''' " ' trr5 .r. "i ;i;u'-v t,c TjyiTTrf"-, -TTvrrvTTi. j, -.-ir ?c ' - r TTi ."""ft" "S " r7rr -o-f 12 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1901. rrf i(?t jRV NEWS OF THE LAB0RW0RLD DETAILS Or TEANBFEH 01? THE PENNSYLVANIA. Mutter Was Decided at ft MeUnff Held In New Yoik Yesterday. President Thome Snld It Did Not Jtenerve the Culm When It Dis posed of Its Property D., L. & W. Boiivd Beaver Meadow If Ex el'ted Over a Strange Cieature in tho Mine. Tho director) C tli" Krle rallorud In New Vork yesterday limi?d n lo circular to nhareholdcia, elvlnjf dctullH of tho proposed Ismio of sucutltloa t carry out the purchnso ot tlm l'onn rylvnnla Coal coinrnny mid Its prop erties from J. Plotpont Morgitn & Co. It Is proposed to listto to that flun J3I.o00.000 new four per c;nt. flfty yenr sold eoll.Uorul trust iioikN, an I y.".,fW.O0O ndilltlotial llrst prcfotrpd xtork. Thu nutliorl-wd uiuount of tlw new bond lssuo will Do iWW.OO.O, hut $4,000,000 are to ha mwived to cany out Improvements on tin; proportles. vhofp sharps me deposited ur. security for tho new U&ue of bond. Thn dliiTtois luivo r.illeil a inovtlns of ftnckholdtra f voto en thf propo II Ion to lHUf the addltloinl Hist pro feried 'duui's nnd ti ratify the u lion of tho illicotors In It-sulntc the $''', riiO.non utnv bonds, but tho circular l.w s not i;1vo the duto of thW itu'et ir.if. The nprreement v. 1th ,f. I'. Mir,'nti v: V. Involves thu nolo to tho Ihiv rail l.mcl of all of tho capital stoik of tin i"iiu and V.onilns ullt-y mlhoad, of i ho Delawuii' Willi'.-, and KUitr'tun intlro.id nnd all ot th" I'.xpltnl stock of the lVniisl!tnhi fo.il rompim., '. itif; not lcs than n m.ijiilty Ihfi.'uf, iuttlh'Pd nr to bo m (tilled bv the linn, "o tlm extent that .1. V. M"ii,nn i '. fhnll deliver lt"'i th.iil all of th .lock of tho Penr.xylwni.a Coal com 1'iny, tho amount of bond di-llver-iblo to them bv miiv ot payment hIi.lI l.e intably ivlur(l. The now lsiiie of lour t' r (fit. bonds arc to bo .vocuu'd oil Uei ally ly the plediro of nil shniet o! stock of tho Urle and Wyoming Valley inllmul, the Delaware, Vallev and Klimnton Ttnllio.id and thr ,oiin"v'Haiiia Owl fiimpanv, owntd bv the IMe llnllroiil loinpany and of thlity-one per eul. of till' MiatP of the Xe Vor!;, Sus- iliioliannu and weuein lallicad. Culm Not Reseived. I'loldcnt Thome, of the Pcnnsvlvn nla foal company, win came to his ofllre yesterday, denied the report that the culm heaps of coal siored at tho mini's of tho company were still In tho possession of the stockholders of the Pennsylvania (Vml company. The re pott printed stilted that Iti the trans ler of the property the ntouk'toldcrs of the Pennsylvania foal company le scred the rights to all the coal above cround. included In this coal were mountains of rmall coal, too email to be classified, and which, If washed, would prove n liable. The point was made that on this intcipretatlon of tbe transfer, considerable pioperty would "till belong: to the old stockholders of the Pennsylvania Coal company. In spcaklnrr of this. President Thorne faid the culm heaps weio the property of the recent purchaser. "In the Kale." ho said, "we reserved all the aulck assets. This included the coal already mined and other properties which could bu converted Into cash Im mediately. It would require years to wash the culm, nnd thetefoio it is not a quick sale. New Voik Commoiclal. .Tlonrd for Today. Today's V., I... & W. board is as foN lors: I'riJaj, Jm IS, wij.n CATS. KAS1. - r. m. P. Naiiman. 10 p. in 0. JlimJilph. 11 p. rn.-H, J I .irliin. MlUtfljJ, ,lj u. 1WI.D CA1. i:,!T. IISO a, in .1. Sn'JrtJ. A a. m.V Wall. i r. m. J. XntiR . m. M. 1'iMitttr. a a. m. Jl. 1 lnnortj. 7 a. m. (I. Itutrnty. n. in. 1". b. Vm Wprincr H . m T. .1. Tliominoi . jnso a. in .1 .). Jtiirrav, tbli II Uih-tlV nvn, tllO j. m.-O PiK. 1 p. m. II. T. JVllnv. i p. n.-r.. M. llalktt. 1.43 p. m. V. Hjllff. 4. IS p. in. J. .1. Dutlr, PL'MMIIK, l.ir. .'. n. ri , rist-i:. MeMlUtrr s a. m nrl 1. rro.niftll ci w a. m , wet W. II. Mclnl, 32 oVlmk roon, l-J, C.irrie, ii p. in., int-H. fillllKJii. 7 p. in.. v,t Irom C.uugi. time iniin-Mcl.-.no. 7 p. m., wwt from Ci.turi, two niitlnM-Olritfr. 7 p. iii.! tut horn Nay Aui three tnglnci E. PufTj. PUtLKn. 10 . m. P. E. Sccor. rtisitnns. t m.IIoiuer. 11.S0 . m. Moion. 7 p. m. Murpryr. 0 p. m. Lamping. r.vsscsGnrt knointa 7 i, m. 0rTn',y. 7 . m, O. Cos. 8.S') p. m SUntpn. 7 p. m. Mnjoifrii. WH.D CATS, WKST. 4 a. m. W. A. narthnlnm'w. 5 o, in. P. JUt'on, with rioudlcan'a mm. H n, in. J. (Iilniin. 7 . m. .1. II. Mrl'ann. P . m.- A. K. Kctchiin. 11 t. in. A. 0, Itimmitt 1 p. in. T. fltjpatriik. 2 p. in. (1 Hurt. i p, in, .T, Pntfr. S p. m,-M Olnlry, nltli O'llira'a men 7 p m llnrpftty. xouci:, t'onduilur S. O'Connor, with W. I) tVarfrl'i rurti, will run 6 p. m. UM Pjt WmI, Jan. IS, In ilac of J, F. VaitPM and crcn. Thlo and That. William May, of Wllkcs-Uatre, has been apiolnted foternan at No. 2 Dela ware and Hudson colliery tit Plymouth. He- surrc.jilH Kvnn H. Heesc, who has been tivnisfeircd to the Lackawanna rvtflon. The- lnlneis of the Hevonth anthra cite district will iTi-et In special con vention In the Murkle bank, llatle ion, on Monday otoulng of net week, lit promptly S o'clock. The call Is H Nited by Pi-esident Duffy, nnd the busl-n-ss to be tr.in-victed is ald to be vt Imih.rtant. This miaiitlntr a force of men bejran work at blasting the toelt at what U kuiMvn as Uoek Cut. about three miles -Mt of this viliase. Men are also wotk lrifr ebsewhero betwocn here and Otlr vllle, It bvlnn- the Intention of the Krle to make tour tracks between here and that place. Th- law amount of frelirht ha nt'cessltateil Increased tianspottn tlon facilities, Port .Tcrvls Oazctte. Tin; Iirtiimad tlazette of January 11 contains a sketch of U'llllam M. Cor bett, who wav recently appointed di vision suptrlnttmlent of the Chicago and Alton at slprlnRfield, 111., and was for n time tnilnmnster of the Dela wiup division of the Kile at Port Jer vR Mr. forlwit is forty-thtpe jeara old nnd bejjan railroad work us a sec tion hand on the Atlantic and Oieat Western (now pan of the lie) In 1&7.:. Heaver Meadovi Is excited over thu presence of a stranse dragon-like ani mal In the Old Temperance mine. The miners describe the animal as belli three feet hlRh and four feet loti-r, with a urn-ill head, a lontr whMa-ied nose nnd eves as larnn n Milvee ilnl. Iius. Its tracUs show h Kood-slzed fi.it with six claws. AVhilp imshlnp a car In f In initipj a niliu r uas attacked by 'the animal. v hieh jumped on Ills back with fierce prowls. The miner's cloth ln;: v.-ns torn from his back before other mluni. runhlnsr to hW asslstnncc, fi'lrhtened tho beast away. At a mcetlnii of the tockhohlers of the Columbia and Montour Klectilc Itailway company, held in Hanlsburff, Monday, thu conttiicl was awarded for the construction of tho trolley lino from Cot.awlsta to Dei wick. The con tiact Is awarded in thiee sections from Catawlssa to Hiiert, Uupert to Hloomsbutg nnd Uloomsburit; to Her wlck. The contiact pi Ice lor the three sections Is JKO.OCO. Hon. U. F. Myers, of Hanliburfr, was elected piesident of the company, Hon. Rufus K. Polk, of Danville, vice-president; 1,. i;. Wal ler, of lllooms'ourfi'. tieasuier. nnd C. W. Millet, of Uloomsburs, secretary. TOMORROW'S SERVICES. Idncluded licin l'j;r II J "I hope others will ii do as I did. "1 Sill- - f nrnrl 4J.- ' t .six years with ovari an trouble," writes Mrs. K.Waite, of Chicago, Ills. ( I,alte View Postofiice.") "Sometimes I could hardly walk, and when I had to cough it felt as though a knife was cut ting me. My hands and feet were cold all the time. I v had such a tired feeling nnd such a poor appetiteand when I went to bed I slept only about two hours at a time. I got a bottle of ' Favorite Prescription ' and by the time I had used two bottles I felt so much better that I continued until I had taken eight bottles of Favorite Prescription ' and one of ' Golden Medical Discovery,' and now I am so well that my friends remark how well I am looking. I go to bed now and sleep till morning. My appe tite is splendid and that tired feel ing has left me. I hope others will do as 1 did give Dr. Pierce's medicines a fair trial." V EnZ Jv! jiff'. fSfi-l i ft BTOiffl TtililiioM.! lnoitu.si Wcilnt'.da) fiiriitiK' it S o'lloclr. The ihurch ii i.bu cpui -iry day diir iiig 'he vaU. The Ilililc .ir.rt all ClirWijn S. i. Dice lilriatuio U l.ipt In lu Ue- pulillc icjdini; im rn "tiiiiip and H.ilt!i, vltli Kcj to tl.i yiriiiliire," lij 31iy Hiker IMd.i, will in. loaiijd t'j li.ust y.tiutb ulhont chirn VKitcu and Ut ter. j inmilij are ttclioroe and elini iimilcuui uU'ii'lun an I lrfnri.iailon utf. Kirit I'rlimtlM Mithodi' church, Green kido --Itei, (!. Io, pilor. Jlorninj at 10 iO, ,ul). J(ft, "Moil and Action"; cirtitii; at T o'clcck, "I ltae Put OH M Con, Hon shall I I'm It On" iticepllon ol un numbciii at morning Ffnlcoi. A wflcumc to .ill. AH ."-Mil' I'mitrMlim cliunli, pine stieet, l?. Iwien Admit anl JiDimii ,ii!iuii I1c. O. 11. Pi'iiibUy, pator; rffidir.ir, 0J) tdnr acnui. MmidiK mtiIiv, lUPO. ccnitir nrwci', 7.0; "unday school it ll.Mi, Mil-. llinjin'in, kiipri. intit.dn.t. Ilcv. 1. ' I hfi will pu.ul, hiitli ineintiiK mid rtenlng. lildai nuilnu, Jan. 23, 11. i. .1. I). 1 lHiti!;l!Jr, tin t lie tup. rintpnd.nl, nill be-jlti reriiiif, inarluns rri rrrur ca cloa In,' Jm il. Cordial wi'Imiiiic to nil f'abaii Kifornuil ihuicli. M'mioi ivm md (llbwn trtcl lii-i M irlon I, l'lror, pji-ti.r. v.i lifi, 100 a. in, T."H p rn. , -und i iclui.il, 11,1 a rn. : (liriitlan tlnduicr, (,.13 p in.; nnd ucrk ira.ur. S y mi i-iltrliUrti. -Hiiiikn. .i I. in. Muinlni; Mihjcct. "1 lie Unat Smpathlz d"; cicmnsr (.ulijici, "II iw Old Art liio.it" Capons iliirel I'lftdilni; nt Id SO and 7.10 by Hie jwHur, lti'. 1. It lVfu. Sund lio I, !! p. n.: "-mini Ilndenci. T n. m. Mondaj nm- Mm, i i.i( r muling. "SO fbnraihy eienliiz. ltc.ulliii: rui.m iipm 1 1 liny iwr.mfr. 11 hmu inr and pin; bub urlimiu lo all rici. I'lyinciitii Cuniiiiallonil chinch, latkfon firut- Km, r A. li-ijl, ptrinr. lu.y) ti iii , pica inns b Dm pahlnr, (omimu.loii ami rrn'p t ion ot n- in nilh r . 1- in , Kablntli siboolj 2.13 p iii liiiiuaii imiiup huiiliN Hil.ool; i in, ( l.rl-tiaii ltiik-Micr; 7 i. m , jircjcliing 1J llif partur. All MrwiD n IIukIhIi TIip 1'coplf'u ( lURiicatUiial I'rolilbllimi (liui'li-lliv Or Blid, .atcr. Ilidi- 1U v a iPKiilar pmacliliiK fenlec tin Tiii-iday iMiimy, Ian, "2 in Morel'i hall, Uii.ikii' !i(i'l, (,uon llliUC tralrad rl mi ruidae, it. thf a-tor It in ii at Mut I'ii'tcm on Sablnt'i. Senile it T 1.0 i. in., ulmii, "Hie Oii-al(t Opportunity .1 tin (hurih," Ml am itlcnnn. ELMHURST. A iii'U (! Klne'K Wau,;htiH was nrKfinlr.e'l on Thursday evening by tho yotmi; ludlon of tho Uuiitlfit cliurcli. Mi"i Muy K. Pivy Is vls-ltlllff fil"tuln in Hliifthnnuon thlK wok, Jtuv. I'. T Frvy Ii usslstinir tlu imn tor of tho C'l.irU'b (liotn ll.iittlst clniioli In revival ineotiiisrh. MIF8 AnnUi .Ionii,l of Scrnnton, U I spmiillnir a, ti'W days in Klmhmvit. Sir. and Mi?. Moes Wt'Htcott are rojolclnp over the arrival of a little daiiKlitcr In their homo. Mliw l.ou Dunnlnif Ih nhlo to bo out JKaln aftor an nttacl; of tho irrlp. Mr.. Xortnn Wnsnnr nttondod th funcr.nl of her aunt nt Kcrantou on Tuel.ny. Mis. Mnchotte, of Kcmnton, wns the guent of Mrs. A. n. Williams on Tues day. WAVERLY. Hcv. Mr. GodBhall has bson con fined to tho houau for tho past ten clays with nn attack of the prlp. Tho rear of tho drug Htote of A. ncdforcl tc Bon, on Main utrcct, was discovered on tire last Thursday af ternoon. It was caused by a defective flue, nnd what might linvo caused a cerlous conlliiKratlon won narrowly averted. It wis put out boforo much damage was done. AlvaJa G. Colvln was butted lait WHAT ARE YOU USING To Oir? Yofcrself and Family o! CATARRH ANDG0f4SUMPTt0N A Remedy Tlint Relieves the Symptoma or One Which Cures the Disease Itself? That there l but one treatment which will permanently cure such cIIh msn of tho nil passarrrr n Cntarrli, Ijronchltls and Consumption, In veil known to alt who are posted In tho phytdoloKy of tho re.iplintory orRam, or who read tho United Ptatei Health lleports. Why then do muTeiers from these diseases continue to rxpend their money on stomnch medlclneM which can only relievo thu uymptoms, or on Imitations of thh new ti eminent which natttrn luu-Holf will not permit to enter the bronchial ttibei and lutlKfi. No doubt theio me nmny lemsdles on the maiket, which, taken through the stomarh, will lellevc the cough nnd i'Ivp strength and llrsh to th'i siif feier, thtifi fortttyiiiK the body to longer withstand the invi'jres of the dlioftio ItBolf, but t"oiiuitiptlon Ih ratisiul by crorins cmhedded In tho luriBrf and nil the stomach rneillcItuM In the world cannot reach nnd de stroy them. How many lhcunnds of men n ml women there aie toduv. who, having ealivil ti.'ih utit! strength. Mid ie Hovel their coin!! by iiich lemodlei', h.vve slvcn their testimony n cur-'d of foti'-uiiipUuii, only to ilnd when tj late, that the (lNi-mie StM'lf bus been cotHtantlv i: lining Kiound while they reitd In fnncle'l .,eeurltv. 'J'he Mm" can be sjld of those i.ho lm oh-i tallied lellef hv the use of niny, ' v.P"is nnd alomltsem, the tieiietlt! ie- ! eel ved ate onlv temporal y In h.i'h ! cum's. for ii'porti tiiihiislied liv the j V.urf.nu of A'ltal Stntistici at AVasli-liii,-liiii, Hhow that up to tlie time !ir. U.MKI. the rv w l)i -Air Oeimtilde. wai dlseinoivd, ikath.n from dlscni".' or tho resplintnty or.tns inete.iH.'d llfty-om- per cent, per yoir. whllt tits i opens of the Hanie but can "Inee IIYO- Ml-Il was lntroduril show n reduction In ths death rate if vi r "1 tier cent. . dtt" to die ujo of IIYUM'.SI alone. Hueh exldoni'o, roi.ih'j; nn it does from the hip)iet nuthoiity In the land, which only -.'Ives facts and figures as ih" nn found, o.ii;ht to cairy mons wolKht with an IntelliKMit peihon tli.ui nil olhr tcrtlmony, and v hen there tacts iik bji kod up by the indorse ment of thn whole inedir.nl profession, there is certainly no excuse for tl,e altllcted Ileitis misled. JfYO.Ii:t cures Coiiuhs. Cntniih, Ilionchltls Arthmi, f'rnup and Con-umptio!- lf.-auue it deytrryi the pcrr.13 which cans" the .1Imim HVO.Ml'T destiny'' the "Tins', be cause It can l)i InhtiMl In the air we bieathe. th" onlv method by which they can be leached. HYOMI'I is the only eu:(., becnuse It i.s t! e only drv-nlr f-eimiclde known, and nat.tre herself will not permit moist s-eimiciiics to enter the hmn ihl.il ti:h"s and Iuiirs. Your money is leCundfd In anv nra where IIYOMISI falls to cure 'oiiuhi. Cat'jnh. Ittouchltis or t'onnmiptinn. A five iln.s tteatnuoit will bo heat to u'l.v per.snn fiee, who writer for tne same. HYOMI'I Is fold bv .ill diitstf,!, or sen bv nail. C.'ompleto Outfits fl.OO. Ttl.il Out ills LSc. I The R. T. Booth Co., Ithaca, N.'Y.. Tliuis-ilay nftcinoon. Thu funeinl was held at the res.lienci- In Hast Denton. He was n memhei of the c. tnd rniy post uf this placf H" has been .in inmate uf thn im-.tne depaiimpiit at the Hillside Tlonu. to- the pet tw year" He was ,i hiKhly te-peited elilzen. Dr. X. r. Mackpy reportr. an un usual amount of sdokiK"-!'. Several paitlen aie piittlns in Ice about olKht Inehei thick and of triod ipiallty. It. Ii. Sherman 'iiul D. .. Doty, who have been on the Mel: list for some time aie now able to b, about. For n Cold in the Mead Laxntlvo Sromo-Quiniuo Tablets. A Gold Crown Free. Crowns and Bridges Fillings with Ttry act of eiir bst ith cnntriiliil (or on or before IVbmary 16th, 1001. Thl" U i bgnaflilo offer ami our maU'lal l thn but. 1 made here and ma.-la rlglit of 22K (told. Our price la only 5 no. Inerteil hero by taper! rneed operator who h lieen electd Irom th ttreot otllrci In the U. S. for tholr nbllilr. EXTRACTING EXAMINING.. CLEANING FREE Min- 0-Call Our ow-n anejthetlo lor palnleni otractinir. S.ifo nnd Sure. N'o ore kuiiui; IO i-vclllli'. oi Mt.NTi:i:n iv writis'o rou TEN YKAIW. K AMK HHIK 10 bTAY. Union Painless Dentists, 80S Liekiwnnni Aienue, Sranton, l'. mmmmmmgammmmmmmmmmm "ISI7Uoscm Bros.'' floods. Knives, Forks Spoons, etc. No question about the quality; we j have all the newest p.Utcrns at (jMinollpSdfallac SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. Best of Gloves IIA V lolv lowest prices. The claim BEST for gloves is not to be lightly made. One must needs have searched far and stud ied long to be sure of highest excellence. This we have done diligently for years. The. best glove maker in France now makes our fine gloves from the best selected kid-skins his country produces. A rare chance to buy Ladies' Fine Kid Gloves is offered dur ing our White Sale. Every pair of gloves in the stock reduced in price. Read on. Also the celebrated Sterling In laid Spoon and Forks. War ranted to wear tventyflve years. American GirlOar regular dollar glove, Adler's Fine Mochas Our regular dollar twenty-live glove, HTE Jouvin (Eclair) Onr regular dollar fifty glove, HTE Jouvin (Mazarin)-Our regular two dollar glove, Mercereaii & Connell.jAnd 4tCoronet"A ladies' full pique sewn, street glove, worth full $U0 a pair, . . . . . Immense stock of Sterling Silver Spoons, Forks, knives and Cased Go d. for Wedding Presents. 132 Wyoming Avenue. 79c $1.00 $1.2()C $1.50 89c STATEMENT OF THE 111 HTIIIIL HUE rT,llw M. 1Msia ? II lUBfljr - ? HldWCa; OF SCRANTON. United States Depositarv At the close of business Dec. i$. 1900. RESOURCES. Lonni and Investments 93,170,478.36 Banking' House 38,fi99.G4 Cash nnd Reserve 530,870.10 27 and 129 Washington Ave. 93,750,957.10 LIABILITIES. Capitr.1 S 200,000.00 Surplus 500,000.00 Undivided Profits . . . 57,905.29 Circulation 100,000.00 Individunl Deposits . . 2,415,536.08 U. S. Deposits 422,729.39 Due to Banks 54,785.53 $3,750,057.10 tVH.L!M 'ONM-'I.!.. TrMidftit. HCMU lir-'LlN, .IK.. VI..Irend.Tit WILLIAM 11 I'KCK, (.aiHrr BESOT', HGOHetiElI BELLAV1TA Arsenic ftouty Toblets r.nS FUls. A jb.. ii-ctl) uonrM giiriiiU")ltrcatniui Icrsll tVn !i.o.-.:cr.i. Rij'orfjthcbloo.T.alyouth ti laiiri! face, 10 dryi.' trMtmcnt I(o: 30 days' bl.OO, by mall ma (iTOlrculfii. Vddict', T'i'VlrAl'.Wl '"naifi IfAtoaSU-.Cliica SolJ by MoGarrah Thomas, Drug. ETlstu,. !X) Lackan-anna av.. flcranton. l'a. ! N. lxlh I 4ltl.,IM Qrnf f! C TUBS' M it . .W I IVIIUll B IIUftItllll4l n.rcnoairc p.HIVATE dmISIS. UC (.SSIS4 ABUflS.BlOSaPCISUM.I.IRVOIiSCItlllTV.i ICST MANHaap.YARICQCtL't. STRICTURC4 I no c nn hi j 1. 1 ii'im-K imu fin . nn run (it'll tirtKii l35l iTTirrirtMl (1 tirilrtioltilfincrtMff inlltriimni rHriiiirirkAkt,liulh,'r'iputliicni'llitlA.ftrrtrI.,ca1fraji1 THE MS!!! POWDER CO. Booms 1 and 2, Com'lth BTd' ORANTON, A. ninlng and Blasting: POWDER MrAatl Mooalo and RuaU latl. Worlca. H-ff-H-t-t-f-f -f --f -"t- fH- J-H")-H-H-f --"- H Curtain News Shrewd buyers will .take advaulage of the special prices made ou our entire Lace Curtain Stock. Many j- small lots at a fraction of their real value. i FURNITURE COVERINGS COUCH COVERINGS I LAPLIM RAND POWOBR CO.'S ORANGE OUN POWDER Hlretrio Buttailoa, lUaoti'lo Bsplodwa, iplodlne I'Uili, bfr Pat irji Repauno ChoraiDal Cos wWvf i- -i ARTISTIC FURNITURE. t - The Dickson Manuractaring Do. tcrautou and VllUvUarr4 ia. Mauufaciurori of LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY CNQINES Bolitts. Kclstine and Pumping. Machinery I Hanan's Shoes i for Men, m yer oa - HIGH-GRADE BEDDING I - O $ I HEAVY DRAPERIES I .- WILUAHS&ncANULTY i LEADERS IN CARPETS, WALL PAPER, DRAPERIES, 129 Wyoming Avenue fH.-i-H-- M--H-H-f -H-f-t'f The Cheapest Shoe Store, 307 Lackawanna Ave. v IA EXIT TODAY, SATURDAY 'aoriiiaryShoeBargaiosforlei! Uodhinr Sinua-2 1 General Office. Scranton. Pa. O UwJ VSdOWc W Sboes .j!! Fursiaeas, , Oil Stores, and Women a. mi aiovus, yT- rEGeucidi Uur low prices on all sorts of Footwear, set the town talking, has made competitors cry, nig out of business," and we are doing the shoe business of Scranton today. Every day is a gain day every day is a busy day. Our Roods are of the best make and will bear inspection, and we ask you to compare them with other shoe stores and you will find you can save from 40 to 50 per cent, by buying fiom us. If you arc a shrewd buyer you will not delay. Ladies' Shoes. Ladies' Vici Kid, Goodyear Velt, Kid Tip Lace Shoes, extra heavy soles, made to sell at $oo to $3.50. This week only 53.25. Ladies' Box Calf, High Cut Skating Boots, also Enamel and Patent -eather, Heavy Sole Shoes, worth $3.50 to $4.00. This week at $3.50. 200 p,iiis Ladies' Vici Kid, Button, Kid Lined, also Hand-Turned, Rochester Make Shoes, worth 7.00, at $2.00. soo pairs L-idies' Heel and Spring Hesl Button and Lace Shoes, at oSc, $1.25 and $1.50. All sizes and all styles. Men's Shoes Men's Patent Calf, Lace and Congicss, Shoes, worth $3.50,at S2.50 Men's Box Calf, extra extension soles, worth $4.00, at S3. 00. Men's Wintar Russet $4.00 Shoes at $3.35. Men's Enamel Shoes at $3.00 and $3 00. 300 pairs Men's Plain Globe Shoes, Laee and Congress, Calf, Vici Kid and Kangaroo, at $1.50 nnd $3,00. Men's Minim?; Shoes at $1.00. Men's Arctics at 98c Boys' Shoes at 98c. Misses' and Children's Shoes at all prices. A lot of Wool Lined Slippers for Ladies, worth $1 to $2, at 75c. HjHwi' 9. Cnlft aBJsr vvKfjTlaK&fiIt 2T We invite you to call and examine our poods before buying elsewhere, trouble to show you goods nnd you will surely save money by it. Remember, there is no MYEK DAVIDOW The Cheapest Shoe Store. 307 Lackawanna Avenue Steam and Hot Watar FORSYTH 125-817 FEHN AVENUR DR. DENSTEN Fiiyslilm and Surgeon 311 Sprain SI. Ittcpa Uun iliulJlug iCRMUON PA, All ccut and chronic (litcajti ot nin, wiv mn nnd cliililren. CilHuMU UU'VOUS, UKAIN AND WAbriNU IlltaUASCS A Sl'KC IALTV. All dlwasca oi the Llcr, Kttlaey. Illadilcr. bkin, Ulood. .Nirc, Vmb, tye, I ar, ,Sce, 'nroat. and I.unsn. Canicrs, Aimor., I'ilci, Uunturc, Ooilre. Kheumatlsm, Aitlima, t'atartli, Vailotvccle. Lcbl Mjiihood, Mghtlj l.miislonj, all I'rnuli- Discajte, Lcucorrhoca, tic Gonm'ahca, pyiilillii, lllood I'olion. Inditcia lion and ouililul liawtj cblUcraud. Surgfn. riM, tpilfpis, Tas and Stomach Wornu. CA rAIinilOONE. hpeciflc lor Catarrh. Thrra incintW trcatnunt only W.OO, Trial lre In iitf.ee. Comultatlon and examination fno. Office tioun daily and bunday, 8 u. ni, to a p. m. OR. DENSTEN Florey & Brooks 2'e$ ALt.ScANONs'Sponrs (& a f SKATES it SHARPENED it 211 Washington Avenue. & laur'Nwl .& HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent tr tba Wyoming District Ivr DUPQNT'S POWOEI lllnlnjr, niartlnir, r-'portlnj, BmnVoless tnd (b4 Hejiauuo Chemical Companj'j High Explosives. Safety Fuae, Copi and Eiplodtrt, Kooiti 401 Coa nell Uuililin?, Scranton. AUKNClUSi mos. ronii vnuton J011M 11. bKITH & tON PlyraontU W. V, Ml-LUOAN WllkeiDaTM V