The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 21, 1901, Image 7

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    ri. tw
Story of the Ohmuplon Mean Man.
Bilef Newslets lueetlng of tho
Susquehanna County Teachers' As
sociation Gold Near Deposit Vil
lagers nt Gulf Summit on a Fox
pedal to Hie S'crar.ton Tribune.
Susquehanna, Jim. IS. Fanner Julrui
Iticli, or Sherman, on Tuesday nlcht
fft a trap for a fox. On the morning
following ho went on a tour of Inspec
tion, und was bui prised to pec a wild
rat spring up and bound away with
the trnji hitched to Its hind lez. Ho
llred, but missed, and the denture
made on- Into the thicket. Iticli went
to n neighbor's", honowed n dog ami
returned to the woods. As he neared
ihe place whore the entrapped bruto
had disappeared, hid quick eye detect
ed a wild cut's head protruding from
somes hushes a few tods abend. He
took hntity aim, llred, and the creature
fell dead.
i:.-.iminat Ion revealed the fact Hint
this was not tho wild cat In the trap,
.mil the excited barking of tho dog a
few tods ahead showed the other gamut
wan near. Leaving the dead wild cat,
he hurtled on and coon came In HlEht
of the entrapped boast, which stood
at bay, snarling fiercely at the dog,
which kept nt a safe distance. Iticli
filed nt tho wild cat. but only wounded
It slightly. In the excitement of the
moment he thiew down his gun, seized
his hatchet and ran forward, thinking
to make short work of his game, but
In that he was mistaken. The cat
made a sudden spring, knocked the
batchct fiom the letter's hand, and
furious with uigo and pain, begun
tearing and biting him.
Itlch defended himself to the best of
his ability, but there was no cettlug
iivvuy from the fm Ions animal. A
fearful stiuggle ensued, and dually the
I.ove and Death are
both depicted as arch
ers. Wlieii Love sets
his arrrow in a wom
an's heart and she
turns and follows,
seeking healing of
her hurt, could there
be autrht sadder then
that she should be led by very Love into
me animisit wnerc ueatu, arrow on string,
waits to plant his deadly shaft in her
breast? Yet so it is. Time and ugiiin
I.ove proves to be Death's decoy. And
often when the giim archer fuiu to in
flict mortal hurt, he leaves the suffering
woman to creep through life like a
broken-winged bird.
Why does love lead to suffering?
Many a woman luu asked that question
piteously and passionately. She liai, for
saken father and mother to cleave unto
her husband in the belief that bo she wan
achieving woman's highest happiness.
But instead of happiness she has found
misery, struggled with it until struggle
seemed useless, and at Inst has come to
accept her misery ai the "cross'' laid up
on women who love and marry.
There w no real reasou why almost
every wife and mother should not enjoy
sound health. The causes of her misery
lie in diseases which affect the delicate,
womanly organism. Disagreeable drains
arc carrying away the vital force. In
flammation has lighted its fire for slow
torment. Ulceration is eating into the
tender tissues. Female weakness is
making life a daily martyrdom. Is it
any wonder that the nerves are racked,
that appetite fails, and night, which
should bring rest, brings only restless
and troubled dreams?
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures
the womanly diseases which undermine
the general health. It dries the drains,
puts out the fire of inflammation, heals
the ulcerated tissues and cures female
weakness. In a word, it makes weak
women strong and sick women well.
Favorite Prescription" is a true tem
perance medicine. It contains no alcohol,
neither opium, cocaine, or other narcotic.
Sick and idling women are invited to
"consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free of
charge. All correspondence strictly pri
vate and sacredly confidential. In a
little more than thirty years Dr. Pierce,
assisted by his staff of nearly a score of
physicians, has treated and cured over
luff a million women. Write, without
fear or fee, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief
consulting physician to the Invalids' Ho
tel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y,
" It U with feelings of sincere eratlttide that I
f sain write toyou,Hsavs Mr. Harry A. Browii.
t'f Orono, Peuobscot County, Maine. "I wrote
n vou eoncerninc? tnv hcnlth last Snrlncf M
ft Mnk it was in June), and you advised me to
lake your Favorite Prescription and ' Golden
Medical Discovery.' which I did according to di
rections, and continued taking them lor live
month!. I took nine bottle of Favorite Pre
fcriptiou,' t-lx of 'Golden Medical Discovery,
and four viaU of Dr. Pierce's Pellets, My disease
wan displacement nnd ulceration of the uterus,
and I was in a terrible condition with pain and
weakness, and had given up all hopes of ever
being well again. Had doctored with four dif
ferent doctors within four month), bud Instead
of getting- better was growing- weaker all the
time. I decided to try our medicines, a 1 had
heard of the many cured resulting from their
use. I bought five bottle and felt to much bet
ter after using them that I kept on until I am as
well as ever fit my life, aud to Dr. Pierce alt the
praise is due,
"Dcforel began taking your medicine I only
welshed in pounds, I now weigh 160 pounds,
I gained forty pounds la six mouths. 1 shall
doctor no more with doctor, at it i only a
waste of money. No matter what my trouble
la, I shall write to Dr. Pierce every time. I am
now In perfect health, thanks to Dr. Pierce,"
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps
to pay expense of mailing only. Send
3i one-cent stamps tor me paper-nouuu
liook, or for cloth binding send 31
stamps. Address Dr. R. V, Pierce,
i.Ijuffalo, N. Y.
il i i j w i iff i ' if ' ' It i 'h. 41 1 . i
i-TxJfo? aWjhK 'sMIjMm
The VA
Two m
if f A
I -A
cut got one of Well's hands In his
mouth. With his five hand the hunter
succeeded In getting 11 Juckknlfo from
his pocket. He opened It with his teeth,
nnd with It put un end to tho life of
tho savage brute. Then he crawled to
tho ncniest house, where his wounds
were cared for. It will lie several
weeks liefore he goes trapping again.
Tho chnmplon mean mun resides In
Susquehanna county, near Montrose.
H, and a neighbor purchased a Jersey
cow In partnership. He would not di
vide the milk, claiming that the neigh
bor owned the front, half of the cow.
A few days ugo the cow hooked the
mean man, nnd he threatens to bring
suit for dumnges against his partner.
1)111111' NRWSLKTS.
The Ureat Uend Chamois Skin 'Manu
facturing company will bgln opera
tions In a few days.
The funeuil of Miss Winifred Hinds
took plnce and was largely attended
on Wednesday morning from St. John's
Cntholle church, where a requiem high
mass was celebrated. The Interment
was made In Laurel Hill cemetery.
After h piotracted Illness, Mrs. Thos.
Clough, an old and lespected resident,
died at her home on Front street on
Tuesday evening. 'Sho Is survived by
'a husband nnd several adult children.
A splendid programme has lcen ar
ranged for the meeting of the Susque
hanna County Teachers association to
be held In Susquehanna, Jan. 2." nnd
This appears to be a good Quay
Stone state once more. Another clear
case of the survival of the fittest.
Hay Moore, nged 18, lost a leg In the
lhlu yard on Wednesday evening while
jumping off a locomotive.
Oold has been discovered upon the
farm of Farmer Sampson, near Depos
it, and there Is considerable excite
ment. Capitalists from New Yoik und
Philadelphia are arriving and one ex
perienced miner has offered Mr. Samp
son $80,0)0 for his land, but he refused
It. Prospecting will be steadily con-
A Susquehanna county man, aged 90,
Is threatened with nervous prostration.
JIls physician attributes It to thu ex
cessive use of tobacco during the past
seventy-seven years.
It Is' far more honorable to black
boots than It is to black character.
It Is as easy to gel wool from a hy
draulic lamb or news from a railroad
onicla! as It Is to get Information from
a bank teller.
A local bachelor tlroii Into verse as
'The dajs Kill come,
'111? days will so,
'Till the tod of life's cii.le.uur;
let woman' tnnsue
Will know no vvho.i
It' bound lo run forever.
There Is no use crying about what i
passed and gone. If you made a few
mistakes In 1U00, why not brace up and
correct them In 1901? The fellow who
alls by the roadside sighing over "what
might have been" Is a first class eow
urd. (let up! iShnke yourself, and try
it all over again. That's business!
A new play called "Colonial Tom"
Is to bo put 011 the road. If It Is any
thing like "Uncle Tom" there'll bo an
other war In this country. The long
suffering public will rise In its might
nnd crush Jt out of existence.
Nearly the entire male population
of Gulf Summit a few days since
turned out with guns und dogs to hunt
a little fox. Theie was great excite
ment and business was at a standstill.
After the villagers had chaxed Rey
nard over several townships they lie
cume discouraged and skulked back
lnmie after dnik, whereupon the little
fox returned to town and sought safe
ty in a hennery nnd It was mndo pris
oner by a little girl. Then eternal
miletude once more settled over Gulf
Summit and Its immediate environ
It will be hard to determine the pies
ent status of Susquehanna county's
representatives at Hunlsburg. They
are In a penitential mood and thnt Is
The divorce mill in fSusqurhwuna
county Is doing Utile business. Per
haps the world N getting better and
more patient.
There nie many levivnls In progiess
in Susquehanna county. The harvest
epbe.iis to be ripe
( hii-i uy thu )ik n toin-iu..
Ret n few more uveks will pa,
"fill vie heal the bio a-lnunming,
Ami tan all keep on tho guw.
A picture of Curboudnle'st eoinlng
toiirt house might be an appropriate
emblem for tho souvenir budges to be
wom upon tht1 occasion of the Pioneer
City's seml-tentennlul. Theie is no
charge- for the suggestion.
On Wednesday evening. Jan. 30, the
.Susquehanna Athletic club will hold a
I mule leceptiou in Ifogan Opera
At a meeting of the liiund chapter,
Oretor of the Eastern ritur. held ut
Peckvllle, Mrs, James Fordyce, of Sus
ciiichunna. vvvs elected worthy grand
matron for tho state of Pennsylvania.
Urukeman Wilson Aumack. wlm lout
.1 leg In t,he Susquehanna ynrd on Mnn
uuy, Is In the Port Jervls hospital and
do.iig ns well us can be expected un
di the clicumstunces.
Thero Is excellent sleighing; along tho
.TepeiHon branch. Whitney.
Bpeelsl lo t!i Straiiton Tribune,
Plttston, Jan. 20. Arbitrator have
nwaided Rev. Vincent Dlllonls $J0 In
his suit for $10,000 damages against
the city of Plttston and the mayor.
Dlllonls n the ex-Catholic priest who
attempted to conduct lellglous ser
vices among the Lithuanians here, but
was arrested nnq Imprisoned by Mayor
T. J. Corcoran. He then bi ought on
the suit above mentioned, und ulso
took an appeal from tho sentence of
the mayor. The former cuse has been
decided ns above nnd favors Dlllonls.
The appeal was argued before Judge
HulBoy recently and u. decision is ex
pected tomorrow. The case Involved
tho right of free speech, and has at
tracted much attention hereabouts.
A drill contest for a prize of $50 will
tnko place at the. Ninth Regiment ar
mory, Wllkcs-Darre. Fob. IS. between
the famouH Euglo Hose Drill ieam, of
this city, and a team from thelKnlghts
of tho Mystic Chuln of WIlkfa-HarM.
Neither team has yot lost a jumo and
thp contest will embrace jMp cham
pionship honors for this section of the
It has been announced here that
Bishop Fowler will presldo over the
session of the Wyoming Methodist
Episcopal conference, to be hold In tho
West Plttston church during April,
Vlco Bishop Nlnde, deceased.
The subscription to the Young Men's
Christian association building fund
now amount to $21,?or,.
Sperlsl to ttie Scranton trlbuna.
TiinUhannook, Jan. 19. Thu Wyom
ing county court of qunrtor sessions
will conveno hero on Monday after
noon at 2 o'clock for tho regular Junu
ary term. There Is very little criminal
business to como before tho court nt
this thno nnd tho term will probably bo
short. Tho argument list will prob
ably be taken up after the disposition
of the Jury cuses and will take some
tlmu In hearing. Associate Judge
elect Hurvoy Slcklcr wilt take his place
on thu bench on Monday for the first
Attorney C. I). Little, of Scranton, Is
spending Sunday here.
Hon. A. II. Squler, member of tho
house of representatives from this
county, has leturncd from Hnrrlsburg.
Sheriff Grey held leal estate sales at
the court house this afternoon and tho
property of George. Agnew, In North
morclond township, was disposed of,
Charles Slcklcr, execution creditor, be
ing tho purchaser nnd the price paid
was $013.
On Monday next nt tho court house,
J. Wood Piatt, esq., trustee In bank
ruptcy, will sell the farm formerly be
longing to James O. Lolghton, situated
Just outsldu the borough here. Tho
farm Is a valuable piece of property,
Mr. Lolghton having paid, some eight
or ten years ngo, $8,000 for the place.
It Is situated In the TunkhannocU bo
rougflh school district nnd it within a
half mile of tho center of town. It
should bring a good price.
Frederick Hcrrlck, of Lcstershlre, N.
Y., is visiting It. C. Herrlck.
Mrs. Edgar Osterhout Is very 111 at
her homo hero und the members of her
family have been called home In an
ticipation of n fatal termination of her
The Joshua SImpklns company, with
two bands of music and a full orches
tra, holds forth at Piatt's opera house
on Tuesday evening next. The show
played to a crowded house on Its hist
trip hero.
The board of county auditors who
have been In session since the 7th of
January, adjourned on Friday until
Tuesday of next week, when they will
come here lo finish up their work and
make their report.
The county commissioners at their
meeting held for the purpose of levy
ing taxes for the ensuing year, voted
that tho llnancos of the county were In
such condition that the levy might be
reduced from the rato levied last year,
and fixed the rate for the next year nt
eight mills, a reduction of one mill.
The coming auditor's statement will
show a balunce In the county treasur
er's hands of between eight and ten
thousand dollars, with all indebtedness
paid except outstanding county bonds.
Rev. H. H. Wilbur, who hns been so
seriously ill, Is improving slowly.
6pedl to the Scrnt?n Tribune.
Hawlev, Jan. liU. Mrs. Lot Alklnyon
returned Saturday from Brooklyn, N.
Y., where nlie has 'been Alslting her
daughter, Mm. A. E. Stllger.
The supper at L. Hensel's, Thurs
day evening, under the auspices of the
Ladles' Aid society of the Gennun
church, was a decided success.
Miss Alvlra Hlnzc Is recoevrlng from
a severe Illness.
Miss Pellet t, of Paupauk, was a guest
of her cousin? Miss Lucy Pellelt, on
Wednesday and Thursday.
District Attorney L. M. Atkinson re
turned Thursdny night from New Or
leans, where he has been vNltlng his
sister, Mrs. Alice Palmer.
E. J. Holdcu and son. Kduurd, of
Port Jervls, N. Y., ate guests at tho
residence of Joseph Fryer.
Erasmus Ames and family, of Dun
more, spent last Sunday with relatives
lleorse Luke and M. M. Treadwell
were Scranton vlsltois Saturday.
Mr. Biuudhurst. local agent for the
Metropolitan Life Insurance company
heie, has been given a position In
Brooklyn, ivheie he will move next
The'Uepubllcuu primuiies wmu held
Saturday, between the hours of and
7 p. m. The nominations were us fol
lows! School dlrectois, Garry N. Giay
and James Perry: supervisors, John
Stephenson and Jacob Domoshck;
treasurer, Dr. A. J. Baker; assessor.
Thomas L. Williams; auditor, Henrv
Tucker: township clerk, John Pesotlne.
There weio several wlthdi aw uls. before
the primaries, nmong them being
Thomus Martin for school diiector.
and P. V. Gromel for assessor. Theie
were no competitors for asesor. audi
tor and clerk.
Tho funeial of William, the infant
child or Mr. and Mis. itobert Melealf,
took place on Sunday afternoon. In
terment was mnde In the Wyoming
The lecture dellveied by Dr. Lansing
In tho Presbyterian church on Friday
evening was not largely attended,
owing to the cold weather.
A meeting will be hold Tuesday
evening ut the home of Thomas Mar
tin by Class 7 of tho Methodist Epis
copal Sunday hehool. Business of Im
portance will be transacted.
Mrs. W. G. Evans, or Scranton, vis
ited at the home of Mrs. John Dills on
Tho strike that has Wen on at the
Babylon colliery wna settled last week
and the breaker boys returned to
work. Mr. Thomas refused to return
on account of personal reasons, but
advised tho breaker boys to do so.
R. H. Peterson, of West Plttston,
wus a business caller In town on Frl
day. Miss Jennie AVIldrlck is III with tho
The Lawrence Hose company have
erected tho flagpole presented to them
by Class 7 of the Methodist Episcopal
Sunday school.
Deafnesi Cannot Be Cuied
by Iwal application a tiny uimot icaih il,
diseased portion of the ear. 'Iheie li only one
way to euro dcatiu, and that Is by iontltii remedies. Deafness Is cau.oil by un n.
darned condition of tho luucoiu lining ( t.c
Eustachian Tube. When this tubo , Inflamed
you have a rumbllne nound or iinpctfeit lieuiliii:
sod uhen It W entirely clotid, llrjme U the ir'.
Bull, ami unlitw tho intljinnutlon ran be taken
out and this tube rntorrd to its normal condi
tion, hearing will be dotrojnl (oicveri nine
can out of ten aro caused by Cutarih. which ti
nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucoiu
We will give O110 lluudird Pollait for any isi
of Deafness (raiwd by catarili) Hut cannot bo
cured by Hall's Catarrh due. Send for clrculais,
Vi 3. Clir.XEV k CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by lrue(tlt75c,
Hall'i Family Pills are the best.
We are putting Tuesday on an equal footing with Monday dividing up the bargains between those
come on Monday; a help to those who do come. No harm done to anybody, except th profiti, and
presented greater bargains than are these.
Two days of unprecedented
offered anything of equal merit at
Spring garment now get ahead
900 YARDS ol full 40 inch black figured
Granite Cloth in several new designs. Cheap
at 39c the yurd. Special Monday ,
and'Tuesday j&yC
1000 YARDS of full 40 inch black figured
Burbons of high lustre and fast color.
Cheap at 50c the yard. Special
Monday and Tuesday 3" C
1200 YARDS of fancy colored Taffeta
Silks in all latest shades, high lustre and
nch finish, Cheap at 75c yard.
Special Monday and Tuesday OUC
1500 YARDS of line 20 inch hair cord
striped Taffetas, braided Taffetas and lace
effects. Cheap at $1 yard. Spec- Q
i:il Monday and Tuesday OVC
478 YARDS of full 32 inch colored Serges
in new shades and black; extra heavy and
bright finish. Cheap at 20c. 1
Special Monday and Tuesday .... 1 2C
lSlD-l'utui') Qumi Ijoiii, M.iy 'Jl
137 AccrKjon to Hit one, June -t.
ISIS Coronation, VTc-diiilnvtcr Abbi-.i, June 28.
Trails-Atlantic trim mvljitlon inainrm-
sled. '
1S39 Mailman atrriled trying to enter JiuiUng-
h.iiu I'.ilau'. AnllCotii l.i.'Juue fortimJ.
llrlllTli forces occupy t'.ihul. Ilrltl'h look
po"0ilon'of Aden.
1MU tyiucii marrii'd to 1'ilinc Albeit, l'tb. 10.
Inanc potboy tri to shuol Mug and
qui en, June 10. Cheap pixtage intro
duced In Hnghm! I'rlnccts Hoyal lioiu,
later Kmpic l'lc'iUrhl., Nov. SI. Iliit
Mi and Au'trlin expedition to rrla.
Mehcmet Alt unci for peace.
1MI -Mr Hubert Peel succeeds Loul Melbourne
.n premier. Prince of Wales horn, Nor.
'. MicccsMul inurrcctloii in Cabul.
Ihlliih til.e Canton and Amoy.
I'll John Trami tried to dioot queen, Jlay Su.
John William pointed plttol at
piren, July ". IJrltUi ItliJicw fiom
vfglistiUUn. Hons Hon); ci'drd to Eng
land. Chinese Port opened,
look ftoir republic In Xital.
l"U l'linecj Alice Maud Maiy bom, Apill 2',.
Silnde annexed lo nrltMi liullti. Quctn
and Prince Albert vllt 1:1ns and queen of
I i.inrc. I'll lire Alfred bom, Aug. II.
I.ouU I'MllpiK- vllls iueen.
1M", eal of colonial otllee Riven to Mr. (Jlad--lone.
Knglanil and I'ranie liuko war on
dlctalur of Aru'intini- llepuhlk1. Out-bn-ik
first SlKh vuir.
IMta Iiiners Helena bom, May 25. AiirIo
American treaty settling Northuet boun
dary of I'nllcil fctatc. (Ireat famine In
I I eland. Corn lav3 repealed. SiUlu de
lc.iUd, ceded teiritbry to l!at India
lilT (fjien headed libh famine subsciiplioii.
l'l'-l'iincesi l.oulc bom. Much IS. ijuieii and
J'uiite Albeit viiit fugltlre Trench family
at Claremont. dual tlnrllst demonslra
Hun London. In.urreUiou in Ireland at
tempted. Outbieal: second war.
tiiniic river i-owieisnty occuplcil. Uoch
estahli-licil 'liansvaal it public
IM'i-Hamilton llred nt nicen. Queen firt vl-lt-ed
lul.mJ. hiklis defeated. l'imaub an
ueed to llritl-ih India.
l-"it l'liiitc Aitkur born, May 1. Kobert Vate
allaikid quecu vvilh slick. Clnvtun-llul-ver
treilj concluded. Talplnj lebcllion,
Uiiiu. '
lk.,l -iueeu t-peniil aiear fpiltiou.
plot ol. oil Ihltl'h lio-tilitln. r;old found
in Au!ialla.
1W- 1 ht Di-iby mini-try nucccednd Uutll ad
iiilnUtiatlon. Abcidecn succeeded Duln.
London protocol on -ucclou in Den
mark and Nchlfi'.vlK-llol'lrin. Ilrltl-h
viclniioui ill llurnuli. I'ii;u acquired.
li.i -1'iIikc Leopold born, Aplll 7. lam
ily vUlted li eland.
UJI-(Vlmtan twr formally lnuun bt deilaiatiou
of Knsland and Krnnce .iciiiit Htnsla.
IfiM-llritlilt-JapaliCce tioat). Ilrituh peiiullteil
Oraline lliver lepiiblic. Commanded Me
flute nctoniplUhnl noitliwc-it paMajre.
lSVi--l'icuch empeioi .mil i-mptm li.ltcd queen
at Wlnd.or and vnll returned in l'ari.
I'alnur.-ton mcceedul Aberdeen us pie
nilcf. Litln:toii ihicnrrrrd Mitoua
IsV, Tirm of I'.irii Hided C' hui Ond
amicwd to IlrltUh India. Oullmalc tec
mid uai, rnzlaiid ui;alnit l.lilna. 1'ei urcupicil Herat, involved in war
wllh irot eminent of India, 6ucci-ifully
ended by the llrllUh nrt )ear.
l-i7- Out break of ludiiii intttliiv. Canton neon
pltcl by IliltUh and r'irncli. 1'rlncesi
Ueatricu burn, April II.
Is'il -c-eiond lleibv inlnlliy nureeded I'alnur
(ton. lUbrcw dljabilllj In llritaln le
iiioved. Indian mutiny viilually nip-pif-mil
nnd iiveimueiit tian-ferrrd trnni
I '.nl India company lo clown. Tirat,
ititli Cliliia. Queen conuiatulati-i Ann ri
tan puMdenl over new trnn tlantle
table, Am.'. ...
IsVi (Jurcii' lit t grandchild, ucn Kmpciur Wil
liam II.. born, Jan. 'JT. I'alinenlon mc-ii-ided
Herb) a-i piriiiier, June. UlrTlcul
lies uith (,'liln.i.
Iui -limitation of 1'revhUiit lir.ilutnn fot Prime
id Wale to vilt America uc-cepled l,j
iiieiti. Ank'lo-Fieneli i-vpfilltlon ontipird
Icrnl lliirlie ol Kent, queen's mother, dtej.
Qinins third visit tt Ireland IMnre
t'omott died. Dec. If. Knglaml, rnncf
and hpain lend tlect lo Mexico.
ICWl'ttltctl State itranted llntlh dfiuind for
ic-leaso of Mauu and Slhlull.
ISfVI -Piltne of Wain mauled, M-trrli 111.
Trance declared nar en Mexico; l!uglaud
uud hpiui vvllhdrew tones, llritaiu n
munced icniinrlatlon of protetlntate eurr Ii-lainN
M -llaLer dUeovned lke Albert Nvana
IfiTi -Mca.utcs taken lo tuppn.a IViiIjik iu lie
1 tlid. Tallin itnn ilied. Iltuiell piemier
for kccoud time.
lfi"i Qtii-in thanked Mi. lleoiue 1'eabuilt. Amen
tan plillanlhioplit, for gifts of $l,7S0,O)
It, London poor. J-'culaim atteinpled In
vasion of ('aiiada. Iluorll ieli!ied.
Tlilld lleil huciCMful titab
li.htnint ol lilegiaphy belvteeii Kuiop-j
and Aincilta.
IstiT IVnlan liinurirction iu Irrland, Dominion
eu Canadi lomtlluted. Reform nit
pacd, Outbieak of Abju.lnl.-m uai end
i-d next jear.
H( -UUaell succeeded Hub) a, piemier. He
(oi ni act for Srotltud und Ireland, (.ilsd
ktouo suicceded Hlsiacl,
ISc.'J lrii-li church dt-.t.iblitl,ej. Iu take i fleet
1871. I'.ulfli lallway and hue canal
Ip7ulluiprr4 UUkinle li'llrd queen. IiUli
Laud act. TJimentary idutatiou net lor
TiiKltnd and Wale., linker lid evpedltlou
nil the KHe.
1S71 Tortner Kiiipiini Napok-uii viilled
queen. Treaty of valiltiKtoii to settle
the Alabama quthtlon. .Stanley found
Llvmentone. l.ravo condition of queen's
health announced, anil I'rlnve of Wales
had tjphold lever.
1S72 Qutfil pieeent at Ihanltflvini; for Trinee
of Mates rreouiy. America obtain the
Mabama reward, flallot bill pasted,
1571 Dit-iaell sutieeded filaditono as premier.
Ililtaln annexed Kill libnd. Adunteo
war eniled,
1875 llritaln hnuclit millairs sliatr iu Suez
1670 Q-ieeu procfaimtd uiipit-ks of India in IOii
dpn. Constantinople! conference ienelt
cfoked next .veal'.
1877 Queen n-eeiveil lienetal (Iiant. llrilli'i
took' Transvaal irpubllc.
selling. The goods are exceptionally good. The prices are unqualifiedly little. You have never been
the prices. The lots are new and pretty fresh from the markets within a week. Buy your early
of the rush.
875 YARDS of 36 Inch Armure Suitings
in old rose, sage, red, garnet, navy, browii
and blade. Special Monday and
Tuesday ZOC
742 YARDS of 40 inch Imperial Serge in
colors and black. Bright lustre; also b
inch Plaids for school dresses. Guaranteed
to wear, Cheap at oc the yard.
Special Monday and Tuesday xVC
650 YARDS of 44 Inch black all wool Dl
agonal Serge and Henrietta; also 45 inch
black Surah Serge, jet or blue black. Spec
ial Monday and Tuesday, per yard
for the 75c kind 5UC
1 1S5 YARDS of 38 inch all wool Venetian
Suitings and 40 incli all wool Storm Serge;
sponged and shrunk, worth 75c. . Q
Special Monday and Tuesday 4oC
lb7S Utluin occupied Cypics. Treaty of Ber
lin. War (igalnit Alulianlttan.
1879-War agatnvt Zulu, queen's Drst great-i;rcat-Krand
child born, Trlnccks Char
lotlu of Sa-re-Melnlngen, May 12. Olnd
htona succeeded lleacon.fleld as premier.
Active) atjrnrlaii movement In Ireland.
Roberts entered himdalmr. Tratisva-il
lvsl Queen telejr.iphed svinpathy on President
Ifarfleld's death and court went Into
moutnliiff. IliltUh defeated by Duels at
Majttba Hill, autonomy grinted. Irish
Land bill parsed. Tatnell Impritoncd.
Land LeaKtie innnlfetto. Ilritlsli ctacu-'
alcd Kandahar. Mahdi tevolt In Soudan.
liti lloderlc Maclean shot at quein, Kuiopeani
massacred in Alexandria. War aijalnt
Arabl Tasha, who was defeated. Tatnell
elea-ied. Ixird Cavendish murdered In
Dublin. Irish Kational League formed.
1SS1 -Queen Injured by slipping on stairs.
loSI Cordon khut tip iu Khartoum. TianchUc
bill passed.
1SS" liMt iltinmlle ouliacs In London. Mahdl
eaplured Khartoum, Oorelou killed.
Mrittth force wllhdrawii from Soudan,
Death of Mahdl. British prepare to meet
Russian ndraiite on Ilctat; settlement ef
fected Illel rebellion (n Canada. Lalt
bury succeeded Gladstone a piemier.
Conqueit of llminnli. PanaJIan TaciQo
lailnay completed.
Iss-Qiieen opened Colonhl nnd Indian exhibi
tion. Burmah annexed. Claditono suc
ceeded feallsbury, piopoted home- lule and
was ftiecceiled by Salisbury.
1SST Queen's Jubilee celebrated. Queen sent
Ihiki- of Norfolk to congratulate the pope,
on his esftleslastlcal Jubilee.
15s- -Queen piesent nt celebration of Triiue of
W.i1e silver weildliiR-. Tuhcrles Ileal
with Unllid States rejected by senate.
Osman DlRna defeated ne-vr Suskini.
lf.'l-l',iltitlt cullUlon with Portugal iu South
rant Africa. Sanioan confeicnco with
United Stales and Ocrmanv.
?'K) -l'oitmul jieldcd to DtitUh demands.
Treaty with !evmany dtllnin? spheres in
vfrlc.i and tedlns Heligoland to Ccr
many. Protectorate of Zanzibar ansuined.
IS'll Queeri reviewed Trench fleet. O.inan Hig
ii.i completely defeated.
1'IJ lluke of Llaience died. ARuemenl with
I'nlted 'lales to atbilrnte llehrinf t-ea M-al
l.vlieiies dispute, (lladstone succeeded
Salisbury as premier.
1'U - Queen opened Imperial institute. Home
Rule Intiodiiced, Belirins sea nibltm
Hon nwaided ni,'aitit America. Uiltlsh Africa company difeated Klntc ot
l'i-(;uecn (ormall.r In-iURurattd Manchester ship
ranal. l'llnee- lalward of Yolk born,
June 21. Roseberrv nueceeded fll.tdftone
a prcmtei.
1"0 Salisbury mieeeiled Roeleiiy. Treidem
( levehind sent message to Britain regard.
inff Venezuelan boundary dispute.
l(-o Queen iceclted LI Huns: Chant;. Queen un
"ept. 21 had relejned lotnter tlian any
foiuier Uritlrh sovcrclu'n. Britain xrant
iil Aiiieiiiau deuiind for Venezuelan arid
nation. Jameotonn laid. Asluntc'S
lompelle-d to accept lhlti-h fovcli-lgnll
Mlehener oecuph-d llonitula
ls'7 eiieenV "Dianiond Juhlleu" leUln.iled.
senate i eject eel Anglo-Aineriean Kential
.ubitfatlou treats. Ulunolii.v ot Clelo
ililared bv Pont-t. (fraud Uuchins
I'.itlan.i, of llu-vli, queen's thirtieth
uieat-etraiidehild, bum. of tndlm
Hill tribes on Afghan fiuiitlcr.
lyi Two-cent postaijc vieut into etreet between
llritaln and colonics.
IV'd Tiers tsli force fttrrendered. Venezuelan ar
lilll.ltlou aw aid a uuiipioinl-e. Trans
vaal tleslartsl ar Oet. 11; e-olonhs tallied
lo support Britain, Agreement with
vine-ilia and lieiniati.t for pittition ni
PjisK-iiuciit weltomed in Iri-laiitl. Inlcinational
i-iedithiiis agalint Tikiu. Tunittie ex
pedition agaiut Aihantce-s. Au-trallan
lolonles founed Coinmonweallh of Aus
tralia. Trail. t.i.ll and Orange Tier lale
Result of a Cold Contracted During
Seuntorinl Contest.
Hv Lxcliisive Wlie liom The- As-,oc-l.iled 1'iess.
Plilliuleliililrt, Jan. 20. St.'ttu Sen Uor
Kmnclo A. Osbourn, ' tlu Tlilrel
J'lillnelelprilti district, ellcd nt Ills home
in tlila city tonlsht. after u InK'f 111.
iics from imoutnnnlu. S"uutor O?
liouin e-eintiut-ted u heavy culd In tli
fatly part of last w.ul; during the
hcntitorlul contest nt llnrclDliuri;.
Till rapidly tlfvolopi-d Into conges
tion of the Iuiikm. and on thu day the
ballot for United Stales senator was
taken lie wns a very slcl; num. De
spite Ids dnnKorous condition nnd tho
Inclement wenthor, he went to the sen
tile and voted for his long-time filend,
Senator Quay. He was kmii e.-d a
leave of nhseiico and leiuniPd to his
home in thM city. Ills ailment re uu
developed Into pneumonia, which ic
Hiilted In hlH death.
Francis A. Osbourn was Loin 'n
Philadelphia, Mureh 1, 1R45, niui re
ceived Ills education at the hands of
private tutor. He wus admitted to
the hnr In ISfi'.i. Dui'Iiijr the Civil war
he nerved in tho Twentieth rliui.-nt,
Indiana volunteeiH, nud as first lieu
tenant In tho Sixteenth le-BlniKiit, Vet-c-ian
r.eserve corps l'. H. A., and was
nlo Inevet captain of iTnltcel States
volunteers. Ho lout an urni In tho
Sewn Days' battle hefere ItleMiniond
Vo. lie wus a llciJiiMlcan ami was
elected a member of Mie 'touse of
lepieHentatlves for the sexlon of IS"'
7R. He served us asslhtnnt city solici
tor of Philadelphia from 187S to 18SI,
and was elected slate senator fr-jiii the
Third Philadelphia district In mi.
1SS8, 1SW. 18:10, mid lv.t)l'vjto.l til N'o.
vemher I.ihI vear.
Pardee Strike Settled.
By Kscliulie Wire from The Associated Creit
Ilaileton, Jan, iW.-Tlie lv hundred men em
plovcd ut the O'ruuhriiy eolllei.v of A. Tat dee &
Company, svlio strnek Wcihii-"duy on ui-eounl pf a
iidtundiihtdiidlug I ej-j tiling tlie InaUKtuutitiu of
the semi-monthly pay i.tem, hive been a.sured
by Citiersl Superintendent I'rank I'aivlee that tho
e-oinpanr will pay twlre- a tiiuiilh, Ml hands nill
I r. nine vtoik toinortnw moinitiK,
LYCEUM. "Beiau.e she I.ovcd llim So."
At'ADr.MY. Maudo Illlllnun company Mglit.
fi.MBTY. Dinkins' Vairabonds Ilutleque tun
pans. Matinee and night.
Richard Savage.
Thbv- uho utv and heard Madeline Luielte ll,
ley n a comic opera star kuiur odd yeais ago
an J who recently enjojed to their hearts' content
her purely farcical "Mittejlous Mr. Bugle" and
other like creations could not withhold cxpicn
sloi.J that wero llttlo short of wonderment at the
woman's remarkable versatility us elemon-lraled
by the latest production of her gifted pen, "Rich
ard S'avaje," presented at the l.veeum Ssltudiy
afternoon and night by Henry Miller.
I; is a high class drama ot lite style ot "Hearts
eKe" and "A Royal Bo," enualling I he former
In "human Iutcre-,1" effect, the latter in gentm!
artistic construction, and excelling both in
piquancy ot dialogue and elegance ot language.
It 3 a play that will or, at least, ought to live.
li west happily fits Henry Miller. This li said
advisedly. Henry Miller iu llent.f Miller's style
l truly an exceptionally good aclor. But Miller's
o!ce, goaturct, facial expression, general man
neilsius and about everything- el.o that go into
tho make-up ot an aclor are with him at 71
times. Cotiweiucntly, it is necessary to fit a char
aete; to Miller rather thin to demand of Mr.
tllller that ho tit himself to a character. In this
thing Mrs. Hyle-y lias succeeded admirably and a
pleasing and tliil-died entertainment is the result.
Wagenlials (V Kemper, who are Mr. Miller's
maragcrs this scaion, have mnoundej him with
ai good a company as the play demands. Louise
Tin. I lid ve Boucicault as Annie Otdlield, Margatet
Bovine as Mrs. Brett, IToicnce Rockwell s KIU
alieth Wilbur ami Jennie EuiHce ns Jane com
posed the female mpport. .Mrs. Bouelcsult finds
herself In a part gives her oppoitunlty
for a ilihpluy of the really eh-ver jbilit.i which U
Arihui Llllott, tlrten Titwcrtt. loepli Wheel;
oik, William Tirderlc, Alc T. Trnrdc, Hcibeit
II, Tatee and II. S. .Sorllnup were In the prlnrp.
pal male patts.
Two large audiences vvllimssed the performances
and were libeial In their applause. Mr. Miller,
who might be said to be Scranton's latorlte attor,
was giien repeated curtain calif.
"Because She Loved Him So." J
"Dc-caiLa' she Loved Him So," Is the
itltactioii at Hie Ljcmim theater tonight, comes
from a remarkably .ucee-.itul run ut the Madion
Squaie theater. New York, vsherr it was piont'
eel rver on hundred and fitly times. The pleie
is a faue adapted by William CilleUe fiom the
Tieneh of lll'son and Leeleict)
The faice deals with the tilbulatlont of Oliver
and (jerliudu Uest, who aie newly inanled, dc
toted'lo one aiiuthei' and wealthy, a combination
which would verm to Insure happiness. It eloci-n't
lieeaui" ot the Jealousy of the wife, which llaies
up again and ugain with disastrous t exults to the
household harmony With the Idea ot showing
the younipe ople thei silllnc. of their rpiaircls,
Ceitrude's father and motlier, Mr. aud Mis.
Wenlherby, eleddo to have a maUe-bellevf fsllin?
out, which adds to the complications, lesultlng
in an amusing sequence of incidents. The piece
has b-en stjled "Tho I.ltllc Minister" of farre,
cu account of Its nondeifiil popularity and re
finement. "The Sonows of Satan."
The plsv (o bi presented at the Lyceum TVs
elay night Is "The Soi'iowa of Satan," n dramatiz
ation ot Malic Corelli' novel ot the same name.
Tho piodtiction is made by William A. Btady.
lhe play letyulres a cast of exceptional ability,
for Mlvs Cotelli's characters ate rieter cuminou
placi1, and scenery of a ino't ot!y nature, for
the devil when nn earth Is welcome In London's
most gorgeous palaces, uud, in his tuiu. aston
ishes even rovaltv In- the ol his
The Hlllmnn Conipsuiy.
Vlatide flillmait and Jerry Uonavln, juppoitnl
by a select company of well known players, will
bi- at the Academy of Music nil tills week iu a
stiong irpeitulrc of popular siicccijet. Mlix 1)711
Itiati Is entitled to the pruUi- she litis always re
ceived bote, not only for hei wnrl:, but
n lo for bringing suitable support, and flits sea.on
tlie company will he stiongtr thin ever.
The piece feinted for the opening bill Is the
romantic wuthciu play, "Hie TlanUr's Wife."
which calls fer a dUplay of wondrful nbllltj
fiom Miss lllllnian. M.c mint run the gamut of
liuuian t motion, now rUing In the lieighls of
light uiineely, mil) to sink In lite will .-.cue lo
the jwtul depths of leiuolis.- and ansuUh.
Il is u' note from real life, one thai oiue
sounded rliit;s iu llio lieatei'n cars, neicr lo b
foignilen. Willi peifecl Bilge .ntsngemeiiK, a
tiiiiiuiiy that i'eelf, gowned like a queen and
with the Hu- of ambition, Maude Illlllmau will
ilcitibtle-s clinch I ho nail nf popularity ihhen by
her In this cltv teuial sea.ons ato.
The Vagabonds Company,
'I'. W. Dliiklus' "aRaboiuls" Dig llui Je -iu-eoiiipauy,
compo-u-d of ptrtty slrli, who hip said
to be unu.ually talented, is tho atliactiuii an
I.ouhud for the lit.l llure days ot this witk at
(he (lalety. The companj Is new in this city and
intitule rtieh rnieilaiiiiis as Lillian Wa-liLuin,
In df-erlptlvc hongs) Hie Tour MlgnanTs, iiuiiral
barbers; Hie Hirer tidus, marvelous gviuuails:
the loiueilfali., Topjtl; and Steele; Mollis and
llily, ('ellh- wll, Talna Topaek, eereutilc ilannei'
"The- IjJy and the l.oli.tei" Is the e.pfllllig hui-le-uiue,
rnllovveil b.v .1 ullrr on llir lite,l New
Yi-lk nieces, "rioin Ibe Teinleiloln to Toklu."
iniinz lite luaiiv uuveltles pifMiitiil ate a gen
uine Hick i-liphatit jnnMilut; lo I he name of
Tiieeda Ilalh',t "hjum und his twelve Sousa
lib Is UMUInl by the aKibnnds In ass bind of
twelve piece., ncev ie)iu, ) l't (fate- and
Muianue. niui ifulnines by llavil'ii and l!..uli-.i.
Ml.s ISrunda Ma,e, who iiisaii-d with llcui)
Millei's lompaiiy at tin- Lyceum Saiuiilay nielli.
I .1 elaiiubler nf Hie late Tliink Mavo Slie inadn
lira' debut III Philadelphia rally ip tl- .ia-.ll in
"The icnluie-s of I'uiituli" eoini.ui. The
plree did not nnet vvilli mtce.s and was with
drawn, Kirsnlon will see Ms Lthel Binynioie a a
full-IIeilKi-il UI Ufoie tlie people- of New Ycuk.
She Js the Hie e o of -lolin Ihcw und Is belnrf
ttuued by ( harl(- Tti.linuii ltrs V.i-,ii In "'Cap-
two days Better for you to
they DO siifTer. No .store.1 ver
2500 YARDS of 84 Inch colored English
Whipcords, Satin Solieln, Prurmellas and
Broadcloth in old rose, castor, grey, reseda,
navy, brown, garnet, national and black,
Finest quality. Cheap at $1.25. t
Special Monday and Tuesday $1
1735 YARDS of 4 5 inch colored Armurei,
Storm and Cheviot Serge and Henriettas, in
all shades. Cheap at $1. Special
Monday and Tuesday 75C
2000 YARDS of 38 Inch Polka-dot Sati
net and Haipcord Stripes, in all the newest
shades. Cheap at 50c yard.' Spec-
ial Monday and Tuesday 3PC
875 YARDS of 20 inch lace stripad and
colored Peau De Soie, new shades of cas
tor, old rose, etc. Cheap at i.2. , .
Special Monday and Tuesday p f
tain Jinks of the Horse .Valine.." The piece was
put on In Philadelphia, and the ol Initial intention
was to dve It its flrtt New York production to.
nlcht. It was discovered that the (larrick fhea.
ter, where Ml llairutore Is to make her irnlto
polltan debut its n star, wilt not be open for the
new ploca until a week from tomorrow night and
this week will bo spent in Tennsylvanla tounx.
This clicuinstancc will enable: SScrantonlana to ms
Clyde Tltch's new play done next Trlday nljht
at the Lvteum by a company very inueli superior
to that lo uhlcli j pis) is u.ually enlrtn-lMt when
it goes nn the road.
Tin following quotations are furnlihed Tt'S
Trlbuae by M. S. .lordsu t Co., rsotu ruS-IiVl
Hears bulldlnsr, S'cisntun, I'a. Telephone 1003:
Open- HLrh- lovr- Cle-
Inn. e.t. est. inr.
Alueiieau 13(li W(i l."-2, Iti't
Amerliiin loiuuo 11-;e in
iai iii'
43 iV,n
m St
TSVi. 7iU
u .
Am. Steel i Wlie
.. 'i li'.t
Atchison. Tr. .
Brook. Ti act Ion
Bait, i Ohio ,
4ie4 -(t?s
.. S-ITh Stli
. 7i Ml
. feS". Siij
. 42 4JV1
Cent. Tobacvu
Clics. i: Ohio 88V4 .19 87V .l7i
tide, i Ot. Wet 17-1 K; loss lu'i
Cldc. B. -v ( 14.! 143s 1I1H lri
St. I'atd HnJi UDTs lC'!i l('i
Rock island lCoy; I31t lltl lin'i
Dtliware & Hud 15151 JeM 1H4 .1N1U
Lackauanni R. It 194 101 191 19s"
Federal Steel ......... sSli -11 Wi Wm
Federal Steel, Tr. .... Ill's 7uvi 09i 0J
Kan. it Tet.. Tr. Ill soy, 431J AM,
Louis, k .Vasli. ....a. invi'-' TVi ST-s
Man. Hlcvated lUt,lU( IU 112
Met. Traction JtriU 'ion ISA IM'l
iviisso. rarine ......... h &.-, m
People's Ga 03Vj W!t QOli
N. J. Centisl Ial 154 5 1.14
Southern I'.-iinr- 4.1 1.1 il J2
Noltoll. i West 41-; (t'i ( u
S'onh. Paclllo 81 Ss'sa Ms null
.North. Tacitle. I'r. .... &S',i Mi' MU Ms4
N'. Y Central lllTa 14t7iniOVi 110'i
Ont.rlo k West dl SI 9 &
Temia. It. IT 11" 147 IKTi UW
Tarillc- Mall 41 41 il 41
Beadinir lit M"i :ili :u to
lleadins Ry., Ve. 70',i 71 89V4 69 C
Kouthcin !. 1! invt It'll ISHa W,
south. It. 11., Tr 70 711 r9!4 Mi
Tetni. Ccal it Iton ;... 5t fi(,i' 81 85
V. S. Leather llVa U;s US ll'i
V. S. Leather, Tr. .... 74 74 71 7(
IT. s. Rubber L'lH lil'i l ai
Union Taclhr- M'i B3I, 8lH 814
L'ulon Taelfic. Tr. ... b2- S2 fsH RVi
Wabat.h, Tr 24;s ail-a 24 2Mi
Western t'nion SI 83i Sl'i 81'i
Open- High. Iw. Clo.
WHL'AT. inir. est, est. Int.
March 70 79 7DTs 7S-,
May J'i'i Jd?;.- T9U '.i.
Vity 41 4l,& 4(. 4I,
Scianton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
first National Bank
S'cranton Savings Bank ,
Third National Bank .,
Dime iKpoeelt arid Blseount Bank..
Economy Light, II. & T. Co ,
Lacka. Trust Safe Deposit Co
Clark cfc Snover Co., Pr ,
Scranton Iron Tcnce Is Wg. Co. ...
Scranton Axle Yi'orlcs
fjekaw-anna Hairy Co., Pr. ......
County Savings Bank At Trust On.,
Th st National Bank (Uirbondalt)..
Standard Drilling Co. ...........
Traders' Kational Bank ,
Scranton Bvll and Nut Co
Sersntcn TaAtenger Hallway, Br
Jlottcaeje. dui 19-13
People's Street Railway, flrnt mort-
tiac, due 1018
People's Street Hallway, (Jtnenl
mortgage, dc? 1921
Dickson Manufactitilnir Co
Lacka. Townhlp School 5 per cent.
City ot Scranton St. Imp, 6 ptr
cent ...... ... ................
Snanlon Traction C per cent
Bid. Aikei
... 1OT
14 ...
195 ...
115 ...
113 ...
Bcranton Wholesale Market.
Corrected by H. O, rule, IT Liclawsnns Art,
Butter Creamery, 21s2c.
1-Cga Select western, 21c: nearby stale, 31c.
(Jlieese Full cicatii, new, 12c.
Beans Ter bti , choice mac row, (J.CO.
Onions W). rer bu.
ITour Best patent, tl.CO.
Philadelphia Xlye Stock.
Thllade-lphia,' Jatt 20. LWe.slocki Receipt
for wei-li Cattle, 2,WI' heep, 7,70lj he$,
1,10. Caltle Tlrni and active and pilee.s hlth-i-i-
011 the better crradej -lvt, ?" fiii.".75 choli.r,
V,.3r5 60: fftMMj, j,2j.i"i.7; medium, ft 75i5i
eeiniiioii,". 1 A
Sluc mid lambs Mmkct active, priest fW
higher em I ho pilnctpil graihvs of sheep; linilw,
1 1 lll.i casi-r; slice p, ejioice. 4 .'1-D.H o-ioc; goal,
llialVje-. j in-.dliuu, iJKiafc,; eemmon, 8314;
ipilim- lambs, C',-j ili'.if,
Hogs Iteadlly held and nuikel. Isi1el'flrri j
le-t western, 7j37'"iO. ; other kinds, VAlis ,
talc hot's not 011 sale.
Jews Tut toivic, lair request ul tjaS'sc; Ihtn
ecwx, 'Jai'.ic; veal c-ahes, Htm and active at
C..T''c. : extra choice sejlln; Sr-.j mttfli cow.
of tho bet class quoted at -l35a.V). Dtessed steecs
In good clenitnd lioui Mia't'41.-. : drtrrfei eows
l.tninlil ai7"ii'
BulTalq Live Stock Market.
e.u.t llullalo. Jan. 0. Riltlc Reeeipts, 7'
cut, hheep anil lamb., ! cm; hogs'.! 05 iai'
Slilpm"iil-Catlle., 71 esi heqi anil lambs, 15
i.u-i boss, 17 tins, t'attlu iK'inJnally atradr
uml 111I1 hanged. CaKcs kleady; ehoien to ex
Ira, y.75a!j gooil to choice', S7.Wa7.75,
Sheep nnd lambs- Maikrt In good poeitlous
Umbs, ihvlcc to- e.xtra, $(SjU.1Uj gooil to choice.
5.7o0t sheep, eludce lo r,lra, 4.7fi'; joi-i
lo choice. M.MM4.7.-I.
Hogs (food demand lui lialils; heavy, l-
heal), $5-la3.5il; lilUed. V.M)o:.,s.:,; ,'corkeis
Mui; pig., t'l.oo.ibal- roughs, M 73il.'40
st.'g. l.75al.
President ConTalechig'. 1
T i, 1 - t '
By llr.ililtiic- IMie fiom 'Hie At.o.iate.1 Ptecs.
Wa.liinglmi, Jan. 2b. Tic-Ulei.t .MtUluley is
ermaloiliiL' -nldl.t iioiu his lrctnt attack tj.f
tlsss srj. Toil'Jv jpis I j(T fie.l day for ctveral
weeks.. In lliiltfieiiirtcii, .tptoiiipuled l,y Mrs.
Melvlnli'i. If wcjir.jiiij ttt drve, sieafly en
loving the ce(M, linrtliignlr wlileh ptevalle-l
Indiy, Tiiuiniiow tin president will pene) 1
rhtttl llaljet fn hWtTftefelMtnlua"! ltl (n.
cica tlilvWM if Wlv'e'wVttj