!-J"r'- H j f yv t i )- r- -'TS-r;Tj' ' r y,n- -- p ' ' ':& ar-. "'f'-' " ."-" v '$- - ' vV v V"'W wc 'mmk . -,Vt ' ' v THE SCR ANTON TR1BUNJS-WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1G, 1.00T. rcxx: ivn uod-rs iiAnnwAnn sxonr. Wringing Clothes Is by no means nn easy task with n poor wringer it's drudgery. Buy your wiluger heie and wo will guarantee It to give satisfaction. Holla me composed of puic hnul mb bor, warranted. Ball bearing paits. Pilccs $1.50 to $6.50 Foote & Shear Co. 119 N. Washington Ave L. R. D. & M. AT ALL SEASONS Iiocj arc on ol tho ma-it Important Item.- ot die., at any tlmo ol the )car, and epprclally so now that we arc mtaln to luic changeable nuttier, for tle, price and quality fee ours. We know we lan plcaje you. LEWIS, RUDDY, DAVIES & HURPHY .730 Lackawanna Avenue. rCMMh w -, 7VlJr 2&mm 4inm .4CHANT0H P A.O.WARMAN. 4 WEATHER YESTERDAY. Ii il itita for .lamnrj 13, 1"0I lllu'l rst triuperitinc 12 degrees I out trmpiratnre 5- 'legreia llimiiilltt: " ' m in. . . v per cent. b p, m S7 per cent. Miowtall Jl lictiM cmluu h p. m oSliu'i PERSONAL 'Ik I! IIhiiIIhiij, hi tlii ill, i viMtm; In i p inula Mi. ami Mix J. J. Dunn, of KoM irojilbWtnr Nliitlirop I! n. 1 liner, tor komi.iI srj'-oiu inn nrilnl with lili; piuiliutioiM anil hum iuu wMi Huston Hicilir, It in llic iltj arimtln miltirs for I In' Mjiiile llillnun cuinpan, uhltli i men to the c.iilun of IuIc mt wcel.. Mr. - lliiit- U tlii-t nia-1,11 loinluLlni; the tmir ot MiihIo lillunn In (injiindlon ullli hh othoi in uiprlMr. AN ENJOYABLE AFFAiR. Masquerade Given by Young Men's Hebrew Beneficial Club. The second annual masquerade ball if the Young Men's Hebiew Benefl d.il club was last night given at Mtl Io Hall, nnd a most enjoyable and successful affair It ptoved to be. Scores of couples were ptesent and danced happily to tho spiightly music furnished by Lawrence's uichestui. The hall was beautifully decotated. l-'iom a huge light in the center of the hall extended In all directions laigo strcameis nf the national .colors and masses of latl-colored draperies added to tile splendid effect. Th? stage was adotned with banneis and plants and strung acioss It weie tho initials "",. M. II It. f," in colored Incandescent lights. The masques weie many and clever. Conspicuous among them weie Mis. Orossman as Queen Vlctoiia; MM Stella Itclsmnn as a Fpanlsh pilncess, Mis Peail Hlsner us tlio Queen of Night, Miss Hose Kisncr ns Topsy. Max Xeuman as a llmleqln, H. X. V.elhmnn as William Tell. A. Gieen brger as the Pi luce Carnival, Samuel Hatrls as Mephlsto, Chailes Helsninn us a negro dude, W. .Tanko as a sal lor and S. Friedman as Henri of Xnvai re. Tho committee In clnrge of the af fair consisted of: AV. Junko, H. Har lls, M. Neuman. L. llubel; piompter. John Muilatkey oostumcr, H. Fiied mann, New York. The club's ofll cors aie. H. Relsmun, ptesident: Abu ("teenbeiger, vice presllont: I. J. Kiee man, treasuier; H. N. P.elsman, sec etaty. - - -- luperlor Service via Lackawanna Railroad. In planning a business or nieasmn trip one of the most essential features to consider Is the louto thut "gets you there," in tho shoitcst space of time, fewest changes of cars, least annoy ance by dust and smoke, perfect toad bed, best equipment of coaches, dining cats. Pullman sleeping and pailor car.t of tho highest possible standard ot ex cellence that modioli Ingenuity can de vise, such as n fiord ed you by the Lackawanna uillroad. Tluough Pull man sleeping cats und coaches to Chicago and St. Louis dally. Twenty four horns to St. Louis, twenty-ono hours to Chicago, without change of cats: elghty-M'ven houis to California, with only one changu of cais, nnd twenty-six hours to Jacksonville. Flu. Tho very lowest rates of faio to all points. Apply to the nearest n L. and W. ticket ngcnl, either In person, by telephone or by letter, nnd ou will receive prompt uttentlon nnd cour teous treatment. . We have for sale several flno resi dence. In best pait of cltv. Charles Schlrtger, Prlco Hulldlng. Attend Nettleton's Removal Stle. Shoes at 25 per cent, discount- THE HIDDEN OEM. Bplondld Amateur Production by Stu dents of St. Thomas College. One of the best amateur t hen ti leal performances over clvon In this city was conducted lnt night at the Ly ceum by tho students of St. Thomas college, who produced Cardinal Wise man's ploy entitled "Tho Hidden Clem." The young men who took part arc to bo congratulated for holding closely the attention of an audience which almost completely filled the theater fiom the opening sceno to tho final cur tain. The play deals with tin life of Alex ius, the son of n Unman patrician, Iu phomlanus, who nourished In the early centuries of tho Chi 1st Inn cm. The part of Alexius was very well taken by Thomas Martin Jordan, while J. CI. Cullen Rave the piopor dignity and bearing to the pott of Ktiphemlnnus. Ulhulus, tho Blnvo who plots the life of Kuphemlanus, us the part alloted to John A. Murphy, and ho made one of the biggest hits of the night, especial ly In the drunken iscene In the first act. Perhaps tho most artistic piece of work was done by Moses W. O'Malley, who played the pait of flnmlo. an old beggar, with marked distinction and with all the ease of a professional. Other characters wete enacted by John JO. McHnle, James B. Sando, John A. Ituddy, Aloyslus r, Colllgan, Edwatd J. O'Hara, M. V. Klleullen and Leo J. .Silvers. Forty ot the students appealed ns slaves, tobbers, officers, etc., and made n big hit, especially In a dance In the first net. The costumes were ery good and the scenic settings were attractive. All In all, the production was exceed ingly commendable. JAKE ELLMAN AGAIN. The Ex-Constable Held Under Bail on Charge of Subornation. Kx-Constable Jacob Kllmun was ar rested yesterday, charged by County Uetcctlve W. A. Phillips with subor nation and perjury. He was taken before Alderman Howe, waived a hear ing and gave ?"00 ball for his appear ance In court. HUman's uricst yesteidav was the seiiucl to the arrest of Max llorrlng last October. Hat i lug was rhatged with extoi ting money from disrepu table women on foiged wanants, bear ing the ofllclal stamp of Alderman Howe and Justice of the Peace Mason, of Ulakely. Harrlng admitted the charge, but swore that Hitman had suggested this infamous scheme for making monev. Their plan was to show the women warrants for their arrest and to de mand money for their withdrawal. As tho wanants were officially stamped and born what appealed to be the signature of the alderman, the scheme rarely failed to work, and, It Is clnlm ed, Hllmau fairly coined money until the fraud was detected in Alderman Millar's ofllco. Young Hartlng Is being held In the county Jail as a witness ugalnst Hu man, BACKUS BOWLERS WON. Willces-Bane West End Wheelmen Defeated Last Night. The Hackus bowling alleys were the scene last night of the third match game of the season, In the tournament of the Howling League of Northeast ern Pennsylvania, nnd a latge nnd Interested crowd watched the contest. The Hackus team met and easily con queied the West End Wheelmen's club of Wilkes-Hane, having a total score of 279 pins more than the Luzurneitcs. Melster, of tho Hackus team, was high man, with 197 in the last game, In which he did not miss a frame. He also had high aveiage, ISC. A beauti lul spaie 'by Smith Gorman, of the local team, was one of the features of the night. It was made In the third match. The detailed scoies follow: HACKlfe. Hopkins , 171 Coiniiii II.' Coons US Weber lJ Mclnrr 171. IV Hi I i;,b Jio 1.11 17.5 1M I'i; 71-1 Mll.KKSIIMtUi:. i:o lit) Ill loi 1.11 OJ0 . Wt .... Il.nlit ... i:. imi (H'fii ... w: dji I.V) 178 111 1J7 HI J2I III tnl DR. C. H. STRONG. Well Known Physician Returns, Af ter Several Years Abioad. Dr C H. Strong, who 'recently opened offices at 400 Lnckawanna avenue, Is well known In this city and throughout Northeastern Pennsylva nia as well. He practised h,ero very nxtenslvcly timing 18S7, 1SSS nnd 1SS9, nnd made many waun fi lends, both In a social and professional way. Neaily the entile period of his r.bsenco fiom this city ho has spent abroad. He spent considerable tlmo in Jo hannesburg, South Africa, from which place ho went to London, where he putt Used with gieat success, lemm ing to this country last Apt 11 Dr. Strong Is well equipped ten tieat tho many diseases to which he gives special attention. His yenrs of prac tical oxprilence, which have certainly given him tho opportunity ot observ ing tho best and most efi'eetivo meth ods of ti eminent, together with his unequalled collection of both foielgn und Ameilcnu Instruments and ap pliances for examining und tteatlng the Miffcilng and uflllcted, gives him a great advantage In ascertaining and locating the scat of trouble. The doctor has u complete labora tory lu connection with his offices, thus Insuring the purest and most ef fective medicines. Among the host of patients non be ing tieated by Dr. Strong nro many friends of those who were his patients when he was fotmerly located heie. a fact which surely spenks well for his ability, methods, etc. Unsolicited Praise for the "Lncka wanna." I0n louie New Yoik to St. Louis, Mo., Ltickuwaniiu tallroad, train No. 3, Jan. 15, 1901. "After many meals on Dining cais dining the past foity yeais I havo never eaten one so neatly served, so well looked, so satisfactory In nverv wuv as the lunch today. This is my thst ttlp over this road and It will not be my last. I like to tell of a good thing when I havo found It." C. II. Ooodman, M. D., St. Louis, Mo. Attention, Ninth Ward. I urn a candidate for tho offlce of common council or the Ninth ward. I ask" the support of all Republicans at the pilmntles Sntutduy, at 4 to 7 p. in. II. K. Paine. LAST ACCOUNT OF ASSIGNEE AFFAIRS OF SCRANTON BANK WOUND UP. CITY On May 25, 1889, It Closed Its Doors Assignee J. H. Qunster So Carefully Managed the Affaiis of the Defunct Bank That Depositors Have Received the Face Value of Their Claims at the Time of the Failure of the Bank Amounts De positor Will Now Receive. On May 25, 18S9, the Sciautoii City bank closed Its doors, being unable to pay the claims of tho depositois.whlch amounted to about 1235,000. The Mine day Joseph H. Qunster was appointed assignee and after nearly twelve years of constant labor he has practically wound up the affairs of the bank. Tho repoit of Attorney It. J. Mutiay, who was appointed to audit the final account of the assignee, was confirmed finally by the court yesterday and the money will bo distributed at onco by Mr. (lunster to tho credltois of tho bank, neatly nil of whom weto depos itors. The careful niannor In which Mi. Ounster conducted the affairs of the defunct bank Is shown In tho fact that while the property of the bank Inventoried only $J09,323.27 after the falluie, ho realized J2J1.79J.41 for the creditors of the bank after deducting till expenses Incident to the closing up of Its affaiis, Including his own commissions. Not counting Intel est since the time the bank became Insolvent the depos itors have been paid about the entlie face value of their claims at the time of the failure. ASSHTS OF HANK. When the bank closed its doois and Mr. Ounster was appointed assignee the court named J. H. Tot ley, John P. Kelly and M. 13. McDonald as ap praisers. Their teport showed that the assets of the bank amounted to J209,;l25.27. Mr. Ounster at once began the tedious tnsk of turning the assets into cash for the henellt of the cred itors and on May 14, 1S94. tiled his first and partial account. At that tlmo the claims of the cied Itois with interest from the tlmo ot failure amounted to 2'4,70G.5y. At torney Joseph O'Brien was appointed to audit the account and upon the confirming of his tepoit $218,017.20, or 83.85 of the creditors' claims was div ided. The report of Mr. Murray conllrmed yesterday allots to each ci editor HG.39 per cent, of the balance of his claim. The entlie amount now in the hands of the assignee awaiting dlsttlbution Is $14,332.1C. After deducting the cost of the audit and other exienses there Is left the sum of $13,175.21 to pay the present indebtedness of the bank, $30, 204.32, which leaves u balance of $23, 129.12. The bank has no means of meeting this. All of Its resouices nie now exhausted. -Mr. Murr.t's report shows the amount due each depositor and: the amount they will receive un der his audit. The tepoil follows: THH FIGUKUS. line I'u retell'. MmlHd.1, et .il -27.ili 11 10.014.03 1 M Khuoii 147 13 .WAI J T I!lih..m 1.1U f. 421. I'm I. II. (iuntil e-.iiW .,0t..V!l M. Mill 14 11 1.IH Ii-llmjii & C'u 22 1,1 W2.MI l 1.. llrmwi I II .'I.I W. Ilrowii -21 25 1). .1. Campbell '2,017 51 'wl.J7il A. 1) Dean I,lv7 11 4ii2.rt'i t: lleatlon 7 r.2 2.!l7i. A II Holland 22 m Wil Jjciranl k tiihlin 2101 f..-.!7 1 Llnilley 1 Ik! .702 S. V. I.osan lOb'i .."." I,. I.liidley (private) II H.3 K. Mcnlfklil 1.1 ui o.TOI William Mcllrlile M .Mi H. MerririeW, jnriKtinl 122 4') 11.111 Norman k Moore I SI .ul I. II. (Vllilrn '2 2i .l- V. II. ltocknell nil 1.77(1 P. Ilaritk 1 50 .115 II. Smutel in i'i, .Wl i ii. Watts i :;. .iwi II. lliown 7.17 L' i .-2 C. llroun 'JIU5 i.l.U II. (iuiiKlei- -2 'hi l.ilCI 1. I.ince :uoii lO.vfi C. 1'. Dickbiiii 1 "27 .0'K J. Stanton II .11) I. Ntmnin 'i'i '2n ID 'I2ii M. 51. (loslllie 2215.1 ll1 II II. Potter Hl.1 1'M2 W'oolbaueli '"' .227 M. II. Kji .11 '2...Q') 1). Kullnuu 70 75 21.72ii M. llealey t 02 .1.22 John Koili '21 00 .7V1 . Koch -22 ft. .1V V. Koch 12 It. 4.7H1 W. koch M '- ...777 I'. Koih n II. -'..-! I! Kuili U'ldl 511 1', M. Smllh 77 .'2it) (1 Walker SO in 10110 I). .Iiir.e 1 0 il.-lll II. Wehruni II II 1.0V, I, W'lhnnil 7 'ii 2.7.J" il. Volt 12 -7 I1..1S0 Cniitler, asulcneil 'il i .'.t.l.lil .1 II Warner 7 il .1.017 lnliil MiComlj 7 72 J.m)i Kieil Wagner M .'02 A. ). Dun ''' 1 KM Lackawanna loilge ol OiM I'iIIouh I-!' n.751 Ihlili Ilij.mt Hi .! I i.lzl JkoIi llrvaut 4 1', 1,1V) W. I'. Piimull I .IP1 Wt lei n National I m 7,' 'II JM7U WlittcMarl.lna 7 77 '2.27 Peter Wrlsht i Sin 1 11 ..Vl ( . I). Itlihanh i i H I ll W .1. lenl t'-. .'.Vi Butter Reduced Courseu's Prints. Courseu's boxes. Philadelphia 3 and c; lb Fresh Jersey Eggs, 30c per dozen. E. G. Goursen 420 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. t.. Dudley .. 7 Hi im .1 dwell Is ,(fi M. H. Cunt 1 I 'i .jll St ronton Ice (. '.'-. ..'.; V. T. "dilJuei 1 iri ,.t"l I'll At National lonfc, llln. Initntnn I'i ii," :i -..'. Klrtt Natloinl hank, Mont- lo.c m jo 11. Ti ll, Cohen Ill 77 SI..!') W,.i)l ,'tl -l 1,11 .VM M. J. RUDDY WON OUT. Chosen ns Democratic Candidate for Aldeiman of Sixteenth Waul, Attorney Michael J. Ruddy last night seemed the Demociatlc nomina tion for the office of nldetmun of the Hlxteenth ward, defeating his oppon ent, John T. I'ahionholt, by 123 votes. The light was u leiy splilted one und a. deul of Inteiest was taken In It. The icsult was ns follows: llud.b I ahiriihi'll. I'lut iliulti ii ' heeoml ilMriil 1.12 ."' 212 ll'i U. P. Monnliiin was nominated for Inspector of election In I he First dls trlcl, while 111 the Hecond dlstilct the following election olllceri were nnmd: Judge of election, T. C. AVolsh; In spector of election, C. 11. Tiopp. GOVERNOR STONE, TO BE IN THE CITY He Will Respond to a Toost at the Bomd of Trade Banquet Senator Pentose Will Also Speak. The botild of liude banquet, to be given next .Monday nlglit In the mag nlllcent assembly loom, piomlses to be one or the most eventful in the hls toiy of the board, and iw of th. inos-t successful nffalrs ot Its kind ever con ducted In this city. Tor the past two !, tin binntiet committee has been engage 1 In ar i.inglng for the event, nnd all who at tend are piomlsed -i "plcndl'l nlGht's cnjoiinont. The guests will iihi'IiiIiIh promptly at 7.30 o'clock and pioceed to the assembly room, wlnne the ban cjuet will be eived by iMteior U Nell, of the Scianton club Immedlttely following th- dinner, tlioie will be n shoit lni"5liiess session of the board, which will Inclu 1- the election of officers for the ensuiiifj yeai and the leading of Secretary D. 15, Athei ton's nnnual lepoit. At the close of the business session. Presi dent J. A. Lansing will deliver an addiess outlining the history of the boatd fiom the time of its organiza tion In 1SC7. He will also Intioduc: the loastmas ter of the evening, James H. Torrey, esq., who will In tuin Intioducc the various speakers. Tho fiist speaker will be Mayor James Molr, who will speak on "Our City. He will be fol lowed liv his excellency, Governor William A. Stone, who will speak upon "Our Commonwealth." The board onsldcis It nn especial honor that tho governor should como bote at this time, when the leglslatuio Is In .e' slon and when he Is literally up to his eyes In the affaiis of state. Another speaker ol national imputa tion will also respond to u toast after the governoi. This Is United Stales Senator Boles Penrose, of this state, who will speak on "Our Nation." The last speaker will be Congressman elect II. W. Palmer, of Wllkes-Rane, who will tell about "The Two Cities," meaning, of course, the two old rivals, Scianton and Wllkes-Dairc. McmbeiB of the board of Undo who piopose to attend the bnnnuet should notify the secietaiy at once, that the committer may have nccuiate Infor mation as to the number to be pio ldeJ foi. The live members of the leglslatuio fiom tills district will be the guests of tho board at the ban quet. DELAYED FOR ONE DAY. Foimal Transfer of Pennsylvania Takes Place Today. Lost night fiuv the termination of the existence of the Pennsylvania Coal company. It Is nn odd coincidence that six yeais ago today the man died who practically made that com pany what It Is. for today Is the annl icrsaiy of the death of John II. Smith. The tt.insfer of the company to tho Htic was to have been mnde yester day, the ostensible t canon of the de lay being that the books were not i endy. It Is iiimored, liowevei, th.it the Thornes have bepn Instiumental In causing the tardiness, for reasons width have not been divulged. The transfer being made today, the com pany will meet for oigantzntlon and It Is expected that officials of the new regime will be appointed toinonow C.reat Interest is lelt locally In th lesult ot thee dellbciatlons, as many aic deeply concerned as to whit will constitute tho ftittne policy. The Pennsylvania Coal compan posted notices yesteidny afternoon, announcing the suspension of woik ut all of their collleiles for one week. This Is probably done to allow eeiy thlng to be put In first-class shape be. foie the new management assumes contiol DIED AT HOSPITAL. S. M. Coison Died from Injuries Re ceived by Being" Stiuck by Tialn, Sylvester M Ciihon. of 2410 Noitli Main avenue, aged 5!, died at the Tlahneman liohPltnl last eionlng. Sir. Corson was the station agent at the Piovldence station of the Delawaro nnd Hudson company. Mr. Coison was stiuck bj an uiKln' on Dec. 29 and Internally Injured. Last week the Huhticnmnii hospital doctors opetntcd on him mid icmoved a blood clot from his lualti in hope of saving his life. The funeral will b held on Friday ntteiuoon nt 2 o'clock fiom tho Piovl dence 'Methodist Hplsiopal church. In tel ment In Duniuoie remeteiy. - - GUNS WILL RECOVER. Man Who Laid in the Elver All Sun day Night Is Beyond Danger. John auns, who Sunday night fell from a fifteen foot wall Into the Lacka wanna ilvcr and laid In tho river for ten bonis, with nothing but his head and shoulders above the wuter, Is rest ing comfortably at tho 'Moses Ta lor hospital. Although the greater part of his body Is badly fioneii and cut nnd bruised, the doctois bollevo that ho will ie cover. aims Is still of the opinion that some body pushed him Into the liver. ANNUAL TERM HAS OPENED CASES ARGUED IN SUPERIOR COURT YESTERDAY. Intoxicated Man Dioke in and Intel mpted an Attorney Duilnjr nn Ar gument by Making; a Fiofnne Re ntal k He Was Sent to the County Jail by Judge Rice Two Cases Weie Submitted, One Discontinued and a Number Weie Non Prossed. Dig; Attendance of Lawyers. Them was n large attendance of at torneys fiom nil over this part of the stale when the superior cuiiit opened Its yearly session here In the supuilor coin t loom of the court house yester day. No loimnlltles weie Indulged In when the Judges came on the bench. They proceeded at once to u ejtisldcia tlon of the list of rases for this w-K. The following attorneys were udinl ted to piactlcc In the com I: Oeoige W. Huston, of Columbia county, Paul J. Sherwood, of Luzriue; D. C Hnr roncr, of Luzerne; W. W. Latlnop; and Louis Oriimer, of this city and J. U. Tuck, of Syracuse. N. Y. As stated in yesterday's Tiibune the appeal of John L. Nelll fiom the sen tence Imposed upon him ill the quartet sessions of Philadelphia county wan submitted. Another case submitted was tho borough of Taylor against the Postal Telegiaph Cable company, ap pellant, nn appeal fiom the common picas of this count v. A dlscnntlnuanro was eitleied In this case. In le estate of Pliilllplne lCngle. deceased, Louis Hiigli', appellant, an appeal fiom the oi plums' court of this county. NON PUOHSHD. A uun-.pios was enteied In each of tho following. Dime Itril tnul lli-iottM lnjik, fo ue f I'laiik Si) id r n. W. W. Ainnlil d nl , nppil Linli. Appeal fiom lomnioit plea- court, !.,u!.a U.lllll.1 lulltlM 'I lie C.imv A. Kc!ti' Puulit; (n., app.llunll, . Mir) Diliimnil-J, 'lln Shiriri l'lie lnuiin(o (u, of New mk, Ktimi-liee. ppe.il fiom 10111 men plen, 1 .nli nun immtj. llinmas It. I.cuU )-. M-ip.iri( .lone-, fippil hnt. ppeit ficm loiiiiion pleii', l.ti'irnc coiml) IMiOebe . LeUiiirin .. .1. K, llih- et il , appellant- ppeal from mn'moti plp.ii, luri-iiie county. Willl.mi Mnrsan ft nl. . Vcupinl lonlip, appillanl Appial fimn lomnion pleas Liueine count) li) del, uppelhnt, in. Kiilln Apped fimn romiiifii plea- of Laikiw nun comity. The equity case of Hany C. .Mason against James Quiiui and otheis, ap jiellants, nn nppenl from tho common pleas of Luzetne county, was con tinued. The cases argued were: W It, Hemic, piotlionotar)' ami link of the court . Columbia count), appellant. Appeal fiom iiminioii pleJi", roliunlila county. I). 11, Mellrk . I'eniif)hanh ItailrcnJ com pany, .ipppelljnl. Vppial from lommim ploai, Cnlumlili (oiinl). 1lu Cieiierjl Mr l.Mlimulsliei loiupanv ul the t.l.itp of New York t, tin- Mairee t'jipet woiks, et at., appellant. Appeal from common plea, ColumliH tounl). JUKInney, Kartii ir ( n. n I,. (1. tepiiin, appellant. Appeal fiom ominvn p!ea, Wjn mini? loi.nty. I.. II. (Jiilon, ci jl l,ehlfli Valley Cailinail compinr, nppelliiiil Apjieal fiom iinnniun pleas W)onilntf icunt). THH FIRST CASH. The first case aigued was Ui.it of W. H. Hemle. prothonotaiy, against tho cleik ot the courts of Columbia count. It Is a case stated lor a de cision on what the wotd "statloneiy" In the act of 1SS9 means. The prothon otaiy claims that it Includes minted foims used hi the county ofllce. If It does they must be furnished by the county. Thecleik of the courts claims It doesn't nnd If he Is light each coun ty ofllclal will have to pay for his own minted blank foims. The lower court found In favor of the piothonotaty. H Frank Zair areued for the appellant and foimer Internal Revenue Collect or Grant IIci tins' tor the appellee. Whllo Mr. Zatr was aigulng the case an Intoxicated individual in the back part of the couit loom mutteied In a voice distinctly heard all over the court room: "Not by a d d siaht." Ptesident Judge Hire dliccted that the man be In ought before hlni. He piov ed to be John Ciowley, who lives lit this city. He was lined $10 and In default was committed to the county Jail. When t mil t adjourned the tilitnn cuso was being argued. Lorenzo Cilr ton and his wife, Maud Oil ton, nru tiio plaintiffs nnd they sued the Le high Valley ltallroad company In Wy oming county to recover damages for the death of their six year old son, who was killed at the Hansom station of the company In this county. WAY HH WAS KILLUD. The mother and boy had been to Wllkes-Hano and ictuined to Hansom, the nearest station to their home, on a Lehigh A'alley tialn. Just after they alighted a ttain came nlong on the next track and struck and killed the hoy. A Wyoming county Juiy granted J1.000 damages, and fiom this the company took an appeal on the giouud that the company should have direct ed a verdict for the defendant com pany. Attorney F. W. Wheaton, of Vllkes-naue, ntgued the case on be half of tho company, and Attorney Paul J. Sherwood, also of Wllkcs H.me, for the plaintiff. This is an unusual neck wear opportunity. We have several dozen odds and ends in fifty cent neckwear (Imperials and V3if iiriftrr Tine ir nUn. Luiviii nwj; iu i-iv-ov ,i out at 25c I CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. LINEMEN ARE STILL OUT. Oeneinl Manager Bailey Says They Have No Season to Complain. Oener.tl .Manager Uolley, of the local brunch of the Central Pennsylvania Telephone; company, stated y-sterday to ii Tribune man that only light linemen und not twelve .iilt woik on Monday inoriiltir- when thoy learned that thev would not tecelo nn In crease of twenty-live cents a dav In their wages. "The men quit woik," said he, "be cause the foreman over them told them that he could not grant them an lnciense of wages fiom JJ.LT. to $i.50 a dav They didn't seem to under stand that ho hud no power to do ho. The men aie still out and the com pany has not yet decided whether It will giant the Inciease or mil. "The wages we pay our linemen at the ptesent time aie as high ns the wages paid any other linemen In the city with the exception of a few of the men Winking toi tlte new tele phone company We neat them fnltly and squaielv and see no reason why they should quit woik." To Cine the Oilp In Two Days laiathc llnitno CJiiliiInr T.iliUii For Councilman, Ninth Woid. I heicby announce myself u candi date for the Kepublicui nomination for common council In the Ninth ward, sublect to the Crawfoid county mles. I lespectfully nsl: my fi lends to kindly nssls't m0 ut the coming lilmaiy elec tion. Should 1 be elected. I will scrv the taxpavois and citizens to tho best of rav nbllltv. Youis Itiuly. " Peter N. Haan. Nettleton's Removal Sole. Shoes nt one-foil! th price. Wushlngton avenue. Rummage Sale, 120 Washington avenue, Jan. 17 and lb. Try a Barrel of White Beauty Flour Finest Hour city. We in the are sole agents Tor the State of Pennsylvania. Clarke Bros Announcement The inliiiisic merit of the iccent Pianofortes by the Mrison & Ham lin Co. has called totth the follow ing icmaikable expicssions fiom men who stand pre-eminent today in the musical life of the woiM. "The Mason & Hamlin l'iiino K I t believe, an Instiunient of the i-y flist uiiik" MOHIT MOtKlMNhl. 1 Couiiusir, IManl'l, lmcl.tr I "I believe 11ip Mason & Hamlin I'lanos to he of the ery first lank." Alirill'li MM-stll. II11' inoKiiUed jjltnt of imitlcal aillll In Ku lupa IuJji. "It Is unsui passed." KM 1 1. I'AI It. Cuiiilmlor riillharmfiiiln Oulinlia, New orU Cllj I A stock ol these snpetb instrn 1 ments inns be seen at the ware- 100ms of L.B.P0WELL&C0. i;!i-i:i:; U'ahliiiigtou Ave. Pierce's Market Penn Avenue W toal.i "ila1lj Dt fane f ream-iy Bui. Ur ami trictly freli csi'-Jid tli pii.o i a Ion m first rlati irnmla tan lie o!il at W'r da not liaio any tptilal talta or ItiJirj tut at all time rairr at coniplito 11 line ol JUrVrt Uooda, I'Jiu; flroccrle- and '1 utile Delki. rlca a- 1 an ku fouiid In the larittU New )ork or I'hllaiHlpliU MarkrU wliUli wc fell at r I flit I'riict. - W. Ii. Pierce, II UcWw-nni Art. 110, 111, 111 Pcna Ati. Prompt dclivt-jr. Spain Reported to have gotten on to the wave of prosperity by takittjf ad vantage of opportunities. You do likewise, and here's your oppor tunity. Buy our Green Valley Rye if you want the BUST for the least money. Dressy Gloves for Dressy Men If you would be n diessy man your glover) must be as coricct In shad and make as any article of wardrobe Ouis are Just the pioper thlnj-. CONRAD'S 305 Lackawanna Avenue GREAT BARGAIN SALE Ablvi '..il .lnk''ii', IV A. .. I.. 17cmW l'cr-irn 1-itnh "Iliu iiulln" cut. ..,. .... tar ml inri-r, "1, 11; nun.. tJL,20.1l" 1'ii.litii J-.-nnli .lukil, ?r;.w; ,, - itlv mm UiJ.UO llllik ('JliO, Ml III. dffli, flKl 1 m 11 wi IOM loU.UO Mini, (.qic, ..0 imli ilup, $7.1: tv i.i now OO.UO Martin I'.ipi', to Irili ilc-i. T,"i, w tii ihw li)U" Mmlln C'l-, i7 lnrli ilrri, Suil; j- aii dealer C'apr, 2T int.li iKqi, "3; mi nn now O'mU" Heclilc Seal, Martin trimmiil, 'M ,fM m, imli deep, wt"; now rf Itvtr ricctile S"il, iilaln, !0; (, fl now 0"V l.Ieilrli' .Val, I'laln. 25j ) liuw 1 m"-UU l.lcctrii. cal, plain, iflf), 1 k a1 now lO.UIl1 All 1I01I1 I ulna, Coiiih and Suits at grMtl-' reuueed luicr. F. L. Crane, 324 Lackawanna Ave. Raw Furs Bought. Furs Repaired. A Self casting )aster in.' 1 Ml lu Hie il'luent of Ii hi pi M lb piiparini; iln- 1 . iiiiiii ii i-i. Willi ilir iV OUV hi:Ml.f-. liiMNflM; ' I lie lUlitrd nf a illlllin i. -it oli l u nil tin- iinilitv i,f nifil, and the unn Icrjii'Cj.Uui r. 'In lo, , W and 41 II). .MjI.o n l.ulf nt till -11 rtr liopilii llt Foote c; PtiiSer Co Mca Building. January Clean Sweep Sale. Remarkable Values iiT Dinner Sets All the Odds and Ends In our stock have been marked to pi ices that should clean them up quickly. 3ome sets are SLIGHTLY IMPER 1TCT some have a piece or two missing others a piece clipped. Other sets only one or two of a kind. Those and other aeasons make them odds and ends. But for every piece that's missing for every piece that's clipped we cut a good sized piece off the pi ice. Dishes aie haid to keep perfect anyway, so better look them over. CREDIT YOUP CERTAINLY! -THE- ECONOMY iLi 221-223-225-227Wyomlnff Ave I'll!) 'Hie Popular IIoae Fumlshlnj l!ji ffi 1 I I M n I Lfr'tiM-,.-..' JajWgJJ