The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 18, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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WFa, T""(i "J-iW
Haa Purchased Xand Underlaid by
Soft Coal In Indiana County and la
to Ereot Coke Ovens at Buffalo, N.
Y., and liebanon, Thla State New
Route to Straighten the D., I. &
,W. Has Been Surveyed Superin
tendent Esser, of Lehigh Valley,
Forty-three thousand acres of toul
lands In Indiana county have changed
hands. Some mines arc belnff otiencd
and all of tins coal will be used for
coke, that will equal the ConuellHVlllo
legion. Tho by-products In the manu
facture ot aorno staples arc Betting to
be so valuable that they often brine
In move revenue to the manufacturer
than the staple he wants. Thin is ex
pected In this case, and, Indeed, If It
-.vera not for a new process In the
manufacture of coke these acres of
coal would probably have remained for
many years In the state nature made
Coke I an absolute lwefsliy In the
inantifartmu of Iron. The quality of
ihf coke Is of great Importance- also.
For years the eoal hat been dumped
into lire old-fanhloned bee-hlvc ovfin,
mil after it has burned there for 4S
Jium-a the fire is citictirhed with water
find the coke drawn Irom the ovens.
J'rom the day th; first coke was
bur-nod thcio has been no improvement
in this proees. Krom each oven is
pouring a column of smoke and Hume
toiuctlnicft 20 feet lilfilr. The air Is
poisoned by noxious Rasses and all
vpgltutlon for miles mound suffers.
Men have looked upon the hlKh
nscendlnsr smoke and commented on
tho waste, and then foi gotten the mat
ter. So It went until n few years
njro a youiiB Oerman named Otto I fore
man came aloiifr. He at once recog
nised the frightful waste and sot his
wits to woik. He nt last solved the
iiroblem. Up did fur more than ho
I'ontemplated. however, he solved sev
eral problems.
The Tnlted Coke and Out company
was organized with William I.. 121
kins as president .associated with a
number of eastern capitalists, and they
have control of the Inventions of Hoff
man. In 1S97 the first plant was es
tablished at Otto, Allegheny countv
with 120 ovens, and a second 100 aie
contemplated. The New England Oas
nnd Coke company at Everett. Mass.,
has 400 ovens, the Dominion (las und
"oke company at Sydney, N. S., has
400 ovens, and tho Hamilton. Otto
'oke company at Hamilton. O., CO
Under contract und now in course of
erection Is tho largest coke plant In
tho world at Ituffalo, N. Y. This is
owned by the Lackawanna Iron and
Steel company of this city, and in Buf
falo they are building C64 ovens. At
Ivebanon the company is also building
1!32 ovens.
At the Otto plant coke Is the desired
product, and everything else by-product,
from six to seven tons oC coal
Is the charge per own. Each ton of
coal In addition to the coke, which is
from 73 to S7 per cent., according to
the quality of the coal, produces from
1.03 to 7.50 per cent, or tar, .08 to 1.33
per cent, of sulphate of ammonia, and
r.000 feet of surplus gas. The plant
turns out from 3,000 to 40,000 barrels
of tur a year, and worth from J2 to
J2.50 a barrel. From the tar again it.
is possible to derive about 100 more
products, ninny of thorn worth their
weight In gold. All or the coke goes
to tho furnaces at Lebanon.
Some of the plants mentioned are
run for the gas as a product and all
else as by-products. The plant at Ev
erett, Mass., supplies from six to seven
million cubic feet of gas a day to the
city of Boston-. At Hamilton, 0 the
gas la furnished at about 50 cents for
1.000 feet. It can be doire for this
amount at any plant.
The plants of the I.ackawannn com
pany when In full operation will re
quire about 3,700 tons of coal a day.
To supply the ovens It beeamci neces
sary to have the coal, so the company
recently purchased In Indiana county
IS.000 acres of lands. To reach
the lands the Pensylvanla company
has built an eight-mil extension of
tho Elbensburg branch lrom Orcsson.
On this property are three three-foot
veins of good coking coal. There are
several openinss at Vinton, Some of
the coal Is reached by shafts about
100 feet deep, and at other openings
Mopes will be used. All mining will
bo done by electricity. In fact every
thing about the mines n lit be done
by electricity.
Cigar Making Machines.
The Tobacco Trust proposes to re
volutionize the trade with the intro
duction of a new machine which will
turn out! cigars with amazing swift
ness, and at a ridiculously low cost.
U is predicted that olsars now on the
market at two for a quarter can be
reduced to live cents. The first steps
in the direction of this evolution went
the organization of the International
Machinery company and tho American
cigar conrpany, each having a capital
ization of $10,000,000. The Jlgures in
these concerns are directors and stock-
It Cure the
Youugsters like lit
and it cures the cough
in a jiffy.
Dr. James'
Cherry Tar Syrup.
prompt relief in all
cases of throat or lung
affections a safe, re
liable family medi
At all Druu Stores.
25 Cents a Bottle.
Don't Accept
holdera In tho American and Contin
ental Tobacco companies.
Tho plan of reorganization has not
yet been made public, but It Is under
stood that the built of the Trust's cigar
business will bo turned over to the
American Cigar company. The Inven
tion upotr which these new vontures
are based trot only Is adapted to tiro
manufacture of little cigars, stogies
and cheap grades, but Is said to bo
equally available for the finest makes
of cigars.
Board for Today.
Today's D U. & W. beard Is as fol
lows: Thtinihy, ,Ijii. IT.
S p. in, Lilian,
10 p. in. V. lb Heer.
11 p. it,. 1 V, StcuM.
. f it'll', Jin. IS.
IJ.r.O i. in. J. Orilty.
1.30 I,, m, M. Carmo'ly.
3 a. m. (!. Thomas, with C. Unnhulointft'a
a. in. A, .1. Mrlionnelt.
5 A. in. II. Dennett.
B a. in. 1). W. FilJccMlil.
7 u. in. K. McDonnell. Willi 1". I'lvaiuURh'i
t n. m.-P. (Jllllsan.
II J. in. J. A. Iluli.
III ii. in. M, lO'iRlin.y.
11 ii. m. K, I), heror.
I p. m. T. McCarthy.
'i hi. J. IIcnnl.iii.
.1.U1 p. in. II. W. Ilibliif.
1,47 p. m. ). V. Kearney.
6 a. in,, 111 1. MaAlllitcr.
8 a. !., unit (!. Krounfrikrr.
0 m., west W. II. Nichols.
12 o'clnck noon. vt J. Canlgc
(1 p. in., e.iit II. C'illljtn.
7 p. m.. itwt lrom Cayuga, tluce cnrlne-
Mel onr.
7 p. in., v.fl from Cajuza, two engine (!inlc)'.
7 p. rii rant fiom Nay Auk E. Tttiflj.
10 i. m. r. V.. Secur.
8 a. in. Houser.
ll. u. m. Monn.
7 p. m. Murphy.
8 p. in.
7 a. m.Oaffney.
T a. m. Sinner.
f.,30 p. m. Stanton.
7 p. in. Magourn.
t a. m. J. Oaharcan.
r, J. rn .1, II. JtrCann.
II o. m. KcUhtiin.
7 a. in. A. O. Ilnmmllt.
0 a. m. T. Fltrpatrick.
11 a. m. (1 Ilmt.
1 p. in. A. II. Itowe, with J, najter'i mta
2 p. rn., M. Oinley, with O'llsrs'i men.
i p. m. !!aa"8-crt)',
C p. in. J. K. Matters.
7 p. in. C'ostello.
llraWman Joe Xathena ulU call at trilnmia.
ter'a ofllcr.
Hrjliinin John Ptiilhin will KO out ulth Con
ductor M. Caiiiiody, WIM Cat, E.iit, 1.30 a. m.,
Jan. 18.
Ilrakenun Polhamus will ro out with Conduc
lor John (,'ahagin, 4 a. in., west, Jan. IS.
Or.durtor .1. Coslello ami crew will run fi p.
in. Summit East, Jan. 17, In place ol fondiiitor
II, Oilllpjn anil irew.
This and That.
General Freight Agent P. .1. riynn,
of the Lackawanna, was a Scr&nton
visitor yesterday.
Superintendent Riley AVilllams. ot
the Indiana, Illinois and Iowa road,
with headquarters at Kanlcaltee, 111,,
was n caller on Srrperlntendent Clarke,
of the Lackawanna yesterday.
Joreph Matthewson, formerly yard
master at Clark's Summit, has been
appointed, assistant night yardmaster
In charge of the east end ot the
Scranton yard. Oeorge AV. Price suc
ceeds Mr. Mntthewcoii at Clark's
President Y. II. True-vdule and Traf
fic Manager V. D. Caldwell, of the
Iackawanna, came to the city yes
terday at noon, In the president's pri
vate car, "Lake Forest." and spent
thp remainder; of the day and evenlnar
In visiting the local ottlclals.
The workmen employed by tho
Smallcomb Bros, sinking air air-shaft
for the Stevens Coal company, were
on strike Wednesday for an advance
In wages. The wages paid was V."j
and $2,60 per day nnd the advance
asked Is $.!.r0, $2.75 and $3, according
to the grade of worlt. The Small
combs, who are the contractors, met
the men and settled the difficulties.
Work uas resumed yesterday.
The new route surveyed to straighten
the main line of the Delaware. Lacka
wanna, nnd Westenr railroad, between
Stanhope and the Delaware Water
Gap, has been passed on by the offi
cials, who announce that work of con
struction will begin about April 1. The
nev route between these places will
enable passenger' trains to save forty
live nrlnutes. Stroudsburg Tims.
Humors of changes among1 Lehluh
Valley officials have been going the
rounds, although whether or not there
will be developments cannot be said
at this time. It Is said that superin
tendent John T. Keith of the Ilazleton
region 1b slated for removal to either
the Wyoming division, extending irom
Mauch Chunk to Sayre, or the New
York and Pennsylvania division, which
Includes the system above Sayre, with
Auburn, X. V., as the central point.
The Wyoming division superintendent,
it is said, Is slated for another posi
tion. The natural successor to super
intendent Keith is trainmaster George
Glldroy, of Ilazleton.
Superintendent O. O. Kuhpr lms re
signed the superintendent'.- or the
Pennsylvania and New Yoik division
of the Lehigh Valley and Is succeeded
by J. A. Droege. who has boon uollnir
superintendent for the last f.nv months.
Mr. Es3or resigned on account of tli
health. He Is recovering from a criti
cal sickness and It was hoped by the
Valley officials and himself that he
would again bo able to resume his
duties, but his condition du,s not war
rant this. He has been superintend
ent of this division for the last six
years and has been In the employ of
tho Lehigh Valley all his life, working
up from the position of office boy to
the place he now leaves. Ho was at
one time superintendent of tho Wyo
ming dlvlcion, with headquarters at
Superior Service via Lackawanna
Irr planning a business or pleasure
trip one of tho most essential features
to consider Is the route that "gets you
there," In thu shortest space of time,
fewest changes of cars, least annoy
ance by dust and smoke, perfect road
bed, best equipment of coaches, dining
cars, Pullman sleoplng nnd parlor ears
of the highest possible standard of ex
cellence that modren Ingonulty can de
vise, such as afforded you by the
Lackawanna railroad. Through Pull
man sleeping cars and coaches to
Chicago and St. Louis dally. Twenty
four hours to St. Louis, twenty-one
hours to Chicago, without change of
cars; eighty-seven hours to California,
with only one chango of cars, and
twenty-six hours to Jacksonville, Kla.
Tho very lowest rates of fare to all
points. Apply to tho nearest D., Ii,
nnd V. ticket agent, either In person,
by telephone or by letter, nnd you will
receive prompt attention and cour
teoua ttnatraont,
Concluded lrom Page 8.)
suburbs wo can havo almost a monop
oly of tho business. We havo been
working on this project for nearly two
months. It Is not a scheme born of
the unpopularity of the old company
which was brought to a climax by the
strike und the subsequent transfer
bother. It Is a bona-flde, carefully
planned and deliberately formed busi
ness proposition by business men of
Scranton. All the company asks Is an
opportunity of proving Its Intention of
dolr.ty what it contracts to do In the
franchise ordinance submitted to coun
cils tonight."
The capitalisation ot the new com
pany Is $50,000. This Is to be Increased,
If necessary, but the company believes
an lncreasn will not bo called for, as
tho Investment Is such a promising
one tho road can bo 'built on Us bonds,
without the slightest difficulty.
The full text of tho ordlnnnce grant
lug n right of wuy to the new company
nii: ordinance.
An ordlnanci authorlzlm; the Ceutial Rapid
Transit Street Railway icinpjny to lay trade
with the necessary switches and turn-cut, nect
the neccsMry polei and wire, and operate Its
tuad by clectilc or other power, on certain
streets and avenue) within the city limlti.
Section 1. Pe It ordained by the select and
roimnon councils of the city ol Scranton, and it
ia hereby ordained by the authority of tin
p.imo that The Central Rapid Tnilult Street
Railway companj', ili lesei.K and usIsiik, Ii
hereby authorized to lay down, conitruct, main.
Uln and icpilr a sin-jlv or double traik (street
railway, with all nrcciMry and ioninlent connection-,
side tracks, turn-out, loops and
wltchf!, and to erect and maintain the necev
nary rolei and ulris arid other necrmry appll
arccn, and to operate Im roid, by a s.itm or
(stems of uiidtifro'ind cable, or by any ejntem
of compressed air or by electric power, either
oirrhcad, undewouml, primary or stoiaje bat.
Ury system, with the riant to use any one or
more of aaid tyitcm-. and to at any time or
tlmea (lunur from any Mich --yateini to any
other of nucli system on the following named
Reinniiie on Wyoming; atenuc, in the ity of
Scrajiton, at Its Internection with Railroad alley
or plate; thence In a northeasterly direction
on Wyoinln aunue to the Interjection of Lack
awanna atcnue with Wjomlnjr avenue; thtnee
continuing in a northeasterly direction on -ernlB
avenue on the tracks owned or formerly
owned bythe Scranton and Providence I'asserper
Railway company, or the l'eople'a fctreet nail
way company of Lnrrrne county, and now owned
or leased or operated by the Scranton Railway
company, a distance of about eighteen hundred
feet, and not exceedin twenty-Arc hundred feet,
to the Intersection of .Mulberry olreet with W
omlng avenue; thmre continuing; In a north
euslerly direction on Wyoming nenue to the
Intel section of N'ew Voik street with Wvomina
a-icnue; thence in a northwesterlv direction on
New York street to the Intersection of Penn
avenue with New York strwt; thence In a
northeasttily direction on Pern atrmie to the
Intersection of Sunset avenue with Penn avenue;
thenctt in a northwesterly direction on Sunset
avenue to junction of Klectric avenue with Sun
set avenue; thence contliuilnc in a northwest
erly direction on Klectric menue to Internee
tlon of Boulevard, fonneily known as Archh.ild
or Ol) pliant load, with I'lictilo avenue; thence
in a nonhrasterly direction on Boulevard, n
ilUt.ince of about the hundred feel to the in
tersecticn of P-acnn street with Boulevard:
thence In a northwesterly diiectiou to the end
of Deacon Mreet; theme continuing in a north-we-iterly
direction over lands of tho Delawaro
and lludion Canal company to landr of. or tale
n H. C. nnd J. If. fiilbert et al,, pa-slnir over
the tracks of the Delaware and Hudson railroad
on a bridf-c or overhead viaduct; thence in a
kouthvvctcily direction omt lands of, or tale
of, S. C. and ,1. II. Cllbcit et al.. to last
Market street; thence in a northwesterly direc
tion on East Jfaikct street to the Inlrrwctlon of
North Jlaln avenue with Kast Maiket stieet;
thence In a noitlrvcttrrly illrectlon on tho turn
pike of the Providence and Ablngton 'Itiinplke
and I'lank Road company, coinmonlv known a
West ll.ii ket street to the midsection of Yard
avenue with "iNest Mir kit street; thenee letuni
inR Ii) tho same route to the plaic of be-flnnlm.
Aluo beginilnir on Laich sheet at IU interscr.
lion with W)oinlnR avenue; theuee in a south
ctntcrly direction on Laich street to th' illy of
Scranton and Dunmore boroueli line.
Abo a loop bcglmilne; at the intersection of
Center street with WyumlnR avenue; thtnee in
a northwesterly diiectiou on Center street to
the Intersection of Jllfilln avenue with Center
street; theme In a iioilhca-leilv diiectiou on
Mllflln avenuo to the tntiinectioii of Vine street
with Mifflin tivenue; thence in a southeasterly
direction on Vine slreet to the Interrectlon of
W)omiris avenuo with Vino stinet. nil the above
routes fonninc a complete clicult with lt own
track-! exreptine a? above stated.
Sec. 2. Ihe said company shall lay on all ot
the streets and avenues now pavenl a (kit rail
of an approved pattern, of a weight that will
be iultable lor the traffic of the said road; on
all unpaved streets and averpjes where' it shill
use a T rail nnd protect the said rail with
plankn so laid that the top of the same shall
be flush with the top of the rail, both Inside
and outside. '
Whenever nny slieeU or avenues mentioned in
this ordinance not v.ow pived, aie paved, the
company shall pave between the rails nnd twelve
i'ltlii's, outside, of the same material as the said
tieet or atrceis aie pived with, or vitrified
brick; and wbeie. under like condition.? there
are turnout) and switches shall also pave between
the track as above piovlded.
Sec. a. Tho location of pule arid fixtures shall
be under the general direction of the city au
thoritles. Sec. 4. The company shall replace any pave
ment torn up by It with the same rnaterial of
which the pavement waa constructed, or vitrified
brick. The said i-oniiiany shall at all times con
form to the urjilo esj.ihllshed by the city The
said compiny shall also clip the me of Its
polea for tire alwn und police purne,s.
Sec. 6. The company shall pav to thi- eily as
tacM the followlna; turns, to wit: Tor the first
two years after .the road is put in operation,
nothing; the next three ytat, one-half of one
per cent, ot its crros) receipts, and every yar
theierfter, ono per cent of Its gross receipt.
Till tat is in lieu of any and all forms of elty
taxation vvhlrh is no. or may hereafter be In
Sec. 0. 'Hie voattruitloa ol the said road slnll
be ectnpletcd within two )eat fiom tho pars
aire of this onllnance.
If the construction of any line, loop or i v
ten.ion heieln mrntlwcd Is not rcmpleted within
the sjid two yeais, then as ti said tinllnl-hert
line, loop or estension, any rights granted under
this franchise shall l subject to forfeiture by
the city.
sncmtiKo rom:n.
Sec. 7. Permission Is hereby Riven to eonnett
all its electrical wires, conduit and plcs with
any power house or station or electric wlai,
conduits or pipes wbhti may be used for erne-ratine
or r(iive)ln electric or other power for
and to tho lines of such railway now- or here
after owned or operated bv tho said Street
Hallway company, its lcisoc8 or auigr-1.
Sec. -S. Tho said company shall, within thirty
day after tho approval of this ordinance, flle
In tliu city clvtk'j ofilee a wiitten acceptancs of
the provisions of this oidlnance, tosethrr with
an acrecment duly executed by tho ccrpoiate
authorities of said company in which it shall
bind lUclf to observe and submit to all the
conditions and restrictions contained In this or
dinance, And the said company shall further agree that
It villi In future pavo and rmava between
its rails and tracks on all streets over nud
throuvh which its lines ato constructed, which
have heretofore been or shall be hereafter paved,
In the, same maimer as hereinbefore provided,
at such times and in vurli manner as may be
prescribed by tho city.
And tho said company slnll further nerts that
It will at all times hereafter be bound to oh.
sirvo and be subject to all ordinances of said
city with referenco to operating passenger rail
ways now In forcer or hereafter to be passed,
not Inconsistent with Us charter rights or this
ordinance, and shall also furnish a bond In the
sum ot ten tliouivid dollars with si least two
sureties, or a corporate, bond to be ippioved
by the city solicitor, conditioned that the con
struction of tatd road shall' be In accordance
with this erdinanoe. '
Sec, D. The rate it fare ti be charged for the
riuligo of each paucnger shall be rtv-e cents for
ono continuous Title. Said company shall, with
out additional ch-irgc, give all passengers de
siring; the same, a transfer ticket over all lines
oepratetl by It In the city of Scranton arid
By Kscluslve Wire from The Associated Press.
Unrein, Neb., Jan. 17. Today's vote for Uni
ted b'Jtcs senator In tho legislature was ca
follows: 8enstor W. V. Allen (tuslonlst), S7j
Gilbert M. Hitchcock (futlonlst), 7; D. Ik
Tbompseii, ti; Currle, Ml Cniiinw, lni Ilaincr,
lit Illnshaw, 17; Melklejohn, 21; Rosewater,
15; Klnksld, , scatterim:, 12.
A, Gold
vthh every set of our best
teeth contracted for on or
before IVhruary 1.1th, 1001.
Tills Is a boniftde otter
and our material Is the
madr hero and made light
of -JiK gold. Our prlee Is
only S-.00.
Inserted here by experi
enced operators who have
been selected from tho
largest offices In the V. Si.
for their ability.
Our own anesthetic for
painless extracting. Safa
and Sure. No tore gums;
no cocaine.
Union Painless Dentists,
S0i Ijckawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
t-i-l -S Ll J L
"1847 Rogers Bros.'' Good.).
Knives, Forks
Spoons, etc.
No question about the quality; we
have all the newest patterns at
lowest prices.
Also the celebrated StcrllnR: In
laid Spoons and Forks. War
ranted to wear twenty-five years.
Immense stock of Sterling Silver
Spoons, Forks, Knives and Cased
Goods for Wedding Presents.
Mercereaii 5 Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
Sea Trips
of tiro tc fire days' duration,
arc offered by the
Norfolk, Ua.
Old Point Comfort, Ua.
Richmond, Ua.
Washington, D. C.
Bteamert sail dally except Sunday from Tier 28,
North River, foot of Beach street. New York.
Tickets, includlm; meals and stateroom accom
modations, 113,00 and upward.
Tor full Information apply to
81 Beeeh Street, New York, N. Y.
The Dickson Manuractarlng Co.
boranton nnd Wlllcas-IIarr-), i',
Manufacturers of
Boilers, tlclMlncanil Pumplne Machinery.
General Office, Scranton. Pa.
You who ouce posaessed sturdy phys.
Iques and steady rrervea, but now have
Insufficient physical fores to properly
attend to ordinary duties; you who
have a sense of "all-goueness'rnftertlie
slightest ezertlou; you who arc dull,
languid nnd old iu spirits at an age
when yon should be fullof physical fire;
you who may feel that your life If not
worth the atrugtle there Isauelentifle
meaua of redeeming nil the precious
povrcra wlrtcb secin to be entirely lost.
Have cured thousands such as you.
Don't experiment with your health or
money. We will take the risk. If alx
boxes do riot cure you, your money is
returned. Tor years we have been
curing men on these satisfactory terms.
11.00 per box, 0 for JbOO moiled in
plain package. Boob free. Address
teal Medicine Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
For sale by John II. Phelps, Pharmacist, corner
Wyoming avenue and Epruce street.
;U)Tns; sptHTalfht, laiii-Axur-r
Burgeon lalta,
i27Notih Sixth St.
TLZVT " i r :""
dan-rerous rates
rnent W ulall. Aouffo'rtl'rn Pe.tVnionlivTsy llook.7.
Ivsiug eriry lake luUtatfLtilecUlcal AMedicat iraud.
i ii.tiTi
5st of Gloves
The claim BEST for gloves is not to be lightly
made. One must needs have searched far and stud
ied long to be sure of highest excellence. This we
have done diligently for years. The best glove maker
in France now makes our fine gloves from the best
selected kid-skins his country produces. A rare
chance to buy Ladies' Fine Kid Gloves is offered dur
ing our White Sale. Every pair of gloves in the
stock reduced in price. Read on.
American Girl Oar regular dollar glove, . . . 79c
Adler's Fine Mochas Oar regular dollar twenty-five glove, . $1.00
HTE Jouvin (Eclair)Oiir regular dollar fifty glove, . $1.20
HTE Jouvin (Mazarin) Our regular two dollar glove, . $1.50
And 4tCoronet"A ladies' full pique sewn, street glove, worth full
$L50 a pair, 89o
Connolly & Wallace,
1 27 and 1 29 Washington Ave.
United States Depositary.
At the close of business Dec.
13. 1900.
Loans nnd Investments
Banking House 38,509.04
Cash nnd Reserve ... . 530,870.19
Capital S 200,000.00
Surplus 500,000.00
Undivided Profits . . . 57,905.29
Circulation 100,000.00
Individual Deposits .. 8,415,530.08
U. S. Deposits 422,720.30
Due to Banks 54,785.53
HUN'RY BELI.V. JH., Vice-President.
WILLIAM II. rnCK, CJehler.
Hnnnfacturors or
488 to 455
H. Ninth Btroot.
Telephone Call. 2333.
Booms 1 and 2, ComMth B'l'd'j.
lining and Blasting
Mast, at Mooslo and Ituib, 1J Workt.
.eotrto luttorlss. EIsotrloExplolsrs,
xplodluc blasts, Safe,- Kus aal
Repaum Chanlcal Go,'s w'WIvc.
liis k
SB Lace I
wui tain icws
Shrewd buyers will take advantage of the special
prices, made on our entire Lace Curtain Stock. Many
small loti at a fraction of their real value.
i mki larro
129 Wyoming Avenue
Heating Stoves,
Oil Stoves,
Oas Stoves,
s Heaters,
DR. DDN5TCN, .ill Spruce Street. Scran
ton. Pa. II cule an J Chronic Dlseaiss ol
Men. orn'n an i Chlldrrn. Consullailon ami
examlnatlun fret. Officer Hoars Dally and
un-lay la rn. to o p. m.
f - urtNiTUHE.
& Brooks
All Scasons' Sports
Ocntrtl Atcnt for ths Tfora!n
District for
Ulnlor. mutiny, Sportln-f. Imolceleit tmj tta
ltepauno Qicmlcsl Conpsa-r's
High ExpSosives.
Safety Tuse, Csps sntj Kxploders. Room 01 Oob.
Dill Dulldlng, Scrtnton.
tho3. roitn ...pittiu
v. I., hui-uiua.n ,,,., wilkta