special rule was adopted for the consideration of tho bill to promote the efficiency of the revenue cutter service after the disposal of thu bill for the re vision of the postal laws. The District of Columbia appropriation bill was taken up and sonic progress was made with It. Senate's Action. The announcement of the. death of Queen Victoria, today conveyed unoffi cially to the senate, was recognized by that body In the adoption of an nppro prlate resolution, which was ordered to be engrossed nnd forwarded to tho prime minister of Grout 'Britain. During this Mttlng of the senate In open session, the legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill wus completed, ho far as thn committee amendments were concerned, it l.i now subject to amendment by Indi vidual senators. Little other business of Importance wns transacted. BRYAN'S VIEWS IN DEMAND. A Proposition to Have the Silver Orator Give Opinions on Cuuency BUlc. Il.v i:iliiahn Wire lioru The .WotJaud l'ie-. Washlngton.Jan. 22. The proposition was made before the house committee on eolnuEo today that William J. Itryan bo Invited to appear or to com municate his views relative to the pending bills to ledecm tho silver dol lar In gold. Representative Shafrnth, of Colorado, made the suggestion, whli h elicited much Interest and com ment. Mr. Shufrulh pointed nut thnt the heatiiiL'9 thus far held had been occupied almost entirely by thosu favorable to gold redemption. The most able students nn both sides of the question, lie said, should be heard. (.iiali'inun Southard stated that he had Invited many to appear. Hint the Invitation was general and open to all desirous of appearing. Yet tho time of tin- committee might not permit It to wait to hear from Jlr. liryun. whew whereabouts were not known. Mr. Hhafroth said Mr. JJryan could readllv be reached at Lincoln. At tho chair man's Miggestlon the question was de ferred for consideration some other time. UNITED STATES SENATORS ELECTED. By Cxcliuhe Wire from Tho Auoclated l'reu. Toptka, Jan. Si J. H. burton, Itepuhllian, wa today elected United Males heualor to cuc ceed l.uulen Hiker. Plene, . !.. Jan- " '" Migrate rewiou today llobert J. (Iambic. Republican, was elect ed to the United States uenalo to aaccced It. l I'etllgtew. Springfield. 111., Jan. 5?- In Reparate se.nlon ioday the legislature re-elected United States fccnator Shelby M. Cullom for another tenn of six years. Charlcbton, W. V.I., Jan. 2-. Stephen D. Elk. ins, Hepubllran, was ro-clected United RMtts senator by separate vote of the two houses of the legislature today, Mttlo Hock, Ark., Jan. 2.-Unlted Klatef Senator llery, Democrat, was re-elected todsf by icparato sote of tho two brandies ol tS leKblatuie. ltalrlgh, N. O., Jar. 22.-F. M. SlmmonJ chairman of the state committee, was todsl elected United States senator to succeed Marlol Uullcr, Decision for Bobby Dobbs. Memphis, Jan. 22. Hobby Dobbs ws awatdtil the decision ever Young Peter Jackson, of Kan I'ranclwo, tonight, at tho end of tho tartntt ctb round. -f- WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, Jan. 22. Forecast for Wednesday and Thuuday: Cistern Penn. Fjlvanla Fair Wednesdays rising tenv. peratuio in northern portions; north utcrly wlndi, becoming (oulhcrly, fie.l) to brink en tho coast. Thmtdiy, I'lcljlily fair. . -H- tt t ft; ft tttt-ti 4-