:F . THE SOUANTON TRIBUNE- MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1901. Communications of a news nature, per sonals and all Items for publication may be left at The Trib une's new offices In the Burke Building, or sent by mall or 'phone. JACK FROST'S 2BANKS. He Does a Great Amount of Damage In Stores and Dwellings, "Get the plumber! The pipes are frozen," wa3 the universal cxclama tron yesterday moi-nlnn when folks who enjoy an extra hour In bed on Sunday mornings, sj.ive vent to on going1 ito the realms downstairs to prepare breakfast. Many houses In every section of the town had been visited during the night by Jacl: Frost, and the plumbers reaped a rich harvest during the day and far Into the evening. The suddenness of the rxtromo cold snap caught household ers unawnres and the usual precau tions to prevent the water pipes from freezing wero not taken, In most case. HrrakfttHts and dinners were late In many prlvnte and boarding houses, and the customary morning bath3 had to bo "cut out" of the Sunday's pro Krammn In lots of Instances, while o, man olad In greasy overalls and Jack et, with a smell of rosin and burning v:asti about tilrn. Invaded the pre cincts Barrel to the housewife or tua hired alrl. and pocked and prodded and hammered In an exasperating niPthodlcal manner on resounding tubes wherein w.is congealed the hiiiisohold supply of water. The Olobo stoie was Inundated dur ii5 the night or early morning by an n erflow from a burst water pipe and within the store the drip of the water landed Impartially on goods plied on i;lilve! and counters from tho front of the store tti the tear. The stock was badly damaged by the flood and In everv department the destruction was urcut. The damace was not confined to the main floor, but the water found Itr. way down to the cellar, drenching the goods stored there. It Is quite probable that the sign now ornament ing the windows advertising n clear ing snle. will give way In a day or so to some of a more recent origin, some thins like this: "Saved from the Flood T Washed floods Going! Every Variety of Watered Silks! Everything In Stock Damaged Hut the Sponges." Dr. Walter Spencer, the dentist, sized up the weather on Saturday night and concluded not to tato a ihnneo on his water pipes freezing, so he left the tap turned on his faucets and the water trickeld fortli In a- gen tle stream all night. But he failed to take one Item Into account, and that was tho waste water pipe. After the mercury had got lost In the bulb of the thermometer, during tho night, the. waste pipe became filled with frozen water and the water commenc ed to overflow the sink and drip and flow over the edge onto the floor. From there It found Its way downstairs into The Fair, and the front part of that ntnre was soon turned Into a good sized skating rink, greatly to the Im pairment of tho value or the goods there. Nor was this all. Jong icicles formed on the front door and lovingly clung to the plato plans front and as they hugged tighter to the pane, they pressed In until a crack was rh'cn diagonally across the front of the Klass. Considerable damage can bo munled upon when Inventory of the rrislr outlay required to make good U taken. At the First Methodist Episcopal church thu water motor, which fur nished the power for the pipe organ, was Incapacitated by the frost, and tho organist had a rest at tho morn ing service. The water froze in the tubes and no melody was forthcoming. The choir wont back to primitive methods In consequence. The choris ter, W. V. Evans, pitched' the key of the tune and the congregation Joined In the singing arter he had gotten un cUt leeway. Ho did excellently In most of the hymns, but on one occa sion ho started In too low, and the bassos growled away down In the sub cellars of their vocal chords, while tho tenors developed "frogs" nnd hoarse ness, the altos hemmed and hawed appenllngly nnd the sopranos had nn etbv time of it. It was exceeding'' like" the "good old times" our daddies tell jus of, before the ban on musical inrtrunients In the churches was lifted, in the evening the services partook of their usual character musically, the frost being compelled to vacate. Election of Germnnia Officers. The Ciermanla Singing society held ti business meeting yesterday afternoon In their rooms In the Keystone Block. The folowlng officers were chosen for th next year, all being re-elected: A. rierhardt, president: Adolph Brunner. vlre president: August Nlesen. secre tary: Carl Boeslger, treasurer, nnd .Monty Uuchart, financial secretary. Tho society had such a gratifying nic eties with their recent masquerade ball that yesterday they decided to have Another dance of the ISth of February, without the masquerade feature, how ever. Professors Fifth and Collins will have elrargo of tho music of this com ing event. William J. Perry Dead. Word was leeelved In this city yes terday or the death of William J. Per ry, who died In Green Hldge yesterday afternoon of pneumonia. Mr. Ferry was a resident of this city until a short time ago, nnd before his removal was employed by Joseph B. Vnnnnn. Ills wife Is the daughter of Mr. nnd Mr-s. Robert Holland, of Clrkctt street. While living here Mr. Perry resided at 70 Belmont street. The funeral ser vices will be held on Tuesday nnd tho body will bo brought to Cnrbondnle for Interment. Besides his wife ho Is sur vived by two children Cold Weather Hurt Receipts. The cold weather of Saturday night was felt at tho box ofllce of the Clrond, where Tommy Shearer and his com Mpy were playing their final cngage mnt. The audiences had been good 11 wk, but on this evening the at tendance was so small that one of the comedians requested all the people down stairs to como and sit nn tho front row. Tonight's Entertainment. Tho Ladles' Homo Missionary socl- DkBuII'sN " .... .11 TtsrAat anil T iih IflMilnnt. ' Cure all Throat and Lubk Affections. COUGH SYRUP Cctthexi SalriwoaOMn CcttheKCBUine. KtnissaaiMiHUMi. SUREX Salrlwoa OH sum Wsia. if tk f cte. CARBONDALE DEPARTMENT oty of the First Methodist church will hold their dlmo entertainment this evening In tho lecturo rooms of tho church. The programmo printed in The Tribune on Saturday morning de notes that nn exceptional musical und literary treat, considering the low price of tho tickets, Is In store for thoso who attend. Hegardless of tho feeling toward foreign missions, every well-wisher and student of ethics Is agreed that tho homo mission move ment Is ono well worthy of encourage ment, und to attend this entertainment Ih to give a llttlo propelling force to an object In tho highest degree salu tory. THE POOL TOURNEY. Twenty-Six Games Out of Forty Eelght In the First Series Played. But ono game was played on Satur day evening In the pool tournument at the Carbondale Cycle club. It was won by C. H. Smith from Dr. Day. Good progress was made during the past week in tho tournament, 26 out of the 48 games constituting the first series having1 been rolled. All of the entries have now played but Foster and Rob erts, and this week will see a narrow ing down of the contest, seven men having lost two games each. Three games lost disqualifies u player. The complete standing of tho players to date Is os follows: Cl iss. Won. Lost. Benton o 2 Swindle 1 ,1 0 itcwatt 2 2 1 Morgan 2 0 1 J. II. Itccto 2 o 2 Itoole 2 10 ,1. 0. ltcce 2 2 t K:u.p :i l 1 Part, :: 1 II Dolby :i 2 I) Manner.! !S 0 2 Day :: o 2 Singer :i 1 iiriggs n 1 0 James .. s 1 1 Humphrey s 2 0 Ilonnlc "11 Strickland :: 0 t C.ilhool :i 2 n MacMilhn I a 0 Crane 4 11 2 Dllchburn 4 0 2 Kutherford I 0 1 Moon 4 0 2 W. Smith I 1 Clifford t 1 0 Mitchell 1 1 1 C. U. Smith I o Wy '! " 1 curry 3 1 U Tonight there are five games sched uled, viz.: Foster vs. Derby, Hoole vs. Rcnnlo, Strickland vs. Dltchburn, Knnpp vs. W. A. Smith, Benton vs. Scurry. TWO PERFORMANCES. Matinee nnd Evening Performances at the Grand on Thursday. The A'Joshu.i. Slnipklns." company, with two brass bands and splendid or chestra, will be seen at the Grand next Thursday afternoon and evening. Tho character sketches aro suld to be very clever, uhllo there Is an abundance of good music, singing and dancing in the piece. Thoso lovable old country char acters aro Introduced, and their say ings and doings create much amuse ment. The company comes to us rec ommended as a good one throughout. The caw-mill scene In the third act is said to be wonderfully realistic. Specal prices will prevail for this en gagement, as follows: Matinee, chil dren, ten cents; adults, twenty cents; evening, ten, twenty and thirty cents. TO GIVE A CONCERT. Syraphony Club to Givo Ono for the Woraen'u Relief Corps. The members of the Lackawanna Symphony clirb are hard at work on several new numbers for tho concert which will be given under tho auspices of tho Women's Relief corps at Cam brian hall on tlm 29th. Professor A. P. Thomas is training the male quar tette which has proved such a popular feature In the club's concerts. Tho members of tho qunrtetto nre Frank i:ibrecht, Ambrose and Edward Battle and Willis G. Jones. Got a Snow Bath. A young couple were out slclghrld ing this morning, but their pleasure wan brought to a sudden end by a mishap which occurred on Church street. Tho young man attempted to turn the hoi-no from between tho street car tracks. Ono runner, however, caught against the rail and tho young people found themselves scrambling around in tho snow. The man hung on to the lines nnd prevented a run away. Miss Kilpatrick Improving. Mayor J.W. Kilpatrick was In Scran ton on Saturday visiting his daughter, Miss May, who is still contlucd to Dr. Thomson's private hospital ns n result of her recent operation for appendicitis. Miss Kilpatrick Is doing very nicely and Is so much Improved that sho was able to sit up for a short lino while her father was visiting her. Meetings Tonight. Common council. Olive Leaf lodge, No. 1GC, I. O. O. F. Federal union, No. ,201. Young Men's Institute.1 Patriotic Order Sons of America. Dime entertainment M. n. church. Postponed. Tho open session of the Knights of Father Mnthew, which was to have been held yesterday nfternoon has been postponed until tho ft rat Sunday In February. Was Fishing. H. O. Watrous, esq., has returned from a couple of days' fishing. Ho was well supplied with evidence ot his skill ns a disciple of Isaak Walton. A Convention. The Honesdale district ot the Kp worth league will convene at Forest City February 4 and B. Friends at Tea. Mrs. Frank E. Dennis enlei tallied a large party of friends at a 6 o'clock tea on Saturday evening. Theatrical. Thursday (Two performances) "Joshua, Slmpklns." EX. Hatfield, man ager of the Carbon dale edition, will be pleased to receive callers seeking Infor mation or desirous of Imparting It. Tele phone numbers: New a86: old, 0423. AT THE CHURCHES YESTERDAY. Special Features at Some of tho Lead ing Places of Worship. At tho First Congregational church yostordny the pastor, llev. M. C. El liott, preached both In tho morning and evening to n well-filled auditorium. In tho morning he took for his subject "liovo to tho Uttermost." In tho even ing ho repeated, by request, tho mas terly sermon lie preached last summer, upon "Ulght nnd Wrong Thoughts." Tho music at the church last evening was finely rendered. Tho choir has Bono through some changes during tho past week. Among tho new acquisi tions Mr. Daniel Duffy as tenor and Mr. August Nlesen as basso were noted. Tho new director, John Nny lor, Is confined to his room und Miss Irene Daly served ns substltuto in a very capable manner. At tho Bcrean Baptist church, Rev. Dr. Whalcn spoke in tho morning upon tho theme "Tho Privileges of Churvh Membership." In tho afternoon ho Journeyed to Forest City nnd preached there, returning to this city In time to preach In his own church In tho evening upon tho subject, "Christ as a Preacher." At St. Paul'n Lutherun church, tho pastor, Rev. F. Ehrlngcr, discoursed on married life, taking for the Utlo of his Berrnon "Two Ways of Enter-Ins Married Life: With or Without Christ," lu accordance with tho gospel lesson for tho day from St. John, 11:1 11 versos. BROKE HIS LEG. Patrick Kllhullen Injured in a Friendly Wrestling Match. It Is safe to say that Patrick Kll hullen. moro familiarly known as "Doc," v III desist from wrestling in tho future, when ho wants a llttlo fun. Sat urday evening ho nnd Frank McCann with others were in Cheevers Brothers' restaurant on South Main street. The talk settled down to n dlscusblon of wrestling and the two young men named above finally agreed to have a friendly match. They doffed coats nnd hats and were soon wrestling about tho room. They seemed to be very evenly matched and tho first round re sulted with honors even. The struggle continued when suddenly Kllhullen ut tered u cry of pain and his opponent loosened his hold. Tho Injured man complained of his leg nnd being un able to stnnd on it a surgeon was called who, after art examination, nrmounced that the bone had been broken Just above tho ankle. A cab was called and tho injured man was conveyed to his home where the member was dressed. It Is needless to say that each of the contestants greatly regret tho accident. To Hear Complaints. Tomorrow night tho board of revis ion and appeal of taxes will resume its sittings, which wero discontinued on Thursday evening last. The Fourth ward taxpavers will bo heard tomor row night, thoso of tho Fifth ward on Wednesday night and tho complain ants from tho Sixth ward on Thurs day evening. Tho meetings will begin at 8 p. m., and no decisions will bo an nounced until nil the hearings have been heard. It Is ald there uro moro complaints In store than the board lias yet received. Has Seen Some Fighting. A letter has been received from Samuel Sears, who is In tho volunteer army corps now stationed In tho Phil ippines. Ho mentions that he has seen and converged with Edward Scott, a Carbondalo boy, who is nlso stationed there. Mr. Sears describes several small engagements in which he was 11 participant, and has some interest ing tilings to nay concerning tho man ners and customs of the people. Ho Is unxlously uwaltlng his discharge, how over. Changes of Residence. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Hill have re moved from Chestnut avenue to Wilkes-Barre, where the former has secured lucrative employment. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Uoughcr, of Olyphant, have removed to this city and are oc cupying the residence vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Hill. The latter arc well and favorably known and their departure will be keenly regretted, but the esti mable people who will occupy their for mcr homo will recelvo a hearty wel come. A Wlso Woman. Tho engagement of this company at tho Grand opera house gives promise of being tho most Important musical comedy event of the senson. The play, which Is In three acts. Is so construct ed as to give scope for the Introduc tion of specialties, and from the re views seen of tho production these fea tures uro said to bo of a very superior order. The Basket Social. A special meeting of tho Carbondale canton, Patriarchs Militant, will bo held this evening to mako final ar rangements for their basket social and entertainment, to be held on Thursday evening, to celebrate the first anniver sary of their organization. Tho pro grammo of tho entertainment will bo printed In this paper In a day or two. Will Go to Housekeeping. Mr. and Mis. Randolph F. Mason will go to housekeeping In the near future, It Is said, occupying tho Hughes house on Salem avenue. The Passing Throng. John McDonnld was in Scranton over Sunday. Henry Bonn, of Blnghamton, is In town for a low days. P. Frank Carpenter spent Sunday with York state friends. Mies Gertrude Smith, of Belmont street, Is on the sick list. Miss May McNIcol, of Olyphant. Is visiting Mrs. Louis Potter. Miss Elizabeth Early Is III with quinsy at her homo on Plko street. Miss Lucy Rogers, of Scrnnton, spent Sunday with friends In town. Mies Lucy House, of Wnymnrt, Is visiting her sister, Mrs, A. E. Meyors. 1'. F. Lynch, of Battle avenue, has been very ill with tho grp for three weeks. Mrs. W. ' D. Orr, who has been spending several days with Carbon- dale friends, lms returned to her home In Calkins, Wayne county. John Nnylor, of thu Metropolitan Life Inruranco company, is confined to his room by Illness. II. O. Watrous yesterday took charga of Trinity church Sunday school, ho being tho new superintendent. I. K. Wood, of Los Angeles, who has been In this city Several Bays on business, started for his WJ-stern homo on Saturday evening via the Eric flyer. Miss Laura Xenlorr, of Olyphnnt, who has been tho guest of her couslrr, Mies Cella McAndrew, of Battle ave nue, for tho pust week, spent yester day In Forest City. OLYPHANT. Dwiiocrtitlo primaries wero held in both the First and Third wards on Saturday evening. In tho First ward tho result was ns follows: Council, M. J. Xealon, 101: Thomas Reddlngton, 3li. School director, E. J. Howard. 80; M. M. Xealon, 23; John Walsh, 23. As sessor, Jnrucs Collier, 74: Edward Me Glnty, 53. P. J. Farrcll Svua elected auditor without opposition, us was nlso Michael Cannon for Judgo of election, and Domlnlck Howard for Inspector. A great deal of dissatisfaction Is ex pressed by tho defeated candidates, who claim they wero counted out. An ' inaepenuoni ticuet wur riKery oe 1110 outfit, Folley Jumped and landed upon result, his side on a heap of. rocks. The ten- Two councllmen wero nominated in dor of the engine crashed Into tho tho Third ward, M. J. O'Hnllornn for horses, killing them both. The wagon three years and Thomas Robinson. Jr., -was badly wrecked. Ono of the horses for two- years. Lewis Boyle, of Marsh- was dragged a considerable distance, wood, was nominated ns school dlrec- Tho crossing where tho accident oc-t0T- curred Is a very dangerous one. Tho Ropubllcnn primaries will bo held in Delaware, Lackawanna and Western tho Fourth ward at tho usual polling tracks pass by tho breaker within a place, between the hours of 4 and 7 p. ; few feet. When the breaker Is run in. Tuesday. nlng It is impossible to hear nn nu Frank Fallon, son of Thomas Fallon. proachlng train." This Is tho third ne of Susquehanna street, had his leg cldrnt of n similar nature that has broken whllo at work In No. 2 mlno of occurred within a few years at the tho Delaware nnd Hudson company on I crossing, ono of which was fatal. Saturday. The locomotive owned by tho Mount The funeral of Harry Brlstley, son I Jossup Coal company collided with nn or Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hristiey. or Blakelr, who died on Thursday, was held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The remains were taken to the Pres byterian church, where tho funeral rer vlces wero held. The body repood in a beautiful lavender casket, surround ed by a large number of lloral offer ings. The auditorium of tho church was filled with friends of the voting man. Rev. B. F. Hammond, the pas tor, conducted the service und preached a beautiful and touching sermon. He spoke of the Christian life of the de ceased nnd of the high esteem In which ho was held by his acquaintances. In conclusion, tho funeral cortege moved slowly to Union cemetery, wheru In terment was made. The pall-bcarcrs wore William Matthews, Edwin Kings ley, Daniel Matthews, Edward Mat thew s, William Wlddowtleld and George Matthews. The flower-bearers were C. W. Houscr and John Moore. Mr. and Mr-s. John J. Jordan have moved Into their now residence in Blakcly. A llttlo daughter has arrived at the homo of Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Jenkins, of Lackawanna street. JERMYN AND A.AYFIELD. An unoccupied dwelling house on the East Side, the property of John Mc Goff, was destroyed by lire on Satur day evening. The lire was discovered itbout S o'clock and an alaim nt once sounded. Tho Arteslnns and Crystals both responded but on occount of the nearest lire plug being frozen and the delay In getting conectlon with an other plug tho fire had obtained such a llrm hold that It was impossible to save the property from complete de struction. As there was no one living In or near tlio house nt the time It seems probable that It was purposely set on fire. Tho lots will fall henvlly on the owner, who can led but a very smnll Insurance on tho property. Tho Democrats of the Third ward held their caucus Saturday evening and placed tho following ticket In nom ination: Councilman, three years, Da vid Sullivan; one year, John Cnhaney; school director, P. H. Colins; assessor, John J. Clark: Judgo of election, Mat thew Leslie; Inspector, W. G. McClos key. There Is quite an Improvement in the condition of tho little child of Mr. nnd and Mrs. Eugene Avery, who has been critically 111. Councilman Davis, who has icpre sented tho First ward for the past six years and whose term Is up lu Febru ary, Is a candidate for renomlnatlon. John Humphreys Is also seeking the nomination. Ontario and Wester tr Station Agent DeGrnw, of Poyntelle, was in town yes terday. Mrs. John Burke, of Carbondale, was a visitor heie yesterday. Miss Jennie AVhceler, of North Main street, has lately been bequeathed a valuable seventy-acro farm and other ulunblo property In Bradford county, TAYLOR. The Tuylor Hose company, No. 1, will hold their annual masqueiado ball ut Weber's rink on Thursday, February 27. As this ball Is ulwnys regarded as ono of tho Jolllest social events of tho year, Us coming Is looked forward to with pleasure by many. This year tho boys expect to Introduce some new fea tures. Tho muscular young men of our bo rough nre maulfcbtlng much Interest In basket ball. On Friday evening un excellent gumo was witnessed nt Fal lon's rink, The contest began shortly after S o'clock und was continued for two twenty-minute halves. The oppos ing teums woro the Taylor Stars und tho North End Stars. The vIMtors are considered ono of the strongest In their lino throughout tho county nnd were In better form than their opponents nnd pluypd a livelier gume. Tho local lads fought stubbornly und It wus only after tho hardest of battles that they wero compelled to surrender. Tho gamo al together was well sustained and high ly exciting while It lasted. Score: North End Stars. 5; Taylor Stars, 2. A grand entertainment will be that of tho Taylor Sliver Corent band which will bo hold In Webber's link on Wed nesday evening. John E. Owens, of local branch No. 1013, United Mine Workers, left on Sat urday for Indlunnpolls. where the nu tlonnl convention will conveno tho present week. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Devls, of Wllkes-Barro, wer guests of relatives In this town yesterday. Emblem division, No. .17. Sons of Temperance, will meet In icgular ses sion this evening. Miss Lizzie Dals, of North Taylor, has returned from her visit with rela tlvcs In Claik Summit. Mrs. n. W. Reese, ot Main street, Is slowly recoveilng from a serious Ill ness. Attorney J. M. Harris Is homo from his business trip to Philadelphia, Mrs. William Jones and son, Willie, hnvo returned homo to Carbondalo nf ter visiting lelatlveH here. Mrs. Mury J, D.Ais, of North Taylor, nnd John Evans, of West Scranton, wero united In marriage hero on Satur day cvenlg. Mrs. Joseph Davis, of Main street, visited relatives In Hyde Park yester day. Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon, of Washington street, visited relatives lu Scranton yesterday. Miss Gladys Samuels, of Main street, was tho guest of friends In Wcut Scranton yesterday. Mies Ieah Evans, of North Main street, visited Miss Lena. Gcndnll at Peckvlllo yesterday. Miss May Evans lias returned to her home In Bloomsburg after visiting friends here. ' PECKVILLE. Liverymen VanderVort und Beards leo had the misfortune to have a valu able team of horses killed on Satur day afternoon. Mr. Charles Follcry, a driver for tho nbovo llrm, had chargo of the team and was at tho Mount Jessup breaker getting a load of coal. After securing the load of coal, he drove from under the chutes out upon tho crossing. A Delaware, Lackawan na nnd Western engine backing down with 11 trip of cars was only a short distance away, und before Folley re alized his dancer tho cnrrliio was unon him. Just ns tho engine struck tho Kt0 nn,i Wyoming engine at Jessun Junction Saturday evening. Botli en glnc3 wero badly wrecked. George Wescott, of Hyde Park, was a caller lu town yesterday. This evening Messrs. Wnrren nnd James will give one of their high-class entertainments nt Ledyard's Imll, for the benetlt of classes No. S und 9 of the Baptist Sunday school. The en tertainment Avlll bo of a high clni. JESSUP. Messrs. Thomas Ford, and P. .1. .Rol lins are visiting friends lu rittston. Mr. Joseph Langan, proprietor ot the Mitchell house, in a victim of the prevailing epidemic of gilp. Itcv. Jules Hamborszky was a culler In Olyphnnt Sunday evening. Airs. Martin Lynch had a valuable cow killed on the Delaware. Lackn wunna nnd Western track Saturday evening. Tho Elite Social dub I making great preparations for llielr social on Monduy, Feb. 4. The marriage of Miss Mary Ellon Finney nnd Mrs. John Loomls. two of our most popular young people, will take place Tuesday evening. The local United Mlno AVorkern of America, No. loo:., will hold their meeting nt tho St. Jarres ball thH evening. " THE WORLD &&&&&& ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO TODAY"o.j. ICopjrls'st, 100, by It. K. Ulle.J Hughe?, Lotii- G' IVI'Uls 1. w.n dethroned us Kins ol SNCdcn vhile diipla.i lug igti of Insauitr. To his Kiriow and tint ol hi imI inn, lie bad cxpie.d the belief that Xipolcon ttas the Gie.it Cca.t iiokcu of in tho Apncalj p..-. This fived Idc.i was his mjtcr nnd lr.1 him Into dlagrecih!e and rry unfortunate cntjglemcntis. l'liulli bis pioplc gicw bul; ot hi wrong-headed policy, rho orllrers ot the army complied againit hint and ho vj ilotluomsl while the nlnctemtli century ,n jet vty jounj. The Duke of Sinl. (rtnami wa plain! in control of the you-iu-Unlit. At this tune Muioico .is under the lelgn of Sollnnn and Chrlitlin nl.ivnv a. abolUhid. Some of the otlur ruhrs of thU period weio: Pntlall, Miih of IVihIj; I'unce I'lislcikl:, lie tent ut DiniunrL; KtM-Kiug, Knipimr of ('hint; John, ton of (men Miila, Ikgent of Portugal i Chailcs IV., Kids of Spain; Sdlm HI., son of lirful llamld I . Sultan of Tuikej ; Philip O. Klnj, florernnr of Australia. Tioulile vmiIi I'lancc had resulted in the forim tton of four fqiiadinns from the United Males imy operating iu the West Indies. The-e mine beted twenty-onu vowels lu all, and bcldrs cap. turlne nearly one hundred prises they gained ex perience and picstigo by miny fhorl and drcis'ne blngle action, tp In tills timo tho i.av.v had rest the country, including hite for naiy yards, leu than $10,000,000. "Tho Constitution," "Uni ted States" and "Constellation" wcte tinong tho new hlpi built. Moid ling In ssax of Medallion ui trait, and ot relief tnoupj, the latter frequently pobcbroniatie, J1 in consldiiahlo toguc tluoughout Kuropo. John l'lJMnan, the great Knglitli nulptor, exe cuted In wax many portrait) and other iclUf tl urc which Jo-lah Wcdgrwood translated into pot tuy for his Japer vote. 'I lie cocked hat. uiie of the plcica of headgear which became ta-hioiuMe during the lelgn ot Uiailci II.. iaiv tti last da J 3 and the till; tlio tint nude its appearance, though iho t.tcnlie in.inufictluc of It did not begin until a quarter cf a century latci, Us leal development prattl- cany elating from lMi . Tiun Louis Pom, famous a a comet hunter, undo hid hMt dicorry J ml eonllnuid his eaich Iny, loeullng thlily-scvcn cf ihce bodiej iluriut; tho next twitit.v-n'Uii c.ns, one ot which was the noted comet mined after llncke, who detei llllllid (U mblt. Tho giapo from which Catawba wine, whose praises haio been mnir mi heartily by Jionufrllmt, Is obtained, was Cut dhcovercd In 1E01 neai the hankj ot tho Calnwbi riier, In Xoitli Carolina, Tho modeling of the o(t part of UUcctroin for teaching llluttralions of anilouiy was ill -I practiced at riorence during this soar. t The rntic-rsliy'dl Kazan. IIimJj, which Uciino a great eat of Oriental f-cholarhlp, was founded. Among tho births during the )iir of pel win who attained fame were the following! Henry Kraft, I'll. II., Human UieniLt. Caroline SI. Klrkland, American author. .liwdnu Inumoll King, Ameiicau wiiator. Picric riaiicol Ilmrl Labroiutc, I'ltnch uuhl tect. .lean 'llieodor Lacordahe. 1'ieiich journalist and author. Ilonjimln Lubaree, Auuilcan iIcik.siiuii uud educator. To Cure the Grip in Two Days. Laxative Ilioroo-Quinlne rcmovce the cuum. " BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF ROS ... UAXUFACTUItni) iiY ... CALIFORNIA Fid SYRUP CO. t If NOTE Till'. 7VASIK. 4 ANNUAL REPORT of the Directors of tbe Poor of the Scranton Poor District, tor the Ycnr Ending Dec. 31, 1900 Showing receipts, disbursements, accounts ot sec rclary, treasurer, tax collector, reports ol iti peilntcndcnt nnd resident physician, products ot tlio Una and an Inuntory ol tho real and per onat proriorty of the dUtrlct as requited by the Act or Assembly Incorpouunaj tno uwrwi, ap proved April tth, 1862. ACCOUNTS Ol' TUB SUCnETAP.T. Thcie was disbursed upon claim-. against the district, duly approved by the tloAiii ot Directors, for which loiuhera are on flic, tlio sum ot 08,12s S? Distributed as follows: SALAtltLS AXD si:nvichs. Kalarfes of directors for 19T1 ?,3 33 Salaries of auditors for 1109 20) 00 (salaries of officers, attendants and other cinplojes ,,,,, 16.M7 SI Total for salaries and sort Ice.. , 19,370 H OUTDOOR IUXiEr". I'roUlon, etc f 12,ft7 70 Mcdtclncj 2.11 !! I'uncral expenses , l,4ss ml Kllct' Tinmportitlon Milk Nursing Children In hoinnt and ' trnlninc m hoids State Hospital fur Imane Lcdxliiir and meals (or tianslcnta .... 1i7 01 :ii3 m .7 2d 01 50 ,nil 02 01 2i Totnl outdoor relief frUPN.lKI. . 10,727 91 ftioccrlft, prot Imous, etc ... .. 8.U0M .. ft.tKl K .. 2,470 15 .. 1.70J 27 Meat and It-H 1'lour 1'icd, meal, etc fed and light Dry cil nnd rlollilw: 3,220 21 f.7n7 01 Miom nnd In I her 1,11.7 IS Druct and mcdleinei , 1,207 03 1'io.kciy ami lurju-.nc Ml 21 Tools und iitea-lln 40.1 12 freight nnd ccpicM 41127 Tohncco nnd plpci 277 .11 Seed and plant1) 1M 1: lttllUii-K loo SO DixliifcUiinU !U 2, Itirn supplies 41 7.1 Mlicclljliooiu 120 M Total (or mippllci $ .11,813 S3 IMl'KOVKMKSTS AND HCPAIIIS. tYibc-natury ? O.f.M 77 (old (.lul.ige B,.VI 50 Store limup 1,702 00 AdmluMiMlInn bulldlm: :um so liiNino ho.p!Ut Male bulhlin; I'cimlc bidlillng , r.pllrptlr bulldlm; fntit' p'uiii v. Water 11m.' Ilarno and Micds 11 ikrrr Laundry Ci.Jt lire on Itceiner (aim I!turimrr'ri hutw I'liri tool and linplenvntu .... lllad.-inlthliiK Wacom llorcs nnd cittk Light, heat mid pow phut .. Umlnlni w.ilN and Hag alk lawn and grnttnd-i Iron (euro anil ictalnlnsr wall .. N'uom and drains Mines and l.uiw 1 l.ii no- Klcctrie uiiing Ltntric tun 1'ieUhl Cid.eral icpaln. S.10 17 m: 7s :i no lis? S9 us 70 vi ;'.! 410 (12 220 00 120 2:, :i7 (hi 177 m lil't 13 ."02 .12 4.(0 23 270 () i,ni! 2.1 l.lfiS 10 .MTi h 51 63 112 ll id m us m M CO Kil (J7 413 ol 'I oil I pairs fur imprrnriucnU and re .5 21,001 2S l-niNUNd AMI ST.TIOXi:nV. I'uMMiln? annual repuit $ 49.1 (ifl INI 2.1 77 37 19 00 Honks and blinks tlldie supplies and (ltiire Siilvcrlptinns to pipci at Home. Toial for piinting and stationers'.... ruusmmi:. Ileds and bidding Carpets and matting (InlrM ami settees Couehts , Wl i el i hairs Sin mis Total (or furniture jnrr.LL.Ni:ous. llWII.lt ce Tax duplicate Inleiest on svarrants Legal costs Solicitors miscellaneous rxu,HCi- Si.pirlntiinlciit's expenses Postage Telephone icntnls Musical iiis'.iunicntx, music, clc 'liaiellng expense", remoslng pa tients, cle Artificials limbs Kent of pasture land "IS M-J $ 4bS no cai in J.V1 fis m on tiO 07 10 20 . 1.110 03 l.rsks .12 fiirj ::( i-il 08 3U1 O0 41 Wl 122 77 71 UN li 2011 CO ' 2ufi 20 177 00 .VI 00 .17 1.1 22 -17 (, IH O i.t Dues and expenses to st ite Cornell Hon Toys, games, cle Site ill posit box Orders of relief, att'nlaiit, cle , ToUl for luK'cllaneous s 4,1'e5 11 ACCOUNTS Ol' r.Ut.LKCTOU-. Made SI. I'luu. cnlhctoi, 1bs, in .mount witli Serauion Poor Histrict. m:. Palance due January, 1t, 1'J0 , i:s,S22 n Cit, Hi cash pilil K. l. Vcrnos, treas urer s.uoo no Ililancii due Jan. 1st, IMI ..i $ 10.2 9 subject tu evoiieiatioiis. abatement and com liiiMlous. IMhiiiiI Parr, ollcctor, 15'". In account witli Scranton Pool UUIilil. Hit. 1 la lance clue Jan. l.-t, l'"i 21,51(5 fi ('II. Ily eah paid 11. (. Veinoy, tires- mcr ll.rKi (XI ll.ilanee due Jan. 1st. 1901 1",0(I 19 Subject to cxcneratioi.F. ahiteu.ciiU ami com- llllvdoilS. IMwnid l'arr, collector, 10"it, In .lernunt with Scranton poor llistrM. 111! To amount cl ihiplleale. IDful $ S0.1I25 10 CI! Its- t-.ili nld H. SI. Vernoy. tiea- urer 3Viivi oi Ililimo due Jan. 1st, 1WI .11.121 tu Subject to cxoiieialloiis, iibiteiiients und mm. tu rtloiis. TIIIIASUIIKII'8 ACCOUNT. I!. SI, crnoy, liea-iuer, ll. in .iceount with Scianton Poor Distilct. III!. To ca.Ii on Iiiriel Jan. 1st, IWO, per Auditor icpoit st 27.710 01 'l'i, cash fiom Wade 51. I'lnn. collcctoi, ivi ", lain aril Tail, edict (or, l'i..'J Kclwaid Pair, lollecioi, lix-l! 1,. (!. Sletaillcy. auditor Bimrral ilioigu IV. Iiciinrr. .vipeiriitcndint bnaid of Inmatei'. etc O. J. filllesple, iccietary l'luleilck Puller 3,000 Oil 11, (SKI (K) l,5lO 00 23,0'JU 7j 7.V.0 t)1 (.10 73 27 57 .d3l,lSD 13 s fi.(( OJ :U,1'I3 OO Total C It. IH- wauunts c,ihcd 'llalancc on hand Jan. 1st, 1101.. V MII1ANT ACCOUNT. M'aimiits outslaniliiig Jan. 1st, 1IKW...X 4,'Hl SO W.iuanta i-i!is In Iff S 08,123 S7 Total lO.I,2ti7 Ii7 Unoi' ill sl iiccount M.tM'i ", Wunants t-aiicelled S20 fi'i Wuirautis cached l:i 1(M... l,03l Ui KiJ.niI (fl Wauanls oiitslawllng Jan. 1st, 1(4)1, .4 -(Ul 5i l.SM'.STdHV (IP PKH-ON'AL PIIOI'KUTY 01' Sl'IIAMON POOIt IHVIHKT. AilmlnUtiatlou bulldinx S h,U 00 Insane bulldliui M.2H3 ;1 Miti'4 l.uihllna .1.411 lb Women' buihllug I,WH, Upilcpllu lmllillng lVW2u ( ha pel 7lil (i0 Ihtngonal K1111 , 5.2S3 50 Square barn l.S.'l (V) heds I.2(U (VI Piggiiy 210 bO thlckrry Wl ( Curiiilii' shop 870 (it Itl.ie k.uiiili .hop 2.12 00 Power hoiua 27,(1.2 72 lt.il.en 70(101 iLmiidr) l.Ul'i 20 MolgUM ii cm Stone shed u::0 25 (old stoiagn bulldinz Til 00 rnnxiriatory fit on Ilecmtr farm , i17 (!) Dlicctun,' room, Scrautoi ,,,, l,2i 50 Total of personal prepett; ... "9.0S9 U INVENTORY OF BEAfc ESTATE. Old farm, 1M acrm U.069 Of Ueemrr fann, 110 nerd 11,300 01 Admlnlitratlon ImlldlnK 30,000 r truant liorwltal 00,000 04 Mala building- 30,000 00 Female bulldinr ,. 87,700 00 Epileptic building (1,000 On Light, heat and power plant ......... 19,000 On Chanel 10,000 00 Cold storace bulldlnrf 8,000 (a Cotwenatory 7,000 00 Octagonal bam , 7,000 00 New bam, piggery and nhcd 8.S00 00 Attrilan well 4,000 CO ltevnolr , 3,700 00 llaVa liouta 1,100 on Laundry. ., 4,000 On Carpenter and blacksmith ahop 5.600 00 lteireatlcn yard 7,000 00 ItcUlnlmr vail and conduit 4,000 00 r.ngincera hom 1,800 l lh.-elllni? on Betmer farm 1,300 09 ll.irna and Ice home on llfcmer farm.. 600 Oo To acrcj land and dttxlllnB next llecmcr farm KM ft Store houe 1,700 IH Total real estal J.117.800 00 Total of pergonal property 79,989 f Total pirperly ot district $307,280 0.1 supi:ni.NTi:xouxrs iiF.roitT ron tub year' 11W. The acrag(3 doily number ot Inmttu it mil Me Home during tho scar was 471 and 13-305, nnd the per capita coot of mitntalnlnar paupers and ln.anr persons of the Home, Including food, clothing, light, heat, medicine, aalarle of ru perintendent, matron, resilient phyalciin, at tendant, etc., exclusive of farm produce wai tjl.81',4 per week. The total board of Inmates tarns and Insane, la equal to the board of one person for 171,0!' days; besides this, there sru Ukcu it trie uipcr. intendent's and employes' table, during the Scar, a immlcr ot meals equal to the board ol ono person lor 11,323 dai, and by xv6rkmen employed on Improvements and repairs meals equal to the board of one perwm (or 75 days, nulclnc tho total number of daya board it the Home. lu,C31. Number ol Inmates In the Home, December l. 15011, was 411. Admitted diniuR the year, IS fane. 103 Insane; born 22, total, 315. Dlschirced during the J ear 1S7 tane. 70 Insane, died 2.1 nine, 33 iraane. Total discharged and died, 2fcl. Kemilnlncr In Home December 81. 1000. 4W. Classified as follows: pane 218. Insane M4, total 407. Of this mimber there are 1(1 epileptics, X Idiots and 16 children. Value of produce riki'd on farm for year lOOel t S.WI J1 Cali n-cclied lor board of patient.... 7,201 0 Crith for lamb skins, beef Iddes, sheep lildeH lltt 00 Total t 7,830 0s Census showing population at tho Heine it the end of each month: January, .(11: February. 173: Slarth, .CO; April, 4J Mas", 173; June, 470; July. 488: August. 113; i ptembcr, 112; October, 432; November, 43'i; December, 407. Hcspeotfully submitted, CEO. W. nEESIEIt. FAltll l'KOUUCTS tOR Till! YEAR 1900. Quantity. Value. Apple', m; btimrls $ 37 OS licet.;, 13.114 bushels 21178 String beans, tll'.i bu-licls tt 40 lluckeshcat, 17(i',i bushels P9 t& C.ihhige, (1,4.11 heads S21 f5 (.mots, .Wi bushels 17J 2(1 teler), 1,110 heads .11 Go Ui.siluKC. M?i tons 483 71 Milk. 7,ii(.1 quarts 2,017 48 Onions, 110 bushels 110 00 O.lls, 1,232 bushels .. 471 61 Oat ftr.iu.', 12 tons lit 00 Rrecn peas, 00 Imf-heU wm Pctatocs, l,o.10 bushels 1,14190 Sscet torn, 1.707 1-3 bushels 102 41 Iicirlen, t2.t quirts 02 30 Lettuce, 1.S37 bunches 38 87 Href, 2.211 pounds 1M 7fi Veil, T75 pauncU Lamb, ;t,(W pounds ,, Poultry, 15J pounds , Uggs, Oil 7-12 dozen . llects, 012 bunches .,. Deans, 20Yt biwhels .. Onion. 2,011 bunches ................... a.................. ................... ................... .................. Pork, 9,50.1 pounds Parnlps, ll'J',4 bushels Kadlblics, 1,401 bushels Tematoes, 270H bushels ................. ................. ................. ' ll.iy, h.Hi tons .................. runups, su'i nmneis aiw Squashes, 279 doten RS SO Cucumbers, 1,7771a bushels 01 12 Totals JS.fJsl R uli'Ort or Tim hesidcnt riiY6iciAX. To the President and Directors est the Scranlcn . Poor District. Gentlemen; I most respccleully submit fur your consideration, mv annual report for (he j car 1D0O. On January 1st there sseris In the u-f linn: Slalc, 120; foinalcs. Ml; total. 20. Ail. niltdsl during thu )ear: Stales, 51; fcmilcs, M. Totil, 101. The clsil condition of thofo admitted was Slairicd Males, 23: females. 31. Total, ."Hi, Single Slab, 21; funilcn, 14. Total, 35. Wld-owcd-S(.Jes. 7: tcmales, 8, Total. 1.1. Discharged Stales, 43; (cnules, 3.1. Totsl, 76, Died Slaless. W; females, 17. Total, RS. Total clUch.n-gel -ind died Stales, 01; fe miles, nd. Total. 111. leasing In the ajyluni December f.lst, l'Ki: Males, 120; females, 181. Total. 231. llailv overage of patients cluiinj th year 2rt7 6-'ll!, beliiff an Incieaso of M 7-12 over that of lost j car. Of lho-o discharged 10 were restored, 18 inv pii-icd nml 10 unlmpi cried. Tho pciccnlaan on the admissiorm ol those rc stoi ed wlnej 3S .I-IO per cent. Tlicro were two ot those marked restored that lclapjcd end wero readmitted and are now in the Institution, which being dtduetcd would nnka the pcicoitage .10 3-10 per tent. There were 22 births duilns the lcar. Male. 10; females, 12. Total, t-"2. Tho civil condition of the mothers smsr Mar. lied, 3; t-lnule, 17. Total, 22.. 'Iheio wcie 11,112 prc&c-riptfons .sued during (he jear as follows: Sane Stales, 4.423; female", illai. Tula, n.fiVI. Insane Slales, l,o04; fi- malm, 3,21(. Total, 4,337; at a total cost or s1,2(7 f3-100 dnllaiv, or an aierage of 11 fi-10 cents for each preemption or nearly 2 60-100 do. lav per patient for medicine rer jear Itopee llully submitted. A, STKAXCJ, JI. D. Tlio direitois lfpectflllb submit (he (oregoina-thirty-eighth annual statement of the affairs of (he district ds lequlred by law and invite a careful iiispestion ol the taxpayer.. The institution al HilLilde Home Is ono that all Iho undents ot tht Oily of Scranton and Dunmoro borough may well be proud of. It Is their propcity and neailj 50X1 dependent Inmates are being laud for, who otherwise would b homelcMi and fiicndlets in miny eae.s, The dl reel or are gratlllesl to know (hat they liaie the npprov.nl of the sturo Hoard of Chstlties in their administration and it Is their aim to merit tho i-aine ot the taaycr.s. The item of liiipioieiueiits aiul rcpoln al though seeming extecdinsl.i large, tsrrKs with II the completion of 11 large amount of xsoik ntcetvsaiy f"i the welfare of the Institutisn s ihnMig the put jcji tho new- cold ktoraife building and conseriutory were completed and paid (ur, rho male, female and enil"pilo build in-., thu aolum and nun kinall buildings .ere painted tluoughout and otht'inUe scpalred, add ing much to the i.ilue and keeping of (he IMI tul ion. The equipment of a tumplete lira serirVe by the puicluu-e and iicctlou of a new tiro pump to (.ether with a ho(.o eart and VO feet of boss renders the inttittiiion doubly iecuie in case of ilic. The financial utfalis of the district halo been well guatded, lis- it Is will known to all who keep In touch with tho work ol the Hoard, that eicry kafeguard has been used to bring- about lair dealing uud tbe best iculU to thct tax paiets without any liuicw uf fhe lax levy During the past jear tho Hoard has adopted (ho ostein of coinpttltlie builnp of all grocer ies, meals, flour, drugs, coal, itc, with tlic lull ot competition and anardlnr; tho contracts to tin) luwest bidden, and the result has been most satisfactory. 'Iho puicluising committee tor supplies na ilably pationUe the merchants of the district, as far as poiv-ible and whercs they tan furnish what Is icqulred. 'I he liofnltal for the Insine Is at present taxed lu its lull capacity and within the licit two .M'uis the ill-li let will be railed upon to build an addition to the piescnt buildings. The direct ork solicit and urge the taxpayers to visit and Inspict tho hiotllution at HUM,!. Heme. llespuHully mmbltted, It. li, 1IHOOKS. rie.ldent. PIIKDKIIICK II l.l.l'.ll, TiiosiAS snorrox, SVSIUKL 1HJ.H3IS, r. j. nirKKKT, T. IIU1IKC. W. A. I'.VIXK, Uiicelurs o II10 Scranton P001 District Allot: C. J. OILLLSPIU, Secrelar. Scranton, Pa,, January 15th, 1901, IIIUIUUIUIUUIIIUIIUUUIIIUJ P.ol.Q.F.THEEL.M.D.N.'ti! t nit . r H4tickit.rt. iiauniitbtr iru ij i,7i.ii: OIStASIS.OISCKARa(t.RUNNINOS,i I nf tit li,.. lift rnsni.iuniirintlnslnitfli HOST MAHHOpO. ' r1fU A iirU mrs nor uitinf , ;(5 4cArDnt.iK.irfl tin hospital tiDcntnre In Ctminv jHtth cucicuifsiln 4 to 10 diji, A1 tcliaptrc'mtPC y niy oiTcitilt catch KulnThMui .. 5nlf .((m StrillnaalkU IUh iptiliif Mili lltr f 1kItIc1 frUitlt ri'iRlinrutlirlHll. fn 9 1 m 11 1 rH vTjrT wnut Tin? tumttii nil minim nnTTnTtrrrtTinm V f . ' -. " ,.Wj. ..w. .,,'.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers