The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 21, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    I T-VTTK
fS. T .
Money nnd labor by using
tools that are constructed
for speed. The "Yankee"
automatic spiral screw
driver drives three screws
in the time you would drlvo
one with nn ordinary dilver
draws them out equally as
fas' The "Yankeo" Is a
riyVhet driver with thiee
tFoote & Shear Co.
119 N. Washington Ave
L. R. D. & M.
Prior are one of tlie most Important linn o(
elie-st at any time ol the )car, ml especially 60
now that we re certain to have changeable
weather. For attic, price and eiuallty ec owe.
We Know wc nn please you.
.13(1 Lackawanna Avenue.
t.011 ilatt fnr .limiiry 2", IfiOl:
MikIic-I temperature 20 ilijum
l.out Ipinpcratiue 1 denier below rero
llumldit.t .
J. in 100 per tent.
s P in T1 I'd rent.
lho-ui4iutloii uf Dr. N . Uit, wlucli, j)
lliiiiiirlt tnl in lioloro Hie end of tlio jear,
nt acitptcd to lal.t- plato until .i later date,
Jilnsi lo mini tlie fait tint lih titual roii;m
inn will ).c on liU .cMiit.v-tii6t bltlhda. l'enple
lio no tlio ltfiiii)in, aelhe pliji-li'lau pilni:
nlKiiit as n.iul on Ms roiimU can nrjritly iicillze
ilul lie In riMiliul Hut uuo lie lm been con
nected with the Dcljuatr, Laikjujiuu and Wet
trn rnllicud a -urktoii fot nnny yeir, 1i.m l.tin
he Muerciti.lii chief at the Moc Talor hoipi
lal inte Uk openlnrt aiid, jllhotntli ho roclsn.-, hU
pitelit portion, will irntliUlo to lie tlie senior
I'.lKii'll of the ftutt. I)i. I.eet j a icftular
nut otllur lielnie thr Civ II war and unit
'liiniijb. tint contllit tlth tll-llmtloii. Ills laic
inilRiiiint and kieat kill hue brousht blin tho
honor and tipcet of two iueintloiu In this n
Klon and hit abilities in hit ptofcinlun lute cltcn
liini far nioio Dun local fame
'Ihe death of Jli. Sejbolt lcmotn a familiar
fik'iire dear to it multitude of neonlo who hate
Vnotu and lionorcd blni dtnliiB the manyjears
oi in acuto lite. "I lie Rental, Kindly friend and
the iipiUht liuslneii in.ui ill lon bo held In
ilfectlniutc nitiiitir). His fiiemU ued to loe
to tall blin IU-in.inU. Ihciiic of his htiiklns
li-cinliljiKc in tho gieat slatiMiiau and "ohller,
and It vtns often a mmen of ple.vMiie to him to ! )
inns tpuKeii hi lit in tan tlie resemblance end
id, fui mrelv the ktnlle. Kind man who Is 1 iki n
aj tu tin tntnli indit t,is ten dlllereiit in
tempi I urn in ml in huh r funn the "Man of
lion '
u lilu.iul . Mutlit h.i ittiiilt Ii celled .1
book which Ins mile than until Intiioht ac milt
works so. U Is t iiujiiilucul pun.'.c ilion of the
bictorj ol I'asinn, so b.autiliillt iruttcn up as 10
bo an edition do ii in In handsome bludln?,
rtipeib Ulunratlotn und cliguiil lupir. Whit it of eiipliouil calue lo Mi. Mollat Is
that it contilns nuiit t ii,'r.u nigs of tkelthrf
in tie in water lohu bt her niolher, Mr. Me.
'tlttie.t, In ljtun'i eaillcr da.ts. They ule pel
fret in iMhite beauty and tepiosont scenes hi
.and about tint hi.loile locality as far luck .is
1W5. The book was iiiiiillfd by Mi Ihenba(h,
of Knton.
. i .
It Ii a 1'iiy Ilul steps aie not iumiedlateh'
taken to fume ilie fatuous collection if Iridltu
llllcj litloii,:!ug to the lato Dr. II II, llollUli r
beforo il Rets aj fiom the citt It Is tho
tln'ft tiilleitlon In the woild, was kenned at In
fill In labor nnd cvpciiMt und I- toiiicihltnr tsitan
Ion bliould lo no means allott to be tiicil else
where. Mm. Ilolllstel Is in tin iiiiHtanif! thhh
in ike it netewaij foi bet to icll the tolleetiou
and It is uniltittood thai an ortcr Ins been nude
frnni another ell). Stanton tltotihl Urp It lieie.
Mls Aimlu llachai.uh is lsitins fiiiiuU in
pjltlrtiore, Md
I, I' Tuthlll Is laid up Willi Ihe unp at his
omf. 31o tjulney ueenue
I lion. J. '. t'reenwood, major nt llrndfctel, 1'a ,
the euct ol Ills Lrntiier-iii'law, .losepii laitt.
Vino ftreet.
kir. Kcidhaui lu aiiiioimird Ihe niganiMiifiit of
dauehtci. bit alt I .a .us t, to I., "-tan-
rOUler, of Uttoti
dlM IMitlt Jones, of Monroe utimit, left Sat-
v for a lm In New ork at lie home of
rt'roftiisor l'aron Price nnd other friend.
William tauL'tuu, son of Sclrrt Cotmcilmau II.
. Vauzhau. of the Mnetrtnth wurd, his brcu
thosin to the rtipoiulhlo pojitlnn of ccenthe
clerk ct tho "t.ito mute. Ilo has tilled several
poalttons In tho n'lutc, each ear belnir pio
motcd to nomethinu better. 'Ihe position ho
ioiiim to i Olio of the bent within the gift of
that body.
Bvakeman Thrown Under Engine
Loses Both Legs and An Arm,
Willis Nichols, n Lackawanna brake
nun, had both legs and his right arm
cut nit by falling under it hog engine
on tho Lackawanna, neur tho blast
furnace, saturciay. xicnois is in u
piotty serious condition, but will prob
ably live.
Nlcholri attempted to Jump on tho en-
itlno, but a. sudden lurch tluew him
lunder the wheels, Injuring him as
Litatcd above. He wus taken to tho
fonts Taylor hospital
Celebrated at the livnc of Mr. and
Mr. Howara Curie.
A vi ry enjoyable evening was spent
nt tlio home of Mr. and Mr. Howard
Dtirlc, 122 Harrison avenue, Saturday,
Junuary IP. the occasion being the first
quarter milestone of their wtdded lifts.
Tlio houso was tastefully tlecoralotl
with pnltcd nlnnts, cut ilowcra and
ferns. The houso was thronged with
friends. Mrs. Durlo was tho recipient
of many beautiful and useful glfis of
The members of the Ixdles' auxil
iary, O. I. A., to the B. It. 12. division,
No. S2, presented to Mrs. Dinie. a
handsome dinner set. lte-freshments
wero served at an eaily hour by Mrs.
Thomas Colemnn and the .Missea
Those piescnl were Air. and Mrs.
Charles Shores, of Havre, Pa.; Mr, and
Mr John La Prance, Mr. and Mrs.
Timothy Costello, Mr. and Mrs. Hamuel
Coleman, Mr. und Mrs. Valentine Hut
let", Mr. and Mrs. Harry llushnolt, Mr.
and Mis. William Hunford, Mr. and
Mrs. M. D. Farnhum. Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Shlffer, Mr. and Mis. John
Sone, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Ili-ownlng,
Mr. and Mrs. If. A. Hrounlng, Mr. and
Mrs. T. C. Miller, Dr. and Mis. C. .'.
Laubiich, Mr. and Mrs. John Troch,
Mr. und Mm. J. C. Hlghlleld, Mr and
Mrs. Charles Ciaragan, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Will
tird Lanlng, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Toomey, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Meldem
Mr. and Mrs. Ueorgc Carr. VVIr. and
Mrs. John Mart!!, Mr. unci Mr.Jcieorge
lillckcns, Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Staples, Mr. and
Mis. John I.oomls, Mr. and Mrs. Kd
ward Swartz. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Steven. Mr. anil Mrs. Frank Poole.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hand, Mr. ami
Mrs. i:. K. Crothtunel, Rev. nnd Mrs.
Tt. F. Y. Pierce, Mr. and Mis. J. T.
Ciordon, Mr. and Mrs. P. Welnsa, Mr.
and Mrs. George T. Ilurvoy. Mr. and
Mrs. C. P. Kslielman, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Brandow. Mrs. William J-iong and
daughter Lucy, Mia. Charles Seeley
and son George, Mrs. Mcrrltt Gardner,
Mrs. 1'dward Uarzlor and son, Mrs. J.
H. McPock nnd daughter, Mrs. George
Nape nnd daughter. Mis. John Wett
llns, Mr. Judson Long and mother,
Mrs. William Warner.
One Hundred and Twenty- ivo Men
Received Into Full Membetship.
Sermon by Father Kier'nan.
Thcie was ptesentcd last night at
St. Peter's cathedral a most Inspiring
speotacle, when 12i men wero lecclved
Into full membership. In the Holy
Name society and when over 200 more
weie received on probation, lo bo. ad
mitted to full membership In n year's
thus if they prove themselves wor-
Tho old membeis of the society, to
Kether with tho new members, num
bering altogether nearly 1,000, com
pletely tilled the pews on each side of
the con tor alslo and partly filled
those on the side nisle. A number of
hymns weie sung In it glorious vol
ume of voice, under tho direction of
llov. J. J. O'Uellly, who is the so
ciety's rplrltual clliector.
The seimon of the evening was de
HveiHil by Rev. Father Klernan. a
member of tho Dominican order, who
is stationed nt Washington. D. C. In
opening his lemaihs he explained that
he huil been present when the society
miis first oiganlscd, but that ho lind
not tho faintest Idea at that time Hint
It would grow to Its present wonder
ful proportions.
"St. Thomas Atiulnas." svtld h-,
"one of the greatest doctois of the
church, said that a society to bt de
serving of a namo should have a two
fold object or purpose. These two ob
jects must bo prlmui y and sscondaiy.
The pilmaiy object ust bo one
shall rciiulre tho united effoits of each
and oVery member to accomplish, and
tho sccondaiy object must bo one
which the Individual member can at-'
tain under the shadow of the society
"The Holy Name society has such a
two-lold object. U'm pilmary object
Is the honor and glory of tho holy nnd
'ornblo name of God. Thci secondary
"t or the something which tho
Individual can attain to, Is the salva
tion of his own Individual soul, under
tho banner of the Holy Name- society.
"Vou must bear In mind that you
do not ceaso to be men when you be
come members of tho Holy Name so
ciety. Your success will continue to
be mcasuicd, by the same standard of
success ns before. If you me going
to continue to be the exceptionally
successful organization which you
htne.been In the past, the Individual
members must lend their Individual
efforts towards futtherlng Its work.
Vou must be patient with your weaker
brethren. The strong mut lend en
couragement to those who may chance
to fall by tho wayside."
Tlio speaker then touched upon what
the name of Ood means, nnd said that
tlieto is no created Intelligence compe
tent to thoroughly undei stand Just
who or what Almighty Cod tiuly is or
what Ills name really signifies.
"Why Is It," said he, "that Cod does
not punish the sinful men who daily
nnd hourly dishonor Ills sacred name.
The lensoti, to my mind, that He doss
not, Is because Jesus Christ prays to
lllm ashing for yet a lltllo while for
the creatines He came on earth to
save. I'y the prayers of JesiiH Chrlat
the hands of (iod's veiiReance nro
stayed Is my firm belief as pi lest md
"While Christ Is thus eailng lor
us, He leaves His mime with us. It
Is woithy of all honor, all lovo and ell
ndorntlon, but this must come volun
tnrllv fiom the henrtd of men."
Paity Will Be Given Wednesday
Night at Knights of Columbus.
A progressive euchre party for the
benefit of 'the Green RldBe convent will
bo given Wednesduy night at tho
Knights of Columbus club rooms on
North Washington avenue.
A number of valuable articles have
been contributed to ho put up nspilzos.
To the Voteis of the 13th Waid.
I announce myself as candidate for
common council, subject to tho decision
or ttio Republican primary to bo held
Monday, tho 21st of January, between
7 and 8 p. in. In the Oeneral Phlnney
Hoso houso on Dickson avenue. Vote
for me. You won't regret It, us I am a
heavy taxpayer, It Is woithy your con
sideration, I don't think we want ti
man In council who has nothing at
stake. I havo no combination. I stand
on my own merits. Go and Inquhr.
Yours truly,
P. G. Krueirennan.
Weie Placed in Nomination by the
Members of Both Parties In Sev
eral of the Wards Candidates Weie
Namod for Additional Seats in the
Common Council Lively Contests
Took Place for the Nominations in
Several of the Wauls Coming Pil
mnrles. The Republican anil Democrats of
a nulnber of wards Satuulay came out
In goodly numbers with only u day's
notice, and nominated candidates for
tho seventeen common
councilman whom Mayor Molr believes
can be elected at the coming Kebtti
ii i. v election.
Six cuudldales fur common council
materialized In the Fourth waid, four
of whom have pievlously been seek
ing the ofnee. The two men named,
Kdwaul W. Searing, a miner, of lull
Price stteet, and Kvsm W. l'vniis, of
(ii" Robert com t. a foreman
at tlio Church mine, aie compara
tively unknown politically, although
they have resided In the ward many
The vote by districts ,wui-iiis fol
lows: ,
lMwrd W. Kr.iiln . . I
V.n W. Kwhh tl
pulil i(. Join i
Wallace U. Motor ....-'7
I) nli) L. Mortem )
llaltd 11. Thoinw It)
ill .Id. ctli. 'total.
IS 111 '1 m
)S iti (" JI7
ii r.i aj IV)
i!j at TJ )""
I li I .M
ai lo Ci l.'O
Albert Lewis, who was elected In the
Fifth ward, to till the unexpired term
of Charles Godshall, was really nomi
nated and elected at the special elec
tion to succeed Gotlshall both for the
short und long term, and he Is the
tegular nominee In consequence. The
now candidates named are 12. I,
ltobathan, of lfiG South Hyde Park
avenue, who foimeily repiesentcd the
ward In the common brunch, and John
'P. James, of UK! Fourteenth stieet, a
well-known teamster and member of
the West Sldo Republican club.
Benjamin GiillUhs and 1'dwln 0.
HUffhes also ran, but they weie dis
tanced by their younger competitor.
The -oto east In the four districts was
ns follows:
1st. ad. .".I. 4th 'lotal.
llobalhan SI .12 :IH 2'i l"l
James ',i il I. C. 1V1
Griffiths -ju ; n :;'i n:
llujlir r, a; 'jii ro
In the Fifteenth wurd, William
Lewis, of 1167 West Locust street, the
present leptcsentuttve In common
council, was named over T. Fellows
Mason, of South Main avenue, by a
majority of .1j votes. Both candidates
weie in the Held at the special elec
tion recently, when Lewis xan out.
The vote was large, considering the
cold weather, and, was as follows:
Jet. ed.
IowU IK. 47 li
Mason !U CI V,i
Thoso nominated In the two dlstilcts
ns election oillceis -were: First district,
John Shants, Judge of election; Mor
gan Davie?, Inspector of election; John
P. Williams, register of votets. Sec
ond dlstllct, Frederick. Leber, judge of
election: William , Caul, Inspector of
election; Samuel Williams, register of
Inasmuch as the Flghth waul In en
titled to no extra representation In the
common council, tho only candidates
for the election boards wore nominated
at tho Republican pilmailes. They
were as follows;
Tii.-t district Judio c.f election, .lmiplt liieen
l.tngei ; inspector, II. O llrvaiil; iijUtn of
uHcrsi, A. Itaub
Second dlstrlct-sludse of t lection. John Kauf
man; inspector, W. s Ditl; iciNtirnf enters,
Walter 111. lam.
In the Ninth ward, II. V. P.itne, thi
1 icseiit common councilman, nnd At
torney O. II. I'artildge were chosen as
the two Republican candidates for the
common council nominations. - Only
threo i an, the defeated candidate be
ing Peter N. Hann. The vote was is
1st. 2d r. 'inttl.
If. II. IMlne to )7 . lh)
(i. p. ramldici' ki ' m ij-i
1. X. Itian 'Ji 51 I. Vo
The following election olllcers weto
also nominated:
'mvt dlstllct Jiidire of election, 1. II. (aitei,
inspector, C. 1! Chittenden; ugblcf of cotei,
Jacob Daumen; tiirlliineit committee, W. II.
Tilpp, 1). II. Williams, 1". M. Vcinoy.
hecond district .ludae of t lection, ) II. Jail
win; intpector, P. silai) W.iltcH; leul.ter of
totcin, I) V, llronninir; tWH.ince committee,
William lies, frank .Stiles, 1". . Siudei.
Thltd elktiiet Judite of election, O II. w riant,
lic'IKctor, Stewart llulciilrison; l.vUtor of tut-J
er, G, I. Millet; vtKilnnee conimllfn, Charles
MeMeans, 1tU Vortlmp nnd (Jcorgo A Millet.
The Republicans of the Klelemli
waid held a Joint taucu-s In Athletic
hall nnd nominated Oscar Helrelgel as
a cnudldute to till 'the tegular vacancy
and John Lewert us the additional
candidate. Roth men weie uomlnuted
by acclamation, there being no oppo
sition. The following election olllcers
wro also nominated:
rirt dlftlitt JiieUn of election, i lurles Itose;
inspector of election, Charles Ilcler, iegi,trr ot
enter, John Iickus.
Coursen's 'Be?t" coffee to
be one of the finest coffees
the world produces it sells
at 35c per lb. We offer for
one week this coffee at
1 lb limit to introduce the
E. G. Com sen
."croud d lad let -Judge of eletllnn, Wllllifni
ll(iitlri) Inspector, I re J I'Micr, irgUtrr nt
ulnr, I'lnllp Muter.
On Fililay nltfht last the Democrat?
caucused and chose Fred Phillips, the
piescnt councilman, as u. candidate to
succeed himself, and Chailes (1. Iltar
as the additional candidate.
The Democrats" of tho Thlitccuth
ward held a caucus Haturdny la Alder
man Bailey's oillce und noiiUnated J.
J. MoTnijue nnd Daniel Pace as candi
dates for the common council. Tho
following election otlleets wera nomi
nated: I'lfat illatrlcl linl.'f ol election, lHiry l.t;
lii'Kitnr, I'lilllp llradltK ri,ller ol otrt,
Jamct TompUlni.
Second district JuJkc of election. Mllllam
Caddrtij lnpeclor, Jai itn tloclic ; leglilcr of
oter, Michael ltarney.
Ililrd dUtrlct Jitdse of election, .latiiM lU-ej
Inspector, .1. T. I'lilllip,; rmller of otrr,
Jolnu C. l.lder.
Matthias Stlpp was nominated by
the Itepubllcnns of the Seventeenth
wind ns the cnudldute for additional
common tounr'llmnn, defeating Attor
ney AV. S. lllelil. The vote wus us fol
lows: MnllliUs Mlip )i'
W ! Hielil 65
Tim Republicans of the Nineteenth
ward choso W. J. Hnillh, the pres
ent common councilman as n candi
date for re-election to mcceed him
self, and nominated William Jnnssen
and Jacob Cotdler as candidates for
additional common couucllmen.
The Republicans of the Thltteonth
wntd will conduct o Joint caucus In
tlm Oeneial Phlnney lhiglne house this
afternoon, between the hours of 4 and
r o'clock, to nomlunte one additional
ciiidldate for common councilman.
The Republicans of the Second watd
will nomlunte three candidates for
common council Imluy between the
horns of t and 7 p. m nt the legular
polling places. Tlio leturn judges will
meet at S o'clock In Aldeiman Myois
otllce to canvais the result. The fol
lowing candidates are icglstered: C.
V. Teiw llllger, James 1J. Casteillno,
Harry (I. Davis, lsuttc R. ICdwaitls
nnd Thomaw J. Snowden. D. R. Ath
crton, boeretaiy of the board of trade,
Is nlo a caiulldtite.
Tlie liemociats of ihe Nineteenth
ward will conduct a mucus today be
tween the bonis of I and 7 o'clock, at
the homo of John C. Dlpiue, on Alder
street, to nominate two candidates for
common council. Charles ilraf and
John Main aio mentioned for the noml
Annual Banquet of the Bonid of
Trado Will Be Made Memor
able on That Account.
Tonight's annual buuiiict ef the
boiuil of tiade will be memouib.e for
Its list of distinguished guests. If for
no other cause. The chief executive of
the commonwealth, Hon. AVilllum A.
Stone, and United States Senator Holes
I'cniosrt base both given lato assur
ances that they will be present, nnd
all of the Judges of the Supeilor couit,
tho judges of the local courts, Con
gressman IleniyW. Palmer, of Wilkes
Dane, and Mayor James Molr will ulso
The dinner will begin at 7.uU o'clock.
At Its conclusion the board will have
a brief business session, tit which (the
annual addtess of President J. -.
Ionising nnd annuul lepoit of Sccie
taiy D. P.. Atherton will ho heard, and
oftlceis for the ensuing jear elected.
This being over with, President Lans
ing will Introduce James H. Tortey as
toastmaster and tho speechmaklngwlll
Mayor Molr will aespond to the toast
"Our City;" Governor Stone to "Our
Commonwealth;" Senator Pom use to
"Our Nation," and Congie.ssman Pal
mer to "Tho Sister Cities."
Tho dinner, meeting nnd speeclnnak-
Ing will all take place In the board of
trade assembly room. O'Nell will serve,
Rnuer will furnish music anil (Mail; Is
One vi nor Stone and Senator Pemoe
will airlvc at li.L'O o'clock p. in., by way
of tho Delawttio and Hudson ionil.
They will be met at the etatlon by a
committee of the board of trade and
escoited to the Jermyi). A shoit In
formal reception will be tendeied them
and the other guests pievlous to tho
It Will Open in the Mears Building
on Apiil 1.
Th," new bank to be opened In
Serantou this spring will bo known as
the People's bank. At a meeting of
the shareholders recently, am oigan-
Isatlnn was effected by the election of
the following boaid of dhectors, viz.:
". D. Jones, G, F. Reynolds, Thomas
Spiague, Samuel Sumter, Ricluuil
O'i'trlen, M. J. Henley, T. Cramer Von
Storch, Arthur Dunn, A. 31. Waunnn,
M. r. Caiter. C. S. Woolworth and Dr,
AV. tl. Fulton. Among Its stockhold
eis, besides thobo mentioned ubove.
arc L H. Sluiges, John T. Richards,
F. S. Godficy, Dr. D. A. Capwell. W.
D. Kennedy, C. P. Davidson, F. L.
Peck. P. r. Carter, Peter Stlpp, H. H.
Crnver and Dr. I. F. Hveihatt.
The ofllceis of tho b ink nro; Cyrus
D. Jones, president; O, F. Reynolds,
vice piesldent, and 11. M. Ives, cash
ier. Thi corner stoic room In tint Mears
building has been leased for a period
of ten years. The exterior will ha re
modelled by making tho entrances on
Washington uenuo even with tho rest
ot the building. Te interior will be
thoroughly equipped throughout with
fixtures which will compare with any
of the banks of the city. It has been
the aim of tho bank to make tho com
position of ltu stockholders and dliec
tots as truly repiesentatlve ns tho
namo Implies. Tho standing of tho
men who compose the stockholders
and dhectors Is too well and loo fa
vorably known to need nnv comment.
hero, sulllce to say they lusuio tho f
stability nnd tho success of the in
stllutlon. Tho doors wilt bo opened
for business about April 1,
Mr, Ives, the new cashier, has had
a long esperienco In banking, having
been eleeu years with tho Sailugs
Hank and Trust company, and four
yeats ns paying teller at the Traders
National bank.
To the Public.
Wo (leslm to Inform tho public that
In this nionth wo sell our Rugs at tho
sumo prices that wo luivo paid for
them. Uuy your Rugs now and you
will huvu tho full benellt of our prollts.
124 Washington avenue. Mlrhuelltin
At Least the Union's Committeemen
Aio Firmly of That Opinion Con
foienee with General Manager Sll
llman President Claik Will Come
Here Wednesday Powell Caao Has
Adjusted Itself Compromise Like
ly in the Case of Keller and Seeley.
Grip Makc3 Necessary the Hiring
of M&uy Men.
It Is the firm opinion of the com
mittee of the street car employes'
union that till of the tlllllcultles yet
existing between the men und the
company will bo amicably adjusted.
The opinion is born of the conference
which ihe committee had with anneial
Manager Sllllman Saturday. He re.
eclved them very cordially and by In
lereuce, rather than by direct words
made them feel assured that the
agreement submitted to him would le
celvo his signature.
The only clause of tho agi cement
which caused blin to hesitate In at
taching his signature, was tlm newly
Inseited onu to the elteet that no man
will bo employed ns a conductor, mo-
tot man or bat 11 hand who Is not 11
member of tho union. Mr. Sllllman
said this was homothlng which 'ho
would wish to have Piesldent Clark's
opinion on before he would take de
finite action finis, asked that the com
mittee give him until Thursday to
make nnswer. President Cluric will
one heie Wednesday and the answer
will be foithcomlng the following day.
The, meeting of the union called for
yesterday morning, to tecelve the
committees leport, was accordingly
postponed until next Frldtiy morning.
It Is thought that a compromise will
be niatlo regarding Keller nnd Seeley,
the two men wito woiked during the
strike and against whom tho opera
tions of the clause tiro particularly
tlliected. Keller will be lecelved into
the union, but Seeley will havo to b
taken from the ranks of the cur men,
the union being detei mined not lo ad
mit him to membership because he
Joined nnd took tho pledge the night
before the t-trike. and 'four hours
later broke II so It Is alleged, by tak
ing out a cut.
The caso of ex-Dispatcher Charles
Powell has sattled Itself. Mr. Powell
declares he will not go back to tho
company's employ, even If Invited to
do so, he having secured another nnd
better position.
Tho report that the men have been
cuued grave anxiety by the notion, of
the company In hiring mote new men
than, apparently, are necessary to per
mit of the new schedule being put In
opeiaUmi, Is without foundation.
The company had forty men on Its
extra list. The now schedule would give
permanent employment to all these
and a few more. The grip, however,
has incapacitated thirty-three of the
regular men und a. a consequence a
whole new force of extra men has had
to be employed. Even at that, the ser
vice U crippled to no small extent, no
less than seon cars having to bo laid
olf Saturday, two on the Carboudale
line, two on the. Nay Aug line, one on
the Bellevue-Stone nvenue line und
two 011 the West Seranton-Dunmore
The new schedule" Is meeting with
almost unanimous of the
men. In some cases a man will have
to worit thirteen hours one day and
seeu the next. Instead of ten hours
slralghl a day, but In cases like this,
tho inns are so arranged that on the
alternate short day the men will work
the seven hours straight In the middle
of the day, theieby giving them op
portunity for a long sleep both before
and aftep the long day.
Will Be Given Tuesday Night in
Music Hall.
Roues will clatter and tambourines
will tinkle at Music hall tomorrow
evening, when membeis of the Junger
Mnunneichoi wilt give a minstrel show.
The following men will appear: City
Ticasurer V. J. Robinson, lntctlocutor;
Jacob F.mlck, Fred Phillips, Cus Rep
ei l. Otto J, Robinson, John Kempher,
August Gelger, Charles Schench, John
Hahn, tambourines: William Smith,
William Plqkus, Chailes IJeighausor,
John Stoeber, Fred I Ion nun, Peter
Murker, Fred Ileint', Joseph Kmig,
Chorus William lierghauser, Will
iam Rudenbach, Chuiles Dleslng, Al
fied Outheinz, Joseph Heliiegel, An
thony Harper, Henry Kelper. Frank
Koehler. William Kaelke-, Charles O.
Lewert, Ed waid Kannengue.sser, Tlieo-
It is necessary to dispose of
odds and ends (in furnishings
and hats) that accumalate
duiing a season, thus keeping
our stocl: Ui'-'IO-DA'Jt' and al
ways fresh.
Commencing today we will
hAl.liS, continuing each Mon
day for the next six weeks,
making a special run on one
article each week.
Our fcpeelul for today lb -
wear. lsOige flowing, end Im
perials lOngllsh squares but
terlly ties, made from the finest
Impoitcd silks, one elollnr hind,
All flfty-tHlt Imperial. I'oui-lii-hands,
and Ruttcifly Ties,
35c, 3 for $1.
Special lot ot lUty-cunt Im
pel l.ils nnd Hat-wing Ties,
flpWMMnt. "s'
"An Ounce of Prevention
Is Worth a Pound of Cure."
you can feel sure you have a perfect safe
guard against the effects of the
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave
dove Lewert, I'lilllp Low art, Will n
Maun, George Mutts, Henry .loie 1
inann, William Moser, Fred Rl i e
Michael Roth, Henry Relf, Paul Clr.n
metm, John Schmidt, Jacob Si-hunk,
Fred Schunk, Cluiiles Stoebor, John J.
Snyder, Charles Sprandle, A. West
Pfahl, George Wlrth, Wllllnm Zlesmer,
Plt?r Zang.
Got About $1,500 Worth of Jewels
in tho Residence of A. R. Rnub
on Jeffeisou Avenue.
The itisldeiice of A. 11. R.tttb, tit SIT
.luffersou avenue, was enteicd by a
sneak thlof at 2 o'clock yesterday af
ternoon and jewels to the valuo of be
tween $1,200 mitt $1,S00 stolen. There
was no one hi the house at the time
but Mrs. Raub, a Judy about sixty
years of age, and she did not lit at- ths
movements of the thief.
!As In lite other mysterious rabbet 1ms
in tho hill lately, tho unknown exhl i
ted remarkable familiarity with ill
interior of the house. He made straiKh'
for the room containing the buicMU
and proceeded to ransack the dtuwe s
and the Jewel cases. Kvldently he was j
frightened away before completing his
Investigation, for several valuable in- i
tides were ovet looked. '
Miss Elizabeth Raub was the luxt '
one to leave th house. She left shot t- '
ly before 2 o'clock, und did not leatn'i
of the robbery until about t o'clock. '
She made u hurried examination of the i
ransacked drawers, nnd hturled lo
police headquarters.
Among tho articles stolen weie two
golel watches and chains tliue dia
mond ringo, four bracelets, one con
taining a four-leaf clover set with dia
monds, one bow knot gold ring, pin set
with three pearls, pin with cluster ot
diamonds, an opal ring set with three
diamonds, nn emerald set with seeral
small diamonds.
Miss Raub believes that the thief
oiw whsre she placed tho key upon
leaving the house and watched his op
portunity. Presumably he was ac
quainted with the house and the lutbits
of Its occupants, for he succeeded In
entering the room where the Jewels
were kept without alarming Mts.Ruub.
A Cold Snap on Saturday but Tem
peratuie Rose Yesterday.
The tlrst ie.U genuine winter's
weather which the citizens of this city
have experienced during ihe pie.-ent
.season they experienced all day Sat
uiday and estly yesterday morning.
The thermometer on Saturday morn
ing registered Just 20 degrees above
zero. Shoitly after that hour a furious
gale sprang up, tha wind attaining a
velocity of thltty-four miles an hour
This bioughl the thermometer hi two
hours down to six degiees above zero
and it continued around this tlguie nil
day until evening when II fell, regis
tering Just zero at S o'clock.
It temalned practically stationary all
night and nt 7 o'clock yesteiduy mottl
ing icglstered ono degieo below. The
tun came out and the mercury grad
ually rase until nt 8 o'clock last night
It ntood at 28 degiees above. The rise
In tho temperature was due, according
lo Weatheiman Donaldson, to the
wind's changing to the southweM.
in All
Clarke Bros
Pierce's Market, Penn Aygi
W't Mukr a iprclilty of fjucy Cifanur.t I
tcr artel tttlctly (trsh cicvi and tha prieo i
low aj first Ua gooiU can ti aolel at,
Wo eio not liats any ipuclal aalra or tenure
but at all tlnifi carry c compute a line ul
Market Coods. 1'Jiicy nroccrlea anil Table Utlli-a.
clf as can be found In l),e larerit Vaw York
or I'litladelplila llarkita which t aril at rljht
price a.
W. H. Pierce,
! LtrkawanDa Ana.
rtoroijt dell) (
no, in, in rem x.
A Way's
Is tlio popular throat
protector this season.
Put on in :t minute,
fa.steus nl tlio back
of the neck us ctwily
siH your glove iioes
around your wrist.
25c up.
305 Lacka. Ave.
UifK.1 'ul .Isilcit, 2y,,
lleitc . . . . . . .
l'e'UIMI l.llllli "lllll llJlllh" col-
Ijr ai tt trtiisr, I"iU; now .
!' J n in'. .b,li I, ;;.(),
Mini. Jc, Sii In. ilrip, yW
ilinl; Crc, .10 itieli .licj., s75;
Martin ( jpe, :n li.i Ii c!ff, ."i;
Mai tin Ciipr, 37 Imli ileii, Mil;
Efjtcr C'jpr, 27 hull ilerp, $73;
I.lccttle Ptal, Martin dimmed, 30
Inch dfeii, iIJ; nntv
r.locltlc scai, ,,uin, so;
f.le-ctrU', (jljin, JJ5;
note . .
l.lccttlu .Seal, . rlsin, f-0
Ml rlotli ( lKi, ('rail and Suit. It (Mltl?
rttmrrcl prices
F. L. Crane,
324 Lackawanna Ave.
Raw Furs Bought. Furs Repaired.
The Popular Place
whore you are bound to get your
money's -worth. This store without
n bargain -would be like a plum, pud
dinp without plums. Today's bai
gnins nia
53.00 Carpet Swcepets for $2.45
S'.50 Cnipot S eepeis for $1.98
Foote & Fuller Co
Mcars Building.
A Most
This sale has been a wonder
ful suceet"--. Today wet begin
the third and hist week.
All lenialnhig otitis and ends
plenty of them nro given, deep
er reductions. This means price
out of the ordinary honest,
cleon-tut values cmlte a little
more than your money's worth,
Reed Rocker
l.aige Ann Reed Iloeker.sfull
i oil, easy aims, fancy pattern
buck, durable und comfortable.
Regular value Vi.'".
January f'lenn Sweep Salt
$3.98. j
CREDIT Your certainly:
V. 22l-223-225-227WyomlBg Are