I ributte. jpcottmt THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER. RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. TWELVE PAGES SCRANTON", PA., SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 19, 1001. TWELVE PAGES TWO CENTS. B0SSCH1ETER VERDICT IN McAllister, Campbell and Death Are Found Guiltu ol Murder In the Second Degree. AGREED IN 14 BALLOTS Tho Prisoners Exhibit Neither Ela tion Nor Belief, at tho Verdict. According to tho New Jersey Law tho Maximum Penalty for the Pxioncrs Is Thirty Years Imnrls ment Judge Says That Verdict Is Just. ny IMuslve V lie from The Ueodaled Ptesv Now Tori:. Jim. is. Walter i Mo Alllster, Andrew ,T. Campbell mul Will iam A. Death, thrto of tin? four por-j-,oiib indicted for tins iloiitli of Jennie Hocschleter, n mill Klrl of Paterson, N. ,T , who was murdered on th" night of October 18 last, were tonlKhl adjudged guilty ot murder In the second i' wee. According to the New Jersey law the inaximuiu penalty for the lirlconei-H H thirty years. The Jury took fourteen ballot and after sum moning Judge Dixon and the prisoners, tiled Into the court room. The pi. son era appeared very nervoufc. McAllister seemed more exolted than any of the others. Ho sat biting his lips whllu waiting. Campbell thrust his hands Into hid trouscis pcckels and clinched Ills list. In th- in. Death looked anx iously about tho court room for a mo ment and then assumed the mini' atti tude aj CV.mpbell. When the vetdiet was annoured the prisoners cMilblted neither clitlou nor filef. Judge Dixon thanked the Jury and i -ild lis believed the verdict a Jusf one, TIo then dismissed tho jurors until Monday morning. The court then rose and the prlsoiu.r.1 vw-ro taken bad; to tho Jail. Tho Judge's Charge. Ju3gc DJ.ou began his barge by sHylng: The trstir.uny h.t brti rkihully presented ti jo.i and tl it enly tie duty rt the court to appl) the Inv. The defendants arc r'.nrfinl ui lor tnu count In tl IndlotnunU o murder in the flrst drurcc. There li u wmnd enunt thtit on the sune day they committed a upe You niy fincl i.jrne. o! tl.c defendants buII'j rr jrnic not sJilty ot rmirrler or ef rapo or von uuy find them tnr.occnU litcli defendant H entitled tft the benefit t any reasonable uoubt, II he he proicd trallly of the higher uimc, it U raur. dr in the fii.it degree. If there in a re..on.'.hlo dobbt he may bfc ccmictcd r.t tho lonei 'irado of erjme or acquitted. The minil niu-t bo iliar, lrgardles of tlie ronscnucne;1. On cu ,ett the le'pciiMliilltj cf liny mlion of ijck I rill jour attention to the orcumrcc on tho fiotflo nuJ, where the prill vn taken from tlm hack. The state conlen&i that she urs lnurul Me anil tint uhile in Hill condition th s lifted from the carriage and placed on the itanVet flx-H.M) of what was don; theio a thger riic i.n U" torn her cut fuiRcr and a pin fell from her die. These ccrurrnicrs may shew ecnu light on the degree ot force tint mjy luio hern ued. The liaikman sajn he saw th group around the girl ami then he Mas ashed to stratify hi, lirt. Death alrio ronfcMei that to the cfdecis. The defendant deny the n-ault. It Ij to b consldeinl whether thew mfn hnl rny motive to cw-ar falsi ly. Hid the h.-.c'iman or tho police imy niotlvo to nwear fjlwly? 'flic roiidurt ef the ilflendant In the Ralecn rnd alter they, had cone out threw Mime light on thlt Tiic lei;al ride as In tlie cunfeidon ol Death that ii the only ctiduire a, to hi, onn Built, but cannot Lo lwd .T-alnst the other defendant. & Mhui ny are trtltdili'tr tho cridenee ol Death and Tampbell you sho'dd also centjder th trtlliimny n the ofiloeM. If It he not proven that any ot thio dif.ndauls bad ronnittion witli Jennie on the korti roid then there was no rape. Hut if tliy had while die waj fntcnsiblc then they ate all uuillv, 'im If only oro of them had nrblieil hir. If ho by her lolut.tary drlnlvlne hid inailo hei. ilf ln.ieni.ible t9 her rtmoiin l.i'is and any one took idanlago of hir condition) lapu v..i i.nn mitttd. As to the Murder Charge. Now for the craver dnreo ot murder. It U chaierd thtt in Rial's faloon she wan diUKirid ro that soire one of the difrndauU mlslit )uic carnal connection uith hei. If at the Hoik road tho crime wan committed It H eai.v to litlievc that tho preparation loi it ..is inide In Saal'a 6Jloen. MeAIIUter, ft i said, nrdi.l four drliiki and took iliein liro the loom lain elf. Then tho lnrtmjn tool, the tifficc rs to tho place tthrrc the bottle was found nnil It rontained Moral hydrile. l'rof. Wiithjiih fn.nd ten grain ol chloral in the trirl's ttomnili. Jleatli Inu said that MeAlllkler put laiocKuut drop In the drinks of .Tennlr. She bourne flevpy and cave all tho sjmploms nt thl'iral poiin, The defendants deny that McMlhter put any poUon into the glifk drinhx. Dr. Yaiibcii; mh lie did not find elilural bnlrJIe. Ulttham Jjhl he wa rot HitUflmJ ill. r.ny ono tit anj tried all. It was rr.noimble that he khould try all. It 'nut 1 rememl'cred that the iluii;. was .1 crave one an 1 that It Imolvid Hie :ind dtalh. It muit also be rerncnibereil that pun ishment " to bo eh in, but theie mut be no fear or f.-or in the rrdict. You mut fay whether one or all are sulky. It niut be determined by the jury II all uere equally utility and wtte eipially eoticn in d. The Jury jniu't uy whether tho irrdiit. It it Im ono nt uullty, wn.i In the first or teooml di-jree, und I pray find to ;Ie Jon Ruldanre stl-ht to a Ji:t verdltt. No Choice at St. Paul. By Kscluihe Wiro lir.tn The .oeIareJ Prre f-t. Paul, Jan. n. Tlie DrA ballot In the lie. publican lonalorhl caunii trniffht icsulted a follows: Tt. (!. l'.vjn. rs; , ;, ciapp. It; .. A. Taw-nry, '.'7; Taint Ithby, U; .1. T. McCleary und Joel Jp.on, l arhi Thomas Uivrry, 3. Scdnd balh.l -Krans, .'.Ii Clapp, 41; Tawtiey, 27; nitby, 10; l,ory, S; Jepwn, I; McCleary, 1, Scunty-cne Is necessary to nom. instc. m Druggist Convicted. By Exctutlte Wire from The Associated Press. rottsllle. !., Jan. lB.-It. v Taj lor, .the Mahsnoy City dnttrsht, was todjy ionlcted of sttMnptinj lo nolion Ids wife, henttnie was kuipcnded rvndlnc the dlivjil ol a nioUon for ii new trill, which motion will he sru'urd on Monday, Crrnegle nomembers Aurora. C Kxclusho Wirt from Tlie Associated I'icm. rittburtr, Jan. IS It was Biinonnccil todiy (hat Andrew Cameele has uuOo a donation ol W,u (o ln' Auioru ndlrge of Illinois, HERTZ ARIIESTED. The Confidential Financial Man Hod No Bonds. ny I'.xcltnlic Who from Tho AtacUted Pre Qu;enstown, Jan. 18. Slpmund Hertz, of New York city, who was ar rested shortly after tho ttrrlval hero Thursday evening oC the Allan steam er Corinthian, from Halifax, Jan. 7, eharRed with embezrtcmtnt, at the In Ntnnce of the t'nlted States nuthorl tlei, wa not brought before the maK Istrato hero todaj. The police nre awaiting the arrival of a Scotland yard ottlcer to take him to London for extradition. The siim of 3 iva found on Hertz, but no trace of tho mlssln,? bonds was discovered in hi btiggage. An there Is no rhiirso iirrtilnit bin wife, who aecompanle't him ncrofs the Atlantle, she was not searched. She In known lo have a number of bunk drafts. The wife's wearables are olaboratu and oostlj. Mrs1. Hettr. spent lout night with her husband at the polled station. This evening1 she went to a hotel. Hertz Is absolutely silent on the sub ject of his urerst. ' Hlgmunil Hertz, tho was the confi dential llnanelal man of Stlefel, Sacha Co.. of New York city, had been iiildslng slne Jan. If. Memb'.-rs of tho Hi m allege that bo is an embezzler to the evtent of 100,GflO, nnd that his method of operation was to forge tho firm's signature to cheeks, cash them and destroy them when returned by the hank. RECRUITING FOR THE REGULAR ARMY All Enlistments Avo for Three Years nnd the Nuinbor oi Recruits Av erages About 2,000 a Month. By l'Atlihhr Wire from I he Airfoclaied Vrece. Washington, Jan. IS. Active recruit ing is In progress In all the principal cities ot the country. The authorized strength of the regular army at pres ent is HR.ono men ami the recruiting In progress Is with a view of maintaining It at that stiength after the discharge ot the S5.000 volunteers on June To nest. All enlistments ,ne for thtce years and the number of icerults averages about two thousand a month. Owing to tha dclaj In notion of tho army bill, the Impresfloii prevills in tho war depart ment that It will be almost Impossible to get all the vohiiiteors to thin coun-trj- In time to permit their discharge heie by June .!0. In that cai-e It will bo necpssarj to dlf.charge a nuinbr in tlio Philippines on that date In order to keep them there until replaced by regular troops now being lecrnlted. Otherwise It would be Impossible to keep the Philippine army up to tho limit of 4'i,00il men regarded ui essen tial to the enforcenv.Mit of the presi dent's pollcj- while the ptoposcd reor ganization of the army Is In progress. It is said at the war depaitment that, while It Is settled that all volunteers will be discharged June SO, the course of events In the near futute will deter mine to a considerable extent whether the dlsch.'fges Hlnill take place in tha Phlllpplnts or In tho United Stntes. Kvery effort will bo made to get as many of them here uh osslbl beforo their discharge. OP ZACH TAYLOR STRIPE. Mayor Taggart's Opinion of the Coniinc; Democratic Mosos. By Exclusive Wire from Tin- Associated rrers. Kansas City, Jan. IS. Mayor Thos. Taggart, of Indianapolis, it member of of the Democratic national committee, asked todaj who. In hip opinion, would bo the Democratic national standard bearer In 1901, raid: "I think he will be a man of the Zaeh Taylor snipe, lbyan certainly will not be a candidate. lie said at the Chicago baiuiuet that he wos a private In the ranks. He realize of course, th.it the Ismics .vlth which ho Is clos.dy Ideiultleel cannot win and for that reason he cannot win." FIRE AT TOWANDA. riant of the Pennsylvania Cli.i'r Factory Ie Destroyed. D Kxiliulve Ulre from The Associated Press. Towanda, Pa., Jan. IS. The plant of tho Pennsylvania Chair company was entirely destroyed by fire today, caus ing a Joss of $30 000 on the building anel mnchlnerj nnd $15,000 on the stock. The lews Is partially covered by Insur ance. Sixty hands aie thrown out of w ork. The Ike originated lrotn a lamp car ried by tho night watchman. The fac tory had recently httirted a number of now contracts and was filled with un UnlMunl wotk. PITTSEURG IS PROUD. Her Lightweight Gives Terry Mo Govern Somo Hard Jolts. By Iltcluthe Wlru from The Awoclated l'rcs. Pittsburg, Jan. IS. At the nijou the atro tonight, after tho regular jvor formance, Terry McGovern, world's champion lightweight, tried to stop Louden Campbell, Pittsburg's light weight, In four round. i:ach round was a slugging match, Campbell going down three times, hut without Injurj-. Ho gave Terry some hard Jolts, and mado such a good showing that his frkuids want to match the two lads for a ten-round go. Deadlock nt Salt Lake. B,v Exeiurlvo V.ire from Tl f Associated Preu. P.Ut bale, Uuh, Jan. 18, Alter taking ten ballots tonight the RVriubllcan senatorial cau cus fiiiul to nulie a I'hulio nnd ndjourned further balloting until next Jlonday. Tho tenth ballot warn S, MeCumnirl., !); Arthur J. Thomaii, Sj Thomas Kerns, 8s Arthur Brown, C; fienriro tl. Cannon, 1; O, ,1, rVUUhurj-, Heed Smooth and II. C. Allhon, 1 ote each, Prize Fighting in Colorado. By Exclusive Wire from Tlie Associated I're-n. Hcuter. Jan. If, A bill was pawed today by the rtatc senite repealing the Cannon prise fljhtlns law, which penult ten round nloe contests. hhottld it uta the homo and be fiuerably ailed upon by the (.ou-rnor It Mill put a ii ir.d t rlo righting in this slate WATCHING THE VENEZUELANS Orders to the Scorolon to Proceed from La Gulra to Guanoco Have Been Countermanded. CENSORSHIP OBNOXIOUS Minister Loomls ITnu Protested to tho Venezuelan Government Against the Work of tho Censor No Dis position on Fart of tho Government to Biow-Beat Venezuela. By Iliclndve Wire fiom The AwrlaWd !. Washington, Jan. IS. The ciders to the Scorpion to proceed from I.a Gulra. lo (Hmnoro have been oountcrmundeel and she vMll remain at La dull a, where her xuesenco Is regarded as necesfari". Hy direction of tho stutv department, Minister Loomls hub protested to the Venezuelan government ugnlnst th; exerclfce of censorship over any of his olllelal e'omnuinlcattons, and 11 Is understood that the protest has been effective. It cannot be gathered that any very late advices have caused the chang? in the depaitmeiU's plans relatlvo to the movements of tho .Seorpion. In fact. It Is said that nothing has been re ceived to show any marked change In the status In Venezuela since yester day, when Milliliter Loomls spoke of the (suppression of a lebelllon among the troops In Caracas, the very Incep tion of which was unknown to tho de paitment of state. The fact that sucu a movement could gain headway in Castro's own capital, however. Is very significant, and this rebellion among the troops maj have led to the decis ion to retain the Scorpion at h:i Gulra, tho nearest port to Caracas. The naval authorities were consulted dining the rtaj as to the fcaslbllltj of rclnforclnz the American naval force In Venezuela, but while some such thing Is In prospect, it cannot be learned that any positive orders have yet gone out. There In. no di&piv-Itlon on the part of the authorities hen: to go to any unusual length In dealing with this situation, and they saj frankly that It Is not a. part of their purpose to brow beat or coerce the Venezuelans by any formidable naval tlenioustnillorr. un less such course Is absolutely forced upon them, which Is not believed lo be at all likely. Uut It Is quite ceitaln tbut Admhal Farquhar will shape tho movements of the North Atlantic fquadien so as to keep In close touch with the navy department, and he will not be far away from a cable for maiij days at a time nftcr he leaves Florida. QUEEN'S HEALTH. Is Such That Her Physicians Think She Should Re Kept Quiet. By Kxrlu'lvo Wire from The smtcd rre. O.uborne, Jsle of Wight, Jan. IS. Tin following official announcement regarding tho queen's health has bo;n niadu known: "The queen, dm lug the past year, has hud a great sttuln upon her pow ers, which has rather told upon her nervous system. It has therefore been thought .tdvlsablo by her majesty's phj-slcians that her majeHj' should be kept perfectlj quiet In tho houro t-id f-hould abstain for the present from transacting business." London. Jan. 10. Although it Is ful ly understood that there Is no cause foi alarm bej'nml what would natur ally bo felt at the Indisposition of anyouu of the queen's ag , the olllelal aunuuncment issued last evening has caused a i-hock to the country, the effect of which It would be dllllcult to exaggerate. Her majesty' abso lute freedom from Illness during the longest reign in I.ngllsh history, has led her peoplo to regard her nlmont as more than mortal: and tho mere novelty of having to face tho possibil ity of a regency alono sutllces to cre ate unnecossarj apprehension. "It Is nscesrary to go back to n ilato prior to 1SC0 for n similar situation. .Since that time, there has never been an lntci ruptlon of the smooth work ing of the constitutional machine. Xo one, not even tho Filnee of Wales, caa act for the queen, without the au thority of parliament; and, as no steps havo been taken to summon parlia ment, it may be taken for granted that her majesty's phyblclans have only adopted measures of precaution and that she Is still ablo to sign any absolutely imperative documents, though relieved of the worries of rou tine affairs. The illness of Dowager Kmnress Frederick, of Germany, tho sudden death of her majesty's: old friend. Lady Churchill, together with thu death of tho Duko of Saxe-Coburg last summer and of Prince Chtlst'an. Victor RUbssquentlj-, and the Incidents of tho war In South Africa, havo been great trials to the queen, but, oven within a week sho ha tocelved Lord Roberta and sent a merpago of con dolence to the widow of Dr. Creigh ton, Into lord bishop of Loudon. It Is understood that tho arranga ments for tho queen's visit to the South of Franco nre proceeding on tho lines originally luld down, nnd It ta quite likely that rest and abstention from work will enable her to under take the jouiney earlier than was oil glnally Intended. Slather's Sentence. Hy fcelutlvo Win from The AnocUtcd I'reu. New Yelk, Jan. 18. Chutle k. Mather, who .eieral dajs ago pleaded guilty- to lh. laicmy tl jewelry valued, it Ii raid, at SJt.OOU, uiu lentencfd today by the recorder to rcen jeari,' Impri'ionintnt In bluff hlinf, Mahei'n rhenw wa to u-curo Jcfliy from wlolcwlu ilealm on memorandum, on the prettneo that he va Rolnc to tell tt to Howard fiould for tlio lat ter 'n n(e. Mather thin panned the jcvuiry and dlupicarcd. DUN'S BEVIEW OP TRADE. Condition of General Business Has Improved Slightly the Past Week. Dy Inclusive Wire from Tht Associated Tress. New York, Jan. IS. U. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trado tomor row will say: In most directions tho condition of general business has Improved slightly this week. Steadiness Is the chief characteristic! of tho Iron and steel In dustrj. Tl.V past week haa brought no new developments of striking Import ance, and quotations are unchanged. There Is a noticeable lack of new con tracts covering large operations, but many small orders are placed, and mills nro well occupied on old business that In most cases will tnko months to complete, even If nothing further offers. On thl3 nccounl there Is no urgent haste about securing orders, and no concession aie made by lead ing concerns. Kxports Inquiries are rower, out tnanutactureis exhibit no concent on this point. Work is so vig orously prosecuted at the furnaces that demand for fuel Increases and coke ptoduetlon In the Connellsvlllo region expands. Coal also moves more freely at Plttsburft-, delayed shipments being hurried fonvnrd with tho aid of high water. There is still some uncertainty regarding the proposed tube nnd sheet plant.", and action by th Carnegie comp.'ui.v Is nwalted with Interest. Another moderate Inoienso occurred in sales of wool at the tiuee chief east ern market?, m'slng the total for Hire? weeks to 10,3S2100 pounds. The rot on Industry bus been In less satisfactory position, owing to depres sion in the yarn market, which caused the association lo iccoinmend reduc tion In the out? lit by one-half. Large estimates of th" cotton crop also us t.lsted the decline. Failures for the wotk were 3:,' In the I'nlb-d States against 2 layt j'car, and IS In f 'una la against 40 lart year. THE RIEGEL INQUEST, Announccmnt That tho Coroner's Of ficial Invefctigtition Will Re Continued Today. By lln'.mlrr Wire from Th Avicliteil Prta. Philadelphia, Jan. If. The only im portant move made public today In the invest Igntlon of the murder of Father Kieget, the Ttomnn Catholic priest who was given "knockout diops" two weeks ago. wus the anonuneement that the Inquest will beheld tomorrow. This Is taken as' an Indication that tho po llre have completed their capo and have In custody rill tho.se collected with the crime. Two men for whom tho po llen hao ln-cii looking for are report-vl to be under unest and If this is true, the pollee refusing to admit the addi tional arrests, make six men and two women now locked up elthr as prin cipals in- net p.vsoi les In the luting of the priest Into a house and after ac complishing his death robbed hint of conildorable money and Jewcliv and then dragged the body to tho hallway of a nearby Iioumo, whole they left It to be found the next morning. ROERS ROUTED. Col. Grey and New Zealanders Put 800 to Flight. Ilj Kulu-iii' Wire from Tin As.ialnl Pie. London. Jan. IS. Genet al Kitchener, telegraphing from Pretoria under date or today, s.rj-s Colonel tliey, with Now Jierlandets and bushmen, hits vigor ously uttaeked tho enemy eight inll03 west of Vontersburg, complctelj' rout ing SCO Uot-r?. General Kitchener adds details of the Insignificant e-asuaiiles of both forces, nnd continues: "I'olvllo's mobile column was at tacked north of Standerton, January 1". b a concentration of the enemy, who wure driven oft with severe loss. On-' casualties were fifteen wounded and one killed." MRS. NATION GOES FREE. Kansas Authorities Believe Temper ance Advocate Irresponsible. Py Kxiliulrp Wiro from The Avsocktrd Trca. VUhlta, Knn Jan. IS. The county attorney has dismissed tho charge nu'uln'.t Mrs. Carrie Nation, of the Women's Chilbtlan Temperance union, who was In Jail bore nltnoat n month fur breaking ualnon fixtures In a tem peianeo crusade. In dismissing the case County Attor ney C'onlej- said: "Tho defendant labors under a delusion to such un ex tent as to bo practically Irresponsible. Further confinement In jail would not Improve her condition of mind." MB. KBUGEF.'S PLANS. Ex-Prooident Han Not Decided to Visit Us, Hia Secretary Says. Ity Exdiuhe Wire from lhe Associated l'rc. IJrussels, Jan. 18. Mr. Kloff, Mr. Kruger'B private secrctarj', denies the report which has been In circulation for somo days, that Mr. Kroger It ail decided to visit tho United States. PEATHS OF A DAY. fly IftchiMvo Wir.' from The Awoelated Vttrs. .'amii'timn, S V., Jan. 18. Captain fieorce P. Tueiti'iinaii, :i former editor of thv ltochrler llemeierat and t'hionlile, died hero todvy, a?cd 7i: j far. ipnln Tiuknnnn fit an ottlcer of Itcrilaii'n tuarjoliootrrs ilurinp tho Civil ar, and later an auUtant corporation eounel of Sew York cilj. Siw Yuri:, .Tin, IS. Mie hat l 0'ullhan, ix. ihanipion all-around athMc, died tnday In the PiPfll'jtciian hospital. O'.Sullhan wai hoin In Inland In IS.")!. He coniiKlcd on thu all-round American Athletic union champlonnhlpi from le"7 to Is'A and won the titles In tho lalter j-ear vilth iiolnlu, the record score mado under th old rule. Ii to ls O'Kulllvan held the iicoid for tlirowlnz the B3 pounds wright for height, willi a thmw of 13 feet il Indira. Pari. Jan. 10, It ii announced that Arnold rtrrcklln, the Pni painter, died .Ian. in, iu l'ierole, Italy. Hu ai born in Iljiel, or Italcr, Oct. 10, 1SJ7. New Yoik, Jan. H. lleneral Andn-w Jacluon Muikay, a U'tcran ef the Clill war, died alter a ttvr tiajV Hint in tlili city toiiy. Ho eus ipmrteiin.uitrr on the ttaff cf Oencral Gcoreo W. Thorna, tas commander of the army of Cmnlierlanil and won u hlgli and honoratle name Iu llio.s tUrrins timet ARMY BILL IS DISPOSED OF Senate Passes the Rcoroanlzatlon Measure bu Vote ol 43 to 23. PARTY LINGS ARE DRAWN Four Demociats Vote for the Bill. Au Effoit to Amend the Measure So as to Provide Against the Sole of Liquor In the Philippines Is De featedAll Efforts to Pi event un Increase iu the Army Are Also Unavailing. Uy I'.xdiulvc Wire Ito-n The Awulid 1'ieA Washington, Jan. IS. .lust befoie 0 o'clock this evening, the senate dual ly disposed of the army rcorgunlza- j tlon bill. The 'measure having orlgl- i nnted in the senate, the final question was not upon Its passing but upon agieolng to the rcnute amendments. They were agtecd to by a vole of 13 to 1'". While part.v lines weio drawn on tht: measure, four Democrats voted for It. Senators Llnd'taj, of Ken tucky, Met.auiiii, of South Carolina: .Motgan. of Alabama, anil Sullivan,, of JIlssNfllppl. Senator Hoar, of Massa chusetts, who was eletulued nt his home by illness, was paired against the bill with Senator Spooner, of Wis consin. The bill has occupied practically tho entire attention ot tho senate slnco the third of January, when It was mndo the unllnished business. While the opposition to it at nil stages was vigorous, It never was bitter. Nu merous amendments were made tn It, but In general the committee was sus tained and the measure, with the ex ception; of tho elimination of the can teen clatis-e. Is not widrly different from that reported to the senate. An effort was math- today to amend the bill so as to provide against the salo of liquor In tho .Philippines and to prohibit the importation of any kind of IntoxIcnntT Into tho Islands; but It was defeated A notable srferh was delivered dur ing, the day by Mr. Hale, of Maine, who, whllu opposing the Increase In the strength of the armj1, stutfd co gently his rous-ons tor supporting the bill. Eoveiy effort to prevent the Increase In the strength of the army wan de feated by a decisive mnjorltj. As the bill originated n the senate. It will now go dlrcctlv to the! confer ence eommltlie appointed by the two branches of eongress. In the House. The house jpent the entire duy to day on the bill lo refer to the court of claims the claims ot the William Cramp & Sons Ship liiilldlng compunj. of Philadelphia, for all damages dm to the delay of the government in fut nishlng nimor plate and material for the battleships Massachusetts' and In diana and the cruisers New York and Columbia. The claims aggregate 3.-711,44-'. The bill has been conspicu ous at every session of congress for several years. It met with the stren uous and determined opposition of a portion ot it minority under tho le-ul-ershlp of Mr. MoDermott. of New Jersey, and Mr. Itobb, of Missouri. A Itllhusi!' was finally begun, but Its advocate at length succe-ded lit hav ing the previous question ordered upon the bill. The home tlun adjourned. The ordering of the previous question gives the bill :i tactical advantage In ji parliamentary waj- which prnutl 'eally Insures a vote upon It whenever It Is calleel up again. SPAIN WATCHING CARLISTS. Tholr Agentn Itocruiting Along tho French Frontier. Hy Ilviielic Wire trom fho Asdoclalrd I'rfm. Madrid, Jan. 1R. The pollco con tinue to keep a strict, watch over the Carllsts. Arrivals fiom tho frontier ray Carllsl agents are over-running tno contiguous i'renen lenitorj, re cruiting among tho refugees and Spanish deserters, offering two franci per daj arms and uniforms, but meet ing with small success. The government s-aj's that thu Car list agltutlon In the northern prov inces In unimportant owing to the pto cautlons taken. GEN. ALGER HAS A RELAPSE. Ex-Bocrotary Again Confined to Kis Bed with Grip. Dy ExcluIe Wire fiom The Attaclatrd Prew. Detroit. Jan. IS. General Alger has suffered a relapse and Is again con fined to his bed. Ono week ago last Monday he left his office not feeling well, nnd beforo tho end of the day a cold had set In with marked symptoms of the grip. He Never Awakened. By ntclualie Wiru from The Associated Pre si. Altoona, Jin. H. Andrew V. JCcylon, 1'i jean old, a news stand proprietor, was found dead In lib hotel rally Oils morning. Alter rrgWerinr; ho ut down in the oflUe and fell atlrcp Wlit n an attempt Mas mado to arouse him It una (ound ho u-.is dead. Nebraska Deadlock. ny r.tehuhe Wire from The iodatd Pren. Lincoln. Neb. i Jan. 18 Tha o'.o In tho lee Itlaturo un t'nltcd Mate senator today n without iletklio result, n followti Allen, Mi llllchcock, tfij TlionjPMin, Wi Crouni, 10; Currlo, Yi Hairier, h, lllndiaw, li Mrlkeb John, iSi Hoscnatcr, 13; scattering, 13. ' ' o-. - Asnlnst Huzlng, Dy i:ielin',e Who from Tht AinocUtiil Preaj. , Topcka, Kan., Jan. ?, A icjolulion wai paused hy the ernulo today condemning the pracilco ot hadnc at tl.it lutloiul military ac ademy it Wntt Point, Tho resolution lnlrucli tho Kahuui tlilesatlon in coturrraa to uio enery effort to secure the adoption of nitaiiuriid nece. tary to ouupiui kucli practice. THK NEWS THIS HOUSING. Wthtr Indication Todny. OCCASIONAL SNOWS. t Gencril Second Desrce Verdict in tho Iloss ihleter Murder Case. Sentte rie the Atmy Hill. All llj-es on Ver.tiueU. Mixing Imefllcallun at Wcit Point, 2 Oeneiil (.'arhondale Department. 3 (Je-nnit I'rtw Comments on lr. ijiuj'ii Klection. 4 ndltmUl. Weekly Ix-tter on Municipal Afluln. JCele and Comment, 3 tical Sochi nnd I'erimiMl. One W'omin'a Vle. 0 IiofilKuptrior t'oiitt TjUc u llie.ii. f.VinniCiii l'lcn Court I'roi eiillnsK 7 I.oi-el Vfujor Call "peclil Mection lor Councllmen. Nn (Vitifi relic Hitwrin Trolle.vmen and .Man.ii;ei. Local Wnt Sirji.tnii and .Sulnirln. (Jeiier.il S'urtln. ut m I'eiin'jlviinla Klnarclil and L'oiitiuentil. 10 O- neral The I'an-Ai.irrlcin r.xpoMtiuti at llurT.iln. 11 Uii-jI Sutidaj s, honl Lcsmiii for roiiinnow. lMUIou.1 Ncwii of tl.n Wl(k. It. ( ,irl sVller on th" Clip. tt Local Mir Vftiy nt the Imln-trlal Wotld. THE STATE MILITIA CONTROLS C0RBIN Quelling the Disorders in Kentucky Ailsln ftom the Killing- of James Sholwell. tly l.tolulie Wire fiom tlio Axniialed Pie-. Corhln, K'., Jan. IS. State militia took control lvre todav, and steps wvii' at once tahen by Tolonel It. L). Williams, rommundlug, to check tho dlsnideis gruv lug out of th.- killing, Wivlensday evenlt'g. of James yiiot- well by Italclgh White. White was arrccited yesterday aiel taken to Wlll laptsbitrg Jail. Sheriff Sutton and his deputies. In charge of the prisoner, weio attacked en loute by ft lends of the Sbotwoll", It Is alleged, but no ono was hurl. Krlinds of the Sholwoiia paraded tho Jtrrct'- laiit nhtltt and prepaintlons wete, it is alleged, under way for a pltehed battle between the two tac tions. Troops were ordeied out, and when they arilved todaj three ons of James Shot well were placed under ar rest. Under it strcng guard tliej- were taken to Willlamhbure Jail, where White is confined. They will be charged with in t intlcl.it lent. Funeral rervlcts were held this af ternoon over Mlsh Susan i.'ov, Sutton Fan-Is and James Sbotwell, while the mltltla paraded the ptieets to prevent an outbreak. Mlrs tVx and Karris utie hilled Wednesday evening bj straj" shots fioni a volley llreil by un known penions into the ruins of a building where White had gone after shooting Sholwell end which was dy namited by iuiknor.il persons. BASE BALL FHOSPECrS. The Magnates Speak Concerninff American League. Bj- Kxclmlie Wile fiom Tic Vot',ated Pte. Washington, Jan IS. President I5an Johnson, of tho American IJnse Hall league; Judge Goldman and John Mc Graw, of Haltlmoie, nnd Manager Manning, of the ioe.ul chid, heal a meeting here tonight, at which the de tails relating lo the Haltlmore and Washington clubs wore satlsfaetoilly disposed of, and the .situation In Phila delphia and liostou diseased. "Kverjihlng Is now in line shape In our eastern circuit," s.ihl Piesttlent Johnson later. "The Je.i.ue ot grounds by the American hagttt In itoston iif suris us of un tsccllent circuit In tho east. The oilglnal plan of .American league expinsloii Included only Wash ington, Italtlmore and Philadelphia. The hostile attitude of tho National league Is lusponslble for our now add ing Hoston." Mr. Johnson said the organization of the American association was tho at tempt of the National league to break up the Hues of tho Ameilcan league, but It would never ttueceod. He as serted that tho National league had attempted during the past throe months to cause strife and dls.s?u-Ion In the American league, but had failed. When asked where the American league expected to yoc uro pluyets for Its new clubs, Mr. Johnson mi I J that when the National leimue dropped Its surplus players they would be consid ered as In open market by the Ameri can league. According to President Johnson, tho next meeting of the American league will take place In Chicago, Junuury 28, at which ttino the dotnlls regarding tho Hoston and Philadelphia, clubs will bo announced. RUSSIAN STUDENTS EXILED. 150 Arroatod at Kloff to Do Milittuy Duty at Port Arthur. fty Kxcliulvs Wire from The AvocUtrd l'rrei St. Petersburg, Jan. 18. One hun dred and Tlfty students recently ar reted at Kleff for engaging In political agitation have been ordered expatriat ed to Port Arthur, whero they will do military service. The. same fate await? mires of students at rested In tho cap ital on tl similar charge. Tlio ferment continues nmong stu dents throughout tho country. Dis turbances aro anticipated. Promotion for Connaught. fly r.xtluritr Win from Tho Arsoclakd Press. Iximlon, Jan. 19. The Iluku ot Connau?ht will thertly become adjutant Kcneral lo tha forces In uii-eefhlon to tlrreral Wr Kit-lvn Wood, who will become rommandcr In thief ol the foivfti in Ireland. New Engines for the Pennsy. Py Eiclmiio Wire from Tlie Associated Prcrs. Altoona, Jan. 16, Tho PennKjbanU railroid ha placed ordera for torty-ono new encinrs of various deslfrtw, and intended for t-cteral divi sions, 4wth tho Altoona machine shops. Tlicso orders are expected to lost tho year. SOME EXPERT . TESTIMONY Cadet Lunch, the Autliorltu on Flaht- Ina at West Point, Is On the Witness Stand. ARGUES WITH GEN. DICK The Witness Offers to right Any' Man His Size and Weight and Speaks in an Insolent Manner to the General Advice for tho Piiitlo Expert Cadets Are at Last Pound Who Are Opposed to Hazing. By IXr'.uklw Wiro from Tho Aoclated l'rea. West Point, N. T., Jan. IS. Thrt congressional committee will probably llnlv.h tin; investigation nt tho mili tary academy tomorrow morning. Thu congressmen have probeil deep Into the hazing which has been maintained at the cadet barracks and camp for several years past, aniJ have obtained a mass of evidence additional to that ndtluceil nt the military court of In duliy. They will make strenuous ef forts to wind up the woik hero bj' midnight tomorrow, although It Is Is not Impiobiible that they will have to hold .sessions on Monday. Young McArthur was llui first wit iicm this morning, but he had llttlo to add to tho testimony which ho gave yesterday afternoon, previous to ad journment. MacArthur flimly maintained that he had an attack of mtibcular cramps after u severe yolreo ot exercising, nnd would not admit tbut ho had con vt'lslons or suffered from hysteria. Cadet Karnurn. who was based at tho same time as MacArthur, testified that ho was erorclsed to a state of exhaustion and had to leave the tent betoiv MacArthur on that occasion. Cadet Mejcr?, of tho present llrst cla-s. admitted having exciclscd u number of fourth clasi men. ono of whom. Vernon, dropped lo tho floor from exhaustion. The fighting traditions were gen Into again and rome additional Infor mation was gleaned In that respect. Vory Smart Witness. Cadet A. J. Lynch, of New York city, was thoroughly examined by the com mitteemen, as ho Is looked upon as the authoilty mi lighting at the academy. When General Dick began to ques tion him he became argumentative and shook his llnftev tit tho chairman sav ernl times when parrying soiae of tho general's mild reproofs. At times ho leaned acros the table which separated him lrotn the chair man's table while he spoke In an inso lent manner to the general. He up held the West Point lighting code and declared that he would light eny man of his size and weight and said that any man who would not do likewise was not fit to Join tho uriny. General Dick exhibited a good denl of forbearance with Lynch, but finally gave up his questioning In unconcealed disgust, after be hud given the "flstle expert" a sound piece of advice. For the first time during t,he Inves tigation It was shown today that thorn aie cadets in tho first class who, fioon tho lime they came here as "plehes," have been opposed to hazing and fight ing. Cadet Francis "W. Clark, of Illinois. testified to this and said that those practices should bo abolished. Ho wan complimented bj'iMr. Driggs, who said tlint Clark was a credit to the acad cmj SHOT HIS BROTHER. Albert Snyder and the Dead Man's Wife Aro in Jail. Dy r.tcludio Wire fiom The Aoc!ated Piev, Mahanoj- City, Jan. IS. During a cju.nrel last night, Albert Snyder shot! his brother. Michael, three times and the latter died toduy rrom tho effects of the wounds. Albert, who Is forty years old and unmairled, had besn, boarding at his brother's home for sw ot ul years. Michael attended thrt the atre last night, and when ho returned home wait piovoked at Hurting his wlfo and brother In a compromising posi tion. J lo became enraged, an 1 aelzlng a knife was about to attack Albert, when tho latter drew a revolver and fired threu shots, with the result stated. Tho erring wife and brother wero arrested, and Justice May committee! them to tho county jail at PottsvlUa without ball. Steamship Arrivals. Dy Eicbulve Wire fiom The As'oclated PrM. New York, Jan. H. Arrived: Patricia, from Himljti'g. Cleared: I'mbria, l,;erpootl Spa.inidir.i, llottrrcbtn. Kaple Arrived : Kurt llliiiuarck, w Voik via Oeno? f Alexandria, lij-iuoutli Arrhed: rrelorin, Stw York foe Haintiuig. Moi-iUi 'villed: Archori.i. Ul.Jttoxr, for New York. I.lnrd Pwwl: la Ilrelacncs Ki-v Yoil: fur Have. Four Children Burned to Death, p. t:j.i'liinr Wire trom Tho Atioclatnl Prcu. liLhari, li.d., Jan. 18, l'our children ol U:n. jjinln Miller vcre bunied tu elealli ewly todty. Their Jgi'i raiiKod from S to i" yiarn. A lamp exploded uhile Miller was atmer.t and the houis turned tu ipilikly that tlie icsoue ot tliw chtidrti M iirpOtolMe, Jefferson Davis InaiiBUrated. fly F.xcltulvo Wire from The Auoeiated Pren I.ittlo ltovk, Jan, IR. (iowrnor JaUtnco DaU wa Inaugurated today hifcre tha tecat ltd hou.j in Joint fccriten. Alter Ida Inaupirat addrens the oath n o(flo nu administered hy Chief Jiullco Ilium, 'ihei ceremonies er utv osttntatioiM. t t rf -f -f-f WEAl'HER FORECAST. Wajhlnidon, Jan, IS. forecast fer Sat. unliy and Sunday; r.ntem Pennsylvania di'iMklotial anon batunla;, continued cold; illiniiiUli'.ne uorthwetcily Minds, IksoiiiIiis KJUtlierlj, Sunday, fslr, i tt-ftt tt-tt-ti-t-t-t t-: f l.y.j,:iriit!'t V WWrB!!MMiastnJW)i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers