The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 22, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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    ' rJ
Intel eating Meeting Held nt Mont
rose Officers Elected Other
Topics from the Hill Town.
Fpeclal to tho Sci ititon Iribunc .
MontroHc, Jim. 21. An occasion of
general Interest to tli people of this
county wiih the nnnual nu-otlni; or tlm
lllstorlcnl socleiy, which occuricd In
the High whiml building In this placo
on Saturday. Owing to the lnlenbo
cold, ninny from out of town who are
nccustoincd to attend these yeuily
meetings of the society weto detained
nt home, though a few, notably the
poclcty'H sectctary, I'rofossor V. U.
Thatcher, of Harford, braved the
weather mid drove for eighteen or
twenty miles, fiiulntr n t'littlner wind, In
order to be present.
The business seyslon openeil fhoitlv
boforo 11 o'clock a. in, with only a.
baker's dozen In attendance, but be
fore adjournment for dinner there hud
leen several additions to the audience,
among- them being- two courageous
ladles who had delicti the weather.
The mi-ethic was called to order by
the president, Piofe.osor llcnton 11.
James, of Montrose, who indulged In
it short Informal nddress, and then
called upon Secretary Thatcher for the
reading of the minutes of the Inst,
year's meeting of the society. The
leading of the very full and coinulelo
report was listened to with Interest,
and at its conclusion It was unani
mously approved.
Captain H. P. Ileardsley brought up
the question of the society's charter,
saying that some members had ex
pressed a doubt ius to whether n char
ter had ever been obtained. The
speaker had looked the matter up and
found that a charter was granted in
1MII. Captain He.utlsley called especial
attention to the provisions of the char
ier relative to the annual election of
olllccrs, tlhectors, etc.
The treasurer, "W. C. Cruser, repoited
the receipts and expenditures for tho
past year, showing a balance on hand
f JSU.S1.
Itoger S. Searle. esq., chaliiimn of
the committee on lire-proof vault, re
ported the committee wus now beaitlly
In favor of the erection of a handsome
(Ire-proof building; one that will ho a
credit to the society and to the county:
adequate not only for Its present needs,
but for the future as well. It was the
Intention to have the building erected
midway between the court house aii'l
the High school building, the pel mis
sion having been granted by the board
f county commlssoners, whose legal
right to do so has been Investigated
and found to be beyond question. Mr.
Senile exhibited a draught of the pro
posed building a veiy handsome af
fair, to be constructed either of stone
or Iron.
A general discussion of the ques'tion
of a building followed, In which neaily
all present participated. It was tlnnlly
decided that the building committee be
enlarged by the nppolntment of a com
mittee to solicit substitutions to the
building fund, and the committee was
empowered to go and raise funds, ndopt
plans, nnd proceed with the election of
I he building as soon as practicable
the Idea being, however, that the
building will not be undertaken before
the funds for ltn erection nre raised
or In sight.
At the afternoon session there was
a largo attendance of townspeople, and
a very interesting progiamme was
carried out.
Tho charter of the society was ruail
by Captain Ueardsley for tho Infor
mation of the members.
The Hudson, Ita Men and Its Mem.
oiles" was tho title of a delightful
paper prepaied and lead by Prof.
Charles H. Moxley. of Hnllstead. coun
ty superintendent of schools.
"The German Patrol," a piano duet,
was admirably icndeied by Misses
Veina Beaidsley and Sallle Courtrlght.
It was decided, after a quite general
discussion, to issue life membel ships
In the society to men for $10, to
women for ,V.
Uev. K. A. Wai liner, chairman of
the nominating committee, reported
the following as officer) for the ensu
ing year: Ptesldent, AV. C. Cruser:
vice-president. Prof. U. 13. James; re
cording secretin y, Prot. W.l,, Thatcher;
corresponding societal y, AV. I), u.
Alney, treasurer, F. L. Lou, libiarlan,
S F. I.nne; dlieetori, it. S. Searle,
captain 11. R Ileardsley, II. A. Den
ney. If a woman is tihvsicallv mlserahln
anil mentally unhappy, the child she
bears will, in face and form, as well as
in disposition, reflect her own condi
tion, livery woman who anticipates
motherhood ought to think of this and
be n fairy podmother to her own child,
endowing it with health, beauty, and a
hapw disposition.
Til J mental misery of the prospective
mother is in general the result of her
physical condition. She is nervous, her
appetite iaus, sue
cannot bleep. Re
store her appetite,
quiet her nerves
atid give her sleep
and she becomes a
new woman,
"It has made a
new woman of me,"
is the constant tes
timony of women
who have used Dr.
Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. It the
nerves, encourages
the annetite and
induces refreshing
sleep. It estab-
Italics reguii
ttrtes weak
drains, heals in
flammation and ulceration and cutei
female weakness.
"Purftif the first month, when 1 looted lor.
ssarel to maternity. I could nnt t..,, ,,it,i,,r
on ray stomach." wrllea Mrs. It. C. Anderson, of
oum Britain, New Haven Co , Conn "Wm no
weak that I went to bed on thr aHli of Tune unit
never got up till the nut of Auguat. I tried
llSerent doctor, but willi llltlt benefit. I rrad
about many being helped by mills your medi
cine, ao I thought I would irive It a trial. I be
gan to take vour1 Favorite Prescription ' lit No
vember, and I had a nice llltlt baby girl in
rebruary followlug, My baby weighed over
eight pounds. I waa only ill for about one hour,
and got along nicely during confinement. Waa
up and dresstd on the eighth day. I never had
the doctor with me at all: juit the nurse and one
or two friends. My friends thought I waa aick a
r.'i!X,i'.?r,,,rac- Thia makea my aecond child.
With the first one I did not take ' Favorite 1're
acrlptlon.' The little oue lived juit about two
raoiilha, and hc waa atck all the time. Thla
latt baby la aa plump and braltby aa any mother
ould wuh,"
lir. Wefce'd Pellet cure constipation.
The secretary was histiuctcd to cast
it ballot for tho candidates named nnd
they wero duly elrctcd.
Secretin y Thatcher had tfiuvvn on the
blackboard u map of tlw "N'lno Part
ner Trust" of land on which tho his
toric old 'town of Hurfoid wus nettled,
and with this as n theme. Mr, Thatcher
made u veiy Instiuctlve and deeply In
teresting address.
"All for You" was tho title of u vocal
solo, with which Mrs. Ualph M. r.lttlo
chatmd the assemblage, accompanied
by Mrs. II. p. Head nt tho piano.
Dr. C. C. Halsey read a timing me
morial to the lalp Daniel Sayre. a
chai tei member and always a faithful
worker In the society.
Several new membeis weie itcelvid
and souvenhs of membership Issued.
A source of universal regiet was the
Illness of .Miss Julie Cruser, which pre
vented that gifted young lady from
being present and favoring tho audi
ence with one of her charming iee.1
tatlons. The ivadlng of letters from ubsent
members, and the presentation of n
number of vnluablo tellcs, concluded
the session, and the society adjourned
to meet In January, 1902, when It Is
hoped that the weather may be some
what more propitious
Oeorge Mack Is confined to the house
with a mild uttuck of the grip.
W. V. Ilnndriek, of Scnuitou, wus
tho guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. C. Handrlek, of Chestnut street,
over Sunday.
Several of our physicians have been
Incapacitated for business by the. grip,
during tho last ten days, but nre now
all recovering.
Lehigh Mali Agent Hyde Crocker was
taken seriously III with hemorrhages of
tho lungs on Saturady night and has
since been in a serious condition. The
latest report from his bedside Is that
ho Is somewhat better.
There is a possibility that a pant1
factory of considerable dimensions will
bo established In Montrose In the Im
mediate future. A Illnghainton llrm It
desirous of forming a stock company
for tho establishment of such on In.
dustry here, nnd n citizens' meeting
will be held nt the court house tomor
row evening for tho consideration of
the subject. Montrose needs more in
dustrles, nnd it is hoped that the pro
posed factory may become a reality
and give employment to a large num
ber of hands,
Special to tin1 Scianton Tribune.
Honesdale, Jan. 21. Attorney Will
lam H. Lee was In Sernnton yesterday
attending Superior court.
Miss Louisa M. Durland has gone to
Carlisle, Pn to be absent two weeks.
Henry Wilson Is again confined to
his home by Illness.
A dwelling house occupied by Mr.
Puidy at Sceieyvllle, caught lire in the
roof and burned to the ground Satur
day evening. Most of the furniture on
the upper Moor was burned.
The Honesdale Klectrlu Light plant
Is to have a 230 horse power engine
which will furnish power to supply 2,
f.OO Incandescent lamps. Wot It has al
ready commenced on the foundation.
The postolllco department bus ad
vertised for bids for carrying the
mails from Pleasant Mount to Hones
dale; also f i om Cold Spilng to Hones
dale. all In Wayne county.
Miss Helen Dodge tetutiied Satur
day evening fiom a two weks' visit In
N'ew York city.
The members of the Amity club will
enjoy a smoker In their club rooms on
Thursday evening. An amusing pro
giamme has been arranged.
Professor Heft's dancing class will
close the term with u social to their
friends In .Musical History club rooms
Wednesday evening next.
Tho thirteenth annual masquerade
ball of the Honesdale Llederkranz will
bo given Thursday evening, Rob. 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stearns nnd, Har
old and Leelund, of Wllkes-Harro, are
visiting Honesdale i datives and
friends. They were formerly residents
of Honesdale. Master Leeland sang at
both morning and evening services In
the Presbyterian church. The anthems
were sung very sweetly und bhowed
marked ability for ole o young, Tho
young men gave a muslcale In the
Piesbyterlan chapel on Monday even
ing. They were assisted by Honesdale
How It Ooes in St. Louis.
During the present cold and gilp
season one hundred and thirty-three
thousand seven hundred and twenty
eight boxes of Laxative Bromo-Qulnlno
have been purchased by the following
wholesale houses of St. Louis: Meyer
isi-os. urug uo aioiiitt-AVojn
Co. nnd J, S, Merrill Drug Co.
Special lo the Scranton Tribune.
l'lttston, Jan. 110. In one of the pet
tiest and fastest basket bnll games
ever played here, the Uloomsburg Nor
mal School team wns defeated by th"
Plttston Young Men's Christian Asso
ciation team In Armory hall Inst even
ing by the score of 16-1. Tho teams
wero about equally matched as to
leum work and nglllty nnd although
the scoro was a trifle one-sided, the
gamo was a hard-fought one. The
second team game between Plttston
and the AVIIkes-Bnrro Cnvahy club
was a very close one, l'lttston winning
by the seoro of C-4. Tho teams were
nuoui tne same in size, but the visi
tors played the better game and at
times It looked as if the victory would
bo theirs. Tho llrst team line-up was
us follows: Uloomsburg Hayes,
guard; Wagner, guard: Marcy, center;
Itelghard, attack; Templeton, nttack;
Four!, attack. Plttston Sheetz. guard;
Tiax. guard: Dodge, center: A'an A'ul
kenburg. attack; MacDonald, attack;
Anthony, nttack, Scoie Field goals,
Marcy 1, Templeton 1, A'an A'nlkcn
burg 4, Anthony 1, Dodge L Trax 1.
Hefeiee, Aldlnger, Normal: umpire,
Evans, Plltston.
Heeause Hartender John Mangati io
dised to "Lay out a beer" wher or
deied to, lUchiird Gibbons raised his
double-barreled shotgun und (lied at
him. The men wore close together at
tho time and tho charge of shot passed
over tho right side of Mangan's head,
the paper wad from the cartridge
sticking to his hair and tho flamo from
tho powder scorching his forohead.
The shot Imbedded In the frume of the
front plato glass window. Tho episode
occurred In tho saloon of Mangnn
nros., on rtoutn iuam street, Friday
evening. Gibbons had refused to set
tle a bill for drinks. An altercation
nrosc i 'cpu uln nna the bartender,
Mr. Mangaii. The latter seized a glasi
of beer Hint Olbbons was drinking and
threw tho contents Into his face. Gib
bons then went home and. securing
his shotgun, returned to tho place,
with the above result.
A sensation was sprung nt u spec
ial meeting of the common council
here 1'ildny evening, when Council
man M. N. Donnelly, esq., Introduced
u resolution nsklng fo the appointment
of n committee to Investigate a rumor
to the eitcct that City Clerk J. T.
Flanncry wus to receive $1,000 of tho
purchase money of tho city hall plot
nnd that tho $1,000 wnH a portion of a
fund of $3,000 for the purchase of the
plot. The resolution further charged
that Flannel y was Interested In nl
lcged Irregulau ties In connection with
the letting of tho electric light con
tract and tho elephono franchise. The.
council meeting broke up nfter a small
upiour, during which tho resolution
was tabled. Mr. Flannory stoutly (Io
nics the chaigc. He says It Is a poli
tical trick and offers .M00 for proof
of tho charges.
The new Welsh Cougiegattoiuil
church will be opened Feb. I.
Mrs. Hoigcit. whose husband con
ducts the Campbell's Ledge hold, tit
Coxton, and who were former lesl
ilents of Scranton, attempted to sul
iltlo In the river here Snturdny even
ing about C o'clock. She walked out
on the fiozcn Ice to an unfrozen spot,
nnd, after taking off hrr hat and sel
ling Iti nslde, wns nbout to Jump into
the wnter when seized by Lehigh Val
ley binkenien from the Coxton yard,
who having noticed her actions and
being suspicious of her designs, hud
followed her. Tho womn said her
family had abused her, and gave that
us her leuson lor the attempt to end
her llf
Special (a lie Scranton Tribune,
Factoryvllle, Jnn. 21. Mrs. Dayion
Heamans died last, Wednesday of con
sumption at the homo of her father,
FJIJah Decker. In Lathrop. Pa. The
funeral occurred laot Saturday.
The funeial of D. D. Gardner took
place last Friday at 2 o'clock from the
First Haptist church of this place nnd
wns nttended by a lnrge concourse of
friends nnd telatlves. llev. G. It.
Smith, pastor of the church, delivered
nn eloquent dlscouise and was assisted
in the services by tho He v. W. M. Hll
ler, of the Methodist TJpiseopal church
of this place, nnd M. J. Watklns. of
Hallstcad, Pa., u former pastor of the
First Hnptist church of this town. Tho
Ladles' circle of tho Grand Army of
the Hepubllc, No. 101. of which she was
a member and a past president, had
charge of tho closing ceremonies. The
Itcv. Mr. Watklns paid a glowing trib
ute to the deceased's past life.
John Wrlgley, of Lake Carey, suf
fered a slight stroke of paralysis last
Saturday morning. Word received
from there Sunday evening states that
he was much Improved and not much
the worse for the stroke.
Factoryvllle Kncampment, No. IMfi,
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, will
give u social tomorrow (Wednesday)
night, nnd a turkey supper. Their In
vited guests will bo their lady friends.
All members are requested to bo pres
ent with their wives or lady.
Photographer W. N. Manchester is
confined to his home by illness.
Tho annual roll call of the Methodist
Episcopal church will bo held on Fri
day, February 1.
Assistant Past Master Sherry Taylor
Is nursing a bad case of grip. W. AA
Hard Is the substitute.
John Kloss, of the tunnel, has his
property advertised for public sale on
January 30.
Mrs. John Head has been coullued to
her home by Illness the past live weeks.
Miss Helen Bard, one of the teachers
of tho graded school. Is HI. nnd her
mother, Mrs. W. AV. Hard, is also 111
with grip.
Several of our townspeople went
down to attend the opening of court.
The Allowing jurors of Clinton town
ship nre on for the first week: Uray
ton Cobb and INT. H. Hoynolds. Second
week, Clinton township, Frank Gard
ner, AVilllam Hartman, James Heck
man and N. B. Wlnteis. Factoryvllle
borough, Frank L. Gardner and N. A.
FOREST CITY. to tho Scranton Tribune.
Forest City. .Tun. 21. The republican
caucusses will be held tomorrow even
ing between 7 and 8 o'clock. The First
ward caucus will be In the Ames build
ing nnd the Manning building will bo
the Second ward polls. Candidates do
not appear to ho plentiful.
Mrs. M. F. Pohren died at her homo
on Delawaio street Saturday night nf
ter an illness with pneumonia She was
about 32 years of age Besides her hus
band and children who Is survived by
a number of In others and sisters. Tho
funeral will be held tonionow fore
noon. Services will bo held In St. Ag
nes' church.
Tho friends of Oeorge AY. Maxey nie
happy to learn that he has again
gained honoiu at Ann Arbor university,
where he Is studying. He wns recently
chief disputant In a debate between
his university and that of Minnesota on
the question, "Hesolved, That It Is un
wise to tax personal property." Ann
Arbor upheld the proposition and won.
H. J. Hoinan has accepted n position
In Mangan's shoo store and F. D. Hu
man has gone to work for T. J. Pente
cost. Mrs. U. Maxey, sr is ill.
Mrs. F. J. Apploton, of Covington,
spent last week with her sister, Mrs.
M. AV. Woodmansee.
MI83 Sarah Hoberts, of Muhlenbuig,
Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Rob
erts, on Dundtttf street.
The Blectrlc: Light eomp.inj has an
nounced a raise of ton cents per light,
making tho price sixty Instead of ilfty
cents per month. The change Is due to
nn ndvnnce In the price of coal. It has
caused inciting among business men.
Xrause's Headache Capsules,
uie unlike anything piepared In Amei
Ica. They weie llrst prescilbed by Dr.
Krnuse, riermuny's famous court phy
sician, long before antlpyilno was dis
covered, and are almost marvelous, so
speedily do they euro the most dlstreFS
Ir.g cases, PilceSSe. Sold by Mntthew
frpeiUl to Die Niantoii Tribune.
Thompson, Jan. 21. A. o. s.ilesbiiry
und family uio spending a few days lii
Scranton with relatives. They start for
California tho 28th Inst.
Ouy Foster Is confined to the houbO
with grip Just now.
Miss Stella Howard Is on an extended
visit In Delaware county, N, Y.
V. J. Stoddard, of New York. Is vis
Itlng his sister, Mrs. Frank Crosier, for
a week.
Hev. AV. H. Fiench, who has boen
holding meetings at Mud Pond for the
past two weeks, roportH a good Interest
in tlia work. Home twenty have nro-
Dr. James'
"When the druggist oi
lers yon a substitute for
Dr. James
Headache Powders
refiifcc it. Domuud
Dr. James'
if you Avant your
headache cured.
l)r. Jnmes' Headache Powders
ato perfectly rale and
At all Druj? Stores.
4 doses 10 cents.
Cure Where
Ceased conversion, mostly men, and the
good work will continue this week.
Itev. A. D. David, of the Methodist
Kplscopal church held special services
for three weeks, closing last evening.
Daniel AVrlghter, who has been con
fined to his bed for two years, Is not
as well as usual at this writing.
Bert Crosier, of Susquehanna, pent
yesterday with his parents, air. and
Mis, Frank Crosier.
Mrs. Jennie Mulvey, who has been
hi Susquehanna for the past month. Is
home again.
Baldwin Is filling his Ice house at the
milk station this week. The Ice comes
on the cars fiom the Erie's Ice pond be
low Ararat.
Friday and Sntuulay of last week
wero the coldest and severest days of
the season,
James AA'elr, who Is ovur SO years of
ago. and u much respected resident of
Thompson township, had the whooping
cough In the fall and Is now confined to
his house from general debility.
J. D. Miller, esq., camo home from his
office In Susquehanna Friday sick and
Is under the doctor's care nt this writ
ing. William Miller, of Athens, N. Y.. was
a visitor at his brother's. J. D. Miller,
esq., over Hits Sabbath.
Fpecinl (o the Scranton Tribune.
Susquehanna, Jan. 21. Mrs. f!ree
gan, und aged resident of Gulf Sum
mit, died on Sunday. The funeial will
take place from St. John's Catholic
church. In this place on Thursday
morning, when requiem high mass wlil
be celebtated.
Tonsoilal Artist J. Marry Is on tho
sick roll.
Horougb politicians aie arranging
Hev. T. O. Hull, presiding older of
the Oneonta district, preached in the
Avenue Methodist Kplscopal church on
Saturday evening and Sunday.
Krle Conductor Charles C. Mooro Is
111 with grip, at bin home on the Oak
land side.
Special meetings will be held nil of
this week in the Oakland Methodic
church. v
Mrs. May Hdlck Prey commenced a
series of evangelistic meetings In tho
Oakland Congregational church on
The funeral of the late Kay Mooio
was held anil very largely attended on
Sunday afternoon from the resldenco
of Charles C. Moore, in Oakland, Hev.
C C. Mackay. pastor of the Oakland
Congregational church, otllclatlng. as
sisted by Hev. AV. M. Houton, pastor
of the Avenue Methodist church. The
iloral tribute was large and very beau
tiful. The remains were intoned in
McKuno1 cemetery.
Tlie condition of L. '. llergmlller is
somewhat Improved.
The Erie paymaster Is expected here
Candidates for borough ofllccs are
looming up rapidly. Such self-sacil-flees
ought to be appi eclated In n
prnctlcnl mnnnor.
The Century club wllljiold one of
its popular hops at the Stamiceai
House on Thursday evening.
The wnter company Is arranging to
seciue additional springs. Surveying
Is now In progiess.
Johepli Hyan. for ycais a popular
salesman with John Huckley, hos,
taken a position with Ous J, Cohen.
Hev. Charles AV. Boot will preach
the official sermon at the meeting of
the Scranton Aichdeaconry, to lie held
In Scranton today nnd Tuesday.
The Susquehanna County Teachers'
association will meet In nils place on
Filday nnd Satuiday. An attractive
programme has been arranged, and a
large nttondnnce Is expected.
How It Goes in New Yoilc.
During the present told and mil.
season sixty-eight thousand eight hun
dred and eighty boxes of Laxative
Hronio-Qulnlne have been purchased
by the following wholesale houses of
New York: McKesson & Hobblns,
Max teller, Charles N Crlttenton &
Co., O. II. Jiidwln. Henry Kline &
Co., oittl Hruen, Itlchey & Co,
Special In ttic Scranton Tribune.
New Mllfoid, Jnn. 21. Mrs. Aaion
Aldrlch Is suffering with a sprained
wrist, caused by falling upon the ice.
Frank Rverott, of Scranton called on
relatives in town the foro part of last
Tlryon v. King, president of Kings
Schcol ot oratory at Pittsburg, will
lecture In the opoin house In this
Place on Satutduy evening Feb. 9.
ThlP will be the fourth of the lecturo
course being conducted by the A'jiung
People's Society of Chilhtlan Ihidea
vor. Mr. and .Mrs. Kuil flardner enter
tained their brother, (Teorge nurdncr,
of Scianton, cny day last week.
Mr. L. U. McCollum visited Hlng
hamtoii friends iccuntly.
Miss Kate Qulnn visited fi lends in
N'lcholson Friday and Suturday,
Mr. nnd Mrs. David Shay epent a
few days In Peckvillo this week.
Air. anil Mrs. Chniles Clappci at
tended n dance at Franklin Fork
Friday evening, '
Mis. Ciiudace Qulnn it eiitei tabling
her nephew. Mr. Oolden, of Cohocton.
Special to Hie Scranton Tribune,
vVyaluslirf,', Jan. 21, Mta Clara
Btowell Is spending u couplo of weeks
In Wllkes-llarre, Pa.
H. L. Warner Is sick ut the home of
Mr, Duiikleo with the grip.
Mrs. Ira Brown entttrtalned tho
Fortnightly club at her home, Thurs
day nfternoon.
Miss May AVhltlng Is visiting her
pnrenta at Canton, la.
Miss Una Lewis entertained tho
Musical society nt her home, on Sen
ate street, Friday evening.
Miss Grace Jones Is at her home in
Athens sick with tho grip.
Messrs. Chniles AVarner and licit
Lewis, of Moosle, visited fi lends In
town tho first of the week.
Mrs. Kllen Colt, of Towandn, Is vis
lllng relatives In town.
Miss Lauiu Gaylord Is quite III nt
her home on Marsh street.
Mrs. Betsy Lewis Van Guilder died
at her homo In Stcvensvllle, Pa. Tho
funeral took placo Sunday afternoon
at 2 o'clock from her home. She leaves
a husband nnd two sons.
Special to the Pcranlnn Tribune,
Towanda, Jan. 21. Drilling for oil
In well No. 6 has 'been commenced by
the Monarch Oil and das company,
neur Troy.
Kdward Jones, u Sayre tailor, Is pre
paring to remove to South America.
Tho Hall automatic signal system la
being placed on the tracks of the main
Lehigh A'alley tracks In the yiuds at
The "Lost In Kgypt" company, which
have been meeting considerable bad
luck of late, nnd after a two days'
stay at Towanda and a longer time at
AVaveily, have finally come to n settle
ment and are again uble to find a
straight road.
Hoglnnlng on Thursday, a new form
of local passenger ticket will be U3ed
by the Lehigh A'alley railroad. They
will not be good for a fltop-over and
are to bo limited to two days on a
single trlji and to thhty days for a re
turn trip. Ticket agents have been
supplied with the tickets and ull tho
old ones called In. Pievlous to tho
new rule, all tickets were good until
used. Hates of fares continue the same.
Several years ago an overhead foot
bridge was built by the Lehigh Valley
across their tincks at Sayre, and about
one year ago the property owners, with
whom It Interfered, brought action for
damage against the borough. Tho case
came to trial In court and decisions
rendered for certain amounts, but the
plaintiffs, being unsntlslled, brought
new actions. After another investiga
tion, still lighter Judgments wero
James Hostwlck claims to have made
a remarkable discovery on his farm in
Litchfield, this county, on which he
has a swamp of about twenty acres.
Hecently while digging in the swamp
a peculiar kind of soil was noticed, but
nothing was thought of It at tho time.
ilie matter was dropped, until Mr.
Hostwick began to Investigate by dig
ging, and under the surface nbout
eighteen Inches a black dirt was found,
and when dug Into with a shovel It cut
like butter and could be taken in Mices,
and If laid out In the cold wenther
would not freeze. It Is claimed it will
mix with oil and make line paint. 11 y
analysis It has been found to contain
John M. Post, for thirty-three years
baggagemaster for the Krle railroad,
died at his home In AA'aveily, after a
six weeks' Illness of heart trouble and
lheumatlsm, aged nearly eighty years,
on Thursday. He was a native of New
Joivey and came to Chemung county
In ISIS, when in 1SG0 he began work
Ing for the Erie company. AVhen the
road was opened to Hornellsvllle ho
wns made conductor: he run on the
first Kile train sent out from New
A'ork to Dunkirk, which carried ex
Presldent Fllmore, Daniel AVebster and
others. He received the appointment
of baggagemaster In 1832 at AVatklns,
lo woik on the steamer running be-"
tween Geneva and that place. In IS."
ho was ent on a train, after which he
was stationed nt AVaverly.
A case of being lost In the barrens
comes from Sullivan county. George
Salisbury, of Shunk, started to visit a
daughter at Hill's grove, and by soino
renson he strayed from the road and
lost his way In the large barrens which
nnu been cleared of lumber. It was
very cold and growing dark, and It
became Impossible for him to find the
right way to go. He finally discov
ered an old lumber camp, where ho
took lefuge. Ho was unable to build
a fire and suffered Intensely with the
cold all night, but ho managed to keep
from freezing to death by walking
about. He luckily was rescued by a
searching party the following day, but
both hands and feet weie frozen.
All members of the degree of Xnoinl,
Ancient Older KnluhtH of the Mystic
Chain, are reciucsted to meet this af
ternoon In their looms, to tiaiiPtict
Important business.
A number of membtis from the
Honti of Temperance of this town will
assist In contributing to the pro
gramme at the entertainment at
Moosic tills evening.
Harry Heap, John Heap, Jumes Km.
ly and Michael Tlghe were elected
delegates to the ciuartely convention
to ba held at Kingston next Sundny.
The funeral of tho 10-year-old son of
Mr, and Mrs. John Jumper took place
on Sunduy afternoon fiom the family
rctldenco In Plttston township. Ser
vices were held In the Ptlmltlve Meth
odist church. Interment was made in
l.iinRcllffe cemeteiy.
Mr. and Mrs. Augustus f'aiey ami
'Hiifihter. Ethel, spent Sunday with
Mrs. Welsh, of Parsons.
"Snow Whlto and the Seven
Owarls',' a pretty operetta that ha
been rehearsed for somo time by tho
members of Holy Savior parish, will
be given la Saisfleld opera houao nei
Satuiday afternoon and evening.
Carelul attention has been given to
the pavts, placing the participants
among iininteuin rarely excelled. The
people will be pleased to greet tho
little ones nest Saturday.
Sir. and Sirs. Chuvlex Alkman spout
yesieiu'iy with friends in Scranton.
Tho tcdchers held a meeting last
evening, after school, anil discussed
Mvrul Important matters lelatlve to
school work "Mow to lieguhite Night
Study." a subject that Is absoiblug
tlu liilnds of nearly ever,4 teacher In
tlii' two counties, was given consid
pi,)hlo attention, but no deflnlto ac
tion was taken as to the nmonnt of
study to be designated foi evening
work. The session .proved the moil
Interesting held In some lime.
Tim pilniarles of the Klisl waul,
which wero to take place on .Satuid,i:
aio postponed to n later date.
SIlss Nellie- SlcOovvan kpent tiuml.iv
wlh friends In Jenny n.
Mis. Wlnulow'u Soothliig Syiup
Has bom used for over I'll'TV VIIAIIS bv
vill.l.lll.NS ot .VIOIHKIIS for their Cllll.llltK.N'
WlllLi: TI'.irilll.NO, with PEIH-'IIIT SI CCI4.
.M.I.AVH all PAIN; CUllflh VI INI) COLIC, and
la tlio beat remedy for DIAIinilOKs. Sold by
Druggists In every part of Hie world, no aure
and ask (or "Mra. Uinalou' Soothing Syrup,"
and take no othr kind, Tttenlyflte cents a
Wall Stiaat RavIctt.
Nw Veil,, Juii, 21, The cimiplcle leeiitcl.i "I
tin aim k market from Hie rather alaiiuli'tf
ttenkiirsa how ri ilutlng Ilie early houra of lli(
Inning llila iiiurnliii na an astounding dii'ni
ajrallon of iriiipcRilhr forte. The apeiulai ti
Mcnldatloti at the opeilng uui vlolmt ,i I
gbe on atpc.uaiKc of aenil-tli'iioralltallnn in
market aril Hie celling waa vtldenlle foitnl n.
Ilie wiping nut ot nuiglna and the uiiihim'iIiu
nt stop li.s orders. Vet before the day tl- il
the general level ot price had rlvii abovi' i I
urilav and Ilie Iwt hour of the market t.lio'l
an ment and confident Inning niovrinctit in
foree. In Hie opening break in prices uch ill
clinea vero llnrr,l ai at In SI. I'uil. ..'.,
in i'cnnynaiill
uiaiciy marked up to a livtl fuhMantUllv alwte
Saturday and held there llnouglioul Ilie iliy.
In the late tloallmrs it roue luojiiiith w W .
which was fijfc nhote the eailv low point. lhe
Waluh Ibutit Uuud iiulte fiilly In lhe Micnglii
of MIouii I'JiItie. Wabash common roe i.
the prrfcriril t!,. and the it,ai-.tuu' -t'J. In M.
I'mil the ullv was 4, imlnt", In Aiiulg.1iri.ilrd
Copper 6, In the looi traction, fiom ilc tr.
"?i, in People's fUa, in S'ugar ami Tnluito
from 2; In "i. In Northern Pacific :iVi m
I iilim I'jrIHe ami PeuiiayhanU 2V, eaoli, mil
in a lirge mimWr f lhe ntir kloiks fiom I
to 2 point. The pcl slotks were not tis nre
tlonjiunl in the ully aa the rct of the tuaiki-f,
nnd Sled Car extended Ita lo to .1',
Ihilnla after the iteneml nuikrl had turnid
upn-aid. Tlie closing was linn and at ,il.nut
tho but piltfj of lhe djy Total .ale., 1. 1 TO.
TOO hhair.
Hallitiad liuuda wen- eaier until tU luae
demand developed Inr Waba.h ilelieiitmiM, when
they berame Inegulir. Total sales, par valne,
Vi,403,0W. I". S. refunding twos ailunt'td 'i
ptr tent, on the latt call.
v rf -"".' ' - .--
, J in tXotllietn rjtlllc, :iJ4 III , Hon Itnelnl. t. .In- .17 im, ..,. ?!,.
Amalgamated Uopner, fiom 1 to 3 points in lliu f ixmi: left ovi-r .1 mai '.l i .i,,i Tn.' i,,
fhtvr ihtVU'r;?,!, hhe lie,. wjx a?. viTr.Kiv ?& rfn;
Int-rcst wl.i.l. atood rnneilv walling in tiU ' "ale. MaVS;i4 ' '"a0' ,,l,,k '
prollts by lm Ing Mocka at the decline. 7hm , Sliecn-TletclntJ! 21 uoo: lleen miMtlv .luil.,
waa ai, influential ..ton of tlm nn.kfl alo X. weak 'ic li loue- m!) K tt
which refund lo .tield I.. the depicsloli Ml. 'etln
SOUrl PacllA C.e tuv mill- 14 u,..l . linn,... I V, in. '.. ?h'' .' !7.'. "''.'?. 'J1?'"" .'n,X- P1'9
Tin folloalrg ciuolatlons sie fn,lliiil The
Tribune by M. S. .loidan & Co. room, PcS-TiM
Heart building. Stranlon. pj. Tclephcne ,V)n,:
Open- High- Low- f I'M
Ing, esl, est. Ing.
An.cilian Suar . ... ISJ i:iij Ml3. l.Y.
Anitilcaii Tohatsu ... .HOtj 11.1 110'i IKK
Am. Mcel k Wire .... :t'i 40 .N .nn
Atchison 4!ij 4.11, tV I1"t
AtdiUon, Pi v."; m s.ii, ..
Rrook. Traction T.'i TPJ ;:i's Ti
Ball k Ohio an; ftii', sij mpj
Cont. Tobacco 41 Vt 4Jm ;i, I ",
Chca. Ohli ::;',4 tijij :,:v .,:
Chie, i t. Wi'M lf.v. iT-i inu i;i4
Chic. n. i- (.i 110)1 14J 1 ti'Lt li
st. Paul 14Wj H7 Mil!; lf'l
Ilock Island Ui'i ll't 117' llTL,
Del. !t Iludm 1,7! Ill IV) l.l
l.m luvcaniia It, II w l'r iw V
rVleral tcel ., 4'. Ii.i... 4l:i hi'..
I'cdcral Sleel, i'r C'l wi os Cvli
Kan. A Tev., Pi. .... 43 IT 4"i e!-,
Louis. Si Xash S054 ST1 "els it",
.Man. nictated lll'j lUls 111 1!a,
Mel, Trntllnii IM14 wnj i;,j, 11,1
Mlato. Pacific nv.'i fKii njit fO
PeopU'a fias tvi'i wi .-,3, 93
N. J. Central lf,i; Jj'ij r,2ij l.-.JU
Southern 1'aclile -im, 42 lli 4-!
Nortolk A, Went 4Sis 4 !',i -liH 4is;
ortheni Pacific 7li'b HV- Th'i .'0"
North. Pacific, Pr. ... Sli M " 4U ".'
V. V. Central jkhj 1411; T.'i'i lllij
(Int. Si Westeiu && cr"Ji "' i.
l'eniu. It. K UV.I, IUI3 112'5 ll"(.
Patllic Hail 111 40 10 "
IleaiHm He. ")i.'. ;t,) -j.,1 ,1
Iteadlng Itv., IV. .... (,m; 711 (,' ,
Southern it. It is'.; ua4 i. 1
South. II. It., Pr. .... iii inifc 1,71..
Tenn. dial A. Iron .... Ki B'iTi ?A
V. S. Leather lit li; u
IT. S. Leather. I'r. 7:1 7.U'j 7.1
t S. Iluldier 2m 21'J 211.
t'nlon Pacific SO"; Wi poij
Union Pacific, I'r. .... S si' vpt
Wabash, IV. 21 an ;
Weteni Union si MPJ M
,, ,, Open- High- U. ( I,h
"III.AI. iiijj, ost. ei. Iiil-.
-VJV' " T.Vt; Tilt 7-."t
Janu.ny 7ir; ;;j -x; -.,-
lanuaiy :i7 ::; :;7 1;
aJyvJ s7 Jl"' K'i ''.
iUy -.'jij 2.." as j:.';
pen- Iligh- Low. ( lo.
UIILAr ing. rsl. ,..1. li,
J'afh 7-iii 79Ti 70', 71',
-May 791, M)', 7914 mji;
May li'l 445, 4iis ui.
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotation Based
on Par of 100.
Fir.t National llauk 12M
Scranton Bating Hank ,130
Third National flank 4-d
Dime Deposit and Discount Hank.. 2M
Economy Light, II. k P. Co
Lacka. Trust Safe Deposit Co i;,o
Clark A Snover Co., I'r. 125
Scranton Iron Pence A Mfg. Co
Scranton Axle Works
Lackawanna Dairy Co., I'r
County Savings Hank A Trust Co.. 30il
Drat National Dank (Carboudalc)
Standaid Drilling Co
Traders' National Hank 143
Scranton Dolt and Nut Co 105
Scranton Pajnenger Railway, first
Mortgage, due 1020 Hi
Peoplo'a Street Railway, first mort
gage, due IMS it;
1'f.opje'a Street Hallway, (lenrral
mortgage, due 1921 us
Dickson Manufacturing Co
Iacka, Towmhip School 3 per cent. ...
City of Scranton St. Imp. 0 per
Scranton Traction 1 per cent 11V
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. fl. Dale, if Laciaitauns Ate)
Hutter-Cicainery. "la2Jc.
lggs Selc't weatcin, 21c. n-arby ktate. air.
Cliccae Pull cream, Uicu, 12c.
Ilcans Per bu., choKe injuo.t, 2.j0.
Onions 0. per bu.
riour Uest patint, ,4,t.
New York Qialn ami Produce.
New Yoik, Jn. 21. Hour Altlmujiu i 1 1 ,,
i-lcadler in tone, was no higher anil nihil nub
VYInet "pot mm; No. 2 red, 'Wfe 'oh
nllual, und "Hac. eletutui, No 1 iioithcrn )i
Ulll, fefi5c. I. o. h. alloit. Opllciiis geiierallt
Hint all day anJ clo-d f,im and r,i.. IM ,
higher; Mirth ilojcd 7-i'tc. Jlaj, V)s. . .Inlv
7f'3ic. Com Spot Heath ; No. 2, 17c. eluvatm
und 47c. 1. i. 1 1. atloat. Options lilill. i Iwi-.l
sleady unci unchanged, Jin. ilord 47c.' Jtauli
av.ic.l May, M'ic-.; .lub, lllji-. OiU-'-poi
dull j No. 2. :o',ic. ; Nu. J, 0c. , o. S wliii.
S2',ac; No. 3 white, :i2c; track Mlvid v ,,t
em. ;Xi3l',ic. , ir.cik white, ;iljiait C),u.v,
iluli but steady. nutter Steady, rrenueis .
ai.ic, ; factoiy, llullc, ; .luiio crcauui.t, l.Vajik
imitation iietuuert, l.!'j7l;c. . uii. d.iln 1.
a21c cheese linn: fancy latae. fall made
ll'iJll'ic-: fanc.t small, fall made, ualV,
i:v llarely btead); Male and I'c-uu.i., 22a2ic
weiti I li, aferau'c packcil, "laii'jii.. weslein, lot.
oil. 21c
Philadelphia Oram and Produce.
Philadelphia, Ian, 21. -Whtat I'hm anil V
higher; toiitiacl grade, Jan., 7IVta7ji. Coin
-I'inu; No. I inUcil, Jan., On-
htc.ul.t; No. '! while c tipped, 't'Pfci . Kim
Dull, unchanged. buttei- Finn, It lilghei
fjik.v ucj-tc in c io.ui, .i.e. 2.1c: do, .ilut., :'.;i
l'ig Slead.t, lair demand; flesh iie.nbt, 2iv
do, weateiu. 22c; clu. outhwcjteiu, 11c; do.
nullicin, 22c Cl.etve Slidj; New oil. mil
mains, fancy mull, Jl'.',-.: do, do. do., 'ah
lo tholce. 10jiliij. ilellned stigaie I'n
tliflged. Cotton -1 Hk. lattei; nilddllnt mi
lands. 10 ' lu I'.ilkw Dull; cllj pilme in
hlidt-., V-,1 ili-iic., .V'ic ; tounuy piline in
iMirrla, CaaVc, cakef, .V.Jf. Lite poulli)
Hull; fottb, CI i).)r. , old louhtcrs, ll',..(,; lit, U
tiv, SaOc.i ciutl.s, II 1 12c ; giese, ualix-.: l .
ki.ta, uain,. lir, poiilny (.nilet, bin u.i.,, c holt i, )";(.: do, fair lo gcod, eaSV.v
old incur, 'Ji7i ! neaibj thicken-, lckii
vealriu do.. Hall, : Iiiiki-JK, choke- I,.
I la 12c- ilucl.s, llal'lc, He latter lor niaim
Krtelpts -llnii, vail buiel, and l.iti, o.i
pounds in satks; wheal, lu,IKkl bildieln ci
),!) biiMiel., ciala, HI.IKH Milpiuents Wheal,
ll.fSHl bmhels: ,vrn. 2,m bushels; nats. il,Jc)
Chicago Qrnin and Produce.
Chicago, Jan. 21, -?null world's shipments,
higher eablea and a idinng situation trie
Impoitaiit laclors In nn udtance lu wheat Imlay,
May ehxli.g Ijltict com tc-cU Uc-. up, (.rd
oats, iinchaiiged, I'nivMons at tliefw were
2',ial2li,c, lottei, ( cpiutatlons were as fob
low si
Flour Dull; No, .'J spilng wheal, itfaTaV,,
No. 1! nil, 7Sc; No. 2 corn, Si Vic. ; Nu. i jellow,
87'Ju.)7Hc.l No. a white oils, 27a27vic; No. 3.
while, 2i,(a57c; No. 2 rye, EOaalUe.j mailing,
SOalKc; No. 1 flair, U.70 No, 1 Dorthwt-st, flfll,
' tlnulhy, l.t.ii! pork. I3.KUII liJ, V.WH
i . 10; rlb, 7a7.a)! sliAilder OHuBHc: wht.
,(', '-27, M'Wrt-Olt Joaf, W.W; granulatad,
Chicago live Stock Marknt.
tllungo. .Inn. SI, Cattle Itreelpta, 19,000, In.
hiding TOO Tcvaiwi good lo choice, strong t
'hiule hliilur; lonunon and rougln, lowj butch
tn' alork, Miong, active! Team, ateady: good
t prime Mcers, W.31M0.10S oor to medium,
im,wOj5.!0: atoekera and lerdfr, firm.
, i.T5a(.2,'Vai heifer. S.'.73a.W miners,
VIjJ.iO; hulls, Mejily, fj.sthil, 10; calua, slow,
M.TJaUl Texas fed ateeis, U).fc()j Texaa hulls,
hern. s.';.
!Ai3..Vl; native liin'is,
lamb., .".i5,;n,
Buffnlo Live Stock Market.
ril nnrfali. ,lau. '.'I. ISrtelpt.-Catlle, air
i .ii.i tlnip ,tiHl j,il,., v.'i; hos. Lid. Snip
iiienli I ulll... lil ,ji: .I,),,, MlM innbi, ;(;
lmg, ft.-,. ( alll f.ilrlc actlte for delr.
able grodf,. Inn lhe t (ox- wn. very lame nii'l
IiXiImv lower. (.alte., bwei Ihan list week;
good In l.r.1 d.iuotli lit cvporl, is.IUaS.mi ship
ping eleeis. M.s.Va'S: good In best bulehers'
.tern, ffljl.,); yejillnn leera, good lo chofca,
VliXLil: fal lielfeia, ihnlie In evtia, !I.Ua.4.V
ti'iiiiuoii and tloik hfileiiw .V'.i.w2.ln; feeilinr.
Meei, ihnlii- In ixtra, Ij4, Canada feeders,
gnoil In choice, .:,7".ilj Canida Blockers, torn
nion lo good, Wa'l.'.'.'i; imvi, tholce to evtla,
NlJK.2."i: good to tholie, i)7..'iOj.
I.nnlia ( hniie lo e.vna, V.TSaS.'M; gon.1 la
choice. A .MM1.7... Mieep. dmire lo extra. l.73
""'L. ".0CH' ,0 '''"'te. I..Va"..7J: Canada laml,
e.v 75.t "i.SJ,
llogs-llenv). -..4;j'..47i lulveJ, WUiU
iie, "
New York Live Stock.
New "il., ,lau. 21.- lliete-Ooiid steers,
ktcnlv Id iirnij tun Ilin i and common. 1V. hluli.
er; bulk -irons- ililn tsiwi, PV. higher; good
town, slow; leer. l.7ftiV,.t.V, oxen and slajs,
4at.l.i; bulk. i7Ha4.,0 inn., IJ.'jI.?;.
Calna I'iim; MU, .l.7JilVil; llllle talte.,
f la 1.7.11 bmijHiil ultc-., m.i:i.Vij- westerns, M.
Simp Weal, lor Hie under grsdes; prlmr
.lock, full .te.clv; lnmb., V,a(l.;".: rill).,
I M: c.nuiila lamb., ifl.121-.
Hogs- Higher ill VC,1jirM.
"avt I.Ihetty Stock Markat.
I.a-l l.ilieil). Jan. 21, .Cattle Mow and low.
Hi evtra, o'.ltlaliai: pipne. Vloj3.iV: com
inou, .!.t.l,7'i. A
Mug. Vtlltc. mill higlur; pihne mrdliiins .cm!
be.t joikei., VaV(i.i; Iirjvj bugs, "i..WiV..Vi;
pic, as lo iiulllj, sv.iu.i.ifli roughs. $.1.7Si.1.
Sheep -Sleadi, choice welheis, l,(iua4 HI;
fiimmnii, SI..VHJ.MI; i 'nitre nub., Wr0aS.7.1:
icnnr.ii in giuvicl, Slaj.'n; teal i sites, 7 2J
Oil Maikct.
oil (lit. .bu 21. -CieUlt balance. 117; eer
tificiles, no bid. Silpniiiiir, l7i,(Wl; aterag,-,
Vl.ltS lfun.. I22,CU; ateragc. S7,bl1.
j The llonun empi'i-ois a!vtaj signed (heir naim's)
hi put pie ink. Xo fiilijcct of lhe empire was
1 peimlltetl In u-j or etin have this ink; and, on
i Icail two occasion., the povevdon of a mall
piaulitv of il vvili. considered Itcuson and the per-
on owning Ihl. iniUem of totaltv was put (o
ilea Hi.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
bt local application, aa they cannot reach th
dlV-jacil portion of Hie ear. Tliere Is only oml
wa) to cure dcafne", and that is by conatltu
ilutial iiuiedh.. Pcirnccs is caused by an in
. tlamed condition ot the mucous llnlnir r.c ck.
Uu.tathlan Tube. When this tube is Inflamed
ou lute a rumbling .connd or imperfect hesulng,
and when it Is cnliiely clostd, Deatueas ia the re
sult, ami unlet the lnllimmatlon tan be taken
out and lids tuba ic.tored to its normal condi
tion, hearing will lie deatrojec! forever; ntna
ii.wa out of ten ale cimsed by Catarrh, which il
nothing but an Inflamed condition of the miicoms
We will gltc One Ihiiiihed Dollars for any can
cf Pcafress (canned bv catmih) that cannot m
i uied by llali'a Catauh (;urr, i-cud for tliculavs,
I J CIIKNI1V A- CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold liy nrnggtsta, 75c.
Hall's family Pills are the best.
The Wonders and Beauties
i Earth's Largest Segment of Fairydom
"upeib (Millennia, are penetiated only by Hi
ii'alh Minipluoiw liuiiis ut the
Train of Trains, belongs to this sys
tem, I'eeiltiu niuipiiieiii, n'ltice .mil cuisine.
Ps (litre mules ntl'l . nntluuoiis delight lu Hie
loin 1,1.
I'nr full iiifoiiiialiiili. tne lllu-li.iliil paiiiphlcli,
.nips, nnd lime iiiblt-s. also lowest rales, kleeiihu
cat tickets nnd blggiike c hec ked applv to Slll'l II-
i:itv i'Acinc Co., ico s. .m ., f,u,. pj
A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forsvar.
Uw!t.0Ti,.',i,, npla. rrMlcta,
Holb Pstcfcds, K-!i, laid BklK
cllstssei. su.l ersrjr lleraUh
deleelloo. Il bu
stood ths tssl ( U
JBits. nd Is tm
hsrnilfi, we tsato It
to oo nn It Is prop
erly insd. aocepss
na enntrffat oil
InllsrsmeM. Dr.L.
A. Bsyr" wld I
Isilj of tlihaul-(sB
(s natlent)) "As job
faoleec will use Ihens.
I rty-ommsncl Ooue
nnd's(reAtuas lh
)est hsrmfulof ftll
tho Man prepare
tloes " ror eods b
II Dnuirliea ui
I rane7 Deslirs In theC.S.,Ctcsdaslan3 garopea,
ITKUa. T. UOrSlNB. Vtm't. tl Oriat Jun tv, v.x,
I Dyapopsia.
lacho and Liver
J Sold by all drugging
or sent by mail.
Stnlta Medical Co., Cnlcaxo
Sold bj Mcdairali .V lliouias, Diugeists, lot
l.ackattaiiua attuue, hciaulou, I'a,
DR. DBNSTBN, Jit Sprue jSlrtet, tlras
ton. Pjl All Acuta ana Ckrcnlc Dlunn l
Man, Womrn anlChlldran. Conaullallon and
tiamlnatlon Irt. Ofllca lloara Dally tacit
Sunday Sa.aa.tctap.aa.1, ' "
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MroVM: nftlrm
ri, . attar --)i-
1 ik x -j 1, u. -. jmi 7
ZzZZslS&C.Ji Ml
Bzl riF thV
1L5 1 11 ill isr
j 25 CTS.