The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 19, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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    "-Vini1r. r -.,. -, .
' TO KJSnC fMtfS'' i)?iSi"T l --' -.- - t ' 'trt T(FTrjfT? ' "TH
!.'" f-
C0OHD1NU tu rn estimate In
tlic Public iA'dt-er, I'lirintici
phla Prenbyteilaiilsni last
Near contributed to bonewi
Iimicp of ull kinds In eoiinee-
tlon with chinch oraunlzuilon the
handsome sum of $9t.n,ii0. When It In
eonsldeied that this sum Is four times
an largo ns the total cost of rnnlnten
tince of Ptcsbyterlnnlsiu tlnouKhoitt
America In UOO, mill more than one
twelfth of thu entile cost of Rfl
inalntcnuncci onu bundled ycais later,
thn showing of Philadelphia Is ccr
tnlnly cntlllcil to ciedlt.
In isoo, says tho LimIrci. it cost not
to exceed $250,000 ft year to maintain
nil the Presbyterian churches in
America. To urn nil of them last ycai
took $11,500,000. The ronlrlbutlons for
missionary puiposis In 1SC0 were about
$2500. In I'M the eight bo.mli or the
Presbyterian church Xcirth received
$3,t.27,?i3C, nml there was Riven to mis
cellaneous causes, $7711,220, making u
total benevolence of this one Presby
tcjlnn body of JI.IOJ.SM. And there tire
thiee other Important Presbyterian
bodies- namely, the South, the United
nml the Cumbetland. One hundred
ycais af-o Presbyterian pave to mis
sions an rivet ago of a little more than
IJ cents each. Now they give nn av
erage of J1.37. lleie Is a growth that
compares with tho Increase- In national
wealth. Theie arc four times ns mtttiv
Prc.sbvtcilan churches and three and
one-half times as nuiny Presbyterian
mlnlsteis in 1900 as them veie church
cs nnd mlnlsteis of all religious bodies
In Atactica in 1S0D. Tlio two Presby
teries of Philadelphia contain moio
ministers than theco wet v Presbyterian
ministers In Anioilca 100 ycats ui,
i) nnd Picsbytuiian churches In tho
Synod of Pennsylvania gavo moio last
year to miscellaneous causes mcie
odds and ends of benevolence than
was spent in maintaining all Picsby
teilan churches In the I'nlted States
In the year 1S00.
There me almost 5,000,000 Presbyter
ians In all the world, not quite one
half of them in the United Slates.
This ilguro does not Include those who
call themselves by some other name,
but govern their churches by the pros
bytcilal system. In all of lhiiopo
there me almost 1,000,000 outside the
rutted Kingdom. In Scotland, the
stionghold of Calvinism, the Income of
the thtee principal bodies, or of the
three last repotting, for two have late
ly united, was $3,103,030. So Scotch
Piesbytcilans gle mi average of
nbout $S each. Itish Presbyterians
give an average of only $.'! each, nnd
lhigllsh Piesbyleilans, who mo far
betti r to lo, nil average of S1S.C0.
Aineilcan Presbyterians give an aver
age of U.D1 each per
Hut there nil' a Mist number of ex
penses falling upon the member of n
church that do not get tabulated In
olllclnl tcpoits. For example. Presby-
tcilaus buv, of their Htnnd.u d hymn
books, oO.OOO copies a year, and pay tor
tliom at least $123,000, The hymn book
trade of the whole country Is worth
fitvO.odii a year, and that apart fiom
the vast absotptlon of Oospel hymn
books which eveiy song evangelist
seems to think It his duty to publish.
Ah for Illblcs, somebody In Atnetlo.t
pn.s J2.li00.000 a ciir for them, Pres
byterians, p.ijlng quite their slime, It
is saf" lo saw Then there are tho
Sunday school children. 'flier o mo
1 Kni.nno of them in Piesbytcrlnn
schools I costs, so tho expel ts s.iy,
So cents a pupil u year to Keep Sunday
.school children In lesson helps. Theie
Is $330,000 u It costs $23,000 a.
vear to l;eep the young people socle,
ties of Philadelphia alone going, mid
this quite ap.ut fiom llie cost of an
nual conn-nilons. The Chiistlan Kit
deavor cms- in Cincinnati next July
fir a tweiiiluli iinnlieisiiry celebru
t icni Theie will be 1000 delegates go
fiom PennsyHanla. Their combined
c-Mieuses will not full niton of $40,000.
Some riulstlan Unde.ivor conventions
hme cost as much as $4,o0l),00t'. These
church (Iguies ought to have at least
10 per cent, added to them foi non
leportlng One in ten churches never
send in repot ts. Presbyterian nieni
beishlp Riowth dining the cetitiny In
creased four times ns fast as popula
tion glow th of the eountty. and finan
cial expansion a good deal mine than
kept pace with tho tlnniuial giowth or.
the rountiy. Itself the wonder of th
w orld.
TlK white! huf"lull oi the Au It
deacom v of Scr.uiton and of the Wo
man's Auxlillary will be held on Tues
day and Wednesday next. Tito pre
llmlnnry tenlee will begin Monday
nlSj'ht. The ladles of St. Luke's par
ish will seio a luncheon on Tuesday.
The following Is the order of i-civlce.s:
MUMIlV, l. '
1' 31
7. a i cmii put. i
iMn: "-ubjtit, "llu liilaiiuu.lilp of
dud to tho Indnitlual Man."
1 fho Father.
Tho Rev. 1). T. Coe, I) I)., Arch,
2 The Sen.
The lies'. V. V. Ilitrinjton, Kfetor,
Tllnlty chuich, Went Pitt. Ion.
2 The Holv Client,
The JtPf. n. S. Jtj.MlnV, fifncul
iijmti, u5, ii, in, .',;:, iin.
A M. 1Lf.lUY. JN. 2i.
7.?0 Holj ccmniunlcii
fl.Od-Buslrew inertlnr in Parish hoiuc.
1 1) 00 Morninjr puj c i .
10CO Iloly cuiuiiiuiiloii. Siriaon liv the I, ft,
r.W. Hoot, ClnNl church, Svivim h u n,i.
Iljnni, 51D, 2s, SI,
V M.
2.K0 llu.ln. iintuig in 1'aiMi Imiw.
.1.80 Arclulcacon' lepurt.
I cw-Kxrco'li. limi, ;llii!,
llie Ikv. t3eo. II. HMiop, ilraif ilninh,
Cirat Hon J
sue CkcU .mJ collou,
Archdcacomy unj Woman' Aiilllii7.
i-ialii: JlUliop 'lallot, the Itcv. A. 1.
f.rin?, the llrv. V. It. llaUiiun.
II) mm, !J7. bh SW, 23?, S.
V. M Ti:i:&H, JAN. .'.
2.00 Ilii.liifij nuctlrii In the lliiue
1. scnlic and aikliot 'tho IIUIiuji
2, Ilcpiiit ! aii-uisl i.Ki-tm,
Mm. U. . Ml; Allien.
2. Ad(Jic.
Itcv. A. 1) Hi in.'. MI..I. lul In
4. Addrrw.
Mln .lulla i., kC-ncMl '
rt-tmy '( iMjii' Aiixtliai.t.
3. IlcporU fiom t'.iri.h hrinrli..
A. V. Hower will give the ttm of n
rk'b of tlifp.) addresses on "The f.lfe
tld Timet, of .iPhiis" at the tallioad
lepmloH'iu of the Vonng Alcn's Chtls
tlnn ,!.)( i.tiion on Sund.iy at H.-I5 p,
in Tin udclic-sec tvjll b llliiHtiuted
''i l.emi'lful lereopMciri vletva
(lyov.ii oi u huge scieen with .Mr.
lionet's powerful lutiteiu. This unique
method of presenting the gospel Is In
tensely Inteiestlntr, appealing ns It docs
both to the enr and the eye. The music
will also be ypeclally Interesting; and
will conrlst largely of hymns thrown
on the screen. All railroad men and
their families are intently Invited to
enjoy these meetings mid thus Improve
an opportunity for a treat that Is sel
dom placed within reach.
The drummer evangelist, Itcv. W. II.
Williams, will conduct meetings tomor
low us follows: 10.30 a. in., Presby
ter Inn church, Peckvllle; subject,
"Uroiiklng Home Ties." :1 p. m., Asli
Stieet Alethodhtt church, I.Ittlo Ihig
land, a meeting for men only, no boys
under tirteon admitted. Subject, "So
cial Purity." 7.30 p. in., subject. "Tho
Young Jinn mid His Company." Be
ginning with Tuesday night, January
22, Mr. Williams will conduct n week's
meeting In the Jackson Street Hnptlst
chin th, Hyde Saturday night,
January 20, 7.30 p. m., Young Women's
Chrlstlnn association, Providence. Sub
ject, "Tho Young Woman and Her
Company." He will continue with tho
Ash Stieet Methodist church until
Monday night, Januaiy 21
The tegular meting of the Methodist
ministers of Scranton nnd vlclnltv will
be held In the pallors of 121m Park
church Mondny at 10.30 a, ni. Speaker,
Hev. h. C. Murdoch. Subject, "My
Cuban nxpeilenees."
Gospel services at the Young Wom
en's Christian association Sunday af
ternoon at 3.43 o'clock. All women und
gills me most cordially Invited.
Hew P. F. Uotzong will read a paper
at the Haptlxt pastors' conference Mon
day at 10.30 on "The lmpiec.itoiy
I.. T. Mattes been elected treas
urer of thi Flist Ptesbyteilan church.
Ills otllce Is at G13 Lackawanna ave
nue. Tomorrow's Servicer
Methodist Eplscopnl.
Klnt Pail, etiurch rrajcr and praise M-rtlie at
9..'.il; pitachlnsc St 101.0 . in and 7. Ml p. in.
In the rvtor. (' M. (illln, I). I). At 12 in., hill
Iiinir IliWe stilly In sniuliy school loom. Sim
iliy fclmol ut 2 und Ciittnith lemue nt ilia) p.
ni Subject at nlcht, the thlul In the cilis,
"Tlio cv Citizen lor tho New Contuiy.'"
hlinnan MitliodM Kplwopil tlninh, W'l-t Side
Hev. John I!, sneet, 1). I)., Uitur. Jlonilnt;
pi iji is at 0"ft, inuiliin- Krtlii', scnnoii lit the
pjiim, at in SO, text, ett !: fl, snlijeel. "Whit
N the t ff1" i-iiniliy jrhonl at 1) in.; Junior
Hpnoith liaauc at, oiins Men's meitlns at
l; rpworih leaiue at iiKO; iireirhlni; ertice, ser
mon hv the paster, at 7 !, sullied, "Punishment
and Itiw.ud." All beiU free. A wclcoma to all.
U llie Minion, I'lH Pine street Siind iy
ehool nt ) .1. in. npuortli Ujkuo at 0 I.U p. lit.
Adiury ihthodlst 1'iil.iopil church, lorner
)lonev aveniii and Delating streit Ilet, IV, (!,
Mmp.on, 1). 1)., iulor. I.otc toat at 0 30 a.
in., lond'iUid hv the imlui; 1O.L0 a in., uerv
mental fen ice. t tliU 6cltiee e Intltc any
puiposlnu lo unite ttllh the chuuli to mwnt
tliiiiMttift. Sunihy school at 2.20 p. m.; Ep.
ttoitli leavrue ut G 20 p. in.; pre.ii hiinr at 7.MI p.
m., iitul J coiitlmiincc of the ( FtrvUe.
The Itev A. lirllliii, 1). 11., prejillrw Mi r, will
hate ihamc ut this fettice; pra.tcr meeting, Wed.
mitrl.iy, nt T.Jil p. m Ilnlne tiieetinm of the
Ilr'ith'iiliood of Si l'.ml on the i'und und fourlli
fur xl it of earh inontli it 7.'IH i m. Seats free
and all aie n eh emit.
tedir Atenue Mdliodkl I jiU npil ihurth
Lev. P. P. Doty, pastor Murium; .prrnon at
It Jl u. in.; bunday school at noon; Junior I p.
ttotth lni(tne nt S.M p. m ; Kptvorth leairu-,
Sunday School BV
Lesson Greeks Seeking Jesus, j-e-Gilbert dd
JOT . . .. .. Secretary of American
i,.,.,,. -. JOIin. All" )-oo. Society ol Relii'iuu.
January zu. Hducation.
COXTIAT. Tlio lilumplial cutis of Jesus into
.li'iu-altm. Htuiliol Ijt ucck, eciuricl en Mm.
il iv. Alter a lrlif stay He returned aril pa-Mel
tlie uUlit in ll.tluii. On Muniljy lie taniei
uiriln Into the. Imls- city, mtrinl Hid temple aiul
elreiso out ths money olauRuni, latei in tlio
eljy llu I'utvil the blind anil lotno ssho si-e
liumclit tn III111, and icpalrcel again to ret In
II. tluny lur tlic nliilit. Tiifselay .n an cwnt.
ml iIjs. He liad an encounter svith tlie clile-f
priests In tlio temple coneciuiiiit UU authority,
kf the pjralilen ot the to rons, ot the svlrlci
lui-'unilmjii, of tlio rejertcil stone, and c( the'j win He was ln.r-t sslth quntions Py
the llrinatlans, tlio Pharleii ami tlie siddicee,
i .uli of whom J Inly aliompteil lei tntansle Itiiii,
'llitn .1 luuyer propositi a different piohlem lor
llit-s dine puriiorc. ILtiini; otcrcomc 111 tne.
lutes uainwl the cliseirsles ae;elust tins
M-rilit and rionounccd the doom of leriisalein.
lie Hit 11 tlelneuil u second idles of parables ami
prnlulily Intcrdecl to retlie from the temple
Alien tlic fienU ot our present leon oeourred.
HKilItl.I) Oer.f '10), 'llie llreut feast
lirrnirfht tu .leiiisalein a ast concuuuc of ptoile
svhn recartlrtl this a the religious capital of llie
Klrhe. 'lliey came from all hinds, rcpreneiita.
tist-s of all lialitiiK. Aiiiiiiiir tliem n IhU
r,islon, ns Inileisl in eseiy sear, sceie certain
(Irceks, 'rhee were not, a 1.01110 luse tlioiu,ht,
lews ssho had learned lo uneak the (Ire'U tniiam,
nor they peifect or pure heathen, Thej we're
uther "pmselsten ot the sate." Ml 4 the Iltht
cplan (lils -v III i 'J71, they lud embraced th
inrr.otheltlo ilnctrlnes and Hie Mesulanlc hopej
el thu Jtns.., but tu e,uini; In a ineatuie nt
ilaikiie'i hepitiK to obtiln rleater llglit. Iln'y
1'floriRnl to the liulalblo ehurch, lo tho children
ratteri'il abroad, of whom Jesus ipole (John N!
If.). And now that they weie in .Iciasilem, the
cenlcr ot know li .lie t, they had gieat drsslie to
tee 1 1 U11 of they had he-aid o much. They
wire the forciunnci of the Uentile conveits ssho
khould atteiward be sathereil In. An Mlei re
injtt.s, "They eaine trom the sel ut Ihe end
if tho life of Jesus, as the Mini camr- from the
nu-l at the In-sinning; (Milt 111 l
UI.I'lllt'lTK (Vt'ixit !! and .;. 'Iite.f noselii-s
ill. pU) til i;ood inaiuieii. and due 1 0111 1 eos-, Imll.
cnllnin ni lliefi li-il(l foi .It'.m. 'lliey est
ilc n 1 Ij I new llentlled connilnl lei ludai.ui
sine nut In ho .idiiiltteil fully Into the impend!
of ,e Jcvslsli teiieher. 'llHy, tlieufore, itit ap
pi 1 ached onq of tho uptutlen, Philip, ssho hii.l a
lireek rump, asklntr hl Inrliieiier In theli ihli.
It has beni UsTi:eliil that they inl lusa bei.11
uieualnted, or that as Philip had been elistln.
Uti-'.icl in llio tnuilt' of his ellstlj leslilp (.liilm li
Hi, hit inny luie been fjsoritc villi Jeo'ir.
lint till hum of llethsalda, sshateser nuy liai
ht'cri Ids pWionil altuihuieiils, apprarnl to be
lelustant to proceed alone In the incite,- and
K tools couiu-el with -Amliesv, a fellotv.tovtmnaii,
ssho ua the llit u1th John to follow- Ihe Ma-lei
(John ti 10). The conferenen betssren the nso
urn Is not reeoidctl. Ulul paitlcuUr )H.lnl r,i
proprlrlj may luc been loinldered laiiimt be
tenjeelined, We- onlj Lnou tint the tv.o ilnally
re polled ll.e luaitrr to .b.u. Ibit aueli united
npie.eniallon lliij e.liriel a okuiiiii 11 and w'.e
I'miimi ismii nun iti.
Pcall Jonei, leader, fl.30 p. m. r-tcnlng teimoii
by the pnstor at 7.C0 p. in. RtranneM cordlilly
Court Street Mclhodlit Kplccpjl iliuteh Itev.
O. (1 L)inm, pallor, ( lav", 1141, O. I). DcWItt,
frailer prfachlnif, 10.S0; Sundiy M.I100I, 11.13. ti.
If., iniiierlnt'ndcnt; Junior league, 3.S0
Mr). ,M. C. Wlllhtns nipcrlntrmlehti Kpwciilli
leafftie, (1.30; evanjcellitlo tervlcn, 7.E0, tid aln
i.'uiln'r tin rveelt. A number hatf bcrn .aicd.
lltcrybody neUciiic Scan tree.
Ali Stieet Mtlhcilbt l'pleopl church Itel. .1.
II. Amtln, putor. At V.nO a, M., I.ote Pentt at
10 30 a. in., Itev. Joseph MjdUon, of thU city,
will ptrirh, after which I e vt 111 ailr.iliilttr the
mctamont cl the l.ord Supper; at :' p. 111., Hun
day itliool, K. W. stone, mpcrlntcndcnt; at tl p.
in., Itcv. W. It. William, llie ilrunimrr evmiKfl
Itt and dUtrlct vipcrlntfiidcnt of the Antpoalooa
lenciie, will jpealc upon "Social Purity," to ineii
en!)! no to) under flltecii admitted, r.pwotth
leaiu nt 0.13. V.Ih Kitlc McLean, leider; at
7,30 Mr. Willi ims will ipeilc upon "Ihc Yoimg
Man ami Ills Company." An opportunity will be
ir:t,.n t.i tndte on tirobatlon. A cordial tntlta
Hon is exteiidcil to nil. ' orac thou with in and
we will do thec cood."
Trotldeiicc Methodist Pplwopal cliurrh
llrothrrhryxl nt St. Paul mceU at 10.00, fuhjert.
"Jmlic Kot"; Sundiy sehonl at 2 p. tu.t l'.pworth
leanuo at iHl; toplr, "Abldliiff Influence," Mi.
0. ., CMrc, leadir; nubject 0 itcnlui! aermon at
7.30, "Wrltlntr Our Names In Our li;eds."
Nav Auk Methodist Kplstopil cl.urcli-ltev. .1
It mtln, ator. Sundav xchool at 2 no p. in.,
M. NKon, wperlntendent; clnM meeting ut
3.10 p. 111., Prank Turner, leadei. All ttelenie.
Plt.t Gtnnan Methodist Pplcopal thureli,
Adams attnue and Vino .ticet-fl. Ilobllln, pac
fir. Preatlilna- nertices, 10 Wi 11. in. nnd ".JD .
in.; Sunday school at noon and at 2 o'elotk p. in.
at the Taj lor Atcnuc chapel; Fpttorth league
mectlnp at 7 o'clock p. m. The rctltnl enics
at the Tulor Atctiue chapel will be eontlnued
elurlnsr tlic coming wecV..
Howard Place Atrle-an Methodist rplreopil
churili Dr. I). S. Penllcy, pastor. Preaehlnc; at
10 30 a. rn.J Sunday achool, 2.:.s p. m. Prenele
bur, 7.11 p. m A cordial tmltitton is extended
to alt
IVnti Amme lliplUt chuich, I'lim utenue, bf
tttecn Spruce nml I.lndcn streets. Preaehlnn In
iiiornlnii a' 1C.S0 and ctinlns at 7.30 by tho pal
ter, llev. Itobert V. V. Pleue. H. I). Mornlni;
pra)cr in Hie lower femple nt fU". Topic of
mornlns Fcnnon, "A Pcntitonl Without Potter."
Sunday tclmol ut Penn Ateiuie ehitreh nt S p. ni t
Sundiy sehool nt the Atnermau Mission ut 3.30.
Yoimg People' eoebdy cl fhil-tlan I'ndeator at
ft ill. Topie of etenln; sermon, "Illdliu from
(fr.d." Choice muslr b) the liolat Union of the
ihurch. ItiplPms durliif; Hi" etenlne: nervlee.
Sermon followed by etatigellstle mectlnK.
liikt r.iptl't cliutrli, South Jlaln otemie llev.
S. P. Mathcwn, pator. 'Ihe ustiil Siblntli er.
tlees 11.30 a. in. and 7.50 p. til., In luMinrnt ol
tVeWi lljptlM (liureli; Sundav si-lmol, 2.30 p ni.,
Pit ninutli church, l)r. lltddue, siperlntcndent; 15
." I. I). sertlics, U30 p. in. at Ivorlle lull,
llfjuiar pruver meeting, 7.30 p. m Wednesday
eierili'C. All are roidlall) Intltid
JacVson KUeit lliptlit clitin li Mornlnu prater
mcctlntj at 0.30, leader, llrothir Matthew Hot ;
preichliu at 10.30 by the tia'tor, ltu. 'ihomas
de (Irurliv, I. I)., topic, "In l'altli I Would lie
b Child"'; Sunday school at 2, Chalks Il.dlcy,
superlr.tciukiil ; ctcnlnif sertice at 7 rinrp, prule
and fonif wrtiie, followed iy a mort auiirew en
the "Itneled Slrete." An ifter tirticc will be
held. The public Is umllally imlttd to attend
all the wishes if our chureh.
Oteen ltldise Inplit tlnmli Morning priter
mectlnp; at 10; proachlnir b) llie pislur it ID '10
a. in. nnd 7.30 p. m. Subject in the tnornlnx,
"ttvlteloiis ctors": In the etrnlni:, "The Wait-
In"; atIor"; Sumlay Mhool at 11.11; Junior imet
Inc.' at 3.3U; inter nicrtini; of tho Senior otiity
at d.30.
Memorial IlaplM ctiunli Sculiei at tlic usual
hour. Prcichlm," by tlie pastor, llev. V. P.
Hit If s, rpriniliii; and etenlns. KnelUli cmre In
the etrnin?; Sunday t.chool at 2 p. 111., superin
tendent, George IMK
Dndlev street Itapti-t church, lluninnre. The
pastor, llev. J. I.. Kieainci, will preach at 10.30
In tho niornlns und in the iieninc ut 7.30 be
will pieaeh Ids last sermon as pistor of the
churrh. Sunday school nt 1J 111.
Illalcely llaptlt churili Hev. liatid speneer,
D. I)., pastor. a. m "I'hrlst the Way, tho
Truth and J.lfe"; 11.45. llihlo Khewt; p. m..
n. Y. P. t;.; 7.J0, "What the People Want."
Iltinseh-tle afler-meetlns. r.teijbodv welcome.
l'iv-t Pie4i)terian c'nuieli Pututs, I11...O a in.
and 7.30 11. 111. Dr. Meleoil will pleach. Mid
weilc sertlees, Wct'nesdt), 7.13 p. 111 Stunners
The .N'cnnd Presbstcrlan ehurih Vertices, 1U 10
a. in., 7.30 p. 111. Ihe Mcramcnt ot the Iird's
uplier In the ctenlnif. In the ewninir Dr. Itob.
inson will picaeli on "ChiUt, the Truth." A
conbal Intitatlem to all.
Oreen Hldtje Presbjterlan churcli llev. I. J.
I. in. IliS. (aster; Hit. I.. It. I'li.tir, ansislant.
11.30 and 7.30, sertlees of worship, with sitinnns
bv the psstor; 12, Dildc sehool; G.30, Christian
I't dealer. A cordial imitation tu all.
ULOItlKirri (Vcmes 2.1 and Jt). Tlie narrative
deies not Inform ils whether the diIind inter
slew was grmteil, Imniietlatelr alter lie re
quit Jesus anssserid, but Ilk words arc si
framed Hut sse aio svauiinti-d In avtiimlnic the
Oieclex ss-eii1 pifsent. He spoke in uueli ssas-,
liaw-tter, that the di.ciplos n,ut base been piotU
cd. Ills Urn remark n.w lhat the toll ot 111111
m elorlfii-d. Tlic of the Ucntlles indb
cited tho neaincM of the period sshen the liouiid
llut had 1 ncoiiipasseel Him rlmuM be removed,
and His minUtiy be nude unlitial, nicejidlu; to
Hi oimluul purpee (John ill: lit), lint it W'as,
iieeeMry to protect tlilsj utteri.ce by another
lhat ahbultl explain hint this triors would bo at
tained, ii'iiuel by hulli rlnu and eleatli. Ihat
was directly opposed lo tho flrtek lliintil. It
was mijiiiihcsI by Ihe philosophers lint ih tine
nnd beautiful were attained by the- aid ot poilrj
and ait, and they feared ileitli JSut .Itvus t-hovs
thit Ills e-xnltatlim would be In uecorelancc with
a liw tf nature. Only by eleatli
does Ihe iii(:Ie uraln of wheat itculop Into mam
In lll.o manner the peisonal Bloij of Christ
hall by IIU o(j re appear in Ihn elorifieitlon
of Hie ulnts in the uiilirual eluireh (Col. ill: 4).
bl.RVIIU (Verses !! and 111). The greet truth,
Ju.t utlcrtd, did not apply to ClirUt unlv, It was
unlsertal. If lie by sirfetinif and death of the
rross rhoiilii bo slurifted ll.uke xxlvj 10), by the
tame piocem must IIU disciples reaeh Iheir ie
waul. An Int nse dslic to picnerse one's ll.e
Would r.ntltl- hltn ituHftrnt In tliA . lulu..
s duty In rtijclplnldn. no tliafllU t-plrltiul lifo
would be forfeited. Wheiea.s. he who is nie
premely anxious to Hie 1 Itruteoimb . osen tliouali
like all tbei martjis, bo mlfen itt-ith, will be wire
llut whleli he necks (Matt, v i'J) To bo 1 1 viol y
and tliiiioudily (rood one must be uilllmr tn meet
the nbstarln and persecutions of this world, ism
to Indifference ct lite ItneK (Phil. HI 7). lint
such kervlee will hn Its reseanl. It M'curra
eonipanliiMthlp with Clukt (I 'lhe.. Is; IT). It
is a law of llu tpliitml world ihai suherings
w-ork in men lliOM- excdlmt qualllles (Matt, s:
10), whleh were In UnUt, at li i in a lower
elepee, to Hut they who endure me piepmcd
thrieby to meet him (Itom. nil: 17). More,
in-er, the sersko of Jesuii unelet much alHkllon
brink oue to IjMIiik honor (lbs. i: in,
TnOUIll,i:i) (Vrr..s !7 and -JM.-'lhr- lialu nf
thnuKht In which Jp'iis had IniluUid pnnhieeil
piofuuiid agitation of the oiil. As lie fixi-d IIU
eje upftii (lie no, not fur tlbtJiil gn'at hor.
liir eaine' tioil lllm. Thin wus l, i,u means
the niily iiistinio of Illr oorrotv. Hat In liih-
m n j no was mole intense (l.uko w.h in. I'i.oi.
abl) we raunol esen emiineiai the lteiiu, nutili
Ins uitsli ll.e heasy burden II. 111 ta-ue ittaiitly
lllici Ills espeiluue. lit l.r.t itetlainl the fait
lu the hcailus of !ioo preset t, iiii'ii a'ed nitkle nf itllef he kIioiiM uek. liil ho
pi.'.s to be ilrlhuedT that 'nuM lie Impiopir,
lua'ini'.ili as what la.s illl.tlh befoie Hint was
th m-ij erd cf Ills minimi livstt ul, with a
rui'diii Iraiiilllcn of thoiuhl. He utieis a misir
lull 01 subinlisloii, in which, tnigetml ul .J I,
He eneiifii deslin foi the I'atht'i' nu. It
wa tbe 'ictlHon In suUtaiu . thai r ud pit
Into Ut- tin of Hi. Mli seii, iMjii. sli 111,
llu whs svtllliir ie tnert IIU end If (lad mlalt b.
1 tloilitl. Ills prkser was .une-ivl 11. ss-ein .is
(eheie.i IIii-ic eiin the ineiri. ami c.mfitlit,
PiotlilciiLO Prch)leilan churcli Itev. Dr.
(lulld'n theme In (he morning at 10.50 will ba
"The Apostolic tlmuli and the Church of To
day"! Sunday achool at noon; Hndcator mretlna:
at 0.3j ettnlnR ncrtlce, vtltli Aetmon and fee:bl
nude, at 7..10 o'clock.
Adams Alfliue chapel, New Yotk street The
llev. William Morgan will preach at 10 30 a. m.
and the llev. .lamia Hughes at 7.50 p, in. All
SumnT Airniie I'resb)tcrl.ui iliurch, cotnr
Samncr neime and Pihc liret Itev, Prank .1.
Mllman, mipply. Usual preaching tervlcei at
10 50 a, tn. and f p. in. I Sahhith achool at 2 p.
m., Mr, II. Ilrown, supetlntendent; l'ndeavor so
elety, 7 p. ni. I Hand el Hope, Tuesday evening,
7,:,0o'tlo.k; prater Inectlnif, Wednesday evcnlnif,
7.46 o'clock,
Washlmtn Sneet Ptesb)tuiaii church llv.
John P. Moifat, 11. I)., pastor. Sertlees at 10.30
a. li. and 7.50 p. in.; Bible school at 12 in.; U.
U. Youiuf People at 0.20 p. In. 'pedal sertlees
still he conduttid cury etenlng but Saturday.
The pator will pleach liiotnlna- and evening-. All
Tajlor Preib)tctian diuteh Professor W. K.
Plundey will (.reach at 10 mi 3. m No nenlnj
SI. LuU'a PaiUh, Itev. I'.Cffts htael, It 11.,
reetor; lb v. K. J. llausliton, senior ruiatc; Itcv.
M, II Nash, Junior iuiMc. Second Sunda) after
ht. I.ul.e'11 7.30 a. 111., Holy Commun
ion, 10.30 a. 111., mornlnu; pia)er anl sermon;
7,30 p. tu., eietiluj pri)cr and sermon! 0.13 a.
in., Sunday aihuol and lllblc classes.
St. Mark's, Ilunmore S a, tn.. Holy Coinmun
Ion; 10.30 a. ni., mornltitr prayer and scmiou;
7.30 p. 111., ctiniuj; pni)cr and sermon; U p. in.,
Sundiy school and lllblc
Iist Knd Mission, Piescott attnue 2 p. tn.,
Sunday sehool und lllble classes; S.Sll p. in.,
etenins prater and seunon.
South Side Mission, l'lir stieel 2.50 p. tu
Sunday school and lllhte classes.
St. decree's, Ol) pliant 2.50 p. tu., Sunday
school and Plhlc classes; 3.50 p. m., etenlnn
piajcr and sermon.
Chrlt' church, comer Washington avenue and
Park street Itev. V. S llillcntlne. reetor. Ser
tlees, 10.50 a. in., 2.30 p. in., 7.30 p. in, Ul
teats fiee. All wcliunie.
Reformed Episcopal.
(Iraee Itrloniied 1'pUr.ipal ehuteli, W.tomlutf
ave.r.ue, Iwlntv Mulberry street itev, fieore;e U
Alrleh, ptslor. Prater and rralse Ffttlcc, 9."0
a. 111.,; elltliio wuishlp, 10 50 a. m. und 7.30 p.
in., preieliim; by the pitor, a. m "Thou Slnlt
Not Kill, " Knon. CO. 15; p. tn.. "TheC.lft of the
Spirit," I Cor. 12: 7; Sibbuth school, 12 pi.; .
P. S. C. I"., 0.30 p. tn. Prajer meeting Widnu
eiiy eicnln at b uMock, preceded by a lulf hour
tuely of the "undiy school lesson. All ate wel
come. Evangolici.' Lutlman.
l'ljiiUillcal liUtlierau S-cond Sumliy after l.pi
phmy. i.oiel, John -: 1-1 1; epKle, Horn. 12.
0-1 11.
St. Milk's, Washburn and Fourteenth sheets -Pet-
A. I,, llainer, Ph l , pastor, Sertlees, 10:,J
a. m., '. p. m.; I.utlui leanue, 0 p. tn.; sundav
schoed. 12 ni,; tate-ehelleal Instiuetion, Mundii,
7 p. 1'i.t Wednesday service, 7.30 p. m. J Mission
Hand, Satuiday, 2.C0 p. lit. Mornlns Mibjeet,
Jesus III llie Home"! etenluu subject, "ecl.liu
Jcsiis." 'Ihe antmil toteircgatlonal mietlii!; Wed
nesdaj, Jan. 2J, .it 7.50 p. ni.
Hiily Trinit), Adams iitennn, Mulbeny street
He v, C (., iickcr, pnstor. Sen Ices, 10.30 a. m
7 3" (i. in.: I.uthcr leatiue, 0.30 p. 111.; Sundiy
school, li in.; Catechetical instruction. Mondiy,
7 p. m : lllble study, Wednesday, 7.13 p. m.;
MPslon nand. Saturday. 10 a, in,
St Paul' Shoit atomic Hei. . C U Liner,
lustui vertices, 10.30 a. in., 7.30 p. in.; Sun
diy sell. ol, 2.30 p. in ; Cateelietlcal Instructions,
S. 13 p in. I.ulhtr league, Wedne'dav, il.iO ;i. 111.
Hinn'e, Mlfl'ln avi tine Hev. 1. K. Klulmanu,
pil t. Stitlcis, 10.30 a. 111.; (.ehuol, 1
p. tu.
Christ chuieli, Cedir ivenue and Hlnh stieet
Itev. J.tros Wltl.e, pastor. Services, 10 JO a. ni.,
7 30 p. 111.; Sunlay mIiooI. 2 p. ni.
sr. Petfi'a, Pitcott ateimi ltct. Julm Han
lilp'i, pittoi Sertlees, 10.30 ta. m 7.yft p. m.;
r.'idiy si'hool, 2 p. in,
I'n'anutl (Icrman Polish Liitlie.'.m chinch, Reese
t'leel Int. 1' Satlelmeler, pator.
Preiiihin:.' In the Polish larurmse it 10 .1 tn. ;
"injnj 'ehool. 2 p. m.
date Kmeh-li laitlieiau chureh ((leneral S)ii
odl, roiner Mulison ate-iiue and Mulbeiry street
Het. Luther lies-. Waring, pastoi. U.30 a. in.,
Sridav sslmol; to.'!" a. in., Ditlne ttorshlp; sub
ject of sermon, "Christhns ai the Salt of llu
l'altli;" C.43 11, 111.. ounI' People Society of
Christian rmli-iior; 7..'0 p. ni., elliliie worship;
sublect of sermon, "The IKalltud.s " The iu!i
lie Is inrdallv Intltid,
I'iist Chuieli (.Christ Scientist), 31'i dnu ste.
ill's -i.nili) sertlees, 10.30 a. 111, 7 3D p m.;
Sundiy srlool, 11.43 a. 111,, subject, "liuth."
Continued on Page 12.1
otsuiancc thai already had the name been lion
oitd, and that it liuuhl aa-ain be honored
llH,Di:!ll,l (Vcri 20 and J) The soiie
that 1. .ado thU UsUaiatlon was uudpr.ltxx by
Jt-iiK, jteihaps bj the dl'dph-n aluo. Dttiers
henl the wjiind but knew not the Impuit. Soin"
(lid an ungel had fHiken they approiched ne-ir-est
thn truth, knowing tint woitU lud been ut
tered, and peril ips It was an aiyi'l ulio elellu'it-J
tho iimjsiKe". Hut soini- siid II (humid Ml, ict
otniizhiK not a supcrmturil but a tuluial origin
tu llut which wut lu tin in sery ini.tcilous -
it in ttenerally. 'liny who pray tret answers.
Tl'.cy nliu are neai, urhai. mere cuilosltj ipec
talorh, am coiiliuel, lletw-een an futilllKtiit
reinniunleatloii with beaten, and nn ob cn.ttloii
of pheimiittu theie la u wide epilation, lis wa.s
ot explanation Jesus replied that tie filie was
not for Him, but for tho people. Piobablt a
1111-411131110111 riowd had ofi'inbled by thin time.
They needed to bo Informed that 'tho woiL of
(bust, not only met the approsal of Got, but
that it had glorlrVd lllm and would continue tn
do io. It was another testimony to .Iomh, not un
like that (rlien at th" tlansfurur.itlon tM1.1t.
Mil! 11).
-lUllOKn. ieis HI. S-' and SI) lloldliiic
still to tho thiiusht of Ills crueiiHIoii which Ho
had accepted tor the 1'alhcr's Khus, , iu.jei
Men to the twofold Influence or result of Ills
elaelli upon the woild. 1'liM, it would be .1
fMnemlitlon or Judgment upon the tmiroMy
('r,,m M,! n)' hi ll.e liu!o l;l.lor 1 1 tlie lae,
there has been no rhlhllion nt human hlnfnlnos
tomiuralile villi thai which liciMeiued .m I
lew- the luncxent JesiiM (.Ichn xv: "., Hut the
.-f !.(... ll... . I. I . .1 ......l.t 1.. .I.n. 11.. 1
trlumphliu; of the wlil.ul would be hoil list. I
'Iheie would bo In Ihe slain ChiUl a fioner llut
Khould ultimately uverthiuw the LhiKdom of
Falan, who Is e-ulled tho prince ol this woild, I
.'s fuirilllni: ll.e pieinkct nuilo to the fli.t patent. ,
(Ccn. lilt 13). svvend the rieith cf ( hrkt wr,Mld
xlie Mm .111 jtti.ictlii powti winch He ntui j
hefsti s. Whi'iciis, litiiuv elc'pl'ed llitn 111 tin 1
lime ( the tlh. all would be- diawn until Hun j
. "ihe eliief anionic tlimiFands and altoelhi-i
losely," 'Ihts prt-dlctldii has actuill; been fill
filed. Tluro Iru I'cen foui d m people m de
itiadtd as rit In athnlie and pml-e Jtstis i hrt-t
as He Is de-crlbcd hi ll.11 sospel
Hl:i I.Kl 'I lOVh- I lie lie silt, ol the Cirr't- 1.1 1 I
lUd the iiiinilnit nt nf llu- pnipiiulii, in v.l.Uli it
M11 pieilletul thai Ihe n.illvlis khuiihl 1 lease uut.i
lllm (Ilia-, t! 7r. t lill.t'a 1I0.1II1 U llie mild's
,ili- lie sv'i'i weiulil lite in 1 host 11111,1 rtr.t ule
uutn tlrli arid uiu. II w'e be im; elieeiful ,11 d
jo.1011., but on ih tonlur.s. tad and ilejertul,
let lis look uutn the Mitcmi, who in Hi in
luiiillliM as ve ai -, I'iieri- Is 11. 1 I.. 1,11
reiiieil.i fei all 'lltrln,, lias, fai 'it ill, iin-li,
tll'ill (mill pU.HI', 'u whleli We lllli.t flu I.,'
11.. m s. than 1 ui lO'iifttrl, 'Ihe joul est nufTillll
ulir tlutli. llwl of 1 lulsl .ii.d of Ills 1,1 iph', '
lihrlrlriillnii, at fie ( nn hielnu m j- u.d
( tneimil Uuxs pakt and OihI ansitiiid (Cx
l. l'i), mi ihn New I nsenjnt Is .uli'innls en.
1 li.l ihe ru cl-iliiK lliiiv-lf lo the I'mh-i.
Ttut piieii of 1 tun I. brtikin; tliyt uf is
luai iiIIikI, 'In Hie fni'nli Id Ihe 'MHtl l tuuu.
1 tier, tu till
oh -I" II l IM posyri (.1 (!o4 unt'i
I -leliailr-i..
Ho Gives the History of the Disease
in This Country and the Manner in
Which It Acquired Its Name The
Symptoms Which Accompany Its
Attack Causes That Fasten It on
tho System and the Maimer in
Which It Should Be Treated
Things to Be Avoided.
The following- article on the Ameri
ca 11 Clrlp epidemic Is from the pen ot
l)r. Carl Seller, of 203 Jefferson uvo
ntie, who 1h known the wotlil over as a
leader of his profesolon:
The tit st Intimation which e Inul of
a Keneral Invasion of the disease In epi
demic form In this country was lit 1SS9
and 1M)0, and agTiln In 1S92. To thli
epidemic the New Yolk newspaper!
rashly j:ave the name of "Clrlp," prob
ably they had In mlud tlio fact that an
epidemic of Influenza, nlso cnlled Grip,
had been prevalent In Europe: and
also, perhaps, because the disease toolt
so budden and tenaclouu a hold upon
the patients that the name Orip
neemeel appropriate.
Ai early, however, as 1S85 I observed
a peculiar condition, not at that time
epidemic, but quite prsvalent, In Phil
adelphia; and Independently Dr. Gl.iu
row, of St. Louts, made it similar ob
servation In that city, and, strnnse to
say, wo both Independently hit upon a
name for this condition, which seemed
ai sood as any other, and called it "It."
We called It such because the symp
toms presented by the patient did not
correspond with any of the known or
desetlbed diseases, nor could any of the
symptoms be singled out to give It a
descriptive iinmc, In the early sprlns
of 1SS9 I published an account of the
disease In one of tho Philadelphia dally
papers, rctalnlni; the name nf "It," ful
ly nine months before llie eplileinle
outbreak in Now York, nnd later nu
meroitt articles In iijedlenl Journals. I
also devoted an entlic chapter to the
consideration of tills malady in the
fourth edition of my book on "Dli
eaes of the Throat and Nose" (ISO'i).
'J'lie dllference between this Ameri
can Blip, for as such It must he known,
althinnh it Is not nn nppiopilatu
name, giving rise to a misapprehen
sion of Its nature, which Is peculiar,
nnd rhnopcan Inlluenza, or hi prlppe
should be fully realized, inasmuch as
Its main features are essentially dlf
feient. In typical cases, the disease
Is ushered In suddenly with n. Rreatoi
or less chilly feolliifr. r.cule neuralgic
pains In one pait of the body or an
other, usually In the back and extend
ing. In severe eases, ovei tho whole
body. Together with tho pain, a feel
ing of tlrodneos, both mental and phy
sical, becomes more and mote devel
oped, amount In some capes to abso
lute proutiatlon. There Is loss of ap
petite, fitful sleep, scant and llfsht
eolored urine, pain In the eyes with
tllinners of vision, and not Jntrenucnt
lv mild delirium. Upon examination
the tongue is found to be moist and
flabby, showing the Impression of the
teeth on Its clues: the niucuous mem
brane in the noso end throat Is pale
and puffy, as though the lower tissue
was filled with water or some thick
tlnld; the eyes have a lltles3 expres
sion, fiequently watering, and th..
skin Is moist and In some cases erup
tions such as eczema, hives, etc..
arc met with: the pul"e Is at first
Flow, but graditallv becomes aecel-
eiated and weak, while the tempera
( ture, as shown by the thermometer, Is
hluh, often reachlnir 101 ileKie-ew, and
I Is usually observed to be highest at
" noon nnd at m!dnlnh.. There Is no
' thirst, but orten profuse perspiration,
1 and the heart's netlon beeomes en-fe-ebled.
which feeblenc-rs Ineroases
j together with the fjeneral depression.
I In Kuiopean I11ll11e117.11 or la trrlppe.
and In the ordinary often epidemic' of
winter cold", wo have a distinct ehlll
to befjln with. Inflammation or the mil
eoun membranes, fever charactetUed
by Increase of temperature, aeeellera
ilon of tho pulbe, dryness of the nkln,
and thlrnt, together with the fullne?i
ot the note and soreness of the throat,
loss of voice, etc., po that one of the
most distinctive featiiren of the
American irrlp Is the abs-enee of favor
In its true sense of the woid, for
elevation of lemperattite alone doei
not Indicate the condition ltnown as
fever, for It reijulrps the accompani
ment of the other ymptoms, namely:
dryness of shin, thirst, coating of the
tontine nnd a se'int but highly eoloied
mine. The di.aeafeo If not treated
piopeily, or early In ltd ons-ot, Is very
apt to Invade tho tisanes of tli bodv
and the oozlnir out Into tho tis-
Mies below the mucous membranes all
over the body, ronslstlntr of a beinl-
Kelatlnous substance, cmislnt; swelling
of tho membranes and the closure- of
any tubes thy may line. Thus It
inny, and often does, produce it, sort
nf pneumonia by fllllntr up the small
tubes of tho limns, or n bronchitis,
by diminishing the bronchial tubes, or
may often closrj the thioat or l.iiynv,
preventing respiration and ne'
nn operation to save the patient's
life, or, as post-mortems have shown,
this (felaiit limits tluid may be foieed
into the liuiKs themselves and thus
pioduce a close memblanco In all the
symptoms to pneumonia, in many
I -'"SM Pf-eiiiio-memiir.ine.s 1110 lormeu 1
' upon the niucuous membranes and are
I visible 111 tho thioat and nose, resem-
I l.llnM 1.4 ,1,1c. '.V.A ..U....At.
UIIIIK 111 litit t.ttv is;ri'ut.e it iin siii-i i.i
The heart Itself ri Irs muscular' tis
me become! in conheeiuence werke-
nnd wo.iUer, 1-0 Hint heatt falluie Is
a very romnion cause ot death In the
Ameilcan Klip. I'ntlents who huvo le
corred tindev the usually adopted
treatment aie enfeebled to ,1 rental'!:
able decieo, r.nd the neivnus svnem
becomes to weak that they arc not
able to withstand any obnosiou
Inlluenu", whether they be due to
litlltofphei'lc Inllueiice, cold, ili-miKllts,
eti or due to liidlsciciion 111 de
in phyilcal uipl nienia! ts'itii-i, mil
nt liable to v.ulous ai lacks of whiu
In 1 omtnonly snppos'ed to lit a u'l.ip.e
lit the. oiltshial malady fiom which
they reeover hut slowly, or which aie
jolle wed l.y dath, fine
i nt over aie rnnileiuretl
f llie" ,1.11 tlv
10 Invullillri'.ti
If inn fni tbo
fur 11 vei,' lony pfilod,
1 est op th"lr lives.
lu spite of llllllieious ami extensive
Investlsatlons madn by ninny counted
nil ohii'vers. u Reiinv up bacterium
could nol be Isnlated as pecull'ii1 to
tliln disease, and the thcoiy advanced
some, ymt uuo by an eminent Hfcn-
tl.t tlllit the cant-' of Ihe llsepse illlisi
be Inn'ivd for In th if n.tiul o muff-
The Want of Working PeopE
Whcntlra working man or woman feels sick liver, stomach or kUneyt
are out of fear then Dr. A. V. Chase' Kldncy-Livtr Pills, do
world of jtood acting directly on these organs and the bowels.
l!r. I n. Maui, 1501 Columbus Arnue, lly
City, Mich., br 6Trnnrk And looimlJumu Mini,
t.'ou to bis biulnrM, bruiiRht on An rttlncl' of
kidney trouble, ulilcli uiJo It noceMruy for lilia
to leara off vAorle nf nt time. He talt9 !
"Ou tins rei intii'iidtlon ef Mr. tini. l.tytr,
druRflt, nf thi. pliic, I purclused a Lor ot Dr.
A. W. Cbii-' Kidney Liter Pills for my kidney
trouble, 'rlies..etejstsell In itllntliie my pain
and bi-kHclii llml tiKrilsted In the use of them
until inifrelP i"ired nf luv XIl.
tioable. Imn ttelliimtitiu,
tlntilfH lire uf llr V
t:Le'i! Kidney liver tills '
nolle condition of the atmosphere
seems to be the only one which Is sup
poited by the facts, namely, that the
disease Is different from any disease
known heretofote; that It occurs lrn
ultnneoipily over large areas of eoun
tty: under different conditions of
weather, temperature, moisture and In
dlnerent climates; and that lases of
It, more or less numcious, may be met
with at all reasons ot the year, In all
parts of the country. And also Is this
theory plausible because disturbances
of the nervouu system are the llrst and
most profound expressions of the dis
ease experienced by tho patient, and
that this nervous Impression
in tut 11 a dlstiirb.iucu of the hentt's
action, and In consequence a disturb
ance of the whole circulation of the
body, thus giving llsu to the various
It is of very little Importance, how
ever, to know tho history or thu name
or a disease when we want to treat It
and In the end eii'ect a cure: conse
quently whether we call It grip or "It"
la Immaterial and we must look to the
symptoms, or rather the group of
symptoms as they present themselves
a3 a guide for the selection of our
remedies. It will thus be seen
any diug which has the elYect of re
ducing tho power of the heart Is nec
csarlly one which should not be used.
Thus, ull the febtlfugcs and antl-py-letlcs,
especially those obtained from
coal tar, are to be avoided, and the
much vaunted quinine acts In this dls-
eass! us a. poison rather than a medi
cine. It Is alro of very little conse
quence to t educe the teniivcralure, as
the ilse of temperature is tlic only
symptom of fever present nnd Is simply
duo to dliturbancc of the nervous sys
tem. Consequently the indications for
the tiesitment of the patient are plain,
viz., absolute lest In bed for mind and
body. Stimulants and such drugs
which are known to act upon the heart
and support It In Its enfeebled con
dition, and a drug which acts upon the
organs whose ofllce It Is to eliminate
the waste mateilal accumulated In tho
body, viz., the skin, the kidneys and
the mucous membranes throughout the
yuch a diug has been found hi ben
suato of soda, made as It hhould be
from bensalc acid and not from tulu
of roal tar, and extensive experiments
have proven this drug to poHKess vir
tue In this disease which may be
likened to quinine li the senulne ran
l.iilal fever, known as chills and fever,
viz.. It acts as a speclllc In American
grip. Hensuate of soda should be
given hi ten gialn doses at fienuent
Intervals at llrst, until the pains bave
dlsapeareil, and then the Intervals
should be lengthened. It Is best given
In capsult" or in compressed tablets,
together with some aromatic, arrd
should be swallowed with a copious
draught of cold water, to that the
patient cannot taste the medicine,
which, owlni; to Its naueous, bitter
j sweet taste. Is apt lo disagiee with
tin stomach, but for this reason only,
as It does not have any lnjuiluiu or
disturbing: effect upon the stomach It
self. The usual coutse of th dluctic.
even ot seveie cases, Is fiom three 10
five days, when the patient is, to all
Intents and purposes, fully restored,
with the evcei-tlon ot some weahness,
which, however, speedily dlsuppeais.
This simple tieatment, nnd nt the s.itnu
time ao eminently effeethe In this dls-
eue Is certainly easier und preferable
to the tieatineiil usuiilly adopted, viz.,
the swallowlns of large doses of mil- j
nine or phenoeetln or any of the oilier 1
roal tar preparations or, worse still, !
of tlic numerous advertNed patent '
medicines; and nlthnu;h It may be a
hardship for the patient to be confined I
to bed for thiee or loui day. el even
lltnr la Tst-ol'itiM lilts In Inn"- f'tintltilir..! 1
1 - .---.- " w... (
I Invalidism, or even death, which :-o
often follows when the other treatment
Is adopted.
Tint It must be home In mind Unit 1
the hensuate ot soda alone Is not mrf-
1 flelent lo effect a cine and ihe patient
must be Kent nt rest In bed, ns any
txeltlon may, and fienueiitl.s does.
tir Aflnpo miildrn hniii f fiilliiVM nnr
I nouU1 Ult, urtifld,,. SUppori of tli
I In ait by stimulants and heait lorries
In oinlited, for neither alone will do
much Rood, and li t.iUes the combina
tion of the three lJCtois. lz absolute
lest, hem t support and lienmint 01
sorla to cttect a cure.
lu a short, comprehensive aitlele like
this It Is, of couise. Iiiipussllile to con
sider the subject mote in detail, al-
thotiKh It Is out of such limne-iise in
1 terest ond of such Im
1 purtance that It dt",enes u mote full
. and detailed description of the dlscano
I In all Its various symptonrs and a
I narUs.
Colds Melt Away
If ou use Kianse'u Cold Cure. Pre-piii-od
In convenient oapule foi in they
mo iftsy to take and effect ia speedy
cure of the most ob.sthiatn case'.
Pi Ice 'V c. Sold by Matthews Uros.
1 MR Cl-l.HHKATBI) qokuon piano
fy,f., T-ssKWi
Uefore buying, nend tor eatnlofjue.
(Thrt tluy 1 apanlrs r .
SftBS lu 'irj uuHia !-unsU'l
.11, MWrH.fekpalbH. i'vutJ
ibebu mnl Inlei-lioiii full. Xw
KSlSriSiiS; .3-
Jri. Levi l'liey, &J4 Mclkiugal AsrenuDelroir,!
lived far year eipesitlni elentb from br ftfl. '
tiro Ami Drlpht's dinette, but ttas cured by a few '
boxrj of Iir. A. W. Clio' lCMneyUrrr nils. It I
nrlteit "roryeanllltTdlnronstAntfMrthttlt
tliouldmetteleuth lliroiigh VldDer trouble. Iwiil
troiitiliil terribly by pains In my back jnd bou
tbelicait, Mytroubles;arenowover,forDr.A,'iV.'
Clmse'ii Kldney.Mter 1111s bavn mnile me welt
Klu. I ttlllgladly nnsnefany letrbonttbl'
noiiderfnl medicine. '
T, i'l. a box. All dralera, ,
or Dr. A. W. Cbase Medicine'
Co., HiitTalo, X. T.
4 Mi:. A. KUPPERT'S world re
most without cost
no moti:k how blemished
the skin, face bleach
will make it perfect
Miulanm A. IHipprt myn
"MylVut llle-icli is nut n new, tint rlM
leni-dy, tiut h.m l.cen iifed Py thrj best
proplo lor 5 earn, hiu! ftir elldsnlving nnd
lemovlng- foi ever )ilinploe, frcrklet, taotli
p.itfhrp, blarkl-ejds, ci-zi'iua,taii,auntiurii,
sulknTiiCkf, rotinlinerfl or rrxtne&a of the
skin, nml lor br chtriilntr nnd livautlfyloc
the eoniploxloi It Uh no nqiml.
It Is absolutely ImrmlcM to th moil
delicate .skin.
Tho marvellous lmproioment after a
funr applications la most apparent, tor thn
l.ln hcenmesns nititru Inuiulevl It ibosild
W, tmootli, cleir and whltc, free front
cmy iiii(ut Ity and blemish, it cannot
fill, lor Its netlon limirli that It draw this
impurities, out of tho ckln, and does not
c nrer t liiu 11 p, nml Is ins lelblo during; use.
This Is tbo only thorough and ptnnanont
liiirliiir thi luimlh.I will offor to alia
trial bottles of my world ronosrnsvl yac
llleaeh, siimctcnt to show that It Is all that
ItltUui for It, nnd uny reader of this cars
nunil m "Scoots iiistnmpg or silver, and
I svlll Bend tlio trial Pottle, aeoiirelr
tiuekeitiuplsIOTrrappor, toaled, allcbarircf
Mr boolc'IIuw toba ncatitlful irljl Iw
mailed free) to all who will irrlteforlt."
6 l-aat Mtlt Street, New York
rime. Ruppert's llrav tlalr Rettoratlra
auually rtvtoifs gmr nalr to 1U natural
1 olor. Ciii bo mee1 oa uny Dliade of hair,
rind is not n ilv. und eloe; not discolor th
kkln nor rub off Pertectly liarmlce ami
alsrays jrlves f ntlfactlnn.
Muie. Kuppert'a Depilatory re mores
miwrtluoiis lmlr In fire minute, without
piln; svlll nut Injurs the most delicate
rime. Huppert'a Egyptian nalra for soft
ening and neallpe thn races arid hands.
rime. Ruppcrt'a Hair Tonic posltlrely
reniovt.ilandriifr, all m'ftlp illMases, stnpn
tallfntr bill. Mai in many cases restore!
.Mens. Ruppert's Almond Oil Cosiplexlaa
ikiap. inaiiu of pure almond oil and win.
Pelluhtful for tbo eomploxlon ntirl war
riintfl not to chap tho most dalloate skin
ill nf tliealioio toilet preparations sirs
ilwuys kept in itiv;. ami 1 1111 be bud from
ton .ex ul npent.
Mtue.A. Iliippcrt'M Celebrated Com
plexiou Speelaltien are for fcale in
HiTiititon by
Jonas Long's Sons
Quickest Route
across Continent
y 1 1 1 . U1t.rl.11ul I muled u.-,o ), in. every
thy in lilt! jeu, 110.11 C'uUajo
CIkafo-Jnhii Pacific aid IfcrMVtstertt
Line, atrium; .ll rraim-eo afternoon cf
third ii.i), LosAnycii-h crly nct morn,
iiiji .uid rorll.itnl afternoon c f third
No clunge of e.iis, all nic-Is in Dining
L'.ns, llutln 1 iLii-iy t-n(s' hh harbor).
The Puclliu lAprs s Umvcs. at 10.30 p. m.
d. ih. Thclic.tof csc'itliinir. Call on
any agent for tick t -. e r t-ddrcss
4tl treadali, ' Au fO'A 135 Km It , - Clntlnitatl
W( Ckn't Ot , fl lliitll.1 .a 11 Imilft'USI., riHibvrt
Si. J lithlngttm SI., Bllljn'iJ4 bastih'bt.. Clt'Hltiid
SOI M Jl St., ' 8tilcl7CeiQ4t-Martlui.Dtnit
Hi CUri Ct . Wmi jKI)St .fait,rnle.O.
Cor sixteenth St. ami Inlnj l'ltci,
Amerlctn I'Un, t3.t0 per day am upwarii.
Luroptan Tlau, II. M per da) and upward,
I. V. CRAW IOI1P, rioprletur.
For lliislncss Men t
- lu thu ln-ut c: lbs wholesale .
r dUtrlct.
I I'm' siioi)iM's .
r minutes' walk tu VananiKr; 4.
jy i minuiea to Blfk'el Cooper's Ult;
T Blurt. cf access to the treat
Dry Goods Ktures.
X I'or Sijiliiscers
One block from IVway Cars. !- t
sy I tic rusy trnnsporutlou to all ""
jf points ut Interest
a- rer. lllli ST. UNlVKKSlTf VU -f
f unly one liloclc from llroadtvay. .
t Rooms, $1 Up. nfflSAISto t
'twrcxifei' .' Xsaa'