l' I ' F- THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1001. ('0 NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. fSpeelil to tlie Scrinton Tribune. Montroa", Jan. 18 Ir. nnd Mm. Joshua If. Convin, of Mnlne, N. V., nre vIsltlnB ninonr; relatives In Mont- me nnu ucinuv. iniciinPRS oi iwiicn is m live incurs, is now hf ncr rrnthot iil finm .Innos' Tiike. Itev. r, IV. Hunted, of Tarrytown, Is. Y., a foimer popular pastor of the , - ,- -. ..... - . 1 .. I a jnipiisi rnurcn in mis pincc, huh uueu " i" mc nuuri uruin in mis noiljll tendered a unanimous tall to the pas- I boihood, but It Is expected that next tn.ntft nf t,n VIku. tlnitlut r.1llf Il nf i Oil P llll TITflVA MSrtrf. ullnnnanful torate of the First Haptlst church of Norrlstoun, Pa., nt n salary of $1,900. crongi ensmniwit-Lai go uiiiubiiii a. ''row has Just sent a donation of fifty dollnis to the Villus Hull building fund. Miss I'lla Ctkley entertained a num ber of her friends at a party given AVodnesday evening at her homo on West Church street. A large number of our townspeople v 111 attend thn Twentieth Century thicken pie supper it the residence of A. St. Allen, nt South Montiose, thh evening, for the benefit of tho Union chinch at that place. Albert Miller, after a long and ser ious Illness, It onre more able to walk upon our stiects. D. T. 15rew ster, esq., F'ostin ister S. "Wilght, ex-Poatmnstet W. .1. linker, tea P. Scott nnd Constable H. S. Conklln were nt Hnrrlsburg this week. Charles W. Hrodhcad. of this place, will read a paper on "Horse Feedlnx and the Care ot the Feel and Teeth," at the tuentj -fourth annual session of lli stiite bonid of agriculture and gpninl farmeis' Institute, which will be held In Hnrrlsburg next week. Mr. lltcidhuid has Just been re-elected a member of the state bourd of agricul ture for this county for a teim of thne ears. "Joshua Slmklns," the well-known and popular rural comedy-drama, will be the attraction at Village Hall on nxt Wednesday evening, Jan. 23. "Twenty-lhe eople, two bands and an oiehestra." Prices, ?,', nnd fO cents, Resered seats on sale at McCaus lanl's phaimnry Mls Knilly C. IllniKmnii. the hls- torlun of Su.Miuehannm county, Is tug I Ing, thiough the columns of the press, Lhnt Immediate steps be taken look- np to the proper oelebintlon of the ine huniliedtli annlversniy of the set- .1iAh n t...n..A .. 1.1. .1. ..... 11.1. th Inp one 1 lement of .Montrose, which occurs this vc.ir, the first family having settled beio In 1MI1. It Is llltplv flint thn Trinf. ler of a iclebratlon will be considered at the meeting of the County Hlstorl- cii Kociety tomorrow ( M. Whltnev. tho irlflnil llpwsnnnpr eoi respondent of Susip.iPhnnni, wns a welcome caller on Montrose friends yesterday. Selden W. Bunnell, of Hush, was a visitor In town yesteiday. The Supreme court of the United Stntt.s yesterdoy handed down an opinion utllrmlng the decisions of tho two couits below In tho Ashley vs. TlrmWinw case. This is anNifllrmance if the case In which our townsman, f'nptnln H . F. llcardsley, has been Intel ested at Washington, 15. C, for th Int seven years. Mr, nnd Mrs. Charles Kelchum, of Picspcct streets, arc rejoicing oor tlm airhal at their home this week of h b.ihy daughter. Miss Julie Elizabeth Cruser will give mi elocutionary entertainment at North Jackson on Wednesday evening 110M. oncers of the Susquehanna County Agricultural society for the ensuln? ' ;car nne Been elected, as follows: Piesldent, F. I. Lott; first vlco preil dtnt, Colonel C. C. Pratt; second vice piesldent, F. S. Wells; secretary, W. A. Titsworth; treasurer, S. ,T. Jenkes; executive committee, B. F. Jones; auditors, W. C. Cruser, T. J. Davles. TUNKHANNOCK. Fptciat to the Scranton Tribune. Tunkhannock, Jan. 18. James W. Piatt. Henry Harding nnd C. O. Der hlmer, attorneys, who hae been attendance at tho sessions of the .' perlor court at Scianton since ... day, returned home today. An effort is being made by ' A mem bers of the vnrious church .j nero to organize a Young Men's Christian as soelatlon. A meeting was held at the Presbyterian church the other evening and committees wore appointed to look up the matter of cost, rooms, etc., and these committees will repoit on Friday evening. Last evening at the Piesbyterlan church was held dedication services. The chuich has been built some yeiis but there has been a mortgage hanging over it which prevented Its dedication. Last summer a special effort was made by the members of the church and enough money raised In different ways, to pay oft the balance on fie mortgage. The dedication setmon was by Itev. Hugh Hodge, a bi other of Me Board ot'Health Proclaims An Epidemic of Grip. GRIP unp is nere, nut of a mild type. It till commences with Catairhni Mim... "77" sa.Jrl!3r?..iib.tt'j: ultudo and a rise of temDeratnro. Bembllnjf the commencing of Typhoid or Malaria. The convalescents are apt to bo tioubled for a considerable period with weakness, a general want of physical tone a condition to Invite Pneumonia. "Paradoxical as tt may appear, the light attacks of Grip are oftentimes more dangeious than the severe ones, as In the former Instances tho patients nre more apt to be careless of them selves during tho weak physical con ditions that follow. The UBe of Dr. Humphreys' Famous Speclflo "77" breaks up the Grip, while Its tonicity sustains the (lugging en ergies during and after the attack. At all Drug Stores, 23c, or mailed. cPocket Manual mailed free. Humphrey! Homeopathic Medicine Co., Cor, Hilltirn and John bit, New otV. pastor, and at tho cloie of the Rervico the mortgage was publicly burned. Asa 8. Keoler and John D. Faesett, who have been tit Harrlsburg this week, returned home last cvenlnc. Tho boutd or directors of the canning factory met hero last Saturdny evon iim)i i. . TlieOUore Ktreetor. The fnrtnrv m not much of n. financial suuerts this year owing to lack of experience and IlLn n .!.. I.. .. ... . jour will prove more successful. HOLLISTEnVILLE Special to tlic Scranton Tribune, Ilolllstervllle, Jan. 18. Dr. L nitil of Scranton, gave a very Ititerestli.-? lecture In the M. P. church the 15lh Inst. Subject. "Prohibition." Those on tho sick list this week are; Mrs. nitea Fessenden, Mrs. Andn-w Heeker and Mrs. Han let Walte. The roll of honor In our school fin the fourth month Is as follows: Elmer lienj.imln, Hnzel Olmstend, Hancy Veil Cnmp, Mlldied Brown and Piidle Mitchell; Jtlts Hi nee alios, teuclvr. Thi-ie will be a molng picture en teitalnment given by the Klzer Kiio-r- tnlnment company, of WlUcea-Usi w, under, the auspices of the Washington Camp, No. 3CS, Patriotic Order fi.r.s of America, In their hall here Wednes day evening, January .10. Doors opu'i at 7.:t0 p. in. Miss Nellie M. Holllstel has returned from a two weeks' sojourn ninong ie!u tles und fi lends In New York city She nn nccominnled by her trl-nl, I Mrs. D. K. liates, of Clippie Cicek, Col I Mis. nisby and child, of Scrnntn.i, are the guests of her parents, Hcv. and i Mis. S. MeVey. Mr. and Mis. M. Fuesleln recent!- entei tallied Mlbs Nellie an Camp, of I Dunmoie. I Clnic West, of Iloy.il, Susnuehnnni county, culled at tho home of his, grandmother, Mrs. U. A. West, the Hth insi. Mrs. l:. i:. Holllfcternnd son, Chuiles, of Seiunton, spent last S.Uurduy and Miinuay in tlie Home of Her p.uciitn i Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Myers. I Mrs. William K. Heck and son, Kdii f Moscow, wcic enteitalned the f.lh at the home of her father, A. G, Hoi- llotftn lister, Uev. C. A. Spaullng has returned from a two weeks' visit at Paitsi:i. Sullivan county, N. Y. Mis. Harriet Walte entertained her I sister, Mis. U C. Clearwater and Mis. Cook, of Hnmllnton, the lCth Inst. Horton Bloes, of Duluth, Minn, I) the guest of his sister, Mt.s. Halph Toote. M. P. Mitchell, of Scranton, was a recent guest at the home of r. V. Fes ienden and wife, Mrs. Panlel Clouse, of Moscow, was entertained a few das last week at the home of her patents, Mr. and Mir Charles D. Mitchell. Walter Mutt, of Honesilnlp, spent l.'st Sunday at the homo of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F,. Scott. WAYMART. KprcUl to tlie Scranton Trlbun. Waj-mart, Jan. IS. Mis. Jennie Stan ton Potts died at the Emergency ho3- nltnl. (TnrUiinrliiln vAotAi..!... Mni.ntnn . .., . w..uv.w, wutv.unj ii.witiiit at 7.30 o'clock. Jennie Stanton was born in Waymart. August, 1SC3. Her . . i girlhood was passed here, and In 1S94 she was united In marriage to Mr. Potts, of New York city. Of this inion there nie left to survive her two small chlldien, a on und daughter, aged four nnd six respectively. She was a truo Christian woman, and In early life united with tho Prpslivtorinn church. Besides her chlldien, there ' JIr- Walter A. Wood Is on a Kuri are left to survive her un aged father, I'can trl1 in the Interest of the Saw- . H. Stanton: two sisters. Mis. win i. lam P. Matthews, of Clinton, and Miss neien btanton, at home, and Prof. Edgar Stanton, teacher of mathemat ics and political economy of the Iowa State college. The funeial will be held Saturday at 1 30 o'clock at her father's residence, and lnteiment will be mado in the family cemetery nearbv. itev. L. W. Karschner will conduct the ser vice. Mrs. J. F. Dooley, who was sum moned to Hnncock, on account of the serious illness of her sister's (.Mrs. Laura Hackett) boy, returned home Thuisday. The child Is much im proved. Mrs. Kate Squier has returned home after visiting Wllkes-Baire friends. Mis. Daniel Wonnacott and sister Mrs. Isaac Bobbins, were In town on i vunesoay H0PB0TT0A1. Special lo the Scranton Tribune. Hopbottom, Jan. 18. News was te celved heie on Wednesday of the death of Hon. E. M. Tewkhbury, of Cat-i-wlssa, I'a. Ills death occuired Tuca day, January 15, and the funeral hi vices ocemted Friday afternoon at tho Melntlre Methodist Eplscop.il chut eh of that place. Bui Jul will be mado In the MclntltP cemetery. Mi Tewkrbury was fomiely a resident ot this vlnlclty und he had n bos'. r,t friends throughout the county who will regret to leain of his death. The Ladles' Aid society of the Meth odist church. met Thursday afternoon for tea with Mis. Miles Cr.indnll. Dr. Taylor Is hav lug -a very largo piactlce at piesent through tho sut loundlng countty. Grip Is beginning to make Its nppeuranco even In the re mote corners of tho glabe. A horso beloncliiK- to 15. T.at ing a heavy load of Ice. MIIo Tiffany was using the horse at the time. There Is evident need of a society for the pre vention of cruetly to animals Jn this particular locality. NICHOLSON. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Nicholson, Jan. 18. Our postmaster, Fred M. Williams, Is reported sick with pneumonia. Mrs. E. D. Bell Is In quite poor health. Oscar Itevnolds, our drug clerk, Is confined to the house with pleurisy. The farmers nie rejoicing over the piosperlty of our condenscry, and the prospecta of getting two and three cents for their milk the coming year. Tho Ladles' guild of the Episcopal church expect to give the people of Nicholson a rare treat In tho nwir future by way of a lecture. Tho Rev. E. Melville, of Fort Edward, N. V., JONAS LONQ'8 SONS. 5hoes Great Values Wis can ofTer nothing better in shoes than tlie very best, In our own peculiar and particular way we dem.tn J from manufac turers the best it Is possible to tlve, We insist tint they stand haclt of every pair then we guirantee them to you, with the as surance that they are right. Here are a few of the Shoe plums for tod y. Tr-ey form but a meagre idea of the possibilities Ladies' Rainy Day Roots, made of the finest quality of box calf with heavy 'extension soles, all sizes and widths ; illllv nlllrilltfi.nl Pnnlltlrltf tl 'n ViA .ih' special price is Misses' Box Calf Shoes, oi sonu icaincr mrougnoui Special today at Little Gents' Sitin Calf id learner iniougnout ana will resist tlie naruest Kinu ot wear. K.m Q ( ,-1 l.ll. fi. .. T.,,1..).. .,.-!.! pi ice Box Paper, lfc Just about enoug'i of the thirty-five cent Ho I'apjr at 17 cents iu nai inrou 'ii ioiav auu ine of the biggest offerings ever made bv us. Finest Cream La d and Vellum Piper; 50 sheets to a box, with envelopes to match, Tlie irjcuve uoxes. rinuon ueu. You use Stat.oneiy, of course. price ? Books, 25c. The bnolc business is a funnv publishers taicc what ihey caught in order to clem up ceitim hues. No tetail coicern ever ge's the-n all; th;v arj divuljd u,i x into lots and go to the big customers before Christmas, One lot came here, as a m itter ot coare. 'We are -selling them ( At & Not becnuse we could not ct Hall .1 DoILir for them, bit W rc.ison vs want to clcui thiim 11 n a ticklv. All ni I A ninin tti'tii tt;n titii.lif nf tlirtm ? Q ' J l I M 'I'VIV uii-i ? I I VI IMf VVt V VllWtll UWUIIll III MIU lk.ll t Vr Vl,ll II L'l ll I V red silk tibbed cloth, Icir type, goo I pint, gilt ton an I head bands. Better eet vour share todav if vou're interested. Sheet Music, Choose todav from ail the at 15c ine sneci ies man in cost to reguiai ueaieis. Vocal and instrumental inclu !n r most all of the popti ar sncceses. some classical and much of a misce linnous natiue. The New Music Department on Main Floor, center of stole Jonas Lods's Sods w 111 be the man, w ho Is ory highly iccommenueu. It was repotted jesterday that Miss rioience Puck, of lllnghnmton. Is soil- ously 111 with typhoid fever. Miss t JJUfl lull il4ila UULll l liaiui'llk i.l Xlrhnlsnn. nnil her manv filimds wish Buck has alwuss been a icsldont of her speedy tecoveiy. HONESDALE. Special to the Scnnlon Tribune, HoifeMlale, Jan. is. Ml. and M-s F.dwln T. Torrey nie spending ths week In New York city. jer-Mann uiecirica i company, oi Pittsburg, Pa. The ninety-third birthday of Mn. C. F. Short, mother of Mrs. William 11. Stone, will occur next Sundnv Miss Mnicla B. Allen is vl'Itlng fi lends at Nlagaia. N. Y. Mlns Anna II. Tracy Is a visitor In New York city. Miss Clnia Norton, of Catasauqiu, Is the guest of Mis. E. C. Mumford. The sophmore clnss of the High f-chool gave a reception and dance to a number of their friends In tho Musi cal Hlstoiy club rooms lntt evening. The Honesdnle Shoo company have doed down for their annual Invcntoiy nnil innn!rM. rni,Ann la Un n niimlifii. nt nncaa rP the grip in Honcs.lale. J rnl .1... ii 1, .,,! Tn.l.l- , Thn Alert Hook and Ladder com- I any will hold a masquerade ball on thP evening of Feb. C. i On Wednesday Penlng, the M. S. Quay vlctoiy was celebiated In Hones dale by coloied light Illuminations The Potnl Telegraph company, which plioed poles along the public highway from Nniiowsburg to Car- bondalo about fifteen veais ago, " - " - - " w I HOW hnlnn; trouble nil to thn llKht ot ' V. nv. I. Mild owners Iuid lioccll cut. ' v.ny. I.tind owncrsi lue hocen cut tlntr ilnun tlioir iMilns unci thn m.it'p 1 holnfr iitljuctetl In the county tourti It Is claimed that the company lire opeintlnpr without a charter and np plvlnff undue jirlvllegcs to their se -lcc The Hudson Hlvei TiIcphoni rompany aie now eni;nirod platlnu now roles the entire length of thu bor iniKh, up Tiont street to tho river, thence up i:ut street. Tho Ladles and Knlrrhts of tlm Hoc. cnheei held puhllo Installation last ovenlnpr In Jtasonlc hall, which. nj I nttendert by nbout three hundred peo ple. A most enjoyable piorrranuno wns rendered. Grand Commander Lowrey. ran Grand Commander Wat non. nnd Grand Deputy Kroft woro tircsent. The Honednlt hive now has one hundred bees nnd Is In a flourish ing condition. UNIONDALE. Epcclal to the Scranton Trlhune. Unlondale, Jan. IS. Mrs. Avery 3in dick's funeral took place at T.lk dale last Monday, Hmv. .Mr. Miller ofllclatinff. Walter Carpenter's household Roods will be sold today nt public sal?. Tlnldwln's lco house has been rilled with lco excellent In quality. Tho I.ndles' Aid society of tho Methodist Episcopal church, on Lyon street, meet today In i:d. Hnyden's homo. AVednesday Ed. Walker's team ran nway through town. One of tho hoises was badly hurt. For a Cold In tho Head Laxative Biomo-Qulnlne Tablets. JONA9 LONQ'B SONS. of saving, if you buy from us. Pj6D) in both button and lacing; tmdc ami gturanieij io give splendid $ ,25 and Vlci Kid Shoes, made of sol y 5C The Last Day cuii.un w'li ue wrimj uown on one new Piinccss shape, put up in at- w Why not this, since it's hall I Half Price htmiics. After t'n hnlnl.ie: ft 25c for the t tles- ftdmi.l in itff iiliiri .1 n hl.r rt 15c. All New I Fiflv Cent Copvnghtod Sheet Music (j poooooooooooooooo v 0 () HEATRIIIAL 0 b tnuum b ni.ur&Ln a . o o ooooooooooooooooo ATTRACTIONS TODAY. Lycnurn. "I'Ulianl Snifo." Mitlmt an I nllit. Academy. Comedy curt,' mi. Afternoon ana nlkbt. Homy Miller as Itlchatd Sav.ipe. MjiUIIiic luccttc Illo's new plaj, "Klchanl Sunt," which will I) seen lire this alt rnxn ind c ctiintr at th Iicmm. will I risint II-Mir I M'ller in .1 part tlioro irIiIj dltnct frou an. thin? wc liae seen on the Mire In ree-nt jcin ; l'lcli.ud S-nafp was 1 imet wlo llonrl-ln il about lb' middle nf tlit clqhtctnth l ntur). IVw uf his wirls are hnrmii to tho nil ir mind, Hi m,li Mine ot bis pn ms, rotjbh tbo'e of "Tlie Wan d.tor" nml "1110 liislircl," are Mampid with 'he muK of (.iniiH, The phj, bown r, Ins ni ' arln.' up. u his lllcrarj fame, but upon his In 1 II ! t il iir iHis i 1 r. rr Ifi uni tin ItuTIil1i1 -.. t- III . i u t iv IStll till lllllltlltlll with r 1'anj dlfTirtnt trails of iluracltr as the f.tes of i ill inn nd V mm wliosu democratic Uoheiilanlsm uoull not le illnilni.h'd by .il'luenccs end whose pride (Hid I ot be humblid In po'it, lit would not h sit it" In pitioulzi bis Miptilor In kodal posl I ii If t ie .tru beneitli him In fi lellect. no IritlUr II le n-iiitir II le wile itinin,' ind a c nlnr nttlt !'." ? ,"l,1J I"-"1"';. Illm ? "'c''- "Ifsltliratc by ''lr"'. h" " 1 oltll T dll.'11ei of llllnil f Or if IlN Ilt ,,,,., rof.tJ lo acUl0,. ltU. ,,,,, lhOTUrll ,, nur , ,0 ap1 ,, for her atfectlon It Is this sltuitlon b-twc n mother and son that foim (be dnnutlc, almost trade. bntVirrc ui d i Ho la.i It is Interioit-n with Mlulitfitl inuiinti nnil Is replete with the mot tbrlllln- ipUoiUn Tin tipportlns rompuij In biles JouU llicinih)e llniuhiult I'lorimu llmkwcl! rihiir I lllott, .fmrpli Mheclocl,, 0en 1'aKictt in I limilc I'tiitau'. i lie pin iiuirns oi ami ci.ni.irm a cn enli ontc wttln.-. and in thl rcpect M sir Wautn lull .ml Knnn r. !.o aro iinlnHln- M,- minr I lie pin udirlts of and dt-nidrilt a verj ehb .---, -, - - -,.- n .,, ., rn 8ald to hue in ire than malnl.iiii"il their up utitlcn foi t-!"")ih and nrtl.tlo scenic ccpilp. j mint, 'lh 1" lum-H for the ii'ay iveie ill made in Ji r t i Ii I wlili Hermann, vlio, perhaps lm no p-rr in 'i luld, the illi;n for ihkh liclnir furiilih-d In Mu. Mdil, lio ha liten awoelatiJ n llli q man) important prodnclloiu of late. "Becnxuse She Loved Him So." Willi ii i 0 1 tie, the criatcut Amirlcan drama ti't, ii Ii i of mire succc.'uful pla)4 than an) ot li.-i n iil.i author has nrr prcicntil, Mill pre nut hl latckt and sreatest romeili ucctM, "I)e catire She Locd lllni So," at the I.jceum Mon day night, Thl comedy It credited with lieln? mn h funnier than "The 1'rli itc beerctar)." "Too Much Johnson," "All the Comforts of Home," etc. When one takes Into consideration thit William (lillrtte wrote "Held by the rntinj " and "he ll t Vriico" It can be easll) undnstood that ' lleiaiue Wie Iiied Illm So" will be well con structed piece of itiRO literature. Tho comedy ichkud Iohit runs iu New York city at tho Mad ison Square Garden theater, in Iloston and In ( I ,o, and was one of the greatest sueecisei uhireicr presented last season. The same fine list will bo seen In the comedy this bia.on. "Sorrow of Satan." William A. Drad)'s American production of "The burrows of Satan" will be plicn at the Tjy. teim lucdiy nljiht and nlll doubtl-si call forth a r p aulence, Miss Torelll's readers In this ril are more than sufficient to fill the thriter, while those nbo hue not read her book will be attracted ly one of the moit nmel and intrrcst Inif subjects produced on the sturju for some tlnp and by tl ilaboiate scrncry and excellent cast which the play demands, Mint CorclU's characters are not ordinary ones, ami tho icriies of this rrmarktble story are laid In houdtn'g mnit fashionable haunts.. And those wliu haie -ecu any of Mr. llrady'a productions, inmlnent a in nnu which are '"Way Down Fast" and "Mile, rill." will known that h will spare nillhcr labor nor expense to make this production wnitliy of one of tho greatest litrrar) kcnsatloiu vl mint jean. Your Opporl dDify On account of the late Winter Season we have not sold as many Shoes as we should Now we need money, and will close out our sur plus stock and reduce prices to do it quick. H&r& Are the Prices: MEN'S FINE SHOES. Reiulir Price Th'f Week Only Johnston & Murphy Shoes in box calf, cordovan, enamel and patent leather oo $6.00 $4.00 $5.00 The "btetson" Shoe 5.00 6.00 4.00 5.00 The "Just Wiipht" Shoe 3.50 400 2.75 3.00 The "Crawford" Shoe 3.50 2 75 "RicharJs & Brcnnan" Shoe 2.50 3.00 2.00 2.50 UNION MADE AND UNION STAMP. 1 lot of Men's Fine Satin Calf Shoes, worth from $1.25 to 2 95c (.Men's Winter Russets at Half Price.) ricni vVoonsncket Rubber Boots $2.25 Hen's Felt Boots and Rubbers 1.50 LADIES' SHOES. Regular Pries tills V'tk Only Wicheit & Gardiner's Shoes in vici kid, calf and patent leather, collect styes $5.00 $6.00 $3.50 $4.00 H.uiy II. day's Sons' Shoes 4.00 4.50 3.03 The Celebiated "Dnmby" Shoe t 4.00 3,25 iBio paiis oi Lidies' Fine Shoes, in all leathers, regular goods', worth from $1.50 to $.oo, at $1.00. $1.50 and $2.00 Shoes for Everybody, Men end Woman, Boys and Girls, Children snd Infants--Good Shoes, Latest Stales, Good Lasts and Good Leather if you come and take a look you'll .buy. The shoes and prices do the talking. Wo want mrvj ro'.m-vvj mint vvz it. N. L5. "i his Sale Will Poti:ive!y End on Saturday. LEWIS, 330 THE MARKETS. Wnll Street Ho view. c York, Jin )- 111" nnrk t in uli. I 'tul to an ricnnllc l nl.lnc duttii I'h'jj, niluli ciuvmI a notihlo ilxl'ti1 In pi in 1'rUc., Imuoirr. I ml dan nll) will A mu il Uicio the decline set In, nnd tltcrc. "crL nolalil It iMierid nt thi mil lie n t iini;n, ilinc (u u, do nd jii) mean Kite a Juit Id j of tlie cli.iiitcr of tic nuil'Ct. The fill In tl(n ucu In most cikcs i K-rp- ndlnrur on from tlie Well leicl to the low level ulili.li ttu c It the aipurimo of ;rei' lnlcn e. ilie .r l liu which cau.eil It In I ill th-" oimmiijiicj cf rieat nri,inc and win In ci.i heict ohune liri.o Iilocls CiUiiini; out on the decline. It ihould net etc ape notice., hcu.ur, tint time ire ImixrUnt kteiki in tie llt ftli'ili oTired pood rc-islmce to the precil'ln wiakipw. 'fur tone of the stciki J iiiucli hettcr Ihnn )ej. trull). The d"lii; i uTisitnilj nn 1 wii'r. In; nnd nt the lust in onl) .1 (t easel. Total talcs 1.221. 110 slnrc. Hnllrcnd bonds wcikcn-d In Minpatht' 'th tnck. Total fcalcs. 1 -o,iViO I ref mdlnu is .ulianccd ', pel mil. on th latl call RUDDY, Tin following ipiolillons nre furnWied The Trllm.e In M. S Jori'in A. o , ioom Tdl T03 M.ari bullillii),', Scranton. I'l Te'qi'ii n i Ml : Open- lllli. !.oi. l"oi ln. et p.; In,' American Pujir .... 1I r.l'j ri IIP- Xmei'mi l.liccn .... llj'i It. s 110, 11:', in Mul A. Wire Hrk -lO'H H-s W AtchUmi 41 Jl'i IPi, 41 Atchison. I" l',; 8P, iv!',, KITj llriiok Trillion M uli "-"i "i' Hilt k t)hlo M M 1,714 h 1, Cimt Tiilnrco 4'H 4'i 41 4!Vj (lew lllihr is ,J, .IS fs (hie. .. (,l. Wot . .is isit 17H i;, (hie n ( ... 1H 141 H 14 1 m I'nii rn rov, h"4 id Hock N'inil l."" 1J ", Hi', l'O Delaware . lluUnn . VVH lll'i Ilt Vri I vkiiinn It II . ...1-xiij 1101J 1'JHJ )0) t Ki'irJ sel 4i.Vj si(, 1CI4 4-14 V.diral Steel, l'r. oi4 MiJ, iks., n' Kin A. Tr Pr. .... 4" 47 4P, 41t8 Iridic. A. Nidi eOi MH "!, hiij Mm lleiated 117' 117'4 IllH U4'4 Xlrt. Tt let Ion l(M4 Kll'4 1 it I icj MIjc. I'lrlflc N'i34 rti RI4B nj I'copli's Ciw OT (CI Ui-,th fni( Southern rnelflc 4I4 (I1 4J' i: orfilk Wi-it 44lj 4HJ 4tiJ 41 Northern 1'irine ... hi', n 711; s North. 1'ielfte, l'r, ... , Sn mi 8", Mi., N. Y Central lit U 14'i" lit (lilt .. Wcftern IP; l!l vtiif, 10 I'enna It It lliia, lioi4 mu jihi, I'aelftc Mill 4JH, 4'i, 41 411? lliaillnir II) SIH ' -jis, ,iit, Iteidins It) , l'r. roi tWi C'i'4 70'i Sitnhcrn II II 10", lltj jsi! t,v Fmtb II It. l'r TO.' 70H f,i nn 'Icim. Coal U Iron .M f,S ',114 n-j I'. S. Ix-ather n8 12 m; mi I'. S Leather. IV 71 7' 73 7,i. P. 8. lttihher JIV4 .MT,, ojij, ,,v Union Pacific MU SS4 f fin, Pnlon I'lelfle, Pr. .... Ri(, SIVi SJH 8,r. Wabanh, l'r 2U, 2Jij 2414 op, Western Union K H y Jiu CIIICAOO GIIMV MVUKIIT. Oncn. Ill rlt- Iw. CIoi. wiirvr. in. 7S 37U 2V.1 cut. 75'i S7K 3015 e.t. 11 'i in; 71 "414 SSI 3SJ, .'3'4 in r 70 WW UM Janujry ,, Miv , COH.V. Frbiuarr , Mav OATS. May 25i 21 NEW IOUK OHMV MMtKKT. Opiii- llluli. Un WIICAT. March .... Mav conv. May Hur. ..... 70 ..... wj',4 e.t. en. 78', UK 70', UA 41s, Scranton IJocid nf Trade Exchange Quotations- All Quotations Based on Par of 100. . .. .tST(,C!)S e. niJ- A""1!- First Natloial Iljr.k y:tr, Scranton Sailngs Dink svi ,,, Third National llink (ejj Dime Depmilt and Discount Uank,, 2J0 ... Fconomv l.lcht, II. & P. Co jj Lacki. Triut cafe Depoalt Co Hi) li iu j DAVIES Lackawanna Avenue. . 1 nsrk k Snovtr Co. Pr. siTjntin lion rVnce A. Mfg. Co. ... Scianton Asle Works Lockaiama Dili? Co, l'r (ou.t) siln; Dink t Trii't to.. First National "ink (Carbondale).. laiidard Drllllnir to Traders' Mlioial D.nk Scranton Dolt nnd Nut Co novDS. Scranton Ps-r-er Hallway, first Mortage, ilu 1 . . I'eeplc'b Street i. aj, first mort- i,ai. due l!di ; IVcple'a Street ItJllway, Ocncral nicrti.a.'e. due 'ril Dltkecn Mvnifiiiurim: t-'o lacks. Town-hip -sehcol 5 per cent. Citv if Srian'cn St. Imp. 0 per cent, Scrsiton Traction C per cent 125 100 us so 300 33 its ins ir. 11s 11s 100 102 102 US Scranton Wholesale Market. (Correctid by II. O Pile. 27 Lakawaun Are.) Ilutttr-Cnanicr), 24a23c. 1 m,ir-feelcit weji.rn, 21c; nearby state, 31c. r.licsc Tull cnam, niw. 12c. Dean, Per bit, choice marrow, 2 50. Onioi i ,0. per bu. Hour Ilest patent, $4 CO. New York Giani end Produce. Nov York, Jin. H Hour Weak and tending lower en ueciiit of the loiitlnucd weakness iu I wheat. Wluat S ' ! - r 79c- ' o b atloai. and 77c. eluator; No 1 northern Dill ill, SJ'jf f o. Ii utleijt Options open-d sti iil, lut tluriilur ililikcl k' irply anl clcd , wrik at 4c net decline Ji-i cbsutl 777ic March. 7Pi.. Mn), "I'e.j July, 7r-ic. Corn 'pot tlnni No 2, I7i eleiator, and 40?Jc fi o b arloit. Options ojvncd finn, llinlly eased o(f with wheat mid c'os-d ileuly at iY.l. net nil ante. Ian closed 47c , March, 47jc; May, 4l'.e., Jul. 44Vjc OalR -spot dull, N'o I, i TCijc i No 2. file ; No. 1 white, 32c; track while, .U'ii"3e ; No 2 white, j'Vie.; track nlul we.t rn, "Ojil'ie 0,tioiu fairly steady all div but dull. Iluttcr I Inn; cicitiicri. Mj J.V i factory, Hiltc : June cinmer), 1 lal iV4". ; Imllatlcn nVamr), l"V.al7e ; slate dairy, lla 2H"- (hiose llim, fariv lirce, tall made, ll'l ellHe ; fane) vmall fa'l mid', lPlilJc- Kgw llrm; stall unit I'uini, J.'i2lc'.i etcrn. av erage packed, 21j2J"jc ; wc.-tcni, loss off, 23c. Chlcnfro Grain ana Produce Chlcaso, Jan 18 Liquidation was the tea true of trail)' whcit mail.it. May decllred r 'm I. m .1... ...to. ..II., . K BUll.(.f lm.ll Iriu!ts 111 d llctht icuntr) aiccptanee lielpnd 1 10m. that maikit clohlng HiVJe higher; oit I diilincd c,e , and proilnion showed 2',ic ad unco all niounJ at the clcre. I Cis'i i-iintatlop win ni follow! Flour Dull; I N'n, 3 sprit'ic illicit, t i72e. i No 2 red, 7V. , Nn 2 com, 37ViiI7Vic ; Vo 8 nlow, :i7'iii r.7'ic . No 2 tilts. 24'll24Vie No. 2 white, Hi1 i27Ui No I white, ii hti i No. 2 I r)c, Wlr.V , mjlt'i'c, I'Hlflo ; Ni, 1 flax and 'Co 1 1101 tin et, ' ." tlinolhv -UtO; jvork, tllklltVI, Ind. i7 Hi7 42".; iH .7a7.i'.; rdiiiuldtri. 'JUail'ic ; lde. )7 F0a7 W. n lib key, fl 27 Siuar Cut loif, fi30, (.ranuloted, 3 "i. Chlcifo Live Stock Mrirket. Chicago, Jin. IS. Cotlle Iteeelpts, 2,300, In ilii.llng 40(1 l.iinH- ihnlie 't'em l -ndv to strong; oilers, slow, wuik, including butch ini' stock and Tixins: eiwt to pi me u rs, tl'JO.Ki in; poor to milium, MoOal tOl utoi k (F Hid frnlers. (iTPitnU; cows. U.M 25, telfin, WWilfO, cannire. J'ai.70; bull', weak. fJisVil 'Jji calvcr, ?3.7SjG.10; Tcxs fed stecrr, f 111 7n Te-caa guss steers, WSOil; lexa lulls sjsohco Hope- ll'celpt R2,0o0 tomorrow, 20 000; left oier, 1,1100; ten cents higher; active, clodn llitil top. (34213; mixed und hutchen. ?3 15a 5 'il grod to choice heaiy, AS Wi5 12V4; r'Ugh l.rjiy, ifS11a5 25; light, f3.15a3J3; bu'k of silo, $5 27H5 45 Shee Derelplj, 5 1WO1 sheep, firm; lear. Ilnsris up to $'i.2'i: Iambi, strong, good to eholos wrlhers, f1.75il 5; lair to choice mixed t 63 SIRS; western sheep, 817Si4nO; Texas sh-op, !2 50a3CO; nitlve lambs, $4 23a3 CO, wr.te-m lambs, (5a3 50. Enst Llherty Etnck ITtrket. ta't llberti, J111 IS Cuttle Stea I) j extra. f3'a5 70 prlmi, t!lari,i) (ommon, flaS 73 IIors Aitfw an l blithers beU joitcis and mediums, 5 4Pu5 45t II (lit lorken, $3.40; heavy lies, K'.'iJ.AtO, pin, fJ.'OiOro Simp Mowj cliiilw wttlurt, fi 30al.C3; com- -.-.: v ,' V" '"A GREAT I fCLEARAHGE t-SALU OH & MURPHY His Lager Beer Brewery Hnnar&cturera 9f OLD STOCK PILSNER 435 to 4S5 N. llinth Street, iuui!, ri Telephone Call, 2;i3J. Restore Vitality, Lo3t Vigor nnd Manhood Cure Impotencr. Nlslit Kml'slons, Leas of Mem. or, nn . asiinc; cuscueos, nil eiliscts cif relf.abuA nr excoss nml In.iUcrutlon. A norvo tonio nnd blood builder. Bring l Tt ,prtbo pink clow to pale HXiSLsM cheeks sad restores tho Kthw.Wfiro of south. Ilv mnll si tbH BOa nflr box. II bcixes fnp KQ.BO, with our bankablo p;aur(nteo to curst ur raiana 1110 money jittiu. ccnu lor cliculax end copy of our bankublo ffunranteo bond. ;NervitaTab!ats RXTRA STRENGTH Immediate Result! (TLLLOW LADBL) Posltivolr frnarantnod euro for Loss of Power, Vnrlincofo. Undevelonod or Shniuken Orj-nnn. Parr.'i, L'icomntor Atnxln, Ncrrous Prostriv tlon, lj.t'.rii, Kits, Joinnltr, Pnrnljsls nml tlie hetulti of l'rivo Veo of Tobncco, Opium or Liquor, By mull In plain package, $1,00 a box, O for tto.OU with onr bankublo truer ftntre bond to cure In 80 dayg or refund mousy pfcld. Addioss IV ER VITA ME-DICAL CO. Clinton 4. J"f!Usnn "s owioaco. at. Sold by Jlcfiarrali & Thomas, Pnijststs, too Laikaw-aina avenue, bsrauton, I'a. mno, $160a2 50i choice !amb J3 7015 85, torn mon to itwl, $4aJ03 cal tiilt, if.JUaS. Oil Mirkot. Oil City, Jan IS. Credit balance, 117; cer tificates, no bid Phlpmut. 170 051, aicrat't, IW,Ii17. Hum, lll.W.1; aierai,c, tM,074. Krnuse's ITortdRche Capsules are unlike ftnythlng prepared In Amer ica. Tliev ere first pi escribed by Dr. Kraune, Oermany's famous court pity, slclan, long Veforo antlpyrlno was dtij covcrpd. and are almost mnri'rlnno Dn speedily do they tfire the inoit dlitrers- . . T.. t r.-... . . ... ir.Kcuncs. iiite.uii. com ay Matthew UroB. Cr Vsi h 1 v I K IS S UU PILLS 50 CTS.