ww w. y. Jf 'HK'TV t " ' ri f ' jf -fc rt v. . Tvl ' tif f W THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1901'. WEST I i A .Vw-i .W COLUMBIA CHEMICALS INSTALL OFFICERS ANN SUBMIT ANNUAL REPORT. Interesting Figures Feitniuing to the Tnst Year's Work of This En terprising Company Double Wed ding of Ocorge Russell and Kate Ford and Charles Russell and Rosanna Nafus Illustrated Leo tuxc This Evening Other News Notes and Personals. Tin following eillicors wei'j Installed fil the uieotliifr nt the Columbia IIo.si! and Chemical company, held on Mon day evening: President, Charles Car less; vlco president, Kdward IVthrlrk; treasurer, Joseph Oliver: le'cordlnir nocrctnry, llobert Dlehl: tlunnrlal Bocrotary, Fianlclln Phillips: foreman, IWllllam layman; llrst assistant, Uev iTly Chase; second assistant. Kvnn IWaltoiH; trustees, Charles Cotlosrf, Al bert Lewis, Albert Davis: representa tlvo to Pirenicn's ICellef association. AVHIIiim Jones and A. IS. Holmes. Tlio annual report of the company from Jan, 1 to Dec. SI, l'JOO, was also oubmltted as follows: Still alarms, f; Kenernl alarms, 1: call nlaini, 1: bell nlatms, r,6: hours of service worked, 62-R3; number of tanks of chemical used 1.1C0 gallons; number of feet of chemical hose laid, 4X-: number of feet of water hose, 4,000; number feet of ladders inlscd, lill!; average attend ance, of men at llres, llfteen. Double Wedding. I 1!c. J. 5. Sweet, pastor of the Simp--cu Mi'lhoillst Kptscopal church, olll H'lated at a double wedding recently ut EOS Kdward'? court, when George llus pell and Miss Kate Ford, of Des -Moines, In., and Charles Hussell and IMIhs Kosanna Nafus, of Lehman, I'a., ipiv the contracting parties. The event was an unusual oecur Jenee lit West Scrnnton and the happy couples were the recipients of hearty "congratulation") from all who wit nessed tho ceremonies. A reception followed tlio weddings and a general Jollification was entered Into by all. The Russell bt others and their wives Shave the best wishes of The Tilbuno for a happy and prosperous married life. General News Notes, Uev. William Davles, of the Hellevtie Welsh Cnlvlnlstlc Methodist chinch. ABOUT THIS f COUQHS out for I and COLDS TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. A Matchless Bargain Sale of Matchless Silks.... There arc but five numbers iu this lot, but if the quantity is limited, the quality certaiuly is not, while their beauty is unquestionable. You'll like them if you appreciate correct styles and desirable colorings, and as for the weaves, or makes, they're just as re liable as any we have in stock to offer you. Substantial Price Reduction Iu such silks are equivalent iu every way to discount ing your dollars at so much on every hundrod cents (that is, if you've been thinking of buying silks), consequently we advise our patrous to take advan tage of this offeriug, if the goods put forward are to their liking. Pairs Fancy Cord Silks, iu Navy and Ca det Blue, Grey, Cardinal, Violet and White. A fine 75c quality for Pairs Pekin Striped and Hemstitched Silks. A little lot ot beauties in fashion able colorings, worth 85c. Sale Price 8 10 Pairs Rich Cord Silks colors. As good a silk even dollar. Now AA Pairs handsome colored S Iks aud Satins Jw iu the choicest of the season's effects for "71" "" waists fine linings, etc., worth $1.25 and t f $1.50 a yard. Sale Price U iP Pairs Novelty Plaid aud Check Silks that A A ln.4 wcre so,( r $o and $1.25 a yard. HMP V- Choice while they last for UUU Globe Warehouse SCRANTON 'A 111 duller a lecture' entitled "On 'Seas and Lands: or, Prom London to Austrnllri," In the Bolluvue Calvlnlstlc Mcthodlrt church this evening. The lecture will be Illustrated abundantly with stereoptlcon view. Doors open at 7 o'clock, lecture commencing at "."0 sharp. All are Invited to attend. Ad mission, 'i cents. A, U. Holmes, of South Wain ave nue, tlto well known Insurance agent, (li emau, church worker and 'society man ard all around good fellow, wot llfty years old on Monday and his friends surprised lilm at Ids home dur ing the evening and In addition to con gratulating him presented him with a bountiful landscape picture. Mr. Holmes and his estimable wife were equal to tin.- occasion and entertained their visitors loyally. The occasion was one long to be remembered. Miss Ina Lamb, of Falrvlew avenue, was recently surprised by a number of friends on the occasion of her birth day and all uere the recipients of much hospitality at the hands of the hostess. Mrs. Kills, of Swetlniul street. Is re ported in lit: quite III at her home. John lienor?, the well known con tractor nuil lumber dealer, Is suffering from the prevailing ailment, the gilp. Mrs. William Itmnclt and daughter, Annie, of Pleasant street, are recover ing from an attuck of grip. Mrs. John McFaddon, of Schenec tady, X. Y., Is visiting at the home of her parents on I'rlce street. The special services at the- Jackson Street liaptlst church are being con tinued during the piesent week under the direction of the pastor, Hew Thus, do tJiuchy, D. D. The regular weekly prayer meeting of the Simpbon Methodist Kplscopal church will be held this evening. Services over the remains ot the late Thomas Wright will be held at St. Pat rick's church at ! o'clock this morning. Interment will be made In the Cathe dral cemetery. l'dward Claik, a driver boy in the Clt. Pleasant mines, hud his foot miueezed while at work on Monday. IIu Is being treated at the West Side hospital. Tho Twentieth Onttny Social club will conduct their llrst social of the new year In Mears' hall this evening. Protessor Hayes will play and th grand march will be started promptly at ! o'clock. Kdward Ituane, of Cincinnati, Ohio, was circulating among the local mall carriers yesterday, taking ouleis tor their hprlng uniforms. Mis. Thomas Harris Is quite HI at her home on Not th Sumner avenue. The members of Camp No. '., Patll otlc Order ot Americans, served an ex cellent dime supper to a large number of patrons in Ivorlle hall last evening. An Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn, of Airhbald street, was Interred l-.i the Cathedral cemetery yesterday afternoon. Tho employes of the Mt. Pleasant and Capou&e collieries were paid yes terday. The Ladles' Aid society ot the Ply mouth Congregational chinch will hold an all-day session In the church today. At the regular meeting of Camp No. ITS, Patriotic Order Sons of America, In Red Men's hall tomorrow evening. 49c 59g in all the leading fftfk as ever sold for an Wlf1 WHU an entertainment and social will follow the business session. Attorney Charles K. Daniels, of Divi sion fctreet, was among the Sciantonl ans nt Ilnrrlsburg yesterday. The weekly school deposits at the West Side bank on Monday amounted to $20.23. They were collected In No. 12 and 10. The ladles of th First llaptlst church will serve a supper tomorrow evening ut tho honia of Mrs. Hubert Pocklns, 112 North Lincoln avenue. The charge will be but 15 cents. T. Follows 'Mason, of South Main acmio, has registered as a candidate for common councilman In the Fif teenth ward. It Is tumored that Oorco Jones, of Washburn slleet, wilt bis a candidate In the Fifth ward. Coroner llobcrts yesterday viewed the l cumins of the late Mary Gorman, who died on Monday In tho rear of 2W North Ninth street. Death was duo to convulsions. An Itniuet-'t was deemed unnecessary. One hundred and twenty-four vac cinations were made yesterday at the Weft Side hospital. The doors will be open again today between l'J and 1 und 4 and r p. m. for the same pin pose. The funral of the late Mrs. James Ncalls was conducted yesterday morning trom the house on North Ninth stieet. Services wcre held at St. Pattlck's church and wen largely attended. Interment was made In the Cathedial cemetery. John and Peter Slukanil'.. of Sev enth street, weto nncsted yesterday at the Instance of John Ltuko, charg ed with assault and battery. Alder man Mlllctt committed them to Jail In default of ball. Special prayer services will be held every day .tills week, except Satur day, In the Washburn Street Piesby terlan church. Hev. P. II. Miooks, D. IX. of Wllke-i-Harrc, spoke Mon day evening. OBITUARY. William Frlnk. Milium l'rlnk. (oinicrly fiilala nmnl oi dip l.nck.uvaiin.i i.illroad In IliU elty, (''.oil .it 11. "n o'eloek jislcrday morning :it tlio le'iieltnri t liii el.iuehter, Mr.. ;. II. Mnutlitl, K.JO North Ujihlnglim auntie, after an mini's wlilih iljtul liaik over a Mar oml n half. Ilceeascil v h nt 4 U'ry omnicuii4 nun in public nllaiii", but a rccn.nlly rci.pcctril u u jnoin, ton wipullMM und thorough Chiiti.m. Kcr nor Joily .u-avi Mr. I"rinl. was nulvil Monlilliil Willi tin. Wjnhimrn sirii-l l'rohjlerbn chimb, and txnctl tlie diun.li contlnuomb a trurli'o ami ihlir lor our tnint-Iie c.ln, lie w.ei lii'in in Humiut-luiina lountj on 1'ibnurv i. l'-J'., and t air.c to Souiiiou in 1 -V5, liuin.' n' "Itrl on W.whlitirn ftiret Jrom that tinu' until about six months a jo licn hr look up hl lolJpnci- with hi iliuclitcr In (.'rofii lllilur Mionly uttir hi location line lie entered the nrplo o( tho IVIjujii', Unk.iu.iniu and Wct (rn coinpam as u br.ikciii.in, and ani tliruiiKli vi.ik.iu portions to that ut station and Iriluht a;rtnl in Nr.mtoii, w 1 1 1 1 Mllloii he held un til Atik'fst, IS'i, when he retired In Mireh, is")!, Mr l'rlnk wjs married in Miw .1. . His nil, of Urnokljn, iwipuhiuna touiity, and on M.inh 7, is;.'t Mr. and Mrs. Kilnk iinitiil with lh" U'.Khbnin Mieet I'rc-bvli rf.iri rhureh on iirti'Kloii nl their filth, under (lie pistmale of the ltt. li. K. I'lieniin, II. II. and has ton Hm.ed as a uiunber under W dlffrnnt pi'tors. On pii s. iiioo, he .di-ented hlinulf linni on. iiiuiiinu on auoiiiil ot shUiiifts t . I- lite lir.'l lime flme lie jolnul tin cliunli. (In May 21, l7il. Mr. I'rink .is ib'cted a nilliiR ilder in the iliiiuli, 'this ofllre he held iiiilntinupliilly until the pie, nl time, lltlliitr the piitinii u( ihrk of the se Ion since prll T, I .'. lie m.is f.illliiul ui the dl'ih.ime ot ilutv, ion si'lnit In his life and cluroc'er, and us wortlnlv tieloied In all the tin ml oh ot the ilimili nod onj;i(K.illon and Ihr (oniinuiill.i .it laif.e. lie .i for fort) j caw a mi-lie .mil IreaMllir. and tni'iitvdne .e.ns a inlliu cMei. Time jen. .ut" liKt 1'ibuiiiy, II isMsloti of Id. (n tli id aimlM r'.ir.i as a tiiHt.r ..ml tu'.i-mii- the IkuiiiI of ilheitois .h in, ln'it l 01 llie W.i.ltburn Slreei ihiucli pnni'tnl lui i with .1 hooKlit ami iiviIiiIIoih emli .1I.1 In; ili'li peisoml leitrh', to. Sethn v. ilh mil. r 11.1i.Knl-. and .1- an nldme of lih im-ilii.-li eibe to Ibe ihllieh, ibi li-oliilloiM e.pu-.eil the .1pp1e1J.1tu.il and -I run In uliicli lie was lull ami staled tli.il his oiniiis who iiiul'lid wllhom ie.itd loin pilinili 1111.I Willi piiii.l iklnp: eaie. Tin fulie al miIiis will In. ii.mlmli.l i Uev, .1. V. MofT.it, II. 11.. 11 1 lu Iioii-e Imiimiov. aliiiiiooit. Int. 1 -imnl Mill be nude Iu IVrc-t Hill inueleii. Charles W. Roeslci. I'a MJeiiuun Ch.uhs Iioe.lei. 01 tin I U.I11I1 wjrd. dUsl .a A 0VI.11I, (itriij,v aftillioou at his home. 2.SI I'rinklln uNiiiue, after a lout; ill. riff, lie was T7 .nan of aire and for almost Ally jeais .1 tlllui 01 thlt. cll. purlin; his cauer he w.ut ihicf ot jiolhe, ililit of the firo dcpaitniiut, aldemun, and ouupied seiei.ll . Nllli.iiii of tuut and le-ponsibillly. Tho kmiiiI ihlhhcn. Mm, l.lllle I'rai.klln, of -ieallle, U.ih., and Mary ltorhler, of Sparta, Wn , and .1 Ilcr i'l (ienuany me hli only snniuir?. The liunral will be hild at 2.H11 nVloek l'rida) afternoon fioin the home. Dex.iM'd was liom April '). J02, 111 Wiutpin tr rrf, (ieini.iny, and III 1KW lame to this inunti. For duht jeais he duilt In New York and thm ii.oud to C.11 bond de. Iu tsj he rcmowd to this ilty. In ls.Vi he wj elected hiuh con tjble tor tin borousli ot ferantou, and held the po.ltlon until the ill; mi Ineoipontul. Ite was the til .st (hii'l of polli,. 1nin- appolnKd hv Mator IIHb lie was at the head of the blue coal tone diulnir a period whrn llie fones opposed to the law and Older were brane ami slMiu and he earned hinwlf a lepulation for iudouill able (ouiase. lie alfo terud loin .icars us ihiet of Ih? the ilipaitineni wnlih he iiiiiilnated mill oigttiiitiig the tiint loiiipuo. Nipu.1.0 Ilool; .iinl I.nldiT No, 1. For two .u.n. hi tulcd t lies po tltlon of illy niaislnl, -iml wis at one tinu elected to coumll. 'nice K0 he was a 1 i.ur public, .ii.d up to that ilme sriied lor fille.n uars .1. tin aldei man of the Klhth waul. Hi wn a Iti publican. Ill Niw Vmk thy lie mauled Mi- Mai) .1. Hell. and four torn and one cl undid 1 wtu horn to tb couple. AH of the ihlliluti aie now dead. Mr. lloe.lir was a number of Mllimn loihr, Xo. 510. Indeirndent Order 01 Oi!d fellow, and was alo .1 prominent Mjioii. lie jh 1 iiiember of Silill.r Unite, No, SFi, 1'ue mid Auepted Va-om', I.a. l.riu.iiMU chapier, Cwiiv lie Moll eom liia.ni'1 , Knlflits Tiuipiui, and other Vasoi.le loCIRil. Mrs. John Ccumy, Mm .IiiI.ii (onm.i, .iifeil It jeaiii, vho had lud 111 iuti snaiilon foi the pai ihiily-ihui ...us. did .'uludav i.t 11, II .1 111. al I ho luili le home. ttt'J Maple street, after 1.11 IIIiicm ..( till wieks with tjphohj f.v.i, Sliu was born Iu tho County Slluo, Ii.land, iu 1-45 mid wm iiiaiiiid Lf foil? 1 01.1111',' tn this eountiy. Mie ,-a widely known rnd repcitcd b) a vlile tinle of filemls. She Is wirilud by a husband und the follow In,' chilihm: Thonia, Kuirino, .lerude, Annie, Helli, Mite, Mrr. Fred Xelnian and Mr. Mldiael CI irk. Tho funeral will be ludi1 on Fildav mniiilug at ?.!." u'elerk fioni M. .Ichn's iliuuli, with In tuii'.iiit li, the C'atluilral eemeter. Mrs. Kate Xlvlin. Mi. Kate Khlln. cf Mi Doiioiigh uxrinie. diiil at her liuina Monl.iy eienlnj; after a bifif III l.ia, with pneumonia. The. deirascd was 11 IiIkIi ly usperted resident of North Sinmton and was will thoiiaht ol by tho,o who knew ho. Mie is lunlved bj .1 con and cljuthUr, Tliom.ie mid .Mamie KI1II11. 'the fimeial will take plain to. u.orrow moiiilns at !l o'elod; with a Muli masi o te(Ulcm ut the llilj Itosar; thnnh. Iiuctincnt will bo made III he Calhrtlril lemeteiv. Miss Helen McTJermott. Miss Helm MiD.'imoii, aged Si yea, tin ai- THE HOiULIEST MAN IN SCRANTON o well at the luruUoinut, and other lie Invited In tall on any driiKicist and (,-ct dee a tilal boltlo ot Kemp's llalsani for the Throat and l.ungn, a remedy that Is guaranteed to euro and relleie all Cinonlc and Atutc Coutjhs, Aitlmn, UronchilU and CoiDuinntlcn. l'lkc 21c. and SOv INTENSE SUFFERING FROM DYSPEPSIA AND STOMACH TROUBLE Instantly Relieved and Permanently Cuied by Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. A New Discovery, but Not a Patent Medicine. Dr. Iledwell relates an Intctestlng account of what ho considers a re mat kablc ease of acute stomach trouble and chronic dyspepsia, by the use of the new discovery. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. lie says: "The patient was a man vho had suffered, to my knowledge, for years with dyspepsia. Hvorytlilner he ate scorned to sour and create gases In the stomach. He had pains like tlteitmatlstn In the back, shoulder blades and limbs, fullness and dis tress after eating, poor appetite and loss of Mesh; tho htart became affect ed, caii'lng palpitation and sleepless ties' at night. "I gave li 1 111 piiwetftll nerve tonics and blood remedies, but to no purpose. As an expetlment 1 dually bought a "iii-cent package of Stunt t's Dyspep sia Tablets at a drug store and gave ihein to him Almost Immediate re lief was given and after he hud used tour boxes he was to all appearances fully ruled. "There wim no more ucltllly or sour, wateiy tlslngs, no bloating after meals, the appetite was vigorous and he hud gained between III tind 12 pounds In weight of uolld. healthy llesh. "Although Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets are advertised and sold In drug stores, vet I consider them a most valuable addition to any physicians line of remedies, as they are perfectly 1m 1 111 less and can be ghon to children or Invalids or In any condition ot the stomach, with perfect safety, being harmless aud containing nothing but fruit and vegetable essences, pure pep sin and tlolden Seal. "Without any question, they ate the safest, most effective cure for Indi gestion, biliousness, constipation and all derangements of the Momnch, how ever slight or severe," Stunt t's Dyspepsia Tablets nrc made by the P. A. Stuart Co. of .Marshall, Mich., and ate hold by druggists every where nt r,n cants per package. Little book on stomach diseases mailed free. Address P. A. Sttt.nt Co., Marshall, Mich. conplM.td daughter or Mr. ami Mrt. .lohn Me llermott. of 717 Hampton street, died jesterda; at the nton hour, after an Illness of sew rat mouths' duration, she is suniicd by her parents and the follow Ina: brothers and sisters- .lohn, Thomas, William, .losipli, Frank, Annie and M uy. The funeial will be held on TTiunuliy tnornlpp; at 0 n'elork from hi. Patrlik's eliuicli, West Sirantoti, with Interment iu the Cathedral itmo toy. .lohn. the ll-jear-old son of Mr. and Mr. John Andre we. of Sprlnc s-tet mul llriik acnue, died Monday aftrinnoii! The futinal will take pl.ue at 'J o'rloik thlt. aftomeon from the home. Funerals. Man Driu.i died at die home of her utiele, Jo. ipli F. Hiury, Mondiy afternoon. Funeral to. moriow afternoon at 2..1H at the resldenie, 3M SllOIld ttmt. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Funerals of Mrs. Wllhelmina Schank and Michael Norton Other News and Personal Notes. The lemalns of the late Mrs. Wll helmina Schank w:re consigned to their final resting place iu tlio Vltts ton avenue cemetery yesterday after noon. The funeral was held from the family residence on Willow street, and was attended by many mourning rela tives and ft lends, who had known the deceased during her long and useful life. The pallbeaiers were: Charles Scheuch, John Djinuth.Frcd Miller and George Xeher. Tho (lower bearer was John Leaver. Yesterday morning at 5 o'clock th funeral of the late Michael Norton, of l'lttston avenue, who died Saturday, took place and was largely attended. At 9 o'clock the funeral cortege moved to St. John's chinch, where a requiem mass was, celebrated. The pallbearers wcre: Peter llaggerty, William Mc Ciulre. Michael Uoldon, Pattlck Man lay, Patrick Harrett, Patrick Graham, and the lowers wete cairicd by Tom Flaherty and James Uamm. Seventh Masquerade Ball. The seventh annual masquerade ball of the Primitive Social club, which was held last night in Athletic hall, was 0110 of the most pleasant events of the season. There were upwards of a hundred splendidly titessed couples In attendance. Music for the occasion was furnished by Prof. Tho-. Itennle. Jr. The committee of ariangements con sisted of the fallowing: John Haffotty. William Melstep, pvd Kecno, Wil liam Gibbous, W. II. Walter and Wil liam Mclviu. Oiilcers Installed. At a resular meeting of the Comet IucIkc No. 181. Knight sot' Pythias, held In Ilartman's hall lant evening, the following oiilcers for the ensuing year were Installed: Chancellor, llobert Dieter: vice chancellor, Henry Mus ket: prelate, (leoige Miller: master at wot It, Martin Mustier: master at nrmx, Anthony Mudlcr: Inside guard, Anthony Grzywlnsky; outside guard, Henry Goobel. Brief New Notes. l'.itllotle council, No. SJ.', Junior Ol der United American Mechanics, met In general session last evening and In itiated Henry Sanders Into the order. The meeting was largely attended. Mis. Pied Albrecht Is confined to her home on, Stone avenue with the gill). William McClute, of Pi out street, who was struck with a polo ball on tho leg last Sunday at Lake Sci an ion, will leave for Philadelphia today to have the limb treated, Thomas Heffron, of Prospect ave nue, Is confined to his homo with an attack of the grip. William Golden, of Palm stieet, Is Bi'tlously 111 with tho grip. Ladles' auxiliary, Ancient Order of Hibernians, will Install ofllcers tonight at Pharmacy ball. James P. Whelnn, ot Prospect ave nue, Is confined to his home with a seveto uttack of the grip. Specialty. Diseases of Women. Room 1, over Globe store. Hours: 1 to 0.30 p. m. Consultation free. Dr. Truverton. " DUNMORE DOINGS REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES TO BE HELD ON JANUARY 2D. At That Time Two Councllmcn, Two School Directors, a Treasurer a Street Commissioner, Two Audi tors and a Justice of the Peace Will Be Nominated Candidates Men tionedPublic Mcqting to Discuss Water Question Back from British Columbia Revival Services Mrs. William McHale Injured. The local politicians have donned their hustling clothes and from now until Pcb. 14 lively times may be look ed for In the political line. There ap pears to bo tin over abundance of peo ple anxious to servo the publlo lit the various olllces to be tilled. This Is an off year as regaid-e the number of oiilcers to be elected, there being only two counelliuen, two achool directors, ttensttrer, street commission er, Justice of the peace and two audit ors to be chosen. Those whose tetnis" exoite at this time aie: Coiinclltuen William McAl lister, Democint: W. S. Jones. Hep.; School Directors Henry Webber and 11. M. Spencer, Heps.; Treasurer Aug ust Wahlcrs. Dem.; Stieet Commis sioner Patrick McDonnell, Dem. The election of the Justice of the peace Is to fill the vacancy caused by the death or A. A. Krotzer. The ltepubllcan votets met last night and decided to close the books for registration of candidate on Tues day. Jan. 21, and that the primary election will be held on Jan. 29, and the convention on the following Thurs day, Jan. 01. The amount of the assessments was fixed at $20 for treasurer and street commissioner, and $7 for the balance of the olllces. Fabuzio Dnndrea reg istered as a candidate for councilman. The ltepubllcan aspirants for olllce have kept their Intentions very oulot, preferring not to make any announce ment until they register. The following have been more or le.v-1 prominently mentioned as aspi rants for olllce at the hands of the Democratic party. For street commissioner. Michael McDonald, John P. Ilrown. Mntthew Cettlns, Dentist Derrlg and Thomas McGownnj for treasurer, August Wah ler: for school directors. Thomas Qttlnn, .Tauten Cttllen, Patrick Scanlon, Prank Puhr, Jacob tironsnn, John Flannelly, nnd Iloger O'Hnra: for council. AV. H. McAllister. Kdward Conway, John Mongan, James McDon ald, Churles Wenzel and Prank Uut terman: for justice of the peace. An drew Ferguson, P.. A. Scott, Martin Gibbons; for auditor, Thomas Walsh, Sixth ward; James Flannelly, William Cronan and Michael Morilsoti, The Democratic committee will llx a date for the prlmai les soon. Anent Water Company's Rates. Several prominent tnxpayeis have suggested that the present might bo a good time for the people of tho bor ough to take some action in refer ence to the Scrnnton Gas and Water company's charges. There have been persistent rumors that all was (not as the law reepilres when the original franchise was granted to the old Dun mnro company, and thnt If the pie-sent company refuses to reduce Its rates there Is a chance that It can be given trouble. It has he-en suggested that It might be advisable for the buigess to call 11 meeting of the citizens, who could then piocoed to find their rights In the matter and take .sti.'h actloin as the facts bt ought out f. coined to war rant. The laislng of the company's charges lor tire plugs from $' to $-0 per year bus moused llie people to a high pitch ot Indignation. Charges for business places have been advanced over foimer prices nil the way from twenty per cent, up to two hundred per cent. Coming- Back from Canada. The advance guard of the teturn column of those who left here for Hrltlsh Columbia have arrived home. Messrs. Hall Thorton. Barker Mllner and son, Kdward, have returned, de clining that these parts are good enough lor them. They report that the thermonietr hovers mound 40 de grees below zero The country Is In a very pilmltlvi stage of civilization. Xone of the or dinary comforts of live are obtainable, everybody living In small, poorly con structed hovels, which offer but slight protection against the extremely cold weather of that part of the world. Word has been iccWved of an ac cident that befell Fred Wheateroft, who left for Wrltish Columbia, some lime ago. lie mih finite serlnujly in juted. being caught between mine cars and receiving a bad squeeze, It was thought it would disable him for .sev eral weeks. Tho Revival Meetings. The revival meeting at the TVltm Avenue Christian church was well at tended last night. Uev. Mr. Cobb do llveieil an admirable address on "The Gospel Is tho Power of God Unto Snl. vatlon." "The Gospel," he said, "Is, llrst, the death of Chtlst for our j,lns; second. His burial: third. His ressur- icction for our Jutlileatlon: fourth, He wt'v seen of men. The Gospel Is ttutll to bo believed, commands to lw obeyed, and ptomlses to be enjoyed" At the closo of the set vices there were two mote conversions, innklm eighteen to date. At the. close of tlr t-ot vices imk evening, the rlto of Uap- tlciu will be administered. The topic fur this evening Is "Why Sonic People Are Lost." Brleily Noted. At the annual congiegatlonal meet ing held at the Presbyterian church last night Mr. (!. II. Smith and Jani-u U. Young were elected trustees for three years. A largo number were, present and the sal of seats not ted n laie sum, only u few seats remaining unsold. Mrs. .VIIIlanrMelliile, of Main street, met v 1th a painful Injury at her homo last night. As she started to descend tho stairway leading to the cellar tho first step gave wny and precipitated her headlong to tho bottom. She received Bovetal bad cuts about the face and was badly bruised, but It Is not thought her Injiults will result seri ously. Tho Woman's Chrltttlau Temperance union of Dttnmore will hold an Import ant meeting at tho home of Mrs. Sclmltz, of Monroe avenue, at 3 o'clock p. in. on Thursday. The funeral of Herbert Blaclcniorc, -"v - I Warner's AUgUSt JJ( .goo, Warner's SArr. CttRn Co., Gentlemen : When my physician first told mc that I had Bright's disease, a cold chill went ovei me and I felt at if 1 were a doomed man. For three months I tool: his ptescription and kept getting worse, when my druKjjist, who w.tj a personal friend, told mc that in his opinion Warner's Safe Cure was the best medicine on earth for Wright's disease. 1 took n bottle at once nnd gradually felt relieved. I kept taking it patiently and regularly for two months and word's can not describe my feelings when 1 found that I was cured. 1 felt like a new man. Hright's disease is n thing of the past and I would like, to say to everyone similarly alllictceJ, try Warner's Safe Cure. Lll of WAnrcR'sHAm I VI r r Ctmc wilt bo ne-nt B M to any doslrlnc Fame, on receipt of a postal card, men tlonlnu this paper. Addmn WAlt nxu's SArc Cmus Co., Rochester, N. Y. With every set of our beat teeth contracted for on or before February 15th, 1901. Gold Crowns, $3.00. Bridge Work, $3.00 fillings, 50 Cents. Extracting free when teeth are ordered. All work guaranteed in writing for ten years. Union Painless Dentists DR. C, S. FAATZ, Manager, 305 Lackawanna Ave. Scrnnton, Pa. Hip young Mm of l'pliralm Klackmore, will take place fioin the resilience em Ward .street this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment will bo made In Duumuic cemetery. Personal Notes. A. 1). Rlaclclnton Is making an ex tended business trip to .Mlssouil. Dr. Hateson lias returned from a short stay at Honesdale. Mrs. I'eter Slesle, who has been sick for some time. Is at present In a very t-erlous condition. Kdwnid McC',111, si, Is very yerlously 111 at his home on Cemetery street. To Cure the Grip in Two Days I.JSJtIe llieiinn-Qtunini TuMcti. NORTH SCRANTON. The cantata, "A Day In the Woods," one of Charles If. Gabriel'! latest pro ductions, will be produced by the Dutch Clap Mlsison Sunday school In the Welsh Congregational church this evening. The characters are: Grandma, .Miss Mary J, Jones; Flossy, the uueen, llessle Evans; Madge, Mary L. Spear; Tottle, Mary Lloyd, Nora, Lulu Spear; Dolly, Jeannette Hoss; Nellie, Heslu Lewis; Maude, Anna Alexander; Ida, Hessle Lee; May, May Coleman; Gip sy girl, Saral Davis; Kiank, Lewis Davis; Sam, Dannie Coleman: Joe, John Jones. rinnets Venus, Lizzie Weston; Moon, Cnssle Jones; Karth, Martha Kvans; Uranus, Annie Lloyd; Jupiter. David J. Williams; Neptune. Kdward Tliumas; Saturn, Hecso Alexander: Mercuty, David Weston; Mars, Mor gan Lewis; Comet, William Ilolliatns, duet, "Our Cheerful Song," Miss Thoinns and Miss Klngsleys; go)., 'Sleeping Children." Miss Kllcot. The Dutch Gap Mlsison orcheUia will as sist. Tile funeral of tho late Mrs. William Moon, of West .Market stivet. took place yesterday afternoon trom her liiime. Sevei.nl selections were sung by the choir of the Christian church, and Uev. H. Y. Clymer officiated, lie spok" of her Christian character in life utui her many acts of kindness. The iallbeniei wen: Henry 1 Hab cock, JameH Mi'CiUlnne.ss, John Jlexau. Charles l'erry, Harry Webb and flurry MtGulnncs-s. Interment was. made In Dittimoie cemetery. Mr. and Mtv. Sidney Webb, or Thump stieet. celeibrated tlu'lr sixth wedding anniversar) Monday evening. Many friends were In attenUiittco and a very enjoyable night wati spent. Thomas Davidson and Miss Anna SumnieiH gave several selections on the plana. Those piesent were: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Webb, Mr. and Mrs. William Webb, Mr and Mis. W'lliam Wells, Mr. and .Mrs. James Wood, Misses Polly Wilson, Kmina and Sadie Wood, Jennie and Mabel Webb.Mcssis, James Webb, Thomas Davidson, ltoger Wood, David Wark, James I'rlce, Jo-i-eph Webb, 1r. The nut of town gueetH were; Mrs, Clara Nicholson und dauBhter, Helen, of Jermyn; Mrs. Jane Davis, MUses Nettlo and Kmlle Steed, Tlllie Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams, of Olyphant. ami Mrs. William Summers nnd daughters, Annie and Tillle, of I'rlceburg. James O'Malley, of West .Market street, nnd Miss Agnes Charles, of Spruce stieet. will be married at the Cathedral next Wednesday. ThomiiH White, of William street, son of Mr. and Mrs. James White, left yesterday for St, Uonaventure'a college at Allegany to resume his studies. Miss Mailei Conway lias returned homo after visiting friends In l'ltts ton. The 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Frieze, of Lcggott street, waa burled yesteiday afternoon, Her- A Lame the KIDNEYS Grumble Use Safe Cure. Yours very respectfully, JOE ROSK, Tbion Cltrk, Lake View, Cook Co., 111. Moved to 1931 North Ashland Ave., Chicago. FREE AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUn THEATRE ""Kel.t & Burgunder, Lessee and Ma Manaters A. J. uuiiy, uusineis manager. thursday.Tanttary 17. onp. I'K.nroititANCE osr.v. LEIBLER & COMPANY'S Splendid production ot HAJLIi CAINE'S Great l'ljy, THE CHRISTIAN .j presented for IT" nlRht? in Sew Vork am1 110 nights in lloiton. 30 PEOPLE ON THE STAGE 30 I'l heir- $I.W, "I 00. 75o., WW-, nnd 23c. Seats on ailc Tuewljy at 9 n. m. Saturday, Jan. HENRY MILLER IN RICHARD SAVAGE by MADELINE LUCBTTE RYLEV l'tlKKH-lenlm,'. i, '.Oc, Mitinri', 2V, Mc, Sit on mie Thurvjjy at 19, Matinee nnd rizht Tlie most remark jldo pby of tlm times. A greater Mirce linn lleint'isp"; inciter Miecesi thin "Tho Only Waj"; createKt ompany suppos ing any Amcrlcar Mar. .Massive nceiilo production. T.V, fcl.00 and Sd.Sft 75c and $1.00. t a, in. ACADETY OF HUSIC, RBI&niHltUiNnER HARRY A BROWN SUnagcrs and Lessees. Local Manager. ALL THIS WEEK. Morrison Comedy Co. Presenting a repertoire of high class comedy and mclo-dramas. Matinee Today, Fogg's Ferry. Tonight, Man of Mystery. Matinee Prices, 10 nnd 20 cents. Evening Prices, 10, SO nnd 30 cents. Hew Oelefy Theatre II, I! I.OVO, Lessee and Manager, llnei H.i.vn ('oiunicmitig; Momlii.', Jan. Jt. DAILY MATIN'Ei:. I Hi- ctiRliul, up-l.Ml.ili' luiliaque, enilll.'d THE WISE GIRL Diirilifwi of llnvanl i. L'merson. t lHK Vaudctllli Aete-S IjiJii'l n production ot llie CVtbctt-JIcCoy Contest l'lietfit- Matinees, 1 and M eents. LVnlnK'. 15, S3, J.'i and W) ccnU. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANUFAOTUBED BT... CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. ly.VOTK Tltl". NAM. ..T vices were conducted at tlio house, Hev, V. P. DavIt'H, of tlio Memorial eliuicli oltielatlny. Dr. .1. I. Pordliani. of Capoust' ave nue, delivered an address before tlio State Dental association at Wllkes lairo Inst evenlnir. Miss Cora Orlflln lias resumed liar position as teacher In school No. 37, after tin absence of several months. tlin (iriiiun proteelorato In La.t Africa has cn.ist llni o( ilio mlUv), an urea ol 8M.00O squars inllrs and Inclii.U a portion ol Zantllmr. Tlw pcpulatlon U ei.tliiuted at 8,01)0,000 natives and about 1,W0 foiilguer, nio.tly Oermaiu, The eoimtry U belnif tapldly deTeloped, (or the (lr nun Kovcinnient Is riieniirai;lnp; commercial en. leipiUo and Immljiatlon by bounties and autii. dies 'aJgy-1-" (i .i i j .v ?iur & ,v-4 - .. M am i Vlaatataati i,alul.- J,, jjrt. Vtf;.-, M i "li l iflaP il mm i Tta1miflii . . -! BBBl