The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 22, 1901, Image 1

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iif' WW?-1 VJTWJW '".:,1
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JT'vl lV'.iW T--n Ai.'l
'dSMHk (WWj Stf!BdBEiE3fc&lQtll'3l3Nfel!5i(Bl&3?3'ME?te
Though All Indications Point to a
Gertalntu That the End
Is Near.
No Less Thau Tour Times Yester
day the Jtembeis Were Called to
Witness the Departuie of the Vital
Spark Poweiful Stimulants Used
to Keep the Queen Alive Until the
Auival of the Piince Yesterday.
No More Measuics of This Kind
Will Be Resorted to The Patient
Surprises Her Attendants by Ask
ing for Chicken Broth An Enor
mous Telegraphic Staff Located at
Cowes Beady to Send News When
Required The Queen Expected to
Live Until Thursday.
V Excliuite Wire from 'flip Issoclalcd 1'ies.s.
Cowes, Jan. 22. 5 a. m. Up to
this hour no further bulletin has
been Issued.
That conespondent of the Asso
ciated Press here is infoimed that
the queen's condition has undeigone
no change.
("owes. Isle of Wight, Jun 'ii, 1 a.m.
Another day in the Vletoil.m ern.
now so rapidly drawing to a close,
passed without any great change In
the condition of Queen Vlctoila. The
tllght itnpiovement mi fieetuently
mentioned In the olllelal bulletin,
im-iely Indicates a postponement ot
the lne (table. The eml may be n
mutter of days or only of houis, but
the membeis of the mal family,
who are now diagglng out a
IMt at Oboine House, know that
the ileatb of hi'i majesty Is meiely it
i.ueslliiit if a shell time
T!k most uolU cable iV.iluitv of yis
txnluv the s.itlsfm toty piutlnn
the inieeu "pent In rniioctoiisiiess,
which she leg lined f.iil In the af
ternoon and still u tallied at 10 p. ni.
t tint biitir she hud not cen Km
perm William, loial lumois to the
contrary notwithstanding. Itoyaltv at
Osborne thus hail a chance to te
mpo etc fiom Hie tetilble oidtal un
ilf'igntn. dm pig tl.e euilv lioun: of
AIondu. T hi i iincipondem ul the
Moiuliiv The (oiieipoiident of tin,
Associated I'tess la Intoimed that the
menibeit, of the i lainlly weie
c'llled to n loom adjoining the linen's
bed clinmb v no let's than foui times
jesteida moinln and weie kept In
innmeiitar:, expectation of being suni
miiucd to wltnes the end up to half
past thelUi mnjestt's physicians then
had nnlv a s,cstlge ot nope that the
would be rblc to keep the quean's
feeble life In cxlstonre until the Pilnce
of Wales anlved.
To secuie this lesult, they n-soited
to the frequent use- of brandy and
champagne. Tliesi. stimulants, used to
an extent -which only the gie.iteat
emergency justified, worked their pro
cess; and when the 1'iince of Wales
nnd llmpeior William enteied the ens
tio grounds at 11.S0 a. m. they found
the queen a trifle better than had been
The desperate lemedles employed
Monday morning to enable her majesty
to llvo until her eldest son's ai rival
will not be used again to the same ex
tent, for tho doctors ate feaiful that
tho remedy might be almost worse
than the disease. They ti list to pro
long her life by a moderate applica
tion of stimulants, combined with ns
much nourishment as can be assimi
lated. Such expedients as were em
ployed during Sunday eenlng and
Monday morning are. not considered
The Queen's Rally.
mil. ..n..(.. ,.. . . .
-Aim titiei-ita ruuy usionisneu llil one
more than her physicians, and when
nt 4 o'clock yesterday uftei noon they
heard her ask for chicken bioth, their
amazement almost equalled their de
llsht. Privately, howoer, they build no
false hopes upon tluse fading signs of
what has been one of the strongest
constitutions with which u woman was
ever endowed.
Despite the favorable afternoon, tlm
doctors dread gieatly the ptilod be
tween C o'clock nnd mldnlL'ht When
that was safely passed they sspmud
hopeful of her majesty living at least
through nnother duj, although the
memory of the previous night's ielipse
kept their anxiety at high tension.
The news of the death, when 11 oc
curs, Is likely to be publicly announced
In London before it Is nnnniincsd here,
as according to the present in range
ments the first telegtam Is to be s nt
to the lord mayor of T.ondon
There is an enoimous tpt,rnphli'
staff In Cowes, and additional factlltlr,
were installed jesteiday at Osborne.
There Is an enthn absence, of louil
excitement. Tho town has suttUil
down In patience and sadness to await
thp Inevitable. Never has empeior
William in lived at' any place In Kng
land with so little eclat No salutes
tsere fired, no cheers weie given Tho
men of the guardshlp Australia silent
ly manned her sides, The ciowd wan i
equally undenionstifillve, tho peoples
contenting themselves with baring
ihelr heads. It was u gieetlng given
to the ginmlson of a dying woma'i
rather than to tho ruler ot a gieat
After luncheon at the castle tlui
Prince of Wales, Ihnpeior William utid
the Duke of Conuaught sti oiled
around the giounds and visited tho
local sailors' home.
Meanwhile most 'of the ladles at
Osborne House smutched n few hours
of sleep.
Then a dull evening dragged Into
night and the uneasy sleepers around
whose loyal homo the wind howled
pltcously, K"t what rest they could
In the lntivnls of n vigil which ttio
whole world was keepliiR In company
with them..
The queen In expected to Use until
Thuisduy morning. unless unexpected
(implications occur.
The Accommodations Aio Severely
Taxed Sympathy of Ameiic.ins
Received with Satisfaction.
11 llvtlimii Wile from Tlif Is.oiiited I'n-s
London. Jan. 2J, 3 30 a. in. Em pel or
William is spending the night at Os
boine, where tho accommodations are
ho xeeiely taxed that the Hattenberg
chlldien slept Monday night at Lord
Oort's lesldence, 15ast Cowes castle,
and the loyal yachts at Cowes lire be
ing fitted up for the accommodation o?
visited s.
The tmeen's Illness wns so sudden
and in the Hist onset was expected to
be f.o bilef that no ar'angements weie
made for the posting and circulation
of bulletin."
An agitation Is on foot to have them
posted Immediately In all po.stofllees
throughout the I'nlted Kingdom At
piesent the provinces have no means
of knowing anything except fiom the
. . . ..
new HimDei ,s. and the
result Is nil
kinds of baseless lumois
nil-. fMtplt.
lated. for Instance, at Chelmsford
countv couit, ii report was tecelved
that the queui ttun dead, and the ju Ige
In teais and great emotion referted to
the son ow fill tidings, which later on
he was nble to don.
I'p to n late hour lnstt-tenlng crowd?
weie gatheied In the vicinity of HucU
inghum pal ice and Marlborough house.
and then' was a constant stream of
petrous anxious to enter their names
on the vlsltois' books. On all sides it
K a tale of public 1 unctions postponed
ami a settled gloom rests over all
il.ts,t of sutiet. The editorials re
flect thesi? feeling", and the suspense
the iMiiintr Is eiiduilng, together with
the giatltleation and consolation dc
ilved fiom tile sympathy teslltled on
all sides fiom ubioad. lllshnp 1'ottcr's
illusion to the queen in his nddivss
riundin evening In Xew Yoik to stu
dents and college are eieiywlieto coiu
mented upon with ery keen satisfac
tion The Daily News says'
"Hlthop Potter compared hei majes
ty to Washington No Ann l lean could
go f.u th r than tint."
The Daily Telegiaph sas "It seems
but a brief Intel al nlnce Lngland was
the center of almost unlveisal hos
tility. Todnj, all lnteinatlonal hostili
ties aie hushed and stilled, as they
never weie by an single event In the
annals of the woild,"
The Dally Chronicle obseives: "In
the I'nlted States the nation and the
government display once again tho ir
lepicsslblo sentiment of a cognate peo
ple The strain of common blood
whlth Hows In Riltlsh and American
veins has been larely more manifest
or moie warmly lecognlzed."
This eildence of unlveisal sympathy
extended tow aid Kngland 111 her hour
of trouble Is, In fact, the leading thme
and the Standard lemaiks:
"Thcie Is no enemy of nngland too
bitter and no professing condemner of
crowns and tin ones too fanatical to
admit the virtues and set vices to man
kind of Queen Vlctoila."
Expiesslons of Condolence Occas-
ioned by the Illness of the Queen
Come fiom Evety Country
Save Belgium.
11 lx.liii.iu Win limn The l-oiluiil Pirn-.
London, Jan. 21. The dispatches ic
celved heie fiom neatly eveiy capltol
In Km ope, fiom India, Austinlla, Ja
maica und all the Hiltlsh colonies,
show the iirei-s and people to be sym
pathetic In their comment on tho
Mitten's ilhieiiii The one exception
sei ms to be Belgium. A mnjorlty ot
tlie lhii'-hcls comment Is In good taste,
hut one pio-rtocr paper llieie takes
the occasion to mukc a political altnck
on Clrcal Hi Haiti's South Afilcnn pol
icy. A dispatch Horn Plot oi In says the
iiuecn's Illness hat' caused a piofound
sensation theie.
Sperlul pinycis weie olfeied In all
ihe churches of the gnirlson towns
testerday evening
Kmpeioi Kruiuis Joseph counter
iiianded the com t ball tit Vienna, fled
for this evenlnc
Thu engagements of cabinet minis
ters and othei notable poisons tn ap
ptat at public illnneis, nt chitiltable
I ilr.s or at the dedication of new
public buildings, otc, ate being can
celled and It seems llkelv that oil
functions of this pott will be tiojt
poned thioughout the X'nlted King
dom The Duke nnd Duchess of De
Minhlio have recalled their Invita
tions to a house paitv and their exam
ple Is nolnsr followed by other titled
enterlalneis. Many private dinners
hive been defeired.
11 Hxcluiive Wirt from Hie AuocUteil Pint
Uerllii, Jan. 21. Tho Nnrdetttsche
Allgelmefi Ktltung makes the follow
ing announcement:
"Dowager Kmpress Fredoilck. be
eauso still seriously 111, Is, to her Rient
soiixw, prevented from going to Os
borne to meet her exalted mother."
The, effect of the sad news regaidlng
Queen Victoria upon her eldest daugh
ter lias been very unfavorable.
Senator Muchlnronner .Introduces
the New Charter lor Pittsbura,
flllcolicnu and Scranton.
Under the Proposed Law Mayors
Shall Hold Offlco for Three Years
and Shall Not Be Eligible for
Election to Any Other Municipal
Position for Two Yeais Succeeding
the Expiration of His Term Re
garding Other Officers, Legislative
Power, Etc. The Change in April,
Dy Kxelmbe Wire from Hie Assochtcd Tro-i.
ilairisburg, Jan. ii. A new chuiter,
or "llpper," bill for Pittsburg, Alle
gheny and Scranton, which (Consti
tute the second eias-s cities of Penn
sylvania, was Inlioduced In the sen
ate tonight by Senator .Muuhlbronner,
of Allegheny.
Under the proposed law the mayor
of such cities shall hold otllce for
tluee yeais and shall not be eligible
for ic-elcctlon, nor for any office or
position In the city for the next two
yeais succeeding the expiration of hli
term. Ho shnll, by wiltten order,
tiunsmitted to select council, lemove
fnm nIHpo rniv Ik.kiI nf flmmrtmont .
"', - ""- " -..,.....-. ....
....v". v., .,....-. ..... t. .,.,.. ... . ,,
him, and as often as he may think
proper, he may appoint thiee persons
to examine the accounts of any city
department, trust olllcer or employe.
There shall be the following executive
depaitments, and no other depart
ments can be ci Pitted:
Public safety, public vvotks, lecelver
of taxes, assessois, city teasurcr, city
contiollcr, law, charities nnd correc
tion, and sinking fund c ommlsslon.
The department of public safety shall
be under the charge of one peison,
wpa shall have control of the police,
lire, health, otc. No policeman nor
fit email shall be dismissed without his
wilt ten toiWnt, except by decision ot
a court, composed of the' police and
lire force. The depai tment of public,
wotks shall be undei charge of one
dliector, who shall have dial go of one
water works, gns winks etc.
'file receiver ot taxes shall hold office
for three yenix. The olllce of delln
cjucnt tax"s is abolished. The depart
ment of assessois Miall consist of
thiee peisons. The cltj treasurer
shall hold olllce for thiee eais and
cannot succeed himself. Tho city so
licitor shall hold office for three yeats
and m.iv have us manv assistants as
aie authmlzed by oidlnance. The, net
does not specify the length of teim
of the peison in ehaige of the depot t
inent of charities and correction.
The sinking fund commission shall
consist of live peisons and all moneys
applicable to the sinking fund shall bo
under their charge.
The city tieasurer, controller and as
lessors shall bo elected at the icgu
lar municipal election. The heads of
the various other departments shall be
nominated by tho mayor, with the ad
vice and consent of select council, and
shall hold office dm ins the mayor's
term. I'pon sufllclent leason, except
for political reasons, they can remove
or suspend subordinate ofilceis. The
met It system shall prevail In the ap
pointment and promotion of city em
ployes Municipal olllceis shall be liable to
Impeachment, suspension and lemoval
for any coirupt act, piactlce, malfeas
ance, mismanagement, mental Incapa
city or Incompetency or for extortion,
leeching any gift or ptesent fiom nny
contractor or from any person fur
nishing material to the city, or fiom
anv Incumbent or candidate for nny
municipal olllce, and for wilfully con
t e.illng any fraud committed against
the I'itv.
Legislative Power.
The legislative power shall be vested
In select and common council. One se
lect councilman shall be elected for
each 2,000 icsldent taxables and one
common councilman lor each 1,000 reg
istered taxables. Select councllmen
shall seive four enrs and common
councllmen two yeais. No member of
i ounclls shnll hold any ofllce under the
I'nlted States, stnte county ot city, ex
cept notary public or commissioner of
deeds. Councils shall hold two ses
sions In each jear at a time piescrlbed
by oidlnance and no session shall con
tinue for more than thirty days. Tho
major shall have powe'r to continue the
egular session or call special sessions.
All contracts shall be let to the lowest
icsponsiblo bidder and evciy contract
shall be lot b tho mayor and head of
the proper department. Within thir
ty dnys after the opptoval of the bill
tlie governor shall fill the olllce of
mayor in each of the second class
titles, The appointee shall have all the
poweis ot the proposed act. Tho suc
cessors shnll be chosen at the i egular
municipal election In 1903 nnd shall bo
Muallfled the first Monday In April fol
lowing Upon the appointment being
made by thq governor tho olllco ot
mayor existing In nny second class
clt, as well as all other executive of
fices, positions and emploment, shall
be abolished, except us preserved In
this section. These olllceis shall at
once cense to act. The bill does not
affect the city treasurer, city conti oi
ler or boards of assessors, who shall
continue until thetr successors ura
cdected In ISO-?. The councils of all ex
isting cities of the second class shall
lemaln In office until the first Monday
of April, 1902, and their successois shall
be elected In 1002. Tho piovislon as to
contlrmutlon by select council of ap
pointments by the mayor shall not
apply to those made by the muyots ap
pointed by the governor. All laws rel
ative to the government of second class
cities uro ropeuled,' unless preserved
by the terms of tho bill, as well as nil
laws Inconsistent with or supplied by
the act.
Tho special committee of "the senate
appointed for the purpose of consider
ing bills, pending the appointment of
the standing committees, met tonight
and favorably reported the bill back
to the senate as committed.
But Little Businsss of Importance Is
Transacted in Either House.
D) Kjcludvc Wire Irom The Anoelnteil PrtM
Washington, Jan. 21. No buslners ot
Hiieclal lmpoitance was tiunsactud by
the sennto todav In ojjen session. An
executive session of more than two
hours' duration was held, and after
which In open season sixty-six pages
of the legislative, executive and Judic
iary upproptlattou bill weie completed
before adjournment.
The house today, offer devoting some
time to District of Columbia business,
nassed a number of bills 'under sus
pension of the rules. They were to
piovlde n homo for aged and infirm
coloied people out of the fund now in
the treasury to the credit of deceased
colored soldiers, nmountlng to about
$230,000; to establlbh n branch soldiers'
home at Johnson City, Washington
county, Tenu., and to Inciease the sal
iii y of the commissioner of education
of Porto Hlco from $3,000 to $1,000. A
bill to give citizens of foielgn coun
tiles the right to sue In the court of
claims for Indemnity for alleged ln
juiles, which had been lecommended
by tho state department, was dlsus
tiously beaten.
Ralph Helms Wounds Clara Nichols
and Then Commits Suicide.
Ity t:tlhlp Wire fiom The isoi lateil Press
Philadelphia, Jan. 21. Clara Nichols,
aged 2t! yeais, a waitiess employed In
a lunch cafe on Chestnut street, was
shot und woui, vl this evening by
Ralph Helms, u kitchen helper, aged
2! enis, who lifted wauls committed
suicide by shooting. The gill has been
emplojed at th place about seven
years nnd Helms, who came there
about n year ago, became enamored of
her. She accepted his attentions until
lecently when ho offended her and she
discoutaged his attentions thereafter.
Helm stopped woik ut t! o'clock and
laid In wait in u small stieet back of
the cafe As the gill came out a few
minutes later he filed two shots, one
of vthlch took effect In the shoulder.
He then shot homself through tho
heait, dying Instantly. Te woman was
lemoved to a hospital. Her condition
Is not serious Jf&
Appointment of Clerks and Other
Assistants About State Capitol.
Il,irriliiiv, .Jn .it -The Mlovunir clnclals
wen' eld ml h tlie unute teniRht: .Inunul
link, .Mm M. IIIhj, ( iiiiibtilaiul count! mcv
tiirt eerk, llin Ken In, !'iill.ii'fliil i count ;
Mit'tJiit ut urnn. Olhir C. Volt.n Heier conn.
t , tunsinliiiig dirk, lilliur Miiigitc, Wist,
intiiljiiil rount ; tutwiiliinir elnk, .Mm V,
Mllfir, I nion imml, assistant servant .it arnn,
I). '.. Wilniti. Lamastir counlt, iiostmas'er,
11 Vtlinis, Jiihrson count, ilooikccper,
.l.,im ('. Klik, Wasliliu'ton count, assistant
iluoikptpii. .Imiis Ii. (ios.slft. Wa.tnc count;
ii.sli.tant iloorkctpir, '.. Stanton Kltclien, lliuka
rnuiti , misseiiBcr, Wlllhm V Hogers l'liil.i
ililplila lount; aWant imscnur. V. Z. tnl.
lint, rranfonl count sniptrintilulelit of folilins
luin, Willi mi T. KliM ixkI; paslfis and folii-in-,
i;. Ci, Uuek, lamaitir rorali; Iloml Mir
mr, N.lLiilklll count, Mevamler N. Hart;
.lilin Coss, I'hllailtlplila count: Oeorue llllliusli,
"-njitci tount.
( kltf Jerk of the Senile Smile appointed tlie
following: Mlnailan, Herman P. Miller, Daupli.
in count: evecutlte cleik, M, F. VauKlun,
Jjckattanna tountv; tiansirlblnK elerks, W. M.
Kliwartz, Marnliall Ii. Cini janitor of com
inlltie loom, 1) F . Wheelock; Janitor of
oat room, willhm H. Whiten; jarltor of the
luicmenl, ItohiTt oung: jsnitor nf elevator,
William il, Datls, fireman In cellir, K. P.
Mickln, llirman on floor, Diniel Collins; chief
pigt, W. Ilany ltakeri piges, Junk Itupp, J,
DeWItt f!ioi, .lonpli Campbell Holiert S.
(leoigi, Hnry KlnKlanJ, .lohn I'rhar., fiuy
Mi nisner. .lam I.. Ililms, II. c In Fox;
itilumn. CIuiIm Vliirphy: tnclneer, Ueoigo
W '-eldns
Union Miners Meet a Sheriff's Posse.
One Killed, Soveral Wounded.
Ilv Kxclurite Wire fi-m Tlio AA)elated I'lew.
KirllDgton, Kv , Jan 21 1'iilon miner, one
hundied and flftv stnini, toda rtaited on a
rnarcli fiom Hoxtnvn to Carhoi dale, mines In
Hopkins countr. to 6top the nonunion mm at
work then' On the wa a fhenlt'K posc ff
Ihe nun attempted to .top thim and ere an
aneied b a ilint.
A fmllade followed, the mllicra ittlcatll g.
Hi p of their number J killed and another
died of ills wound In .i few hnurt. lloitown Ii
icpoiled desirted, but oltictr ire tciirhiin; for
inimbers of the marehlng piit
Jeffiles at Cincinnati.
Ity Inclusive Wire from The As'ochted 1'resj.
Cinclnintl, Jan 21.-Janus .1. Jeffries, ttho
l matilitil to tlsht lus Huhlln at Contention
hall, Pib 15, arrbed todir fiom .New lorlc
and repaired to lilt tiainlntr pounds, Aeroin
pjnjliie lilin weir lil tnlnerf Billy Helantf,
hi lirothtr, JacU Jeltrlei, Ida tpuirlnf. partner
Hob Annntrona, and his aeeietai, 1 f Kacan
The opponent of the (lulu, while not dlsclokinn;
their plant, fctlll declare their belief thit the
Unlit will rot oceur. W J Perkowltz, priva
tUnt of tho Kunii Cltj Manufartiirei' eltib,
nt meeltnjr of the Cincinnati M inufacturcr.'
club here tonlRht, made un otter of Ir",0u0 to
the Sjentrirfcst committee as a bonus, it it
would gHe up the Jeurie Dublin fight to Kanma
(Ity, provided aunme. are uiien that all tho
pioplo nhn would come to Cincinnati to ere
the lontent would so to KniiMt I'll.
Steamhoip Arrivals.
By Ftclushe Wire Irom Ihn Awoclafcd Tren.
Nut YoiK. fan, 21 Arrhnlt RottcuUm,
Irotteidam. Oleaud' Columbia, Oenoa, Naples,
Vlinandria, itc. Handling Arrludi 1'ietorl.t,
New York via 11 mouth flibraltar Arrlwd:
KiUtrln Maria Ihrri'M, New oilc for N'aplea
nnd Oenoa (and puienlfd). Sailed! Aller (from
Hinoi and N'apleiO, New Yorl. Isle of Wight
Passed i I'uUdain, New lorv. for llouloitne and
Q, A. R. Encampment.
Uy Uvcleulic wlra from Tlie Associated Trou,
Hi. IxiuU, Jan, 21, 1 he national council ot
ndmlnUtration of the Urand Arm of the lie
public today iliclikd to hold tho next annual
encampment at C'lei eland, O. At a lormer
meeting Demer was silcctcO tor the encampment,
hut owing to tho inability to secure low rail
road tati the deciihm was retelndul. Tho date
act tor the eneamniDi nt Ja tivnl. 0
In Gomnanu with Ladu Friends She
Wi'ccks Two Saloons in
Ten Minutes.
Upon Belne; Released from Jail Mrs.
Nation Returns to Wichita and
Smashes tho Glassware in Two Sa
loons Atre&ted by a Policeman
and Discharged Upon the Second
Arrest by (Sheriff Simmons She
Slaps the Officer's Pace and Pulls
His Ears.
11 r.iluliv V'lic fiom Tin. V-Mitiaied l'lcs
Wichita, lvun .Ian. 21. Mrs. C.urle
Nation came back to Wichita toduy
after her iccent Incaiceiatlon nnd the
net tesiilt of ten minutes of work by
her this iiitetuoon aie two wrecked
saloons. Mis. Nation was assisted by
Mis. .fulfil Kvunsj, Mis. laicy Wllholt
and Mrs lydla Muni!!, ot the local
Woman's Christian Temperance union
oiganlatton. With hatchets concealed
under theli cloaks they entered the
saloon of James limns on Douglas
avenue and did not leave a complete
piece of glass or a working slot ma
chine In the place. All show cases,
both for llquorsa nd cigars, us well
as the plate glass windows nnd doors
were broken Into snilthcieens. Next
they run to John Herrlg's saloon and
had everything In the front of the
room, Including thep late glass win
dows, broken when he nppeared with
a revolver, placed it at Mrs. Nation's
head and said that he would blow out
her biuhis If she did not desist. She
yielded belore tho pointed revolver and
w 1th her companions, ran to the Carey
hotel bar, wheie she made her Hist
attack on the saloons of Wichita three
weeks ago. There three policemen
overpoweied Mis. Nation nnd her
friends and took them to the city
pilsou followed by 2,000 people. Mis.
Uvnns' little daughter pushed her way
thiough the crowd tcreamlng and
begged for the release of her mother,
but the policemen weie deaf to her en
treaties. Chief of Police Cudhon dlschatged
the pilsoners after they leached the
jail and Is heuitlly condemned by the
citizens The women, made him a
promise not to wreck any more sa
loons before noon tomonow. After
leaving tho citv building Mrs. Nation
in the coolest manner began a stieet
lecture to the Immediate ciowd that
had sui rounded the city building, say
ing that she expected to begin saloon
w looking again at noon tomonow,
when her truce with the chief of police
The damage done by the thiee wo
men Is estimated at between $1,500 and
David Nation, the husb'ind of Mis.
Nation, was in the city, but took no
part In the wiecklng of the baloons,
nor did he go to the city jail, when
his wife was arrested.
A Now Sensation.
Mis. Nation caused a new sensation
tonight by slapping Sheriff Simmons
on the face, taking hold of his ears and
giving him a lough handling generally.
Mrs. Nation was at the Union station in
the act of buying a ticket to a neigh
boring town when the sheilff pulled at
her sleeve saying: "You are my pris
oner, mauame."
Mis. Nation turned her face about
and seeing Sheilff Simmons gave him
a violent slap across the face. She
followed this up by laying hold of his
ears with both hands and wringing
them viciously. The station was full
of women, who began scieumlng and
tiomendous excitement followed us the
sheriff, who si a very small man, strug
gled with his powerful antagonist. A.
policeman came to his rescue and with
the aid of some bystanders they suc
ceeded In picking up the woman In
their aims and placing her In a cab,
which was driven lupldly to the coun
ty jail. She Insisted on being plated
In tho pilvate room for women but
Sheriff Simmons put her in n cell In
the steel lotaiy, where she began to
piay and sing hymns.
Is Believed That Great Britain
Will Accept Amendments.
Pit Kxcluaite Wire from The Aoclited Press
London, Ian 2.'. 'I lie Washington correspond
ent ot tin' Pill Mail tai he undemtinds It
U puctieall cirtain that Cieat Britain will
aciept the amendments of the t'nltid Male
himtt to the Haj'-Pauncifote treatv.
Mott's Trial Postponed.
0 UsclaJte Hire from The Associated Prcsn
fjincistcr, Jan, 21 The trill ot William M
Jtlott, who hhot and killed his mUtrei, Madame
Albert, i palmi.t, and MiflH I'dliabeth Stein
bauer, Ida tmardlnr; hoiu mtatiecs at Columbia,
m-teral montUi ago, was toelay postioned until
April. Major A C Itelnohl, who recently com.
mlttcd Hulclde, va Mott'a chief council, and his
death v.'jj the plea on which the iao n
Nail Works Destioyed.
D Exchuhe Wire from The Associated Prrsi.
Milwaukee, Jin. 21. l'ire (nti.lit In the lione
nail worl'n desliotd the nliifiuih mill, tlxtcen.
inch mill, otflce and cooper bleeps, The lcs
U cktimated at IJ0,0iX), artlall eotered by
liibiiiancc. The ten Inch mill alone wot raved.
Ihirci was l(.OT,iW woilh ot ftnlleel horc hoea
nails In the buildings burned, The caun ot the
Hie ia unknown.
Chemical Works Bunted.
By Kxcluihe Wire from The Associated Press.
lloncadalr, Pa., Jan. 21. Tlii laige chemical
uoiU at Mllanstille, th's county, were dcttroed
by flro last night. The factor was owned by
W. S. Brandt & Co,, ot Illnghamton, N. Y,
The lews la estimated at .10,000. The factory
w4 erected about a sear ago.
Weather Indication Today,
('ct.oral cjuecii lctotl' Contlldon tJn-
Mi usurp to (lourn i ml-claw I'lllc.
Mitt. Nation OmillnjoM Mloon rrthing.
Department ut fmtruitli.n lUl)liil)t d it
Genual I'irlipnilile lloinitmciit.
J Locil Intitnl Meeting ami Ilannuct of the
lloircl ul Trade,
i l'dltorlal.
Note and (m;mi 1 1,
ft Loesl Superior Couit I'lncfcslliiRs
0 fxcal--Miist Pa Cotitt. In Plghth Ward l.lic
tlon Contest
Cltt Cleil. .icd Vol I'.arbir I'aving
Win rant.
7 liKil-l,it Vlsht's Pilinultn.
)HUlng St'sii ii nf the Mianton .Vitle
R I.(cj1 West Vi.mton and uburbjii
0 (Icneiol Xoilhraitirii I'tuusilvanlj
Pinanilal and Cnnunrniil
10 looal Uie Sew,! of the Induslilil World.
Ilrlii Intel form ullli Iliulniw. In the Courts.
Business Mapped Out in the Senate.
A Tribute to tho Late Sen
ator Osbourne.
B r.sclu.lie Wire tiom The Asroriiilod Pie.
Hiiiilsbuig, .Tun. il. The senate met
tonight at it oVloeit. The desk ot Sen
ator rianels A. Osbourne, of IMilla
delphla, who tiled yesterday, was
draped In black. A beautiful floral
orterlng lelleied the sombieness ot thu
deociratloti. The chaplain deoted Ills
entlie prayer to ti feeling eju cession
of sympathy for the dead senators
Hills were liitioduceil as follows.
lit Senitor Mm hit ronnrr, nf Mleghen -Pio
tiding for n new charter for fecond tla'i cities
I'mtidlng tor Ihe e reat'on ot the educe- of in'll
tary officer foe e honl boaiels or school dlstiicta
11 Senalir Miller, ( innbtrlend- Ippieprlatini;
f.'.cioei for lhi eretUou if a iilnnumint ut (iett.ts
burg to the million ot John Bums, of lletl.ts
butg, lor eon.plcimm bntir while itntliu in
the Iron brig tele,
Ilv Senator WIIIIiiiif, Butlei Appro) ri tlli.g
SHihki for the Bullei count liflicul h wpllal.
B Sfnatoi wood, Westmorland To regul-lc
the: acknottlceUeineiit nt ebedK, mortgngtiH aut
nthc I Instruments of writing In" corporations,
the form of cerlhltates thereof, and continuing
those heretofore rrade.
Hesolutlons weie adopted as follows:
That the nuuibei ot meuibeifi of Ihe mnatv
standing ttimnlltees rhall remain the bame as
heretofore, and tin Ihe president pro lem (dull
be a membei e oftlno of each.
that n,WX) apportionment maps of Pcniuvl
tan, a be I rlnted, khonlng the populttlou if
eieh courity, and the tote of e leh political
pill nt the last gmeril election In eicli conn
I, also il,tW pamphlets slinttiiii, the tote In
w irdi or townhlpt in all eltbs lietlng u ppu
lallon of JOO.OIX) or mei
A number of bills weie read the first
time nnd seveial other bills passed sec
ond reading. Among the latter wns
tho 'bill piovldlng for a new common
pleas coui t In Philadelphia, and tho
bill regulating the fee system of county
otllrets. Several amendments weie
made to the latter bill and accepted,
and tho bill now reads as follows.
That ulienctwr tie tutal lonipuiwatlon m coin
inlsiions whiili are allotted or I eld b,t llils coin
monttcalth to an count ofrle-r for serviic in
acting an agtnt for the commonwealth foi tie!
collection of mone.tji oi retilncd b ueh omit
oflher acting in atub njent out of the funds
(ollected for the eoinmonttealth, shall etecid
the sum of flto tlioironi itollsnt ilurlna ant one
.tear Ms annual ulai for all scnicea In relation
lo such collections and in relitinn to all mat"
teis appeitainlng therein for micIi ear, lnll
lie and la hereby fiveel at the Mini of fue thous
ami dnllaoe, and ant eseeits eompeivatlon or torn.
mitlons In eccs.s of Hat rum which he mleJit
otherwise be enlltled lo leeelte oi i-etaln fhill
belonif to tlm count of which he Ii an of
fleer and tlull be- pild Into the tleiMiry theieof
Senator Gi.uly, of I'lilladelplila, then
announced the death of Senator Os
bourne and after he had paid a high
tilbuto to the" deceased he offered u
lesolutlon, which was adopted, that
the senute attend the funeial In a bod
on Wednesday at Philadelphia. Tlie
following committee wns appointed to
make the necessary aiiangements
Senatorb Grady, Scott, Otansbaeh,
Vaie, of Philadelphia, Sproul, Dela
ware: McKeo, Perry; Haines, York,
nnd Miller, Cumberland.
On motion of Senator Williams, of
Ilutler. a committee of eight w as ap
pointed to dratt suitable lesolutlons on
the death of Senator Osbourn and pre
sent them at a special meeting of the
beiiute at 3 p. in, Janunty 30 This
committee consists of Senators Will
lams, Stober, of Lancaster; Washburn,
Crawfoid; Cummlngs, Warren: Stlne
man, Cambria; Stiles, I-chlgh; Boyd,
rayetto, Lee, Monioe. It wns also or
deicd that the senate bo draped for a
period of thltty days, and that the
desk of Senator Osbouin lemain In
mourning until the vacancy In the
Third Philadelphia district is filled.
As a further mark of respect the
senate nt 10.30 p. m. adjourned until
11 a. m. tomoirow,
Delaware Deadlock.
By Exclusive Wire from The Awoclatrd Press
Poter, Pel., Jan 21. The lxth ballot In the
deadlock for two United titties nators ttiu
taken at noon today in o joint seflon of tho
IcgliJaturtt and thowed no material rhaiiLe in
the (iiuatlni, for tho lonp term! II, K Km
ncy, Pi mot rat, 22 i J 15 Addle kh, t,'nlon lie
publican, 13; II A. Pupont, regular Itepubll"
can, 8, bcatterlng ltepubllcann, f; absent, ono
Pemocrat and one ltipubllcan; ncees-uy tn a
choice, 20. For the bhort teimi Wlllard Sauls
bur.t, Democrat, 11; John I'dward AddlcU,
I'liiou litpubllcan, 15; Chas I" Milliards, rcfc"-
lar Itepubllean, 11, hoattering, J Uepublliam
alucm, -; lieiiMci in a ulnar,
By I'tcliislip Wire fiom The Associated Picis.
New Yoik, Jan. 21. Warren f.eland, Jr., died
today at the- Hotel (Ire noble, ot wlilih ho was
the pioprlttor. Mr. Ia-IjiuI had long mffered
from Bright' dUcatc. ilia death Is the third
that has oeiurud in tho belaud family during
the last two year. Ills cousin. Warren Leland,
sr., staa proprietor of the Windsor hotel. The
title of the latter died from the effects of the
shock of the fire which destrojed. that hotel,
tier husband followed bcr within a feter wctki.
The Act Establlshina a Department
Is Passed bu ths
Commissioner Moses Offers AH
Amendment Prohibiting Teaching
of Religious Doctrines in School
Buildings Judgo Tnft Offers a
Substitute Permitting Tri-Weokljr
Visits of Priests.
By Kclusitc Wire from The Associated Presl.
Manila, Jan. 21. Tho act establish'-
lng the department of public Instruc
tion wns unanimously passed by thfl
Philippine commission today, after a
debate between Commissioner Most
and Judge Taft over the section per
mining religious Instruction In school
The commissioners, originally, 'wero
unanimous In favor of the section, but
Commissioner Moses beenmo convinced
that it wns not wise, and today he of
fered an amendment prohibiting the
teaching of religious doctrines In school
buildings. He declined the commission
would dlsiegaid Its Instructions con
cerning the ccptiratlon of church and
state if the "cpiestlonable provision"
was enacted. The commissioner char
acterized us groundless the fears that
Catholic children would not attend the
public schools unless tellglous instruc
tions were permitted. He said the ex
perience with the Philippine schools
hail nhendy demonstrated this.
Hefei ring to argument of the central
Catholics In favor of Catholic Instruc
tors exclusively, Commissioner Moses
Insisted that a compromise was Inad
visable when one of tho parties was
pre-dlsposed against a compromise.
Judge Taft's Substitute.
Judge Taft offered a substitute per
mitting the exchange trl-weckly visits
byprlestsand ministers to pupils whose
patents deslied that their children re
ceive stioii Instructions, and preset Ib
Ing the dismissal of teachers who at
tempt to Influence pupils lellglously.
nnd the suspension of tho privilege of
pi tests und ministers whose teachings
create dlsloyulty or dlsordei.
Concerning the alleged disobedience
of the administration's Instructions,
Judge Tnft said the question would be
whether such use of school buildings
would Involve a tax on the people. He
cited the facts that the school build
ings In use weto being used for politi
cal and religious purposes, notwith
standing the opposing attitude of the
Kedeial party leaders. Thejudgo said
he did not believe a majoilty of the
people or of the party weie opposed
to It. He belleied the opposition wns
caused chlelly by fear of ecclesiastical
control eisy. The judge did not believe
the hierachry of the church would ap
pioie of the radical propositions of thp
coutinl Catholics. If experience pioved
the wisdom of lepe.illng the section It
would at least be utter the government
had shown that It Is neither pio-Pio-testant
nor pro-Catholic.
Commissioner Ido voted with Com
missioner Moses against Judge Taft on
the substitute, explaining that he cpiDS
tloned whether the substitute would
nccompllsh the purpose sought. After
the rejection of the substitute the bill
wan passed unanimously.
Baptist Ministers of New York Ar
on Record on the Subject.
Bv Kseluslte Wire from The Associated Pre.
Ntw rk, Jin. 21 The Baptist ministers of
this city at n meeting todiy adopted, the fol
lowing rebolutioir
"Uioltcd, Hut Ibis conference pula on record
lis utrciiuous adlvrenct' to the doctrine ot soul
llbcrtt ileir to our fathers and its faith in tho
well est ibllshed American principle ot the com
plete separation of chunh and state, It earn
estly requests the president of the United States
to see tn U fo far a it lies In his power mar
this trust shill not bo nbridaed or violated ot
Ml of application In our dealings with i(h
people of Ptrto Hlco, Hawaii and the Philip,
pine Islands.
Wan-ant for Neely.
By llxclenne Wire from Tlie Awociated Press
Washington, Jan 21 Tlie state department
Icdi issued i warrant for the i.urrenelcr to tha
(ubau HUthoi lilts ot ( r W. J.ccl, charged
t ith embeuleinent. This wanant will be piaieif
in the hinds of United bwtes Marshal Henkrl,
of the 'oiitheru district of New Yoik, rho II
lew the custodian nt Neely. and who will sei
that he Is aafely delltercd to the judicial au
thorilles at llatana. In aeconhnce with an un
derstanding itached between counsel, the prison
cr will lint I rcmoted In i government trins
port bc!oro net Tlumclai.
Philadelphia's TJacteiiologist.
By KieliHllo Wile fiom Tlie Associated Press.
Phlhdelnhli. Jan 21. Director of Puhlhj
Woiks llicldiick today announced the appoint
ment of William It ropcland, at pieent bac
teriologist In the PillsbuiK de partition! ol publhi
works, in pine' ed William fi Timlin, late chlst
ol the lucttriologlcnl laboratory at the test
filtration plant in this city. Mr. Toillie lecently
No Telegram from Kruger.
By Hxcluslte Wire from The Associated Press.
rhc llJgue, Jan. 21 The report that Mr.
Kniger hail sent a telegram of h,tmpathy to Om
borne house is ttltluut loundatlon. lp to a
late hour this eicning he had not done o.
Corporation Chattered.
By Kxcliulte Wire from The Associated Press.
Ilanlsburg, Jan. 21. A charter wan Issued bj
the stato depirtment today to the New Milford.
Dairy Co., Ne.w Jlllforel, cipltJl, f7,000.
sV -f 4 -f 4- f 4.
Wafchlrgton.Jaie. 21. 1'orecaat for Tue
day and Weilneselayi Kiateni Pennsyl- 4"
tanla-Kalrt colder Tuesilay; fresh to
brisk west to northwest winds. Wednes- s
day. fall. sV
ttt -t- ttttl!
-s .
Wte' fi'