''"'yjjft'jWJSf'' nfW vVfl nv !ym 1?j!fr'' wfvrnrW ffnfWr'fr ;V"m!ftyr?w t.irtiy -"jnHyw gajf ''tff V,"V ; THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 190T. J' 5 aooooooooo rn.H iiodeiik HAnnwAni: store. SAVE TIME Money and labor by using tools that Ate constructed for speed. Tho "Yankee" automatic spiral screw driver drives threo screws in tho tlmo you would drive ono with an ordinary driver draws them out equally as fast. The "Yankee" is a ratchet driver with three bits. Foote & Shear Go. H9N. Washington Ave L. R. D. & M. AT ALL SEASONS Rhoea arc on ol the roost Important Items of dre-.i at any tlmo o( the year, and especially no new" that we ar certain to have changeable wcallier, I'or style, price and quality o ours. We know we cm p1eai you. LEWIS, RUDDY, DAVIES & nURPHY 2.10 Lackawanna Avenue. Art,JCRWON.PA. B.WAftMAN. WEATHER YESTEEDAY. I.oij data (or Jan. 17. 1C01 lllaliest temperature JO d trees Humidity: S a, 111 C2 per cent. s p. in. Cl per cent. PERSONAL. Attorney John M. Harris h in VlilladclrliU en omlnew. C. C. IVrber, .. J. Kkbeckir anil Cooi-pci Mul ley uiif rcslttcrcil at the Hotel Albert in Nov ork j-ettciilay, linn, ami Ml. I'. W. I'leltz left llarrl-buru lat niRht for Wmliliijjton, v.iieic they will Join Sena tor Quay ami be hU (,'ueiH in I'lorlila fnr ten ilayi, A DELIGHTFUL MUSICALE. Given at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Kear. A delightful niuslcnlu wns Riven at the homo of Sir. and Mrs. G. W. Kear, Green Ridge at :i o'clock yesterday afternoon by Prof. P. Vandervelcon, Mrs. E. G. AVordon and Prof. Charles Doersam. The programmo was most artistical ly rendered by the well-known anil popular artists. F. Vandervelcon charmed his appreciative audlenco by the masterly rendition of his dlfllcult selections, Mrs. Wordcn sans In a most aitlstlo manner nil her num bers, her rendition of the Lo Laraa Rose waltz, the favorite Melba waits, holding tho audience In wrapt en thusiasm, which was followed by nn outburst of applause. Prof, Charles Doersam accompanied la his usual manner. Gifted with great musical talent, he never fulls to please his audience. The guests woio: Mrs. I. J. Lans ing, Mrs. J. Attlcus Uobertson, Mrs. W. D..,nussell, Mrs. A. T. Law, Mrs. G. A. Bounce, Mrs. M. I.. Fine. Mrs. W. C. Van Ularconi, Mrs. r. Hltchcnrk, Miss Anna Robinson, Mrs. Helen Franklin, Mrs. A. E. Uentley, Mrs. G. IJ. Monies. Mrs. A. C. Mon ies, Mrs. Edson Grceen, Mrs. 1). E. Newman, Mrs. A. T. Hunt, Mrs. H. V. Kellnni. Mrs. M. C. Carr, Miss Fannie Monies, of Plttston; Mrs. C. H. Ma hon, of Plttston: Mrs. J. M. Mulliol land, Mrs. Uonjamln Dalley, Carbon dale. WILL SEE SILLIMAN TODAY. Committee of Street Car Men to Meet Him This Morning. The committee of tho street car em ployes appointed to wait upon General Manager fillllmrm with the request that ho remove Seeley and Keller, the non-union men who worked during thb strllte, and that he reinstate several of tho men recently discharged, did not see him yesterday, but will call upon him this morning. It Is understood that they will de mand an answer lit tltno to Ij&ve It presented at a meeting which Is to bo held on Sunday morning. Tho new tlmo schedule arranged on the ten hour basis goes Into effect today. It was only posted last night and several of the men seen by a Tribune man said that they had not given It sulllclent study to bo able to tell whether It ful filled all tho requirements or not. FUNERAL OF MRS. LEWIS. The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis, :he dancing teacher, who died sudden ly Wednesday, will be held at Una homo of her parents at Mansfield, O. Tho body was shipped over the Dela wore and Hudson yesterday after noon. Uriel services were held at tho homo of the Misses Drinker, at 710 Madison avenue, yesterday afternoon by Row Dr, Israel, of St. Luke's church. Thcro were many beautiful llorul pieces and casket bouquets. Coroner Roberts conferred with Dr, Anna Law-Avard and ' agreed that riath was duo to neuralgia of tho heart and decided that an Inquest was unnecessary. C7 riltfMlas? VfS A REPEALINQ ACT INTRODUCED. Senator Vaughan Says There Will Bo No Difficulty in Passing It. President B. T. Jayne, of the board of control, received a letter yesterday from Senator J. C. Vnughan, of this city, Informing him that the act re pealing the Kennedy net of 1893 estab lishing a system of government for ichool districts in cities of tho second class has boon Introduced tit the sen ate and referred to its proper com mittee. Tho senator further lnfromed Mr. Jayne that there wan hnrdly any question but that It would bo reported favorably upon by the committee and that It would easily pass the senate, lto says that the Pittsburg and Alle gheny leglslatois will malco no effort to opposo tho act, Inasmuch as It docs not aifect the school districts of either of these two cities, which are now operating under special acts. There will bo a special mooting of the legislative committee of tho board, which decided to have the nut drawn up, on Saturday afternoon In tho board of control rooms. This will be attended by Senator Vaughan and Representatives Philbln, Reynolds, James and Schcuer. A conference will be hod ns to the best method of fur thering tho passago of tho act through tho house. AMENDMENTS MiT WITH MUCH FAVOR Assistant City Solicitor Davis Says the Second Class City Matters Framed Here Will Pass. Assistant City Solicitor David J. Da vis returned yesterday from Pittsburg, Allegheny and Harrlsburg, to which cities ho went for the purpose of re ceiving views and suggestions on thy act amending tho present second-class city law prepared by City Solicitor Vosburg, under tho direction of tho Joint committee of the city councils. He returns strongly Impressed with tho belief that tho act can be easily passed through the legislature, if a fight Is put up. "I' had a talk with Senator Quay, in company with Deputy Attorney Gen eral Fleitz. on Wednesday," said he, "and ho assured us that he heartily favored tho act and that he would give us all tho assistance In his power to secure its passage. That means that wo can put it through if we unite out forces and mako a vigorous nnd an aggressive fight." Mr. Davis says that tho amendments met with the hearty approval of Mayor James G. Wyman, of Allegheny, with whom he had a long conference. Tho only change which that oflieial sug gested was that tho mayor be given the power to remove, without tho con sent of select council, tho three heads of departments whom ho Is given power to appoint. Ho did not wish to bo understood as favoring the removal or these ofllcials without cause, and believed that there should be a public hearing In case the chief executive de sired to uso the axe. "Mayor Wyman said," remarked Mr. Davis, "that he Is nothing more than a figurehead, his duties consisting merely of signing or vetoing ordi nances and resolutions and signing pay-rolls. Ho admitted that ho had absolutely no control over nny of tho city's departments and that the police men, firemen nnd all other employes snapped their fingers In his face nnd did as they pleased." Allegheny, Mr. Davis says, Is a strong Quay town, and the members of tho legislature hulling from there, with possibly ono exception, may bo expected to heartily favor the amend ments. He didn't attempt to see any of tho Pittsburg ofllcials, because they are unalterably opposed to any legisla tion which will take the government of that city out of the Fllnn ring, which now controls it. Ho presented the act to Attorney George Guthrie, who was tho most prominent figure In the recent confer ence between tho boards of trade of Pittsburg. Allegheny and Scranton, and reports that that gentleman, who Is a recognized authority on municipal law, offered no changes or suggestions whatever and seemed to think that the amendments are all right as they tire. Tho sencral concensus of opinion, both among the reform element In Pittsburg and Allegheny nnd among the Quay people In Harrlsburg, he says, Is In favor of simply a few amendments tather than a completo new act. Secretary Atherton, of the board of trade, yesterday received a letter from Secretary Anderson, of the Pittsburg chamber of commerce, informing him that tho copy of the amendatory act recently pent him had been received nnd referred to tho committee on municipalities, which would take- it under consideration at once. CHURCH SUPPER LAST NIGHT. It Wns Served by the Ladles of the Elm Park Church. A committee of ladles served a boun tiful supper last night at Kim Park church, with a menu of oyster patties, cold hum, cabbage salad, potato chips, baked beans, pickles, doughnuts, checpe, charlotte russe and coffee. Tho committee consisted of: Mrs. Charles Sehlagor. Mrs. U. A. Hill, Mrs. M. Zehnder, Mrs. W. D. SSehnder, Mrs. Dolph, Mrs. T. F. Penman, Mrs. C. H. Penman, Mrs. Walter Henwood, Mrs. H. C. Wallace, Mrs. G. F. Reynolds, Mrs. Woodcock, .Mrs. John Roll, 'Mrs. T. W. Hossler, Mrs. J. T. Porter. Mr R. G. Brooks. Mrs. Weeks, 'Mrs. W. H. Peck, Mrs. Mndlson Larkln, 'Mrs. Char les Powell, Mrs. 8. P. Fenncr, Mrs. Stroecher, Miss Schlager. Among those who assisted were: Mrs. Harding, Misses Grace Norton, Mabel Schlager, Weeks, Vail, Porter, Irene Reynolds, Elsie and Helen Powell, Ada Bone, Amy Northup, Hawley, Morgan, Strickland, Serine. Misses Florence Porter, Jeannotto Schlager and Elsie Phelps were In charge of tho confec tionery table. Tho members of Schiller lodge, No. 313, Free and Accepted Masons, nro re quested to attend th funeral of our deceased brother, Charles W. Roesler, from his late residence, 223 Franklin avenue, on Friday, January IS, 19)1, at 2.30 p, in. Members of sister lodges are fraternally Invited to attend. By order of Isadora Ooodman, W. SI. Attest: Chas. S. Gelbcrt, Sec. Attention, Ninth Ward. I am a cundldato for tho oluce of common council of the Ninth ward. I ask the support of all Republicans at the primaries Saturday, at i to 7 p. m. II. E. Paine. i m Attend Nettleton'a Removal Sale. Shoes at 25 per cent, discount. OBJECTIONS OF MR. VAUGHAN HE VIGOROUSLY OPPOSED THE CHARTER AMENDMENTS. Wanted Select Council to Discharge the Second Class City Committee Because They Had Said That Coun cils Were Not Ftf to Elect Officials. His Resolution Referred by a Close Vote Councilman Evans Disputes with Councilman Finn. Other Business Transacted. Councilman D. W. Vaughan was what George Ade would term "all the eggs" at last night's meeting of the se lect council. Ho introduced no loss than five new ordinances and resolu tions, made several red-hot speeches denouncing tho necond class city com mittee for deciding upon the amend ment to tho second class charter giving tho mayor the power to appoint heads of departments, and his fine Italian hand could be traced In tho action of the Democrat lo members of the common branch who absented themselves from the meeting. His action regarding the second class city committee came as a big surprise to every ono present. He brought the matter up during the reports of com mittees. "I want to find out something about this second class city committee," said he, "which thinks Itself the whole thing. I understand it has decided upon nn amendment giving the mayor power to appoint the heads of depart ments nnd that It has sent a represen tative down to Pittsburg to tell tho people down there that tho councils of this city favor such an amendment. I don't think they do, und I believe that this committee should have reported back to councils before they decided on anything definite." Chairman Chittenden, of the com mittee, replied that all action was noc essarlly hurried, but that tho Idea of giving tho mayor additional appointive power was one which met with tho hearty approval of every one who stud ied existing conditions In Pittsburg and Allegheny. CHARGED MISREPRESENTATION. Mr. Vnughan said in teply that the committee was misrepresenting coun cils and that it should bo discharged. He then Introduced a resolution pro viding for the discharge of the com mittee nnd sottlngforth that It "was not the wish of councils to have tho second class city act changed." This brought Mr. Chittenden to his feet on the Jump nnd he entered into quite nn argument to show It has been the history of the past that where legislative bodies assumed executive functions they have always made a mess of it. If this amendment is not put through the legislature, ho said. It meant that this city would fall under tho rule of a boss and of a political ring. He thought that the councllmen should lay aside their personal feelings and put forth every effort to secure a good and durable government for tho city. "The gentleman must remember." re sponded Mr. Vaughan, "that he has advertised In tho papers that If tho present net Is not amended the city will fall Into Democratic hands and that everybody might Just as well go out of business. He points to Pitts burg and tells us to look at the hor rible conditions there. Are the men In power there Democrats, I ask him? lie knows they are not. "I claim that the departments In this city, tho heads of which are ap pointed by councils, are the best man aged. Take tho flro department, for Instance. Mr. Chittenden has Investi gated that and he knows about It. He knows that it cats up every cent of a big appropriation every year, and that money has to bo transferred from other accounts to meet Its expenses. "Who appoints the chief of that de partment? The gentleman knows that It's the mayor. Take on the other hand the city engineer's department, tho head of which Is elected by councils. It Is, to my mind, the best and most economically managed department In the city." MR. CHITTENDEN'S REPLY. ".My object," replied Mr. Chittenden, "is not to refer slightingly to the pres ent councils or to Infer that they are not capable of electing proper heads of departments. AVe must remember that there will be other councils. Tho gentleman speaks of the fire depart ment, but ho knows that we can't lav tho mismanagement of it to the mayor. Councils themselves are responsible for that, because councllmen are shar ing In Its patronage. Wo can't blame tho mayor If the city pays for five bushels of oats and bnly gets three." At this Juncture Mr. demons moved that the resolution be referred to com mittee, but before It was put Mr. A'aughan got in a last word. 'I want to say," said he, "that tills committee, In deciding upon that amendment, insulted every member of this council. It has been spread broad cast over tho state that the councils of this city are not lit to elect these heads of departments. I don't admit that for a minute. 1 think I'm Just as capable of electing men to these posi tions as any mayor Is to appoint them." The motion U refer wns carried bv the following vote: Yeas Finn, Ross, Evans, Morgan, Chittenden, Merriman, Oliver, Schroo dor, demons, Wagner 10. Butter Reduced Coursen'a Philadelphia Priuts. Courseu's 3 ami 5 lb boxes. Eggs Fresh Jersey Eggs, 30c per dozen. , E. G. Course.! 420 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Nays Costello, Regan, Mclvln, Shcn, Schneider, Cosgrove, Vaughan, O'Mal ley, MoAndrew 9, Quite nn exciting Incident occuried shortly after tho spirited discussion re corded above. It wan urter the culling up on third reading of the ordinance providing for tho pavement of Provi dence Road from the Carbon street bridge to Court street. After Clerk Lavello had flnUhcd reading It, Mr. Finn, who had railed It up, moved that action be deferred until tho next meeting. MR. FINN'S REMARKS. "The reason I mako this motion," said he, "Is becauce I know tho Dcla wnte, Lackawanna and AV'estern com pany Is making a desperate fight to kill this ordlnanco and thus do nway with a public improvement which tho people of North Soranton have wanted for years." Mr. McAndrew rprang angrily to his feet when Mr, Finn had finished. "I know whom ho refers to," said he. "I'm the only employe of that company In this council nnd I want lo nay that I've not been asked by any of tho company ofllcials to voto against the ordinance. I do know, however, that tho mujorlty of tho property owners along tho lino of the proposed pavo are arc opposed to It. 1 think there's a more powerful or ganization trying to put this ordi nance through than there Is opposed to it." "I want to bay," said Mr. Finn, pointing to 1). V. Evuns, the newly elected member from tha Fourth ward, "that Mr. Evans here told ma that lie had been approached by a gentleman to vote against this ordi nance." "I never said that," responded Mr. Evans, arising. "Why; ho said that 'Colonel' Phil lips enmo to him and asked him to vote against the ordinance," replied Mr. Finn hotly, addressing hlmrolf to the counsll at large. ANOTHER DISCUSSION. "I never said such a thing, at all," retorted Mr. Evans. Everyone looked for trouble, but both men kept cool nnd not another word was said. Tha motion to postpone was carried. Quite a discussion was also ralaed by a resolution offered by Mr. Oliver, directing tho street commissioner to notify the Scranton Goa and AVater company that hereafter tho city would hold It responsible for all damages caused by leaking firo hydrants; di recting him to notify the company when such hydrants were discovered leaking, and directing the city solici tor to bring suits against tho company In tho future when any damages caused by leaking hydrants were col lected from the city. Mr. Melvin contended that the hy drants belonged to the city and that the resolution was not worth the pa per It was written on. Mr. Oliver, In reply, said that the city owned the hydrants, but that the company would not allow anyone but Its own employes to fix them. The resolution was te ferred to commlttcee. N1JW ORDINANCE!?. Tho following now ordinances were Introduced: By Mr. A'aughan Providing for the examination of all street car conduc tors nnd motormen. By Mr. A'aughan Repealing that paragraph of the general appropriation ordlnanco directing the controller to merge certain balances Into the judg ments nnd incidentals appropriation. 'By Mr. Sehroeder Providing for one electric light in tho Sixteenth ward. By Mr. demons Providlngsf or four electric lights in the Seventeenth ward. By Mr. O'Malley Providing for six electric lights In the Twentieth ward. Tlie following resolutions were Intro duced nnd adopted: By Mr. A'aughan Providing for the appointment of viewers to assess the damages which may be caused by the erection of the West Lackawanna ave nuo viaduct. By Mr. Costello Directing that a copy of the water rate ordinance be published In the two olllelal papers of tho city. Just before the transaction of busi ness Richard .Morgan and E. L. Mer riman, tha two newly elected council men from tho Fifth and Thirteenth wards, respectively, were sworn In and took their seats. PETITION PLACED HIM IN FALSE LIGHT John T. Richards Makes Reply to Statements Contained in Peti tion of Miss Jennie Howell. John T. Richards has hent the fol lowing letter to The Tribune for pub lication, with reference to tho state ments contained in, Miss Jennie How ell's petition Hied with the court on AVednesday: Scranton, Pa., Jan. 17, IWi. IMItor of The Tiiliune. Sir: In youilueof jeueul.iy vojlder.ille tpaee wji then to the cuurt koi;.'u11ik roimutinj my name with the unfuitunatc attain t 1'iatiUlui ii'iil Jennie Howell. i wMi to (.ay that 1 hawi hail no lonr.octton with these proutilliiKa either directly cr Indirectly, euipllns tli.it a papr was toned on me, without my convi,' nnd uith mil consultation -.villi me, naming mo :m !.cU friend to MKi Jennie Howell, and toti'.vlnx mo of a meeting to take testimony .a the omiiiU sli'lien' odiee on Jan. 20, I'M. At to tili.c to (it lontrtil of her piopeity, I have all I van do to nttind to my own Innl-lu-x, and tlili krqu me uivy. I do claim ta he a friend of hei and uli fit Friinl.lln Unwell, os they are both chlldicn of my deceased kitter, and I would lik to toe tlu-m fettle their difference outnldj of the u'ruiU. My iiiico tailed M lo l.er home almut tuo woeU airo to conMilt ahout n certain matter. I then learned from her tint Mr. Dean had pro posed that he truiuJrr onedialf of all lur plop crty to him before marriage, and that lie would traiufer half of hN property to her. I veiv emphatically told her lo do nolhlnK of the hind, that ncifr, and under no circumstance, should lit let her property go out of her hanJi, .She ItMilly uld the would not do it. It Is a mistake to tuy tint I am hotlle to hn I have ahvuyt befriended her. I have sdven her good ailvlcc- and 1 hope she will follow It, Veiy leipoctlully, .1. T. HICII.ni)S. MARTIN BARTXEY KILLED. Large Slab of Sulphur Pell Upon Him in Pino Brook Mine. Martin Hartley, 28 years of age, was Instnntly killed yesterday morning by tho full of a large slab of sulphur In the Pino Drool: initio. Ills faco nnd head were badly bruised and his arms and legs were broken. Tho remains were removed to tho homo of his widowed mother, at C32 Hrondway. Ho Is olso survived by a brother, Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup Han been ucd for over Fir-TV YHA11S by MILLIONS of MOTIir.HS for their Cllll.linil.V whim: iT.irrinsn. with peiu'lct st:rcr.ss. It KOOTHKS tho CHILD. SOPTKXS the CIUJIN ALLAYS all l'AINl Cl'HKS WINK COLIC, and ti tho Lett Ifinedy for DtARUHOKV Hold by DniggUU In every part of the world, lit dirt and aik tor "Mr. VIiiIow'h Soothlnir byrup," and take no other kind. Twinty-fiio rents a bottle. APPEALS FROM THIS COUNTY WERE HEARD YESTERDAY BY SUPERIOR COURT. Case of Baylor Against Stephens Was One of tho Important Ones Argued Another Was the Appeal of Park Policeman McManaman from the Decision of This Court in the Rarrick Case A Line Fence Dispute and the Somewhat Famous Water Shed Case. In the Superior court a large number of cases were argued yesterday. Most of them were Lackawanna county ap peals. A case argued at some length was William Baylor against Loren G. Stephens, appellant. The men own ad joining properties at Benton, this county, nnd It is nlleged that a lire was started on Stephens' land to de stroy some undergrowth, but so neg ligently was it guarded that tho lire spread onto Baylor's land and de stroyed a large amount of valuable timber. In September tho case was tried In common pleas and on Septem ber 21 a verdict of $R00 was returned In favor of Baylor. Tho appellant al leges that the most gilcvous error In this case was committed In compelling tho defendant to defend against a con structive allegation of negligence in and about tho care, control nnd man agement of tho fire. The case was ar gued by Attorney E. C. Newcomb and A, A. A'osburg for Stephens, and At torneys Joseph O'Brien and C. II. Soplier for Baylor. Ex-County Solicitor II. A. Kuapp for tho appellee and Colonel L. A. Wat res for tho appellant argued tho etse of tho commonwealth ex rol. M. J. Kelly, )couny treasurer, against the Spring Brook AVater Supply com pany, nppellont. The action Is ono to compel tho water company to pay county nnd township tuxes on fi.OOO acres of land In Spring Brook, which It claims is exempt on the ground that It Is maintained, and necessarily so, ns a watershed, and therefore a part of Its water works. ARCIIRALTVS DECISION. Judge Aichbald decided against the contention nnd the company appealed. Tho plaintiff holds that the 'land Is not necessary as a water shed. - The company claims It Is and being so Is not subject to loeol taxation. It fur ther holds that the company and not the court Is the proper Judgo of what aro the necessary and Indispensable adjuncts of a water company. A decision of the late Judge Gun sler Is being revived in the appeal of tho defendant In the equity case of Ellen C. Kelly ngalnst James F. Don nelly. The parties own adjoining properties on Madlron avenue. Their buildings are thirty-six Inches apart. For over twenty-one years a fence was main tained Jointly by tho parties nlong tho whole length of the dividing line, ex cept for the twenty foel directly be tween tho two buildings, which was enclosed with boards pot nt right angles with the fence line. Threo years ago tho defendant pro ceeded to continue the fencing along the whole dividing line. He set six posts on the Kelly lot. In line with the other posts In tho fence, and was proceeding to nail on ono-inch boards on his side of the line when the plain tifi Interfcrrcd with an Injunction. QUESTION THAT AROSE. The question then nrose as to which lot was being called upon to give up the greater amount of land for the ac commodation of the fence. The space occupied by ono-Inch boarding for twenty feet was admittedly greater than that taken up by six posts six Inches square at the ground, but th railing that would bind the posts had to bo taken Into consideration, Judge Gttnitor held, and when this was done the Kelly lot would be found to bo giving up much' more than its equit able share, and he made his decree In favor of the plaintiff. Judge Gunster died before argu ments could be made on exceptions to hi finding and as the other local Judges did not wish to review tho cas-5 It was taken to the Supreme court. Tho main contention of appellant U that Judge Gunster presumed some thing that was not In the case when he took the question of rails into his computation. No rails had been stretched between the posts and there was nothing on which to base p. pre sumption that rails were to bo used at all. Thomas P. Duffy argued for the ap pt'Ilnnt und for theappcllee. George M. AVntson and AV. S. Hulslander were heard. The last of the Luzerne eases heard was that of Thomas Mitchell against Michael Keiirns and others, school di rectors of Plttston township, nnd the American Bonk company, appellants. TIIEY BOUGHT BOOKS. The school directors bought a lot of books under a long term contract from the American Root; company. The law requires that books shall be selected by the teachers and contracted fo? In the regular manner at n. stated meeting of the bonrd. The defendants say they did all this. The plaintiff alleges that the teachers were not con sulted and that the contract was made This is an unusual neck wear opportunity. We jj have several dozen odds 8 ana enus in miy cent neckwear (Imperials and Batwing out at Ties) to close 25 CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. by four of the directors nt a meeting In a private house. It was also contended that netf books were not necessary, but this was set at rest by the testimony of the principal of one building, who told that she had 117 pupils and only ono book, which ono book wns the per sonal property of nno of tho pupils. 12. F. McGovern and Oeorge F. O'Brien represented the appellants. Charles 13. Terrey argued for the appellees. Attorney-1 J. AV. Carpenter argued the case for tho appellant In the case of Luther Keller nzalnst Ann Sheridan, appellant, an appeal from the common pleas of this county. Attorney Thomno F. AVells argued the case for Mr. Kel ler. In re Impeachment proceedings of Alderman John P. Kelly, Alderman Kelly, appellant, Attorney AV. . Bay lor argued the case for Kelly, und County Solicitor II. L. Taylor usulnst. THE RAR1CK CASE. An interesting caso argued wns that of Georgo Rarlck ugalnst Patrick J. McManaman and others, appellant. McManaman Is tho otllcer at Nuy Aug park, and he arrested Rarlck In tho park for an alleged offense against the regulations. He was fined $10 by the mayor, and from this took nn appeal and also began proceedings to recover damages for false arrest. He was awarded $200 damages, and from this decision the ofllcer took nn appeal. The case In behalf of McManaman was argued by City Solicitor A. A. A'o burg. and by Attorney E. C. Newcomb for Rarlck. In tho case of the City of Scranton. appellant, nsalnst Henry Beckett es tate was nrgued by City Solicitor A. A. A'osburg for the city, and Attorney AV. AV. I.athrope for the estate. The appeal Is the outgrowth of u dispute over a sewer assessment. It appearing that the councils of this city have passed a resolution direct ing that the claim of James Saul against the city be paid, the court al lowed a nol pros, to be entered In the case of Saul against the city of Scran ton, appellant. ' ' DEATH OF MRS. POWERS. Expired Near Her Home on Luzerne Last Night. Mrs. Anno Powers, aged 5S years, of Luzerno street, left her home last night about 9 o'clock, to buy some meat at tho shop of Antonio Bronzo. AVhila returning home, she wns taken suddenly ill and wus removed to her home, whete she expired in a few min utes. Tho cause of death Is said to be heart failure. She had lived In AVest Scranton for forty-four years, nnd is survived by two sons, Joseph, of Ohio, nnd Jeffrey, of tills city. Tho coroner was notified of the case and will pet form and au topsy today. For Councilman, Ninth Ward. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Republican nomination for common council In the Ninth ward, subject lo the Crawford county rules. I respectfully ask my friends to kindly assist me at the coming primary elec tion. Should I be elected, 1 will servo the taxpayers and eltlzcns to the bet of mv ability. Yours 'truly. ' Peter N. Hann. Nettleton's Removal Sale. Shoes at one-fourth price. AVnshlngton avenue. Try a Barrel of White Beauty Flour Finest flour in the city. We are sole agents for the State of Pennsylvania. Clarke Bros Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue We mate a ipectalty of fancy Crumery But trr and strictly fresh egei and tli prlcu Ii ai low ai flrit ilaa coodi can lie rotd at. W do not hare any iptclal iilea or leader hut at all tlinta ratry an completo n line of MarLct (lood.i, Knry (Iroccrlra und Tal'Io Dclica. ilii ai can ha found In tho largost New York or Philadelphia Markets which we tell at lltflit prlcen. W. H. Pierce, II Lackawanna At. Prompt delivery. no, in, in rem it. Spain Reported to have gotten ou to the wave of prosperity by taking ad vantage of opportunities. You do likewise, and here's your oppor tunity. Buy our Green Valley Rye if you w-iut the BEST for the least money. Y (ffti'.f Protect Your Hands With a pair of these glove. They are not the carelessly sewed kind but are first class in ma terial, sewing nnd shape. 50c to $1.00. CONRAD'S 305 Lackawanna Avenue GREAT BARGAIN. SALE Him- JjlVO.UU l'mitn I.ju.Ii "Il.uuii.iitin" iol- ,c(ik niv ljr cril icwixr, WO; lion., 31.U'"" now utMH) how lOU.UU Mlii: ('Dir, ;.D hull ilcfp, $TJ; yr LOW )UU lljrlin C'ir, "0 lm.li deep. 7J; f nn now OO.ifU Martin C'upv, "7 inrh deep, Mi I r Alt HOW tO.OU Dearer Ctpf, 27 inch ili'p. $78; wgv ui Electric Seal, Mmlln trimmed, SO t w Inili deep, !J; now v iJf Electric Peal, plain, 10; jjk now mO"v Klectric S.a1, plain, $25; jrv nn l:iittrlo Sral, plain, JfltOj - f fi now 10UU All doth Capri, Coiti and SnlU at irtlj- reduced pikei. F. L. Crane, 324 Lackawanna Ave. Rsw Furs Bought. Furs Rspilred. 1M The f'upulir lloiua l'tirnlihlng fitoie. Guard Every Door of your house with a good mnt and you will be pleased with the large quantity of dust and dirt that is kopt outside. Just now wo are making special pi Ices on mats to get you acquainted with our very complete line. Regular 75c mats for 88c Regular SI. mats for 78o M Foots & Fuller Co Mccirs Ruililing. rvywvyyvvyywwv'rV' AififiSfi ? $$$$$$$$$ A Big Combination Odds and Ends of Tabour- l ettes and Jardinieres. For this week a Mahogany or Flemish Tubourette, octagon shape, odd design, nicely fl&i ished, value 80c. Glazed Jar dluler, blended colors, beauti ful and attractive, value 30c, Both Complete. This Week Only 69c Nine days more of the Jsn uaiy Clean Sweep Sale, CREDIT YOUP CERTAINLY! THE: 0N0MY 221-223-225-227Wyomlng At 1 I