TTfCr?T ' "e .t- i .-irijj. v -r-w -. fnr-y . - f., -tr "V V i j, f i' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THUKSDAT, .TANUAHY 17, 1901. :ooooooc run MODMi.N iiinmvAnc storu. SAVE TIME Money nnd labor by using tools thnt are constructed for speed. The "Yankee" automatic spiral screw driver drives three screws In the time you would drive one with nn ordinary driver draws them out equally as fast. The "Yankee" Is a ratchet driver with three bits. Foote & Shear Co. JJ9N. Washington Ave L. R. D. & M. AT ALL SEASONS Shoes' ire one ol the most Important Hems ot tlicss at any time ol the jcar, anil racially so now that wo arc rcrtair. to have changeable weather. I'or style, price anJ quality sec ours. yp know o tan plca J'0"- LEWIS. RUDDY, DAVIES & HURPHY 330 Lackawanna Avenue. iixmn? HSYI.IOUIITOII PA. A.B.WARMAN. WEATHER YESTERDAY. l.mal data for January 10,1101: IIIkIkH tcinpintnre .V) iliKrces I.ouc.t temperature 31 degrees Humidity: S a. in S p u jtiifill, 21 hours ending p. in , ft) per cent. , J'J per cent, 01 PERSONAL. Mr and Mm. Frederick Wrlcht, of Utua. N. , arc RetH cl Mrs. Jane II. Clue, on (Julncy avenue. VIm til ire SpriRiie U In MNs CumimtieV pit itu liopital, wltcre die H rrcnierliig Irom an operation for appendicitis. The team of the Hiawatha rouuiil oi Pool liontas, ucie cntiiUincil veitirday hy Sl-toi O J McDonald, of JjcUun utieet. 1 nomas (iillei.m, the well known lue lull lJtr, ho has hem w inti l iutr in i Jtr-e), is in the eltv. He is at puncnt under contract with the Attlchoio, Mass, club. The seventh armlci.uj of the liiaulage of Mr and Mm. Herein' Cunklini; was ukbritcd lit their residence, till Madison uvmue, Mondiy eirnlR. A luge number of Buet were preuit. .Mr, and Mrs. ConMlnj were the leeiplents of many handsome Rifts. Among the tuisW were Mi. nnd Mrs. Chirks Hndui, Mi. and Mr. Iiauk Mote, Ml. and Mrs. I'. 1). lewUbury. Ml. and Mrs i: K. ConMIn, -Mr. and Mrs. 1). O Halm, Mr and Mis. .1, M. Know Hon, Mr. and Mis. Gurse Shrivcr, Mis. 1'ine-t Clioin, Jlrf lay rhik, Mis. Ilcubcn hmihlr, of ( lark'ii Niinmit, .Mrs. M. 1'. Ill rah., Mkes Florence and Lizzie .inirimaii, lM.ou "mill, ind I'm In ouklin. New Silks and Diess Goods. Our advertisement on another papo ot tills mornlnrr's paper Is vvoithy tho paitlcular attc-ntlou of everj lady in the county. Quality and value as rep ifsenUd. MEAIIS S. IIAQn.V. " CROWLEY SET AT LIBERTY. Judge Rice Remitted the $10 Fine Imposed Tuesday. John J Ctowlej, who on TitCMlay created a sensation by jumping up and uttciing a profane lematk dining the argument of a c.the In the superior coutt, was jesterdiiy In ought down fiom jail by older of Judge ltlce. Judge lilco said the najmciu ol the $10 line which he imposed the day be. loro would pioh.ibly woik some haul ship to Crowley's family and he there fore dlRdiaiged Win, but adilsed him strongly to keep sober In future. Superior Seivice via Lackawanna Railroad. In planning a business or pleasure trip one of the most essential features to consider is the toute that "gets you there," In tho shot test hpaco of time, fewest changes of cms, least nnnoy ance by dust and smoke, pcifect road bed, best equipment 0f coaches, dining iars, Pullman sleeping and pat lor car.i of tho highest possibln standnid of ex i "Hence that modren ingenuity can de vise, Mich as afforded you by tho Lackawanna railroad. Through Pull man sleeping cat.s and coaches to I'hlcngo and St. Louis dally. Twenty four hours to St. Louis, twenty-one-hours to Chicago, without chnnge of Oars: eighty-seven hotus to California, with only onu change of cam, and twenty-six hours to Jacksonville, Fla, Tho very lowest lates of fare to all points. Apply to tho neatest I., L. nnd W. ticket agent, either in peisou, by telephone or by letter, nnd you will rpcclvo piompt attention and cour teous treatment. Attend Nettleton's Removal Sale. Shoes at 23 per cent, discount. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syiup Has beeu used for our I'IKTV IIAKS by JIILIJO.VS of MOTflKUS for their LIIILDRKN WIIILK Ti'.r;nil.MI. Willi l'i:ttr'l.GT SUCCESS. It fiOOIIIES Urn CHIM), fcOrTKXS the OUHH, ALLAYS all PAIN'; CUIUS WIMi CO MO. ami Is the best remedy for lllAltllllOIIA. fold by I'tumuits In i my uit ot tlm world. Il sine nd ask lor "Mis. WliulnwV Soothlnir Syrup,' and Uko no other kind. Tnenty-Uic cents a bot'l. W ' t' w$$?s?"i'Sr .. CI WAP ifcnkVv.,.vSl GZa piVHS 2Y,Wj5v-4mm BEAUTIFUL CRUBOH WEDDING. Miss Besslo Jones Married to John W. B. Coleman. A beautiful chtttch wedding tool: place yesterday at noon in the First Presbyterian church, when Miss llesslc Jones wan married to John W. U. Cole man. Tho tiltut nB massed with palms nnd made a cliaimlnc effect. Tho biide entered with her uncle, II. A. Klnjrsbuiy, wlio yave her away. Hhe was preceded by the maid of honor, Mlv May KlitRsbuty, who fol lowed the (lower girls, little MIkpcs Helen Council and Klcanor King-buiy, who carried pink carnations. Tho Broom was met at the altar by his best man, Frederick Ueers, of this tlty. Tho tishetu wero William Bigg", of Hotnellsvllle, X. Y.; Frederick VrlBht. of Utlca; Frank Ileavcts, Harry I'lctce, Luther Moshor and Dr. Ivouls Bunnell, of this city. Uev. Dr. McLcod, pastor of tho First Presbyterian church, pronounced the ceremony. The wedding nuHc vraa most adequately rendered by MIhs Florence Illchmond. The bi Ido wore a handsome travel ing gown of brown broadcloth, with a white satin waist, stitched in black. Her hat wan a brown velvet toguc. She carried bride roses. The maid of honor voie a green cloth and silk costumo and catrled pink loses. The pietty little flower girls wote white frocks nnd picture hats. Immediately after tho ceremony, Mr. nnd Mrs. Coleman took the 12.53 train for New York. Upon their return they will reside at Dalton. Tho bride Is a young lady of excep tional personal charms nnd a sunny temperament, which endeats her to a multitude of friends. For many years she has resided in the family of her aunt, Mrs. June II. Chase, on Qulney avenue. The groom Is ono who cnoys the respect of a host of business and social friends In thW city, where ho Is well-known as a. member of tho tailor ing linn of Moshor & Coleman. Quan tities of gifts were showered upon them, nnd their new home will bear In every toom these testimonials of af fection and honor. IN ASH STREET CHURCH. Rev. W. H. Williams Is Conducting a Series of Meetings. The drummer evangelist, Rev. W. II. Williams, special revival meetings at the Ash Street iMethodlst Episcopal church. In Little England, started off with scekets of religion at the altar. Last night two men asked for prayers nnd one came forwaul and was convert ed. The congregation was good.the sing ing spirited, and the chinch takes 'hold of the meetings with great zeal. Rev. Williams, In company with Itev. Austin, the pastor, Is visiting from house to house each day praying with the peoplo and exhorting them to at tend the meetings. iMr. Williams took for his subject last night "Convulsion." Ills subject tonight will be "Con science." Mr. Williams says the veoDle ate treating him loyally, as he has an Invi tation to dine for evety meal at a dif ferent homo during his slay with the Ash Stiect church. DIRECTORS MAY PAY DEBTS. Will Stand an Assessment Rather Than See Shareholder Suffer. Captain Joseph M. Dickey, one of the temporary recelvuis of the Anglo American Savings and Loan associa tion, teBtllled yesterday In tho rcfetee's proceedings before ex-Judge George G. Reynolds that In a general way, so far as he had lKen able to Judge fiom his handling the affalts of the company for two or three weeks, the expenses of the company for tho last year had been about $150,000, while the Income had been only about $.'i0,000. Tho hopeful thing to the shaiehold ets of tho concern was the prediction made by ono of the dlrectots last night to a Tribune repot ter that the direc tors, rather than see the shareholders suffer, would stand an assessment of $100,000 apiece and conserve Its assets so that every dollar of indebtedness would be paid in full. New York Ttlb uni. WANTED TO SCALD FATHER. William Lally Is Thus Chaiged by His Mother. William Lally, of Kmmett street, was held under 4300 ball by Alderman Miliar on tho charge of surety of the peace and threats Inst evening. Lally was arrehted Tuesday on the ohatge of assault and battery and held under ball lor a heating last night. Ho was later arrested Tuesday night by Patrolman Walsh on complaint of his mother for being dtunk and creating a dlstutbance. She appeared ugaltiht him 1 ist night and alleged that he was In tho piactlc-j of returning home nights pietty much under the Influence of liquor. Accord ing to her stoty the other night ho xaised a kettle of boiling water and threatened to scald his father, when he attempted to remonrtute with him. AMATEUR MINSTREL SHOW. Junger Maenneichor Will Give It In Music Hall. Next Tuesday night the .lunger Muumifichoi of South Snantou will give a minstrel perfonnance. The pres ident of the organisation. City Treas urer i;. J. Robinson, will be Interlocu tor nnd foity-ilve memb.'is of the Maennerchor will lake jnut In tho pot formnncc. Common Councilman Fred Phillips will deliver a stump speech, which Is expected to bo n feature of the pstlormance. The end men ate: Bones-William Smith. William Fichus, Fied Heinz, Fred Hermanns, Chatles llciglmusor, John Stalbcr, Pe ter Meiker, Joseph Sang. Tainboi Ines Fred Phillips. Gus Itep pert, Otto Robinson, Jacob Emlck, btfm Ketiftner, August Gslger, John I.ahn, Cluules Scheuech. MR. ROESLER'S LAST REQUEST. Wnnted Members of Police and Fire Department nt His Funeial. Tho lat'i cx-Alderman Charles AV. Itoesler told Chief Zlzelmnn, of tha tire department, n few days before his death that he'd like to have represen tations fiom both the police and lire dopnitments attend hl3 funeral when ho died, ho having ben tho first chief ol each department. Tho request will bo gi anted and a platoon of blxteen patrolmen and ns many firemen' will ntter.d tho f uncial tomorrow afternoon In a body. Attention, Ninth Ward. I am a candidate for tho ofllce of common council of tho Ninth ward. I OBk tho suppoit of all Republicans nt tho primaries Saturday, nt i to 7 p. m. , II. 13, Paine. To Prevent the Qilp luxutlu llitnn 0'ilnlin lunovcs the ctuM. " -1",J ---t- SCRANT0N IN SECOND CLASS GOVERNOR'S OFFICIAL TROCLA MATION ISSUED. It Was Sent by Spoclnl Messenger and Will Be Delivered Today. Councils Must Act Upon It To night or the Nineteen Extra Com mon Councilmen Cannot Be Elect ed for a Year Actual Chnnge Will Not Occur Until April 1 Piospects of a Big Fight. Sciauton is now a city of the second class, whether tho majority of her citi zens like it or not. Tho following self explanatory Aoclated Pres3 dispatch regarding tho matter was lecelved last night In The Tribune office. MirrUbunr, Jan. '& oemor Mone l-Micd .1 pioikimatlon todav designating ikiatiton . a sec ond class city. The last census slions the city to lo entitled to belong to that cla. The other cities ot this cUsk air: Pittsburg and Al legheny. Coplei of the governor's proclamation will be ficiud upon the nujor and president ol select and eommon counclh bv a special met segner from the executive depaitmcnt. The messenger refeired to arrived In the city Into last night, and will wait upon Mayor Molr today. Mayor Molr yesterday afternoon de cided to call a special meeting of the common council tonight for tho pur pose of entering nt large upon tho minutes of councils the governor's proclamation as tho law dltects. Tho select council meets In regular session tonight so that It was not necessary to call a i.peclal meeting of that branch. In addition to having tho ptoclama tlon entered upon the minutes of both councils the law ptovldts that it shall be recorded In tho office of the re corder ot deeds of the proper county. In order to hnvo this done piomplly the mayor will endeavor to have Uo- cord"r Bonn on hand tonight with his books. Tim REASON The reason behind tho desire of his honor to have tho whole matter closed up tonight Is that he believes thui tlu extra common councilmen provUUl for under the second cla-s city laws should bo elected at th omlng Fbruary municipal election. The act of 1S03 piovldcs that the "ptoper officers shall be elected nt tlu municipal election occuri Ing not less than one month after tho date of such coillficite." Now, the February elec tion occurs cm the third Tuerday of that month, which falls on the nine teenth. Jan 19 Is tontotrow, so that In order to have tho councilmen legal ly elected next month It will be neces. sary to have the certificate properly recorded tonight. If this Is not done it would be Impossible fo elect these extra councilmen until February, 130 at which time the next munlclpil elec tion will be held. Some question has arisen na to whether the recent action of council In appointing a special committee of five to fix the apportionment in the common council was entirely legal. The act of assembly providing for the appointment of such a committee Is the general act governing- cities of th second clnss, and It li contended by many that while Scranton was still In tho third class, her councils hnd no right to reach out and act under :i ptoilslon Intended foi cities of the sec ond class. An effoit will, therefore, be made tonight, after the governor's citlclal certificate has been olhclally remitted, to hnvo this sumo commlllee re appointed. The Infotmntlon desired, namely, the number of taxable In each watd, has been obtained and the committee would be ready to report Immediately after its ie-appolntmcnt This would settle that able of the ques. tlon. DIFFERENCE OF OPINION. A difference of opinion also exists as to whether councils have any legal right to appoitlon the number of com mon councilmen at the present time. The act of lS'U says that this appor tionment t.hall be mad" "In the month ot July preceding the next municipal t lection." Those who hold that coun cils have the right nt the present tlum to apportion the number of members in the common branch say that they me doing the neatest possible thing to whnt the law dltects and tint It would bo manifestly unfair to leave the wards entitled to e.xtta councilmen without their full representation for over a year Ahile Scianton will bo In reality a eltv of the second i lass just as soon as the governor's cettillcnte Is prep eriy recoided, there will be no change In her present foim of government until after Apt 11 1. The act of 13 distinctly ptovldes tint "upon tho lltjt Monday of April next ensuing (ntyr the governor's certiorate), the teuns ol all ofUcets of slid city then In ofllce, whoso offices are suspended by reason thereof shall clo.-o and deter mine and the cltv cm. eminent shall ba duly oiganlzed, nnd shall thereafter be conli oiled nnd regulated b the laws of this commonwealth applicable to the vame under tho classiileatlon hero bv lived and appointed," Tho present ofllreis of tho clly of the Ihhd class, whoe olllces nre not abol ished by the second class city chatter, nnd this Includes all tin) ofllecis of tho pre.scnt city, will continue to hold ofllce until the toims lor vhlch they were elected expire. It's vety likely that there's going to (Continued oil 1'ajc (1.) Butter Reduced Courscn's Prints. Courseu's boxes. Philadelphia 3 aud 5 lb Fresh Jersey Eggs, 30c per dozen. E. G. Course.. 420 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. ..rjtjf-ix vajgk'-'''f:-M. JIW.i - ..wts,..-,-lt SUDDEN DEATH OF MRS. LEWIS. Well-Known Dancing Teacher Dies of Neuralgia of the Hemt. Mis. Ellznbeth Lewis, the well known dancing toucher, died suddenly yesterday morning at the residence of tho SIIssch Drinker, 71C Madison ave nue. Mis. Lewis boarded at their home, ttnd about 2 o'clock yesterday morning her groaning aroused Miss Elizabeth Drinker, who, on going Into her room, found .Mrs. Lewis appar ently In great pain. Miss Drinker at llrst thoughtn night mare caused the groans, but Mrs. Lewis complained of feeling veiy 111, and asked that Dr. Anna be summoned. . Stimulants were given to her, and when Dr. Law-Avnrd arrived she pro nounced the case to bo neut alula of tho hetut. About 7.S0 o'clock she tele phoned for her husband, Dr. Avnrd, but Just before his at rival Mis. Lewis died. She was subject to affectations of tho henrt and ncurnluln of tho stomach. Dr. Law-Avnrd declared that had It not been for the stimulants ad ministered by the Mlsces Drinker, death would have come even eniller than It did. Mm. Lewis left the Dt Inker residence early Tuesday evening and returned home alone In a cab about 11.15 o'clock. Soon ntter she retired to bed bIio be gnn to feel III, Her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Plnkney, of Mansfield, O., were yesletdny notified of their daughter's death, and all action relating to the funeral will nwalt their at rival. Deceased was thirty-three eats of age, and lived In till i city for about live ycais. She came here from Mans field, where her husband dlud. ANOTHER TROLLEY COMPANY FOR CITY Cential Rapid Transit Street Rail way po,, of Scranton, Chartered at Hnrrlsbuig Ycsteiday. At Haiilsbutg tstciclay a ciiaitcr was gi anted to the Central Rapid Transit Stieet Hallway company of Scranton. The Incmpoiatom nre Hon. W. J. Lewis, president; C. D. Jones, vice-president; John II. llrooks, bec tctuiy and treasure!; Hon. W. AV. Wutson and Edwin AV. Gcnthart. It Is the put pose of tho company to operate a trolley read fiom the cen tial city to Dunmore, Gieen Itldge, Prevalence and u lwitlon of tho W st Sldo at the outset. Later it hopes to iciich other patts of the city. Tho lncotporatois nre all substantial and representative citlzVns of tho city, who can command abundant capital for any enterprise they engage in. ELKS' SOCIAL SESS1UA. Major B. Rush Field Was the Guest of Honor Last Night. The Scianton Lodge of Hlks con ducted one of the most delightful and successful social affaire In Its history lart night at the lodge looms on Franklin avenue. There were upwards of two bundled membcis and their friends present, nnd a night of tare pleasure was enjoyed by all. The guest of the a ,ht was Major H. Hush Field, of the Thirteenth regi ment, maor of Huston, who happened to be in the city conducting u court He was accompanied by a number ot other olllces, ull membcis of the local lodge, Including Major Piank Holding, Jr., Major AV. S. Millar and Captain P. M. Vnndllng. Major Field made a brief but exceedingly clever nddrefcs. In which he rcfeitcd to the oider of Clks as being one of the greatest fiaternnl niganlzatlons In the woild. The principal tutcttaluuieut fnitute was .1 wrestling match between Chnilcs Gather, of Noith Scianton, ui.d his biothei, Abiam, who claims to be the champion middleweight w test ier of lhiglaud. The match was u lery lively one, Abiam winning in two falls, the thst ono being hecuied In thliteen minutes and a fi action, and the sec ond In a little over ten minutes. The referee was Al Rose, while Fiank Jer myn outdated as tlmekeepei. Uauei's orehestia rendered seiei-al selections, nnd other numbcis on the piogi amine wore given by entitles H. Stutniiiii, bns .soloist; Moi timer Mc A'ittle, paredy singer and comedian; Mr. Itlalr, monologue at list, and the Deroude brothers, club jugglcts. II. AV. Mulholland presided dining the eaily pnrt of the evening and then relinquished the chair to Chailes P. O'Malley, who "had the ciowd going" during the rest of the night. Ho Im posed fines t Ight ttnd left and succeed ed in ralslnn a pretty luge sum. Just before mtdnluht a dainty lunch was sencd. The committee- in chat go of the af fair consisted of the following nieni beis; F. C Hand, chairman; Hurry Blown, Geoigo Gunster.Alev .Schtlefer, Leo Coyne, John J. I.ottus, AV. 11. Huilbut and H. AV. Mulholl.uul. SMASHED HIS EGOS. Fifth Stieet Young1 Man Fined $5 for Dlsorderiy Conduct. Charles Beckett, otherwlbo known ns AVIlmoie, of Fifth stieet, was ar talgncd before Alderman Millar last night, charged with assaul nnd batteiy and dlsotdotly conduct. The ptosecutoi, Adolf MUcowlts, al leged that Beckett, heading a gang of young rufil.ins, attacked him last Thuisduy on Fifth street, while enny Ing seveial bundles. Including a couple dozen eg. Tho eggs, Mlsuowlts claims, were bioken, Last Sunday the two met again and had a eneountoi. Thomas (Itirlty testified thnt one was ns much to blame ns the other, and the nlder- miin discharged Beckett on the chiugo ot assault and batteiy, He was lined $3 for dlsorderiy conduct. ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANIES. Offlceis Chosen Yesteidny by Two Coipomttons. Tho .slotkhiddeis of tho Dunmore Light, Heat and Power company ycs teiday elected tho following directors: M. AV. Collins, G. M. Hallstend, 13. M. Black, Hon, H. A. Knnpp, AVilllnin P. MtOee, M, J. Muiray, P. D, Manley, John Cainey and, A. L. Snowden. Tho directors then elected the following of ficers: President, M. AV. Collins; sec retaiy nnd treasurer, 13. M. Htack. Tho dlrectois of tho Rrranftn illu minating Heat nnd Power company elected tho following ofilcors yester day: President, AV. F. Hallstend: vice president, Clcorgo M. Hallstead; secre taiy. V. C. Hand; treasurer, 15. M. Htack, ... TRANSFER TO ERIE ROAD NONE OF THE DETAILS ARE KNOWN IN THIS CITY. Nothing Has Been Learned Here as Yet of the Changes That Will Tol low In the Wnke ftf the Passing of the Pennsylvania Coal Company and Erio nnd Wyoming Vnlloy to the Erie Company Erie Will Prob ably Build n Connecting Link from Jessup to Cnihondnle. The formal ttuuafcr of the books nt the Rrle nnd Wyoming A'ulley Rail read and Pennsylvania Coal company to the I3ile company, which was ex pected to take place yesterday morn ing In this city, did not occur, nnd Pennsylvania und Hrle and AA'yomlng authorities ure unanimous In snylng that some days will yet clnpo before the actual tiansfcr is made. The w Idesprcad repoi ts w hlch have been circulated, to tho effect thnt the deal was to bo sealed either Tuesday or AVedncsdav, aro declared to hne been entirely ctroneous, nnd locnl ofll cis of the coal and tallrcmd company sty that regarding the tlino set for the transfer they are as much In the dnik ns any outsider. "The New Yoik people ate keeping everything veiy mysterious, and tlm news that wo got Is of meagre de scription," Is the general plnlnt of the panics at this end. The 13rle and Wyoming iicople c lose J up their accounts Tuesday night, and all their books ate now evenly bil nnced nnd In a condition to be handed over to the now powets nt tho briefest notice. With the Pennsylvania It Is different. The woik has been but Mnrted of closing up the accounts, and Hie work clone nt tho mines during the Jlisl llfteen days of January Is all to be yet registered nnd the books made up for the mouth. WILL TAKH riFTnr.X DA VS. The opciattou usually consumes about fifteen das, nnd there Is no likelihood that It will be completed In any shoitcr time on this occasion. AVhllo the books could bo handed over to the 13ile company In an unfinished state, still It Is not a very likely pro ceeding. General Superintendent Sidney AA'lll lams, of the Pennsylvania, was yester day seen by a Tribune man, nnd in speaking about the repoi t that all the Pennsylvania collieries were .shutdown for a week, In order to get them Into .shape for their occupancy under the new regime, said: "It's a mistaken .supposition that we have closed down all our mines. AA'hat we have done, Is stopped woik at four of them, a regu lar proceeding, adopted to curtail the tonnage. "All of the toal companies, you know, have, been 1 mining their mines at full blast since the strike. In order to catch up with the demand. It seems that this has been about done now, and there's a tendency to rest a little. For tho balance of Ibis week wo have stopped woik nt Gipsy Grove and No. 1 collieries In Dunmore and Xo. 14 and the 13wen at Plttston. Xo. ii Is i tin ning here In Dunmore, and so Is No. C in Plttston. Next week we will shut down four others, or maybe the same four." XO 1XS1D13 N13WS. Superintendent AVIlllmns declared that he, as well as tho other loial otll cidls wete possessed of little Inside In foim.itlon regmdlng the future plans foi the company, under the 13ile. "There's a meeting of the new boaid called In Xew A'oik today," said he, "and It's not likely that any active measures will be taken until the direc tors hne completed their conference. In tho meanwhile, everything Is going ntong here tho same as usual and work pt ogresses Just the same as hitherto." A piomlnent nlllclal of the ICile and AA'yomlug A'alley Ittrili oacl company, in talking with a Tribune man about the future prospects of the company, said: "There Is considerable tnlk that the Kile will build a connection fiom Mount Jessup to Caibondale. The I-1 It; and AVyomlng utns to Jessup, and by this mode could be made to connect with tliti Kile's Jefferson branch. This would be done for facilitating the shipping of west-bound coal. The company would sae about fifty miles by building this connection." "I'll tell you a mntter In which this deal Is going to ptove a big benefit for Dunmore nnd Scranton," ho con tinued earnestly. "While by the com pany passing Into tho control ot the 13tle, the accounting depaitmcnt will be moved from this clly to Xew Yoik, the yards will piobably bo established here. Tho new shops, which ate now nearing completion, will make these the best and largest shops owned by the 13i le, and you can rest nssured that tho company won't let them Ho Idle. It is almost a teitaln thing that they will hi Ing their cars and engines on here from the present yaida at Pott Jet vis. and this will nffoid employ ment for hosts of mechnnli , boiler niakei", firemen, etc. AXOTHI3R LIXi; TO N13AV YORK. "It Is also piobnble that unother ttunk line to Now Yoik will bo estab lished and that tho J lilt will open a ticket olflce down town. President Thomas, of the 13ile, was In tho city last week, and after lsltlng our Hhops, This is an unusual neck wear opportunity. We have several dozen odds and ends in fifty cent neckwear (Imperials and Batwing Ties) to close out at 25 I "on Rr I Spain CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave, expressed hlmelt nn veiy well pleased with them. In fact, they ate a splen did lot of buildings." Tho new shops nre pincllcnlly com pleted, but the woik still HeH boforn the contractor of putting In the floors and transferring the machinery. Another very prominent official of the Pennsylvania company was, lat night, scn by a Trlbuno man, and bad the following to sny: "t haven't heard anything from New Yoik, ns to whether or not that meeting took place, but I know that (or the Inst few du.s the stock bits been dimming bands nnd the denl is practically consummated. Inside of a few claya I think some definite announcement will be given out about the policy of the new owners." LAFAYETTE ALUMNI BANQUET. It Will Be Held In This City on March 8. At n meeting' of tho executive com mittee of the Lafayette Alumni nsso cintton of Northeastern Pennsylvania, held at the ofllce of the societal y, Rob ert Peck, Tuesday evening, ntrange mcnls weie made for tho annual ban quet which will take place on Mai eh S. The following committees wore named: On llantiuet Captnln V A May, Mr. F. L. Phillips and Robeit Petk. On Progrnm O. J. Harvey, Pior. A. 11. AVclles and Dr. D. A. Capwell. On Hnteitnlnmeiit James K. (Scar hardt, AA'ni. J. Ticmbath anil Robert Peck, esq. Lnfaiette has a sttong Alumni as sociation In Noilheastein Pennsyl innln, and a large number of enthus iastic nlumnl gather annually around the festive bond. It Is expected that the reunion this .enr will be the most enthusiastic ever held. President AAarileld and other membeis of the faculty will be present, and the list ot speakeis will be veiy uttractive. DEATH OF TIMOTHY CURTIN. He Hnd Many Relntlves In This Vicinity. AA'oid was received litre yefcteul.ty of the budden death from heait failure of Timothy Curtln, of AVilllamspoi t. Mr. Cm tin was well known In this city, where hu hnd many friends and ireriuently visited. His wife was Ml?.s Catharine tia.' vy. a sister of A'icar Gcneial Oaney, of Plttston: Dr. J. R. Gnivey and Mis. P. ,T. Hornn. Ho Is survived by his wife and seven children. For Councilman, Ninth AVaid. I hereby announce myself a eandl date for the Republican nomination for ommon council In the Ninth ward, sublect to the Ciawfotd lounty lules. I respectfully ask my friends to klndb asslrt me nt the coming ptlmniy elec tion. Should I be elected. I will serve the taD.ici.s and citizens to tho best or mv nbllltv. Yours Ititily, " Peter X. Haan. Nettleton's Removal Sale. Shops nt one-fourth price. AVnshlngton avenue. Steam Henting and Plumblngr. P. F. & M. T. Howley.SSl Wyoming ave. Rummage Sale, l.'O Washington avenue, Jan. 17 and IS A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE The greatest commercial economist in the world today. Compared to any necessRry investment in business, theprofitfrom aTELEpHONE is Incalculable. Residence and Commercial rates at a moderate cost. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TCLCPHONE AND SUPPLY CO Manor's ofliie, 117 Adam avnuie Special Notice Recent ami .idvaiKdl scientific principles of constitution render the M.IS011 & Il.unlin Pianofoi tes instalments par excellence. This statement is boine out by musicians whose lecognized lolty positions icndei to their woids an ex-cathedra lotce. A full stock ol these instalments may be seen at tile wareiooms ol LJ. &C0. Kil-m Washington .We. Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue We malt a specially ol fancj C'ream-ry Hip. ter ami strictly fresli cjsi and the pike it ai low is first rim iroodt sn tie sold at. We dn not have sny special wits or ItaJcrs but at all tlmci rairy ni coinpletu a lino of Marlct CooJj, l'aney Grocciles and Table Delica cies as can ho fouml lu the larecit Sew ork or Philadelphia iisikcti wlildi we sell at riflit prices. W. H. Pierce, II Uckawsnns Art. HO, 11?, Ill ftm At, Prompt clelbery. '4. I Reported to have gotten, on to the wave of prosperity by taking ad vantage of opportunities. You do likewise, aud here's your oppor tunity. Buy our Green Valley Rye if you want least money. the BEST for the IfjBffSJ Protect Your Hands With a pair of these glove. They nie not the carelessly sewed kind but nre first clnss In ma terial, sewing and shape. 50c to $1.00. CONRAD'S 305 Lackawanna Avenue GREAT BARGAIN SALE VIi.Va veil .l.(i Wl. V"", tkiA' jti iott $17o(nt l'cnlcn Limb "llsimiiilin" enb elite ll lir Jill ulnar, 1'i0; noiv., $ li(). v'r IVikIiii l.jnf.i J.I.U, e7,.0, . . nr, ub.liU Mink t ape. "li In. deep, fif . .. w now IfjU.UV Mln'. Cpe, o Imh hep. rj, .... .wk iw 0(H) Mailin Ope, Ul llxh deep, TJ; w wk now OO. UV Mail In l'.ipe, -7 Imh lrp, N'0. s . fi now , 4:0Uvr l)ejur Cjii', J7 Inili ilffp, 7"; .jv ti mm sMMrtl l.lcctrlc Seal, Mutln 1 1 iinniril, n) yu w. inch deep, V.'i; now ns I.Vt' mm- :'. :. : 25.00 l.lectiie eul, plain, ''ii; qt rwv Hum .wV.Uv l.lcctih ."cjI, plain, $J0; -s vsw now 10W All i loth I lpis. Lulls ami Suits it greatly irmnid piUe-'. F. L. Crane, 324 Lackawanna Ave. Raw Furs Bought. Furs Repaired. SiSgtsJSSSS" 'Jhe Populii Home l'urnlshln: Store. Guard Every Door of youi house with a good mnt and you will be pleased with the laige quantity of dust nnd dirt that la kept outside. Just now we are making special prices on mats to get you acquainted with our very complete line. Regular 75c mats for 58c Regular $1. mats for 78c I', r7o.. .. tr,.nf. rn I UUll. -. S illlbl WC M c:ir.s Otiildiiiff. - ANT--aevV-V fyV fWV'V-V.NSNNVV Combination $ Odds and Endb of Tnboui- s ettes and Jaidinieies. c Tor this week a Mahogany or Plemlah Tabouiette, octagon . i shnpe, odd design, nicely nn- 8 . . . . . , rK isneu, vaiue auc. uinzea Jar- x diuier, blended colois, beautl- ful and atti active, value 30c, Both Complete. This Week Only 69c nine days mote of the Jan uaiy Clean Sweep Sale. : ! i Ui-1T XUUr UlVTAliNxi ; IC THt mNOMY 221-223-225-227Wyomlns; Are V. &r$$$$$5$$t$$$S$9$$$5$$$$$v$$9Q$S& 1 I)' nT Jplffil iiiil www A Big