The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 17, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    VWW ST .
i ! , ; h; , '-
, l ?
An Excellent Combination.
Tho pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Srnup or Fxas, manufactured by tho
Camfokhia. Fio Syrup Co., Illustrate
tho value of obtaining tho liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxative and presenting
them In tho form most refreshing to tho
tasto nnd acceptable to tho system, It
is tho one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing tho system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
Ifently yet promptly and enabling ono
to overcomo habitual conhtlpatlon nor
Jrmncntly. Its perfect freedom from
every objcctlonablo quality and nub
Btanco, and its acting on tho kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, malco it the ideal
In tho process of manufacturing figs
tiro used, as they aro pleasant to tho
taste, but tho medicinal qualitiesof the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other 'aromatic plants, by a method
known to tho California ITio Syhui
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects nnd to avoid imitations, pleases
remember the full namoof tho Company
printed on tho front of every package.
For f tUo by all Druggists. Prlco 60c. per bottlo.
Ice Cream
c Quart
3 elep tone 01 tier rromptly Oatl vroi
;3f33j A dam j Avenua,
cranlon Transfer Co.
Fiaggage Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Office D., Z.. & W. Passenger
Station. Phone 025.
Hye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Offle-e Hours a. n. to K.86 p. in.: 5 to t
Williams Butldlnar. Ops. PostotHa
WIM, SntVC M'lN'i:i: -llic lJdif of the 1 !m
I'nl. cliunli will fine nn clalnMatc Mi;ipcr
tnis cvcnins.
1. i. II. PAY II US. The Ihlawiie and Ilud
ui toinpau.v luiil their cmpluo on the Nineveh
1 nrn.h jcslerclej.
LITERARY SKfTIOS'. die lltourv seMlon
en tho O.'ncn Illdge A'unitn'i rlub v.lll ni-rt in
lie (irccn Iildge lituiy this i
n 1 lock.
I" AN YIEW 1!KMAIS. Hie litcmU .f 1. I..
loole can Icw the ron.-ilin from 10 .1, in. to
l.'.so p. in. todjy. 'Ihe lumrjl will be lield at
1 o'cloik and will be priv.itc.
COMMIT! IH.S TO JIUU.-llie maiugfRi of :li,.
Home for the PricndlcM aie required to meit .it
tin. Young Women's rhri-tlan usol hitlou looms
I'llday at fi.SO o'cloik to jppoint cumnilltim tor
llio coming jcar.
I'If.llTIt WAUD CAft L.-riieie will bo .1
joint caucus of the Klzhlii waid I'epublU.iii', ut
llu ofrtce of Alderman W. f. Millar, .11 11 j V.
orning auntie, tutuiday at I i 111., to nominate
11 ward ase.sor and election olf.cru for I'iiM and
Second diatlicts,
MltS. JrSNIM.B A)IUIVi:u.-.Mi. lii.d..l
.1 niiiiig', of Chicago, who w.u rcportol to lui
Iwen Injured In the wreil; at Hath. X. Y.. on
Tuesday night, anived in the nty .MnUnlar, in-l
1 vi.itlng her sou in Wot sruiiloii. Mi, .tin
uins wai not Injured.
fl'T Ills HCAU. A nun pielt) mudi iindir
the iiitluciito of Ihpior fill iluun and ttiuik hl
bead agalim the sidewalk at the lomor o( peim
intnue nnd Cintei ttieet last nlttht. 1L u
taken to the Ctnlei ttuct t.ttlon Imuw hue
1'iliie .Surgeon I'lilton dressed tho wound.
PAIMtllh MhirriNC. -All palnteis In the cit.i.
whethir ol'lllitcd with loial tinlorw Xi. lit and
!!18, ci iiniltarbed, ue limited to attend an
open meeting Hits cunlng in A. O, f. W. hall.
J21 t.a(kaJii.ia nwnue, nt 7.C0 o'clock 'Ihe
"-- -- - --
4. We offer
to previous
: $12,000
Economy Steam Hent Company
J Gold Bonds;
5 Per Cent. Free of Tas. Mn
ture 1030.
-f Thla comjiany was organiftd In 18u3, uiid -f
4 has been successful fiom tho htart. It 4
4. Is the only Kteam heating loinpany in 4.
i tho city of Scranton, and Is conlroll.'d T
h reorescntathe men. 1ln l...,..lj . -
. .... ,........ ...... .in- i,iiiiii nit.
' i ti il In lit. .1 .InkMiMn I... ... ......,
vv.'W.uv. . (V uv H UMIIUUII lilt .-HI Illl'lll .
f M Broadway, N. V. Wilkea-llone.
f Oarbondale. -f
f Coiniriniittcalth llldj;, b'cunton, -f
44.4.4-4 -f . .frv
- y
pmpoM ft tli3 tiifsllng li to trcrmtritn thf of
rsiiltitloiii already in exUtnc.
lllltlXTOnrt CII03KX. Thf itockliotdctt et the
i-prlntj Drook Wattr cotnpeuiy ynlttiar rTtt t
rJ the fnllowlnc hoard of ellreetori! I. A.
WatrM, C. I). Simeon, T. It. Witlilii. Will
lain I. lUllattad, Abram Nesbltt, John W. llo.
(.inliack, Morriii !' Williams, .t. Rodctr Max
well, George V. Baker, Itobert C. Aelim irvl
SamiicI T. Peltra. Tho board will organise neat
T11I:m: MK WANTKD.-Intoniutlon has been
rcer-lvr-d at pollit headquarters regarding the v
rape ot Cornellut lUrnn nnd Eugene Dniry from
the Minim reformatory jcaterday morning. One
of the men ean lie dUtinguUlied by a near tun
and one-hilf Inehes lonir on the left comer of
th mouth. Tho other beam a tun ill acar to the
left of tin now. They wore gray panU, black
coat and caps without visor .
famoiH liuincilit-phlloetoprirr, romea to the high
aehivol on Thyrmliy evening nU and will there.
ueienr-M inc pupin ana sikii 01 ine puourj wi run
mrwte enU. lie wilt cltllvrr two Ice-turn in
one during Hie en-mlner, "Plilloeophy of Wit and
Humor," and "Stories llcund the Stole." Mr.
I'crklns Is tna of the most widely known people
In the country nnd the announeement of his ad
ent las tieated a great ilemand for seat. The
capacious high Mhool auditorium nitl be ued
and although hundreds of tcaU have been to
tened there are a great miny good ones ft 111 to
be bad at Powell's niuilo store.
Proposes to Hold Meotings Each
Month Whether or Not a Cam
paign Is On.
It la tho Intention of the Union
league to continue In the Rood work
It lias bt-cn dolns, whether In national,
state, county or city elections, and In
vites all active younR Republicans to
join In building up a strong organiza
tion. The club proposes to meet at
least once a month, whether there are
any elections or not, the llrst meeting
to be held on ,tho llrst Tuesday evening
In February.
Tho Junior Republican rlub was or
ganized In September, ISflC, at tho
rooms of the Central Republican club.
The flint meeting was uttended by four
persons, each of whom took an active
part In organizing a First Voters' club.
The .second meeting was held two
evenings after, when a total of twelve
wore present; still two evenings after
that twenty-five were present, when
steps were taken and permanent offi
cers nominated. Those were: George
W. Marshall. Jr., president: l Silas
Walter, secretary, and H. Curtis Pow
ell, treasurer. The next business was
the adoption ot tho name. Tho First
Voters' club was the original name and
alter Mime tso or three meotings this
iianif was finally changed to that of
tho Junior Republican club. The mem
bership steadily Increased nnd through
the efforts of Hon. Frederick W. Fleltv:
and Milton V. Lowrj", of the Centra!
Republican club, an offer was made by
these gentlemen that should member
ship be Increased to one hundred they
would purchase uniforms for the club.
It took Ijss than one week to accom
plish this and on the eve of the presi
dential election of 1SP6 tho club had a
membership of 'M person who would
cast their first vote.
The club was also, or rather Its
members were, auxiliary member ot
the Central Republican club. In fact.
It whs their marrlilng rlub In all
During the lapse between the cam
paign of ' and IMO tho club met at
intervals of about a month, except
when there was an election on, during
which time they would meet weekly
and participate In the election of the
regular Republican nominees, never
faltering from that course. Hon. Alex.
Contiell, icpresentatlvc from the Se
ond district, uhvays gave the club
credit for his re-election, while his
opponent attributed his defeat to this
In August, 1900, the club name was
changed by a unanimous vote from
the Junior Republican club to that of
the I'nlon league of Lackawanna
county, and at that meeting new plans
were formed. It was decided that the
club should endeavor to secure a
many of the best parly workers as was
possible as members from every elec
tion precinct In the county, select tho
best wot Iter from each precinct and
place him on the campaign committee,
he to hpve charge of all other mcnibert
from hla precinct during the campaign
and upo his endeavors to get ns large a
Republican vote out as possible. This
was done In over 75 per cent, of tho
precincts of tho county.
It might be here stated that the offi
cers originally elected were re-elected
to their respective positions from lfG
to this year, when the following gen
tlemen were elected to tut their places:
P. Silas Walter, president: William
R. Johns, vice president: II. Cuitls
Powell, treasutor; T. H. Senkcr, re
folding secretory, and C. If. Derby,
corresponding secretary. The mem
bers of the executive committee elect
ed were: lion. John Scheuer, Benton
T. Jayne, John M. Edwards, Thos, It,
llrrmks nnd Hairy Seamans, of I,a
Plume, with John M. Edwards as
During the campaign of last fall the
League purchased the Rough Rider
unlfoims. It was very evident when
the county committee placed In Its
chat go the famous meeting In thu ar
mory at which Congressman Little-lb-Id
was the principal speaker, that
the committee would know It would
be in good hands. During the cam
paign at each meeting leports were
made by the campaign committee,
which reports, through Its officers,
weie in turn placed before the county
committee for action,
At a meeting since election,' of tho
League, tho matter was taken up
whether or not they would hold regu
lar meetings during tho Intervals be
tweon election nnd it was unanimous
ly decided that the club bhould and
would bo a permanent one, and efforts
wera at once started to Increase Its
membership and make It still stronser
than It Is at piesent.
Krause's Headache Capsules
are unllko anything prepared In Amer
ica. They were tltst prescribed by Dr.
Krause, Germany's famous court phy
sician, long before antipyrlne was dis
covered, and are almost marvelous, o
speedily do they cure the most distress
ing cases. Prlco 2."c. Sold by Matthew
Ladles' Aid society of Kim Park
church will serve cupper tonight from
0.30 to 7 o'clock.
To Prevent the Grip
Latalhc Droino-fjulnlne rcmovri the cause,
GAIUlNKft. Mis. p. p. Oardner, at her homo in
r'actoryvlllc, I'a,, Januaiy J6, 1IM1, iircd CO
eara, 0 months and 2J day. Funeral riclca
' it tho Tint Paptif' church at 2 o'clock p. in,
Say That Six Men Who Have Com
missions Either as Aldermen or
Justices of the Peace Have Been
Guilty of Unlawful Acts Judge
Archbald Directed' That Indict
ments Be Propared Case of the
Northern Company Against Gas
and Water Company on Trial.
Presentments against six magistrates
of the county who are charged with
unlawfully drawing money from the
county treasury were 'presented to
Judge R. W. Archbald yesterday by
the grand Jury, which spent several
days In listening to the manner In
which some magistrates expand their
bills of fees against tho county.
Tho men against whom presents wore
made aro Aldorman John Lentes, ot
the Eleventh ward: Alderman J. P.
Kelly, of tho Eighteenth ward; Alder
man John J. Ruddy, ot tho Twentieth
ward; Alderman John W. Mlllett, of
the 'Sixth ward: Justice of the Peace
M. J. Cannon, of Olyphant, and Jitstlco
of the Peace Nicholas Gllnn, of Felt
township. Tho presentment wns hand
ed to the court by Alfred E. Lister, the
foreman, nnd Is as follows.
To the Honorable, the Judge of the Cnntt of
Quarter Scwlom of the Peace, In and for the
County of Lackawanna.
The Kratul Inquest of the coinmomvcillh of
renni)lvanl. Inquiring for the county of l.irk
auanni, upon their reih-ctlve oathj and aft-r-Inatlon.
do respectfully procnt:
That In pursuance of the mbmlfdon to them of
certain matter and thintM pert.iinlnit to the
I'tMrif-j ol the admlnlstintion of juMlie in xald
lounty, nnd more expert illy pertaining to the
rrlinn of collecting illcRal fe by public otll
ecu, they the tald gland luquct, do horibv
mako the follow imt prwntinints ajalusl the
fr.liouiii named neriotLs and public! ofUcei.'', to
wit: ,
John t.enliv, alderman in and toi the Klcvonth
ward of the city of Vuntwi; ml'dtiiicanor In
.lolm 1'. Kill, alderman In and for the rjlshl
eenth word of the city of Siranton; mlideme.inor
In otflee.
John W. Slillett, alderman In and for tho Si.tli
ward ot the city of bcranton; misdemeanor in
M. J. Cannon. Julieo of the peace In ami for
the lioroimli of Obphant; misdemeanor in ofhee.
Mchohn tilenii. Justice of the pcaie In ami for
the township of I'ell; luiMlrmraiior In ol1uo.
John J. Itmldy, ahlcrmon in and for th"
Twentieth ward of the city of Scrantonj mis
demeanor In of Ike.
And tho said grand limuct hereby request the
court to ellieit that tho proper iiullelnientie bo
piepared anil nibmltttd to them by the illv
trie! attorney against the said pcisons for the
erlnics aforesaid, and that the county iletecthn
be named as the proerutor on ald indictments.
Allied L'. I.iler, l'oreman.
Judge Archbald, after reading the
presentment, said he would endorse It
and have the district attorney draw up
Indictments covering the offenses
charged. District Attorney Lewis will
present tho Indictments to the jurors
this morning and later In the day they
will be presented to court with tho
final report of the Jurors, who have
now disposed of all the business to
come before them with the exception
of these Indictments. Yesterday the
Juiy made Its teiur of Inspection of the
county Jail.
This move against the magistrates Is
only the first step, the county authori
ties say, In a movement that Is to bo
continued until all the law-breakers are
bt ought to Justice and the bills of mag
istrates and justices of the peace made
as nearly correct as possible.
There are, of course, no figures at
band to show how much money has
ben unlawfully drawn from the coun
ty treasury since the creation of the
county by magistrates, but those who
know something about the matter say
It is not fe-ss than SL'0,000.
Common Pleas Court.
Common pleas toiiit practically outl
et! jesterday for the week, tho onlv
case open for tilal being the Northern
Coal and Iron company against tho
Scranton Gas and Water company, an
For Three Days Only
Ian. 18
The Biggest Dress Goods and Silk
Our Department Has Ever Known.
Bargain 1 About 25 pieces different styles and colorinqp-i of Fancy Silk, ACr
Plisse Faucic, Taffetas, etc. Former prices 75c to $1,00. For 3 days only T"V
Bargain 2 19 pieces, about one thousand yards of "Taffeta, all new spring
shades, Reseda, Berry Rose, Geranium, Royal, Grey Military, Leaf Greens, To- A Qy-r
mato Red, etc. For 3 days only TOC-
Bargain 3 Three lots of Silk Remuauts, some loug enough for waists.
One lot of 71JC silk for 39c; one lot of $i.oo silk for 59c; one lot of $1.25 silk, hp
for 3 days only, for OC
Bargain 4 27 pieces of Checks, Plaids and Faucy Dress Goods, all 25c to Q
38c goods. For 3 days only VW
Bargain 5 7 pieces all uevv shades of .jj-iuch Heuriettas, the 50c kind. 'In-,
For 3 days only Jr
Bargain 6 Over 20 pieces of High Grade Suitings, D agonals, Armuies, pa
Matelasse, etc. Former prices 7qc and $1.00. For ; dava onlv V7v
Bargain 7 2i pieces New Fine Germau Poplins. 45 inches wide, cheap nA
any where at $1.00. For three days only UVC
Bargain 8 -A lot of 4J and Jo inch Wool Tweed Plaids. Were $1.00 and CQ-,
$1.25. For 3 days only 5"C
Bargain 9 Fifty Tailor Venetians, in six new Spring Mixtures, a $1.00 Or
cloth. For 3 days only , ,, OOL
Bargain 10 o-iuch Fine French Broadcloth Venetians, full rauge d? in
of colors, marked $1.00. For 3 days only P 1 OV
action In trespass, which Is on trial in
No. 1! before Judgo John V. Kelly.
Yesterday morning this caso of A. D.
Dean against Joseph II, Gunster, ex
ecutor, ct nl was called, but tho plain
tiff was not ready for trial, and a ver
dict of not guilty was taken. A non
suit was also taken In tho case of
John Hall against tho Mutual Guaran
too Uttlldlng nnd Loan association of
New Jersey, tho plaintiff not being
ready for trial. None of the other
onset were open for trial, and tho
Jutots not engaged In Urn caso In No.
2 were excttsod from further attend
ance at court.
An order was made advancing to tho
head of the list for the first week of
the Matvh term tho caro of R. M.
Ruland against Annlo L. Ross, an ac
tion In ejectment.
Tho trespass suit of the Northern
Coal und Iron company against the
Hcranton Gas and Water company
promises to no a grear. legal D.uue.
It is alleged by the plaintiff that tho
defendant company has Its gas tanks
erected on part of the company's right
of wnv and It asks damages for this
trespass. The suit Is In a wny a
continuation of the litigation between
these companies which has been in
progress for several yearr.
In 18C6 when tho Northern Coal and
Iron company, wthcrwl'ip tho Dela
ware nnd Hudson Canal company,
built Its road, tho Scranton Gas and
Water company owned property on
Scranton street on which the gas
house was erected. This property ran
back for a distance of 150 feet. Along
side of it on tho east tho Northern
Coal and Iron company laid Its rail
road. Many years later tho company
desired to lay a double track, and to
do so would have to uso a strip ot
the Gas and Water company's land.
It wan sought to .secure possession of
this by condemnation proceedings, but
the Supreme court decided against tho
Northern Coal and Iron company and
It Is w ithottt two tracks from the
fcianton street crossing to a point
south, where the lands of the Gas
nnd Water company terminate.
During the 'SO's the business of (the
Gas and Water company having ex
panded It required more land and It
bought a piece In the roar of the orig
inal holding which flouted on Scranton
street. The Not thorn Coal and Iron
company claims that it owns 33 feet
east and west of the middle of Its
track, but the Gas nnd Water com
pany denies this nnd says It owns to
a point about ten fct fiom the center
of the Hack on the west. The strip
eif land In dispute Is thus about 23
feet wide and something over one hun
elred feet In length. On part of this
the Gas anil Water company has erect
eel two huge gas tanks at great ex
penre. Yesterday was taken up almost en
tirely In Introducing various deeds and
papers 1 onnee-teel with the case. The
Northern company Is leprcsented by
ex-Judge W. II. Jessup and James IT.
Tot ley. and tho defendant company
by Wlllard, Warren & Knapp. It will
take several days to try the case.
Yesterday's Marriage Licenses.
Prink A .leflry '. Jermyn
Mary Ann Uincnian Jcrmjn
Oorero ,MoIer Scranton
I'.llrjlicth Ililoonaml branton
Chrlitophrr J. Jenkins S-r.inton
Mai; Kll'ii Willi ems Scranton
reter I'liee Arrhluld
Mary Mifiiath A.rehbald
Setphen J. t'ralltU I.itkawanna township
Mrie Knotl I.aeloiwaiina township
Milton J, KcUham 1 l'eckillle
llattie Olleudkk Aichlnhl
William II. More 111 crauton
ThlU P. Audicwrt Krantou
John l.oouiis Jeup
Maty Klkii O'Mimhy losup
A special meeting of Providence Con
clave. No. 1!)3, I. O. H will bu held at
the Auditorium this evening, to take
action cm the death of our late brother,
.S. M. Corson. Funeral Friday after
noon. E. A. niddlem.m, Archon.
The membeis of Schiller lodge, No.
315, Free and Accepted Masons, aie te-
quested to attend the funeral of our
eleceased brother, Charles W. Roeslor,
from bis late residence. 223 Franklin'
avenue, or. Friday, January IS, 1001, at
:Vt0 p. m. Membe' of sister lodges are
fraternallv Invited to attend. By order
of Isadoro Gcoaman, v. M.
Attest: Chas. S. Gelbert, Sec.
Jan. 19
Says He Is nn Insolvent and That
His Object Is to Get Control of
Her Property Asked the Court to
Revoke tho Appointment of John
T. Richards ns Her Next Friend in
the Pioceedlngs to Dctermlno Her
Sanity Court Granted the Re
quests Made by Her.
'Miss Jennie Howell eloes not want
John T. Richards for her next friend
In the proceedings to determine her
sanity, which were begun last Satur
day by her brother, Franklin Howell.
She says her brother Is Insolvent and
that his opposition to her marriage to
Edward Dean, of Hackensack, N. J
Is prompted by a desire to got control
of her property.
Hilt) said that Mr. dllchatels and her
brother were arrayed against her and
that he would be an Improper person
to act as her next friend. She asked
that Mr. Richards' appointment be re
voked nnd City Superintendent of
Schools George Howell named In his
Judge John P. Kelly, to whom Miss
Howell's petition was presented by At
torney E. (.', Newcomb. granted the re
quest and revoked the appointment of
Mr, Richards and substituted Mr.
Howell. Tho petition of Miss Howell
Is a stralght-from-the-shoulder docu
ment. It follows:
miss itowixis PCTnioy.
To the Honorable the Judge of Said Court.
The petition of the mhicilbtr icspeetftilly
1. That she is the respondent In tho abne.
stated caM't that the piocce-diugj .ire founded
upon n petition and it ol her brother,
franklin Howell, and a notice of the tlmn and
place of the exeiutlon of nald commission baa
this day been ercd upon her.
"J. Site Is adtked by the notice that the Court
his named John T. Itlelnrds as her next friend
and directed notice of the eommlwlon to be
(eitcil upon him as tuch next filend.
a. Mic further asen that the said John T.
Itlchardte is, under tho law, an Improper person
upon whom such notice tlioiitcl be iered for the
rcas.on that, although a iclalhe, he Is In no
Rcnse her next friend In repect to these pro
ceedings, but on the central)' is a participant
with her brother, the said franklin Howell, in
and about Ihe procuring of the romtnldnn to
hae her adjudges! u lunatic. She emphatically
denies the allegation of lunaey contained in her
brother's petition and tiys tint the proceeding
w.w prompted snlclj by the fact that she con
templates marriage, and hrr slid biother as well
as the uld John T. ltiehard-e aie partleulirlr
opposed to her marriage. The said John T,
ltlcharcl'i has nude .1 pcrsoml effort to pertuscle
tho respondent to abandon her said contemplated
marriage and has Indulged in pergonal denunela
tions of her because) she declined to accept his
4, The respondent further avers tint she has
considerable estate of her own and that her mid
brother Is Insolvent and has for a, considerable
time past depended upon her for large adeancea
of money and has in one way and another se
cured considerable advances of money from her
and recently havini: declined to make further
ahanecs to him he became Incensed and upon
that aocoiuit by and villi the advice and per.
tuaslon of said John T. Richards, he commenced
this proceeding.
5. Avcirliifr. therefore, that Instead of being
her next irlend the sild John T. Itlchard Is pa.
tlcularly hostile to her in this ease and will uso
bis endeavors to lnve her ediidged a lunatic
III crder that he and the said Franklin Howell
may secure control of her cslate, she lespcctfully
biihmits that he U not .1 pioper peru upon
whom saiel notice should be seivcd ils her next
friend, and she ventures to name one of her icla
lives, to wit.: Ceorge Howell, who has at all
times bicn on terms ot friendship with her
and her family, and who is cntirclv dislnteretted
III this proceeding and asks that the crder here,
tofoie made directing the notice atoresaid to be
sirved upon said John T. Richards be vacated
and that in his place the said (ieorge llocvell
may be substituted or in default of tint, that
some illsluteicsteil person not known to be bos.
tile to her in this piocecdlng be so named as
her next friend. JLN.VIK HOWKI.L.
Lackawanna County, n. :
Jennie Howell, the above-named respondent
being duly inoin itccoiding to law, nijs that
the allegations contained in the foregoing peti
tion are true and e 01 reel .ILNSTK HOWIH.L,
Sworn and Milwnlied before me this fifteenth
day of Januar.v, l'l. WUIKH Unifies,
tPeal) N'otiry Public.
Ninth Ward Primaries.
Ptlmarles for the nomination of a
candidate for the office of common
council, and for the election boards
for the ensuing year, will bo hold at
the voting booths of tho ward, Satur
day afternoon ut fiom 4 to 7 o'clock.
Jan. 21
Bargains Offer That
me Appearance
of the dining table Is only second In Importanco to mornl. Ev
ery careful housewife, vorthy of tho name, chcritihr's hand
some dishes, and thote never wan a time that they could be
bought for ns little cost. It won't be long .though; Gorman
nnd French China has advanced IS to 25 per conte While our
present stock lasts we will sell at old prices, but when tho new
arrives we will have to charge tho advance. If you want
dishes buy NOW.
100-plece Gorman China Dinner Set ....... . .$18.70.
113-plcco French China Dinner Set 27.80.
Geo. V. Millar &
'Wf if wJ "Sn IB H
J li 1 'k fl il J
GoldrCrowns $3
Gold Fillings $1
Bridge Work (tSSW $3
Set of Teeth $5
All work Riiaranteeil for 10 yean. Call and
have your teeth examined free ot charge,
riJtlifactlon or no pay.
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
That's the name. You've heard It a good many times-
most every time in fact, when jewelry is the topic of conver
sation, for the one implies the other.
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
Has much to show you in the Gift li e more than you'll see
in most other stores. Not only more, butsomething "dif
ferent" novelties that appeal to you, because of their
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
Has everything going in the jewelry line. TKinlt ol what
you want; it's there. Prices, too, are less than you think,
when you consider that no matter what you buy, quality i?
317 Lacknwanna Avenue.
?x The NewNevcrslh As
5 pimlt Removable
K Horse cannot slip
and will outwent llirco
2 sets or any other calk
5 manufacture.!.
5? ALL ARE WELCOME Avenue 5?
1 Will
Basement Store
Alter you have taken in the Main Floor ; seen all
there is to see in Confections of every sort; the
finest ot Bake Stuffs and Toys, until you can't
rest; had a fine Luncheon in our thoroughly ap
pointed Restaurant then drop in tho Elevator to
the Basement and see
Tinware and Hardware
of every sort, No larger or belter assortment In
Scranton with prices that are just as little as we
can make them a little less than in any other store
312 and 314 Lackawanna Avenue.
V xvaTVfeiVV . i
Co. "lm1" 2? 1
Extracted Absolutely
Without Pain.
Our t-ystcm cf TAINLF.SS De-ntMty la fir
niperlor tn the- old nic-tliod f elolre work.
Wo both fill m) extract teeth vvtthotit th
Jcaat particle of pain. Our prire-s lor tt
present re eilrcmely low, and It )ou r in
nerd of any l)cnti work; Call and hY
your teeth examined.
We milce a uperlalty of fine Crown and
Urideo Work and It will pay you to call and
tret our prleei before Rolnn; eliewlwre. All
work absolutely Talnleu.
Dr. ReyerTOentist
SU Spruce St., Opp. Court Honse.
126 and 128
Franklin Ave.
Fine Jeweiy
Cut Glass
Leather Goods 1
No. 132
I. IB rr iig . tA