The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 16, 1901, Image 1

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"3aifiBafJBL. MbT2msIJHdHfillSbfftlMR3fdVvia3RPiHBk'
end of the Struggle Which Began at
the Organization of the
Legislature of 1899.
Mr. Quay's Commission Which Unci
Already Been Piopared Has Been
Signed and Will Be Presonted to
the United States Senate Tomor
iow Story of the Ballot Demo
ciats Vote Almost Solidly for Col.
James M. Cruffey, While the Bal
lots of the Anti-Quay Republicans
Weio Distributed Among1 Nino
'ravoiite Sons" Dr. Sllns Swal
low Receives One Vote The Ballot
in Detail.
,.v I.xdudtr Witp from The Anoclatcd Pre".
llnulrbuig, .Tan. 115. After a mem
orable struggle which had continued
fop sevctal years Colonel M. S. Quav,
tegular Itepubllcan nominee for Uni
ted States senator, was elected toduv
by the Pennsylvania leglslatuie to till
the vacancy created by the oxiilrntlun
of his teim on Match 4, 1S99. His com
bined vote In the senate and limine
was 130, op thtee inoie thnn the num
ber necessary to a choice. The house
and senate will meet Jointly nt noon
tomorrow to canvass the vote and
ileclate an election. Mr. Quay's com
mission litis nlie.tdy been prepared
ntid signed nnd he will take It to
Washington tomonow afternoon. A
pirtv of his filendH will go with him
to be piesent when he takes his seat
In the senate on Thuisdav.
The Democratic vote wuf cast al
most solidly for Colonel James HI.
Ouhey, of Pittsburg, and that of the
iMitl-Quny Republicans was divided
among nine "fnvoiitc sons."
Hepicentathc Willlum J. Galvln, of
Schuylkill, who voted with the Re
publicans! on the organization of the
houri was i!ie" only Deniocia.t wh
voted for Mr. Quay. "When he cast
hls'voto the friends of Mr. Qur.y bioke
Into checis which continued tor more
than a minute.
Ilepresentutive I.. D. Brown, of
Cinwford, who was nominated by the
PiohlbltlonlHtH and endoised by the
Democrats and Populist), voted for
the Rev. Dr. Silas C. Swallow, the Pio
hlbitlon leader.
Colonel (Juffey lost three votes by
the absence of Ttepiesentutlves George
J. Mulonc, of Venango, and Madison
A. Onivln, of Adams, who were un
able to be piesent on account of Ill
ness, and the lulling of Representative
Aithur II. Squler, of Wyoming, with
Isaiult II. Haldeman, of Montgomeiy,
Republican. Mr. Squier was present,
while his palp was III at his home
Kith tjphold fevei.
The solid Denioeiatie vote In the sen
ate was cast fop Colonel Guffey.
The Vote in Detail.
The vote In detail follows:
Itniw-. -euati I'olal
M. S. (Jin . . ,0 Ji, no
.lames JI. Curtey . . .41 1.' 'A
t'onc;rcs.-min DaUcll .... !!l 10 .It
lliarlrn Lniory smith.., .11 I 1
r.eoisp C. Hurt 1 7
John Stetiart I
Henry ('. McLouniiU . . I
William Gieenwa ... I
John II. llaitU t
Charles Tubbi I
Congrrumau Olmstid ... 1
Dr Sllan C Swillou- .... t
Paired, two; al)M.nt, time.
The wildest excitement pievailed
during the balloting in the house.
Long before that body convened nt 1
o'clock the chamber was packed with
legislators and spectators. The cuish
for admittance was so Bleat that many
members had to bo diagged Into the
hall by the police. The entrances weie
Guarded by a coidon of policemen, who
weie powerless to cope with the crowd.
In a rush to admit Representative Oal
vm the door In one of the lobbies was
broken down nnd the hall was soon
crowded to suffocation.
Police Called In.
Speaker Marshall called the houe to
older at 3 o'clock and otdeied the sei-geant-at-arms
to clear the aisles. The
house oillceis weie unable to handle
tho crowd and the Hatilsbin;; police
were called In to assist them. Hefoie
the ballot was taken Chailes W Neeb,
of Allegheny, and John H. Thompson,
of Centic, Republicans, who weio ab
sent on account of Illness when tho
house organized two weeks ago, pie
sented themselves at the bai un I weie
qualified by Judge Wilson, of Ueavei.
These membeis weie claimed by both
sides and when they voted for Colonel
Quay they weie heaitlly applauded by
his followers. Thomas A. Reaver, of
Juniata, voted fop Mr. Olmsted, but
before the result was announced he
changed to Mr. Quuy. William P. Win
ner, of Rucks, who voted for the anti
Quay Republicans on the organization
of the house, wns absent and unac
counted for. liefoio casting his voto
for Mr. Quay, Reprwntatlve Thomas
J. Reynolds, of l.iitliawanwi wlthdiow
tho naino of Congressman William
Connell, of Scranton, who was nomi
nated at the oiganliNUIon. Mr. Rey
nobis said he had been nominated nnd
elected an an nntl.Qimy Kepubllcnn,
but he believed In majoilty uile and
would veto fop tho (.incus nominee. He
voted with the iintl-gunylley on the
organisation of the house. Hepiosen
, totlves Samuel A. Kendall, of Homer
ssr, nnd Donald P. Mcpherson, of
Adams, who also voted with tho nntl
Quoylies at the organization, voted for
Mr. Quay. The announcement nf tiio
I result was lifto'inl with much shout-
Jng and applause, dining which an ad
journment wus taken until 11 o'clock
tomori ow.
When the icsiilt of the balloting was
announced, theio wns a spontaneous
shout of oppluuso from the Iloor and
the gnllerles, which lasted less than a
minute, and tho senate adjourned un
til tomori ow. Roth bodies will ,ui
Jouin on Thuisday until next Monday
evening, when the standing commit
tees will be nnnounced and the routine
woilc begin In earnest.
Quay Republicans Contiol.
Tli repot of the senate and houiw
Republican slate committees aie ex
pected to lie announced tomorrow.
The Quay Republicans control both
bodies nnd theie Is no doubt of the
ratification of both slates. Tho Demo,
crats will not share in the olllces In
either body and Just what lecognltion
will ). given the anti-Quay Republi
cans, the slate committets havo not
detei mined.
The election of Colonel Quay ends
the stiuggle which began at the or
ganization of the leglslatuie of 1S9D
and has since continued without In
tel ruptlon. Seventy-nine ballots were
taken by the Inst legislature without a
choice and then the legllatme ad
journed. The day following April 21 Govei
nor Stone appointed Mr. Quay to the
senito, and on April 23, 1891. his ap
pointment Wan leteeteil liv Iho aunntn
H' one vote. Pennsylvania has since
nan oniy one united Stales senator In
the person of Roles Penrose.
Colonel Quay received the news of
his election at his lesldence near the
capltol. He was naturally elated nt
his vlctoiy, but declined to make a
.stntement. He held nn Informal! re
ception this afternoon for his ft lend
thioughout the state, who cam; heiv
to be present when the vote was taken.
Colonel Quay has leased n house In
Hnriisumg for the nesslon and he ev
pects to spend much time lime urging
the passage of apportionment, ballo,
leloim and other legislation to which
the Quay Republicans nie com
mitted. How the Members Voted.
The detailed vote In the senate was
as follows:
I'cr V'. s. ijuaj. ot Items (mint),
-UrrKelbacb, Philadelphia! lludke, VVmslilnetonj
Cumiuliirs, Waricnt Pmcr.t. Mimr; lltlur. In
limf. Pulil, I nlon, I'm, Pniphln; (Iradi,
Philadelphia, (Iran-duel., IMill xMplila: Iljrtlcn
IhirIi, Wajin; HililtlbaiiKli. 1.imnKr; Mitson,
MiKian; Miutillnnner. MUglun.v : Oilmimi,
PhiUilrlphlj; (uall, Sclitilkllt ; Volt, lMiIlaiK 1
plili; Mmoii, 1 ricj snjiUr, CIkiUi; Sprcul, Deb
auaici Stlncnnn, Cimlirh; Slobir, !.ancatir,
are, I'liiladilpliia, Vaiulian, Uikiujmu; Vdli.
Iiiiiiii, tr.ifuul; Wlllnms llulhri WomU, Wut.
laorclanil Totil, 21..
l'oi James M. CJultoy, Mlrnlioni ioiuit, Duno.
irat lioMl, Pajclle; Codiran, Lwnmlni,; Halm,
VorK; llilnl. , Cmtir; 1Krbl, lltrU, HlKKln,
Sliujlkill; hrmimur; Northampton; Up, Mnn.
im; Mllbr, Cuinlxrlaml; itli. Claiion: .(,
I-dileli, Hint, Montcnmry. Total, li
Tor Jobti l)..lzill, Indi pcmli nt Itipublicin
(I in foul, Allcclicnj i Piurj, I.urcrne; Hlnn, M
lilii'in, lluiri, l'liilidilphli; MiKio, Pirn, Mi
foe, .Mlicliiiir, Vlartln, I'liilaiKlplih; Mnuirt,
Kranlllii, WiU, I.ibjiion, Miller. Iitilfon!. To.
tal. 10
For CroiKf V. Hiitr, VVcrllnnn land, Iiulrjiciirl
lilt Hki, Hue kx.
1'or tlurlM Kinory iiil(h, 1'lillajilpbli, Imle
pimk'iit ll'publlian-IMmMnn, llimltoul
The vote in detail In the house fol
lows: Qua Mer. ifnWrir, Maker, llirkir. Ilea.
com, lii ncr. Mi-', llonliam, Ilriikn, Uioslus
talder, t'mel, Chimpilsn, Chew, (Vilville, Con
ncll, Cool., Coopr, tope, Cor; ell, PoiiKberl;,", ItUliiul, l)iii. T Holm en, l'alie;,
lVrrebee. Po, Kiilmer, (lab In, (lanible, (Jariifr,
Cilion, Ur.ifT, (ira;bill, llaiulltou, John; llimil
ton, !. S. ; Hirilx, HariUon, Hmnrlh, Ikii'lu.
foil, lit my. llevi, lllll, lloinMicr, Holt, Janus,
Joni, Ka;rei, Hi n Jail, Kcnueib, Kmn, Kopp,
Lick, Lean), l.flb, McAnlU, MiUalu. Mi Connell,
Mitnine, Mefilathd;, Mel'herson, MtTlfilie, .Mai
per Miti, Mai tons, H. C; Moiileomei;, Moi
il-on, Miilkie, Murphy, N'ffl), Ncwlunl, On, I'at
teion, Phllbln, I'oiiicroy, lljjmonil, lli;nolili,
UIoImI, Hipp, llutlu rforJ. Sihcuir, Seal, Silbr,
Slmlakcr, Miter, Smith, Albeit JI ; m;th, Da
lil J.i Mnein, Slinc, Stiolh, Stulb, Talor,
lolm ( ; Tlionipon, llorau J.; Thompson, John
K ; 'lliompKon, NeUon, II.; 'filTaii;, I'lrlch, Vun.
ihke, oorheii, e.ner, elt;, Mlhnl, Vales
Marshall (peakir)-10l
(,uir; MoKiii llluiiilt, llminan, Proun,
Thoimaj llurke, Hornet. ljtnii, Colter, Crea,
llixin, Diasi, Knke, I'Nher. Piierth, liurntliu,
Ibui,', Hats, Hill, llucli, Ho;, Ikiltr, Johmuu,
Irin N.; Knln, Kirk, Jlannlnir, JIane, MllUr,
It Prank; Mo;ir, M;ir, SaftkliiKer, Osier, 1'alni,
I'jul, lldll, ltoilKei, Hoth, Itotluoik, shutt,
Smltli, .folin II : Squibli. Swunei, Tioull, fl
brook, VMbon, Youuk-II
Halill- VIinn nJoiMUi, Doilfniil, Ikninn,
Clarem;, Clark, Crwfoiil, Poult, l'ilnl,
I mil, PoHtir, Oroh, Hall, Hielhailh, llonk,
kliker, Mil.arn, HcWIilntiey, Jlahon, Mnoic,
M.IhI, simleron, Srott, Muni, Wilkinson JI.
Smith Mibr ,vUanilti IloMie, (ora;, Driim,
l'mei;. Hamilton. Joiiph; llaitniau, Hosklni,
Lnnux, Tailoi, I 'ml K.; Wailswoith II.
Itnfl Mim Vbr.ims Alllnou, l.inton, II iv,
baiae, 'Iliunu -0
Stm nt JlenH koont, Itml, liurri !l.
Mi('on.n Jb-Cainlli v
Mitoimlik (Joililnilo.
Hinis Iohnon. AUmt V.
Tlll.lK IlilllKOCk ,
Olnislid Vinobl
swallow IIiohii, I., I)
I'jIipiI llildnian villli s)ulir
Absent Mc.rfc Winiur, llepiiblliau; Vlalomy,
PiinoiTat, anil flan In, IMnoerat.
Stalwarts Celobjate.
There was much tevelry In Iluitls
burg tonight over the success of Colo
nel Quay and his followers burned
led light with an extinvngant hand.
From tho moment the lesult was
known In the house until n lata hour,
the stiprts were ciowded with n
hoatse, shouting mass of Quay fol
loweis. Rinss bands weie constantly
matching up and down the streets
ilutlng the late afternoon and la the
evening all the marching clubs formed
In one piocesslon and paraded until
tho members were tired. The Quay
mansion, on Pino street, us well ns tho
Quay headquatteiH at tho Lnchtel
hotel, weio sui rounded constantly by
n cinwd of men, A feature of tho
celebration was tho setting oft of n,
great ipiantlty of giant firecrackers in
fiont of the Quay headquarters,
niKiussIng ,the futuro work of tho
present legislature. United State?
Henator Penrose tonight paid
"With tho senatorial election dis
posed of, there Is nothing to Intrr-
feio with the legislature devoting Its
nttcntion to the passage of ballot re
form, apportionment and appropria
tion bills nnd other needed legislation
that the people nrp looking forwatd
to nnd the Republican party is pledged
to enact. This should not occupy
more time than Is necessary nnd I do
not think It too much to anticipate
that tho work of the legislature would
bo completed by the first day of May
at the farthest..
The Union Republicans Will Recog
nize No Candidate but J.
Edward Addicks.
By i:luile Wire from Tho AtoOtlaleil Pre.
Hover. Del,. Jan. 15. The tesult of
lost night's union Republican caucus,
when sixteen membeis of this legisla
ture nominated J. Hdunid Addicks for
United States senutoi, lent lnteiest to
, the initial vote fop tho two senatop
i whips taken Hepaiately by the two
houses of general assembly toda.
, Prior to the convening of the legls
latuie today the antl-Addicks, or as
they teimed themselves, tegular Re
publicans, held a caucus and ugieed
to vote fop Chailes K Richards, of
Cieoigetown, fur the shoit term for
United States senator and Colonel
Henry A, Dupont, of Wilmington, lor
the long teim. The union Republicans
on the other hnnd lecognlze no iiin
dldate but Mr. Addicks.
The tcfusal of the regular Republi
cans to go Into the union Republi
can caucus, even with the nHsuraik'o
that they could have the long teim
senatorshlp nt their disposal, indicat
ed, as the first ballot showed, that a
. deadlock would be tho result. The
total vote of the two houses on tin
Hist ballot was as follows:
I For constitutional trim beginning
March J, 1901 Richard R. Kennev,
Dem.. Kent countj. 23: John Udwaid
Addicks, union Republican, New Cas
tle county, lfi; Hemy A. Dupont. teg
ular Republican. New Castle count,
, William C Spiuaneo. Anthonv
Hlgglns and Levi C. Bird, legular Re
publicans, each one vote.
For unexpired term beginning March
I, 1S99 Wlllard Paulsbury. Dem., New
castle county, 23: John Udvv.ird Ad
dicks, union Republican, New Castle,
1C; Charles F. Richards, regular Re
publican, Sussex county, 10; William
S. Hllles and Heujamln Nltlds, tegular
Republicans, each one vote.
Absentees, two regular Republicans.
The totul number of votes In both
houses Is 02. and 27 are neccssaiy to
a choice.
By Hvcksbc Wire from The Associated Vn.
Augusta. Me.. Jan. 15. The two
hote-es of the leglslttuie voted tor
United States M'n-itor today In the
bouse. Senator William P. Ur.e, Re
publican, received 107 votes and Swa
sey M. Staples. Deinoci.U, 1'i. In the
senate, l'rye leielevcd 21 and staples
1. The Joint convention will meet to
inoiiow to latlfv the election.
Concoid. N. II., .Inn. 15 Colli
hollies of the leglslattiit todaj voted
for United Slate" -itl.noi to smceel
Senator William i Chnndki. In Up
senate the vote was Henrj U.
Iluinhum, Republican, 2J: Charles F.
Stone, Democrat, 1. In the house,
Ilutnhain, 279; Stone, S3; Hemy M.
Rallcr, Independent, 1. The Joint con
vention .will meet tomoirow,
Denver. Col., Jan. lG.Hun. Thomas
M. Patterson was today elected l'nlt"d
States senator to .succeed VMwaid O.
Wolcott. Mr. Patterbon was the nom
inee of tlu Deniociats. PopulUts and
Sliver Republicans, leceivlng 71 votes
out of n total of 87 cast nt the lolnt
caucus last night.
Lansing. Mich., .fan. H. United
States Senator James McMillan was
ro-elccted by tho Michigan legislature
today, he being the unanimous cholc
of the Republican muloilty. The voto
will be veillled In lolnt convention
tomorrow .
liolse, Idaho, Jan. 15. The legisla
ture balloted In separate session fo,
United States senntcn today and
elected formed Senator Fied T. Du
Helena, Mont., Ian. 15. William A.
Claike. of Uutlo lacked one vote of
tho number required to elect him to
tho Unite States senate today. Had
tin vote been In Joint session. Claiko
would havo been elected, as he ie
clved n majority of tho vote ca.t A
joint ballot will be taken tomoirow.
Senator Hoar Re-olected.
By nvcli-sbe Wire fiom Tho Aoeliteil Prvi.
Boston, Jan 15 - (Seoiue I'rlubh Hoar wai te.
ilcrtcil toil i in, both nn Up and home of the
JlascachiiM'ttii le'Ulatuie to succeed hltnkilt fn
the t'nltiil States nnate foi the teim lommenc.
ini March I, J!WI The veto In tho Hcnale ua 2)
for Horn ami s for Hlcluril Olne; One pemo
cratie Ktialor ole.l for Hon. 'Ihe cote of the
Iioiiki wn li 'i for lloir, IS foi Hne unci one foi
(Inrle II llimlli;, Nulill.t Pfuiocial. of Ha.
nlilll lour Poiiuiratii member of n,L hoiip
mteil lor Hoar.
Strike to Be Oidered.
Ily Kxchulte Wite from The VssoclateJ Prew
Youusktown, O, Jin. n- iIcIikMo conten
ts n repickentinu' the cmplojcn o( the tnentt
nine blast furnaiiii of lie Vlihonlii.' ami She.
Ainiro vallc; was lielil here toJa; al which it
v.1 niolitd that II the cut in u..ei an
iioumcd b; the upintou for IMiruan 1, when
the base of wascs I. to Le reduceil from &I.O0
lo sjl clj per da; li Inilecl upon, u sinn il strll.c
will lie orileiecl.
Reinforcements for Kitchener,
ny Eieluln Wl-e from Tlie Amoclated Prew.
lAimlon, .Ian, J3.Tlic somnninit has ileelOiJ
to icnil laiif rtinfouemcntii tri m Kitchener,
mil Hie war oBlee, in iarr;lng out llili ilocblon,
ia determined to enlUt u.OuO jeoinanry volun.
teern. At a meeting hchl In the xm ortlip thU
afternoon thli plan and othiru for tccurlns more
men were discussed and approred
The War nt Colombia,
fly Kxcludve Wire from The, Associated I'rcm.
Colon, Colombia, Jan. 13. (jencral Alban at
tacked the revolutionary foicr uutalde tho ilty
of Panama baturda;. Tlie flshflnj was of ihort
duration. Tho ievolutlonlt were defeated, lo..
I MR many killed and Bounded, as well aa Inn
chief captured. Tho Roternmnit furcca nuulnod
a lot t of ictrn killed and one wound'.)
Caught in the Act, Husband Shot
While Trying to Escape.
By r.irluhe Win (rom The Allocated PreM.
Atlantic City, N-. J., Jan. 15. Police
man Chailes Weaver this morning
shot Rert Pierce, alias Harry Foster,
the bullet taking effect In the fleshy
part of the leg. Pierce had nibbed
tho wholesale tobacco establishment
of Harris Rrothcrs, on Atlantic ave
nue, near Pennsylvania avenue. The
cash icglster had been broken open
nnd $35 taken, nnd there were 1,600
cigars missing, together with a quan
tity of clgniettes.
The oillcep found Plerco in company
with a woman, who claims to be his
wife, cairylng nvvny the plunder. Hoth
chopped their booty and llud In oppo
site clliections. Three shots were filed
In the air. and then the ofllcor sent
the fourth bill Into Pleice's left leg.
Dp Chow dressed the wound In the
'city Jail and then oidered Pleice taken
to the hospital, where he lit now under
gum d,
oilleeis Maltzell and Woodtuff ar
icsted the woman at the Reading uill
io.ul station as she was about to board
n tialn. Tho woman kept watch out
side while tin buiglary was committed
and iccelved the plundei as it wns
missrtl thrmirrli .1 wttid.,,. tlln..-w.
,-"' w... K..i..,i. 1 niir
and his wife kept a small Poinding
House at 124 South AtkrnimiH avenue.
A Jimmy and knife weie found cm
Pieice. The woman Is known under
the name of Li7zle Pierce. Chief of
Police Uldridgo says he may be able
to Iracc other rtibboiles to the
"Swlftwnter Dill" Gates, Klondike
Minoi, Makes Thlid Alliance
with Lamore Family of Butte.
By I'xehnlie Wire fiom Tin AJoeiateil I'reM.
Rutte, Mont , Jan. 15. William Gates
better known us "Swlftwuter Rill,"
who has become noted on account of
bis Klondike stilkes and his mntrl
nionlal experiences, has, according to
the story of one of his former wives,
eloped fiom Rutte with the thlid of
the Lamoie sisters, whom ho says he
will many upon their arrival In Chi
cago or New York.
"Swlftwnter Hill" has been mauled
to (lussle and Grace Lamore. each of
whom seemed n divorce from him.
Recently he tetutned fiom the Klon
dike, v.heie foi tune had favored him,
nnd was on his way to New Voil; to
oigonize a new mining company. He
stopped in Hutte to visit his former
wife, Gussle Lamoie, velio Is playing
at a theatie here. She gave It out
that a leconclliatlon piobably would
be effected.
Gates piesented her with an Intel est
In seveial of hit. new mines In the
Klondike, and eveiythlng moved along
smoothly until yesteiday. when
"Swlftwatei" and liolle Lamoie, an
lh-ypap-old slstei of Gussle, look their
depaituie fop the Help' left n
note stating that they weie to bo
mairlod upon in Chicago.
The deseited bister gajly lenmiked
"Well. 'Swlftwnter" is a good thing,
ond we might as well pass him along.
Time aie still thiee other gills In tho
Giace Lamore, "Swlliwatei's" other
foi met- wife, is living in San rianelsco.
The Mllltniy Coteile Resents the
Intimation That a Cadet Could
Be Untruthful.
By i:xilualc "ire fiom The Associated Pres
West Point. IS. Y Jan. 13. An un
looUed for Incident occurred today at
the close of the afternoon session of
tl.e congressional committee's Investl-f-Mtlnu
ut the United States military
aiudem.v. Theie was a veiy laigo at
tendance of at my oillceis, with their
wives and ilaugh'tcis, piesent.
When Congressman Drlggs asked
Cadet Deen If It was through having
a convenient mammy that ho could
only remember Cadet Sheridan's name
out of all the men ho had exercised,
theie was n storm of hisses which ion
mound the mom. The women ns well
as the men took part in it, and It was
evident that they considered the ques
tion ns oiif Impugning the credibility
of the witness.
The cocie of boner nt West Point,
accoi cling to the testimony adduced
during the Investigation, ns well as
the mllltniy Inquliy, does not admit
of untiuthfiilness. nnd tho people liv
ing at the post lesent anything sug
gestive of n doubt on this point.
Congressman Dilggs Immediately
asked that the court room be dented,
but Chairman Dick declaicd u recess
of an hour and n half without recog
nizing the ieiuebt.
Several olllcers did not tiy to con
ceal their cllspleasuio nt tho question
put bv the Hrooklvn congiessmnn.
Thoy albo wild that Judge Smith,
nnother member of the committee,
had no tight to say In his examina
tion of TJeen "that the ileath of Eoo
wart laid nt Peen's door."
Mr. Dilggs lesumed his exnmlna
Hon of Cadet Deen when the latter
came Into tho court loom for the night
session nnd lefeirlng to tho question
which he put to the witness In the
afternoon asl.ed If It weio due to for
getfuIncsK that he could 10
numbor no name but that of young
Phil Shcildnn out of nil the endats
whom he had exercised nt the uead,
emy. Deen leplUd In the r.lurnintlvi) and
the stoiin signals weie, taken down,
The committee gntheied a good deal
eif testimony ilutlng their Unco ses
sions today. They havo evidently sat
isfied themselves with tho ovldence al
leady on record regurdlng fighting and
have turned their probe? on ti10 1TleS!,
hall hazing nnd tobasco sauco epi
sodes, Worn ull appearances tho represen
tatives will not get thicugh their la
bors beforo tho end of the week,
Republican iMcmbers ol Senate and
House Opposed to Quau
State Their Case.
Hot Shot for Representatives Rey
nolds, Hill, Tiffany nnd Others.
Pennsylvania, They Say, Has Been
Doubly Disgraced in tho Return of
Mr. Quay to the Senate Inference
ns to the Motives Prompting
Flodge-Bienkeis Is Left to Their
l!y Ixrlivdtc Wlra from The Aj'oclatfd Pieu
llairlsbtirg, Jan. 15. The anti-Quay
Itepuhllcans tonight gave out the fol
lowing I In' itcjiublii in iiiimbcn nf tlio n'li.ite m I
liuiw il riiitntntlm of Pcnm;baiili nppcwul
tu tho 1u Hon of Mr. tfuay lo tin t'nltiil htatri
ninali' maki the fi llnv. Itiu statPliu lit :
Vt their mictltu lield at tin Cuiiimnimcilth
hotel no Piiimbcr .(1 idtlvflu- in rail km of Ibe
1glbtnre sloiieJ 01 ha 1 pntiumlv Uncnl Hi
fiillrmini: plcdxr
We, tli iiiiiliiniKtiid iiiitnbiM of tho net
wnml niMinblj nf IVr.tKihanli, liiifb; pledge
cnriihes, one Willi tin- cthei, that we will not
indir ant ( licuiii'tnniu vole for the election of
M '. Quay for Pulled Matea Minlor, imr will
tic intir ant caiictiii called ami controlled in
Id Inlireiit or In hl behalf.
TliN p!eili;i wai nlgned lit John K Tliompson,
ot Centre countj i John 1 McliElie, of mis
iiicliaiiiia county; Thonm .1. lte;noM-i, of Iicl..
uwanna county; lle'ijimln I" Welly, of Frank
lin count;, mil Sninuel A. Itciulill, of someiwt
count;, nigiiid i litlir to the same cfTiit.
Thin' men Ovcept Mi. 'Ilioinps. n, who wis al
homi ill), lurtlciputtil in the mcttlnu of Ihe
antlyuit ontaniratlon sumlnsly In perfect r;m
path;- and aciord with the mmemeut under
taken Uithout an; l banco, hcmcicr, in the
tiollllcal iltuatloii, them' men linike tin ir noli inn
plcdKca and toted dlreetl; for I s iia; fur
I'nltid States einttor on the hut Inllnt. If
lliete ltepubllean-i had been trui" In tlicii p'cdi,n
the election of Vlr. (Jua; would lute bun impo
fciblp notttitlMinilliii; the peillilt nl thoe Dunn
iratt who di-erted t lit ir part;.
No laiuniixc could Milflu piopirly In iharic
tenre pcrfldr irro-( So'. ttliatetet,
cm lie pleided foi It that will be believed bv
lioicut men. The Iii1ki' ttni toluntarilt takm
and it Ilu been nieiil; ami mil iliilii nacl v broken.
lli'M- mm hate paitul compan; ttilli Iheli hontr
lor lejM.iu tthlcii the; c'aro not atm.- and hate
iiliilunmil UicnHcltu to lltn of soital utnl
political dlkftracp.
The tieison of Pcrcdlct Vinobl mulled in i
likllnrt licnctlt lo the nation, in Hut it
licd tho national spirit, and al tin Fiin"'tiii..
fiimPlieil -i wainlnr and moral foi ull ili.ii
Hut tin pirlldloii', lr.aun tc tho Mronit pn
ilblp moral nblii,ations coniiultted lit llie-o
IiIccIki. buikcrn tnii-l woik im-alenl iblp ltd n.lilp
limn iU Imiuidiali- iiDiilla, n Hielr conduit will
In- iwul .n. .i picciitmt anil Jiutilicatinn b; itirt
olitlcal hpu in tli- eountr;.
'Hie inntltp ttldtli pinuiplid lhoe men .mil
tin iurucnu In In- ili.mii fium tin Ir iiindu t
tti- leu i tit Huh ou.iltuuiti and llm Inklllir ut
and diunt pinple of the loimlr;
Doubly Dlsgiaced.
PiniL-,;lt inla li.n bun doubli di-Riaced bv the
retuiii ol VI s cjuit to tin kcmtc. I'list. be-ian-c
ii majoritt nf the elcttors of tho iom
nionttciltli Mlnttil lepiifrntatltd opposed to
lil (lei linn, and iciond, bccaun' of the means
iiiiplntul b; liliu .nid Ids nentt to t.citup (lie
tittti meirfnn in rilinrxnp dim iu u remtor
upon a ehtated and humiliated commoimi ilth
flKiud) John tt. CYawfoid, llobut K. IM
tnlitin, Mlllnn Kliiiii, J. Ilitard Hemy, J win
W. MiKic, Datld Martin, Hampton V. Itlcc,
leandir Stewart, Samuel Wilv, Abrain s
IlIlM, Joseph Alevandcr, Willi im VI. Allison.
Datld M Anileihbii, John s. Arnold, .1. Claud
Hidford, K. Ilinjamln lllennan, Ijlward A. no;ne,
James Clan tic;, Jamen V. Clark. r.lUlia A. Co
ra;. Jr., .Toil Crawford, Amon M. Doutt, p,illn
l Drum, Prank (,. rdttJicb, .Tohn I'. Kmery",
'llicm.ii J. l'lird, Jaiiien I'.slei, P. A. Goileharli's
f..iniuel (Jioh, JoMph P llinilltcn, Ciorci- J.
Mailman, Cliailii I', lle.iiliiith, Andrei. I),
llltihioik, I.oii M Hosac!., vlbeiT W. Johnson.
Willlani I). Millirlilc, William H. Ktrntz, Itobert
A. l.inton, rranklln M, bomav, Ouy P. ;u
Candlivi. J II. McLarn, Hubert MeWhinnct,
Williim T. Vlalion, John P. Moore. Willlani W.
Mkliet, Simuel M Hit, William llcul, Mahlon
1. sat-Krc, I'WJ' M- Scott, CIntleH i-hane, Prul
erlck K Ta.tlor. I.uren f Thomas, William M
Turnci, Ilnr; WilkliiMin. William p. Winner,
llinrv Hall, I'alnaril 1) tVaiNttmtli, William
The Boer Guerilla Is Furious Over
Success of Burgher Peacemak
ersVows to Shoot Botha.
By Ilvclinltc Wire from 'Die Associated Pma
Kroonstnd, Change Itlver Colony,
Monday, Jan. 14. The success of tho
Iliugher pence committee In cllstilb
iitlug among the Uoprs In the Held
Paul Hothus book, "Pi oin Hoer to
Hoer," has Infuriated Ocneial Dc Wet,
who, It Ih reported, aweurs he will
shoot the author at the flist opnoi
tunlty. The refugee camp is now occupied
by 2,000 persons. Another Is being
formed nt Ithenoster.
Supplies of nil kinds In the towns
aie being exhausted.
Tho lloeis aiu most actlvo In tho
notth and nlso In the direction of
I.lndley. Vuilous commands appear to
be Joining Oenernl Dp Wet In the
London, Jan. 15, Iteporting to tho
war timet under date of Piotorla, Jan.
14, Lord Kitchener says:
"Hover's wholo forco crossed the
tnllwny nenr Kullfoiiteln .Tun. VI, mak
ing to the east.
"There are nc linpnitant ehnnj,es In
tho positions In the colonies, f-'everal
small patties appear to bo returning
to the Orange Hlver colon Somo
Capo labels, who accompanied a com
mando Into the colony, havo surrcn
deiod." Tommy Hogan Out.
Py Eicltulte Wire from The Attocliteil Press.
Memphis Ttnn, Jan. IS. Oscar Gardner
knocked Tommy llojan out in the iilxth round.
Weather Indication Today,
1 fleneralCuay Kleetcd Senator.
InMirKcntH bwue a Vlanlfedtii.
IliiNxhleter Murder Trial,
higro I Ilurned at tin hlake
2 Local Telltnoiiy In tho Count llminie llrlbery
I.aikauaniu County Netn.
.1 Local-Oplriou llefulnit a New Trial in Hip
lltwtt Pond i'lali Caw.
Common Pliai Court I'iouhiIIiu;.
I I'llllnlUI.
Note and Comtncnt.
.1 local I.itt Account (.( the Wlgnee of the
Scraiilin City llann.
Supulor Court Sejlord Ilcgln
(I bocil W'el Scranlon ml Subiitbaii
7 lleneral .SnitlK litem Puinstliaiih
1' and Commirilnl
8 NVm of Hip ludiicttlal Wnlhl
Fied Alexnnder, Who Attempted to
Assault Eva Roth nnd Wns Sup
posed to Havo Murdered Eail
Foibes, Is Ciemated.
Py I'.xcliisite Wirp from The A-Melaled freM
Icaveuwoith. Kan., .Tan. IS. Fied
Alexander, the ncgio who Satuidiiv
evening nttempted to assault Miss Kv.i
Hoth and who wns supposed to havo
assaulted anil killed 1,'ail Foi lies In
this city In November last, was this
afternoon taken fiom the sheriff's
Ruard nnd binned at the stnke, near
the scene of his ci lines, hnlf a dozen
blocks fiom the eentei of the clt.
I'lobaltly H.flOO peisons wltness-ed the
lynching. Alexander wns tied to a
inlliiMd tall, placed tipilglit In tlie
He was bi ought to the city from
the penitentiary nt Lansing at 1.S0
this afternoon nnd placed In tlie coun
ty Jail. The cltlens gathered In great
numbers unci finding peaceable en
trance to the Jail Impossible, aimed
themselves with lallioad Iron". The
jail doois weie battered down and Al
exander mn dragged to the scene of
his crime, follow id by hundteds of
howling ftenzlcd men and boys..
When Alexander m lived In charge
of his captors at the place wheie he
vt.i put to death he raised his shack
led hands and began to speak. Twice
he started but the uowd di owned
Ills trembling volee.
"You nie going to kill me whatever
1 say." he said, "but ou men nie
wiong. 1 want to tell you tight now,
ou've got the wrong man. I didn't
clo that and some clay you men hen
will run up against the man who did.
1 know It nln't any use to nay so,
lor you're going to kill me, but r did
not do It."
He was called a liar and Jet ted by
the cietwcb A inltinad mil was then
stood upright. Tills was made fast to
cross Irons firmly bound lo the up
tight Iron with win. Amuud the In'i
piovlsed stake wood and buaitls weie
plied. To this the mun ws dragged
and chained In u standing position tit
the uptight ralliiMd lion, chains and
lions weie w tapped about him and
with his hands still shackled he was
made Inst to the pot Coal oil was
then pumed ovei him,
He did not seem to teiillze that he
was to be burned at the stake and
talked rationally until John Foi ben, the
father of the mm tiered girl, lighted tho
match. Again Alexander was asked
to muke a. confession, but he icplled
that he had nothing to sn.
As the Haines leaped about him Al
exander turned ,i ghastly hue, and
clasping his hands together, began to
sway lo nni fio while the ciowd
In II vu minutes the negio was hang
ing limp and lifeless by the chains bound him. As soon ns the crowd
saw that life was extinct It began to
slowly disperse. Hundreds, however,
stayed to the hut.
Men kept piling cm wood nil the
time until the (lames weie allowed to
die clown,
After Alexander's an est on Sattir
day he was taken befoie- Miss lto'h
who Identined him. Klnce then a mob
has suiiounded the enltentlaiy day
and night. Today the ciowd became
so founldnble that Oovernor Stanley,
In t esponso to a telegiam. fiom War
den Tomllnson, oidered two compan
ies of mllltlti to be In teadlness to
stmt for Leavenwoith at a moment's
Governor Stanley otdeied Warden
Tomllnson to lefuso te tutu Alexander
over to the sheilff unless he n'reed
in wilting to protect him. The warden
did receive a written iccclpt from the
sherllf to the effect that he would
protect tho prisoner.
About 9 o'clock the cm oner and two
policemen took the lemnlns to an un
dertake! 's establishment. The com
tier's Jury has been named, but the
Inquest will not be held for a few
days. The lemnlns weie viewed by
Topeka, Kan., Jan. 15 Governor
Stanley tonight announced thut he
would tomouow offer a icunrd of $109
for the apprehension of nny one Im
plicated In the lynching of Alexunder
at Leavenworth
Jailed for Safekeeping.
D Hxilunltp Wire from 'Ihe Awtociatrel Trcsj
W.irun, 0, Jan. 13. I.ntlirr Putin, chimed
tilth aaultliiK u little boy at Clranl, has been
Jelled lien fir (afikupiiiK. An attempt ta
luadi- caillii in Hip day al filiard to burn him
alhp in the Jail the bulldlnp liatint; been hied
by a mob poll' aliened victim is icported In
a tcilom condltliu
Py Kwluilte Wire from The Ansoclatfil Press,
Numnbtiir, Jan. 15. Jofiaiin I'aber, founder
of Hie Palter lead pencil factor, it dead.
New ,ork, Jau. 15. Stephen Van Renasarler
Tottntend, a ttelt known lawyer of this city, died
at Ida homo h Hempstead, b. ! today of tjpliuld
Death, One ol the Prisoners, Cre
ates a Sensation bu Inter
ruptlno a Witness.
Prof Rudolph S. Witthnus and Dr.
McBride Declare That Jennie
Bosschleter Camo to Her Death
from tho Effects of Poison Evi
dence Given by tho Policemen Re
garding the Finding of the Olrl'a
Body nnd Death's Confession.
Dy rxdudte Wire from The Associated Tresi.
Pntcrson. N. J.f Jan. 15. With an ar
ray of expert evidence to show tha
vaunt: of death, the admission of state
ments mndo by tho polleo that ona
of the defendants made a confession
of the cilmo and n sensational inter
tuptlou of one of the witnesses by
one of tho prisoners, Prosecuting At
torney lhnly tonight announced th
case of the state against William A,
Death, Andrew Campbell and Wnltei
I. McAllister, three of the four men
accused of murdering Jennlo Boss
chleter, wus complete.
The greater part nf tho day was
occupied with tho testimony of the
medical experts, tho most important
of whom was Dr. Andicw F. McBride,
the countv physician, who perfoimetl
the autopsy on the body of the girl
and tleclaied that she c.amn to her
death from effects of "some poison,"
and Prof. Itudolph S. Witthnus, u.
chemist, who made u. qualitative and
ciunntltlve analysis of the stomach
nnd other oigans of the girl, and clu
claiecl the ptesence of chloral hydrate
in sulllclent quantities to show that
death had resulted fiom tho admlnls
tnrliig of this diug. A number of de
tectives and policemen were put upon
the stand to tell of the arrest of the
piisoners. Detective Scigeant Mc
Ineiney, who drove over the imite
with the hackman, Seulthoip, unci
found the bottle near the body, was
testifying as to a statement made to
him by Death on tho night of his
an est, or lather In the early morn
ing' lie was saying:
"I went to Death's cell and asked
him If tie had any lulatlons with the
ghl and "
Death Excited.
Death Instantly sprang to his feet
nnd shouted:
"You lie: ou He!"
Tils counsel pulled bhn down, anil,
after evidence was given by several
oihi'i detectives. Death was summoned
to the stand He told of his arrest
and of n number of questions put to
him b the police, but he stepped down
fiom the stand without stating what
It was he told the polleo. Judge Dixon
then admitted the evidence of the po
licemen. In which they said Death had
Wllllum Peny, u policeman, told of
a diffeient confession mado to him by
Death. He suld the young man had
st.Ued to him that McAllister hart
put tlu ill us Intm the girl's wine glass
two or three times.
Dr. Cyius Townsend, to whom tho
four men took tho glil when they first
returned to Paterson, told of his exam
ination of tho glil and of his pro
nouncing her dead. Tho other wit
nesses examined vvero Daniel Mc
Shnne, ol the ptosecutor's ofllce, who
had possession of tho bottle found by
tho dead girl: Dr. William L. Vroom,
coroner for Bergen county, who was
notified of the discovery of the body
and who made nn examination; Tunis
Veimeulon, the uudertuker who em
balmed the body; Dr. P. W. Todd and
Dr. Thurber. of Pntoison, who cor
loboruted Dr. Vioom's evidence: Dr.
Calvin Ten Iv ouy and D. W. II. New
man, who were ptesent nt tho nutop
sy; Chief of Police Grnul, Detective!
Sergeant John H. Taylor and Detec
tives Titus and Lord, who corrobor
ated the state menta tlio other ofTlccra
made us to the confessions made by
Shi ill Sluieks of "Fire" Gave Mis
tress Timely Warning.
Py Kvclu.lto Who from Tho Associated True.
New at k, N. J., Jan. in. A parrot'.i
timely warning saved the house oj
Mis. Myion Hart, of Irvington, from
destruction by flro last night. Sirs.
Hint went upstairs, leaving "Poll" lit
the kitchen. Half an hour later sho
heard a shtlll cry of "Klrc, Flro!" At
Hi st she thought It wns a Joke, a small
boy, who lived neat by, was playing.
She went down stairs, however, and,
it was lucky she did, for the kitchen
lloor In liont of tho stove wns ablaze.
On his accustomed petch sat "Poll,"
shrieking "Flro" nt tho top of bis
voice. Mis. Hart e-itlngulshcd tho
blaze with a few palls of water. Had
she ai lived on the scene a few min
utes later the house would have been
EJag Presentation.
p Exiltnlte W'im from The soclitfil Press.
llarrl-bura-, Jan. 15. Tho II ir carried by Ilia
I hat iis.-iinent, N. Ci. P., (Iimuirh tho SpanUli
Vmeriian war waa formally turned oter to thn
1.1 tie indat by Colonel Wench II P. Cowln, of
Philadclplilt. The standard wan recrited by
Cctternor stone, who directed Adjutant General
Mettart tn dcpojlt it in tho flag: loom with tha
color of the other PennsyltanU iCKlmentJ,
Washington, Jan. 15. I'orccaat for cast- 4
ern Puuuyhanti: liiircalne cloudiness 4
4- and probably l ilu Wednesday afternoon, -.
continued, ttaimi noulliirlv tilmU, frroh
-f- lo brUk on Hie mad! Ilunwlay clear- -
btr .
t ttt t t-rtt