The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 19, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    ', t'jF1Wy?fV, '
n J- f - f
', y - fTp v vwi1l,, " ?r " jt-w -?r ' r "Td rnfiJV77r -nw4F j t
it ircr?
Au Excellent Combination.
The plcaMint method iinil beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
.Synur or Fios, manufactured by tlio
Califoiinia Fio Srnur Co., Illustrate
thovalitoof obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants lenown to bo
medicinally laxative nnd presenting
tbcinln tlio form most refreshing to tho
tasto and acceptable) to tho system. It
Is tho one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleanslnjr tho sybtem effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches nnd fovcrs
Ktntly yet promptly and enabling ano
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every ob'jcclionabln quality and sub
stance, and Us acting on tho lcldneyu,
liver and bowels, without we'alccnlng
or irritating them, mnUo It. tho Ideal
In tho process of manufacturing figs
are used, rm they are plensant to tha
taste, but the medicinal quallticsof tho
remedy arc obtained from senna and
other "iiromatlc plants, by a method
known to tho Oamfoiixia Fm Symjp
Co. only. In order to get lUi beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full namoof tho Company
printed on tho front of every package.
Tot Mia by all Druggist Prlco Mo. per bottle.
Ice Cream.
AP Per
J)C Quart.
3 Hapbone Order PrompUr Dll vrJ
j,-37 Adams Avenufc
Scranion Transfer Co.
Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Office D., X. & W. rai&enger
Station. Phone 525.
rye, Kar. Nose and Throat
DTrt Ilourst ft. tn. to 110 p. m.: S to
Wllllama Bulldlnc. Opp. Postoffle
city note? :
TtlirtD ASNIVnilSAny.-Tlie South Side
Hachtlor dub will celcbralo it third annlu-r-arjr
with a ilancc in the lllcjolc club room? on
Ihurwiajr eeninsr, Jan. 21.
l.fld under S-'iOO ball by Alderman Howe ye'tcrttay
on the chtrgc of aault nnd battel j- piefeireel
by Daniel DeLacey, of 423 New ttrcct.
rieulay eu'nliiB a proRicthc ciulne party will
be ghen in the Kuifilits of t'olnmbm Uub home
tor the benefit of the (ircen ltldge tonvention.
I.AHCENV 01' OVERCOAT.lop Tetwar, of
SchnoH's court, wai hcM under 0 ball by Al
elornilri Millar list night for the larceny of an
overcoat. Ccorito Locher, of T13 Keller ioiut,
was tha pro.ecutor.
TO INSTALL OiTICKIlS.-Tho oftlceis of Col
ontl Oakford command. No. 'J1, U. V. AV will
bo Installed by Colonel H. K. I'jlno In ball No. 4,
fluermey buildin;;, toniKht. All frlvndi nrc in
ltcd to bo I'lesHit.
HELD UNDElt .MK) llAIL. Tlionui .McDeiniott,
of Dunniore, wa, arraigned beiore Alderman Km
on last cci.ini; on tho charge of obtainlnir kooiIs
under folw picttnccH. piefeiud li. M. T. (iljliil.
He wa held under f.1'0 bail.
ran raiuu will bi held at Hie oiflcc of Alder
man .lohn T. Howe today between the hours of I
and 7 for thn purpo-e of nominating one addi
tional lommun roundlinan fiom tho Sctcntcentli
ward, Mathla htlpp i, a candidate tor the of.
hee. Itobrrt Allen lm withdrawn from thu lacd
in favor of W. H Dlehl, of tho ilini of WitMn &
Dkhl, attorney.
DENIES THE ST0UV.-lh tcpoit print. d in
Harle'lon aper nnd copied In The Tribune t
the lt((t tlut kUit ha lieen bioiiKht by ll.-v,
tltorgo Lees, pittnr of the Eat Market Stieet
I'rlmltltc diuuli, agair.U thu llailetou iliuuli,
of whlih he wa, fornicrly pa.loi, for ifiso liailc
aluy, U iniphitlr.illy denied by ltc, r. eet.
-- --
4 We' offev Subject to pjevlous
4- snle
Economy Steam Heat Company
tQold Bonds
5 Pr. Cent. Eiee of Tax,
tuve 1030.
This company was organized in IS'JJ, ami
4 has been mcrrtslul from the start. It
4. is the only ttcain luatlui; company in
. the city of heraiiton. and is contiolled
T by i-rprcscutathe men, The bonds ure
" conjldercd t'o bo a doll able Investment,
-f tn nroadiviy, N. Y. Wllkeillarrf. -f
Carboiidile. -s
-f Conmonwrallli llldr, fc'cranlon.
4 V'
i' IB1 i
. -
1 li 1 at a Iom t explain the mannfr In
nhleli tin itorr could liare erlglnatfit.
Vetera of Hie V'lrt anl Sexond district of thn
r.lghth ward rrtit lat lilnlit at the Ht. Cliarlm
hotel and nomliultd John J. O'llojlc for winl
imeiar. The district ilrulon oMi-fra nimeil
mi, at followi! KJnt dlntrlcl llcclrtir, I'rnnt:
.'. O'llarat JiiJfc, .lohil J. Iftu) Imprctor,
Sanud Jctknnlt. hotnnil dlttrltt lUisMcr,
.Inhn J. lllzirln'i Judge, Trunk Callahan) linjiee
lor, F. C. I)c I.onR.
Calvin Seybolt.
Calvin Sejbolli lor lortj.fle car a irrldmt
of ttila rlly, died jatcrdry altcinoon at hall
pa,t lour, at din home at II JI(ion aunuc.
Mr. Seyliolt'a dcith wil due to para1l. Te
mat utrrke oreurred Dee. li, and waj followed
by anuthtr Thunday last. Mr. Srjbolt grndil.
aily Mtik until life expired jestcnlay afternoon.
Deceased on of Sranton' forcmot bust
ir!i nun, being proprietor of Seboll' null at
101 Center atreet. Mr. Seybolt alwaja conduct,
ed hla cstablMuntU on ,lrlct binluc.-i prinlple
and through Ida unrarylnf devotion to the Inter
rt of hi, mill haa eatablitheil an Impregnable
potltlon In the Hit of local merchant, lie had
no atplratluna fur public life and nocr held
any public office, preferring to gtc Ida whole
attention to till bmlnena and after ofllce hours
to ipend hla time wltli hit family.
Cahin Sejbolt was born In Middlctown, Orange
county, N. V., Feb. 21, 1KS0. His parent were
.lohn Scjbolt and Anna King. When U jc.ns
of age Ida father died. At IS found him in
Ne7 York, where he remained until lW. At
that time he rimowd to Archbald, and in the
next )ear marrlrit Helen Snlla White, daughter
of .Mr. and Mr. lairned Wldte, of ProIdcnce.
In 1SC0 he formed the partncrhlp of Seibolt
k White, and conducted a general store (or
some time In Providence. In 1SC0 he came to
Scianton and established the Si bolt milt, which
he operated tip to the time of hU death ci
terday. Ho ( survived by Ids wife and five children,
A follows: Mis. D. T. I.1W40I), Mrs. l II.
Counell, Mlu Florence So bolt, Mrs. Doughlai
Hunting, of Wilkes Bane, and Mrs. Lyman W.
Dallaven, of Pittsburg, Al two grandchil
dren, Calvin Seybolt Law-son ami MIji Helen
Allda Connell.
Mr. Sieybolt was a member of the First Pres
brtetian church. Funeral announcement later.
Mrs, John McAndrewa.
Mrs. John McAndrcw died at the Moses Ta)lor
hoapltal yesterday mornlnsr from the effects of a
surgical operation she underwent four da.ts ago.
The remains were rcmoicd to the home of her
mother, Mrs. Drjon Drcnnan, of Hunker Hill.
Mrs. McAndrcw has for tome time resided at Oly
phant. Sho will be tnoumed by a large clrdo
of sorronlng friends, her demise being especially
sad as a tuo weeks old babo is lelt without a
Sho was 2S jears of age and is sunhed by her
husband and two children. The funeral will take
place at 9 o'clock Monday, with serWces in St.
Mary's church, Ounmoie. Interment In Mt. Car
mel cemetery.
ZeilO Zwick.
Zeno Zuick, of C2" Pitt.ton aMiuie, aed .'.7
j cars, died jcitcrday after a brief lllneis with
Inflammation of the limg. Deceased was born in
Wondorf Dadcn, Germany. He came to tliN coun
try about thirteen jeais' ago and has on
this side ever since, during which time he mide
many friends. He is survhed by a wife and tour
children, Frelda, Edwin, Katie and Charles
Tho funeral will take place Mmdiy afternoon at
S o'clock. Itev. Schmidt will conduct the ser
vices Interment will be nude in the I'ittstor.
acnue cemetery.
Mrs. Anna Maria Molang.
Ml. Anna Marli Mulaug, aced S7 Jiau, died
la-t evening at the homo of Mr. and Mr?. Wil
liam Heiderlcb, on Irving auntie. Death was due
to old age. l(eeeaed came to this country about
forty years ago and b.u Hud hero cier klncc.
She is survived b.v one flHtir, Mr. Mnia Erie.
The funeral will take plate Sunday afternoon
at " p. m. Services over the ruiuins will be
Ik Id at e rrnidcmo cf Mr. and Min lleiileiich,
710 Irving avenue. Interment will lie mule in the
Pittston avenue cemctcrj. I'nderlaker Mcrr lu
charge of (lie luneral.
Mis. Hftttle Dunn.
Mr. Ilattio Punu, aged 9 ,vear, died -lir-day
at tlie home of friends on Ilreaker street,
where he had been visiting. She was a resident
of Lordsvllle, N. Y.
Tho remains will lie t.ikm thither in charge of
Undertaker .Tones Monday morning on the 11
o'clock Ontario and Weiteui
M, Paid cbinmandcry. No. 1"jj, of Micliiulen
buig, l'.i., und Sir William T. "lalctn, of Holy
CtO'S) conimandcrj, No. 21, of Philadelphia,
havo vnt In gmciou contiibullons to the hos
pital fund.
St. John's commander, No. Ivl, at Stioud-.-burg,
confeiicil the Order of the lied Cres and
Sepulchre in their large and liandnmo council
chamber on .Ian. 6, in the presence of u large
number of lied Cioas Kidghta.
Union conmiandery, No. S'), at Atlantic I ily,
K. J on Jan. 17, will hold a public ci Miration
in Odd Fellows' hall, to which their lady and
grntlemtn filcnds hive been Invited, nmci.i1
supreme and grand otniers will be present, mid
a fine musical programme has been prepared.
Mystic '"tar conini indt ry, No. 47, at Itcadinf,
on Jan. 22, at Itajah temple, will colder tin.
appendant Order of the lied Cros and Sepulchre
In very clihomtc. stjle. All lied Cross Knight
have been cordially Invited to be im.-riit in ap
propriate gaili, and vicailng tlu- Jewel of the
degree. Visiting fraiurs should bilng their
The six commandetles of Harilshurg, Steelton
and Middlctown, lMnphln count r, Pa., are hold.
Ing monthly tocIaK The fust in tho new cen
tury was held In the council ihamher of Star
of America commandcry, Ni, 11.:, on Jan. S,
when a largo number wcie preent tmiu each of
tho commands in thn localhv. Tin nit sex la 1
will be held on Feb. 7, In tlie new council
cbaniber of Oricimulus couunandery. No, W.
Melila comuiandery, No. Hi, at Media, l'.i ,
held a Hcd Cross counell in Its largo touiie.ll
chamber, UoroiiRli lull. The prlnelpil officers
were as follow n: Sovereign commander. Sir Wil
liam J. Dunbar; tailor councillor, ir C. II.
Smith-, Junior councillor, Sir Adam Hun high
prelate-, Sir William II, Fords mister of cere
monies, Mr D. 0. Master uid Sir W. 11. II.
Mawell. A number of the offers vwie from
tho detjreo staff of Imperial comma ndery, No.
223, of Chester. The aheudineo was large and
Included visiting KulghU fiom t lie.lei,
und Marcus Hook.
The Knight of Malia hn,pltal, whiili (lu
Grand (ommauilriy of Peiinsjhanl.: pioposea to
eitabllih an J maintain, Is making rnaiktd pio
gres, allloiiBli It has been upon the
atteutluii of the membership but a slioit time.
The) Older of Malta, oilrlually known as the
Knight Hotpltallcis of .-t. Jolui of .Iciusalrm,
was first ctabli.hcd in the Holy City to care
for the hospital founded liv Italian merchants,
and wiw Intended te, affoin thelter and relief
to the religious pilgrims who wrre often tn
ore straits after their Journey across Europe
in the Middle Ages. This hospital was cared
for by n rector and Ids asslktants for a lull
century, when Jerusalem was captured by the
Crusaders, when a number of thoso heroes Joined
in forming it doner brotherhood, slilelly for the
care of tho hospital, A few jeais later, In 111-"
th body was mailo military, as well as charit'
able and religious, und has so continued. Other
ho.pllal veere establl-hed by the Older In the
Important cities of Europe, ami tho Hospitalers
Hied "(or tlio faith, and for Iho good of hit.
inanity." Tlie Knights of Malta for tho Contlii
cnt of Ameilca havo been deeply tmprme'd with
tne ucsire to cmuiaie tlio charitable work of
thrlr ancient fratcis, and have now- determined
to create a fund for the establishment of a hos
pllal at Philadelphia, wheie their headquarters
both for the continent and the stato aio located,
ami whero thry expect to find most hearty nlel
fiT,m the medical and surgical schools tint there. PhlludelihU Is also tlie gro.
gtaphlcal center of the Order at this time. Il.e
anniversary day of the Order Is St, John's day,
June 21, which (s also made the donation day
for the hospital fund.
For a Cold in the Head
Laxative Bromo-Quintne Tablets,
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. P. & M. T. Howley.231 Wyoming ave.
Another Step Taken In the Viaduct
Equity Case Luther Keller Hon
Not Yet Decided as to Whether or
Not Ho Will Toko nn Appeal to
tho Supreme Court Grip Put an
End to the Northern Coal nnd Iron
Company's Trespass Suit Against
Qas and Water Company.
KxcFiitlorm to the flndltiRR of Judge
John P. Kelly, hi the equity case of
JiUther Kellor ngalnut the City of
SJcrnnton nnd othern, wore filed by At
torneys I. II, llurns and II. M. Streeter,
attorneys for Mr. Keller, and were
yesterday afternoon overruled by the
Judge. This puts the case In phapc to
go to the Appellate court, but Mr. Kel
ler paid last nlRht he had not fully de
termined whether or not he will take
an appeal.
Exceptions arc made to the findings
of fact rcKnrdlnir the expediency and
necessity of thu viaduct. It Is held by
the exceptants that this 1 Immaterial;
that tho question at Issue Is not one
of expediency but of power, and that
tho necessity for nn Improvement In
no way Justifies Its construction In tin
Illegal manner, or without authority of
The ruling of the court sustaining
tho sufficiency of the title of the ordi
nance Is attacked on the pround that
the public has a vested right to the
use of the full width of Lackawanna
avenue and cannot bo deprived of any
portion of It without notice, of which
thero Is none In the title of the ordi
nance. Other exceptions are noted at
length, as follows:
"There was nn apparently contradic
tory ruling In these two clauses:
" 'The erection of the viaduct will
cause damages to tho abutting prop
erty owners, and the amount which
may bo recoverable by them may ag
gregate the sum of $100,000, whenever
tho same may be liquidated according
to law.
" 'Under tho undisputed facts In this
rase there can be no further Increase
In tho city debt, ut present, unless au
thorized by the vote of the electors
"Tho court having found that the
debt limit was reached, th olalntlft
can not obtain Judgment for damages
for tho reason that such limit will be
a good defense on tho part of the city.
"The court having found as a fact
that the two per cent. limit of debt
has 'ben reached, nnd that there will
bo some damages for thu city to pay.
If tho viaduct Is constructed, the court
erred In not Issuing an Injunction re
straining such construction.
"Tho court cried In sustaining the
validity of the ordinance, there being
no valid sperllleations: not having
been properly passed, nnd being too
vnguo and Indefinite to bind anybody."
To Intelligently appreciate the ex
ceptions one must recall that the case
was decided mainly on tho meaning of
the word "debt," the iourt holding
that "debt" as used in thu constitution
Is shown by a distinction which the
constitution itself makes, to mean
"debt" In its le;gal nnd technical sense,
and not embodying unliquidated duni
Most of the findings nre new law,
and as the Supremo court will be com
mitting itsidf for the first time on most
of the questions raised, it Is hardly to
be oxpeeted that a very early decision
will be reached.
Grippe Caused an Adjournment.
Grippe; caused a sudden adjournment
of common pleas court yesterday, anil
nn aggravating abrupt termination of
the Important case of the Northern
Coal and Iron company against tho
Scranton Gas and Water company,
which, after hanging lire for nearly
two years nnd consuming three days
In trial, was almost loady to be sub
mitted. Two of the Jurors. William Frank,
of Dunnioie, and Milton Johnson, of
Jessup, wero complaining severely of
colds -and other affections Indicative of
tho oncoming of tho all-popular mal
ady. Yesterday morning lliey failed to
put In an appearance, and sent word
that there was no telling when they
would be able? to be around.
Neither side was willing to submit
thu case to ten Jurors, and ns Judge
Kelly deemed it inexpedient to take a
recess to nwalt the recovery of tho
stricken Jurors, ho continued the case
Tho Importance of the case, tho great
Inconvenience caused tho uromlucnt
men who weto parties to or witnesses
hi tlie case, nnd tho nlco little penny
that goes for naught In paying fees to
tlio galaxy of leading lawyers of the
county who weto engaged In tho suit,
mokes tho Inopportune Illness of tho
Jurors ull tlio more aggravating.
To Condemn a Turnpike.
George K. Ulce, master, and Juntos
P. Dickson. Uryuo It. Dhilr. W. T. na
vies, John H, Colllngs and W. W. Hay.
lor, viewers, In the matter of the con
demnation of ihf Fnctoryvlllo nnd
Ablngton turnpike, heard final argu
ments yesterday mudo in opposition to
the propoxpd condemnation by S. n,
l'rlre, attorney, for tho company. It.
II, llolgate repteseutlng tho petitioners
and W. P. Wehl representing tha
Northern lloulevard company, which
claims to have acquired a portion of
tho pike, made their arguments pre
viously. Tho master and viewers will meet
next Thursday at 2 o'clock p. m. to
make up their report.
Yestei day's Marriage Licenses.
John 10. i;vans 730 Orchard street
Mary J, Davis Taylor
Itay J. Wllllums,
lit! North Everett aventiu
Margaret Morgan,
S3T North Hyde Park avetiuo
Slevo Ilolotra Mil Luzerne Ftreet
Orlauo naerdah S01 Lusierno street
Henry Lavoy Carbondttio
Theresa V. Shevllu Cnrbondn!s
VladlMaw l.lluzlowskl Prlcohurtf
ValeneJJa llurziibka Prlcebutg
Michael James J, Flynn Archbnll
Mary A. Wright Aiehbnld
The Bast Cold Ctue
Is one you can tnko without Interrup
tion to business. One that does not
effect the head or hearing like the con.
tlnued URe of quinine. Ono that cures
speedily and leavep you foellng fresh
anil ctear-neaucu.i much a ono Is
Krauso's Cold Cutlo. Prlco 23c. Sold
by Matthews Uros
Symptoms of a Very Common Trouble
Thero Is no disease so common In the
United States a catarrh because It
appears In so many forms and attacks
so many different organs.
It Is a. common mistake to suppose
that catarrh Is confined to the noao
nnd throat. Any Inflammation of tho
mucous membrane wherever located,
accompanied by abnormal secretions,
is catarrh. Catarrh of stomach or
bladder, or intestines la neariy ns com
mon us nasal catarrh and much moro
serious, ulthough It Is true that stom
ach catarrh and catarrh of other in
ternal organs Is the result of neglected
nasal catarrh.
A new remedy lias recently appeared
which so far as tested seems to be re
markably effective In promptly curing
catarrh, wherever located. Tho pre
paration Is sold by druggists generally
under the name of Stuart's Catarrh
Tablets, and In addition to being vory
palatable and convenient, possnsws
extraordinary merit, In many ewes
giving Immediate relief from tho
coughing, hawking and constant clear
ing of the throat and hea.1, thoro
symptoms with which everyone Is fa
miliar who has ever suffoveJ from
colds In tho head and throat.
Catarrh Is simply a continuation of
these symptoms until tho troubln be
comes chronic and grows gradually
worso from year to year.
Stuart'a Caturrh Tablets aro com
posed of Hydrastln, Eucnlyptol, Gual
acol and similar nntlseptlcM and ca
tarth specifics, from which It will bo
seen that no secret Is made of the In
gredients and also that no mineral poi
sons arc used, us is tho cisa with
many well known catarrh medicines.
For catarrh of the nose, throat,
bronchial tubes, for catarrh of stom
ach, Intestines or bladder no prepara
tion Is so safe and gives such rapid
and permanent results as Stuart's Ca
tarrh Tablets.
All druggists sell thsin at r.Oo. for
full sized package-. You can use them
with ussuranco that you will not con
tract tho cocaine or morphine habit
as tho results from this catarrh euro
are apparent from the llrjt day'3 use.
Special to the bcranton Tribune.
Townnda, Jan. 18. Again Manager
Klrby has booked the ever popular
"Joshua Sltnpklns" superb comedy
company, which will appear at Halo's
Opera House next Monday evening.
Their cast Is composed of the best
artists that over visit this section. Tho
specialties arc of u high class, and. In
lact, the programme is perfect in each
act and scene. The mechanical scen
ery is of the best, Including u very
thrilling saw-mill scene. The com
pany consists of about twenty-live)
male and female nrtl&ts.
O. D. Kinney, of Duluth, has been
visiting among Uradford county
ft lends.
Judge I-'a lining has enteied upon his
term of ten years In the Judicial du
tle.. A Wuverly furniture company has
sent a carload of manufactured; goods
lot- exhibition of tho furniture manu
facturers of- this country In New
Miss Aimluda KJI!ott, of Wyaluslng
township, starts soon for Canton,
China, where she will act as a mis
sionary of the Presbyterian board of
foreign missions.
Trexler & Turret! have purchased
5,000 acres of timber land near La
pot te, whero they will etect a saw
mill nnd barrel-stave factory.
Thlllp Hoffman, of Terry township,
died from the effect of being asphyx
iated by coal gas.
David Cowcn. a veteran, died In
South Townnda, on Wednesday. Ho Is
survived by a. large family of giown
up chlldicn.
A charter has been granted for a
public libraiy at Wyaluslng.
A now overhead brldgo will soon be
constructed1 over tho Lehigh nnd Erls
tracks nt Wavcrly. .
Snow Is the name of a neW'-post-ofilco
established In Eastern Uradford.
Mrs. Iluth Myers, of Tunkhannock,
died of apoplexy at Athens, while vis
iting her daughter, Mrs. F. Swang.
Josiah Payne, of Overton, has been
arrested and held under $200 ball for
appearance at court, charged with Ille
gal voting and perjury. At a lato elec
tion It Is alleged Payne swore in his
voto on tho grounds that he had paid
his 1893 tax, and Investigation proved
that lip had not been assessed, nor had
he paid any taxes since ISO."!.
C. W. Green and wife, of South Da
kota, after nn absence of eighteen
years, are visiting In Eastern Brad
ford. W. Wcstfnll, of Sayre, has an ex
hibit of fancy fowls at a Doston poul
try show.
The infant son of Court Stenog
rapher Head died this week of bron
chial pneumonia.
Dr. John D. Mcrcur has gone to Los
Angeles, Cal., whore he will spend sev
eral weeks.
Herbert Craumer, of Monroeton, has
entered an art school In New York
The report for the past week showed
that Towanda had 400 cases of the
A charter has been granted tho
Atueilcun Basket and Manufacturins
company, of New Yotk state, with a
capital stock of $100,000, which, it is
stated, means tho consolidation of tlio
Van Duzer Manufacturing company, of
Sayre. and other similar concerns In
Now York state. It is announced also
that tho main office will bo at Waverly
and facilities for a larger output will
bu added to tho plant at Sayre.
The grand Jury meets next Monday,
nlso licenses will bo granted.
John O'Connor, a Townnda young
man, died at a Philadelphia hospital
this week.
At the annual meeting of the stock
holder of tho Pittsburg. Iilnchumton
and Eastern railroad, held In their
oinco at Towanda, tho officers and di
rectors wero re-elected.
Ily tho statement of tho assessments
made throughout tho county for this
year, the following Is given: Number
of horses and mules, 13,374; value of
real estate and Improvements, $19,772,
ADO; cows and oxen, 20,811; offices, pro
fesslons, occupations, etc., valuation at
$130,775; mortgages, Judgments and
money at Interest, $3,000,231; stages,
hacks, etc., 1,470; male and femalo
dogs, 4,R02; nggregato tax of dogs, $6.
C09; aggregate valuation of real estate,
horses, cows und occupations, $20,911,
910; aggregate tax of county, state,
poor and court house, $148,129.25.
Colonel Richard Loder Is Instructing
a class In military tactics at tho Sus
quehanna Collegiate Institute.
Mrs, W. DoForrest f Detroit, Is a
guest of Mrs. C. S " '11 in Towanda,
Will Meet Again Monday to Hear
Cases from Bradford, Pike, Wayne
and Susquehanna Counties nnd
Four Cases Put Over from This
Week's List It Is Expocted That
the Session Will Be Concluded
Wednesday t Case of Replorrle
Against Arthur Piothlngham.
This week's list of arguments beforo
the Superior court waa concluded yes
terday with tho hearing of tho caso
of D. B. Iteploglo against Arthur
Frothlngham, appellant, common
pleas, Lackawanna county. ,
In 1S93, Mr. Ueploglo negotiated for
Mr. Frothlngham a loan of $110.
Frothlngham gave a Judgment note
for $150, and us collateral security
furnished Mr. Iteploglo with a con
tract for $lo0, which J. Frank Slegel
had entered Into with Mr. Frothlng
ham for tho use of tho theater, of
which the latter was then owner.
Before tho noto became due, Mr.
Iteploglo collected $107 from Mr. Slegel.
The difference of $13 was retained by
Mr. Slegel for alleged breach of part
of the contract, In Mr. Frothlngham
not having laid crash on the theater
lloor, as promised. When the noto
became due, Mr. Reploglo entered
Judgment on It and proceeded to exe
cution. To avoid a sale, Mr. Kroth
Ingham paid tho judgment and costs.
Ho then had Mr. ltcplogle arrested
for obtaining money by fraud.
Mr. Uoplogle went before Alderman
Millar, In custody of Constable Jack
Tlerney, and in default of ball was
committed. He was paroled In cus
tivly of lib attorney and the next day
was released on habeas corpus pro
ceedings. Mr. Frothlngham again had
him arrested on the same charge, and
he gave ball befoto Alderman Wright.
When tho caso canto befote the grand
Jury, Mr. Frothlngham did not appear
and the case was Ignored.
He thereupon sued Mr. Frothlngham
for malicious prosecution and secured
u verdict of $1,230. Mr. Frothlngham
appealed, alleging that the court had
erred in not giving binding Instruc
tions to Und In liU favor In that he
hail conducted the prosecution on ad
vice of his counsel, jr. W. Lawry.
The plaintiff alleges that Mr. Froth
lngham cannot thus shield himself bo
cause ho failed to show that ho gave
his counsel a correct and full state
ment of the circumstances of the case.
Mr. Replogle'a defenre to tho origi
nal cise li that he was compelled to
tnko oelvantage of the Judgment note
to make up tho deficiency between tho
M0" which the Slegel contract realized
and the $130 which was loaned on tho
note, of which he wns an endorsee.
Joseph O'Brien and James H. Torrcy
represented Mr. Tteplogle. R. II. Hol
gato argued for Mr. Frothlngham.
The ense la Important In that If tho
judgment against Mr. Frothlngham Is
sustained, he will either have to pay
the judgment or go to jail.
The only other case- nigued was ths
matter of the CatawUsa and Main
township road, a dispute as to tho
width of a road in Columbia county.
William II. Rhawn and Chrlrtlan A.
Small appeared for the appellants. T.
J. Vnnderslue and Fred Ikeler nrgued
for the appellees.
The ciise of tho commonwealth
agalnot P.xvld I, Long, appellant, Le
banon county, nnd the case of com
monwealth agnlnst William Church
and Frederick Uurdlck, appellants,
Susquehanna county, were continued
to the Hnrrisburg session.
Next week's list Is mado up of eight
cases from Bradford, Pike, Susque
hanna nnd Wayne counties, and tho
following four cases put over from
this week: Commonwealth, appellant,
ngatnst M. II. Howells, Luzerne coun
ty: commonwealth to the ute of J. F.
Brlggs, appellant, against Webster
ltemaley and others, Luzerne county;
John S. Millar, appellant, against In
terstate Casually company, Lacka
wanna county, and commonwealth
against Anthony Dunleavy, appellant,
Lackawanna county.
The court will, It Is expected com
pleted Its work by Wednesday.
Special to the Scianton Tribune.
Kingsley, Jan. IS. W. N. Whitney
made a business trip to Scranton
Jthn McCarthy was in Scranton on
Wednesday. He is recovering from a
epialned ankle.
Mist- Luck Oakley Is seriously ill.
Dr. Snyder, of New Milford, attends
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Carpenter spent
Sunday with relatives nt Hopbottom.
Miss Maine MacConnell, of Wljkes
Barre, was a recent visitor at Miss Llss
zto Tiffany's.
Professor A, L. Thayer, of Bingham
ton, Is conducting a singing class hero
consisting of over twenty puplli.
J, F. Adams lias returned from a
leu days.' stay with friends In Clark'-,
Mrs. S. G, Finn Thursday enter
tained Misses Lottlo Blycum and Miss
Jc-sslo Lord, of Hopbottom.
Jin. Porter Williams, of Hopbolloni,
nnd Miss Julia Peck, of New York,
veto guests of Miss Flora Adams on
Mrs. A. Lawrence, of Lenox, Is tho
guest of her niece, Mrs. J. dl. Goss.
Mrs. J. It, Alexander spent Tuesday
and Wednesday with relatives In
Scranton. She was called there by the
death of her cousin.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Adams, Miss
M. McCarthy nnd W. W. Sloat were
at Scranton Thursday evening.
M. M. Farlety had tho misfortuno to
fall by his crutch slipping and cracked
the bono of his leg, which was broken
teven weeks ago, nnd from which he
was slowly convalescing. Dr. Taylor,
of Hopbottom, was called to reduce lite
Tho concert nnd entertainment of
tho Odd Fellows has been postponed
until February 9, by order of commit
tee. Two Hundred Mlneis Stilke.
0 Kxcltutte Wire fiom Tlio Associated Pirsa
Dellalre, (),, Jan. 1. Two Innirlrnl niincta at
the (lailorcl eoal initio on the Clcvilaml nn-1
ritttbuig railroad, Mruck today, chimin,; tin
company haa not lived up to U atiireinent.
The minora' otdclali hae hre-n tuiinmincd here
to adjust tho tiouulc.
I Recent Importations
.d Havo just been added to our stock of French China, mAkDM
"5 this one of the most maijnlncont displays ever seen In this d.
xuosa contemplating tne purcnase of a Dinner Set will do
well to' look over our Havlland & Co's, particularly the most
tecent nrrlvals. Star shape, an open stock pattern, from which
you can select such pieces nn you need and add to at any time.
Wo nro confident that our goods and prices will compare fav
orably with tho largest stores In tho country, 112-plece din
ner set for $50.
Cien V Millar A
" " .,--w
Gold Crowns $3
Gold Fillings $1
Bridge Work (tEW $3
Set of Teeth $5
All work (rnaranteeil for 10 yeara. Call and
haie jour teeth examined free at chirie.
balltfactlon or no pay.
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
That's the name. You've heard It a good many times--most
every time in fact, when jewelry is the topic of convM'
satlon, for the one implies the other.
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
Has much to show you in the Gift li e more than you'll sea
in most other stores. Not only more, but something "dif
ferent" novelties that appeal to you, because of their
novel ly.
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
Has evcrythinj going in the jewelry line. Think ol what
you want; it's ihere. Prices, too, are less than you think,
when you consider that no matter what von buy, quality is
317 Lackawanna Avenue.
0 The New NcTcrMi;) As-
plialt Removable
J Horse cannot slip
0 and will outwear three
K sets of nny other calk
m inaniiractiircil.
'Warns Phonographs
Williams', because we sell them not
because we make them for Udison is better
posted than we.
Full variety of styles at all times, In
uding the splendid new "Concerts" that
ive perfect response to tone.
Records 50c and $1.00.
Shop around then come here.
MTHfT'a'Jcfat Kl lZWmmYBXJ?1.
i ,-'m9m n-mm' "
"s-v KX. rL(3ifrvttK,rnas'mi 'mm&a
mSM&M&Mte :, The JEWETT liner is easily the
most clever device of its kind.
The JEWETT is modern, up-to-date, simple, convenient, durable
and t.ipid.
JEWETT No. 10 Has Ninety-Two Distinct Char
nctcrs. Eight Hore Than Any Other Standard Hn
chine. -J. W. WAGNER,
215 Board of Trade
Cn. m Wjomlmc Atcmte
-ww Walk In aitrf I L k...-A "?
Extracted Absolutely
Without Pain. .
Our ajitem of PAINLESS ritntUtrj- If tar
mperfor to the old method o( dolnj wort
Wa both fill and extract tetth without the
leaat particle of pain. Our prlera for the
present are extremely low, anel If jrou art in
need of any Dental work. Call and hava
your teeth examined.
We make a ipeclalty of fine Crown and
tlrldre Work and It will pay cu to call and
tet our prices before going cliewher. All
work abtolutely raltileii.
Dr. ReyerTDenfist
BU Spruce St., Opp. Court House.
CO,, f
128 ft
Ave. ::
Writes and shades seventy-five
letters to the line.
Writes straight on ruled lines.
Has automatic type-cleaning
The best manifoldcr and stencil
wS e ''K"tcst touch to keys and
The JEWE1T ball-bearlna car-
.:-- 11U..1. u.. u