The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 16, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    f -N Ti--
Speilal lo tlie Scranlon Tribune.
.Montrose, .Inn. J.". William It. Jim
fui. Jr. of Hctanton, Is In town today.
Men-hunt S. I). .MeCnlti, of Hush, wus
In town on business ycderdny.
Attorney Kranklln M llardliu-r. of
JToresl City. has been piofeislonally
etiKiiired In .Montttise this week
Mrs. (U'oro II, Wiitiiiun Is the Knelt
oC friends In Coates'lllc, IM
Mr. iiiul .Mis. liinll Kelnil, of New
y rk city, nip visiting relatives In thlH
place anil vicinity,
S. Uriice Chase, or lliillsleiul, Is en
gaged at court this wcolt.
District Attorney Halph H. Little had
ten hills of Indictment tu Iny befoie
the nr.ind jury now In session In this
place for Its consideration.
Jlov. James W. llnjuor occupied the
pulpit of. the '.Methodist RpNcnpnl
church on last Sunday morning and
preached nn Interesting and povvetful
Dr. John O. Wilson huu been suffcr
Iiir from a sllRht attack of the grip,
not tuilllclent to confine him to the
Mr. and Mis. Uoorjje l Hums will
entertain u number of their friends
this ovenlnB at a progieaslve euclne
party at their icsldenco on Locust
. K. W. Searle, of Susquehanna, Is
In town this week looking after the
li.teiesls of his clients.
Mnrclii 12. Hedden, a. young man of
lonslderable hlstilonlc talent and who
has won many lam els as a comedian
on the local stage, has accepted a posi
tion with a theatrical company In New
York and left for the metropolis the
Hi st of the week.
Chief of Police Thomas McMuhon, of
Susquehanna, one of the most success
ful incite catcheus In Northeastern
Pennsylvania, was In town this week
to give testimony against a number
of nlleged evil-doers vvho-e- cases will
come befoie the ginnd Juo
All who possibly can should attend
the annual meeting of the County His
torical fcoclety In tills place on Satur
day. It Is expected that some piactl
cal steps will be taken at this meeting
toward the election of a lire-proof
building In which to deposit and pre
st rve the tellcs and archives of the so
ciety. A goneial desire having ben mani
fested on the part of the school dlrec
tois of this county for a meeting of the
Dl tor tors' association to be held In
Montrose some time In February, such
meeting has been decided upon and an
Intel estlng piogrammc is being ar
mngid for the occasion.
Ilev. D. M. Matoer, a missionary of
the riosbyteilnn board in China, who
lutiirned to UiIh country shortly in lor
to the lecent Hoxer uprising, gave a
giaphlc and Intel estlng description of
conditions in China at the Presbyterian
chinch In this place on Sunday morn
ing, and nlo pi cached In the sams
house In the evening. ISev. Mateer
hopes to be able .soon to leturn to his
work In the Par Kast.
A largo audience will gieet the Flske
Jubilee Singers at Village Hall on
Thursday night. Reserved seats aio
selling inpldly at McCausland'u phar
macy. Predeilck Woik, one of the
singcis, leels especially gtalcful to
Susquehanna county people, as It was
thiough the generosity of the Christian
Endeavor societies of this county that
he was enabled to prosecute his studies
nt Flsk university last year.
'I'nul u lie Vrmton Tilhimi
Forest City, Jan. If.. The Hillside
employe aie being paid today.
Lyman V. Howe's moving pictuio
entertainment will be given In th
Opel a House tomorrow evening. It is
one of the best shows of its kind on
the load and 1ms always diavvn well
In Toiest City.
There was a light fnll of snow yes
teiday and todaj a gient many loads
of in ops weie hauled In by the far
meis. Misses Lizzie Suait, Agnes nilmar
tln and Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ai
nold, of Catbondlc, visited Ml. and
Mrs. W. X. Dolph and Mis. Sarah
IJoberts Sunday.
.Mrs. Carrlo Golden bus been a stif
feter with the giip the past week.
Constables Walsh and Johnson were
In Montiose yesterday, making their
quartet ly returns to coutt.
Constable Coiby, of Squiie lileuu's
ouit. in Fell township, was in town
jesteiday, looking up an otfender of
the law.
Chniles Wedeniun, of Unioudnle, was
in town yesterday.
Attorneys AVatious mid (Jautlner
weie in Montiose on business yester
day. Steps have been taken to foini a so
cial club in Forest City. The new
Ellis building is talked of as Its piob
ablo location.
Two piys a month at Foiest City
and Vandllng heieafter.
A number of accidents, none of Ihem
vety seilous, however, have oectiued
among the chlldien while on
the hills the past few days. The side
walks have been .so sllppeiy that It
was with dltllcultyi people found their
way nlong Dundaff stitet
IVnnk Gllle&ple, a fanner timl In
ipectoi here, was calling on old
fi lends heie yestuiday.
Special to the heranton ftlbunc
Susquehanna, Jan. 13. About one
bundled Susquehanna people saw May
Irwin In Stone Opera house, lllnghum
ton, lust night.
The borouch eleotlmi iu ,.o.
' ,,.i iti
hnnd. Councllmen should be elected
who have at henrt the betteiment of
the condition of Main street. For
several months in the year the chief
thoroughfaio or the pilnclpal town In
Susquehanna county Is an elongated
Hardly passable,
Scarcely Jnckassable.
lluslness booms in the Krle shops.
Charles L'. Whitney, of Jackson
treat, Is the guest of fi lends In l
mlrn, Hornellsvlllo and Salamanca,
After a protracted Illness, Miss Win
nie Hinds, an aged maiden lady, died
at her homo on Vine avenue, at 10
o'clock Monday noining. Tlu funeial
will take place from St. John's Catho
i Ho church on Wednesday morning,
when requiem high mass will bo cele
brated. Intei inent will be made In
I.aurel Hill cemetery.
Delaware Division rirakemnn WIN
son Aumack, of Poit Jcrvis, -jet w-lth
a serious uccldent In this place on
uunuiiy. vviuie -iiuur ine cninose,
tightening some stov'd bolls an engine
mowd the caboose and Auiuack'a
right leg was so severely lacerated bo
low the knep that amputation wan
necessary, and It was perfonnod by
i:i le Surgeon Dr. M. L. Milter, nsslst
ed by Dr. Hagan. The unforlvnate
irun was last cvvnlng taken to Port
Jcrvis, wheie be has 11 fnmltt.
Huttlclcnt snow fell last ulRht to
make 11 few additional Inches of mud
when the sun shines again,
The pi ess of the county Is (living
Mcssis. Tiffany and Hill, our assem
blymen at Ilnrrltibutt, soma delectuble
leflhauded conipl'.inci'ls lor doing the
flip-flap act at the state capital. In
their fearful nnvletv lo got on the
winning side they gave evidence that
they weie mUhty poor guessjM. Tear
fully and choc'tlJll of penitence tliev
havo returned to the Quay camD. In
stead of dishing up veal, theie appears
to be a yearning desltc in certain cir
cles to kill the prodigals.
Horace Pciry, foreman of the Krle
car icpalr shops, sustained sevetat
smashed toes on Monday.
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth M.
Pnrmalce, lato of lllnghamton, took
place this afternoon fiom the Oak
land Congregational church, the pas
tor, Ilev. C. C. Mackoy, ofllclatlng.
The lenmltiH were Interred In McKuno
The Dorcas society will hold a "hose
social" In Februmy.
The borough caucuses will be held
on Tuesday, Jan. 22. There will bo
elections In four wards, for the llrst
time. Candidates ate already forging
cautiously to the front.
Mine Host Fred Barnes, of Tront
sttcet, Is on the sick roll.
Mrs. Susan Hunt has sold the Yer
Ington pioperty, Kat Main stteet, to
Thomas J. Tlngley.
The C. K. and U. A. Installed officers
and enjoyed a social this evening.
Special to the t-cranton Tribune.
Thompson, Jan. 13. Our townsman,
L M. Cililett, has been on duty in
Monti ostf as county auditor tor u few
Constuble L. F Sea ties made ie
turns to coutt at Montrose yestetday.
W. J. Stoddard, of New York, is
spending it few days with his sister,
Mrs. Fiank Crosier.
Mis. W. U. Wrlghter, of Susquehan
na, spent ye&letduy at AV. 1. Tall
man's. Beit Lakln. ot Wlnvvood, was calling
on friends In town yesteulay.
Some twenty-live youngsteis gave
Carl and rioyd Salesbury a party Sat
in day evening, and this afternoon the
members of the W. C. T. lT. gave a
farewell party to Mrs. A. O. Salesbury,
who will leave for California soon.
Mis. Salesbury has been president of
tho union heie for some tlmo past.
The lee baivest seems to be at Its
best at this wilting. It is eeeptlonal
ly line this year.
At the Joint installation of otllcers
last week the following were Inducted
into olllee by Comrade I). F. Barnes,
of Frank Hall post, (1. A. It.: P. C,
L. It. Whitney; S. V. C, S. Jenkins; J.
V. C, R. V. Whitney; aujutant, C. R.
Casterllne; chaplain, C. F. Waterman;
Q. M., P. R. Tower; O. D., iM. W. Plew;
O. G., i:. L. Leonard; 0. IM., John
Clapper, M. S., F. Barnes; and the
following for Relief coip.s: Piesident,
Mis. Frances Tallman; S. V. P., 'Mrs.
Delphlne Casterllne; J. V., Mrs. Mary
A. Foster: secretary, Mrs. Ida Whit
ney; treasurer, iMrs. Mary Ingalls;
chaplain, Mrs. Augusta Latham, con
ductor. Mis. Llbbio Hcnwood; guard,
Mrs. Xannle Raines; assistant con
ductor, Miss Bessie Lewis; assistant
glial d, Mrs. Fiances Benedict.
.Mr. mid OIis. I). A. Mead anil Mis.
P R. Toner me victims of the grip.
Mrs. C. M. Lewis and her filend,
Mrs. C. F. Crossman, of Scranton, spent
Saturday In Blnghainton.
C. F. Crossman, of Scranton, enjojed
a sleigh ride over the Icy hubs with
C. 'M. Lewis on Sunday. He tetuined
to Feinnton on the evening train, ac
companied by his wife and son.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Meth
odist Hplscopal chinch msets In "!. A.
15 hall for tea tomorrow.
"-jkcIjI Ik tin strjiilbn 'IilLum
HalUtcad, Jan. IS. Al. Is the
pi oiid possessor of the prize hen of
the county. The fowl was pm chased
In Xew Jeisey last s-pilng and was
htouuht heie and lalhed. It com
menced laying last week for the
time and nn egg w.ib handed to Tho
Tiibune lepresentatlve, who found It
to measute as follows: Around tho
egg, 7 Inches; around egg over the
ends, 0 inches, weight of egg, 3
C. M. Kessiei 1 (-turned Filday Horn
Oiand Rapids, Mich.
KU waul Skates, of Syracuse, has
moved to this place, where he Is em
ployed In the chair factoty
Mis. B. F, Bernstein and two chll
dien tetutned home Monday after a
long visit with Now York lelatlves.
T. J. Davles, of Montrose, at sher
iff's sale last Satuiday, purchased the
studio and entlrp estate of D. Arthur
Reed for $130. The piop?ity, however,
was sold subject to a heavy mortgage,
Rdwaid Haims spent Sunday nt his
home In Brandt.
George Lake Is dangerously III from
an attack of pneumonia.
Mr. and Mis. nimer Deckel ami
young daughter weie visiting Montrose
lelnllv't-s Mondav.
A window has been lecently added
to the Young Men's Chtlstlnn asso
ciation, It Ih in the partition which
separated the leading room fiom the
game loom and enablps the seci-Mary
to survey the entlie flrht door without
mlKlng from his desk.
Tho library committee at the Young
Men's Christian association lecently
lui chased foity-two now volumes,
Mnnv of the books nre good.
Jack O'Neill, Lackawanna detective
from Hallstead, mot with an accident
last Filday night. He was riding on
a west bound truln when ho stepped
off. On uccount of tho daikness ho
did not know wha,t spot ho was at
and was tlu own Into a culvert. He
managed to teach the homo of Mich
ael Reed, wheie Dr. A, F. Merrell
nnlved and diessed his Injuries, which
consisted of four broken ribs.
William Hoover has been laid up
and tumble to work, owing to an at
tack of neuralgia.
Rev. D. B, Wilson, of Tlsle, Is to
address the family meeting at tho
YoungMen'B Chilstlau association on
Sunday afternoon.
The railroad men have mganlzud a
class for the study of the air biake.
Last week an Illustrated lecture by
Prof. Noonan, of Chicago, was given
In tho hall. It was one of the most
Instructive air brake lectures ever lis
tened to.
A number of young lady friends and
acquaintances of Misses Wlnlfied and
Lillian Tlngley met at the Tlngley
home on Pine stteet last Friday even
ing mid tendcicd a most cnjojable
leceptlon to Miss Winifred Tlngley,
befoto hei dcpnrtuie for Ttoy.
tpeclil tc tli Scranton Trll.un
Tunkhannock, Jan, 13. llx-Assoclate
Judge II. W. Bardwcll, A. 11. Squler,
member of the legislature from this
county, Attorney Asa 8. Keeler and
John B. Fnssett, of thin pl.tco, are all
in Hnirlsburg In attendance at the ses
sion of the legislature.
Louis Hilkowich, who Is connected
with a clothing manufacturing ririn In
Now York city, visited his family at
this place over Sunday. He is stilt In
tel ested In the retail clothing business
In this town. It Is snld that ho will
shortly remove his family lo New
York. ,
Rev. W. 11. Hlller, a lotnier pastor
of the church heic, but now located at
Factoty ville, filled the pulpit of thu
Methodist church both morning and
evening on Sunday last.
The board ot county auditors are
again In session over tho county ac
counts and will probably finish their
woik this week.
Attorneys 13, J. Jorden, C. O. Der
shlmer, James W. Piatt mid Heniy
Harding nte In Scranton this wpek, In
attendance at the session of tho super
ior court.
Yestcid.iy afternoon a sad accident
occurred in No. 13 shaft, which result
ed In the death of Alexander, the 15-yeat-old
son or Mrs. Belie Chester, of
the North Lnd. He was employed as
driver boy and was tiding on the
bumper when his mot cuught In the
lib. Ho was tin own on the tiack and
a loaded car passed over bis bodv.
When picked up he did not appear
to bo seriously injured. The little fel
low was very patient throughout
sufferings and his attendants did not
expect his death until be had passed
nwav. The father was killed In Law
shaft less than a year ago. Deceased
was a bright boy and his associates
speak of lilm as possessing all the
qualities that are found in true man
hood. The funeral airangements ure
not yet completed.
Michael Cannon, of South Main
stieet, Is suffering from a dislocated
shoulder blade, sustained while at
work iti Law shaft yesterday after
noon. The following officers of Degree of
Naomi, Maine assembly, were Installed
on Monday evening: Past comman
der, Nellie Weddal; commander, Mrs.
Belle Cut Us; vice commander, Mis.
Lizzie Llewellyn; secretary, Mrs.
Sadie Howell: assistant secretin y.Mis.
Abble Dominermuth; treasuier, Mrs.
Martha Bradbury; conductress, Mis.
Minnie Dommermuth; sentinel, Mr3.
Ullzabeth Sandeis. guaul. Mis. K.
Theto will be n social unci entertain
ment In the Primitive Methodist Sun
day school rooms on Monday, Jan. 21.
Cnko and coffee will be seived. Ad
mission, 15 cents.
The Juiy empanelled to investigate
the cause of the death of Frank Con
don, who was found dead un
der the new bildge, met In
'Squire Fitzsimmons' otllce on Mon
day afteinoon and concluded that
death was accidental. The juiois were
Thomas Fitzsimmons, M. J. Uvan,
Patrick McIIale, Frank Paiks, Frank
McCarthy and P. T. McGowan.
The funeral of Alexander Chester
will tnke place on Thursday afteinoon.
The Ancient Order of Forestets, of
which deceased was a member, will
attend the funeral.
To Cure the Grip in Two Dny.i
l.-ixjlhr Hrmno ()ulnlni Tjl Ict-i
- '
In the absence of President Nu.i'on,
Mt. Reap was chosen as chairman .it
Monday night' 1 meeting of council.
Many Important matters came up for
consideration. The Set anion Railway
company, the Olyphant Waler com
pany and the Sewer company came In
for their shate of attention. A laige
number of bills were passed for pay
ment, while several were held up for
Investigation. Among the latter was
a bill fiom the Olyphant Wnter com
pany for $23 for water used at the
public fountain. It was the opinion
of the councllmen that when the foun
tain was erected that the comuanv
agieed to furnish the water gratis.
The matter was refeued to a com
mittee to look tho tacts up Council
thought they weie being oveieh.uged
for fuel at the electric plant, nnd a
bill of $&3 fiom the Delaware and
Hudi-011 company was also laid aside.
Hoteikeeper Glllnskl complained to
council that he was being ovetchaiged
for light. Tho collector leplled that
he only chaiged Mi. Glllnskl with the
number of lights as teporled to him
by Inspector Dardls, In order to fa
cilitate matters In the futuie a gilev
ance committee was appointed at tho
suggestion of Mr. Van Sickle, it will
be their duty to hear all complaints
ot this char-actor, Instead of bringing
them befoie the council. The piesi
dent appointed the membeis of the
light committee, togethei witli the col
lector. Tho special committee lepoit
ed having gone over the auditors' ie
poit, nnd submitted their statement.
It was accepted. The electric, light
committee repotted that the affairs at
the electric plant were tun rather
loosely, and that some of the employes
were neglecting their duties. A heat
ed discussion followed. Some of the
members claimed that Unglnoer Dearie
was negligent, while others contended
that Klectilclnn Dardls was equally
at fault. It was llnally decided to
have the two emplojes appear before
a special session on Thuisday night to
investigate the thaiges Mr. Gallagher
thought it was high tlmo that the
railway company &hould be biouglit
to tenns. "When the pave was laid,"
he said, "their first act was to temove
their tracks from the stuiftt to evade
payment of their poitlon of the pavn.
Now, when we have taxed their poles
und vvliu they have also taken those
away from the central poitlon of the
borough, and I think we should .iFcer
taln our lightB In the matter." A
motion wus passed that tho borough
solicitor look the matter up. Mr. Gal
loglier tilbo called attention to what
ho called the "outrageous" water rates
the hotough Is being compelled to-pay
for flro hydrants, which Is $20 a year
for each and every one. TI10 water
commlttpe was directed to see the
company tcgardlrig better terms. The
annunl report of tha board of health
was read. It showed that the board
Coats, Suits
Going, goittR soon bo Rone. That will be the verdict of the
Assortments are still complete, but we'll have to say "all gone" belore
Kor heavy
Wolt In n
nt colon nnd iuttern.; lrc from
.1J to 40. Ileal value "ic.
Kor heavy
waUlii In
rk 0 iff
INk GHEfil
luilr; lined throiiRlinut, Hie new
Waliop Sleeir. Alt ilte. licit
valim JI.M.
For f
ol krnpr
alnele emhroldeml dipc. Pretty
.hade ot Mm-. Slzfi b tu S jdr.i.
Ileal value Ifi.W.
S OR ror
and Ilmicle, made
ipc, Innd'omely trimmed with
hrnld. New hot luck, liial j1ih-
Kor heavy quality ot llouele Cape, cut tlitily
Inilien Ionic, tull Kttiep. ot the mot uppuncil
llr, all lined nnd Intcillned, nobb) nnd pretty.
Ileil value iOO.
We guarantee perfect fit to every garment
that leaves the store; experts are here at your
service to make any alterations that may be
needed; most satisfactory to us, and surely so
to you.
was very economical In their work the
past year nnd that a balance of ?50
was still In the .tteanury from the
last appropriation. The report showed
that for the year there vvero (19 con
tagious cases, 115 deaths, 7". births anil
43 marriages. Twenty-five iuilsance;
were reported. There belnpr a vacancy
In the board caused by the lestRiiatlnn
of Health Ofllcer Urani, Dr. Leonard
Kelly was chosen ns his suecessnr. A
vomintinlcatlcm was road fiom the
borough attorney. He utated that
Caleb .loneM, of Susquohunna street,
has brought suit against the botough
for damages clone to his ptoperty by
ovetflow water. Ho futther stated
that he had secuied judgment against
the Sewer company for tho amount
due the borough, and had also brought
suit against the company for the sum
of $10,000 for damage caused by tho
Impel feet manner in which they le
lald the pave rtirge Manning hav
ing refused to sign the botough ne wet
contract the attorney asked power
from the council to take such pio
ceedlngK against the butgess as to
compel him to show icvson why he
has failed to sign the paper. Tho
council gave lilm the necessary au
thority. The water company notified
council that a moler hud been ulaced
at 'the electilc plant and that In the
future water would be charged nt
meter rates. Mr. O'Halloian stated
that Inasmuch as other workmen In
this vicinity had tccelved an advance
of ten per cent, that the salaries ot
the boiough policemen be raised nc
coidlngly. Council Inci eased their sal
aries to $.'i0 per month.
Diuggist 11. 11. Hush W c-onllned lo
his home with the clip.
J. H. Malum is spending n week In
VhiiiUuii C miiedj cowpjm Mn in, in Mid
"Ilu WIi- Cirl." Mitlim- and iijui
One Night in June.
'Hit- Vlorilv.u (Vuiic-h compuii.v ne?m (u u
tlute 'crinti 11I ma; vcliidij jtion.o m ine
Iioim- us will filhd iiiul eunlnsr otJinlnn.'
loom llrketa wm- wld "1 lie dij iie.inli I
jiKtenliy aflernooi win ot Mr. t'umi'a mn
comtiuctinn tiititled, "One M-ht In .linn," tin
.!oI. lit till- JlilHt- la uV.ui (Kin Hut ll-Jlltlflll
hallvl uiltten liy t'lnilen K lliiirla, ot Hi-ajiiK-
iiame. 'Hie icelitl uacil ill ihla iroi!in.tiOn
hejiitilul .nid i-laLcrale The i O'tlniu a woiu
jre certalnlj tine.
In llv.- c itlnir I.e VillniiV lekhraied vigth
ern cmnedi cluina, "i 'inn of 'leu
luasie," uaa inoiiitcd In J iiu,Ui uiii.mi, in
iij ikimiii In tin- u.h jilt pi In their re-i-pcdlii-
loles and mvir ome did tlm iKiforni
uiut ilu 01 heeoiiii tlieaomc lilrad tin judU
i-iKi- aeemed t.iell hound thiouijhoiit as the Mr
t i-011 Conic d) coinpanj'ii piodiKtiou ct -'Wo
'uiik 01 'I lino --i'c" la worthc ol much mult jud
ii.u-( .AiImi liijlm pikiH if ailinlvIon mil It
lluv iniitliiiie loi the lulmce o( the w.-iU will.
la good perfoinuiuTS aa tho lue ilrejtly rImii,
tliev will h-iw thl ilt with the nou.l will i.r
lh people all ivbldiifr for lelurn iii?iii,eiiiFiil
of the compjii. Thl ufieriiooii "1'hsks IVirj"
will ho prtentfd and lliia - n hivx V Mjii nf
Mi.trn" will he pioduccd
"The Chiistiau,"
li ilu uii uf "The Oili.tiui, uliiui lunita
I) Hie fcenm lonioirnw nliilit. die Mchlti man
nKciiiciit lu .iliitcd .1 nuiuher of ilielr lenllni;
pluera, Inrhidlui; xwid of the principal iikiii
lra of Mlia Mlen'a otUlml 'TliiWtljn" coin
pjn Mika I.ilU Vaie la the (llor Quajlc uf
I lie organisation, mil tin supporting (Jt l mid
tn he hilly up to MIm, anc' ttandaid J. Henri
Kclkrr a line roniHiitk aitor of emuhlMiiil met
upolltiu iipiitailiu. will he seen an lohn Stoini,
In whii h he ha renird a tuecesa equal to Mla
Vnni'a tilumpha a Olorj Quajle.
The othir piinilpal plajera Include audi mil
l.rnn names 01 Harold lluuell, nhote lnte-pr.
ttlloli of I.oid Itolnrt fie la conceded lo he quite
tho liet thl pintlennnly villain hu had.
Hi Drake la in the tapahlc hands of I rubrhk
Collin, l'olly F,ove i r.i)ei hy ltaelul Crotli
iu, nhu ha. received the .tionijtfi indorsements
fiom imlncnt ultlca for her emotional pom-a
acjt arc now on tale.
Henry Miller in "Richaxd Savage."
If the unanimous opinlun and nilluiinll( re
poita already icrclMil coucemlnu tic mcrcu of
"Ilichaid aalre" ma he ijlveii anv ciedence,
th- tranascnient of the Ioceum theater can con
tinently look foi the lunnei huliu,H uf lu tcuon
liel haturday. Mr llley, the author, haa writ
til HU'ial itelluhtful ionic din, hut until now
naa never attunptid .injIhlnK of a errlom natiiie.
An. on tho crltlcUuia mi tho pla thua fir theic
doea not appear to ho a iliiteniliur vnhe, all
hclncr unuihnoiia In deilhlug U ,i ufrcuhlnsr
dipartun fiom luutlne pl.i nf the period
It l aald to oljhll.h Mra. Itjley aa enc ol the
M-r veiitlle and lullllant plajwiighd uf the
djy and lo have iclvcn Mr. 3IIIUr the hest oppor
tiliiltv of Ida curiei. The enitagiinent will he
fui liotli i.ijtliice and nlihl "rata on ailo for
ho ti performances tomonow al W a in
Mis. Winulow's Soothing Syiup
Has hecn ued tor over ITITV Vinns hv
MIIMOhH ol MOllllUta for their CIIII.UnKV
vviii 1: Ti:i:rnis. with I'citrror success
UtViV het remedy for 1)1 MIIIIIOL'A. ioid lly
DrugeUts in eveiy part of lie world. I!0 lur'B
Ind k- for "lira. J nvtow fwollii,,,, 5,,rl,,,;.?
and tako no other kind, rnenty.rUet cnta a
and Furs-Tremendous Price
untliix flannel
Aiir fiiMArttntnt
alt wool flannel
all tin Donular
lilldrcnV 1U Coal
Clnlh. vvllii
1'a Iaiiix
ett l lot),
vlth dhldej
i'" "nJ T- '5V . I At
fc "TJ I H1 1
Purs Reduced.
0 Seal Scurfs marked clown to
15 Sable ticarfn marked down to
12 Marten Scarf marked down to
(1 Collorettcfl marked down to
(I Storm Collara marked down to
3 New Seal Coats of
model, lined with 8kluner'a Satin;
value $30 to bo sold at
Of High Grade Men's Furnishing Goods and Hats.
Our entire Winter Stock must be closed out to make room for Spring and Summet
Stock, now in course of manufacture, the biggest bargains ever offered in season.
All 50c Neckwear 25c
All $1.00 Neckwear 69c
All $ Neckwear $1.00
Heavv Ribbed 90c Balbriggans .35c
Silk Fleeced, $1.00 kind 59c
Natural Wool and Impoited Derby,
Ribbed and otheis, woith $1.00
and $i.2 7Sc
Standard makes of $1.50 kinds of
Underwear $1.19
The well known makes, .oo kinds..$1..39
Odds and Ends of Hih Grade Un
derwear, worth $1.50 and $2.00 75c
Union Suits at Cost.
Night Robes and Pajamas
High Giade Muslin Robes 48c and 75c
Flannel Robes 45c
Flannel Pajamas, worth 2.00 95c
Bosom Sliirts
All $1.00 giade 69c
Some $1.50 shuts at $1.00
Unlaundered White Shirts worth
$1.00, al 48c
Wall Stieet Review.
Xcw Yoik. Jiiti. li. Tlioiu vmih a
vciy cotifiilnrr inKtiuc nf hpntlnitnt
ill tile stuck iiiiuKot toduj. Tin.- .steel
slocks proveil the !-en".ition of tilt- day
and their wide and erratic iluctuiulniiH
weie con vine lug evidence- ot the usual
nettled lianvj (it1 lnhul ot the steel in
tuiesix. For iniu lusciutahle it-atoii
the ileclni-atlcni or an t-lsht pr-r cent,
dividend on the common xtock 01 ihf
Amuilcaii Tlnplnte coniii.iny lo be ells,
li United In iiuaiteily peilodrt cuuseil
inonounced weakness In ihe kuiji tin
plalo linelf diopjifd buck ueailj "
poiiilH. Tile cuuent suimise as to
what dividend would be eleelaieil
I eddied the limit at 3 pel cent o
that the S jier cent, dividend was fur
In exut'HS of the most Hiingulne esti
mate. Some uelllns: to icallze b In
sldetH vvH to be expected, but the
miipilsingr luct was that the buyinir
attiacted by the lame disbursement
vviih ciulte InslKiillICcint and entltelv
Inadeciuute to ubsoili tho lealiKiiiej
The moic niodenite conjectuies as to
futuie fiuotable developments In oth--er
Bteel btoelcs made spuculatoiH feel
that their movement on k"01 news was
likely to be Pimllaily dlsappolntliigr
Tliu beam weie not flow to take ad
vantage ot this frame ot mind. Their
senilis fotced an eMieme decline ot
03', in frclctdl steel, atcoiiip.inleil by a
tumor thut today'H declaration would
be simply a eiuuitetly one of l',4 p-r
cent., omitting the expected lump dlvl
dnd of Ilvo per cent.
After the dose of the muikei u (ivp
per cent, dividend wan declaied. Bteel
tint! wile; was fenced down iH and Na
tional Steel, Pmeltllli,', Steel Hoop,
Coloiadci Kuel and National Tube fuun
'i to 3 points. Peniia. and New York
Cential weio both off about two points.
Penna. and New Yoili Central vveio
both oft about tvvo points. Althoiieh
the nmiket ueneially pave way In the
lato dealings in fcymputhy with the
bre.ilc In the steel slocks theie were
examples ot strength In Hit- railler
part of the day. Tho Eile Mocks weie
especially Htiong and the (lungers
ami I'aclfltB weie at one lime higher
than last night, Kanawha and Mlchl
ffiin wad advanced ii St. I.ouls anil
Hun Francisco was utroug on a tumor
of a plan for letiriug the company's
first prefetrecl stock. At the low
point the extreme decline In Hurling
ton was i', In St. Paul 2';, In Lacku
wanna 2! nnd In Ueltiwaie and Hud
son IIU, Sllgur was eiiutlc and droin
greatest bargain offerings ever made
very many days.
! , VTW V-r- AV2,
llrst quality and latest
4-Ply Linen
See Windows. 412 Spruce Street.
ped 1 points tioiii the eutl .idvance,
closing with a net loss of S'4. c.isli
uiutlniies to llou to this iciitiu la
vety latge dtiuiunts and no notable
hardening ol the nnmc-.v inuiket is
thought to bo possibii. 'I'otnl sale,
l.ll.i.jon shau
Ilonds weie weak in s.siupalli.v with
sloek, Total sale, pit value. t.UCO.
000. V. . lefundlng Js eledlned - per
cent and .is ( oiipou U on the last cull.
tile- fiilluviliic itinl,ilieiH jre ftiuiKiie-il lite
'lnljuii- l, V .Ioh'jii a. ( v., luuii. T"j TIKI
M(al bull lliu, lulllori. I 'J 'li lepli'lit Mil..
(Iji-li Iliad- l.m ( l"
US, (4f. I lC
Viiiiiuii uji . . ui i.,; is.; ii'.
.Vllieilcitl Ti.luiei, .111 I1VN 111 JM'j
Am A. V II n ,'i el-'.
Mid . I'n isle. i,i. li,'. 1'j --.
V. T. .V k I'., I'e . .. i'i Ml', '.'. "''
lliimklvii Tuclliiii . . .Si ';', l'4 M'4
Hill. ,V (lliln . . 'ij'j i, UP, 'IP,
Coiil Tolumi 1 f, ii 44".
( lifi .V (lliln .. . . I'll, in', :.t .m3,
I'lil' & I!. V 1 ln' ITI, li'j
(lid , II .V V 114 111 , llJ'j (.;'.
M I -111 . .. I'll 111'b ll. Ml.
Unik l.l.lllil .. I'l Ht t'l IM
llilm.aii- i. Iliul.oii . .131' 1 l j li I iJ1,
bad iwaiiin . 1 1 I'i'i I'd l'i",
I'li'enil siei-l vi, ,r, li -,li, slid 7 1 IVj 71 7'
Km. a; Ti l'i . t;r, w,t i7'j i
LllllU. . -ili -s", '
MuiilulUii Id- ,, . .ll'( j i Ilu l.'l'i
M'l. 'luillcili (u lis", iiJ, li ti' Urn'
Vll-niiil Pacific .. . ", tii M1, Ni
I'Copln'K lii . , lliJH ii,, nui, i,
V I I (MltMl IV, HI 'l! il
smtlinn rultlc . . U' IJ'k 4-' I'1,
Voiffilk Weill in . I1, III 4,-, 4i',
Nnilli I'ji-llle- S." s.,1, Ji, i,m
Niutli. IMrllle, lr
.. H.U
N (entul Mir, Ml 14i' U,
Out. Weal .. .ill', ,c;, ,jic ,t
Venn It. II . . . .Il'i MOV. 1IT. il-.iv
llci'liiiir . ... Jil'. .!! ..! iWi'i
ltcaUlinr, l'i 7J' 71', ,i 7-!)
,-Mil.lllllll it it . , -I ' -Jllli,
Soiildciii It. 11,, IV .
. 721.
iiiiti, c. iv irun ,1 oi't a ii'i
P . bejilior .. .. J' ijt, i, ijVj
I. 8 I.r-atlier, Vt .. .. 74 ', 71', 7' 7is
1' Hill do -.'li - si -.'i,
I nlou l'.icllk h,T, mI hi, &
I'nloii I'aillle, l'i M' Ml, S,1'3 Ml., I'r .... .', -.'u a, :i,',
Wii"U-iii Lull n , n'i s5', -iV, si),
'J'lilnl Avimii Ul l.'l I.', KM
M.w vi'iiu riioiiici: i.f iivsni: nticM
llul-ll- llll.ll to- (lilt
Wlll,l' I iv- i-i -.t lint
MjiiIi l 1 m", 'I
Mm . . .. M' sl'j !'. HP,
Mai 41 41 41 41
Scranton Boaid of Tiade Exchange
Quotations All tiuotnttons Based
on Par of 100.
nut .Natloial lUiik 1.1M
hiranton Hdv-iiij;s Hank ::w ...
TdlrJ National Hank 10 ...
Plino UepiMlt uiul 1'Ufuunt Hank,, i)H ,,,
Kconomy I.IkIiI. II. I'.to
Kicka. Trial iwfe Co IM ,
CUrk i. Snour Co, I'r Wi
bcranton lion lnco A. Jllff. Co KM
Hcranton Ale VVorkK ......,,,..,,. ,,, 115,
I.tcka-vinna Haliy Co, Vt. it)
by us In these departments.
SAAR K-r rl h.,Khom, (folf
iairtt, mue rtom mtici-
Iv all nnt lu1: tlx Inch flouneo
Mali tolline collar, Ileal valua
$1 OA lor 1jiW "" '
,,yo wool coal", tome ot
them full lined, otheri halt Hun!,
matt ly large le, hence their price.
Ileal value $io0.
K OA t'ur ladle' ami mlwea'
((Mini lined throughout, vrlth hleli
lolllne collana ami Ilia new Bell
alrevee. Heal value, 97.90.
C"7 OR I'ur ladln' and mlMea'
JJ.O ,.,ql,ite Hot Coaia of
line all wool Keraey Until. TM
1 mm- In thadea of r.ntor, red and
lo.tal lilue; ore lined throuirhout
wltli .Ilk TalTetn; high lolllnt; collar, new licit
lceer Heat v.ilue jli.80.
I'or noiiieu'a and niliaea' IiIrIi grade hot coat. H
flint nil wool Keraey cloth In all th popular
iidoii fa.lilcnieil alter the moat approved t)let.
Heat ipullty ol mtln llnlne ami ro o( alltohlnj
In the hotloin. Real value 413 00.
I'or verv ilili and lindonte Autoniohlte Itns
('oil', In all the lew ahadr of oxfoida, Ian and
iu.Ioi ilegantly lined with aalln throughout.
'I he Huellent and moat aoturht alter Rarment of
lie jear. UrKiilar price- about double ..!S,0il.
25c and 35c values at 23c
Fifty kinds at 42c
One hundred kinds at 69c
Black and Fancy Hose at 12Jc
The 25c values 17c, 3 for 50c
The 50c values 35c, 3 for $1.00
The 1.00 values 69c
20 Per Cent. Discount on House Coats.
Bath Robes, Umbrellas and
Dress Suit Cases.
Your choice of any $2.00. $3.00 and $4.00
Hat in our window at $1,00,
Collars, 10c. All Shapes
Other baigains that we cannot men
tion in this limited space.
( cuuli -'iHlr.K' Hank A. hut La . 2'iO
llrm .Nitloral Bank (Cardoudale),.
MjnJjnl Dilllln ''0
'huili'M- National Hank
'-cranton Holt anil .Nul Co
iraiittii I'juoiini-r Hallway, flrat
llnimaite, iluc IJIi)
1'M.ule'i Mrrt Hallwa.i, first rnott-
Sjr, eliir llil -....,.
IVople'd Mpel )UIIa), (icncr.l
inotUaEf. (die 18il
Iikk-on Manufacliicln Co
I neks Inwiulilp School 5 prr crnl.
Cln of VianSnn 6t. Imp. 0 per
('nt 101
Scuutoli riaetton l prr (i-nt US ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Con pi If il hy II. a. Hale-, 27 Lackawanna Ait
lliitln-Crramrr), iitZic.
I'kBt SelM i wcilcin. 21c. i ntarby tale, Sit.
Cheese full erf kin, lie, 2s.
Mean Her Im , elioke milieu, (2 50.
Onions uji. per Im
I lour-Hrt patent, ( .
New Yoik Gintn nnd Produce.
e-tt Voil,, Ian II I lour Practlcallj' at a
KljinUtlll .!. inlllt icliiie lome-iium jikI liujeri
ulll not pav odi anklnv pilua; w Intel iialnP,
MUSiJ; n Intel MioliclU'. ! 45 I IS; Sii)nnu
pitenls U4.13. licjt "pol ea ; No. -2 -roH,
li. f u, li. .PojI; No s rod, 7l"c- "eltUtor;
Nn. I iniitlii'dii lluliuh, Me. t o. li. afloat,
1 1 Inn, itnirialh weak all iIji anil rvceedlnnly
itull, elov-d weak at '.i'hp n't decllnei .linn,
jn idiul iU'.c -, Mjm.Ii, Sle i VIjj, 1,c i
.lull-, sOJn- lou. -S't ' '.v "- - WJc- ele
vjtor Jd I7(. .itlnit, nptluni utradr all da),
ilivid nulutiKCil; lanuiii ilfwisl 4ch-,; WjhIi,
44'ai., Mi. Id . J11I.V, ll'ae, OaU Spot quiet.
So. 2, Iil'tc- i No 3. 'I . Vn. 1 white. JSJJa
,.Ji : Nn :i lilte. lii ; luik inlw-U weaterii,
Hii.Hr. , Hack nlilli. .Il''a ; option, net;
lected jiuI 1 oiiiiiiallv tad. Butter Kirni!
cre.iinei.1. ICi21i i taeloiv. Malic; .Inn cieam
ir, 13j C'i ; Imitation 1 ifJinen. l,'i2aJ7''.; atatn
dalu, MjIU'si. I Ijmi- hti-ad i Taney large
fill made, ll',all':i ; latin tniall fall made,
H,aWi l'st; llaielj ktrailc; und I'eiin.
atlianiu, -MuJ.'c . , SMttNii aeuic packed, lfja
Jik , m.lirri lo rtf, 2U".c
Clilcngo Q rain nnd Produce.
(Iili.ino, Ian 1 i - VV i u a I v. it dull toda ant
ilecllned on weak (idle ami (he liravy move
lin,nt, iljv doiii V.i':,'.. dmei; corn and oata
ilcwed tc iIohh and provisions Wj lo 3i7'jr
lilkdei (Yiali quotarlmu we-re Ji folloici Flour
CJulot and 11ncliMiiK.1l, No, J H ln wheat, 71a
TJt . . -No. 2 nil. 7J',j.i77k(.. , o. 2 corn, 37c-.,
No 1 villou, J7('. No. 2 call!. 2lai4le.: .No. 1
vlillr, iGViJiTc: N'o. 2 rje ur,i,. fla seed,. H1 ( ,
.No 1 rioithui.t, Mm; tlnmtiit, MAS; pork,
ll.2(JaM.S; I ml. 7 4il47.); lid', K7.M,
auliiilid-iii, ijli'i , .tile-,, 17.40j7.jii,
"I .'7, Miitirn, H-M. suniilalid, $S 7.i.
New Yoik Llvo Stock.
New Vork, .Ian 13 eHeiea No mln, iiuuiiu
all teih, i.iht., a I cad; 1 eula. MSOalioO; lit
Ilu eahi,a, W; tiatnaiel HCoek, f3.2Qa3.8; yar
IlliK". H "deeii ami Uwli-tbadj j khaep, 3,4l
Jl .VI, mill, M.7V lntnln, VSDOaAISi no rery
prime Iota kold, eillla, MM., Koga No tor
Mli" nominally quotril $fi,4uaS(0; litlit pica,
?.T 4l)a5 M r
Oil Market.
Oil City, Jan. 1. Onlit balance-, l.l7l e,er
llllcatm, no bid or offer; alilpmnt, 119,711 tor-i-rla;
TOTne. D3,Ulbairli; iui.j, 1,1SJ bairoj;
arf, M,M liarraU.