a t - ,- t t j t hA (I v ,- r a n -, , v. siU'iTOt '1 -7s7f?fc Jf'- ' Le. THE SOU ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1001. I ,t r -j. WEST SCRANTON THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE REVEALED BY LECTURER LOU J. BEAUCHAMP. Sxcellent Tftlk In the Plymouth Con rjregatlonal Church Last Evening oy a Man Who Takes a Bright View of Things Generally Vac cination of Chlldien St. Bien den's Prize Diawlngs Funeral of , Mrs. Powers School Deposits. Other Notes and Personals. Tlio lectuic Riven by I.011 .1. lie.au tliaiiip at tln Plymouth CoiigrcKntlntiul tliurcli last evening xinn one of the pest Heats of ItH Klml ever ele'llvi.ied ioforo 11 West Srianlem uiulli'fict", timl t x'an u jitty tlmt mirh u t-nxnU audi Mice xan picsciiL to listen to mich a lifted siwultor. -Mr. lkMiu chump does nut ipoii to luclcnl Jokes anil miiilei-paper ayliij;s K amuse his audience, lmt kIvps a legitimate. Inspiring and upllftlm practical talk on events of ovcry-duy life. Intcijoctcd with his own Ijiluht thought?. , lie told how m.my a gloomy home ran lt mudp bright and olireiful liy lin)ly opening- tho "fiont purloi" to llio children and other membera of the family, Instead of keeping It locked up for "company only." lllt udvleo to DaivntH is to give their chlldien the freedom of speech and comfort In the home, especially on rainy days and I Id them In their researches for lenoxvl tdgp and mateilal thing's. In Hpcaklng about love, the lecturer Vald It xvuh the "only good thing In Ihls country not controlled by a tuiBt," und xxus surprised at thu l'atnlllatlty of his auditors when he cracked some jfoml Jokes about playing cards, Ho t otildn't understand how the ( hureh p"oplp understood so avcll about "Iead," "ordering up," "passing," ''r.ilslng the nnte," etc. Ills advice to young men wiii to get married and settle down, unless they me In debt, nnd then it would be ad visable to settle up. To the joung women he said they should guard against tlio companionship of men who hip addicted to drink, as it Is the step ping stone to their downfall, disgrace und ruination. There should be mote of the inother love in the hearts of dilution than Is now evident, and the men and women Mith clean hands, clean he.uts and I'lean soula are the ones -who aie ic- ABOUT THIS TIME LOOK OUT FOR (COUGHS 1 and COLDS TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. TSie Last Bargain Call Prom Our Cloak Department Inventory is over and we've reached tbe final clean-up fitage, at which former bargain prices count for noth ing, and new and final reductions are established, al though the cold weather garment season is not yet halt over. These Coats for Ladies, Misses and Children Are Allot This Season's Production And are strictly high class in every particular. There is no trash in our cloak department, and not a single garment which we cannot absolutely guarantee to give the fullest satisfaction in the hardest kind of service. Keep this fact in mind, and remember that in the prices quoted below, we are contrasting recent bargain prices with new bargain prices, in which the final cut of the season has been made. A Few Bargain Illustrations: At A full line of Children's Coats, ranging from 4 to 13 years, (9 Qft xn a" tho fashionable materials, Including Fine Kerseys, and "P"0 made in top-notch styles with the best of trimmings. All the good shades, such as Castors, Reds, Blues, Browns, rtc, are represented and former bargain prices ran from $3.98. Your choice now at 2.98 At Missei' -Coats, sizes 14 and 16 years, in all the leading ma n3 Oft terials and popular colorings, Some have smait velvet f-?"a- collars, others full storm collars, which all have tbe trims. :r trappings, strappings, which the most exacting votaiies of Jrtshion insist on. These are as well tailored as skilled labor can njake j1iem and former bargain prices were from $4.08 to $b. I he final call bargain pflce is 3.98 . At, A beMfful line ot Udies' Stylish Coats in various shades V AO o" ctor bnly. They are full silk lined, elegantly finished. J-t.'-t-V of.etfcelleht quality, and the size list is complete. The for . j mer price was $6.40, and they were an attractive . . tiering at that figure, The final call bargain price is 4.49 n and the ady who buys coat at that price gets the biggest bargain we ever offered. At A Jine of handsome Coats for Ladies, formerly advertised & -dO.'" ',oa Tneco,ors iuclude black, blue and castois. La -Pu,,7:: dies who appreciate a really smart, medium weight gar- v?.r"'rnent, with lots of style to it. will appreciate this ofl'eiing, and we anticipate a quick clean up in this lot. At : A lojo'f. distinctively High Grade Coats for Ladies' Winter Qf Oft' vWear' w' nolcned r storm collars, very beM satin lining, iPK3yo 'and tailored to perfection. The variety ol trims includes a tf wide selection, and the colors are black, blue or castors. These same' coats Were advertised as a baigain at $1000, and . wert.cheap at that figure. The final clean up price is 6.98 SALE BEGINS ' --.-.. 1 Globe Warehouse 1 . ipilred In eveiy walk of life. In advis ing the joung people along the llnu of nuilrlage, ,Mr. Ueallchanip told the boys to study the girls In the morning moie than the evening, when they aie madeup to uln his heart and hand. They generally appear natural about 9 a. m., he said, and the girl who Is un tidy in her dicss In the morning will make an undesirable wife. In telling them "how to pop the question," lie said that It was not nec essary for men to go down on their knees any more, ".lust take hold of them around the waist with the left arm, keeping the light arm flee for tin eiueigency, and then u-k them 'will thou,' and in nine cases out of ton she will wilt every time," he mih. In i losing, the lecturer gave some excellent advhe to all, especially the mm i led ones, advising them to seek happiness and contentment In their homes, Instead of mlsgltlngs nnd petty squabbles, "l.uugli oer your tumbles," lie said, "and piny oor ,our cares." Vaccinating the Chlldien. Dm Ing the past week !!S4 ihlldieii weie vut'flnuU'd at the West Hide hos pital, or an aveta'ge of H!S pr day for the thiee days worked. The directors and attendants at the hospital found li nei.ess.uy to discontinue the work on account of the people who sought five vaccination for their chlldien who weiu well able to pav thelt physicians for the woik. 'i'no-thhds of the applicants were chlldien of well-to-do families, some of whom went to the hospital In cai riages. The pooler classes weie thus deprled of the oilglnal piiihges In tended by the dhectork. It ui nieos. saiy to tofuse many applicants on that account. It would be veil If some plillall thioplc pei son subscribe a sum of money towards the cause and have the good woil; continued. Attention Mine Woi leers. The following communication, wilt ten on a letter head of the United Mine Workers of America, was lelt at the West Scranton biancli ollleo of The Tribune yesteidaj: "This Is to ceitlfy that the stilke Is still oa at the Oxfoid shaft of the Poo pie's Coal company and It will lemain so until such time as they pav the proper prhu per ear, as the Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western company paid J1.05H, with the advance 2l,6 tents advance per car would make It tl.US, and the People's Coal company me only paying 9S cents, and then .say th-t their mlni'is are disci Imlnatlnu; against them, and b'fore thev can mine that coal for US cents It shall stand there for ninety-eight years." Before Alderman Davies. Kcese T. Lewis, of Hampton stteet, who had Daniel Colan, of South Main nenue nnd Hampton stieet, arraigned before Alderman Kellow tecently on a chaigc of asv.iult and battery, was himself ai tested at the Instance of Ananiah I '.vans and Colan before Al derman Davies on a similar chaise. The law suits weie the lesult of a htrlmmage which otcuied in Colan's place some time ago, when Lewis had THIS MORNING. IN PUBLIC FAVOE. A Remedy for the Curo of Piles Which Hns Met with Remnrknblo Success. There nro ninny popular inoilldnos that nro knonn In every household In Aincilca. There nro blood purlllerw, ncive ton ic, head.Nhe iocUrn, dyapcpsla i!Uivj and couch rurea which uic wold In owiy dlilj stole. Itut all or thewj must divide popu luilty with iiiiiny ilvolH, no one reme dy Imi the Held to ItBolf, with the hIiirIu c( eptlon of pllo -uren for It Is a sliiBuInr fact, tlmt nmoiiff the host of reiniMlk-H, there Is but one pile euro that tun be oonhU'ied us hnvliiK a na tional reputation, without n rival und thu icnieily i-efetTod to Ih the Pyramid I'lle Pun', which for seven yenrH has Htf.idlly woiked Into public favor, by eriHou of Km extniordlnary ineilt und a nietlunl nnd a record of lvnuukablo ruioH, until it Ih known fiom Mulnc to Calirotnln, nnd fixmi Jlanitoli.i to thu Oulf or Jloxlco. It 1.m tine there me many pile leine dles lmvliif- a small loc.il ivputtitluu for a year or two but the Vyiamlil Pile t'uie has lapiilly Hupplmited them all and loally haM the llcM to It-.-elf when aiiMhliiR like national popu larly N conKldereil. The explanation N Mlmple it Is he cause plle- Ih in no seiine an luuiRlnaiy trouble, thai a simple fialve or o!nt inent will cuiv, but an obstlnute, pain ful nnd often duiigeious tiouble uml a remedy to clve salNfuctlon liuisi pos FC8H positive and xeiy appartnt met It. A peihon sufferliifr fiom pllew will not expeilment for mouths with u lemedy. it must kI(j relief and n cure In Fhoit oulfr or It is ondpuuu'd. The uornt eaes (if plle.s aie lelleved on the Hi st application, and belim in suppository ronn !s eoiicnleut to use and cuies without intci'dliiR with dally oeeupat Ion. -Medical men me It In iMeforeiice to miikIcuI operations because It Is so safe and palnlss, n,d the ost, coni nated to benefit ilcu is a mere lilllo as all diuffglsts sell It at CO cents. If sulTcilnR f i om unv foi r of piles, bleedlntr. Itching or pintiudlncr a trial of the Pyramid Pile Cuie. will ciuo you nnd add anothei to its thousands of friends. his fa(e distoittd by the footpilnts of Colan's shoe. Lewis was held In $!0n ball on each of the charges prc fened by Kvnns and Colan. Funeinl of Mis. Powers. The funeral of the late Mis. Ann Powers was laiRely attended yesten'.ny mninlni iiom her home on Miaonio street. A tenulem mass was celebrated In St. Patrick's Catholic church by tev. P. li. J.au'lle, who also preached the Heiinnn, The all-benieis weie- Thom.11 Hcr iy. P. J. O'Jlalley. Prank Golden. ChnthH Ciiaham, James AVells nnd Thomas Dwyer. Intel ment was made In the Cathedial cemeteiy. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. .Mlc Saiali Slootie.v, of Caibondale, has i elm tied home fiom a visit with Mi. and Mis. John MlGociii, of Itall loml avenue. W. J. Moisan, William .1 Thomas, Stephen It. Itape nnd John Jones werj ainoiur the local deleRms who went to the Cnlted Mine WorUeis of Aiueil?l convention at Indlan-ipolN. J W V Uavls. of Smith Hyde P.uk aenue, N iecooilnt fiom in attack or the Klip. Ml-s Kllriihcth Jeicmlah. of l.atay etto stieet, li id hei eais tiozeu on S.ituidi). while out in the i old mil Host ol the d ij The Passion Play, to be (,'Hen at the Jacksiui Stieet Captist huich on Tueiduj cveiiiiit ol next week, is a fncied nanoiame or th lite of Chilst In moving plctuie luallsm, as pel foinied by the deoiit peah.int of Obei annuel Rail, Itn vm la. Peter Itupp, of Pi lee stieet, was ten deied an enjoyable suiptlse paity le cently bv a number of his fi lends. A large- number were piesent. Special icIIkIous seivices weie ht-ld in the Washburn Stieet Piesbyterlan chinch last evenlnR, undr Hie dliee tlon of the pastor. Dr. John P. Mof fat. They will be lontltiueil eeij evenlnR this week, except Satutduy. The Chi Upsllon society of the Wuslibuin Street Presb t( ilan chuich hold an InterestlnR meeting Inst even linj, which was attended by a Iiuro number of membeis, ho mnnllested Si eat Interest In the society. lit v. W. II. Williams, the Drummer nvaiiKellst, will begin n seiies of Gos pel meetings this evening at the Jack son Stieet Baptist chinch. Itev. A. U. Hauler, pastor of St. Muik's lutheiun chinch, de.slies that eorj member ot his chinch nnd on gieg.itlou shall attend the annual con giesutlonnl meeting tomonow even ing Cdw.tid Lewis, of Hampton stieet: Mif b Margaret and Itlodwln Stexens. ot l-'oiuteenth stieet, nnd .Miss Hello Andeisoii, of Not th Fllmoio, uenil'. luiii' l "covered fiom the gilp uti'l other ailments. Sllss Maigaiet Sdiell, of Lafayttte stieet, Is serlouslv III with the Rilp. The Patilotic Social tlnb will hold nn cnteitnlumuit and social In Men id' hall, on Satuulny exciting, Feb 9. The- Juvmlle choir of tin I'Ut Welsli f ongiegatlonul chinch me lehemalng Hie cantata. "The Chlldien of Heaxeii," by Pi of. Uanl'I Piotbeioe, of Milwaukee, Wis. A irheatsal will be held tomonow evening. John Hetny Jones, choiiuter of tlio 'south Main Avmue Welsh Cahliilstlo .Methodist (huic.li, has irslgned his pn slilou, after many ye.us ot falthtul sei vice. Petei Mellugh, n rtiident nl St. lioinard's semltimy. Hochester, N. V., Is -Uniting his jjuicnts on Liuerno stieet. Tin Tilbune ennespondent wan inis Inforined lelatlve to the deuth of Jimes Ord, of Gammon's Hill. Wo aiv pleased to announce that he Is still In the land of the living. "The Chlldien'K Hour," a litem y en tertainment, will be given under the auspices of the Junior Haptlst Young People's union, at the Flist Welsh Haptlst church, on Tiiehduy evening, Junuuiy 2!). Miss Sudlo Jones, the talented elocutionist and lender, will linvo charge ot the details, A Colonial tea will bo seived Filday evening, Wbiuuiy ". at the Simpson Methodist Hplscopul thuuh. under the auspices of the tlleaueis. A well-attended meeting of Hyde Paik lodge, Fieo and Accepted Ma sons, wan hold In Mueonlo hall last evening, when buslneaa of Intel est to the fraternity was tinnsacted, Hyde Paik camp, Modem Woodmen of America, met In Ivoilte hall last evening and elected seveinl new mem bets. St. Paul'8 Pioneer corps met Inst ovenlng und made muuiEements to at tend the funeinl of tlio lato William Hosklns, who was n member of the coips. DUNMORE DOINGS FUNERAL OF MRS. JOHN MAN DREW HELD YESTERDAY. Services Conducted from St. Mary's Church John Haggerty Injured nt tho Murray Mines Patrick Lyons nnd Patrick GlbbonB Have a Nar row Escape A Democratic Meet ing Tomorrow Night The Revival Services Other News and Per sonal Notes of Intel est. The funeral or thi Into Mrs. John McAndiew occurred from her mother's nonie, in Hunker hill, yesterduy morn ing. During the morning hundreds of frlendii took their last look at thu de parted. At 'j.Si) o'clock the lemalns weie comeyod In St. Miuy's church, where a iiolemu high mass of requiem was celebi nted. Hew M. II. Dnnlaii wan celfbtant; Itev. M. J. Mlllano, deacon, mid Itev. Jlcllale, sub-deacon. After the serx Ices, interment was made In the old Catholic cemeteiy. The p.'ill-beaieis weie James McAn diew, p. J. McDonough, P. F. Golden, of Carbondale: H.M. Kennedy, .Michael O'llnlleian, of Olyphant, and Thomas Doudlian, or Dunmoie. An Accident nnd an Escape. John Iluggerty, a miner, emplojed at the Mutiny mine, was the victim ot a dlstiesslng accident yesterday morn ing. He was caught by u rail of loot and had u leg broken In two places, besides minor Injutles. as a lesult. He was i citing easily last night and no sei Ions results are expected. Patrick Lons, of Pine street, and Patrick Gibbons, of Potter street, mlncis. employed nt No. r, colliery, had n lucky escape from serious injuries yesterday. A full of roof occuired In their chamber, but fortunately both men missed the main fall and as a re sult only leceived a few flesh wounds fiom Hying pieces, unci weiu able to walk to their homes unassisted. A Democratic Meeting. The follow Inc membeis of the bor ough Democratic committee me te qucsted by Chairman T. J. Duggan to meet at the borough building, Wednes day evening, January 23, at 7.'tt. to make arrangements for holding pri maries mid a convention of the ic tuin Judges: Flist ward, First district, W. L. Purcell, John Hellly; First ward. Sec ond district, W. II. McAllister, Thomas Grady; Second ward. Flist district, Jo seph McGrall, Michael Kennedy; Sec ond ward, Second district, T. J. Dug gan, H. I!. Gllllgan; Third ward, First dlstilct, T. i:. Holand, P. J. Henley; Thhd ward, Second district, John Mn. Third ward, Third district, James McDonnell, diaries Wensel; Fotntli ward. John Hailey. P. F. Holand: Fifth ward, M. J. Cotello. James O'lloro; Sixth waul, First dis trict, H. J. Kelley, Peter Joyce- Sixth waid. Second district, M. J. IJiilnu. M. J. .Mnii.i). Rsvival Seivice3. The i.nhul meetings at the Tripp Axenue Christian church weie well at tended last night. The Itev. Mr. Cobb look foi bin topic "Kxcuses" He said: "Kxeiwes come fiom a disposition to make little of Ood and His tl.iee. Some say the ai-i not good enough. "Othets aie too good; oili-ifi do not want to associate with tho-o In the fliuteh who are not doing their ilut: others allow their business to Inter ffte. otlioK., domestic ulfulis." The topic for this exonlng will be "Almost PulMMllcd " NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD. Hex. Dunett, the Canadian exangcl 1st spoke to a huge cougugntloii it the Methodist Hpiscopal chili eh Inst night. He will continue the meetings thioughout the balance of the week. Today he will speak at :: o'clock, sub ject, "How, When, Wheie to Piay." At T."0 he will tell "How God Keeps Our Hecoid.' Announcement has Just been made of the m.urlage of Miss Knimu Zlegler to Christian Kuitt, both of Peteisbmg. The event declined sevei.il das ago, but was kept .secret until y?steiday. x hen the patents of both ixetu In loi med. Mrs. William Hruudage is 111 ut hei home on Grove slien. MHs Sallle Muiphy is Impioxlng af ter her leeent sickness. William Webb, of Oleu Falls, x. y., is lsltlug his sister, Mis. Thomas .Mat thews, of Drinker street. How It Goes in England. Dating the piesent cold and grip season tlfty-sexen thousand txxo bun dled and eighty-eight boxes of La.xa tlx'e llrnmo-Qulnliio liaxe been sold by IZ. H. Clink, -S Shoie Lane. Lou don. NORTH SCRANTON. Vesteiday afternoon tho Sciuutou Hallvxay company tore up some of the pave at Market stieet. on Xotth Main avenue, which was laid a .short time ago. liver since tho trost set in the bricks have raised to such a helcht between the Hacks that the cats could not pass ox'er them. The Ninth Und Stars and the South Sldo DefoncleiH xxlll battle against each other this exenlng at the Audi torium Tho game xxlll be tor tho championship of the count, which the Defendeis haxe held for a long time. The game will stmt at 7.3(1 o'clock. Mark Hallstt-.td, of the International Coirespondonce Schools, lxho has his utile e at Hhamokln, Is visiting bis par ents on Oak street. Homy F. Habtoek, of Church ave nue, Is suffering with the grip. Mis. William Hoxxells and daughters, Aden and Margaict, of Ithaca, N' Y., are siting Mr. and Mis. William Wolf, of Church avenue. Miss Itose Hrehun, of II 111 street, has lecoxered fiom an nttack of the grip. John Keehan, of Clover stieet, is con valescent. Frank Kutilck, of Keyser avenue, who xvas injured In the Cayuga mluo a short timet ngo, Is sloxxl.x recox-eiing, Charles Filler, of Albright avenue, xx'as pleasantly sin prised Inst Friday c veiling by a number of friends, Mrs, Charles Henwood, of North Main avenue, Is 111, On Thursday evening of this xxeek the llnworth league of the Provlde'nco Methodist llplscopal church will con duct a short busluebs session, to be folloxx'ed by a llteiary and musical proRiummc. Tho subject for tho excell ing Is "Modes of Travel." Interesting papers relating to tho subject xxlll bo given by different members of the league, livery one Is Invited to bo present Thursday evening. THEY MUST PAY COSTS (romtticlril from 1'jko d. thereto; lmt no tucli law ii.vlmiltiu jurisillrtloti or icioiUllnic It cxrul lull iply to any roie tot nrliliiK out i.f any iK-clfini licM before Iti ia.jtc" VorH tlic rc'trlcllon lirre fneind prf. xent tli li'iflJtiirr from ialns an uit which lull uffitt tlio iot of .1 eiintcit which leu orlm out of in (lection which iiremlrel It MimiKiNurrrKH noii -i'iitiT. Tint icrtjlnly Is not the leltel, nor ilo vf think II l the ilrlt of tin' comtltlitlnnal iro xlslon. Tl"' 1i things pirilitliltrtl tire the lenlnc- of JuiiMllitlon and I lie legul ttlon of lt rxenUo, bv wlilc.li wo umlii.tinil the axlitnlm,' of the cotittt to a trlbunil ilitfcrnit from (hit by which It would luxe bun tried aerordlni? to the lew a it Howl wm the elutlon took l.uej or, xelthout cti inulng the lritmii.il, kIxIiil. mmc i(clil c.it to the tmnncr of Inlcu and ill)' ln.lnif of It which It olherxvle xeonld not hue Tho manlfot iurHie of IliU to u off lri;tla. thm i.iMd to tort I und air.it, favorably nnd unfavorable, n luitlciilar cai Xltrr an chilli n ha Uktu (ilico n,x ono who di'sliM md hu a l imlini; to ciinlot l intltlcd to hii IhoeotdCft hrird and tried bv th.it coint or juiUc xxlio would line tried It when the lire tlon took pljce ; to luxe no moie iwr .in hs drnuml of Mill in ordcl to lullniti tlio iiinlcit thin was Hun rrquliid, and to luxe tho Mine eoiirno of procediuo Otmixtd lint In mi nnso ein tho linitllon of the in-l.i bo IcKmkd ,i n tCKidatlou "of iho iiunuer if trill ' or "tho ov eicUo of Jmlxillilloti," (ignite i'irf"loin eehlih wo find In tixn pirti of Iho elin.o fiiiited Tlio only ei.inililiit tint can be imdo ntolnet a charRo in ropce! in diiolllon if fho cot, ieh an In now before u, li lint tho pirtlo-i tua bo e tiled upon lu ii.unio e tuurr respond lulltv fur limn tli ui thcx peilnH (iinlcinplitnl, or the hew Imposed when I lie pmniliiiita wero liogiiu. The.x now- haxe an absolute Ihblllle If thoj fall, wheio befnio llioj eoiild iom111 ulillt It If tho iimrt eleeieleil tint tho control n iu tallied by pioluble cmiko. Hut xehither the chtiii;c in the Ilex In' added to their liunlim or not tho eliw-ltlon of tho cots in .ill easel tt hi at tho plojsuio of tho WiMaliiro that wo aio not to ri'trlel It cxecpl.Jiheio b.i (Tpu4 proluhl. tion or dear iiupllcilioii wo are eonipelled to do o, neither of which can bo ahl of what l to bo found lu ro 'the nilo to dioxx eaiiie whv Iho e It of '(rale ton should not pi) tho oti Ie ill'i li ir'ul and tho eots aie eilroelcd to be paid bj tho petition (r. rm: Mtistins Tho following are the men xxho will have to pay the oosts of th" contrsl, they having signed Walsh's petition: Fieel Hafner, Wilburet Klein, John McNnmee, Tho. ' Hums, Thos. Man nloii, Joseph O'llora, Abinhnm riets, Ildxe'ard J. Hulllgan. Willla n Shaugh noFsy, John W. Broxvn, Fiank Schoultz, John McDonald, J. J. Hhaughnessy, Jr, Patrick Shaughnessy, John Canning, Jacob Such, Joseph Kr.i.wilck, August Hroxxn, Andieas Schulta, George Schultz, Henjamln Klein, Fiedetlck Hafner, (leoige Sep"lyok. Frank Wels b6iger, Al Toxvpoxxch. Jacob Juikoxxltz, Joseph Schxxar z II. Pc'-mu ollltz, Tony Scliuniloxltr. Hiiny Davis, Sam Friedman, S.im Vuikoxvlt, II. Yuiko xvlf, M. Schxe'uit, M. Henxxltz. John Coat. John Hnrinaii, Fdxxaul (iormun, Thomae xx-as letuined as having re eelxed 219 Votes and the contest de cide 1 that 2S Illegal otes had been cast fur him, leaving him u total of Ml For Walsh :iM votes xx'cie east and the content look m of these fiom him as Illegal, leaving him with only 1S2 oi four xvense off than he ex as be fore the contest. A member of the legislature fiom this county has been asked by signets of the Langstalf contest petition to in troduce a bill In the legislature that xxould have the effect of saving them fiom the pn.ment of costs In the event of tbe contest going against them, which seems likely, but he lefused to have anything to do vxltli It, saying It xxould be political suicide for a man to tnk such a step GRGEN RIDGE. Addicss of Miss Emciy on Mtssion- aiy Woik In the Chuich of the Good Shepheid. A ie piesentatlve gathering of ladles liom the 'parishes of St Luke's. St. David's and St. Math's met Miss Hin cr In the Siiiula ?e hool mom ol the Chinch of the CJooil Shephid ester day afternoon. illss Ilmi'iy explained the meaning of the woman's auxlllaiy, its aim, methods of organizing and what It ac complishes. She i lied .1 vn poor church In Japan having ten oi eleven talthful women xxho louneil mi auH lai mid making their xxauts knoxxii to the board ol missions, nox aie lejolc Ing In a $!,O0H eliuich, the last JJDO of xxhlcli was glxcn by n young lady lux lug e allied $3(i by her own woik In Ian nl xx ood. Men's Union Meeting. The ixxenty-llfth monthly meeting of the .Men's union of Oieen ltldge. xxlll be held Thuisday evening, .lunu iry 21th, In the chapel of the ilieeii Hlilc,e l'lesbyteilun church. The evening xxlll be devoted to a "Itev lew of the Cen tur" nnd will consist of ncleliest.es on progress during the icnturj as lol lovxs. "Politics," tlcorge I!. Davidson, esq.; "education." FiofeSMji .1. C Tujloi. music. "Intel iiallonal Comity," Ptofes hor H. 1.. Huidlek, "lliilliuult," Col onel P. U Hltchiock, "luvi'iitlou and Ails," H H. Van Dusen, esq . iiuinIc; "Science," Professor (Je-cnge MeC. Hobi-on, "Hefouns," C I.. Ilavvley, csi. Tho meeting will be open to tho wives and friends of the nuiubeis and the ate especially Invited' to attend. Briefly Told Notolets. The Misses Stahl, of Delawaie City, Ded. me guests ol .Mis tleoige A. Clearwater .Mr and Mrs. jcse Te-ets and Oeoige Coll attended the funeial of a lela tlve at Wllkes-H.il ie Sliiulaj. Miss Hllzabeth Wulleis. of Wilkes H.ine. Is spending the xxeek xvlth Mrs. Florence Clarice, of Sanderson avenue, Miss Amanda Cair. of Dlckon ave nue, has lotuiued fioin a visit with Prompton friends, C. I. Slack, of Venn uveuiie, who has been ccuitlued to his home the past week by a seveie attack of grip. Is now convalescent. The legular meeting of the Clieen Hhlge lodge, independent Oidei of Odd Fellows, to be held lu .Masonic hull, Dickson avenue, Thuisday evening, will be of unusual Inipoitance. In ad dition to confenlng tho lirst degieo upon two candidates, n vote xxlll bo taken upon the adoption or i ejection of an amendment to the by-laws, On Wednesduy evening of this week SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE Allow- a couuli to run until it ec-U bejoiid tha reach of medicine. Ihev olten a), "Oh. It will wear uwoy," but In mint eawi It xvill wear them away. Could they ho Induced to uy tho kuecchxful medicine called Kemp' llal.sain, which U old on u pcultivo cuarauteo to cure, thev could liumidlately (re the rxcelleut rlfect after takliur the tint dote. Price Sac. and 5"c. 'Crlal I ilia free. At ull cJruggUtn. GRIP,ASTHMA,BRONCHITIS ft fl ft- o S " ' '." ill " " w lti.iW'T.M....iM.Jyil .,-... m . -ecl.t. Ikli I. a '.. - ttlw ! gitri, dime llol"lc. R fine mbilltum. tl.e are lf(nui. ..v Mi. irifftiucr CO.. nootaaaler. X, Y. alLfi'Va mtMssm 9wm- a lectuie by Dr. Fllppo xxlll be given In the Ciceii Illelge Haptlst church. Subject will be "Ice In the Vulplt and Who Vut It TheioV" The lecture Is very entcitalnlng and Instructive. It points out and seeks to coirecl dlsor dets in pulpit mid pexx conducive to cold 'pleaching. Among subjects dis cussed aie sleepy heaier-e, negligent sextons, goneial Inattention, neck txxWtlng, late comers, the lover at church, pastois" xxive.i, disaffected members, scientific singing, tbe scold ing preacher, the soaring preacher, thu stupid preacher, xxhy some pieachers fall, the Hex'. Shallow Spluige, also how to manage grown-up babies In the c lunches. Tho funei.U of William J. Veriy will take place from his late home', o23 Dot ty stieet, this inoinlng at 10.30 o'clock. Slioit services will he held at the house, ufter which the remains will be taken to Caibondale on the train leaving this city at 12 o'clock, xxheiu services will be held In tho Hereun Haptlst church. Interment will be made In Maple-wood cemeteiy. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Two Enjoynble Masquerade Balls Given Last Evonlng Entertain ment of St. John's Society. The seventh annual inasqupiade hull of the Star Social club, xvhlch was h-lil In Athletic ball last evening, wni one of the most pleasant social events ever given by that organization. Tlio hull xvas cioxvded vxltli guests gaily attlted In costumes of all kinds mid inscriptions. Fifteen employes Trotn the xl'.isey & Kelly hrowery appeared as Indians, diessed in their1 full xxar uniform Music for the occasion xxas fin nished by Vrof. Johnson. The annual maiuiuerade ball of the Moltke castle, No. 2SS, Knights of the fiolden H.igle. which xvas held last evening at the Worklngmen's hall, xns hugely attended. The hall xxai cioxvded v.lth many merrv dancers. Jluslc wan liiinlshed by 1'iof. Smitli'H orchestra. Told in a Tow Lines. The entertainment given last even ing under the direction of SI James Total Abstinence and Henevolent IMoneei Coiih wn well attended. The progiamme xxas as follows' Vocal rolo, Mm tin llelfion. vocal solo, Mag gie Oinsby: lecitatlon. Miss Nclliu Diiikln; comic song, William Lovem: whistling solo, Samuel New ton. comics son. Anthonv Fieemmi: recitation, An nie Callahan: vocal solo, Lizzie Davis; vocal solo, George Moran; vocal solo, F. McDonnell. Mibs Mary I.oughney entei tnlned a niimbei of her friends last evening at her home on South Washington fivo nue. The evening xxas pas-ed most pleasutub and at a late houi lefiesh nients weie seived, titter which the guests departed for thill homes. The tuneral of MIhs Heatilce tou hlli, of Vi'M Vlttston avenues who died H.i tin day, will take place this morn ing at ! o'clock. The leinulns will be t.iken to Sf. John's chuich. vxheie u re- qulem mass xxlll be celebi ateel. In tel niPiit will he nitule In the I'atheeliat cemetery. Na.v Aug tllb. Impioved Olilei ot Heel Men, will meet this evening nt Fiuehon's hall. ' .Maigucl, the (laughter of Mm. Mav, Thornton, of South Washington txe niiu. i seriously ill The Defendeis will pla.x the All Seianlon team a game of basket ball Thuisday exenlng In St. John's hall. John Alldorf and II. Wymbs of Slroudsbuig, me tho guewts of Wil liam Iloldei, of Cedar avenue Ms Maine Loughney, of I'lttston, Is visiting friends In this city. Tile ladles of the Cedar Avenue Methodist chuich xxlll conduct a clam chowder social Tuesday evening In the church puriois. Mis. Diillon. of 5J0 Pear stieet. is 111. K. V Jones is still confined to his home on Vlttrton avenue fiom an ,it tatk of inlneis' asthma OBITUARY. Mis. D. D. Gaidner. I Mr t) I' Unehier iliid .il her home m Miln Mieit, I'jelorjxlllr. Iil WcdnfMliy aftir n ten da.' illm-i of pneumonia, atd ! jcam, fi inmlln' ami iJ l' ''he xxa Kin neai Vm toixellh', mi Mireh 17. tell, and wis niaril'd lo II p. (laidmr, Sol. 20, Iv.l. she U mixlted he her hmhind and a non and ilauUitir, Sir It (.aidiiir and Mm. 1'iaik (irilmr, Uuli of l.ittonxilh' sh I nl) Mirxixrel I'J four U Ins ami two liiithiH. an Nluna. Mi. l ". Maiiton and Mm. M V TowiiM-nd, of l'.iL(oiy. villej Mr- .line ."cainaim, of llintoni Mr I: ( Vothurir. of lliown llolloev , Ijniin Brecu and (lorton llinn, of llenton she ui i devout Cliri.tlin. coiinected with the 1'ir.t ll3itlt hunh of Kactcryvllle alnee the jear IniO, "'l xeai haptUed under the putorato ot the llee' N'enell Ciilander, and of which chuich her hiwluml m a deacon she hailns in irked cm ciillec .ibllltj and i;ood Judg ment, lit r touuill uui touch! on all iniiorlant BiihJeUi pertainlnic lo eliuieh wor. I'm' .txeral cav lie evas Iho pualelcnl of tho Uedlis' Aid (.nilelj, and an i tlxo worker In the XX'ciim ii'i. Xlhuiouai) xilile, and aluaya took ie tjuneli i.ijiid in Uhalf of tin temper aim iiui.llin. vi " u nn mini of the Vo uuii'm ( hrlktlan liluinraneo union, uKo a char ler ineiiiher of tho ladles' elrele of tho Grand niiy of the llcimhlli', No. UK, and aenrd the cliclo 111 Iho eapaclt) of just presliUnt and irianurer X" a wife and inothci ho wa. kind, luxahle and foibearliiK, an a thri.tUn, stronit lu In I feilli and neeoted In the ehurch and Cod, und M u nelchlior, cihllKluir, liopltaMe- and eiklni,' to tiplllt end to luiuhteii the llifi of olheiv, Mrs. Bridget McOuiie. 'I lie death of Jin. Ilrldfet Mcdulre, wife ot Cull Operator Michael J, MtlJulrc, of ('jjuw Ireet, mcurre'd hunday rnoriiliiir, aflcr a few d.ij' itliicNS. Mm. McCitilre wad tho daughter of Mr, and Mn. Anthony O'Pomiell, ot West THESE THREE DREADED DISEASES ran be avoided if DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY is taken at the first symptom! of n cold. A chill or cold, if neglected, mat, develop into a fatal illness. Dou't trifle with v our health. Keep Duffy' Pure Matt Whiskey in your medicine closet nnti use it promptly at tho first signs of approaching Krip, pneumonia or other lung or throat trouble. It will save doctors' bills and may save your life. ritKK. If yon art lick d run eluwn.vri lie in, wa can help x on ; It will cost you nothing; to learn how to regain health, energy anil vitality. hend for free medical booklet and testimonials. AMUSEMENTS. wwsw I YCEUH THEATRE -wUels A Durtunder, Leoeeaand Ma Manner A. J. uuiry, uusineas manager. One Night Only, Tti?sday, Jan. 22. Win. A. Ill .ub's haudiome production, Sorrows of Satan Fiom the famoeu book of tho cama name hf, .Mail. Curclll. The same great cast and production fhat infl with triumphant succcsa hero, last iraton, l'IHCi:S 25o 50e., Toe. and $1 (M. Sata on talc Saturday at B a, m, ACADEHY OF HUSIC, RUIS & OUKOUNDER HARRV A. BROWN Jlanofera and Leueet. Local Manager. AI-Ii THIS WEEK. The Hillman Company .Supporting Maude lllllman and Jerry Donaxin, in a repertoire of ataudird productions. Monday l.xenlnu '"llic l'lanter's Wife." Tuisday Matinee "I he Hidden l'at." Ienday Uxenlne "Charity Hew " XVedneday Matinee "Iali the Fomakcn Wfiluevlay i;xcnlng "Oliver TwUt." Matinee l'riem 1(1 and 20 cent, laming l'rjcta 10, 20, SO cento. New Gaiety Theatre II. It. LON'a, lssre and Manager. THKKi: D.US, COMMLXCISa Monday, January 21. MAriVK i:euy 11 T. Mr. I', V. Dlnklai presents tho but yet. THE VAGABONDS "sn-i'r.opi.r. ik nn: cast-jo Priced llxmliiff, IJCi 2'k. , oic., 500. Matinee, 10c, Uc. Market Mieit, and ulster of lfr. John Colllnt, of XXajne axenue. fchc liaa lonn; heen a resident of thin section and gained many IrioiuLi, hy, whom kho will ho inlied. Xlm, Mcflulre wa S3 ear of a?e and li turxixed lij four noiu and a daughter. 'Ihe uic: l'atilck, John, Peter, 1'nnk and Kalhlccn, Jnmes White, Sr. 1 .1111. a XMille, sr.. aueil 73 jeats, a. well, known niiihnt ot Wikt hcranton, died yentei- li nt tho home of till Bon, John, M diet nut itieet Uetciwd xe w bom In heland ami hid been a undent of Scranton for tweut.x eiRht jeum. He it muxixed by hla wife and! the followine noi.i nnd daushtcM! William, John and .lauiis White, Mis. Conrad HclUg;, Mm. I MidiaMii and iln Annlo Jlarks, t i'hllideU'hta. Tho tuner il will fake plaeo tomorrow after, noon .it "J so "'clock,. Services will !o held in M Patrick's Cithollo church and intcrmenti will be made 111 the Cathedral cemetery. William Hasklns. lillhm Ilakliw, of l'ltt'ton avenue, rlfed atl I, hi!ie Sunda) nisi t. aftei a brief illneu from j. iiuinonia Pei cud was married eight cehi r. -o and lil di it 1 1 is a hcxero nhock to liU jturiff wife, niothir, brother and sister, xvhu iiJielxe' him. r'Hrlxuii an .letiej lueinber of "St. Pant's Pioneef lorpirlnd who -it. Mo.i.iih 'lofal Abitlnencc aiuj lletiiviienr society of South hcranton, and leed. Tol'ho Mar oahealra. 'llie funeral announce, liiflit" will be undo lain. " I Mrs. Fiank Smoulter. Ml, I rank -inoullii. uf I3 Ilatle Mre-t, uiil, ll.ii, nioilur of Dee. .1. XI. Smoult-r. luiiireile of Ob pliant, but now of Hook like. Maine eountj, who u xciy well known In IhH . i lv , dlid veiv .uddinly o'l hlll.diy niflit .it h I home, aued i') eai. riic feuiiral xxlll b held on XXednenlay inoiii. ln- al 10 o'clock from t. Marj'ie chuich. Tunorals. 'Ihe lunetil of the late Maigaret Callatrnr will tike phic at I' o'clock tomorrow inurntntt frcm Iho lienne nil .lack! on tnet. A solemn hlRle mie will be auni; at bt. Patricks church at ti.ii 1,'ihHk. an illutirmeut xxlll be made in the ('.Hindi il (iiiieiiij. Ilu luiiiid of the lite John P. Tliomaj will tike place this a'luiioou from the house, 270 liekMiu btitct. Mrxlecs will be held at 2 .CO o'eloik. Inicrinent xxlll be imde in the Uli. bum street ccineliry. Iho funenl of the late I), el. Gorman xxlll take plain .it ! o'clock lomorroxv inornlnif from the ri.ldenee of eleicaxd'a (Mer, Mrs. John P. like, IJ" Ninth Ktnet. .vrxliea will be held ut M Pitilck'a alholli' ehurch, und Inteiinenll vxlll be mule lu the Cathedra! cemetery. 'I he funeinl of Iho late .laeob 1 Oable will laki pheo fiom the house on N'oith Main air uue, tiiiiiirrow ilteiuooii it '!..!0 o'clock. In torment will be undo In I'orest Hill ecmelery. 'fho funcril of Mi and Mm, Ilaxld Davis' child will lake jil ie c tlil afternoon at S o'clock from tho louse on W,itt.on nxenue, Lincoln lleiichl. Interineiil will be mile in the Strit furd cemetery. BONO OF THE OLD YEAR. Oh! I luxe- been mnnlpg; a cillant career On a eoiimer that needeth not bridle nor uondj Put hi 'II oon chance hii ildcr, and icaxu t!i Old ear l.Ik low i the dust on nt.rnttj'a road. Utile has my track been, and upld my lia.te, tut whoexer take hceel ol my Journey will tad That in marble-built city and camel-trod waste I haxtt left a fair set ot bold way-marks behind. If e tell of the aadnew and rxll l'va wroucht, et rfnumbcr tho ahares of "good xxoiks" 1 have done. Ye should balance tlio doudit and the canleer l'v broueht Willi the crapes I haxo wnt to ba CRiah'd In the sun. Till tho cohlct an' "'rink as iny xealllnc tontj sink, Let tho wassail bow pass and revel-shout rise-. Put a word In our car, from tho pasalni; Oil Year, "Ti tho laxt time he'll teach je "be merry; and wise." , Eliza Coo., la &t. LouU Mirror, i .